GingerChapter 3 free porn video

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Randall Adams lived about fifty miles from where Ginger and I first met at the beginning of summer. It was that much closer to Minneapolis. Ginger and I left Minneapolis to get to her father's before dinner that evening. He welcomed us with a kiss and a hug for Ginger and a handshake for me. Wendy, his wife, was ten years younger than he. The twins were just walking and excited to meet some new persons.

They didn't remember Ginger and she hadn't seen them for awhile. Dinner was almost ready and Wendy with Ginger's help put it on the table. I had a beer with Randy, as he preferred being called. The twins were all over him and soon all over me as well. The only small children I had been in contact with were in England with Jim and Arlie's two.

I was therefore comfortable with these half brothers of Ginger and fooled with them until Wendy came in and announced dinner was ready. She had to calm down the boys as I had them wired. We were almost finished eating when the phone rang. It was a close friend of Wendy's who said she and family were going to stop in for a minute. They would be here in a half hour.

Wendy explained, "Emily Whitmore has a little girl just a bit older than my two. I was telling Emily the other day that Randy's daughter was coming to visit. For some reason she said she would like meet her. This was when I said the man who was like her mentor would be with her. When I questioned her, she said she had lived in Minneapolis as a child and wanted to know how Ginger liked living there in the city.

"I must say Emily is a little strange sometimes. She, like I am, is married to an older man. I think Robin Whitmore is thirty-five or six, whereas Randy is thirty-eight. She came to work for my father and worked with Randy until her daughter, Amy was born. Now she stays home the same as I do. We are together all of the time. You will like her, I think."

Ginger enquired, "How old are you?"

"Emily and I are the same age. That's all I am going to say. Neither of our husbands really robbed the cradle and we were both in our twenties when we married. I think Robin was a guardian or something of Emily when she was younger. When she got older, they found love and it seems to be a good match."

I figured I would stay in the background when the Whitmore family arrived, so I found a chair in the corner of the living room. The Whitmore's came in through the kitchen and I couldn't see them from where I was sitting. Robin and the little girl came in to talk to Randy and meet me. The boys and the little girl got into the toy box in another corner and were happily playing.

I stood and was introduced to Robin. "Hi, Pete, is it? I'm Robin. I understand you live in Minneapolis?"

"That's right. I like it. I haven't been there much recently. I went to university for four years on the west coast until this summer. I just returned a couple of weeks ago from England where the firm I work for sent me."

"I grew up in Minneapolis. I have a brother who lives there. I don't see him that often although we do keep in touch."

I became aware of someone standing in the doorway to the kitchen. I looked at Emily Whitmore, who was staring intently at me. I immediately knew this person. The hair was different. The figure was fuller, as it should be. The same sadness was there that I remembered from years ago. That soon changed as I could read hope and anticipation in her face. There was anger and despair in her face the last time I had seen my sister.

She met me in the middle of the room. "Roberta?" She could only nod as she was crying too hard to speak.

Finally, "Pete, little brother, you're quite the grown up man."

"Roberta, you are more beautiful than I remembered. Just as soon as I was settled into my job I was going to start looking for you."

"I heard. I couldn't believe it when Randy started talking about this wonderful person who had taken his daughter under his wing. I also couldn't believe it when I was hearing about the person's mother, Harriet, who was also mentoring his daughter. That's not the mother I know."

"No, I guess you wouldn't know Mom anymore. It has been ten years. We will have to talk about this. For now, though I am a guest of Randy and Wendy."

I turned to them. "Please excuse my inattention to you all. This is my long lost sister, Roberta. What a coincidence that she would know your father and we would meet like this. It has been ten years since she left home." Roberta led me to the couch where we could talk. All were interested so they listened in.

"Pete, I just couldn't take mom and her hate for me anymore. That is why I left. She was so wrong about me. It is going to take a long time to explain what happened and why. I now think different about our father than I did back then. I can more fully see Mom's point as well. At the time, there were so many hateful things said, I don't know as we will ever be mother and daughter again."

