20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Three free porn video

Though our new ‘norm’ was strange by any measure, even a weird norm can become normal. Jason and I came to look forward to our two to three hours of after school fucking. I was both sad and glad to have that huge cock for only two hours a day.
Glad? Glad because after our initial sex marathon my pussy lips were left sore and swollen from taking that huge cock. No way I could have taken another eight to nine hours of hard sex again right after that!
Sad? Sad because I really, really wanted to try! Ah well, I knew I'd have other opportunities and, boy, was I right!
For the next month my entire schedule revolved around those hours of hard sex after school before I had to begin preparing supper and my husband came home. If Jason and I had our sex limited to specific hours our playground expanded. We no longer limited ourselves to his bed. Every room, every piece of furniture and location was fair game. Soon, I doubt I could have pointed to a wall that my ass hadn't been bounced against as Jason pressed me against it for hard, stand up sex. The same applied to every piece of furniture. I'd either ridden Jason cowgirl or been bent over every couch, chair and table. The kitchen counters especially were the perfect height for me to perch my ass on with Jason standing between my spread legs. They had to be cleaned of cum often. We may not have had an opportunity for more marathon fuck sessions but, Holy shit!, we made use of every minute of every hour we did have.
Our next marathon sex session had to wait over three weeks. The Friday after Thanksgiving was a school vacation day but my husband had to go to work. Holy... Fucking... Shit! My husband was home all day Thanksgiving so Jason was randy and ready to go as soon as his dad's car rolled down the driveway on Friday. As near as I can remember we fucked seven times in barely nine hours. Jason may have fucked me seven times but counting the two blow jobs I gave he came nine times. Me? I had three beautiful orgasms.
Hell, my husband's car was still in sight out the living room window and I was on my knees stuffing my mouth with a cock head that was slick with pre-cum. I doubt his car was even out of our neighborhood before Jason moaned in pleasure and I had my mouth filled with jets of hot cum. Jason's balls seem to work overtime churning out huge amounts of cum. Coming for the first time in almost two days I knew Jason would see my tongue coated in thick, white cum as he watched while I played with it in my mouth. In just a few weeks I'd gone from never letting a guy come in my mouth to never wanting to let a drop of cum go to waste. I’d even grown to moderately like the taste of cum. But what I really liked was the way watching me savor and then swallow his cum helped Jason get hard and ready to fuck me again! Fast! A very small sacrifice to make for the fucking I knew would follow.
Watching me swallow his cum certainly kept Jason hard this morning and he wasted no time in putting me on my hands and knees to begin fucking me on the living room rug doggy-style. Afterwards, still on my knees, I put my hand palm up under my pussy lips as Jason's cock slipped out releasing a stream of his cum and my pussy cream. I gave gravity a long minute to help pull most of our cum from my slit while Jason recovered his breath behind me. When I moved my hand out of the way, Jason's hand was there to push two fingers inside my still very creamy pussy. While Jason's fingers diddled my cunt, I raised my hand and let him watch me pour our combined cum into my mouth before licking my palm clean. When I was done licking the last trace of our sex from my palm, Jason's cum covered fingers were there for me to suck clean before I turned around to suck his cock clean. That was just the first twenty-five minutes of our day. We still had nine hours to go!
Jason was spent from his two orgasms. A perfect time for me to have my fun! I continued to suck his cock and managed to coax his cock back to hardness. I pushed Jason onto his back and straddled his hips while he laid on the same patch of carpet I'd just been fucked on. Jason's cock got harder as I guided it to my slit and slowly worked my hips and lowered my pussy to engulf his shaft. Jason smiled up at me knowing that it was my turn to play.
I had all the cock I needed to give me the full feeling in my pussy I wanted as I moved my hips and frigged my clit, closing my eyes as my first orgasm built and built until it exploded inside me to radiate out from my gut to every part of my body. Barely an hour after my husband had left for work, Jason had come twice and I was lying on top of him trying to recover from my wonderful orgasm. Damn, by the end of that Friday I was glad my husband was going to be home for the weekend because my pussy had been fucked raw!
I went out that traditional shopping weekend and bought skirts for every occasion because my pussy lips seemed to stay bruised and swollen for some reason. (LOL) Believe me, you do not want to wear tight jeans with swollen pussy lips.
