Sweet Smell of Lust
- 4 years ago
- 38
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Virginia was obviously not happy with her sister joining David's growing harem. In fact, she would attempt everything to seduce David before his attentions focused towards the young teen, as they often seemed to do. Every seductive move and action she attempted, often to success. Only when the scent was upon her, did all her reasoning leave and she, again, became her boyfriends slave.
Samantha, on the other hand, could not get enough. Fawning over David and instantly doing whatever he wished. Her youthful energy and bubbly personality drove her towards the life of debauchery that was forced upon her. She volunteered to do anything, and when "Toilet Water" was in the air, would fuck until she dropped from exhaustion.
This often made Virginia's' attempts at distracting David almost impossible.
Often, the sole man in the house watched as some or all of the ladies attacked each others bodies. He especially enjoyed watching his mother with both young girls. While his girlfriend used her mouth upon him or sat astride him, even while watching the show.
More and more, Virginia became subservient at the orders of David. He knew she did not like having her beautiful young sister used as a sex toy by him and his mother. It was also obvious that his own mother pleased him in a way Virginia could never do. This in effect left the eldest woman as over lord of the rest. Perhaps it had been her attitude when she first met, the attitude she held for everyone not in her circle of friends. The same friends she no longer had.
Virginia was also responsible for giving Mrs. Wilson a "fix" once a week. David had attempted to ignore the elder teacher but found her addiction far to uncontrollable. So with a simple promise and a thimble size of "Toilet Water", she was a ductile slave, like the rest of David's girls.
It was more interesting that David inadvertently taught his girlfriend to control her urges when she delivered a vial to Mrs. Wilson. Normally, the sight of the "Toilet Water" would send her in a desirous passion that could only be fulfilled with the smell of his experiment. Every Friday, Virginia delivered her small package to the forty something year-old teacher with the promise of her own vial when she returned.
"Here you go Mrs. Wilson." The gray haired instructor snatched the vial from her hand. "David told me to tell you, he wants proof of your desire for him."
Attempting to withhold her urges with the week long awaited drug in her hands, the middle-aged woman nervously nodded. She looked upon the beautiful teen, hardly waiting for her to leave so she could enjoy the scent properly. "I'll make sure David has results for his experiments. Do you know what he has in mind?"
The stress of being about the drug was heavy upon the teenager and she was moving to leave. "He did mention something about you having daughters?"
Mrs. Wilson gasped then looked down at her addiction in her quivering hands. Her daughters were her only treasure in this world, but this drug was more important than anything else she owned or loved.
Virginia knew the power of the drug and wasn't surprised when Mrs. Wilson said, "Of course! Anything for David." It was time for the teen to leave.
SSoL 1: XVIIIVirginia awoke covered in dried love juices. Her own, her sisters, David's, his mothers', his sister, and even Mrs. Wilson and her two daughters. Sitting up, the beautiful teen vaguely remembered the orgy of sexual debauchery that happened in David's family room only a few hours before. She also remembered the sweet smell of "Toilet Water" and shivered in disgust and desire.
Slowly, with quivering tired muscles, the slim teen crawled over to the couch and sat next to it. Only one of her white stockings remained upon her body, with the garter belt still about her waist but unattached to the legging. She wore no other garments. Virginia took survey about the warm, pillow covered room. Her sister, Samantha, lay on her side, tied facing Mrs. Wilson's youngest daughter, Jill. Both young ladies, were inverted and faced the others pretty young pussies. Which both were now well acquainted with. Mrs. Wilson's other daughter, Mary, was cuddling with her naked mother. A wide nipple still near her open mouth. Last night, Mary could not get enough of her mothers mature body and devoted her incestuous desires solely upon her mom. Kerry had slept cuddled with Virginia and was now sleeping soundly in the fetal position.
Memories returned and the exhausted brunette shivered in disgust at the actions she had no control to stop. David had retired, with his mother, to her room hours before the other ladies had dropped from exhaustion. Even with the only male in the group gone, the drug induced desire of all the other ladies forced their actions.
