Interesting TimesChapter 02 free porn video

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The next morning Joe and Alice arrive with fresh clothes for Mary, and it’s Alice’s turn to take Mary for breakfast and school. All day long Alice and Joe take turns sitting with Matt while the other goes about doing things they need to do. One of them is always with Matt.

Tuesday afternoon Constance is surprised to find her husband and all of her sons arriving at the family home within a few minutes of each other. They retire to George’s den, and very soon she hears raised voices from the room. She waits until the quiet periods between shouts are getting long before she knocks on the door.

George opens the door, “Yes, Dear, is dinner ready?”

“No, George, but I think it’s time I told you all you’re wasting your time and money in trying to get court orders about Matthew’s custody. I’ve got the best claim but I know you won’t have him here. So I’ve not started any proceedings. However, I know something you don’t, as it doesn’t matters who has care and custody of Matthew because they won’t have control of his shares in the company. Some years ago Candice set up a trust for him and she transferred all of her shares to the trust. The senior trustee is Matthew’s Aunt Dorothy and she’ll decide who’s to vote his shares as a proxy. So it doesn’t matter who ends up being his guardian. I’ve been proxy voting the shares for the last year, ever since Candice left a board meeting while swearing she won’t attend another. So Matthew’s situation won’t change anything to do with the board votes. I think Candice and Robert also put all of their other assets into the trust too, so they could simplify their wills and the transfer when it was needed.” She smiles at the five shocked faces before her. She’s very sure they’ve spent most of the last forty-eight hours arguing about who’ll control Matthew and his shares while they worked with solicitors about guardianship. Now she tells them they won’t get the control of what they want, and all of the time’s been wasted.

George is angry when he asks, “Why wasn’t I told of this before?”

“Because, Dear, it’s not any of your business. I only know because Candice asked me to proxy vote the shares at meetings. I just figured out this meeting might be about Matthew’s guardianship so I felt you needed to know certain things aren’t part of the pot.” She turns and walks away while George closes the door. She smiles at the angry voices she can hear in the room behind her.

While she goes to check on when dinner will be ready she thinks on the problems you have in life when you fall in love with someone who loves your money and family business a lot more than they love you.

Tuesday night at the hospital is a repeat of Monday night. This day sets the trend for the rest of the week and for some days to follow. Joe and Alice leave for home while Mary goes to sleep on Matt’s shoulder. She thinks someone he knows well should be on hand if he wakes up in the night. Some nights she has trouble getting to sleep so she lies there talking to Matt on many things: their joint future, as planned by her, and life in general. Matt wanders in and out of consciousness all day and night, often hearing what she has to say while she’s with him.

As the days pass by Matt’s periods of being aware lengthen and he thinks a lot more about what he’s hearing and the changes in his life. He has a lot to think about, especially from Mary’s talks. While the days flow by he starts to come to terms with his grief and his new situation. He starts to think about the future and how he’ll manage his life. Listening to Mary’s talk is a major factor in the changes in his thoughts. He goes through a lot of the grieving process while he’s unable to do anything but think. During this time he hears many things, but not a word about how much Mary was hurt in the incident.

Wednesday and Thursday pass with nothing new happening with Matt and those close to him. People further afield are deciding how to deal with the legal and political concerns from the incident. But Matt is still not responding and the machinery shows him to be in a coma. For some reason the machines aren’t recording the increases in brain activity during his periods of awareness of those around him. All those close to Matt are getting more worried about the situation, except Mary.


Joe and Alice are sitting and reading in the four bed ward with Matt. At ten thirty in the morning the quiet murmur of voices from further down the Children’s Wing is disturbed by a loud groan in the room. This is followed by first one, then two, and finally a third machine issuing loud beeps. A nurse races into the room while both Joe and Alice move to the bed. Matthew groans while he rolls about on the bed the little he can move within the restraints. The nurse is checking the readings while hitting buttons on the equipment beside the bed. Some running footsteps are followed by two doctors racing into the ward. Joe and Alice move to the foot of the bed so the staff have room beside Matt to check him over. All present are very relieved he’s waking up.

