This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Do not read if you
are under 18 or if reading this would involve anyone in an Illegal act, please
stop reading immediately. This contains adult material.
Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby
granted for non-commercial use of this complete and Unaltered text.
Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any
other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No permission is given
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the author.
Alien Conversion By: Maryann
Walt Denning prided himself on his rugged good looks and self made ways.
He considered himself a true "Entrepreneur" because of his Daddy's seed
money and the extraordinary discovery of a new compound that enabled
every existing lead acid battery to triple it's life span. He never thought that
his current world of beautiful women and extravagant lifestyles resulted from
a boyhood chemistry experiment. Most of the biggest Industrial Corporate
Giants beat a path to his door for his discovery. The world was his!
With money came false adoration from women and easy accomplishments
due to perceived privileges. He quickly became suspicious of most easy
things in life.
That was, until he tried his first attempt at mountain climbing.
It was exhilaration beyond belief! Every step, every measurement, every trial
reminded him that he got to the next plateau because of his determination. It
was thrilling to think that he would walk the edge between life and death on
some precipitous venture.
Walt was consumed with every hill or mountain to be tamed. He read many
stories about the monster of them all- Everest! It was evil and uncaring for the
unprepared mountaineer. He read fascinating stories about the frozen litter of
bodies and equipment from failed attempts throughout the years. The
compulsion would not go away. All his buddies said that he was crazy to
even think about it.
As he exited the plane in Tibet, he thought that he would never come back as
the same person. Little did he know how true those thoughts turned out to be.
Playing the odds
"Hey!" "Stay away from the frozen edges". Shouted the leader, as he slowly
trudged through pure driven snow masquerading nearby rocky cliffs. Walt
thought that it was such an obvious observation that it should be left unsaid.
"But", he thought, "This team certainly reeks of fresh money and misguided
Most of the mixed team came from many parts of the country. Walt was
probably the only one to have the most experience at actual dangerous rock
That thought led him to do a small "side trip expedition" during the break
It would have been easy to stay on the established trail, but there was an eerie
attraction to the blue glacier tips and jagged rock outcroppings. He noticed a
particularly unusual opening that no one had noticed before. It was almost as
if there was newly formed chasm that reached to the very depths of Hell.
Walt should not have crept closer because of the slippery ice. He should not
have even been there without telling anyone that he had left. He should not
have ignored the loose boulder in his path that led to a small avalanche....
A swarm of icy white snow crystals stormed over his head as Walt tumbled
down the perilous glacier cliffs into the foreboding darkness. His first
sensation was of speed, loss of control and fear of dying. "This is how I am
to die?" Walt thought to himself as he cascaded down into the bowels of the
ice cavern.
"Christ!" he swore out loud as he painfully crashed into the sharp ice sides on
his decent.
There was a faint recollection of escape as he felt himself strike an incline that
broke his vertical downward spiral and propelled him into a sixty-degree shift
of acceleration.
His last thought was seeing an amazing open and glowing chamber .It was if
he had traversed to the bottom of a laundry chute. His deadly freefall ended in
the bowels of this rocky wasteland.
Pain and Darkness! Long periods of agony and blackness.
Awareness broke through his consciousness like an ancient sailing vessel
pulling out of the fog. "The salty taste in his mouth could only be blood", he
thought. Also, he muttered to himself, "My damn legs don't work and my
left arm must broken in two places."
" I am alive!" he thought with vengeance. " My will power shall see me
Slow realization of his surroundings demonstrated that he had landed on an
outcropping of rock that barely held him. It had kept him from plunging to
the bottom of a depth that was beyond his comprehension.
What was really strange was the fact that he was wedged upon an
outcropping; he could make out the faint unearthly glowing of a cave. That
would explain the last image on his brain before he crashed on this ledge. He
slowly crawled to the opening. Walt also noticed that there was blood oozing
from his ears and that there must be internal bleeding.
He tried to move to the cave. He noticed that he was very thirsty all of a
sudden. "Not a very good sign", he thought. Blood loss was evident
It took almost an hour to pull himself with his only good arm to the entrance.
His strength was ebbing by the minute.
The glowing iridescent opening looked very formidable when he was close to
it. Walt reached out and touched the middle with his hand and felt it go
through like a finger into Jell-O.
"What the Hell?" He said as he launched himself with his remaining strength
through the barrier. He crashed into the next room and lost awareness once
Worker Bots immediately sensed a new infrared pattern matching humanoid
characteristics from within the room. Deep in the control functions of the
ship, a maintenance software program produced the first start of contingency-
based AI code. Within nanoseconds, the new program was built and
installed. Survival functions were exercised and translation algorithms were
poised for processing.
The warm and welcoming gel matter of the ship surrounded the lifeless form.
DNA level body repair methods were started after the scan mode was
categorized and filed. Tissue molecular chains and electrochemistry levels
were repaired and stabilized.
High tech replication transducers buzzed with activity. Bone mineral content
was analyzed and recreated. Optimal arterial pathways were cleared of
lifetime sclerotic blockages. Brain synapse conductivity was measured and
enhanced within nominal parameters. Accelerated healing programs ended
and systems shut down.
Walt suddenly jerked awake. His eyes surveyed a circular room covered with
smooth light brown walls. His new high level of perception almost obscured
the fact that he felt no pain at all. "This is impossible!" he thought. "There is
no technology on Earth that can resurrect a man from the brink of death this
quickly". A quick inspection of his body parts showed a healthy glow and
not even the first evidence of blood. His old "football knee" now moved with
perfect flexion and extension. Walt got a tiny little shiver down his spine.
"Where am I?" he thought to himself.
It became apparent that he had discovered some type of ship. Strange devices
would become visible as he pressed certain areas.
He touched the surface of one of the walls and could only equate it to the
friendly feel of your pet dog. The tactile sensations of the bio-wall sent back
satisfying signals to his nerve endings of his fingers. He could almost feel the
surrounding complex giving him happy "tail-wagging" feedback.
Further exploration found similar bare chambers. He noticed that if he sat
down on the floor, the room shifted in shape to accommodate him in a
relaxing sitting position. If he thought about it hard enough, parts of the wall
formed personal washing areas. The chambers were shape-shifting to suit his
basic needs.
Hunger was first and foremost after his incredible episode.
He searched until he found the Star Chamber. It was another chamber located
within the center of the ship. This chamber had a very bright pulsating stone
located on a pedestal in the middle of the room.
