The World Of Erasthay - The Son Of LustChapter 46: Naughty Amazon Interrupts The Fun free porn video

Kurtis – Nemberon Plains
My heart beat with exultation. The moon maiden was on the ground. She was dancing out there just waiting for me to find her, seduce her, and breed her. To add her to my harem. My cock throbbed so hard.
“Go!” I shouted.
Howling with passion, the werewolves blurred into the wolf forms and darted into the grass. Nephi became her lion-like sphinx form, her wings flapping. She leaped into the air and soared it the night. The two rakshasas grew tiger heads and snarled as they darted off. Incubus and Succubus became clouds that surged out into the night while Beliala spread her wings and soared off.
They spread out to find her.
My sisters and dragon-mother moved around me, a torch held in Pyrriah’s hand. She had a big grin on her face, her eyes twinkling in the torchlight. The reds and oranges washed out as we moved through the night. The werewolves were howling all around us.
We moved across the plains at a jog, the torch illuminating the grass. The werewolves were darting back and forth. I could hear them sniffing, howling. It was like they each had a different sent they were tracking.
Well, maybe they just had to find her. She was out here somewhere.
We reached the top of another hill, staring out the dark plain for any sign of light. I didn’t see anything. Nor could I see the werewolves, the rakshasas, or Nephi. It was too dark even with the full moon painting silvery highlights on the grass.
The howls still came from all around us as we moved down the hill. My heart beat faster and faster. We had until the moon set to find her. I waved my torch, searching for any signs of the moon maiden. Where was she?
The howls were spreading farther and farther out. They were getting further away. My brow furrowed. “Shouldn’t they have the scent by now?”
“They could just be spreading out to quarter the terrain,” said Mother. “I could take my true form. We could find her fast.”
The idea was tempting. “We could, but...” Caution held me back. “We don’t want someone to see you. There could be others on this plain. Hunters from the nearby city or something. I don’t know.”
“Of course,” she said as we climbed another hill.
We reached the top and looked around again. Where was the moon maiden? This was getting annoying. She couldn’t have come down that far from us. It seemed just a few miles and... “We saw where the moon maiden came down. The direction of it.”
“Oh, no,” said Lasla. “Why did the werewolves run off in every direction instead of towards the moonbeam.”
“Yeah, that’s weird,” Pyrriah said. “They are hunters, but...”
Mother cocked her head. She breathed in and out. “There is something strange in the air. A subtle scent. I’m just catching whiffs of it. I’m not sure what it is, though. Where it is coming from.”
Worry swelled through me. “Maybe you should take your dragon form.”
“Not worried about hunters?” she asked.
“No, no, there’s something not right about this.” I rolled my shoulders. I looked around the darkness. “They should have found the moon maiden by now.”
“It’s like our hunters have been scattered,” Pyrriah said. “Led in every direction but the one they should be going.”
“Is it the moon maiden?” asked Lasla. “Can she do that? You know, to protect herself.”
“I don’t know,” Mother said. “This smells almost like ... fairy magic. Luring us from each other. Separating us.”
“That better not be you, Plumdrop!” I shouted. “Or you, Flutter!”
“Why?” Lasla asked. “Why would the fairies do—”
Pyrriah gasped and her sword whipped out of her scabbard. Her hair burned bright red as she swung the tulwar in a blur of motion. She smacked something out of the air. It hit the ground at my feet. An arrow, the haft cracked from the impact, some of the feather fletching sheered off. Tufts of down danced in the air.
“Gods damn!” I gasped, my mind whirring.
“Uncollar Mother!” Pyrriah cried.
“Yes,” snarled my dragon-mother, fury twisting her face.
I banished her golden collar and chastity belt. They vanished in motes of golden dust. As they did, manacles soared out of the darkness and struck mother. They clapped onto her wrists. They went tight on her, the chain rattling. She started to swell only for to gasp in pain. She stared down at them. There was no way to open them. They were solid metal.
“Go to a small form,” I gasped, drawing my sword.
“They’ll shrink with me,” Mother said, her big breasts swaying with her heavy breaths.
Pyrriah moved around us, her red hair burning bright, her torch blazing on the grass. Lasla crouched low, looking frightened. I peered out into the darkness. Where were these attacks coming from? Who was even doing this?
