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Chocolate Kisses 2: Pearl
Copyright @ calibeachgirl
All rights reserved, 2011
Chapter 4 – Early December 4th, 1941
It was one week after Thanksgiving that Bethany strolled leisurely into the kitchen and dreamingly ran her fingers along the counter, a sleepy smile on her still somnolent face. She stopped for a moment and fed a macadamia nut to their parrot, Jolly Roger, brought home after the dog died.
Eliza brought over two cups of coffee, sat down and poured milk into hers. ‘Bethany Rose… do you have any idea what time it is?’
Bethany gave her sister a silly little grin and looked at the ridiculous cat clock hanging on the wall, its tail and eyes marking each second as it passed by. Roger moved back and forth with it, his head bobbing in time with the tail.
It was almost nine-thirty.
‘Kwock! cracker. Roger… cracker.’ As smart as the bird was, the girls could never teach it anything else. He spent most of his time whistling.
Bethany smiled and took another sip of the steaming, hot coffee. Nine-thirty! Wow! And, she realized, he had been good for three more times this morning… She herself had gone there at least five times, probably more, just that last time, alone.
My God, she thought, he’s become… she couldn’t find the right word but finally settled on demon… that’s it, a demon in the bed. Her smile grew wider.
‘Kwock!’ said Roger. He whistled three more times.
‘Are you going to want breakfast, or what? I can make some French toast, if you like.’ Eliza realized she was anxiously tapping her fingers on the table and stopped, laying her hand flat.
Bethany looked exactly like she had that first Christmas morning when she and Jim both came down the stairs together. It was one of those moments that you knew was coming but were still shocked when it happened.
‘Huh? Oh, yeah… sure… whatever you like.’ She stared out the kitchen windows as Eliza broke a couple of eggs into the bowl, started to beat them and then tossed in some bread.
As the sound of the frying bread filled the kitchen, Bethany looked back to her bedroom, reliving the events of the previous evening and, now, the morning…
Last night, they immediately went to the bathroom, dropping their clothing to the stone floor. She turned the shower on, and as they stood waiting for the temperature to be bearable, she felt his hands passing over her skin and the thought of it brought her nipples erect and tight. He hadn’t even touched her there and she was so ready for him.
The mirror began to fog and they pulled the glass door open together and walked in, almost falling to the wet tiled floor as their groping continued.
She moaned as his fingers roamed over her body, stopping occasionally at the spots he knew she was most aroused at. He bent slightly and licked one chocolate nipple and then the other. Her hands hung heavily around his neck as she became weak in the knees and shifted her weight against him.
He sank to his knees and she obliged him, opening her thighs to his mouth as his tongue ticked her hair and then slid deeply into her. The warm water mixed with her own warm wetness and she leaned against the green tiled wall, her legs braced against his knees as he prayed to her altar.
She could feel the heat rising from her crotch, up to her breasts as his hands cupped her breasts, his fingers touching and gently squeezing her nipples and then it rushed to her head as her blood pressure rose. Her arousal immediately bounced back down and she shook, almost as if she was shivering against an unseen cold, again and again and again, all the while his tongue working heavily against her clit.
‘Now, Jimmy,’ she whispered, ‘now… let’s do it now.’ She turned the water off.
He picked her up and held her in his arms. She knew then… well, she always knew back in the recesses of her heart, that her weight gain had never been a factor in their relationship. Just the same, she realized, she needed to lose that other five pounds.
Slowly walking into the bedroom with her, he went toward the bed. It was going to get wet, he thought, and didn’t care one whit. Down she went onto the sheet… down he went on her.
Within seconds, he was between her bent legs bringing her back to that heat that never really left her. His hands held her up against his face as he moved back and forth like a hungry dog worrying on a bone.
She was startled back to awareness, her breakfast plate and silverware were set before her with somewhat of a clatter.
‘Orange juice?’ Eliza noticed Bethany’s mind was somewhere, probably back in bed with Jim. She nudged her. ‘Hey, sister! Orange juice?’
‘No… uh, thanks.’ As Bethany absent-mindedly began to eat, one small forkful after another, visions of that one particular thing he did for her still dancing in her head.
Bethany put her head down on the table and asked, ‘What day is it?’
