DanicaPart 11B free porn video

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Danica returned to her room in the main complex of the Forge with a heavy heart. She knew that another task awaited her, this time without companions to stand with her.

Celes revealed that she planned to return to Zoraster's complex that day. She had left some things half finished, and wanted to get back to them. She also felt saddened by the breakup of the Companions of the Forge, and knew that staying here would remind her constantly of that loss.

When Celes left, Danica sat down to talk with Brandon. "What do you plan to do?"

Brandon shrugged and replied, "No idea. Zoraster told me to accompany you, so I'm with you until you leave." His smile revealed that the prospect of remaining with her wasn't an unwelcome prospect.

That lightened Danica's spirits a little.

Zoraster trampled her hopes when he arrived not long after. He walked into the room without the couple even noticing his arrival. They both started when he spoke. "Brandon, you have served well. Return to the complex through the portal in Danica's lab. Know you have served me well, and shall be well compensated. I imagine I shall find other work for you now that you have revealed the full extent of your abilities."

Brandon nodded to Zoraster, offered Danica a last smile, and then walked to the portal as instructed.

Zoraster and Danica locked eyes in a staring contest. Zoraster smiled and said, "Know you have served me well also, little rose. It is a pity they managed to marshal their stinking hordes. I was eager to see if you could capture any of the other four who conspired against me. Marlena is proving to be a most interesting young woman." He then laughed and Danica felt a chill run through her.

"I had thought I might have to personally intervene here when the final attack commenced. I feared the place lost. This enterprise is too important to my plans to allow to fall. Fortunately, Geflon and his midgets, and Mindblind and his vagabond sell swords prevented the need. I did not wish to so overtly play my hand here, showing the importance of this place to me. Your task is half complete, and well done. Are you ready to embark on the next part of your task?"

"Just tell me what I'm supposed to do," Danica snapped.

Zoraster laughed. "Ah — there's some fire. Very well, little rose — your task is to glean through those who sell their bodies in the House of Women. You are to find the most skillful and interesting of them, and coax them into my employ. They will be paid by me instead of relying on their own charms to make their living. Any who refuse, you are to send away. I am sending one to oversee them, and she will aid you when necessary. I want at least thirty young, attractive women, and at least two young handsome men working for me in that house before your task is complete.

"Find the disadvantaged and offer them hope in the coin I will pay. Bring them here and fill my house. You shall have the freedom to move about the farmsteads and villages of the area to seek them out. You will know if you have traveled beyond the set boundaries, I assure you. When you have filled the house, return and your task shall be complete — your freedom granted to you. Do feel free to sample those you bring into my employ. I rather enjoy watching."

"I understand," Danica responded in a dismissive tone.

Zoraster laughed again. "Ah — yes, yes — let the fire in your eyes match your fiery hair. Just remember, send that fire against me in more than words and glances and your punishment will be severe. Good day, little rose." With that final warning, the Archmage turned and left.

Only a few minutes later, a knock sounded on Danica's door. Danica opened the door to find Zoraster's promised Madam. She and Danica went to the house, and there they sat in the back room to watch the women at work. The Madame knew her trade well, and she quickly pointed out those who should stay and those who should go. They selected twenty women before the day ended, all of whom agreed to Zoraster's new arrangement. The Madam sent the rest of the prostitutes away and told them not to return.

Danica then moved into the city of Oakhaven to seek out more. She found two young men the Madame deemed suitable the first day in the city, and enticed five women from the local bawdy houses into Zoraster's employ.

With the possibilities in the city exhausted, Danica moved out into the countryside to seek out the hopeless. She filled the last spot in Zoraster's house some two weeks later. Danica took great care to find those who truly had few other options in life and could truly benefit from the offer she had to make. She went about the task with a heavy heart, though. Somehow, she knew that Zoraster had more in store for the House of Women than he revealed.

With her task was complete, Danica returned to Zoraster's complex, and her familiar rooms.

Zoraster smiled, satisfied to have yet another house of whores under his complete control. Each house of ill repute would prove useful once he winnowed through the chaff to locate those who would serve him in a greater capacity.

Every element, every level of society had a place in Zoraster's plan. His agents would be within every nook and cranny of the world before he acted.

