GreeniesChapter 7B free porn video

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WestHem Capital Building—Denver

The view was impressive from the large picture window in the executive council briefing room. The window looked east, out over the entire expanse of the thirty-eighth most populous city in WestHem; the sixty-third most populous in the solar system. The tops of innumerable high-rise buildings could be seen stretching away for kilometers in every visible direction. Each roof was dotted with landing pads and parked VTOLS, the transportation system for the elite. It was 0745, just fifteen minutes before the start of the workday, and the little craft could be seen buzzing and circling everywhere like flies, the computer systems that ran them delivering their corporate masters to their offices. Beyond the high rises of downtown were the housing complexes of the upper and then the middle class. Beyond those were the slums, which stretched to the horizon and beyond; thousands of square kilometers of unspeakably dangerous neighborhoods populated by more than eight million unemployed and unemployable. Every major city on the planet had similar ghettos of similar proportion.

Like most employed WestHem citizens, Admiral Jules got the screaming horrors at the mere thought of ever having to live in the squalor of WestHem's ghettos; the fate of those that suddenly had their income removed from them. They were the epitome of lawlessness and chaos. The cops themselves did not enter them in anything less than platoon strength; and even then they might take casualties. They only reason they did go in was to track down a person responsible for a crime against an employed person or to enforce the stringent breeding laws. Among themselves the unemployed were free to rape, kill, assault, rob, or even molest each other's children. They were an entity onto themselves with little chance to ever pull themselves free. They were not even counted in the census. As long as they stayed within their boundaries, obeyed the breeding law, and confined their crimes to each other, they were left alone, living on welfare money, free alcohol, free marijuana, free Internet, free substandard housing. He eyed the ghettos nervously from his chair in the briefing room while he awaited the arrival of the rulers of the western hemisphere. The TNB fiasco would be penned as his responsibility. Would they dismiss him for it? Remove his pension? Sentence him to live out his life in those ghettos? He vowed he would kill himself long before it came to that.

He was bleary from lack of sleep and his stomach burned from the three strong cups of coffee he'd consumed with his breakfast. He'd been up until well past 0400 researching and preparing his briefing; perhaps the most important briefing he would ever give in his career. He was dressed in his Class A uniform of course, all of his campaign and service metals neatly in place. Before him, at the large rounded oak table where the guests of the council sat, was an Internet terminal into which he'd already inserted the briefing disk he and his staff had created. At the front of the room, above the elevated seats that the executive council would soon occupy, was a larger screen, onto which his figures and the figures of the other briefers would appear.

Would there be other briefers? he wondered. Currently he and his staff were the only ones in the room besides the secret service team, who stood expressionless at their positions near the doors, the council chairs, and the window. Surely he would not be the only one called on the carpet for what had happened on Mars.

As if in answer to his question the door slid open behind him and General Wrath, the commander in chief of the Far Space marines entered. CINCFARMAR was his designation and Jules knew him well, on a first name basis in fact. The far space navy and marines, though full of the traditional animosity that had existed between the navy and the marines since the 1700s, worked closely together and relied upon each other. Wrath and Jules' jobs were closely entwined. The two were professional acquaintances, quite close in that regards, although not exactly friends.

"Richard," Jules greeted, offering a smile and an outstretched arm as the General and his staff entered the room.

Wrath, dressed in his own class-A uniform, little changed since the early twentieth century, shook his hand warmly. "Tanner," he greeted. "I see you're here for the same purpose as me."

Jules nodded his head cynically. "Yes I am. It seems our bosses want a few questions answered about what happened yesterday."

"Those fuckin' greenies," Wrath commented sourly. "Who the hell would have believed they were capable of this? And that bastard Sega." He shook his head. "He'd better hope the greenies kill his ass. Can you imagine? Surrendering all of the forces with barely a fight? He must've been mad."

The men took their seats, Wrath taking the chair next to Jules, Wrath's staff taking the seats on the other side. The marine general inserted his own briefing disk into the Internet terminal before his chair.

"Were you up all night too?" Jules asked, noting the bags under his counterparts' eyes.

Wrath nodded wearily. "This clusterfuck pulled me out of a formal dinner party. Not that that was upsetting; I hate those fuckin' things. But I spent the next five hours on a flight from Buenos Aires getting briefed in. We then stayed up all night researching and planning how to take that planet back from the greenies if it comes to that."

"Do you think the greenies will really vote for independence?" Jules asked him. "I mean, Whiting didn't exactly make it sound too hopeful in her speech or anything. She actually told them that they might not win. What kind of propaganda is that?"

Wrath shook his head. "I think they just might," he said. "Greenies are not like Earthlings. They don't think the same way we do. Think about where they came from; the unemployed. They actually like speeches like that, they actually like to fight the odds."

"They can't possibly beat us though," Jules pointed out. "What the hell are they thinking?"

"I don't know," Wrath answered. "She told them in her speech that we would send troops to take the planet back and you can bet your ass that we will. She can't possibly think that their little civilian soldier force and their cute little airplanes are going to stop us when we land a half a million troops with tanks, full hover support, artillery, and APCs on that flying shithole. We'll have them routed and mopped up in two days."

"Maybe she is mad," Jules suggested. "Maybe she's trying to go down in Martian history as a martyr; the first woman who ever tried to make Mars free or some shit like that. Who knows what she is thinking but I've been over the figures time and time again and I can see no conceivable way that they can prevent us from landing and taking that planet back."

