The World Of Erasthay - The Son Of LustChapter 27: The Rakshasa Queen’s Naughty Offer free porn video

Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith
I followed the dwarf out of the cell, leaving behind my sister and our sex slaves. I walked in my purple robes like I were a queen. I kept my head straight, my black hair falling down my back. My slipper-clad feet whisked on the stone floor.
The dwarf marched before me, not saying a word. I wondered what the Queen of Naith wanted from me. It was too early for there to be word from Kurtis. This was so dumb. I hated that we had been forced to do this. He and my step-mother were risking their lives to prop up Queen Athirmi and her horrifying rule.
The rakshasas were cruel and claimed to be better than the naga? I shuddered to think of the level of sadism that we would find in Shizhuth.
The dwarf led me through the warren of tunnels down here, passing other dwarven bureaucrats as they worked. The scratch of pens echoed in their desks. The machine that kept Naith grinding away turned around me.
Finally, we came to a room with track and one of those rail carts that the dwarves fashioned. I took my seat in the back while the dwarf climbed up into it. We whisked forward. The only light came from the lantern at the front. The tunnel was so dark. The air rushed by. The walls whizzed past. If there was an obstacle in the tracks, we’d never know until we collided.
But there wasn’t. Dwarves were too careful and meticulous to allow that to happen.
We slowed as we neared more light and then we came to rest beside another cart that was already here. We had reached a small antechamber with a large door before me. The dwarf climbed out and walked to it. Though they were heavy doors and three times his height, nearly double my own, he pushed them open with ease.
Light flooded out of there. For a moment, I thought it was daylight until I realized that there was no blue sky but a craggy ceiling. A bright ball of light, as painful to look at as the sun, hovered in the air and illuminated a large cavern. Grass grew in every direction, following the bumps and curves of the terrain. It rolled. I could almost forget I was outside.
Trees dotted the area with almost no leaves on them. They had wide branches and women perched in them. They had wings folded about their bodies, their feet like birds, gripping them. Harpies. I had heard of them. This was another of Queen Athirmi’s menageries.
Winged monster soared through the sky. Some were pegasi with great wings with soft, swan-like feathers. Others were hippogriffs, with the front of feathery birds and the rear of horses. They had more color to their plumage. Greens and blues and reds. Last were the lion-like griffins with eagle beaks and tawny feathers that matched their golden hides.
All of the creatures in here, from the griffins to the harpies, were created by my father’s cum. From his indiscriminate masturbation had come pegasi, griffins, hippogriffs, and harpies. He had once sprayed the world with his cum and birthed them all.
On one of the pegasi flew Queen Athirmi. Her dark-red flesh stood out against his white coat and snowy wings. She watched as the queen guided him, riding him bareback. The pegasus soared towards the ground and flared his wings. He landed at a gentle trot and cantered towards me before stopping.
“Welcome, Welcome, Lasla,” Queen Athirmi purred. She slid off the back of the pegasus and settled down before me. Her big breasts bounced and heaved. She ran her hand over the flank of the pegasus. “Mmm, this is Ivory. Isn’t he gorgeous?”
“Yes,” I said, smiling. He had black, expressive eyes. His tail wagged.
“They are expensive to own,” she said. “They require women to breed with. So do the griffins and hippogriffs. And since human women are smaller compared to these beasts, their foals or eggs, in the case of the griffins and hippogriffs, are equally smaller. It takes nearly seven years for a pegasus to reach maturity unlike a horse which matures in only three or so years. A lot of investment in child care.”
I nodded. “That makes sense.”
“The women are fortunate.” Queen Athirmi fell to her knee. “They have such huge dicks. Have you ever been with an equine monster?” She rubbed at the cock sheath of the pegasus. His dick grew, sprouting out huge, the tip as wide as Kurtis’s fist. “A centaur, for instance.”
“No,” I said as more and more of the pegasus’s cock slid it. The thick slab of meat was longer than my arm from elbow to fingertip. Nearly as long my arm from my shoulder. It was a massive dick.
The queen picked up the cock and rubbed her swarthy cheek into the side. She let out a horny moan. “I love equine monsters. Kurtis was the first human-sized cock that had satisfied me in a decade. Ever since I had my first centaur, well ... How could I go back?”
My cunt clenched as I said, “I’ve only enjoyed my brother’s cock and my step-mother’s. None other.”
“None?” The queen shot me this sad look. “What a pity.”
I didn’t think it was, but that cock was so huge. It thrust out from her. It would feel incredible in my pussy. I shuddered, my cunt clenching and lust swelling in me. In the pegasus and the queen, too. They were both growing hornier and hornier.
