The World Of Erasthay - The Son Of LustChapter 59: Challenging The Cuckolded Centaur free porn video

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story.
Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth
The arrow hurtled at them.
My stomach clenched as Nephi darted to the right, kicking up sand with her paws. In her lion form, she was powerful. My twin sister held tight about my waist with her left arm as Nephi turned direction again, another arrow flashing at us.
Kyaza tried to kill us. And I had bred her last night.
The ebony skin woman rode on her centaur-husband’s back. She held a recurve bow that she drew back with another arrow knocked as Ghan charged straight at us. Kyaza loosed her arrow. The deadly missile gleamed for a moment in the afternoon sunlight filling the Coliseum. The watching crowds cheered for death.
Nephi flapped her wings and jumped to the side, gliding over the sand for a dozen feet before landing. She couldn’t fly with our weight on her back, and we couldn’t dismount without being disqualified. So my sister and I had to stay on her back. We had to win. I had to see the Serpent Oracle.
And I couldn’t die. My family would suffer a cruel fate without me to protect them here.
The fear churned through me even as the battle exhilaration boiled through my veins. This was real. Ghan and his wife were trying to kill us. The centaur charged at us, lowering his lance. The point gleamed as he galloped toward us, his muscular torso rising from the front of his horse half.
He seemed so large as he charged at us. Towering over us. He turned, tracking Nephi. He wasn’t as burdened as my sphinx was. Ghan didn’t have two riders. Pyrriah insisted on coming. I knew she wouldn’t be a burden, but...
The lance aimed straight for me.
Fires burst behind me. Warmth washed over my back. Flames hurtled from my sister at Ghan. The crowd “OOOHED!” as he cursed and turned to the right to avoid being burned the blazing ball slammed into the sand behind them, bursting with sparks.
Cheers whooped from the crowd as Ghan charged behind us. His wife tracked us and loosed an arrow that whipped by my head, nearly hitting me. The wind from its passage kissed the side of my face. Nephi turned to chase after Ghan.
“If that hits us, we’re dead,” Pyrriah said. “No blocking or parrying.”
I nodded.
Nephi raced across the sand as Ghan outdistanced her. He turned. As he did, Kyaza loosed another arrow. At this range, I hardly had a chance to move. It buzzed past me and struck Pyrriah’s helm. Metal rang. My sister cried out, gripping me.
“Pyrriah!” I gasped.
“I’m okay,” she said, clutching to me. “The helmet deflected it. She’s aiming for me.”
“What?” I demanded. Ghan turned as he galloped over the sand. Was he trying to get into position to do something dangerous? It seemed like that. He was trying to outmaneuver us and charge at us from the side. “Why not me? I’m in front.”
“You know why.” Amusement played in her voice as Nephi continued the chase.
I reached out to Kyaza. Lust brimmed in her. Lust for me. Seeing me again had ignited the fires I had stoked in her last night. The flames that burned hot for me. I had given her far more pleasure than her husband had.
She blazed for me as she drew back another arrow. I could feel it. She didn’t want to kill me, so she aimed for Pyrriah. She didn’t care if she killed my sister. I couldn’t let that happen. I focused on the fight now as Nephi and Ghan were running in circles. She was trying to keep him from getting a good angle to charge us.
“After I kill you,” Ghan roared, “I’ll fuck that woman of yours! That bitch on your back right here on the sands, and that other slut up in the stands!” He grinned. “I’ll fuck her so hard again.”
Amusement rippled through me. Was he trying to make me jealous? So I shouted back, “Lasla had a fun time with you! Gave her a few moments of pleasure! She does like monster cocks, though she prefers our troll over your little dick!”
“Little!” roared Ghan. “My cock is as mighty as a stallion!”
“You haven’t seen the troll’s dick!” I said. “It’s alike a tree-stump. Really fills my woman up. She loves it!” “Pathetic!” sneered Ghan, the tails of his long mustache fluttering along his cheeks. “What sort of male lets his woman fuck other cocks?”
“I don’t know,” I said, glancing at Kyaza as she drew back for her next shot. “You tell me. I mean, you let your woman fuck other cocks!”
Kyaza gasped and loosed her arrow. It streaked across the short distance and struck me in the helm. My head snapped to the right. A dull bell rang around me while part of my head throbbed like I had been punched. I shook off the wave of dizziness rushing over me.
“She’s not happy with you now,” Pyrriah muttered.
“That’s an understatement,” hissed Nephi. Her wings flapped.