"Ginger may be able to help with that if we can get permission for her to stay with mom for her senior year of school."

Randy interjected, "I have my ex-wife's permission for the near term letting Ginger continue to live in Minneapolis. I will have custody of Ginger as soon as we can get a judge to hear this in family court. Ada's new husband doesn't want a teenager living with them. I need to see that Ginger is well cared for and happy. The place for her as long as she is happy is with you and your mother."

"Dad, thank you so much. This was what I was hoping for. Pete, I'm going to make Roberta my sister as well. You now have two sisters. I'll make Harriet love her as much as she loves me, too."

There was too much to think about all at once. So much was going on. I was going to get my sisters' side of what happened back when it seemed as if everyone hated each other except me in my family. I was happy for Ginger and how her situation was being resolved. I asked a question of my new found sister. "Roberta, this is your and my family business. How much do we want to display our dirty laundry?"

"Robin knows it all, for in many ways he has been my savior. He knows everything, but wasn't involved at first. You weren't involved either until after the fact. Mother with her closed mind doesn't know the half of it. I understand that Randy is going to bring in a mattress for you to sleep on tonight. Robin and I have an extra room.

"Would you stay with us tonight so I can tell you about what happened twelve years ago? Later we can share with Ginger. Randy and Wendy will learn some of it, and I am okay with that as well."

"Is there any chance you and mom can get back together?"

"If she will open her mind and listen to me, she should, but I can't speak for her. You might help with that."

"Okay, I'll go home with you. At the time I was too young to know what was going on in the family. I have always been curious what happened to cause the rift. I just knew it was very serious. Father pulled me aside one time and said things that made me feel as if you weren't the terrible person mom painted you."

I turned to Ginger. "Ginger, you won't mind will you? Wendy and Randy, will you excuse me if I talk to the sister I haven't seen for so long? Roberta and I will have this cleared up by evening tomorrow and I can spend time with you."

"Sure, go ahead. I've always known Emily was keeping something in her past hidden from us all. Wendy and I still won't pry into anything that isn't our business."

"Pete, I hope you find out something that will make Harriet love Roberta again. It is a terrible weight on her mind. You know that."

"I do Ginger. Roberta, can we go now?"

"Pete, can you think of me as Emily? I haven't been addressed as Roberta for many years. I was married as R. Emily. Emily, if you remember, was my middle name? The Roberta you knew is in the past and should remain there."

It would take some time, but I guess I could remember the name change, but I didn't think I would use it. Her whole demeanor had changed as well. I remembered Roberta as a screaming, crying, pouting, unsatisfied bitch. Possibly I thought of her as unstable as well. Roberta wasn't like this at all.

I smiled. "I'll try."

I received a "Good Luck" and a hug from Ginger as Robin, Roberta, and Amy followed me out to my car. Randy and Wendy were standing in the doorway watching as we got into our vehicles. Before I could follow the car Robin was driving, Roberta jumped out of it, coming back and sliding in next to me. "I'll ride with you. Pete, I've wondered about my baby brother."

I was bitter. "Not enough to let me and Mom know that you were alive. Roberta, you have a lot to make up for."

"Will you call me Emily, please, if you can? Pete, I wasn't ever mad at you. It was mother. We seemed to always be angry at each other." The name Roberta was what I grew up with, and I doubted I would ever think of her as Emily.

"Did she have reason to act the way she did?"

"Some, maybe. Pete, let's not talk now. We will tonight before going to sleep, I promise. I think your feelings will change about me. Yes, and about Dad, too."

"Wait then. Robin drives fast and I'm concentrating on keeping up." Roberta relapsed into silence the rest of our trip, which was of only twenty minutes duration. Robin had a nice well-kept house in a nice neighborhood. Roberta immediately started getting Amy ready for bed.