Three arrows flew up the hill, Pyrriah’s sword slashing. She cut the first one, then the second. Wood flew through the air. She slammed her sword into the third. A great cloud of gray smoke burst around her. She gasped then her hair went out. She collapsed to the ground.
“Chamomile!” Mother hissed. “Sleeping bomb on an arrow.”
“Who is out there?” I demanded, anger rising through me. I thrust my senses down where the arrows were and found...
Something feminine.
A woman. I thrust my tendrils into her soul and slid along diamond. An adamant will that kept my lust from penetrating into her body. My heart beat fast, my eyes trying to pick her out of the shadows. She had to be somewhere that I could get to her. I tightened my lust’s grip on her, looking for the flaw that would let me in.
“That won’t work on me,” growled a woman.
She burst out of the shadows and raced up the hill at us. She had dark hair flying behind her. She wore bronze armor that was shaped to leave her left breast exposed. A skirt of pleated bands of studded leather flapped around her legs. Greaves covered her chins up to her knees and bracers clad her forearms. She had a wild look in her eyes as she drew a short blade that had a leaf-like curve to it. A hoplite sword.
“Amazon,” gasped Mother.
“Yes, I am,” the amazon said as she entered the torchlight, a wild gleam in her eyes. She stared at me, her sword held low.
There was something familiar about the curves of her face, I just couldn’t quite place it. Her lips were full and sensual but twisted into a snarl that bared her teeth. My heart pounded. Amazons were hermaphrodite demigoddesses. The incestuous daughters of Henta and Matar.
“What do you want?” I demanded. “Why did you attack us?”
“You’re not the only one hunting the moon maiden, Son of Lust,” she said. “That’s one of the game I’m after tonight.”
“One?” I demanded.
Her eyes flicked to Mother. “The dragon is the other.”
My stomach lurched. How could she know that Mother was a dragon? I was so stunned, I couldn’t gather my wits to respond to her question. To deny it. My palms grew sweaty as they held the leather-wrap hilt of my tulwar.
“I’m not coming with you,” Mother said, her bearing regal and haughty.
“You won’t, huh?” she asked, swinging her sword in a slow circle. She glanced at me. “You have a stance like a fighter. You have skill.”
“Yes,” I growled.
“Not as much as her,” she said, glancing at my unconscious twin. “Do you think you can beat me?”
She smiled and sheathed her sword. My brow knitted. What was she doing? She held her hands out. “Are you sure you won’t come with me, Azuliana?”
“How do you know that name!” Mother growled.
The amazon smiled. “Last chance to come with me to a refugee. A place where you will be safe. You are the last of the Daughters of Fire. You need to be protected. We are kin, you and I. Both descendants of Matar.”
“I am going nowhere!” Mother snarled. “I will not abandon my owner!”
Anger flashed across the amazon’s face. “A man! You let a man own you!”
The amazon’s hands darted behind her and pulled her bow from her back and drew an arrow in a blur. Before I knew it, she had it pointed right at me. Just feet away. The broadhead point gleamed into the torchlight. A chisel point that would punch through my skull.
“If you don’t come with me, Azuliana, I’ll put an arrow between his eyes,” the amazon said, her voice cold.
I believed her. A clammy chill crossed my skin.
“That would be the last mistake you will ever make, Amazon,” Mother growled, her body trembling with fury. The manacles rattled. “Kill my son, and I will tear you apart limb from limb. I will leave your entrails coiled around this hill for the buzzards to feast upon. Then I will hunt down all your sisters. I will show why my kind should not live in this world!”
The Amazon’s face tightened but she did not lower her bow. “Then come with me, Azuliana, and I won’t kill him. I am trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need your protection, child!” Mother’s words snapped in the night.
“Your word or he dies,” the amazon said. “Hurry. I have a moon maiden still to capture, too! I will count to three, then your son dies. One!”
I swallowed. What could I do?
Mother hesitated, her eyes widening.
My heart screamed in my chest. My vision narrowed to a dark tunnel aimed right at that sharp point of the arrowhead.
“No!” screamed Lasla as she threw herself at the amazon. “Don’t you hurt my brother!”
“Lasla!” I shouted as she struck the amazon.
The arrow hissed by my face as the amazon twisted. She grabbed my sister, her attention off me. The amazon twisted my sister around and slammed her on her back. Lasla gasped as the amazon slammed her foot down on my sister.
