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Six years ago, I was a happily married New Yorker, a 30-year-old advertising executive with a six-figure income




By Aaron Oliver



Six years ago, I was a happily married New Yorker, a 30-year-old advertising executive with a six-figure income.


Then I came home a day early from a business trip to Chicago . . .


I saw Angie?s blouse lying on the living room floor, her bra on the couch ? and I heard sounds from the bedroom.? I walked slowly down the hall, and I heard Angie gasping, the way she usually did with me.? As I neared the doorway to the bedroom, I could see the wall-length, floor-to-ceiling mirror at the opposite end of the room from the bed ? and in the mirror I could see a very large naked man fucking my wife.? She was on her back on the bed, her legs wrapped around his hips, and he was slamming in and out of her, again and again, her gasps growing more fevered.


Neither knew I was there, and I stopped before I reached the door of the bedroom, watching them in the mirror.? I was stunned, angry ? and then I realized something else.? I was getting incredibly turned on.? Watching this other man fucking Angie was giving me an erection!


I couldn?t believe it, but I loved the sensation, and my anger disappeared.? I stood there for another minute or two until they both erupted in orgasms, then quietly retreated down the hallway and out of the house.


I called half an hour later, told Angie I?d just arrived at the airport and would be home in about 45 minutes.? When I arrived, she was in the kitchen, fully dressed, cooking dinner.? She turned, gave me a big smile and a hug, then told me to relax with a drink until the food was ready.


We had an early evening.? I was tired from my trip and she ? god knows what she?d been doing.? But by the time we climbed into bed, all I could think about was her being fucked by the other man.


Angie crawled into bed with me, leaned over and kissed me on the lips.


?Happy to see me?? she whispered.


?You don?t know the half of it,? I whispered back.


She settled onto the bed next to me and drifted her hand down my chest.? My nipples responded as her fingertips passed over them and her hand paused for a moment, circling them in turn, then continued downward.


She found my cock and squeezed it.

?You are glad to see me, aren?t you?? she whispered again, her hand sliding gently up and down my shaft.? I groaned, and she continued to tease me like that for a moment or two, then rose to her knees and straddled my thighs, her gorgeous breasts swinging above me as she moved. She took my cock in both hands, leaned over and began kissing it, enveloping the head with her lips.


I nearly came immediately, but she pulled away, started working with her hands again, one on each nipple, then bent forward and began sucking my cock with her lips while her fingers teased my nipples.? My entire body responded and I began thrashing about beneath her.? She wasn?t sucking me firmly enough to bring me off, just enough to keep me panting.


Then she shifted position, one of her hands around my shaft, her lips and tongue brushing against one nipple, then the other.? My body continued to thrash.


?Oh, yes,? she said softly, ?you are very glad to see me, aren?t you??? I gasped once or twice and muttered something through my clenched teeth.? ?What?? she said, raising her head from my nipples and staring into my eyes.? ?What did you say??


?I . . . I . . . I . . . saw you!? I managed to groan as my body continued to thrash.


?What do you mean, you saw me?? she whispered, her hand never ceasing in its movements on my cock.? I tried to get out the words as desire took over my entire world.? ?I . . . I . . . I . . . saw you with him!?


She leaned back, sat on my thighs and stared at me ? but her hand kept moving.? She took her other hand and cupped my balls, squeezed them a bit.? The moving hand traveled from the base of my cock upwards, flicking deliciously beneath the head each time it arrived, my body nearing an explosion each time it happened.? But she made sure her touch was soft enough to keep me from going over the top.


?When?? she whispered, staring at me as her hand worked its magic.? ?When did you see us?? Today??


All I could do was grunt, ?y . . . ye . . . yes!?


?You mean you came here, saw us here?? she whispered and could tell by the way my body responded that I had.


?And you liked it??


My entire body rose up off the bed for a moment, but she never let go of me.


?My god,? she whispered, still staring at me, ?you liked it!?


I could see a feral look come into her eyes as she paused and let me go, then rose to her knees and hovered above me.? ?You liked it,? she whispered again, and I just stared at her, my entire body trembling.


She climbed off the bed and walked around the room for a few moments.? I tried not to move.? She grabbed her robe from the closet and left.


I could hear her moving down the hallway and then in the living room and kitchen.? I could hardly think.? My cock was enormous and my nipples like stones.? It felt as if a fire were racing through my entire system.


She came back about half an hour later, wrapped in the robe, and sat on the bed next to me.


Neither of us spoke for a few moments, then she reached out and laid a hand on my thigh.? My cock bounced, and she looked at it for a moment, then slid her hand over my shaft again.? I groaned, and she looked me in the eyes, her hand idly continuing its movements up and down my cock.


?I?ve been fucking other men for more than a year now,? she said quietly, and my cock jerked in her hand.? She let go for a moment, then resumed caressing me.? ?I usually wait until you?re out of town ? but sometimes I?ve had a lover during the day or when you?re out at a business dinner.?


I was groaning by now with desire, my entire body flopping about the bed.? She continued playing with me, just sitting there and watching as I went out of control.? But she never touched me long enough to bring me off.


?I?ve been out there in the living room thinking,? she went on in her quiet voice.? ?I don?t intend to stop seeing other men? (I groaned again and my cock throbbed visibly) ?but if this is the way you react then I?m going to start telling you about them.?? My groans were coming almost constantly now and I was as turned on as I?ve ever been.? ?And while I?m telling you about them I want you to bring me off again, every time, maybe more than once.?


She let go and I fell back against the bed.? She stood and let the belt of her robe fall open.? I could see her pussy and her breasts emerge, and then the robe fell off her shoulders to the floor.? She was naked again.


?Get off the bed,? she said, and I slid off and stood next to her.? She crawled up onto the bed, propped a couple of pillows at the head of the bed, lay down against them and placed another pillow beneath her thighs.? Then she spread her legs far apart and said, ?Put your head between my legs and your tongue in my pussy.? I want to tell you about Bart.?


