Prologue 8211 The Oedipus Complex
- 2 years ago
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Though there had been many advances in communications technology since the beginning of the space colonization age there was one constant that never changed and probably never would. No matter what carrier for the signal was used, be it encrypted laser beams or modulating radio waves, they could move no faster than the speed of light. As such it was impossible for a person on Mars to hold a real-time conversation with a person on Earth. Even at the closest approach of the two planets — a mere fifty-six million kilometers — it took a message more than three minutes to travel from one place to another. Now, three months after the inauguration, with the two planets within ten degrees of being as far apart as they ever got, it took just under twenty minutes. And even that was not the extreme end of the communications lag. Once the sun became positioned between the two planets it would effectively block all radio waves from traveling from one place to the other in a direct line. All correspondence would then have to be routed first to a communications array in orbit around Jupiter, a step that added anywhere from forty minutes to two hours to the trip, depending upon just where Jupiter was located in the great scheme of things at the time. This period of "extended relay lag" as it was known in government documents, came once every twenty-four months and lasted for six weeks at a time. The next such period was calculated to begin in a little over five weeks.
William Smith sincerely wished that it were upon them right now.
He sat in his desk chair behind his desk in his office, a place that he felt he had been spending far too much time in during the last twelve weeks. He had just watched a scathing communiqué from Steve Carlson, CEO and chief stockholder of Agricorp and arguably the richest man in the solar system; a communiqué that had demanded the most immediate response. To say that Carlson was displeased with the recent events on Mars — a planet where seventy-four percent of his company's products were grown or manufactured — was the equivalent of saying that World War III had been a little skirmish. Agricorp stock, once the staple of the New York Stock Exchange, had fallen by more than a hundred dollars a share thanks to the perceived instabilities caused by the current political crisis. And Carlson, who had calmly expected the troublesome Whiting to be either discredited or dead by her second week in office, was now demanding answers of the man that was supposed to have overseen her removal.
"I thought that you knew how to play the game for keeps," he had told Smith in his icy, unforgiving voice. "I thought you knew what measures needed to be utilized to protect corporate interests over on that flying dust ball they call a planet. Maybe entrusting you with the day-to-day operations of our most important holdings was a mistake. Please report back to me immediately with an explanation of why this communist greenie bitch is still in office over there and still ranting about independence and nationalization."
In the world of corporate politics, where everything was said in doublespeak and innuendo, those were harsh, scathing words indeed. Smith knew that he was within bare inches of losing everything he had worked for over the years. All of the grappling and struggling and back-stabbing that he had done to rise to the position he now held, all of it would be for nothing if the Laura Whiting situation was not brought under control one way or the other. What had started out as an annoyance had quickly become the worst crisis of his entire career.
He sighed and opened up his desk drawer, pulling out a sterling silver box that was about the size of a charging battery for a hand-held laser. Inside was an airtight compartment stuffed with clipped marijuana buds harvested from the Agricorp greenhouses. The buds were of course the very finest available, the kind that were only sold in country club bars and exclusive restaurants for more than eighty dollars per hit. Smith received them for free of course. It was one of the perks of his job. In a felt compartment next to the buds was a small pipe that had been carved from genuine ivory, one of the most expensive substances in the solar system. He loaded the pipe up with a healthy sized pinch and ignited it, drawing deeply. He had been smoking a lot of marijuana lately, just to take edge off.
After exhaling and letting the THC work its way to his tired brain, he put his paraphernalia away and put the box back in his drawer. He then looked at his Internet terminal, which was in stand-by mode, the Agricorp logo the only thing showing. "Computer," he said, "communications software."
"Communications software up," the computer answered as the screen changed.
"Addressee is Steve Carlson, CEO." He took another deep breath and consulted some handwritten notes he had composed. "Begin recording."
The camera light on his terminal blinked on and he looked at the screen, his eyes making solid contact with it, his face showing the pleasant, subservient expression he used when talking to those higher on the ladder than himself. He spent a few moments spouting pleasantries, asking about Carlson's wife, children, and mistress just as if this were a normal business communiqué. Once that was accomplished he turned to the meat of the matter.
"I understand completely your concern that the Laura Whiting matter is still going on despite the passage of twelve weeks since her inauguration," he said. "I also understand the fact that you, as the head of the corporation, would question my abilities as CEO of Martian operations for failing to deal with it. I have no doubt that were our positions reversed, I would be asking the same questions of you and would expect detailed answers. I have always been a loyal manager for this corporation and I must tell you that I have done everything within my power here to dislodge Whiting from high office by one means or another. I have pulled out all of the stops and somehow she has managed to think ahead of us at every step of the way. Whiting is not a typical greenie, Steve, not in the least. Sometimes I'm forced to wonder if she's really a greenie at all. Allow me to summarize the measures we've attempted so far and how she has managed to counter them.
"The impeachment attempt. This was our first attempt to remove her from office and, though it had never been used before, it was the pre-planned method for dealing with such a gross abuse of trust on the part of a politician. The set-up for it was executed perfectly and without anything in the way of opposition from competing corporations. After all, Whiting was not just spouting damaging statements towards Agricorp, but towards all corporations and in fact our very way of life. Every Earth-based corporation on this planet rallied their lobbyists within hours of her inauguration speech and began putting pressure on the members of the legislature that they sponsored. Between us we owned every last one of the sixty-two members of this body and she should have been impeached unanimously within a week of taking her oath.
