The World Of Erasthay - The Son Of LustChapter 27: The Rakshasa Queen’s Naughty Offer free porn video

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story.
Kurtis – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains
“My mother,” I groaned, the fog falling off my mind. I sat up and saw that the woman who was speaking to me was short. The height of a halfling, but her skin coloring wasn’t one of them.
I had found the royal alchemist, the gnome who had been taken by the rebels. Ufexis.
“The woman I was with,” I said. “That was my mother. She was wounded, too. Is she here?”
“You mean the sex slave.” The gnome glanced over at the other bed. “We could not remove her collar, but she’s over in the other bed. You must know, young man, that sex salves are forbidden in Azkobez Hold and in the dominion of the Dwarven-Cuckoo Alliance. Slavery is an institution that has been outlawed.”
“Good,” I said, rubbing at my side. “I was shot with an arrow.”
“And mended thanks to my brilliance,” Ufexis said. “The slave hunters almost got you, but we drove them off. Sadly, they managed to hit you with their drugged arrows. But no vitals were hit. You and your mother are fine. You’ve been asleep not even a day.”
I rubbed at the back of my neck. The first step was done. It seemed the hardest, but getting Ufexis out of here and back to Queen Athirmi would be that. I rolled my shoulders and then stood up, the sheets falling off me.
The gnome stiffed disdainfully. She was a hermaphrodite and would have little interest in a male like me. I felt lust in her but I was all for my mother. Gnomes had their cocks most of the time, only losing them for three days a month when they were fertile and ready to be bred. Odds were, Ufexis had a cock of her own.
I padded to the bed my mother lay on and sank beside her. I stroked her forehead. Her eyes flicked open. “Kurtis...”
“You’re safe, Mother,” I told her. I stroked my fingers down to her cheek. She smiled at that, her lips pursing bright. “They healed you?”
“I feel fine,” she said. “It worked.”
“Are you truly his mother, madam?” asked Ufexis. “You don’t look nearly old enough to have a son his age.”
“I’m a demigoddess,” my mother said, using the same lie we had with Queen Athirmi’s advisers. “A daughter of Henta and a human woman. The Goddess of the Hunt was, well, hunting and found my mother instead of her dear.”
“Well, don’t you worry,” said the gnome, giving me a hard look. “The effects of the toxins are wearing off and my healing compounds will burn it off. But rest. Both of you. So back to your bed.”
“I have to speak with whoever is in charge,” I said.
“Yes, yes, the High Command will want to speak with you tomorrow. Lady Skuld will be eager to speak with you. So don’t you worry. They’ve heard of you, Kurtis. If you prove an alley, you’ll be quite popular, I’m sure. Now sleep.”
I stumbled back to my bed and laid down. The moment my head hit the pillows, the lethargy fell on me. My mother was safe, we had a meeting with the High Command, and I had already found Ufexis. We were well underway to commit our insanity.
Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith
The next day, I was still thinking about that pegasus and his big dick fucking Queen Athirmi. That huge shaft stretched her pussy out while his magnificent wings had flapped. He drove his cock hard and fast into her pussy, whinnying his pleasure.
Having Pyrriah fuck me with the big, golden dildo had been nice, but it wasn’t the same as a real cock. Kurtis had an amazing dick, but he had been gone for days, and it would be even longer before he returned on his mission.
And he would return.
Breakfast came and went. It was good food, if simple. Flatbread with a chickpea paste to dip it in along with a bowl of figs. The rakshasa sighed, wanting meat, but I found it to be a delicious treat. I ate it down and sucked on my fingers clean.
It was maybe an hour later when the same dwarf that escorted me yesterday to the aerie arrived. He opened the gate. I knew without having to look that he was here for me. Queen Athirmi promised me a surprise today.
I rose and followed him out, giving Pyrriah a reassuring smile.
My sister looked worried. She sensed something had affected me. If she knew the desires that were dancing through my head, she wouldn’t be happy. It sometimes seemed that I had more of our father in me than she did. More of Las’s lusts coursed through my veins. Like it did through Kurtis’s veins.
Pyrriah was different. There was a puzzle about her powers. I’d almost say she wasn’t Las’s daughter save she had a face identical to mine and had shared a womb with Kurtis. No one else could be her father, and yet...
I sighed and marched down the tunnel after the dwarf. We went a different way than last time. I think. It was hard to say. Everything looked the same down here. The same gray walls. The same. Shape. All the doors identical. The dwarf knew where he was going. Somehow.
