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Time is a lie. There is no past, no future. There is only now, only this moment together. Only you, only I, only the moon hanging in the clouds like a tarnished ghost.

We have just returned from a lifeless black tie gala at the art museum. We stand at arm’s reach from each other. A full moon shines through your open window, grey and cryptic, spilling moonlight across your face. Your eyes twinkle, your lips part, yet you do not otherwise move. I watch your chest rise and fall as you breathe. You are waiting for me. I hook a finger through the pearls looped around your neck and pull you to me, carefully, so as not to break the strand.

Before we met at the gala, I called and gave you very specific instructions on what to wear. You know what this means, when I want you to wear something very specific. You love what this means. You breathlessly memorize every detail. In my mind you are touching yourself, fingers sliding inside your panties as you listen to my voice, but I know this is not true. You work in a cubicle. You are surrounded by bored, nosy co-workers. They do not see you the way I see you. They do not know what we know. They do not live as we live.

I dress in the generic black tie uniform required of me and arrive fifteen minutes after I have instructed you to arrive. I spot you leaning against the far wall of the room as soon as I walk in the door. The effect is cinematic; everyone and everything else falls out of focus, leaving only you in the center of the frame.

You are wearing exactly what I have asked you to wear. The tight black dress I love so much hugs your body, plunging dangerously low to show off your small and flawless breasts (in bed I do not call them breasts, I call them tits, but we are at a party that requires decorum so I think of them as breasts; later in the evening they will be tits, your lovely tits). No one knows you are wearing thigh high stockings except you and I. You know how much of a fetish I have for your stockings. You know how it teases me for you to wear them. You are not wearing panties either. No one knows except you and I. You love so much to tease me, and I so love to be teased.

More importantly, you are wearing a long string of pearls, in two petite loops around your neck.

Remember the pearls.

I make cool eye contact but I do not approach you. That is part of the game. We circle each other, adrift in this sea of rich, well-dressed old white men and their decorative trophy wives. Waiters offer goblets of wine and tiny pieces of drab cheese. Tastefully dull art adorns the walls. Occasionally a painting or sculpture breaks through the dross, pulsing with light and soul and energy, begging for connection. They are the only things I notice, beyond you of course, my love.

We make occasional light conversation with those we know as we mingle, hardly pretending to pay attention. Several men attempt to hit on you; you brush them away effortlessly, like flies. Our eyes are forever glancing at each other, and we each know where the other is at any given second. We are predators, we are prey.

I pass behind you several times, and slide my finger lightly along your ass as I pass. I do not think anyone notices, but I do not particularly care. You have always loved showing off your ass, and you do so for me whenever the opportunity arises tonight: bending down to pick up a glass from a table, or pretending to accidentally drop a napkin. I can just see the edge of your thigh highs peek through from under your dress and am instantly erect. You, of course, know this. Oh, my dearest, you love to toy with me, don’t you? Other men may notice you tight and perfect ass, the teasing promise of your stockings, but we do not care. They are not a part of our world.

I am standing in leaden conversation with two other men, one of them with his wife silently at his side, and you walk just outside our circle, a silent request asking to join us. The men, of course, instantly make room for you, looking down your dress as you take your place, scanning your breasts (or do they think of your breasts as tits, as I will later?), your liquid eyes, your soft pout. The wife glowers mutely. You introduce yourself to all of us, saving me for last, and as we shake hands your fingers linger for an instant too long, fingertips brushing against the palm of my hand.

You play idly with our pearls as you talk, your fingers running down the length of them, and I realize I can wait no longer. I may order you on what to wear, the place and time to meet me, when you are allowed to speak, when you are allowed to cum, in full control of our games, but you are the one who can control me, with the brush of a fingertip, a hand running down a strand of dazzling white spheres.

We are in a taxi within fifteen minutes, barely keeping our hands in check. We remain calm and poised. This too is part of the game. It is only in your apartment where we allow ourselves each other.


And here we are. We stand in the moonlight, back where we started. I pull you toward me, hooking a finger inside the dizzying strand around your neck. Our moments together are threaded along the string of time likes pearls. This pearl. Then another. Then another. Our world is limitless, my love. Time is our plaything.