When she was tucked in, my sister asked me to come in and give my niece a kiss good night. "Good night Uncle Pete. May I have a kiss? "I leaned down and kissed her on her cheek. I received a big smile and then she turned over with a happy little sigh.

"She is a sweet little girl."

"I know and I am going to make sure she is going to stay that way. If you make things unpleasant for me or her, I will make you sorry."

"Threats, Roberta?"

"Forgive me Pete. I don't mean that. I'm just so protective of her. I had a terrible start to life. It is a wonder even to me that I could ever be as happy as I am right now. Come, sit in the living room. Robin is much a part of this. He will fill in some of the blank spots if I miss any."

Robin had a beer waiting for me when I sat down, and indicated a chair in the corner of the room. There was a love seat at right angles. Robin hitched this out so both could face me more directly. "Pete, what do you remember of Dad?"

"Gee, I don't know. I guess I always considered him a gentle giant. He never seemed to cross Mom when she was screaming at him. I guess you were the one to always come to his defense. You would give it right back to Mom when she was at her worst. Why was that?"

"Because Dad didn't have any spine. It took me years to realize this. What has Mom said about him? About me for that matter?"

"She told me just a few weeks ago that she caught the two of you in bed together. This was when she went up to the cabin before things got really bad around home. She said you were into incest."

"Pete, I swear on the bible, that we weren't. Robin can tell you that I was a virgin when we married. I know I was accused of incest, but I was trying to protect Dad and the other person who was involved. Dad asked me to do this and to promise never to tell of these things he wanted kept hidden."

"And what would that be? I think it is time you cleared the air. Mom, if she doesn't know should also be told."

"I agree and that is why I am telling you everything. Pete, Dad and I were especially close. There never was any sex involved and he never touched me inappropriately. I did promise to keep his secrets and that is why Mom and I fought so much. When I finally decided to tell her, she wouldn't listen, saying I was just trying to find an excuse for the bad things Dad and I did together. That is when I gave up and left home.

"And what was this deep dark secret that you promised Dad you would never tell."

Roberta's eyes swung to Robin. He took over the conversation. "Pete, I told you I have a brother in Minneapolis. He is older than I am. In fact he is the same age as your father was. There is no way I can escape telling you something that has always been hidden. I hope you won't broadcast it widely either. You see my brother, George, is gay. He still is in what is called the closet and wants to remain there.

"The only reason that I'm telling you this is because you have been the biggest victim in this whole affair. You lost your father and you lost your sister. Emily has asked that you be told. That is why we came to visit the Adams' tonight and let you know your sister is still alive. We are hoping you are mature enough to handle it in an adult manner."

This made me a little defensive. "It has been ten years. I can handle everything as an adult. I'm not a kid anymore."

Robin ignored this and continued, "Randy Adams has been telling us about the young man who was mentoring his daughter. Emily and I are his friends and when we heard the name of Pete Brown connected to his daughter, we have pumped him for information about you. You come off as a pretty good person, so we are trusting you to understand what went on and who was responsible."

"You want to know the truth so you want to know if you can trust me?"

Roberta spoke, "That's right. Dad died twelve years ago and for what? It really is time to move on. It took me a long time to realize this. I want Mom to know the truth. She wouldn't believe me once and from all indications she might not now. I'm asking you to help me convince her."

She had my full attention. "There is one other person that is involved and would be damaged if this is made public. At this late date, no one in our immediate family will be hurt more than they have been, but it would still destroy him."

"Roberta, whom are you talking about?"

"I want to tell you and I will shortly. For the minute, I want to get back to mother. There is also Ginger to be considered. I understand she and mother are quite close."

"She is. Mom was near a breakdown before Ginger came to live with us. I don't know who has gained the most. Ginger was almost a lost soul when I first met her. She felt unloved and unwanted. Mother felt the same way. I had just finished school, but had to leave the country concerning my work leaving her all alone again for a period of time."

