Razor Ch. 08 free porn video

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I hadn’t given up and I hadn’t given in. Giving in to my need for instant relief, trying to quick fix my inner chaos by drinking myself into oblivion would after all have been the easy way. And I didn’t do easy, I never chose the simple way out. Not if there was a better, more logical way anyway. Simply quitting wasn’t the smart way forward.

After coming to the decision that I would keep going I went home, treated myself to a cup of hot chocolate, painkillers and a shower. I then went to bed and kept the bad thoughts away by imagining long, inventive lovemaking with Simon, and I fell asleep with a satisfied smile on my lips. Lust was after all a quite powerful emotion too, and a thoroughly pleasured body and mind is always easier to settle, no matter how handmade the pleasure.

A couple of weeks passed and I kept myself busy, putting the finishing touches on a few things here and smoothing more than a few wrinkles there. I wrote letters to all of my friends, signed a huge pile of papers and… I cried a lot.

All sorts of things could set me off, like a cute commercial with babies running around in their diapers, an article describing the terrible acts of war in Africa or simply the fact that my cocoa powder had run out. It was as if my tough outer layers had started to peel off and I had unprotected nerve endings just sticking out everywhere.

When William called and told me he thought it would a good idea for me to come on my usual Friday afternoon appointments, I managed to say ‘yes, I’d like that, but perhaps in a few weeks’ with a relatively normal voice, but after ending the call I started blubbering, because he was such a kind man, and he had helped me so much… and I would miss him.

I cried a lot over poor Lily and her brother too, but in between the tear-filled moments I made sure they had enough money for Pete to be able to stay in their home environment or in a good, home-like care facility, so Lily could choose and make a decision based on what she wanted to do, not just what she had to do. The money I used came from one of the secret accounts owned by Rose’s husband and family. It felt like putting the money to good use was a better option than turning it over to the police. I didn’t tell Sean because he would have probably had a different opinion, his moral compass was sometimes a bit too straight.

Rose’s husband and his partners in crime were all locked up and I hoped they would be processed quickly, so that we could all close that chapter of our lives. Most importantly, so that Rose and Sean could start healing, living and loving. I still beat myself up about sending Rose straight into the arms of that slimy meditation teacher, but after talking to Susan on the phone about it I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t my fault. I can’t say that I managed convincing myself very well, but still, I did try. After talking to Sean and hearing the story about how he and Rose met, I booked a special place in hell for the slimy sleazebag, a proper, real life experience courtesy of some old friends of mine. I didn’t tell Sean about that either, but I promised myself to tell Rose, at some point…

I didn’t go to see Samuel in his apartment again, but we communicated daily via his recently built, independent messaging app. We sent each other everything from short pieces of code to puns and scientific articles. We didn’t need to be close to feel close and it felt like we had never been apart. He seemed content to have an online friendship with me, and I was happy that he was happy. And at least his jokes made me laugh instead of cry, which was a great relief in between bouts of crying.

When everything was planned, documented and finalized I called William and asked him if I could come see him again and when he answered ‘yes, of course’ we settled on my usual time. One final meeting, with one small favor to ask of him.

– – – – –

I met Sarah and Susan at the bar one Thursday evening and I could tell that my hopes of them finding love and happiness had come true, I saw that they were both deeply in love. From the beginning of the evening Susan was still wearing her slightly cold mask, but there was light and energy behind it, and a wicked glint in her eyes. Sarah was pink, shining, warm and full of giggles and she pulled me and Susan into it, in a proper girl talk, until we were both as pink and giggly as she was.

‘I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love that lingerie shop you told me about a few months ago.’ Sarah said to me after containing her giggles and taking a deep breath ‘It really does have the perfect underwear, even for women my size, I don’t have to worry about ‘the girls’ anymore, they’re always perfectly in place, in lace, in all sorts of colors. And yes, John told me to say ‘thank you and thank you again’ to you for telling me about it.’

‘Ohh yes,’ Susan added, her eyes slightly dreamy ‘my boys like ‘the girls’ in the outfits I got from there too, so yes, they really do stock all sizes. Thank you for telling us about it.’