"There is no way," Wrath agreed. "But whoever said the greenies were smart?"

The door opened once again and yet another briefer entered. This time it was a man that neither Jules nor Wrath had ever met personally though both recognized him on sight thanks to his frequent appearances in Internet news clips. It was FLEB director Stanley Clinton. He was dressed in a neat, conservative suit and had bags under his eyes similar to the two military officers'. He had no staff with him, simply walking alone to a seat well away from the military leaders and their staffs, making not so much as a nod of greeting, and sat down. He inserted a disk of his own into a terminal.

Silence prevailed until 0804 when the set of doors near the front of the room slid open, signaling the entry of the council. Everyone in the room quickly stood to attention as the nine men and three women of the council, all dressed in business suits of their own, strode into the room. Their faces were grim as they took their chairs, taking their time making themselves comfortable. Finally one of them, Loretta Williams, spoke. "You may be seated," she said stiffly.

With a shuffle, everyone resumed their seats.

Williams, as the representative of Mars, was still acting as the spokesperson for the council in this matter. "Begin recording," she told the room computer system. Digital cameras and audio microphones clicked on.

She stared at the assembled group of military officers and the single civilian. Her expression, matching the other council members, was of barely concealed rage. "Gentlemen," she said coldly, "yesterday an unprecedented event took place on the WestHem possession of Mars. An event with such far reaching and cataclysmic implications that, even if the situation is resolved quickly in the next two days, an issue which is doubtful, we will be left unable to predict the long-term consequences." She shook her head angrily. "What in the hell happened here, gentlemen? How in the hell could something like this have been allowed? These are questions that I want you to answer only briefly in as few words as possible before you start explaining to this council how we are going to rectify this situation." She stared at the two military officers in particular. "I trust that we can rectify this situation."

"Yes ma'am," spoke Jules and Wrath in unison.

"I certainly hope so," she said. "I don't need to tell you that the entire WestHem economy is fully dependant upon that little red planet. Ninety-eight percent of our steel comes from there. Forty-six percent of our food, our food, comes from there. The profits from that planet account for more than twenty-nine percent of our tax base. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, more than a third of our navy is in dock under Martian control right now. Admiral Jules, I trust you have prepared a side-briefing on the implications of that."

"Yes ma'am," Jules answered, grateful that he'd taken the time to do that. He almost had not.

"Very well," Williams said. She turned her gaze to Clinton. "Director," she said, "we've already been over the fact of Laura Whiting's election to high Martian office in the first place time and time again with you. We will skip re-hashing that part. But if you will please begin our briefing by explaining how the circumstances of her removal went so badly wrong?"

"Yes ma'am," Clinton replied, standing and activating his Internet terminal.

He explained the fiasco of the previous day in short, concise statements, occasionally using news clips or transmissions from his disk to illustrate some point. The council listened without interrupting. They knew most of the story anyway. When he finished they had only a few questions.

"How many agents do you have on Mars?" Asked one council member.

"Six hundred and forty-three," Clinton replied. "Of course twelve of them were killed at the capital building yesterday."

"Are the whereabouts of all of these agents on Mars accounted for?" was the next question.

"Not officially," he answered. "I know that all ten of my field offices were occupied by Martian troops and that all ten surrendered to them. We can presume that all of the agents in those buildings at that time are in Martian custody. As to the fate of those agents that were either off-duty or out in the field at that time I have no information, nor even a guess as to how many that might be. Unfortunately though, the number of off-duty agents is probably pretty low. When news of the events in New Pittsburgh reached Director Hayes he mobilized the entire force. Many of them were probably inside the buildings when they were taken."

"In any case did the FLEB offices under attack by the MPG request assistance from the local police departments?" asked Williams.

"Ma'am," Clinton replied, "in every case they did and in every case the assistance was refused on orders from the various police chiefs. I have information that in three of the cities; Eden, Dow, and Triad, the mayors attempted to override the orders of the police chiefs in question. The mayors of each Martian city, as you are aware, are subjected to the same scrutiny that legislative and gubernatorial candidates are." By which he meant that the corporations owned them. "In all cases, obviously, the orders were disregarded and no assistance was given. As far as I know not a single Martian police officer lifted a finger to prevent this revolt from occurring. As to the fate of the mayors and city councils involved; I have no information. I suspect they may have been taken into custody but we are currently completely out of communication with Mars; even the Internet feed has been severed from their end."

"So we are no longer receiving Martian Internet transmissions?"

"That is correct; although they are still monitoring our Internet. I ordered that the feed not be cut to Mars on the hope that some of the citizens will be able to access our point of view in this thing; to see the preparations we will be utilizing if they do not surrender themselves. It may assist in having Whiting's proposal voted down."

There was some quiet murmurs among the council at this. Finally Williams said, "That seems a wise move, Director. You may continue to allow outgoing transmissions. Since you brought up this vote that Whiting has asked for, what would you say the chances are that it will be successful? Also do you think there is any possibility of fraud in the vote?"

This was a trick question. Voter fraud and false results were a patent impossibility with the current system of ballot casting. It was done on the Internet by social security number and fingerprint identification. The programs that ran the voting were unalterable and would not allow such a thing. But if the vote were to be in favor of revolution, then the WestHem authorities would of course issue propaganda stating that the election had been rigged and was meaningless. Clinton knew this and knew how he was expected to answer.

