- 2 years ago
- 40
- 0
July 28th, 2146
Deep space, between the orbits of Mercury and Venus
The armada continued on, coasting through space at seventy kilometers per second. Because of the attacks made by Mermaid, it was now an armada that was significantly more alert than it had been on the outset. All active detection systems on all ships were powered up and sweeping through designated sectors. A full wing of attack and detection craft now maintained a 24-hour combat space patrol, circling around on all sides in overlapping patterns. However, despite all of this surveillance of the flight path, it had been more than a week now since Mermaid's attacks and no one really believed that there could be any more Owls out there gunning for them. As a result, reactions were a bit lapsed and judgment was a bit overconfident once again. The perfect environment for disaster.
Swordfish was the second of the Owls that had been launched from Triad Naval Base. Ron Bales, her commander, a former detection technician in the WestHem navy like Brett, employed the same classic attack pattern Mermaid had used. He set his ship right in the path of the advance, relatively motionless from the perspective of the fast-moving armada. When the time was right, Bales gave the order and Swordfish's weapons crew unleashed two nuclear torpedoes — each at a Panama transport ship — from a distance of 320,000 kilometers. She then turned and moved clear of the firing zone as fast as she could without risking detection. Bales knew better than to press his luck by attempting a third shot against an alerted enemy.
The torpedoes drifted through space for more than an hour, closing on their targets. The first was detected at a range of 8000 kilometers by Packhorse, the ship it was stalking. A fury of anti-missile laser fire was directed at it, trying desperately to make a lethal intersection of beam and torpedo through the electronic jamming. Purely by blind luck, that is exactly what happened. One of the lasers scored a direct hit, burning into the delicate mechanisms of the nuclear package and destroying any chance of a detonation.
Despite the destruction of the warhead however, the body and mass of the missile remained intact and continued to close with its target. Two minutes and twelve seconds after detection, this mass slammed into the side of Packhorse at a velocity of eighty kilometers per second. This was sufficient kinetic energy to blast a hole more than fifty meters wide in the hull of the ship and into the side of one of the landing ships within. More than two hundred marines inside of that landing ship were killed instantly by the impact. Another sixty were burned to death by the resulting fires or suffocated by the hull breach itself.
The second of the missiles was detected at a range of 7200 kilometers from its target, Llama. This time the luck of the anti-missile fire did not hold and the missile achieved a perfect detonation at a range of forty kilometers. In less than two seconds Llama was nothing more than vaporized metal and scattered debris. Another 20,000 marines were dead at Martian hands.
Admiral Jules was frantic at the news that yet another greenie crewed Owl was not only out there, but had annihilated another of his ships. He personally monitored the search for the vessel, watching the display for more than an hour as attack ships and destroyers swarmed through the area. In the end however, though two of the search craft had passed within 200 kilometers of her, not so much of a sniff of Swordfish was gleamed. The armada passed her by and she turned towards home, triumphant, and without a scratch on her.
Jules, after reluctantly conceding that the offending ship had gotten away clean, was then forced to make yet another report to the executive council on Earth, letting them know that yet another attack had been successfully launched upon his forces. The communication lag was well over ninety minutes at this point in the journey, but this was still not sufficient time to dampen the fury of Loretta Williams. She bluntly told Jules that he was an incompetent, in charge of a larger group of incompetents, and only the knowledge that his second-in-command was an even bigger idiot than himself had kept her from replacing him and having him sent to the brig for dereliction of duty.
Jules took his executive dressing down like a man, only muttering a few obscenities at the image of Williams on the screen. He then was forced to turn to the bigger problem of what to tell the WestHem public about this latest catastrophic loss of life. Though it was an acknowledged fact that the WestHem civilian population was nothing more than sheep that tended to believe everything that they were told on the Internet, there were limits to how much they could swallow. It was unlikely that even the sheep would buy that another of his ships had collided, or mysteriously exploded through crew errors. Reluctantly, after consulting with General Wrath and holding a few communication-lagged conferences with executive staffers, it was decided that they would have to admit Martian involvement this time.