Sitting back in his chair, Zoraster considered Danica, deciding to hold her back for some time. The encounter with the half-breed and the Dwarf could prove troublesome under the wrong circumstances, and it would be best if she were away from the stage of his great play for a while.

The manipulation of the wish-based illusions created by Danica's pendant ensured that Geflon and Mindblind were unlikely to associate her with Devan's sister, but Zoraster could not ignore the danger.

A few gestures and words of magic increased the dosage of the drugs that Danica's pendant regularly administered to her. Zoraster smiled wickedly, knowing the drugs would ensure Danica spent most of her time dealing the increased needs of her carnal desires, keeping her out of the public view.

With those thoughts came arousal. With a growl of anticipation, the Archmage turned to leave and call upon Danielle. The young clone proved eager for him to deflower her once more.

Danica saw that the last of the many things she had commissioned had arrived during her absence. Someone had placed each item in more or less the exact place she wanted them. Danica smiled when she saw notes from Heather saying that many of her spell component jars were ready for her to pick up.

Her pulse quickened when she thought of Heather and Grant. Having ignored the needs of her body during the second half of Zoraster's task, her body ached for release now that she allowed the feeling to settle over her.

Danica immediately went to acquire the sixteen beautiful jars from Heather, sharing the couple's bed with them long into the night. She didn't sleep when she returned to her rooms, but instead took some of the alertness drug and returned to her studies.

Now that she had the time, Danica was determined to learn the spells of teleportation. Her assistance in transporting the Companions would have helped a lot in the time before Mara arrived to join them. She knew the magic would probably come in handy again.

Over the course of the next several days, Danica studied the spell. On the fourth day, she felt her blood burn and knew the magic was hers. She walked out onto the grounds, and then teleported from the front door of the main building to the front gates of the complex. Danica laughed when the guards — who should be used to wizards — jumped when she popped into existence right in front of them.

She walked back to her rooms, feeling arousal building inside her. While wrapped up in studying the spell, she had ignored those needs, and her body now rebelled against that denial.

Danica felt disappointed when she found Andrea and Damian both busy, but in truth, she wanted something different. She wasn't even sure what she wanted, but she knew she wanted it badly — and now.

Thinking of her time in Oakhaven, Danica decided to go there. She went to her rooms and used the portal to return to the room permanently set aside for her at the Training Grounds.

Everyone smiled and spoke to Danica as she passed through on her way out of the complex and down to the city. She wandered around at a leisurely stroll, taking in the sights rather than just the looks and thoughts of the women she passed this time.

She noticed several shops that she planned to revisit soon. She found only one bathhouse, all but deserted in the cold weather. The cold couldn't dissuade Danica, and she enjoyed a long, warm soak. The rumbling of her stomach prompted her to find a good inn and a meal after her bath.

Danica passed by one, but found another that spoke of higher quality shortly thereafter. She found the food good, though not nearly as fine as the fare in the inns of Montbank, the city near Zoraster's complex.

The entertainment was a different story. She didn't notice until the show started, but few women patronized the inn. The entertainment likely explained why. Nearly nude dancers — a half a dozen at a time — moved around the floor of the inn. The dancers attempted to entice coins from the patrons, placing the tips — or having the patrons place them — in small pouches hanging from the waist of the skimpy bottoms of their dancing costumes. The jingling of the coins added to the music that accompanied their dance.

The women were very beautiful and talented. Danica felt ever-increasing arousal spreading through her as she watched the women dance. One in particular, a young dark-haired woman, made Danica quiver every time the dancer looked her way.

The women mostly avoided Danica, assuming that a woman sitting alone wasn't a likely prospect to fill their coin purses. The dark-haired girl spun to a table and paused for just a moment. A handsome, but stern looking man at the table put a coin in one of her purses. Danica noticed the patron say something to the dancing girl.

The dancer immediately glided toward Danica, smiling and pirouetting around the table until she danced in front of Danica. Danica's mouth, and something else, watered as the woman danced in front of her. Pulling a coin from her pocket, Danica slipped it into one of the woman's coin purses.

The girl smiled and spun around, bending her back to look back at Danica as she glided away. The position offered Danica a very good view of the upper globes of the woman's firm breasts. Danica quivered as she watched.

