Sweet Smell of Lust
- 4 years ago
- 39
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A thrice-married gal from L.A.
Said, "My hymen's intact to this day,
'Cause my first (a shrink) talked of it,
The voyeur only gawked at it,
And my most recent man's a gourmet."
Rachel wadded through the crowded hallway after seeing the long hair of her target. The young man, a teenager really, had grown taller since she first met him, his face becoming more handsome and mature within the last year. Of course that was irrelevant to the sexy twenty-something, to her, he was nearly a god.
He had freed her from the black hole of her enslavement.
Classes had been let out and all the university students were anxious to begin their weekend. So the hallway was loud with the crowd of young people moving very quickly. Chaotic could easily describe it.
"Nolan?" Rachel was a few feet away from the head of the Family, and saw that he was retrieving his jacket from a locker, to leave.
Not unexpectedly Nolan was a loner, even here in this crowded learning centre. He could probably purchase the school and enslave every female in it, but of course he did not do that. Instead he was nearly finished his second doctorate, in Biology.
"Nolan!" He hadn't heard the first call and there was a thick crowd of jocks between her and the Family head. Rachel pressed against them, attempting to slip between their thick bodies.
In the confusion she felt a hand grasp her buttock roughly - the high-spirited Scottish lass spun around and glared at the owner of the paw. "Fuck off shit-for-brains!" Rachel hated leaving the Island.
The pimply jock turned bright red while a handful of his friends that had heard the exchange laughed maliciously. They parted for the sexy woman. Rachel saw that Nolan was closing his locker, his jacket and book bag in hand.
This time he heard it and spun around. Nolan's face brightened up upon seeing Rachel. "Master!" She whispered after rushing into his arms, her lips right below his ear. He had grown in the last year and they were approximately the same height.
"What's up Rachel?" He was concerned, she saw it on his face as they pulled away, they hadn't seen each other in the last several months. It was his standing order that he only be disturbed at school for emergencies. Rachel appearing meant there was an emergency.
"Oh master!" Her lips moved to his, and she slipped her tongue into his mouth. The last time she had felt a man, between her legs or even upon her lips, was the last time she had seen Nolan. In some ways, her female lovers could not compete. And she only desired Nolan, the only man she could even imagine being intimate with.
Certainly, after Nolan released all the enslaved woman of the Sisterhood, some chose to leave the Island and the Family and its rules. But most did not, it was the only family they now knew - the only one that could except from after horrors of their enslavement. And as a Family group the future seemed much rosier than it had ever been.
Rachel, with her close relationship with Nolan, had garnered herself a high position in the new Family - Nolan preferred 'Family' to 'Sisterhood' - and thus she was tied even closer to the man who once had enslaved her. Of course, she was no longer addicted to 'Toilet Water' and her ties with the Family and Nolan was now fully consensual.
Nolan had to push Rachel's shoulders back to release her lips, "What's wrong Rachel?"
She stared into his brown eyes then slipped the letter into his free hand.
Nolan simply stared at it, "What's this?" His voice had even deepened, thought Rachel with a definite tingling between her legs.
She looked about, the crowd still thick and previously forgotten, was now obvious. He understood - "Come home with me." It wasn't a question, his previous domination of every female in the Family was hard to forget, and as head of that Family he had gotten used to getting his way.
He turned about and with his arm about her curvy waist, which she very much enjoyed, they wadded through the hallway.
SSoL 5: IITeri greeted Rachel with surprise and a firm warm hug. Nolan's mother saw the green eyes of the feisty red-head turn back to her son and she saw the desire and love within them - and she relaxed.
Ever the protective mother.
Though her son's lover, and she was no longer addicted to the 'Water', Teri had been conditioned so thoroughly that she was still devoted to her son's pleasure. And her motherly instinct continually wanted to protect him, and thus her evaluation of Rachel.
Weekly a report would arrive from Jennifer, her sister upon the Island. Teri would review and tell her son only the parts that she deemed necessary - often he didn't even have to do any Family business for weeks at a time.
It was her duty to protect and pleasure her son, and if Nolan had to comment, he would say she was doing a very good job.
Rachel was lead in and sat down in the warm comfortable family room of Nolan's house. A house Nolan, his mother and April occupied. An average but well manufactured home with all the gadgets that a teenage boy would ever want. Nolan opened a small fridge behind the bar and pulled out a soft drink before sitting in a wide easy chair perpendicular to the red headed lass.
He opened the sealed envelope with two sets of eyes watching him, and he seemed a little put off at being intruded upon. Family business ran fine, with his original mandates, without him - just as he wished.
Nolan read the three page letter twice.
April had come into the room, saw the newcomer, and smiled a warm welcome but stayed silent and waited for Nolan to speak.
Nolan put down the pages and asked Rachel, "Do you know what is in these?"
"Yes Master." Though he was no longer anyone's master, the ladies in his life and most in the Family chose to call him thus. He was the head of their Family as well as the one who had released them from the mind numbing addiction of the 'Water'.
Teri had to bite her lip from asking the obvious.