I never did cum that night.? As I tongued her to an orgasm, her juices flowing across my face, she described how much she loved to suck Bart?s cock and have him inside her, told me how wet she became just thinking about him and how long he could last before exploding.? And she didn?t stop there.? After her first orgasm she gripped the sides of my head with her thighs and began telling me what it would be like the next time she spent a day with Bart.


?He?ll keep me at a fever pitch all day,? she whispered, ?and he?ll fuck me four or five times.? The man?s insatiable and he?s always hard, no matter how often he cums.? He?ll fuck me in the kitchen and in the living room and in the hallway and I? the bedroom.? And every time he does I?ll cum like a bomb!?? She erupted again as my tongue and her fantasy merged.


God knows how many times she?d been fucked that day.? She finally pushed me away and told me to sleep in the living room, then fell into a deep sleep herself.


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That?s how it began.? Angie began to take more lovers than ever before.? Sometimes I?d be in town, sometimes not.? We sound-proofed the closet and rigged up a two-way mirror on its door.? If I was in town, I?d take off my clothes, stand inside the closet and watch her with her lover of the day, my cock throbbing, then join her after he?d left to lick his juices out of her cunt.? If I was out of town, she?d tell me all the details when I returned and mercilessly tease my cock.


It didn?t take more than a couple of weeks for Angie to realize what a rush it was to fuck everybody else and leave her husband high and dry.? Watching me pant and thrash about the bed as she teased me turned her on enormously.? She began insisting I stay hard, that I not explode in her mouth or her hands or her cunt.? She?d fuck another man silly, then tease me endlessly.? Most nights she wouldn?t let me cum at all, just bring me to the brink repeatedly -- and we always finished with me tonguing her to a climax once or twice or three times.


I didn?t care.? I was in lust, more than I?d ever believed possible.


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It?s been going on for six years now, and Angie has raised the stakes a number of times.? She discovered early on that if she kept me hard and frustrated, I?d do just about anything she asked, in bed or out.? As the weeks and months passed, she began to turn more and more of the household chores over to me, and eventually she took over the checkbook as well.? These days I simply sign over my paycheck to her ? and I don?t really know what she does with the money.


My income increased substantially over the years, so Angie eventually quit her job as executive secretary for the CEO of a local manufacturing company, then took him as one of her lovers.? The first time she brought him home she left him in the living room for a few minutes and slid back the door of the closet.? I was waiting there, naked, my cock already erect, and she grinned at me, then told me to put my hands behind my back.? She tied them together with a coil of rope and said ?I want to be sure you don?t fondle yourself while I?m fucking George,? then tapped the head of my penis with her palm a few times and left me there, sliding the door shut in front of me.


I could see the entire bedroom and it wasn?t long before Angie and George appeared in the doorway. ?They were both fully clothed, and George sat on the edge of the bed.? Angie kicked off her high-heeled shoes and knelt in front of him, her back to me, then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers, reached in and pulled out his cock.? It was already completely engorged, and very large, and when she dipped her head to lick it my own cock jerked and I groaned aloud.? Fortunately, George couldn?t hear him because of the sound-proofing.? She worked her tongue up and down his cock, freed his balls from his pants and took them one after the other into her mouth, sucking on them.? George leaned back on the bed, so Angie rose higher on her knees and began sucking his cock in earnest.? She took it deep into her mouth and slid her lips up and down its length, her tongue sliding in and out as she did.? George started to thrash about beneath her and I could tell he was close to cuming.? My own cock was bouncing and my breath was coming in short pants.


Angie stopped sucking him, stood and raised her skirt.? She wasn?t wearing anything underneath, and I could see her gorgeous ass as she crawled up on him and positioned herself above his cock.? When she plunged down on him I nearly erupted!


She rode him, softly at first, then harder, and finally took him over the top.? I couldn?t hear them, but I could tell her cried out when he came, more than once.? He arched his back and held it there as his body shuddered ? and I nearly collapsed in a frenzy of desire.


Angie rode him to the end of his climax, then slid off.? She hadn?t cum yet herself, and I knew she wasn?t finished.


She went right back to work on his cock with her hands and her mouth, and it wasn?t long before he was fully engorged again.? Then she pulled off his shoes and pulled his pants onto the floor, leaving him naked from the waist down.? She said something I couldn?t hear and he sat up on the side of the bed, his cock pointing straight toward me.? She unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off, then lifted his t-shirt over his head.


He was naked.? She was still fully clothed.


But then she stepped back and stood in front him, her back to me, staring at his cock, and slowly undid the belt on her skirt.? When the skirt fell away I fixated on her gorgeous legs.? Her thighs are very strong and she has a perfect tan covering her legs and her ass.? She stood there for a moment, then began unbuttoning her blouse while he stared at her hungrily from in front and I watched from behind, mesmerized.


The blouse dropped to the floor.? She wasn?t wearing a bra.? And now she wasn?t wearing anything at all.


George stood and moved toward her, grabbed her ass and lifted her into the air, then whirled her around and threw her down on the bed.? He lunged on top of her, drove his cock into her with incredible force, then started slamming himself into her over and over again as she wrapped her legs around him.


It took him longer to cum this time and, when he did, Angie went with him . . .


But Angie still wasn?t done.? They rested for about five minutes while I tried my best to bring myself off mentally without touching myself.? I knew I couldn?t do it, but it brought me close, and I reveled in the desire that engulfed me.? I kept staring at Angie the whole time, watching her move, gazing at her breasts and her pussy and her thighs.


Angie pushed George off her and bent over his cock again.? She knelt between his legs, her ass pointing toward me.? She took his cock in her mouth and at the same time reached both hands toward his nipples and began playing with them.


It wasn?t long before he was writhing again, and I thought I would pass out from desire.? He started bucking on the bed and a few moments later erupted again in his third orgasm.


Angie never flinched.? She kept her lips locked around his cock and her fingertips brushing his nipples -- and rode him until he slumped backwards onto the bed.


They left the bedroom a few minutes later and about half an hour afterwards I heard the front door shut and a car pull away.


