Lexi And Sasha free porn video

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The following is a recollection from my college years. Individual names and the name of the sorority have been changed for reasons of privacy.

“Sasha? Sasha?” Slowly the sound of my name drew me out of my daydream. I looked up at the middle-aged Mrs. Dullwater in annoyance. She returned my look over the top of her reading glasses with a lofty stare of superiority. In a lecturing tone, she observed, “Sasha, as a senior at this college, AND the president of your sorority, you really should take a more active role in these proceedings. Now, do you have any questions for the pledges at this point?”

I shrugged and shook my head, bored out of my mind. In my senior college year, Mrs. Dullwater was a new and unwelcome aspect to the previously-enjoyable prospect of interviewing the yearly crop of fresh and oh-so-eager-to-please sorority pledges. Last year rumors and complaints had begun to surface of a few isolated hazing practices the pledges had to endure. The university had reacted swiftly, and now we were graced with the likes of Mrs. Dullwater as a representative of the “Sorority Oversight Committee”, or SOC for short. Amongst ourselves it was quickly rebranded the SUCK Committee, but that bitter little bit of humor did nothing to reduce its annoyance factor. Every step of the pledging process was now conducted per an elaborate set of rules and was carefully monitored. And predictably, all the fun had been wrung out of the event. I glanced to my left at my sorority sister, Lexi. The blonde girl made no effort to stifle a huge yawn, and then went back to sketching bored doodles in the margins of her pledge evaluation form.

Underneath the table, Baxter -- the Great Dane sorority dog -- snored in his sleep. I kicked off one of my shoes and rubbed my toes along his furry flanks. He stirred briefly, responding with a lazy stretch that caused his back legs to quiver. But Baxter could recognize terminal boredom as well as the rest of us. With a sleepy groan he flopped over onto his side and gave a heavy sigh before resuming his nap. As Mrs. Dullwater droned on, her voice faded into the background. I thought back to several years ago when I had been an eager young pledge girl at this very sorority. I recalled with a dreamy smile that times sure were different back then...

I was so excited I could barely control the jitters in my tummy. Pegga-Delta-Pi was THE most exclusive sorority on campus. And here I was, one of the few remaining pledge girls left in the running after a long day of tests and interviews. We had to recite the sorority motto (backwards and forwards), know the sorority history by heart, and memorize a seemingly endless list of rules and trivia. And of course there was the usual hazing and teasing, but mercifully that had been minimal and relatively harmless so far.

As afternoon gave way to evening, the large group of applicants had been steadily whittled away, and now it was down to just a few remaining pledges. We were finally allowed a much needed break and sat down to a dinner in the grand old dining hall of the sorority house. We had been split into smaller groups of hopeful applicants throughout the day, so this was going to be my first opportunity to meet some of the other remaining pledges and sorority members. I was seated next to a cute little blonde -- one of the other pledge girls. I introduced myself as Sasha, and she replied that her name was Lexi. About halfway through the meal she whispered to me that she was going to take a trip to the ladies room. That struck me as a good idea, so we subtly excused ourselves from the large gathering at the table. Giggling and a bit tipsy from too much wine, we made our way down a long hallway and found the bathroom.

Finishing up, I stepped out of the bathroom stall and saw Lexi primping her long blonde hair in the mirror. I knew the sorority selection process was based in part on appearance, and Lexi was serious competition for me. She was trim and athletic, with beautiful golden locks, cute-as-a-button features, and a mischievous grin that she could summon on demand. I looked her over, jealously admiring the firm curve of her rump that strained the limits of her impossibly tight little skirt. I was fit and shapely myself, but damn -- that blonde just had one of those perfectly tight little asses that even a fellow girl couldn’t help but longingly admire. I let my gaze linger, mentally chastising myself for wearing jeans instead of a short skirt like Lexi. I hoped the decision of the selection board wouldn’t come down to that seemingly trivial wardrobe decision. Then I looked up at the mirror, seeing Lexi looking back at me in the reflection. She gave me a friendly smile but I knew I had been caught checking out her ass for far too long. I blushed red with embarrassment, but she was kind enough to pretend it hadn’t happened.

I stepped up to the sink next to hers, touching up my lipstick and giving my silky black hair a quick tussle with my fingers. I adjusted my ample cleavage in my low-cut blouse, noting that I certainly had her beat in that department. But I knew that we were both a couple of “lookers”. I couldn’t help but wonder how we stacked up against the other pledges, since neither Lexi nor I had met any of the remaining girls from the other groups.

“It’s coming down to the wire, Sasha. Gonna hate to see you go,” Lexi remarked in a teasing tone. Even though I knew she was my competition, I couldn’t help but like her. She had an instant charm about her that just won me over. I hoped that if I didn’t get a coveted spot in the sorority, then at least it would be her.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and a girl peered inside. “I’m Stephanie,” she announced. “If you ladies are done fussing, I’ll take you to the next phase of your initiation.” I didn’t recognize her as one of the sorority girls, but I hadn’t yet met everyone and her sorority sweater provided adequate proof of authority and identification. Abandoning any hopes of getting back to dinner, I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and then followed Lexi out of the bathroom. We both obediently trailed the sorority girl further down the hallway, our shoes clicking on the tile floor as we hurried to keep up. Without a word Stephanie led us on a winding route, eventually down a dimly lit stairway into the basement and then through a storeroom filled with the sorority household supplies. The noise from the crowd of girls in the dining room had long since faded away, and I began to get an apprehensive feeling, realizing how isolated we were down here.

At the far end of the storeroom was a plain looking door. Stephanie held it open and motioned for us to go in. The room was dark, and Lexi fumbled for a moment to find a light switch on the wall. I found myself holding my breath with nervous anticipation, not knowing what awaited us in the gloom. But then with a ‘click’, Lexi located the lights, revealing just another smaller storeroom, unoccupied and filled with old furniture, mattresses, and cardboard boxes. I exhaled a sigh of relief as Lexi and I entered. Stephanie followed us in, closing the door behind her. I looked anxiously at Lexi. So far the sorority hazing had been relatively tame and harmless, but we had all heard rumors. I wondered what was in store for us next.

Stephanie looked us over as we anxiously stood in silence. She slowly circled around behind us and then back around, inspecting us as I tried to resist the urge to fidget. Finally she broke the prolonged quiet. “As Pegga-Delta-Pi girls,” she began, “we have bond with our fellow sisters that goes far beyond a normal sorority. There is a depth to our commitment that cannot come from swearing an oath, or signing a piece of paper. It is a trust that must be earned, and a trust that must be tested to prove its worth.” Lexi and I nodded, not really sure what we were agreeing to. Stephanie’s stern expression lightened into a smile. “Congratulations to you both on making it to the final circle of selection. You should be truly proud.”

Lexi gasped, and I felt my heart flutter at the encouraging compliment.

“But...” Stephanie continued, “you are now at your final series of tests. If you perform well, then we will accept you into our sacred order. But if fail these challenges then you will be asked to leave. And you are free to leave at any time if you choose not to continue. This is all entirely voluntary. Also, the two of you are now a team. If one fails, then you both fail. Do you understand?”

Lexi and I glanced at each other and then turned back to Stephanie and nodded. We were both nervous, but excited to have made it this far. I knew we were both determined to do whatever it took to pass the final tests.

“Excellent,” Stephanie remarked. “Then we can begin. As I said, there is an emotional bond between the sisters of the Pegga-Delta-Pi order that must be forged and then tested. We will start with just a simple test of your commitment, which you two may demonstrate by sharing a passionate kiss.”

I felt my heart skip a beat. Had I heard her correctly? The blonde girl and I were supposed to kiss? I had never had any sort of intimate contact with another female. Nervously I turned to look at Lexi, who also seemed hesitant and unsure of what to do.

Stephanie had little patience for our delay. “Well, I’m sorry you feel uncomfortable,” she announced. “I wish you both the best of luck at some other sorority...”

“No! Wait... wait!” Lexi replied in a panic. “We’re good with this, right Sasha?” Her eyes were wide and her voice had a nervous tone to it, but she licked her lips and took a tentative step towards me. She reached up and gently brushed her fingertips across my lips,

I felt a shudder of nervous energy go through me. But I tried to fake a display of calm. It didn’t seem that awful of a test, I tried to rationalize. I mean, where was the harm in a simple kiss? Shyly I looked at Lexi, noting once again that she was in fact a very attractive girl. I closed the distance between us and traced my fingers along her cheek. I brought my hand to the back of her head and slowly pulled her towards me. Our lips met and we engaged in a wet kiss. I had to admit, it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as I expected.

Neither Lexi nor I dared to break off contact too quickly, wanting to prove ourselves to Stephanie. The sorority girl stepped in for a closer look. “I’m not impressed, ladies,” she announced in a bored voice of disapproval. “Let’s get those tongues involved, nice and deep.”

Lexi paused, and then parted her lips. I felt the tip of her tongue flutter out, nuzzling my lips. I opened my mouth and responded in kind. The tips of our tongues teased each other, and then Lexi slipped her oral digit deep into my mouth, wriggling and exploring. After a moment she withdrew, and I followed her inviting retreat, working my talented tongue deep into her mouth. I could feel her breathing change, taking on a deeper, more urgent pace. In response, I felt my nipples begin to swell and harden, the erect nubs raising visible protrusions in my blouse as I pressed myself against her heaving chest.

Finally Lexi withdrew, panting and doe-eyed with surprise and arousal.

