My Cousin Jacqui, Continued free porn video

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Jacqui would only be visiting my family for the next four days, and would then return to her family in the west Texas plains. Some way, I had to experience her again before then. Since she had initiated our first rendevous last night, I was confident that she would be more than a willing participant again.

That bathroom was across the hall from my room, and the urgency of my morning piss was impossible to ignore. The towel that Jacqui had so coyly teased me with the night before lay on the foot of my bed. I wrapped it loosely around my waist, realizing that my engorged cock would be obvious if anyone were looking, but nature was being a mother. I stepped into the hall just as Jacqui opened the door to the quest room. She wore a short, lightweight, white robe that just covered her beautiful ass. It, like my towel was not tied, but held loosely in her hand at the middle. Her firm breasts were largely visible, and the bottom front parted enough that a glimpse of her womanhood flashed briefly to my view.

A glance confirmed that my mom and dad were talking in the kitchen. Jacqui noticed my quick scan and smiled in concurrence with my intention. Stepping into the hallway and pulling her door shut behind her, she put a hand on my shoulder and guided me into the bathroom. Behind the closed door she released her grip on the robe, letting it fall open to reveal her beautiful body to me fully. She was even more stunning this morning in full light. Her green eyes flashed, and the contrast of her dark hair against her olive skin was adorable. She was a babe!

“We can’t get caught doing anything in the house,” I cautioned her checking that the door was locked behind us.

“So, don’t get us caught,” she laughed, reaching down and caressing my now throbbing pole through the towel. “Your door is open, mine is shut. You’re parents won’t open my door to check on me, and will assume you’re in here alone . . . now, what shall we do with this?”

“Well, unless you’re looking for a golden shower, you’d better let me take a piss,” I said stepping over to the toilet. She followed me, pulling my towel away and letting it fall to the floor.

She reached down taking my cock in her hand and guided the head downward cooing, “Here, let me lend a hand.”

Even with a full-up hard-on, I released a solid stream into the toilet. I pissed for what seemed minutes, Jacqui gently holding my cock and rubbing my ass cheeks with her other hand.

“You really have a beautiful cock, Austin,” she purred, still caressing my seven inch, uncut tool.

We both knew we couldn’t start anything with my parents just down the hall, and likely to appear at any moment. Still, Jacqui let her robe fall from her shoulders and squatted naked on the toilet, releasing her own stream into the water. She reached up and pulled my foreskin back and wiped me dry with my towel from the floor. Smiling, she pulled me toward her and parted her lips to engulf the tip and sucked away from me letting me fall softly from her warm, moist mouth. She grasped my shaft at the base and directed me again toward her mouth, leaned into me and kissed up and down the throbbing pole. Just as she poised herself to take me completely into her mouth, my dad tapped once on the door and said, “Austin, breakfast is ready.” We then heard him rap on the door to the guest room, Jacqui’s room, and call out, “Jacqui, it’s ready when you are!”

My heart stopped, and Jacqui covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. I thought, “You imp, you think it’d be funny for us to get busted.”

I gave my dad a few moments to get back to the kitchen, flushed the toilet for effect and wrapped the towel around me again to dash across the hall into my bedroom. Looking back, I saw Jacqui mouth the words, “Crack my door open,” as she motioned with her hand. I did, and she stepped back into the bathroom hefting her tits in her hands and blew a kiss before she closed the door. I heard water begin to spray in the shower soon after.

Almost getting caught allowed my engorged prick to relax a bit, and I dressed for work. I was supposed to help a neighbor move some equipment, a task that would take most of the day. I cursed the luck of finally fulfilling my fantasies with my cousin and now being unable to spend time with her before she returned home in a couple of days. Walking into the kitchen, I made a conscious effort at normalcy. I gave my mom a peck on the check, saying, “Something smells really good.”

My dad, as he usually did, gave me a playful swat and asked, “What’s up sport, ready for a big day?”