As had been the case in the first attacks, word of what had happened had already filtered down to the landing craft aboard the Panamas. The Internet screens in every room were turned on, the coverage, though delayed by the communication lag (it was ironic that those in the armada, where the story originated from, actually had to wait the longest to receive the Internet signal since it had to travel to Jupiter, Earth, and back to Jupiter again), was constant on the explosion that had destroyed Llama. The knowledge that another 20,000 of their comrades had been erased from existence in an instant weighed heavily on the rest of the troops.
"We're like rats in a cage," said Private Stinson aboard Mammoth. "We're trapped in these floating deathtraps while the greenies pick up off like targets on the range."
This time Lieutenant Callahan didn't bother spouting the company line, that they didn't know for sure that the greenies were involved. Though there had been no official statement yet, even the news was saying that the Martians had been responsible for this latest explosion. Though many wild theories were being floated by the "military experts" that worked for the big three Internet services, the most popular was some sort of kamikaze attack. Various physicists were put on camera to show just how the velocity of one vessel ramming another in open space at full speed could result in a cataclysmic explosion.
"Do you think they felt it when they went?" asked Sergeant Mallory. "Do you think it was real quick, or did the slowly suffocate to death when the hull was breached?"
"Had to have been fast," Corporal Jones said. "The whole ship is gone they say. Nothing but fragments left. They probably didn't even know what hit them."
They all silently pondered that thought for a moment as the latest expert on the Internet screen explained about kinetic energy and velocity. Before he could get too far into his lecture however, the newscaster interrupted to say that Admiral Jules was now giving his briefing on the events. It was time for the official word.
"Here we go," Mallory said. "Get ready to swallow a big one."
Jules came on the screen, resplendent in his class A uniform, his hair neatly pressed, his face dusted with a covering of make-up. He had the same solemn look on his face as he'd displayed the last time he had been forced to give such a briefing.
"Good evening," he told the solar system. "By now I'm sure everyone has heard about the tragic events that took place today, events that come little more than a week after the horrible accidents that befell our forces and cost so many their lives. I'm saddened to announce that once again catastrophe has struck this armada, a catastrophe that has cost many good men their lives.
"At approximately 2116 hours, Denver time, the WSS Llama, a Panama class transport ship carrying 20,000 marines for Operation Red Hammer, exploded, killing all hands on board. Rescue vessels were immediately sent to the scene of the explosion but there was no hope for survivors. The ship was in fact, completely destroyed.
"As before, an immediate investigation was launched into the cause of this explosion and the cause was found rather quickly. This time, the tragedy was not the result of an accident. This time, Martian terrorists were responsible for this heinous act."
He paused for a moment, to let his words sink in. After a few deep breaths, he continued. "Based on tracking data uplinked to the command center just prior to the explosion, it appears that these Martian terrorists took control of one of the Owl class stealth attack ships that were docked at Triad Naval Base when that facility was seized by the rogue units of the Martian Planetary Guard. These terrorists, probably using rudimentary spaceflight skills picked up by accessing the training computers at TNB, managed to accelerate the Owl to a speed of more than seventy kilometers per second towards our armada. Probably more by sheer luck than anything else, they were able to steer this vessel directly onto a collision course with Llama. Since the armada is traveling seventy kilometers per second towards the Planet Mars and since the Owl in question approached from the opposite direction, the closure speed was nearly 140 kilometers per second. This gave only seconds for Llama to attempt evasive action once the vessel was detected closing with her. Unfortunately, seconds were not enough time to prevent the collision. The Owl struck amidships on the port side. At that velocity, the impact was enough to completely obliterate both vessels.