A few minutes later Matt’s eyes are open and he looks at the people standing around the bed. It takes him a moment to orientate himself to the situation and his limited mobility. A little later his eyes squeeze shut and his face goes blank for a moment. He opens his eyes to look at Joe, he gets a small shake of Joe’s head in reply to the question in his eyes. His eyes shut at the confirmation. He takes a few deep breaths while he comes to grips with his new reality. After a long moment he opens his eyes and asks, “How’s Mary, and how bad am I?”

Joe half smiles, “She’s OK! Thanks to you Mary didn’t get a scratch.” He goes on to list Matt’s injuries and he explains about the guardianship.

“Uncle Joe, see if the magistrate will come here so we can get the orders made permanent real quick.” Joe and Alice smile at his wanting to stay with them. The doctors are smiling because this talk shows them there’s no brain damage. They make Joe and Alice move back while they put Matt through the official tests to clear him of any concerns of brain damage. His care and treatment is explained to him and he agrees with it all except for one aspect due to start now he’s awake.

“Doc, the pain killers. I’m very concerned about the possibility of addiction. Please keep them as low as possible, and I want off them as soon as possible.” The doctors agree, but they’re also worried about him not hurting too much because that can adversely affect his recovery. A little later the doctors reset the machines monitoring Matt then leave.

Joe, Alice, and Matt have a long talk on many matters that need to be sorted out as most of them are to do with his trust and the legal issues of the car incident. Matt asks, “Uncle Joe, Aunt Alice, I know you aren’t really my aunt and uncle, and it’ll feel funny saying that many times a day for the next few years. Will you allow me the honour of calling you Mum and Dad. That’ll make things a lot easier while it also saves us all a lot of trouble.” Both of them are touched by this and they’re very quick to agree to it. “Anyway, I get the impression Mary intends for me to make that official when we’re both out of school.” Joe gives him an odd look. “I know I slept a lot, but there were times I could hear you all talking. I know Mary slept with me each night. Some nights she couldn’t sleep well and she’d lie there telling me how our married life will be after school is over. She has our whole life mapped out, except what I’ll be doing for a living.” Both adults smile and laugh because they can easily picture her doing just that. “I’ve known Mary all her life and we’re very compatible. We’re already best friends. I’d not thought about it before, but I think we’d have a very happy life together. We’ve already been through most of the things couples fight about and we know all there is to know about the other. If we’re still together when we’re both adults I think her plans will come to pass. When I saw that car all I could think of was getting Mary clear of it and safe. I didn’t even think about how I’d manage.” Alice pats his hand as she smiles at him.

Joe smiles while he says, “Well, that’s a few years in the future. Right now we’ve got to get you organised for the next several months. The doctors don’t want you to move from that bed for three or four months, as a start. Then another four months or so here in the hospital. So we need to get you organised to spend the next several months or more right here. That gives us plenty of time to see what we have to organise at home to have another permanent resident.”

Matt sighs and he seems to settle into the bed a bit more. “First, I need a much more comfortable and adjustable bed, even if I have to pay for it myself. A phone service, my laptop computer, an Internet service, a huge television and DVD player, both with remote controls, and lots of DVDs. Plus a satellite television service too, if we can get it.” He looks up, “Dad, can you please contact Aunt Dorothy and ask her if she can organise a charge card for you on my trust drawing account? In the meantime go to the best phone store in the city to see if they’ve one of those new Bluetooth hands-free cordless phones. I remember seeing something about one with a very small earpiece for the speaker and microphone with a separate hand unit for dialling. Both sit in a re-charger and transmit to a unit that plugs into the phone socket. Buy one and send the receipt to Aunt Dorothy. See what’s the largest television you can find, and a way to set it up high against the wall opposite. That way I can watch it while lying down or almost lying down as well as while sitting up.” Joe slowly nods whiles he writes it all down on a piece of scrap paper. He can see he’ll need to start carrying a pocket notebook just for dealing with Matt’s needs and wants while he’s in the hospital.

Joe leaves Matt and Alice talking about Mary when he goes to do the shopping as well as getting some lunch for Alice and himself. In the car park he calls Paul to tell him about Matt waking up and what he wants.

Paul is very happy as he says, “Good! Now, as to buying what he wants. I’ll organise a television from here, as well as a fancy bed. You get him that phone unit so we can talk direct. Organise a line with the hospital too. I’ll let Connie know he’s awake. I’ll also inform the court, please have Betty do the same.”

