Interesting TimesChapter 03 free porn video

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Matt calls the number Monica gives him and he asks the telephonist, “May I speak to the sales representative for the Rivers Base Hospital account, please?” She puts him through to an extension.

It’s answered by a gruff man, “Roger Hadley, what do you want?”

Matt isn’t impressed with the man’s snarl, but he’s polite when he says, “Excuse me, I wish to speak with you about what food and drinks you have in the machines at the Base Hospital.”

The man’s curt reply is, “I don’t care what you want! We’ll decide what we sell!” This leaves Matt a little confused until he works out the man is jumping to a false assumption. He’d hung up, so Matt calls again.

Meanwhile, at Hardy Vending Services, Roger leaves his desk to pop his head into the office of the sales manager. “Peter, I just had some kid wanting his favourites in the Base Hospital machines. I was a bit short, so he may call you.” Peter March, the sales manager, nods to show he heard while he continues to read the paper. Roger returns to his desk.

Matt reaches the telephonist and ask,, “May I speak to the manager of sales, please?” She puts him through.

Peter is still concentrating on a sports article in the Sydney paper when he answers the phone, “Peter March, Sales, how may I help you?”

“Good morning, Mister March, my name’s Matthew Dyer. I’d like to talk to you about the behaviour of one of your staff and about your Rivers Base Hospital machines.”

“Look, kid, we’re not about to change our stocks to suit your tastes. So please don’t try to ask us again.” He hangs up. Peter stands and he walks through to the reception area. He tells the receptionist, “Robyn, there’s some kid trying to tell us what to put in our machines. Roger and I have given him the brush off but he may persist. Just don’t bother putting him through if he calls again.” She nods her acknowledgement in reply.

Peter is still walking away from her desk when Robyn answers the phone to hear the same young male voice say, “I’d like to speak with the manager, please.”

She’s polite when she says, “I’m sorry, Sir, but Mister Hardy only deals with important company matters. Is there someone else who can help you?”

Matt says, “I need to speak with Mister March’s supervisor. I doubt there’s another level of management between the two in such a small local company.” He spends the next couple of minutes trying to get her to put him through. Monica walks in while he’s on the phone.

She listens to the conversation as she can see he’s getting very angry, and that won’t help his recovery. She waves at him and asks him who he’s talking to because she heard him say it’s a local firm. He explains who he’s talking to and that he can’t get anyone there to listen to him.

Monica nods her understanding then she takes the phone off of him to saying into it, “Robyn, Monica here. Put me through to George right now while you can still manage to keep your job.”

Robyn is surprised about the change in person on the phone, but she’s stuck in trying to keep the boy away from the company owner and she has trouble changing mental tracks. Monica hangs up and calls back. This time Robyn is in normal mode so she puts Monica through when she says, “Robyn, it’s Nurse Mills, I’d like to speak to George, please!”

George answers, to be greeted with, “George, Monica, I’m about to put a young patient on the line to speak with you. I strongly suggest you listen carefully to what he has to say because he’s had the run around from your staff for the last half hour and is now very pissed off with everyone there.”

George can tell his sister-in-law is also pissed off so he says, “OK, Monica, put him on.” When Matt gets on the phone he adds, “I don’t yet know what the problem is, but please give me your side of the issue and I’ll see what I can do for you. Is that OK for you so I can get this sorted out right?”

Matt smiles his thanks at Monica while he says, “Good morning, Mister Hardy, I’ve got a few issues with your staff about how they treat clients, and I’d like to speak to someone with a double digit IQ about doing business with you. Before we get down to business I’d like to go over today’s experience with your company.” He tells him about the phone calls, what he said, what was said to him, and adds, “It’s clear Roger jumped to a conclusion about what I wanted and he brushed me off. He then went on to give his version to Peter March who gave me another brush off without asking what I want, and he told the telephonist to do the same with future calls by me. Had Roger’s assumption been right he still should’ve been polite while he heard me out before giving me a polite brush off, not the terse one he did. The matter was made worse by Peter, the manager, who should’ve been more willing to listen. The telephonist was very polite, unlike the others, and was only carrying out the instructions she was told, so I’ve no issue with her.”

“Yes, they should listen to all of our customers, thank you for bringing this to my attention. When I bought the business they were already here, but I think I can dispense with their attitudes to do better business. Now, how can we help you?”

