Patriot Games V2.0 - Chapter 9 - Jack Confronts Rose On The Issue Of Infidelity free porn video

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Chapter 9 - Jack confronts Rose on the issue of infidelity "Infidelity in a woman is a masculine trait." "Mike and his friends were smoking cigars all day. They even talked me into sucking on Mike's...." "Go on Rose, you sucked on Mike's what?" Rose stood there naked with fury in her eyes she slapped Jack so hard his vision blurred, "Bitch, watch your potty mouth! Don't be an ass Jack. His cigar of course! "By the end of the day I reeked of the smoke. I took a shower, before I left to get the smell out of my hair. I dropped my panties there on the floor. The shower curtain leaked and they got soaked. So I left them with Mike. Now don't be ditzy." A crestfallen Jack teetered on the edge of an emotional abyss. He shuddered, his emotions alternated between anger and self-pity. The thoughts of Mike and Rose making mad passionate love whirled around his mind. He openly sobbed as his emotions bubbled over from its cauldron deep inside his soul. What he perceived as infidelity by his wife was more than Jack could handle. He mumbled repeatedly, "Rose you and Mike, you and Mike, how could you?" "Don't you dare imply I've been unfaithful, I'm no whore!" Jack thought, 'I wonder how much she charged him?' "Honey nothing intimate happened between Mike and me. Today was all business." Jack thought, 'All business huh, I wonder how much she charged him?' Rose appeared angry at Jack's implication, but thought it was just the reaction she was hoping for. She stood over Jack in an attempt to intimidate him. She turned on the table lamp and for the first time and saw his beautifully made-up face. Looking down at her husband she lovingly praised him, "Oh kudos to you Daisy, you've really developed your cosmetics skills." Rose, truly impressed at his effort, lightly stroked his heavily lipstick coated mouth. "Speaking of whores, you have certainly gotten the whore look down with those Cleopatra eyes and crimson lips. Next time consider using a touch more lip-gloss. Daisy, you are simply gorgeous tonight." Then with just a glitter of a tear in her eyes, Rose tried to conceal her angst under a calm fa?ade, as transparent as it was feigned. She gently cradled Jack's head to her bosom and said, "Darling, you must trust me on this, there is nothing going on between Mike and I. It's all a figment of your imagination." Jack was forced to accept her denial at face value. The alternative was more than he could handle in his current fragile state of mind. In a state of total remorse, Jack apologized and submissively offered to redeem himself if Rose would come to bed. Rose climbed in bed, and rejected Jack's romantic advances, claiming she is too sore and tired, and told Jack to remove his makeup and take a cold shower before coming to bed. Sunday, Rose was up early and walked out the door as she informed Jack she would be gone for the day. With no explanation as to where she was going, she disappeared. Jack heard her car roar out of the driveway, tires squealing. He stood at the window and watched her taillights disappear into the distance. Jack spent a miserable day alone; with nothing else to do, he weeded the flower garden and then cleaned the house again. It was well past dark when Rose waltzed into the house. Jack had held dinner for her. Hearing her car he dished up the casserole and laid the plates and cutlery on the kitchen table. Sue took a brief look at the food on the kitchen table and shook her head no. Without saying a word, she headed straight for the bedroom, turned the lights off, and went to bed. Her silence and apparent indifference made Jake feel like he had been gut punched. He scrapped the dinner into the trash and cleaned up the dishes. He tiptoed into the bedroom not wanting to disturb his wife. He slid into the sheets as quietly as possible and had a restless night. A seething Jack remained mute the next morning. He ran through his morning exercise regiment without uttering a sound. He continued his silence throughout the commute to work. As the two separated upon exiting the elevator, Rose smiled at Jack and said, "The silent treatment is a bit juvenile don't you think? I am your wife. If you can't trust me who can you trust?" When he just frowned and didn't move, she made a shooing gesture. Jack remained mute on the ride home and all the way to the dinner table. Rose had had enough of this manipulative tactic and spelled it out, Jack, "The silent treatment won't work on me. It's a mean form of emotional abuse. You can keep this up and destroy our marriage or get over your perceived injustice and move forward." Then to make things worse Rose took the opportunity to bitterly criticize him for his lack of feminine table manners. "Jack, cut up just what you're going to eat in the next bite or two. The purpose is not speed or efficiency. You are there to enjoy and converse and by only cutting a few bites at a time you are giving yourself the opportunity to flirt or to ask and answer questions, as you switch your utensils from one hand to another. No more wiping your mouth, henceforth daintily pat your lips with your napkin." Jack accepted the criticism and did his best to eat like a lady. After Jack did the cleanup the two sat down for a drink and smoke. Rose poured doubles for them both. After his second double, the one with a valium dissolved in it, Jack began to loosen up. Rose amusedly watched Jack with his droopy eyes. Rose, a cigarette