As he approached, a comfortable reclining chair molded exactly to his body.
It consisted of the bio-material that radiated a warm, almost sexual feeling. A
simple set of handles appeared that matched his exact hand and pressure
points. It was almost impossible not to touch the control knobs.
He sat down and studied the handles. They actually looked like joysticks
made expressly for his hands. He reached for the closest one and felt his
vision expand. He could see the actual room that he was in and yet see other
sights, smells and sensory inputs. It was really weird, like listening to a
symphony orchestra and being able to pick out each instrumental melody at
His brain accepted the input and let him inspect the new neural inputs.
Walt could feel the gigantic processor pause as it reassembled all the data files
to fit the pattern recognition of Walt's synapses. Suddenly he determined that
this knob was for data storage, and retrieval. It listed a detailed log of every
function and item on this ship. The longer he held onto the knob, the better
the transfer rates stabilized. He almost gasped that he was receiving
information into his brain each second more efficiently than an hour of
"Ah", he thought. "So that is how I can program the replicators to provide
food and water. It was an advanced energy to matter method from this
civilization. "That might explain how his serious injuries were healed".
"Medical science could even transform my body into healthy tissue". Walt
pondered that last thought. Transformation and change functions were
categorized within the database that he was reviewing at spectacular speed.
Walt almost fell out of his chair. He had suddenly stumbled upon the
personal history and data logs of the being responsible for this vessel. Walt
entered the database as if he was virtually walking into the library of
Congress. Many, many historical records were stored here. More than he
could ever assimilate in a short period of time.
He finally found the record paths that he wanted.
Horothu was admitted into the intelligence service after his last growth cycle.
His race was a humanoid species dedicated to peaceful scientific research. He
was proud that his world had long ago studied and mastered the intricacies of
space travel. The proudest achievement was the complex social integration of
the world's varied tribes. Scientific studies had discovered energy waves that
could be used to "piggy back" on the brain processing of actual living
organisms. This discovery led to rapid commercialization. First the sex and
pleasure industries grabbed onto the obvious enhancements of this invention.
People could actually tape another's life and experience it as if it was there
"Sensi Tapes" were sold on the black market. Very popular to the jaded few
that wanted to experience sexual thrills while only attaching a small projection
device in their private quarters. Very soon, production and industry slowed
down due to the insatiable addiction of easy pleasure. The government soon
banned all commercial use of this technology for pornographic use.
The world organization soon used the projection devices in all schools and
worship areas. They would use it only for valuable "sanctioned uses."
In short order, the world unified together because of total understanding of
life styles and cultural diversification's. It was a New World order. The
government controlled everything!
But, a few would not give up on the technology and went underground. It
was history's viewpoint that all new emerging technologies would be first
embraced by the sexual jaded or the criminally insane.
Klathog was one of those few.
Klathog had been poor all his life until the new discovery of "Sensi tapes". It
afforded him a very nice life style. He could never understand why so many
people wanted the escape of someone else's lifestyle. He never permitted
himself to immerse in the attraction. "Hmm.", he thought, " Although, it
certainly would be interesting to feel the power of a thousand women slaves
under his control?" But he saw what the addiction did to people. Some
actually starved to death in their own homes. Refusing to give up one minute
to nourish themselves.
The government was quickly cracking down on all illegal use of the tapes. He
felt the threat every day in the news holograms. It was getting harder to do
It was by accident that a Medical student doing a study on new energy
replication methods for human body parts contacted him. They had just
perfected the ability to recreate whole limbs and nerve tissue. The problems
were convincing the brain of these subjects to quickly adapt to the new
changes. The medical section was having trouble with two patients. One had
total hearing loss due to congenital deformity of the inner ear. She had never
heard a true voice in her life. It was an easy matter to recreate the brand new
delicate inner ear structure. But another to implant life long memories of
sound. They thought that the "Sensi projection" would help accelerate the
learning process from years to minutes. It replaced existing learned responses
with newly "fabricated" ones that the patient believed to be their own
The experiment worked. The Sensi projector was reduced to a pin-point inert
gold device that could be easily inserted into the porous trabecular structure of
the mastoid bone behind the ear. The patient miraculously talked and listened
in perfection. It was an instant cure.
The same method worked for a life long paraplegic. His family cried when he
got up from the wheelchair and walked to their sides.
The medical student published his paper and found instant fame and fortune.
He never mentioned Klathog's help because of the potential illegal acquisition
of the device. Klathog never forgot that student and swore revenge.
Klathog studied and learned all the medical procedures in detail. He would be
ready. He waited for the correct moment.
The medical student turned the last year into a fabulous fortune. Everything
that he wanted was his to keep. He was no longer considered a student. Now
they called him a professor! It was on a short beach vacation that Klathog
"accidentally" bumped into the professor. It was an easy matter to inject a
"Cuote" derivative through his beach clothes. This extract was tediously
concentrated from the sweat glands of the continent's ugly pond frogs. It had
the amazing ability to paralyze the victim's body while the brain function
acted normally.
The professor suddenly stiffened and moved with agonizingly slow steps.
Klathog grabbed him and shouted, "A bit too much drinking in the Sun
today!" He guided the almost corpse-like body into a nearby hotel room.
The professor widened his eyes in horror. Everything else was paralyzed by
the dangerous distillate. The professor could see a portable medical replicator
in the mirror by using his peripheral vision.
"Yes", "You can see me very well", Klathog stated with venomous intent.
"You should have given me the recognition that I so dearly wanted", "But",
"You only gave me misery and misfortune". "I cannot bring myself to kill
you" "But, I will make you pay for your mistake"!
The professor could only observe with silent internal agony as Klathog
inserted the Sensi projection device behind his ear. "Oh, don't worry!" "I
haven't activated it yet", Klathog said. "I want to appreciate the moment!"
It took only a few minutes to position the dish device over the professor.
Klathog studied the controls and made a last adjustment.
"Your fate will be to honor me for the rest of your life!" "I have selected the
persona of an abused late teen age girl", "Her acne scarred face and
overweight figure will all but dissuade most gentlemen from approaching
her" Klathog said with conviction.
"Your sensi tape has been meticulously prepared so that you will have only
amplified love and adoration for ME!" "It will be silly adolescent puppy love
so that you will never get in the way again". "I have taken every precaution
that the authorities will never find you. Your fingerprints and actual DNA will
be changed!"