The music wound down, and the current dancers left the floor. Six more dancers stepped out of a back room when another tune, faster in tempo, started playing.

The women were no less beautiful or talented. Danica enjoyed their dances — a lot. Apparently, someone had noticed Danica putting the coin in the one girl's purse, because the women stopped avoiding her table. Danica tried not to think of how many coins she slipped into purses while feeling the soft skin of the women's hips in the process.

The man to whom the dark-haired dancing girl had spoken to glanced in Danica's direction quite often, and something about him made Danica terribly uncomfortable.

She didn't really feel like leaving yet, so Danica stood and took her drink with her to find somewhere else to sit, out of range of the man's stares.

Danica sat in a corner booth for a while, but even when she couldn't see the man, she felt his eyes boring into her. It didn't take long for Danica to leave. She looked in the direction of the man's table as she left, confirming that he was indeed looking in her direction. A final glance over her shoulder revealed the man finally turning away.

Danica decided to assuage her curiosity, going to the House of Women at the Training Grounds. Danica noticed little difference, save the quality of the bedding had improved. As Danica watched the men — and a single woman — coming in to pay for their companionship, she noted that the prices charged varied greatly. The woman was not charged at all, but allowed to choose one of the two handsome men to sport with free of charge.

Danica knew Zoraster was using this bawdy house for some sinister purpose, but she simply couldn't fathom what. After a short while, she left the house to return to Oakhaven.

Danica walked in the chill air by the light of the full moon. About halfway back to the town, Danica remembered a sheltered glade enclosing a small pond with a hot spring fed pool on one end. She'd found it during her search of the countryside to fill Zoraster's house. Something about that glade had called out to her when she passed it, and she answered that call now.

When Danica reached the glade a few minutes later, she walked up to the pool and kicked off one of her shoes. Dipping a toe into the water, she found the temperature just below the point of uncomfortably hot. Danica smiled and disrobed. She'd heard about the relaxing and healing properties of hot mineral springs like this, and couldn't resist experimenting.

Danica eased into the water, the biting contrast between the chill air and the hot pool uncomfortable at first. Once fully immersed, she breathed a sigh of content and floated in the steaming waters.

Danica noticed that she floated far easier in this water than she would normally, and remembered something in her studies about that being a property of certain mineral springs. Danica relaxed her body and let the pool buoy her up. She floated easily, and her nipples grew pebble hard where they emerged from the pool into the chill air. Danica reached out a finger and ran it over one of her nipples, thinking she could probably cut glass with them right now.

The touch also ignited the still pressing need for release inside her. Danica rubbed her folds beneath the steaming water, moaning blissfully as she gave in to her needs. Just as she spiraled upward toward release, faint voices startled her. She heard the voices not with her ears, but with her mind.

Danica looked around, but saw nothing. She concentrated, and noticed she could still hear the voices. The only thing she could make out was a she.

Danica continued to look around, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from, but she saw nothing. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement.

Snapping her eyes to the area, Danica saw nothing at first. After a few moments of staring, she saw what looked like a reflection of a woman in the water of the pond. As Danica watched, the Nymph rose up out of the water and glided toward Danica. At the same time, another Nymph stepped out from behind a tree and also moved toward Danica.

Danica didn't know what to do. The Nymphs did not appear threatening, and she knew they weren't evil. Nymphs sometimes caused men to die of exhaustion while coupling with them, because they sought out men for their seed to bring new Nymphs forth from nature when one passed away, but the deaths were rare and occurred purely by accident.

Danica looked at the forest spirits as they approached, appearing almost as wary of her as she was of them. The water Nymph, also known as a Naiad, naturally had bluish-tinged skin and very light blue hair. She was very petite and had small breasts with dark nipples and areoles that blended together. A thin strip of hair adorned her mound.

The tree Nymph — a Dryad — appeared much the same, except her skin was greenish in color, her nipples and areoles lighter, and her hair much darker. She too had a thin strip of hair on her mound, and Danica wondered how this had incorporated itself into the Nymphs whom she'd always seen depicted and spoken of as having natural, untouched pubic hair in their human forms.