Angie opened the closet door almost immediately.? She was nude, her breasts glistening, her nipples erect, and a hungry look on her face.? ?He fucked me again in the living room,? she whispered, grabbing my cock and pulling me out of the closet.? I almost came right then, but somehow resisted.? She didn?t untie me, just led me to the bed and started playing with my cock and nipples, standing over me while she did, her breasts swinging above me.? She brought me to the brink, over and over again, stopping each time just as I began to thrash uncontrollably around the bed, and finally she pushed me down on my knees by the mattress.? Then she sat in front of me, spread her legs and waited for my tongue.


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That became our regular pattern.? Whether it was her ex-boss or some other lover, she insisted I have the house spotless whenever she brought him home -- and made sure I stayed hidden behind the mirror during his stay.? After he?d leave, she?d summon me into the bedroom, tease me unmercifully, sometimes for an hour or more, then command me to use my tongue to clean her pussy and bring her off again.? She loved to ask me questions while she toyed with me or I sucked on her clit.? ?Did you like it when Brad took me from behind?? she?d ask.? Or ?what did you think when I took that enormous cock of Jim?s into my mouth??? Or ?how did it feel when Doug slammed me up against the wall and plowed that big cock of his into me over and over again??


As the years passed, she began taking me with her whenever she?d go out clubbing, ordering me to stay by the bar and watch her flirt with other men, dry-hump them on the dance floor.? She?d give me a signal when she was ready and I?d head home.? An hour or so later she?d arrive with whatever man she?d picked up in the club, and I?d be waiting behind the mirror.


After a few years she locked me in a chastity belt to keep me from masturbating at work or on the road, releasing me only when she wanted to tease me, which happened almost every night when I was in town, whether she had a lover with her that evening or not.? She?d quiz me about the women in my office and the women I?d see on the street, ask me how much they turned me on, how frustrating it was to be locked in the chastity belt.? It was all part of her teasing.? I?d go days, sometimes two or three weeks, without having an orgasm ? and, when she did let me have one, she?d give me just 90 seconds to run all the way down to the half-bath in the basement and jerk off, then get back to her, timing me to make sure I didn?t take a second longer.


And her teasing knows no bounds. ?If I?m in town on the weekend, she?ll keep me naked and sometimes chained to the wall in the basement until she ?needs? me.? She likes to use clothespins on my nipples and balls while I?m chained, leaving them there for hours on a Saturday or Sunday, occasionally flicking them with her fingertips.? And she delights in teasing my cock while I try to cook dinner or vacuum the carpets.? Most weekends I bring her off six or seven times, sometimes with my cock, sometimes with my tongue, sometimes with my fingers.


So, here I am, six years later, a happily married New Yorker, a 36-year-old advertising executive with a six-figure income.? I guess you could say nothing much has changed ? except for everything!




By Aaron Oliver



Six years ago, I was a happily married New Yorker, a 30-year-old advertising executive with a six-figure income.


Then I came home a day early from a business trip to Chicago . . .


I saw Angie?s blouse lying on the living room floor, her bra on the couch ? and I heard sounds from the bedroom.? I walked slowly down the hall, and I heard Angie gasping, the way she usually did with me.? As I neared the doorway to the bedroom, I could see the wall-length, floor-to-ceiling mirror at the opposite end of the room from the bed ? and in the mirror I could see a very large naked man fucking my wife.? She was on her back on the bed, her legs wrapped around his hips, and he was slamming in and out of her, again and again, her gasps growing more fevered.


Neither knew I was there, and I stopped before I reached the door of the bedroom, watching them in the mirror.? I was stunned, angry ? and then I realized something else.? I was getting incredibly turned on.? Watching this other man fucking Angie was giving me an erection!


I couldn?t believe it, but I loved the sensation, and my anger disappeared.? I stood there for another minute or two until they both erupted in orgasms, then quietly retreated down the hallway and out of the house.


I called half an hour later, told Angie I?d just arrived at the airport and would be home in about 45 minutes.? When I arrived, she was in the kitchen, fully dressed, cooking dinner.? She turned, gave me a big smile and a hug, then told me to relax with a drink until the food was ready.


We had an early evening.? I was tired from my trip and she ? god knows what she?d been doing.? But by the time we climbed into bed, all I could think about was her being fucked by the other man.


Angie crawled into bed with me, leaned over and kissed me on the lips.


?Happy to see me?? she whispered.


?You don?t know the half of it,? I whispered back.


She settled onto the bed next to me and drifted her hand down my chest.? My nipples responded as her fingertips passed over them and her hand paused for a moment, circling them in turn, then continued downward.


She found my cock and squeezed it.

?You are glad to see me, aren?t you?? she whispered again, her hand sliding gently up and down my shaft.? I groaned, and she continued to tease me like that for a moment or two, then rose to her knees and straddled my thighs, her gorgeous breasts swinging above me as she moved. She took my cock in both hands, leaned over and began kissing it, enveloping the head with her lips.


I nearly came immediately, but she pulled away, started working with her hands again, one on each nipple, then bent forward and began sucking my cock with her lips while her fingers teased my nipples.? My entire body responded and I began thrashing about beneath her.? She wasn?t sucking me firmly enough to bring me off, just enough to keep me panting.


Then she shifted position, one of her hands around my shaft, her lips and tongue brushing against one nipple, then the other.? My body continued to thrash.


?Oh, yes,? she said softly, ?you are very glad to see me, aren?t you??? I gasped once or twice and muttered something through my clenched teeth.? ?What?? she said, raising her head from my nipples and staring into my eyes.? ?What did you say??


?I . . . I . . . I . . . saw you!? I managed to groan as my body continued to thrash.


?What do you mean, you saw me?? she whispered, her hand never ceasing in its movements on my cock.? I tried to get out the words as desire took over my entire world.? ?I . . . I . . . I . . . saw you with him!?


She leaned back, sat on my thighs and stared at me ? but her hand kept moving.? She took her other hand and cupped my balls, squeezed them a bit.? The moving hand traveled from the base of my cock upwards, flicking deliciously beneath the head each time it arrived, my body nearing an explosion each time it happened.? But she made sure her touch was soft enough to keep me from going over the top.


?When?? she whispered, staring at me as her hand worked its magic.? ?When did you see us?? Today??