The professor wanted to scream, but could only stare as he watched the
power switch depress. A momentary light flash and it was all over.
Sitting on the bed, with all traces of the poison erased, was a very giddy
school age girl. She was smiling at Klathog and asking, "where am I?" She
suddenly brightened to realize that the subject of devotion was in her vision.
Upon accomplishing his goal, Klathog gathered the equipment and left the
The young, overweight girl later got a job on the boardwalk selling souvenirs
to the tourists. It was a dull existence, but she did not care anymore!
Horothu was assigned as to solve the spectacular disappearance of the
"Professor". It was as if he had magically been swiped from existence. In
today's high tech world, it was next to impossible to hide for any length of
Horothu read over every interview and studied each suspect in detail. It was
almost a dead case until the beach picture taken by a vacationer demonstrated
that the last known existence of the professor was with someone called
Somewhere on the other side of the planet, Klathog knew with clarity that the
authorities had somehow connected him to this case. Careful manipulation of
vice materials to some very high administrative government staff kept him in
touch with the world wide police investigations. He made preparations to
flee. But to where? On this world everything and everyone could be tracked.
He must find another world.
Frantic arrangements resulted in an unknown spacer launch that was
ultimately tracked by planet defense monitors.
The off world beacon recorded a mysterious vessel sub-warping to a
unknown region of space. The beacon confirmed the life force inside to be
It would take Horothu years, but he swore he would track Klathog down!
It did not take years, but only eight months in deep space to find the ever so
faint sub-warp engine signature. It had been a grueling and lonely quest to
find the enemy ship. Many times he had locked onto an engine signature to
find that it was just cosmic dust playing games with him.
His guess that Klathog was searching for a suitable "M" class planet paid off!
This was uncharted territory, but his long-range sensors plotted logical
courses and suitable habitation as it logged various solar systems into its
One particular planet that exhibited mostly water, appealed to his curiosity.
"Why anyone would want to live on a planet that was mostly liquid? " He
"Strange?" "I do pick up faint signal!" He said out loud to himself.
"Yes!" "For sure it is located within the populated region of the sphere."
It was a matter of ease to slip into "phase mode" to outwit the local radar and
radio frequency satellite detectors. He descended to the surface. Primitive and
outlying territory was desired! He found it! The upper hemisphere possessed
the suitable harsh climate that would deter most inhabitants. An icy shelf soon
filled his vision through the virtual navigation window. The ship soon burned
an undetectable laser burn at precise momentum into the cold interior of a
northern glacier.
It did not take long for the vessel to find the rock cave located at the stone
bottom of the glacier. Melted ice was freezing and creating a permanent
barrier behind him.
Horothu settled the ship into its silent cradle deep within the earth. He knew
that it would be difficult, if not impossible for one to ever find or detect this
ship. "But", he thought. "I should research the changing path of this glacier
by computer models for the next 100 years". "But I am busy now and will
attend to it later". This thought turned out to be very prophetic and important
due to his lack of follow through.
He would have no idea that the ever-changing whims of nature would cause
an open crevice to appear from the surface directly to the ship. It would take
many years for the slow crawl of torturous semi-plastic glacier walls to
reshape its path until the fracture point was reached to the surface.
Horothu's major concern of the moment was to set up the transport module.
It was relative new technology that allowed the ship computer to break down
the atoms and texture of the matter placed into the cylinder. Working with
sensor beams and careful computer technology, it was possible to physically
"jump" to anywhere within the range of the powerful ship's energy
Secret military technology enabled him to "mask" his identity to the local
humanoid race. By monitoring the planet's tv and radio transmissions, it was
possible to program a suitable flesh altering routine into the matter
transmitters. Horothu could easily become the exact duplicate of anyone
existing on the planet. But how could he get exact memory patterns needed ?
The problem was solved when he "kidnapped" a middle age man from a city
The energy transmitter pulsed quickly and Horothu was instantly transmitted
to dirty off street "gin mill" in outer New York City.
A quick glance around showed a dirty room filled with only a couple of
patrons. The bartender was sleepily nodding off in the corner.
Horothu thought that his victim was a destitute male sleeping off too much
drink! It was not until the microsecond retrieval sequence returned both of
them to the ship that he discovered that the other person was really a she!
Before the female could wake up and figure out what had happened, the ship
performed a detailed scan and transmitted the "bag lady" back to the original
saloon. She groggily raised her head off the bar and thought that her dream
this time was really strange!
The computer was now enriched with required planetoid sentient knowledge,
so Horothu programmed his computer. It was a shame that he did not have
time to inject the necessary attributes of the male species into the transference
database. "Perhaps I will have time for that later" he thought. " Besides, I
have enough DNA gene pairs to program any millions of female variations"!
As Horothu gently caressed the ship's interior to coerce form fitting furniture
and sleeping quarters from the pliable walls, he thought that his prey would
soon be in his grasp. He must relax first.
Violent dreams of sexual tension interrupted his solitude. It was as if the
entire chase has triggered his unconscious erotic desires. He could think of
nothing except sexual release! A home world, unauthorized "Sensi Tape",
was selected to relieve his frustration. He was tired of the military educational
selection. This secret tape had been carefully stored until the right moment. It
enabled the selection of personality dominance with the story line.
The story was of three couples sharing a vacation on a pleasure planet. He
had the unique ability to reference the multiple gender types from within the
plot sequence.
He was experiencing the thrill of the male chase and the elusive female
surrender by his feminine partner. His alien lover was becoming very hot and
unconsciously extended her clitoral hood for entrance of his member.
Penetration was deep and erotically stimulating. The interior female pleasure
receptacle was gripping and searching penile nerve endings with exquisite
torture. Suddenly, almost unfelt to each partner, hormonal enzymes were
released in the canal that released tiny tendrils of pure conductive female
synaptic tissue. These microscopic "snakes" searched and found the proper
nerve ending to the male shaft. There was an immediate joining of energies in
each other's brain centers as pleasures were intensified a hundred fold.
Sexual tension was unbearable! Release was coming!
As smooth muscles tensed and prepared for sexual release, Horothu felt his
entire personality perspective shift from the male to the female!
He was on his back with a heavy weight of another body on top of him.
Tremendous and wonderful sensations were suddenly flooding his brain
matrix receptors. His body was now being "entered" and "filled". "Not bad,
just different" he thought. He noticed that this body was definitely in control
of the hot clash of emotional lovemaking. The difference was mastery.
