- 3 years ago
- 21
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Previous story is The Engineer Plays On.
South Farm Amanda had said. Hmm ... it was a big place, but also in poor condition, nothing had been done to it for years, decades probably, and the outbuildings weren’t much better. Still, it was food for thought, but fairly swiftly if I was going to do anything. And that muscle control was something I’d like to sample again. So, meeting of the family I think.
Everyone had been invited to supper and the subsequent meeting but in the event there was Wendy, Ruth and Diana, Melody and Madeline. I explained what it was all about and invited opinions. Basically the three ladies were in favour, at least in investigating, and the girls weren’t particularly worried. So it was agreed that I would make an initial contact.
“Does anyone know anything about the people who own it, Cedric and Annie Woodward, I think,” I asked.
“Yes,” said Wendy, “They’re in their sixties, they have two daughters who don’t live there, and as far as I can tell don’t visit very often. The whole place is pretty rundown, Cedric doesn’t do much in the way of farming and I don’t think he ever has. Rumour has it that Annie is the one who owns the place, it was her grandfather who left it to her, skipping a generation.”
“He spends most of his time down the Mucky Duck, drinks like a fish,” put in Melody. “Nasty old bugger.”
“I’ve met Annie,” Diana said, “she seems quite nice.”
“Yes, she is,” said Wendy.
“What about the daughters?” I asked, but nobody seemed to have met them or know anything about them.
Striking whilst the iron was hot so to speak I arrived at Home Farm in my old Landrover the next morning. The first thing to greet me was a snarling dog, followed in short order by a snarling farmer.
“Yer the pervert from up the Gables ain’t yer.”
It might have been phrased as a question but there was no doubt that it was a statement.
“Good morning,” I said, with some small effort not to rise to him. “I understand that you are interested in selling the farm.”
“No I ain’t. Same as I tole the rest of ‘em, piss off an’ don’t come back.”
At this moment a well built lady sailed around the corner of a barn.
“Cedric! You can piss off yourself! Go and do something with your sheep, and take your mutt with you.”
This, I thought, sounds like a happy marriage.
“You must be Diana’s husband, I’m Annie Woodward,” and she held out her hand.
“George Smith,” I said shaking her hand.
“I would apologise for Cedric, but there’s little point, he’s always been like it and he’ll never change. Come in and I’ll make coffee.”
I followed her into a large kitchen, typical of what you would expect of a farmhouse, stone flagged floor, ‘ware sink with taps mounted high enough to get a bucket under, beechwood drainers and a couple of kitchen cabinets that were undoubtedly pre second world war, a large pine table and chairs, and above all an air of being cleaned and tidied as and when needed, and it wasn’t needed very often. She shifted a big kettle onto the hob of an ancient Aga. Probably I thought, as I sat at the table, old enough to have kept Noah warm. She bustled about making coffee in a cafetière, and as she did so I saw a woman in her mid sixties, tall and well proportioned, a lined face still showing the beauty that she had been, with long flowing light grey hair. She set the coffee on the table together with a jug of milk, a bowl of sugar and two mugs.
“I’ve heard a lot about you George, you don’t mind if I call you George?”
“No, no. No problem.”
“Call me Annie. Now. A lot of the people from the new estate have no idea who you are and since they don’t mix much in the village I can discount them. Then there are the people in this village who used to talk about you, not in very nice terms, and then they seemed to clam up. Since all of them had something in common, being on the parish council or socialising with that set, I couldn’t help but wonder ... and then there is almost everyone else and they say good things about you.”
She looked at me quizzically, but I decided to do no more than shrug a shoulder.
“So I’d say you’re the sort of man who likes to get his own way and you don’t mind too much if you have to use a little ... leverage. But you look after people and you reward loyalty. And you are prepared to don your armour and ride into battle if you need. What do you have on the colonel by the way?”
“I couldn’t possibly say.”
“Never mind, Dolly is one voice that sings your praises, and curiously so does the colonel now. And their baby is lovely, if a little late in life. Now, you may wonder why I am going into all this. Do you want more coffee?”
“Erm, yes, that’d be nice.”
Annie made some more.
“As I’m sure you know I own this farm, not Cedric. My granddad left it to me because by the time he died my father was ready to retire and not too fit, and there might have been two lots of inheritance tax paid in a short period of time. When I was young and extremely foolish I married Cedric, something I have regretted almost every day since. He always was a lazy useless little bugger, and after the girls were born I was very ill for a long time and the whole thing went downhill, which is why you see it as it is today.
“What I want is quite specific, and not everyone will go along with it, and what I need to do is make up my mind whether I can trust you. Amanda says that I can, but she may have an ulterior motive because she wants one of the houses and a couple of acres to grow organic vegetables. As if we haven’t always!”
“Amanda? The parish clerk?”
“You know very well that’s the one because she’s why you’re here, and I know very well that you’ve bedded her. She’s my niece, my younger sister’s girl. She unfortunately died of cancer a couple of years back. Amanda comes to see me quite often and I can tell she’s been ... well satisfied, something her Kevin has never achieved, despite having four children. So putting that together with the number of times your name comes up in her conversation I’d say that was a certainty.”
I could almost see her making her mind up.
“Right, do you want to hear what I want?”
Annie had me really intrigued, she was very far from what you might expect, so I said, “Of course.”
“I don’t want to sell the farm at present, but I do want to get out of this draughty old building. There are several cottages here, none of them liveable at the moment, but they could be done up without too much trouble. I want one for me to live in, with, I suppose, a second bedroom for Cedric. I want an income so that I can live comfortably and provide him with enough cash to drink himself into oblivion. Get the place valued and make me a proposal.”