I nodded and smiled and wondered if I should tell them that I owned the store, so they knew it wasn’t all just ‘the kindness of my heart’ that made me tell them about it, but I decided not to. I knew it was the only place in the city where you could find what you needed in both small and big sizes. I had started the business after finding one of my big size angels crying after an unsuccessful shopping trip, and she had told me about the humiliation of never finding the right size, of always having to squeeze your breasts into an uncomfortably small bra, of people staring at the result of it. It was also one of the businesses where I could hire some of the people my organizations ‘rescued’ when they needed to readapt to the outside world.

I took a small sip of the surprisingly well-tasting non-alcohol wine I always got when we met up at the bar and happily watched my friends as they talked about their men’s appreciation of the underwear they had bought. I wondered how long it would take before Susan noticed the ring on Sarah’s finger. The way Sarah was waving it around as she described the perfect, blue lace set that had made John go absolutely crazy, it seemed blue was his favorite color, I didn’t think it would take too long.

‘Whaaat is thaaaat?’ Susan interrupted Sarah’s happy description of manly adoration ‘On your finger? Oh my god, is that for real?’

‘Yes,’ Sarah squealed ‘John took me to dinner this Saturday evening and before they brought the dessert he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him, and to please give him an answer before my chocolate soufflé arrived… because we might not make it all the way through dessert… it’s a… long story, but he likes the way I eat chocolate… and… I said yes!’

‘Of course you did,’ I nodded and smiled at her ‘you love him and he loves you and… there’s this one tiny, tiny thing that connects you two even more now, isn’t there?’

Susan was still getting over the shock of seeing a ring on her friend’s finger when my ending words seemed to reach her and shock her even more.

‘What?’ Susan said in a whisper ‘No? Really? Now? How?’

‘I suppose they did do it the normal way,’ I said with a too sweet smile ‘that’s usually the way it’s done? And I think someone once told me that practice does make perfect… so…?’

‘Yes,’ Sarah whisper-squealed ‘it wasn’t planned at all, it seems that there isn’t such a thing as a completely 100 percent safe contraceptive, but… we’re both so happy about it.’

Susan seemed to be lost for words and I could tell that she was thinking hard, probably about her relationship with Ben and Jerry and possible future children. The way her life was set up, still working hard, and liking it, there would be no space for children, and added to that was the complication of having a relationship with two men, but perhaps she hadn’t quite closed the door to a real family-life? She saw me looking at her and
nodded with a small smile, telling me that she was ok about it all, her choice of life was still the one she preferred.

We kept talking for a while and Sarah entertained us with stories about her silly crying spells, her extreme consumption of nectarines, her initial sleepiness and her libido going into overdrive. We laughed and cried and when we left the bar we all hugged and Susan said that everything was not going to be just okay, it was going to be great. I had a feeling she was right about that, in the end, everything was going to be absolutely perfect.

Susan pulled me to the side before we parted ways and asked about Rose. I told her that I thought everything was going to be okay for Rose in the end too, but that she had to go through a few difficult months before she could be as happy as Sarah and Susan. As I walked away I promised myself to remind Rose that she needed to talk to our friends before the news about her husband were revealed to the public. She might need the help and loving support of her oldest friends when that particular shit hit the news fan.

When I got home I once more thought about my life and all the happy memories I had shared with my friends, and, for once, I didn’t cry. I sat in my kitchen, realizing that I had nothing left to do, truly surprised that my usual nervous ‘I’ve got to find something to do’ energy wasn’t there to fill me up and send me to my feet and out the door. It was a strange moment of contentment, my mind wasn’t absolutely still, but much calmer than its usual full speed space machine. I felt more settled and content than I had frankly ever been. I sipped my hot chocolate and thought about the few things I had still left to do.

My phone rang and I contemplated ignoring it so I could just continue exploring the calm I felt inside of me. I didn’t recognize the number on the screen and that, of course, made me curious.

‘Hello?’ I answered.

‘Hello there!’ a warm, well-known voice answered my obvious who-the-hell-are-you question.

‘Mike!’ I yelled ‘I’ve missed you buddy, what part of the world are you in right now?’

‘I’m back home,’ Mike answered with a laugh ‘finally, back where I belong…’

‘I thought all you superstar musical artist people belonged on the road?’ I answered with a laugh ‘Don’t tell me you’ve grown tired of it already?’