You have a drawer dedicated to our sex games. You call it Pandora’s Box. In it are various toys, along with a large collection of colorful scarves (your lingerie is in the drawer just below it). I have used two of these scarves to tie your hands to the bedposts. I have used my tie I wore to the gala to blindfold you.

I am naked. You are still fully dressed, but for your shoes. I run my cock along your outstretched arms after I bind you, then press it against the soft skin of your face: your cheeks, your forehead, your closed eyes as they flutter like leaves. You let escape a purr of anticipation. In response I run my cock along your lips. You gasp and your tongue snakes out in an attempt to pull it into your mouth, but I do not let your temptations lure me. I slap you lightly in the cheek with my cock. You pout in response, knowing how alluring I find your pouting lips.

I kiss my way down your body. As my cock slides down your neck and between your tits (they are tits now, my love, transformed from breasts into your verdant tits by my desire, my need, my love). I leave a wet trail of pre-cum. I use the head of my cock to toy with your nipples. I watch shivers pass through your body like waves. I see your arms strain at their bonds, longing to touch me. I continue to slide down your body. As my cock reaches your wet slit your hips jerk up to meet it, but I do not let you have me.

As my lips find your pussy I allow you a moment of pleasure, licking your wet pussy lips before sucking them into my mouth. I enter your pussy with my tongue as I lightly press your clit with my thumb. Your trembling body explodes with hunger, your back arching, your head thrown back to expose your ivory white neck.

“Oh, please, baby? Please let me cum, my love, make me cum, I am so close, I need you so badly,” you beg, in a series of ever more urgent moans. How can I say no? How can I not allow you such pleasure?

“Cum for me baby,” I whisper. “I love to watch you cum.”

I move my mouth to your clit and begin to flick it with my tongue as I slide two fingers inside you. Your pussy grasps my fingers greedily. You grind your wet slit against me and cry out in a wordless frenzy as you cum. Your mouth forms a sighing wet oval of pink, round and inviting, like the moon in the window, like a pearl on a string. It takes you several full minutes to calm, each moan an echo of the last, your beating heart slowly winding down. I lick your pussy gently, keeping your nerves alight for more.

Shall I continue?

I slide my tongue down your leg to your foot, suck at your toes, lick my way back up the other leg. I slide my fingers inside the elastic of your stockings and snap them. You inhale sharply. I leisurely peel the thigh highs off your playfully kicking legs. I use them to tie your feet to the bottom bedposts. You are now spread out before me like a new world, tied to all four posts of my bed. You are all mine. I will use you however I want. You are powerless. And oh, my errant wind, my storm-tossed sea, I am ever powerless to refuse you.

I kiss my way back to your neck. I have refrained from biting you until now, but I can wait no longer. I nip at your neck and feel your sighing mewls vibrate from your throat. My lips and tongue join my teeth. As my bites become more insistent my fingers catch up with the rest of me, circling your neck as if to choke you, though you know I will not do so. That is not what we do. That is not part of our game. I will never hurt you.

I reach instead to the clasp that joins the ends of the loops of pearls around your neck.

Do you remember the pearls?

I pull them off your neck like a spool of thread unwinding. I hold them just above your lips and even though you are blindfolded and unable to see them you know they are there. Your tongue curls out like a flower toward the sun to taste them. I lower the pearls into your mouth and let you suck on them. You can still taste your pussy juice on them from our last time, can’t you, my sweet? You can taste my cum as well, for we have used them so many times, they are forever imbued with our juices. After you have thoroughly tasted our treasure, pearl by precious pearl, I pull one end from your mouth and suck it up into mine, our juices mingling. I take each pearl into my mouth until the string grows taught. I follow it until our lips touch. The Lady and the Tramp, I think. We kiss, trading the pearls back and forth between out tongues.

I drag them down your neck, then to you sweet soft tits, leaving a wet trail along your body for a second time, following the path of the first. I dangle them over your nipples, teasing then, making them swell and harden. You long for my teeth to scrape against them, don’t you? You want me to touch you so badly, you want to touch yourself, anything to grant you relief, but I won't allow it.

I dangle them over you pussy, just as I did to your lips. I lower the string so that one pearl, only one, lay between your wet and swollen pussy lips. You make the tiny birdlike cry that consumes me every time, so much like the one you release when I nip at your neck. I lean down so close to your wetness you can surely feel my breath against you, and you begin to whimper, wanting more, always wanting more, my insatiable flower.