"I believe that fraud is the most likely possibility and that we will be unable to trust any election results they send us," he said. "There is no way that Laura Whiting is going to back down now. If the Martians do not vote this measure in — and I don't believe that they are so mad as to do so — then her conspirators will simply change the results to look as if they did." This was of course a bald-faced lie. He knew it, the council knew it, any thinking person would know it; but it was how the game was played. If the Martians voted down Laura Whiting's proposal then WestHem would demand that she abide by her promises. But if the Martians actually did vote for independence, then WestHem would claim the election was rigged and demand she surrender. Of course it didn't matter one way or the other which way they voted. The vote itself did not carry any legal weight under the constitution. But politically, WestHem would never admit that the Martians actually wanted to be independent in overwhelming numbers. They would have to portray the vast majority of the Martians as innocent, loyal WestHem civilians caught up in a conspiracy by a few radical elements acting in self-interest.

There were a few more meaningless questions, which Clinton answered to the best of his ability. Williams then said, "Thank you, Director. You are dismissed. I would like your office to begin immediate research and author some recommendations as to who should be prosecuted and charged after this little revolt is over and done. Should we prosecute every police officer? Every MPG soldier? Every citizen that voted for independence? Please be firm in your recommendations, with an eye towards ensuring that our Martian friends never get any cute ideas like this again. I would also like recommendations as to what we should do with those Martian citizens on Earth or Ganymede at the moment. How many such people are there? Should we take them into custody until this is over? Do they represent an espionage or sabotage threat? Can they be used as leverage?"

"Yes ma'am," Clinton said, standing and gathering his briefing disk. "My staff will get to work on this immediately."

"Fine," she said. "We will expect a briefing on these matters by early next week at the latest."

Once he was out of the room, the council's attention turned to Admiral Jules.

"Admiral Jules," Williams said, staring at him, "you are the current commander in chief of WestHem far space naval fleet, correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Jules answered, not caring at all for the way in which she'd emphasized the word 'current'.

"Please enlighten this council on the events that transpired yesterday on Mars. After this we will have many questions for you I'm sure."

"Yes ma'am," Jules replied, standing up.

His initial chronology of the attack on TNB took nearly thirty minutes. Like with Director Clinton before him, the council simply stared at him or his presentations on the screen; asking no questions, making no comments. Jules knew how the game was played too. He already sensed who the fall guy in the Martian revolt was going to be, General Sega, and he placed blame heavily upon him.

"That last communications we received from TNB stated that the arming and detonation programs for all of the stored nuclear torpedoes, both onboard the ships in dock and in the storage facilities on base, had been wiped. This will, of course, make it impossible for those weapons to be detonated." He spoke a few commands into the screen before him. "You can see here a complete list of all naval ships that were in dock at Triad during the takeover. You will note that it includes nine California class warships, fifteen Owl class attack ships, and our three pre-positioned container ships full of marine landing equipment and supplies. We are formulating a list of the naval personnel captured there. As for the MPs killed in action; we will not know their identity unless the Martians provide us with that information."

Williams looked at him for a moment and then asked, "So it is your opinion Admiral, that had General Sega not ordered the surrender of your MPs, the base might have been saved?"

Again politics was at work here. He knew that the defense of the base had been hopeless. A few hundred lightly armed naval MPs stood no chance of standing up to a battalion of trained, well equipped special forces soldiers. Had Sega not surrendered them, the base would have fallen in the next thirty minutes anyway, only with more dead MPs to add to the list. But that was not what the council wanted to hear. They wanted the blame shifted off of surprise and overwhelming superiority and onto a single man; a traitorous man. They wanted Sega to be blamed for the loss of Mars. The MPG did not take Mars, Sega gave it to them. By the time this made it to the Internet they probably would have "evidence" showing that Sega had been in collusion with the Martians the whole time.

Jules was only too happy to go along with this. He felt a twinge of sorrow for Sega, who had only been doing what he thought was right under the circumstances, but it did serve to shift the blame off of him. WestHem could not admit defeat after all. Someone had to be responsible. He suspected that had they not found Sega as a convenient target, he himself would have been cast in the role. He suppressed a shiver as he realized how close he'd come to becoming a federal scapegoat. They would have said that he'd been criminally negligent in his anti-terrorist preparations for TNB. They probably would have manufactured evidence suggesting that multiple warnings had been issued about an imminent attack on the base and that they'd been disregarded.

"Admiral Jules?" Williams, clearly irritated, barked at him.

"My apologies, ma'am," Jules said with a start, realizing that he'd been so lost in his near-demise that he'd forgotten to answer her. "In my opinion the base would undoubtedly still be in our hands had Sega not surrendered its defenders. At the very worst, the MPG might have eventually taken the base but we would have been able to scramble all of the ships out of docking; keeping them in our hands."

The council members actually smiled at this statement; reinforcing Jules' belief that it was exactly what they wanted to hear. He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling himself slipping off of the proverbial hook.

"Thank you, Admiral, that is as we'd suspected."

There was a brief conversation between the members for a moment, their words whispered. Finally Williams said, "Now that we have a good idea what happened at TNB, I would like to address our primary concern. Will the Martians be able to man any of those ships they have captured and use them against us?"