dangling in her hand, passed it to Jack and ordered him to take a drag. Complying with the demand, Jack erupted in a fit of coughing. Rose handed Jack a tube of lipstick and ordered him to repair his lips. Rose laid her two diminutive hands palms down on the table and stood. Glaring directly into Jack's eyes, Rose demanded, "Talk to me you idiot. Tell me what's bothering you." Jack related his fears concerning a possible sexual liaison between Rose and Mike. Rose expressed amusement and openly mocked his insecurities saying, "Is my little Jackie frightened of losing his wife to big strong Mike? Listen you insecure pussy, anytime I want I can have my choice of the fattest, thickest cocks in town. If I ever decide to cheat on you, I won't do it behind your back. I'll do it right in front of you. In fact I'll even invite you watch, I might even let you fluff for me! Now stop crying, check your makeup, and get ready for deportment training." "Rose, I don't know how much more of this I can take." "You'll take this and anything else I'll throw at you. Or pack your bags and get out!" A devastated Jack promised to never act jealous again and fell all over himself apologizing for his insecurities. In retaliation for his earlier defiant attitude, Rose added an additional requirement to his daily routine. Jack was given very specific instructions whenever he was in the house he was never to be outside the immediate reach of his purse. If Rose saw he could not instantly reach his purse, Jack would lose more eyebrow hairs. Jack learned to regularly check and recheck his lipstick. To demonstrate what was in store, Rose sat Jack down and started tweezing hair from his brow. For several minutes she plucked not only his hair but his masculinity. Rose and a dejected Jack stumbled to the living room for an hour of schooling. Rose started the night's training secession with a brief sermon, "Jack dear, I want you to remember deportment is not only about walking. It encompasses a whole horde of things. It also refers to the way a woman carries herself, how she moves, her posture, how she walks, holds her hands, inclines her head, her manners at the table. Jack, it's my goal to turn you into a lady. Are you with me on that one? "Sweetheart, we need to create the feminine impression that you are going to need. We will be working on the psychological view as well as the physical. Once you feel feminine, you will eventually develop the confidence and grace needed to be a lady. The guy in a dress will simply fade away." Deportment training that night was as rigorous as any Jack had undergone up to that point. Rose was harsh in her criticisms. After an hour of practicing the basics, Rose allowed Jack a break, he spent the next twenty minutes sitting crossing and uncrossing his legs at the thigh. He was forced to keep at it until the action appeared totally natural, like he had been doing it his whole life. Jack audaciously complained about Rose's insensitive attitude and said, "Rose you no longer ask me to do something, now you tell me to do it. I don't like being treated like hired help." Rose lectured her husband on what to expect concerning his future training. "When I can, I promise I'll be kind. Don't expect me to be timid. If you do what you're told and do it to the best of your ability, we'll never have a problem. Now get your candy-ass over to the vanity and freshen your makeup." Jack hated that term candy-ass; it brought back unpleasant childhood memories. It seemed like such a prissy thing. Makeup lessons were painful that night. Jack felt confident, he could handle the fundamentals. He sat down and went to work with all the tubes, powers and creams. It cost Jack several eyebrow hairs to learn lip liner extending beyond the lip line was a no-no. Jack furthermore, learned about the advantages of lip gloss. Mastering lips was a piece of cake compared to the complexities of applying false eyelashes. Jack had become exasperated. First the ends wouldn't stick; it was the fourth time he had tried to get the wiggly things to stick in the correct location. He finally attached them only to find they had been positioned at the inner corner of his eye, rather than the outer and his next attempt resulted like the preceding ones in failure. "Rose, that's it, I quit...' Rose gave him a glare that would wilt a bronze statue. Jack recognized his error, "I'm sorry. What I should have said was I need help. I can't do this. How do you make this look so easy?" Jack nervously waited for Rose to react, expecting her to explode. Surprisingly, Rose said, "I had better never hear that Q word again! Let's get into bed. My needs take precedent tonight. Jack assumed his usual position with his lips pressed against her pussy. Rose insisted Jack keep his lips looking luscious. She explained that watching Jack lick her dew drops with lips coated in a deep red creamy concoction added to her pleasure. So from that moment forward, Jack was always required to refresh his lipstick before servicing Rose. After nearly 30 minutes and a number of climaxes for his wife, she pushed Jack away and said, "Thanks dear, you are wonderfully talented, I cum and cum and cum when you are down there. Now I'm tired let's go to sleep." Rose appeared to be utterly enjoying her commanding position. Their loving partnership of a marriage had become an authoritative dictatorship. Jack's needs were considered inconsequential. Jack stood and in wonderment said, "What about me?" Rose stuck her head from under the covers and pointed to the bathroom, "Jack, how