- 3 years ago
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Hi folks, summer is ending, so we thought we’d end it with a light and fluffy, summer romance. Just the thing to take your mind off of hurricanes, flooding and rising ocean levels. No plastic straws were sipped on during the writing of this entire story. But don’t worry, the next one is already written and I swear it’s dark, crazy and depressing. SS06
Life is ... strange. Somehow, we’re never really prepared for all the changes and hurdles that life has in store for us. So that day in early summer, I thought that I knew myself. I thought I knew how my life would play out.
I didn’t think I was gonna be discovered and become a movie star. I also didn’t think I’d win the Powerball and become rich, but I was sure that I knew my place and I was content.
I’d checked off all the boxes that a woman was supposed to check off in the early twenty-first century. I had a husband, a college degree, a great job and was working my way through the mortgage payments on a nice little house in the near suburbs.
There were things I liked about my life, and some that I didn’t ... just like everybody else.
So that afternoon, with an hour left to work and all my work done, I was surfing the net. I was looking for running groups in my area.
I had recently started running again and truthfully, it was becoming a chore. It was my God damned sister in law’s fault that I’d started in the first place.
She’d recently started on another diet program and wanted to start “jogging,” to help get rid of a few pounds.
“Pearl, you jogged in college, didn’t you?” she asked me, sweetly. “Do you think you could go out with me a few times?”
“Heather, I ran track,” I said sharply. “There’s a big difference between jogging and running!”
I’d been insulted and my near anger showed it, but being obtuse, Heather never picked up on it.
“What’s the difference?” she asked.
“When you’re running, it’s all about either speed or endurance,” I began. You’re training to get the maximum out of your body for a particular race distance, or event. Jogging is just waddling your fat ass around the block to burn off a few calories so you can eat more cake.
It’s a different mindset and a different goal. Not everyone runs well. Not everyone CAN run. But damned near anybody can jog. Shit, I’ve seen people with full knee replacements who walk faster than some joggers. Shit ... some of those joggers are so slow that they look like they’re running backwards.”
“Okay ... alright!” she said in a tone of voice that made me believe I was off the hook. “I’ll start running with you. We can start next week. I have to get on the home shopping network and buy myself some tennis shoes and a cute outfit, before we start.”
“Huh?” I gushed. “Buh ... wait?”
“Bobby said you’d be like this,” she laughed. “He said you’d be all excited and geeked to get started. Give me your credit card number so I can order my stuff.”
I should have seen that part coming. Heather’s brother Bobby was my husband and lifelong true love. We fell in love in our sophomore year of high school and had never been apart.
We married a week after I graduated from college and have been doing the young married couple thing ever since.
I love Bobby, madly, but my husband has no idea about the value of money. Bobby dropped out of college in our second year.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s not some lazy couch-sitting slob ... in theory. In fact, you could say that he’s the owner of a successful small business.
The problem is that the business is VERY small. As in, my husband runs an interior and exterior residential cosmetic surface alteration firm.
It sounds impressive. His business cards say that. They leave people scratching their heads and thinking that it’s some new high-tech business. But the reality is that my husband and his best friend, aided by an array of extremely technical equipment, including a thirty-year-old, moderately dented pick-up truck, two secondhand ladders and a big jug of my world-famous lemonade, paint houses for a living.
In a good month, they can bring in six figures ... if you include the numbers both before and after the decimal point. Of course, sometimes you have to add a zero or two, but it’s still six figures.
The problem is that what it means is that I’m the one bringing home the bacon and watching every God damned penny to make sure our bills are paid on time.
But every time I turn around, Bobby is signing me up to pay for every needless expense and whim that anybody in our immediate or extended circle comes up with.
In this case, I really, really want to say, not only, “NO!” but an emphatic, “FUCK NO!” This is just a waste of money. Heather is the salt of the earth and she loves her brother, and he loves her. But there are three things that Heather isn’t. The first is svelte. Pushing a dainty 300 lbs., Heather just does not seem to possess the type of body that lends itself to success in running.
The second thing that Heather isn’t is determined. Running is not like Lipo. You don’t get to just go into an office, lie down on a table and have them suck the fat out of you. It is not a passive activity. In order to be successful on any level, you have to get out there and run, consistently.
You have to do it though good runs and bad ones, when you feel good and when you feel like shit, and that is NOT Heather.
And lastly it takes a certain degree of mental stability, which Heather probably ... let’s make that more than likely does not have. I could already see her getting bored, deciding to quit and blaming the whole episode on me.
Unfortunately, it turned out far worse than I ever expected. Heather went fucking crazy, as she often does. She got an entirely new hairstyle ... for running. She bought several lycra outfits in extremely loud colors and two pairs of the cutest, least suited for running, shoes I have ever seen.
“I gotta have those,” she whined. “They match the outfit.”
I think I did mention that Heather’s mental stability was questionable, didn’t I?
So anyway, there were a few expected results, and a few unexpected ones too.
Under expected results, let’s mark down the fact that Heather was unable to run for more than a few steps without collapsing in sheer exhaustion. In total, we wogged ... that’s a combo of walking and jogging maybe ... a hundred yards before we gave up for the day.
“Why didn’t you tell me that running was so hard?” she whined. I rolled my eyes skywards and silently prayed for the whole thing to be over.
Another expected result was that in her exhaustion, Heather would need to eat. Heather ate five triple Whoppers from our neighborhood Burger King. An unexpected consequence of the expected result was that Heather actually gained weight from running.
She got on the internet and swore that her weight gain was not only expected, but proof that running worked for her. Somewhere she got the idea that since muscle weighs more than fat, she was building more muscle.