“What does that mean?” snarled Ghan. He pointed his lance at me, dusk kicking up around his drumming hooves. “Huh?”
“I fucked your wife last night,” said Kurtis.
Kyaza’s eyes widened. She trembled on his back.
I felt bad, but I had to do something to even the odds. “Your wife snuck into my room. Las’s big dick, she squealed on my cock! She loved it more than your little—”
Ghan roared and threw his lance like a spear. The missile blurred at us.
Nephi jumped, flapping her wings. The lance streaked beneath us as we rose into the air. The weapon buried into the sand. I clutched to Nephi with my legs as she glided across the sands. She landed with a crunch of sand beneath her paws and kept running.
Pyrriah threw fire at Ghan. He roared behind us, drawing a pair of scimitars. He held them before him as he charged after us, kicking up sand. I kept twisting around to watch him as Nephi ran right and left, zigging and zagging.
Laughter burst from the crowd as they heard his cuckolding confession. Kyaza squirmed on his back, her lust for me still in there. I flared it hot as Ghan closed the distance. He brought the scimitars in for a slash as he came up alongside us.
He hacked with both swords in a sweeping arc.
I raised my tulwar.
My sister and I both blocked his twin attacks. The centaur snarled as he drew back for another attack, his wife clutching to his back. She stared at me with such anger in her eyes even as I flamed her desire for me.
“I didn’t fuck him!” Kyaza cried. “I’m faithful!”
“Don’t lie to your mate!” I shouted. “You were a bitch in heat last night. I pumped your womb full of my seed. You’ll be having my son in nine months!”
“GELDING BASTARD!” snarled Ghan and he swung again.
I blocked the blow. The force shivered up my sword and hurt my hand. He had such power. My sister slashed at his flank, but he turned and she just missed him. He turned and raced back in for another attack, fury twisting his swarthy face.
“Come on, Kyaza,” I said, a cocky smile on my lips “Just admit it. You’re so wet for my big dick, you’d fuck me right here! Right before the entire Forbidden City. You know I was the best you ever had! Say it!”
She squirmed as we hurtled toward the edge of the stage. He darted in again, but this time, Nephi stopped. He shot past us and turned as she spun in place and raced in the other direction. He roared behind us as he had to take a wider turn at his speed to follow.
“Fire your arrow, bitch!” roared Ghan.
She didn’t, though. Her pussy blazed. The need to fuck my cock was so strong. She burned for me so much. She would take me right now. That was how horny she was. The memory of last night burned through her mind.
“You did fuck him, you worthless cunt!” bellowed Ghan. “You mewling quim! I can feel your juices soaking my back! Fucking whore!”
To my shock, he stopped chasing us as he threw down his sword and reached behind him. He grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground. She hit in a puff of sand. Pyrriah cried out in shock as I leaned my body to the left.
“Turn around, Nephi!” I cried.
Kyaza started to rise only for him to rear up and kick her with his front hoofs. She flew back from the impact, landing on the sand in a puff of beige. She groaned and trembled there. He advanced on her, his face a makes of rage
“I did fuck him last night!” shrieked Kyaza as she struggled to get up. She spat at her centaur-husband as he advanced. She gained her feet. “I rode him hard. He didn’t have to whip my ass first, either! I gave myself to him, gelding!”
He backhanded her. The blow snapped her head back. Her hair flew. She punched her again as Nephi raced at him. I held my tulwar in a tight grip as we hurtled toward the scene. My heart thundered as she tripped and fell.
“Cheating mare!” He reared to slam his hooves down on her, screaming, “Cheating mare! You’re not having his spawn!”
Nephi jumped with a flap of her wings and crashed into his chest. Her claws struck him. Racking into him. The blow threw him back. He fell onto his side. His horse legs kicked as he thrashed. He bellowed, throwing sand as he struggled to rise.
Nephi turned and rushed back at him, roaring, “BAAAASTARD!”
I leaned over her and slashed my tulwar at Ghan as he pushed himself up.
I struck him in the throat. I ripped across his esophagus in a spurt of crimson blood. My sister’s sword struck him a moment later. She cut even deeper than mine did, slashing to the spine. His head nearly fell back as he flopped to the ground.
Blood soaked the sand as he thrashed. He clutched at his own throat. His wife rose and stared at him. She whipped at her mouth and spat crimson on his face. Her body shook with fury that twisted around the lust I had inflamed in her.
“Gelding!” she hissed. “I’m your broodmare no longer!”
I leaped off Nephi, the crowd roaring. The empress stared down at us. She knew I had won. I grabbed Kyaza and threw her over my shoulder, flaring her lust for me. She gasped as I turned to the empress.