“What about your daughters, do they come in to this?”
“Eventually. They aren’t interested in the property. They were driven away by Cedric, he’s never actually molested them, but he did make them feel so uncomfortable that they left. I go and see them quite often. They have their own business in London doing some sort of hospitality.”
“A couple of things occur to me,” I said. “First I might need to sublet the land, I’m not a farmer and second I’d like an option to buy at some time in the future.”
“The first would be no problem, and the second, I’ll have to talk to the girls about that.”
And with that I left to put my thoughts together. I called Amanda as I left to tell her that I’d talked to her aunt. She decided that she’d like to talk about it face to face and was waiting for me when I got home. She seems to be learning new tricks with those muscles every time I umm ... see her.
Architects, surveyors, lawyers, between them the next couple of weeks were pretty hectic, not forgetting that there was a business to run at the same time. I had to drive Annie half way to London to meet her daughters. They turned out to be identical twins and a couple of pretty sharp cookies. We met in the lounge of a large hotel. The meeting was cordial and they confirmed that they would sell to me when their mother died. Obviously that was going to need tying up legally but that would be no problem. They expressed considerable interest in my business and I have to admit that that interest caused me to wonder exactly what their business was.
“Auntie’s very impressed with the way things are happening,” Amanda told me when she came round for ... an update. With benefits.
“Good,” I said. “By the way, what does Kevin think of your umm, muscle development?”
“He almost never touches me nowadays. Much more interested in seed catalogues and all the paraphernalia that he’ll need. Far more exciting than sex.”
“He doesn’t...?”
Oh well, more for me, I suppose, although I do have other demands. And I did find that a little worrying, it isn’t a recipe for a lasting marriage. The wife is liable to find satisfaction elsewhere.
Everything else seemed to be carrying on just fine. The gym was doing well between my two slaves Diana and Ruth, the bondage equipment business was almost outstripping our ability to supply and there were a number of new items under development in conjunction with William and his amazing collection of Victorian gear. Wendy’s side of things with the bespoke corsetry was running her off her feet. I also had several other items that I had designed which were now going into production. Although I would only receive royalties from these it was nothing to be sniffed at, and would be providing a lot of the finance for the Home Farm project. Joanna was doing well at uni and my son Michael was off doing something academic and anthropological, but I hadn’t really understood what it was. The little ones were no problem at this time, but at some time in the future a nanny would probably be a good idea. Vera was all right as a cook, but meals were becoming a bit of a problem due to her situation and she wanted to retire. Melody was almost never home, her career had taken off in a big way and she had already featured on the front cover of a well known fashion magazine. Unlike the size zero models, skinny and often less than pretty, let’s be honest some of them are pretty awful, she was actually very attractive and sexy and cameras loved her. She could walk onto a catwalk in dungarees and a flannel shirt and people would look at her not the practically naked sticks draped in whatever. So that was a big plus and Wendy was rightly proud of her.
It took nearly a month to put everything together and arrive at a proposal that both Annie and my lot were happy with. Once that was in place things started to roll. Initially getting Annie’s house up together was the most important thing, but clearing out barns and the buildings around the farm courtyard, and getting the house started were also a priority; time is money.
Annie’s suggestion that Cedric would drink himself to death was almost prophetic, almost because it wasn’t actually the drink that killed him. But just under six months from our first meeting, whilst staggering back from the pub, he was knocked down by a car. Almost no one, particularly Annie and her girls was sorry about him, but everyone felt sorry for the car driver who was deeply traumatised by it.
The funeral wasn’t attended by many, but I have to say that Annie and her girls did look very good in black. We had a last minute rush to get Annie’s house finished so that she could move in and have her daughters, Jacqueline and Jillian, to stay. Jacque and Jill, yes honestly, I did ask Annie what she was thinking of when she named them and she just said that it seemed like a good idea at the time. They were a handsome pair, there was beauty, but there was a certain hardness about their looks. Both were average in height with slim, almost boyish figures. Whilst they were here they decided that they just had to visit and see what we did at The Gables. Annie decided that she would come with them. I wasn’t sure whether this was a good idea because I was already wondering about the girls, but she insisted that whatever it was she was going to be living next door to it, so it was best she knew. The corsetry was of of great interest to them but when we got to the dungeon they really got excited. I got one of them, I really couldn’t tell them apart, although I did realise that this was because of clever makeup in addition to their natural similarity, to stand on the frame, and in moments had her trussed like a lamb for slaughter. I left the pair of them for a moment and went to sit with Annie on the chaise longue.
“You know exactly what they do for a living don’t you?” I said to her.
“And so do you,” she replied. “I’m very proud of them, they’ve taken a natural ability and enhanced it and made a damned good living out of it.”
I laughed “Yes, but I suppose me having a professional interest helps.”
It was at this point that a thought struck.
“I’ve had an idea. Hold on, I’ll be back.”
I popped out and asked Wendy if she had something that would fit Annie.”
She thought. “I’ve got a black number that was cancelled. It can’t be far off. Do you want me to come and collect her?”
It took a moment or two to persuade Annie to go and try something on, there were a certain number of ‘Oh no, I couldn’t possiblys’ but she went with Wendy. Meantime Jacque released Jill from the frame. They were particularly taken with the cuffs.
A few minutes later my slaves Diana and Ruth arrived. We were in the process of introductions when Wendy arrived towing Annie behind her. The effect was stunning. Yes, she was in her sixties, yes, she was no lightweight, although as I’ve said before, not fat, and with her long hair she looked regal. If you can look regal just wearing a corset, although Wendy had permitted her to retain her knickers.
She did look a little embarrassed. Jacque and Jill were delighted and oo’d and ah’d grinning widely.