"Well, you already know how that one worked out. Whiting is a very charismatic speaker and she was somehow able to convince the common greenies to put enough pressure on their elected representatives to derail this process before it was even started. What was worse was the fact that she was able to pervert eleven of the representatives over to her point of view before a vote was even called for.
"And I'm afraid that this perversion of the representatives did not end there. As of this morning here in Eden, a grand total of twenty-nine planetary representatives, twelve of whom had been primarily sponsored by Agricorp, have renounced their previous affiliations and announced support for Whiting and her goals. These representatives will no longer take calls from lobbyists of any kind and will not respond to requests for communications from corporate heads. The Speaker of the Legislature is thankfully still in support of the corporations and she is still one of our employees as it were, but even she has been muted to a certain degree by the happenings here on this planet. For all of her power she is still nothing more than an elected representative that is vulnerable to the recall vote from her constituents. This has forced her to walk a very fine line in regards to which laws she votes upon and what other actions she takes. If she is perceived as being too biased towards us or any other corporation, we may very well lose her to a mass recall vote.
"That brings me to the second way we attempted to remove Whiting from office, namely the media blitz of negative publicity. As you are aware this is the most common and most effective way that we have of dealing with a rogue politician and it's something that has worked well since long before the colonization of this miserable planet. In this case I'm afraid that it is failing. Again, this is not due to any lack of participation on the part of other corporations. On the contrary, each one of the big three media conglomerates have been outdoing themselves in this effort. You receive the feeds back on Earth so I'm sure you know that you can hardly turn on a terminal to one of the big three channels or read one of their publications without finding something negative about Whiting. They've done stories about her past ties with militia groups, they've done stories about her business dealings and skewed votes as a representative, they've done stories hinting that she is a lesbian and a child molester. I'm sure that the people of Earth, if they've been watching this, are completely appalled by Whiting and are probably demanding her immediate removal. But here on Mars we're not dealing with rational people. These greenies watch the media shows but instead of demanding her removal or her indictment, they mock them. They regard them as comedy entertainment. Over the past seven weeks it has developed into something of a ritual that they gather in large groups, smoke marijuana and watch the latest show on Whiting so they can laugh at it. They have discussions in the Internet bulletin boards about how ridiculous the accusations were. The more inflammatory the charges brought are, the more amusing they seem to find it. Even Whiting herself has been poking fun at these shows in those damn bi-weekly addresses that she gives on MarsGroup. I'm afraid that we will not be able to count on the media blitz being any sort of deterrent to her behavior or any sort of vehicle for her removal.
"And then there are some of the other options that we've discussed in the past, namely those involving the Federal Law Enforcement Bureau, which as I'm sure you're aware has always been a great friend to all things corporate. I've been in constant contact with Corban Hayes, the director of the Martian FLEB offices here on Mars, ever since this crisis began. My instinct as a manager is to try to blame this fiasco on him and his agents, first for clearing Whiting for high office in the first place and then for failing to get her out once her true colors became known. That is my instinct but in this case I simply cannot assign any blame to him. As early as the third day of this crisis Hayes and his agents began a thorough investigation into Whiting on corruption and bribery charges. After all, she admitted during her inaugural address and in several subsequent speeches that she took unreported money from various corporations including Agricorp. You'll recall that I explained the plan that the two of us concocted to place blame on Sandy Callahan and several of her middle-management team for giving those bribes. While this would have cost us Callahan and a few others, and while it would have cast a slight pall upon our public relations, it should have resulted in Whiting's indictment and removal from office. Hayes was able to secure a search warrant for Whiting's financial records and bank accounts and everything seemed to be going well and then we hit the snag that killed the plan. All of that unreported money that we gave her over the years — every last dollar of it from the time she was an Eden city council member to her election to governor — it's still sitting in her election account. As incredible as that sounds, all twenty-three million dollars was logged and transferred from her personal account to her campaign account and it is still there, duly documented and technically completely legal from her standpoint. She did not spend so much as a dime of it for her own use. It is doubtful that Hayes would even be able to get an indictment of her on that basis, let alone a conviction. So that is how that plan fell through and it also goes to show just how long Whiting has been planning this little scheme of hers.
"That brought Hayes and myself to the final, most drastic plan for Whiting's removal, that of... well... arranging for an assassin to stalk her and remove her permanently. By the time we reached this point we were desperate, having exhausted almost all other options. Hayes was certainly agreeable enough to making the arrangements and he even had a plan in his files for how to go about such a thing. The problem with this plan is not in the conception or the assets but in the execution. Whiting has an elite battalion of the Martian Planetary Guard providing around the clock security for her. Now most of the MPG are bumbling boobs that like to dress up as soldiers on the weekend and play with guns, but the VIP security arm are not cut from this same mold. They are full-time members of the MPG and they train extensively with the latest weapons and techniques. They know their stuff and Hayes is of the opinion that it would be almost as hard to get to Whiting as it would be to get to one of the executive council members. He is, of course, still looking into the possibilities of the assassin plot but I have been told that it probably will not be feasible unless the MPG drops their guard to some degree."