"Absolutely not," Jules said firmly, grateful to be speaking what he thought was the truth. He spoke a command to the Internet screen and a row of figures appeared on the main screen. "As you can see here I have compiled statistics on all Martian citizens with naval experience. This would be, obviously, experience gained in the WestHem navy. The population of Mars, not including WestHem citizens living there, is just over eighty million as you can see. I asked the Internet to give me a count on all Martian citizens, currently living on Mars, that have naval experience and are between the ages of eighteen and sixty years old." He pointed to one of the figures with a laser pointer. "There are twenty-six thousand, four hundred and sixty-two people who meet this category."

"That certainly sounds like enough to man some ships," Williams replied to this. "If your intent is to make us feel better about this, you're doing a poor job."

"Yes ma'am," Jules nodded, licking his lips nervously. "I know the initial number sounds like a lot, but allow me to explain the other factors involved here. Just to account for the absolute worst scenario, I instructed the computer to assume that all of these Martians are loyal to Mars and will go along with Whiting. Of course I do not believe that will be the case; I believe that many of these are actually loyal WestHem citizens who will..."

"Admiral," Williams interrupted. "Please save the patriotic bullshit for the Internet cameras and continue your briefing."

Jules jumped as if slapped. "My apologies," he said. He took a deep breath to gather his thoughts and then went on. "Of the twenty-six thousand, four hundred and sixty-two, fourteen thousand, five hundred and eleven are over the age of forty and have not served aboard a ship in more than ten years. The technology involved has changed considerably since then and it is unlikely that those people will be of any help to the Martians. That leaves us with a core group of eleven thousand, nine hundred and fifty-one. Of this group only nine hundred and twelve have ever served aboard an actual combat ship capable of doing any harm to our forces. Of that nine hundred and twelve only thirty were ever officers and only sixteen of those were ever officers that had conning responsibilities. Twelve of them on a California, four on an Owl. None of these sixteen except for one — the infamous Lieutenant Commander Matt Belting — has any command experience."

"Belting is still alive?" one of the other council members interjected at this point. "I thought he'd died years ago."

"He's still alive and living in the ghettos of New Pittsburgh. He hasn't held a job of any kind since his release from federal prison five years after the Jupiter War armistice. My guess is that he is an alcoholic or a dust addict that probably doesn't even remember his navy time. In any case, it is quite inconceivable that the greenies could put together enough people to effectively use one of those ships in any manner. And even if they could, they have no pilots capable of operating the F-10s or the A-112s on the Californias and the nuclear torpedoes they've captured are useless to them. Without the torpedoes, the Owls are useless as anything other than a monitoring platform anyway."

"There is no way they can reprogram those torpedoes?" Williams asked.

"It's impossible," Jules said. "Once the computer that controls the detonator has been wiped, it is impossible to reprogram it. It is nothing more than junk after that."

They seemed satisfied.

"The pre-positioned marine ships," another council member spoke up. "What of those? Will the Martians be able to utilize the equipment inside of them?"

Jules replied, "I think that there is a good possibility that they may not even be able to manage the unloading and transfer of this equipment to the planetary surface. It is quite a complex procedure after all. The landing craft that contain the equipment must be launched from the Panama class ship itself and then piloted down to the surface. However I believe it may be prudent..." He cast a glance at his Marine counterpart for a moment, "... and I am actually stepping into General Wrath's briefing here, but in my opinion I believe in assuming the worst; to assume that they will in fact manage to utilize this equipment."

"Do you agree with that assessment, General?" Williams asked him.

"I have taken into account the faint possibility that they will be able to unload those ships," Wrath replied.

Williams nodded. "Very well." She turned her attention back to Jules. "Do we have any assets in the area at all?" She asked him.

Jules nodded. "Yes we do, ma'am. We have an Owl that had been returning to TNB from Ganymede at the time of this revolt. They were in their coasting period between acceleration and deceleration burns, about halfway between the two planets. I ordered them to take up position as close to Mars as they could get without detection. That should be close indeed, probably inside of twenty thousand kilometers. They will be on station in less than a week and able to send us data on what the Martians are up to with the ships at TNB. They should also be able to monitor communications. They are low on consumables and on refrigerant for the anti-detection systems but with rationing they will hopefully be able to remain on station until our forces can get there. We have other assets in place in the Jupiter system; two California groups and two Owls, but frankly, they are needed there in case of trouble with EastHem; particularly with the loss of our marines and their equipment. I'm quite hesitant to break them loose and I don't see what good they would do anyway."

They nodded. "Any other points that you would like to add, Admiral?"

"Yes ma'am," Jules said. "As you are probably aware, we have a number of Martian citizens enlisted in the Navy. Three thousand, nine hundred and forty-six of them are on ships that were not captured by the Martians or on Earth shore stations. I have ordered all of them removed from duty and kept under house arrest for the duration of this crisis and pending a decision on what to do with them."

"Good thinking, Admiral," Williams said. "I want all of them removed from our ships as soon as possible. They are not to be trusted and they are never to be allowed to enlist in our navy again. We will decide later what to do with them when this little revolt is over."

"Would you like my briefing on our naval situation as it stands with the loss of the far space fleet?" Jules asked next.

"Not just now, Admiral," Williams replied. "We'll hear it after General Wrath gives his briefing. You may have to modify your calculations when he tells you what equipment will be needed for the retaking of Mars."

"Yes ma'am," Jules agreed, not mentioning that he already had anticipated the equipment that his counterpart would need.