Now that the drug was out of her system, but the memories could never be erased, Virginia realized just how much she hated David. How could anyone do this? The group of them had sat around and watched as Mrs. Wilson and her two daughters fingered and licked themselves delirious at David's directions. Later, David's mom had strapped on an artificial cock and fucked both young newcomers as their mother, Mrs. Wilson, held them down. All during this Kerry, the only person Virginia actually felt attracted to, fingered and pawed her body. It was a show put on by a drug that only David controlled.
Last evening, when a large vial of the potent aphrodisiac was opened, Virginia attempted to control herself. It was useless, that much was obvious to the beautiful teen. Again a shiver of disgust ran through her as she remembered her own actions.
How many times her body was rocked by an orgasm was uncountable, since she could only remember a part of the evening. The pain between her legs reminded her of one event that had occurred. Virginia had sat upon David's lap facing him, his hard cock inside her overheated vagina. She was happily enjoying herself, bouncing wildly upon her boyfriend, when his mom came up behind her and inserted the strapped on dildo into her rectum. In her delirium, Virginia forgot the pain and allowed the two "cocks" to fuck both her holes until the feeling of David's hot sperm shooting into her womb caused her own orgasm to explode.
Of course Virginia knew what caused her, and all the other ladies, to act this way. The only thing she had not figured out yet, is why David never seemed affected by the scent. She guessed it was his experiment and he knew what to do to get the smell to affect others. Since David definitely enjoyed female companionship, that seemed the obvious reason it was never used on another male. The fact that it only worked upon females never occurred to her.
Jill awoke silently and looked up from between the firm young thighs towards the seated elder teenager. Virginia saw the wide friendly eyes looking her over, with inviting desire they seemed to remember how the elder girl had used her mouth to please her.
A movement for another portion of the room caused her to look at Mrs. Wilson. The middle-aged woman slid out from her daughters grasp and wrapped a blanket about her nudity. Shyly, with a nervous tired body, the teacher backed out of the room. A few tears already coming to her eyes. Virginia felt sorry for the science instructor, how she had pimped her daughters sexuality for the pleasure David gave her with "Toilet Water". Though, she realized, she had not fought very hard when David had introduced Samantha into his "harem". Now, remembering, she also felt sorry for herself.
Everyone in the room now appeared to be awake or beginning to rise. Mary untied her sister and Samantha while Kerry leisurely rubbed between her legs. It was the only sexual action in the room, and it almost seemed out of place. Even with the tired, mostly naked bodies, the young ladies did not seem to expel sexuality. Mary appeared to be embarrassed, while her sister Jill like a kid that ate too much candy but still wanted more. Samantha retired to the distant washroom.
Mrs. Wilson soon returned. She was again clothed in the skirt and blouse she wore last evening when her sole desire was to seduce David with her body, and her two daughters. Now, with the disheveled face and hair, wrinkled skirt and untucked blouse, she looked like a woman who was rushing home to her husband from her lovers arms. She stood next to the couch, "Virginia, would you tell David I had to go? I want to be home before my husband shows up." She was blushing fiercely.
Virginia realized the older woman was ignoring her two daughters, even though they appeared to be awaiting her attention. The things she did to her daughters last night, it was no wonder she now acted this way. "David likes us", she wanted to say 'slaves' but caught herself in time, "to say good-bye 'properly'." He, in fact, often liked to view his woman when the effects of the drug wore off.
At that moment David stepped into the family room, dressed and ready for the day. His mother, also cleaned up and clothed, stood behind her only son looking sternly at the lounging group of naked youths.
Everyone in the room seemed to notice him at the same time, and Mrs. Wilson spoke quickly, "I thought you would be still asleep or I would have come up to say good-bye. I have to get home." She appeared even more nervous
Virginia noticed the two sets of reactions that the ladies in the room did when the sole outlet for "Toilet Water" stepped into the room. Even without the scent in the air, Kerry, Samantha, and Jill suddenly focused all attention upon the "master". All sat straight, arched their backs, pressed their chests out, lifted their chins, pouted their lips, smiled sweetly, and struck a sexy pose. The other group, appeared to be nervous and embarrassed, and attempted to hide from the teenagers searching eyes.
David's girlfriend wondered what her initial reaction had been?
David's mom spoke to her son, "I don't think she had any intention of saying good-bye." Virginia hated that attractive older woman almost more than she hated David.