Smith looked up at the ceiling for a moment, taking a deep breath and allowing the camera to keep rolling. He looked back at the screen. "Steve," he said, "that is my explanation for why Whiting is still in office. I hope you accept it and I hope you will agree that I've done all that I possibly can from my end. I'm dealing with greenies here and sometimes I find it hard to believe that they are actually the same species as we are, their thinking is so different. Now that I've had my say I hope you'll continue to listen to me long enough to tell you just how bad things really are here on Mars and how critical it is that something is done about her.
"Whiting's speeches on MarsGroup are the biggest threat. Twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday at 6:00 New Pittsburgh time, she goes live and gives a ten to twenty minute speech. I've sent copies of them to you and I'm sure you'll agree that she sounds like a raving madwoman spouting a bunch of drivel about freedom and independence and government for the people. She's a goddamn communist, no doubt about it. That is how we perceive her speeches however. These ignorant greenies adore her and they hang on her every word. Each one of those speeches gets more than a ninety percent market share of the viewers on the planet. Ninety percent! Think about that for a moment. Ninety percent is an unheard of amount for any one show no matter what it is and this politician is achieving that with her rants. And believe me when I say that the greenies are not watching her for the sheer entertainment value that she represents, they actually buy into what she is saying. These greenies are actually starting to think that they should be free of WestHem. There are increasing reports of pro-separatist graffiti on corporate buildings and property. I'm afraid that if this trend continues we may start to have some sort of work slowdown or other job action in the greenhouses. I don't have to tell you what that might do to profits.
"The most detrimental effect that we're feeling down here though is the loss of control over the legislature, which has always been our most powerful weapon for keeping the greenies of the labor pool under control. Because of the defection of twenty-nine of the representatives in this body and because of the public pressure on the others that Whiting is fomenting, we have been unable to push through a single one of the twelve bills we had planned for this session. Six of these bills were planetary tax breaks towards food production operations and would have saved us nearly a trillion over the course of the year. The other six were easements on health and safety rules that would have saved us another half a trillion. How long will it be before things start working in reverse and this corrupted legislature body starts proposing increased taxes or greater health and safety requirements? I fear it won't be long at all.
"Steve, I've done everything that I can do from my end. I don't think I've slept a complete night since that bitch was sworn in. I've pulled in every favor and I've threatened almost every person with any sort of power on this shithole planet. None of it has worked. I'm sorry I've failed you and failed the company but please believe that it was not for lack of trying. You can replace me of course and I would understand completely if you did, but you have to realize that my replacement would be stuck with the very same problems and he would not have the same connections here on Mars that I have developed.
"The bottom line is that all of the solutions available on this planet for dealing with this problem have been exhausted. What we need is bigger pressure on bigger people and that means the executive council members and the federal apparatus on your end of the solar system. My suggestion would be that you try to get the FLEB director on Earth to allow Hayes and his people to start cracking down on these greenies as hard as they can. Once you start throwing them in jail and hounding them, they'll think twice about being so vocal in their protestations. And most important of all we need to find a way to remove Whiting from office. That will be the thing that will most effectively defuse this situation. The longer she remains in office, the worse this thing is going to get.
"Awaiting your reply and your instructions. Signing off. End recording."
The camera light blinked off and he let his subservient face slack.
"Email is ready," the computer told him. "Would you like to review?"
"No," he replied. "Just send it off. Use the highest level of encryption."
"Sending mail with level five encryption sequence," he was told. "Would you like to compose more mail?"
"No," he said testily. "Shut down communications software and give me some music. Something classical."
As the soft sound of synthetic instruments filled his office he reached in his drawer and pulled out his sterling silver case once again. He set up another hit and began to wait for the reply.
Meanwhile, 325 stories below, a black and white police cart came driving slowly down Agricorp Avenue, in no particular hurry. Brian and Lisa were inside, Brian behind the wheel, Lisa clucking in amusement at the text upon their dispatch screen. They were not often sent into this part of downtown although it was technically their area of responsibility. Not a lot of crime happened in the business district since most of the office buildings, the monstrous Agricorp included, had their own private security force.
"That must be our victim," Lisa said, pointing as they approached the solar system's tallest building. Sitting outside one of the side entrances on a planter in the street was a middle-aged man in a business suit. He was holding a towel to his face while two Agricorp security guards flanked him.
"Must be," Brian said, pulling to the curb next to them. "Looks like an officious Earthling prick to me."
"One of the ones that's been fucking and raping us all these years," she agreed. "I can't imagine why anyone would want to assault him."
"He probably can't either," Brian said.
They stepped out of the cart and shut the doors, both pausing to adjust their weapons belts before walking over to their victim. The security guards, both of whom were undoubtedly Martians, were clearly amused by the predicament of the man they were supposed to be protecting. Dressed in light blue armor that was more decorative than functional, they had barely concealed smiles upon their faces. One of them, the male half of the team, walked over and met them halfway.
"What do we got?" Lisa asked, pulling her patrol computer from her belt and flipping it open. "An upset corporate manager?"