I push the pearl, this one pearl, just inside your pussy lips with my tongue. Your legs begin to shiver, your stomach muscles clench in anticipation. When the first pearl is fully inside you I take up the next pearl with my teeth, and push it inside you with my tongue. It is a long string of pearls, my love, and I will give them to you one at a time. We have all the time in the world, for there is no time, no world, only us floating within this perfect bauble of a moment. I push in the next pearl. Then another. Then another. You are now grinding your pussy against my tongue as I push them inside you, and I allow you this pleasure, thrusting my tongue deep inside you. You begin to twist and cry out and I know you will cum again so soon. I love to feel you cum, watch you cum, hear you cum, my love, my whirling tempest.

While I am pushing one end of the pearls into your pussy with my tongue, I take up the other end by pinching the last pearl between thumb and index finger. I begin to roll it along the moist crack of your ass, back and forth, and then I push it against your asshole, playing with the rim. You convulse beneath me and your whimper turns into a sharp gasp of need as you press your ass hard against the pearl, forcing it inside you. Oh, my love, I can tease you no longer, you have waited so long. I will fill you with whatever you need. I am powerless.

My fingers push a second pearl into your ass, then another, then another, as my tongue feeds them into your pussy. You are so wet it floods the surface of your ass, paints my lips and tongue and face and fingers, coats pearl after pearl with your glistening juices, dripping slowly down the entire string of jewels like honey. You strain against the scarves and the stockings, longing to be set free, as if you were untethered from the bed you would rise into the air like smoke. Your entire body curves toward me so you are almost fully off the bed, pushing your ass and pussy against beads, fingers, tongue, lips, teeth, and I can wait no longer, it is all too much.

I must have you, my dervish, my swirling vortex, my hot beautiful mess.

I fall on your body, slapping us down onto the surface of the bed, my lips on yours, my cock against your wet slit, your juices coating me as I slide within a loop of our glittering pearls, and though I want to tease you I cannot hold back. I ease myself inside you, the head of my cock parting your pussy lips. You tilt your head back, again exposing your long pale neck, and cry out my name as I push a little farther inside you with each thrust. You are so wet, your pussy clenching my cock like soil grasping at the roots of a tree. I am fully inside you and hold myself there, pinning you to the bed. I feel every inch of you as you feel every inch of me.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” I whisper in your ear. I emphasize the harsh dirty cacophony of the word “fuck,” and feel the electric reaction as your pussy grasps me harder.

“Oh God, yes.” Every muscle in your body is tensed, every nerve alight and alive.

“Tell me, my love. Tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me. Please fuck me,” you moan, thrashing under me.

“Again. Tell me again,” I sigh, inches away from your ear.

“Please, my love, I need you so bad, please fuck me hard, I need it hard,” and even before the sentence is fully out of your mouth I am thrusting inside you. We find our rhythm instantly. I take you hard and you push against me with the same intensity, our bodies in exquisite collision. Everything that is me is deep inside you, everything that is you surrounds me, soft and wet and wanting.

With each thrust the string of pearls snakes around my cock, looping and twisting. Each thrust pulls against the pearls inside your ass so that they stretch the rim of your sweet wet hole before popping out singly, this one, then another, then another. You whimper with each withdrawal. Your pussy grips my cock as your arms and legs strain against the restraints and you grind against me, moaning loudly. I know we will both cum within seconds and cum together, we have waited for hours for this, to hold this pearl of ecstatic need between us.

Your body trembles in wordless submission, begging my permission; you will not cum until I allow it.

“Cum for me now, my love, around my cock, let me feel you cum,” I cry. Your muscles convulse around me, my cock the epicenter of your quaking body. I groan and plunge deeply and let out a flood inside you, a dam breaking. Your pussy milks my cock as your entire body flutters and ripples like wind coursing through a field of wheat.

We collapse on the bed. It takes several minutes for us to return to reality. The bed and the room and the world gradually materialize around us.

But we are not finished, are we? Once has never been enough for us, my cool rain, my summer storm.