He continued, "It seems some of our previous customers don't like our new product." It was not only the slaves of the Sisterhood that had been released but also the slaves of every man whom had purchased the 'Water' from the Family to enslave their own. All had been released per Nolan's orders. According to the customers original contracts they had to keep getting the 'Water', the contract was just not specific enough to which version of the 'Water'. The 'New Version' was what Nolan had called it, which was a very potent aphrodisiac that worked on females only but it had no addictive qualities, was now given rather than the original formula.
Upon the Island, every inhabitant now had an unlimited supply of the 'New Water' - and though there were less inhabitants than a year before, the consumption was actually up from a year ago. It seems the Family's ex-slaves still enjoyed the side-affects of inhaling the powerful odour - sex was rampant on the island, addicted or not.
Virginia had warned Nolan, had suggested he only free some of the Sisterhood and none of their customers slaves. It was bad for business and could only broker resentment and ill feelings. Nolan had been unmoved and freed all.
The letter was from Virginia.
"Tell them Rachel."
She sat forwards and could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she paraphrased the contents of the letter. "A group of our customers had joined forces and, initially, demanded the original 'Water' from the Family months before. Two days ago a group of an unknown size snuck onto the Island, assaulted the Manor killing eighteen and attempted to find the formula's. They did not succeed and the Manor was burnt to the ground. We assume it was mercenaries hired from that group."
It did not need to be spoken, as Nolan had the formula's well hidden and no longer on the Island, but only the ladies, and Virginia, in this room knew this.
April ran forwards to wrap her thin arms about her ex-lesbian-lover, the two ladies cried for the loss of life.
Teri was looking very scared and stared at her son, her thoughts obvious - her son could have been been in the Manor, could have been killed!
Nolan on the other hand, looked very angry. His hopes to free all the non consensual woman that had smelt that rancid odour were honourable but dangerous. The loss of life in his hands.
"I'm going back... tonight!" He stood and stormed out of there.
Teri screamed unheard by her son, "No!"
SSoL 5: IIIVirginia did not look surprised to see the young man before her bed, a large comfortable hospital room that she was now confined in, as she was expecting him. The former head of the Family had dispatched Rachel with the dire news, in the hopes that their leader would return and lead them in this dark hour.
Flying in, Nolan had seen the destruction of the Manor on the top of the low mountain. Fully destroyed, at least all parts not built into the rock and with a good portion of the surrounding forest also gone by the ensuing fire. The helicopter had circled numerous times, and Nolan noted even the destruction of the large totem pole before the main doors.
"How are you feeling Virginia?"
There was certainly no love loss between the two, as Virginia had enslaved his mother and had brought him into this life that he did not desire. Yet she was also a very wise and intelligent woman, one whom was needed for her counsel. She had been part of this Family from the beginning and had lead it for much of her life, she knew the dangerous power that was contained in the 'Water'.
She ignored his question, "They got Mary."
He nodded, "I'm sorry." Rachel had told him. She had also told him that his cousin and aunt had been out of the Manor that evening as they had attended one of the frequent lesbian orgies that happened each night. Though no longer addicted, the sheer passion that a woman enjoy while smelling the 'New Water' was still nirvana, and most did not want too lose that passion - something they had not ever had before they became a Family-member.
So, Mary was the only one of the victims that he had known which had died in that assault. Alongside of Virginia, she had been the next oldest living member in the Family.
"I assume your mom didn't want you to come?"
It was irrelevant and they both knew it. "Do we know who did this?" Nolan could barely contain his anger.
"We know of one."
That got his attention, and she continued, "He had been particularly harsh with his slave before she had been 'released'." Evidently this woman had overheard or had seen something and had told a member of the Family as a way to thank them for releasing her from the horrors of the addiction.
Most slaves had run after discovering their souls were not locked to a scent that their wealthy owners no longer possessed. Some came to the Island, a few stayed with their masters, but most just disappeared - Nolan believed their previous masters had them destroyed.
"Is she on the Island?"
"Yes, and I have had her questioned thoroughly." He doubted it not.
"I want to call a meeting of the heads of the Family this afternoon, two." She nodded and he spun about and left.
SSoL 5: IVTeri sucked on the five inch cock with love and devotion, wanting to pleasure her son as she so expertly knew how. She knew ever bump, every millimetre of that penis and would be able to describe its shape and even its taste to perfection.
Her son loved her as a mother but also loved her as a slave, and she would never want to be deemed an equal. This is what she wanted, to kneel naked before her only son and pleasure him. Her mouth, as she well knew, could bring him this pleasure for virtually hours.
Every inch of her body had felt the touch of his sperm, every inch of her body had been touched by his cock, his hands and even his tongue. She pretended to be his equal in the matters of the heart, as she knew he wanted this but in her own soul she was but a lowly slave, a slut. Her son's slut. At that very moment, her only purpose in life was to suck that beautiful teenage cock.
Nolan had one hand upon the top of his mothers head, surprised that he did not resist when she came naked to him and knelt, obvious of her intentions. Even with the emotions that now surrounded everyone upon the Island, he felt the need to have her suckle him. He was glad for it, it comforted him and bought a moments piece to his harsh thoughts.
Rachel waited outside the room, watching from the hallway - her body aching for Nolan's cock, her mouth salivating, her nipples tight and painful, and her sex a river of desire. She waited with more documents that he had requested, and to walk him up to the remains of the Manor. It was nearly time for the meeting.