‘It’s been a long year,’ he answered ‘so yes, very, very tired…’

‘You should come over,’ I said with a small smile on my face ‘I’ll make you a cup of cocoa and sing you to sleep in no time!’

‘That sounds absolutely lovely,’ he said ‘but it’ll have to wait, see I have this small, exclusive, one-time only gig tonight…’

‘Ohh, nice, close and personal?’ I answered ‘The way you like it?’

‘Yes, the way I like it…’ he answered with a short laugh ‘and I wondered if I could persuade you to join me. It suddenly hit me that I wanted to tell my story tonight, to take a trip down memory lane. I suppose that it might be this strange feeling I always get when I’m back home, I’m both happy and sad, the memories get much sharper… and, to tell you the truth, I think I need you right there next to me when I do that.’

‘You are stronger than you think, my friend…’ I answered him with a sigh ‘you should know that by now.’

‘Yeah, I don’t know about that…’ he answered, his voice a bit wobbly.

‘You’re still completely drug free?’ I asked him softly.

‘Yes… completely. No more, never again, you know that.’ he answered ‘But it’s been a struggle this past year, it’s not like the industry has cleaned up since my last tour. The constant exposure… it’s just… a struggle…’

‘You knew it would be,’ I answered softly ‘and you’ve survived it, haven’t you? Just think about how strong you are to have made it out clean and alive!’

‘Yes… I know. I still feel dirty and corrupted somehow.’ he answered with a serious and sad note to his words ‘That’s why I wanted to do this small gig, to find myself again. To be happy about myself and music again, you know?’

‘I do know,’ I answered him in a whisper ‘because music is your heart and your soul, you need it to stay sane.’

‘Come sing with me like you used to, please?’ he begged after a short silent break.

‘For old time’s sake? As in the good old days?’ I laughed softly.

‘Well except for the drugs, yeah…’ he answered me back.

I thought about it for a few seconds. I had always loved singing with Mike, but that was back in the bad old days, with a constant supply of calming, thought-suppressing drugs. After I had pulled myself out of that swamp of destruction and later, after I had managed to pull him out of it too, we hadn’t sung together even once. It was as if we were both afraid of the memories, that they would pull us back and destroy us again. There was just an endless supply of things that could destroy you, things you were afraid of, wasn’t there? I made a quick decision, to not let myself be ruled by my fears.

‘If you want me to come, I’ll be there.’ I answered him ‘Should I dress up, dress down or undress for this particular show?’

‘I’d say ‘come as you are” he answered with a loud laugh ‘and then there’s this internal fight inside of me where one side says ‘it would be pretty fun if she’s wearing an ugly old dressing-gown’ and one side says ‘I hope she’s wearing her usual jeans and t-shirt combination’…’

‘So, it’ll be a surprise then…’ I laughed and looked at the clothes I was wearing.

‘I suspect I will be disappointed…’ he answered.

After telling me where to go we hung up and I thought about the mysterious ways of life. I hadn’t thought about Mike in quite some time, and then out of the blue he called, just as I was trying to summarize the life I had lived. I was glad that I would have one more chance to talk to him, to sing with him, perhaps to help him get over his obvious disgust for the music industry.

I showered, fixed my hair up slightly and put some makeup on, trying to remember how long ago it had been since I’d actually done anything to improve my nature given looks, years? Instead of putting my usual loose-fitting clothes on, I decided to wear slightly tighter jeans, a black long-sleeved t-shirt that hugged my curves and a bra that was soft and comfortable but also very good at lifting, separating and… enchanting. I laughed when I realized what I was doing, dressing up as if I was going on a date.

I contemplated changing my clothes back to one of my usual outfits, but there wasn’t really time for it and instead, in one final act of self-defiance, I completed the date image by pulling on a pair of expensive high-heel boots.

I took a cab to the club, because parking was difficult in that area of the city, and when I got there my entrance was stopped by two guards of the big, burly and brutal kind. After talking for several minutes, trying to make them at least look at their approved admittance list, one heavy, grabby hand on my shoulder made me snap. Those kinds of guys aren’t usually built for speed, and I figured I would be able to get more than few hits in before they bundled me up and sent me off. A well-known, laughing voice stopped me before I could do any more damage than a couple of twisted fingers and a sore kneecap.