"This is, without a doubt, one of the most cowardly, atrocious acts of barbarism imaginable. I implore all WestHem citizens to say prayers for the souls of these brave marines and naval personnel and for the families they've left behind. I am assured by the Executive Council that those responsible for launching this horrible mission against our forces will be tracked down once the planet has been liberated and they will be tried for crimes against humanity, treason, and for more than 20,000 individual counts of murder."
The briefing by Jules went on for quite some time, with General Wrath making an appearance and spouting a few words of his own about how his marines were still in high spirits and how they would fight on and re-take that planet despite the losses so that those responsible could be punished. This was followed by a question and answer period, during which, as before, not a single reporter asked a single question about the possibility of there having been a nuclear explosion responsible for the destruction of Llama. There was, however, a brief question concerning the WNS Packhorse, another Panama class that had been reported damaged that day.
"Again," Jules answered, "it seems that tragedies are striking this attack force in groups of two. Just minutes before the explosion that obliterated Llama, Packhorse was struck by a small meteor that somehow managed to be missed by the anti-meteor defenses. It is estimated that this was a small meteor, probably composed of a material that does not absorb heat well and that was shaped in just a way that it deflected most of the radar energy. It struck Packhorse amidships and caused a serious hull rupture, which, unfortunately caused the deaths of approximately 230 marines and naval personnel. The ship itself is being repaired in space and is still underway with the rest of the group. The remaining marines on board that ship, although understandably shocked and saddened by today's events, will still participate in Red Hammer when the landings occur."
"A meteor hit it?" asked Mallory. "Oh Jesus. There hasn't been a ship struck by a meteor in more than a hundred years. Now we're supposed to believe that one just happened to hit right before Llama went up?"
Nobody disputed his words. Everyone had a pretty good idea of what had really happened.
"LT?" Stinson asked Callahan.
"Yeah?" he said, wearily.
"Them greenies got those Owls that they took at Triad operational, don't they?"
Callahan wanted to lie, knew that his superior officers would not appreciate him voicing his own opinion in front of the troops. He wanted to, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. "It looks like maybe they do," he sighed. "Probably at least two of them, maybe more. They positioned themselves out here and they're pounding on the transport ships."
"They've given us more casualties doing that than they ever could have hoped for on the ground," Mallory opined.
"Don't worry though," Callahan said. "Once we make our landings we're gonna give it back to those greenie fucks in spades. We're gonna show those bastards what marines really do."
There were a few half-hearted cheers at his words, cheers that were mostly reactions rather than being powered by any actual emotion. In truth, morale was about as low as Callahan had ever seen before. They were trapped onboard a confined ship with primitive washing and laundry services and they were now apparently being stalked by an enemy capable of vaporizing them all in an instant. There was no way that they could fight back against such a thing; no way they could even see it coming.
Meanwhile, in Eden, just outside the MPG base, the Troop Club was doing its fair share of business. Every table was full of off-duty military personnel swilling down alcohol or smoking marijuana. The three servers behind the bar and the two waiters circulating among the tables were scrambling to keep up with the demand. Though the Earthling accountants that had managed the bar had been banished to their apartments along with most of the other Earthling corporate types, the actual labor pool that ran the facility still reported for work every day to do their part to keep the MPG morale from descending to the level being faced by the WestHem marines. In all, it was a project that seemed to be working well. At most of the tables the talk was boisterous and laughter was frequent. On the large Internet screens that were mounted on the walls and above the bar, MarsGroup channels were the ones being viewed.
The clip of Admiral Jules' briefing regarding the destruction of one of their vessels had just been played for everyone to see. Commentary by the Martian newscasters as to just what this really meant was now being offered.