I pull my wilting cock from your wetness. A loop of pearls is wrapped around the head. I hook a finger inside this loop and pull the jewels slowly out of you, eliciting a long, intoxicating coo of satisfied need. The pearls are wet and sloppy with saliva and thick cum and the taste of your honeyed juices.

I have traveled this trail twice now, and I follow it again, pearls in hand. They flow up your stomach, marking a wet trail. I stop at your tits and tease them, circling your nipples, exploring your cleavage. Then I continue my trip, following the bite marks on your neck, up your chin, over the soft curve of your lip. Before I lower them into your mouth I feel a need to see your eyes, to watch you as you watch me. I loosen my tie from your eyes, fling it to the floor. We share an endless moment of eye contact.

Oh, my sweet. I will someday lose myself in the pooling depth of your eyes.

I dangle the pearls once again over your mouth. Our shared juices drip onto your lips and tongue in long liquid curls. I slowly lower the beads into your mouth. One pearl. Then another. Then another. Our time together has no past, no future, just now, now, now. One moment. Then another. Then another.

You leave me helpless, watching you as you suck the glistening strand clean, hungry for the combined taste of us both. Of course by the time you are done I am hardening again.

I reach behind you and loosen the scarves that bind your arms. You stretch. You grasp the pearls in your hand and pull them from your mouth. Small pearls of cum cling to your lips and tongue. You lick them away, fully aware of how this inflames me. You run your hands up my legs. I have longed for the touch of your hands these many hours. Denying myself to you, yet desperate for you.

You loop the pearls around my now erect cock. You pull me toward you carefully, so as not to break the strand, in much the same way I pulled you toward me in the moonlight.

“Mmm.” You look up into my spellbound eyes. “I love tasting you.”

Focusing on the head of my cock, you run your lips along the crown, where you know I am so sensitive. My love, I know all your tricks, but not how you perform them. You are my magician; I am your rapt audience. You tongue wraps around the underside of the head of my shuddering cock. It throbs as if you are breathing life into it, for that is what you do, my love. You lend me your life.

As you begin to take me deeper into your mouth you pull the pearls down to the base of my cock and tighten your grip. You are the one in control now. You are not ready for me to cum yet. You want to suck me at your own languorous pace, so you use the pearls like a cock ring, holding back my cum until you are ready for it to burst forth. My cock reddens as you pull the looped strand tighter. You take my cock deeper.

Up until now your pace has been unhurried, but now it begins to quicken. You move your lips up and down the shaft of my cock, pulling it entirely out of your mouth with each upward stroke because you know how much I love to watch it disappear again between your lips. We know so much about each other. Our desires have merged into one. We know the response even before the touch.

You begin to gently tickle my balls with your free hand, then fondle them. You know well how quickly this can trigger me to cum. I love to feel you play with my balls. Now you are utterly in control of me, forcing me toward orgasm with your mouth and fingers, denying me orgasm with the tight bind of the pearls at the base of my cock.

I am so close, my love. My cum builds, I am ready to explode, my cock throbs, your mouth moving faster on my shaft. You know how close I am, and in response you give the pearls one last twist to tighten them further and delay my orgasm, but it is too much pressure, the strand breaks, pearls fly in your face, against my chest, all about the room, sailing into the air in great arcs, pearl after pearl after endless pearl.

The world comes to an abrupt halt.

The moment freezes in time like an insect in amber. My cock is halted in mid-spasm, my cum paused in its leap into your mouth. Pearls are suspended above us like small moons orbiting our bed, a universe of bright orbs, lit by moonlight. Your tongue and lips coil motionless around me. The lie of time is exposed to us. Clocks are a convenient fiction, an artifact from another world, the world of the gala, the old white men, the decorative wives on their arms, the dead and poisonous art that lines the walls. There is no time, no future, no past, only now and now and now, only you, only I, only the ghostly moon in the window, and these pearls of course, all these pearls. This moment is ours. It is sacred, this blessing, this gift. It will live with us forever, carved from the clay of time, inviolate.

The world resumes.

I thrust hard and bend my back and growl, clawing at your hair as my cock is suddenly freed of its constraints and my cum flows like a fountain into your mouth, plume after hot plume. You take it deep in your throat, wanting every pearly drop. You hold me in your mouth for entire lifetimes, sucking me gently, milking me.