“Yeah,” I replied, “I’m supposed to help Mr. Griffin move some stuff over to the Kelley’s farm.”

“Oh, right,” Dad came back, “he called and said he wouldn’t be able to start that yet, something about trying again next week. I guess you’re off for the day.”

“Really? That’s cool,” I said. Thinking quickly I added, “If that’s the case, would you mind if I took Jacqui up to the Gap to look for arrowheads, she had mentioned that she’d like to go?”

My mom chimed in, “That would be nice, since she’s only here for a couple more days. I can pack you a lunch and you two can make a day of it. The weather is supposed be nice all day.”

Just then, Jacqui walked in wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and a yellow tube top with a loose, white cotton shirt tied at the midriff over it. Her long dark hair was gathered at her neck and she was glowing, at least in my eyes. “Sleep well dear?” my mom asked, seeming to notice something new, but unsure what it might be.

“Yes, very nice, thank you,” Jacqui smiled back at my mom. “You know I love it here.”

“Austin has the day off,” my dad began, “and wants to take you on a picnic.”

“Really!” Jacqui beamed. “That would be great!” She smiled and winked at me with a knowing look.


Since this was a weekday, it would be unlikely that we would see anyone all day up in the Gap. Driving my dad’s Jeep, Jacqui and I arrived at a spot I was familiar with, and one where we had often found arrowheads in the past. Knowing that I wouldn’t be looking for them on this outing, I’d snatched a couple from my dresser before leaving the house, just in case anyone asked.

We were on open range, and cattle were scattered across the hills in the distance. Cottonwood trees grew around a windmill, and a large metal stock tank held water deep enough to swim in. It was clear and cool, even in the heat I knew we’d encounter today, shaded under the trees as it was.

My beautiful cousin and I climbed out of the Jeep at the same time. She looked at our surroundings and said, “What a perfect spot to pick up where we left off last night. It’s miles to the nearest people, and nobody will be here accidentally. We can play with each other all day!”

I smiled my agreement and walked around to her. I took her hand and kissed her lightly on the lips, before continuing to the rear of the SUV. Retrieving a blanket from the back, I suggested we look for a clear spot under the trees. My penis was beginning to swell within the confines of my jeans thinking of all that we’d enjoyed of each other just hours before and looking forward to today’s adventures as well.

We found a place not too far away where the grass was deeper and would be in shade for most of the morning. I kicked a couple of rocks out of the way, spread the thick blanket on the ground and turned to find Jacqui looking at me with a lustful hunger I’d never noticed before. She was not my first, but there hadn’t been many. The emotion I felt seeing the passion in her gaze was strong and my body responded quickly. My pulse became quickened, my breathing shallow. My stiffened prick swelled to an upright posture, the head almost escaping the top of my jeans.

I reached to Jacqui, placed my hands on her shoulders drawing her close to my chest. Our mouths parted and we kissed forcefully. Our tongues intertwined as our groping hands explored each other’s bodies. Jacqui pushed her pelvis tightly against my groin, and I could feel the heat of her still hidden treasure burning against my flesh there. She rubbed against me, each movement increasing the discomfort of my engorged cock. Jacqui’s hands left their travels about my anatomy and focused intently on the snaps of my shirt. She pulled the tail out of my jeans and quickly popped the front open. With her hands still on the fabric she pulled out and downward, bringing the shirt off my shoulders and free from my arms at last.

I reached down and untied the loose knot in the tails of her cotton shirt. With that undone, I reached and began to softly run my hands over her rounded mounds through the yellow tube top. Moving my hands to the sides, I slipped my fingers between the fabric and her warm breasts and pulled down unloosing her 34C breasts and allowing the erected nipples freedom into the air. Jacqui quickly pulled the over-shirt off her shoulders and dropped it at the edge of our blanket. Kicking out of her sandals, she pulled the tube down past her shorts and dropped it at her feet. She stepped out and nudged the yellow cloth toward her shirt with her foot.

