SamChapter 11B free porn video

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Bambi was already in her room laying out clothes when we walked in. Most of them were still too nice and too sophisticated but we didn't say so right off.

We slathered her face with cold cream to remove all traces of makeup. We made her take a bath and wash her hair to get the perm out of it. While she was in the tub, we put away all the clothes she had out and then went looking for something suitable.

When nothing turned up, Neeka ran out the door and down the hall into one of the guest rooms. She came back with a pair of denim shorts that had been cut off and the side seams ripped. They were the perfect thing for kicking around the house and something that 'Mrs. Reynolds' would never wear.

Neeka saw my raised eyebrows and said, "She told me I could stash some of my stuff over here so I wouldn't have to be running back and forth all the time. Some of it is down in the workshop and some is down the hall."

"Sounds like she wants you to move in."

"Yeah, I got that idea."

"I want you to move in, too."

"Yeah, I know. I'd really like to, but I need some space. You're just too much of a distraction if I'm too close."

"Especially if I'm having an orgasm?"

"Especially then. I just climax right along with you. When I'm at home, it's a big smile and a warm glow. When I'm any closer, it's back-cracking, nerve-jangling, eyeball rolling..."

"I get the picture," I said. "Stop before you get me worked up. We need a top for her. Something less distracting than usual." I thought for a second, then the perfect thing occurred to me. I ran up to Jim's room and stuck my head in. Jim was lying on the bed, reading a homework assignment.

"Hey, Jim. Have you got a football jersey I can borrow?"

"Sure, Sis. Old? New? Dirty? Local? Pro?" He opened his closet and pointed to a rack that was almost full of football jerseys.

"What a collection! Uh. This is nice." I pulled out a Dolphin 'away' jersey with number 12 and the name 'Griese' on it.

"Dad got me most of those. I have an autographed one of those on the shelf if you would rather wear that. This one's been washed a few times and it's starting to fade."

"No, this is perfect. Thanks. But I thought he had a different number when he played with the Dolphins."

Jim looked at me like I had said something dumb. He smiled and explained, "This one was his father's."

"Oh! His father played football too? That's nice. But the jersey's not for me. You wait and see. It's a surprise!"

Jim looked puzzled, but he knew better than to press for details. He went back to his textbook and I went back downstairs.

Neeka loved the jersey. While I was gone, she had found a pair of slip-on deck shoes that looked just comfortable enough. They may have been the only flats in the closet. Everything else in sight had nothing less than a four-inch heel.

When Bambi came out of the bathroom, we brushed her hair back into a ponytail. Then Neeka applied just a touch of blush to her cheeks and a hint of color to her eyes. No mascara. No eyeliner. No pencil. No lipstick. It was the lipstick that she had the hardest time giving up. We gave in as far as letting her put on a little peach gloss, but that was all.

We put her in the shorts, the shoes and the jersey and sat her in front of the mirror.

"I look fat," Bambi said. "This jersey just hangs off me and makes me look fat."

"Easily fixed," Neeka said. She took the sides of the jersey and folded them around the back and pinned them in place with a safety pin.

The result was a close fitting midriff that showed about two inches of skin above her shorts and fit closely around her breasts. It made her bust look almost as large as mine. I saw that she approved of that.

"It's amazing," Neeka said, looking at Bambi in the mirror.

"It's fantastic," I said. "We could be sisters."

Bambi stared at the two of us in the mirror. She went back and forth, comparing and examining. Except for the two inches of height, hair length and my tan, we looked very much alike. We weren't twins, or even close to it, but anyone seeing the two of us together would assume that we were sisters and that we couldn't be more than two or three years apart in age.

"What do you think?" I asked Neeka. "Nineteen?"

"At most. Maybe even eighteen."

"You two are the biggest flatterers!" Bambi said. "I don't look that young. But I am surprised at how much Sam and I look alike. I've been very happy with all the comparisons, but I never saw it myself until now."

"We need another vote," I said. "Come with me."

I led both of them up one flight and knocked on Jim's door. I stuck my head in and said, "Jim, I have a friend I'd like you to meet. I let her wear your jersey. I hope you don't mind."

I opened the door and led Bambi in by the hand. Jim smiled broadly at the new girl and dropped the book and jumped off the bed to greet her. He stepped right up to her, looked her in the eye and said, "Mom? Is that you?"