You fall back on the bed. I turn and untie your legs, brushing the stockings against your legs as I do. You sigh at the contact. I lay down next to you, you curl into my chest, sling a leg over mine. Pearls continue to move about us, as if alive. They roll about the floor, under nightstands and dressers. They drop off one bookshelf and bounce to the shelf below. Your cat toys with one in the corner. A few lucky beads have snuggled into the bed sheets with us. You smile broadly and open your mouth and I see one resting on the surface of your tongue. You are a magician, my beauty, my love, my graceful and ever chaotic storm.

I pluck the pearl from your mouth, and hold our small treasure tightly in my palm until your fingers intertwine with mine. We share this immaculate globe in our hands, together. I wrap myself around you. You fold effortlessly into my arms. We close our eyes, embraced by moonlight, and fall into our dreams.


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6: Pussy galore.For some reason, the final session of the week with all four of us together was to take place at my bungalow; which wasn't the original plan at all. But, well, things, you know, kind of just ended up happening this way. The distractions of the day had passed and the evening belonged to just our little gang of insatiable sexpots.We had arranged to meet up at six as I had work to finish up and other routine chores to sort out before we got down to the fun stuff.Angie arrived first...

3 years ago
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Soccer Coachs Wife

Karen Johnson had a problem!Karen was now in her late thirties and her body had developed a serious need for sex! All the worse was the fact that her husband seemed to be moving the opposite direction. They still had sex but it seemed to be by rote.This left Karen to spend a significant amount of time doing self-service with her vibrator. It was during these little sessions that her mind would wander to whom she would like to have sex with. In the last week she found herself coming back to one...

1 year ago
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My Tattoo

Every couple of months a group of us at work go out for a few drinks to unwind. There are three women and four guys that kind of hang around together. Sometimes our spouses join us, but last week we were all solo. Let me start off by telling you that I am an uncontrollable flirt, and I sometimes enjoy flashing a little skin in the process. So, were sitting at a large booth at this bar and having a good time. We started talking about tattoos and I casually mentioned that Dave and I talked...

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"What a nice uppercut to Johnson- and he's out!!" The announcer screamed out, as the fighter known as 'Ignition' threw his arms up in celebration after an exhausting 3 round bout with Johnson. "Let's go!" You scream out towards the TV, quickly doing a celebration as your favorite fighter just won the title belt. "Hell yeah! Ignition is the best fighter in the game right now." You smile as you come back down from your high, plopping back onto the couch next to your girlfriend. You can't help but...

2 years ago
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Son8217s Desire Towards His Mother

Hello, friends.This is my first sex story so pardon me if there are any mistakes. Coming to the sex story. My name is Charan. My mom’s name is Kajal and my fathers are Shiv.Our family consists of 3 members as mentioned above. So this sex story is basically about how reading incest stories changed my life n my desire towards my mom. My father is a teacher, so he goes to work from morning 8 to the evening 5.My mom is a housewife and I am studying engineering. Let me describe myself, I’m the...

1 year ago
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City Doctor In Horny Village 8211 Pt 2 Fucking A Tight Dirty Ass

After Ramla left, I still had a hard-on for a while. It had been 1 year since I had sex. Now I was in a village of horny women. I slept in that night with hot dreams. The opening of the clinic was 2 days later so I was free to explore the village. I was given a Scooty by the Tust for travel. I met up with Jignesh and the clinic assistant Himesh. Jimesh had no clue as to what happened last night between me and his wife, Ramla. Himesh was a weak short man. His house was close by. Though he was...

4 years ago
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The year is 51BC, Julius Caesar just finished conquering Gaul and Rome is being flooded with gold, slaves and other spoils of war. You are the son of a member of the lower nobility, although your father has a seat in the senate your family does not hold much influence in roman politics. It does however have a few businesses, mainly brothels, and with the large amount of slaves coming into the city, your father decides to open a new one in the city of Ostia the harbour city of Rome. Your father...

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Day TripChapter 3

We had our first chance to use the ballista about 3 weeks after we had finished building it. Fortunately, we kept it ready to go at all times, except for cocking it, since we didn't want the bow to weaken from constantly being under load. We had been able to put a steel point on four of the darts after I got my ass in gear and found the tools. We were confident that we could handle anything, now that we had the improved darts. We were about to find out how wrong we were! Jean had gone to...