‘Damn, girl… what did he do to you?’ As if I don’t know, Eliza decided. That change in diet really worked wonders for them, she thought. John, himself, had been much more…
Bethany hesitated before answering her sister, then whispered, ‘Everything… he did everything… oh, God, I’m so sore.’
Eliza stared at her sister. ‘Well, it seems whatever problem he had has gone away.’ She started laughing, sipping her own coffee.
‘Oh, my head…’ moaned Bethany, ‘my mouth… you know, he spanked me and told me I was a naughty, uh, very bad girl.’
‘What are you going to do now?’
Bethany raised her head and laughed. ‘Why, go back to bed, of course. What else?’
And, with that, she rose from the table and left her sister standing there, mouth open and muttering something under her breath about wild women and crazy men.
She entered the room and then closed and locked the door. There were only three rooms in the house that had locks on them: the two master bedrooms and his office… and this one, she put to good use.
No sooner had she heard the ‘click’ than she had dropped her sarong onto the rug and slipped back beneath the covers. Within seconds, her hand had sought him out and began to bring him back to life.
Bethany was fascinated how it worked. Once second, it was so gentle and flexible and then the next, hard as an Italian salami and so much longer and wider than before.
Mother Nature sure was a woman! She laughed quietly, not wanting to spoil the mood. If he thought she was laughing at him, who knew what would have happened.
Down Bethany Rose went, opened her lips and slid him onto her tongue. She tasted his skin, warm and then hot and then felt some from him, just starting. She hesitated, looking at him but he had a great big smile and she continued. He never forced her, grabbing the back of her head and fucking her face. She had heard about that from some of the women she had met in town… how their husbands or boyfriends became inconsiderate and unloving, just using them.
He never did that to her and she loved him even more for it… doing everything he wanted because of it.
She pushed down and felt him enter her throat and began to work the skin with her left hand, faster, faster, faster and he came in such a rush. Bethany felt the liquid heat pour down her throat and was beginning to wonder if she had breath enough to finish when he stopped.
Thank God, she thought. She was about to choke, either from not enough air or from the amount he had flooded her with.
‘What, what… baby?’ he asked.
‘Whatever that stuff is that you’re taking… God, don’t ever stop, please. You should get them to bottle this stuff, they could be rich.’
‘Somehow, I don’t think that’s what important to them, Bethany. They are following a different drummer.’
It wasn’t until late morning that Eliza saw her sister again and then Jim a few minutes later.
‘Do you think,’ he asked, looking at the two of them, ‘I could have a sandwich?
‘What?’ he asked.
Bethany moved toward the breadbox but Eliza waved her away. She sat down while Eliza made two sandwiches and then poured out glasses of milk.
‘I see you’ve finally gotten up. Drink this, Jim, to, uh, keep your strength up, Jim… just in case…’
‘Supper is at six. Do you two think you’ll be on time? How hard can it be?’
Bethany burst out laughing.
Jim looked away, turning several shades of crimson. ‘I think I’ll just eat this outside. Thank you, uh, it’s very good. Uh, what time is it, anyway?’
He hurriedly left the kitchen to the sound of his wife’s laughter. He smiled… things were back to normal… at least, he thought, in the bedroom.
A worried frown came over his face. Thank God, he thought, things were good once again, actually, they were great, but the conversations he and John had had with their counterparts at Pearl had him worried… very worried.
Everyone knew the Japanese were coming, they just refused to accept it… it was just a question of when and where.
He knew it was going to be at Pearl. He had to get his people out of there before it happened.
Joseph Grew, the ambassador to Japan, had said as much back in January. It was the only place that made sense.
Using the Conservation Corps work as a cover was an incredible piece of luck. While he made perfunctory visits to the work sites, it was John that kept the project running and while John knew what he was doing, he still was not privy to all the information being discussed by his brother-in-law.
They were coming. He could smell it in the air and so could many others. He wondered how many people would die before it was all over.
Tomorrow, he would have to spend almost the entire day at Pearl. Maybe he would take Bethany Rose with him… it might make more sense to tell her then…
Jim turned around and walked purposely back to the house. ‘Bethany Rose! I’ve got to…’
‘James! Don’t shout… I’m right here.’
‘I’m going to Pearl tomorrow and I would like to take you with me. What do you say? It would be fun, c’mon, baby, we can make it an overnighter and see a movie and do some shopping… a new dress?’