The queen moved to the front of the cock and kissed the blunt dip. She flicked her tongue out, licking at it. The cock was too big for her to fit in her mouth, so she thrust her tongue into the slit. The pegasus neighed and his wings rustled. He tossed his mane, the silky stands fluttering about.
I swallowed, the heat rippling out of my cunt as I watched as she bathed the tip of his cock with her tongue. She stroked his cock with one hand, the other holding it up. She moaned as she licked and lapped at the tip.
Then she rubbed her cheek into his cock and looked at me, her eyes smoldering. “Ooh, equine precum is delicious.”
“I suppose it is,” I said, feeling how much the queen enjoyed this.
But there was another lust rising in her. one that was focused on me. I shivered. Did the queen want to have sex with me? Did she want me to lick her pussy? The queen was not a giver, but she definitely enjoyed a woman’s tongue lapping at her cunt.
“Mmm, just wonderful,” purred the queen before turning her attention back to the pegasus’s cock.
She suckled on him. She gripped him in her hands and worked her tongue over his crown. He neighed and pawed the ground. My pussy ached to be filled with a cock. I squeezed my thighs tight, my clit pulsing and throbbing.
Then the queen sealed her lips around the slit. She suckled on just the tip of his cock, nursing on him. His wings flapped as he neighed again. Heavy balls swung beneath him. They were huge. How much cum could they hold?
I was about to find out.
The queen nursed on the tip of the cock. I could feel both their lusts swelling. Her anticipation of what was to come while his passion built and built towards his eruption. His balls brimmed with cum. He wanted to spurt all his jizz into her mouth.
Queen Athirmi wanted that.
She suckled with passion. She nursed with everything that she had. Her cheeks hollowed as she loved his cock. He neighed and whinnied. Wings rustled and tail swished back and forth. I watched, the itch in my pussy growing and growing.
I wanted to masturbate. To just slip my hand beneath my robe and frig my pussy. But I restrained. I wanted to keep my composure. I could scratch my itch later. I was Las’s daughter. I wouldn’t just give in to lust in a lightning’s flash. I could control myself.
Would control myself.
But it was hard. Watching the queen suckle on that huge dick made me squirm. My thighs grew wetter and wetter. My nipples ached as they rubbed against the fabric of my robe. The pegasus came closer and closer to cumming. To erupting into her mouth.
The queen wanted it, proving it by how hard she suckled.
I whimpered as I fought my lusts. I thrust my hands behind me, clasping them together to avoid the temptation of frigging myself. I wouldn’t give in to my desires. I would control myself. I sucked in deep breaths, my heart hammering away.
The pegasus neighed louder. He stamped at the ground and flapped his wings. It was only moments away. The queen suckled with noisy passion, building and building the pressure in the monster’s nuts.
“Now,” I whispered, feeling that breaking point.
The pegasus tossed his head and neighed loudly.
His cock pulsed.
Queen Athirmi’s head snapped back from the force of his spurting cum. His jizz splashed over her face. It coated her swarthy skin in pearly spunk. More splashed down on her large breasts. The Queen of Naith reveled in the spunk splashing all over her.
She gulped it down. She swallowed every drop of jizz that she could. I could feel how much she loved it. She reveled in being bathed by his monster spunk. More and more of his cum fired from his cock and coated her.
The salty scent filled my nose. My mouth watered. I salivated, aching to rush over there and lick up the cum. My pussy burned. I needed a cock in me. My brother hadn’t fucked me in three days. My twat itched to be filled.
And that was such a huge dick.
The pegasus fired a final blast of cum, leaving the queen covered in a mask of pearly white. She turned towards me, her eyes fluttering open. She licked at her lips, gathering up the spunk that coated them.
I did nothing. Fresh jizz spilled down her face and covered her lips.
“Pater’s big dick, that’s wonderful,” she moaned. Then she proffered the dick at me. “Want to try his cock out?”
My lusts lurched in me. My pussy nearly burst with rapture. Fear squeezed tight about my chest as I stared at that big dick.
Kurtis – Foothills of the Ostol Mountains
The drum of the hoof beats echoed through the canyon that I rode through, my mother at my side. My heart raced as the centaurs trying to “capture” us ran at our heels. The two male centaurs charged fast while the female centaurs, looking like human females, rode on their backs and drew their bows.
Two more arrows hissed past us. The one nearly clipped me and then struck the canyon wall ahead of me, the haft snapping. I cursed and yanked on the reins, turning my horse to the right and going around the corner.