"Hi, Jim," Bambi said, smiling back. "Thanks for the loan of the jersey."

"Oh My God!" Jim said. "I don't believe it. You look... you look just like the girls at school. You could walk down the hall and no one would know you weren't a student. It is really you isn't it? I mean, I know it's you, but... wow. You're cute! If Neeka wasn't here, I would have hit on you."

That last comment got him a swat on the arm from the redhead. It was obviously a sincere compliment though and it made Bambi very happy to hear it.

"Really," Jim said, obviously stunned. "You don't look any older than Neeka. I might not have caught on so quick if Sam wasn't standing behind you grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary. I knew something was up when she came in to borrow my jersey, but if I passed you in the hall at school or saw you at the mall I never would have known it was you."

"Do you really think she will pass for nineteen?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," Jim said, enthusiastically. "Wait a minute. Pass? Pass where? What are you up to?"

"She's coming to the party. Janice, Jolene, Connie, Neeka, and Bambi are going to be hanging out this afternoon. We're going to be upstairs on the deck some, while there's still good sun, but you and Bud can join us down in the family room later if you think you can keep a straight face."

"It won't take that long," Bambi said. "Surely they will catch on in a few minutes."

"We'll see. I think you'll be surprised."

Connie was the first to arrive, promptly at 3 o'clock. She left her small blue Fiat parked next to the curb in front of the house and walked up the driveway to the front door carrying an overnight bag. I saw her craning her neck and looking up at the house on the way. I remembered my first walk up to the door and how impressed I was with the four-story façade. Even though the front was intended to impress, I thought the view from the tree line in the back was much more impressive, where the slope and the landscaping combined to give the impression that the house sat on a high hill.

I opened the door before Connie could ring the bell. I wanted her to feel that she was welcome and that I was excited to see her. Neeka was downstairs giving Bambi some last-minute tips on the current music, celebrity, and local gossip topics; so I greeted Connie by myself.

"Hi, Connie. Thanks for coming," I said as I showed her in. "You didn't have any trouble find the place?" I wanted to satisfy my curiosity while we were alone.

"No, not at all. I've known where this house was for years. My uncle used to take us out for Sunday drives and we would go past the houses of all the important people in town. He enjoyed telling us how often each of them would come to his restaurant and what they usually ordered. I know where Sheriff Foster lives, too."

"Oh? OK, I appreciate the diplomacy, Connie, but I like to be up-front with my friends, as much as possible. You obviously know something about what happened at the restaurant, so let's clear the air about that, OK?"

"OK. I wondered if it was a subject I should avoid, or how much I could talk to you about it. I tried to ask Uncle Sergio about it, but he said that the personal business of his customers is something we never talk about. You know, he feels very protective of all his customers, especially the important ones.

"Anyway, I haven't said a word to anyone about this. Even though my head was spinning, I remember seeing you and Mrs. Reynolds run to the restroom right before all the excitement. You must have gone out the back, because the next thing I know, you came in the front and you were all businesslike, so I knew we wouldn't be having any more fun." She smiled at me warmly as she said that. I returned the smile reassuringly.

"I saw you and the Sheriff talking. You were both very serious and all. I was surprised to see you talking to him. I didn't remember until later that you became serious before the Sheriff came in. That meant that whatever your business was started about the same tine that the Sheriff was attacked by that man in the parking lot. Then you came back in and told me to get two more chairs. Then all the cops in town converged on our parking lot. Then the Sheriff came in and sat down and you and he talked.

"When I seated him and his wife at their own table, he looked over at you and turned pale, like he'd seen a ghost. I didn't want to look like I was snooping, so I didn't turn around, but he asked for another drink right away. I heard him tell his wife that this was all confidential just before I went back to the bar.

"I decided that whatever was going on, you were someone I wanted to get to know. I put my name and number in the folder with the check and hoped that you would call. I'm sorry I couldn't talk on the phone. My mother was standing behind me, listening like it was any of her business. You figured that out, though and I was even more impressed."

"Thank you for keeping all this to yourself," I said. "I really appreciate your discretion and your uncle's attitude toward his customers. You understand, I can't tell you any more about that night, other than what you have already figured out. Something happened in the parking lot and I had to take care of it. The Sheriff was thanking me for helping him.

"Is there anything else you'd like to ask me before we go downstairs and meet my other guests?"