I was very sure that wogging a mere hundred yards, had not produced the increase in her mass. I’d have sworn it was eating enough burgers to be declared a mass murderer of cows that was the problem.
Among the unexpected results, were the sarcastic cheers of random groups of men in the park. And judging from the way she smiled when random men whistled and yelled, “Good Lord ... look at that ASS!” I was sure that both sarcasm and the concept of subtlety were lost on Heather.
But the three biggest unexpected results were that A: Heather would badly break her ankle, on the second step of our second run. B: that everyone in the family would hold me responsible. And C: that I would like to run so much that I couldn’t stop.
I loved it. The biggest problem was that I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I also needed to figure out what kind of runner I was.
There are lots of different types. There are the solitary types of runners who always look like they’re in pain while grinding out the miles. There are the groups of men, women or both who look like they’re all just out for a friendly jog, who seem to be having a party while they run.
I was pretty sure I was the party type ... or at least I wanted to be. God knows I needed some fucking fun in my life.
So, on that fateful Tuesday, I found myself looking for a running group to join.
And fortunately, or unfortunately ... depending on how you look at it, I didn’t find one.
What I didn’t expect was that my life was about to change.
In college, as I’ve mentioned I was on the track team. I never had the chance to find out if I was good or not, because I was never picked to be in a meet.
We did a lot of group runs and the coaches chose the quicker runners to concentrate all the individual coaching on, while the rest of us were just cannon fodder.
And truthfully, I never asserted myself or tried very hard. I just liked the sweater you got for being on the team.
So that afternoon, as I headed for the park, I had no idea what was in store for me.
Bobby and his best friend “Herb,” whose name isn’t Herbert, tagged along. Herb’s given name is Thomas, but people call him Herb, because of the incredible amount of marijuana he smoked, even before it was legal.
Bobby and Herb were there for moral support. Which really means they were there to sit in the truck and play with their Pokémon cards while I ran. Apparently, there was no need to paint anybody’s house that day.
We got out of the truck and they quickly found a bench to sit on while I stretched.
I saw lots of runners. Henderson park is a beautiful, moderate sized park in Detroit’s near suburbs. One loop around the perimeter is four miles.
I saw groups of power walkers. Groups of joggers and a few actual runners. I was faster than a lot of them and slower than some others, so I guess I was on my own.
While I was warming up, I heard the loudest most warm sounding noise, ever. It was a car exhaust. A very dark, but not quite Navy-blue car pulled up.
A guy got out of the car. He put ear buds in his ears, clipped a tiny music player to the waist of his shorts and took off running.
Something clicked when I saw him. He was a black guy. He was about my age, with a chocolate complexion. He didn’t spend a bunch of time stretching or talking to anyone.
He did nod his head at a few of the runners. His warmup consisted of a few seconds of swinging his arms, then he did a few quick bounces to warm up his legs and he was gone.
He ran like a fucking deer. He was slim, yet muscular, with long legs that just ate up the ground beneath him. I was shocked. But I realized that I had just seen the type of runner I wanted to be.
Never having been accused of being shy, I took off after him. I wanted to study the way he ran and the things he did. The only problem was that ... I couldn’t.
I literally could not keep up with him. As effortlessly as he seemed to be running ... he was moving away from me like he had a rocket up his ass. And after about a mile, he kicked in the afterburners on the rocket and literally disappeared.
My normal run was just to go around the park at a comfortable clip and maybe ... if I remembered ... check my time when I got done. I had no idea whether any run was faster or slower than the previous one because I never wrote them down or remembered them. It just seemed like something to do.
Watching him run, suddenly changed the way I looked at everything. When I got back to the bench where my husband and his friend waited, I was exhausted. The effort of running hard during the first mile, trying to keep up with, “the guy,” as I called him, had tired me out.
For some reason, his car was still there, though. I got an evil thought. Maybe he’d been showing off and I had passed him somewhere in the park while he vomited his guts out and ended up walking back. I saw that a lot while I was on the team. People went out too fast and suffered all the way back.
I imagined him bending over, yakking his guts into the bushes along the side of the paved running trail and then slowly walking back.
The detail of the vision was so great that I could even see a small line of vomit that drooled from one side of his mouth, down his chin and onto his shirt.
The backs of my legs were tight. I didn’t want to pull a muscle or anything, so I leaned against the truck and did some stretches. I heard a couple of wolf whistles and my face turned really red.
I turned and faced the opposite direction, as I realized that not only could I watch the people going by, but they could watch me as well.
Everyone sees things differently. I just see myself as the same old girl I always was. I guess, I’m on the smaller side. At five foot two, I’m not going to be anyone’s choice for volleyball, basketball or anything else with ball in the title.
I’m also too short to be any type of model unless it’s for kids’ clothes. My legs are probably my best feature and that came from all the running I’d done in college.
As I thought about it, I suddenly realized that my running shorts, the type that competitive runners wear, were basically a pair of brightly colored panties. I also realized that they’d ridden up while I ran.
So, the guys who’d whistled at me were only reacting naturally to me bending over and flashing my nearly naked ass at them, in broad fucking daylight.
I finished stretching and reached up to open the door to the truck. Bobbie and Herb were so busy arguing about whose turn it was that they’d never realized I was back.
I glanced over and looked at the car beside us. It sat low and looked powerful. There were four pipes in the back with three bar shaped, vertical taillights on each side. The letters GT were centered between the clusters of taillights.
And that was where my fantasy ended. I heard a very light clip clopping sound and turned to see, him, the guy come running back down the trail and drop to a light jog as he entered the parking area.
There was a sheen a sweat all over him. He passed in front of me and the trunk of his car flipped open.