Somewhere inside, there was a adept tactile mechanism in the female body
that would allow the pace to reach the brink of climax then suddenly slow
down the particular nerve transmissions to slowly build up to another sexual
summit. His new female softness pressed against the hard male. Supple skin
replaced hairy maleness. His pronounced nipples strained from the beautiful
breast tissue.
Then with hot climax, it was over. Each partner spasmed in orgasmic
convulsions. Very satisfying. But it was not over yet.
From the corner of his eye, he spotted the naked muscular couple in the
corner stroking each other with gentle loving caresses.
He was suddenly experiencing those strokes from his attractive partner
firsthand! The perception routine had shifted again.
So it went the entire night. Horothu could not bring himself to shut down the
program due his addiction to the sexual stimulation. The program timed out
and he suddenly collapsed into the warm cocoon of the nerve couch for a
deep sleep.
A dark shadow emerged from the back of the ship and quickly altered some
critical controls. Both bodies flickered into transport mode and all was quiet.
The ship sensed no activity and went into maintenance mode.
Years passed.
Walt sat fascinated at the console. He just witnessed the memories and log of
the previous ship's captain. Walt wondered what happened to Horothu and
Klathog? Where did they go? And why didn't he ever return? Too many
unanswered questions.
Walt's first thought was to escape this ship. He learned enough to heal
himself. He was mastering the controls by the minute. Food and drink were
his to command. But, he wanted to go home!
The extensive technical database was too complicated for him to absorb. The
ship provided a wonderful "Front End Control" in the Star Chamber. One
only needed to know how to manipulate the controls and the computer would
take over. The problem was retaining this knowledge. Walt knew the answer.
He would implant a projection device behind his ear and maximize his use of
the ship even when he was back home. It might be handy to return to this
The insertion was as easy as a request to the ship's medical section.
A long thin tendril appeared from the interior surface. It gently probed and
touched Walt behind the ear. Suddenly, it was done!
Walt could command memories of thousand's of uses of controls and
functions. It hovered in his memory as a ghost image and quickly became his
own memory.
Tomorrow he would plan his escape.
In a very sumptuous office located in a penthouse in Nevada, a soft colored
warning light pulsed with attention. The suites' lone inhabitant smiled at the
light and whispered to himself "Ah, we have a visitor". "They will be mine to
reel in at my leisure"! "I must make preparations for a proper arrival".
Walt awoke from his dream. He remembered the pleasant feel of his old bed
and the sunshine filtering through the drapes of his home. Soon, he would be
there! Quickly he commanded a meal and set upon the transport controls.
The transport controls made complete logical sense since the memory
implant. Walt located the coordinates of his home in California and adjusted
for the temporal changes since last using this device. The virtual control menu
briefly stopped at the selection "Change physical identity?" He thought it
curious that the matter transmitter could so easily change the person's image.
Certain espionage agencies would pay anything for this technology.
Walt wanted only to return in his own image. It would be hard to explain his
absence, much less a change of identity.
A triple check of the controls resulted in his satisfaction. "It would work"! he
thought. "I'm going to be home"!
Walt softly touched the control and pressed the energizer. He felt a slight
tingling of his body and an orientation shift. Internal ship relays instantly
routed power to the cylinder transport area and checked fail-safe software
Nanoseconds before transfer, the monitor flashed "Routine override by
command code Klathog-1". Walt flashed out of existence from within the
Walt opened his eyes with uneasiness. He was almost afraid to think that the
transfer did not work. He could feel material like a bedsheet under his
reclining body. The air was warm and pleasant. Familiar smells floated into
his perception. His eyes did not deceive him! It was his bedroom. He was
Sunlight flooded his expensively decorated room. His maid and servants had
kept the dust to a minimum since his expedition. Very little was disturbed.
With all his visual sensations checking O.K., Walt swung his legs over the
bed to walk to the window. He noticed without hesitation that something was
wrong. Something very wrong!
In an automatic motion, Walt swept away a mane of thick luxurious blonde
hair from his eyes as he grabbed the bedpost for support. Support was
needed because his feet were tripping in his suddenly shorter legs. Upon
standing, he noticed that his angle of vision was considerably lower from his
familiar perspective of his private room. Worse yet, he felt much lighter in
body mass.
The window would have to wait. He thought to himself. I have to figure out
what happened during the matter transfer? He remembered the full- length
mirror in his gigantic walk-in closet. As he walked to the closet and shed his
clothes in pieces, he knew from the fleshy jiggling, that his body had
Nakedly, Walt entered the closet and turned on the light.
A very beautiful young woman stared back from the reflective surface of the
gold inlaid mirror! His subconscious mind had been trying to tell him the
obvious- the transport had altered his body into a very attractive feminine
Still not believing what he saw, Walt raised an arm and his twin image
mimicked the motion. A delicate womanly arm with exquisite shaped fingers
and long nails reached for the turbulent mass of hair in his eyes. Walt turned
around hoping that someone was in this room with him and that his true
mental male image would show up. He was really a female now!
"Oh my God", he uttered out loud to this centerfold vision. A perfect soprano
voice reached his ears. "This can't be happening".
He could not come to grips with everything that was Walt, seeing his mind's
eye inspect this gorgeous form. Walt had loved women and lusted over every
nuance that made the difference so enticing. Now, he was the perfect
combination of every exotic female attribute that made the chase so exciting.
All of a sudden, he was the object of most men's desire!
There was absolutely no similar feature left from Walt's male image of
himself. This creature had perfect hair and sexy toes. Everything in between
had been crafted in sensual flawlessness. Big Blue eyes with fluttering long
lashes, soft necklines, small shoulders with full magnificent breasts entered
his inspection. The nipples were erect and pointing upward in youthful
arrogance. His waist was small and accented the full hips and tight ass.
Long, smooth feminine legs went on forever to his pretty petite feet. He
noticed that he had to bend forward in order to see his feet over his
voluptuous full breasts.
Suddenly, he noticed that these nice breasts covered the view of the crotch
area of his body. Since puberty, he looked down upon that favorite
appendage. It was now gone. In place was a soft furry triangle of blonde
hair. He instantly could feel the absence of the "flag pole" sensation vs. the
sensual feeling of a "cavity". A soft touch confirmed brand new nerve
endings. "Oh great"! He thought, as all the times he remembered lusting for
that goal. It was his now!