many times do we need to go over this issue. Be a good boy, take your makeup off and then hop into a cold shower. I'm tired." A frustrated Jack scrambled into bed that night. As the days passed, Rose created a pavlovian response in Jack. He could never pass a mirror without checking his face. At home, he could go no more than 15 minutes without pulling his compact out and scrutinizing his lips. Rose also required Jack to bring a tube of Chap Stick to work, so that at all times he had a thick waxy coat on his lips. Friday evening, Rose returned home later than usual. She stopped in the middle of the living room and matter-of-factly announced to Jack as he sat on the couch, "Next week Jackie, you are going to learn how a woman satisfies her man." Much to Rose's amusement, Jack had a massive tantrum and put his high heeled foot down, refusing to discuss the topic. After the screaming stooped, Rose had a good laugh and relented. "Well if you don't want to learn how to gratify a man. How do you feel about a lesson in pleasing a woman?" Pausing at the bedroom door, Jack saw a wicked gleam in Rose's eyes mixed with pure lust. Rose said over her shoulder, "Refresh your lipstick and get in here." She tugged at his hand almost causing Jack to stumble. Jack lightheartedly inquired, "What would you have me do, Mistress?" "On your knees, wench, and be quick about it!" Jack tensed at the word wench. Still he obeyed, and kept his eyes fixed on Rose's crotch, avoiding her gaze. Rose tasted unusual tonight, not bad just different, a little thicker discharge that was like the difference between of peppermint and menthol. With Jack on his knees between Roses legs, a good 15 minutes later a satisfied Rose said, "Dear you can get up now; I guess every night can't be a 10." A disheartened Jack started to immediately apologized, and pleaded for more time to satisfy her. An amused Rose patted the bed next to her. She simply responded, "No Jack you misunderstand. I'm not dissatisfied. Quite the contrary, your performance tonight was rated a 12.5 by the judges. Honey, I have to tell you how proud I am of you. You efforts have been above and beyond; you need to know me and your country appreciates your sacrifices and hard work. You never knew my brother or my father. They both would consider you to be a true American patriot and a real hero." Jack stood and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he called out to Rose, "Thanks for the compliments, but I don't feel much like Audie Murphy or Sergeant York." "Of course not silly, think more along the lines of Mata Hari." Jack did a double take on that one and thought back to his high school history class, "Wait a minute, wasn't she caught and executed?" Rose laughed to put Jack at ease and said, "Come to bed, you need your beauty sleep. Everything will be fine; you have my word on it." The days all began to run together, then finally it was again Saturday. Rose returned from her morning shower and found Jack still in bed. She declared, "Here honey, let me help you get dressed. We'll start with your corset; you have a full day of cleaning ahead of you. I expect you to clean the entire house, while I go out to meet with a friend. If you get done before I get home, the garage could use a good cleaning as well." When he asked her who the friend was, Rose erupted, "Jack, how dare you ask me, is it a man or woman! In either case, it's none of your business. Get to work. I will be back in time for a formal inspection. The floors had better be clean enough to eat from!" Rose dressed in a tight fitting knit outfit which accentuated her curvy figure. She turned to a grumpy Jack, "Jack, stop your constant pouting, and just get to work. How many times do I have to remind you, time is critical to get you ready, we can't afford for you to take days off." Saturday was an exhausting day of nonstop work for Jack. He scurried around the house dutifully performing all his assigned chores, cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, and scrubbing the floors. Upon her return, Rose was in a foul mood, her premenstrual cramps had started. She inspected the house and critiqued every miniscule flaw. She laughed her ass off when she accidently bumped into Jack as he carried their meals to the table. The collision was violent enough to spill one of the plates on the floor. The look on Jack's face as the food fell on his spotless kitchen floor was precious. Rose pointed to the pile on the gleaming linoleum, "She handed him a fork and spoon and said, "You made the mess now clean it up." Jack couldn't believe she expected him to eat it off the floor. He took a fork and in resignation got down on his knees and started to eat. He ate his banquet off the kitchen floor one scoop at a time, wanting nothing more than to get it over with. Rose kept taunting him with "Remember Daisy, small petite bites, no gulping." Then she handed him a napkin said, "Remember a lady always pats her lips with her napkin." Rose had been in a bad mode for the last few days. She had been to her reproductive health endocrinologist (i.e. her fertility doctor) and received a shot containing a high dosage of hormones to help her to become impregnated, thus launching her on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Than tonight the curse of every woman, the red tide came a calling. "Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its endless repetition: the cleaned becomes the soiled; the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day." Simone-de-Beauvoir @ @ @ @