"You know it," the guard said, letting his smile come forth now that he was no longer in view of the victim. "Mr. Ronald Jerome the Third there is one of the bigwigs in the subsidiary accounting division. It seems that as he was leaving the building to go home this afternoon a group of vermin happened across him and roughed him up a bit."
"I guess the vermin are good for something, aren't they?" Brian said whimsically.
"It's only 1500," Lisa said, checking her watch. "What the hell is he doing leaving work now for?"
"He's one of the upper echelon pricks," the guard replied. "They make the fresh meat work ninety hours a week here but the bosses pretty much come and go whenever the hell they feel like it. They come staggering in here between 1100 and 1300 and then go staggering back out again a few hours later. No one is really sure what it is they even do in there but it must not be very important."
"Are you kidding?" Brian said. "They're the ones that keep this great planet running. Where would we be without Agricorp and their bad-ass management team?"
"Free?" Lisa asked.
"You got that shit right," the guard said. "Anyway, he's all livid that he got manhandled by this 'gang of thugs' as he calls them. He's demanding that you go find them and take them to prison."
This cracked both of the cops up. "Prison for simple assault on an Earthling," Lisa said, shaking her head a little. "What fucking planet does he think he lives on? Christ."
"Let's go talk to him," Brian suggested. "This oughtta be fun."
They walked over, both making little effort to put their professional faces back on. There had been a time not too long before when an assault by a welfare class person upon a corporate person would have been a big deal. A full investigation would have been launched and teams of police officers would have been sent out to comb the ghettos until the perpetrator of perpetrators were found. Once arrested they would have had the proverbial book thrown at them, very likely receiving an extended prison sentence. In WestHem society the question was not what the crime was but who the victim had been. Crimes against corporations and corporate employees were considered much graver than crimes — up to and including murder — against working or welfare class.
But that had been before the inauguration of Laura Whiting and her bi-weekly speeches on MarsGroup. Her dissertations on the inner workings of the various corporations, of how they achieved the blatant political manipulation that kept them in perpetual power, had had a tremendous effect on the people of Mars, both welfare and working class. True everyone had always known that the corporations were the real government of the planet and of WestHem itself, but human nature had commanded that they not think about things that they could not change. What Whiting had done was force them to think about the way things were and to think about the fairness of the situation.
"Life is not fair," Whiting had said in one of her speeches shortly after the successful deflection of the impeachment proceedings. "That is one of our most common sayings as a species. Life is not fair and there's nothing you can do about it. We're taught that in school, in our Internet programming, in the movies that we watch and in the literature that we read. Everyone knows — they know — that life is just not fair and that is that. We know that because that is what they tell us. Isn't that right?
"But has it ever occurred to you, fellow Martians, that they only tell people things like that so that we will accept it, so that we will not try to change the system and come up with something that is fair? Because when you think about it, who is life not fair to? Is it not fair to you, the common people of this planet, or is it not fair to the leaders and the corporations that rule us?
"I don't think I have to have an opinion poll put out to hear your answers. You know and I know that life is not fair to you. The advantages go to those that have the money and the power. And if you were to try and take some of those advantages, some of that fairness, and shift it over to your side, that would necessarily take some of it away from their side. They don't want that. So they tell you just to accept the fact that life isn't fair. They tell you that in a thousand different ways each and every day from the time you are born throughout your entire life until you and everyone else becomes convinced that this is an indisputable fact of life, an unbreakable natural law. It carries the same weight as a law of physics. Parents teach this concept to their children, they believe in it so much. Teachers teach it to their students. Life is not fair and you'll just have to live with that and do the best that you can with the crumbs that you've been given. Isn't that how it is?
"But did you ever stop to think, even for a moment, even just fleetingly, why life has to be unfair? There really are no natural laws that say this has to be so. Fairness and unfairness is a human state of mind and their executions are products of human society. Why shouldn't life be fair? Why couldn't it?"
Of all of the speeches of Laura Whiting it had been this one that had done the most to open the eyes of the Martian people. The power of her words lie not in her presentation but in the blatant simplicity. Why couldn't life be fair? Why couldn't a system that insured life was fair to everyone be developed and put in place? There really was no reason except for the obvious one: the corporations and the government that they controlled did not want life to be fair. They did not want fairness and they would fight with everything that they had to keep it away, to banish it from the very thoughts of the people that had been without it for so long.
And after the speech in which the Martians had it explained to them that life did not really have to be unfair, Laura Whiting had then followed this up with other speeches outlining just how things were unfair in specific instances and just how this benefited those in power. She laid out the inner workings of the Martian and the WestHem systems in a way that high school civics instructors would never have dreamed of. "Money," she told them. "Everything comes down to the common denominator of money. Those that have the most of it are able to use it to pervert even the most moral of us to do their bidding. And who has the most money on this planet? Who controls the flow of money on this planet? Who runs the industries that make this planet such a valuable commodity to the WestHem system?"