We reached a cart on a track identical to the last one. Now I really was confused. Maybe we were heading the aerie, and I was just an idiot. I sank onto the cart. The dwarf, without a word, activated it. Then we were off, hurtling down the dark tunnel lit by regularly-spaced lights.
They whooshed by. It was scary at first as the lights rushed up, flashed, and then were gone. But soon I grew used to it. This cart seemed to be traveling down the tracks for longer and longer than last time. Then it burst out into the sunlight.
The day’s warmth fell on me. It wasn’t even noon, and I gasped at the heat. I had spent the last four days in the cool cells. I had forgotten just how warm it was on the surface. The cart stopped and I found myself in an army camp.
I knew this place. It was the same camp that Queen Athirmi had taken Kurtis and me before she sent him on the mission. The dwarf marched over to the pavilion. A line of brawny, naked men were lined up. They had the look of soldiers. So strong and powerful. I shuddered at the sight of them, my pussy clenching with lust. Though they weren’t hard, they all had cocks.
I entered the pavilion and found Queen Athirmi being licked and lapped by her lamia slave. The queen shuddered, her lusts spilling through her. Another man was chained to a device shaped like an X, his arms and legs manacled to the ends, forcing him to be spread eagle. His back was to us.
“Mmm, yes, yes, there you are,” moaned the queen. “Oh, Shadow, yes, yes, just like that.”
I felt the queen’s orgasm burst through her. she shuddered, her head throwing back. She fluttered her eyes as her pussy juices gushed out and flooded the mouth of her sex slave. The naughty lamia’s black tail swished behind her.
The lamia was happy right now, her pussy juicy and eager to cum, but she found her satisfaction in pleasing her queen. Queen Athirmi shuddered through her orgasm and then she hit the peak of her rapture. She panted as she sat on her chair, her big breasts rising and falling.
“Oh, Lasla,” she purred. Shadow seemed to know to pull her head away so the queen could stand. “I am so excited for this.” She stalked not to me but a table covered in whips, flails, riding crops, and paddles. “Come here, come here.”
I swallowed and stalked over to her. She smiled at me, her eyes burning with delight. I stopped before her and swallowed my fear. I flared my lust, drawing on it to keep me from looking like prey. I was strong. A mistress. My pussy dripped juices.
She breathed in and smiled. “So wet. Still missing your brother’s cock.”
“Of course,” I said. “You didn’t bring me here to...” I glanced at the chained-up man.
“Do you want to enjoy him?” asked the queen. “I can, of course, amuse myself as you amuse yourself.”
My cheeks burned. “No, no, that’s okay. I have my sister and our sex slaves for that.”
“Of course, of course.” The queen picked up a paddle. “Have you ever used any of these items?”
“No,” I said. “We don’t punish our slaves. We control them and they obey to make us happy. The threat of pain is not needed.”
“And when is anything that’s pleasurable needed?” Queen Athirmi smiled. “You are the mistress of your brother’s chattel. You should be versed in how to discipline them. Even if they haven’t been naughty, it’s a rush to spank or whip or flog them. It’s a joy every mistress needs to know. Now, out of that dress.”
I glanced at the bound man.
“Don’t be modest,” she purred. “You’re not a modest girl. Strip. Let your body be free for all the world to see. You are gorgeous.”
I couldn’t disobey the queen. I had to keep her happy. We were at her mercy. I couldn’t wait to sail away from Ankush and the Queendom of Naith. If I never returned, I would be happy. Even if there was an aerie full of huge dicks I wanted to fuck.
I slid out of my robes, my naked body coming into view. My nipples throbbed and my juices soaked my bush. I shuddered as she handed me the paddle. I glanced at the naked man with his muscular and oiled ass.
“I know,” purred Queen Athirmi, “he is gorgeous. There is something so stirring about a muscular man shaved of body hair and covered in oil. It’s just so invigorating, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” I breathed.
“Makes you just want to do things to him, doesn’t it?”
I shot her a worried look.
“You have that paddle,” she cooed. “Go over there and spank him.”
“What’s his crime?” I asked. “What did he do to deserve being punished?”
“Why, being such a gorgeous and muscular soldier that I just had to punish him. Mmm, why spank an ugly man. Just execute him or throw him in the mines. But a hunk like that ... Oh, yes, he deserves to be spanked just for that glorious ass of his.”
I shuddered at the sentiment of the queen’s words. They were gross. Foul. But I had no choice but to spank him. In fact, it was intriguing. There was something about that muscular ass that just begged me to apply the paddle with vigor on him.
I padded over, pussy cream soaking through my bush and running down my thighs. My boobs jiggled. I needed a cock in me so much. As I came close to him, advancing at a diagonal, I could see his cock thrusting out before him, the tip just in view.