General Wrath began his briefing in the same manner. Like Jules, he placed the bulk of the blame on the traitorous General Sega, claiming that his Marines could have easily faced off anything the MPG threw at them. Like Jules he knew it was a lie; but he knew how to play the game too. He apologized sincerely for allowing such an incompetent traitor to achieve a position such as commander of Martian marine forces. In a particularly dramatic bit he even proclaimed that he was indirectly responsible and offered his resignation if the council so desired.

"I don't think that will be necessary just yet, General," Williams responded, smiling at him. She seemed quite touched by his offer however. "I would like to hear you plan for regaining control of the planet though."

"Yes ma'am," Wrath responded. He called up some maps and plans on his screen. "My staff and I worked well into the morning hours on this plan, taking many things into consideration. Chief among them is the avoidance of WestHem casualties during the operation. I have taken the liberty of naming the operation. I would call it 'Martian Hammer'."

The council exchanged pleased glances as they tossed the name around. It had become customary back in the late twentieth century to give a catchy name to military operations; all the better to ensnare public support for it.

"Now I could undoubtedly retake that planet with one hundred thousand troops complete with hover support, tanks, APCs, and support troops. We are dealing with a poorly trained civilian force after all. But I believe that unacceptable casualties may result." By this he meant more than two hundred or so WestHem soldiers killed. Enough to displease the masses. "So the plan I have developed, though it may seem a bit excessive, will ensure that minimal WestHem casualties are taken, while at the same time, heavy damage is inflicted upon the MPG. Damage that they will remember for generations if they are so foolish as to not surrender immediately."

Same as Greenies
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Good Boy Dont Do That

Justin Calhoun is a good boy. His mother raised him to be kind, sweet, honest and pure. Not that their family was religious, but Mrs. Calhoun made sure her little boy wasn’t going to be the type of man his father had been; lecherous, womanizing and misogynistic. Since he was their only child, Mrs. Calhoun doted on him throughout his life, being stern when needing to be to ensure her little boy became the gentleman she wanted him to be.Now at 22 years old and on summer break from medical school,...

First Time
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Mr R takes me home

I have been indulging in Mr. R’s cock for a few weeks, but I feel myself getting bored. He refuses to get between my legs and roughly eat me out just the way I like and there are more than a few men who are willing. For those of you who have not read part one I am an eighteen year old with long hark hair and firm 32C breasts. My hour-glass figure does not leave much to be desired with my full pert ass and flat tight abs. As I was saying, I felt myself getting bored and so I decided on a little...

3 years ago
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Stories From My Youth Chapter 2 Dorothy

As a teenager, I lived in a relatively small town. My parents ran a farm, so every Saturday I helped them out on the farm and in return, they paid me a few dollars. This helped me out quite a bit because the job that I had in those days didn’t pay well. Every Saturday night, my old school friend, Dave and I would drive the twenty-five miles to the adjoining town which was a good deal larger than my hometown.Like most teenagers our interests were two-fold, we enjoyed a drink and we sought female...

1 year ago
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Silent Encounter

Silent encounterPart 1 We have not seen each other for some time but, on the day we are due to meet up, we exchange some erotic texts messages and two phone calls. These events heighten the tension for both of us. I arrive back at the house later than agreed; quite deliberately so, in order to further raise the sexual tension between us upon my arrival. You are already there and look beautiful, as ever, and we embrace briefly. Oh sweet memory of the evening when I gave you keys to the house!...

3 years ago
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Annie and the Exchange Student

Taking a sip of her herbal tea, Annie double-checks her things for school. Her berry-coloured lips twist as she goes through her mental checklist. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and her phone…yep, everything is in there. Slinging the satchel around her and settling it onto her shoulder, she adjusts her ponytail containing her thick brown curls and leaves her room, before knocking on the door next to hers. “David, are you ready?” she asks nervously. “Yep, two secs!” a deep, smooth yet muffled voice...

First Time
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Arlene and JeffChapter 689

Dessie and Phillip at The Waterfall Campsite When the tears finally stopped, she admonished herself and hoped her husband would never learn how much of a wuss she had become. He would be ashamed of me. Phillip never wanted to be part of the useless rich, and he was always signing us up for new things — anything new or something that would help others. He said that we should never stop learning. But what can I do? From what I’ve been taught about concussions, his brain has basically been...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sub Slut ShySanne Day 3 3some

SEXY SUB SLUT SANNE AND FIERCE FIONA IN SECOND THREESOME IN CHAT - #1Sanne is fully nude once more. We'll use tools this time on our solliciting subby slut.Sanne is hand-cuffed and on a leash to the dog-collar she shall wear for our abuse.Sanne is suffering first pain from tingling nipple-clips: bells for sound sound-effect.Flora finds the tasty tool to whip them off, which will doubly hurt or in triple, as I know.Firstly: release of a nipple-clip increases any pain felt from the pinch. Simple...

3 years ago
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The Auction

The Auction written by Joel D. Haskell Dusk was beginning to settled along the countryside, upon a ancient longvillage. Kitty was out, taking her laundry from the line, she swiftly steppedback inside. The wind was picking up, and she was going to be late, if she did not hurry.She had plans for the night. She was going to go into the bigger city with her girl friends to have afew drinks at a brand new bar that she had been hearing so much about. Kitty hustled into the cabin, making sure that...