She knew she had to lose five more pounds to be where she was when she was married but he still never mentioned her weight to her.
And, she ashamedly admitted to herself, had thought he was having an affair or at least visiting prostitutes when he went into the city.
‘Oh, Jimmy, I would love to go with you.’ She threw her arms around him and kissed him deeply. ‘Can I thank you now or later?’
‘As good as that sounds, I have some work I have to do right now but I’ll see you later. Six for dinner… tell Eliza that I might be a little late and to start without me if that’s the case.’
He put his arm around her and they walked back to the veranda, she waved as she watched him drive away.
Dinner was a quiet affair for many different reasons. Bethany was still working through her mind everything he had said about staying at Pearl. Things had become as normal as they could be and now this… how to deal with it without scaring the girls was becoming harder each day as she saw how nervous he had become.
There was an urgency in the bedroom that hadn’t been there before. At first, she had just thought it was because of the herbals he was taking each evening but then, thinking about it more, realized that his worrying about the Japanese had overshadowed everything else. He was making love… having sex as if each day were their last.
If war came, life would be horrifying, especially if they came here. While her first duty was to her two daughters, her overwhelming duty was to her husband. If things were indeed as bad as he painted, he needed a clear head to think with. If that meant going to Pearl with him, then so be it. Eliza could watch all the girls and Jr. and John could take care of the home with Spencer’s help.
No, if it came to that, Spencer would return to regular duty. He was going to return soon, anyway. Jim mentioned Spencer being almost done with his time with them and being transferred to the USS Arizona.
‘Dessert? I’ve fruit and some homemade ice cream.’
Bethany Rose looked at Jim, grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the table. ‘NO!’
She was embarrassed, not meaning to be so loud. ‘God, I’m sorry.’ She let go of his hand and ran outside onto the veranda.
Jim threw his napkin down on the table and hurried out after her. ‘Bethany, where did you go?’ He couldn’t find her and could only think she went to the bench.
He went back inside and got a lantern, put his Zippo into his pocket and made the uphill walk toward the bench. ‘Bethany? Are you up here?’ He listened and finally heard her crying.
She was at the bench but instead of sitting there, she was kneeling on the ground and praying on the bench with her head down on her hands. He knelt down beside her and turned down the lamp until it was just lit.
Maybe she had the right idea, he felt. Pray for all you’re worth. But, he sadly knew, God was somewhere else right now and thousands of people were dying every day with no God to protect them. The devil was coming and this time he spoke Japanese.
Friday morning, after kissing her daughters goodbye, Bethany Rose joined the two naval officers who had returned to drive them to Pearl Harbor.
Jim had tarpped over his old Chevrolet and when she gave him a questioning look, he gave her a sad smile. Somehow, she knew it would be a long time, if ever, before he drove it again.
Although it was a beautiful, sunny, blue and green Saturday morning, she sat quietly in the back of the long dark blue Buick with her hand in his and closing her eyes, ignored the passing scenery and the beautiful Pacific to her right.
Whatever their life had been, it was over now.
Eventually, after what seemed forever to her, they arrived. Identifications checked, they proceeded to a non-descript small green building somewhat removed from the rest. Hidden beneath the tremendous spreading branches of five ancient banyan trees, it was almost invisible from the air.
Bethany was almost overwhelmed the next few hours as she was introduced to the twelve others working with her husband, for her husband. She didn’t know what to expect. While they were all polite, she wondered which ones were because of her husband, which ones didn’t care and which ones actually wanted to be friendly.
She and Eliza had learned a strange lesson in human behavior when they met John… their John, formerly of the Klan… their John, who could have been killed protecting Eliza… their John, who adopted three colored children because he loved their mother.
By two o’clock, she was tired, hungry and wishing she had brought something to eat. Should have brought some of those chocolate kisses, she thought. She had lost her husband hours ago to some information that had all the people there anxious. No wonder, she realized, when he did come home to her, he was so tired and restless at the same time. She wanted to go home where the world made sense.
A tap on her shoulder turned her around. ‘Mrs. Ewart, would you like something to eat?’ It was Agnes, her husband’s clerk, secretary… something like that. Oh, God, what if SHE would have been the one he was having an affair with? She certainly was pretty in a ‘girl-next-door kind of way… her thoughts depressed her.