The two Nymphs moved close together, and the water Nymph said to the other, "See, I told you it is a She of men."

Danica could not help but feel aroused. Nymphs were naturally some of the most beautiful and sexual creatures in existence. Danica suppressed a shudder as she watched them — still wary, but feeling her body strongly responding to the sight of the beautiful nature entities.

The two Nymphs both shuddered in unison. The tree Nymph said, "It does not feel like a She of men, or smell like a She of men. It feels like a She sister. The Shes of men do not have the magic as we do to call to the Hes of men like this one."

Both of the Nymphs hands strayed to their nether lips to cover them, and Danica noticed just the faintest hints of a scent in the air. It smelled like a spring shower in the forest — warm, inviting, and sweet. Danica felt her arousal spike higher and saw the Nymphs both shudder again. This time both Nymphs slipped a finger between their nether lips.

"The Shes of men do not call to us as this one does, but it is not a She sister. It is a She of men, I say," the Naiad asserted.

The two Nymphs closed their eyes for a moment, falling into what Danica thought looked like a prayer-like state. When the Nymphs opened their eyes, they both looked at each other and smiled.

"How are you called, She of men?" The water Nymph asked. Both of the beautiful sprites moved closer to stand at the edge of the hot spring fed pool.

"My name is Danica."

"I am Xara", said the Dryad.

"I am Xaqua", said the Naiad.

"I can leave if I'm intruding. I don't wish to bother you in your home," Danica said.

The two Nymphs laughed. "You do not intrude — you interest us. The Mistress likes you, and we like you too," Xaqua said and giggled.

"Will you come away from the hot place?" Xara asked.

Danica's ever-heightening arousal confused her. She knew this happened to men when they encountered Nymphs, but she had never heard of it affecting a woman. Her hand strayed between her legs, and the Nymphs continued to rub their folds as well. Danica also slowly moved out of the hot pool toward the Nymphs.

The air should have chilled her wet skin to the point of making her shiver, but Danica didn't feel the bite of the cold at all, as she exited the steaming waters. As soon as she was within their reach, the two Nymphs each stretched out a hand and touched one of her breasts.

The three shuddered in unison, and Danica felt the wetness inside her freely flowing. She knew she would start dripping soon.

"We seek a He of men for his seed. Will you join us in our seeking? We are but two and have not seen a sister for many moons," the water nymph said and then both sprites moved their hands from between their legs. They took Danica's hands and placed them over their folds, covering Danica's folds with their own hands.

All worry and care evaporated from Danica. Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew she was under the Nymph's spell, but at this moment, she didn't care. Danica caressed the two wood spirit's labia and gently probed her fingers between their lips. The Nymphs likewise did the same for her.

The two Nymphs took deep breaths, leaning close to Danica to drink in her scent as the three masturbated each other. Danica noticed the Nymphs shivering after each breath, and she could feel their wetness dripping off the back of her hand as she probed between their nether lips.

Danica didn't know how long they stood touching each other this way, but when the two Nymphs guided her down to the ground, she noticed her own scent of arousal seemed just as strong as that of the Nymphs. The three scents mingled as one — strong, sensual, and intoxicating. Once again, Danica noted that she felt no bite from the chill air. As she reached the ground, Danica noticed that the earth felt as warm as a spring day.

Danica lay down on her side, and the Naiad moved in front of her. Danica ran her tongue along the parting of the nymph's lips, and moaned in response to the taste. The Nymph's juices tasted like perfect spring water sweetened with fruit juices. The nectar dripped from the Nymph in a steady flow as Danica lapped it up.

Out of the corner of her eye, Danica saw the Dryad lie on her side in front of the other Nymph, parting her legs. Xaqua slid her tongue between Xara's wet lips as soon as she could reach. Xara then maneuvered her body so she could get her head between Danica's legs. Danica gasped as she felt the wood Nymph's tongue wash over her.

Danica's moans mingled with the musical ones of Xara and Xaqua as they all flicked their tongues over each other. Danica felt that she should go slowly, teasing and tantalizing with her lips and tongue, slowly building the fires in Xaqua, as Xara did the same for her.

