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"Please come in dad. I'm really glad that you decided to accept my offer and move in with us, now that mom is gone." "I'm still not sure if I really should, dear. I don't want to be a burden to you or Vivian." "Oh, please dad, you won't be a burden at all, I can promise you that. Vivian is already so excited to have you around, she doesn't talk about anything else." "It's just... it's all so sudden." "I know, dad. Please come and sit down so we can talk about everything. I realize you have been in the house with mom for many years, I get it. It may feel like a huge change to you, but we are going to make you feel like it isn't. We already prepared a room for you." "Thank you, Eveline." "You are welcome, dad. It is really for the best, the house would have been too big for you all by yourself. I know you took care of everything without any help, but why would you want to keep doing this on your own, when you can be here with us instead?" "I suppose you are right, Eveline." "Don't say it like that dad. You know I am right, don't you?" "Yes, you are, dear." "Then say it dad. Say it without making me feel like you have doubts." "You are right, Eveline." "That sounds so much better, doesn't it? You have been to Mrs. Monroe to sign the papers, like I asked you to?" "Yes dear, I have been there this morning." "You have been there, but not like you asked you to dad. She called me earlier, regarding your appointment, dad. She said you asked her all sorts of questions. Helen is a very busy woman and she was kind enough to set aside five minutes of her schedule just for you this morning. Didn't I specifically tell you that the appointment was only for you to sign the papers?" "Yes, dear, but i..." "But you decided to waste Helen's time instead. She has been such a help dealing with the testament and sorting it all out with me. We have been over this all before. I told you it has all been arranged in the way mom wanted it to." "Yes, but..." "Please dad, why do you have to be so stubborn? I know what this is about. I know what you want. I already told you we can't release any of moms possession until this is settled." "I did sign the papers, Eveline." "Yes, but you did embarrass me with your behavior and you will have to apologize to Mrs. Monroe." "Eveline..." "On top of that, you derailed the appointment so much that she forgot a very important part of your signature. We are going to call her right now and take care of this. I have two notes for you here. Once you have said your apologies, I need you to read the second one loudly and clearly so Mrs. Monroe can record it and add it to her files." "But Eveline..." "Shhh, I'm on the phone! Helen? It's Eveline. ... Yes, I have talked to him, he is very sorry. Dad, the first note if you please." "I.. I am very sorry for my behavior this morning, Mrs. Monroe. I have no excuse for speaking out of place. I want you to know that I had been told otherwise by Eveline. Please forgive me for wasting your precious time, I assure you it won't happen again." "Very good dad, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now the second note. Are you ready Helen?" "...but if i read this..." "Just the note, dad, nothing else! Three, two, one go! "...I declare that I am of sound mind, that I have read and understood the contents of these documents. I have been made aware of their legal significance and I have signed them of my own free will without any coercion." "Perfect! I am glad this is settled now. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience, Helen. Yes, you can get right to work with what we talked about. Oh? What is it? That is an excellent idea! I love it! It's perfect for him. No, not at all. It's not too much. It's quite adequate for what he did. I'd say at least a hundred. But of course he deserves that. Don't worry, I make sure to think of something he'll remember." "What was that about Eveline?" "Nevermind that now, dad. Aren't you glad it's over? You know it is for the best that I get the house even though it was technically "your" house, but that is how mom wanted it and we need to respect her wishes, don't we?" *Sigh* "I suppose so." "What?" "Yes, Eveline." "Yes, what?" "We need to respect Carol's wishes." "I told you that I don't like you to call her that, remember? Say it properly!" "We need to respect your Mothers wishes, Eveline." "Yes, we do. You live in my house now, dad, and these are my rules, and I don't want to have to keep reminding you about them. It feels disrespectful not only to mom but to me as well." "I am sorry Eveline." "Let's leave it for now. It's been a stressful time for all of us." "Eveline?" "Yes?" "Can we talk about my..." "ME me, me, me me! That's really all you can think about, is it dad? I know I promised you that I would give you the key to the chastity device once you signed the papers, but considering your behavior with Helen today, I'm not so sure I need to honor that promise." "Eveline, please." "Let's face it dad, mom had you wear it for a reason. Why would you want to take it off now? Sex? Who would you have sex with? Masturbation? Certainly not in my house! I think I will keep this key for a little while longer and we'll see how you behave and how you follow my rules. Mom always said you were so much more compliant when she kept you locked, you understand that I'm not eager to find out how you behave when you aren't wearing it." "It has been months, Eveline, please." "Then what's a few more weeks? I don't want