Nobody had to be told that Earthlings was the answer to this question. Earthlings owned more than ninety-six percent of the holdings on Mars yet they made up less than two percent of the population at any given time. They made decisions each and every day from their glittering high-rise buildings, decisions that could take away the livelihood of thousands upon thousands of Martians, yet the Earthlings were never laid off and sentenced to perpetual welfare status. The Earthlings employed Martians in their corporations and had them do all of the manual labor, all of the paperwork, all of the cleaning and guarding, yet the Martians were rarely, if ever, invited into upper management positions within those companies. Martians were rarely if ever put in charge of decision making. Martians were allowed into the WestHem armed services where they served with distinction in all branches but they were rarely promoted to officer rank and they were never promoted to command rank.
Whiting pointed out these fallacies and many others to the Martian people twice a week and she had succeeded in transforming what had been seething resentment towards the Earthlings into white hot hatred of them. As William Smith had noted to his superiors, anti-Earthling graffiti had begun to spring up everywhere, on every building where Earthlings could be found. Leaflets expounding everything from general strikes to actual terrorist violence had begun to appear on apartment doors and bulletin boards in housing buildings. And reports of violence against Earthlings — usually random in nature and usually little more than minor harassment — had begun to crop up everywhere on the planet. Though Laura Whiting did not advocate these violent acts in her speeches — on the contrary, she begged her people to show restraint — years of frustration and apathy were being released and it was inevitable that many of the Martians would chose the most basic of human natures to express their discontent.
What was perhaps the most startling about this wave of anti-Earthling violence and vandalism was not its existence in the first place but the acceptance that the Martian criminal justice system showed towards it. There had never been any official memos on the matter, there had never even been verbal instruction from superiors, but through a strange form of osmosis the message had been passed up and down the ranks of the system, from the lowliest patrol cops to the judges and lawyers that ran the show: Crimes against corporate Earthlings were no longer the big deal that they had once been. Why should they be? Why should those that exploited and raped the planet receive special treatment? Reports were still taken of course but gone were the days that resources were wasted in any way tracking down the perpetrators of acts that were being looked at less and less as crimes with each passing Laura Whiting speech.
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CuckoldESCORTING SIA INTO DR. ANSTONS’S office, I let them chat while the doctor examined her. Newly minted teenage girls are a mystery I’d yet to decode. I’d made a decision to let our illicit relationship develop at Sia’s speed, but I didn’t understand her speed at all. Last night, Tuesday, Sia had decided to snuggle next to me while we watched TV. We’d exchanged a few delightful kisses, those soft, loving, intimate kisses I enjoyed so much, her eyes so bright and happy. She’d been satisfied to...
Short and sweet from Uther Pendragon Wizard parking only Violators will be toad. ✧ ✧ ✧ Some self-testing from Jmccosh There is a new take at home COVID-19 test. Put your right index finger in your mouth. Put your left index finger in your butt. Count to three and swap fingers. If you can’t taste the difference you have COVID-19. ✧ ✧ ✧ (ˆ◡ˆ)¸.•´✿¨`•✿(ˆ◡ˆ)¸.•´✿¨`•✿(ˆ◡ˆ)
As it always does, spring turned to summer. Jason, April, Theresa and I said goodbye to high school and prepared for college. Sarah, Melody and Miriam prepared for their new roles as seniors. The summer was pleasant. 'School' friends transformed into 'summer' friends. Our pool became the place to hang out. The usual crew was, in addition the four of us, April, Miriam, Jackie and Theresa. Our occasional bedmates were also spending quality time with Jason and Sarah. Think of a combination...
I arranged for Hannah to come up to London for the weekend. She was at that age where girls need cock. Proper man's cock. Hannah has used her hairbrush to break her virginity, but she is now craving warm, hard cock forced in her.I picked Hannah up at the station. She was showing her long legs bare, with a short slutty denim skirt on, white top. Strappy sandals. She was carrying a small suitcase. She looked the picture of innocence. During the car ride we chatted about this and that. I reminded...
We graduated on the 16th ... with that most odd of all engineering degrees ... Engineering Math. In none of my former recollections do I ever recall such a beast. We weren't mathematicians but we weren't engineers either. I do believe we were being set up. Whether there was a fall soon to be involved I knew not. We both liked Dr. Patil. You have to understand ... this was all unplowed ground. Things like the Derby, the Indy 500, Pro Football still had the same results but I had no idea...
It occurs to me that most of my stories involve older women. And I absolutely love older women - they don’t tend to play games, they really enjoy sex and are often very uninhibited in bed. I’ve learned a lot about sex from older women and appreciate a sexy, older woman very much. But, I also enjoy sex with younger women - over 18 of course. It’s hard to beat their typically firm, shapely bodies. And many are starved for a man that can satisfy them, as opposed to a boy that blows his load in a...
When it comes to learning, Bailey Brooke is much better at showing you how it’s done that explaining it to you. That’s why she kept doing so bad on her CPR tests. When she received her latest F, she broke down and begged her teacher to let her show him instead of just bombing again on another exam. The only problem was that Bailey started giving CPR to his cock! The teacher was obviously surprised, but had to take advantage of this situation. He let her continue to suck and then pounded that...
xmoviesforyouit was another cold night, id gone over to my best friend edonas house we were sitting and chatting.we talked about everything from recipes, movies and even sex. i always thought she was amazing looking, large breasts, fine ass and amazing eyes. i always wished i was like her. i was insanely attracted to her and i wished we were more than this. she left the room briefly and just the thought of her made me wet. i couldnt resist i dove into my panties massaging my clit. it felt so good i needed...