"Laura Whiting, the interim government officials, and everyone on General Jackson's staff have continued to refuse comment on the destruction of the WestHem ships today," said a pretty African descended reporter. "No explanation is offered for the refusal to comment, but it should be pointed out that Whiting and Jackson have both been very candid with past requests on past MPG operations during this conflict. One can only speculate that the reason for their silence must be an ongoing operation that might be compromised if WestHem authorities were given details. As such, our department and all of the other MarsGroup stations that report news and information are honoring their request and not pestering them. It is, however, common knowledge, as we've reported in the past, that at least four of the Owl class stealth attack ships that were captured at Triad Naval Base are no longer in their moorings and that there was a frantic burst of activity at SpaceLab Incorporated, the facility that produces the nuclear torpedoes that the Owls fire. This information, coupled with the wave of explosions that the approaching armada seems to be facing over the last ten days, is certainly compelling."
"Compelling," said Lon Fargo from one of the tables near the back. "She says it's compelling. I think they should keep their fucking mouths shut about it. Don't they know that this planet is full of WestHem spies that are relaying that information back to Earth?"
"Freedom of the press," said Horishito, who had just packed an electric pipe with a hit of some potent marijuana. "Even during wartime, we have to let the press report what they see. That's the only way to run a planet."
"Oh, lets not start that argument again," said Matza, who was packing his own pipe with another load. "I agree with Lon. They should shut their asses about it until whatever operation we're running with those Owls is over with."
"Here, here," said Lon, picking up a pipe of his own. He looked over at the newest member of his squad, the member that he had fought unsuccessfully to avoid having assigned. It was a fight that he was now kind of glad he had lost. "What do you think about this, Wong?" he asked her. "Your partner is usually quite opinionated on these matters. Are you the same?"
Lisa looked up at him, her eyes reddened and half-lidded, a determined expression on her face. She too held an electric pipe in her hands, its bowl stuffed full. "My opinion?" she said with a snort. "My opinion is that it doesn't fucking matter. The Earthlings are a bunch of dumb asses. They haven't even admitted that we've hit them yet, at least not with actual weapons. I think we could send them a schematic of the exact location of every one of those Owls and a timetable showing when they're going to attack, and the dumb fucks still wouldn't do anything about it."
"Fuckin aye," put in Winters, another of the new assigns from the last training class. He had been a dip-hoe in Eden before the revolution and was now the squad's medic. "And you gotta hand it to those guys that went out in those ships to hit them. That takes some balls. I thought joining the special forces was nuts. They're actually out there in deep space going up against the goddamn navy."
"And kicking ass too," said Matza. "They've already knocked out about sixty thousand of the OPFOR. And there's still at least two more Owls out there. Shit, they keep this up and we might not have to fight at all."
"Don't say that," said Horishito. "They give up before they get here then we won't get to watch Wong prove she's got bigger balls than we do. I for one have been looking forward to that."
That produced a bout of laughter from everyone at the table, Lisa included. Though there had been a time when such words, obviously directed at the fact that she was a female, would have provoked anger in her, those days were gone. In two weeks of training with her new squad out in the wastelands, she had more than proved her worth to her teammates. Her physical condition was now better than she had ever imagined it could be. She could haul a full load of sixty millimeter mortars, in addition to her own weapons, up the tallest hill without causing a discharge warning on her suit. She could move boulders and dig hiding holes in the rocky Martian soil as well as any of them. She could shoot any weapon in the special forces inventory with pinpoint accuracy, with or without the combat goggle targeting system active. She could assemble booby traps and plant them in under a minute flat.
"Maybe that's a bad analogy," Lon said.
"Oh?" said Lisa.
"Yes, I've seen you in the shower, remember? Your balls aren't very big at all. In fact, I can hardly see them."
"Yes, and I've noticed you've done a lot of searching for them too, boss man," she said slyly. "Sometimes you've searched so much in there that your weapon started to get cocked."
The table erupted in another bout of laughter, this time at their leader's expense. Lon actually blushed at the attention. True, he had been known to check out his new female squad member in the shower from time to time, and true, it had caused him to develop the beginnings of an erection more than once, but he hadn't been aware that anyone, especially Wong herself, had noticed. Another supposition, proven wrong. Still, Lon was good-natured about the jive, and Wong was a very attractive woman. Could he help it if she insisted on showering and dressing with the rest of the team? That was her decision, wasn't it? "I was just checking to make sure you practice good hygiene after our deployments," he said. "You know what they say about cleanliness."