We stood, each looking lustily at the other. Jacqui subconsciously began to fondle her nipples, the swollen buds pinkish-brown in the light of day, the half dollar-sized areolas a slightly lighter shade. I stepped toward her and she stooped down and began to nuzzle my nipples with her lips, nipping them with her teeth and cooing softly. She dropped her hands to my ass and began to squeeze my cheeks through my jeans. I raised my hands to her soft tits and caressed them tenderly, the pert nipples firm in my fingertips. My cock was really uncomfortable within the band of my pants, and I reached down to unsnap them, hoping for some relief. Jacqui took this as a cue, and quickly unsnapping her shorts, tore the zipper open and dropped them to her feet. She stood fully naked before me, delicious, inviting, and exuding sexuality.

I wasted no time joining her in nudity. I’d kicked out of my boots before we stepped onto the blanket, so dropping my jeans completed the undertaking. Naked, we embraced and I felt her breasts against me, the soft mounds swaying with her movements, the upturned nipples obvious on my skin. I reached down and brushed my fingers across the downy softness of her mons. She shuddered. I traced small circles over her hooded clit, and she responded with soft, mewing moans. Her green eyes were closed, her head tilted back in the pure abandon of the moment.

I ran my fingers down the length of her opened slit, feeling her moisture and heat within. At the bottom, I paused and slowly inserted the mere tips of my first two fingers and pulled upward, tracing a path toward her clit. She moaned. Using the tip of my middle finger, I began to toy with her erect clitty, circling, rubbing, and re-circling from the other direction. Her breath became halted, and I began to maneuver her toward a sitting position on the blanket, intent to eat her like she’d never experienced before.

She stopped me, going instead to her knees. “I want to go first this time,” she purred, licking her lips in a delicious show of desire. What fool would argue with that?

Jacqui placed her hand on my hips at each side, and slowly, teasingly lowered her face toward my bobbing rod. My prick jumped with each beat of my pulse, as if it were a creature in itself. Jacqui watched this for a moment, seemingly enthralled with the fascinating biology of procreation. “I can never believe how dicks work,” she said, genuine awe in her voice.

With her tongue slightly extended, Jacqui opened her mouth and sucked the tip of my impatient phallus into her velvety confines. She rolled her tongue against my glans, and sucked at the tip hungrily. Pulling back, she let me go and took a deep breath. She filled her mouth with saliva and ran her hands down the length of my prick spreading her spit and the dribble of precum that was gathered at my opening down the shaft. Thus prepared, she virtually dove forward and impaled my cock to the hilt in her throat. Even with all we’d done already, the heights of sensation brought by this impaling was beyond anything I’d ever felt.

Jacqui gaged slightly, but recovered when she began a rhythmic motion, sucking and sliding to the tip, then re-impaling her mouth onto me again. She used her hands, encircling my rod, pumping with the motion of her rhythmical sucking, jacking me into delirium. I rocked in sync with her, thrusting in contra-motion to her face-lunges. In mere seconds, it seemed, I felt my balls tighten, and a tingling heat rush from my ass to my nipples. My stomach tightened as well, and Jacqui responded to the increasing girth of my rock-hard cock by holding still at full depth keeping the tip of my cock buried in her throat. I grunted aloud as my load began to spray into her. She swallowed my seed and continued to jack me with her hands as she pulled back slightly. She sucked until I finally had to pull out of her mouth because I couldn’t take the intensity of her tickling tongue.

I was so weakened by the force of my orgasm that I more or less fell to the blanket beside where Jacqui still knelt. Moisture from my explosion was mixed with her saliva and coated her lips. Small streams of my cum dribbled down her chin. I leaned toward her, strangely compelled to kiss her. My lips met her parted mouth and soon our tongues were engaged, exchanging our mutual wetness. I ran my hands over Jacqui’s body, enjoying without intimidation every curve, every secret place, every thing about her. Running my fingers through her long hair and down her back, shivers ran through her and goose bumps covered her flesh. With the taste of my sex on our lips, I intended to fully return the awesome oral gift my cousin had given to me.