“So what’s your idea,” she asked, “or was it just to make me look ridiculous,” indicating Diana and Ruth who were laughing.
“Oh, we’re not laughing at you Annie, far from it, you look great, really, but we’ve worked out what George’s idea is, and it’s brilliant, but whether you’ll go along with it is another matter. Go on George.”
“Well, Jacque and Jill are dominatrix, and as you can see Annie fits the bill as well. So the idea is to run this place as a sort of, umm ... hotel. For people who appreciate the sort of attention they could provide. I dare say everyone will want to think about that, and I haven’t worked out any details, but as an initial reaction what do you think?”
There was silence. Jacque and Jill looked at each other, and then at their mother.
“Well she looks the part, and as I recall she always had a sharp tongue when necessary,” said Jill.
“I agree,” said Jacque. “We need to work a lot of things out though.”
“Well, yes,” I agreed. “But as a basic idea...”
“Do I get a say?” asked Annie.
“Of course darling,” said Jacque taking her by the hand. She was leading her mother over to the frame. “did you see how this works, Mummy? Look you put a foot on here and one here, and...”
Jill fixed the cuffs.
“ ... there you are. We could all do this for a living, wouldn’t that be fun?”
“Now you two vixens let me go this instant,” said Annie, struggling.
“Oh no, come on George, what do you do now?”
“We usually snip knickers off,” I said, doing just that.
“And then?”
I tilted the frame slightly to get a better angle and discovered that older ladies get excited too. I started licking somewhere around her left knee, proceeding slowly upwards. When I got near the top I went and started on the other one, all the time massaging the flesh showing beneath the corset. The noises coming from above me varied from ‘what and you doing’ to ‘oooh’ and ‘Aahhh’ and when I got to the top and started nibbling on the fleshy bits and searching out hidden parts with my tongue there was something like a volcanic eruption taking place.
There was a round of applause from the audience. I stood the frame upright as Annie came to, bright pink with embarrassment.
“My God! That never happened before! And with an audience!” she paused. “Any one of you says a word outside this room and you’ll answer to me.”
This was greeted with general laughter.
“See? Just the tone we need,” one of the twin laughed.
The others left the room heading for coffee in the kitchen whilst I helped Annie off the frame.
“Now,” she said, grabbing me by my belt, “there’s a chaise longue over there and if you’re as good as my niece seems to think then I want a sample. I been without for far too long and what I had was rubbish.”
We were late for coffee, but Annie was definitely thinking that my proposal had a lot of merit.
I was project managing the works on the farm, and making sure that everything was on schedule, so I was spending some time there, usually in the mornings. I decided against letting the land. Yes, I know, I’m not a farmer, but there are plenty of good people who are. So what I needed was someone who would take over the management of it. We’d need some modern buildings, the old ones could be put to better use, some already earmarked for Wendy’s and the BDSM equipment businesses. The problem was taxing my mind, because I really didn’t want to lose control over the land surrounding the house and businesses. The problem solved itself just after Cedric died. I was on site sorting one or two things out when a big Japanese four by four turned up. A chap about my age got out and walked towards me, whilst a girl got out of the other side and followed him. Everything about him said farmer, and successful one too. We shook hands and he introduced himself.
“Edward Groves,” he said, “and this is my daughter Jennifer.”
He was a tall, well built and fit looking guy with a clean shaven rugged face and dark hair brushed with grey, and she was a stocky girl, with a confident capable air about her, a handsome face topped by a shock of curly brown hair.
I shook hands with the girl, a nice firm handshake. “George Smith,” I said.
I looked back to the man.
“You’ve got a lot of land Mr Smith.”
“Yes, I have.”
He grinned. “Shall we cut to the chase?”
I nodded. “Saves time.”
“I have a problem and I think that you do too. You need someone to manage the land and my problem is that my son James, Jennifer’s older brother, is beginning to take over from me, and Jennifer and he are at war over how to run the farm. She wants to go organic, and James thinks it’s a waste of time. You’ve got land that qualifies as organic. So if she ran this, I can give oversight if you want, then that would solve your problem and stop the war at my place.”
“I better explain,” I said. “I have control over the land and can let it as I see fit, but it still belongs to Annie Woodward. I do involve her in anything to do with the farm, keeping her in the circuit as it were and I have to say that if she really objected then I’d take notice. So rather than I make an instant decision, let’s go and sit down with her and you can tell me about yourselves, particularly Jennifer.”
I took out my phone and called Annie.
“I’ve got coffee going already, reel ‘em in. I know of Edward Groves and he’s got a reputation for straight dealing.” She said all of this without me making a sound.
“We’re expected,” I said, leading the way.
I introduced them, and we all sat around the table. I gave Annie a brief rundown on the conversation so far.
“So, Jennifer, tell us about yourself,” I asked.
“I studied agriculture at Aberystwyth and have a degree in plant sciences, I’ve always worked around the farm of course, but I went to work on other farms during holidays so I’ve got a reasonable knowledge and I want to specialise in organic production. James just reckons the more he can get out the better, but I don’t agree. Mum was talking to the Lady at Melcombe Grange and she said that you had this land, so I persuaded Dad that it would be a good idea to ask. That’s about it, I suppose.”
Not the best of sales pitches, but with dad present it was difficult for her.
Edward finished his coffee. “I’ve got an appointment in town,” he said smiling. “If I leave her with you for a couple of hours...”
“Don’t worry,” I told him, “I’ll drop her back later after we’ve been into things a bit deeper.”
And truth to tell I wanted a look at his farm to get a feel for things.