“Mister Hardy, I do need to have a serious business discussion with you about products and services here at the hospital, but it’s nothing to do with making any changes to your existing services here. It’s about a new service. I need to see lists of the food and drinks you carry, what’s currently provided at the hospital, and where it’s available there. I also wish to see product sales quantities. A list of what else you can provide but don’t carry at the moment, and the information on the dispensers and fridges you have available. I understand you may be worried about talking to a teenager about this stuff but I suggest you run checks on Dyer Services and MDT Investments before you visit me this afternoon. I’m Matthew Dyer, the Board Chairperson of both companies.”

George makes notes while they talk, then he again apologises for his staff. After hanging up he thinks for a few minutes before he goes to speak to his senior clerk, Adelaide. Walking into the main office he says, “Adelaide, here’s a couple of companies I’d like the usual checks on right now. I’d also like to see a list of officers and the phone number of their CFO so I can talk to them,” as he hands over the paper with the names of the companies.


He waits for her nod before he goes to speak to Roger and Peter. On his way there he stops to have a word with the telephonist, “Robyn, if anyone calls and wants to speak to me you put them through to me. I don’t care what anyone else says about the caller, you do not block my calls unless I ask you to. Is that clear?” She gulps and nods yes. He walks to the sales area. When he goes by the room with the two sales field staff in it he motions for them to follow him as he goes into the office of the sales manager. Once all four of them are in the office he has them sit.

George looks around his small audience, catches the eye of each, and turns to Peter. None of the staff like the expression on George’s face when he starts to speak, “Peter, twice before I’ve warned you and Roger about your attitudes to clients and potential clients. I told you last month it was the last warning. I’ve now got another complaint about both of you so I’m here to give you both your notice. I don’t want you to work it out so you can both clear out your desks and cars of personal effects then catch a taxi or bus home right now. I’ll send on your cheques for the pay due plus the notice period.” Roger starts to stand so George turns toward him, “Go talk with the union if you want to. This is in accordance with the union rules as well. Three cases of being very rude to clients now, so you’re both gone.” He turns to the other sales representative, “Janice, will you please go with Roger while he cleans out his desk and car while I check Peter out of here.”

Peter is very angry he and his brother-in-law are being fired. Their jobs had been secured as part of the sale by his father. He asks, “Who complained?”

“Today a new client tried to get through to organise an account. You both gave him the brush off before he could explain what he wanted. He sounded young and he is young, but you jumped to conclusions. Worse than that, you were very rude to him. He has an independent witness to the conversations that I trust, so you’re gone.” Both their eyes go very wide on hearing the word of a youth is getting them fired.

Peter has a sour expression when he says, “You’ll take the word of a kid over mine. I’ll sue you for everything you’ve got.”

Adelaide walks in and hands George a slip of paper with the results of her initial enquiries. He looks up, and smiles while he says, “I don’t care how young he is. I’ll take the word of the Chairman of the Board of a successful service company that does a lot more business each year than we do over your word. Now pack up, you’re gone.” Both salesmen rush to pack their personal effects. Ten minutes later they’re getting in a taxi together after handing in the keys to the company cars.

When they drive off George asks, “Janice, I don’t think we really need a sales manager, but do we need more sales staff? I ask because you’ve a better feel for the market and clients at the moment.”

She turns to George, “What say you give me a ten percent pay rise and I’ll handle the whole sales area by giving the drivers commission on any new or increased business they bring in. That’ll give us a very good coverage of the existing customers while I concentrate on getting new business.”

“Sounds good to me. Let’s see how it goes for the rest of this quarter and the next one. You already have a company car so I can’t give you one. What do I do with these two?”

“Get a locksmith to change the locks. I know they both have spare keys at home. Also have the office locks changed, to be safe. Why not give the two senior office staff the cars to use? And I bet if you allow the drivers to take the trucks home each night they’ll work a lot harder.”

“The idea about the trucks is a good one. But the use of company cars causes tax hassles, especially if it’s office staff. However, neither of them has a car and they both use the bus to get to work. I’ll talk to them about having them take over the leases and I’ll go guarantor on the deals.” She nods in agreement. “OK, this afternoon I’ve got an appointment with a young man about a new account. Please get all this information together as we’ll both be going.” He hands her the list of information and figures Matt wants before he goes to call the locksmith to changes the locks.

George, Adelaide, and Janice are all very busy for the next hour or so. While having lunch they discuss what they’re getting together and who for. All three are amazed about the businesses Matt runs. Adelaide even rang Dorothy to confirm they’ve the right Matthew Dyer, and they do.