He smiled over his shoulder at his mom, love in his eyes, "No she probably didn't. What do you think we should do to her?"
Before his mom could answer, Virginia spoke up, "We thought you were still asleep David, or I think a few of us would have come up to join you." She struck "the" pose for her boyfriend.
David smiled gently at her, almost knowingly, and it made the Virginia shiver in fear. What would happen to her if he should ever stop giving her "Toilet Water"?
The young man turned towards Jill who had been rolling a nipple between two fingers while smiling sweetly at her possessor. "What punishment should we give your mom Jill?"
Mrs. Wilson looked nervously at her daughter. Jill ignored her mom and concentrated on her masters attentions, "She used to spank us when we were bad." The young woman beamed when David smiled with pleasure at the statement.
"I think that is a wonderful idea. A spanking." Mrs. Wilson shivered and stared down at her own feet. "But I think Mary should deliver it." That shocked most in the room, except perhaps, David's mom, his sister and Virginia.
Mrs. Wilson started to cry, and dropped to the couch next to Virginia, holding her body in her own arms. Between sobs, "My god David please let me go!? Don't make my own daughter spank me. I can't take any more."
Ignoring his instructor and speaking to her daughter who looked startled. "Well Mary, do you think your mom should get a spanking?"
The cute young woman quickly stole at look at her sister, Jill, but received no help there. Then she looked at Virginia, almost as if her eyes were asking for help. Virginia simply nodded affirmative, it would go easier on the older woman if David got his own way.
It was obvious why David had picked on Mrs. Wilson's daughter. Everyone in the room saw how the cute, shy Mary had been obsessed with her mom's naked body hours before. How she had degraded herself for the pleasure of an incestuous joining with her own mom.
Mary may be shy, but she was bright. She knew why Virginia had nodded for her to do the spanking. "Get on your knees mommy." Pointing, "Over there against the couch." Mary walked over, now ignoring her own nakedness, and helped her sobbing mother to kneel facing the crowd.
David's mom came over and handed Mary a light cord from the wall coverings. It would take many strikes for the cord to harm the middle-aged woman's buttocks. The current drama was more for effect than to harm. Mary's shaking hand lifted her mom's loose skirt up over her ass and lay it upon her back. Mrs. Wilson hadn't worn any underwear last night, in her frantic obsession to enjoy the scent she had only used infrequently. She now wished she had.
"Jill hold your moms head," ordered David's mom. The youth, knowing who was in control in the room smiled as she complied. Jill sat before her mom and held the others hands firmly. Mary whispered, though all in the room could hear her, "I'm sorry mommy."
The first strike startled Mrs. Wilson and she jerked in response. Jill pressed her moms head between her youthful upper thighs, inches from her sex. The strikes continued, about two every ten seconds. A slow torturous beating, by her own daughters caused Mrs. Wilson to cry out, not from pain, but from humiliation. To stifle her cries, Jill pulled her moms head the last few inches until it pressed right into her newly excited sex.
Virginia felt her face smiling, but didn't feel happy in the least. She knew if David had asked her to whip her own mother she would have to take the place of Mary. A part of her was very glad her mother had not aged well after several kids.
The spectators watched in silence - almost all were affected in some way. David's mom hugged her son from behind, rubbing her body up and down his back. Kerry and Samantha were openly fondling each other, fingers manipulating the others sex. Virginia hated the sight she watched, yet felt her own juices beginning to coat the inside of her thighs.
Mary began to sweat from the effort she put into each swing, but from the look on her face she knew it did not hurt her mother and the she was greatly enjoying herself. Jill was moaning while humping her mothers face, the nose pressed into her tiny sensitive clitoris. Both daughters didn't even notice anyone else in the room.
Finally David spoke up, "Stop!" Everyone turned their attention to the single male in the room. "Jill, Mary, take your mother up to my sisters room and enjoy her. On the table in the kitchen is another vial of 'Toilet Water'. Use it." Jill let go of her mom and quickly stood up. Mary dropped the cord and then lovingly helped her mother up. Everyone in the room could see tears humiliation and her daughters sexual coating upon Mrs. Wilson's bright red cheeks. It was doubtful she would ever disobey her young student again.