"This makes me believe that you can convince Mom what I tell you is the truth. I have faith we should be able to come out alright."

"Roberta, you have a lot of faith in your baby brother."

"I do. Pete, I am so proud of you. I also want to know all about your life. What you do for work. I know you went to college on the west coast, but not what you studied. I know you went to England, but I don't know what for. I have gleaned this from Randy and Wendy, with Ginger telling them about the people she has been living with."

"You will know everything before I leave in a few days. There is a lot I need to know about you and Dad as well. I want to know all about your life after you left home. I guess I want to know about Dad and this brother of Robin's. I take it they were lovers and for how long? I'm guessing this because you have been dancing around what was wrong about Dad."

"Pete, I can answer that. Dad and Robin's brother met in college and started their affair at that time. The affair continued until dad's death. He left a mess when he took those pills. I have come to resent this more and more as I have grown older. Suicide may be the easy way out, but it is hell for those of us who are left to deal with it after the person dies."

"I agree." We had been talking for a long time and I had driven since early morning. I asked to be excused so I could get some sleep. I was shown the spare room and I soon slid into bed. I was wide awake, my mind in turmoil. The door opened and Roberta asked softly if I was asleep.

"No, I'm awake. Come, lay on the bed like you used to when you would get so upset with mom. You used to come in and ask if you could lie beside me for a few minutes. I hated it with everyone shouting at each other. You would come in and talk to me so I could go to sleep. I was able to sleep and think everything would be okay when I woke up in the morning. It never was though."

"It will be this time, Pete. I promise."

It was fairly early, but I soon went right off to sleep, the uncertainty of what had happened to my sister was making me happy. I knew where she was tonight and she was right beside me. I had to get up once for a bathroom break. Roberta had left. The house was quiet. I lay in bed when I returned. Revelations had come today. I thought about my father, my sister and some about my mother.

What I had heard about Mom today was a surprise to some extent, but then I remembered how shrill and nasty she had been to my older sibling in the past. For now I was going to listen to Roberta. Yes, she was still Roberta to me. I would continue to think of her with that name.

About my father and he being gay with a partner, I suppose I could deal with that okay. I would find Dad's partner, George Whitmore, and talk with him. I guess he was okay, but he had destroyed my family. He must have a few good points, for he had seen to Roberta when she was troubled enough to leave home.

But then he almost had to have when Roberta came to him for help. He would have wanted to keep his sexual preferences hidden, most likely more so than my father had, especially if he was a school teacher and had young kids as his charges. My father had worked in an art gallery as a curator and restorer. Being known as gay wouldn't have cost him his job or reputation. I gave it up, turned over and went back to sleep.

"You slept late Peter. Amy is already down for the first nap of the day. Come, I just made a fresh pot of coffee and muffins to go with it. Remember them? Dad said I always could make them better than mother. You used to sneak an extra one when no one was looking."

"God, Roberta, you speak as if you still remember our father with love. He was the cause of most of our heartbreak."

"I do remember Dad with love. He and I were always close. No, not the way Mom thought we were. Dad had one love and never should have married a woman. That said, he thought it wise to marry to throw everyone off about him being gay. Looking back, he should have told Mother and then divorced her. But everyone makes bad choices. And that was one of them."

"How did you find out about him and this other guy?"

"I was eleven years old when I saw Dad go into a beef house downtown. You and I were down there with a babysitter. Mom was at some meeting someplace. I ran away from the woman caring for us. She couldn't follow me inside, because she had to watch you.

"I went inside and for some reason I hesitated to approach Dad. I saw him sitting down with this man. They were holding hands and looking into each others eyes. I had seen enough movies so I recognized lovers when I saw their actions.

"I watched them for awhile until a waiter came by and asked who I was with. I ran out and found you and the babysitter. She was about wild with worry, for she thought I was lost.