1 year ago
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Khusboo Ki Khusbo

Hi friends mera naam Khursheed Khan hai aur main Delhi me rehta hu main 24 saal ka hu aur mere lund ka size 7 inch h main indian sex stories ka regular reader hu itni sari kahaniya padh kar aur apna lund khada kar ke Mera bhi aj man hua k kyu na main apni stories aap logo ko share karu taki aap bhi meri kahani suna kar apna lund khada kare aur muth mare aur ladkiya apni pyari si chut me ungli kare. So aapka kimti wqt barbad na krte hue main apni kahani aapko sunata hu. Baat us wqt ki hai jb...

3 years ago
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The Locket

What is it…?" He asks for probably the 12th time. "Just open it!" You tell him impatiently "It's a booby trap isn't it?" He says accusingly "It's a prank" "No!" You insist. "Now friggin open it!" You're sitting on the floor of Dr. Robotnik's garage, the never ending mess of genius strewn about the two of you. He has a neatly wrapped Christmas gift on his lap and he keeps looking from it to you, and back again. He turns it over in his hands one last time before quietly huffing to himself. He...

2 years ago
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Store Gimp

Dave had done all his prep work, he had emailed the store tentatively asking if they would allow him to be an instore gimp for the day. They had emailed back to say yes but please don’t let the head office know. The store he had chosen was on a main trunk road so he knew that it would have several visitors during the day. It also had a set of stocks set up in the centre of the store, perfect for his idea. In his email to the store he had requested that he be allowed to change on arrival as...

2 years ago
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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

4 years ago
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Sex the only tasty thing

It is a real story what I am going to tell you. I am presently 32 years old horny male with lot of sexual drive. Presently I am staying in Bhubaneswar but some years ago I used to stay in Bangalore in a rented house, whose owner was a Christian in religion. Anyway I used to work in a company. Daily I went to office in morning and return in evening. The house owner is a big business man used to be a promoter. He got wife and 2 daughters. The elder one was in 1st year that time and was very much...

1 year ago
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Private Sofia Curly Lika Star Enjoy Anal Threesome

Sofia Curly has come to Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 2, ready to show off her incredible curves and big natural tits alongside the teen Lika Star, where these two beauties treat the lucky stud Nick Moreno to a breath-taking threesome full of Private class. The girls waste no time getting the action started as they warm up with their favourite toys before sharing an incredible double blowjob when their stud arrives. Then watch and enjoy as Sofia and Lika offer up their juicy...

2 years ago
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I step out of the limousine and into the sodium-yellow of the city lights. Dressed to the nines: sequins and lace and sheer silks. Shoes that cost hundreds, with a heel that I can barely walk in (let alone dance in) but without which the look would be incomplete. Because the point is not function. The point is the form and fit. It's like a hundred other events. Premieres, thousand-a-plate political dinners, grand-re-openings of whatever building has been newly renovated this year. It's like...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 3 Transformation

Beth woke up with a slight headache for the second day in a row. As she walked to the bathroom she caught herself mumbling, “I love having him watch me. Wearing sexy clothes...” She shook her head to clear as her thoughts. She left the light off to help her headache. She took two aspirin as her phone buzzed. “Wake up your son with a kiss,” the message read. Fuck. She thought. She used to kiss him more when he was little but had stopped after catching him looking at her differently. She...

1 year ago
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Bf Or Uske Doston Ki Randi

Hi friends this is ishana . An introvert girl with wild thougts. I am fatty, tall and fair. My stats are 44-40-50. I know I’m huge, busty girl and I’m 19 years old.   Introduction bahut hua ab story par ati hu. First time mene sex kia apne bf, shivam, ke sath jb me 11 class me padti thi usi ne mujhe in sab chizo se introduce karaya. Sbse jyada maza to tb ata tha jb wo meri eyes par blindfold lagakr chodta tha. Me wese hi horny rahti hu koi mere boobs ko touch karde to mere andr aag si lag jati...

1 year ago
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good girl gone bad

I was a quite a quite reserved teen, and my parents were always really trusting. I had never done anything to break the trust they stored in me; therefore when I was 18 my mum was always willing to leave me on my own when she went away for a few days. I had a long-term boyfriend but unfortunately, when it came to the bedroom, I must say - disappointment would be an understatement. I did however have a boy that I was extremely close to who use to come round when my boyfriend was busy, or mum was...

1 year ago
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Sister finds a surprise at swing party

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 28 years old. Strawberry hair and 36c tits. My husband got me started in swinging. I am very open minded and gave it a try. Now we are hooked. Anytime there is a party we are sure to be there. This party was somewhat different and invitation only. It was at this large house with 8 rooms. When we got there the lights were very low, very difficult to see. I was escorted to a different room where the women were and my husband to where the men were....

2 years ago
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As i sit here, bound yet unbound, the rope abrading my raw flesh, the memory of my Master?s punishments cloud my thoughts with delirium. No matter which way i shift, i cannot escape the cord tucked intimately against me. my thoughts turn to the night He made me his little slave girl. Since that night He has taken me into the darkness with Him, a firm, guiding Hand through the lands of pain in which i now must travel. His step haunts me when i hear it on the stair to the dungeon. What is to...

4 years ago
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Vibachaari Jenifer Sex Seithen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam oru sexiyaana vibachaariyai eppadi sex seithu oothen enbathai pagirugiren. En peyar vinoth vayathu 26 aagugirathu, parka vaata saatamaaga irupen. En nanbargal ennai sariyaana naatu katai daa nee endru solluvaargal. En udambu katu mazthaaga sexyaaga irukum, innum sola ponal enaku oru naalil 8 murai sunniyil vinthu vanthu irukirathu. Veetil thanimaiyil irukum pozhuthu kaama padam paarthu konde sirithu idai veli vittu kai pazhakam seithu konde irupen. Veetil...