He was hard. I could—
No, no, no!
I shoved those treacherous thoughts out of my mind and stood behind him, my heart beating so fast. I wasn’t sure how to do it. Should I just slam the paddle down with all my force? Slap him lightly. Somewhere in between.
Queen Athirmi swept up to me. “Mmm, spanking with a paddle is different from bare hand. It’ll hurt him more, for one. And you can’t do it as fast. You can rapidly drum your hand over an ass, spanking back and forth. But the paddle ... It’s for making that stinging smack. For making his entire rump blaze with your dominating passion. You want to draw back and slam in hard. Make him feel it.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” I groaned and drew back the paddle.
“You want to make sure you land on his ass. If you hit too high up, you can injure him, and if you land on the back of his thighs, he’ll really feel it.” She smiled at me. “If you’re interested in making him really squeal, then that’s the place you want to land it.”
“Okay,” I said, a shiver running through me. My pussy clenched and juices spilled down my thighs. I was so wet.
I snapped the paddle forward.
The sound it made echoed through the pavilion. The brawny, brown-skinned Naithan grunted. His chains rattled while the muscles across his back, especially over his shoulder blades, rippled. A wash of heat rushed through me at that. My cunt clenched. I couldn’t believe how satisfying that was.
“Mmm, isn’t that just wonderful?” asked the rakshasa-queen. “He felt that, didn’t you?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” he groaned.
“Again,” the queen purred. “Draw back. Let him feel the anticipation. Watch his ass clenching and relaxing. You can see the redder band where you landed. You welted him. Very good. When you’re ready. When your pussy can’t stand that itch any longer, swing.”
There was a naughty itch in my pussy. This thrill to spank him and hear him grunt. He was so strong. He could easily pick me up and tie me into a knot. I would be helpless against him. I wasn’t Pyrriah or Kurtis. I had no way to fight. And yet he was the one powerless.
Despite all his brawn, he could do nothing to stop me from swinging.
The air swished.
The paddle slammed right on his. He groaned, his entire body shaking from the impact. His grunts echoed through the air. I loved this. My cunt was on fire. His butt-cheeks clenched. His brawny muscles rippled.
“Gods,” he growled, his arms shaking.
Queen Athirmi put her hand on my rump, squeezing my ass as I drew back again. I swung hard. I loved the whooshing sound.
My cunt clenched from the noise. I whimpered, my boobs jiggling. He growled, his entire body heaving against his restraints.
I drew back again, the queen’s hand sliding down my rump. She reached between my thighs, crossing my taint, and finding my wet bush. Her fingers touched my hot pussy lips as I swung the paddle hard.
“Gods damn!” growled the man. His body shook from the pain. His head threw back. “Illth’s foul cum!”
I shuddered, the queen rubbing at my cunt lips as I drew back again. I swung.
The chains raddled.
My pussy drank in the delight of the queen’s fingers.
The man cried out, his body trembling. Those gorgeous muscles rippled. Sweat beaded on them. I wanted to lick them.
Queen Athirmi hugged me from behind, her round breasts pressing into my back. She nuzzled into my ear, “Mmm, don’t you just want to lick his muscles.”
I almost said, “Yes!” I swallowed it and then croaked, “No.”
Her fingers thrust into my cunt for a moment. I gasped as she wiggled about in me. My toes curled in my sandals. She felt so good. Then she ripped them out, and I heard her sucking on her digits, cleaning off my juices.
“You are such a liar, Lasla,” the queen purred in amusement. “Go grab one of the flails. I’ll teach you to use it next.”
I wasn’t lying. But I didn’t say it. I could control myself. I was in charge of my lusts. A master of them. I reached the table with the flails. There were thin straps and thick ones. I didn’t know which one to grab, so I snagged the nearest one.
I turned, my pussy growing hotter as I strode back to her, my breasts bouncing. The rakshasa-queen licked her lips, her eyes smoldering. I hated the amused smile that grew. I kept my back straight as I stepped up before her.
“No,” she said. “When flogging, you want to trick the shoulders and drag down diagonally across the back. And then hit the other shoulder on the next. You can get into a rhythm, forming an X pattern before you. Like the cross he is attached to.”
“Okay,” I said and raised my arm and slapped it on his shoulder, the tails sort of dropping down his back.
“Faster,” she said. “You want to strike and drag in one fluid motion. Not stopping when you hit.”
I nodded and tried again, hitting his left shoulder and drawing down. It was a little better. I raised it, feeling so awkward, and smacked it on his right shoulder. He groaned at the thudding sound, those gorgeous muscles rippling as his arms strained.