SSoL 5: VThere was nearly a dozen ladies in the room, some faces notably missing. Killed.
Nolan had ordered the meeting in one of the deep conference rooms within the mountain, behind the Manor, in the rock. It had been untouched but each person had to pass the destruction of the lethal assault to get to the room. Nolan had entered, with a protective Rachel, and sat at the head of the oval table.
It was very silent, most eyes looked fearful and humble.
Nolan nodded down the table to Virginia, where she sat in her custom wheelchair. Of the other faces, he knew only one other, Jennifer, his mother's sister.
"I would not think ill of any woman that wanted to leave this Island?" He looked at each and none could keep his gaze. Several boats had already left, but mostly it had been women that had joined the inhabitants after being freed from the 'Water'. Joined for the blissful orgies, and for the life of non-judgemental life upon the island.
When he came to his aunt he watched her for a long time, expecting her to be the one that wanted to bail. After being freed from her addiction, Jennifer had quickly left the Island and even her daughter, to try and return to her husband and her 'normal' life. It could not be, there was no longer a 'normal' life for a woman that had tasted the horror and the joy of 'Toilet Water'. Could she sleep in her husbands bed when she remembered the taste of her daughters sex or the plunge of her nephews cock within her - knowing that the pleasure, without the horror, was readily available. She had returned to the Island and the Family within the month, and Nolan had made use of her intelligence and experience in running this Family.
None in the room opted to leave, they were a part of the Family and no life existed outside it.
Nolan felt pity for them, knowing the ladies were enslaved to him and the Family just as strong as they had been a year before - though it was much more subtle.
"What do you think our response should be Virginia?" She was the eldest in the group, the most experienced in ruling and probably the wisest. As well she was Nolan's primary counsellor, though the two often had different opinions.
"We have considerable resources, we hit them and we hit them hard." Several in the room nodded in agreement. After most of her years being in the Family, Virginia was also very cold hearted when she needed to be, Nolan thought.
Rachel was one of those that had not nodded, "Rachel - what are your thoughts?" She had been given the job of keeping the Family and the events of the Island quiet, that none outside a very select circle knew about.
She didn't look too sure, perhaps it was her age as she was the youngest female in the room. "Many of our original customers adapted to our 'New Water', had realized its benefits." A girl would succumb to the power of the 'Water' if it was addictive or not, simply open a vial and watch as the strictest virgin turned into the lowest slut. Besides, caring for a slave for the rest of her years can be very cumbersome and expensive. A notable few wanted the extra power of the addiction, and demanded that it was the primary agent that they had purchased. "Perhaps we could give those that don't, the original 'Water'?"
A couple of other heads nodded, even Virginia's.
Two other council members spoke up. Then Jennifer did, "I think we have more options than revenge or giving into their terrorist demands." Everyone listened carefully and this time Nolan nodded.
SSoL 5: VIThey sat about the table and talked animatedly. April, with Rachel's help, served the food and kept the glasses filled. Nolan and his family; Teri, Shelly and Jennifer.
Shelly was eyeing her older cousin hungrily, ignoring her food for sinful thoughts for the only man on the Island. After being released, Shelly had fought with her mothers demands that they both leave the Island. The younger woman loved the freedom, the passion that she had while living here and she also loved her cousin. She had won and her mother had left without her, abandoning her to this life. Nolan and Shelly had frequently spent those cold winter evenings together, before he left to return to school and knew the pleasures of his hard cock within every hole of her body. She loved him and only wanted to again pleasure him.
Jennifer was talking about some of the more ludicrous expenditures that the Island spent to her sister and the two were laughing loudly. She was the financial controller and with a large staff kept track of all of the Families mountains of cash.
Nolan was lost in thought, staring at his food, though his cousin attempted to gain his attention.
The air in the house was tense, sexually so, as every woman wanted to have that hard teenage cock within her, but none said a word. Even as Jennifer and Teri laughed and told their stories, they often stole glances back to the young man.
Regardless of the dangers of the day, it was now night and they had to sleep or at least retire to the bedroom. Each wanted the privilege of having their 'Master' to themselves.
Nolan, often introverted and introspective, did not miss the obvious. He was a teenage boy after all and had already decided whom would sleep where for the night, only he was not able to release his thoughts as easily as Jennifer seemed to be.
For one, Nolan wanted to ensure that there was no more blood shed, and felt he would decide on Virginia's drastic council if there was. As well he did not want to give into the demands of men that wanted to enslave women and had killed to further this desire.
The council had talked for two hours and Nolan had spoken little, but had left after giving some orders about the security and rebuilding of both the Island and the Manor. It only took money, and the Family had huge amounts of that.
To pull his thoughts away from the dark thoughts the teenager bartered the possible pleasures that the ladies about him could offer. Oh certainly he had already chosen, but his mind weighed each woman against the other, comparing what they had to offer to the desire he felt within himself that evening.
His thoughts amused him and his mother noticed the change in his facial expressions. "Finished your supper darling?" She had interrupted yet another accounting tale from her sister to query her son.
He looked up and every eye was upon him, "It was fine."
The anxious tension built and even April and Rachel stood still, awaiting the sleeping arrangements.