I struck once more. I slammed all my lust into the amazon. This time, I didn’t envelop her defenses and tried to crush it like an egg. My desires hurtled at her like an arrow released from the bow. It struck her defenses. Her soul shivered from the impact, but my attack slid off her defenses.
Then Lasla joined me. She thrust her lust, too. We hit the same spot together. The amazon twisted around and drew another arrow. As she raised her bow, Mother stepped between us, shielding me with her body.
“If you think I will let you harm my family!” Azuliana snarled.
Frustration rippled through the amazon. I could feel it roiling in her. I slammed my lust into her armor again and again. I hammered her now, chiseling at her soul. Lasla, too. We worked together to get past her tightly-controlled desires.
“You can’t break apart our family!” Lasla screeched. “You terrible bitch. You think this is how you’ll protect her. By hurting her children! You’re a fool!”
“She’s safe with us!” I roared. “With me!”
“Safe?” hissed the amazon. Now her anger burned beneath her armor. The heat swelled. I grinned and hit the softening barrier. “Safe? You call this safe? She’s away from her sanctuary. You’re gallivanting around world that wants to kill her! Do you care at all, Son of Lust?”
I heard the sneer in her voice. The contempt. She hated me for being Las’s son.
“Just put down the bow,” I cried, hitting her armor. I could feel it softening, but it was still so tough. “Let’s talk. I’m not endangering my mother. She’s safe with us.”
The anger flared hotter.
“I don’t care if he is endangering me,” Mother added. “I’m here by my own choice!” She marched forward.
“Stop!” Snarled the amazon who suddenly darted to the right and trained her arrow on me once more. “You will move down the hill to that large bush. There you will find a clay ball. Break it open, and it will knock you out like your daughter. You use it now, or I will kill him. I will not let you threaten me.”
“You are horrible!” Lasla shrieked.
“If you jump at me one more time, girl, I will put an arrow into your head, too,” said the amazon. “You might be a woman, but you’re still his spawn. I won’t hesitate to put out that eye and stop you from thrusting your disgusting lust at me.”
“Don’t you threaten my sister!” I growled.
The amazon whirled and aimed the bow right at Lasla. “Your mother obeys you, Son of Lust. Order her to knock herself out, or I will kill your sister. My arrow will fly before you have a chance to move at me. Either of you!”
I slammed my lust into her, but her defenses were still too strong. I couldn’t get past her. Fear squeezed down hard on my heart. I didn’t know what to do. How to save my sister and keep my mother from being taken by this bitch.
The amazon suddenly hissed and whipped her head to the dark slope of the hill.
Tentacles surged out of the darkness. They struck my waist and arms, wrenching me around before I could kill Lasla. A feline snarl filled the night. A panthopus’s green eyes reflected in the torchlight as it yanked me towards his open maw.
What was a panthopus doing here?
I whipped my bow around and fire.
The arrow slammed into the beast’s neck. It crashed to the ground, whimpering and going limp, mortally wounded. The tentacles dropped me. I landed on my feet and reached for my next arrow. Footsteps whipped through the grass, voices shouting.
I whirled to find Kurtis, his sister, and his dragon all jumping at me at the same time. As I shifted my weight to throw myself to the side, something slammed into my soul. A burst of lust that sent an explosion of aching heat in my pussy.
It slowed me down.
Kurtis slammed into me. I gasped, falling onto the grassy slope. His mother and sister also crashed on me. I groaned as I hit the ground. I felt him in me. Attacking my desires. A shuddered at the waves of heat washing out of my pussy.
A mouth engulfed my nipple. A man’s mouth. Kurtis suckled on my exposed nub. I gasped only to find Azuliana’s mouth sealing on mine. She kissed me as the lust surged through me. Pleasure burst in my nipple.
Then Lasla’s head shot beneath my skirt of studded leather. She went right for my bushy twat. She licked and lapped at my twat without hesitating. Her tongue stroked through my folds as Kurtis’s lust surged through me. He twisted me. Bent me.
I groaned into Azuliana’s mouth, struggling to break free of that grip on me.
He nibbled on my nipple. His tongue danced around it. I felt his rough, masculine stubble on my breast. I ... liked it. The heat in my pussy swelled as Lasla thrust her tongue into my juicy depths. She swirled about in it.
Shock rippled through me.
I liked this.
I wanted to surrender. I wanted to give into the man sucking on my nipple. To take his cock into my pussy. I shuddered on the grass as he suckled harder at my nub. My pussy clenched, the heat rippling through my body.