Why was she thinking these thought? She knew… she just KNEW he wasn’t doing anything and yet these thoughts still rattled around her mind.
‘Please.’ Thank God, she thought. How could they go so long without food?
The lieutenant opened the refrigerator, took out four sandwiches and a couple of cokes and they went outside to a picnic table shaded by another huge banyan.
‘Well?’ the woman asked.
‘Well, what?’ Bethany replied, a little harshly, she quickly realized. She took another bite of her tuna sandwich, wondering if she should apologize but the young woman, a girl, actually, didn’t seem to notice.
Agnes pointed to the nearby building. ‘All this… he didn’t really tell you, did he?’
Bethany sipped her Coke and set the bottle down. ‘No… I really had no idea.’
‘You know, he couldn’t have. He’s wanted you to know for a long time and now, he needs you to know…’ Agnes’ voice wavered and then disappeared.
‘He asked me to speak with you. He thought that you… I’m sorry, I can’t do this. You’re going to have to speak with him about it. All I’ll say is that… ah, forget I ever said anything.’
Bethany didn’t know why she said the next thing but once it was out, there was to no taking it back. It had to be fatigue or worry or desperation or maybe all three.
‘I thought he was having an affair, you know… that he didn’t care… that he had someone here… someone like you.’
Agnes blushed bright cherry red. How did Bethany know of her desire to take him to bed? Was it that obvious? Did she really have a ‘father’ fixation as one friend said? …or was she just entranced by his manner and intelligence?
Sadly, she knew there was never a chance and should date others but after meeting him, the others were just boys pretending to be men.
Bethany put her hands to her face and lowered her head. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you this… I shouldn’t have…’
‘Mrs. Ewart, he loves you. That’s why he broke… that’s why WE ALL broke the rules, that night and today.
‘You are all he talks about when we’re… well, I can’t tell you… well, when we’re taking a break, anyhow.’
‘Please, call me Bethany. After this, I don’t see how you could do anything else.’
‘Bethany Rose… that’s a beautiful name. Yes, I know your full name… like I said, you’re the world to him… and he’s been sleeping in his office when he’s here.
‘There is NO OTHER WOMAN.’ Agnes cried inside, knowing that her yearning, her want, her need for him would never be fulfilled, not as long as Bethany Rose was there for him.
‘The other day, he insisted we come with him. I don’t know if he originally intended to tell you or not, but he told us he wanted to give us a break away from here.
‘You have a very nice family…’
Bethany could feel the woman’s hesitation. ‘You’re surprised he married a colored woman, aren’t you?’
Several long, excruciating moments passed taking a million wild thoughts with them. Why now, Agnes asked herself, why meet the woman of his affection who she would never supplant in his heart.
‘Frankly, yes. It just…’ She was at a loss for words that wouldn’t ruin her career.
‘Isn’t done?’ Bethany said. She took another sip of her cola.
‘Well…’ the woman squirmed a little on the picnic bench. ‘Well, yes, you know…
‘I’m sorry, I must sound so stupid.’
‘He never said anything? …about me being colored?’
‘No, he just said you were one of the two most beautiful and kindest women he’s ever loved… we were surprised that evening… I’m sorry.
‘I don’t think it ever occurred to him to mention it.’
Bethany knew immediately who the other woman was in her husband’s heart, she felt nothing but a gentle sadness for Catherine. She, herself, was the one that hung the photo of his first family on the wall, a constant reminder of what was and what is.
She looked at the younger woman who was so red-faced in embarrassment and nervousness.
‘Are you OK, now? With it, I mean?’
‘After that night, whatever notions I had about…’
‘Colored people?’
‘Uh, yes, I guess, colored people… well, they mostly went away.
‘You and your sister are really the only ones I’ve ever actually spoken to. God, I’m so embarrassed.’
Silence hung in the humid air.
‘Damn, I wish I could just crawl away.
‘Bethany Rose, could we start over?’
Bethany looked at the nervous, young woman. If change was going to take place, somehow, it had to start like this, anything else was doomed to failure and only bring grief to everyone.
Even so, she wasn’t out to change the world, just her little corner of it.