The party resumed pretty much as it had been going half an hour earlier. The only difference was that all of the women were naked as they chatted in small groups. I was naked as well. My clothes had been taken away, and stored while the women had jumped me in. Helen promised they'd be returned to me when I left. I found many of the conversations pretty boring. There was a lot of talk about politics, the economy, vacations to exotic places, work, saving for retirement, and so on. As a grad...
NovelsWhat kind of name is "Porno Bae", "Pornbae" or whatever? The Internet can be an embarrassing thing. Your mom might post a pic on social media of you and your sister in the bathtub, or you might send a drunk and horny PM to a co-worker who now knows you want to sniff her panties. If you’re really unlucky, you could start a website and be stuck with a stupid name forever. That’s what happened with tube site Porno Bae.Yeah, it will always be obvious that PornoBae got its start in 2016. I’m glad...
Free Porn Tube Sites"Jake, promise me that I'll never wake from this dream..." Sighing contentedly while pulling our light blanket over us, she hugged herself against my bare chest. Once she was all settled in, I wrapped my arms around her slender shoulders and kissed her forehead before giving my happy girl a gentle squeeze. Summer and I lay together on our back porch, staring up at the brilliant starry night sky of Cozumel. She was curled in my lap, purring like a kitten. Bathed in soft, warm candlelight,...
When I arrived at school, the first person I saw getting off the bus was Davy. My heart froze. He glanced in my direction and did a double take when he realized it was me. He smiled and waved, and I waved back. An almost nauseated feeling washed over me. 'Was it right for me to do those things last night?' I wondered as I walked into school. I drifted through my classes, barely paying attention to any of them. Almost too soon, it was final hour. Gym time. I began undressing when...
By : We checked into the hotel. It had a double bed a dressing table with a big mirror you can have a look of yours from head to toe. Mom came in and landed on the bed on her tummy her voluptuous ass dancing as she fell on it. Ahh I’m so tired yet I feel lively she said. I knew the reason why it was it was the sexy sleep we had on the single hot berth of the train. I adjusted the luggage in the room and sat beside her her eye were closed. I leaned on ma elbow placed my hand on her back just...
IncestAfter the Chinese had left, Davdan took Tira aside to inform her that there would be Meds arriving to speak to her in a little over three hours. Then she had Raz light a fire, and gathered them all around it. "Know this; when one becomes an Elder, and ceases fighting and hunting for excitement, most of us contest with one another with our power. We compete for status, influence, wealth, and yet more power. It is fun, and often allows us to do important work. "Aside from my other feelings...
Teacher Vera King has the hots for one of her students’ fathers. Rather than making a move right at the outset, Vera hatches a plan. She knows that it’s wrong, but she begins failing the student so that her dad will need to come in to discuss. She prepares for the meeting by putting on sheer panties, a sexy bra, and then her business clothes. When Logan Pierce arrives to talk about his son, he finds a sexy teach who’s ready to make a deal. Vera will start passing Logan’s...
xmoviesforyouTo whom this may concern, I am writing down my memories and adventures while living on Rigel VI. For those who are unaware, it is the largest planet in the Rigel system on the very edge of our galaxy. It is also home to some rather odd traditions compared to inner system planets. The one that stands out the most is the “pleasure-slave” business that everyone on the planet seems to accept. This wasn't the same as slavery of Earths past, it was more of a legal contract that both parties had to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis story is from Thanksgiving 2017. Grace and I had actually broken up earlier in the year, and I was dating and living with another girl I met at work. My girlfriend was quite a bit younger than me (18 years, to be exact), and was from California. I hadn’t intended to start anything with Grace, but at the time she was still living in the same city as me. I still had some of her stuff in a box at my place, and in early October she contacted me and asked if we could meet somewhere public so...
Bubbly, fun-loving blonde Sky Pierce loves frolicking in the backyard and playing with toys. She especially enjoys diving into a multi-colored ball pit that our stud set up for her in the middle of his living room. But there’s one thing Sky likes to play with more than anything, and that’s huge cock! She grabs our stud’s big shaft and squeezes it before slipping it between her lips to suck enthusiastically. The petite babe loves it so much that she perks her ass out and lets him piledrive her...
xmoviesforyouHello dosto mera naam sameer mishra hai age 25 yrs hai,kahani todi lambi hai is liya kahani ke kuch part bhi hai.Mera maa ka naam shoba mishra age 45yrs fig 42-40-42 aap samaj sakta hai ke maa kafi healthy aur moti hai hum log gaon(village) se hai hamari finical condition bahut kharab hai baap daru pee pee kar mar gaya mera chota bhai hai rohanmai phdta hai use choti bahan hai ,main automobile se iti kiya hai aur uska baad ke motarshop mai machnic ka kaam karta tha meri income jada nahi thi par...