All I could do was grunt, ?y . . . ye . . . yes!?


?You mean you came here, saw us here?? she whispered and could tell by the way my body responded that I had.


?And you liked it??


My entire body rose up off the bed for a moment, but she never let go of me.


?My god,? she whispered, still staring at me, ?you liked it!?


I could see a feral look come into her eyes as she paused and let me go, then rose to her knees and hovered above me.? ?You liked it,? she whispered again, and I just stared at her, my entire body trembling.


She climbed off the bed and walked around the room for a few moments.? I tried not to move.? She grabbed her robe from the closet and left.


I could hear her moving down the hallway and then in the living room and kitchen.? I could hardly think.? My cock was enormous and my nipples like stones.? It felt as if a fire were racing through my entire system.


She came back about half an hour later, wrapped in the robe, and sat on the bed next to me.


Neither of us spoke for a few moments, then she reached out and laid a hand on my thigh.? My cock bounced, and she looked at it for a moment, then slid her hand over my shaft again.? I groaned, and she looked me in the eyes, her hand idly continuing its movements up and down my cock.


?I?ve been fucking other men for more than a year now,? she said quietly, and my cock jerked in her hand.? She let go for a moment, then resumed caressing me.? ?I usually wait until you?re out of town ? but sometimes I?ve had a lover during the day or when you?re out at a business dinner.?


I was groaning by now with desire, my entire body flopping about the bed.? She continued playing with me, just sitting there and watching as I went out of control.? But she never touched me long enough to bring me off.


?I?ve been out there in the living room thinking,? she went on in her quiet voice.? ?I don?t intend to stop seeing other men? (I groaned again and my cock throbbed visibly) ?but if this is the way you react then I?m going to start telling you about them.?? My groans were coming almost constantly now and I was as turned on as I?ve ever been.? ?And while I?m telling you about them I want you to bring me off again, every time, maybe more than once.?


She let go and I fell back against the bed.? She stood and let the belt of her robe fall open.? I could see her pussy and her breasts emerge, and then the robe fell off her shoulders to the floor.? She was naked again.


?Get off the bed,? she said, and I slid off and stood next to her.? She crawled up onto the bed, propped a couple of pillows at the head of the bed, lay down against them and placed another pillow beneath her thighs.? Then she spread her legs far apart and said, ?Put your head between my legs and your tongue in my pussy.? I want to tell you about Bart.?


I never did cum that night.? As I tongued her to an orgasm, her juices flowing across my face, she described how much she loved to suck Bart?s cock and have him inside her, told me how wet she became just thinking about him and how long he could last before exploding.? And she didn?t stop there.? After her first orgasm she gripped the sides of my head with her thighs and began telling me what it would be like the next time she spent a day with Bart.


?He?ll keep me at a fever pitch all day,? she whispered, ?and he?ll fuck me four or five times.? The man?s insatiable and he?s always hard, no matter how often he cums.? He?ll fuck me in the kitchen and in the living room and in the hallway and I? the bedroom.? And every time he does I?ll cum like a bomb!?? She erupted again as my tongue and her fantasy merged.


God knows how many times she?d been fucked that day.? She finally pushed me away and told me to sleep in the living room, then fell into a deep sleep herself.


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That?s how it began.? Angie began to take more lovers than ever before.? Sometimes I?d be in town, sometimes not.? We sound-proofed the closet and rigged up a two-way mirror on its door.? If I was in town, I?d take off my clothes, stand inside the closet and watch her with her lover of the day, my cock throbbing, then join her after he?d left to lick his juices out of her cunt.? If I was out of town, she?d tell me all the details when I returned and mercilessly tease my cock.


It didn?t take more than a couple of weeks for Angie to realize what a rush it was to fuck everybody else and leave her husband high and dry.? Watching me pant and thrash about the bed as she teased me turned her on enormously.? She began insisting I stay hard, that I not explode in her mouth or her hands or her cunt.? She?d fuck another man silly, then tease me endlessly.? Most nights she wouldn?t let me cum at all, just bring me to the brink repeatedly -- and we always finished with me tonguing her to a climax once or twice or three times.


I didn?t care.? I was in lust, more than I?d ever believed possible.


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It?s been going on for six years now, and Angie has raised the stakes a number of times.? She discovered early on that if she kept me hard and frustrated, I?d do just about anything she asked, in bed or out.? As the weeks and months passed, she began to turn more and more of the household chores over to me, and eventually she took over the checkbook as well.? These days I simply sign over my paycheck to her ? and I don?t really know what she does with the money.


My income increased substantially over the years, so Angie eventually quit her job as executive secretary for the CEO of a local manufacturing company, then took him as one of her lovers.? The first time she brought him home she left him in the living room for a few minutes and slid back the door of the closet.? I was waiting there, naked, my cock already erect, and she grinned at me, then told me to put my hands behind my back.? She tied them together with a coil of rope and said ?I want to be sure you don?t fondle yourself while I?m fucking George,? then tapped the head of my penis with her palm a few times and left me there, sliding the door shut in front of me.


I could see the entire bedroom and it wasn?t long before Angie and George appeared in the doorway. ?They were both fully clothed, and George sat on the edge of the bed.? Angie kicked off her high-heeled shoes and knelt in front of him, her back to me, then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers, reached in and pulled out his cock.? It was already completely engorged, and very large, and when she dipped her head to lick it my own cock jerked and I groaned aloud.? Fortunately, George couldn?t hear him because of the sound-proofing.? She worked her tongue up and down his cock, freed his balls from his pants and took them one after the other into her mouth, sucking on them.? George leaned back on the bed, so Angie rose higher on her knees and began sucking his cock in earnest.? She took it deep into her mouth and slid her lips up and down its length, her tongue sliding in and out as she did.? George started to thrash about beneath her and I could tell he was close to cuming.? My own cock was bouncing and my breath was coming in short pants.


Angie stopped sucking him, stood and raised her skirt.? She wasn?t wearing anything underneath, and I could see her gorgeous ass as she crawled up on him and positioned herself above his cock.? When she plunged down on him I nearly erupted!