1 year ago
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Rising Star 2

Becca, the girl I’d met in Berlin was often on my mind. What had started as a desire simply to get laid, which had been more than successful, had ended up with me hoping I might see her again. Many nights I’d lie in my bed and, eyes closed, use fingers or toys or both to replay in my mind those two nights of fabulous sex. I’d also found I liked her.My agent, Flick Caterham was throwing another party. They were her networking sessions and this one was a chance for her to get her ‘stars’ (which...

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The Billionaires Slave

I dress in my dark jet black form fitting dress,my diamond jewelry and my red carpet perfume for my company dinner party, That's where I am going to put my plan into action. *The dinner party goes by and near the end I decide to make the next move* I tap my champagne glass to get everyone's attention Me: I'd like to make an announcement that everyone at this company has been doing very well and making me very proud to have I started this whole company from the ground up and I would...

1 year ago
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HardcoreGangbang Ella Nova Fucked by Stepbrother and His Friends

We begin with the amazing and beautiful Ella Nova sitting outside barefoot on her porch, fingering her pussy inside tight blue short-shorts, bored and horny in her new home in the desert, on the wrong side of the train tracks, far away from what she’s used to. Ella’s Dad has recently remarried and her and her new stepbrother Tarzan already have a bit of rivalry and tension between them. Ella doesn’t mind who’s looking as she rubs her pussy and plays with her tits outside...

2 years ago
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My first whore wife

I was still in college when I met my first whore that I married. she was in one of my classes and I started talking to her to see what she was like. I knew what I wanted in a wife/whore and I thought I saw that in her. She had what I was looking for as far as looks go. Big old tits a tight ass and long legs that went all the way to that ass and long blonde hair and it was real. Beside that she would be an asset for anything I wanted in the business world. She would be a trophy wife to take to...

1 year ago
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Healers TouchChapter 2

Kat watched the scenery fly by. For the first part of their trip they took one of the palace's hovercrafts. She knew that soon they would reach the edge of the Areseric. From there out, they would be roughing it. She smiled inwardly at the thought of roughing it. She had spent many a night out on the farm camping under the stars. She had even managed to take several trips to Death Valley when she had been on Earth. Of course she had always gone after tax season as a reward for all her hard...

4 years ago
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Touch me pretty please

It was a warm late Spring morning and I was finishing up packing for a weekend away with Chris, we were heading up to his father's cabin for our two year wedding anniversary. We have been together for almost five years and the thought of being in a cabin with him with no distractions all weekend still made my stomach flutter in anticipation. Chris had woken up hours before me and was busy packing everything we would need for a romantic weekend away. He was very secretive about his plans and...

Love Stories
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Mami ko choda

Hello dosto me regulari iss ka rider hu ye meri pahli storie he mera nam (chang) romiyo he or mera body achha he meri hight 6’8inc he mera rang kala he mere land ki sige 10 laba or 3’5 mota he meri age 19 meri mami ki age 29 he wo bahut hi khubsurat he unka rang bhi bhut hi gora he mere mami ki sige 5’8 he figer 40+28+38 he unka nam sabnam he or mere mama army me he or sal me sirf do bar hi ghar ate he me apni padhai unke yahi karta hu rajkot me ye do mahi ne pahle ki bat he mere papa ne meri...

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Tranny Slave to BBC

I took a drag from my cigarette as I waited on my ride to appear. Looking around it was pitch black outside with only a waning moon and a few stars to light my way in the night. I had been waiting for about ten minutes when headlights finally appeared on the road in front of me, illuminating the sidewalk I was standing on and the stop sign beside me. I could barely contain my excitement. I had been waiting for this moment for a while. I had been fantasizing about it for around five years and I...

1 year ago
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Basketball Time Chapter 2

The Cincinnati tourney wasn’t for six weeks and our team played on the road 4 of those weekends in between, Philadelphia, New York, Columbus, and Washington D.C. No matter how we tried, coach and I couldn’t hook up we flirted shamelessly but no action the anticipation added to the excitement. One time in Philly we were all hanging out in the bar and around 9pm coached looked at me and with his head gestured toward the door, I picked up on it and shook my head yes. He left and went out and I...