“I’ve...ah... I’ve never...” she stammered in a husky, lust-filled voice.

I gulped and nodded in agreement, my eyes wide as a blush of embarrassment began to creep its way up my face. Nervously I gulped, breaking off eye contact and looking down at the floor to avoid falling under the spell of gazing further into her beautiful eyes.

“Very nice, ladies,” Stephanie announced, causing us to jump in surprise. “Now for the next test, you’ll need to remove each other’s clothes.”

Again we hesitated, looking at each other in shock. Lexi offered up a strangled choke of dismay. Maybe Stephanie was joking? This certainly wasn’t like any sorority initiation I had been expecting. Stephanie snapped her fingers, indicating that any further delay would be frowned upon. My heart racing, I knew I had to make a fast decision. Was I in, or was I out? We were so close. I couldn’t back out now. Lexi seemed to share my feelings. With a bashful glance in my direction, she reached up with trembling fingers began to unbutton her top.

Stephanie shook her head in response. “No. I want you each to undress the other. Sisters in Pegga-Deltas-Pi have no secrets from each other, and we must all feel completely comfortable no matter what the conditions. So come on ladies, it’s just us girls here, so let’s get those clothes peeled off.”

Chastised, Lexi quickly dropped her hands from the buttons of her blouse and looked at me with shy expectation. I felt the blush of embarrassment rise further up my face, but with nervous fingers I reached out and began to undo the buttons of her top. I finally managed to work my way through all the buttons and then peeled the silky garment off the blonde girl. I gave a glance at Stephanie, hoping that she would give me a nod of approval that this had gone far enough. But she simply looked at us patiently. I gulped and reached up again, my fingers finding the front clasp on Lexi’s bra, trying to undo the stubborn hook.

In the process my fingers accidentally found their way into the blonde girl’s cleavage, and I heard her sigh in response. She closed her eyes, swaying slightly back and forth. I was ashamed to admit it, but my fingers spent a bit more time in Lexi’s cleavage than was truly necessary. Under the poorly disguised pretense of wrestling with the tiny fastener, I slipped my fingers into the cups of her bra, relishing the feel of her incredibly supple breasts. Lexi’s breathing was deep and urgent, and she didn’t make a single complaint as my fingers explored much further than what was needed. Finally, after much fumbling, the little hooks unlatched, and I was able to peel Lexi’s bra away. Her firm petite titties bounced free, and I couldn’t help but stare at their perky, upturned form, so soft and inviting. Her nipples were swollen into erect little nubs, betraying the girl’s obvious state of arousal. I nervously licked my lips, trying to deny the steamy hint of moisture that began to gather in my loins.

Lexi did me next. I was wearing a pull-over top, so I raised my arms as Lexi worked to tug my tucked-in blouse hem out of my tight jeans. My heart was beating double-time as she drew the garment upwards. Her hands seemed to linger as her fingers gently stroked the sides of my large rounded breasts. I stifled a gasp of surprise, unsure if this was an accidental brushing or a purposeful caress. Then she tugged upward on my blouse and it slipped over my head and free of my body. I shook out the tangles of my silky black hair, casting a shy look in the blonde girl’s direction as I brushed a few stray hairs from my face. Our eyes met for a moment, holding a lingering gaze. Lexi dropped the garment and it fell like a puddle of white silk next to hers on the floor.

Lexi stared at my chest, presumably studying on how to open my bra. “It hooks in the back,” I offered with a quiet whisper. The girl twitched in response, as if jolted out of a dream. She stepped in close and reached around me with her arms, working blindly behind my back at the clasp as she buried her face in my ample cleavage. It would have been easier had I simply turned around, but as Lexi’s hot breath washed across my tits, I didn’t want to argue with her approach. I glanced nervously at Stephanie, hoping to meet with her approval. She watched us with appraising eyes and offered no comment so I figured we were probably doing okay. At last my bra clasp gave way. Lexi took a step back as she peeled the straps off my shoulders. My naked tits were revealed, jiggling and quivering as they tumbled free of the large bra cups. My nipples stood firm and erect on my heaving chest, clearly betraying my growing state of arousal.

“Oh... my...” Lexi shuddered, wide-eyed and impulsively raising her hand towards my exposed breasts. She took an involuntary half-step in my direction. But then she gulped and restrained herself. I felt an anxious shiver of forbidden lust race up my spine, knowing full well that I would have not raised a protest had the blonde girl’s fingers found their way onto my naked tits.

Casting her eyes downward in embarrassment, Lexi took a step back. I glanced at Stephanie for instructions. “Keep going,” the sorority girl directed. I want to see you two little cunts completely naked.” Lexi looked up in shock at the offensive term, and I thought she was going to cry. I felt a rush of protective anger surge through me. How dare Stephanie use such term in reference to such a cute and innocent girl! But then I swallowed my feelings, knowing that the sorority girl was just trying to push our proverbial buttons as part of the test.

I stepped towards Lexi, my hands shaking with nervousness as they found their way to her hips. Despite the tight fit of her skirt, not an ounce of body fat rolled over the hem. I slowly traced my fingers up and down her firm flanks, admiring her form. She gazed into my eyes as my fingers slid down to her waistline, then worked their way around to the back of her skirt, finding the garment’s zipper. In the silence of the dusty storeroom, the sound of the zipper being slowly drawn down was all-encompassing. Dropping to my knees in front of her, I tugged her tight skirt downward as she helpfully wriggled her hips back and forth to assist in the process. Freed from the rounded swell of her hips, the skirt slid easily down her tanned and well-formed legs. Her skin had a golden tone from lots of time in the sun, but I noticed not a hint of tan lines, despite the impossibly small panties the girl was wearing. Lexi shifted her weight from foot to foot as I tugged the garment away, leaving her standing in nothing but high heels and her tight little panties.

I slipped the high-heeled shoes off her dainty feet as she steadied herself on my shoulders. My face was between her upper thighs and I could smell the wafting scent of her growing sexual excitement. My mouth watered in an involuntary response, and I gulped in surprise at the strange urges that were washing over me. I could feel the sensation of butterflies in my tummy, and down lower my loins began to simmer more urgently with a humid desire.

With her shoes removed, I turned my attention to her last article of clothing -- her tight little thong panties. Still on my knees, I looked up at Lexi, but she had her eyes closed, swaying slowly back and forth as if in a trance. I brought my hands to her hips, finding the narrow strip of elastic that comprised the hem of her panties. A small patch of dark blue cloth served as the crotch. Unable to resist, I gazed lustfully at enticing swell of her panty-covered vaginal mound. The soft material was pulled up tight into the cleft of her pussy, forming a perfectly obvious camel toe. As I savored the sight, a dark glistening stain of wetness soaked slowly through the cottony patch of material, gradually growing in size. I inhaled deeply. The unmistakable alluring pheromones of Lexi’s pussy going into heat hung heavily in the air.

MY pulse pounding, I slowly I peeled the panties down off her hips. The panty crotch rolled downward, exposing her naked pussy. Glistening spider webs of dewy pussy juice pulled taunt between her cunt lips and the panties, each one breaking off in turn with the growing tension. The crotch of her panties was sopping wet, and her naked, hairless pussy shimmered with syrupy lubrication. Her eyes still closed, Lexi tightly clenched her butt cheeks as I pulled the thong of the panties out of the crack of her ass. She sighed, unable to resist the urge to sensuously roll her hips as she savored the slow burning friction. Inches from my face, her pussy lips slowly unfurled, revealing her velvety pink folds. My mouth watered as I forced my eyes away from the inviting sight, dragging her panties down off her legs. She stepped from foot to foot as I removed her panties, causing her pussy to gape momentarily as she shifted her weight.

On shaking legs I finally stood up. I noticed after a moment that I was still possessively clutching Lexi’s gooey wet panties in my hand, nervously rolling the moist, slippery material through my fingers. “You want to save that sticky mess for later?” Stephanie inquired with a grin. Mortified, I reluctantly dropped the soggy panties to the floor, feeling the slippery vaginal fluids lingering on my fingers.

I looked up as Lexi approached me. Taking her hands in mine, I guided her to the waistband of my tight jeans. She brought her face to mine and once again our lips met, nuzzling in a sensual embrace as I felt the button on my pants easily come undone at her touch. Once again the noise of a zipper was the only sound in the room as Lexi opened up my jeans. Her wet tongue slipped into my waiting mouth as her fingers found their way down into the top of my pants. “Naughty girl, you’re not even wearing panties,” Lexi observed breathlessly as the tips of her fingers played with the delicate wisps of my pubic hair. She rolled my erect little clit between her fingers and I shuddered in response, offering no resistance to her intimate touch. She explored lower, slipping just the tip of a single finger into my fleshy pink slit. She found a humid, sweltering mess, oozing into the crotch of my jeans. Hearing no hint of protest from me, Lexi dared to press her finger deeper inside me as she broke off our kiss. I clung to her tightly as her lips nuzzled their way to my ear. I turned my head to the side, giggling playfully as her wet tongue slipped inside.

Lexi’s teeth gently nipped at my ear lobe in a teasing manner before her tongue resumed drilling its way into my ear. My breathing coming in desperate little gasps, I widened my stance half a step and slowly rolled my hips in response. Lexi was quick to pick up on my unspoken invitation to bury her index finger significantly deeper into my tight, eager twat. I shivered as my fingers roamed in random patterns across her naked back.