I saw him out and then came back and asked Annie if she would look after Jennifer for a few minutes. I wandered off and did not a lot for a quarter of an hour to give Annie a chance to talk, well, listen mainly, I valued her opinion.
When I returned we went out to tour the land in my old Landrover. We were now getting much more enthusiasm from Jennifer and she was excited by what she saw as the possibilities.
Whilst Jennifer was wandering ahead of us I looked at Annie.
“What do you think?”
“You’ll need a lot of money to get it going.”
“Yes, I’ll have to sort something out.”
“Use the farm.”
“I can’t do that, what happens if it all goes tits up? It’s your retirement at stake.”
“Not if you isolate the buildings from the land, and in any case, I think this young lady will make it sing.”
We returned to Annie’s and I took Jennifer off for lunch at The Gables.
As we were eating I asked her what she thought about it. I made sure that her enthusiasm didn’t infect me, I could see plenty of problems but...
“Have you done any sales or marketing or PR courses?”
She shook her head.
“Okay, we’ll have to do something about that”
She looked at me questioningly.
“All very well producing stuff, but you have to sell it and you have to know where. People don’t beat a path to your door unless you are very lucky. Now we’ll have to sort out a motor for you.”
“I’ve got my own car.”
“And what is it?”
“A Corsa.”
“Excellent ... for students. Why does your dad drive that big pickup?”
“Well, it’s useful round the farm, not that he does much, but he’s a successful farmer and ... Oh!”
“Just so, first lesson in presentation. Get the right image.”
Does this mean that we’re going ahead with this?”
“Yes. Better sort out a salary and whatever. You’d better get your plans sorted, I’ll want oversight and so will Felice.”
“Accountant. Now, I know your dad said he’d give oversight but to be honest he’s family and I’d rather have someone who is independent, would you agree?
She grinned. “Yes, definitely.”
“You’d better have a look at what we do here so that you don’t get caught by any awkward questions.”
We went over and she had the tour, and no, we kept it all at a businesslike level. Heavens, do you think I shag every female that comes near me?
Annie, of course, wanted chapter and verse, and she’s just as bad as you lot, and almost refused to believe that Jennifer had left without, well, you know. She was delighted with the whole idea and I thought that the girl would have another granny.
It was a couple of days later when I arrived back at home from site and coffee with Annie, to find Diana and Wendy entertaining Jacque and Jill. Shortly after I arrived Wendy asked if I could pop out and help with a decision regarding a particular order. When I returned there was only one person sitting at the kitchen table. Jacque or Jill?
She rose and took my hand leading me towards the stairs.
“Guest room is free I believe.”
We made our way up the stairs and I directed her to the guest bedroom. I’m not sure why it was called that, bedrooms just seemed to get used as required. We started taking each others clothes of as we went in the door. We were in a deep lip lock so it was slow going, but she managed to get my shirt off first followed by my trousers, whilst I only managed her jumper, revealing small conical breasts. The next thing I know she has my pants off and is on her knees giving my todger a workout with lips and tongue. After a minute or two I pulled her up and removed her jeans after which we ended up on the bed and I slid my hand down across her stomach and into her knickers.
And that is when I discovered that Jacque was in fact Jack, and they were not identical but fraternal twins. My hand had encountered something very small but definitely not female.
Now I’m completely non judgemental but this wasn’t the usual way of finding this out. So not only was the makeup designed to make them look the same, it also covered up certain other differences.
I drew back from the kiss and looked at a face that was having difficulty in restraining laughter.
“Well I wasn’t expecting that,” I remarked.
At that she, sorry, he, cracked up and spent the next couple of minutes in unbridled laughter. I have to say that it didn’t strike me as being particularly funny.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “But you were going to find out sooner or later and Diana thought this way would provide some amusement.”
I leant over and continued the kiss where I had broken it off. It was, after all, a very nice kiss. She hesitated for a moment and then joined in. A short while later I drew back.
“I’m sorry too,” I said, “but this is beyond my experience to date, and I’m really not sure what I feel, so I think I’ll take a raincheck if you don’t mind.”
She smiled. “Take your time. I’d like it if you decide that you can, but if you can’t, then Jill is the next best thing.”
“You cheeky bitch,” exclaimed the recipient of that jibe as she came into the room with Diana, both laughing.
To finish off the time until lunch we swapped and I need say little about that, other than the similarities were remarkable. So were the differences.
When I went out to see Wendy to check how things were going she had a grin wrapped around her face that just wouldn’t seem to let go, so I retired to my office to get something sensible done.
We had a lot of discussions with Jacque and Jill, and sometimes Annie, over the next week, until the girls had to return to London to keep their existing business running. Although I obviously knew about the existence of the BDSM scene, hell we produced equipment for it, but I certainly didn’t know anything in detail as far as the’ customers’ were concerned, and from a personal involvement point of view had no wish to, and indeed most of the details could be left to the girls. I think it actually took longer to get those details together than it did for the main farm project. Jacque and Jill were very efficient in their profession, but when it came to getting specifications together that people could work from it was a different story and I had to ‘hold their hands’ all the way through.
After they had gone I got back to my normal routine, checking that things were on schedule and making any necessary decisions on my morning visits to the farm. I often popped in to see Annie and have a coffee with her whilst doing so. The first morning after Jacque and Jill had left she quizzed me about them.
“They are ... different,” was about all I could say.
“Well they’ve taken to you, which is a great honour, normally men are shunned, which is what makes them successful. Jacque is particularly taken.”
“Yes, I had no idea...”
“Until you stuck your hand in her knickers. Yes, she said. She also said she’ll be doing her best to seduce you,” Annie laughed.
Well thank you for that tit bit.