ForewordBDSMLibrary does not have a tag for it, so I am going to spell it out here: this story has elements of horror and ?vore?, but no snuff.I have to make apologies to JC Leathers for using a snippet from his ?Tamara's Extreme Bondage? ( in a less than flattering way: it is a really hot story if you are into encasement!Anybody who writes at the intersection of science fiction and sex ends up being in debt to the great PJ Farmer. His...
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Chapter 3 — October, 1941 Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 With thanks to Doug, Elliot and Pepper for editing and support and for Jimmy B. * Although the blue tail-rudder blended well with the sea below, the plane’s chrome-yellow wings and fuselage screamed ‘Here I am!’ to anyone looking for it. Reaching its ceiling, the plane abruptly flipped over upside-down and headed toward the water almost two miles below. He could feel the wind vibrating the wire rigging between...
-- Pearl -- I looked at the man I despised the most in the world. It hadn’t always been so. When I was young and stupid, I ran away to sea to be with this man. It had been one adventure after another. Then we ended up shipwrecked on Pearl Island. It was truly an island paradise. The shield covers the entire Island. The temperature under it barely alters more than three or four degrees either side of twenty-two. The vegetation is lush and varied. The island has abundant animal life and so...
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Chapter 12 Tickets to Paradise Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 With great thanks to Pepper Pace, Elliot and Reverend Joe for reading the rough drafts and support… and to Martine, the love of my life. * Late Thursday, March 3rd, 1932 The El Segundo house Dinner was over. Roast pork with apples sauce, mashed potatoes with butter and peas… how she always knew what he liked, John didn’t know but was grateful just the same. Of course, after Bethany Rose talked with her...
In the tale, ‘Chocolate Kisses,’ the characters of this story, were introduced. That tale related a forbidden romance in Depression Era Los Angeles. James Ewart, 45, a World War One fighter ace whose children were viciously murdered. His wife, Catherine, committed suicide after becoming pregnant with the murderer’s child. Years later, he fell in love with Bethany Rose, a colored woman. Bethany Rose, 33, a college nursing student who dropped out due to the Depression. She and her Jimmy moved...
‘We have to have sex, Jimmy, otherwise…’ Copyright @ All rights reserved, 2011 * Christmas Evening, 1931 Rather than fall down and look foolish, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim light still present in the room from the moonlight. Bethany slid out of her slippers and sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Jimmy, I’m sorry that Lizbeth brought back sad memories.’ He moved over on the bed to give her more room. ‘No, Bethany, they weren’t sad memories, they were good memories. I needed...
Chapter 8 God, I hope we never have to do that again Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 * Monday, January 4th, 1932 Eliza pushed the vacuum across the rug. The noise was enough to wake the dead, as far as she was concerned, but it made cleaning the house so much easier she was willing to put up with noise. She was worried. James had not come out of his room for two days, now. There had been several calls from the different stores asking to speak to him, almost demanding...
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Chapter 7 Lose your wife, lose your life and lose your soul Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Tuesday, December 29, 1931 They didn’t return from the airfield until well after dark. It had taken several weeks to get the plane safely flyable again. James wanted it to be a surprise and tried to have at least a few hours each day working on the Jenny before coming home for dinner. Bethany had found his calendar with ‘Jenny’ and times and dates and thought he was stepping...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Tuesday, January 5th, 1932 The next morning, Bethany Rose stood by the car, nervously waiting for him to come out. He saw her standing there, watching through his library window. ‘Well, how about that?’ He finished dressing and went downstairs. He grabbed a doughnut from the plate and now found both women next outside, Bethany still at the car and Eliza waiting in the doorway. ‘Who’s going to watch the children? Can’t just leave them...
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Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 * Epilog: September 4th, 1985 HONOLULU (AP) Rear Admiral James Ewart and his wife of over 50 years, Bethany Rose, died within moments of each other, Friday, August 30th at their home in Popukea. Although a fighter ace during World War One, the admiral and his wife were members of the Office of Naval Intelligence starting with the attack at Pearl Harbor and they kept their hand in as consultants until 1983. Services will be held at the...
copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Christmas morning, 1931 James Ewart’s home El Segundo, California Breakfast was a crowded but almost silent affair. The children had all eaten much earlier and were playing with more Christmas gifts that had magically appeared under the small but beautiful tree. Eliza knew her sister and she knew something had happened last night. She heard the door close and the sound of her sister’s crying. Yet, this morning, she was smiling at Mr....