She rode him, softly at first, then harder, and finally took him over the top.? I couldn?t hear them, but I could tell her cried out when he came, more than once.? He arched his back and held it there as his body shuddered ? and I nearly collapsed in a frenzy of desire.


Angie rode him to the end of his climax, then slid off.? She hadn?t cum yet herself, and I knew she wasn?t finished.


She went right back to work on his cock with her hands and her mouth, and it wasn?t long before he was fully engorged again.? Then she pulled off his shoes and pulled his pants onto the floor, leaving him naked from the waist down.? She said something I couldn?t hear and he sat up on the side of the bed, his cock pointing straight toward me.? She unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off, then lifted his t-shirt over his head.


He was naked.? She was still fully clothed.


But then she stepped back and stood in front him, her back to me, staring at his cock, and slowly undid the belt on her skirt.? When the skirt fell away I fixated on her gorgeous legs.? Her thighs are very strong and she has a perfect tan covering her legs and her ass.? She stood there for a moment, then began unbuttoning her blouse while he stared at her hungrily from in front and I watched from behind, mesmerized.


The blouse dropped to the floor.? She wasn?t wearing a bra.? And now she wasn?t wearing anything at all.


George stood and moved toward her, grabbed her ass and lifted her into the air, then whirled her around and threw her down on the bed.? He lunged on top of her, drove his cock into her with incredible force, then started slamming himself into her over and over again as she wrapped her legs around him.


It took him longer to cum this time and, when he did, Angie went with him . . .


But Angie still wasn?t done.? They rested for about five minutes while I tried my best to bring myself off mentally without touching myself.? I knew I couldn?t do it, but it brought me close, and I reveled in the desire that engulfed me.? I kept staring at Angie the whole time, watching her move, gazing at her breasts and her pussy and her thighs.


Angie pushed George off her and bent over his cock again.? She knelt between his legs, her ass pointing toward me.? She took his cock in her mouth and at the same time reached both hands toward his nipples and began playing with them.


It wasn?t long before he was writhing again, and I thought I would pass out from desire.? He started bucking on the bed and a few moments later erupted again in his third orgasm.


Angie never flinched.? She kept her lips locked around his cock and her fingertips brushing his nipples -- and rode him until he slumped backwards onto the bed.


They left the bedroom a few minutes later and about half an hour afterwards I heard the front door shut and a car pull away.


Angie opened the closet door almost immediately.? She was nude, her breasts glistening, her nipples erect, and a hungry look on her face.? ?He fucked me again in the living room,? she whispered, grabbing my cock and pulling me out of the closet.? I almost came right then, but somehow resisted.? She didn?t untie me, just led me to the bed and started playing with my cock and nipples, standing over me while she did, her breasts swinging above me.? She brought me to the brink, over and over again, stopping each time just as I began to thrash uncontrollably around the bed, and finally she pushed me down on my knees by the mattress.? Then she sat in front of me, spread her legs and waited for my tongue.


*????????? *????????? *????????? *????????? *


That became our regular pattern.? Whether it was her ex-boss or some other lover, she insisted I have the house spotless whenever she brought him home -- and made sure I stayed hidden behind the mirror during his stay.? After he?d leave, she?d summon me into the bedroom, tease me unmercifully, sometimes for an hour or more, then command me to use my tongue to clean her pussy and bring her off again.? She loved to ask me questions while she toyed with me or I sucked on her clit.? ?Did you like it when Brad took me from behind?? she?d ask.? Or ?what did you think when I took that enormous cock of Jim?s into my mouth??? Or ?how did it feel when Doug slammed me up against the wall and plowed that big cock of his into me over and over again??


As the years passed, she began taking me with her whenever she?d go out clubbing, ordering me to stay by the bar and watch her flirt with other men, dry-hump them on the dance floor.? She?d give me a signal when she was ready and I?d head home.? An hour or so later she?d arrive with whatever man she?d picked up in the club, and I?d be waiting behind the mirror.


After a few years she locked me in a chastity belt to keep me from masturbating at work or on the road, releasing me only when she wanted to tease me, which happened almost every night when I was in town, whether she had a lover with her that evening or not.? She?d quiz me about the women in my office and the women I?d see on the street, ask me how much they turned me on, how frustrating it was to be locked in the chastity belt.? It was all part of her teasing.? I?d go days, sometimes two or three weeks, without having an orgasm ? and, when she did let me have one, she?d give me just 90 seconds to run all the way down to the half-bath in the basement and jerk off, then get back to her, timing me to make sure I didn?t take a second longer.


And her teasing knows no bounds. ?If I?m in town on the weekend, she?ll keep me naked and sometimes chained to the wall in the basement until she ?needs? me.? She likes to use clothespins on my nipples and balls while I?m chained, leaving them there for hours on a Saturday or Sunday, occasionally flicking them with her fingertips.? And she delights in teasing my cock while I try to cook dinner or vacuum the carpets.? Most weekends I bring her off six or seven times, sometimes with my cock, sometimes with my tongue, sometimes with my fingers.


So, here I am, six years later, a happily married New Yorker, a 36-year-old advertising executive with a six-figure income.? I guess you could say nothing much has changed ? except for everything!


Same as Angie Videos

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When I first asked Angie to keep me accountable for my drinking, I didn't realize just what I was getting myself into, but I knew that something had to change and I was ready to try anything.  I was on probation for a DUI and had subsequently lost my job over too many missed days. When I couldn't pay rent I was kicked out of my apartment.  Fortunately, Angie was my neighbor.She had been two grades above me in school but she knew me because I dated her sister briefly.  Angie lived with her...

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I met Angie at a hippie festival in southern Oregon.  She was part Native American, small, thin, with chakra tattoos on her wrists and back, and a colorful dragon tattoo wrapped around her right calf.  Whenever the music was playing, she was dancing.  I was there with several friends and she just came up out of the crowd and stretched out on our blanket with her head in my lap, looking up at me.  “Hi,” was all she said, then another reggae song started, and she was up dancing, spinning, and...