This was so dumb. If one of those arrows hit us in the wrong spot, we could die before the rebels could even “save” us. Fear charged through my veins as I ducked low. My naked mother did the same, her golden collar gleaming about her neck.
Two more arrows hissed by. One streaked by my cheek, the fletching brushing my skin. I burned there, feeling like I had been sliced open. An inch to the left, and that arrow would have buried in my skull and killed me.
“Las’s big dick!” I shouted. This was a mistake. Such a mistake. I never should have agreed to this stupid plan. I was going to die.
My mother would die with me.
Where were the rebels? I looked around the canyon, wanting to spot them peering down on us. The dwarves and the cuckoos. They had to be up there, somewhere. They had to come to our rescue before our “pursuers” killed us for real.
I yanked on the reins, my horse galloping around a rock. He panted, breathing hard. I was pushing the steed to go as fast as I could. An arrow slashed down before us. The centaurs were almost on us. I looked back to see the women drawing their arrows as they rode their brothers’ backs.
The deep call of a horn vibrated my bones. Pebbles tumbled down the cliff face. I glanced ahead to the gray-blue mountain thrusting before us. The Purple Nipple. The rebel base was found beneath it. What did that horn mean?
Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith
I wanted to say yes. To fall to my knees and lick the cum off the queen’s face and then get fucked by the pegasus. That massive cock would ream my cunt. I needed a dick so badly, and there was a dick. A huge shaft that would make me shudder.
But I couldn’t do that. I would be dishonoring the trust my brother put in me. I clenched my hands tight behind my back as the queen looked at me with such hunger in her eyes. She lusted to see me getting fucked by the pegasus.
I had to disappoint her. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I have no interest in his cock.”
“Liar,” the queen purred. “But if that’s your wish...” She whistled.
The harpies that were perched on the tree took to the air. They all had slim bodies and round breasts. They spread wings wide adorned in black feathers and took off into the air. With hard flaps, they hurtled across the ground and then landed between me and the queen, facing her. They swept bows with their wings.
“Yes, your majesty,” one chirped. She had a sing-song quality to her voice. “Did you need something?”
“Your kneeling bench, Your Majesty?” a second asked.
“Yes, I need that,” the queen said. “Mmm, I love getting fucked by my equine lovers, but you need to raise yourself.”
The three harpies flew across the room and then stopped at a padded bench. They seized the ropes that held it with their talons and then flapped their wings again. The harpies had no arms or hands, but their feet looked very dexterous as they flew back. They worked together to drop the bench by the queen and then laded again.
“Sparrow, go eat Lady Lasla’s cunt. She needs to have a nice orgasm. She looks rather frustrated.”
“I am,” I moaned and opened my robe. Having my cunt eaten out by a female was okay. That wasn’t violating my brother’s trust in me. “I’ve never had a harpy eat my pussy before.”
“Sparrow will make you cum,” a harpy said, and then she hopped over to me, jumping like I had seen birds move. She landed before me. “Sparrow loves making the queen’s friends cum. You like Sparrow’s pussy licking.
“I bet I will,” I moaned, letting my robes fall off my body to flutter to the stone floor. My breasts appeared, jiggling and bouncing while my pussy had soaked my black bush.
She fell to her knees, her face shining up at me. She had tan skin and big, brown eyes. Her black hair spilled around her shoulders. She hugged me with her equally black wings, the feathers tickling rump. She buried her face into my snatch.
Her tongue licked through my folds. I shuddered at the naughty glide of her tongue licking and lapping at me. It felt so incredible. I shuddered, my face contorting from the delight. I groaned as she licked and lapped at me.
As Sparrow ate me out, Queen Athirmi knelt on the padded box that had been brought over. The pegasus neighed at the sight of her bent over. Then he mounted her. Well, walked over her, His wings flapped as he nuzzled his thick dick to her pussy folds.
My cunt clenched around Sparrow’s probing tongue as the pegasus thrust.
I gasped as that thick cock slammed into the queen’s cunt. The rakshasa’s big boobs swayed. She moaned as her twat swallowed that huge cock. She devoured it with hunger. Her body shuddered. She shook her head from side to side, her hips wiggling and stirring her twat around his cock.
Wings flapping, he fucked her.
I swallowed, transfixed by the sight.
Sparrow’s tongue danced around in my cunt, her feathers rubbing on my ass, but I almost didn’t feel it as I stared at the queen getting fucked. The pegasus stamped his front hoof as he plowed her cunt with his cock. She took so much of him.