Well I was looking through some of the fantastic pic's on this site when I came across a cople of pictures that reminded me of some ladies I knew several years ago! They where all mature married women.This is how I got to fuck one of them one day and I must explain that I was working for a wholesale food companyas the Warehouse manager when the Sales man quit his job and left the company with out anyone to sell the products,so the boss asked me if I could do the sales work for a couple of weeks...
My name is Frank. I am 45 and a professional photographer. My wife Kay is 32 with wavy, natural blonde hair atop a 5'6" body weighing 123 pounds. Blessed with a beautiful face and stark green eyes, Kay has shapely hips carried on long, lovely legs. With supple breasts filling a B-cup, she is an attractive woman. My appetite for eroticism to some is strange. I am a voyeur and having a vivid imagination and pretty wife I am highly aroused watching her flirt with other men. I even encouraged her...
The sun was hot on our sweaty, semi-naked bodies as we basked in the hot summer sun, Jacque' rock-hard naked titties were pointing at the wide blue sky, the nipples firm. Her hips were hunching slightly as the sun worked its sexual magic on us. As I watched, her aureola and nipples began to swell from the heat being generated in her loins; my cock began to stiffen, causing the pouch of my g-string to bulge, her hand moved across her chest wiping the sweat from her titties, causing a slight...
Six years. 312 weeks. 2184 days. Too long. At least, that’s what Laura thought. It had been six years since Sam had gone off to war and he was finally coming home today. Sam–the only love and lover she’d ever known. Already she could feel her love and passion flowing for him, eager to greet him and let him feel how much she’d missed him…and how grateful she was to have him home. For Sam, the wait had been just as tortuous. To the mockery of all his battalion, he’d stayed faithful to Laura–not...
A Story I'm a 26 year-old male, single, and have always considered myself straight. That's why this particular incident took me by such surprise. You'll see what I mean. It started one evening when I got a phone call from a friend of mine named Sam. I say he was a friend, but he was really only an acquaintance. I had met him through some friends of mine, and I had some suspicions he might be gay, but no absolute knowledge. He was a rather small and delicate...
Another story from my sex diary. A little preface. Originally I though we were going to do some role playing, but I was deceived. I've told you in other stories about my dealer/biker bf, Carlos, that liked doing things out of the ordinary. He also liked fucking me and having his cock sucked as much as he liked having me fuck and suck other guys. One of his rules was if I started messing with any of his friends, which he had me do often, I was not allowed to stop till they were all "taken care...
I was named after my natural father Jonathan. My parents have been married for 19 years. I turned 18 just last week, the same day my mother turned 37. My parents have often told me I look almost exactly like my father except for the blue eyes my Mom gave me. I am taller than the man I call Dad (Charles) who is 6 feet tall while I am 6 feet four. He has very red wavy hair. Mine is curly enough to wear in a modified Afro I have had all my life. His pale skin is a sharp contrast to very pale...
Classy chick Audrey Hempburne is the type of girl who likes to spend a lot of time getting ready every morning. She wants to look her best when she sees the guys she has been fantasizing about all night. But she has a dirty secret. One of the guys she likes to think about most when she is touching herself is her stepbrother. She is embarrassed, even a little ashamed to admit it to anyone. But when her stepbrother finally starts to notice her in a sexual way, she cannot believe her dreams are...
xmoviesforyouI am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he's up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. "Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels," his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out...
Introduction: Gails descent is complete As Gail stepped out of the shower, the back of her throat still felt a little rough from deep throating Jack, and her pussy was still tingling from her recent fingering and the vivid memories of the last12 hours. As she was drying off, she kept staring at herself in the mirror, imagining what her husband must have thought seeing her cunt eater label across her tits, well at least he didnt see the label on her pussy. Its not that she didnt appreciate the...
School Skit, by Carla Smith When I was a young boy I marveled at all the clothes and fancy things my older sister wore. She is four years older than me and she wanted a little sister. So you guessed it....she would dress me up like a girl until I was old enough to out run her. I did remember how the nylon panties and slips made me feel kind a "different". It was all innocent fun! I am going to skip ahead from the time I was six to when I was 14 and on the High School Freshman...
This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter SevenWhen I woke up I could feel Monique's soft hair on my prick. I could feel her breathing gently as her lips just barely touched my cock. I stared down at her for a while, she looked so peaceful with her head on my thigh.My thoughts suddenly turned to Emily and I wondered how she'd slept during...
By: Manoj1980 Hi there, I am a newly married man with a beautiful and simple wife. She loves me a lot but also does have a good sex drive. We have had sex many a number of times till now even though we are married for about 9 months only. During one of the nights while fucking, I asked my wife to tell me a sex story so that I may get aroused and have a good fuck. She narrated a story about her being fucked by other guys in my presence and her narration was really explicit and thorough which...
Hello everyone, I am Akash, here again to tell a true incident happened 2 weeks back, thank you for your great feedback on last story of my sex with horny bhabhi. Firstly about me again. I m 24 year old. fair, 5.11, 72 kg fit body. Educated guy. So the story begins like this. After my last story of me satisfying my priya bhabhi, I got a mail from a woman named anu (name changed for privacy). She was 33 old woman who was divorced for 2 years and was looking for a good sex encounter. She had big...