‘Don’t hurt those poor men now, Mary.’ Mike said, still laughing ‘It would look really bad on their references, you know. After the club owner fires them for not letting his ‘hired artists’ into the club.’

I backed away and saw the angry expressions on the two guards faces melt away into expressions of real chagrin, and I nodded in a silent ‘I told you so’ motion. We were both hastily let into the club where they were still setting things up for the night’s musical event. We sat down in a corner booth and talked about the songs, the informal arrangements he had in mind and the feelings he wanted to communicate to his audience. He wanted people to hear it, feel it, from the begi
nning, the darkness, the light, the energy of music, everything.

When everything was set up, when the small crowd had gathered, when we sat side by side, singing, feeling, being, breathing the music, Mike forgot about all of his ambitions and just let his thoughts and emotions lead him the way. And he guided both me and the audience through his life, through the ups and the downs, using his own music, and sometimes the music of others. It was in truth a real musician’s version of memoirs, with notes and vibrations guiding us through the landscape of his life.

With music we covered almost every emotion known to mankind, our two voices blending, mixing, making sweet musical love. I sat on my chair, on stage, my physical reactions to the music sometimes subtle, sometimes clearly evident, the fine hairs on my body standing, sometimes in excitement sometimes in horror, the tears on my face as I cried for people we’d both known that were no longer with us. And all through this, there was a humming electric feel to the air and the stories we told in speech and through our songs were all intimate, personal, sometimes sad and sometimes sensual, erotic, exciting. It all started in darkness and sadness and ended in strength, energy and passion, the way all perfect stories start and end.

We hugged each other warmly before we thanked the people who’d listened patiently to Mike’s story. Most seemed obviously affected by the show they’d been given. I saw tears, smiles, laughter, shock, anger, every possible emotion still being echoed through the room. I was absolutely exhausted at the same time as I was completely, utterly on edge, passionate, energized, buzzing, high on music, high on life. A dangerous country for a recovering addict to stay in, but I let myself enjoy it for a little while longer, my whole body vibrating, head to toe. I walked away to find myself a calm corner to be able to pull myself back slightly, but I was stopped by another hand on my shoulder, and another too well-known voice.

‘Mary, I don’t know what to do, Mary, ’cause every time I look away from you, you’re all I see, Mary…’

Simon’s words hit me dead center and I turned around to look at him. I saw that he was as thoroughly affected by the music as I was. His eyes were large, his pupils wide, and he was buzzing from his own inner high, probably as erotic in its nature as mine was.

‘Shit,’ I whispered before he stepped even closer ‘dangerously potent stuff that.’

‘You…’ he whispered back ‘are dangerous and potent. And I love it.’

Our bodies collided and in moment of insane sanity I thought that it was strange that the collision in itself didn’t create an explosion that blew the whole place out. But then thoughts became blurred and the rest of the world became insignificant as his arms pulled me in close and his lips met mine. Ravenous need and aggressive passion filled me then and I pushed myself against him and pulled him in closer, needing him as close as he could possibly get.

* * * * *

I had been thinking of, no more like obsessing about, Mary. It’s like everything around me was designed to steer me and my thoughts that way, my biological mother telling me about her work answering questions and helping people at a web site called ‘Mother Mary’, laughingly telling me that she never thought anyone would want or need her particular words of wisdom, my usual alternative radio channel deciding to have a ‘Mary hour’ with songs from around the world, people calling out ‘Mary’ wherever I went.

I had never quite understood the ‘I’ve got you under my skin’ reference. I couldn’t say that she was ‘deep in the heart of me’, but she was definitely inside of me, messing with my usually almost perfect focus.

I had tried to talk to Sean about her but he’d been walking around with a silly smile on his face that turned to a stony ‘stay away from my friend’ expression if I so much as mentioned Mary. Some additional words about her having had a tough life, and that she didn’t need my puppy attention was said to keep me away. If only I could have kept my thoughts away too, then that would have been perfect.