I pressed against her shoulders, and gently encouraged her to lay back onto the blanket. Following her recline I placed my chest against her pink-capped mounds, my legs still off to the side. I continued kissing down her chin, nibbled softly at her throat, and ran a trail of light kisses down to her beautiful breasts. I suckled her nips rolling my lips around them, leaving soft kisses everywhere. Jacqui’s legs were pulled up with her feet flat on the blanket. I pushed her right leg down and eased across to position my face at her crotch. A light, wonderful, musky scent was there, and her moisture obvious.

Beginning midway from her knees, I kissed her inner thighs and worked slowly up toward her girl treasure. Jacqui rocked her hips with my movements, and cooed her approval of my advances. When I reached the bottom of her swollen slit, I licked from there to the top on each side, and placed a tender kiss at the crest. From the kiss, I spread my lips and allowed my tongue to dance and lap softly in slow circles around the erect nubble in that place.

Using my thumbs, I spread Jacqui’s very wet lips, allowing a deeper tonguing into her opening. I lapped her moisture, delirious with the taste and the taboo of eating my favorite cousin’s pussy. I alternated between deep tonguing and manipulating her clitty. As I felt her responses heighten, I stayed with her button, lapping with a steady rhythm, slowing increasing the pressure of my tongue.

Suddenly, Jacqui’s whole body stiffened and she pushed her legs out straight. She began to pant and scream, “Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Shit! Yes, yes, yeeeessss!!!”

Her hands, now placed on the back of my head ground my face roughly into her snatch where I was drenched with her nectar. Slowly, as the tremors in her being began to subside, she released her grip and I was able to breath.

While eating her out, my cock had been rubbed erect against the blanket by my movements. He was fully engorged, and eager for further action. I drew my knees up under me as Jacqui spread her legs apart, placing her heels against her bottom and letting her knees fall open. Her spread lips glistened with dew and a small pool of her moisture was soaking into the blanket beneath her ass. Reaching her hand between her spread legs, she grasped my pole and guided the head against her dripping cunt. I felt her warmth, and eased forward sliding easily into her wetness. That initial encounter with her outer muscles, just as the head passed through and entered the love canal, was the ultimate! Continuing deeper, I felt Jacqui’s tight pussy draw and pull me inward. She thrust herself upward and I was buried inside.

I raised my upper body to an upright kneeling position, lifting her bottom with me. Jacqui moved her legs to drape over my shoulders, and shuddered at the depth this allowed me to penetrate her cunt. Not only did our pelvic regions meet, my cock was bottomed against her womb. As we fell into motion, thrusting urgently against each other, Jacqui grunted with each impact. The slap of our fucking seemed loud under the azure sky. Watching Jacqui’s face I saw a look not unlike a pained expression, but knew that she was in the throes of ecstacy. She bit down on her lip and her mouth was drawn into a near frown as she experienced the first wave of her second climax. She pulled me more deeply into her with her legs and her hands, which were griped tightly around my ass.

“Oh, Austin! Fuck me hard! Deeper, deeper, deeper! Yes, that’s it, yes, yes, aungh, aungh!!” she screamed, finishing with deep groans.

I continued pounding into her cunt, my cock pistoning in and out, shining with her flow, and hard as a pipe. As Jacqui relaxed and came down from her mind-blowing orgasm, I lowered her legs and moved, straddling her legs with mine outside of hers. While this didn’t allow the depth we’d just had, it did lever my meat against her G-spot zone and clitoral hood. We fucked with abandon. With each thrust I pounded into her, I was met with an equally forceful thrust from her hips into me.

I began to feel that familiar tingle and burn, a pressing that radiated from my groin outward and touched every point of my body. Jacqui’s face again revealed the pentacle of her pleasure. I lay against her and, putting my left arm under her head pulled her close against me as we came in torrential waves of passion together, her tits a wonderful sensation against my chest.