“OK, will do. But you better make that a wide bed. At the moment Mary spends most nights cuddled up to him. She’s even talking about what they’ll do after they get married.” Paul laughs while Joe gets in his car. Joe hangs up, puts the phone away, starts the car, and drives off.

It takes Joe about ninety minutes to find the type of hands-free unit Matt wants. Then he gets lunch at a burger store near the hospital. He walks in on Matt and Alice still talking. His hands are full so he puts everything down on the bed table: the boxed phone set, the tray with two large chocolate shakes, the bag with the two hamburgers and three servings of chips as he figures Matt will eat some of them. He’s surprised when both Matt and Alice grab a shake each and start sucking on them.

Matt grins up at him and says, “I’m a growing boy who needs a lot of extra calcium in his diet for the knitting bones.” After consuming about a third of the shake he puts it back on the table. Joe picks the shake up and he moves it out of Matt’s reach as he shakes his head while he gets laughs from both members of his audience. They all chat while they eat, then Matt’s official lunch arrives for him to eat.

After finishing his meal Joe starts to set the hands-free phone up. There’s a phone socket near the bed, but it’s not connected to a line. After setting up the phone he goes to ask administration to organise a phone line. He returns with two chocolate flavoured milks which he places near Matt’s left hand. Matt laughs while he picks one up to drink.

About an hour later a maintenance man walks in to check the socket, he plugs something into it and he walks off again. Ten minutes later he’s back to hand them a card with a number on it while saying, “You’ve got a direct line, here’s the number. Anyone ringing it will come straight through to you. The line goes through the hospital PABX so you can call hospital extensions or get calls through the switchboard. The system records all outgoing call charges and you’ll be billed for them. Dial nine to get an outside line.” Joe thanks the man and plugs in the Bluetooth transmitter unit to the phone line. All of the parts have been on power and charging since Joe unpacked it, so they’re now ready to go.

After a few minutes work the first speed dial numbers are in and tested: Mary, Alice, Joe, the Watson home, Dorothy, Paul, Betty, and his grandmother as that’s all Matt wants right now. The numbers are tested by using the speed dial system to call them to tell them the number.

Paul tells Matt he organised with the hospital administration for a television to be delivered and hooked up to a satellite dish mounted on the roof of the hospital. Officially it’s donated to the hospital but it’ll be in Matt’s room until he leaves and then it’ll be used for the Children’s Wing. A similar deal is in place with the top of the range bed Paul is buying for Matt. Both should be delivered in a few days’ time.

Matt smiles while he says, “Thanks for the fast work, Uncle Paul. They’ll help me survive the coming months.”

“Oh, Matt. Your school laptop computer. You know your father got a low end Notebook because he thought a top end one was more likely to get stolen at school. I figure you’ll probably want to play some games and other stuff while bed bound. So I’ve organised for a top end unit to be sent down, but on a special stand. I’m told it’s cutting edge with the maximum RAM and top graphics. The stand will keep it stable and the screen is very adjustable so you can set it up any way you want. The keyboard and mouse are Bluetooth, and the unit has a wireless Internet service set up. Full security and loaded with top encryption for emails. The key will be hand-delivered to you next week with the computer.”

“Thanks for that. I doubt I’ll be able to do the school work needed for this year but I’ll be able to do some studies, Uncle Paul. Can you get someone onto finding out what I’m supposed to study for Year Nine this year and what I’ll need to study to make sure I’ve all of the back information needed to do Year Nine next year. I can do some self study but I doubt I’ll do well enough to pass the exams at the end of the year. So I want to be ready to do it next year and just skip school this year.”

“OK, I’ll get something organised and sent down with suitable text books. But just to get this right, I gather you want to study the Year Nine material for this year and next plus the Year Seven and Eight stuff you need to do next year’s Year Nine course work! That right?”

“Yes. I figure I’ll have a lot of spare time on my hands so I want to do something that’s interesting to fill it. After all, I’ve no swimming or running for the next several months.”

“Will do. Take care,” Paul hangs up to get on with his new work.