Breaking the rules that Lexi was supposed to undress me, I brought my hands to my waist and squirmed as I worked my tightly-clinging jeans down off my hips and thighs. As I wriggled through the effort, Lexi wormed her talented index finger ever deeper into the clutching tunnel of my pussy. And all the while she never missed a beat as she continued to alternately nibble on my earlobe and tickle the tip of her warm, wet tongue deliciously into my ear. “Deeper?” she teased in a whisper. I nodded eagerly, thinking that sounded like an outstanding idea.

Lost in a steamy fog of lesbian lust, I was only barely aware of Stephanie as the sorority girl moved in behind me. Her hands found their way to my hips and then explored lower, caressing and squeezing the naked cheeks of my rump. I shivered with delight, sandwiched between the two beautiful girls. As Lexi continued to wriggle her finger in my slit and nibble at my ear, Stephanie’s roaming digits eased their way into the crack of my ass. I pressed myself back against her instinctively. I tried to spread my legs into a wider stance, but the jeans bunched up around my knees limited my movement. I choked down a squeal of surprise as the sorority girl’s fingers slipped deep into the cleft of my butt cheeks, working their way ever lower. I trembled at her touch, feeling her explore ever closer to my private little rear portal. Did she know how close her finger tip was to my butthole? How would she react if she accidentally touched my anus? My heart pounded with forbidden expectation.

Lexi withdrew her finger from my pussy with a wet slurp, causing me to mewl in protest. She brought the glistening wet finger to her lips as I watched, and sensuously sucked off my juices, closing her eyes as she savored the taste. Then our eyes locked and I licked my lips, u*********sly mimicking her actions. She brushed her finger across my lips, giving me just a taste of my sweet little cunt. Then she returned her hand -- dripping wet with our mixed saliva -- to my eager pussy. She teased me, gently rubbing my clit and slowly rolling the fleshy, glistening lips of my pussy between her fingertips. I groaned in frustration, needing her back inside me. “Please...” I begged, closing my hand down over hers and pulling her tight against my vaginal folds. She grinned at my shameful display and then rewarded me by forcing two of her fingertips into my incredibly tight little slit. A lustful grunt formed in my throat as I felt myself delightfully stretched.

Stephanie meanwhile, continued her relentless exploration of my ass crack, digging her way ever closer to my tightly clenched little anal dimple. The tip of her middle finger made contact with the sensitive and highly aroused wrinkled flesh around my anus and I flinched in surprise and then groaned, grinding my hips slowly in response. Encouraged by my actions, Stephanie circled inward, her finger finding and gently rubbing the center of my tightly puckered asshole. I twitched in shock at the intimate touch, but then bucked my hips in a sensual rolling motion. Stephanie leaned in, nuzzling her way though my silky black hair. Her soft lips caressed the back of my neck and her tongue darted out, tickling in a sensual licking action. Lexi resumed her efforts on my ear and I thought I was going to lose my mind.

Stephanie slowly increased her pressure with her finger, attempting to overcome the resistance of my firmly clenched little anus. “Ummm...” She purred in my ear. “You’re little asshole is SO tight. Do you think maybe it’s too tight for me to even get my finger in there?”

To my shock and embarrassment, my immediate response was to shake my head ‘no’. Blushing, I again fought to widen my stance against the restraining effect of my bunched up jeans and slowly ground my hips in a sensual motion, pressing myself back against the unyielding pressure of her finger. She giggled in my ear. “Slut,” she whispered. “If you make it into our Sorority, I might just plow that cute little shitter of yours every night.” I groaned at the thought, knowing I should protest and try to defend my honor, but the words failed me. Stephanie applied more pressure as Lexi’s two fingers continued to churn butter in my cunt. I gasped as I felt my anus stretch, and suddenly the tip of Stephanie’s finger eased gently into the clutching grip of my virgin asshole. She slowly twisted back and forth, creating a heavenly sensation in my most intimate little orifice.

“More?” Stephanie teased. I could only nod numbly in a shameless response, but she wanted my commitment. “How much?” she demanded in an urgent whisper. The motion of her finger came to a frustrating halt, awaiting my reply. My eyes clouded with tears, realizing the depths that I had sunk to. Stephanie waited, trying to make me beg her to fuck me up the ass. I couldn’t do it. I knew I couldn’t make myself beg for such an act of depravity, no matter how good -- how incredibly wonderful -- it felt.

And then, slowly, the words seem to form all on their own. “Pl...Please...” I gasped in a barely audible tone. Stephanie’s finger wriggled ever so slightly, waiting for a more definitive answer. I gulped, forcing down my inhibitions. A tear of shame rolled down my cheek. “Please... Stephanie. Please fuck me up my asshole. I want it -- all of it. I want your finger deep inside me.”

Finally satisfied, Stephanie slowly eased the entire length of her middle finger into the depths of my quivering ass. I could feel her fully embedded digit rub sensuously across Lexi’s twat-plundering fingers, separated by only a thin barrier of slippery, quivering flesh. Stephanie began to thrust in and out of my puckered butthole as Lexi rooted in the velvety depths of my cunt. My knees buckled as the warnings of a convulsive orgasm began to simmer. Stephanie and Lexi’s deeply buried fingers provided support and I rode their talented hands as my thighs began to shudder. Lexi expertly wriggled her digit in my grasping vaginal fuck slot and maneuvered herself so that my right leg was between her thighs. Panting lustfully, she ground her naked pussy against my upper thigh. I felt a warm smear of her slippery vaginal juices coat my skin.

I was on the verge of an orgasmic explosion when suddenly Stephanie pulled her finger from the clutching depths of my anus, leaving my sphincter gaping and fluttering in desperation. I began to beg her to return, but her voice rudely intruded into my passionate haze. “OK, ladies, if you could finish rubbing off your twats on your own time, I would like to continue.” I mewled in quiet protest as Lexi slipped her fingers from the clutching socket of my pussy, abandoning me just on the brink of a quivering orgasm. I groaned in frustration, desperately turning to look at Stephanie with pleading eyes. The girl wore a knowing grin on her expression, confirming my suspicion that she had timed her interruption with the purposeful intent of prolonging my state of sexual distress.

Then I felt Lexi’s slippery wet fingers on my chin, leaving a shimmering smear of my vaginal juices as she encouraged me to look at her. I slowly turned my gaze from Stephanie as Lexi raised her fingers, glistening wet from my syrupy twat, and pressed them softly against my lips. I opened my mouth, taking the digits in and washing over them with my tongue. I sighed with pleasure, savoring the taste of my dripping wet snatch. I sucked sensuously at her fingers, applying my lips and tongue to wash them clean. I wrapped my fingers around her wrist, clinging to her tightly. But all too soon I had washed all the intoxicating taste of juicy twat from her fingers and reluctantly let her slip from my grasp.

Lexi dropped to her knees in front of me and began tugging my jeans further downward. I steadied myself by placing my hands on her head, my fingers gently caressing her blonde hair. She had to stop to remove my socks and shoes, taking her leisurely time and seeming to enjoy the proximity of her face to my wet and naked pussy. Then finally she finished the removal of my jeans, leaving us both fully unclothed at last. Weak-kneed she stood up, nervously folding her hands over her naked pussy as we both turned to face the smirking sorority girl administering our tests.

“Well, you two little twats are certainly... enthusiastic,” Stephanie remarked. “It looks like you’re trying for some extra-credit points.” I should have taken offense at the term, but at the moment it was difficult to argue against. I felt as if my entire existence was being controlled by the powerful urges of my naughty little pussy. Embarrassed at our display, we both blushed in shame. I couldn’t help but notice however that Stephanie’s nipples formed erect and tantalizing bumps under her sweater. I gave her a shy smile, wondering if she might be tempted back into joining us. It seemed like that might benefit our prospects of joining the sorority. Or it might just end with her finger wriggling its way back into the depths of my quivering asshole. Either way would be just fine with me. But before I could figure out a subtle way to hint at the subject, she returned to seriousness. “You’re... ah... you’re both doing very well,” she complimented, her eyes washing over our naked bodies. “I think we’re ready to take this on to the next test.”

Lexi and I nervously looked at each other, worried about what was coming next. Stephanie continued with her instructions. “As Pegga-Delta-Pi members, nothing is off limits between sisters in the order,” she explained formally. With that, she led Lexi to an old mattress on the floor and instructed her to get down onto her hands and knees in a vulnerable and submissive posture. The blonde girl complied, anxiously looking back over her shoulder as Stephanie motioned for me to approach. I knelt down behind Lexi’s naked body, looking at the sorority girl for my next instructions. I had no idea what was coming next, but turning my admiring gaze back to Lexi’s firm, naked rear end, I felt a tremor of eager anticipation shiver through me.

“We’ve all heard the phrase that you have to kiss some ass to get ahead,” Stephanie explained. “In this test, that is literally true. Sasha, I want you to prove you have no inhibitions when it comes to your sorority sisters. I want to see you to kiss Lexi’s sweet little ass.”

Trembling, I reached out and gently caressed Lexi’s upturned rump. Goosebumps raised on Lexi’s skin at my touch, even though the room temperature was pleasantly warm. I was thankful at least that we had some degree of privacy in this dusty old storeroom. Tentatively I leaned in and pressed my lips lightly to the firm flesh of Lexi’s naked butt cheek. She twitched as my lips made contact, but offered no complaints. My red lipstick left a tell-tale signature mark on the tanned flesh of her rump. I nervously looked up at Stephanie, hoping for her approval in this awkward situation.