“I’m cumming again,” Jacqui screamed into the desert around us. “Yes, yes! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!!”

Even as I felt my own jism erupt into her pussy, Jacqui released at least three strong streams of her own, squirting against my prick. As my orgasm peaked, I shoved my cock as deep as possible and just pushed against her depths reveling in the squeeze of her hot flesh around my cock.

We lay like that for a couple of minutes, wallowing in the after-waves of passion that continued to flow through us. Spent, I rolled to my right and lay on the blanket beside Jacqui. She rolled and cuddled against me, putting her right leg between my knees and resting her head on my shoulder as I lay on my back. With the cool breeze rustling the cottonwood leaves above, and the shade across our bodies, we yielded to the endorphinal surges brought by our cumming, and drifted to sleep, naked beneath the sky.

To be continued . . .


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When I arrive I Jacqui is very effusive, “You are a very attractive man. Just my type I think on first impressions.” She is tall, sun tanned, with short blond curly hair, very voluptuous and I guess a full size 14 body. I note her stiletto heels as I take in what she is wearing for me. Her full-length diaphanous see-through pink negligee is almost touching her feet. As she moves I note that it is split at the sides way up past the tops of her brilliant long legs and wonderful thighs to the...

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Bob Ts Diaries Jacqui the hot boss

I had been working in the bar for about five or six months, it was an odd place, in a shopping complex so closed ridiculously early for a pub, around 6pm. I was 21 at the time, generally laid back but was in a pretty fanatical phase of my fitness regime, I was pretty cut, back then and working in the bar in the city, it was great for meeting girls. At this time I was seeing one, a nice, but quite shy and quiet girl I had managed to persuade to take out a couple of times, but hadn't got any...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 18 Sold Again

When the hovercar stopped, Karl dragged the two girls quickly into the house and into a room where nobody slept. All it seemed to be used for was sitting in, there were no beds, no cleansing and most surprising of all, no 3V. The chairs all looked old and one had obviously been made for two people to sit on at the same time. On this two seater chair was a blonde of about Jacqui's age who came and greeted Karl effusively. Presumably this was the 'Paula' that Kate had said Karl wanted to...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 7 The Ladies Riding Club

Later that evening, Jacqui was sitting in the Ladies' Riding Club talking to a number of older ladies, all of whom seemed to want to buy her a drink. Queenie had disappeared for a while and Jacqui had accepted several drinks and was now very happy and very self-confident. She was discussing the relative merits of a paddle and a ruler as an implement for spanking with a rather heavily built lady who seemed to know a lot about it, when Queenie came back and joined them. "Mine," said Queenie...

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Me and Jacqui The 1st Time

Introduction: It was wrong, but that didnt stop us… This is my first story and its true… kind of. Names, dates, and locations have been changed to protect identity of all involved. My name is James and this is a true story that happened when me and my step-sister were 15. After a year and a half living in our house, our parents found a bigger house a mile down the road. Three bedrooms were downstairs in one hallway, lined up on one side of the wall. My room was the one closest to the front...

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Me and Jacqui The 1st Time

My name is James and this is a true story that happened when me and my step-sister were 15. After a year and a half living in our house, our parents found a bigger house a mile down the road. Three bedrooms were downstairs in one hallway, lined up on one side of the wall. My room was the one closest to the front door. Jacqui, my older sister (by 22 days), was in the next room, and Amber was in the largest and furthest bedroom from me. In the summer of 2007, Amber went to live with...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 20 Cabaret

Later Martha introduced her to some of the girls and pointed out some of the others. "The girls mostly have something they regard as their special skill," said Martha, "For instance, Gloria, the bottle blonde with the roots rapidly growing out, is famous, she says, for being a bad girl and always answering the clients back. Then they spank her for it and feel that they are the boss. She has only been here for a couple of months." "Why is she changing her hair colour?" asked Jacqui,...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 26 Entertainer