This time, Mrs. Wilson didn't fight her directions. Jill ran over to David and have him a devoted kiss before bouncing, happily, up the stairs. Mary helped her mom's unsteady legs also go up the stairs. The three of them were in for a long few more hours. Yet, the two daughters both looked anxious rather than burdened.
David also turned to go, obviously with his mom. Since they were dressed, Virginia guessed they were leaving the house. David's girlfriend heard a familiar noise and turned to see her sister and David's in a sixty nine. Both frantically humping the others face for another orgasm.
Virginia stood and decided to clean the smell of sex from her body.
SSoL 1: XIXDavid's home had become a den of addicts and sexual deviants.
Within the household, every woman seemed to instinctively know the hierarchal order of David's ladies. At the top of all the addicts, was David's own mother. She had come to terms with her previous worries and used her power, as mother, over her son. It gave her many freedoms within the house, a few none other enjoyed. Also David showed his mother more sexual attentions than any other woman that was addicted to his lab experiment. The sexy older woman had proven herself capable of doing any sexual action that her own son had an interest in. These reasons coupled with the fact that David enjoyed the sinful aspect of there relationship had given her also the power over the other ladies within the household. Every woman in that house knew of her power over her son.
It was only Virginia that challenged David's mom to the head position within that house. Simply because, David showed great fondness towards his schoolmate and girlfriend. In contrast to his mom, David's girlfriend was probably had less sexual duties assigned to her. Of course, Virginia still lost her self control and was willing to do anything when the scent of "Toilet Water" came upon her. Yet, those were more compassionate couplings, with mostly the other ladies. Rarely did Virginia and David's mom ever acknowledge the other or have intercourse. It was only David's explicit instructions or the sexual drive of the drug that caused them to use the others body to release sexual tensions. On the other hand, she had less freedom than any other woman in the household also. David liked his girlfriend to keep close by, practically at all times.
Since first becoming David's slave and girlfriend, Virginia's expertise in giving oral sex had increased many times. This was true in both the female and the male oral enjoyment. All but David's mom desired Virginia's mouth between their legs. And she was used this way more than any other by her boyfriend.
"What do you think mom, is our house getting overly crowded?" David groaned pleasantly while holding Virginia's head above his lap as it moved rhythmically up and down.
The older woman smiled towards her only son and pulled apart Samantha's buttocks so he could see between the youthful crack. There was no "Toilet Water" in the air and the mature mother used the young teen more for her son's visual enjoyment than her own sexual pleasure. Sitting back upon the couch, naked and looking sexy, David's mom had strapped on a toy they had purchased a few weeks ago. It was a six inch fake cock, with a leather belt that held the phallus in the proper place. Straddling her thighs was the hard bodied young woman, the fake cock inside her sex and her back to her sister and boyfriend.
Samantha groaned pleasantly. David's mom had told her to mount the cock, and even without any scent in the air, the teenager gratefully did it. She was conscious that David was in the room, and she wanted to please him. Whoever pleased the only man of the house had an endless supply of the "Water".
Looking over Samantha's shoulder, the middle-aged woman replied, "Sometimes I think it is." She moved a finger further between the tight buttocks and pressed the digit against the hard muscle of the youthful anus. David smiled at the sight, just as his mother had wished. "I always love being alone with you darling." The finger pressed deeper into the tiny rectum as she spoke.
David smiled at his mothers comment, but his eyes hadn't left Samantha's violated asshole. "Damn that looks hot mom!"
She giggled at his comment, the same girlish giggle David had first heard the night after his mother had first smelled his experiment. "Feels hot." The experienced woman began to fuck the young asshole with the single index finger. "And tight too!" Samantha groaned out in mixed pain and pleasure. Her young body still bouncing over the synthetic cock. The young woman knew what it meant to disappoint David or his mother.