"Only lots! First, that night in the restaurant, you did a pretty convincing 'little girl' act. Only you're obviously older than nine or ten. How old are you, really?"

"Thanks. How old do you think I look?"

"I'd say... 20?"

"You're going by my figure, now. These do make me look older. The truth is — I'm only 18."

"Well, you startled me at first. I thought you were just precocious. Then I thought you would quit when you found out I wasn't wearing panties, but you just got bolder. Before I could figure out what to do about the situation, you had me so turned on that I would have stripped naked and let you fuck me with a bread stick right there on the table."

"Oh, wow! I can see I underestimated you, Connie. You've got a much better imagination than I do. The bread sticks never occurred to me. That's it. You're not leaving now, no matter what. I may tie you up and have a contest to see who can do the kinkiest thing to you."

"I knew I was going to enjoy this. Is there some place I can change clothes?"

"I was going to ask about the sundress and the white shoes with the matching purse. I did tell you to dress very casual?"

"Yes. But I had to tell Mama where I was going and when she found out, she wouldn't let me out the door in shorts and sneakers. My other stuff is in the suitcase."

"Well, one of you has very good taste. Come on downstairs and meet some of the others first so you can show off that nice dress. Bring your bag. There's a place you can change and freshen up."

I managed to keep my evil grin in check as I introduced Connie to Neeka and Bambi without mentioning any background or relationships. I did watch Connie carefully to see if she would recognize Bambi, but she didn't even look at her hard.

"That's a very nice dress, Connie," Bambi said. "Did you get that at Caxton's downtown?"

"Yes, I did. Thanks. My mother made me wear it. She thinks people who live in big houses sit around all day dressed-up. If there is a place I can change, I brought something else."

"You can use the bathroom under the stairs. The light switch is on the left inside the door."

When Connie had gone to change, Bambi said, "Ouch! I wasn't ready for that. I feel like a stereotype."

"Console yourself with the knowledge that she accepted you as a peer and felt comfortable enough to make the comment." I told her. It was as close to 'get over it' as I felt I could go. I hadn't thought about things like that when I set this up, but it was too late to turn back now. In "Mrs. Reynolds'" absence I wondered if there would be any other unfortunate comments.

The doorbell rang and I dashed upstairs. Jolene and Janice had arrived. I thought they had come together, but I saw Jolene's bicycle in the driveway and I knew it was just coincidence.

"Well, hey! Come on in. Everyone else is already here. We're all downstairs."

Janice wore a tube-top and shorts, which was what I had on, but Jolene wore what looked like an oversized nightshirt with moons and stars all over it. It was way too big for her and it hung off one shoulder and came to her knees. I couldn't decide if it was supposed to be stylish, if it was really a nightshirt she had decided to wear, or if this was the newest thing in clubwear. She also hadn't brought a bag, so she was going to be stuck with what she had on for the duration.

"Jolene?" I said.


"What have you got on besides that shirt?"

She blushed and grabbed the hem. She hesitated and then pulled it up under her chin. As I suspected, it was the only item of clothing she had on and the only thing she brought.

"Jolene, you are a caution! I know I said you would be getting naked at some point, but you really came prepared, didn't you?"

"Unhunh. Do you like it?"

"It's marvelous! Just the thing to wear to a sleepover. Now take it off."

Without batting an eye, Jolene shucked off the night shirt and handed it to me. She stood there in the foyer, naked as a jaybird, and completely unselfconscious about it. I had to admire her. She was determined to be a wild-thing. Her innocent looks and child-like personality made her exceptionally appealing.

I thought seriously about letting her stay nude. It would certainly be a great ice-breaker. I decided that it would be a distraction from the Bambi-experiment, though.

"Lovely. Just lovely. Jolene, you are fantastic. Save it for the right time, though. Here, put this back on."

She seemed almost disappointed that I wasn't going to let her stay naked. To placate her, I put my hands on her breasts and rubbed her nipples until they were puffy enough to be visible under the shirt. She put her shoulders back to make her condition obvious and we went downstairs.

Connie had changed into a pair of short-shorts and a tank-top that looked like it had shrunk to her figure. The shirt said, "The Olive Grove" and had the olive-branch logo of her uncle's restaurant on it.

Again, I made the introductions and again, no one so much as raised an eyebrow in Bambi's direction. Any look she got from Jolene, Janice or Connie was matched by a look they gave me as they each tried to guess our relationship. When we had all made ourselves comfortable on the big l-shaped couch, the first question was asked.