to hear another word. We will talk about it again once you have settled in." "Yes, Eveline." "In fact, I will be the one who decides when we talk about it. I don't want you to bring it up at all. Every time you do, I will delay that decision further. Do you know what I mean?" "Yes, Eveline." "Good! Now, Helen thinks you deserve a little penance for the scene you made today at her office and I absolutely agree with her. She suggested I make you write some lines like a naughty little boy. So, tonight before you go to bed you will sit a little detention and you will write 100 times: "When I have an appointment with Mrs. Helen Monroe, I will be quiet and listen and do as I'm told. I will not waste Mrs Monroes time with inane questions, because that is not only disrespectful to Mrs. Monroe but also disrespectful to my daughter Eveline who has given me explicit instructions on how to behave." "Quickly now, write it down once so you don't forget, and be sure your lines are neat and legible dad, because you are going to bring them with you and present them to Helen next time she needs to see you. I don't want you to embarrass me again!" "Yes, Eveline." "Speaking of embarrassing me, I hope you have left the house in order like I asked?" "Yes, Eveline." "Every room has received a thorough deep cleaning?" "Yes, Eveline." "The cars too? Inside and out?" "Yes, Eveline." "Nothing in the laundry? Everything washed, ironed, folded and put away?" "Yes, Eveline." "All of Mom's things are in order? All her shoes and all jewelry polished? "Yes, Eveline." "What about your breakfast dishes from this morning?" "I washed them and put them away." "Nothing in the trash?" "No, I threw it out this morning." "What about your clothes from yesterday? Your dirty underwear?" "I packed them, they are in my suitcase." "What about your bed?" "I made it of course." "Yes, but you slept in it, didn't you?" "Only once...I just changed it yesterday." "Dad!" "I'm sorry Eveline." "You should be! What a gross oversight. I have no choice but to give you another detention tomorrow, dad. I am going to think of a good line for you to help the message sink in." "Yes, Eveline." "You knew Helen was going to inspect the house today. I'm texting her now to tell her about your filthy bed. I hope there won't be any other issues for her to find or there will be more than lines to write." "I understand, Eveline." "I can't believe It has only been ten minutes since you moved in and you already messed up twice. I expect you to do a lot better." "I'm sorry Eveline." "You can be sorry later, dad, right now I need to show you around. Remember I promised you you won't be a burden? That's because you will be helping around the house. Come on, follow me into the kitchen, we need to get you started before Mrs. Pembrose comes in at 11:00. She will cook lunch and dinner for us and you will help her in the kitchen. You will be setting the table and serving the meals and you will be doing the dishes. Mrs. Pembrose will show you how to cook breakfast so you can do that every morning and she is also in charge of the household. I told her you will be available for domestic duties. See, there is already a cleaning schedule on the wall over there, it will tell you which rooms need to be cleaned on what days, how often you need to change the beddings, when to wax the floors and all these things. Today you will do the kitchen and my bedroom. "Eveline...?" "I'm still talking dad! Here is the door to the basement, down there you will find the washer, the dryer, the ironing board and the laundry chutes. There is already a ton of laundry waiting for you. You need to take care of that today as well. The delicates will need to be washed by hand and hung to dry. You will find them in the laundry baskets in our bathrooms, be sure to check them daily, because I want all laundry to be taken care of on the same day. You will manage your own time in between your other chores. Everything needs to be washed and dried before you go to bed and all laundry must be ironed and folded by next morning. So, If you can't iron everything on the same day, you can always get up early the next morning, as long as you finish before you start making breakfast. Isn't that convenient?" "Eveline, I haven't even unpacked yet!" "I don't see your point dad, but let's do that right now then, It will make you feel more at home. Come on, follow me to your room. Keep up! You are very slow, we will need to work on that. And here it is. There is your bed and a closet and there is even a little stool and a table, where you can sit and write your lines and behind the curtain on the far wall, you will find your sink and a toilet. Now put your suitcase on the table and let's unpack!" "I... I don't want to keep you, Eveline." "You are not keeping me at all. We are spending some quality time together, dad, don't we? What's that there in the bottom of your suitcase? It looks almost like a dress. Look at that, is that made from black velvet? And that lovely peter pan collar and the puffed sleeves! This is gorgeous, dad, it's almost looks like a maids dress, is there an apron to go with it?" "Eveline... I...can explain." "Mom made you wear that, didn't she? I knew it had to be somewhere, and since you knew that Helen was going to inspect the house, I figured you would pack it and try to hide it from me." "It's not like I wanted to, Eveline. Your Mother insisted. I was not always wearing it. Only on certain occasions..." "When you had been bad you mean? Like now, by trying to