"Soon after we got back, Dad came home. I charged into his room and asked him what he was doing with the man I saw him with. At first he told me it wasn't him as he had been nowhere downtown that day. I looked him right in the face and told him he was lying. I knew my own father, didn't I?"

"And then what?"

"I said I would ask Mom about him and the man I had seen him holding hands with. Then he said he was with a person he did business related to his job. Again, I called him a liar. No man in business would hold hands like he did. He was silent for a few minutes and I thought he wasn't going to say anything. Then he said that he loved me and would I please forget what I had seen. He would do anything or give me anything I wanted if I would forget about what I had seen.

Same as Ginger
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The Runesmith Chronicles 10

Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers.“No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex.Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came.Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from him.“Now-now,” she said...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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My Mom and a Visitor Incident No1

Preamble:I surpressed some memories until my adulthood, then I started to remember about unusual incidents like they happened yesterday. This particularised story really happened, it's not made-up.The first of many incidents:One afternoon my mother put me to my c***d's room and said to me that I should stay there and Play with my toys until she would enter the room and pick me up.A few minutes later I heard our bell door ringing, my mother was opening the front door. I heard a man speaking to...

2 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 50 Dawn of the Revolution

Time: July 4, 8244 11:48 AM Taking over the Code of Bel'dar proved to be delightfully easy. The monks of Babylon completed the upgrade of their operating system in mid February and we began our probing soon afterwards. We were ready to make our first backdoor changes by early March. The Australian women and my family have two objectives today with my meeting with the Babylonian monks. The first objective will be executed at noon. If successful, we are expecting a great deal of chaos at...

1 year ago
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Cottage Weekend

On the weekend of my 18th birthday I was invited to visit the cottage of my 18 year old for a few days. Of course when I arrived her very conservative parents as well as her 22 year old sister Sue and her husband Bill were there. I had heard stories about sister Sue who had the reputation of saving herself for her wedding night. Four bedrooms. Me alone in one, my girlfriend on the other side of the cottage, and her sister and brother-in-law and parents in between. We had a most pleasant...

First Time
1 year ago
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Best friends

I was after high school doing some work I missed for one of my teachers. The only other person that stayed after school too was my girlfriends best friend. I loved my girlfriend but she was a bitch sometimes, and her best friend was hot very hot. Her name was gabby she was white with small boobs but a very big ass. Suddenly gabby dropped her pencil and she bent over to pick it up, I could see her thong outline through her pants. I got a rock hard boner so I asked the teacher to use the...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e14 Lauren

Series 4, Episode 14: LAUREN We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new - we’re in a semi-industrial, run down old part of town. Clearly an area that’s seen better days. Half of the factory units/shops around here are locked up with ‘TO LET’ signs stating, ‘LOW RENT’. Despite being half closed, there’s a good number of vans driving...

2 years ago
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One Hell of a change

Two years ago I was diagnosed with the big C. Treatment started, hair fell out, weight loss 6 stone plus numerous other ailments. Then things improved, remission and nice sensations began to return. The wife suggested we should try to make love and see what happens, so without being asked twice we started the foreplay. I was amazed everything began to spring into life. She massaged my growing shaft while I stroked her rising breasts. My hand slipped down onto her leg then slowly made its...

4 years ago
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Undercover Milf Ch 03Q

The next morning Laura did the same routine as she waited anxiously for her son to leave so she could once again snoop in his room. Most of all she wanted to see if there was another video on her son’s computer. When she entered the room, she once again found his computer left on and she sat down quickly. Sure enough there was a new video on the computer, so she clicked on it and the media player came up. It was her son inside her best friend’s living room, they were sitting on the couch...

4 years ago
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The Initiation Part 1

The sounds of laughter and music drew me towards the forbidden in the slightly-moonlit night. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t stay away. I crept forward, doing my best to avoid being seen – there was no chance I’d be heard over the din of the party. My heart beat in my throat. I was terrified. Still I crept closer, pulled deeper by something exciting but indefinable. I’d heard whispered talk, I’d had dreams, tingling, exciting dreams based on those whispers … I had to see! I hid myself...