Annie did have a fairly active social life but I liked to keep her up to date on my visits, besides, she made good coffee. I was chatting to her one morning, sitting at her kitchen table, when her door bell rang. It was probably for me, someone from the site wanting something, but it being her house, Annie went to the door. I could hear her speaking to someone for a minute and then she bustled back in, followed by a girl in a wheel chair with another girl behind her.
“These young ladies are for you,” she grinned, the double entendre obvious to me but hopefully not the girls whom I had never seen before.
I stood whilst the wheel chair manoeuvred up to the table. The other girl sat beside her. Annie set about making more coffee.
“Right,” I began, “I’m George Smith, and you want to see me.”
“Yes,” said the girl in the wheelchair. “I’m Julia Williams, and this,” she indicated the other girl, “is Sarah McCloud. We’ve been looking for premises to start our own business and there just isn’t anything suitable in the area. The units in town are too expensive, because although we only need the area of one of them our individual businesses have to be separate.”
They were both slim, Julia dark haired, cut close to her finely featured face, Sarah more ‘pretty’ with dirty blonde hair also cut fairly short but not quite as severe.
“What do you do?” I asked, imagining, something, well, I’m not sure really. Girly I suppose.
“I’m a blacksmith...” said Julia
“ ... and I make furniture,” said Sarah. “So you can see that we need to be separate, but we work together.”
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The University still has no idea if or when school will resume and there's no place to go and nothing much to do. I had been limiting places I have been going; to just the store and a girlfriend's house a few blocks away. That was until Chae called me. Chae is not a "girlfriend" she's just a girl I know from school who did not seem too interested in me but had invited me over a couple of times to do some schoolwork together. I figured she was just attention-seeking. She's always on...
ExhibitionismChris swirled Jane around in his arms as they entered the apartment. It was theirs, all theirs, and safely away from the soft cocoon of their family. They immediately started exploring, exclaiming over the view out of the kitchen, the three large bedrooms, and nicely appointed living room. “This was a great idea. Just us and no one else.” Chris said has he gave Jane a passionate kiss. The had plotted about moving to New York for almost a year, ever since they were married. Their families were...
I met Kevin on a Yahoo dating site years ago. Yahoo had a dating site and part of it was men meeting men. I believe this was before craigslist. Anyway Kevin posted on there he was looking for someone that was into oral sex. I responded back and we decided to meet. He had a place and so the next night I drove over.Kevin was a big guy. At least 6-5 and very hairy. We went into the living room and chit chatted for awhile. I shortly said I was there for one purpose to suck his cock. He stood up and...
by Vanessa Evans Part 06 We arrived at the nightclub around 10:30 and 2 naked girls and one with just a pointless wrap on, escorted by 2 large men had no problem getting in. I was surprised to see how many people there were there. I thought that it would be mainly girls for the dancing but it was mainly men. No sooner than we had found a table Chuck told me to go with him. I thought that we were going to the bar but I was wrong. He led me to a little office where I was told that I would be...
So I have always been into outdoor stuff like camping, hunting, shooting. I occasionally drive over to Texas for RV and Outdoor shows and that’s where I met Tomasa who was a rep for an RV dealer. Tomasa was Mexican and originally from a smaller town in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. I’m a half breed myself being ½ Mexican by anestry but I inherited my white dad’s skin and tall height. This along with being able to speak conversational Spanish at least seems to give me an edge in the Hispanic...
My brother asked softly, his cock head resting against my drenched lips. I nodded quickly, my eyes on his as he started to push inside me at an antagonizingly slow pace... I had never felt this way before, my whole body felt as if it were on fire. I could feel my heart hammering against my ribcage and somewhere in the back of my mind, there were hazy thoughts swirling around wondering if he could hear it. I watched him grin down at me, his eyes slowly travelling down the curves of my...
Hello everyone I’m Sam – (nice name) from Delhi .. I’m reading stories on Indian sex stories from last 3-4 years and have seen people sharing their lots of experience. Hence, today I thought.. I should also share one of my sexual encounter with such a lovely hot female in Jaipur. Please forgive me for any mistake as its my 1st story and would request you all to provide your valuable feedback so that I can improve it while sharing my another sexual encounters.. looking forward for your...
Hi! Pabby here if any female or gal or couple or group want to contact me plz mail me at Last summer the company won a fairly large contract and management had to look at employing more factory staff to cope with the extra demand, this also meant that extra cash was available to the existing staff by working extra night shifts in addition to their usual hours. I were saving hard for a late summer holiday and I jumped at the chance of the overtime. The company make industrial cleaning fluid and...
They rose and both moved up the river bank and bathed together. It was there, half dressed and wondering whether more sweaty activity was called for, that he signalled silence to her; he looked through the bushes. A gang of ten, or twelve; soldiers or robbers? It hardly mattered, they’d have to kill or be killed. ‘be killed’ he thought, drew his trusty thin knife and short sword, and crept forward. Tematha went with him, took his knife and smiled. She didn’t have to speak, she was going to...
I had a dream the other night, and what a dream it was........I walked through the door of my mums house unnoticed and saw her sat on the washing machine, whilst it was on, with her feet on top at the sides, full pussy open wide in all its glory, neatly trimmed with a nice juicy clit, at the side of her was a black guy with his back turned to me, it looked as if he was putting a condom on, at this point I couldnt see his cock as there was only a small ga in the door. He turned around and looked...
Hot Movies is always providing porn videos from an assortment of porn studios. It's like opening a can of mixed nuts... probably a sex joke in that somewhere. Moving on, Hot Movies' Gonzo POV movies have caught my eye. The site makes mention of something I know very well: gonzo porn is typically POV-styled. Hot Movies take a different approach when it comes to its Gonzo POV porn, offering more than just POV-shot titles. The site mentions it offers different perspectives when it comes to its...