Walt was very glad to be home. It was a real stretch to convince the staff of
his mansion that he was a long lost cousin of Walt. His butler was the most
suspicious because of no clothes and mysterious arrival. Walt had contrived a
very detailed explanation of temporary amnesia caused by family trauma.
Wandering to the childhood memory location of her cousin Walt. The butler
did not buy any of it until Walt peppered the conversation with things that
only a family member would know about Uncle Walt's Butler. With
grudging acceptance, the Butler stated that he would be happy to get some
clothes for "Cousin Nicole"?
Walt found some old athletic warm-up suits that fit fairly well with rolled up
pant bottoms. Stashing his long silky blonde hair into the baseball cap made a
very androgynous image. Accessing the bank account was easier than he
thought. He remembered the safe combination and all the special ATM access
codes. Money would not be a problem. Identification would! A police stop
for a traffic infraction would result in some very long and embarrassing
episodes he would rather avoid.
Money can get anything in this world. It did not take very long to find a LA
Underground network and a fraudulent document factory. Soon, "Nicole"
had a current California driver's license and all supportive social security
info. It did take quite a lot of cash to get specialized "Hacker" conversions. A
certain group accessed specialized public databases and created a new
"Nicole" in the electronic world.
It took two weeks, but Walt had managed the impossible. He had full access
to all his past assets. The whole cover up almost came crashing down when
the Tibet expedition reported the missing Walt Denning.
With luck, "Nicole" intercepted the mail and spent some money with oversea
contacts to reassure the family that "Walt" had actually cut his trip short and
went to South America for a vacation. He was seen several times by local
patrons of a certain tavern. Money was spent to keep those locals in free beer
for a very long time!
Walt was still having mental image troubles with his personal self vs. his
outer projection. He would pass an attractive woman and smile half
consciously. But the response was a funny look. Usually the nearby man
would do the smiling and inevitable come-on! Walt could not get over the
amount of door-openings and courtesy given to a young beautiful female. He
almost believed that a gorgeous woman could have anything she wanted in
this world if the "con" was played correctly! He had a big problem with
deliberate touching of his body parts by others in crowded subways.
He had to admit that this body was lovely. Limber to the point that he could
contort his body in amazing positions. There was a projection of an innately
young and vivacious woman in her prime. The hair gave off a constant fresh
spring smell that must have been some type of mysterious female thing. Just
the thought of putting on clothes stimulated his very sensitive nipples. He felt
that he was just "borrowing" this image until he could figure out how to get
his own body back. But, there was a definite sensual seduction of this
womanly flesh. Inside he was still male. The new body felt just the same as
his old body.
He could still feel the world around him with the same sensations. He noticed
very slight differences like the sudden pleasure of soft silky textures to his
fingertips. Or, the visual enjoyment of bright and colorful flowers. He
remembered that before, flowers were only important to be given to the
female to reach the next objective. His 'rear end' was very shapely and
projected out further than he remembered his old self. He kept brushing it
against tables and counters as he walked. It must be because his mind's eye
could not quickly adjust to the change in depth. "It's just a rearrangement of
flesh and fat distribution". He kept telling himself! But, Walt took no
happiness in the weakness of muscle tissue and the contemplation that society
would consider his female form the "weaker sex". In fact, that attitude
solidified his purpose of finding out the secret to this body switch.
The projector implant was still available with ship knowledge. But, the
mechanism to transport him back to the ship would not work. It was as if
something was short-circuited inside the device. With a breakdown in the
interface, he had no clue about getting back to the ship. Walt realized that the
projection device could be surreptitiously used to "smooth" over brain based
gender objections to any body, and make the adjustment interconnected. He
remembered in the files, that it was useful for covert work when the ship's
captain did off world surveillance. One could blend in with the local customs
and become the common body type. He had not engaged this program
because of his fear of the unknown. Besides, he would soon get his own
body back?
Far away, a tall, dark figure in the penthouse suite triggered a code panel on
the wall of his library. Book shelves revolved on its axis and a secret
passageway was revealed. Walking down into the room, lights and
electronics sprang to life.
A virtual monitor appeared with a flashing red dot representing the location of
a certain individual in Los Angeles, California. A graph was displayed that
showed every detail from Health Codes to Mental Attitudes. The dot was
showing nominal patterns of a male matrix. Zooming in on details, the
analysis substituted the representation of a programmed sexy young female.
Computer algorithms were categorized with the image to track the proposed
mental transformation changes.
The tall figure busily played with the virtual interface to enact the subtle
changes to the represented figure. Instant transference of complicated
projector information was relayed. A simple secret uplink was used. The
array of GPS satellites in the upper atmosphere transmitted an undetectable
carrier wave of the proper frequency downward to the Earth.
"Ah, the first phase begins", the gentleman murmured to himself. "What a
lovely woman we will have"! In mind and body!
Walt felt an imperceptible shutter run through his body. It almost felt as if he
was listening to a soft Italian Opera and suddenly understood the words!
Passion and intrigue took on a whole new perspective. Goals and attitudes
were realigned.
Walt was in the middle of a complicated telephone financial transaction with
his agent and suddenly lost the fervor of closing the deal. This was to be a
money-maker on the order of Donald Trump.
"Jeremy, can you please give me a call back?" Walt whispered through the
female to male telephone voice modulator. "I really feel like taking a bath"!
"Sure", Jeremy answered back with an irritated response. He was about to
get the biggest commission on this urban land deal and this guy wants to take
a bath?
Walt vaguely thought that the conversation was irrelevant and didn't care
about what Jeremy thought. His skin had been very dry all day and probably
needed some moisturizing. Also, his nails needed some attention he thought.
Walt never noticed that he suddenly inspected his fingernails in an automatic
hand stretch that was an inherently feminine gesture. His older male self
would have quickly curled his fingers and glanced at his fingertips.
For just a moment, his inner self rebelled against the tidal wave of exquisite
soft female sensations overwhelming his psyche. A lifetime of strong male
perceptions fought over the persistent effeminate urges and lost.
Before he realized it, Walt found himself in the middle of a bathtub humming
softly to background music from the nearby portable radio. He had been in
this new body for weeks and suddenly started laughing at the pronounced
nipples erupting from the sudsy bubble bath. They had a life of their own.