He looked at the expensive looking watch on his wrist and shook his head. The expression on his face was neither good nor bad.
He grabbed a towel from the open trunk and wiped all the sweat from his body. I noticed that the trunk of that car was nearly empty. It was also so clean you could eat out of it.
He pulled on a warmup suit then, which made no sense to me. He opened a small cooler and pulled out a can of soda. I almost laughed. This guy obviously knew nothing about running. He should have been drinking Gatorade or something like that.
And he didn’t stretch at all. Clearly an amateur. He also hadn’t looked at me once. Okay, I’m not a super model, but I am a young attractive woman with awesome legs and an above average body ... unless your definition of above average requires big boobs. In that case, I drop down a couple of clicks, but he really should have stared at or at least looked at me.
He got into his car, carefully backed out and drove away. As he got safely clear of the parking area, he gave it some gas and suddenly the car took off, leaving only a throaty growl, in its wake.
I stood there, dripping with sweat and dying of thirst, with my mind working overtime.
All kinds of questions and thoughts flashed through my brain. I felt invigorated, pissed, curious, jealous, embarrassed and angry all at once and for a variety of different reasons.
The invigoration came from the run. Running always made me feel good. The pissed feeling was because I had to get back into a filthy truck that smelled like weed, while I was already sweaty and becoming sore.
I blew the truck’s horn twice and Bobby stopped yelling at Herb long enough to look up. They both looked like angry, frustrated teenagers as they gathered their cards and stomped toward the truck.
They sulked the entire drive home, with neither of them saying a word. I didn’t mind, because I was too locked inside of my own thoughts to worry about theirs.
After the run I’d just done, I realized that Heather had lit, or at least rekindled something in me. I wondered then, why I’d ever given up running in the first place.
The answer was simple. I’d grown up and grown out of it. After graduating from college, I’d gotten a job to start Bobby and I down the road to adulthood. Those first few years had been very busy ones, while I adjusted to the new normal.
But there were other reasons as well. There were doubts. I mean I’d always thought that I could have been a good runner, but out of a sea of potential athletes, the coaches concentrated most of their efforts on the standouts.
That left the rest of us to simply plod along at whatever pace we chose, to serve as the crowd the standouts stood out from. My running career never flowered or bloomed because it was never fed or watered. I could have been a contender or at least a competitor.
Instead of blaming the past, I resolved to work on the future.
I ended up having to park the truck on the street in front of our tiny house. Heather’s rusty, nearly forty-year-old Cadillac was wedged in behind my car.
As I got to the porch, I noticed that she had her feet, one of which was still in a cast, up on the bannister and was either knowingly or unknowingly flashing her giant panties and cellulite riddled thighs at everyone who passed by.
She was eating a quart sized container of Chunky Monkey Ice Cream and humming along with a very old Britney Spears song, as I walked up.
“Heather, they can see your panties from orbit,” I said.
“Shit ... I should’a wore clean ones,” she said, making no attempt to put her legs down or cover herself. “Why are you all sweaty?”
“I went out for a run,” I told her.
“Again... ?” she gasped. “Why would you do that to yourself? Running is hard ... and it’s not fun at all!”
“Heather, I started running again for you remember?” I asked.
“Yeah and look at me now!” she spat. “I ran too much and now I’m a fat girl with a broken leg! Running is not good for you!”
“You ran twice!” I laughed. “The first time, you made it less than a hundred yards and ate a herd of cows afterwards. The second time, you made it one step before your ankle snapped and now, you’re eating a bucket full of ice cream.”
“So, what’s your point?” she asked. “Oh, forget about it. You’re some kind of running addict. I don’t know why I let you talk me into trying it. Anyway ... I need to borrow some money. I’m trying a new diet.”
“Adkins or Keto?” I asked.
“Those diets suck!” she said. “Tried ‘em both. They say that you can lose weight if you just eat one thing and nothing else so...”
“You are not on a God damned Ice cream diet!” I yelled.
“Yep,” she said proudly. “In a few weeks, I’ll be as skinny as you are!”
“So, what do you need the money for?” I asked.
“I need to buy some clothes in smaller sizes,” she said. “I won’t be able to fit these for much longer. I’m gonna want to show off my skinny new bod.”
I shook my head and walked past her into the house.
“Where are you going?” she bellowed.
I showered and made dinner for Bobby and a salad for myself. Bobby looked at me pensively while we ate.
“Pearl, Honey can we loan Heather some money for a couple of outfits?” he asked.
I felt like throwing my fucking fork through his forehead. By we ... he meant me. I was sure that he hadn’t suddenly got the deposits or fees from several houses he was scheduled to paint.
But I held my temper, because I loved him. And I plastered a smile on my face for the conversation I knew was coming. “Sure, Honey,” I said. “But remember that Heather hasn’t paid us back for the running outfit and the tennis shoes we bought her a couple of weeks ago.
And we do have several of our own bills that need to be paid.”
“As long as she owes us, we’ll never be broke,” he said, flashing me that big teddy bear smile that made me fall in love with him in the first place.
“No, Baby,” I said. “As long as she owes us, we’ll never be rich. Bobby do you have any idea how much money Heather owes us?”
“Honey, you know she’s good for it,” he said. “He wrapped one of his huge arms around me and gave me a squeeze. I immediately felt like that teenaged girl that I was when we met, all over again.
Then he trailed his fingers down my arm and started rubbing me. Before I realized it, our clothes were on the floor and I was writhing in that odd mix of pleasure and pain that sex with my husband involved, while trying to remain as still as possible so he didn’t accidentally hurt me.