Janice said, "Sam, you're trying to trick us, aren't you?" She looked back and forth from me to Bambi and back. I was afraid the jig was up already until she continued, "Why didn't tell us you had a sister."

"I didn't know she was going to be here." I said, trying to stay somewhere close to the truth.

"Do you go to another school?" Jolene asked. "I don't remember seeing you around. You must go to Hillmont."

"Actually, I've graduated already," Bambi admitted. The look she gave me said she wasn't going to tell an outright lie to keep the game going.

"You must have skipped a grade, then. I'd remember you as easily as I'd remember Sam." Janice said.

"Do you go to college here in town?" Connie asked. "I went there for a couple of semesters."

"No," Bambi said. "I've been thinking about college, but I hadn't made up my mind."

If she had decided to tell to the truth whenever possible then something had started her thinking about school. I knew she had married Ben right out of High School and hadn't had time for college before Jim and then Bud had come along. This was new information.

"I hope you decide to stay in town," I said. "I'd miss you terribly if you went off somewhere."

"I'd miss you too, honey. I really haven't decided, but I doubt I'll be going out of town.

"Connie, I understand you're working now. Are you still going to school?"

I thought that was a nice deflection of the topic and let Connie assume that I was the source of the information. Bambi seemed to be warming to her role.

Connie said, "My grades weren't what they needed to be. I wasn't focused enough on my classes, I guess. Uncle Sergio suggested that I help out at the restaurant until I figure out what I want to do. The whole family works there, so it's a comfortable thing to do."

"Are you living at home?" Bambi asked.

"Yes. I lived in the dorm while I was attending college. I've moved back home now. My family has been very supportive. We were close even before my father was killed in a car wreck. After that Mama and I moved in with Uncle Sergio and Aunt Rosa."

Same as Sam
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Time slipped by as we all fell into somewhat of a routine existence. Chris and her girls (then three) were enjoying their new home. They don't object to the luxury lifestyle but Chris, in the back of her mind, would like to live in a home of her own. Grace and Kim feel like they are really at home and are looking forward fondly to marrying me. Kim, it seems, was not the only one with a crush on me. Cathy was showing all the signs of an infatuation. I didn't do anything to discourage her...

1 year ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 10 Romance

A week after my birthday I got new casts. That took me most of a day, because they had to do a bunch of X-rays first, and then cut the old casts off and fiddle with everything. My foot cast wasn’t all that much different, but I was fitted with a walking cast, a boot that strapped around it and fastened with Velcro. That made it bulky, and I needed to put it on after I got dressed. Still, anything was better than the wheelchair! That got sent back to the rental company, along with the crutch,...

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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 2 Mom Uh oh

(M/f F/f incest) (edited) Weeks had gone by from when Mike and Jennie had those amazing couple days together, and so far, they had stayed the course; they couldn’t see each other much since, well, she was his 16-year-old underage student, and he was her 32-year-old teacher. They texted (and sexted) quite a bit, especially now that Mike’s wife had left him. He was rattling around his empty house, fighting to keep from going after Jennie. Even the texts would drop away for days at a time when...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 28

Chapter Twenty-eight - Mandy's Big Deal When we awoke, Mandy got out of bed to get ready for work. She told me to get dressed for work as well. I told her that I wasn't going to the office. Mandy smiled at me, as if I was a simpleton. "No, silly," she explained. "Work here. Go put on a uniform." I must have looked like I thought she was kidding, because she continued, "I'm serious Sissy. Get dressed. You're my maid all week, and I expect you to dress appropriately." "Uh,...

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Boys are ordered to jerk off by a woman in front o

Boys are ordered by a woman to jerk off in front of her.(Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.) The fitness test would be the last step before I would be accepted into the sex training academy. We were issued exercise clothes. I was given running shoes, shorts, and t-shirt with the logo of the academy on it. The instructor was a slim blond named Jackie with long hair and a nice tan. Her assistant was Liz, a slim brunette with long hair and a prefect hour glass figure. They were both...

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Okay, students," Hilda Humper said with her trademark lilt and giggle to her second period English class. "Today we are going to be discussing Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays."Her announcement of the day's lecture sent a wave of heavy sighs throughout the male students in the class, partially because of the boring subject matter, but mostly because of the libido-raising effect she regularly had on any and all men who happened to be in her presence. Today was no exception,...