Guest Goodies

About a quarter after two that afternoon George Hardy and Janice Meyers arrive at Matt’s bedside armed with all the figures they think they’ll ever need. They include a product sale analysis for each machine in the hospital and each floor of the hospital, something they’d not done before. The results of it have already got them thinking and discussing possible changes in product mixes to improve sales. The idea about the detailed sales analysis would’ve made this visit worthwhile, but George feels getting the final complaint to get rid of the other two sales staff is a good result all on its own.

After Monica introduces them George hands over a typed copy of the first part of the phone conversation as he says, “Mister Dyer, please check this summary of our earlier conversation and sign this complaint form. I’d previously spoken to both those men about their attitude to customers and they were on their last chance. As a result of today’s complaint I fired them. I’m sure they’ve cost me a few customers over the three years I’ve had the business.” Matt reads the document and he agrees with the summary so he signs it with his left hand and he gets one of the other nurses to sign as witnessing his signature before giving it back.

Matt smiles at Mr Hardy as he asks, “I hope you brought along those sales figures I asked for! Before we get into studying them I’ll explain what I want. Due to my injuries I’m confined to this bed for several months, if not the rest of the year. As you can see, I’ve organised to make things easier for me. But I do like to talk with people. It’s hard for me to get out and go talk to the other kids in the main wards so I need to get them to come visit me. To that end I intend to put on a DVD film each afternoon after lunch. With the kids here the staff will have an easier time cleaning up after lunch. Mother always taught me to offer guests food and drinks. To do that I want some fridges in here loaded with a mix of soft drinks, juices, and flavoured milks. I want some snacks too. To simplify the account I’ll work on having the drivers delivering boxes to this room and I’ll pay for the whole box. If it won’t all go in the machine it can be left here for the next refill. The boxes of the snacks can be opened and left here because they don’t need to be loaded into machines to record the sales. That’ll make things a lot easier. The drink coolers don’t need to have working coin slots, either.”

Janice smiles and says, “Well, that does make the deliveries and bills easy. Our driver just needs to assess the number of cartons then bring them up, and they’re all very good at doing that. He’ll load the drinks into the fridges for you too. Most have a small storage area to chill extras, so they’ll go in there. We won’t need to lock the fridges either. That way we can use some of the older units we’ve not yet put new coin slots in. Nor will we have to go through the process of counting the money. That’ll keep the fridge rental down. Now what do you estimate the usage will be, and what do you want in the way of product lines?”

“Usage will vary a great deal. My regular guests can go through about fifteen to twenty drinks per weekday, and more on weekends. With the number of the kids in the wards varying between fifteen to fifty; well, I can’t say how many. I’d guess two drinks and a snack per kid per show plus what my regular guests and I want. That will be between fifty to a hundred and fifty drinks, and around twenty-five to sixty snacks per day. So we’ll need daily deliveries to keep up. As to product lines, that’s why I asked for the sales information because I don’t want to affect your other sales too much. I know some of the kids won’t go and buy from the machines in the afternoons if I have them here, so you will lose a little there. But I do want to give them a different choice here so they’ll still be tempted to get their favourites from your machines so as to minimise the impact on your sales from the other machines.”

George grins, “Well, sales through you or the machines are still sales for us, so it’s not a big issue. We deliver six days a week. Until we can get a good handle on average sales I suggest we have a driver drop in at the start of the day and near the end of the day. Once we get a good idea of what’s needed we can go to deliveries early each morning and also mid-afternoon on Saturdays as the last delivery of the day. That’ll top you up for Sunday.” They spend the next twenty minutes talking about what products to carry here and to come up with some lists.

The new shift of nurses are in their start of shift mode when Matt asks, “Janice, please go talk to the kids in the main wards. Ask their opinions of the lists for snacks and drinks to provide on the floor and get their ideas of what to include.” She goes to do that. He turns to George, “Can you suggest a person to provide fresh fruit platters each day?”

George smiles, “I bet you haven’t asked Monica that question!” Matt shakes his head no. “Her family has a top quality organic fruit farm on the edge of the city and they supply fruit to many businesses as well as running a small catering service. They provide fresh fruit platters to a number of places each day. I’ll just give them a ring to ask them to drop in.” He gets out his mobile phone and he hits a speed dial number. When it’s answered he says, “Afternoon, how’s my best mother-in-law today?” He listens and laughs then, “You need to talk to Monica about how to dig up business for you as I’m sitting with a patient of hers who wants some fruit platters delivered each day so I thought to direct the work to you. He’ll be putting on a daily afternoon show for the kids’ wards and he wants some fruit snacks for them too.” He spots Matt waving his hand so he asks her to hold on for a moment then he looks at Matt.