Afterwards, I clung to him, holding him tight against me and dreamed of a day when I didn’t have to sacrifice the things we needed, for the whims of his crazy relatives. Heather was the worst and the nuttiest, but there were others who were almost as bad.
As soon as Bobby thought I was asleep, he uncurled himself from me and rolled to the opposite side of the bed. It was almost as if, once he’d fucked me, he had no further use for me. I knew that wasn’t true. It was just Bobby’s way, but sometimes, I wished...
The next morning, I put on my makeup and kissed my sleeping husband, before slipping out the door to head for work. I slipped into my spotless new, Ford EcoSport and noticed a stiffness in my legs.
I hadn’t felt that sore since college, and a thought came to me as I drove to work. The thought was about the guy.
Maybe trying to follow him, hadn’t been a bad thing. If I was sore as a result of it, then trying to follow him had made me work harder. Working harder is the way we improve. Perhaps trying to catch that guy would be good for me.
The problem with that was that I’d been going to that park once or twice a week since I’d started running with Heather. The previous day had been the first time I’d seen the guy, but I was sure that it wasn’t his first time running there.
So, I had to assume that the time I’d run yesterday was his typical time to run. That created a problem for me because I’d been thinking about doing some OT to help with the bills.
I decided that I could probably do both. And if it turned out I couldn’t, maybe it was time that Bobby got a real full-time job. I mean he couldn’t paint houses forever. Or could he?
Painting houses was never supposed to become his career. It had been a quick, easy way to make some money while we were in college. Bobby’s grades had never been the best, but he really struggled after high school.
And now at twenty-six, eight years after high school, this seemed to be his niche.
I’d begun to wonder if this was all there was. Would we become just another young couple who struggled to pay their bills and their mortgages every month, until they finally paid it off and lived in the same tiny house until they died.
Would we maybe someday have a child or two and continue to do the same things over and over with very little change until we died?
It seemed more like existing than living. I know that Bobby was happy. He didn’t have a worry in the world. That was one of the things I loved most about him. And I would do it.
I would gladly just exist ... for the rest of my life if it made him happy. And maybe this was all we were ever supposed to be. Maybe in life, my function, like back in college was just to be a part of the crowd that the good runners stood out from.
And then it happened. I thought about the guy, again. I wondered what he did for a living. I wondered about his house, and his family. I imagined him as some sort of spartan runner.
I’d read about athletes who were training for the Olympics or the World championships or a major Marathon, who lived for running. All they did was run, eat and sleep.
I imagined him running twice a day and living in a tiny shoebox apartment, where all he did was eat tuna, stretch, sleep and run. I imagined that he had no friends or anyone else in his life except for a grizzled old coach with a chip on his shoulder, who looked, sounded and acted like Burgess Meredith.
I saw them, making it to the race and losing to some world famous, gigantic runner from Russia, with a multimillion dollar shoe contract, and then dropping into obscurity because this was after all America, and except for the Olympics every four years, we don’t give a FUCK about track.
And I saw myself, running into him ten years from now. He’d be working as a bag boy in a supermarket on the rundown side of town. And I’d ask him, “was it worth it?”
“Huh?” he’d ask, while putting my tomatoes into a bag separate from Heather’s Ice cream, because I was sure she’d be living with us by then.
“Running!” I’d clarify. “Was it worth all of the sacrifices you had to make?”
“And he’d look off into the distance, with a slight smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. “Yeah!” he’d finally say, with a tone in his voice that implied that the jury was still out. “But I didn’t have much of a choice. It was all I had.”
And I realized two things at that moment. One was that at least he had his running. All I had was Bobby, I had literally nothing for myself. The second thing I realized was that an entire line of cars were all blowing their fucking horns at me, because the light had turned green and I was blocking traffic. I revved my engine and waited a few more seconds for the light to turn yellow. “Fuck all of you,” I smirked as I rocketed through the light just as it turned red and left them all stranded there for another cycle.
Later at my desk, I laughed at myself. The fantasy I’d had was probably based on one of those Rocky movies, with “the guy,” filling in for Sylvester Stallone. I really knew nothing about “the guy,” so my mind was filling in the details for me.
Another part of my mind reminded me that thinking about any man other than my husband was not good. I’d never given any thought to any man since I was fifteen and met Bobby.
My Boss came over to praise the way I’d handled several finicky customers a few days ago when their account rep had been out. “The next account rep opening is yours, girl,” he told me.
I felt awesome. But deep down I knew that I’d have to downplay it, if it happened. I didn’t want to emasculate my husband. Besides, it probably wouldn’t happen. Every time there was an opening, one of the managers with a son, daughter, niece, nephew or some relative, claimed it.
I’d put in applications time and time again, and my degree was in sales and marketing, but somehow, I never seemed to get them.
It made me think about it again. My home life, although filled with love, was not the way I’d envisioned it. My work life was also both stressful and unfulfilling. Maybe running was all I had too.
I called Bobby.
“Hey,” he answered.
“Are you painting?” I asked.
“Nothing to paint,” he answered. “My next job starts next week.”
“Good,” I said. “I wanna go to the park to run again.”
“Aren’t you still tired from yesterday?” he asked. “Aren’t you sore?”
“I’m sore from somebody jamming a telephone pole into my pussy,” I whispered. “But if he wanted to do it again, I’d let him.”
“Uhm, the park sounds really good,” he said. “But you need to be careful with all of this running. Heather broke her ankle ... remember?”
It was all I could do not to laugh.
“And Herb isn’t coming,” he said. “He’s always cheating or making up ridiculous rules when we play.”
On the drive home, I was excited. And surprisingly, so was Bobby. I found out later that he’d downloaded a new game onto his phone and had bought a car charger. That meant that he could play for as long as he wanted.