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Har-Hi had finished his report and waited for Stahl’s response. There was none, at least not right away. The Old Admiral was staring at the Dai and then wiped his mouth. “You guys found the source of the Y’All?” “Yes, Sir we are quite confident that the Crucible is indeed that source. Along with my verbal report, I have transmitted all data we were able to gather. “While we are all confident, our Captain will succeed in destroying this source. She felt that this was a number too big for...

1 year ago
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Summer of 89Chapter 9 Eternal Flame

"What?" I said. I wasn't sure I heard her right, but the truth was, there was a lot on my mind. Earlier that day I'd watched as my older lover Janet was beaten by her husband until she was bruised. Then he fucked her while I watched impotent from the closet. When I'd tried to get her out of there, she'd brushed me off and told me to get the fuck out. Right now, though, Cindy was naked and straddling my left leg. Her hands were on either sides of my chest, and her breasts hung down and...

4 years ago
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Juniper JonesChapter 11

We lost the Sunday game in Toronto and were back to six games under .500 for the season. My personal batting slump continued, and although Paul Warren was as inscrutable as always, I thought our hitting coach, B.J. Surhoff, was starting to show signs of concern about having to rely on me for other than occasional bench strength. I could tell he was casting about for something to say to me that might snap me out of it. If Warren and the coaches knew anything about the blowup with Juniper,...

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My wife is taped switched with a friend of

When Amy told me she was going to take a shower, I got pretty excited. You see, I had recently installed one of those hidden cameras in the bathroom, and now I was going to see just how well it worked. Actually, I had already tested it, but not with a person in the room. When I tested it, the picture was great, nice and sharp with good color. I was anxious to see how well it showcasedAmy's tight body. As soon as Amy shut the bathroom door, I went down to the living room and turned on the TV and...

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Breeding Forest

Hearing many tales of the vast fortunes and powerful artifacts lying in wait within the great forest covering the newly found continent of Farthen, you can’t help but be floored to try your luck, risking it all to make it big at last. However, unbeknownst to you, great peril lurks within the confines of the forest. Strange beasts, unknown plants and more prowl within, uniquely adapted to “prey” on any unsuspecting and ill-equipped souls who wander in. Author Note: Just started this today...

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Coeds Slave Girl FantasyChapter 8

Bob didn't wait for Tina to regain consciousness. He just sort of pushed her onto her side on the couch and stuffed his cock into her cunt, then started pumping. Meg sat on the floor behind me watching, pulling me back against her so she could fondle my body as she observed her husband fucking the unmoving brunette. As for Sean, Tina's husband, not only wasn't he bothered by this but he decided to take advantage of her as well. They positioned the unconscious woman between them and Sean...

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EvilAngel Alina Lopez Emily Willis 08122020

Fan-favored porn star Emily Willis and Latina diva Alina Lopez are both passionate about extreme sex. When they meet legendary XXX stud Rocco Siffredi, both express excitement and anxiety for the upcoming scene. Action starts with a throat-fucking double blowjob. Rocco subjects both girls to intense cunt pounding. He stuffs his massive cock into Emily’s asshole; Alina drools and chokes as she gives ass-to-mouth fellatio. The intense threesome serves up rimming, lesbian pussy eating and...

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It Just HappenedChapter 12 Double Incest

Millie Hawley's words, "Tonight is the night," played in my mind all the way home. We had left the New Year's party a few minutes after midnight because Jen was tired. I was a little tired too, but Millie was wide awake. Jen said goodnight and went upstairs to her room. Ed tossed me the keys to her car and reluctantly followed her. Millie handed me her coat and excused herself, going into the bathroom. 'What to do now?' I asked myself as I hung up the coat. Our five weeks of dating,...

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MageChapter 56

The encampment on the Loegrian side of the universes was distinctly different. A large area had been cleared and a tent city set up to house the expected influx of Drow, or Dökkálfar as they called themselves, Drow being the human word for them as taken from a fantasy game as well as a series of novels. Not that the Drow particularly cared what we called them, they were there to cleanse their past as they saw it. Brianna was no longer in charge of the advanced science teams. That position...

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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 7

First sex with young boy Mukesh in hospital and then by five workers at home made Pramila a butterfly. Finally after gap of 25 days her lover boy Mukesh came to her and made her real pleased. Then sexual inclination of first doctor Mehta & then by her headmaster took her to seventh sky. Till 25 days ago she never considered herself a object of desire for men. But when in hospital nurse informed that many men of hospital including many doctors desired to fuck Pramila, she started thinking...