Things on the Island had changed in the last year, no longer could a person of seniority demand the sexual favours of another. Often with the use of the 'Water' to ensure their demands are met. Tony had been famous at pushing the envelope at what a woman deemed moral, and it was the secret to his success at breaking new slaves. Yet, every woman in that room would walk into a bullet for Nolan and would jump at the chance to pleasure him in any way imaginable.
The silence was unbearable to every woman in the room and it was Teri, Nolan's mother that broke it, "Darling, whom do you desire tonight?" She hopped that she could be with her son, but doubted it since there were ladies that he has not tasted for some time waiting but a nod.
Nolan smiled, which only increased the tension, remembering some of the fun Tony had shown Nolan.
"Master?" It was a slip of the tongue and Jennifer frowned at the younger woman.
"You have some 'Water' in the house don't you?"
Rachel was practically beaming with pleasure, "Oh yes Nolan, as much as we need."
"Good. I want you and April to take Shelly upstairs and keep her occupied till morning." Shelly looked openly disappointed, and Rachel marginally less, but all three nodded in acceptance. It would be a night of 'Water' induced lesbian lust.
Each gave Nolan a kiss upon his lips, Shelly lingering, as they departed. He was left with his mother and aunt. They both looked expectant.
"I was remembering some of what we did so many months ago, do you remember?"
They nodded, Teri now biting her lip, a nervous habit. Jennifer spoke up, "Most of it, yes."
"Did you enjoy it aunt Jennifer?"
She could barely look into his brown eyes for a few seconds before she felt the flow between her legs dampen her panties. Jennifer had to turn her eyes away. "Very much Nolan."
Instead of a command to crawl to him, suck his cock and lick each others faces, as the two ladies expected, he asked, "Did we do the right thing?"
Teri frowned, not understanding. But Jennifer thought she did, "I hope so." His gaze turned serious and his aunt could not even look into his eyes for a brief second.
"Aunt Jennifer, you left us but returned very quickly. Why?" Nolan thought he knew, but he could never understand it - how could he, he was never addicted to the 'Water'.
Jennifer toyed with her food and felt her younger sister and her nephews eyes upon her, awaiting an answer. "Its the only place I now belong."
"Because Tony had brought you here for me?" After revealing a small piece of Nolan's psych, Tony had sent a team to retrieve Jennifer and her daughter, enslaving them with the 'Toilet Water' - forever changing their lives. It had been his method of befriending Nolan.
She nodded slowly, "Partially."
"Why did you come back, why don't you leave now?"
A tear came to Jennifer's eye, and her sister reached out to grasp her hand. "I can never leave, when I first smelt the 'Water' the life that I had known was but a memory."
It was tragic, and each of the three knew it, Jennifer had a good life with a fine husband. The 'Water' had taken everything from her, including her life as a mother, since she and her daughter often 'performed' for Tony and eventually Nolan. How could their relationship ever be the same?
Nolan frowned, "Would it have been easier if you didn't have the choice to leave?"
Jennifer again looked into her nephew's eye surprised, "I suppose."
"And mom?" Teri quickly turned her gaze to her son. "Did you ever think about my sexual pleasure before you smelt the 'Water'?"
Nolan had never seen his mother blush, and he had seen her do and act rather bawdy, but she turned her eyes down to her own plate and whispered, "I wondered."
"How so?"
It took a few awkward seconds before she answered, "I wondered if you had enough time to date." He was about to ask another question when she continued, "If there was a special girl in your life. I sometimes even wondered about what you did to... relieve yourself." Her face was bright red. She had just acknowledged that she had thought sexual thoughts of her son before she had been 'conditioned' to think that way.
Nolan was rather surprised, "Did anyone ever ask this of you when you were being trained?" She nodded positively. He knew that her training may not have been as difficult has he had always imagined.
"Aunt Jenn," his pet name for her and the older woman felt her sex twitch in response, "if I was to hand you two vials of 'Water', one the original the another the new batch - and I told you that you had to chose the remainder of your life by choosing one. Which would you choose?"
It was a complex question, and Nolan didn't think it came out right but Jennifer frowned. "To live the life of an addictive slave or... ?"
"Or to be turned out of the Family", both ladies inhaled shapely, "but have an endless supply of the new version of 'Toilet Water'."
The silence was thick but it was interrupted by the sudden squeal of pleasure from somewhere upstairs - Shelly most probably.
Jennifer had stated that she had no other life but the one that she lived with the Family, and she now enjoyed her new life. Though she also regretted the loss of the former as well.
"I would take the addictive one, the original 'Water'." Nolan didn't try to hide his surprise.
"Aunty Jenn! You of all people?" She was a mature intelligent woman with a lot going for her, Nolan had thought the answer would have been to live outside the Island and to enjoy the scent as often as she wished.
"Its now my family." Teri nodded in agreement, her sister defending her answer. "And you are the head of my Family Nolan."
"What does that mean to you Jenn?"
Another twitch, this time her sister saw the sudden clench of her mature thighs and smiled knowingly. "It means...", she paused and looked down at her own thighs, clenching lewdly, "... it means I would do anything for you."
"Anything?" He wore a half smile again, his thoughts turning away from the burden as head of the 'Family'.