I wasn’t sure if I was more excited about the prospect of running again, or about a chance of seeing the guy.
It made no sense, why the hell was I so ramped up over a guy who hadn’t given me a second look?
An argument with Bobby over which vehicle we’d take, delayed us more than I expected and as a result, we got to the park later than I wanted.
My heart both leapt and sank as I noticed that his fancy Mustang was already parked in its spot.
I was happy that he was there but saddened that I’d missed the chance to try to catch him again. And then I had a thought. The previous time that I’d been there, he’d done more than one lap. I got an evil glint in my eye, as I started stretching and got ready to chase him down as soon as he passed.
I also realized something else. Last time we’d started out at about the same time. This time I’d be fresh, and with a lap under his belt, he’d be a bit more tired than I was. My chance of catching him, or at least maintaining the distance between us was greatly improved.
“Are you gonna run or is this just yoga?” spat Bobby. I went over and kissed him. I walked as slowly as I could, hoping my unwitting running partner would appear.
“Remember what you promised me,” Bobby smirked. I have no idea why, but suddenly the sight of the smirk on my husband’s face pissed me off.
“Who needs a promise?” I spat not realizing or caring that I was loud enough for the people around us to hear. “And promise or not, don’t you get to stick your giant dick in me any time you want anyway?”
ForewordBDSMLibrary does not have a tag for it, so I am going to spell it out here: this story has elements of horror and ?vore?, but no snuff.I have to make apologies to JC Leathers for using a snippet from his ?Tamara's Extreme Bondage? ( in a less than flattering way: it is a really hot story if you are into encasement!Anybody who writes at the intersection of science fiction and sex ends up being in debt to the great PJ Farmer. His...
Time is a lie. There is no past, no future. There is only now, only this moment together. Only you, only I, only the moon hanging in the clouds like a tarnished ghost.We have just returned from a lifeless black tie gala at the art museum. We stand at arm’s reach from each other. A full moon shines through your open window, grey and cryptic, spilling moonlight across your face. Your eyes twinkle, your lips part, yet you do not otherwise move. I watch your chest rise and fall as you breathe. You...
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The ocean raged like a wounded beast miles above them, whipped up by the violent thunderstorm passing overhead, but the tempest barely registered eight hundred fathoms beneath the surface. It certainly did not register to Tess, intent as she was on the moonlight colored pearl she held lightly between her teeth, readying herself to push it with a trembling tongue into the waiting labial lips of Eperia, her secret lover and the captain of the underwater seaship known as the Kraken.The true black...
SteampunkI’ve decided the last few chapters of this book should be Mikal’s summary. Of all of us, he has probably had the most interesting year. While a lot has happened to me too, I think the others have summed up my major achievements in their way. I know that I’m a very content man. Being surrounded by the huge loving family that I have managed to gather just makes me an even happier one. I find plenty to keep me occupied and having my kids has also been a major distraction, towards which I’ve...
Other Places, Other Faces: The Pearl by Raven Part I: The Pearl "Me sol hohny, Mister," cried the beautiful Thai girl. She couldn't have been more than 18 years old, but she had the breast development of a more mature woman. In fact, she had the largest, firmest, and juiciest tits that I ever saw on an oriental girl. It only added to her exotic air. It was a shame that the girl, Kiki, couldn't speak any English other than the few garbled words given to her by her...
This was my tenth pickup, and frankly it didn't look too promising. They'd picked a popular watering hole that was featuring the first two drinks free for ladies. Granted there was a large selection of women to choose from, but I didn't think I'd find what I was looking for. Let me explain a bit about myself. My name is Jim Fellows and I'm sixty-seven, although after the Confederation treatments you wouldn't know it. I look twenty-six and fit. I'd been married to the same wonderful...
As she walked, Patience Gardiner was a bit surprised to find herself remembering passion. She could call it that now though she would have not then. She had been raised, as was proper, to think of these things modestly, if at all. That morning when he had stroked her hip she had crossed her legs very firmly and turned her face into the pillow even as he touched her oh so gently and she felt her will leave her. As Patience skirted the boulders perched along the cliff’s edge, she smiled to find...
Sunday morning finds both Emma and Donald waking contently. Though Emma is a little confused as after forty years waking in the same room at her house, now rousing in different places is making her head spin a bit.They go and take a long leisurely bath in the large tub the hotel room has. Donald washes her slowing, caressing every inch of her body as he soaps her. Then he lifts her up to settle on his hard cock as she faces him this time. Emma moans with delight to feel his cock so up in her...
Love StoriesAfter their nap and giving of the most recent pearl, Donald and Emma, now back to that state, get up. They have a nice dinner together chatting about how both felt about that day’s play. Now with no plug-in, Emma eats, after the long day with the tail in her. Their conversation then turns to general things. Emma talks about having painters come in to make her house much more enjoyable after all the old furniture is removed. Which the auction house is yearning for her to release all of...
Love StoriesSoon after, Donald and Emma go to bed. As he holds her close to him, which he seems to do to automatically now, Donald thinks about what he is planning for Emma tomorrow. Neither of them has any appointments, obligations or must be anywhere, so it will be a full day of preparing her and playing this new game out. He only hopes that she will enjoy it.When they wake on Thursday morning, Donald tells Emma to go tan and get massaged. Now, nicely tanned, and even the suit marks disappearing, she...