"Hey, sarge," Horishito said. "How come you never check out my hygiene that thoroughly? Wong got something that I don't got?"
"Yeah, sarge," said Matza. "I'm hurt. That's blatant favoritism, you ask me."
"And what's so interesting," Lisa said, "about a woman soaping herself up in the shower, anyway? I certainly don't find it all that exciting."
"No?" said Lon, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"No," she said, "although you never know what's going on in my little mind while I see all you guys soaping up now, do you?"
"She's got a point there," said Matza. "She could be thinking whatever she wants in there, and we wouldn't have a clue, would we?"
"Part of the beauty of being a girl," Lisa said. "So are we gonna take these bonghits or what? I think we're on number five here, aren't we?"
"Number five," Horishito agreed. "And I still say that no girl is gonna take more hits than I can. Nothing personal, Wong, its just an anatomical fact of life. Men are better suited for sucking up the green."
"That's why we got a hundred bucks riding on it Hoary," she said. "Now lets smoke up."
"Let's smoke," the other two echoed.
On the count of three all of them activated their electric pipes, turning the marijuana inside into shriveled ash and sending the cooled steam that was produced down into their lungs. They each held their hits in for a count of thirty seconds before blowing them out.
"Damn," said Lon, taking a few breaths to get some fresh oxygen in. "There's really nothing in the solar system like Agricorp green. I'm glad all the people who grow it are on our side of the revolution."
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You're in your godawful senior history class, thankfully the last one of your high school career. The only thing that makes it slightly tolerable is your boyfriend Jason sitting a few rows over, near the back of the room. Today you're watching some mind-numbing movie about the Civil War when a folded piece of paper skids across to your foot. You glance up and find Jason grinning at you. Unfolding the paper, you see written, "I'd hit that." You roll your eyes at him, but as you take a look at...
GayMichelle Discovers Black Cock - a true storyThe slutty times started for Michelle when she was going to college. She had a part-time office job at the same time. She loved to dress sexy at her job and tease the guys, and sometimes accepted invitations to go drinking with them after work, even though we were dating. One night at a bar, the guys talked her into volunteering to model lingerie for a charity fund raiser to fill in for another girl that had chickened out. She had been drinking and...
Sie hatte ihn schon lange gereizt. Genau genommen hatte er bereits ein Auge auf sie geworfen, als sie gerade einmal erst unschuldige 12 Jahre jung war. Doch er war nicht pädophil, und daher hatte er seine Neigungen ihr gegenüber immer zu unterdrücken verstanden. Doch nun war sie vor einigen Wochen 18 und damit volljährig geworden, und obendrein hatte sie sich in den letzten Jahren noch einmal erheblich körperlich entwickelt. Sie wies nun unverkennbare weibliche Rundungen auf, hatte schön...
BDSMMy name is Daksh Sinha. I am 23 years old, and working in an IT firm in Pune. Aaj jo story main aapko bataane jaa raha hu, wo tab ki hai jab main 15 saal ka tha. Is story ki main character hai meri maa Ridhimma. Is story me aap padhenge, ki kaise samaaj ke bandhan ko todte hue meri maa ne apni zindagi ko aage badhaya. So without wasting any time, kahani shuru karte hai. Meri maa ki age 43 hai, aur us waqt wo 35 ki hua karti thi. We hail from Bihar. Mere father army mein the. Unki aur maa ki...
This is a real life incidence if my friend and his sexual encounter with his neighbour! So story has been elaborated! Get ready for a hard on! I am Bharath and i am 5ft 6 inches with an athletic muscular body. Am 20 years old. And I have a very active social life with full of thrills. Let me come to the point. Let me introduce my neighbour. Knock! Knock! “Whose there”, she said. It is your neighbour. She opened the door way to heaven..? There she stood in her half length shirt and a tight...