Virginia heard her younger sisters groans of pain mixed with pleasure and, again, felt sorry for the teen. She was an innocent in her eyes, someone that David had involved simply because he desired another kink to add into his very sexual lifestyle. She felt the throbbing member slid back and forth between her lips and knew all she had to do was bit down and it would all be over. Yet she also knew she could never do that, not while he controlled the supply of "Toilet Water"
Part 3 of Sweet Smell of Lust Copyright© 1995-2003 There was a young man from Lynn Whose cock was the size of a pin. Said his girl with a laugh As she felt his staff, "This won't be much of a sin." SSoL 3: I Tony held back the retort to David's latest command. It was ridicules, Virginia already held too much power, he had always thought. Instead of commenting, he simply brought up the glass of wine and took a long slow slip. He realized he more frequently had to bite his tongue...
Part 5 of Sweet Smell of Lust Copyright© 1995-2003 A thrice-married gal from L.A. Said, "My hymen's intact to this day, 'Cause my first (a shrink) talked of it, The voyeur only gawked at it, And my most recent man's a gourmet." SSoL 5: I Rachel wadded through the crowded hallway after seeing the long hair of her target. The young man, a teenager really, had grown taller since she first met him, his face becoming more handsome and mature within the last year. Of course that was...
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...
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I really hate the phrase ‘back in the day’. I think it is a tired, over-used phrase and if there is one thing I really hate it is tired, over-used phrases. The problem is, when it comes to describing the period of time I need to refer to, I can’t think of a more appropriate phrase. The phrase is in fact so perfect a description for this period of time, I’m almost tempted to say it is ‘the best thing since sliced bread.’ In this case ‘back in the day’ refers to the sixties. You may be wondering...
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Mary pulled her beat-up old car in front of her house and stepped out. It had been a long day at work. For the past fifteen years, she had been a cleaning lady in a girl’s dormitory at the local college. Day in and day out, Mary spent her days cleaning the hallways, emptying trashcans, and scrubbing down the dorm’s common bathrooms. On her way to the front door, Mary felt her aching muscles. As she walked into the lonely little house, Mary sat down on the sofa in tears. Her life...
Introduction: wedding, honeymoon, and a birth Its finally Saturday and 10 a.m. in the morning. Mom, Denise, Helen, Mina, Maxine, and Lina have already left to Uncle Gus and Aunt Cindys ranch. Mom and Denise had us sleep in separate rooms. Mina slept in our room and I slept in the guest room. Zan made Will and Dusty keep me in the guest room until the ladies left. I was going to be taken in another hour to give everyone else that was going to the wedding time to show up. Will, Dusty and I got...
Chapter 15: Angelic Lusts by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Damien D'Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire's throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust's office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien's blackened soul. His wife's every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart....
Ever since I was young, I knew. As much as I loved and adored pretty girls, I had an even stronger, secret desire for men. To please and service men. Manly, masculine men. My urges so strong, so controlling, I would usually lay awake at night thinking about sucking cock, not able to fall asleep until I masturbated. Through the years, the feelings and urges only increased and became stronger. Barely a teenager, I secretly now only fantasized about cock. Fighting my urges, afraid of what family...
Hi, guys, this is arav again sharing my further true experience with my horny neighbour mansi.I thank you, people, for the mixed review of my previous story, this is the continuation of that. So please read the first part if someone missed it… …So that same evening I called her twice but she didn’t pick my call I messaged her but no response.Then after 1 hour she called me asked me “How are u?” Fine, I said, I asked the reason why she was not responding my call& msg so she said she was...
They were warm and firm and had a smooth silky texture, exactly as she had expected. Two of them were thicker than her wrist and they lay in neat heart shaped curves on her breasts. The remaining four were slightly thinner but longer and they made beautiful curves around the heart. Even in her intense state of arousal, Mansi could not help smiling. This was Jiya's speciality. No one else could do it with such perfection. Jiya's mountain of an arse was still only a few feet above her face with...
Damien D’Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire’s throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust’s office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien’s blackened soul. His wife’s every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart. She loved the priest’s cock, addicted to its girth spreading wide her...
Young Lust A Timber Grove Story by Trinity Lola Fresco stared outside of her tiny window at the two young people swimming next door. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day, and the two kids next door were making the most of it. She sighed as she looked at the lovely young woman, wearing a bikini she would have never worn at her age but admiring her vibrant youth. She looked down at her frail hands and longed to be young again. She decided to stop moping and felt it was best to...
After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...