The call to Aunt Dorothy is shorter. The main content is when she gets on to the subjects he doesn’t like. “Matt, I’ve everything in hand to get compensation for your injuries and your parents’ deaths from the driver. I’m also in contact with the insurance companies. Unless you want a quick settlement, which I don’t recommend, that should be a few weeks longer than usual for the payouts.” Matt is saddened by the subject but he agrees to go with his aunt’s advice because she’s the expert in this. “Now the business. I know you weren’t told, but the business is officially yours and it’s a part of the trust. Your parents were paid senior staff. All current work was completed last week but there are three contracts on hand for next month, what do you want done?”

“Do the contracts specify the work must be done by Dad or do they just want the company to do the work?”

“No specified worker, but two wanted your father.”

“OK. Call Shorty Piper to see if he wants to do the work for me as a casual worker or sub-contracted specialist. He should agree. That way we can keep the business going by having someone chase up work then Shorty does it. I know he hates doing the accounting and the contract paperwork but he may like working as our field man for some years. I don’t want to tie him down so be liberal with freedom in the work terms. Then call the clients to tell them of the situation. Tell them we’re prepared to honour the contracts by having Shorty do the work but we’re giving them the opportunity to cancel if that’s what they want to do with Dad not being able to do it.”

“OK, that should work well. I’d been wondering how to keep the business going. I’ll need to get someone part-time to do the office work, and I know just the person. I know one client will want to sue if we cancel because all of the others now refuse to work with them. Your father only took on doing their work as a favour to one of their major shareholders.”

“Aunt Dorothy, if the business is in the trust I’d bet the house is too. So we need to do something about that. I’ll be living down here for a few years so we need to rent the house out or sell it. Can you organise to have everything in it listed, packed, and shipped down here. I’ll go through it to decide what I want to keep or sell. Then organise to have the house rented out or sold through an agent. In the meantime we need someone to house-sit. Also, Uncle Paul will need to visit to get some information on how to open all of the safes.”

“Matt, we have the information on how to access your father’s safe in the den and we’ve already collected the documents in it. About the house. What say I get photos of it all while it’s catalogued and you can go through it electronically. Then we need only ship down what you want. I’ve already got a house-sitter I trust, one of Paul’s nieces.”

“OK, the photos do sound like a better way to go. However, there are three other safes in the house and I need to tell you how to access them. One is a gun safe so you’ll need someone with a firearms licence to carry handguns when you open it. Dad has a collection of old or rare guns. He’s licensed and all, but I’m not licensed and I’m not interested in them. They’ll have to be auctioned off.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that. He was always into guns, but I didn’t know he’d started a collection. Paul and I want to come down to visit so this means we’ll have to. That’s good, because we’ve been looking for a good reason to duck off and drive down. What do you want to do with the theatre box as we have to give them an answer within the next ten days.”

“Oh, I haven’t thought about that. Send me details of the shows, the dates they’re on, and when we have to notify them by. I assume I can give the tickets away, since I doubt I’ll be attending any shows for quite a few months. Also send me details of how to contact them as I don’t want as prestigious seats as Dad needed to impress clients so I want to talk to them about changing the deal.”

“I spoke briefly with them. You can’t sell the tickets. However, if you tell them you won’t use them they’ll sell them and credit the account, less a handling fee. They won’t refund the unused membership fee but are prepared to vary the terms for the same value or a bit more for other terms.” They finish talking and hang up after saying their goodbyes.

The other calls are short, and Matt leaves the call to Mary until after school. Constance is very happy to hear from him. She notes the phone number, but lists it in a way it’ll mean nothing to anyone else. They talk for several minutes, but he has to hang up when some hospital people arrive to work in the room. The doctors check Matt while maintenance people look over the room and remove the beds on the opposite wall. The other one on this side is pushed right into the corner and out of the way. They all finish up about the same time.

One of the senior doctors smiles as he says, “Sometime next week we expect a special bed and entertainment unit to be delivered for use in this room while you’re here with us. The bed is a bit bigger and it’s a lot more adjustable than this one. The entertainment unit will be placed opposite the bed. The maintenance people have just set things up so they can go straight into place when they arrive. I hope they make your stay with us a lot nicer.” Matt and Joe smile in reply and the people leave.

It’s time to go and collect Mary so Alice goes to do that while Matt and Joe have some time together to talk and strengthen their new bond.