2 years ago
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The Bronze Man

I knew they were out there watching. It wasn’t just a feeling, but a certainty. Best of all, they had no idea I knew. The whole thing had started a year ago, right after I’d signed the lease agreement and moved in. It was perfect, this little cottage quietly tucked away at the end of the cul-de-sac. After too many wears in a cramped apartment overlooking a bustling downtown thoroughfare, all I wanted was some peace and quiet with a little privacy thrown in for good measure, something I’d taken...

2 years ago
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Hungry teacher Madhushree8217s backseat sex

Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about . Genuine Couples looking for real fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. This story will be narrated from the footsteps of Madhushree, the...

4 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty - The Wedding Gets Planned When I awoke in the morning I could feel the heavy rubber cock still hanging between my thighs. I had to admit, the weight of it hanging down, dangling over my own, trapped penis, felt, well, somehow, powerful. Grace was sleeping peacefully next to me. I reached over her belly and let my hand settle upon her soft, hairy, pussy. My fingers danced through her soft, auburn bush. She stirred slightly, but did not wake. Soon, my touch caused the...

3 years ago
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Wifes Massage Becomes A Threesome

Lisa had decided months in advance of our wedding anniversary that we should celebrate the event in style. Her plan was that we should organise a relative, who was staying with us on holidays, to look after the c***dren while we went off to an up market hotel for the night. When she told me to make sure that the vibrators had new batteries and that our bondage gear was in good order I knew that she really did have some great plans in place for us. Given I had I had so much notice of Lisa’s...

2 years ago
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Impromptu Attraction Ch 02

The car slowly backed out of the driveway, leaving the neighborhood for the main road that would eventually lead to the interstate. Julia turned to her boyfriend in the driver’s seat. ‘How do you think it went?’ she asked. Ben smiled. ‘I think it went very well.’ They were making their way back after a weekend at Ben’s parents’ house, and Julia had been nervous about meeting them for weeks. In the three months that they’d been dating Julia had met Ben’s sister on several occasions, but this...

4 years ago
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Wife become a dirty slut in a bus ride

Hi readers, i am back with a true story and believe me its one of the rarest and actual incident happened in a delhi blue line bus. The guy who had sent this incident to me had read my earlier incidents in delhi buses and wanted to share his piece of experience happened before his eyes to his wife in a crowded delhi bus ride.He is happy that this incident changed his sex life and made her wife a sexy slut who was very conservative before this incident.It was a wedding in our house and I had...

2 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Cops Wild Wish Chapter 1 Officer Cindys Naughty Speeder

Chapter One: Officer Cindy's Naughty Speeder By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 There were days when I just wish I could shut up the mouthy bitches when they complained about getting a speeding ticked. Just grab their hair, pull their faces into my crotch, and let them put those lips to far better use lapping at my clit and eating my hair pie. I knew when the silver Porsche 911 sped by my speed trap at 90 MPH that it was going to be one of those days. I had spotted her coming a mile away,...

2 years ago
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Grammy Was My First and Best Part 1

In the summer of 1974, there were no cell phones, porn movies were rare and boys learned about sex from d**g store magazines and their families. In my case, there was a weekend with Grammy……------------------------------------------------I was spending the weekend with Grammy as Mom and Dad were going on a business / vacation trip and my sister was spending the weekend at our cousin’s home (they were all girls). Saturday morning, Grammy and I got up early and we worked hard in her garage....

3 years ago
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Hotel Pleasure Facilitator Part 2

As I lay on the floor with Mrs. Jones caressing my sweat-soaked hair, my exhaustion overwhelmed me and I closed my eyes, dozing off briefly. I awoke a short while later, feeling a tugging sensation on my nipples and my pussy lips at the same time. It took me a few moments for the cloud of slumber to fully evaporate, and I glanced down to see a gold chain connect to each of my nipples by alligator clamps. The chain was fed through a small gold ring, through which a second chain was also fed, the...