Stephanie however shook her head. “What did I tell you to do?” she asked, her arms crossed across her chest and wearing a disapproving look on her face.

“You... You told me to kiss her butt,” I replied quietly, unsure of myself.

Stephanie said nothing, and a long awkward silence hung in the room as I tried to figure out how I had earned her disapproval.

“Oh... Oh my god,” Lexi suddenly exclaimed in a hushed whisper as she looked back at me with her eyes wide in shock.

I looked at her, confused. “She... she said...” Lexi stammered, and then turned away, a blush of red shame washing over her expression.

“What?” I inquired. “She said I had to kiss your butt to pass the test.”

Lexi shook her head as she whispered something, but her voice cracked nervously and faded away. I leaned in close as she took a deep breath and then repeated herself. “She said ass, Sasha. I think she wants you to... oh god... you have to kiss me... you know... on my ass.” She whispered.

“But I did,” I replied in barely a whisper. Lexi once again shook her head in disagreement. Still confused, I looked up at her alluring, upturned rump. Lexi trembled with a nervous shiver and then spread her knees to a wider stance. She rolled her hips up high as she curved her back downward. Her cute little butt was perfectly presented as the crack of her ass opened wider.

Suddenly my entire vision focused down on the puckered little dimple nestled in the deep crack of Lexi’s shapely rear. My heart pounding, my lower jaw dropped as I turned to look at Stephanie in shock. My understanding finally began to dawn. The sorority girl nodded slowly in response with a grin on her lips. I hesitated, a rushing sound in my ears as my pulse pounded frantically. Did she really mean... “Oh my god,” I whispered, repeating Lexi’s earlier exclamation as I finally understood. “You mean... kiss her... like right on her... I... ah, oh Stephanie... I don’t know...”

“Sasha!” Lexi hissed in an urgent whisper. Her eyes were pleading, panic-stricken that we were about to fail the test. I understood her fear, but then she wasn’t the one who was expected to press her lips right down onto someone’s rectal pucker. I gulped. It was asking too much. I mean, how could I be expected to kiss another girl on her anus? My soft, pretty lips, pressed right onto her wrinkled little pooper? It was so... obscene. But to refuse meant we would both fail. Could I really put my mouth on Lexi’s butthole? And why was my heart throbbing in my chest at the mere thought? I closed my eyes as mind swirled in dismay...

Chewing my lower lip in a nervous fit, I pondered my options. We were so close to getting in, I chided myself. Wasn’t I willing to do whatever it took? And how could I fail Lexi when we were both a team? Could I let my inhibitions betray us now? It was only a harmless little kiss, I reasoned, desperate for a rationalization that would allow me to partake in this vile act of depravity.

A mental picture of my parents flashed through my mind -- standing there on the porch so very proud as I first drove off to college. They held hands and waved, watching their little girl on her way to the hallowed halls of higher education. Surely they never suspected that my first taste of schooling would be served up between the creamy ass-crack of a fellow sorority pledge. But then I shook my head, desperately trying to clear those thoughts. We all have to make sacrifices, I reasoned. It would be over before I knew it. Just a quick little touch of my lips to her butthole, and that would be the end of that. I hoped...

Hearing an impatient cough from Stephanie, I opened my eyes, letting my gaze wander over Lexi’s firm little upturned rump. If I HAD to kiss someone’s asshole, I debated, I suppose I could do worse. I mean, it really was kind of a cute and perky little butthole, framed so pretty in the crack of Lexi’s naked and shapely rear. Still unsure of myself, I reached out with a trembling hand and let it glide slowly over her warm, soft flesh. I clenched my fingers into a fist, trying to bring my nervous shaking under control. Then I placed my hand back on her creamy-smooth butt cheek, gently caressing it. I stared at Lexi’s tightly puckered bunghole, feeling it entice me. Just one quick little kiss -- lips to asshole -- in and done, I thought to myself. Nervously I licked my lips and inhaled a nervous breath. Lexi spread her knees a bit wider, and I saw her wrinkled anal orifice pulse quickly in and out, beckoning to me. I tried to lie to myself, pretending that I hadn’t yet made up my mind...

The alluring sight of Lexi’s beautiful little anal rosebud drew me in, like a moth to a flame. It was like I was in a trance, and her pretty puckered anus was my only focus. I let my lips part and my tongue slipped out to moisten them to a glistening sheen. My imagination swirled, wondering what it would feel like to press my lips against a pretty girl’s puckered asshole. Could I really do something so brazen? I swallowed nervously, wondering why my mouth was watering. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I felt myself lean in. It was like I wasn’t in control of my actions. Just inches from Lexi’s tightly puckered pooper, I gazed at the sight, feeling the last of my reservations fade away. Shuddering, I blushed with shame, committing myself. Even as I did so, I felt an odd sense of lustful anticipation begin to build. I eased forward, letting my nose slip between the quivering cheeks of Lexi’s upturned rump. Closing my eyes, I pressed my moist lips into the crack of her ass. Lexi sighed in response. I hesitantly nuzzled my way downward, my lips obediently searching for her recessed little anal dimple. I found my target and sealed my lips to the blonde girl’s rectum in a wicked, forbidden kiss. I felt her anal orifice pucker in and out in a rapid series of lustful contractions in response to my gentle oral caress.

As my lips made contact with Lexi’s rectal pucker, I knew there was no undoing the deed. Abandoning any last reservations, I gave in to the depravity of the act. The wrinkled flesh of her tightly clenched little pooper played across my lips as I nuzzled her anus with my kiss. I had expected a revolting sensation, but instead I was overcome with an intense sense of intimacy I could never have imagined. Growing bolder, I pressed my lips more firmly against her tender little bunghole. The blonde girl whimpered in response, a mixture of shame and enthusiasm. Her hips twitched involuntarily, and I brought my other hand up onto her rump to firmly hold her steady. My intentions of this being just a quick, innocent kiss faded into fleeting memories as it evolved into a prolonged and loving oral caress. I parted my lips, wanting every quivering bit of her wrinkled little pucker within my oral embrace. With a steadily growing passion I worked my lips on Lexi’s tight anal rosebud. I felt the tightly clenched flesh begin to tremble as my saliva added a glistening wet sheen. Lexi inhaled sharply several times, her naked body twitching with every eager gasp.

Stephanie knelt down next to me, her hot breath washing over Lexi’s naked rump as she observed closely. I lovingly worked my lips against the quivering blonde girl’s tight and tender asshole, feeling her squirm passionately in response. “She’s about to cum,” Stephanie observed. Lexi nodded frantically in agreement, rolling her hips in a sensual rocking motion. “I want to see your tongue deep in that whore’s sweet little shitter when she pops,” Stephanie instructed in a breathless voice. Lexi groaned at the mental image and slowly swiveled her naked hips, evidently on board with that plan.

Lost in the passion of the moment, I had no more hesitations. I obediently flicked the tip of my tongue out, finding the center of Lexi’s tightly clenched anus and rapidly working my oral digit against the wrinkled pink flesh. Lexi squealed in delight, panting desperately as I tickled her rectum. I knew she was close to an explosive orgasm and I hadn’t even started to wedge my tongue into her tight little rectal orifice. I doubled my efforts, digging hard with my fluttering tongue as my fingers slipped into the crack of her ass. I tugged, using the friction of my fingertips to help pry her open. Her anus glistened with my saliva and began to shudder with contractions. I wasted no opportunity, applying a relentless wriggling pressure with the tip of my tongue, exploiting every twitch and quiver. Suddenly just the very tip of my oral appendage eased its way into the blonde girl’s incredibly tight little sphincter.

Lexi gasped with pleasure and her anus clenched down instinctively, squeezing my tongue back out. “Relax...” I urged her in a loving whisper, easing my fingers deeper into the crack of her ass and gently applying more pressure to coax her open. She sighed, tossing her blonde hair in a flirty manner. I smirked, thinking to myself that once a girl has her tongue up your asshole, we’re probably well past the flirting phase. I pressed my lips back against her pretty pink shitter, once more bringing my wriggling tongue to bear on the tight little orifice. I again managed to squeeze the tip of my tongue inside, but this time Lexi applied a concentrated effort and I felt her rectal gateway tremble and then relax. I pressed harder and slipped deeper into her deliciously snug anal cavity. She gasped, but held herself steady. Then, with a determined effort, I wormed the entire length of my tongue into the tightly clutching grip of her hot little pooper. Lexi’s head jerked up off the mattress and she issued an eager moan. Her rectum clamped down tight, squeezing my tongue in a lustful embrace. I could feel her anal tract working, grasping at my oral appendage in a desperate effort to draw it in deeper. My fingers continue to tug and pry at her ass crack, and I felt the constraining grip of her rectal gateway continue to loosen. Plunging my tongue in as deep as I could, I worked it in circles, running the inside rim of her muscular anus as her breath came in short, ragged gasps.

I slipped my tongue from Lexi’s bunghole, pulling back to watch her anal orifice gape and tremble. It puckered in and out, beckoning for more oral attention. “Please...” she begged me, the rest of her words lost in a mindless slur of passion. I pressed my lips back against the gaping pucker of her pooper, probing my tongue in deep. She bucked energetically in response, her blonde hair whipping enthusiastically. I popped my oral digit in and out of her open asshole in rapid succession, and her frantic squirming became ever more desperate. Extending my tongue as far I could, I buried it deep in her bowels and withdrew my fingers from the crack of her ass, giving me room to press my face ever deeper.