She raised her hand.
Silence rippled through the stands as they all realized their dread empress wished to speak. As the hush fell, spoiled only by the last gurgling breaths of the dying Ghan, I faced Empress Szialianith without fear.
“I’m claiming her as my spoils of victory, your dread Majesty!”
“Of courssse,” she hissed, her voice projecting out over the stage. “You seduccced the wife. Clever. You’ve won twiccce, but tomorrow ... Tomorrow it’s the maze. If you cannot best all three, then you were too weak, Ambassssador.”
“I’m looking forward to it!” I bowed low, shifting Kyaza to keep her from falling off. She quivered with such excitement now. I could smell her spicy pussy bleeding out from beneath the leather skirt she wore. “I’m honored to face it and am eager for all the challenges that I will overcome!”
The empress inclined her head before she turned and slithered away.
I turned and marched across the sands. Nephi fell in beside me with Pyrriah riding her, my sister looking so regal. Triumphant, even. She glanced at Kyaza, a smile playing on my sister’s face She slapped her hand down on her rump.
“This is a delicious trophy,” she said. “I didn’t expect this. Did you, Kurtis.”
“Well, Lasla gave us the opening, didn’t she.” I glanced at my family who were watching from the box. “She definitely wanted to make sure we had a secret knife to use against Ghan.”
“Yes, she did.” Pyrriah smiled. “The three of us make a great team. The empress is going to regret sending Lasla in with us tomorrow. And with Mother.”
“Yes, she will,” I said. “Isn’t that right, Kyaza?”
“What did you do to me?” moaned Kyaza. “You boiled my blood. You overcame my fear of my husband. I ... I ... told him the truth beating in my heart.”
“Yes, you did,” I told her. “And it’s such a freeing thing, isn’t it?”
“So freeing,” she whispered. “I can’t believe it. This is ... I mean ... I told him what I felt because you ... pleasured me so much. You gave me bliss. You didn’t just take me. You didn’t rob me from my life and force me to be yours.”
“Is that what he did?” asked Pyrriah as we reached the far side. We headed down the ramp to the waiting area.
“I am from a different tribe of centaurs from him.” She squirmed on my shoulder. “He killed ... my mate and took me as his, but I should have been loyal. I was his mare. He claimed me by combat, but last night ... I came to you and now he’s dead. I killed my mate.”
I snorted. “All you did was fuck me. You didn’t see me jealous that he fucked my woman. He was a fool. A jealous idiot that tried to punish you in the middle of the fight. He got himself killed.”
“Yes, he is an idiot,” I said as we entered the waiting area. I tossed her down. Nephi blurred back into her human form as the rest of our family rushed in.
Lasla flew to me and threw her arms around my neck. She kissed me with passion, her body pressed against the armor I wore. I kissed her back, loving this moment while my stomach growled I was hungry.
I broke the kiss and said, “Back to our rooms. I want to be in a secure place before we talk. And ... I’m starving.”
“We’ll have food there,” Mother said. “Beliala, see to it.”
“Yes, Azuliana,” the demon said. She nodded to me.
So did the others. Diane looked so grateful that I was alive while Shetha kept rubbing her cheek into my leg. The soldiers all had grins while Oberoy favored me a wink. We headed back to our quarters, Kyaza walking at my side, looking around at everyone, a tad bemused.
We entered our living quarters, the rakshasas and Nephi leading the way. They sniffed around the room, searching hard as we entered after them. The soldiers were behind us. Beliala let her whip form out of darkness as she strode out after the searching monster girls.
“My, my, you are a cautious one,” said Kyaza. “Ghan would have galloped into it.”
“He doesn’t think past the tip of his dick,” I said. “That’s why he’s dead.”
She smirked and nodded.
The rakshasas and Nephi nodded. The rest of us moved into our room. Shetha jumped on a couch and curled up in a ball, purring. The twins were lounging against the wall, the succubus and incubus quite close. Oberoy took a seat on a chair. Beliala drifted toward him, a naughty smile on her lips. Tharaka and his sister retired to the barracks along with the soldiers not on watch. Mom sat down on a chair, her hands rubbing her wrists.
I was glad she was free.
Kyaza looked around at my harem. Diane was dancing in place, her silver hair swaying down her back. Her eyes flicked to Mother, a questioning look on her face. Her eyes focused on the golden chastity belt.
“She’s your mother and your slave?” asked Kyaza.
“Yes, she is,” I said, unstrapping my armor. Pyrriah did the same thing.