3 years ago
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horny for my dad 1

I was in the class but I couldn’t concentrate on what my teacher was saying and writing on the board. I was feeling horny. I did finger myself in the shower today, before coming to attend the classes but still I guess I had been reading erotica and watching porn a little too much. “Excuse me, Sir! I need to go to see my doctor. I have an appointment and can’t cancel it, so can I go?” I asked when I realized that I couldn’t control my feelings anymore. “Okay! But don’t forget to do the...

2 years ago
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A Lesson In Sex

Dr. Swanson was a psychology professor at the university, forty years old, deep brown eyes and black hair slightly graying at the temples. He wasn’t what you would call handsome, but he had nice chiseled features and his body was a testament to his hours of working out at the gym every week. Carla was in Dr. Swanson’s class and was struggling through the course. She knew that if she were going to pass, she was going to need some additional help, so she went to Dr. Swanson’s office one...

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Jackson in HRPGWorld 2 Exploding Kiwis in the Nether RegionsChapter 7

"I can take triple of this," DaBigBoom said. "Mmm, that's good to hear," Fifi said, "then let's begin." Begin? Weren't they already beginning? Her hips came back down and this time DaBigBoom felt his cock plunge into something soft, warm and sinful. Sinful. That was the best word for it. Like he'd just plunged into a cushion of congealed sin. It puffed up inside her and smothered the swollen tip of his cock. A pleasant little tickle crawled across his engorged glans. Fifi pressed...

2 years ago
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Life on the Ranch p 05

The next day I found out that Steph was going into town. She needed some extra help for the Auction. So it was going to be just Amanda and me… I kissed Steph goodbye before she drove off. Amanda was out checking on the herd at the time. It’s only a matter of time before she comes back to use me for her own twisted pleasure. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and go to make breakfast. A package was sitting on the counter and it’s made out to me. I tore it open like it was Christmas. It’s...

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 10 Coping

When Pyx came in from work two hours later, I explained what was up with Vonda. I met her in the entryway, as she was just coming in. I told her about her responsibilities, involving the straps. I didn't mention the hypnosis. Pyx tried to pay attention to what I was saying, but seemed distracted. "Are you okay, Pyx?" I asked. Tears formed in her eyes. "I'll be okay. Give me a second. She took off her cook whites. Underneath, her clamped nipples had gone from pale pink to cherry...

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I’d been waiting for this moment for several days. When you lead a team of 30 it’s often hard to get to speak to one of them alone – especially when there’s only two women – and people talk. This morning was busy, the team had a deadline to deliver a part and everyone was focused on their task to make that happen, including Eleanor. I made an excuse to review her paperwork while she worked and waited until no-one was within earshot. ‘I’m leaving soon Eleanor’, I said. She looked at me with a...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e6 Barbara 57 housewife from Barnet

Series 2, Episode 6: Barbara We’re here in a residential suburb of Greater London – lots of small semi-detached homes, wide streets. We focus on one particular home, there’s a couple standing at the front door, facing in our direction. He’s looking straight at us, her gaze is directed more toward the ground. She’s middle-aged with short blonde hair edging toward white. Anonymous features, frameless spectacles. Her blue denim button-up shirt and knee length black skirt suggest that she’s not...

1 year ago
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She Was So Hot Too Fuck

Thanks for the story. Look forward to higher frequency of such hot and spicy stories each week. Well, now I am submitting hereunder, my own story for circulation &/or inclusion in iss.net incest stories section or as convenient to the iss team. It is about an experience with my ever-horny widow-aunt. Since this first incident, we are now regularly having this relationship and many more different experiences will be shared after the feedback. This is an experience of my first ever encounter with...