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Two weeks after helping the FBI bust the insurance scam, Chrissy was in her living room vacuuming the floor. She had kissed Todd off on another one of his business trips thirty minutes earlier. Once he had pulled out of the driveway, she'd immediately raced upstairs to change. She'd dropped her new robe on the floor and pulled the skimpy negligee out of her dresser. Now Chrissy was doing her housework in sexy lingerie and she'd grown fond of wearing it around the house when she was...

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Patriot Game Pt 6The rest of the story

Jack went from being a submissive floater to an empowered lady that was not going to be pushed around by anyone. Chapter 27 "Women need a reason to have sex. Men only need a Place." Billy Crystal The girls at the club were breaking from their nightly gab secession. Everyone has really come to love these intimate times of sharing. At first, everyone would discuss only girly things like hair, makeup, and fashions. Daisy became a font on information on these topics. If she didn't...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group

Introduction: I learn some more of this man named Jack and the people he flies with in the Army reserves. The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group Patty, George, Jack and I had another round of sex before Jack and I dressed and went to our own room. I was a little unsure of the nights events. I had enjoyed myself with Patty and with George however her words of I love you Jack, were still on my mind. Jack and I took off our clothes once more and climbed into bed. I cuddled up...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Roses video Chapter 8 Kate And Rose talk

I lied down on the bed. "Wow, Lil and Maria are like sexual angels. I just great sex with them yesterday and I feel like I'm having the biggest hangover of my life. I can still walk, but they warped my mind. I feel completely depleted, and I can barely think straight too. I feel just how I did the day after I had sex with Rose. My whole world seemed to turn upside down, and now I just don't know what to think. Although, I do know this: it was too good to just cut myself off from her. I...

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Roses video Chapter 8 Kate And Rose talk

POV: KateI lied down on the bed. "Wow, Lil and Maria are like sexual angels. I just great sex with them yesterday and I feel like I'm having the biggest hangover of my life. I can still walk, but they warped my mind. I feel completely depleted, and I can barely think straight too. I feel just how I did the day after I had sex with Rose. My whole world seemed to turn upside down, and now I just don't know what to think. Although, I do know this: it was too good to just cut myself off from her. I...