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Chapter 6 There’s no glory in death… Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Monday, December 28, 1931 At seven o’clock sharp, James sat down to the breakfast. Eliza, surprised to see him returning to his usual pattern, poured him a glass of cold fresh orange juice and went to fry a couple of pancakes and an egg, ‘sunny-side up.’ She glanced at him several times while the food was cooking, wondering if there was any significance to his early rising. As he finished his second...
copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved 2011 Venice, California Tuesday, December 8th, 1931 James Ewart drove north along the coastline to Albert Kinney’s vanishing dream. Venice, built with such fanfare twenty-five years ago had become nothing more than the backwash of an oil field. In 1930, amid much enthusiasm, the Ohio Oil Company struck oil. While it boosted the local economy with new wealth, the physical degradation caused by the drilling just changed the nature of the area’s...
© Feb 2003 Write a story about chocolate he said - 'Gee thanks Ray!' I looked at the email he'd written and thought again to myself 'Jeez - I don't do chocolate - how the blazes do I write a story about it? Hell! I know we writers are supposed to have dirty minds and all that jazz but chocolate - c'mon fella!' And I put it to the back of my mind. Except it wouldn't go away. I kept thinking back to 'The Experiment'. That was chocolate. That was sex. Boy was that sex - oh yes...
Chocolate, I thought as I headed home on my bicycle. I was craving chocolate, something that wasn’t uncommon. Usually, it was the only thing I was craving, but there was something else now too. An orgasm.I was a virgin, but I’d learned the pleasures of masturbation long ago. With my eighteen years, I’ve had experience with orgasms for.. two years. That would be about right. At times I pleased myself daily, or multiple times a day. Other times it was once a week.Now? It was definitely a day of...
MasturbationHer name was Meshawn. She was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen at my old job, and lusted after her for quite some time. Every guy there did, understandably. 5' 3" with medium-brown skin, shoulder-length curly hair, nicely padded figure, beaming smile and very amiable and pleasant to talk to. I'd seen some honeys in High School, at College, working different jobs afterwards of the African-American persuasion. Not like this one, she was sweet as could be and had a "casual" attitude that made...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." This statement, uttered in bed, generally indicated some sort of feminine hygiene emergency, and the one who 'needs to go to the store' is generally me. It is a law of nature that the gender which does not use or need a product, or is most likely embarrassed by its purchase (I am long over that, at least), is the gender which must buy it. "What do you need?" It wouldn't embarrass me. I'd get her to be specific; plugs or pads, regular...
Sunday morning finds both Emma and Donald waking contently. Though Emma is a little confused as after forty years waking in the same room at her house, now rousing in different places is making her head spin a bit.They go and take a long leisurely bath in the large tub the hotel room has. Donald washes her slowing, caressing every inch of her body as he soaps her. Then he lifts her up to settle on his hard cock as she faces him this time. Emma moans with delight to feel his cock so up in her...
Love StoriesMarvella James owns and operates a cupcake bakery/shop in Tampa called Cupcake Cravings. There, she makes cupcakes in several different flavors. Not only that, she also caters for parties and social gatherings too. She recently made cupcakes for a breast cancer awareness benefit last October, which was a success. As she started baking cupcakes at the shop, Marvella got a call from Mrs. Tiffany Gaston, president of the Tampa Junior League. Mrs. Gaston was planning a social gathering to benefit...
Warm and wet greetings to all of you. This is my first story. For privacy reasons, all the female names are fictional. This is the story about me and my two fuck buddies who are also bisexual. I met them at the fitness center I go to workout. The yoga hall was one floor below the gym and one day, I saw them making love in a vacant room near the hall. They offered me money to keep it a secret but I had other intentions. It will be a trueful boast if I say the women who have been rammed by my...
After their nap and giving of the most recent pearl, Donald and Emma, now back to that state, get up. They have a nice dinner together chatting about how both felt about that day’s play. Now with no plug-in, Emma eats, after the long day with the tail in her. Their conversation then turns to general things. Emma talks about having painters come in to make her house much more enjoyable after all the old furniture is removed. Which the auction house is yearning for her to release all of...