4 years ago
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Bar Girl Ch 05

Chapter 5. ‘Belle.’ Belle. Girlie goes ‘satisfaction guaranteed’ with Belle. Hardcore tomboy sex. Jailbait victim, Paolo. The afternoon proved so oppressive that, at dusk, the girls left for the air-conditioned refuge of Talent Spot. With umbrellas to keep off the worst of the rain, and dressed in shorts and flip flops, they splashed in puddles and stepped into rivulets, as spray, beaten up by the heavy rain, drifted onto their legs and clothing to condense. At MacArthur Highway, the lights...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Collegue

By : Muku235 Rozy, my colleague. I was running a college at that time. I was 32 at that time. Rozy is a Maldivian lady. She used to come there regularly for taking English and she used to take other subjects too. Very friendly woman at the same time will crack jokes just like that. She is quite beautiful with sexy figure of 38 30 38. I never thought of her for sex. But one day when I came to the college she was sitting there without her turban in her head. She was wearing a shirt and very tight...

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Thug Love Chapter 6

Background Info: If you have not read the first 5 chapters of this story here is some background info. Sometime ago I lost my anal virginity to a sexy thug name Jay. Jay and i have a weird relationship thats if you want to call it a relationship. One day i was on YouTube and i got into a debate with a homophobic guy who was bashing gay/bi men. I went to his house to do a video debate to explain that being gay/bi is not a choice but instead we ended up having sex.I am awakening from a deep...

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Caged and denied

It’s 4:00am and every chaste man in the world knows exactly what i is i am feeling right now. This is my second night in chastity and i’m reaching that point of deep, desperate ache. What otherwise would be an erection, that begs for release, painfully throbs inside its cage. The ring of the cage is chafing the underside of my balls and there’s no way i can sleep. The few times in the past that i experimented with chastity play ended by this point. With that being said, let me take You back to...

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Spank My Valentine

I was feeling very pleased with myself that Saturday morning. Valentine’s Day was just one week away and the shop was much busier than usual. I watched, from my office upstairs, as customers streamed in and out of the shop; singles and couples alike with thoughts of romance and sex. Adult shops like mine had taken a bit of a battering over the last few years. Online shopping had decimated most High Street trade over the last few years but Adult shops were particularly vulnerable because...

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Enjoying Teenage Boy 8211 Part 2

Hi all.. I hope you all enjoyed the first part. This s the 2nd part. Enjoying Raj for the first time was such a sweet experience. I could still remember his man smell, the taste of his body. The next day dawn, I woke Raj from his sleep. He got up. He gave no signs of what happened the previous night. But I was sure he was well aware of what had happened. He took his bag and went to his house. Got freshened up and came back to school in time. The class went as usual. That day evening, when I was...

Gay Male
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Jennys Wild Ride

By Jax_Teller It was a long hot day and I tried to sleep some knowing I had to work later that night. I couldn’t sleep or nap for all the noise in the neighborhood. I decided to get some tanning time in and I set up my lounge chair in the yard. There was a privacy fence around the yard and I regularly tanned naked. Tanning naturally was dangerous for me because if I burned it would make working difficult at best. As an exotic erotic entertainer dancer, I had to keep my skin and body in shape...

2 years ago
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Backyard PrincessChapter 2 Prisoner of the Shadow Monsters

That evening, Sarah stopped by and asked if we wouldn't mind coming over to meet her parents. Mom and I followed her across the way to her house. Her mom greeted us at the door and welcomed us inside. The smell of freshly baked cookies filled the house, and I spotted a plate of them on the coffee table in the living room. Her dad sat in one of the chairs. Mom and I sat down on the couch, and Mrs. Laurent took one of the other empty seats. Sarah passed around the cookies, then disappeared...

1 year ago
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Converted from "Simona_01.txt" on 21-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 SimonaSeinem Rang entsprechend hatte Drusus direkt hinter den Senatoren seinen Platz eingenommen. Frühzeitig hatten sich die Ränge der Arena gefüllt, denn heute war der erste Tag, an dem die Anhänger der neuen Sekte ihrer gerechten Strafe zugeführt werden sollten. Flüchtig dachte Drusus an seinen Freund Licutus, der ihn erst so richtig aufdiesen Beginn der Spiele aufmerksam gemacht hatte. "Das werden die grausamsten und...