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A Tuscan Holiday Chapter One

Chapter One. The flight was short and gave me little time to contemplate what I was about to do. I clear customs quickly and find myself waiting for my lingerie packed case. I had travelled in a maxi dress and sandals, but neatly wrap a shawl around my shoulders before nipping into the bathroom to touch up my make-up. I add a flick of mascara to my already long black eyelashes, line my brown eyes with khol and apply a shimmer of strawberry lipbalm to my naturally rose coloured lips. I run a...

2 years ago
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my other new nieghbors

after my friend from the church moved to a condo in a nearby city her apartment was vacant, About a month later an Asian couple moved in they were in late 20's I guessed and both were good looking ,well she was very good looking small maybe 5 foot tall and 100 lbs if that and cute . She ended up taking the parking spot next to mine under the carport. Soon we met getting to our cars and talked briefly about our selfs and then headed out. I didn't meet him for a few weeks but that wasn't a...

4 years ago
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Granny sex in Madeira

I recently returned from a 2 week holiday in Madeira and had to write down a toe curlingly sexy experience that I had. I am 40 and have always loved older women. Madeira is the ideal holiday destination to see refined, well dressed English ladies over 60. My family spent most of the days out and about so I had the opportunity to lie on a lounger round one of the pools in my hotel (next to Reids) to catch the sun and the eye of a few ladies.On the day in question I founder a lounger in a shaded...

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Mi Amor

It had been four months since my ex had broken up with me. I admittedly had a hard time getting over being so unceremoniously dumped so those four months had passed without a date and without any female company outside of my close female friends. One Friday night after work I decided to ‘get back out there’ as my friends had recommended so frequently. I was going to a dance club that I always saw advertised in the weekly arts and entertainment newspaper but I was going alone with no friends to...

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I Caught My Wife Downstairs with Bobby

Due to a severe winter storm my wife and I were trapped at our friends house for several days last winter. We all got along well and enjoyed each other's company but this was the first time we had spent time together this closely. After putting our k**s to bed each night we would sit around and play board games while having a few drinks and chatting about all sorts of things.The atmosphere was very close and friendly by the third night and after a few too many drinks my wife Sarah went down...

1 year ago
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The IslandChapter 4

Was it the secret desire to meet the savage warrior again that made me go back to the cave of skulls? Or was it the urge to confront my irrational fears — after all, I had begun to study archeology and anthropology at the University, and neither the sight of human bones nor of human artifacts should send me tumbling into a panic. Or maybe it was simply the prospect of the endless months that I would have to spend enwombed in a cave, with nothing to do but keeping the body alive by ingesting...

1 year ago
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Jessie Porn Story Final Part

Jessie had just finished with Luke and Robby, so now it was time to talk to Emma about what had happened with Luke. She walked into Emma's room and both Emma and Jessie were only in their robes. Jessie went and sat by Emma and said, "What were you thinking about having sex with your own brother?" she said in a calm voice. Emma responded with the shrug of her shoulders. "Well, I hope you know that it is wrong, and that if you got pregnant, who knows what would have happened." replied Jessie....

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Liz Giving In To Temptation

I have written before about Liz, about how easy guys managed to get her knickers down before we met. Liz in her teens and early twenties was stunning. She was very attractive, slim, with 34E breasts. She also had a very warm personality, so men were drawn towards her. Even when she had a boyfriend, men would still try for her, and being that she was more than a little gullible, more often than not, she ended up being screwed by the confident guys who tried it on with her. Then I came along, I...

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Winnig the lottery Twice part 1

I’ve been in the MBA program at the downtown campus about 6 months now. On a whim a bought a lottery ticket when the jackpot hit several million. To my total surprise I won several million, the pot was split three ways.The next night I went to class and after it was over I was approached by a few of my friends, I even realized I had a few new ones . “What are you going to do now” Jim asked“Well I already quit my job. But I want to finish my education. Once the check clears and My advisor has...