hide things from me?" "Eveline, please!" "Don't worry dad, I'm not going to make you wear this." "Thank you Eveline." "...no, I'm having a much better one for such an unruly sissy as you are, take off your clothes dad." "But Eveline... Ahhh, what are you doing? Let go of my ear, you are hurting me!" "Maybe Mom was right and that's the only language you understand dad! When I tell you to do something you need to do it, or I will drag you around by the ears a lot more. Now come here, behind that curtain with you, and when you come out I want you to wear nothing but your chastity device, you hear me?" "Yes Eveline." "Hurry up dad, you have one minute! Now look at that, no wonder Mom kept it locked away. it's so small, it couldn't have done anything for her when it was free. Now, open the closet drawer, dad. You'll find everything you need there. Let's start with panties and a bra. you know how to put on a bra, don't you? Next a nice tight panty girdle, to hide that little bulge your cage makes, and on top of that a full body girdle. I made sure the sizes are all a bit too small for you, so no wonder you struggle to get inside. Now a pair of pantyhose and a pair of white tights on top. These are your daily basic foundations! You are required to wear these every day at all times in my house. "Eveline?" "These are the comfortable ones, dad! You should be glad you get to wear those for now! Now open the closet! There is a selection of maid dresses. This is the one I had in mind for you. It is made from heavy worsted wool and lined with burlap. The tall collar is not only starched but reinforced with some sturdy leather and the skirt is nice and tight to give you a more feminine stride. A few weeks in this one will have you wish you could wear your own, I bet." "The lovely big rows of white, starched ruffles under your chin, around the hem and on your cuffs are going to be a nightmare to keep clean, but you better manage! Mrs. Pembrose doesn't like an untidy maid and she believes in corporal punishment. In fact she told me that regular maintenance spankings do wonders to keep domestic servants on her toes, so you can look forward to that." "Oh, you look lovely, don't forget the headpiece and the apron. You must tie both of them into perfectly shaped bows every time, and you will have to wear heels dad, so you can reach the high shelves in the kitchen. Here you go! Isn't that funny? You are still shorter than I am. I will never understand what mom saw in you." "She was..." *slap slap* "I told you how I want you to call her!" "Your Mother was.." "What did mom call you dad, when you served her as a maid? "Do you remember?" "She... your Mother called me Sophie." "Not exactly. She called you 'Zofe', that is the German term for a handmaiden. But I think it sounds close enough. So, we are going to call you Sophie from now on and that is how you will introduce yourself to guests." "I..." "Speaking of guests Sophie, Helen will join us for dinner today to tell me all about the inspection. It could take some time and she may want to spend the night, so make sure there is a second set of beddings on my bed, do you understand?" "Y... Yes, Eveline" "Of course you will call her Mrs. Monroe and she may want to give you some more lines to write, which you will accept with gratitude, right?" "But Eveline, I..." "Quiet you will curtsy and say thank you for every single line Mrs Monroe gives you and that is that!" "Yes, Eveline." "Speaking of addressing people in this house. Vivian wants you to call her Miss Vivian. When she comes home at 2:00 I want you to greet her at the door. You will curtsy, take her coat and bag and follow behind her to her room where she may dismiss you or give you tasks to do for her. Mom has told her everything about how you pampered her and she can't wait for you to do the same for her. You will treat her like a precious little princess and do anything she tells you to." "Do I really...?" "You do! Vivian is looking forward to this very much, dad. Don't dare to ruin this for her! I want this to be an educational experience for both of you, that's why I am going to put her in charge of your account. She will have to learn to be smart with the monthly sum of your retirement money and can't expect to get any other support from me. Don't worry, I told her that she must give you an allowance and take care of any needs you have, that will also be a good motivation to be nice to her, won't it?" "I... Eveline this is..." "This is absolutely necessary, dad and you already signed the papers, remember? I don't want to hear another word! We are done here, you can start with your duties now. I will introduce you to Mrs. Pembrose when she comes in. I don't really want to have too much interaction with you once she takes over. I will leave it all to her expertise to make you function quietly and discreetly." "Eveline... why?" "Why? The only thing mom ever wanted was that you remember her fondly, that you cherish the time you spent with her. She never felt like you showed her the appreciation she deserved, dad. So, that is what I'm doing. Every day with mom will feel like a vacation to you and you will understand how good you had it. It is what mom wanted, there is nothing more to it." "..." "Wait, there is one more thing I just thought of. I guess mom never told you that you are not my real father, did she? Anyway, thinking about it, I believe it is best when you call me Miss Davenport from now on." "You..." *slap* "Say it!" "Yes, Miss Davenport." "Good! Dismissed!"