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the simpsons0

"Late Night with McBain" and he didn't want to go to school. When he walked downstairs, he noticed a bulge in his pants. He had had these before, but never in the morning, only when he watched those shows on Fox. He arranged his green pajamas so that they covered him adequately, and went downstairs to fake to his mom. When he got downstairs, he saw his father running around because he was yet again late for work. He had just enough time to grab the last donut *Damn* and run out...

1 year ago
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Second chance for cinderella part 2

I woke up this morning,and spotted him beside me sitting. "Ah Carlos why are you here?",i asked then he sighed.And caressed my cheek. "I just wanted to see you, my love",he whispered to my ear then i blush. Then he let me lie to my bed,and deeply kissed me,i lightly moaned and he noticed it. "I love you kelly",he huskily said then he passionately kissed my neck and rolled his lips down to my cleavage. "Ahhhhhhhh,carlos i want more",i pleaded then he smirked. "As you wish my princess",he said...

4 years ago
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Hot lady hotel main

Hi dear all iss member lady n gent’s i am aditya i am gigolo from delhi doston jaisa ki ap janta hai gigolo ka chut marna orchut chatna kitna accha hota hai waise he mera lund bhi bohat accha hai dosto main month 2 or 3 time he fucking karta hun ussee ziada nahi to doston main apni kahani shuru karta hun: Main apne kaam par har night ki tarhan nikla mujhe wanha khade 2 lagbhag 2 hour’s ho chuke thee koi nahi araha thaa main paresahan horaha tha ki yaar aj ka kaam to esa he raha but naseeb hai...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 20 Offer Accepted

“You rang, oh mighty leader?” Octavia laughed as she marched through the door. Major McTavish pushed back in his chair in surprise. Octavia had always been pleasant – but she was downright happy right now. Her face beamed, her eyes were bright. It was – off-putting. “Did you get laid or something?” Dervish asked, shaking his head. “Nope,” she replied, almost dancing up to his desk and then plunking down in one of the chairs. “Better.” “Better than sex?” Dervish asked in disbelief. “No...

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Babymoons Holidays when pregnant

Babymoons: Holidays when pregnantHolidaying when you’re expecting is now so popular there’s even a name for it. Practical Parenting has these must-read tips for going on a ‘babymoon'Holidays for parents-to-be are a growing trend – so much so that resorts and hotels around the world are marketing special packages specifically aimed at ‘babymooners’.If you’re healthy and well, holidaying with a bump is a great way to relax and enjoy a bit of alone time with your partner pre-bub. But before you...

2 years ago
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The Business Chapter Two

Patrick wasn’t sure when he passed out, but when he awoke his arms felt as if they were on fire and his body screamed for release. His first thought was to attempt at breaking the rope again, but as he began to sway he found his strength was sapped. He felt like a ragdoll. “Hey!” He shouted out weakly. Patrick tried jerking on the rope once more, and became suddenly aware of the pipe that still rested in his ass. Suddenly he heard a door unlatch, then soft footsteps, and his door open....

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New Years with the Ladies

The best experience I’ve ever had with women was on New Years Eve, 2003. I had just broken up with my girlfriend and was in the mood to get drunk and do stupid shit in public. My ex was a bit of an introvert, so it had been some time since I had been to my usual bar. It was about 9:30 and the place was already a bit lively. You could tell that everyone was there to have a good time to usher in 2004. The barmaid had put on the local TV station and it was broadcasting New Years in Times Square....

2 years ago
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What is Wrong in Having Sex A Twins Love Story

“It was late at night, and my parents weren’t home. Opportunities like these didn’t come very often. So we always tried to make the most out of them. Even now, if I close my eyes, I can feel every movement of our twins love. We were rough. We were energetic. We were hot and sweaty as our naked bodies rubbed against one another, satisfying the deep-seated lust in our loins. We didn’t utter a single word, and yet the room was filled with sounds… sounds of pleasure. “The only way to survive the...

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Cathy 2 Insemination Complete Beta AlphaCathy

Cathy - 2 - Insemination Complete - Cuckold Starts My name is Steve and I have been married to Cathy for some 5 years. We are both 30 and had a great marriage. She is a leggy blond with great hips, a full bosom with rosy red nipples that stick out like bubble gum and a shapely arse. Her golden hair frames her pretty face and she has sparkly blue eyes and a beautiful smile.We got on really well and I think that after a series of tumultuous relationships she saw me as someone safe, dependable who...