I sneak into your home. You are unaware of my presence. Working in the kitchen, your back to me, you bend over the solid oak table, rolling out pastry. The swell of your delicious firm buttocks drives me wild with desire. In my back pocket I have four silk scarves, and I know exactly what I intend to do with them. As I walk up behind you, my footsteps alert you, so I bound forward and grab your hair, forcing your face forward! "Don't look at me, no screaming, and you will not get hurt!" I...
As you may be aware if you have read some of my earlier posts I have a burning desire to see me wife fucked by a stranger. Unfortunately she does not share this fantasy. She does not know what I would get out of it, watching her cheat with another man. No matter how much I explain that it isn’t cheating if I want it to happen she will not succumb to my wishes. This leaves me to fantasy about what I would like to watch her doing, knowing it will never become a reality. My fantasyIt was coming up...
Subah me hum tino uthe tino boht dare hue the ke ab hungama hone wala hai subah me breakfast ko sab log sath me hi the aur breakfast karrahe the mama normal nazar aaye hum se baten karrahe the lekin mai samajh gaya mami ne abhi mama ko nahi bataya mere dil me dil aaya aur hum tino ne chain ki saans li lekin khatra abhi bhi baki tha kyun ke mami boht khamush tension me lagrahi thi Mama ne breakfast kiya aur 3din ke liye business tour pe dusre shaher chale gaye.Ab hum char log ghar me bache hue...
April 30, 1982, Circleville, Ohio “Mom and Dad are out tonight,” Katy said. “Let’s cook together!” “Sure. What did you have in mind?” “Well, now that you have no restrictions because we don’t fast during the Paschal period, I was thinking two small filets, small lobster tails, and broccoli. Surf and turf, I guess.” “That sounds awesome!” I said, then smirked, “What about dessert?” Katy laughed softly, “I have some ideas!” “I bet!” I chuckled. “But we need to make sure we’re on the same...
This guy picks up a girl and takes her to his place. Can you imagine his surprise when he finds out that this girl has a dong?Hi! My name is Andrew! I’m a 5.4 feet tall, with some cute beer belly, crew cut light brown haired guy, blue eyes. My friends say I have a big noseJ but it’s not that I should worry about! Men of my family have always been stocky, and thickset. So a big nose and stocky figure are not a trouble! I’m working in a Western City College as a tutor of English Literature. I...
After their trip to Massachusetts when they got back home, Donald notices a new plumpness to Emma. They had been indulging in a lot of good food. He knows he needs to get her back into a regular exercise routine to get rid of the ten or so pounds she must have put on.A couple of morning after their return, after their morning routine and shower, Donald made Emma step on the scale in the bathroom. It was an old-time doctor’s scale where weight moves across the two bars to gauge your...
Love StoriesChapter 17 – Andrea Greta made a surprise visit late in the day on Monday. ‘What brings you here?’ I asked. ‘I want to see what a month’s worth of your salary puts in your closet,’ she said as she walked in with a bottle of prosecco and carry-outs from her favorite crepe place, dropped them on my dining room table, and headed straight to my room. ‘Go ahead and look,’ I said. ‘You know where I keep everything. I just have to finish these proofs for a client.’ I could tell every time Greta...
Hello friends: Saryan nu mera jani sonu wallon namsakar, adaf Dosto main iss da regular reader a pishle kujh 6-7 saal to ede vich upload kitiyan kahaniya pad pad ke bot waari muth vee mari te sex vee keeta. Bot kujh sikhiya vee dekho sex har insaan dee kamjori aa te mere vichar anusar sex kise naal vee kita ja sakda a matlab jithe vee mouka mile fuddi lain da bas lai lo chahe koi hove. Or jive ke kahaniya ch dost likhde ne kive ona ne apnia sisters, bhabiya, aunty, massi, mami, saali, cousin,...