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I first met Kimmy through a mutual friend and she instantly made an impression on me. Literally – we first met at a local concert and as she surfed overhead I got beamed with an army boot. But when we finally got talking, I didn’t mind the potential concussion. She was a cool girl to know, smart, pretty, funny. It turned out we had plenty in common and plenty to talk about, but as far as I could see our relationship was one of friendship and nothing more. It’s not that I didn’t find her...

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I Do This for YouChapter 7 Next morning

The next morning I woke up with John's hard penis pressing up against my ass. John had stopped by that evening at around 9pm, with Indian take-out, and had never left. "But..." I stuttered, "what about Kathryn?" He just shrugged. "I told her I had a family emergency, and I wouldn't be back until Monday." "Well, no way you're spending the night!" I had said. But one thing led to another, and now here he was, behind me, snoring away. How had I gotten into this situation!? I...

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Lisa and Suzi Do HollywoodChapter 3

To get out of her contract, Suzi knew it was best to go straight to the top of the ladder. Thus, she telephoned the porn company's CEO and president, and requested that he be at her house later that afternoon. The man, whose name was Robert, asked for a reason why, but Suzi declined to tell him. She simply said that it was an important matter, and needed to be discussed in person - not over the telephone. Suzi had netted Robert's company millions upon millions of dollars over the past...

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Desi Boy Flexing Muscles With An Slutty American Lady

The online world can be a funny and erotic place. You meet a lot of fake people, at the same time you meet horny women. Continuing with the excerpts from my life, I give you another tantalizing literotica event. Enjoy reading it. A foreign woman is a delight to any desi boy. We boys watch an enormous amount of porn filled with naked white women making our cocks dance to their tunes. Luckily, I found one right in my city, not that she is a pornstar but an amazing American lady. She was married...

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TouchMyWife Kate Dee Curious Cock

I have always been a little curious, what would it be like to watch my wife fuck another man – one with a big dick? When I get a video from Kate Dee in sexy lingerie, her huge tits peeking out, I’m a little surprised but intrigued. When she pulls a stranger’s big cock out to show me how she sucks it, I’m nervous but turned on. She starts riding the stud’s cock as he slaps her phat ass. Her pussy is a real clinger & you can see how it grips on to that big cock...