I could feel her pleasure. Her delight in being plundered by the huge cock. The pegasus’s tail swished and mane tossed as he buried into her cunt. He fucked her with such passion. He reveled in fucking her. I could feel his own pleasure building.
“Las’s big cock,” I groaned.
Sparrow’s tongue brushed my clit. I gasped, my boobs bouncing.
“Sparrow like your cunt, great lady,” chirped the harpy. “Such yummy creamy. Sparrow happy she is eating your pussy.”
“Yeah,” I said and then shuddered as she brushed my clit again.
The harpy licked at my cunt with hunger. She caressed me with such passion. My face contorted with the delight. It was incredible to enjoy. I whimpered, my face contorting with the delight of this moment. My heart pounded in my chest as that wicked tongue kept sliding through my folds and sending bliss through me.
The queen experienced even more rapture than me. I could feel how much her pussy rejoiced as she climbed towards her orgasm. The pegasus flapped his wings with each thrust, the grass rippling around his hooves and blew around my body. I shuddered at the air caressing my tits.
“Yes, yes, yes!” growled the queen. “Ram that cock into me! Fuck me!”
The pegasus whinnying.
“You’re going to explode in my cunt! You’re going to flood me with all your passion!” Queen Athirmi tossed her head. “I want that. I want you to flood me with all that spunk. I want it. Give it to me. Pump my cunt full of all your spunk.”
I shuddered, Sparrow’s tongue building my orgasm. I swelled to it as I stared at the sight of the Queen of Naith getting fucked so hard. Her boobs swayed, her mane of dark hair dancing around her face as that huge, monstrous cock slammed into her.
“Gods, yes!” the queen moaned. “I’m going to explode.”
“I know!” I whimpered, feeling the strength of the queen’s orgasm building and building in her cunt. “You’re going to explode!”
I swallowed, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn’t believe was watching her with envy. My pussy ached for a dick, and what a dick that was pounding into her cunt. My pussy clenched around Sparrow’s tongue. She danced it inside of me.
The queen hovered on the edge of exploding. So did the pegasus. He slammed hard into her cunt and then threw back his head. He whinnied out his triumph as he pumped her pussy full of his cum. He fired blast after blast of his seed into her snatch.
“Gods, yes!” she cried. “Pater’s big dick!”
Her orgasm burst through her royal cunt.
Waves of delight washed through the queen’s body and drowned her mind. I felt the intensity of them as the pegasus pumped her snatch full of his monstrous cum. I quivered and then gasped as Sparrow sucked on my clit.
The harpy nursed on my bud, her feathers caressing my ass. I trembled, my pussy clenching. Her lips felt so soft around my clit. I tossed my head and then gasped. My pleasure exploded through my body.
“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned, my cunt gushing juices. “That’s so good. That’s amazing. Ooh, it’s just gushing out of me!”
I tossed my head from side to side. It was incredible to enjoy. I shuddered, stars bursting across my vision. It was incredible. I whimpered, my heart pounding in my chest. I shuddered, my head tossing from side to side.
“Oh, that’s so good,” I whimpered, my pussy rippling and writhing. “That’s just wonderful. Oh, I love it. I love it so much!”
My body quivered a final time as the queen milked the pegasus’s cock dry. His wings flapped while she moaned. Sparrow licked and lapped at my cunt a few more times. Then she pulled her face away, making this sort of owlish cooing sound, throaty and delightful.
My pussy burned for a cock.
Kurtis – Foothills of the Ostol Mountains
An arrow hissed down and struck my mother in the thighs. She gasped and grabbed it. Blood spurted from the wound.
Anger boiled through me. I threw a look back at the centaurs. Why did they hit her? They promised that they wouldn’t hit us. I glanced at my mother. She swayed and leaned low over her horse. The horn rang out through the canyon again, deafening me.
“Kurtis,” she gasped, swaying. “I’m going to ... to...” Her eyes fluttered. She looked about to faint. “Something on ... the arrow ... that’s...”
She collapsed, her hands slipping from her reins. I snagged them in my hand, holding on tight as our horses galloped through the canyon. She bounced on the saddle. She could fall off at any moment and be hurt.
I glanced up at the canyon walls. Where were the rebels? Who was sounding that horn? The centaurs still chased us. Another arrow whizzed by and struck the ground ahead, the wooden haft snapping into pieces.
“Come on,” I groaned, fury beating in my heart. Poisoned arrows? If they killed my—
Pain burst in my side. I screamed and felt something driven into me. Burning heat swept from the wound. I clutched at my rein. I had to keep riding. Keep escaping. But that blaze reached through my body to my mind and...

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