I was visiting family with my parents, we were staying with an aunt and uncle for a few days because we lived very far away. They had a daughter, Catherine, who was the same age as me. And she was hot, long brown hair, blue eyes, cute face, nice tits and an ass to die for. So anyway my parents and her parents were sitting in the kitchen one night drinking, so we decided to go and watch a DVD. We went to her living room; it was only a small one with only one sofa, so I sat down while she put the...
“I don’t get what you see in these things Ashley. It’s just a bunch of assholes and alcohol.” Taylor watches her roommate get ready, helping her out every now and when she can. “It’s fun Taylor. Come with me, you’ll see once your there. let’s get you prettied up and we can go together” Ashley hold up her favorite lipstick dangling it in front of Taylor. “Come oooon, please, Chris is working tonight. I don’t want go alone.” Taylor rolls her eyes, if she didn't go she would worry about the girl...
Introduction: My story continues with more fun with Jacks group. The Story of Ann Chapter 10 All for One and One for All Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter to my readers on here, Mother Nature has been sending snowstorm after snowstorm here, which has been keeping us all busy on our ranch as well as we were busy with the holidays. I will include a paragraph from chapter 9 to help set up chapter 10. There is not much any one of us do that does not bring hurt to someone or at least to...
Hello,this is the continuation of affair with brahmin mom and daughter. Am ragu and i love to have fun with ladies. Please send feedback to . Coming to the story,i saw someone fucking janani in store. I took my mobile and clicked some photos to blackmail her. And I shouted whats happening here, she pushed him and looks to the direction the sound came,and shocked to see me,she adjusting her saree and closed her boobs by pallu without inserting it to blouse. I looked at him,he put his belt and...
Incest"Sorry, Tony. She doesn't want to talk to you." "I understand." I'd wanted to talk to Robbie everyday since I'd gotten suspended, but my evening walks hadn't left me that much freedom. On the baseball field I'd tried my best to treat her like a player and not let our personal baggage interfere. We'd won both sides of the double header, though the second game was a lot closer than I would have liked. Then Mom made my day by deciding that since Mr. Reed was suspending my...
Tom was walking home from school on a crisp autumn day. The sun shone through the bare trees, and a slight breeze carried cheerful bird chirps. Despite the happy atmosphere, Tom could not have been in a more sour mood. His English professor gave him a failing grade on a term paper, and a car had nearly hit him as it sped down the road, only slowing down to scream "watch where the fuck you're going." Being a broke college student, this was normal for Tom. His car had broken down three weeks...
We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and directions to our secluded cabin. We easily found our cabin as it was the last one on the left around the curve. We went up to the cabin door and the porch seemed like it needed some repairs. We opened the door and what we saw amazed us. It was like going back in time, to the 60’s and70s. There was a heart shaped bath tub for two and a heart shaped bed. There was a...
Angela a Love Story by Vickie Tern I should have guessed there was a serious problem, but I hadn't a clue, I suppose because I was utterly, absolutely, head-over-heels smitten with her from the first moment I saw her. And I still feel that way. There she was, completely herself and stunning, standing in Ralph and Evelyn's hallway at their annual 'Come Anyway' New Year's Day brunch, sipping a screwdriver Ralph had just...
My Mom thought I hid in my room out of anger over something. And I’m pretty sure Carter had no idea why I was hiding in my room. Sure at first I was mad but then it became clear that I felt ashamed over my small bust size. From the other side of the door, I heard my Mom say, “There is nothing to be ashamed of Kyla. You have beautiful breasts. I actually wish I could have your breast size.” Dang it, I had been narrating out loud again. I timidly said to the door, “Then you can trade me. I...
After the rest period, we gathered once again in that large assembly hall without chairs. This time however I notice only about two hundred cadets. We went through the same motions. Standing in attention as the Admiral of the Fleet, the other Academy Commandants and Dent and his associates moved onto the platform and gathered by the lectern at its center. We sang the hymn again and after all this was done, Admiral McElligott stepped up, looked down to see if anything was obstructing his...
Okay so its: Arizona, December 22nd, 2006, this was also a Friday. It was raining, pouring, the water seemed to fall faster and harder than in my memories. My pants Soaked, the line where the water was from the puddle jumping was nearly up to my knees. Brendan had gone upstairs after a long day of nothing. Complaining constantly how long and hard his day was. He muttered something about taking a bath, to relax his over worked muscles. I scuffled through the door, right after him, shivering....
EroticPatti's Play Pal - The Book By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis "Klaatu barada nikto," Mark yelled. He had no idea what he was yelling, but he yelled it. In the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, one of the classic science fiction films from the 1950s there was never an explanation of what Helen Benson said to the giant robot, but Mark was desperate. At first he was scared, now he was angry as he struggled to free himself from the grip of those cold metal hands. If robots were...
I am 55 now. This all started after my girlfriend of 8 months,decided to move out without even saying anything to me. I think it was her Mother and younger sister that convinced he to leave. I was 52 at the time and she was 27.That happens on Jan 1st. 2010. I was really hurt by it and got into a drinking mode that had left me drunk every night. A real good brother owned a bar at the time,and this didn't help the situation any. But as the month was coming to a close, He decided to close down the...