Jennifer stood up and motioned to her obvious damp spot on the front of her skirt where her own hand had pressed the cloth between her thighs, "This needs you so bad Master." She began to disrobe before the two other family members while talking. "I have done some incredible stuff, things I would not have even imagined but in retrospect would not change for anything."
Teri was clenching her own thighs while watching her elder sister disrobe, "Like what sis?"
Jennifer looked down amused at the game her sister was playing. "I have fucked my nephew, I have licked his sperm from my daughters three holes, I have intimately explored my own sisters cunt and asshole... !" Both ladies were panting - and though Jennifer had done much more under the command of Tony, it didn't seem like the place to voice it.
Standing straight, naked and very aroused, "It means, most of all Master, that I desire you. I need you, my body needs you. I live now only for you. My previous life was nothing... only now do I truly live!" Her breasts were large, like her sisters, but looked older. Her thighs wider and her ass more generous and lower. She looked older, and probably took less care of her body than Teri did. Yet both people in that room wanted her very much at that moment.
Jennifer pushed the soiled dishes from the large wooden table, many crashing to shards upon the floor, and climbed slowly upon it. Nolan and his mother watched, one with a hard cock and the other with a wet pussy. When the ascent was complete, Nolan's aunt lay upon her back with legs spread wide, with feet over either side of the table. She slipped both hands between her legs and began to fondle herself.
"My darling nephew... without the addictive properties of the Toilet Water, I still need to be with you. My body is only for you my love." Two fingers slipped into her vagina and a finger from the other hand slipped her her anus.
Teri began to crawl upon the table, her face over her sisters, inverted. No words needed to be said as the elder leaned down and began to kiss passionately with the hungry mouth below. Nolan watched with hunger in his eyes, his aunts sex a few feet from him.
Nolan's mom had taken the initiative and broke the kiss, her eyes lifting up her sisters body to the hands busy between the spread soft thighs. She began to crawl up the body, raining kisses on the pale soft skin.
Jennifer groaned out loudly as her older sister didn't hesitate to take her enlarged and sensitive clitoris between her lips and suck. After that first wave of pleasure, a deep seated need to taste the woman, her own sister above her, was paramount and she removed her hands from her body and fumbled with the loose skirt that covered her face.
Nolan sat, his mind returning to the conversation from earlier while his aunt's face pressed upwards into the hidden valley beneath his mothers pleated skirt. Both elder ladies began to suck, lick and tongue every tasty and sensitive millimetre of the others sex.
This, what was happening on the table before him, would it have ever happened if not for the Toilet Water? Nolan knew it would not. Yet, the 'Water' was not even in the air - and these two women were so passionate that they committed incest willingly and even aggressively, if his aunt was any indication.
Was the situation before he 'cured the slaves' of the Family better than it was now? Was it better when the women had no choice but had to submit to him better than it was now? Or was it like his aunt had essentially said, that she still had no choice, though her situation has changed, and was still a submissive to his every whim.
Nolan set down his fork and waited for Virginia to finish her dessert. His mother had opted to eat nothing and sat in silence. The three of them shared an intimate, but delicious, meal by the fireplace the very night of the loss of Nolan's virginity. Virginia sat upon a wide soft chair, just like his own, across from him. While his mother knelt at her son's feet, her head upon one knee. His initial questions had been deflected by the older woman, till after the meal was finished. It was...
David's home life had become every teenage boy's fantasy. To screw two attractive women at his discretion. In fact, his newest interest was to watch his mother and sister eat the others pussy. This was often a preliminary to his joining in. And as long as he had "Toilet Water" about to reward the ladies, before or after the sexual session, there was little he could not do with their lovely bodies. About the house, the two women wore skimpy whorish clothing or nothing. The two sets of...
Virginia was obviously not happy with her sister joining David's growing harem. In fact, she would attempt everything to seduce David before his attentions focused towards the young teen, as they often seemed to do. Every seductive move and action she attempted, often to success. Only when the scent was upon her, did all her reasoning leave and she, again, became her boyfriends slave. Samantha, on the other hand, could not get enough. Fawning over David and instantly doing whatever he...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Kyizziania Zianamilizzi pulled me to her by her tail. She had it wrapped around me, her breasts jiggling. Her purple eyes fixed on mine, slitted like a...
I'm talking about my girlfriend , whom I've been dating for the past few years. We rarely meet and our conversations usually takes place through online messengers. We maintain a deep lust for each other and we love to watch each other strip (Mostly she would do it, and I like to boss around) and I used to relieve my edge. We had this of meeting in a private place so that we can have a chance to express each other the stagnant intimacy. But being a part of southern India, we can't easily...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...
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Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part Six: A Father's Lusts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Sixteen: Patrol Zanyia – The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My tail swished back and forth as I rubbed my cheek into Master's leather jerkin. I loved the smell of leather, the feel of the smooth yet rough material on my skin. I shivered, squirming on the saddle, the harder leather rubbing on my juicy pussy—it always was juicy—while my little nipples tingled...
Reddit StruggleFucking, aka r/StruggleFucking! Are you a fan of obedient girls who enjoy getting rammed hardcore? I think that everyone enjoys watching a slutty girl who simply loves rough handling, and that is why I am here to introduce a subreddit called r/StruggleFucking/. This place basically speaks for itself… the chicks are struggling while getting fucked.Now, before you go down on my ass, you should already know that the babes here are not being forced to do anything. This is all out of...