Love StoriesAfter Emma earns her pearl, Donald asks her if she is hungry, and wants to have dinner? She does hear her stomach rumble a little, she hasn’t eaten since yesterday, and tells him it sounds like a great idea.At the kitchen table, Donald prepares her ass for the plug. Yes, they do need to keep working at this, but now, he has her press one up in him too. Together they feel that wonderful rush as they eat.He brings the food to the table, and while they are both plugged, naked, and with Emma’s...
Love StoriesWhen Donald wakes and sends Emma off for her morning pampering, he wonders if what he wants to ask Emma to do to him today will be more than she can handle. He must word it just right, and hopefully, she will agree. Now he will not press her to do anything more than she can endure. If she feels unable to, they will just move on to another pearl.After their bath, as they sit at the kitchen table eating their breakfast, Donald broaches it a little. Before sitting to eat, Donald again puts a...
Love StoriesMonday morning, they wake like a long together couple. There is a contentment between them now, and a routine started, even if it really hasn’t been that long. Emma goes and tans, and is massaged, they meet in the shower and wash each other. Donald does Emma’s hair and makeup before dressing her. Him preening her this way is something they both realize they enjoy immensely. Him caring for his pet, her being pampered by her prince.Donald chooses her wardrobe for the day, and there is no...
Love StoriesThis story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...
FantasyAt the spa, after having her manicure and pedicure, Emma is still a bit aroused from Donald’s massage and thinking about seeing Sasha again and wonder what will happen today. She is so disappointed when there is a different woman there to trim and wax her today.She adjusts to this disappointment realizing it is just some of the punishment from last week and Donald must have arranged the change. It is probably for the best.This woman is so businesslike and to the point. There are no warm...
Love StoriesA tale of war, murder, greed, lust and romance… and a famous string of pearls. 1/8 The tumultuous 20th century was fizzling out, like a spectacular fire-cracker spewing out the dying embers of its explosive payload. Sergei Androvich was enjoying a life of self-indulgent decadence at his luxury villa in Odessa, on the Black Sea. Like several other fabulously rich high-profile Russians, he had made a staggering fortune out of the collapse of the Soviet Union through cheap acquisition of...
The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...
LesbianAnn and I had been having a torrid affair for several months at the time. I was eating her pussy and fucking her at least once a week, sometimes more. And I can thank her husband, Dan, for the privilege. Dan is a very busy executive for a large government contractor… busy that he doesn’t have the time to satisfy the enormous sexual appetite of his hot, redheaded wife. When he is home, she says that he just sits all wrapped up in his recliner watching sports on TV. He treats her more like an...
CheatingThe sweat trickled down Lillian’s flushed cheeks as she curled her fingers tightly under her thumbs, her small fists concealed by the loose cotton smock as she prepared to punish the drawn face leaning over her. Only inches above the child’s trembling chin, the ten year old bully looked around at the other girls for assurance then turned back and with a sneer born from daily desperation, spit out a burst of venom, ‘ If you don’t believe me, you just ask her.’ ‘I will. I’m gonna tell my momma...
By the time they have played out the story which Rick had outlined for them, had something to eat, cuddled a bit watching tv, and finally fallen into bed, both Emma and Donald were so satisfied with their lives.But, what had been left undone, from Emma’s mother diary which they had read at the beach, needs to be addressed. They do know each other so well, but the exploration of each other fully will so add to their attachment. And to Donald’s new understanding of sexuality in a...
Love StoriesSaturday morning Donald wakes up and begins thinking about where he wants to lead Emma today. He lays with his arms around her as he wonders if he should. Does he really want her to do this as he watches? It is taking her to a different level, and as he ponders his plan, he realizes he is not sure about this. Emma is so open and outgoing now. Will he be able to watch what he wants to happen?Emma stirs awake and rolls to be embraced completely in his arms, her head against his chest as he...
Love StoriesFriday morning Donald and Emma wake early; it is just after six o’clock. Donald tells Emma since her spa appointment is not until noon, he wants her to learn how to do something from Karen and Julie this morning.Emma looks at him quizzically.“Emma, one or the other of them would give me massages during the day from time to time, but now with you, I want you to learn how to do so for me so that I can feel your warm hands on me instead,” Donald explains.Emma is pleased about this; she is afraid...
Love StoriesWell this story is about how I get lucky to fuck my innocent and sexy sister. Her name is Pearl. Well, firstly let me tell you about my sister, she is 23 years old, have 5ft 5 inch height, fair in colour, having a figure of 36-28-36. She has very sexy and round tits, she is a modern girl. And taking about me, I am 21 years old boy, having a height of 6ft and a good body. We always have a very good relation, n love each other like brother-sister, but everything changed after this incident. Well...
IncestIt was a particularly fine day, late one summer. I was returning home from work after a stressful day. Traffic was bad to say the least and knowing that my daughter was planning to meet her girlfriends for the evening and that I would be late, I decided to ring home to let her know and that I would see her when (if) she got home that evening. Sally was bright as always when she answered the phone but her mood changed quickly when I explained my predicament. "Honey I'm sorry," I said. "But I...
IncestAh, the joys of having a whole day to one's self. To do absolutely nothing but laze around in the sun listening to music and get caught up on what ever insanity the internet is offering this week. He groans with a little burst of contented pleasure and rubs his stomach absently, pushing the almost threadbare teeshirt up so that he can get a few rays on his skin before the sun sets.The redhead will be pissed, he knows that quite well. He'd promised to clean out the garage once and for all on...
Years ago, after my divorce, I did what most new divorcees do: I blamed myself the whole thing. It must have been something I did or didn't do that pushed him away. It couldn't have been the fact that he was just a lying, cheating bastard. So as a result, I went out of my way with the next man in my life do everything I could to make him happy, figuring that was the way to keep him close. This is a story about one of those attempts. Sex with my ex had been good, at least I had thought so,...