Jane Wilde is celebrating an anniversary with her boyfriend, Codey Steele, and has a special idea in mind… but needs some help! She goes to her step-sister, Chanel Grey, and asks if she can practice massaging her since that’s what she wants to give Codey as a gift. BUT the massage is a sexy one with oils, so it takes a bit of convincing. Luckily, after some hesitation, Chanel is game! The ladies soon get the gel and a mattress, stripping down and making themselves comfortable. As...
xmoviesforyouI was in my 20’s the first time I sucked a cock, and, ironically, at the time, sucking a dick was the furthest thing from my mind.I was living in North Carolina; for years had been watching porn at home on videotape, and every once in awhile, I visited the porn booths at an adult bookstore. Some of them had glory holes but whenever a man poked his finger through, I would either leave or stand with my back to the hole while I jacked off watching my straight porn of choice. On this occasion, I...
So. As i mentioned before how i became an exhibitionist, here iam rubbing my self in the living room on the sofa. My two fingers were deep inside pussy and i was rubbing my clit with my other hand. The sensation started, i was getting sweatier, and my clit started to get very sensitive. I was moaning louder and louder, i was near to cum, when i heard my brother's car sound in the garage. I was nearly there so, i calculated and started rubbing my self faster, i heard the voice of his car...
Julian Thames wasn’t about to trust a slave to make decisions about how he’d handle his new acquisitions. Bethany seemed a bit eager to damage little Miss Remy. Julian wouldn’t even trust his slaves with his real name as if by some magic that trust would grant them power of some kind. The fake name that he had given her, “Sirius” meant burning in Greek. He had decided that he was to be the flame burning away all of her past self. But she didn’t catch that. Nor could she be expected to, but...
I was scared to the point of almost freaking out. She said I had ten minutes, yet here she is at the front door; it’s four minutes until two in the afternoon, and I’m not in my place for my afternoon spanking, my pussy shaved and oiled like it was supposed to be. If I had three more minutes I could have done it. If. ‘If wishes were horses beggars would ride’ was the old saying that ran through my brain. Please Gaia; don’t let her take me to my room just yet. Mistress Denise...
BDSMHentai Read! You’ve struck gold, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, who am I kidding? There are no ladies here – just a whole bunch of fat-ass neckbeards who like to jerk off to Japanese cartoons. Still, I’m here to service all boners, great and small, especially small. No, I don’t mean I’m here to give you a reach around. I’m not that kind of guy. I’m here to share hentai with you. Today, we’re taking a look at HentaiRead. It’s one of those dimes a dozen websites with a ton of high-quality porn mangas....
Hentai Manga SitesI was dumbfounded watching a film of my suburban wife’s initiation into a biker club. I put in the second Disc and the camera panned back to the RV where my wife was fucking her brains out and giving blow jobs. My wife went in with her boyfriend Butch and another guy. I remembered she still had two more guys to fuck that night. This second guy was Kevin he commented to my wife about the cool lesbian dance she had done earlier. Kevin said Butch asked him to help you earn your “brown” wings. ...
Hi to all readers this is Vijay am 30yrs normal built guy this is my story how i fucked a beautiful Lady and gave her complet satisfaction. To start with I am not any macho kind of guy all persons claim to be but I like to make love not fuck. See fucking is just were a guy gets his rocks off without caring if the lady in question is satisfied or not but making love is getting satisfied together were both feel the joy of sex and bring out the real animal in your partner . Enough with the...
IncestStacey Sundstram took the large bottle of orange from Vanessa Bergman and took another mouthful of the liquid. The eighteen-year-old laughed loudly and passed the bottle to Vanessa’s twin sister, Francesca. The blonde-haired Sixth Former took a drink from the bottle and belched loudly. She smiled and watched as Stacey broke into her impression of Miss Hickman, the Deputy Head Mistress and her History Mistress.“And I warn you right now girls” She paused and flicked her long hair dramatically...