Reddit NSFW ListYou've had a long day at work and you're driving down the boulevard. You stop at a red light and something has caught your eye in a parking lot across the intersection. The light turns green and you start to pull away and while you pass the hotel you notice the green car as a stuffed animal in the back window just like your wife's car. Your curiosity has gotten the best of you so you immediately turn the car around at the next corner. You're pulling into the parking lot and driving slowly...
One pleasant afternoon a beautiful yet sexy woman was walking down the trail tthrough the woods.Heading to her relatives cottage few acres away from her home.To pay a visit.Whom she haven't seen for ages.Her name is Isabel.She is very pretty at 27,smart and most of all sexy.With her stature,no one would think she is still a virgin. Isabel paused for a while,taking her time off admiring the beauty of nature. The blooms of the wildflowers.Gasping, she touched the blooms and eagerly nudged...
This is the continuation of my stories “brother lusts sister part 1 and part 2” Links – Part 1: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/brother-lusts-sister/ Part 2 : https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/brother-lusts-sister-part-ii/ After that incident at the carom board I was eagerly waiting to touch my sister’s soft breasts and wanted to fondle them until my thirst fulfills ,I want to insert my penis deep inside her pussy , my cock is aching like a kid crying for a biscuit. My mind is...
IncestOn Wednesday, everything seemed to fall into place. We got out early from school, it was a nice sunny day, and Sammy was eager to come home with me. I let it slip that I hoped we could catch my mom sunbathing since she wouldn’t be expecting me to be home. We got to the house and went straight up to my room. I dropped my backpack on the floor and told Sammy I was hot and sweaty and wanted to get out of my school clothes. I took off my shirt and my pants and just stayed in my boxers. Sammy...
“If you want us to do it, you must first suck off Andy,” came the challenge from my wife Marianne. Our friends, Andy en Lynette, were visiting us for the weekend in Cape Town. We were sunbathing on the sundeck of our beautiful home next to Table Mountain. We could see the city and the ocean in the background. The women, Marianne and Lynette, took off the bikini tops a while ago. Their itsy-bitsy string bikini bottoms barely covered their aroused pussies. Andy’s and my erect cocks in our...
This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. "Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other." CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...
Wife LoversCharactersRandy (12yo) and Helen (49yo)Category & Story codesWoman-Boy storyFb Mb – cons oral anal The Summer heat hung deep on the small town of Rivers-dale and young 12 year old Randy could not wait to finish his summer lawn mowing job at Mrs Henderson's. He had been hired to mow the grass twice a week but sometimes wondered why they had not hired an older boy because he was still quite small and struggled on the up hill parts of the lawn. Randy was a perfect specimen of a boy – lithe and...
This story is a sequel to my story Envy Charm, written to the specifications of Robyn as a prize for my second story contest. SRU: The Lust Charm By Morpheus An incredibly hot looking blonde slowly walked down the corridor, her whole body swaying erotically with every step. She couldn't have been more than 20 at most, dressed in a tight skirt and halter top that left very little to the imagination. The faint tapping from her high heels echoed loudly, in spite of all the people that...
Hello guys …This is Sunitha again !! Back with the incidents that happened the next day !! If you havent read my previous episodes please read them under “Trapping my Father in law.” I feel going straight into the story is bit boring !! So guys lets add some spice !! Put your hand into the pant around your dick…Now stoke it up and move it to your right..now to your left..up and down..up and down..right and left..If you are hot enough and bit wet , lets go into the story !! I hate dry dicks !! I...
IncestThe Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novelAuthor: AnonymousVol 3 The castle, although in a valley between the hills, stood on a high perpendicular isolated rock some hundred-and fifty feet above its base; it was crowned with a very high building to make up for want of space at the foundation, and had besides a very lofty and bold round tower, rising high enough above the sides of the valley to serve as a lookout beyond them. The habitable part was reached from the main gate by a...
Copyright© "Ouch!" the big woman yelped as my cock stabbed her squarely between her pussy and her anus. I backed off a little, struggling to keep from dropping her. We had been walking home in the dark when she said "Gol darn it, honey, I'm too horny to wait 'til we get there. You gotta put yore pole in me NOW, dammit! I wanna get fucked!" So I dragged her down the next dark alley and into a small setback between buildings, where I unzipped my pants and whipped out my charger. I...
Ever get a feeling of intense guilt when you're not sure exactly what it is that you're supposed to be guilty of, a sense that an apology is demanded in a situation where you're dead certain an apology would only make things worse? Oil on water, Jahn thought, gaping at the shrieking girl before him. Woman, he mentally corrected himself. Both of them, however small and slender they were, could not be mistaken for anything other than women. That had been a draw for him; so many of the girls...
It was in the year of our lord, seventeen-twenty when the Lust sailed from her hideout, El Saqueo la Caleta. The day was sunny with fair winds. She was a one hundred fifty ton, eighty foot vessel that carried one hundred pirates. There were over twenty cannons and a very large cargo space.She had two masts and her main sail could be fitted with either square sails that were best in quartering wind, or fore-and-aft sails for sailing windward. The ship was also rugged enough to cross the Atlantic...