When Jacqui made her grand entrance into the Choosing Room that evening, Colin was already there, talking to Madame. As she moved across to accept her first paying customer, Jacqui's thoughts were a mass of contradictions. Was she becoming a whore for the first time? She had often gone out for a meal or to a show with a man, or woman, on Earth, knowing that she was expected to let them beat or fuck her, or both, at the end of the evening. Wasn't that just the same as taking money for...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 35 Breaking In A New Girl

When they got back to Jacqui's Place with Alf driving and Sarah, shackled, in the back with the other prisoners he was delivering, Alf asked Jacqui, "Will you be able to handle her on your own? I could come back later and help you settle her in if you like." "Oh, I don't think that will be a problem, Alf," said Jacqui, hastily adding as she saw his face fall, "but you can come and have a free go at her tomorrow if you like. To pay you for the help you have been, you understand." Alf...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 1 A New Life

Bright and early next morning Jacqui set off for her first day at the new job; her first job. She wondered how it would go, and whether she would like the people in the company. Lacking a family life, she had never really had any friends, nor had she ever had to fend for herself. Thus she was very nervous about the company, and her new boss. The letter said she was to report to Miss Alison Drew and Jacqui thought, with mild relief, that meant she would be working for a woman. The Call Centre...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 30 That Really Hurts

At Punishment the next day in front of all the other girls, Jacqui remembered that there are punishments that not even the most devout masochist can enjoy, or convert to sexual pleasure. Martha briefly outlined Jacqui's "crimes", which amounted to risking Martha's income by letting a client nearly kill her, and upsetting said client because his experiment failed. "The punishment will be three strokes of the thin cane for each offence," Martha intoned and Jacqui was truly amazed. The...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 33 First Blood

Greta's first customer was a great success, at least he and Jacqui thought so; Greta's feelings were a little mixed. Jason arrived about an hour after Geoffrey had left, and it was clear that he had heard the story of that visit and had decided this was for him. He had been one of Greta's regular customers at The New House of Joy, tipping her well and thrashing her as far as Martha allowed. As he walked in he did not wait for Jacqui to say anything, but came straight to the point, "I...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 9 The Hang Out Club

At her next job she was bored and listless, but decided that she just needed a different Club, one where people genuinely were interested in spanking and not just in seducing each other, and certainly not a lesbian establishment. Using the local directory of entertainments, she hit on the idea of looking up other clubs in the same categories as the Ladies' Riding Club. When she finally tried this, she found it was listed in the Lesbian, BDSM, and Alternative categories. Comparing these...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 15 Processing

The first group of cages to be taken out were the ones containing corpses of people who had not woken from the DeepSleep. Jacqui was surprised that she was selected to be the first live prisoner moved out of reception. When she was pushed into the next room the porterbot opened her cage and pushed her out to stand in front of a battered old desk behind which Kate was sitting. "You present me with an unusual problem," said Kate, not unkindly, "It is obvious from the datacube that you...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 23 Escape

The door to the building burst open and a minor whirlwind rushed in, throwing two of the youngsters against the walls hard enough to stun them. Jacqui caught sight of Peter as he grabbed the arm of the third and pushed it an impossible distance up his back. There was a sound like wood breaking and the boy screamed in agony. One of the stunned pair had recovered enough to return to the fray, but Peter grabbed him by one wrist and swung him round like a catapult. Just as the young man was...

4 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 25 Second Helping

The next morning the same formal process of punishment was followed. Martha started by saying to Jacqui, "You were sentenced to thirty strokes of the cane and you had three yesterday. Today's count, therefore, will start at four. If I think you can take more than three a day I'll carry on, so don't move until I say so." 'Christ on a bicycle, ' thought Jacqui as she lay over the whipping bench, 'She really knows how to torture someone. I still don't know how many I'm getting today....