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MylfBlows Megan Maiden BlueEyed MILF Blowjob

Silky black hair, beautiful blue eyes – there is little explanation needed when describing thicc hottie Megan Maiden’s sex appeal. This MILF loves using her mouth to please big cock, and she does it well! She gets on her knees and take our stud’s girthy boner on her hungry tongue, sucking and slobbering while she makes gorgeous eye contact. Her blowjob skills impress as she licks the head of his boner rapaciously. And she doesn’t stop there… this lucky guy gets the full MILF experience as Megan...

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Behan ho toh aisi 1

Hello, doston mein sameer .Aapne meri pehli story mere lund ki deewani padhi hogi.Ab doosri story,meine apne behan ki choot mein sara pani chhod diya.D boli sameer kya hua bahut jaldi tumhara lund murjha gaya.M bola ke tumhara munh kis liye hai jaan.D uthi aur choosne lagi mera lund thodi he der mein 7′ ka khamba ban gaya.M tayyar ho gaya .D boli abe randi ki aulad meri choot kaun choosega.Harami pehle mujhe apni zaban se chod .M apni randi behan ki choot mein khujane laga us ki choot ko chat...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 2

It was one hell of a lunch break, too, as I tried to eat my lunch, only to continue to have female attention, though so did Ryan and Jordan ... at least at first. However, when Ryan and Jordan got suspiciously cozy during their double handjob with Katrina Vandernoot, the head of the cheerleading squad, the gig was up, and someone from shop class let slip what took place between them and me. Katrina stunned us by not making a face, but pressing the guys together and having them make out. She...

1 year ago
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Majgen Ch 017

Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Home)=—- ‘Little Human, wake up.’ ‘What is it?’ mumbled Majgen, not at all in the mood to wake up. ‘I need to tell you something.’ Aejoa picked her half-sleeping body up. ‘I’m tired,’ protested Majgen, and snuggled against him, preparing to sneak into another nap against his chest. Aejoa...

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Yvonne after SteveThe Plumber the Rugby Team

Yvonne replied "If you'll have me that long." Steve smiled and said "Back to bed with you before you change your mind." Her reply was flippant, "What's wrong with the kitchen table?" She stood up then sat on the table and leaned back on her elbows allowing Steve's shirt to fall open exposing her breasts. Steve stood and grabbed the waist of her panties and pulled them off. Just as he was about to plunge his cock into her wet, waiting pussy he said "Do you mind if I ask you a...

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Equal Shares Ch 38

‘So, Stan, you think you’re up to looking after two women’s needs, again?’ Stan snorted. ‘Not if it’s going to be like last night all the time, Denise. I’ll have to hire in help!’ ‘Yeah, right. Try it and see where it gets you. Although…’ Stan stuck his tongue out at Denise, who blew a raspberry in return. They both laughed at one another. They were sitting at Stan’s breakfast bar drinking coffee. Denise had brought in some cereal, and they were both eating a bowlful. Last night had been,...

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Earths CoreChapter 19 Silver Lining

From smiling to heavily panting. Turan turned pale and his body fell on the floor, motionless. Zax released a bated breath. He succeeded. His experiment was affective! Previously, when Turan punched his left shoulder, he might have unintentionally sent the soul energy that dwelled in his arm through Turan's fist. If that was the case, then it was comprehensible that the alien energy did not carry a malicious intent and its effect was meager and only stopped Turan for a short second without...

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KidnappedChapter 6 The Hunted

It was midnight before Ricky and Dean arrived at his office. His cute, big chested dispatcher had been entertaining his only other Deputy and me for almost an hour. I asked him where Special Agent Webber had been lost when he showed up without him. "Agent Webber is searching an area North of town and will not be joining us tonight. I'll send someone for him when and if we need him." "It's strange you should mention North of town. That's where we need to be looking ourselves. I have a...