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Mothers and SonsChapter 3Roses First Time Part 1

Author's Note: This chapter of Mothers and Sons is dedicated to a very special Lush Stories friend. A friend who can get me hard with a single "look." She'll know who she is when she reads this.Hi, my name is Rose and I'm madly in lust with my son Tommy. We became lovers over the long Fourth of July weekend five years ago but that's not the story that I want to share with you today. The story that I want to share with you today happened many years before on another very hot Fourth of July. It's...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

Introduction: I learn of Jacks past and also about Vietnam and the secrets he holds. The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack I borrowed Janets car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. Ann, he keeps looking toward the...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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Roses video Chapter 7 Rose Watches And Discovers

I walked around my room rather quickly and rubbed my face. "I swear, I love my mom, but she is just a sexual and loving nightmare," I whined, putting my arms out. "Why did I have to have sex with her? Is it just because I love her so much?" I questioned myself before I halted and paused. "I don't know. Now that has been a few weeks, but all of a sudden..." I said, clenching my fists. I bit down hard on my bottom lip and just vibrated a bit too. I couldn't wrap my head around her...

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Jacki and Michelle Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The following week past in a dazed whirl for John. He couldn't pay attention in class, a fact very obvious to his teachers who rewarded his inattention with several after school detentions. John's mother, surprised at the change in her son's behaviour, questioned him a number of times during the week, to no avail. Nothing was important for him, nothing except the coming weekend and a chance to spend more exciting times with Michael and the nasty, exciting porn...

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Roses video series Chapter 7 Rose Watches And Discovers

POV: RoseI walked around my room rather quickly and rubbed my face. "I swear, I love my mom, but she is just a sexual and loving nightmare," I whined, putting my arms out. "Why did I have to have sex with her? Is it just because I love her so much?" I questioned myself before I halted and paused. "I don't know. Now that has been a few weeks, but all of a sudden..." I said, clenching my fists.I bit down hard on my bottom lip and just vibrated a bit too. I couldn't wrap my head around her...

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Cube of Percetion Jack to Jasmine Chapter 1

It had been three days. Three days since Jack's now-ex girlfriend broke his heart. If it had been a normal breakup, he supposed it wouldn't have been this bad. But when somebody cheats on you, it brings your whole self-image into question. "What if I had been more attentive? What if I had worked out more? Was my dick too small? Did I not satisfy her orally? Did she fake every orgasm she had?" These questions floated through his head every second of each day. It didn't help that...

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Jacks BIG Life Chapter 3

Jack's BIG LifeChapter 3 - "The titfuck that started it all"Laura took the massive, throbbing stick in her hands ... and slowly massaged the entire length ... dickhead to balls! Her mouth hung wide open ... as she gawked at the granite stiff 12" lead pipe. She teased "Jack, dear - have you ever had this big slab of dick properly spit shined?" He said "I've had lots of blowjobs - from girls at school." With a smile, Laura said "Well, sweetheart - girls at school don't really count - you need a...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 30

I would have loved to snuggle up with Jack on the ride to school but I had stuff to do and I was in enough trouble already. First off, I got out my Geometry book and did the final problem while chewing mouthfuls of oatmeal. Loads of fun trying to find enough hands to hold a bowl of oatmeal, a spoon, a book, pencil and paper. Having my book bag on the floor between my legs added to the fun. I started reading the chapter we'd been assigned in History next. It was just like Mrs. Jenkins to...

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Jacks BIG Life Chapter 2

Jack's BIG LifeChapter 2 - "Fun with Laura Larson"Way, way back in the day...Jack's endless quest for huge, oversized tits started with Laura Larson ... a neighbor that lived 2 houses down. When the Larson's moved in, three years prior, her tits were already extremely large. After having a little one, they went from being large ... to absolutely MASSIVE! The 38 year-old woman was the complete object of his desires. He found it more than difficult to concentrate when around her! He couldn't...

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Kims Voyeurism chapter 2 Voyeurism leads to more infidelity

I suggest that you read chapter #1 to better understand this chapter. This story contains cheating, masturbation, oral sex, creampie eating and voyeurism. If you don’t like these, don’t continue. A special thanks to Deana for her creative input; very thoughtful! We hope you enjoy. Our friends, Marty and Kim have been hanging around with my wife Sherri and me for several years. Since I caught her looking into hotel windows from ours, Kim and I had been sharing texts of her voyeurism fetish...