Every time I swung, it grew easier and easier. My breasts bounced and jiggled as I smacked the flail down on his back. Right to left. Left to right. I formed an X on his back, his brown skin growing redder while he grunted and growled.
My pussy clenched. My traitorous juices spilled down my thighs while my hips wiggled. The stud I whipped was such a gorgeous man. So strong. He could pick me up and throw me down. Just ravish me with his hard cock thrusting out before him.
He enjoyed this.
I could feel his lust rising. He wanted me. Craved to fuck me hard. To please me. I swallowed, swinging the flail with growing confidence. I swished I tin the air, the act of flogging him almost hypnotic.
The world fell away. It was like it was just me and him.
I was the Mistress. He was the slave.
He had to obey me. If I ordered it, he had to fall to his knees and worship my cunt. Just press his mouth on my cunt and licked at my twat. I shuddered, the heat growing in me. It would be such a fantastic delight. He would ravish me. Just fuck me hard.
I shuddered, the heat swelling in me. I would have such a big burst of pleasure that would explode out of me. My hips wiggled from side to side, my heart beating fast. I licked my lips as I smacked over and over on him.
All I had to do was give the command.
He would eat me out. He would feast on my cunt. Then I would impale my cunt down his cock. He would grab my slender hips and work my pussy up and down his dick. His thick shaft would be like a dildo. A flesh dildo that filled me with his hot seed when he erupted.
I shook my head, my breasts bouncing and heaving. His back was red. I lowered my flail, panting. I had to stop this before I lost myself. A river of pussy juices had run down my thighs. Never in my life had I been so horny.
Because Kurtis would have satiated me by now.
“Yes, yes, you have a skill,” she said, holding a flogger in her own hand. Black with narrow tails. “You can use this to defend yourself, too. Strike harder. With a flail that has bits of metal in it. A flogger that rips the skin.”
I nodded, panting.
“Now take note of your flogger. You have thick straps. Hit him.”
I did. The dull thud of the tails slapping on his flesh sent a wave of heat rushing through my body.
“Did you hear how it thudded on his back?” she purred.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” I groaned, my pussy burning. I had to do something about this heat in me.
She drew back her own flogger and it hit with a stinging slap. It was a sharper sound. He grunted, and arched his back, his cock bouncing before him. His cock needed to be in a pussy. My pussy. I needed him—
“Now, the thinner straps provide a sharper pain. You can’t use it as long before you draw blood, and that means your slave has to recuperate.” Queen Athirmi shook her head. “Unless you want to draw blood, a Mistress never whips or flogs or spanks a slave to the point that they bleed. They are in control.”
“Yes, they are,” I said, my back straight. I was in control right now. Me! I would not betray my brother. He was risking his life to get us access to what we needed. I would be just as strong as him.
“Now we come to riding the slave,” purred the queen.
I shot her a glance, my pussy clenching. “I do not need any sexual satisfaction.”
“Oh, I don’t mean riding his cock,” she said. “Unmanacle him and order him to kneel on his hands and knees. Ride him like you will a horse. Riding a man or a horse is much the same. It’s all a demonstration of power. You must be in control to guide him.”
“I see,” I said and reached up to unshackle him. My body pressed into his warm back. I shuddered at how brawny he was. My nipples burst with delight that shot down to my cunt. I clenched my teeth and freed his right hand. “Slave, free yourself and kneel.”
Queen Athirmi smiled and nodded. “Fetch a riding crop.”
I hurried over to the table, glad to be away from the brawny slave. I panted, my body on fire. I just had to master myself. I knew what game the queen played. I turned to find the queen lounging on her chair again, her lamia kneeling at her side. The slave was finishing taking off his leg manacles. Then he fell to his hands and knees.
I swallowed and marched to him, back straight. My pussy juices perfumed the air with my spicy musk. I breathed in my scent while I felt the soldier’s lusts throbbing through him. He stared at me, his eyes so hot. He wanted my body, ached to please me. To thank me for the pain and pleasure I had given him.
A masochist who craved to worship me.
I threw my leg over his back and settled myself on him. I gasped as my furry muff rubbed into his back. Pleasure shot through me. I trembled, squeezing at his side with my thighs. He held my weight with ease.
I had the riding crop in hand. I smacked him on the rump. “Crawl, worm.”
“Yes, Mistress,” he growled in that deep and husky voice.
The submissive words echoed in my mind. I had never heard them from such a deep and masculine source. It was exciting. His heat shot through me. My cunt clenched as I wanted to order him to do so much more.

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