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The Fuck Dance

I first spotted Jin at The Element a nightclub in town. For the first hour of our acquaintance I called her Lynne, Jen, Jim and possibly another half-dozen names all of which were wrong. Once out of the nightclub I ascertained her correct name: Jin – short for… Jin (her father was Chinese). Jin was a freak. She danced all night on her own – but she was not alone. She had several male and female friends with her and flit between several people – one of which was, thankfully, me! She also sampled...

4 years ago
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Married Woman Ishika8217s Sexual Invasions 8211 Part 4

I asked Krish, “When is my flight to Mumbai? I have finished the project here.” I was in Puttulam, a town in Sri Lanka for the last one week. Every day, I returned to the hotel late after work and was too tired to even think of sightseeing. I would crash on the bed. Now, I was homesick, or fuck sick, I missed out all the fun and fucking in the office. I wanted to go back and engage all those eight hungry cocks. Krish hesitated and said, “There is a small problem. You have to go back to Colombo...

1 year ago
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Den of Iniquity Ch 06

When I left Chantelle standing on the pavement in front of the Domina Flagrante, I started turning over all the things running through my mind. First there were the death threats, and now this scandal business. At least Chantelle seemed to know what she was doing. Adrian knew too; he just did as he was told. Even Annie, despite her innocence, seemed to know what she was doing. Not me, though. I still felt like an outsider looking in. I hoped I wasn't getting ahead of myself. I'd known these...

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First time with Leather Master

I had been into leather since I was young, I was in my 30's now and married. When I first started dating my wife I had come clean about what I liked and what I didn't like so I never had to worry about being caught. Very early on in our dating we came to an agreement I could be with boys and she with girls. I liked to keep my exploits to myself and tended to only play during the day. The big problem was the lack of quality Dom's in the Houston area. I had met a few guys off Recon over several...

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Keep the cameras rolling

As I have written in my previous episode, I am a 48 year old guy with just the one fantasy. I was lucky enough to have that fulfilled and made a reality one evening during a skype conversation with my wife who was living in Florida.The guy in question was my soon to boss, also married, and both of us enjoyed the taking of my virginity under the watchful eye of my beautiful wife, 3000 miles away accross the pond, who managed to bring herself to a series of mind blowing orgasms while Clive and I...

4 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For Chapter 1

Lisa Reynolds came in the house having just got home from school. She hung her coat on the hook on the wall next to the door and headed for her room. She passed by her mother who was in the kitchen fixing dinner. "Hi Mom, I'm home," she said as she walked by, "I'm going to change clothes," Her mom looked up and smiled as she passed quickly by.Lisa went to her room and quickly changed out of her good school clothes. She was glad to get out of them, much preferring her regular casual wear to the...

1 year ago
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Private EyesChapter 11 Sarah

I got a call from Arturo on my day off. I was pissed. I had plans for the day. I needed to go over the personnel files of every eligible woman who worked at Chris' company. I couldn't afford another Mara. It broke my heart every time I thought about him being with a skank like her. I needed to find a nice girl for him. Someone he could grow to love and have babies with. I knew it would kill me when he finally found someone, but I wanted her to be perfect for him. Arturo told me to dress up...

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The Deception of Choice Episode Nineteen

The Deception of Choice. Episode Nineteen, comprising Chapters 44 & 45. Preamble. Wherein can be discovered questions on the identity of a wren and doubts as to its integrity. The varied delights of a formal ball including pink gins as a tool of the unscrupulous. Do not trust them gentle reader! Men, not the gins naturally! Blood and broken bones in the moonlight, anguish both emotional and physical. Plans awry, a stowaway, and Grace de Messembry bids farewell to someone of...

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Id Love to Rule The World

Your life was pretty normal until your 18th birthday. It was just you, your mom and your Grandma living in sunny California. You weren't rich, but lived a comfortable upper middle class life. When your father died he left behind quite a bit in life insurance. Honestly you like to think of it as the most worth while thing he's ever done. While your home life was pretty nice, school was another story. When everyone found out you were not only a lesbian but you also had a dick, they avoided you...