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Whiskey JackChapter 14 Short Respite

Hope you like the last chapter. For the following three months they enjoyed relative peace. Jack Daniels began to work his long unused muscles in new ways as Zelda taught him the techniques of Northern Tai Chi and Jeet Kun Do. In return Jack, taught her the combat techniques of the Special Forces. They were surprised so many of the disciplines each had followed separately were the same. Jack finally told her, "There are just so many ways you can kill somebody barehanded or with a knife....

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The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack

I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was standing and Jack said, “Ann, I want you to have this truck.” “I couldn’t Jack,” I replied. “I only want...

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Jacks BIG Life Chapter 3 part 2

Jack's BIG StoryChapter 3 / part 2 - "Deep, wet pussy - finally!"A random, run-of-the-mill afternoon changed Jack from being a boy that could only fantasize about his neighbor ... to a young man ... who had sex with that neighbor. The sexual fury he and Laura unleashed that day ... only poured fuel on his fire. He'd finally experienced his ultimate sexual fantasy ... but he wanted more. He NEEDED more! This was no 'one time only' event. It was only the beginning. Two days after their first...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 25 Father Ambrose

"This is entirely too much! This generosity exceeds our demands; I've provided for every needy family in the valley! Where can I possibly use all this money?" Jim Brightman smiled to himself; such a complaint could come only from Fr. Ambrose, the elderly priest who had devoted so many years of his life to his small parish. "You know as well as I, this money comes from our friend in the mountains. He was led to it, that it might serve those whom the spirits would aid. That means you, and...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

I borrowed Janet’s car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. “Ann, he keeps looking toward the door as if he is expecting someone and from the look in his eyes I think it is trouble he is expecting,” Susan said to me on the...

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CarleyChapter 7 Jack and Lora Tell Their Story to Marja

Lora was still naked from her shower and I hadn’t gotten dressed. I hugged Lora and we kissed. “Marja, is there anything special you want us to do?” Marja shook her head. “Just what you normally do. When you finish, Jack, I’d love it if you’d do it in Lora. I very much want to see you spill inside your sister. Lora, if you’ll let me, I want to lick you and taste your juices and Jack’s sperm.” Lora looked delighted. “Yeah! That sounds cool!” “Let me hit the head,” I said. I went into the...

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Time Stands Still Chapter Four Jack

Time Stands Still Chapter Four: Jack By 7:30 a.m. I move his lovely plug around while I have him in my mouth. I can feel his muscles expand and contract and I know he's enjoying it. His first eruption of the day is always the best. I take it all in like a good little girl, sucking it all. With my mouth full, I smile. I turn over and pull up my skirt, showing Jack my bare bottom. He begins to lick me and I push myself back into his face. As I begin to get...

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The act of infidelity

I am an avid reader of this site. Whenever I get chance and feel kinky I open up one of the story pages. It really increases my urge and my sex life with my wife is so intense afterwards. For a long time I have been pondering over writing out one of my very own sexual encounters. Suchitra was my best friend’s wife, Vikas and I were great friends, the day Vikas got married to Suchitra, I was too happy for him. My wife and I worked so hard to plan the wedding along with Vikas’s parents. My wife...

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Fucking The Neighbor A True Story of Infidelity

When I started my affair with Susan, I had no idea what a sex freak she was and when I did find out, I took full advantage, and believe me, there were no regrets from either of us.We had been neighbors for a couple of years and she, my wife and I had become close. We’d have dinner at each other’s home, watch movies together on Friday and Saturday evenings, she and I would get stoned together while my wife would fuck with our heads once we were loaded. Basically, a good time was had by all...

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Katherine Jackson

They wasn’t many black folk around where I grew up, but they was a few, and one by the name of Katherine lived right next to us. Her and mom was kinda friendly to each other and sometimes Katherine would come by to visit with us for a spell. We never did visit to their house, I don’t know why. Anyways, Katherine was the first woman I ever seen knocked up. I was just a young-un, about eight or nine years old, but I really took to studying Katherine and askin her and mom all kinds a...

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