Love StoriesSoon after, Donald and Emma go to bed. As he holds her close to him, which he seems to do to automatically now, Donald thinks about what he is planning for Emma tomorrow. Neither of them has any appointments, obligations or must be anywhere, so it will be a full day of preparing her and playing this new game out. He only hopes that she will enjoy it.When they wake on Thursday morning, Donald tells Emma to go tan and get massaged. Now, nicely tanned, and even the suit marks disappearing, she...
Love StoriesAfter Emma earns her pearl, Donald asks her if she is hungry, and wants to have dinner? She does hear her stomach rumble a little, she hasn’t eaten since yesterday, and tells him it sounds like a great idea.At the kitchen table, Donald prepares her ass for the plug. Yes, they do need to keep working at this, but now, he has her press one up in him too. Together they feel that wonderful rush as they eat.He brings the food to the table, and while they are both plugged, naked, and with Emma’s...
Love StoriesWhen Donald wakes and sends Emma off for her morning pampering, he wonders if what he wants to ask Emma to do to him today will be more than she can handle. He must word it just right, and hopefully, she will agree. Now he will not press her to do anything more than she can endure. If she feels unable to, they will just move on to another pearl.After their bath, as they sit at the kitchen table eating their breakfast, Donald broaches it a little. Before sitting to eat, Donald again puts a...
Love StoriesMonday morning, they wake like a long together couple. There is a contentment between them now, and a routine started, even if it really hasn’t been that long. Emma goes and tans, and is massaged, they meet in the shower and wash each other. Donald does Emma’s hair and makeup before dressing her. Him preening her this way is something they both realize they enjoy immensely. Him caring for his pet, her being pampered by her prince.Donald chooses her wardrobe for the day, and there is no...
Love StoriesThis story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...
FantasyHi folks, summer is ending, so we thought we’d end it with a light and fluffy, summer romance. Just the thing to take your mind off of hurricanes, flooding and rising ocean levels. No plastic straws were sipped on during the writing of this entire story. But don’t worry, the next one is already written and I swear it’s dark, crazy and depressing. SS06 Life is ... strange. Somehow, we’re never really prepared for all the changes and hurdles that life has in store for us. So that day in early...
Everyone experiments in sex. I think that's one thing we can all say we've done, because even just trying something for the first time is experimenting. And it's all going to have a different take on people, and it may be different with other people you do an act with. For instance I normally can't stand someone going down on me, but there are two people I absolutely love it from. And I don't know why it is that it's only two people I like it from. The first time I experimented was when I was...
copyright @ calibeachgirl all rights reserved, 2011 Chapter 2 – Late September, 1941 On Thursday morning, the eighteenth the sun rose to bathe the island in bright rainbows and the light fell across Jim’s face. ‘Ohhhh,’ Jim moaned, pulling his pillow over his head. ‘Damn, baby, you’ve got to talk to those girls of yours to be quiet in the morning.’ He felt a hangover pounding but had nothing to drink the night before. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t had anything to drink since the first girl...
Ever since our weekend at the cabin where we started to have sex, my mom's youngest sister Sandy and I have been getting together for some afternoon delight, or a weeked now and again to "saw our horns off". In other words get rid of being horny. We texxt each other and sext each other and share pics. None of the family knows the real reason I'm not dating. I'm too busy fucking my Aunt Sandy.Sandy and I do not use rubber or anything. We have toys that have only been used by us and we are...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." I was puzzled. Even through my post-orgasmic fog I recognized that statement as the verbal shorthand that signaled the commencement of foreplay. Not just any foreplay, mind you, but a foray into the brave new world of light consensual bondage. What confused me was the fact that I was lying spread-eagle in bed, my arms and legs fastened to the head and foot posts, and blindfolded to boot. I cleared my throat. "You want to start over?" I...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." Once upon a time, this statement, uttered in bed, indicated some sort of feminine hygiene emergency, and the one who 'needs to go to the store' was - and is - generally me. Lately, the statement has taken on new connotations, signaling the commencement of foreplay. Not just any foreplay, mind you, but a foray into the brave new world of light, consensual bondage. What caught my attention this time, however, was the tone of voice behind...