HistoricalNext morning I was awakened by uncle alone, who told me that my aunt was somewhat poorly, and could not come.“I am sorry it is so, for this little fellow is as hard as usual.” “Oh, I am so sorry dear aunt is poorly, both on her account and my own.What shall I do, dear uncle? It is so hard and painful.” “Well, my dear boy, I must try to allay it myself. I love you too dearly to leave you in this state. I am not so good at allaying this painful attack as your aunt, but as you know you were...
Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...
Herb felt like someone had just handed him a million dollars as he heard thepassionate pleading in her voice. Of course he’d wanted to fuck her all night but hehadn’t really expected to succeed. He was sure that Gail would back out at the lastminute or get mad at him and demand he take her home. Now she was the oneasking him! Could it be possible that he’d been wrong about Gail? That perhaps shewasn’t the straight virgin he’d surmised?Currents of delicious excitement ran through Gail’s body as...
SRU: Power Struggle By Morpheus Vincent Martoni glared across the table at the rest of the heads of his organization. As the head of his particular Mafia family, he was extremely demanding, and all the underlings nervously waited for him to speak, wondering what he had called this meeting for. He was renowned for his drive, viciousness and determination, all of which had made him the head of his particular family, earning him the fear and even respect of his underlings. Even...
Chapter Twenty: Taming the Orc's Wild Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Solja's ram-dao slammed down at me, the...
Kurtis – Nemberon Plains My heart beat with exultation. The moon maiden was on the ground. She was dancing out there just waiting for me to find her, seduce her, and breed her. To add her to my harem. My cock throbbed so hard. “Go!” I shouted. Howling with passion, the werewolves blurred into the wolf forms and darted into the grass. Nephi became her lion-like sphinx form, her wings flapping. She leaped into the air and soared it the night. The two rakshasas grew tiger heads and snarled as...
Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...
Free Sex GamesAbout this time Miss Frankland, who had become a great favourite with mamma, obtained permission to take possession of the spare bedroom, with an understanding that she was to cede it to any visitor who might come. Of course, this circumstance made my desire to get into her good graces doubly strong, inasmuch as the opportunity of sleeping with her afterwards could be so easily effected. I determined to watch her when retiring to bed, and try to get a view of her naked form. For this purpose I...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Solja’s ram-dao slammed down at me, the two-handed sword flashed in the sunlight. The crowd cheered, roaring with hunger...
The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya's body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure c***d, his breath carrying the odour of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...
Deen’s head was reeling and his heart was pounding. What he had seen shocked him to start with. He saw an unruly man, dark and powerful, manhandle his beautiful mother, pump into her pussy roughly, mash her fleshy body all over and finally spew his hot cum deep inside her belly. And all along she not only liked it but loved and craved for it. The fact that she didn’t mind going through it with her son in the house made his heart beat faster with the realization that his mom was indeed a lusty...
IncestHi sweethearts and studs I’m Sagar (name changed) a 22 year old from Mumbai and this is the story of my blissful journey to belgam in a night sleeper bus. I am a slim built 22 year old with a fair complexion smooth body with very few hairs and a little embarrassing very large plump ass which sway when I walk. I always had a secret deep desire to feel a passionate manly love and to feel the bliss of surrender and pain followed by pleasure but I never had the nerve to go out and try and so...
But to return to our earlier days.Harry and I carried on our intrigue with the Nichols and Ann, aided by our dear friend MacCallum. Also from time to time with the Benson, Egerton, and Count, to which generally the darling Frankland brought her exquisite charms to intoxicate us with pleasure.This delightful reunion was sadly affected by the loss of the Count, who received an amnesty — I think I before have said he was a political exile — returned to his own country, and we never again had his...
Ken and his buddies sat around drinking beer like there was no tomorrow. When the evening first started, the men were skeptical of Ken's boastful promises but they were all hopeful. Now that each had consumed a few beers, doubts as to what was going to happen all but evaporated. All were extremely excited and confident that Ken would deliver. The growing anticipation was pure agony waiting for the women. Andy's anxiety of being left out of Ken's invited guests quickly disappeared when the...
Hi, this is vikram again, thanx for all of your comments given on my last story, now i am giving you a recently held mass fucking of my lovely and sexy wife sweety. She is a real slut. For those who are new let me tell you her figure again. She is a real fucking bitch with 34 – 30 – 38 size. Long black hairs and white complexion. This story happens when some of my friends came to delhi for trip and stayed at hotel. On the same day i had invited them to my house for dinner. I did not told...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Labyrinth, The Empire of Shizhuth The tarasque charged. The ground shook as the massive monster rushed at us. The giant tortoise-like behemoth kicked...
I’m Harish 20 of age studying in a medical college in Chennai. I am a well built but little chubby boy with weight 5’7″. I’m the only child of a wealthy family from a town in Tamil Nadu. I was an above average student who got into a prestigious private medical college in Chennai by management quota. I’m a person with modern ideologies and thoughts. I love to party and experience new things. Since I was living in a small town, I didn’t get many chances. This is my real sex story. I joined the...
While peeing, she let out a shudder of relief as some of the accumulated horniness found alternate release. But only some of it. Stepping out and in the same scant attire she moved to the main door to collect the morning milk. Opening the door, she bent to pick up the milk and in the process her full breasts spilled out to form a delectable cleavage. From the corner of her eye she saw the milkman’s bicycle parked in the compound and realized that he was still around and was perhaps waiting for...