Her rectal pucker convulsed and clenched down tight, gripping my tongue in a passionate anal embrace. I brought my hands to her hips, holding her tight and digging my fingers into her flesh. She squealed in response and her hips launched into a frantic bucking motion. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pressed my face deep into the crack of her ass. Orgasmic convulsions wracked her trim little body and I was barely able to hang on for the wild ride. But my deeply drilling tongue never once left her quivering anus as she squirmed her way through a powerful orgasm. She fell forward onto the mattress, her hips bucking in mindless delight. With a firm grip around her thrashing hips, I followed her down, my tongue continuing to ass fuck her relentlessly. Her entire body stiffened as she trembled. Then with a lustful shriek she collapsed in spent satisfaction.

But I didn’t let up, flicking my tongue back and forth in the clutching grip of her quivering asshole. She moaned and writhed, raking her fingernails across the top of the musty mattress. “FFF...Fuck... Fuck me!” She squealed. Almost immediately a second orgasm was upon her, and she issued a prolonged cry of passion as I hungrily continued to rim out her sweet little shit socket. She squirmed and bucked underneath me, her hips driving up and down in a frantic cycle of impassioned motion. A sheen of sweat began to glisten on her skin as her breath came in ragged gasps of exhaustion.

Finally, she began to falter. Her hips continued to buck and twitch, but in a declining cycle. Then Lexi collapsed, panting, and slipped into a fit of passionate giggles, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. She savored that bliss for several moments, continuing to shudder through minor twitches and spasms. Eventually I felt Stephanie’s hand on my shoulder, gently pulling me away. “I think that hot little butt hole has had enough attention for now,” she suggested. Reluctantly I pulled my tongue from Lexi’s still trembling pooper. Her once tight little rectal portal puckered rapidly back and forth, and I fluttered my tongue around its pink wrinkled rim as a parting gesture of love. As I teased her with my oral skills, her rectum slowly closed down on itself, restoring its original tightly clenched form. I pulled back, admiring my handiwork as her glistening wet asshole continued to twitch. The wrinkled anal pucker had a red tinge to it and I realized it was a smudge of my lipstick, leaving my brand on her rectum. Lexi lay face-down on the mattress, gulping for breath as she tried to regain some hint of lady-like composure. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand, smearing the remains of my lipstick and a wet sheen of saliva across my cheek.

Even Stephanie seemed stunned and speechless. I smiled, trying to envision what Stephanie’s mental checklist of these tests might look like. I could only assume that my marked score for lesbian anal rimming was a well-earned A++. Even though my tongue was sore and tired, I knew that I had done well, at least for my first experience at tongue-fucking a girl’s hot little rectum. It was Lexi who finally broke the silence. She had rolled onto her back, and reached over to caress my naked hip. “Your turn...” she purred, stretching in a lazy manner with a huge grin on her face. Her pretty face had the satisfied look of a girl who had just had her tight shitter rimmed out for the first time. And from the hungry expression that now glittered in her eyes, I suspected she was ready and eager to return the favor.

I glanced at Stephanie for permission. She paused for a moment, looking down at Lexi with a predatory gaze. I felt a rush of jealousy surge through me, knowing full well she was pondering the idea of putting Lexi’s tongue to work on her own tender little asshole. I ground my teeth in frustration, knowing the sorority girl could exert her seniority if she wished. She licked her lips, weighing her options. But then with a shake of her head, she shifted out of the way and motioned for me to move into place. I smiled down at Lexi, and with her guidance I worked myself into position with my knees on either side of her head. Facing her feet, my naked rump was pointed right at her face. She raised her hands, gently raking her fingernails down my naked back and over my firm butt cheeks. A shiver of lustful anticipation raced up my spine, causing me to shudder. She squirmed in tighter between my legs. Feeling her hands on my hips to guide me, I gently eased myself downward, pressing my naked butt towards her upturned face. I knew I should have been nervous or self-conscious, but squatting my naked ass down onto the blonde’s pretty face just seemed so perfectly right. Lexi and I did indeed seem to share some sort of natural bond, and all I wanted at that moment was to feel the embrace of her soft, glistening lips sealed firmly against the pucker of my eager little rectum.

I reached behind me, firmly grabbing my ass cheeks and spreading myself open before her. The crack of my ass gaped open, clearly exposing my secret little back door orifice. Lexi’s fingers loving caressed my naked rump cheeks. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed with a hushed whisper as I felt my rectal pucker exposed to her lustful gaze. I should have felt a sense of shame, spreading my butt open just inches above Lexi’s waiting mouth. But instead I quivered with lustful desire and eased myself lower, feeling her nose nestle its way into the crack of my naked ass. Her hot breath washed across my puckered asshole and I felt my tight little orifice tremble with anticipation. Lexi extended her tongue, and I felt the wet tip give an experimental lick on the wrinkled pucker of my pooper. I gasped, feeling a tongue on my shitter for the first time in my life. With Lexi’s pretty face securely wedged into the crack of my ass, I released my grip on my butt cheeks, allowing those firm pillows of flesh to close down around her. I reached up and clutched my soft, round tits, squeezing my aching nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

Lexi’s hands gripped my hips, firmly pulling me downward until my full weight was firmly planted on her face. Now she had no choice but to press her lips tightly against the pucker of my quivering little shit socket, not that she seemed to be complaining. Already in a state of excitement, it didn’t take much effort to coax open up my eager little butthole. I felt like a bit of a slut, having my asshole open so easily to her oral caress. But those concerns were washed away in an instant. Lexi’s wet tongue slipped inside my rectum and she happily worked her lips and tongue in my ass in an obscene oral-anal French kiss. I squirmed with growing passion, feeling her tongue explore round and around the rim of my asshole. The she plunged in deep and I gasped and ground my hips down onto her face in eager response. I closed my eyes and sighed as she plowed her hot wet tongue deep into my anal tract, fluttering the tip and tickling my bowels in a mind-blowing sensation of delight.

I began to rock my hips, slowly riding her face as she serviced my hot little asshole with deeply probing oral thrusts. I began to pick up speed and rhythm, feeling a growing sense of urgency beginning to build in my loins. I ground my pussy on her chin, adding to the lustful sensation. I could feel my vaginal lubrication seep from my pussy, first in a sporadic dribble, but then growing steadily until it oozed out in a slippery trickle. Glistening trails of girl goo trailed syrup-like down her chin, coating her neck and creeping slowly in the direction of her perky little tits. The heady perfume of wet cunt hung heavily in the air and I inhaled the scent deeply, driving me further into a state of arousal.

Grinding my hips, I accidentally slipped backwards, and cried out in dismay as her talented oral organ popped out of my ass. But Lexi didn’t miss a beat. Suddenly presented with my splayed and vulnerable pussy pressed to her lips, she dug her tongue in deep, exploring the snug, silky depths of my wet pink twat. I gasped with pleasure, my eyes rolling back in my head as I forced my hips down urgently. She responded in kind, pressing her lips eagerly against the velvety lips of my open snatch. It seemed like she was determined to see just how much of her face she could stuff into the soft pink depths of my dripping cunt. I ground my hips, eager to assist her.

I moaned with mounting pleasure, feeling a familiar twitching sensation begin to build in my loins. As the muscles in my thighs and tummy begin to quiver, Lexi fluttered her talented tongue rapidly in the clutching embrace of my steamy vaginal flesh. But what pushed me over the edge was when Lexi -- without warning -- embedded her stiffened middle finger full-depth up my exposed asshole with a single well-aimed fuck stroke. I stifled a shriek of delight as my head snapped up in surprise. All of my muscles clenched, and my inner thighs trembled as an orgasmic seizure racked my naked body. Digging into my vaginal cleft with her tongue, Lexi energetically finger-fucked me up the ass, plunging into my anal depths with rough, determined strokes.

“Harder!” I grunted shamelessly, grinding my hips with ever-growing passion. She paused just for a moment on an out-stroke and then added a second finger to my anal penetration. She plunged back in, fully hilted to the last knuckles, stretching my tight little rectum as I squirmed eagerly in response. She twisted her wrist, reaming out my tightly clenched little shitter like a heavenly drill. Then she began to cycle both fingers in and out of my bowels, ass-fucking me fast and deep. Stars exploded in my vision as I mindlessly bucked my hips, riding out my orgasm like I was on a mechanical bull ride. Cunt cream flowed from my slippery twat, pouring down over Lexi’s embedded tongue and into her open mouth. She consumed my juices eagerly, her relentlessly exploring tongue digging deep into every nook and cranny of my convulsing fleshy folds. Finally, with a powerful thrust of my hips, I collapsed on top of her, my sides heaving as I desperately gasped for breath.

She started to withdraw her fingers from my rear, but I quickly brought my hand down over hers, forcing her back in. My hips twitched as she eased her way back up into my anal fuck socket, causing me to shudder through a post-orgasmic quiver. Lexi issued a girlish giggle, slowly twisting her wrist back and forth in a sensual rubbing motion. Then she withdrew just a bit, lazily running her fingers around the still quivering rim of my anus in a loving manner. “So... you’re kind of a sleazy little cunt,” she observed in a teasing tone, and I laughed in response, thinking I wasn’t the one who currently had a dripping wet twat draining vaginal goo down onto her face. Lexi finally tugged her fingers out of my quivering little shit socket and I felt my anus gape and shudder before finally closing back down to a tight and puckered little gateway.