Along with the tight jean problem, I addressed another issue between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Jason's continued not dating. Jason had dated a string of lovelies before we'd started screwing but since then I seemed to be his only female companion. One day Jason's dad called and said he'd be a couple hours late. My friend at hubby's office let me know the girl's name my husband was going to be late with. With the extra time, instead of more sex I made Jason and I a couple of stiff drinks and we talked. It had become a kind of a ritual that if we were drinking it was time for truth.
When I asked, the idiot actually admitted that he hadn't wanted to make me jealous dating another girl! This looked like a two drink discussion so while making them I told him that as infrequent as it was, when his dad and me had sex I didn't feel guilty or wonder if Jason was jealous. Hell, though we never actually talked about it, we both knew that I had to initiate sex with Jason's dad or there would be none at all. Also, Jason knew by now that the only reason I had sex with my husband was to send him into a deep, deep sleep so I could sneak out to meet Jason.
Jason's room was at the opposite end of our large house but the straight hallway between our two rooms seemed to act very well to send sound from one end of the house to the other. Jason knew when I was fucking his dad, especially since knowing I had an attentive 'audio only' audience I'd become louder and more vocal during the sex. Jason knew to anticipate me leaving my bedroom on the nights his dad and I had sex for a trip to the laundry room for more sex. This wasn't an every night occurrence but at least once every 7-10 days I'd be horny and wetting the crotch of my panties at the thought of getting fucked hard while bent over the washing machine.
'I'm a freak', I told Jason. 'I don't really care that your dad finds, umm, 'other activities' to excite him. I like taking two men the same night. It just turns me on. It's time you went out again to find another girl.'
I told Jason to go out on dates and enjoy himself and then told him it was time to sober up and clean up before his dad came home. I think the only reason it worked out for me and Jason so well is because we were honest with each other. Want more honesty? I figured out why my husband asked me to marry him and I didn't give a shit.
See, for a year my hubby had been considered for a promotion that pretty much guaranteed a promotion to a VP post in two or three years. But no one had ever attained VP without being married. It's not hard to figure out why. Companies as large as the one my hubby worked for want stable people in the top management positions. Stable home life, stable community status, etc... Single people or people going through mid-life crises need not apply. Hubby needed a wife and I just happened along at the right time for my face, figure and agreeable personality to meet his criteria for a show wife.
As long as I kept a good house, was a gracious hostess when we entertained and was good arm candy for when we attended other people’s parties and company affairs? I fulfilled all his expectations. And it wasn't as if my 'job' was hard or went unrewarded. My hubby really was a nice guy. He was easy to talk to and easy to be with. He'd been born into money and he had a job where he made a shit ton more. He wasn't a miser with his money either. Jason got a great car for his 16th birthday. I drove a great car. We had a huge house in a gated community. Life didn't suck! Plus, I had a credit card with a 4000 dollar a month limit for groceries and household expenses.
C'mon, how the hell can a household of three people eat 4000 dollars worth of groceries in a month? I had plenty of free time so I learned how to keep the pool algae free and clean then fired the monthly pool service.
Next, I convinced my hubby that an investment in solar panels on the roof would show his bosses that he was eco-friendly. Monthly electric bills dropped to a pittance. I had plenty of time to keep the house clean so I fired the maid service my hubby had used when it was just him and Jason. Soon, I had everything arranged so I was withdrawing 3000 dollars a month in cash at the bank off my credit card and depositing the money in a private account at another bank my hubby knew nothing about. I never used all of my credit limit and never asked for more. Hubby never once asked what I was doing withdrawing 3000 cash dollars a month from the credit card either. Maybe he figured out that I'd figured out what my status was… Far as I was concerned my 'marriage job' was earning me about 36,000 tax free dollars every year.
Fuck it, call me a wife, a gold-digger, a mistress or a whore... Don't care. I kept a good house and never made an issue that my hubby was fucking other women. I never embarrassed my husband and was good arm candy at social engagements. I made sure to kiss his bosses asses at his company parties by laughing at their lame jokes and graciously turning down their feeble attempts to entice me into their beds. When I showed hubby the cost of dressing to be the best arm candy as I could be, he never said a word when I asked for money for a new dress for a party. I had a nice collection of dresses, shoes and jewelry in no time. It costs to have a show wife! LOL
I was everything he'd 'shopped' for in a wife. The fact I was getting all the dick I needed from his son was a very definite bonus, too! Life didn't suck! I was a great show wife, housekeeper, lover and mother. The fact I was a lover and mother to the same stepson was a secret better left unsaid. (LOL) But I was a good mother. I gave Jason an ultimatum; I wanted nothing but B's or better on report cards or no sex for a week. Bonus sex for every A. One week with no sex and by the end of his Junior year he was on the Dean's List. In between sex I gave Jason tips on how to score points with his dates he was now taking out. Taught him how to kiss and not just thrust his tongue down a girl's throat. Showed him how to softly kiss the side of a girl's neck. To gently nip at an earlobe. To cup and fondle a girl's breasts instead of tugging and pawing. If those tips didn't earn a guy a pass to at least third base nothing would.