Two button shaped fleshy tips kept rising and lowering into the sweet
bubbles as his respiration kept in synchronization. He never realized how
sensual and luscious a woman's breast could be. They were more sensitive
than he had imagined. He could follow the attractive curve of his sleek
feminine legs to the tips of his toes. "Hmmm some red nail polish would
really work", he thought. His curvaceous rear moved suggestively along the
bottom of the tub. The sudden swirl of water created a slight pressure on his
vagina. That beautiful pressure caused his small delicate hand to caress the
outer edges of his mons. Incredible pleasure bombarded his body! Better yet,
he reached for the hand-held water nozzle sprayer and adjusted the water to
warm and pulsating. It began as a wonderful rhythmic sensation forming a
heated feeling in his loins. The arousal began and became his total sense of
being. Water splashed and played among his internal parts. He began to
moan in uncontrollable pleasure. There started an insistent urgency for release
as he used both hands to guide the waterspout closer to the tender nerve
endings of his acutely sensitive genital area. A crescendo of orgasmic waves
flooded his being! The cascade of pleasure was something he never
experienced in a man's body. He relished every moment and stayed in the
warm water for over an hour before getting up.
The orgasm was etched upon his mind as a watermark of a new experience.
He faintly remembered pleasuring himself in his former male body. This
autoerotic experience was totally different! The difference was the high level
of sensual feedback to his mental libido. It became apparent that stimulation
could result in a cataclysmic orgasm just as a man, but the road to that end
was ever so much more fulfilling with a woman's body. It was if there were
a thousand times the body-sensitive locations with a woman.
He dried himself and powered all body parts. It was almost an automatic
reaction to swirl her luxurious hair into his fluffy towel like a turban.
"Strange"? he thought to himself, " This is pure sensual luxury, what would
'Walt' have done after this bath?". "Wait a minute"? She thought in a
momentary identity crisis. "This is ME, and that was WALT"."
The rest of the day was spent in nervous irritation of ill-fitting androgynous
clothing. "God", Nicole whispered to herself. " I have to get some decent
clothes"! " Or at least a pair of shoes with heels"!
She also suddenly noticed an increasingly persistent inner need to travel
somewhere. She did not know where, or what it was about, but only that
there was a compulsion to find an answer. Quickly! Nicole could perceive a
supernatural insertion into the feminine shell. It was as if the 'Aura" of her
male soul had been 'tweaked' imperceptibly to accommodate the stimulated
feedback from her present female physical body. Her former self-image of
temporary redistributed body fat was replaced with the exotic recognition of
the beautiful effeminate mystique. Her every action was graceful and
ladylike. Instead of the manly, determined, walking stride, her every
movement was accented with feline seduction, hips rotating with Teflon
precision and full breasts pointing the way.
The next two days were spent in acquiring clothing, makeup and jewelry.
More than once, Nicole looked over her shoulder to see if anyone questioned
her purchase of fine lingerie or high heeled footwear. Her new 'persona'
quietly calmed the tiny male reactions. No one even casually questioned a
beautiful young woman purchasing exotic apparel. Matter of fact, most
envied the sexy image of this beauty purchasing finery that surely was
destined for some lucky guy. The inner "Walt' could only admire the way
soft silk lingerie accented the perfect feminine legs and derriere in the mirror.
"Everything is so soft and curvy", he thought. "Not like the firm hardness of
my former muscles".! He could not believe the way his large dusky nipples
danced provocatively behind the dark beguiling translucent garment. He
turned and bent to the waist as if he was posing for some hidden fashion
photographer. Both breasts dropped with perfect cleavage. The illusion was
the most exquisite centerfold posturing for millions of male readers. The
attendant suddenly burst in on this revelry and asked if there was anything
more they could bring? Nicole quickly blushed, thanked the clerk and paid
for all the expensive clothes.
The next day was spent examining the multitude of perfumes, clothing and
fine cosmetic goods. It was fun playing 'dress-up' and experimenting with
the make-up. She laughed at a sleek outfit that consisted of a leopard- like
pattern with a clingy dress material that bared one shoulder. It contoured her
body like shiny latex and exposed more leg than she thought possible. Her
shoes consisted of elevated heels and sexy thin straps that intertwined up her
legs like an evil serpent. Sometimes the final effect was astounding. "Me
Jane, You Tarzan" she thought to herself. In the background, "James" the
butler noticed every detail!
Nicole also noticed that the male staff was much more attentive and close to
her most of the day. One side of her knew why, while the other male side
was struggling with the notion of any man looking covertly at him. It was
almost too much to figure out as the 'pool guy' started having a huge erection
in his tiny bathing suit while adding chemicals to the pool. She had put on a
bikini and lay out by the deck. The pool guy was having a lot of trouble
seeing her unconsciously rub her barely covered pussy. Nicole suddenly
jerked awake and realized that she had been stimulating her 'tender junction',
as if in a half dream, in the warm sun. She had been dreaming of making
love. Matter of fact, she could think of nothing else except sex.
Nicole giggled at the thought of parading around nude in the house to tease
the butler. These were thoughts unimaginable just a few days ago.
It was the next day that Nicole was feeling very aroused by the incessant
sexual demands from this new body. Suddenly, a thought occurred. Her plot
was to seduce the butler! It was so naughty! She would plan the trap very
carefully like a spider spinning the web. Imperceptible changes were driving
her to fulfill a deep inner libidinous thrill.
James the butler, had just received a hand delivered message from the local
Courier Company. He thought it very odd that Nicole would be getting a
message marked "personal and confidential". He had not survived this many
years without 'snooping' to his advantage. The message was marked only
"Klathog-1, Palms Penthouse, Las Vegas, Nevada". "Very strange", he
thought. "Who does she know in Las Vegas"?
Nicole picked up the phone and almost shivered in delight that James was on
his way up to the bedroom. She quickly brushed her blonde hair and
splashed perfume in intimate body parts. She was constantly calculating her
best advantage in the upcoming seduction. Soft casual touches as I speak to
him, overt remarks unmistakably destined to guide him to a very
compromising position! " He will not have a chance"! She thought as a
tigress might think.
James knocked on the door and could smell the wonderful female fragrance
that reminded him of a rich French woman. The door opened to an
astonishingly lovely woman. Nicole had carefully put her hair up in an
impromptu version of a Goddess. Her nearly nude body was sheathed in soft
silky lingerie. "Oh, it's you"? "Please come in", she said in an arousing,
enticing voice.