Straight Sex
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“Angie” was a girl I worked with, years, quiet, soft spoken, very catholic and conservative. Always wore conservative clothes, never flirted, never called attention to herself. I shared an office with her and got to know her over several years. Underneath the fa?e she was funny, great to talk to and great to be around. Also, she as gorgeous. When you looked past the conservative clothes and demeanor, she was amazing. She was, married, Mexican and spoke English with probably 95% accuracy and a...

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The Twins In San FranciscoChapter 3 Love

"Come on! That was pathetic!" I looked up from Trinh's sopping wet cunt, my entire face coated in a layered sheen of wetness from the orgasm she had just spilled onto me. This one had seemed so powerful that she was almost squirting into the air as her hips had shuddered with release. "Pathetic? I've never been so drenched!" "Oh, that was a great orgasm. But there was no finesse to your technique! You just pushed me straight up to climax without enough little teasing to make me...

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The Fountain of Youth Book IIChapter 3

Monday, June 4, 1979 Missy and I were sitting in deep rapport, drinking our morning coffee, when she asked, {Are you really going to try to get me pregnant tonight?} {If that's what you want, then I definitely am Sweetheart. I just want you to be sure. It's your body that will be carrying our little monster for nine months. I wouldn't push you to do that, but if it's what you want, then I'm all for it.} {Oh, it's what I want. It seems like I've loved you forever Mike. Having a baby...

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The Art Class

There were five students in the room, one teacher and a model who sat smoking, despite all regulations and sitting on the posing chaise as our teacher, Isobel, talked."Ignore Teri – she is a rebel." Isobel smiled at us. "Rebels make good models – they have character. Now, you," she pointed at Martha, the oldest in the room. "Martha, what is the difference between painting and photography?""A painter should try not merely to create an accurate image of her subject but to demonstrate something of...

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Jefferey and Layla

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Snow Falls Silent on Evergreen Trees

A weakness of mine is my tendency to develop myopia when engaging in certain aspects. Reading is probably the biggest. Couple that with a naturally panicky disposition and a heart attack before I was able to legally drink means I turn my phone off when I start reading.As such, when the shrill chime of my phone went off, it nearly gave me another heart attack from shock. I swore at the nothingness and answered it, without bothering to look at the caller ID.“What?” I spat into the receiver. I...

Love Stories
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The Chain Link 8

Thank you for responding so promptly to our offer. We hereby cordially invite you to our special Three Rooms Experience. Please expect a representative to call on you at 7 pm this evening.That was all. There was nothing to identify the sender of the text message; number withheld. Anthea felt a thrill run through her body. She didn’t feel afraid, even though it was all very mysterious. If anything she was surprised that there had been something in that odd business; the padded envelope that had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secret Thrust The Decoy Ch 0304

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Beach Belles Brunettes Bored Bronze


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Rape Me Please

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Taken and used with a friend

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The Alliterative Assignation

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Seducing my Son2

Last night was incredible. My husband and I had arranged for me to have a talk with our normally shy son Evan about sex. Evan was skittish at first, but after I let him see me in my lingerie, and we looked at dirty pictures on his computer, he loosened up. We actually masturbated in front of each other, and he even ended up cumming on me. My husband Don had been listening at the door the whole time, and as soon as I came out he practically attacked me. We spent half the night going at it like...

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Priya Ki Chudai Ka Supna Pura Huwa

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Who Knew

Justin Boyland stood at the counter in the college refectory waiting to be served: he rarely ate in there, but he bought his customary sandwich or filled bread roll, together with a piece of fruit; which he then took away to a quiet place where he could eat and read in peace. Despite his quietness, he was a likable guy and it was commonly acknowledged that he really knew what he was talking about; compared to other students who were more outgoing and could talk a good talk, but who were often...

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Sylvies Mommydaddy

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Mother With the HotsChapter 6

It did satisfy Donny but only for a while. At two that afternoon he took his bicycle and rode off down the road. He had not said where he was going, but Marilyn knew. Donny was going to find Sally. As she relaxed on the patio, a glass of iced tea on the redwood table next to her lounge chair, she wondered how Donny could keep up this pace. He seemed to have more stamina and virility than most men twice his age. But she wasn't complaining. She smiled as the hot sun burned down on her. Her...

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The Newtons

Part Six I went to work the next day, Saturday, but couldn’t really concentrate properly and was glad when it was closing time. I gave Christiana a kiss before I went upstairs where I met Miki and gave him a kiss too. I ran a bath and gratefully sank into the hot perfumed water. ‘Do you want me to stay and see to your make-up,’ Miki asked anxiously, knowing that this was going to be important for both of us. ‘No Miki,’ I said. ‘If I do it wrong it’s down to me. Go and have a strong drink...

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One Hell of a Night

It started out with a dance, Leon slowly moving his hips closer and closer to Rebecca’s before he started grinding against her, his hands going on her hips bringing her against his body. His hot breath tickled her neck as he began to kiss up and down, slowing down to suck lightly while she leaned her head back into his chest. His fingers crept down slowly until he reached her crotch, then with a little more power, began to run his fingers up and down her slit. Even through her shorts, he could...

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New Girl

Mary is 19 her first day at school first time away from home. Her mom and dad helped her move in two days ago but now it was real no one to fall back on. Thing went pretty good till History, World history it was her worst thing but she had to have it. Walking in the teacher a woman about 35 tall and classy her hair lite brown she had eyes on Mary from door to seat. Walking around the class she looked the students up and down moving them where she wanted them. Mary she sat right in her line of...

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Fucked my neighbour in nagpur

One month before 3girls had come 2 stay in a flat beside mine .i live in a joint family and i use 2 get up early for my college and 1 morning at about 8o clock i heard d door bell and i went 2 open d door i was in my shorts and penis was hard and it had created a mountain in my shorts i opened d door and saw 1 of d girls who had come 2 stay was standing she said hi am neha and i live beside ur flat wid 2 of my frndz (now about dis girl she is slim and has blue eyez and she was very fair she had...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 18 Take Time to Enjoy the Flowers

Take Time to Enjoy the Flowers Ron was surprised to see there was no one in the den as he walked in. From what Angelina had told him earlier, the den was the de facto gathering place to pass time during parties like this. That had led him to ask how many parties like this there had been here. Angelina’s answer had been evasive and non-specific, but it was more than one and less than a hundred; one hundred would have been very impressive since the family had only come into possession of...