Premium POV Porn SitesVlad and I spent three more days at the campground. He slipped out every night and I pretended that he was still in the trailers. It wasn't like summer when people would have been moving around, but still it didn't hurt to have me go outside and call his fake name. "Edward are you making the coffee or should I come do it. Oh alright you men are helpless." That kind of thing at least once a night. I also slept with the door unlocked while he was gone, but the 9mm was always close at...
Chapter 1 Professor Hughes was looking forward to this experiment. He had hand-picked four of his first-year college Psychology students and brought them out to the countryside, to a very special place. "Is this it?" asked James, a brown-haired theater major, as he peered out the window of the professor's SUV at the large, overgrown estate as they drove alongside. "Yes, we're here." The professor replied as he turned up the driveway, which was framed by dilapidated metal gates,...
When we got downstairs we found Dee in the kitchen putzing around. It looked like she had been up for a while; breakfast was almost ready and coffee was made. When she looked up I saw there was still a contemplative look in the smile, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Tara went immediately to Deanna and put her arms around her. They kissed very tenderly for a minute and hugged tightly. "Thank you so much Dee, for sharing your man with me." "It was good wasn't it?" she said with a...
I had no problem spotting her. I was waiting for her to arrive at the airport and there was no doubt it was she. Samantha is an elegant woman with very prominent breasts. She dresses impeccably and somehow appears both distant and erotic at the same time. She smiled as she recognized me and I felt her full body as we embraced; sliding one big tit under my arm as we kissed hello. It was a soft but meaningful kiss followed by a "so glad we finally meet." For myself, I was pretty close to...
Hi readers this incident I’m going to tell you is real incident of my girlfriend how she was taken by a group of 4 old men. To begin with we’ll start with our introduction my name is Rahul and my girlfriend’s name is Nikita. We both are 27 and quite fun loving people. We’re dating each other since 5 years now and we have had many steamy session till now. I work in a MNC and she works for a construction company, we both have been born and bought up in Mumbai. I’m a average looking guy with...
Porn Goddess ? Sara Jay makes her long awaited Hussie Pass debut today and the curvy MILF could not wait to take on Brickzilla and his 13-inch monster BBC ?? After the interview, Brickzilla steps in and simply slathers baby oil ? all over Sara Jay’s luscious tits ?? and big juicy ass ? which she then twerks for us ? Sara Jay gets on her knees and gives Brickzilla a very sloppy gagjob ? followed by a footjob ? and a really nice tit fucking ??? Brickzilla goes down on her to taste that...
xmoviesforyouShe told me her name down at the bar but what was it? Yes! Gina! I remembered it. Now we were heading to her room. A little unusual for a girl to take control but I don’t mind. Since I am submissive in the depths of my soul I like being under control and domination. The elevator stopped. Forth floor. I let Gina to lead down the corridor and she lead me to room number 406. She touched the panel with her key-card and the led turned green unlocking the door for us. We entered a nice room with a...
Kitchen looking like the morning after Glastonbury, check. Clothes strewn over chair in corner of bedroom, check. Caitlin wearing expensive perfume and even more expensive underwear, which remains indecently undisturbed, check. Caitlin wearing expression displaying equal parts sexual frustration and annoyance whilst staring into darkness, check. The clincher – is there medium tending towards heavy snuffling/snoring from somewhere to my right? Of course there is. Once all the above boxes have...
Sarah Jordan settled comfortably into her seat and buckled her seatbelt. She was aboard an airplane flying into an uncertain future. She was sure of her decision, but unsure where it might lead. Still, this was something she had to do - and suffer any consequences from it later.Sarah had been born and raised in Blaine, Nebraska – a small town of around twenty-five thousand people right in the middle of corn-farming country. She had led a typical small-town girl's life; been head cheerleader of...
BDSMLater in the week, I was coughing and gasping for breath after Leiko had just given me a piss and shit when Erica walked in. "Leiko, come downstairs," Erica said. "Darcie and Francesca want to call a vote on something." "What?" she asked. "I dunno." About a half-hour later, I felt that pipe lifted off my cock. A pair of hands started feeling me up, stroking my cock and kneading my balls. Was it Leiko? No one else had ever came into that room to fondle me, so who else could it be?...
This started the schism in their relationship. Karen was going through a separation when this all started and being a kid seemed like a lot more fun than being an adult so she leaned toward more of the boyish activities she now enjoyed. Justin found being an adult an adventure. He could do what he wanted and didn't see any limitations. So slowly at first and more and more each day, Karen spend more time as a boy and playing with Justin's friends and Justin became the adult woman and...
The next several months were busy for me and Sarah. We started a home study course for Sarah with me tutoring her. She found that she loved working on the studies that we downloaded on the computer. It was starting to get to be a problem with Sarah using the computer so much so I bought a high end computer for her. That way she wouldn't interfere when I needed to study and trade my stocks. I hired a local school teacher to come in twice a week and make sure that Sarah was following the...
She'd been drinking. That in itself was not unusual. Since she and her husband had started having their problems, she drank more each day. First, it was a couple of beers a night. Later it became a couple of beers and some champagne each evening to deaden that empty feeling. Now, it was a shot of bourbon and four or five beers. But still that empty feeling remained. The marriage was empty. He had not been intimate with her in a long time. She couldn't remember the last time they had made...
Big Brother's Little Sister by dkb A jagged, expressionist style symbol of an eye fills the screen above the title "Big Brother" and a pounding dance music theme blares out, its undertones of menace blunted by familiarity. The abstract animated title sequence gives way to a montage of scenes of listless young people lounging, frolicking and arguing in and around a low, sprawling compound decorated in an eclectic mix of kitsch styles, a bizarre cross between army barracks and...