“I want a small platter for me and guests to snack on during the morning and evening as well. I’ll take what’s available.”

George turns back to the phone, “He also wants a smaller platter for snacks of a morning and evening and he’ll settle for what you have fresh. I suggest you come to have a word with him about costs.” After a little more talk he hangs up. He turns to Matt, “Someone will be out to talk to you about sizes and rates.” He glances at his watch. “I bet Monica will get a call just as she reaches her car. She’ll have to grab some papers then come right back here.” Both smile at the picture that creates for them.

Janice returns and they discuss the product lines again. Matt adds, “If you’ve anything new you wish to try out with the kids talk to me. We should be able to put a carton out to see how it goes. Since I’ll pay for what’s delivered here you’ve no exposure on what I try in this room, but you may get some good feedback.” Both of them nod agreement. “Oh, do either of you know where I can get some nice pads or cushions for the kids to sit on while watching a film?”

Janice grins, “I know someone who can supply some nice foam pads with sturdy covers. Each is a square half a metre on a side and they’re one hundred millimetres deep. They’re very comfortable for sitting on the floor as we use them at the scout hall. The same people even supply a good steel storage frame just over a metre high. Heck, you can get some of those and put a bench across the top for the snacks to sit on.”

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Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 06

Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 08

They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

3 years ago
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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

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Black List I GhostsChapter 19

“What’s on your mind, Spence?” Sam asks, dropping onto the bed next to him. “To be honest, a lot,” he answers. “You’re one of them.” He shakes his head. This is why relationships are generally not accepted. “I thought it was just me,” Sam says. “I almost felt like a fool explaining it to you in the hospital.” “We’ve been partners for a long time,” he says. “And lovers for while too,” she adds. His thoughts swirl around his head like a tornado out of control. Growing up with his uncle he...

1 year ago
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Disappearing Dreams Book 2Chapter 2

The abrupt departure of Kyle Monson from the Meyers' family living room that night created a fair amount of turmoil. Much finger pointing occurred as John, Melody, and Stephanie all tried to deal with her predicament and this unexpected, but not surprising result. Stephanie's father, John Meyers, while feeling sad for his daughter's pain, completely understood the young man's point of view. "I don't blame him a bit! Who the hell wants to marry a girl that's knocked up by somebody...

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Nosy Neighbours

What happens in one's bedroom should be private,or so they believed when they moved into the three bedroom terraced house .Once they had finished all the painting and decorating,had had their new furniture delivered and finally had undressed in the privacy of their bedroom their insatiable appetite for one another took hold.When they were in the throes of sex they were loud,they did not mean to be loud but they were so caught up in one another that loud panting and screaming came with the...

2 years ago
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Fucking The 36 Years Old Virgin

Hi, this is ashutosh again. I hope you all enjoyed my last story ‘helped friend getting pregnant’ Well I must admit that extra marital relationship with megha which happened by chance gave me some respite from the tense marital life that I had and it made me bold also. Now mentally I was ready for any such excursion, rather I started craving for it. But chandigarh being a small city and you being socially known to people it can get a little risky at times and of course that did bother me at...

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Chris and Mark Forever

Chris and Mark Forever by DKB Mark opened the gate, then walked down the path and round to the back, where he found that the back door was unlocked. So he opened it and stepped in. He had been in this house often before and knew it almost as well as his own. But the fact that it seemed empty was weirdly unsettling and made him feel like he was sneaking around where he shouldn't be going. He walked through the kitchen, into the hall and up the stairs. He put his hand to...

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PurgatoryX Armani Black Ailee Anne Birthday Girlz Vol 1 E3

It’s Ailee’s (Ailee Anne) Birthday and her Stepparents (Armani Black, Romeo Mancini) help her celebrate with a delicious birthday cake. Ailee, a precocious and surprisingly horny girl, makes her wish, blows out the candles and heads to her room. As soon as Ailee opens her bedroom door, her wish to play with a big-fat-cock (Elias Cash) comes true. Wasting no time, this young and sexy babe gets busy. Armani stumbles upon Ailee doing the nasty and can’t help playing with herself as she watches....

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Doing MandyChapter 15 Shes Feeling Bolder

A couple of hours later that morning, Mandy had showered and dressed for work at the office where she and Tom had worked together only a few weeks earlier. As Mandy pulled into her reserved parking place at the office, she found herself feeling sad that Tom no longer worked there with her. She'd really grown to appreciate how sexy and manly he was but then she rushed to remind herself that if Tom hadn't been pushed to the point and quitting and demanding that she give into his sexual...