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The Making of a White Sissy Slut

The Making of a White Sissy Slut When he replied to my ad online, Steven said he was an attractive, 30- something, successful white man who was willing to explore the wild side. When we met in person, I was more than a little bit disappointed. Attractive was a stretch of the imagination and I told him so right off the bat. He acted as if I'd said something to offend him and responded by saying, "Well, no one's ever told me that I was unattractive." When I suggested that was because...

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Training a new kitten to cum kiss

It was almost a year ago to the day that I brought her back to my apartment. We had flirted online for a number of weeks, touching upon our desires and fantasies until we finally got to the point of meeting for a cup of tea. It’s the kind of thing I enjoy as a way to mix our own debaucheries in an elegant setting, a kind of ying and yang that would set the tone for our relationship as we moved forward, if the chemistry was right and that was where we decided to go.We had been upfront and honest...

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Being late

Always being lateShort little story no novel. I work year round at a local manufacturing facility on the east coast. My commute is usually around 20-30 on a good day. As I was getting off one night from evening shift as I was turning left to get home so officer across the street throw his lights on and I'm like Fuck. To keep it simple I ended up with a window tint violation and failure to yield. Whatever. The scheduled court appearance was only set out ten days from the light I got pulled over....

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My Brother

I'd always thought of my brother as off of his nut. He was always inclined to do the wilder things, drink the beer, smoke that joint, or streak around the block. So, it should have been of no surprise to me when I caught him in my panties. And yet, it was.It was just after school, both of us seniors, and as I usually have track, the house is generally empty. Or, so I thought until I found myself jogging home through the rain, a quick downpour which had hit just ten minutes before the end of the...

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Cameltoe Slide My Wifes Naked Pussy on a New Cock

“So one day, my wife and I were busy fucking …” It wasn’t strictly true, we weren’t quite actually fucking, but we were teasing each other, and I jokingly asked her if she ever fantasized about having two cocks to play with at the same time. She grinned and said, “Well, duh! Who doesn’t?” Well, me generally speaking, for one, but the thought of my sweet Jennifer sinking her pussy onto a new cock … I found myself curiously turned on. Jennifer was too, as I discovered once I pushed her down on...

Wife Lovers
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After Dinner Danish

I looked at the mirror and smiled, a big stupid grin that turned into a laugh, before I remembered where I was and what I was doing. Standing in his bathroom, having just showered in preparation for this man, I almost came just thinking about it. At the time I thought I was hard from checking myself out in the mirror. I had been doing push-ups and dips to build my chest and arms and it hard worked. Sexy athletic tone, not muscled, not undefined, my chest and arms were just considered bonus...

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MommysGirl Katie Morgan Aften Opal Nikole Nash Spank ME Instead

Nikole Nash and her stepsister Aften Opal are worried about getting in trouble with their stepmom, Katie Morgan, after accidentally breaking a vase she owns. However, when they discuss the possibility of Katie punishing them, Aften looks more dreamy than worried. Nikole notices this dreaminess and furrows her brows with confusion, not understanding why Aften seems to be relishing in the idea of punishment. Before Nikole can question Aften about her odd comment, they are suddenly interrupted...

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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 23

[Tennessee] I said, "It's late. Let's get to our rooms and get an early start tomorrow. I think we need to go out to the farm so Missy and Mark can pack and get ready to leave. Bethany slept in our room on one side of Jane while I slept on the other. I was going to have to talk to Jane about these sleeping arrangements. We hadn't been married long enough and our "niece" was much too attractive to be sleeping with us. I woke up in the morning with Jane draped over my body and my...

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Swimming in the Jury PoolChapter 6

The haunting refrain of the old standard tune of “Misty” ran through Ralph’s brain like Irish pennants demanding swift attention. His earlier daydreams of mauling her tempting hindquarters were consummated with telling accuracy. The clerk of court had confessed to him that she was not a “local” girl but a transplant from New York City. Her sincerity almost made him laugh because he had known that obvious fact from the first moment she opened her mouth. When she had blasted the jury pool with...

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Chronicles Of A Seductress Chapter Five

Nantyglo Rugby Club.After having had a great time at their Christmas do, Jane and her best friend Linda often called in for a drink at Nantyglo Rugby Club. They were both made very welcome and as a result they sometimes even went to watch Nantyglo's home games on a Saturday afternoon. The sight of all those young fit young men running and rolling in the mud was as good an excuse as any to join them for a drink later.Jane was aware that Nantyglo Rugby Club had not had a very good season. In fact...

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