Time lost meaning as Danica lapped the continuous flow of intoxicating juices from Xaqua. Danica slowly built toward release, but felt somewhat disconnected from the sensation as she washed her tongue over the Nymph's sex. Normally, the level of arousal she had reached would have distracted her from her lapping by now, but she continued to probe Xaqua's folds at the same steady pace as she drew nearer to orgasm.

When her orgasm gripped her, Danica quietly emitted a long moan of release as she continued to lick Xaqua. She felt Xaqua's body quivering under her tongue and Xara's head shivering between her legs. From those movements and the moans she heard, Danica assumed that the Nymphs must be coming too.

Same as Danica
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Stunning blonde Shalina Devine is getting ready to celebrate the Venice carnival when her friend, Rebecca Volpetti arrives. Things turn sexual very quickly and these gorgeous girls strip down to their lingerie. They take turns licking and fingering each other’s pussies before breaking out a glass dildo! They get dressed quickly with Shalina helping Rebecca into her masquerade mask right before Shalina’s husband, Erik arrives home. She has a surprise up her sleeve for him and soon...

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Pehla Live Blue Film

Hi doston, namashkar mera naam mallika hai mei aapko ek dam sachi aur apne sath ghna likh rahi hoon ummeed hai aapko pasand aayegi,haan to shuru karti hoon baat unn dino ki hai jab mei 18 saal ki thi mere mom dad videsh me rahte hain aur main hindustan me apni bua ji ke yahan rah ker padhai kar rahi thi phupha ji ki teen biwiyan hain sabse choti bua ji hain wiyon ke bachan na hone ke karan unki shadi bua ji se hui aur ye love marriege thi ab teeno ko bacche hain aur ladke hain to mei shuru...

2 years ago
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Its Better With Strangers

This seemed so irrational, so implausible and so dirty that I could hardly believe it when Marian said we needed a surrogate stud."What are you talking about, Marian?" I croaked."You know, a bull, a cuckold, a stud with special talents and a big cock. I want him for my fortieth birthday.""Why? We're still having good sex. I love you and we are a happily married middle-aged couple.""I know. You're right about all that but there are times when I need more than going through our usual...

Group Sex
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The Rendezvous

The dimly lit room was difficult to see in when I opened the door. Thin streams of light filtered in through the windows from in between heavy d****s. The evening light was soft and had a warm glow to it. I could barely make out your silhouette on the bed under the sheets. The soft rise and fall of the sheets meant you were sleeping. I could also hear your heavy breathing.I close the door softly behind me, so as not to wake you, and start taking off my clothes. The anticipation already...

2 years ago
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My Office SlutChapter 7

In the morning I woke to Marcy stroking my cock. I was hard as a rock, and as soon as she saw that I was awake, she quickly stradded me and slowly lowered her cunt onto my cock. She was soaking wet already, and she slid her cunt right down on me. She looked at me and said "I woke up horny, thinking about last night, and I almost played with myself, then I figured that was crazy, when I had a cock right here, I just had to get it hard." I smiled at her. She said "You don't mind do...

1 year ago
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The previous director of the program - a man whose real name I never knew and who disappeared completely without warning - once called us "a conspiracy theorist's wet dream." He was right. Who would believe that our government routinely searches the country to find people whose intelligence reaches a level where they are considered a potential threat (informally, it's called "Operation: Scary-Smart"; it's so secretive that I never learned its official name) and placates them by offering...

1 year ago
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The Foot Fetish Dream Feet model audioner

----------------- I have lived my whole life with a huge fetish for women’s feet, but never actually had a women open enough to listen to my wants. Sometimes my desire for the soft touch of a beautiful foot rubbing my body and cock would make me go crazy. I would stare at the women in the street, walking with high heels, wedges, slops ! Looking at their toes, imaging them stroking my cock ! Every day was hard cause I would see what I desire so much is so many different ways ! It seemed my...

2 years ago
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Tricked into bithreesome

Last week, I was out in a big city in the UK. we had a few drinks with workmates and chatted with locals in the bars. Towards the end of the evening, i found myself talking with an older but good looking woman - probably about late-40's. She was called Stacey. As my friends drifted away, i realized that there was just me and her left on our own chatting. The talk just got dirtier and dirtier and then she mentioned she was in town on business and invited me back to her hotel.Well i didn't need a...