2 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 21 The Rain

To the best of their ability considering their hovering situation, the repairs were completed on AC4. The ACs set off once more but this time they circled the land far off the coast and soon discovered that it was a large island rather than the start of a continent. Yuri, made a replica of the island on his ever-expanding map and added the note, monsters beware and avoid. On the far side of the island they had spotted more land miles further away and when they had completed their mapping...

4 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 2 1865

Robert weighed barely a hundred pounds when he came home. His yellowish skin looked like old parchment, his joints seemed only tenuously connected and his cloudy eyes hid deep in dingy hollows. His lank body bore a multitude of sores, some of which had scabbed over but many remained open and running for a long time, seeping a greenish pus. Seth, along with his mother and young sister, made the morning-long trip into Washington City to retrieve him from the crowded hospital near the Capitol....

2 years ago
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This Is Your Lies Chapters 4 and 5

I sat staring at the screen for a while. Did Ellen take her phone with her when they went to this club? The first thing she asked when I called was if the kids were okay, so she hadn't planned to be completely out of touch; the chances were that she'd carry her phone. Did I dare look at the tracking software? I got up and watched her breathing for a minute. She was sound asleep. I picked up her phone and plugged it in to charge. That was my excuse for touching it if she woke.It took a few...

1 year ago
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There is no perfect three way relationship just as there is no perfect two way one. But Aaron and Tom were near on perfect, the way that they related to each other and assured me a comfortable, a sensual world.But all of that was found the hard way, a grudging but necessary equilibrium. There were so many parties in Edinburgh, but there came one that made a difference for us, for Aaron, Tom and I. It was the one where we planned to slowly, hesitently come out. Our thing, our way of living had...

4 years ago
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Sex vor dem ersten Treffen

Lydia und Chris hatten sich über das Internet kennengelernt. In langen E-Mails lernten sie sich ziemlich gut kennen, auch wenn sie sich bisher noch nie im echten Leben getroffen hatten. Beide hatten gar nicht geplant, ein Paar zu werden. So gingen sie dann auch besonders offen miteinander um, denn es gab nichts zu verlieren. Lydia erfuhr von Chris, dass er Frauen total geil findet, die "rumficken". Und Chris von Lydia, dass sie schon mit fast 100 Männern gefickt hatte. Derzeit fickte sie ab und...

1 year ago
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A Whisky Lemonade Part 1

Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off. Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...

First Time
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The Adult Theatre

I got to the hotel early so that I could get myself fully prepared to meet a guy I had been chatting with via a chat room. I decided to wear my favorite pink check mini skirt with my sexiest pink undies to match. I added a white silk blouse and a white garter belt with some white stockings. I took time applying my make up, making sure I had dark sultry eyes and perfect red lips, I wanted to look perfect for my date. It had been a very hot day and the temperature was still sticky even with the...

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Doctor Riks

Hi this is Arnav , im writing my first story .This happened to me about 7 six years back. It was when I had given my 8th std final exams .On first day itself I met with the accident and there was a minute fracture in my knees .Becoz of this I cannot play anymore with my friends and I was getting bored at my home. One day my mom came and told me that your cousin raj (who was then 28 and was just married )is coming to take me to our native place.She told me that uncle and aunt are goin out for...

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The Tow Path

The Tow Path Leda had a passion for walking in the rain. She loved the sounds of rain drops, the sensuous feel of them falling on her skin. Most of all she liked the way the drops slipped silently off the shiny black rain coat she wore A short drive from her home was an old canal and tow path. The canal and its banks were overgrown over the hundred or more years of trees and bushes and a little brook trickled down the bottom when it rained. The tow path has been paved over and was a...

3 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 106

I let them lead me away in cuff while they booked my weapons into evidence. I was printed which was a lot less messy than I remember it. I just had my fingers scanned. Then I sat in a holding cell in my own clothes for a few hours. I sure hoped they didn't think that bothered me any. A plain clothes detective entered the cell. I expected that he was SBI. but I really didn't know for sure. Well I didn't know until he said, "My name is Wade Jordan." "You are a tall black man named...

3 years ago
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The Kon Tiki

In the mountains high above Rio, safe from the chaos on the streets far below we watched as the containment field in the sky above us finally began to falter and die. Beyond it, vast, unknowable tendrils of orange gas, each one the length of a hundred cities end to end, crept and slithered across the sky, like wildfire, flanking our world, preparing to consume it. In the distance the elemental rumble of a million thunderstorms obliterated any notions of salvation. I looked down at Marta, her...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 4

When the sun came up in the morning, they could see the smoke still rising from the remains of the wagon train. The scent of death reached them even though they were quite a distance away hidden in the dense thicket inside the tree-line. The three men were all smiles this morning including the Kid who had made quite an impression on Nana and Baby Girl. She was justifiably guilty from her own conduct the night before and had trouble meeting the eyes of the stagecoach driver and the guard....