For the next two hours Deen simply jerked the life out his dick till he thought it would get disengaged from his crotch. He had seen his sexy Mom getting her breasts sucked and crushed by his younger brother while carrying on a conversation with his Dad. Her naked, well curved body was thoroughly felt and she had squeezed and mashed her dripping cunt to an orgasm in obscene horniness. The last lingering image of his juicy mother for his jerk off was of her heaving, voluptuous, fully exposed...
IncestDo you lust after the one and only Kendra Lust? Fuck, I know I do! And my penis does too! Which is why you need to be following Kendra Lust right the fuck here, and right the fuck now!If you’re ready to dive in balls first and follow this stunning porn star that’s been satisfying horny fuckers like I for years, then do her a solid and follow her ass over on Twitter.com/KendraLust. Here, you are going to find her latest updates, beautiful content, and all of the various ways that you can follow...
Twitter Porn AccountsMarina was niaeve when she came from Russia to the U.S. as a mail order bride three years ago. She came with dreams of a family and a man that loved her. Her new husband was younger then her, she was 32 when she got married. She soon learned her husband lied to her, he finally divorced her after a year. She is now 35 divorced and no children, she discovered men her age or younger wanted one thing to fuck her and walk away. She had not been with a man for three years until we met on the dating...
Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here… I have to tell this story just as I have lived it and continue to live it. It’s about a woman’s lust, and yet more than lust — and no...
IncestI switched off the engine and the car glided to a stop. The rain had started again and the trees were rustling in the wind, giving both a cozy and frightening atmosphere in the car, mixed with the highly charged feeling of impending sex.He was transfixed with my body, marvelling at the softness as he roamed around feeling my breasts and nipples, the firmness of my stomoch, giving way into the sensual curvaciousness of my pubes, which I have thankfully shaved and now resembling a prepubertal...
Robbie wanted to take his time over this; to make sure Zoe's first time was perfect. She however, had other ideas. Sleeping with Robbie had never been far from her mind over the past few weeks and she couldn't get him upstairs fast enough. She took his hand and tugged him along behind her, only pausing once she had led them both to her room. Turning, she began to tug at his shirt, eager to get it off. "Zoe, slow down, this is not how your first time should be. It's too rushed, we should...
Introduction: 20 year old virgin gets abducted by the demon of lust and becomes his bride… Tied down. My arms stretched above my head, aching in their relentless restraint. Panic as I take in my surroundings. Im in what looks like a large cave, the walls made of black volcanic rock. Rivulets of lava seep down through numerous cracks in the surrounding walls, cooling and hardening, adding to the texture of the cave. The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My...
Her husband’s disgusting behavior last night had left Manya more than just annoyed despite the fact that it facilitated some licentious sex for her neglected body. Now after being subjected to some cursory kisses and gropes he had sped off, leaving her naked and anguished all over again. He never seemed to display the remotest tinge of remorse for having left her high and dry at his boss’ party and now showed absolute callousness in announcing that he was leaving that evening for a week. The...
IncestA cold wind blew across the plains, and xeno-botanist Shirelle Parsons pulled her jacket tighter around her. She was on an expedition to find a unique plant, as she hunted for what was called the Gorson plant. Now that mankind was making his way out into the cosmos, the closest star systems to Earth were being investigated, and her science vessel, the S.V. Einstein, had been assigned the task of investigating the star called Epsilon Eridani, at a distance of 10.5 light years, it is the...
Hello friends mera naam bunty(badla hua) hai , age 26 , height 5,8 I’m good looking or mein ek achhi rich family se hoo …frends mein bahut time se fsi blog ka reader hoo or mujhe fsi blog bahut pasand hai to maine deside kiya ki mein bhi apni life ka real incident jo mere saath hua hai aap sabse share karoo or aapkie comments suno ki aapko mere saath jo hua hai wo kaisa laga ye mera mail id hai please aapke jo bhi comment hai wo mujhe kare …… Friends ye story shuru hoti hai 4 month pehle ,mera...
This story contains explicit sexual reference and scenes. This story should not be read or viewed by anyone under the age of 18. If you are under that age, please stop reading and delete this story. This story is a work of fiction. No person living or deceased is portrayed in this story. The images are original creations and depict no person living or deceased. This story is used with permission of the author. All copyrights apply to this document, story and images. Lust, Desire...
Finals week was a stressful time. Every professor wanted you to tell them everything they taught you during the semester. You only had three hours to do it. As an 18 year old freshman, this was the first time you've experienced finals week. To make matters worse, your exam schedule was is atrocious. Friday was the last day of class. You had a quiz in Geography, a lab report due in Chemistry, and a term paper due in English. Yesterday was Sunday. It...
The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My tongue is a desert, every swallow painful. The air is acrid, stinking of sulphur and smoke. Every breath is torture in my lungs, making them burn with an evil intensity. The platform I'm lying on seems to be made of the same rock as the walls, hard and lumpy, digging into my back. Rusted iron shackles encircle my wrists and ankles, pinned into the volcanic rock with nails as thick as my forearm. I yank at them,...