1 year ago
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Amandas Games

The girl called Amanda laughs and absent mindedly stirs her cocktail with an olive stick. She looks stunning, and she knows it - her red evening dress is split seductively down one leg from the thigh, showing plenty of smooth and suggestive young skin, and the low cut at the front hints at the curves of her small breasts. Her long brown hair cascades around her shoulders, but she is careful that her expensive, glittering earrings aren't hidden behind it. She is thin lipped in a way posh people...

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Sex With Friend8217s Aunt In Hotel

Hi to ISS fans, my name is Sanjay from Bangalore I am regular reader of ISS stories. I like stories in INCEST category stories. Sex between mature ladies with young boys. I am going to tell u my first sex experience with a lady in Hyderabad hotel. I am not sure about her structure but it is very seductive every man’s dick. Most attractive part is her boobs and Ass and her seductive voice. Ok let’s begin the story I am working in MNC Company in Chennai at that time. One of my friend came to...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 16

At his Uncle Scott's request, Bobby was checked into the same hospital room that Sammy had occupied just hours before. As it was just a few doors down from Julie's room, it made it easy for well wishers to visit both of the teens. X-rays determined that while Bobby's ribs were painfully bruised, there were no broken or cracked bones. They wanted to watch him overnight to be sure he had no further lapses into unconsciousness, but it appeared his stay would be brief. Julie would remain in...

1 year ago
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Nympho Lola Mai Dicking Down Lolas Pussy

Slutty, long-legged Lola Mai is here to get your dick hard & get herself off! She wants a good dicking, so down her throat it goes as she works up long streams of drool! She eats some ass then takes some dick right up her pretty pink pussy. She gets the fucking she came here for & she loves to swallow!Slutty, long-legged Lola Mai is here to get your dick hard & get herself off! She wants a good dicking, so down her throat it goes as she works up long streams of drool! She eats some...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Mom

So for anyone who follows my page knows of my extreme attraction to my hot milf mother (which most of you have seen and can go see in my galleries). Well the this past Sunday I moved away to college, and Saturday was my going away party. The party was cancelled due to me having too much packing for the trip and family obligations. Of those obligations was to go see my mom who me and her have not been getting a long too well. About 2 months ago she went on my facebook and found that I had sent a...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 10

Book Ten. A Family Affair. Luckily it had been arranged for Jane to spend the night with Mabel, because after their session they both fell asleep for a while. When Jane woke, her face was stuck to Mabel’s breast. The cum on her face, combined with the cum all over Mabel’s naked body had dried. She had to carefully peel herself from Mabel’s skin. Mabel was still sleeping, and Jane quietly sat on the side of the bed to gather her thoughts. Looking down at her own naked body, she...

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CherryPimps Natalie Knight Scoring Big With A Tongue In My Pussy

Natalie Knight may only be 4 foot 10 but she can play darts. She will not take her size as a handicap. She shows Danny what it takes for her to improve on her game. “Eat my pussy and you’ll see my dart game improve drastically” she states… This must be magic. Natalie makes the dart team and Danny gets to eat that tiny little pussy out. This is what dreams are made of. Natalie shoves Danny down and grinds her pussy all over his face. Just watch Natalies game improve as...

3 years ago
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Personal Experience

The late-autumn light was fading quickly as Professor Lucas Wainwright slipped a thick sheaf of papers into his briefcase and snapped the locks closed. The beginning of a new academic year was always a difficult time, and he was in no mood for staying late. Satisfied that nothing remained that could not wait until the next day, Lucas tucked his spectacles into the breast pocket of his suit, picked up his briefcase, and turned out the lamp. His fingers had barely brushed the door handle,...

3 years ago
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A Special Birthday

Turning 38, it's just a number not a date of significance like 18, 30, 40 or 50 but for some reason I was excited about it. My boss had given me the day off to relax. My husband was back from his business trip so I was hoping for a birthday love making session. Usually my husband is horny as when he comes back from his business trips but he arrived home late and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I know he doesn't mind a bit of morning glory so before the alarm went off I...

4 years ago
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E031 Another spa appointment

When Emma wakes up Donald is gone.  She cannot help it, but a tear comes to her eye over it.  But on the nightstand is another written note from him in his wonderful firm script.Emma,I wanted to let you sleep in some.  Thank you for last night, you did wonderfully.  Don’t forget your spa appointment today and be at my house by four o’clock.DLaying next to the note is her fourteenth pearl. She does not want to put it on herself, so she takes and places it in her purse for Donald to add to her...