James looked at her in wide-eyed lust. Never had he ever seen woman so
beautiful. She was smiling at him and touching him with gestures at every
sentence for confirmation. Her touch was like electricity every time she got
close. And close she was. Nicole had perfect knowledge about the effect that
a woman had on a man at the precise moment. Her former male memories
were acting in concert with the female directive to beguile this helpless man.
Nicole knew full well the effect of a casual soft breast pressing into James
arm as she pretended to listen to his questions. She smiled and asked him to
sit down while she listened with interest. James was becoming very
uncomfortable because of the large bulge in his pants. "Can she see it"? He
sheepishly thought. "How embarrassing this must be to her" he briefly
imagined. Nicole was all to aware of the effect her body was having on this
butler She was beyond control and striving for only one goal- to take every
ounce of sexual pleasure from this helpless man.
It was almost as an after thought that James remembered why he was there in
the first place.
"Miss Nicole", he said. "Could I please present you with this Telegram that I
received an hour ago"? Nicole looked at the envelope with remote interest.
The last thing she wanted now was an interruption of this sexual dance.
"Just put it on the table while I show you my newest tattoo", she pretended,
while James squirmed with excruciating sexual need under his pants. Nicole
proceeded to unbutton her blouse as James looked on in helpless wonder.
"This is going to be easy", she thought as she casually placed her hand on his
knee for support. The reaction was immediate.
"Please Madam", he spoke. "I must read this important message to you".
James thought that this distraction would deter her from this awkward
James grabbed the envelope in haste and began reading. Nicole laughed and
went to pull the message from his shaking hands, but he moved away and
started reading. He would not be derelict in his duty!
At the very moment James said the words "Klathog-1", Nicole felt another
spell go through her body! The verbal password had triggered the auditory
nerve ending connecting the microscopic projector embedded in the base of
her skull. This code word enabled the next program of mental and physical
Nicole became very relaxed and submissive. " I'm very sorry James", "I
must prepare myself to go on a trip," she said out loud. James was very
confused to be brought to the sexual edge and dropped off. He had been
trying lamely to avoid the situation but had very secretly hoped that things
might turn toward the sexual conclusion. "Just like women to change their
minds"! He thought as he hurried out the door.
Nicole knew that someone was reaching for her and she must go at all costs!
She prepared herself for the trip to Nevada.
Nicole had packed up all her feminine clothing and identification to go to
Nevada. She instructed the staff to go back to house-maintenance duties.
James was very sorry to see her leave. Now, he could see a lot of her 'uncle'
in her mannerisms and demeanor. "It sure was a nice feeling", he thought.
She brought out some emotions that he long ago thought impossible to
resurrect. He would miss her and worry about her!
The trip on the plane was exciting and confusing at the same time. Nicole
knew with certainty that an answer to the strange events in her life would be
forthcoming. But, she was very confused about the mental changes she
barely perceived. She realized that she was changing. Her former thoughts
about manhood and ambitious dominance had been replaced by submissive
female subservience. Already, she could hardly believe that she had tried to
seduce the Butler! It would have been much better to let him conquer her!
New thoughts and emotions were working on her life-long methods of
getting an edge in this world. She could suddenly see the calculated short
path to sexual pleasure for a man. It would be through contrived and executed
planning. Although she appeared to be "Blond Bimbo", inside her brain was
the same sharp edges of intellect.
The instructions about the penthouse were very vague. Why did she feel this
overwhelming compulsion to go to Las Vegas. Why go to a specific
Penthouse? How did that message get to me? Too many questions as she
applied lipstick to her pouting lips. She laughed as she noticed the feigned
indifference from businessman next to her on the plane. He was sweating
from his forehead in attempted sexual control. "I'm sure he sees glimpses of
my dark lacy nylon tops as I squirm in this uncomfortable seat", she
thought." "Or, maybe it is the perceptible touch of my knee against his knee
as the plane shifts altitude?" "This is beyond belief"! she thought, "I am
trying to romance every man I meet". It was a very long and 'hard' erotic trip
to Las Vegas. The flight attendant commented that she had never seen two
passengers as 'active' as the pretty young blonde woman and the middle aged
businessman in seats 26 A &B.
Nicole gathered her luggage with at least three young Navy guys offering to
help her. They were falling all over themselves to get the chance to get into
her panties. "God, this is so powerful"! She just smiled and agreed to let
them accompany her to the taxi. She let them put the luggage in the taxi and
hugged them all goodbye. "Where to, Miss"? Greeted the Cab driver.
Nicole looked at the Cab driver and hesitated for at least 30 seconds. She
briefly flashed back to her former identity and wondered, "What in the Hell
am I doing here"? But, the only expressionless words that came from her
mouth was, "Please take me to the Palms Penthouse"!
The building was breathtaking in its opulence and style. Subtle Italian
decorative frescos were blended with pragmatic German structural character,
if that was possible. It occupied almost a whole city block-Right in the middle
of the downtown financial district. Its splendor contradicted the adjacent
sterile stone projections. The entrance was guarded by plainclothes police
officers glancing at every passerby. They let Nicole pass by without a second
But, the interior was casual and disarming. Many beautiful women were
doing their work duties among the expansive natural hotel greenery. Even
upon a casual glance, it was evident that each and every woman possessed
breathtaking beauty. Males were only evident among the backbreaking work
of the receiving dock and security section.
Nicole felt herself involuntarily press the elevator button for the penthouse.
Suddenly the doors opened into a wonderful, sunny room full of fresh
flowers and a clear view of the city trough the reflective glass walls.
A very matronly receptionist greeted the new guest with " Can I help you?"
"Are you here for business or pleasure?" Hmmm "That was an odd
comment," Nicole thought.
Without thinking, a door suddenly opened into a passageway unseen before
that moment. Nicole unconsciously walked into the portal without answering
the uncurious receptionist. All of a sudden- HE was there! From the depths
of her mind, she knew that all her questions would soon be answered.
Positioned in front of an incredibly large window, with light cascading over
his back, sat a powerful man in a fashionable Italian suit. It was Navy color
with double-breasted buttons down the middle. His physique suggested a
large chest and muscular arms.
He exuded power and grace. Nicole sat down and waited for the next move.
"Please relax and have a seat!" He commanded in deep bass tones. "What I'm
about to tell you will clear up many questions you must have at this time." He
stated as his hands busily gestured over a recessed plasma display. Nicole
sank into a luxurious padded leather sofa.