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Brynn Phytrelia Pt 02

The one called Thelo came closer to Brynn, both of the men smiling malevolently at her. Brynn sneered at them. ‘Don’t touch me!’ She snapped, shoving his hand away from her. Hadir cried out as his arm caught fire, but Thelo stepped forward. While Brynn’s focus was on Hadir, he swung his fist into her face. His fist was nearly the size of her head. One second Brynn was fighting, struggling for ground with Moranna’s henchmen, and the next she was moving, almost in slow motion, as the...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 15 Malfunctions

It’s mid-October, and the Fall Dance is getting close. It’s basically the homecoming dance but with a different name and always fall themed. I told Danny that I would take him and Beth out for this dance. My streaming tips have been great over the last month, and I’ve been saving up since school started. Danny tried to argue and say he can take us both, but I shot him down and he eventually relented. The twins, Cindy and Mindy were going to go with themselves again this year, guess Jake can’t...

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My Public Sex Addiction 3

OK, back again. This part is about having sex in public parks. It's a lot of fun when it happens, but to me it seems like it's more dangerous than, say, tearooms, in terms of getting caught. I don't really know why, just seems like it's easier for the bad guys to sneak up on you or something.In my town there's a large city park where cruising was invented, I think, whenever it was a long time ago. Like most of these places, I suppose, there are established sections where you go for cock and...

1 year ago
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Private Shi Official Curvaceous Return

Today Shi Official returns to in Private Gold, The Grind – Sexy Music Girls and this horny brunette has come back as curvy as ever armed with her big ass, big tits and ready to get down and dirty with her real life partner Jamie Koda. Watch this voluptuous babe get right back into the action as she strips off and gets on all fours for a nice sloppy blowjob, warming up and getting everything wet and ready for a hot fuck as she goes on to enjoy a hard pounding that will...

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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 05

One morning, Joanne tiredly got ready for class. The night had been filled with horrible, old memories and strange new feelings. She hoped she wouldn’t get any more nightmares. They had to run out some time. It had been a solid month. The nightmares weren’t exactly the most disturbing dreams. She’d been dreaming of Daniel. Sometimes, it was just them talking in the office. Other times, they’d be walking down the street. Other times, she pushed him against the wall and ran her body all over his....

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UniversityChapter 80

"OK," said Rachel. "I understand that what you're planning entails a big risk. I think I get it all. But could you just lay it out for me?" It was the beginning of October. We were both back in the classroom: I was attending one course and working at the journal, Rachel was at the Gallery and in two courses: Op Art and Pop Art, which she referred to as "optical illusions" and "cartoons." I was getting ready for the "information session" of the College of Law on Monday the...

1 year ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 6

I was feeling surprisingly refreshed for having a restless night of sleep think of my plan. I guess being unconscious for three days will do that for you. Another shower was in order, sponge baths in the hospital will only go so far. It was in the middle of the shower, that my stomach grumbled. Breakfast was in order. After getting dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt, I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen noticing it was 10 in the morning. There were a couple of hours before the...

1 year ago
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The Dream

Shannon is standing there at my computer trying to "ping" my computer, whatever the hell that is, she turns a lock of golden blonde hair in her fingers as she always does. Shannon's habit of doing this makes me want to pin her hands down to the desk as I enter her from behind. Sitting in my chair I can see the bottom of her ass peeking out at me from the short dress she has on today. Is she taunting me? Does she want me to fuck her right here? What if her husband walks in? What if my wife finds...

1 year ago
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Plains of TexasChapter 12

Finally, we all got up and got cleaned up from all the sexual fluids on our bodies. My six sex slaves went into their bedding area to pack and load. Sue and Martha came with me. "Sis," I asked, "when did you start with the dogs?" "About three months ago," she answered. "We had gone over to some friends' farm and Patty showed me that dogs could really fuck after our mates had given us their all. We ate out each other and then she had her dog mount her and give her a good, hard...

4 years ago
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College GirlChapter 7

How do I reconcile sex as a social activity with my religious beliefs? Who says I have to? In Sunday School we were encouraged to read the Bible, and I soon concluded that God wanted us to engage in sex. It was those who interpreted His word that wanted us to refrain. Most of those were mystics who lived in Egypt, and they were repenting their misspent youths. Part of the problem, of course, is that when a woman has sex, she conceives. It's not a guaranteed event, but everyone knows this is...

3 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 35

Wednesday morning I once again asked my mother if I could be excused from helping her at the studio after school. When she agreed, I told Kate that I'd be home as soon after school as I could be. She said she would be at home. She even thanked me for not saying anything to my parents about the situation with Keith and Leon. "Is it all right if Clara and I talk on the telephone?" "I guess. I just don't want her coming over to the house for awhile." "This isn't her fault, Larry. She...

1 year ago
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Yes The Rumor Is True

Both Emma and I got down on our knees and came back to her. Emma wasted no time bringing her hand to Ms. Lewis's twat and rubbing it. "Oh, Emma, you have some soft fingers," Ms. Lewis moaned, glancing at her. "I know, but if you think about telling someone about all of this, then we're gonna have issues, got it?" "Yes, Emma, I understand." "Then put your hand on my girlfriend's head," she ordered our teacher before I leaned to her left tit and began licking her nipple. "Oh, both of you are...

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To Dream Among The Stars Chapter 7

Day 5I wake at the sound of the alarm clock, feeling rested, happy, and, more importantly, satisfied. Leaving the warmth of the body beside me, I quickly stop the alarm clock and get the lights on at low intensity. I cuddle back on Natasha’s back, softly kiss her neck, and move my left arm around her to get even closer.“Good morning,” I tell her as she gets out of sleep. She blinks a little bit, disoriented, but it doesn’t take long before she turns her head toward me, smiling widely. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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A New Life for my Mother chapter six

Mum was like a dog in heat as she got ready, she put on a tiny white micro skirt which barely covered her gorgeous little bottom. A sheer white vest top through which her nipples were clearly visible and the tiniest white thong I’d ever seen, coupled with a pair of lace up Roman type sandals, completed her outfit, she looked stunning and I told her so.“I feel so fucking horny darling, that if you touch me now, I’ll explode.”So I didn’t touch her.People looked as we walked out through the hotel...