Then I heard a subdued moan. Looking over at Stephanie, the girl was leaning against the door, her eyes closed and her fingers frantically busy under her skirt. Her hips bucked and she shuddered, breathing deeply. I dismounted Lexi’s cum-smeared visage, long strands of vaginal fluids shimmering between my cunt and her pretty face. She licked her lips, savoring the remaining cunt cream. I grinned at her and nodded in Stephanie’s direction. Lexi looked and responded with a smirk, and we knew we had once again made a favorable impression with the sorority girl. Stephanie trembled through the remains of her orgasm and then opened her eyes to find both Lexi and I looking at her with naughty grins. She blushed red with embarrassment and pulled her glistening wet fingers out from under her skirt. Straightening her clothes, she made an awkward attempt to regain her modesty. “I... ah... ok... you’re doing great. There’s like this one final test... thing... that you have to do...” Stephanie stammered. I smiled, savoring her cute lack of composure.

Stephanie crossed the room, pausing briefly to tug at her panties that had worked their way up deep into the crack of her ass. I caught a brief glimpse of her exposed rump cheek under her miniskirt. The thought crossed my mind that I wouldn’t mind rimming out her tight little rectal fuck box too. Then with a shock, a brief moment of panic trembled through me. I had never considered myself to be a lesbian, so where was this lustful hunger for licking out cute little female assholes coming from?

As I pondered these confusing revelations about my sexual orientation, Stephanie retrieved her large purse that hung over the back of an old chair and began to rummage through its contents. Lexi and I watched with interest as the sorority girl reached into the bag and withdrew a black floppy dildo attached to a tangled leather harness. A round rubber bulb hung from the middle of the dildo, connected with a short length of rubber tubing. It was quite a contraption, and Lexi and I looked at it in confusion.

However, as Stephanie worked to sort out all the parts, its function became a bit more clear. It was a long double-dildo, held firmly in the middle by a metal ring. The ring attached to the leather harness at several points. The dangling rubber bulb and tube remained a mystery. “Who gets to be the bitch on the bottom?” Stephanie pondered out loud, sizing us both up with an appraising look. I smiled shyly, thinking the position of ‘the bitch on the bottom’ held a certain amount of promise. Stephanie took that as my volunteering, and I was directed to lie on my back on the mattress while Lexi was maneuvered into a position on her knees between my legs. Stephanie knelt down beside us. Grasping one end of the rubbery double dildo, Stephanie brought the soft, flexible tip in line with Lexi’s dripping wet pussy and nosed the end of it up into the blonde pledge girl’s tight little fuck slot. Lexi sighed with pleasure as six inches of the floppy rubber prick slipped easily into her well-lubricated fleshy folds. The shiny metal ring pressed up firmly against her twat lips, framing her pretty little pussy within the metal band. I giggled, joking that she had just magically sprouted a cock.

Stephanie then encouraged Lexi to help her as the various straps of the leather harness were looped into place, one band around her waist, and the other two around her firm upper thighs. Working the buckles, Stephanie secured everything properly, and one half of the double dildo was now firmly mounted in the wet, velvety socket of Lexi’s cunt. Stephanie made sure the straps were cinched tight, and gave the soft rubber dildo an experimental tug. Lexi’s hips rocked forward in response, making it clear that the shaft was tightly mounted into her pussy and would follow her every motion. The exposed six inches of the other end of the dildo dangled free, swinging limply between her legs. Vaginal juices dripped from Lexi’s pussy, slowly oozing milky trails of moisture down the exposed half of the dangling cock shaft.

Lexi reached down and grasped the rubbery shaft, skimming her fingers along its length to evenly distribute the coating of her natural lubrication. She looked at me with a disappointed expression, giving the dildo a gentle shake to demonstrate how limp it was. Stephanie however had the solution. Reaching down, she grasped the rubber bulb in her hand, and gave a firm squeeze. We heard a small puff of air, and the limp rubber dildo responded with a twitch. It grew a bit more firm and also expanded a bit in length and girth. Lexi’s eyes widened with delight, and I knew that the buried half of the dildo had responded similarly, swelling and stiffening somewhat in the clutching confines of her steamy snatch.

“I think we’ve had enough of tiny fingers and tongues for now,” Stephanie directed with a lecherous grin. She looked at Lexi and then nodded down at my prone and naked body. “I think this little bitch is ready for some serious cock.” Now I know that I probably should have been wondering about what kind of crazy sorority initiation involves a strap-on penis. But I’ll admit, the only thing running through my mind was the giddy thought that my little pussy was about to get a good stretching. I looked up at Lexi and nodded, running my fingers lazily through my unfurled twat lips. Slippery wetness oozed from my fuck slot, betraying my eagerness. Stephanie handed Lexi the rubber bulb and she wasted no time in giving the device several quick pumps. The rubber dildo surged to life, trading its limp dangling form for an enticing state of erection. Its dimensions expanded, both in length and girth. Lexi reached down and wrapped her fingers around the rubbery shaft, skimming along its now rigid span. The exposed end of the rubber prick now measured about eight inches in length, and her delicate fingers could barely close around its circumference. From the way she sighed and squirmed her hips, I could guess that the half of the rubbery black prick stuffed into her vaginal fuck sleeve had also adjusted similarly in size and firmness.

She looked down at me and I widened the spread of my legs, eager to begin. Lexi gave the rubber bulb another squeeze, and then a couple more, just for good measure. The dildo bobbed with each new influx of pressure. The saying goes that “size doesn’t matter”. But as the length enlarged to an alarming nine inches, and the fingers of Lexi’s hand could no longer fully close around the girth of the shaft, I began to worry that size might in fact be an issue to consider. But I simply licked my lips in nervous anticipation, unwilling to complain. Fisting the shaft, she shuffled forward on her knees and pressed the end of the strap-on firmly between my eager twat lips. I moaned as I felt it spread me open. Lexi swiveled her hips, teasing me with just the first inch of cock. In and out she moved, easing the tip into the clutching grasp of my vaginal folds and then fully withdrawing, leaving me whimpering with desire.

“Please...” I begged her in a desperate whisper. She rewarded me by easing another couple of inches of the monstrous prick into my twat. Suddenly I gasped and flinched, feeling a dull pressure in my pussy.

Lexi prodded again and I bit my lower lip, choking back a cry. “Oh seriously... are you a virgin?” She exclaimed in surprise. I blushed bright red, nodding shyly in response. “I can’t take her cherry!” Lexi exclaimed, throwing Stephanie an alarmed look of protest. I noticed however that she hadn’t removed the rubber dildo from my cunt. I squirmed beneath her, hoping to change her mind.

The sorority girl studied the situation for a moment, weighing the options. Then she shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “Well, if you don’t want to pop that tight little cherry twat, I guess you can both resign as pledges.” Oddly, she seemed almost pleased with that outcome.

Lexi looked down at me, wracked with indecision. “Please Lexi, you gotta fuck me,” I pleaded in quiet voice. “I want you to be the first.” There was only so much resolve the pretty blonde girl could muster. I raked my fingers up over my taunt tummy, coming to rest on my ample breasts. I squeezed my big tits, closing my eyes and moaning with passion. “Please...” I mouthed again.

Slowly I felt her reapply pressure to the massive cock rod. I cried out and she stopped, fearful of hurting me. “Oh punch that whiny little twat,” Stephanie encouraged, checking her watch in frustration. I nodded in eager agreement. Lexi chewed on her lower lip nervously, and then withdrew the shaft mostly from my clutching pussy. My vaginal lips nipped at the embedded tip, eagerly wanting more. Then suddenly Lexi thrust her hips forward. I grunted, feeling a flare of pain surge through my cunt, but my vaginal barrier still resisted. Lexi ground her hips and I cried out in pain.

Lexi pulled back again, a look of concern crossing her pretty face. But I instinctively raised my legs and wrapped them around her lower back, crossing my ankles to lock her in my embrace. I drew her down

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Lexi and I PART 2

Introduction: Mabey shes perfect! The first thing Id like to clear up is my user name. My name is Max, I am a dude. My ex-girlfriends name was Abbi Cammille Baberos. We broke up after some stupid deal with her dad. We still get together and fool around and stuff. Infact, we are very close. I dont have an account for this site because I am nervous about it showing up in the hands of a client, since my job is based mostly around children. thats where I get my user name/ my ex girlfriends user...

3 years ago
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Lexi Learns the RopesChapter 6

Lexi woke in the dimly lit bedroom, a warm soft body touching her side. She turned her head just enough to see the dark hair of Nadia sleeping beside her. Confused for a moment she rolled to the side, only to find that her arms were once more cuffed behind her. Her movement woke Nadia who quickly rolled over and flipped Lexi onto her back. Lexi looked up into the dark eyes of the other girl as she straddled her stomach. The feral and predatory look in Nadia's eyes, nor the taunting smile on...

4 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

4 years ago
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Lexi and I PART 2

I went to bed that night completley and unterlly confused. I had grown up with Lexi, I had been there when she lost her first tooth, and when she broke her leg. I had been close with her brothers since we were close to the same age. But here I was raising my neices in my house including Lexi. Who just gave me the best blow job in the history of blow jobs. When I awoke the next morning to Ashley climbing all over me expressing her need for ceral I was quickly to snap back to reality...