1 year ago
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Raising Our KidsChapter 4

The next morning I acted as though nothing had happened. Mary did the same, I think she thought of this as her little secret. Not to be shared with her sister or brother just yet. We went about out daily routine and that was that. However late in the day Mary came over, and sat on my lap and just snuggled in my arms. Of course my cock started filling and growing. Then Shary saw us hugging and she climbed on as well. Not to be outdone, Larry when he came in the house came running and jumped...

2 years ago
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It was cold as fuck.Pewter gray clouds scudded in from the west, moving low and fast as I stood in line for the bus at the Greyhound terminal in Des Moines, Iowa. Dawn bloomed as a small ball of muted yellow, cowering underneath the stratus. I huddled inside my winter coat, the hood shielding my head, my hands pulled up inside the sleeves, trying to keep to a minimum my exposure to the chilly morning air.My belongings were in the backpack next to me.I was twenty years old.The bus driver...

4 years ago
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My wife has discovered castration play

Being married to my cuckoldress wife has always been enjoyable for me. I've eaten a couple of gallons of cum from her when she returns home from a night out. I can't complain about any of this because its my fault she is into this lifestyle. After we first married I started buying her all types of sexy things to wear out.Then I introduced her to cuckolding buy having her give head to one of my best friends. She was reluctant at first but once she saw Mike piece of man meat she couldn't wait to...

2 years ago
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The Only Woman for Me

      I am watching TV when the phone rings. The name and number that pops up on the screen catches me completely off guard. I haven’t heard from Elaine in a couple of years. Not since we had ended our affair because she felt she had to give her marriage another shot. A few months later her husband got a job offer in another state and they moved away. I stare  at the name thinking it can’t really be the only woman I have ever really loved, can it?   “Hello.” I say answering the phone.

3 years ago
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Pushing them to the limits

Pushing them to the limits.You might think what a strange heading for a story, but this will become clear during this story. When I started to put this story on paper, I didn't think it would become a long story. But it turned out to be a quit long story. I will split it up into chapters, but I can't wait to tell you how I pushed these young women to their limits...Let me tell you about myself. I'm an ordinary guy, in my 50's and married. We have no k**s, and still enjoying each other in every...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 144 President Buckman

“Good evening. Almost four weeks ago our nation was attacked by terrorists. Four airplanes were hijacked in a coordinated attack and flown to targets in New York and Washington. Two were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, one was targeted at the Pentagon here in Washington, and a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers managed to overpower their attackers but lost their lives in the process. President Bush and over 3,200 other people died that day, and our nation...

1 year ago
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DanicaPart 14A

"Little rose, you have gained admittance to a place that interests me. Tell me now how you managed to gain entry," Zoraster said while bringing a finger to his chin and adopting an expression indicating impatience. Danica felt magic swirling around her and wondered how Zoraster had activated it. It didn't really matter though, because she knew it for what it was — a spell of truth detection. "I joined them in their bed, though I imagine you know that much." "Indeed, I believed that...

3 years ago
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Lactating Secretary

I got this idea from a story I read by an anonymous author, so I can't acknowledge the person. Just a fantasy. Hope you enjoy. "What the hell was that," Jake Armstrong said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room. The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff was out to lunch, and Jake wondered who could possibly be using the vacant office at this hour. Well whoever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there. Jake...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 58 Hiccups are Unexpected

The locker room was quiet -- except for locker doors closing, cleats tapping on the concrete floor, and hushed, one-on-one meetings all over the locker room area. Tim Murphy was sitting in what had become his spot to prepare for the upcoming game mentally, but he was not thinking about the game in a couple of hours. Instead, he was going over the last, very unusual school week. There was no backlash from the fight with Tommy and his friends in the restroom. Tim expected to be called to...

3 years ago
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Asian Persuation

A knock came at her room telling her it was time. The Oriental beauty standing to her feet and taking in a deep nervous breath. Her mind wandered to the time she was offered the chance to be the bukkake target and her quick response of yes. She slipped her silk robe from her body, watching herself in the mirror.Appearance was everything. She wanted to make sure that the crowd she was to perform for would be completely accepting and approving of her. In turn, her own pleasure would be fulfilled....