HumorJohn hadn’t caught her age as things had just moved too fast. She was no teenager, but she couldn’t be more than twenty-five he figured? My god what a body, what a flat stomach and look at her firm tight ass. As her plump raspberry tinged lips enveloped John’s hard cock he groaned again and she giggled at his reaction. She looked more vulnerable and sexy than John thought a woman could be capable of looking. Their wild bedroom antics had tousled her hair and her make-up was streaked and smudged...
Love StoriesCorporal Ricker watched the T'Lari go through the dead ones, and start eating them. Within three minutes, it had cracked open a leg and sucked marrow out of the bones it found. Suddenly his com chimed in his head and he heard Tom Morris' voice. 'Corporal Ricker, this is Corporal Tom Morris. I am bringing in twenty-one survivors, one critically wounded, two KIA. Sean is one of the dead, but he went down fighting.' 'Okay, Tom. Let me take care of the T'Lari that's eating his...
I could empathize with that. I kissed her on the forehead again. "I'd love to," I said. Presently, we got ourselves off the couch and moved toward the bedroom. Mrs. Nguyen flashed me a brief smile and went into the bathroom. When she'd finished, I took my turn. When I entered the bedroom, Mrs. Nguyen was lying supine on the turned-back sheets, nude, with her eyes closed and her legs spread just about enough for me to fit between them. Her hands were closed into fists by her sides. In...
When Shae Blazes nerdy stepbrother comes into her room trying to get her to be on his vlog, she is not too enthusiastic about it. Why would she want to be on his little video series? But when he tells her she can up her clout, she starts listening. It could be a good idea to get some more followers. So, she agrees to let him film her do the chicken challenge. She puts her hands in her sleeves to flap her arms like a chicken, but he pulls her pants down as soon as she starts! That reveals her...
xmoviesforyou"Hi, mein Name ist Tobias Schneider und bin 19 Jahre alt. Ich bin ein Einzelgänger, besser gesagt mache ich mir nicht sehr viel aus anderen Menschen. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gern in den Park Joggen oder schraube an so manchen Dingen in der Garage. Körperlich bin ich sehr Fit und würde fast schon sagen Muskulös. Um ehrlich zu sein Sexuelle Erfahrungen habe ich erst wenige, aber dafür bin ich für jeden Spaß zu haben." Mit diesen Worten beendest du die Beschreibung die auf deinem neuen Dating...
After I got back to the hotel from dinner alone that night, there was a message light on my telephone. When I called the front desk, they told me that Paul Warren wanted to see me. I was to call him whenever I got in. It was late. I'd gone directly to the steak house from Fenway. I wasn't surprised that the manager wanted to talk to me. I knew that something along these lines would be happening. But I had sort of expected it to happen in the morning. The club had a one o'clock road...
It was that time of year again. June in England meant it was time for the annual trip to Glastonbury Festival. After an eight hour wait for the gates to open, we were finally in the campsite and setting up our tents.It was a slightly different group this year. All the usual guys were here but, for the first time, the wives and girlfriends were coming along too. That meant our group of eight had, this year, turned into a much bigger group of sixteen. I’d brought my girlfriend Sarah along.At...
Straight SexAfter our first time with a guy we met online, I told a good friend who I had watched porn with many times over the years, about the guy fucking her. He wanted every detail and I even took the video I made of her doing it to his house. We watched it and stroked as we had to porn many times before, and he told me he had always wanted to fuck her and soon after was cumming telling me hot sexy she was while getting fucked. Days later I told wife about showing him the vid, and at first she was...
It was October of 1987. Kelly and I lived in an area with a strong German heritage. There was a German social/sporting club a few small towns away that held a series of Octoberfest dances each year. They ran every other Saturday culminating in a big party on Halloween weekend, which that year was actually on Saturday.The fact that we were all taught the polka, schottische, and waltz in high school gym class tells you all you need to know about the heritage thing. Kelly and I enjoyed dancing and...
Straight SexAlex called up my wife to set up a follow-up date after their furious lovemaking in the motel the previous month. He almost desperately told my wife, "Princess, I want to make love to you .I terribly miss you." My wife was shocked by his temerity. She replied, "Huh? Ok... when do you want to go out?" Alex seized the moment and told her, "Let's meet on February 15, the day after Valentine day." My wife was curious about the day and asked, "Why February 15?" Alex laughed and said, "Well, February...
When Johnny hears sweeping, he knows a fat ass is just waiting for him to bury his face in it! He’s been fucking his neighbor Kimber Woods for some time, and by now he knows that if she’s cleaning, her husband isn’t home. So a hop, skip and a jump over the fence to her home when he hears that broom a-brushin’ and sure enough, he finds out Kimber’s husband is on the links while she’s wagging her big butt while cleaning. Kimber’s a bit perturbed that Johnny only ditches his wife to fuck her, but...
xmoviesforyouTova has really enjoyed herself these last few days at Curie’s Curiosities. It’s not just having a place to stay or the chance to make her way after everything that happened back home, but the people she gets to meet and the service she can provide them. Massimo and Kenton are definitely a bonus too! What is disappointing is not waking up in Kenton’s arms. The man was gone before she awoke just before the shop opened this morning. It was a shock to wake up and find that everything was...
Insomnia: The perception or complaint of inadequate or poor-quality sleep because of one or more of the following: difficulty falling asleep; waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep; waking up too early in the morning; or unrefreshing sleep. The clamour of the nearby fast food restaurant preparing food jolted Daniel Burghess from his thoughts. He stood up quickly, and then sat down just as fast when a wave of dizziness washed over him. Taking a glance at his...