2 years ago
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Lexi Learns the RopesChapter 2

Georgia's shove at the bottom of the stairs sent Lexi stumbling forward in the dark. She turned just in time to hear the door slam closed in the pitch blackness. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Preparing to have some fun," Georgia's rich voice replied from somewhere off to the right. A match flared off to the side just as Lexi found the door and struggled to find the knob. In the light of the freshly lit candle she could see a deadbolt on the door and knew it was locked as she...

2 years ago
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Dolly Time with Sasha

Dolly Time with Sasha(Note: There is a “son” version titled “Dolly Time with Sammy”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful girl. Sasha was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. She was petite, with long red hair and a ton of freckles. She wore braces and her glasses did not block me from seeing her enormous blue eyes. She had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. She had only slight curves and hardly any...

2 years ago
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Irresistable Sasha

Sasha also loved all of the attention she received from various passengers, especially men. She was the exact definition of an exotic Jamaican beauty. She had flawless skin the color of dark chocolate, long thick legs, a small sexy waist, curvaceous hips, large bouncy tits, and a round ass that made men look twice. Thanks to her father’s genes, Sasha had a beautiful pair of almond-shaped green eyes. Her cheekbones were high and model-like. She had thick luscious lips and a smile that...

4 years ago
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Lexi is Picked Up By The Cops

Lexi wouldn't normally have left the house like this but it was super hot out, she was two weeks fired from her temp job and she had moved into her friends apartment to make rent cheaper. She hadn't got along with her friend since Lexi had slept with her boyfriend. It wasn't anything serious to her, just a quick drunken fling, no big deal, but obviously her roommmate felt differently. So she needed a new place to stay for a while. This outfit was Lexi's prowl mode gear. She was single and...

3 years ago
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Everything sorta got started when I was just eight years old, it was a Sunday and it was my Holy Communion. I had on my brand new blue suit with a long sleeved white shirt, a new pair of shoes and even brand new socks and underwear. Mom, dad, my sister Jenny, and my brother Tom had spent the last month drilling me on the questions from my CCD class in case I was the unlucky one the priest called on to answer a question. I knew every question by heart, I was scrubbed clean from head to...

3 years ago
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After the party Sasha

I awoke to the sound of guys laughing somewhere. Amuffled laugh like through a wall. It took me a moment to realize where I was and what was going on. We had a pretty wild party and I ended up in a little mini sex romp with two guys and two girls. In front of me, lightly breathing, lay the tiny and delicate naked little Sasha. I ran my hand over her sweet velvety olive skin and down over the smooth little curve of her hips. She even smells sweet. I kiss her shoulder. Behind me I feel Greg stir...

3 years ago
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After the party Sasha

I awoke to the sound of guys laughing somewhere. Amuffled laugh like through a wall. It took me a moment to realize where I was and what was going on. We had a pretty wild party and I ended up in a little mini sex romp with two guys and two girls. In front of me, lightly breathing, lay the tiny and delicate naked little Sasha. I ran my hand over her sweet velvety olive skin and down over the smooth little curve of her hips. She even smells sweet. I kiss her shoulder. Behind me I feel Greg stir...

3 years ago
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The Smothering of Sasha

A few weeks ago, I happened to read up on a series of very interesting stories by a guy named mike_55534, all about a world in which fatal facesitting is allowed, and even encouraged for women. His stories can be found...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Ray woke up next to Katrina. She was abeautiful blue eyed blond that had a body that nearly made him come everytime he saw her. Both of them were still naked from their evening of lovemaking. Ray didn't remember falling off to sleep, utterly exhausted fromhours of lovemaking, bondage, and spanking. As the early dawn sun lightstarted to creep into the room, he could see the shape of her naked hourglass figure as a silhouette in the dark. Ray could never figure out howhe was so...

4 years ago
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Lexis Moms Party

"Why don't you join us, Ella?" said Lexi with a syrupy sigh. She lifted her foot and flexed her toes outwards, spreading apart the thin nylon of her suntan pantyhose. With a distracted eye, I noticed that her toenails were painted a shade of deep crimson that perfectly matched the shimmering gloss of her full lips. Beside her, Karen slid her hand along Lexi's thigh and nuzzled into her neck, causing Lexi to lean her head back and moan quietly."I'm sorry... I mean, I'm not a..." I paused, unsure...

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Sasha woke that morning feeling sore from the previous night’s escapades, but she was still smiling. She yawned and stretched slowly trying to get the kink out of her back. As she twisted and turned slithering along the silk sheets her hip grazed against him. “Would you mind I’m trying to sleep here,” the hoarse voice of the man in bed with her said slightly annoyed at her. “Sorry, Mitch, I just can’t get this kink out of my back. You wanna help me out with it?” she asked playfully as she...

2 years ago
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Train Three Sexy Slaves 21 Sasha

Sexy Swedish Sasha is often in Amsterdam to visit her s*s who lives there, now she wants to see meSexy Swedish Sasha is proud of her goodies as those firm boobies form an offer no man ever refusedSasha got hot for me when she started to follow the stories of how I train three sweet sexy slavesSasha got hot for my idea to try a sexy session at my place to teach those three a lovely lesson!I introduce the three to her right after her arrival at me: my naughty niece Aisha and Ai from JapanI...

3 years ago
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Lexi and I PART 1

Introduction: What can I say, I love my girl! All of the stories I write on here are 100% true. I honestly did sleep around quite a lot with my Neice. She was the sweetest girl Id ever met, and probley the best in bed too. I was a single 28 year old man, with short brown hair and deep sea blue eyes. Girls loved this about me, they said I was Cute. I wasnt/ and am still not the hottest man in the world. I looked like zach effron, or so alot of girls told me back then. (I just didnt have a 6 pack...

2 years ago
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Lexi and I PT1

Introduction: Sorry, But I cant spell if my life depended on it. All of the stories I write on here are 100% true. I honestly did sleep around quite a lot with my Neice. She was the sweetest girl Id ever met, and probley the best in bed too. I was a single 28 year old man, with short brown hair and deep sea blue eyes. Girls loved this about me, they said I was Cute. I wasnt/ and am still not the hottest man in the world. I looked like zach effron, or so alot of girls told me back then. (I just...

2 years ago
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Dancing in the DarkChapter 7 Loving Sasha

MORNING BROUGHT REGRET MIXED with elation. Next to me the bed was empty, the pillow dented from the impression of her head, the pear and lemon scent of her strong. How did she leave bed without waking me up? Why was she always gone? Didn't she want to cuddle? I rolled onto my back, stretched, and yawned. Intimacy with my daughter had progressed faster than I'd planned. It seemed I wasn't the one in control; Sasha was. I'd wanted to build towards sex in a series of increasingly intimate...

3 years ago
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Lexi and I PART 1

My brother was about twice my age with 4 lovely daughters and two handsome sons. Jacob and Jackson where the oldest boys. Jacob was 22 and Jackson was 21. Jackson's twin sister was Lexi. Lexi was about 5 foot five with long curly blonde hair trailing down her back stopping at the edge of her butt. Then there was Samantha who was 17 with brown hair stopping at the top of her breast line. She was 5 foot one with the best blue eyes I'd ever seen. Than there was Chloe who was 12 years old...

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Lexi and I PT11

My brother was about twice my age with 4 lovely daughters and two handsome sons. Jacob and Jackson where the oldest boys. Jacob was 22 and Jackson was 21. Jackson's twin sister was Lexi. Lexi was about 5 foot five with long curly blonde hair trailing down her back stopping at the edge of her butt. Then there was Samantha who was 17 with brown hair stopping at the top of her breast line. She was 5 foot one with the best blue eyes I'd ever seen. Than there was Chloe who was 12 years old...

4 years ago
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The Fall and Rise of Sasha

The Fall and Rise of Sasha By Amanda Moore Two years ago I was just a normal straight guy. Late 20s, 5'9" tall, slim, not very athletic and averagely attractive. I was single but had my fair share of girlfriends, though nothing serious ever came of my relationships and only two of my ex-girlfriends had been my lovers, still never had I ever thought of having any form of sexual contact with another man. Now the only girl in my life is Sasha, the girl I, Josh, create from inside me. ...

4 years ago
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Max Amanda and Sasha

I open my eyes and am momentarily disoriented; as my vision comes into focus, my surroundings, my body, everything comes flooding back to my mind in warm soft waves. I see the room is dimly lit, I hear the soft and even breathing of three distinct bodies, my sense of smell is awakened by the intoxicating cocktail wafting in the room – a mixture of my pussy juices, the sweet creaminess pooling between Amanda's thighs, Max’s manly presence, and scented massage oil, I lick my lips as I remember...

3 years ago
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Expectations of Sasha

The open newspaper on the hotel bed was turned to the same page it had been for the past few mornings. Every time he looked at it, his restlessness rose. He wanted to do something about it, but could he? The Excel document screen, on his laptop, began to swim before his eyes. He had been working on the new store projections for the last three hours. A break was needed. He poured the remaining coffee into his half filled cup and turned off the coffee maker. The luke-warm mixture tasted bitter....

3 years ago
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Sancta Sara 1 Sasha

Sancta Sara is a Sanctuary in the hills of Upper Sexonia. The nunnery is supervised by sexy Sasha.Sasha is Superior Mother to the few nuns and novices. She looks very impressive with her heighth.She has on top of that massive big breasts and towers an inch over elder Confessor Professor Peter.Sancta Sara has specific rituals for Consecration and for initiation of the novices to become nuns.Sasha is a young mother in her late twenties of a dear doddie of only a few years.She lived before in...