3 years ago
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Seducing the 23 year old

*This is a true story but the names are changed (but the ages are not) simply because I dont feel like putting up with some shit if someone I know finds out I wrote this :)* My dad recently got a job with help from my step dad. Though it was not a glorious job, working on 18-wheelers was how my dad was paid. I met David one of the first days I was at the shop. He had his friend Troy with him. David is your average country boy. Tan, muscular, and just a general smart ass. I was immediately...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 7

Pete, despite the drink, maneuvered his long black Cadillac skillfully through the streets of Tijuana and out on the other side of the city. They had left the pavement and were following a dirt road to a large Spanish style hacienda. It showed up clearly, in the moonlight that flooded Baja California, even though it was still over a half a mile away. The Martinis, wine, and black Russians left a comfortable glow on Ann. The black Russians in particular were delicious after dinner. It was a...

1 year ago
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DP with Andyrsquos wife

I was traveling to Charlotte for work and asked my college buddy Andy if I could stay with him since he lived in there. I got to his house late at night via Uber from the airport. He was awake but his wife Kelcy was sleeping already. We hung for about an hour with some beers before we both went to bed. Some background: Kelcy was a friend of mine from high school that I had set Andy up with. Me and Kelcy used to flirt a bunch in high school but were friends, nothing more. Though she did used to...

4 years ago
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Sex on a volcano

Behind the high walls out of the gaze of the curious, an orgy was taking place. Francesca was being screwed by two men one in each hole. Being double done was one of her favourite activities. One stud was on top whilst she bounced on the other taking her up the arse. The one at the front had to be pretty athletic to keep up with her. Across the room Lucia was receiving the same treatment only in her case she was lying on top of the young waiter whilst her boyfriend was inside her anus. Like...

2 years ago
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Facebook Friend

Jane was sure she knew Charlie and that she knew him well. After all, she and he had been friends on Facebook for several months now. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg’s ingenuity and generosity, they’d been able to chat and discourse for hours on end without once having actually met one another. And tonight was the evening when, at long last, Jane would actually meet Charlie in the flesh. Jane was also sure she knew what Charlie looked like. She viewed his profile picture every time she visited...

Love Stories
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Ashlees Weakness

Ashlee loved Macy more than she'd ever loved anyone or anything in her life. She knew this was true without even having to think about it. It was just an indisputable fact that was beyond question just as it was a fact that Macy returned that love fully and truly without any reservations, qualifiers or any other such nonsense. Their love was beautiful and true and it was something that Ashlee cherished more than life itself. Of course, it hadn't exactly been an easy love. After all, the...

2 years ago
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How it all started Part 1

HOW IT ALL STARTED I - The Sewing Machine Sometimes the greatest changes have the smallest causes; sometimes, the big decisions in life seem to take themselves. Rarely, when we take what seems to be a small step, do we understand the huge consequences it can lead to. It is over a decade before I met you. I am sitting on the floor at home, occupied with a birthday gift. I can't now remember what it was, or who it was from, but it is taking up my time in a pleasant, congenial way...

3 years ago
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Im Not LisaChapter 11 As Good As Done

Our surprises weren't over yet. As we pulled into the yard, I saw a truck parked in front that looked somewhat familiar. "Looks like you're finally goin' to meet my sister," Rance grumbled. "Oh ... good. Caroline, isn't it?" "That's right. I hope that idiot husband isn't with her." We parked the truck in its usual spot and walked into the house. I saw Marion and Rance's sister sitting on the sofa, and neither of them looked very happy. I recognized Caroline as the blonde I...

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Descent sexual seduction

Hi, this is raj. i am 27 . 5.8 height. This is the real story happened in my life. I was in engineering 3rd year. story heroine is my java madam. Because of the the broke up with my girl friend i got crazy got addicted to some sort alchhol stuff and all.. bunking the college and spending all over the time out side became as my life. but from first year onwards i was a good student. That impression carried forward by all the faculty members. (by java madam also) her name is likitha(name...