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Bobs Gyno Fetish

"Hi, I'm Bob. I'm 34 years old, and I am a 'gyne-holic'. I cannot seem to get rid of this vaginal fetish. I've done a lot to try to satisfy my urges, but I seem to need more. Once I get what I want, maybe I'll be done ... maybe not." "Bob, thank you for coming to sexaholics anonymous. Tell us more about your fetish." "Well, I am obsessed with ... ahem ... pussy. Not just fucking it, that's normal. Me, I always want to look inside the pussy, probe it, explore it, reveal it, open...

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Secret Lives Chapter 28

She grabbed one hand, Jess grabbed the other and we all took off to the elevator. Once inside, they practically pounced on me. Both of them were kissing me and each other. There were hands and mouths everywhere and it was often difficult to know whose was whose. I was achingly hard again and getting desperate for release. How we got to the room from the elevator is beyond me. It’s all just a blur. As we entered the room, the lights went on and the first thing Sarah did was go to the window and...

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My wife loves sex

Yes…. my wife is a slut. Ok…. I get that, but many people think the word “slut” is extremely derogatory or for whatever reason think that a “slut” is someone who is poor. My wife is just the opposite. She is very religious, very well known in her community and we are certainly not poor. Gracie will often proudly refer to herself as a slut! Plain and simple…. My wife loves sex….. alot of it. I like to see her have sex… alot of it. Men ask me all the time… ”What is it like being married to a...

4 years ago
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Time Traveling for LoveChapter 2

I got back in and punched in the date and pressed GO. I started walking to the football field at the high school both my sister and I graduated from. It was about ten blocks from the Time Machine. Such a beautiful day as the crowd filled the stands. I found a place to stand out of the way as the events started. I remembered that I had a big test that day that my college professor wouldn’t let me reschedule, so this will be a real treat for me. The speakers had the usual things to say, as...

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Pickup at the doctors office by john johnson

I went to the front desk to make to pay my bill. A guy was standing therewith his 6 year old son.My first thought was, "What an incredible body."My second thought which pushed my first thought out of the way was, "God, Iwould love to suck on that."He was about 5' 10", probably 30+, black wavy hair, outdoor tan, with ahard muscular boy to die for. He was wearing jeans and a form fittingsleeveless light blue t-shirt. He wasn't handsome but his body made up forany visual deficiencies.He was a...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 Mountains of Emotion

Gordie had already taken control of a significant portion of the nontelepathic slaves before attempting to use the drug on me. He had decided I was the weakest of the telepaths since I hadn’t been able to recover completely and had also believed I would be the easiest to brainwash because of my age. So much for what he knew. After freeing Penny and a few others I could trust, I quickly made the rest of his slaves loyal to me and undid some of their programming. After spending an entire day...

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Abducted by Aliens

You awake with a start in the middle of the night. Your bed is surrounded by creatures that are obviously not of this world. You are unable to move or speak. These aliens transport you to their ship. Once they have you on their ship they strip you naked and strap you down to an "exam table" and begin their work.

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Being A Male Escort In Pune

Hello to all Indian sex stories dot net readers. My name is Shivang pursuing engineering in reputed college in Pune. I am 22 years old.My body stats 6 feet tall with an athletic body.To get massage service or to have a pleasant fucking session drop me a mail on sweet hearts.Girls, aunties and it working chicks who are in and around Pune can approach me for dating, massage, short term relationship, long term relationship.Sex services by using Kamasutra technique you might have not yet heard or...

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My New Friend by Docker5000

By Docker5000 Introductory. A young lad moves to the other end of the country with is family. He meets a very shy lad of his own age at college and the two become the best of friends. His new friend then lets him in on a little secret! Chapter 1 (READ) First day at my new school. New Friend and New Enemies! James Spencer now got off the bus opposite his new college. He just stopped and watched all the people going in and out of the college. James was not good in crowds and he...

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Helping Cute Sister

Hi ISS readers and my name is Pradeep and I am here with a True story about me and my cousin sister. If you guys like this story or if you are from Hyderabad and interested in group sex with me and my cousin sister please write to me. Now on to the story, this is a story about my little cousin sister Priya. She is my uncle’s (dad’s brother) daughter. I am 28 years old now and I still remember the day when Priya was born. I was 10 years old then. All family members were very happy because she...