Pretty soon Jason was telling me that he was getting close to home plate with some girls. I made sure to stress the very disappointing 'deflowering' I'd had in a few hurried minutes in a backseat of a car. I threatened massive lack of sex unless he made many wonderful memories for a girl he might be rounding third base with. I also made sure that every time he left on a date he had at least one rubber. I was way to young at 21 to be any kind of grandmother!
I also told him over and over that what he took for granted between his legs was definitely above average. DO NOT, I stressed, expect a high school virgin or close to virgin to be comfortable with the hard, pounding sex I was comfortable with. Take time for the fun of foreplay, wear a condom and go slow with that cock until you know how much the girl can take comfortably. All good tips and I was very pleased with myself when he told me after Christmas Vacation that his current girlfriend had agreed that the time had come for her. I helped pay for a hotel room and flowers. Jason told me later that night that even though she hadn't been able to take all of him and that he'd had to use a rubber, everything went fine.
At home, our pillow talks between sex now included Jason's tidbits of further progress he made with the girl. She was learning how to suck cock almost as good as me, was one such tidbit though she never let him come in her mouth. Telling me these sex secrets always made Jason hard and horny and ready for more pussy. Bonus for me!
Another bonus for me was Christmas Vacation. Not counting weekends and days hubby had off, that still left eight wonderful days Jason and I had alone together. Holy Fuck! I never would have believed even a horny, teenage boy could want so much sex, so often, in so short a time. Fucking two or three hours a day with weekends off left me feeling full and well satisfied. Fucking eight to nine hours for eight days left me exhausted and fucked raw. Any wall or piece of furniture we may have overlooked before got included in our 'fucked there' category that vacation.
One very wonderful thing that Christmas was I discovered another position that replaced doggy as my very favorite. It happened by accident when we were wrestling on Jason's bed and I ended up with Jason holding my ankles pressed to the mattress above my head and I was bent double while his cock drove straight down into me. Thank God I was limber because in that position it felt as if his cock was hitting places inside me never touched before. This new position also allowed Jason's cock to touch my clit more than in any other position and for the first time I didn't have to touch my clit before I was coming in my first cock only orgasm. Perhaps the knowledge that I could orgasm with just a cock carried over to other positions and in only a few months I began achieving orgasms in other positions with just Jason's cock fucking me. Hell, yea! Merry Christmas to me!
All in all I couldn't have asked for a better first Christmas with the new hubby and stepson. Got and gave nice presents, went to two nice parties (For Christmas and New Years) and my hubby actually initiated sex twice. Found out his current 'girl' was home with her family for the holidays. Plus, I found out that I could actually drain the cum from a teenage boy. At least the last time I sucked Jason it was a bare dribble of cum left in my mouth. LOL
With the holidays over we settled back into our regular routine and as satisfying as it was, about once a month or so later I could tell that Jason wanted more. To satisfy him I called the school and told them that Jason had a doctor's appointment and wouldn't be in that day. Since it was his ‘day’, I told him he could do anything he wanted and he sure as hell did. From then until he graduated his Junior year we would do a Doctor's Day at least once every 5 to 6 weeks.
Summer vacation came and if our Thanksgiving sexual marathon was eclipsed by our Christmas Vacation marathon, neither held a candle to that first two weeks of Summer Vacation. Holy fucking shit God almighty! Remembering how sore I'd been over Christmas, I tried to pace myself and gave blow jobs as often as possible to satisfy Jason. I also demanded doggy sex more. After all, my ass cheeks had more padding for Jason to crush than my pussy lips.
I must have swallowed a quart of cum and was on my hands and knees a lot!, and still my pussy lips were kept red, swollen and sore from the sex. But, finally, even Jason had limits and we began to settle down in a new 'vacation' routine. With our days free we began driving around and exploring new places to have sex. The car was an obvious first step. When we would cruise the interstate highway, if I was driving it wouldn't be long before Jason's fingers were delving the depths of my pussy trying to make me come. If Jason was driving my head would be over his lap sucking his cock. Since I had a convertible BMW, these trips were often punctuated by appreciative horn blasts by passing 18-wheeler truckers. But, hey, I didn't know them and they didn't know me. If seeing me suck Jason's cock gave them a smile and a hard-on, bonus points for me!