Alice picks Mary up and she stops at a fast food franchise on the way back. When asked what she wants Mary takes her usual long time to decide on what to eat while Alice orders four large fries, six large shakes, and three burgers. It’s only when the order is being put together and they’re given two trays for the shakes, as there’s maximum of four drinks per tray, does Mary start to wonder about the order.

Mary gives the shakes a frown as she asks, “Why six shakes, Mum?”

She grins while she replies, “Matt said he needs extra calcium for his bones to knit. I think he’s just using it as an excuse to get more shakes.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s just like...” Mary stops speaking and turns to face her mother. “He’s awake?” A nod yes in reply. “Then why are we wasting our time here?”

“To get him the shakes and feed he wants because he’s hungry.”

“Oh.” Mary turns back to the counter as she waits for the order to be filled. However, once it’s all there she’s got it and almost running for the car. Alice follows at a more sedate pace with a huge grin on her face.

At the hospital Mary can hardly hold back from running, but she knows not to run in the car park or the hospital corridors. In the ward she rushes to his bed and she sits down beside Matt while being careful not to knock him and hurt his bruises or move his broken limbs. Then she’s spitting out words faster than he can follow them. Matt, Alice, and Joe smile when Mary rattles on at high speed while they eat. After a few minutes she slows down and she starts to eat her salad roll.

For the next few minutes there’s silence while they all eat and Matt has two shakes. Joe steals the third extra one. He has half and he hands the rest to Alice. After that things are calmer when Mary speaks at normal speed while repeating all she said before. The next half hour is spent bringing Mary up to date with what Matt has organised today.

Matt notices Mary hasn’t spotted the hands-free phone unit because it’s very discreet and all but hidden in his hair. So when she goes to put the rubbish in the large bin just outside the door he tests the speed dial number for her mobile phone. Her phone rings and she answers it as she walks back into the room while saying, “Hello, who is this?” because she doesn’t recognise the number being displayed on her phone.

“Mary, it’s Matt. You need to store this number.”

She looks up and across the room at him. He waves while talking low and she hears him on the phone. She looks puzzled for a moment. Then she crosses the room and she turns his head. Spotting the unit tucked into his ear she smiles and says, “Neat! I didn’t even see it.” She looks at her phone, and stores Matt’s number for later use.

“Mary, I don’t know everything you said while you were here. But there were times when I was semi-conscious and I was aware of people in the room. I wasn’t able to open my eyes or move but I did hear what was said a lot of the time. And I remember most of it.” She blushes a deep red. Alice and Joe laugh at her reaction. “We’ll talk about some of those things later, after I get out of hospital. OK?” She gives him a slow nod yes. “Don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble.” She smiles at him.

They sit together while talking about what they’ll do to get through the time Matt is in hospital and what needs to be done for Matt to live with them in the house Joe and Alice are renting. When it’s time for them to leave Mary changes clothes, gets in the bed, and snuggles up to Matt while he takes his tablets. The others give slow shakes of their heads when they leave while Matt starts to nod off due to the heavy sedative and pain killers he just took.

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Hey Fellas, Hola!! It’s Rahul here, 24 yrs athletic build. I’ve been a great fan of ISS for years and of all the sexy adventures written here and I guess now it’s time to for payback :p!! SO without further ado, I’ll proceed to the story. This story goes back to then when I was in class 12th. I was 18 at the time. I used to study in a convent school of Indore. I was a complete athlete then (and now too, though the intensity has decreased). I was school senior team captain for both football and...

2 years ago
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Interesting Encounter With Velu 8211 My Sex Guru 8211 Part 2

I was unable to sleep, the whole night thinking about the unexpected, but the fantastic experience with velu for the first time. Next morning, while taking bath, my fingers moved over my chest and nipples involuntarily and were quite surprised to get the same erotic feeling. I knew now I was eager to know and have more from him, I was feeling restless and miserable too! After a couple of days of silence, I asked the members of my group if they had doubts in the second term lessons. During the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Interesting Car Journey

This story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped.  “I’m outside” the message read.  We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels.  I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...