Authors note:This is based on factual events. If not mentioned, all characters that engage in sexual activity are over the age of 18. In this variation of the story, I choose to focus on the main heterosexual coupling, so this will be a plot and character driven romance with a fair amount of erotica throughout, however if your looking for a quick fix, you might wanna come back to this one. If not, grab your snacks and enjoy. **** Chapter 1: Pinky Promise! ‘Mhhhhhhh,’ I moaned. My eyes...
To the readers: There is no sex in this story. It’s a story about a man and a woman and how they met and lived. It’s a story written for Valentine’s Day. The story is told by their eldest daughter. A special ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 This story is about my Mom and Dad. They both had passed away a few months apart. Mom went first at age eighty-one and Dad at age eighty-four. They had been married sixty-two years. This story...
Hi. This is my first ever story on Indian sex story. I have been reading is from past 4 years. Today narrating my first fictional story. I am Naveen (name changed). I am from Belgaum. I am ‘5” and a 5’ tool. Let me introduce to my neighbor aunt. She is Sangeeta (name changed). She is tall about, 5’6” slim and size 30,28,32. She doesn’t have big boobs, she is a bit dark in color which is the most attractive thing in her. She looks beautiful. She lost her husband a few years back. She has a son...
You're sitting on a hot, lonely beach somewhere, with a new man. You don't know him all that well, but you know you want him. You have a basket of goodies with you, and you take out a small plastic container of strawberries, half coated with milk chocolate. You open the container, and hold it out to the man to take one. He reaches his hand out, and then withdraws it, looking into your face. "Umm... Listen, that would be great, but could I suggest something?" Your eyes lower a little,...
I was never afflicted by pigmentation paralysis and it was never an issue in my life.One evening, that mindset was put to the test, nonetheless, when I met the most incredible black man at a party. Jasper, the man in question, was unbelievably good-looking and had a regal bearing. From the moment I met him, I was totally captivated by him. I had never been on a date, let alone slept with an African American. In fact, I hated the term African American. On a continent, where everyone other than...
Gay MaleJeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." I loved to hear my chocoholic say the code words for our little experiments in light, consensual bondage. Some of our most exciting sex was during these games. She said it on Monday morning, an hour before the alarm was supposed to wake me for work. She won the coin toss, ending a two win streak for me. I was bound as usual to the four posts of our bed, and she rode my face into the sunrise. There wasn't time to reciprocate that morning....
Partially edited by Alexis Siefert Copyright © 2002, 2003 The "Knights" portion of this story was originally submitted as an entry to the Virago Blue Challenge as a flash story (under 1000 words). It contained no sex, but maintained continuity with the rest of the "Chocolate Morsels Universe." A follow-up was always intended. "Daze" is that follow-up. I wasn't happy with it. I decided to submit it to a jury of my peers, in the best forum for improvement in the
Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Clark did a waddling shuffle with his cup until it was near the middle the table. "Hello there Mister Artificially-And-Naturally-Strawberry-Flavored- Non-Dairy-Dessert-Beverage!" TC imitated Clark's actions with his own cup, nearly knocking over the plastic tray filled with our combined orders of slowly cooling french fries. "Hello there Mister...
Going to the Airport to catch your plane to take you to the Seminar all is on your mind is your Chocolate Lady that will meet you in the city where the Seminar is being held. For two years now you have talked to this lady and all you have seen was an old picture of her. Not knowing what to expect when and if you saw her, but hoping that she was a bathing beauty. In flight, as you were sipping on a cup of hot coffee as the plane was getting closer to your destination, all of a sudden when the...
EroticAt the spa, after having her manicure and pedicure, Emma is still a bit aroused from Donald’s massage and thinking about seeing Sasha again and wonder what will happen today. She is so disappointed when there is a different woman there to trim and wax her today.She adjusts to this disappointment realizing it is just some of the punishment from last week and Donald must have arranged the change. It is probably for the best.This woman is so businesslike and to the point. There are no warm...
Love StoriesA tale of war, murder, greed, lust and romance… and a famous string of pearls. 1/8 The tumultuous 20th century was fizzling out, like a spectacular fire-cracker spewing out the dying embers of its explosive payload. Sergei Androvich was enjoying a life of self-indulgent decadence at his luxury villa in Odessa, on the Black Sea. Like several other fabulously rich high-profile Russians, he had made a staggering fortune out of the collapse of the Soviet Union through cheap acquisition of...
The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...