They sleep for a few hours, both overtired from all that has happened that day, that week. It is dark when they awake together. Smiling goofily at each other both remembering what has occurred, Donald kisses her as he hears her stomach rumble.It does amuse him what a good appetite Emma has. She will eat lustfully at each meal they have, and while never asking for anything later, he can always tell, even without the rumblings when she is craving something to eat again.“Shall we spend the...
Love StoriesOpals and Pearls by Caitlyn Masked ------------------------------------------------ This is my first story written specificaly for publication as a story and not a captioned image or picture based story. While any and all comments are welcomed, I'd certainly love any feedback for this story as I hope to be writing many more. ------------------------------------------------ When I first got our membership at the exclusive Artemis Club, Opal was pissed. It was the known that the...
Blowing CometComet, my 5 year old golden retreiver, and I have been playing for a coupleof years now. But until recently I've never been able to get him to mountmy mouth. It finally worked.We usually start out playing around on the floor with each other. I'll gethim a bit excited, then reach under him and rub his sheath. As soon as myhand makes contact he stops and stands perfectly still. He knows what iscoming.I'll stroke his cock a few minutes till it starts peeking out. Then...
Comet Quetzalcoatl—technically Comet C-2014/UN271, but called Comet Q because of some inane conspiracy theory connecting it to the gods of the Aztec calendar—curled across half the sky, visible even in the daytime, looking to Lena like the arched eyebrow of a disapproving parent.Surely the end of the world was at hand.It meant nothing of course; the comet was just another dead space rock from the Oort Cloud, unfortunate enough to be visiting Earth’s neighborhood at a time when science was...
ExhibitionismDonald and Emma go to bed early Friday night. Between the amazing events of today and wanting her to be fresh and well-rested for tomorrow, Donald gives her a sleeping pill to take and puts the mask over her eyes to help her fall into darkness and sleep. He holds her tight, so she knows she is safe.But Donald does not have a good night. He tosses and turns as he has a horrible dream which frightens him some. But that part will be told later.In the morning, he removes Emma’s mask and sends...
Love Stories'Midnight-Pearl' (by Eve Adorer) Introduction 'Midnight-Pearl' is the true story of Emma Jones told by Emma herself. Emma, a mixed race Jamaican-Welsh girl, had found subconscious racism a keystoneof her secondary education. The only expectation from Afro-Caribbean girlsat her original senior school was athleticism. In this Emma had not disappointed,being the inter-school long-distance running champion for several years insuccession. But Emma also had brains and beauty, and was determined she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my self methew its a real thing happen to me as i got a chance to get a rid over my aunt (my father's cousin sister)to whom i have fantesise a much since my schooltime she is a teacher by profession with a age of 36 having a good figure of 36 28 38 with 5'9" inches of height. she is unmarried and alone. earlier when she had been transfered to our place as she is a lady her parents prefer her to stay with us at our house and my parents accepts the...
IncestThe hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...
The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently. We had to go, because Amy was getting a 10 year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting use later in the evening. Amy wore her little black dress, which makes my pussy wet whenever I see her in it. God that woman is HOT! I suspect she...
Coming out to my family was a rather simple affair. My parents and brother I knew their love for me wouldn’t change. I told them when I was 18 just before i went to uni it didn’t change anything (as is typical with gay men, my father was the hardest).my dad just said ok son and left the room .i just sat ther think he hates me .just then he came in and said Dad-" you still like football and rugby" ?Me -i said of course i do Dad-"good so we can still go to the match on saturday"Me - thanks dad...
After we chatted Comet and I went to the basement to play. He seems to havebetter control if his paws are able to grip something, his back paws Imean....his front paws are wrapped tightly around my waist ;) , so I usuallyplay in the k**s basement playroom. It has an area rug in it. But rightnow it is full of boxes and stuff while I redo daughters room. Anyway....So I took him into my workshop area.Hmmmm... what to do about the hard floor. Grabbed a painting dropcloth froma shelf, canvas...
The following is an idea that started buzzing around my head and may spawn other stories. If this inspires anyone... please feel free to use the premise if you like. Feel free post this to any place you like. All I ask is that you keep this header and my name on it. Cometary Debris: The Buzz ? by: Hawkyn Carl and Don walked out the door and waved back at the two young rangers standing on the porch waiving back. "Thanks guys, I'm sure we can find the campsite with these...
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2009 Robyn34. All rights reserved. Encountering Luck By Robyn34 Malcome McDowell never believed in luck before. Not until now. Not until that one day when, looking at the indoor flora and fauna at Vegas' newest resort, he spied it. It. The ultimate in good luck charms. The ultimate...four-leaf...
Cometh the Sissy (Part 1) Stevie "No. No fucking way." "Ahh, c'mon honey. It'll be so much fun! It's about me not you. I just need you there as, well, sort of a training aid. I promise you that you'll love it." "It's gross, seriously, some fat old man, what the fuck are you thinking about?" "It's about power. Control. Desire. I want to see if I can do it. You'll out all day and I'm doing my online classes and shit, there's only so many dildos and vibrators. I want to...
Kelli and Cathy had been best friends when I met Cathy. They remained close after Cathy and I married. I also worked at the same firm as Kelli's husband, Joe, and although we got along we weren't buddies. He had an aggressive, confident personality and I always seemed to be the target of his jokes and comments. Kelli worked as a hair stylist and often spent time with Cathy. Also, Cathy did like to do things with them as a couple, so I put up with his wisecracks. One thing we both liked to...