SpankingDerrick gets sucked by my wife My wife yelped and moaned as derrick pinched her nipples and slapped her breasts. Her nipples got really hard and turned quite red with the pinching and twisting he did to them. I then helped him oil up her torso, her hips, then her ass. We made her bend over and I got to rub the oil into the crack in her ass, then into her asshole itself. She squealed in excitement as I pushed oil in past her sphincter. Then I pushed two fingers into her as she screamed out in...
Let me start off by saying this is a true story that I have personally experienced. Everything here is true and nothing has been made up except for changing the names of everyone involved for privacy reasons. This story contains every man's dream as well as every man's nightmare. I hope you enjoy! Let me also start off by telling a little bit about myself. I am in my mid 30's and have been a police officer since I was 21 years old. (Yes, cops are just as sexual as the rest of you...
Dosto, Aap Sab ko mera yani ki Raj ka Pranam, mari age hai 26 Year and I am from Gujarat. Mere land ka size 6.5” hai jo kisi bhi bhi ladki ko shantust karne ke liye kafi hai, agar koi ladki, bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai or sex chat karne ki ichhchha to mujhe mail kar shakti hai mera mail id hai. To jyada bore na karte hue hum chalte hai aajse karib 3 saal pahle ke flash beck mai sidhe apni story par, yeh story ka main hero mai hu or heroine mere sath kaam karne wali Mansi (Name...
I was relaxing in the bar after a good game of cricket. We hadn't won but it had been a good game. I was thinking I should be going home but the thought of spending another night with my wife was not a pleasant one. It wasn't that she was ugly or anything, quite the reverse in fact for even after twenty years and two lovely girls she was even more beautiful than on our wedding day. It was just that she was so cold, she never was into sex even when we were first married and how we ever got...
DESPITE THE ROMANS By GENEVA Merala, the queen of Genoria, is faced with the total Roman takeover of her small realm. The arrogance of the Romans leads her to plan for the preservation of some of the Genorian way of life and some retribution for the Romans. This story takes place in approximately 100 A.D. (C.E.) and is another tale of the ancient women's realm of Genoria, situated on the shores of the Black Sea in Asia Minor. The story will stand on its own but some of my earlier...
Beatrice had been our neighbor all my 17 years, and she had been widowed for 5 of them. At 55 she had a pretty face with full lips, brunette hair in the typical housewife perm of the late 70’s, about 130 pounds and 5’7” tall with a shapely figure, C cup breasts, round behind which led to her beautiful legs, it baffled the small town of Hamlin, why she did not date and remained single after her husband’s untimely passing. She had a great personality, vibrant and positive coupled with a sense of...
Hi all, I am Sandy a big fan of ISS for the past 5 yrs. ISS gives us immense pleasure & tales of others experience. So I finally decided to share my pleasurable moment with everyone. I am a doctor by profession, average built with 6.5” inch long & 3” thick tool. If any lady (aunt/bhabhi/girl interested in secret & fun loving relationship pls don’t hesitate to contact me @ , your full satisfaction & secrecy is my guarantee). I thank all who mailed me about my first story (me and my bubbly...
Hi frnds, this is sonia. Aaj main aap logo ko emotions k us roller coaster pe leke jana chahti hu jisse har ladki kabhi na kbhi guzarti hai. Ye kahani hai ek chote shahar se ayi ek seedhi sadhi ladki mansi ki, jo ki aankhon me sapne liye, architect banne chandigarh aati hai. So, bina waqt zaya kiye main ye kahani usi k lafzon me aapke samne pesh karna chahti hu. Baat un dino ki hai jab mere 12th k exam abhi abhi khatm hue the, aur gharwalo ne question karna shuru kar diya tha ki aage kya...
Ye story mere aur mansi aunty ke beech pehle sex ki hai, maine pehle baar sex unke saath hi enjoy kiya. Mansi aunty meri neighbor hain unki age 35 years hai. Unke husband ka glass ka business hai. Unke dono bacche mere ghar tution k liye ate hain meri mom un baacchon ko padhati hain. Ye baat tabki hai jab mai bca 3rd year mein tha. Mai unko shuru se like karta tha jab mai unko first time dekha tha tab se unke saath sex karne ka man karta tha ek din unke mobile mein kuch problem ho gayi thi to...