Love Stories
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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 8

I looked down at Amber as she held our daughter.The gambit of emotions as I gazed upon her, holding Anna, our fragile little daughter in her arms, was almost too much. I wanted to cry I was so happy, weep for all the problems I knew she would face in her life, dance that she was finally here, and go running up and down the halls screaming that I was a dad. Amber's red hair was matted to her head, but she was smiling as she looked back up at me. "Can you believe she is finally here?" She asked...

2 years ago
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Punishment time for the wife or is it

“fine”, I said. “Let’s see if you really mean that.” I ordered her a few more stiff drinks then we left. She had dressed rather provocatively to keep me interested in her even though she had violated my trust. She knew she had fucked up and was trying to keep her good thing going, but I was pissed off. She’s what a lot of dudes call a bbw. About 5’5 250 pound or so. Long raven black hair, big brown eyes that are so incredibly sexy. Everything about her rocks my world. I don’t tell...

1 year ago
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Twins n best buds XII

Remember Mike? It isn’t easy finding time to write these now we are back in school. Both of us are carrying 14credit hours and its more work than we thought. Before I begin I thought I would answer some of the question people have asked us via mail (We both like reading your comments to our stories and hearing from you all). Yes, we wear the same clothes and like the same styles. We share everything (yep,even our underwear). For whatever reason we don’t share our shoes. Yes,...

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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 13

Harvey Dunkin Speaks: I think that was part of the problem Brian. Whenever I was at your place, the two of you treated me like family, but eventually I would always have to go back home. You and your Dad seemed to have the perfect relationship, God how I envied you. My parents were about as fucked up as you could get. Mom was an uptight prude who ruled the roost. She made the rules, and Dad would enforce them with his belt. I know you wondered why I rarely felt like going swimming, or taking...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 267

As I was getting off the plane, I was greeted by Frank along with several men I did not know. After a closed door meeting in the pilot's office, I realized we were facing a dilemma. The mission for this group of trainees had been pushed up a week. Ching Lee and I no longer had the luxury of another full week to train them. I did not like it, a lot of things were going too passed over or just lightly touched upon. The mission had to go next Thursday night. That meant the training was over...

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Equal Shares Ch 28

Susan’s place turned out to be a small two-bedroom apartment in a popular estate near the town centre. Denise pulled up outside and shut down the Streetka, letting out the two girls in the back. Susan walked to her front door and opened it, gesturing for Denise to go in. ‘Your room’s at the far end, on the right. Ours is opposite, on the left. D’you want a coffee or anything before we go to bed?’ ‘No thanks, Susan. Not coffee, I’ll have enough trouble sleeping.’ ‘I don’t think we’ve got...

1 year ago
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A Girls First Time

Kylie had just turned 18 and was enjoying life. She was a popular girl in school and was very smart student. But one thing in life she wasn't sure of and that was about her sexuality. Although she was 18, Kylie had no sexual experience at all, but that was about to change. Kylie had been out with friends and returned home one night. As her parents were away fro the day, she didn't think anyone would be home. As she entered the house, she heard some strange sounds coming from her best friend...

First Time
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New Hero in Town

You're Austin Davis a very handsome young man who is coming to Gotham to work on the B Project for Bruce Wanyne. You heard that he a penthouse playboy kinda guy. Maybe he'll show you a good place in town to pick up some busty babes. Any though you had a few sexual partners before. You been leading a double life from being a very know sciencist. You're ........ Choose between these heros Megakid -Powers are being able to get taller and also super strong. You develop this in your labs. You had...

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Mondays Child

I know you are there at your window, watching me as I pour myself a glass of very cold white wine. I slowly slip off all of my clothes except for my thigh high stockings and heels and walk… no, strut... out onto my deck. It’s Monday and almost midnight - time for me to perform and for you to observe and appreciate. I get comfortable in a soft patio chair. I enjoy the feeling of the nice breeze on my body, which is also bathed in moonlight. .We are close to a full moon. I know I look very good...

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Iam a Slut for Cock PT2

After undergrad, my boyfriend and I went to different grad schools. We told each other that we would stay together and visit as often as we could. We did still love each other very much so I wasn't interested in having a relationship with anyone else. Jim was my guy and anything else would be just sport sex. We were far enough away from each other that we wouldn't be able to just drop by. We were several hours apart.Grad school was the most liberating period of my life! I was studying for an...

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