3 years ago
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Lexi Learns the RopesChapter 3

How long she stood in the darkness she didn't know. Was it five minutes? Ten? Longer? The only sound she could hear was her own heartbeat and breathing. Occasionally she would cry out for mercy, begging Georgia to let her go. Knowing that she was at the woman's mercy, a toy to be played with made the goosebumps stand up on her body. With her arms still cuffed above her and her legs spread by the bar the fatigue soon returned with a vengence. Lexi started with the soft touch to her skin....

2 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the cabin in Vermont

I came home early one afternoon because of a gas leak at the studio and well, do I really need to tell you the rest? Do I really need to tell you that I found my husband fucking some random whore in our bed? Do I need to tell you that I wasn't shocked enough to yell? I saw enough through the crack in the door to realize that my exit strategy was the only thing I had in my control. As they fucked, as she moaned his name, I packed the few items I had left in the dryer downstairs and slipped out...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Lexi and I Part 1

100% fiction! My older sister Lexi had lived with her husband in California for a few years now so I hadn't gotten to see her to much, other than holidays and family get functions. We had been pretty close growing up, and would talk on the phone almost every night, so when she called me up after work one day in tears I asked her what was wrong. "Bobby wants to take a break!" Bobby was her husband, he always was an ass to her so I didn't like the guy. "Lexi what can I do to help?" I asked her...

4 years ago
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Stress relief with Sasha

Introduction: While working at the library, Sasha gets a lesson she will never forget. When Sasha was 16 she got her first job at the library reshelving books. She stood at 53 with perky B cup breasts and a nice round bottom. She loved to take her time shelving the bottom shelves so that the men could watch her bend over. When shelving the top rows she would stretch so that her shirts rode up and revealed her flat, caramel colored tummy. She was shelving one day when Jeremy walked up. Excuse...

4 years ago
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OffWorld A New Life Sasha

Towhom this may concern, I am writing out my adventures while living on the planet Rigel VI. It's a planet near the edge of our galaxy. It varies to inner system planets in one large way, here on Rigel it's culturally acceptable to own pleasure-slaves. These slaves differ from those of Earths past in the fact that all of these men and woman volunteer for this occupation, choosing to give their bodies to those able to afford it. These slaves are not mistreated, protected by a court of law to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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My Sweet Sister Sasha

Introduction: Right, due to the new regulations, Im using our current ages, (19 and 17) cause otherwise this story will be taken down. Hi, Im Damien. Im about five foot two, relatively well developed with shortish blonde hair, and blue eyes. I was looking after my sister Sasha for three days, as our parents had gone to Birmingham. I had to cook and clean, but that was no problem. I was walking to Sashas school to pick her up, and got to the gate in a little over ten minutes. I could see her and...

4 years ago
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Stress relief with Sasha

"Excuse me, could you help me find a book. It's supposed to e here but i don't see it." "Let me check my cart" Sasha could feel his hazel eyes staring at her as she walked away. He stood about 5'7 with honey colored skin and a muscular build. Sasha figured him to be about 20. "Wow, heavy reading," she said holding up his book. "Yeah, I need it for school" "Ok. Well don't study too hard." "Yeah whatever." "Hey. You don't have to be rude. I didn't have to...

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I parked my distinctly elderly Ford Fiesta illegally outside my new flat. I didn’t have much stuff but had managed to buy some furniture from the previous occupant, so I had at least a sofa and chairs, a bed to sleep in and a table to eat at. I carted my few things indoors and looked around. My own place, for the first time in my life. I was a property owner. Well, a part-owner anyway, with the mortgage company holding the majority. There was a hesitant tap on my door, and when I opened it, I...

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Dancing in the DarkChapter 11 The Joy that is Sasha

Bright laughter floated in to the study from the living room. I tried to concentrate on the laptop in front of me and the final chapters of the novel. Another chorus of laughter arrived and I had to stop and smile. Sasha had four friends over for the day. Music thumped, a percussive beat I could feel through the floor and my bare feet. I knew they were dancing, experimenting with different styles, showing off and trying to outdo each other in good-natured fun. The type of music told me which...

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Lexi chapter 03

-Lexi- chapter 03I had just been fucked for the first time, and I was still going over it in my mind. There was nothing else to do - Dressed like a slutty schoolgirl, handcuffed, tied, blindfolded, face down on a stool in the middle of a small service building in the park not far from my house, with a padlock on the door. The cum was still splattered on my face. I didn't have any way to keep track of time in that place, I just hoped it wouldn't be for too long. My mind wandered on all the times...

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Sam to Sasha

Hi my name is Sam Jameson. I was an ordinary straight male until a little while ago when my girlfriend caught me dressing up. She said that she was going to visit a friend from collage a couple hours away and was going to stay with her for the weekend. I took this as a sign that it was a good time to express my hidden sissy desires that would come and go in my life. I have had several girlfriends growing up and one that I lived with in 4 different houses and was with for 5 years, it...

1 year ago
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Submissive Sasha

She was immobile. With her hands tied behind her back. Her red hair is falling in curls around her face. Her blue eyes look up at me adoringly. Her big 40DD tits thrust out proudly, her big hard nipples poking out through the opaque black bra she wore. She had on matching black panties that were soaked at the crotch. She knelt there waiting for me to use her. Sasha knelt in front of me to worship my massive cock. The red haired BBW breathed hard. Sasha knew in a few moments she would be having...

3 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin In Vermont Pt 2

Jenna and I awoke to sunlight spilling over our naked bodies. My eyes lazily took in the curve of her hips, the dip in her back and the ridged outline of her collarbone. Jenna’s skin reminded me of natural suntans, strawberry scented lotion and set her apart from all the other chicks running around Manhattan. She didn’t spray tan. She didn’t botox. She didn’t crash diet. Jenna existed freely in her skin and right now, Jenna, my best friend, lay naked in my usually very straight arms. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Gym time for Sasha

"Let's push it up to 12.4," he said, reaching in front of me to press the button on my treadmill, increasing the speed yet again. "Only two more minutes, then we can bring your heart rate back down." 'Little chance of that,' I thought to myself, as his sports watch brushed past my ribs, taking his strong biceps and gorgeous aftershave with it. This guy was hot. 'I can't believe I'm doing this,' I thought, my mind wandering. "Righto, lets take it down," he said, leaning forward once again to...

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Lexi chapter 02

-Lexi- chapter 02I was handcuffed and blindfolded with a ring gag in my mouth, dressed like a schoolgirl slut, trapped in a service building in the park near my house, sitting on this stool and sucking my first cock ever. It was barely past 10am, and my mystery blackmailer had the day to play with his new toy..."That's good, swirl your tongue around the head more. Mmm yes, you've gotten some good practive with your dildo, I've seen how much you like to slobber all over it. Not bad for your...

3 years ago
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As darkness fell that day I knew not what awaited me once the moon was full. I felt her body slither against mine, I felt her tender kisses as shivers ran down my spine and I felt her thigh choke me as I gasped for breath. The assassins black, nylon, bodysuit glided across my naked from as she sighed in pleasure, muffling out my screams for mercy, deep breaths of ecstasy and moans of lost air. The feeling of nylon upon my cock with her skillful fingers touching me just enough to send ripples of...

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first time posting a story.... grammar and spelling might need some work.... Sasha lay bent over end of bed panties at half-mast and hood on so she could not see anything and could barely hear anything either she wasn't sure how long she waited but it was sometime before she felt movement around her. master was careful not to touch, just looking at her from afar, getting his stuff ready for what he planned on doing, while he stood there gazing at her perfectly rounded ass with her panties at...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin in Vermont pt 3

Jenna and I decided that the hot tub was a must. We’d already christenfucked the entire cabin. It smelled like sweat and pussy in our room and we needed some fresh air… I slipped on a tiny black triangle bikini and wrapped myself in a silk Armani robe. Jenna emerged from the bedroom in a pink thong bikini with the top untied. ‘Do the honors. Strap my tits in tight, babe.’ Jenna turned her back to me and pressed her ass against me. I pulled the strings of her top behind her back and knotted...

4 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin in Vermont pt 3

Jenna and I decided that the hot tub was a must. We'd already christenfucked the entire cabin. It smelled like sweat and pussy in our room and we needed some fresh air... I slipped on a tiny black triangle bikini and wrapped myself in a silk Armani robe. Jenna emerged from the bedroom in a pink thong bikini with the top untied. "Do the honors. Strap my tits in tight, babe." Jenna turned her back to me and pressed her ass against me. I pulled the strings of her top behind her back and knotted...

Group Sex
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Lexi chapter 01

-Lexi- chapter 01I thought I had been so careful, but all it took was one slip up, leaving the curtains a little too open. Now here I was, looking at pictures that had been emailed to me - pictures of me dressed up like a schoolgirl slut. That particular day, I had cuffed one hand to the headboard and was wearing a bright red ball gag, as I used my free hand to fuck my own ass with a medium sized vibrating dildo, my fishnet clad legs splayed up in the air, and 6 inch black pumps with ankle...

1 year ago
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Lexi Lore Twitter 600 294000

Every day, more sluts enter the world of porn. But, many of them use the Onlyfans route. Just a few want to be a part of the real world of professional porn.Because of the horrific quality of the scenes, not all porn fans enjoy seeing whores at OnlyFan. There isn't much to ask for; they're amateur, and some models only record themselves, so there's no action with boys.The ability to be a part of the experience is essential in porn, and when they fuck a piece of rubber, the immersion goes...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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