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 38 Karl Visits Again

Early the next evening, Karl charged into Jacqui's Place and demanded, "I want that Sarah laid out ready for a thrashing." "Sorry, Karl, Sarah's not available," said Jacqui, "Would Greta or I do?" Karl thought for a moment and asked, "When will Sarah be free?" "Tomorrow." "Then I'll take you," he said, gloatingly. Jacqui's spirits dropped as she contemplated what he might do to her, but she smiled and said, "Five hundred." Karl exploded, "Five? Five? What on Earth do...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 44 You Are Mine

Next morning, just after Jacqui started a second look at all the files the office door opened and Hugo walked in. "Morning," he said, "I'm glad to see you are working hard. How was last night?" Jacqui had learned from the files that Hugo always checked on the takings and that meticulous records were kept down to the last credit, so she had the answer ready for him. "It was terrible. Only three customers all evening and they only spent twenty-seven credits between them. I only hope it...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 3 A Taste Of Love

Oddly enough Jacqui's next job, allocated by the state as her last one had been, was in the office which allocated jobs to unemployed people. Her duties were to contact each employer on the first day for a new employee the office had sent and check whether they had arrived. If they had not, she reported this to her new boss, Donald Wellspring. As she was introduced to him, she was surprised to see a slim, shy boy only a few years older than her. His hair was cut very short, far too short for...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 6 There Is No Paradise

Of course, as she expected, the State computers found her another job within twenty-four hours. It didn't last because it was in a food warehouse and she couldn't see any point in buying food when she could steal it from work. The next job was a long way from her apartment and she was always late. The next job was something of a success. She resigned rather than being sacked. Moreover she resigned before the management were even contemplating sacking her. She just didn't like the woman...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 11 Disaster

The job in the perfume shop was much the same as all the others, but this time she made two mistakes instead of one. She couldn't afford the lovely perfumes, so she stole some; and she didn't like the oily little supervisor who caught her. When he made it plain that he would forget her theft if she would let him grope her tits and cunt, she refused. In a way she was right because he fully intended to blackmail her into his bed in the very near future. Unfortunately he was not only...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 16 Rehearsal

"Nothing you haven't done before, quite often, to judge from your records," came the reply, "You simply walk up and down to show your body off to its best effect. That way you get a higher price and your new owner will probably treat you better because you cost him, or her, so much." "Walk up and down as though you are displaying clothes at a high-class dress show," she continued, "Then stop and face the audience with your feet apart and your hands on your head. Then turn round...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 21 Hostess

After Jacqui had had a week of being a dancer, and a live-sex cabaret artiste, Martha took her aside and said, "This live sex business isn't working. Those who watch aren't turned on; they are put off by the size of Grant's prick. From tonight you are a hostess. The rules are simple. You sit in the bar alone until someone either joins you or calls you over to their table. Then you encourage them to drink as much as you can. Your own drinks will have a staff token like this on them, and...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 27 Colin Helps

Colin quickly snapped Jacqui's hands into the cuffs on the bed head and went to the cupboard to fetch the paddle he knew from previous visits was kept there. SPLAT. The paddle came down fairly firmly on one cheek of Jacqui's arse; it wasn't a real punishment blow but it did make the colour much more uniformly red. Jacqui knew fine well that she should not cry out yet. Not if she wanted him to get the most out of his punishment of her. SPLAT. The other arse cheek changed colour to match...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 42 Merger

The only time Jacqui's Place was closed was on the night when they all went next door to a wild and wonderful drunken party in the New House of Joy for Hugo's and Martha's joint sixtieth birthday party; everybody who was anybody was invited to the party and everybody came. The girls were giving free fucks to their favourite clients and taking even greater delight in refusing those they didn't like. Nobody thought of the morrow and it was the first time most of them had seen everybody so...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 46 Queen Of All She Surveys