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What is it about cosplay that makes my dick so hard? Don’t get me wrong; I’m not talking about just any kind of cosplay. Those fat chicks that dress up like anime characters with titty sweat dripping down their bodies, leaving a trail in their wake, don’t exactly make the penis move. Rather, I’m referring to the talented gals who know their character, understand the costumes’ ins and outs, and then make it sexual.That’s the kind of content that you are going to find over on Mitaku. It’s the...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Girl RefurbishedChapter 8 A Room With A View

Joe At the office, I gave Marcie Lori's files, and then Lori had a fifteen minute interview with her new parole agent. I made use of the time to make a few arrangements, and when Lori emerged from Marcie's office I took her to her home and had her pack for a weekend. Once she emerged with a duffel bag of stuff I drove to my own apartment and loaded up on two changes of underwear, a few T-shirts, hiking shoes, and other necessities. I did not pack a pajama. By four p.m., we were on the...

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Visiting an Xhamster friend

Early in the fall I found myself driving through Wyoming for work and as the evening closed in, I knew just where I wanted to crash for the night. After years of teasing, there was a sexy little MILF, Kristi, just 30 minutes away who might take pity on meSwinging by her work as I drove through Upton, I stopped by her work and managed to get her address from her co-workers. Stopping by the liquor store for a bottle of whiskey, I headed over to her house, my cock starting to harden at the...

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Alex A second first time

At the party, toward the end of the day, Alex and I found ourselves in my room naked and ready to start fucking like a pair of horny rabbits. I had just managed to get my cock all the way up inside her, taking her virginity in the process, when my father came banging on the door screaming at us to put our clothes back on and back down to the party. Just like that it was over. We could have continued for at least a few more minutes before we had to get back downstairs, but Alex wasn’t having...

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Jenny was a 19 year old college girl that had no flaws, she was hot, sexy, and popular. She had the attitude that the school was her playground and she could do what she wanted. Jenny had long blonde hair put up into pigtails and always had a perky little smile showing off her attitude. Jenny also dressed very risqué, she was always in trouble for not wearing enough but this never stopped Jenny. Things were going to change because there was a new teacher in the building, Ms. Reid. Ms. Reid was...

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A Happy Marriage

My wife Nora is such an angel. She let me know that my size didn’t matter when she found out how small my penis was. She said that there was more to love and marriage than sexual dimensions. “Nolan, true love is based on emotional devotion to each other, not appendage length. Love will lets us work around and overcome such trivial things.” Her words made me feel so overly delighted to be in love with this Earth-angel. Nora never let me put it in until we were...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 34

Guys! Older guys have different priorities... A 71 year old man is having a drink in a Chicago bar. Suddenly a gorgeous girl enters and sits down a few seats away. The girl is so attractive that he just can’t take his eyes off her. After a short while the girl notices him staring, and approaches him. Before the man has time to apologize, the girl looks him deep in the eyes and says to him in a sultry tone: “I’ll do anything you’d like. Anything you can imagine in your wildest dreams, it...

1 year ago
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The Nursing Mother

The Nursing Mother My mother asked me to look in on a young friend of hers that was going through some bad times. Cynthia, the young mother needed some adult companionship, a break from reality, and some help around the house. Specifically she had a dripping faucet in the bathroom, a squeaky rocking chair, and a door with a bad hinge. When I arrived she knew who I was and had been expecting me. My mother had taken her two oldest children to give Cynthia a break. I could not...

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Fatal Attraction Part 2

Hello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation from the previous story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next instalment of this sex story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be...

3 years ago
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Vivid Memory 3

In a mere two years since the wondrous encounter with the Great Ram that magical Midnight, our ranch, or should I say, our sheep tool off, seems they all began producing the best fleeces to be found! Prices skyrocketed, and orders were backlogged a year or longer.Mother made the decision that we should relocate the original black rams, because their offspring had the same qualities as their sire So, off to the British Isles we went.... mother, I, and rams. We found thatmour rams wer4e already...

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Rogue MagusChapter 2

Finding the hospital wasn’t an issue. Google Maps helped with that. However, finding the hospital where Dalton had been taken for her specific injuries was a different matter. Oddly, I knew which one she would have gone to. I also knew the layout and where to find her inside. I could only guess that the rumor about a Padrone gaining the experience of a Stirpe was true, and it seemed to go beyond Magical knowledge and experience. I had one Stirpe, Emma Barrett, and she was a Cardiologist. I...

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