This could not be happening.
I was turning into my mother.
That whore had given in. She had surrendered. I would not be like her. I was an amazon, not a slut. I would not be poisoned by lust. This wasn’t me. It was him. He was doing this to me. He had shoved his desire into me like he wanted to fuck his cock into my cunt.
My half-brother would not conquer me.
I should have killed him when I had the chance. Put an arrow in his head then drag Azuliana off to safety. I would free her from being a slave to that disgusting male. But I had hesitated. I had not taken the shot like I should have. That was my own failing. I was the weak one who should have just put an arrow in his eye.
I would not make that mistake again.
“NOOOOOO!” I shouted in defiance to the lust pouring into me. I slammed my elbow into Kurtis’s face.
He gasped as his head snapped back, ripping his mouth from my nipple. I headbutt Azuliana, cracking my temple into her cheek. She cried out in pain. Then I hopped to my feet, pulling my pussy from Lasla’s mouth.
He gained his feet, his robes open now. His cock thrust out hard before him. I stared at that thick phallus. It pulsed with his heartbeat. I gasped as my pussy clenched. My mouth watered. My lusts quivered in me. He bent them. Shaped them. My knees bent. The urge to fall before him and suck that cock filled me.
To gulp down a man’s seed.
I took a step towards him, my booted feet dragging through the grass. All I had to do was open my mouth and suck his ... cock...
I screamed in horror and turned, fleeing out into the night at a full sprint. My arms and legs pumped, my bare, left breast bouncing. I ran and ran and ran. I didn’t stop running until the sun had risen and set and risen once more.
The amazon vanished into the night. I swayed, stunned by what happened, then I gasped and stared at the creature that had saved us. The panthopus. He whimpered. I darted to him and fell to my knees. I grabbed the arrow and ripped it out.
Blood spurted.
“Oh, no,” I gasped. “We need bandages.”
“Here,” Mother said. She rushed over and fell to her knees, beside me, her manacles rattling. She had a strip of cloth she must have pulled from a pack. She wound it around the beast’s neck. The blood soaked it. She grabbed another.
“Thank you,” I said, stroking the beast’s muzzle. “You saved me again.”
“A panthopus saving a person,” said Mother in surprise. “What did you do to him, Lasla?”
“Gave him a taste of the best pussy in the world,” Kurtis said. He knelt beside Pyrriah. He gently shook her. “How long is she going to be out?”
“Maybe an hour,” said Mother, the chains rattling.
“And how are we getting those off?” I asked, staring at the manacles.
“They’re Bracers of Justice,” she said. “Not even Cernere can take them off. The only one is whoever has the key.”
“You mean the amazon that just ran off into the dark,” my brother muttered. “Great. So you can’t turn into a dragon.”
Mother shook her head.
“Gods damn,” Kurtis groaned and rose. “How did she know who you are?”
Mother didn’t have an answer to my question.
I stood and wondered why that face she had was so familiar. Had we bumped into her before and not realized it. Maybe in Queen Athirmi’s palace. There were all sorts of strange people in that place. Ufexis, that annoying gnome alchemist, knew who my mother was.
Did she blab?
And what about Ziryihm? The deva knew, too.
Then my eyes widened. “The moon maiden.”
I had to find her, but my slaves were scattered across the plains. The amazon’s work. Pyrriah slept. Mother and Lasla were bandaging the panthopus. I hoped it lived since he saved us all tonight. A panthopus. My sister really did have an amazing pussy.
I had to find the moon maiden. I glanced at the moon. It would set in another few hours. Time was running out. The amazon had run off. It had to assume that it was safe out here. I closed my eyes. There was only one way for me to find her.
I pressed out my senses. I could feel other women. I could find them and manipulate them. I ignored Mother and Lasla. I hardly felt Pyrriah with her being unconscious. I pushed out my senses across the plains.
My mind burned as I reached out farther than the hill. I kept pushing and pushing the tendrils of lust farther and farther out. My senses washed out over the plain. We had gone in the right direction. So she must be near here.
My hands clenched. Sweat dripped down my brow.
Fingernails bit into my palms.
I strained, pushing my lust towards the southeast, the direction we had run. I felt nothing. No creatures that had any lust. Nothing that feelings. No higher-order monsters. Just normal wildlife I’d never detect. I had to keep—
I found a female presence.

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