Oral Sex
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 22

The women marched to the carriage full of righteous indignation. We men went to our horses, glad that the women were on our side! That experience set the tone for our group from then on. We men always exited the theater first and scanned the vicinity before the women came outside. Furthermore, we came out with guns in hand. Never again were we going to allow ourselves to be caught by surprise the way we were that time. Our shows settled into a delightful routine, and Carly became more and...

3 years ago
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A New Experience

There was no more than a couple of year’s difference in the boys’ ages and they’d been close friends since they were at primary school. In time they’d become true confidantes, and even now, in their early twenties, they shared secrets that they never disclosed to anyone else. Every week they spent hours in each other’s company, generally in one or other of their bedrooms as their respective families didn’t want the idle chatter of a couple of youths disturbing them downstairs.   ...

First Time
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Escape Ch5

Escape Ch.5 As always, I'm grateful for all your feedback and comments. It absolutely inspired me. Thank you. This release took longer for release as I was writing another identity theft series called Revenge. But I'm glad that it's finished and I hope to hear from you readers. Thanks! WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations and incest Farewell Little Brother The relatives, friends and neighbors gathered as they listen to Oliver Wilson's moving speech about his son...

3 years ago
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A Swinging Adventure That Didnt Go As Planned

Rob and his lovely wife Jen were your typical average, middle-class family. They were in their early forties with two children. They had been happily married for almost fifteen years and both had successful careers, but there was one thing that had haunted them, and that was the quality of their sex life. It wasn’t that their sex life was horrible or anything close to that, but it had gotten way too predicable. Jen was a very attractive looking woman and didn’t look anything like her age. Her...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 60 A Big Tease

August 19, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Who the hell is Dan Quayle?” my sister asked on Friday morning at breakfast. “A US Senator from Indiana,” Jessica said. “He was pretty much a zero as a Senator, so I guess he’s perfect for Vice President!” “Are you saying that he’s life insurance for George Bush?” I chuckled. “Bush isn’t exactly a popular guy in this house, so you never know!” Jessica laughed. “Nobody likes Dukakis, either,” I said. “I’d bet most everyone is voting for Ron Paul, though...

2 years ago
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She Was Hungry And Hot

I m Aman Parmar, 25, single from Mumbai Suburb. Eager to start my story but before that I would wish all the ISS readers a very happy & prosperous new year. Secondly, I m the part of ISS from last 2 years and read uncountable seductive and hot and happening stories of undefined users who are just excellent. Apart from this I would like 2 thanks to all d married women and girls for their optimistic replies on my mail id on my previous story i.e.. Hot Seductive Neighbour. Thanks Guyss !! It was...

4 years ago
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Change Of My Life 8211 Part 2

Hi.. I’m Natalia again.. This is my continuation.. I was surprised by all your response for my story.. I was very happy. So I’m here to deliver my story. First a preview of the first part. I’m a boy but I have boobs and womb inside my stomach that I found when I’m 19. I hide my boobs for years . at my 15th age my elder sister discovered this and fucked me like her slave. I found myself naked in my sister’s bed with a dildo in my ass. I saw myself standing in front of a mirror. My boobs little...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Vocal Teacher

I learnt guitar at the same place with my sister when I was a high school senior. I had been there for quite awhile and had quite a hand in playing the guitar. My had a band, she was the vocalist, she wanted to sing better, so she signed up for the lessons. Her teachers, let's name her Janie, was a fine 20-27 yrs old woman. Her face was sharp, her body was slim with a nice pair of boobs, sizing around C cup. And her ass was moderate. She had a personality, every time I smiled at her she'll just...