"Don't be alarmed, I know all about you." The man stated.
"My instruments tell me that you have been in the Enemy ship and have
reviewed most of the historical tapes." "Also, as you may have guessed, I am
indeed Klathog!" " It was very fortunate that I discovered that ship and
modified the transfer device to encode protective functions in case of species
intrusion." "The reason you are here in this form proves it still works!" he
"My first reaction to this planet was utter despair. It was much too backward
in technology for my basic wants and needs. But, it was not long before I
found a fascination in the violent and exotic emotions driving the male and
female population." Klathog said as he glanced out the window with a
depraved smile.
"This world suddenly appealed to my goal of recognition and world
domination." " Getting to that result without bringing the suspicious
government security agencies would be formidable!" " It was about that point
when my sensors notified me that the inevitable police chase ship had
arrived." " I quickly wasted no time and transferred quietly to the police
ship." " My adversary had let down his guard in a weak moment and was
mine!" Klathog spit out the words. "Unlike my world, where the power is
shared equally between the sexes, I discovered that most of the world leaders
and Company Presidents of this world were male." "I then hatched my plan."
"It would be necessary to recruit females that were unquestionably loyal and
breathtakingly beautiful. Intelligence would be top priority." " The easiest
way to accomplish that task was to create my own deadly seductress." " The
problem was that a basic mold could have the beauty, but not the drive and
ambition necessary to complete the mission." "I converted many recruits that
turned out to be 'Boobs without Brains'! It occurred to me that it would
simply be easier to find individuals with the right attributes and transform
them for my purposes. I never expected to acquire a perfect combination as
The ship's sensors notified me of your entrance and I transferred myself to
the ship prior to your final departure. It was fortunate that the ship's erstwhile
occupant had stored a handy database of female body types. I then cancelled
out your command codes, substituted my body design parameters, and cast
my net that would eventually reel you to me.
The reason I am telling you is that your fate is in my hands. You cannot
control your destiny. And it matters not if you know the truth or not.
I have a grand plan to control most of the wealth and power of this world. I
will begin with my army of 'Model Soldiers'! "
Nicole squirmed in expectation that something was about to happen.
" My purpose with you will be to attach a special operator to you for the
really tough conversions!" Klathog said. " I want to introduce you to my
Number One. She is a very special convert. She possesses all the ambition
and drive that I need for my campaign."
As if orchestrated by a Movie set, the house lights dimmed and the most
magnificent woman strutted from a hidden door into the room. It was if a
Spotlight was accented on her figure. Perfect in every detail. Natural make up
and long eyelashes embellished the perfect face. The only minor defect might
be the cruel curve to the sexy, pouting lips. This creature exuded grace and
wonder as she took very delicate small steps in her very high heel patent
leather shoes. Her slinky black dress hung on her body as if it was painted on
her. Perfect melon breasts displayed huge cleavage and hinted of perky
nipples through the diaphanous gown. Very feminine, but athletic legs
splayed from the juncture of the oriental slit of the evening gown. It was
evident that she was wearing expensive silky nylons on her smooth legs.
Looking closer, one could see the hint of garters and snaps. The whole
picture from the waist down conjured up memories of fashion magazine
advertisements. From the thighs up, the figure spiraled to a pencil thin waist
curvaceously accented by a flat tummy. There was an expressive portrayal of
the natural feminine uterus curve, suggestive of childbearing capabilities.
A terrific Blonde mane of sweet smelling hair graced the top of the head. The
whole package was not more than 5 ft. 6 inches high.
As the woman walked toward the center of the room, it looked like a sleek
cat-like animal approaching her prey. Most males would instinctively
calculate every move, unaware that they were the ones being studied! This
was an atomic bomb waiting for a trigger.
The woman sat down and there was silence, and admiration from the others.
"You may have guessed by now that my 'Number One' is very special. She
was my first and best convert. Let me introduce to you, my nemesis and
current lover, the spectacular and charismatic detective, formerly known as-
'Horothu'!" " Yes, that's right," Klathog gleefully stated, " She is now my
Harem Director, my prime operative, of which you will soon be intimately
associated with!" The beauty just smiled with an enigmatic look, then gently
pressed her soft body into the arm of Klathog as he spoke. "By the way, her
new name is 'Tesia'".
"But, enough of these trivial details!," "Let's get down to the meat of the
matter!" Klathog said as he lustfully glanced in the direction of Tesia.
" My objective is simply world domination by background manipulation. The
best center of world power is in Washington D.C. With power, sex is always
close at hand. So,it is there you go for your first project. But first, let's
demonstrate a little experiment."
Nicole felt an ominous sense of something about to happen.
" It is simple a matter of hand control on this advanced compact computer
screen. It can recognize only me and respond only to my DNA code as my
finger traces the touch screen. This tiny screen is wirelessly connected to the
actual ship computer buried within the bowels of this building. I managed to
transfer the complete ship into the Engineering section of the building. It has
proved very useful to me to beam my body across the planet when needed.
Also, it is the location of the transformation unit. Horothu's ship was known
to me but I never thought that anyone would ever find it, until you!" Klathog
"Your current mental self-awareness is being changed by my command to it's
default state by a simple computer command." Klathog whispered. "You will
now notice that you feel very different about yourself!" It was true! Walt
thought to himself. It felt like he was feeling his body as if he was in a
detached astral state. All his maleness had returned to his inner self. He could
not imagine that he had really tried to seduce a man recently. Hell, women
had always admired him for his rugged male good looks. But those had been
replaced with a softer female version. He looked down and gasped as he once
again realized the soft heaving of his chest caused delicious expansion on the
low cut scoop blouse. His view of alluring mountainous cleavage was almost
too much to comprehend. The exposed breast tissue was firm and smooth.
He could see the overture of very alluring mammaries tucked into the
comfortable confines of a lacy black bra. The seat felt different than he
remembered as a man. "It must be the extra curvature of my derriere?" Or
could it be that I am seventy pounds lighter? A peculiar sensation of cool air
was creeping around his legs. Then he felt the goose pimples rise on his body
when he confirmed the total lack of a cock when he pulled his dress up to his
waist. "This is really getting weird!" he thought to himself. " I am the perfect
epitome of a young gorgeous woman with the introspection of a middle aged
Walt began to feel very afraid. This being in front of him was very
dangerous. "I am being controlled and don't even realize it!" Walt thought.
"Do you now wish that you could return to a normal life and get your male