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Snowed In

We recommend reading these stories in the order they were published or put on this site. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. Most of the story is told in Jason’s view, mainly because I have a better memory than Becky, and she likes to add detail, not type it out. We will let you know if we switch...

1 year ago
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MotherinLawrsquos Special Sex Lube

-A true original story-It was the FIRST TIME meeting my then-girlfriend’s parents, and if it wasn’t already awkward, things got a bit interesting…After arriving at the in-laws' house and some introductions, my wife and I got settled and unpacked. It had been a long day of travel, and I just wanted to sleep. However, we couldn’t simply turn in before spending a bit more time with her parents…A small gift exchange was in order. For her father I brought some top-shelf liquor. And for her mother I...

2 years ago
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Double Blaze

Introduction: Passions blaze as a set of twins awaken to their sensual side after a terrifying incident at the lake. (Contains Squirting) The sound of excited whoops and yells filled the area as the final bell rang signaling the beginning of summer break. Tony rushed past his locker and out into the muggy late afternoon sunlight. It was a perfect day for swimming. He turned with a grin as Jamal, Tonys best friend called out across the courtyard and jogged toward him. Yo Tony, you bring your...

3 years ago
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Taylors Fantasy Fulfilled

While safe-sex was practiced during the making of this fantasy, condoms and such don't make an appearance here, it is assumed that in real life, those rascals would be wrapped. The producer would also like you to know that no animals were harmed during the making of this epic.----------I was sitting on the super king-sized bed of the hotel room, propped up by the cushioned headboard. Both my hands were pumping a rabbit vibrator in and out of my steamy pussy. With the extension head just rubbing...

Group Sex
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 2

They talked a lot during the ride, and joked around. Ben was some way more relaxed then usual, happy even. They had a late lunch in a diner in which Lilly still pretended to be a boy and even went to the boys restroom. They were both treating it as a game, and a shared secret which nobody knew apart from them. Finally they arrived at the lake and started to unpack. Ben did the tent, and Lilly prepared the rest, including sleeping mats and sleeping bags. After that Ben sat with a beer given to...

2 years ago
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Heres To The Dude

The lights were on in the motel's little timber-clad cabin when Dave and Nick pulled up by the front porch."She's obviously checked in already," Dave observed getting out of the driver's seat. Nick dutifully followed with their two cases.As they stepped up onto the stoop the cabin's inner door swung open."Hi guys, come on in!"Through the fly screen, the men could make out the profile of a slinky blonde six-footer dressed in a semi-transparent blue negligee, loosely tied at the waist. She wasn't...

3 years ago
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Brewing Rage

Veronica thought back to how she first met Pete and what transpired. Veronica, then a beautiful 30-year-old certified accountant with long flowing hair and legs that seemed to go on forever, was assigned to supervise the audit team at Burns & Lowe. Introductions were made to their controller, Pete Prince, and the rest of the employees. Meetings were held and as Pete and Veronica got to work closer together, it was hard not to be impressed by Pete. He was a man of great presence; black...

3 years ago
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RegretsChapter 3

First of all, neither Ed nor I ever figured out what pringle wearing Met cunt got the bright idea of sending Anne and Holly right back straight to their own home, the moment after I delivered Holly into the happy arms of the tact-team. The damned DCI, Superintendent or Commissioner responsible needs their bollocks or coonts kicked, repeatedly. If this wasn't quite obvious enough to the bad guys where Anne was, they'd even stationed a constable right outside her front door! Bloody...

4 years ago
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The Meeting Part 2

As my master hugs me tightly, he whispers in my ear “Babe, you are absolutely gorgeous, and I’m happy you’re here.” This is an indication that our role play is over at the moment, so I’m free to do as I please. With everything that had taken place, I had almost forgotten that I left Texas. As we enter his house, he takes my bags to his room and tells me to make myself comfortable. This is where I would normally take my overcoat off; however, I have nothing at all underneath, and I know that...

1 year ago
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My First Time With An Older Woman1

I could tell she was really nervous as we sat in the back yard drinking and smoking cigarettes. She was telling me about how she had a new condo where she lived with her son who was in high school and how exciting her first pride was. She was also eying me up a lot, but really shyly and trying to act like she wasn’t. I though she was pretty cute for a middle aged lady, especially since she was small enough for me to throw over my shoulder. As the party was winding down I decided to take a...

1 year ago
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Sex With Train TT

Hi this is Rajesh. For those who don't know me, I am 30years old from Bangalore city 5'10'' tall good built and if not good looking, very decent looking guy with a 6" performing tool. I am basically a bisexual. This incident is real one which happens to me recently in shatabdi express moving from Chennai to Bangalore. It was an evening train which starts from Chennai at 05.30 in evening and reaches Bangalore around 10.30. I had been lucky in this train when I found pinky, a north Indian aunty...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Owning my Aunt and Cousin 3

Raghav looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in a traditional sherwani with headgear. “It’s been a while since I’ve cleaned up,” he thought. He took a sip of water and sat on the bed in his room. Downstairs, preparations were being made for a marriage ceremony. The pyre was set up in the living room by the pujari. He also happened to be Raghav’s closest friend Aashish. Raghav thought back to when he first told Aashish about his ‘situation.’ He smiled, remembering how Aashish’s jaw...

1 year ago
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The Duty of Princess KatrinaChapter 5

Daylight woke Katrina. Her blue eyes opened to see that the room was lit by a myriad of small windows high up three of the four walls. As she moved she pussy ached. Her hand reached down to massage her most intimate area. That part of her had taken a pounding the night before, and Katrina grew wet at the thought of getting another tonight! She looked over towards her new lover – the Orc King Delrog. The powerful hulk seemed to be sleeping soundly. Katrina smiled at him with unconstrained...

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