If our sex trips took us to places we were sure no one knew us, a paid-with-cash room in a no-tell/motel made a perfect place to relieve our tension with an hour of hard fucking and sucking. You know, I use fucking and sucking a lot but one thing I need to say is that as often as I sucked Jason's cock dry, he ate my pussy almost as much. He was a good pussy licker by Christmas and by Summer he was an expert at eating me to orgasm. From the tidbits he told me between sex, his newly de-flowered girlfriend was also very appreciative at how well he knew his way around a pussy with his mouth.
Our new Summer routine also made time for Jason and his girlfriend to have more time together. I was buying a lot of condoms for the guy. (Never on my credit card, of course.) Many of our days started with long, easy sex mingled with 69 pussy eating/cock sucking until Jason would come in my mouth or pussy. If Jason came in my mouth he loved to put me on my back, spread my legs and explore the depths of my pussy with his tongue and fingers until I came. If Jason came in my pussy he loved to watch me bring out my toys and masturbate to orgasm while he watched. It wasn't long before he took over control of my toys and used them on me. Either way he was hard and ready to fuck again after my orgasm.
With Jason and me sexually satisfied for a bit, a long, hot shower together usually followed. For some reason Jason never tired watching me douche my vagina free of cum and soon he was doing that for me, also. Pressing my lips closed around the wand to see how much douche he could put in my pussy. Both of us laughing at his attempts to empty the entire bottle inside me. It was a large bottle, but if we showered right after fucking that huge cock had stretched my vaginal walls, he could get all of the liquid inside my pussy and then watch as it squirted out.
Guys are strange. LOL
In my younger days other men had expressed an interest in what was inside me. I guessed it was normal. Hell, a guy's junk is out there for all to see but mine was 'hidden'. LOL Fourth of July came and went and just after that my hubby got the news he'd been promoted to VP with all the added salary and perks. He celebrated with sex. Not with me but his newest girl. I got a new BMW convertible. I figure I came out ahead.
A week later hubby had to attend a four day seminar at the corporate office in another state. If he paid with his own money for his 'secretary' to travel with him, I didn't care. I had all the cock I needed and for the first time Jason and I had the opportunity to sleep together with sleep not a metaphor for sex. With the worst possible timing, I was on my period. Blow jobs only kept him satisfied for a short while. Jason kept pleading for sex, saying it didn't matter so much. So I went out and bought a large, dark brown towel. Folding it under my ass I let Jason fuck me. I'd never let a previous lover or Jason fuck me during my period. Afterwards I couldn't find a reason not to. Yeah, it was messier than usual between my thighs after Jason came but after we showered it didn't seem a big deal. I let Jason douche me in the shower and showed him how to insert a tampon. I washed the towel and felt good! Even my cramps didn't seem as bad. Another hard fuck a couple of hours later and I felt great. Fucking, at least for me, turned out to be better than any pills to relieve cramps. I put buying more dark brown towels on my list of things to do and with minimum alterations to our usual fucking, the 4 days passed with great sex. It was very nice to have Jason's hard body to snuggle against until I fell asleep. Hubby wasn't much into being a snuggle-buddy. At least not with me. I'm sure he was getting plenty of snuggles from the women he dated. His loss.
By the time hubby returned from his trip I'd washed a lot of dark brown towels!
With the end of Summer vacation in sight I asked hubby if this would be a good time to go on a vacation before Jason went back to school. Hubby thought it was a great idea and after talking it over he agreed with my idea of the Costa del Sol in Southern Spain. 'Jason has been studying Spanish in school so it would be great for him,' was my clinching argument.
It was in the middle of the season but with the help of a travel agent I was able to get a nice condo that someone had canceled on. That canceling idiot lost a hefty down payment. Hubby didn't say a word about the price but Jason raised an objection. He didn't see why we had to travel so far just to go to a beach when we lived on the coast and beaches were all around us. I knew he just didn't want to go away from his girlfriend, but when we had a private moment I had him rearing to go with only two whispered words… 'Nudist beaches.'
With visions of dark haired Spanish beauties frolicking naked in the surf fueling his imagination, Jason was ready to jump on the next plane!
Next post, "Road Trip"

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