“I ordered butterscotch,” she said, in a voice that sounded like she was unaccustomed to speaking over the meaningless noise of other people. It was a refined, educated voice but it was a voice that gave the impression that its possessor might have been more comfortable communicating in whispers. An English voice; not remarkable in London , and certainly pleasant to listen to with its warm, soft and almost timid tone. “I’m sorry, I’ll just change that for you,” replied...
Straight SexHouse Burglary I had cased that house for over a month. I knew where each of them was at any given time throughout the day. I also knew that they would be going to Cape Cod just like they did every Memorial Day for the past several years. I knew exactly what I was looking for and the most likely place where it could be found. They had some very expensive paintings, some rare old books, some valuable stamp and coin collections. Then there was the known fact that he keeps large...
Robin - Tuesday morning before school I woke up thinking that I dreamed sometime during the night that I had gone to school naked yesterday. I took my morning shower and had gone downstairs to eat breakfast. When I sat down at the table I remembered that I actually went to all my classes yesterday in my birthday suit. It was not a mistake of forgetting to get dressed but The Program of course. Oh well, at the very least I have a new friend that knows how things are being a Twin. My brother...
Hi my name is Raj Mai ek 5f 7in ka ladka hu, ye story aaj se 8-9 saal pahli hai tab mai 25 saal ka tha, hum tab purane ghar mai rehte the mare us time 3 girl friend the unmai se ek ko maine har terhe se choda tha or chudwaya tha. par mare jevan mai asle mode ek din aaya, hamare ghar se kuch dure par mare chacha ka ghar tha mai eksar unke ghar kafi time paas keya karta tha unki ek ladki or ek ladka tha ritu or sonu jo mujhe behut pyar karte thhe, ritu ke age 20 saal the or sonu ke 18 saal,dono...
Jason and I have had some really great and exciting sex. We have tried threesomes with a guy and a girl. We have had sex with another couple. So we wanted to try something a little different for us. We decided the next sexual experience we would try would be just him and I. It was about 10 am Sunday and I decided to head to the library. Usually at this time the library is empty. I chose my outfit for that day very carefully. I decided on a tight little jean skirt that stopped just barely below...
ExhibitionismThis is my first and so far only encounter with someone from xhamster (by the way has been the best sexual encounter I’ve had yet). So im not in my home state and have been extremely horny. Spending most my days looking for new things on xhamster, I’ve had a profile for a long while and barely tried the dating part. So I say why not try more and try to find something. Months have pass and I talk to a few people but nothing extravagant but some excitement through messageing only. So at this...
My sissy boy is a cute asian boy who really looks and feel like a little girlive been buying him panty and cute stuff training him to be a god sissy girl for the last 4monthi love to slide in her cute little holes and watch her moan like a good fag loving my 7 inchIt was friday night , i left work and drove to my sissy place needing some good pussy boy to fuck hard after a long weekShe open the door and i felt something was offset her smile....differenti understand way too latemy neck grabbed...
” Aaahhh ooohhhh” ammi chillarahi thi.she said “bete aaram se chato yaar kato mat”.but the smell of her vagina was making ahmed go crazy.he was mad when he was licking his moms sex hole.now he took his head and gazed at pink love hole.he couldnt control no more he held his thing inhis hand and entered. “ammi” he screamed as he reached his explosive orgasm.he took deep breaths as he lay his head in the space between his ammi nafzanas breasts.nafzana was a very god fearing and male fearing...
IncestMonday afternoon Sue is in Doc.’s office getting her final checkup and release to go out and have fun. Doc. says your fine already to go out and make some man very happy! Oh, and by the way Paul is in recovery right now. Sue says can I see him, Doc. says yes, he won’t know your there. Sue is taken to him, she sits down and says Paul you don’t deserve all this pain, I am so sorry Debbie is such a bitch, but she has always been spoiled. She reaches down runs her fingers thru his hair and says I...
was stayin at one of the shitty motels in my town and went out to go to the store and seen this hot little chick through her window in a room a couple doors down from my room. dint think i had much of a chance till i went to the store. and walked by her room. there was a stairway closer. but went the longer way to see if i could see her again. curtains were closed this time so i went to the store. on the way back i took the long way again. and was glad i did. her curtains were open and she was...
“Hey Sis, I was just wondering if you an Paul were up for a small get together this weekend at our house with Iris and her husband?” It took Nancy a second to remember that Iris was the woman who held an “adult Tupperware party” the previous month. Her sister’s question took her by surprise. Sure, she and Paul had gotten together a few times with Ann and her husband, James, for some fun “sexcapades”, but she had not given much serious thought to expanding their involvement to include other...
“I can feel my abdomen twitching,” Wendy mentioned. “You’re having a contraction and the epidural is masking most of the pain you would feel,” the nurse said monitoring the strength of it. Wendy said she was thirsty so Karen gave her a small cup with ice chips in it. Several minutes later, Dr. Clements returned. “How are we doing?” “Mrs. Hayward has had two more contractions about seven minutes apart,” the nurse replied. The doctor did another examination of Wendy. “You’re moving along...
Brian Frost: Sophomore; not quite sixteen, 5'6" tall and physically fit; one of the oldest in his class because of his October 5 birthday; always the littlest guy in class, his friends still tower over him, but they trust him more than anything. Joanne Barnes: Next door neighbor of Brian's; dark blonde and blue eyes; 5'9"; 17 year old model who has left school and is being tutored in Europe; always Brian's guardian angel and fantasy; originally Brian called her Heaven, now that is...