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CameronChapter 3

I received a small package in the mail from Mr. Don Carter nearly a month after they returned to their own offices in Los Angeles. I had to go to the Post Office to pick it up. The bastard paid extra for ‘signature confirmation’. He’ll know I received it and when it arrived. I took it home, placed it on the dinette table and poured myself a large glass of wine. I sat at the table staring at the package with a knot in my stomach and a most horrible feeling of dread. I didn’t open it. Not...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 14 Aftermath

The rest of the day was unnaturally quiet. Many of the students and teachers were in shock. Matron went about her duties in a wooden manner. Wherever Linda went, a path opened up in front of her. Students and teachers alike regarded her in different mixtures of admiration and fear. While a small part of her felt almost supernaturally powerful as a result, she knew that this reaction would have to be broken. Her plans required interacting with the students as a peer, not as some Olympian...

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Rajeev Uncle Ke Saath Hafte Bhar Mauj 8211 Part I

Hi Doston, Us din Rajeev Uncle se chudwane ke bad main ekdam past ho gayee. Seedhee se utarte waqt lag raha that jaise meri Choot men kuchh ghusa huwa hai. Chalne ke samay jab Choot ki deewaren ghisti thi to lagta tha jaise moot nikal jayegi. Kisi tarah maine apne aap ko sanyat karte huye ghar men dakhil huyee. Ghar men sabhi TV dekh rahe the. Mujhe thodi rahat huye ki chalo unse samna nahin karna padega. Main bhi wahin jakar baith gayi. Mujhe kuchh nahin pata TV par kya de raha tha us din....

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Sun bathing with my sister

A CONTINUATION OF Caught in my sisters underwear.We must have been asleep for about an hour on the sofa when I felt Jane slowly stroking my arm, "Dan, wake up baby," she whispered.I looked up at her and smiled, here I was lying next to my hot sister, both of us still in our matching thongs and bras. Her's baby pink, mine sunshine yellow, my cock was hard against her body, she started stroking it gently with the back of her hand through the material of my thong. "Come on baby, we should make...

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Dirty Sissy Cock Whore dreaming

It was the end of a hard working week, full with thoughts about wanting to brake out of the mould, wanting to do something different, something daring, something naughty or even forbidden. I needed to relax and drift away from the monotony of daily live I thought to my self laying in the bathtub breezing the soothing odours of herbal bathing oils. I got out, rubbed my clean shaved body dry and than trimmed the little bush of pubic hair above my limb sissy clitty, Now I slid my black lace tanga...

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Wifes flirting for me

One evening out on the town after spending most of it drinking, I noticed the bartender was trying very hard to see my wife's breasts. So I mentioned it to her, and she answered she had noticed him too. What do you think?, I asked her. He does seem nice, why?, she replied. Oh I thought that maybe you'd like to help his view and open a few buttons, I answered. My wife was silent for several minutes and looked at me.Do you want me to let him see my tits?, she asked. I thought a couple of buttons...

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10 May 2009Chapter 4

Lisa came prepared for their sexy family with her and Dan taking the time to clean Jenny’s pussy. His lips and tongue inspected her to make sure she was clean. “While Daddy rests so he can fuck me next, let’s take him for another walk and show off his cock and balls,” Hanna suggested. They took the comforter and cooler back to the car then Hanna and Jenny took his hands. He was at the mercy of the head of his cock trying to peek into view with the movement of his T-shirt. Dan would train...

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Amisha Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello frnds I’m Ammy. ye meri first story hai so pls spelling mistake ko avoid karna aur koi bhi widow, aunty ya koi girl muje mail kre at mai apne aap ko introduce karta hu. Mai 23 years ka hu, 5 foot 6 inch lamba hu, fair colour and mai Delhi mei rehta hu and mera Lund 6 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota hai.Now let me introduce my cousin Amisha bhabhi(name badla hua). Unki shadi ko 10 years ho gye hai aur wo mujse 8 years badi thi but unka koi bacha nhi hai kyki shayad bhaiya mei kuch problem hai....

4 years ago
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To serve and soothe the Lady

Another short tale. But only because my a.d.d. keeps me from writing long tales. As always, feedback is not only welcome but very much desired. To serve, and soothe, the Lady. The hour was late, or perhaps early as it was now past midnight, when she - who was not a she on the outside - closed and locked the door after the gentleman left. She liked this man, for he was not cold and cruel as some could be and treated her as a person with feelings. A servant, yes, but still a person....

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