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tell me if you like this joke

Three dogs were sitting in the waiting room at the vet's when they struck up a conversation. The Black Labrador turned to the yellow Labrador and said >> " So why are you here ? " The yellow Lab replied, " I'm a pisser. I piss on everything....the sofa, the curtains, the cat, the k**s. But the final straw was last night when I pissed in the middle of my owner's bed." The black Lab said, " So what?s the vet going to do ? " " Gonna cut my nuts off " came the reply from the yellow Lab. "They...

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School nurse

Nurse please look after me.Bit of a young boys fantasy of mine since back at school, lets bear in mind by the last year of school, I had hormones all over the place, very mature for my age, and a cock to match.I was always blessed with a vivid imagination and the school nurse fit this criteria just perfect. She was the sort of lady, who although had to match the whole 'teacher-pupil' persona whereby she could take zero shit, I could see deep down inside she had a very dark, sexual underlying,...

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LIBRARY FANTASY SERIES The Making of S the Story

LIBRARY FANTASY SERIES: THE MAKING OF “S,” THE STORY OF “S”FOUR“S” GOES ON A JOB INTERVIEW By Pornmaster1. ©2011. All rights reserved Mouth stuffed with her Master’s cock, S now understood that it had been a test. Being face fucked by Master meant that she’d passed. She was glad because her new life of lust now devoured her and dominated her senses, and she didn’t want to let it go. From finding the phone number in her car, to the timing of this meeting, her master wanted to see how submissive...

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The Best Fucking I Ever Got

By: Deepalkapoor Hi readers, I am Deepal Kapoor male, I have had a sex encounter once with the servant of my neighbour, and I even write about it on ISS some or maybe more than 6 months ago, and have written all about my body shape and colour tone and all in that story named ‘Ass Fucked By Servant’ in this same section (Gay). Well after that sex, I had no one to tell about my experience since it is not at all accepted by everyone, so I decided to write my experience down on ISS And named the...

Gay Male
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Gloryhole surprise

It was a late fall afternoon when I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late in picking me up so I told him I would be walking home and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park I needed to go to the bath room really bad, so I went to the public restroom all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise.While doing my business I felt something thumb me on the back of my head. I was in shock when I...

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Where Darkness Ends 01

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 1 The white dress was flowing in the warm breeze as I was running across the meadow. The wind, now and then, blew my hair around, making it covering my face so that I had to wipe it away again with my fingers. It was a sunny day in spring, and the first flowers had just opened their blooms. After a while I reached a large tree surrounded by soft, green moss around its root and I sank down, out of breath....

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Penny my wife for other mena true story of our s

Was it planned? no, did we think it could happen? it was something that had never entered our heads, but once it happened there was no going back….ever.Penny and I had met through my younger sister and hit it off right away. I won’t be k**ding you about tall and beautiful big tits and sexy legs, we were your normal twenty year old, Penny 5′ 3″ slim with nice pert tits and tight ass, me 5′ 8″ also slim and a bit bald on top. One thing which was different or at least unusual Penny was a virgin...

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Bill N HaleyChapter 20

Mizz Patel’s turn: “Thank you, Doctor Seavers, for allowing me this visit,” I said. I know, this sounds so deferential. My mother drilled into me that a little subservience is often the key to opening doors, so I determined from previous conversation with this man that it would be a good approach. What do I gain? Position. Certainly not for ME. My position within Auburn University is set. I am comfortable, my reputation enhanced by the fact that some of the students I recruited, the...

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The GameChapter 12

Sarah tasted Ann's orgasm for the third time that evening. The young florist was a total submissive, squirming, twisting and whining beneath the police detective as they shared their nests in a classic sixty-nine melding of naked bodies. Sarah had almost cum once, but she wished, as she always wound up doing, for someone different. The moment women found she was a police detective they wanted, expected her to become the dominant partner. What they failed to realize was that after several...

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