First Time
3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 3

Chairman Jake Hedron and his Empath wife were at the city hospital. “How soon will he be awake?” Jake asked the doctor in the emergency room. Because of his status as head of security, Jake Hedron wasn’t confined to the waiting room, but could go anywhere he felt he needed to. Yesterday, Lisa had found a wrecked military flier in the mountains near the shuttle launch platform. A man in a uniform was pinned inside, so Lisa had melted half the vehicle so she could pull him free. Then...

2 years ago
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Masked Motherly Love

My husband Tom and I are sexually adventurous. I did not realize how adventurous though until this past Halloween. Let me start by saying we are swingers. I have never liked the term, but it still best describes the lifestyle we like to participate in. It particularly is easiest to use the term for people not familiar with the culture. I am forty-four years old, and Tom is forty-five. We have been married for twenty-four years, and together for twenty-seven. We started dating when I was...

4 years ago
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A Costume Affair

My husband’s thirtieth birthday was approaching, and it was my job to organize his party. His birthday just happened to be on a Saturday this year, and better it also landed on a Comic Convention. My husband is pretty nerdy despite his strong athletic build and I must confess I am also seriously nerdy despite my sexy curvy body and attractive looks. When I met him, he was so surprised when I told him how into science, fiction, fantasy and even gaming I was. A lot of his friends were shocked and...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Developing a Taste For It Chapter 2

The next day, Cathie appeared at ten o’clock on the dot; it was something that Addie admired about his wife, her punctuality. He watched from his glass-walled office as she got off the elevator and walked purposely toward her husband’s office. He chuckled as he watched all of the men, old execs and interns alike turn to stare after her as she passed. She had on his favorite dress, stark black with the hemline at mid-thigh. The contrasting white of the mock turtleneck made her chest stand out...

2 years ago
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 11

That night Betty and I hung in the wind, naked in my backyard. There were times I found myself falling asleep only to be woken up by a stray snore or queef from Betty or the sound of a snapping twig or bird in the distance. I was shocked that Betty was able to stand this or get used to it. I told myself I needed to be able to do it if her and her daughters could sleep bound. Betty had told me once that she found it difficult to sleep without rope or bondage. I thought she was bragging but...

2 years ago
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My First Gay Encounter In Public

It was a busy Saturday evening I was heading back to my home from this summer internship I have got. I had to take the bus to my house but it was pretty crowded. I took the bus because if I miss this bus, it will get more late to reach home. It was a 2-hour travel to my home. I got in and it was pretty dark out and I was surrounded by a lot of people, primarily male. There was this cute looking guy standing in front of me. He was short, had a fair complexion and he looked smart. As the bus went...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Watercolor Chapter One

It was a crisp autumn day and Morgan sat outside on her front porch. She sat in her old rocking chair wrapped in her favorite dark green cardigan feeling the wind blow through the porch and hitting her face softly. It was days like these that she would sit and remember an impossible dream that she once thought of all too often. She was much older now, not nearly as pretty with wrinkles on her face and long gray hair. Her children were grown and moved away, she had finally retired and her...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Alien Flashlight Hypnotizes Women Ch 03

After hypnotizing Donna, Brian hypnotizes Kathy too for threesome sex with his fiancé’s mother and aunt. Not wanting her to see that he was naked, he figured that she’d suspect something was amiss if he answered the door without wearing any clothes. Who knows, after how she aggressively acted when they were alone in the dark corner of the pool, maybe she’d prefer seeing him naked? Hoping the light would work through glass, he quickly ran to grab his light from his pants pocket and shined it in...

2 years ago
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Hot sex at work

On a sunny Tuesday afternoon and regular conversations about life and work turns to a more sexual nature. Let me start off by saying that I work in the auto parts industry so there is always men around but none you really want to date, marry or have a sexual encounter with! The new store manager is a funny caring guy that is easy on the eyes and very understanding I could get lost in his blue eyes and captivating smile. I noticed him the first day he was there and introduced himself to us...

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