“She’s a very special woman,” added Lasla. “I suppose since you’re my brother’s newest concubine, you can know her secret. You’ll never tell, will you.”
Kyaza shuddered, her pussy clenching. “And never enjoy his cock again?”
I smiled as Lasla played with Kyaza’s lusts.
We told her about our mother, our purpose in coming here. Her jaw dropped. “You did all this to win an audience with the Serpent Oracle. That’s madness. Just insanity.” She looked around the room. “You’re playing a deadly game with not just Queen Athirmi but also Empress Szialianith. You have a big pair of stallion balls, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do,” I said. “I—”
The door opened. Shetha sat up and said, “The food’s here. Let me sniff it and make sure it’s clean. I’m a trained poison detector.”
I bet every lamia was.
The platters of food were brought in by lamia servants who sat them down then quickly retreated. Shetha sniffed over them all and stopped at one meat pie. “That one is poisoned. A mild one. A laxative that would have you up all night.”
“Amusing,” I said. “Dispose of it, but the rest is safe.”
She nodded. The grilled meats on skewers mixed with vegetables, the soups, the loaves of bread, and the pastries were all safe. I groaned and picked up a skewer, tearing off the meat seasoned with savory spices and ate the vegetables.
The ingredients were all strange, but it was still delicious.
Everyone dug in, especially Nephi. She appeared famished by the way she gulped down the food. I had some of it sent to the barracks for the orc, troll, and the soldiers. There was plenty of it. They didn’t starve us.
Just tried to trick us. These lamia.
It was while we were eating that a soft wrap came at the secret door. My rakshasas and Nephi sprang toward it, Princess Naryu and Pradu’s heads blurring into tiger forms. They pushed open the door. It wasn’t Istandar Zianamilizzi. It was Xera and Minx.
The elf and her halfling wife, both still in their disguises as human and lamia, entered.
“So, time to call in the favor?” I asked.
Xera nodded, an elegant woman. “There’s a dire threat to this world,” she said. “There’s a monster breeding experiment.”
“Yes, there is,” growled Solja. The troll stood at the entrance to the room, his bulk filling up the doorway.
Anger rippled off him. I knew why.
“My wife and I, along with a few of our agents, are here to cripple it,” said Xera.”
“Okay,” I said. “That sounds like a good idea. And you want our help?”
“We need the attention of everyone focused on you in the maze.” She stared at me. “You cannot be defeated in it fast. Nor can you conquer it swiftly. You must spend all day in there and make it entertaining. We need the time to do our work. Hold the empresses and her sycophants’ attention. Hold the eyes of every disgusting functionary that exists in the Forbidden City. Yo do that, and we can cripple it.”
“You have to do more than cripple it,” I said, feeling Solja’s presence. “There is an orc. Her name is Rawka. You have to free her.”
“If we free her, what do we do with her?” Minx asked. “Return her to you.”
“Yes,” Solja growled.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “She has to go back with you across the mountains to Dragon’s Rest. The Empress cannot think that we had anything to do with it. We have to be all in the maze or watching it the entire time. And no one can magically appear in our retinue.” I stared at the troll. “I’m sorry, but once we have left this country, you and your sister can make your way to Dragon’s Rest and be reunited with your mother.”v He stared at me hard.
“This is Minx and Xerathalasia. They helped Sir Angela slay Dominari. They are skilled and dangerous warriors.”
“I’m a clever and brilliant thief,” said Minx. “Fighting is for dullards who couldn’t think of a better way out. Troll, we’ll get her out. I promise you. We won’t let her stay here. We can easily do that. We have our escape route secured. We just need the distraction.”
“You better,” Solja rumbled. “You better save her. If you don’t, elf and thief, I will track you down.”
Minx winked.
“We will secure her,” said Xerathalasia. “Now we have to leave before we are noticed. Just keep all the eyes of the Forbidden City on you, and we shall save Rawka and stop the breeding program.”
“And no one can ever suspect us since we’ll all be at the maze,” I said, glancing at my family.
Nods went around the room. Not a single one of us would use magic to help. No talents. No equipment. The elf and halfling were all on their own, but I knew they could do it. They were companions of the great Thrak, the mighty orc barbarian.
“Good luck,” Lasla said as Minx and Xerathalasia slipped back into the hidden passage.
“Luck’s for those who don’t plan,” said Minx. “Well, this is the last we’ll see each other for a while. Hope you don’t die in the maze, but if you do, give us at least until the afternoon. And make it entertaining.”

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