3 years ago
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One Night Stand With A Sexy Lady In A Hotel

Hello beautiful readers. This is your friend Imran from Hyderabad. Again with a real story about an encounter with a lady who was on an official trip to Hyderabad this July. Let me tell you guys about me. I am working here as a consultant in Hyderabad in an MNC. I am 5’8″ tall and have a lean and athletic body. Coming to the story quickly. I was traveling from Bangalore to Hyderabad and just checked in to board my plane at Bangalore airport. I was relaxing in the waiting area and in the...

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Dear Diary 2 him

Dear Diary,Went to Sal's yesterday to crash over after the training. Great to see them all again, it's been too long. Had a great time with Sal when we went for a walk...It started when I arrived, late afternoon. The door was answered by a harassed looking Sal. She greeted me with "Hello! Come in, kettle's on."I stepped over the threshold and gave her a hug. She buried her head in my shoulder and whispered "it's bloody good to see you again, things are *too* normal around here at the moment."I...

1 year ago
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10 Day Submissive

Day One, 3:36pmI’m so nervous. I’m stood outside the shop. All I can do is look in and stare at the sign, knowing this is what I want but feeling too terrified to move from where I am. Perhaps someone will come out and pull me in, that would help. I have been waiting for this day for months now, and I cant even find the nerve to step through the door. Its only a shop, just a normal every day piercing shop. I’ve had plenty of piercings before, what’s the difference now? Oh yes, I know. The fact...

3 years ago
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Second Chance

Second Chance By Paul G. Jutras "A rose for a rose." Steve said as Rose stepped off the elevator at the newspaper office they both worked for. A series of snickering and cat calls came from the computer terminals near by. Rose just smiled and gave Steve a kiss on the side of the face before going to sit cross legged at her own desk "Seem like just yesterday still I asked you to marry me." Rose said as she sat on the edge of her desk and snickered....

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Smitha My Loveable Darling

Hi all, this is Shyam (name changed) am a 28yr old male having a decent look as most of the girls used to say with tall and athletic body. This is my first story in iss and i am going to share a real experience which happened 7 months before. Let me straight away coming to the incident which has changed my life a lot. The incident which i am going to narrate happened with one of my friends in Chennai a few months back. I work in a MNC and my friend also works in the same company and we are in...

1 year ago
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NotMyGrandpa Vanessa Moon The Experienced Dick

Tommy Gunn is an elder stud who can’t get much done on his own; luckily, he has Vanessa come over and help out; she aids this kinky senior get a nap and then begins practicing her salsa. When the music awakens Tommy, he decides to come down and show this babe the moves that made him famous in the past. Not long after, he injures himself, so, filled with a wild desire for this vixen’s hot, tight body, he convinces Vanessa that there is only one way she can truly help; she soon...

2 years ago
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Accidental AttractionChapter 12

It did not take long for Reg to fall asleep again. Eleanor decided to slip away to do some work and, more importantly, set up the dyslexia assessment. She also briefed Ray, saying that she planned to return to her previous regime of working at the Woolstencrofts'. He was happy with that. On her way out of the ward she stopped to chat with the nurses telling them that she and Daphne would back at six. "He never even mentioned food," she said to Rita. "Told you." She managed to arrange...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 03 Jonathan joins fold

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the...

3 years ago
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Hubbys Special Present

The following story is a fantasy but with a cast of real characters. Though my husband is a wonderful lover who makes me cum like no other I'm a woman with an occasional dominate streak that needs to be satisfied. I decided to find satisfaction for my inner Mistress on the internet. After having several dominance and submission cyber sex sessions with potential slaves one certain candidate stood out from all the rest. Stephen was convenient as our time schedules were similar and he was always...

1 year ago
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An Education A Coming of Age Story

 Chapter IV“Okay, that’s it for today, boys. Let’s call it. Blues win by a hundred,” joked Coach Hamlin. “Hey Kenny, why not leave a little in the tank for a real game, huh?”“Just feelin’ good today coach. Don’t know what’s got into me.”The boys changed quickly and headed to their bikes.“You dominated today, son. Been eating those Wheaties or what?” joked Jeremy.“Thanks, bro. Felt good to have my game on today.”“Yeah, no shit. But you shouldn’t have done Allen like that. Dude is kinda pissed...


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