Hi Friends, I am Abhi aged 30 from New Delhi. I am regular reader of ISS. This is really an amazing site. I have been reading stories o this for the past few years and really enjoyed them. This is my first story here that just happened a few days back. Just to tell you about myself, I am the owner of a software services company here. It’s a small company with a staff of around 20 people. There is a lady amongst my staff named Mansi who’s taking care of accounts. She is married and has a 3 year...
IncestIvona had been gone for about 30 minutes now. Sarah, a young sexy 13 year old who had just tasted my warm, salty, cum was begging me to fuck her deep. “Not yet Sarah,” I demanded. “You will be mine tonight when your mother leaves for work. Ok”? “Ok Master,” she replied. Was I hearing things or did this young Goddess just say, “Ok Master.” Mmm. Wow, this little girl had really grown up. It made me hard instantly again. She noticed this and grabbed my rock, hard cock and started jacking...
Aella held the bow and arrow in her hand steadily. She knew these forests better than anyone else because of her time fighting the Macedonians, and now she lay in wait in the thick underbrush as the night hid her slim figure in its darkness. “General Aella,” Stavros, her advisor, had said to her earlier in the day. “Everything is ready now. The men have been briefed, and your spies have returned confirming the news you had received last week. There will be an attack tonight, and we will be...
Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part Six: A Father's Lusts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Sixteen: Patrol Zanyia – The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My tail swished back and forth as I rubbed my cheek into Master's leather jerkin. I loved the smell of leather, the feel of the smooth yet rough material on my skin. I shivered, squirming on the saddle, the harder leather rubbing on my juicy pussy—it always was juicy—while my little nipples tingled...
Therese continued to moan and finger herself, her teddy now a pile of silk on the carpet. Josh had been sucking on her beautiful breasts for at least half an hour, and he was ready to finish what he had started. His hands dug into her ass as he flicked his tongue back and forth over a nipple. She orgasmed, her body pressing hard against him, and her cries of pleasure were music to his ears. Josh grinned and kissed Therese several times, caressing the backs of her thighs. "You're...
The year was 2007 and I was adrift on the sea of life. I was working but it wasn’t an especially good or fulfilling job. One day, out of the blue, I got a call from a guy I played football with in college. He was living in L.A. and was selling cars at a Honda dealership. The money was good, and he said he could get me on if I wanted. Feeling like my life was stagnant and in need of a shake up I decided to go for it. I packed my clothes in a suitcase and headed out to L.A. from Las Vegas. I...
Josh tapped a pencil against his knee, staring at the almost incoherent contents of his notebook. He was sitting on his bed, studying for yet another grueling math test, and every second left him bored and confused. There was nothing that Therese or Becky could do for him this time. Three days had passed since Josh's dream, and he had pushed what little he remembered of it out of his mind. Everything seemed back to normal between him and his sister, or at least as normal as could be...
Disclaimer: This is story is fictional. All characters, events and places are fictional too.Let's start with little backstory, shall we? I'm Mike, nineteen years old white boy, living pretty ordinary life of a young man, though I'm still living at home.There's one thing that isn't the most normal thing in my life. When I was just 6 months old, I was adopted by this young black girl and his husband who wanted a baby, but couldn't get one. I have never seen my biological parents, but from what...
Story of older white couple the husband was at home terminally ill with cancer, hospice was already taking care of him , he was also on heavy medication of morphine his long time best friend for many years stopped by the thing was he is black and he had an affair with the wife years earlier, they broke it off, twenty years ago now as soon as she went to the door and saw him her pussy became instantly wet, he came in and saw his friend basically u*********s close to comatose as he said his good...
I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...
I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...
Gay MaleWe fade in on the exterior of what appears to be a wide, apartment complex. Two levels, very pretty, limited parking. Then we’re inside, noting the number of old people sitting in armchairs or being pushed around in wheelchairs. We move to an indoor swimming pool – steam rising into the air suggesting that this is a hydrotherapy pool. In the pool, a small group of women are being put through a series of exercises by a nurse/carer who is standing on the side of the pool. They are extremely...