SpankingHello friends, I am your Buddy from Delhi. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. Secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget:- In my office I have 1 female. It was the month of May when Kriti got appointed as my assistant. She is 22 years old with slim figure. She has whitish complexion and long black hair. Kriti is soft...
April spent the afternoon thinking about bicycles and doing research on the things she could buy to make her bicycle more useful. After hours of research, it was finally time to shut the office for the day. She went out to dinner on her new bike since she had not heard from Gerard. That and her pantry and freezer had just about run out of quick things to prepare. April chose a local restaurant, which catered to men and women from the airbase just outside of town. The restaurant was located...
“Don’t leave,” she said softly as he got out of bed. “If Mamma knew I did this with you she’d have my hide,” he said, picking up his shirt. “We’re both adults,” she pointed out. It was the first time she’d thought firmly of herself as an adult. “There are things you don’t know about,” he said. “Those other women?” she asked. “The ones you insist aren’t your girlfriend?” That had come to her between two orgasms. She had suddenly understood completely why all those women looked at Bobby...
There must have been a dozen of them, at least; all sitting around the long row of tables that had been pushed together to accommodate such a large party. All between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five, I'd guess by the way they were all dressed in their slutty best, laughing and carrying on. I could see the look on my husband's face. 'Oh Great ... A bachelorette party ... Just what we needed right next to our table.' It was supposed to be our special night out. The kids were at their...
Aphrodite’s mother was a psychic who legally changed her surname to Tyche (the name of the Greek God of fate) after she dreamt about him, she was always a bit delusional, always doing strange things on impulse, a lot of the time she struggled to understand her mother’s weird affinities. Even now she didn’t know why she had named her Aphrodite; she was no Goddess of Love, or Beauty of even Sexuality, she was none of the things her Goddess namesake was. How her mother could think of effectively...
Hello, Indian sex story readers, I’m Sam(name changed) and I live in Bangalore. My height is 6’1 and my dick size is 7 inches in length and 4 inches in circumference. I have an athletic body with lean muscle mass. The girl from my gym, she is 5’7 in height, her figure is 34-28-36 and her bra size is 34dd. The sex story: I workout at a gym near my home. I usually go there early in the morning around 5:30. For me, I workout and just leave, I don’t talk to anybody. One day, due to a late night...
Jessica and her parents had moved to a new city during the summer. It was now her first day of senior year for the school and the blonde bombshell was nervous. She missed her friends, and looked forward to making new ones. She did think it would be a blow for her reputation, that her father Ted was a teacher at her new school. Jessica was concerned that he’d embarrass her somehow today. But she was feeling super cute wearing a yellow sundress that showed most of her well toned legs. These...
Teen"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...
Hi readers. I am going to tell you a real life incident which had happened with me on my results of 12th standard. I had aced in my school with 98% and my dad had thrown a party for that at our bungalow. Many guests and dad’s friends had arrived at party, dad raised a toast on my name and everybody congratulated me for my grades but too be frank I wasn’t enjoying party ,my friends were not present in party all were out in the lawn playing pranks on each other and I was really bored so rather...
Two of the FBI’s Chicago agents arrested Duke Arlington late on a Tuesday afternoon. Charge: murdering Gustav Hindenburg in Ft. Payne, Alabama. It was a quiet bust, no media alerts, no perp walk. It turned out that Gustav Hindenburg, had been a DEA snitch. I would later learn that he hadn’t been particularly reliable. He lied repeatedly to his handler. But he had provided one key lead regarding the Opium Highway from South Florida through Georgia and the Carolinas on up to the Washington DC...
The elevator doors slide open and you step out into the hall. Fifth floor. You're finally free and this dorm is going to be your new home for awhile. Unfortunately, you notice that it seems kinda shabby. The beige paint on the walls seems like it's one hundred layers thick and the carpeting is starting to look pretty worn. Not exactly the Taj Mahal. Oh well. Who cares, right? The important thing is that this isn't your parents' house. Who needs luxury when you've got total freedom to do what...