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Natalie Brooks My Type

Natalie Brooks may look clean-cut, but I can tell you, she’s anything but. How does the old saying go? She’s a lady in the streets, but a freak in the bed. Natalie can’t wait to pull down her pants and grab onto my big black cock, and once her pussy starts to drip, I slide my fingers inside and work her vag until she’s cumming all over me. She backs her ass up on my dick and I shove it inside her sensitive MILF pussy making her moan like a wild animal. Then, she screams while I piledrive her...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 2

Being a Ninja is a lonely job. Master Tomas was used to being alone and had learned to appreciate his own company. Ninjas do not form many long-term relationships with people, even other Ninjas, as someday the order just might come to kill them. It had happened before and Tomas was certain it would happen again. Ever since picking up the wrapped dagger, he had the distinct feeling that he wasn't alone anymore. It was almost as if that pitiful mage's ghost rode along behind him......

3 years ago
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Black bitch fucked in a Sukh

A few years ago, I was in Marrakech with my wife about the turn of the year. She looks very good, 25 years old at that time, 1.72, slim, cup size C, long legs and a super horny ass. She's dark-skinned, which makes her even more attractive and sexier. Like most black women, she has a pronounced ass, but not such a big booty, but just right for me: bigger than a white woman's ass, but not as extreme as many black women. I love taking her doggy and stealing her ass at the same time. She really...

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344 Part 3 bdsm and the neighbours

Part 3 bdsm and the neighbour`s 3It was a week before Olive could really walk well again , her mind though was bright enough, so on the Wednesday evening while they all ate together at no7, with Olive perched on a stack of cushions the subject was raised! Come the sweet, Mark, champing at the bit asked her rather directly about `The Master`s comment, as reported by Gethin “if you do choose the ultimate path!” could she please explain, was she thinking of…well being bumped off?” she smiled, “I...

3 years ago
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prego nurse wife feigns for dr bbc

About the time my wife found out she was pregnant our sex life dried up. She constantly felt ill, was tired, moody and overall miserable for the first five and half months. Sex became a chore. Weekends spend exploring the depths of our desires disappeared into stoned fits of constant masturbation or trolling online adsites for discreet hookups.When she began to show some deep human emotion was tripped. When she showered I would wash her engorged breasts letting the soap and water drip down...

1 year ago
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It was a dark and Stomy Night

Authors Note. The age of consent in England is 16 for both boys and girls, although marriage can only be with the parents consent until they are eighteen years of age. Yes it really was a dark and stormy Friday night, and I was driving home to my apartment glad to have the weekend ahead of me after a grueling week at the Bank. My mother was away on a world tour with her sister, and I was home alone and looking after myself. I knew that the house would be warm and I the thought of a quiet...

Erotic Fiction
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Pizza Slut

Being a pizza delivery guy is a pretty decent job for a 17 year old high school student. Sure it probably won't land someone on the Fortune 500 list, but for a part-time job it pays for gas money and a few bucks for the weekend. Plus it can have some very interesting "perks" as well. Like the perk I found one day delivering to Mrs. Parkinson. My name is Tommy, and like I said I am a high school junior. Along with my work during the school year as a pizza delivery guy, I also work in the summer...

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Divorce and the Twins

(Feel free to leave any feedback, add threads or or even submit ideas for branching story paths) Jack laid in his bed as he stared blankly at the ceiling. His cock pitched a tent, straining against his covers as it did every morning. He was admittedly lonely and sexually frustrated. Just a few weeks back everything changed when he walked in on his wife with another man. As he laid there he couldn't help but recall everything that had gone wrong the past month. Jack Barton is in his thirties and...

1 year ago
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Fuck me harder Lochy pleaserdquo

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here It had been years since Lochy and I had seen each other, In fact, I had almost forgotten about him altogether during the time I went away.But perhaps I'm confusing you a little, so let's delve into our past a bit...*3 Years ago*We were both young 16 year olds that attended the same High School in Melbourne.Our class schedule's barely were the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Rose Winters Rose Just Wants To Hard LIVE

Rose Winters is back for some more hot and wild fun having Nathan Bronson join her this time around to show her how he likes to fuck! Rose will take that hard cock any way she can as long as it is deep in her pussy or her mouth. Rose loves to be treated like a slut getting turned and positioned just right so her pussy takes the pounding it deserves. Make Rose cry out and wish for more. If you were here she would not hesitate to take your hard cock as well blowing you hard while Nathan rails her...

2 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 14

An original story by Starrynight. The heavy door to the house swung open and Presley walked in, carrying a large duffle bag. She looked around, smiling to be back at her parents' house, and put the bag down with a thud. "Hey, I'm home." She called out, looking around, but there was no answer, the only sound coming from the animals outside. It was strange weather, like nature had not decided if it was leaning towards summer or towards winter, and despite the sun shining, there was a chill...

3 years ago
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Superheros Mad World

Get out of the way! Damn, why don’t people just get out of my way! I frigging hate these people who just stand there when I’m trying to get somewhere and I’m in a hurry. Fuck them! In case you’re wondering who this is, the name is Jamella Hendricks. I’m a six-foot-tall, good-looking, big-booty and very voluptuous young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. By day, I attend UMass-Boston on an academic scholarship. I major in business management. By night, I’m a member of the...

2 years ago
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The neighbors dog0

Christie had spent a lot of time reading sex stories about dogs fucking women. She had masturbated countless times in the past month to those stories. At first she had been afraid to watch videos, but eventually she gave into the temptation. The websites were difficult to navigate. It took a few days before she found one that was reliable. Watching the videos of women getting fucked by dogs satisfied her for a while. After a few weeks though she grew to want the real thing again. The...

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