“The trees sure look pretty now.” “Yeah, Ted. Too bad there aren’t more people out appreciating them.” “Oh, I don’t know. Come here. Mph. Mmmm.” “Mmmm. Like you wouldn’t kiss me where people could see.” “Mmmm. Come deeper. Mmmm. Now into this corner. Mmmm.” “Ted!” “Nobody’s around. And the trees hide us anyway. And if somebody comes by, I’ll press in front of you. Nobody else will see your tits.” “Still...” “Still, they’re beautiful. Your face is pretty, but your tits are gorgeous....
COMEUPPANCE By Geneva A dominatrix gets a surprise from one of her clients. Note: This story has no magic or transgender. START Almost without exception, I have found funerals boring and depressing, with their pervasive air of gloom and the sight of stupid relatives getting all weepy. Then there was the tedium of having to listen to routine eulogies by whichever clergyman the funeral home had on call or been able to rope in to talk about someone he probably never knew....
Hi raviendran(fake) name as im afraid my image may get spoiled if i say my correct relative of a famous camera now trying to get a movie.i have been in film industry for past 10 years.first i tried direction but cant in going to tell u about a story which i saw 1 year back.i wont say the name of the guy and actress who did this but u can understand. It was end of shooting of a movie song in which comedy man became hero for second time and the actress...
Claire knew that anyone driving past would think she was crazy– sitting in her Mazda, screaming at the passenger seat as if someone were there– but she was past caring. He made her so angry. Blake Anderson. She wished he was in the car so she could scream at him in person. With his blue eyes and his square jaw. If he’d been there, he would have just shook his head slowly smile that smug smile of his. Look, Claire. She’d have been screaming so loud the people across the street would hear her,...
BDSMUnwelcome Philip Johnson Prologue Good and bad things often come into our lives without warning, and that’s how it was with Ben Whitehead. A simple impulsive notion to alter his homeward travels just so he could spend a short time dwelling on a place and time from his childhood. All so innocent and understandable. Something that many might consider doing, especially on an impulse. Who would ever think that something so innocuous could ever lead to a whole string of life altering events?...
Hello, everyone, My name is Charan and this incident in this sex story occurred during my time in Chennai. I had to move to Chennai from Bangalore a few months after graduation as my company had temporarily placed me there for my training and probation period. I joined up with 2 other guys and took a small apartment for rent. The apartment was a fairly old one and looked like a budget pad. However, It was close to our workplace and spacious for the money. The extra space came due to an...
I wasn't looking forward to going home. Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance (she's just as warped as I am)., it's just that ever since her sister moved in with us, our lives have been a living hell. She is the biggest bitch I've ever, ever had to deal with, a true hapa princess, sweet sixteen and as sour, sarcastic, and foul as any girl or woman I've met. Her mother and father, while treating my fiance like the proverbial worthless daughter they wished they had killed at birth,...
Author's Note I have written this story with idea gained from two sources — one from a lady relative of me and another from a friend of me. It is said this lady's children were born to her through her own brother because her husband was impotent. Reportedly she did it with the full knowledge and consent of her husband and her in-laws. This was done by her to get a larger share to her husband in his ancestral property. I know this lady from my childhood. In fact her children and I were...
I stared angrily at the wall of my apartment. I had struck out again with the ladies, facing yet another Saturday night by myself. "What is wrong with you?" I asked my reflection in the window. At 28, with a stable (albeit low-paying) job -- just enough to rent this 300 square foot studio apartment, buy food, pay bills, and save about $200 per month if I was frugal -- I was stuck in a rut. I was undistinguished in looks. I had a bland name (Jimmy Jenkins), a 10 year old Nissan with 111,000...
Hello all, I am classy from bangalore and people can contact me on if u like to pass any comment I am back with my remaining part of the incident which happened in the spa.Thanks for the response given by many readers. Now getting back to the story, as I said last time my monster was half hard and the lady n the massager were smiling. Seeing that I was feeling a bit uncomfortable with it and suddenly the lady asked me am I ok or is there any problem? I said nothing as such but little bit...
Hello all, Myself classy from bangalore. I am a regular visitor of iss and I have read almost all the stories posted here. Now I myself reached a time based on many encounters I went across all these days from my teenage so that I can share it here in regular intervals. The readers over here can contact me on my email id if you like to get in touch with me for any reasons. Now coming to the incident which happened several months ago, this is not my first sex encounter but a memorable one which...
“Daddy, I need a hundred dollars,” lamented the youngest Pearson.“For what,” the father of three inquired. “I need to get my hair done for homecoming and some other stuff too.”“Alright,” he said hiding his annoyance. “I’ll send it to you in a few.”“Thanks, Daddy! You’re the best!”“Sure I am,” chuckled the five-foot-ten, physically fit, 47 year-old.“I love you. Bye!”“Love you too.”That phone call had taken place two years ago. It spawned Ronnie Pearson to speak to his wife. They were having a...
Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as...
She loaded her stuff in the car and thought to make sure she got everything she would need. She got behind the wheel and started her car up and put it in drive. She was on her way to her long time friend, who she hasn’t seen in about 7 years. She pulled away slowly and headed out towards the countryside. She drove mostly highway the entire route. When she got to the exit on the highway, she veered off and came to the end of the exit. She made a right turn and followed the road like the...
As things go, we became friends.. really good friends actually.. Porsha swung back on her chair one morning while our teacher was busy.. “Hey Brad, do you know my friend Haylie?” “If you mean Haylie, small,Blonde hair blue eyed Haylie in our science class, yes I know Haylie” I don’t think I hid the fact that I thought she was a goddess very well… “Weelllll, She’s been asking about you.. She thought maybe you and I were a thing, I told her your all hers…” And That’s how it started.....