A week or so later, Sarah told Jacqui that Hubert was there to see her, again. He had been in and out almost every day on some pretext or other and Jacqui was afraid he was trying to decide whether to close Jacqui's House of Joy down. "Oh, God," Jacqui exploded, "What does he want this time?" "I'm sure I don't know," Sarah answered sympathetically, "but he has been here a lot lately, and without spending any money, either." When Hubert came into her office, Jacqui was rather...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter S

Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Six - Party Time*******​Following Martin's launch of his 'discovery' and the exhibitions of photographs he had compiled Jacqui attained an almost celebrity status within the 'Erotic Society of America'. For sure, it may have been a private and discrete group that was mainly unknown to the outside world but, no matter, for these associates and lovers of erotic art Jacqui, known...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 12

Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter twelve - Marriage and Work in Nevada*******​Since the surprise visit of Robert and Heidi to his office, Dale had heard nothing more from either of them. He wasn't unduly concerned for he was very much aware of Robert's tendency of being a control-freak and the lack of contact just another example of 'her master' demonstrating the influence that he now held over his wife. Indeed, he was...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 24 Punished

Three days later, Jacqui was passed by Martha as being fit enough to receive her punishment. Because this was a serious offence, Martha seemed to want to make a big show of the punishment. Half way through the morning, when they would usually have been relaxing, all the staff of the New House of Joy were told to assemble in the Choosing Room, where a whipping bench had been set up. When they were all present Martha gave a brief outline of what happened, although they had all heard the details...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 29 Martha Objects

Things came to a head with Martha when Colin booked her for another whole night. He asked if he could try something a bit more exciting. "I'm sure you can," said Jacqui with a smile, "What had you in mind?" "I'd like to tie you up and have you suck me while you are helpless and I can do what I like to you," he answered diffidently. "No problem," said Jacqui; after all being tied or handcuffed to the bed was normal here. "I've brought my own rope," added Colin, "and I know...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 31 Independence

A couple of days later, when Jacqui could walk more or less normally, thanks to Violetta and the repair cream, Martha called her into the office. "Have you decided to stay here?" she asked, knowing that in the end if the girl would not stay she could escape, even if it was only by suicide. "No, Madame, there is no question of my staying" said Jacqui apologetically, "but I've been saving up to open a BDSM house of my own where really kinky people can come and do whatever they want to...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 41 Alison

The first auction they went to provided Alison, the drudge. Jacqui's conversation beforehand with Kate had indicated that she wanted to grab the worst of the bunch who would otherwise end up in a mine dormitory, and she relayed a little of Violetta's story as her reason for doing that. Jacqui was surprised at how young the first one was. Alison was thirty years old according to Kate and was a nondescript little mouse of a woman with no tits to speak of. She could have been any age between...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 6

A tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Six - Party Time*******​Following Martin's launch of his 'discovery' and the exhibitions of photographs he had compiled Jacqui attained an almost celebrity status within the 'Erotic Society of America'. For sure, it may have been a private and discrete group that was mainly unknown to the outside world but, no matter, for these associates and lovers of erotic art Jacqui, known affectionately as 'Martin's Nude', would become...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 2 Sack Or Smack

Craig sat in unusual silence contemplating his errant employee. He saw an attractive young woman of eighteen, a few inches taller than himself, with dark chestnut curls surrounding a heart-shaped face with a wide, generous mouth, and a slim body which would perhaps ripen later to fuller curves. She had nice high breasts, not too plump but firm and separate, not just puppy-fat. From his personal predilections he believed that her arse had just right degree of plumpness for a satisfactory...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 17 Sold

Two large and robust looking men were positioned by the rostrum, obviously to keep order and to control the proceedings. As each prisoner was needed for auction, one of them would come behind the screen, collect them by name, and act as an escort to the stage. The men were auctioned first, starting with the least robust and oldest who were quickly sold for only a few credits. They all went through exactly the same routine as Kate had taught Jacqui and then Kate acted as auctioneer taking...

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