Straight Sex
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Interesting Sex With Cousin Sister

Hi friends this is Rajiv Mittal from Delhi I’m 21 year old main aaj aap sab dosto ko ek real story batane jaa raha hu baat un dino ki hai jab mere 10th standerd k exam chal rahe the un dino main apni dadi k yaha study karne aata tha kyuki mere ghar per disturbance kafi this apne ghar per main nahi pad pata tha main roz raat ko 10 pm apni dadi k yaha aa jata tha. kuch der padai kari fir so jata tha main or meri dadi ek hi bed per sote the kyouki dadi ki tabyat theek nahi Raheti thi unhe raat ko...

1 year ago
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Interesting Date With Shubha

It was the end of my engineering in Bangalore and I had returned home after getting into an MNC through campus placements. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to Chennai to attend a relatives wedding. My mom requested our neighbor Shubha to give me food for those 15 days. Shubha was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. Her husband went to USA a year back and wasn’t able to come to India on...

2 years ago
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Interesting Training Program

I woke at daybreak feeling her naked butts rubbing against my groin and hearing low mourns from her. She was moist perhaps while I was asleep she had been masturbating and had another orgasm. The whole room was filled with the aroma of our fucking of last night what a heady fragrance! I could now feel blood rushing into my penis and it soon was hard like a rod red hot and a bit bruised due to last nights encounter. Today was going to my day I promised to myself. I would show this slut that I...

2 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part1

I married my second wife, Kassidy when I had just turned 40 and she was 35 (might as well “upgrade” with a young, hot new wife right?). Kassidy is a cute blond with grey eyes, bubbly friendly personality, somewhat short and petite at 5’1” but great 36DD tits and nice round ass that fits her frame flawlessly. We had great times and great sex during many adventures. She is somewhat shy but has a bit of an exhibitionist streak, especially when drunk or a bit high (that one time in Vegas pressing...

4 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part 2

Kassidy got up on her knees to give herself a better angle into her friends snatch and that put her own dripping cunt and sweet, tight little asshole on perfect display for me. I had watched long enough and moved behind my wife and slowly let her know I was there by tapping my cockhead against her opening. She moaned into Lucy’s crotch, looked back over her shoulder at me and said “I’ve always fantasized about getting fucked while eating out another women but never thought I would actually...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 03

Matt calls the number Monica gives him and he asks the telephonist, “May I speak to the sales representative for the Rivers Base Hospital account, please?” She puts him through to an extension. It’s answered by a gruff man, “Roger Hadley, what do you want?” Matt isn’t impressed with the man’s snarl, but he’s polite when he says, “Excuse me, I wish to speak with you about what food and drinks you have in the machines at the Base Hospital.” The man’s curt reply is, “I don’t care what you...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 05

Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 06

Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 08

They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

3 years ago
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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

2 years ago
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Tensorian Escape

"This way.", she whispered. The three hurried down the gangway to the small ship, looking behind to see if they were being followed. The hatch to the ship was open and they ducked inside and pulled the door closed behind them.Safe, for now. Captain Senna tried to catch her breath and looked over at Ensign Torr and Science Officer Beck. They seemed similarly winded but unhurt. Her academy training had not prepared her for this. Commanding a scout ship was one thing. Navigating her crew safety...

4 years ago
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PetuniaChapter 20

Damon left the apartment and took the elevator down to the third level. As he suspected, the fucking dolts hadn't packed the bodies in ice. They were sitting on the cart, ready to be hauled up to the service entrance when everyone was gone. Vinnie's smug expression was almost enough to make him want to bash his face in. But not yet. They had to get the bodies to the Islands. "Hey, guys! Looks like you're all set, right!" he said with obvious delight. "Yeah. For a little guy, he weighs...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 36 Graces Return

Catherine, Vickie, Nicky, and Adriana were all waiting for me in the lounge of the Observation Car when I boarded. I noticed that the girls were still in their swimsuits with t-shirts, so I didn't bother to go and change. I noticed Izzy was standing there, looking kind of lost, so I invited her to join us. I made a mental note to check on sleeping arrangements for her when we finished. "Catherine, this is Miss Belinda Sue Miller, Esquire," I said. "Izzy, this is my grandmother, Mrs....

1 year ago
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Descent Into DarknessChapter 21

When they reached the house, he went upstairs and made a warm fire. He had Soames make them a nice dinner and they relaxed. It started pouring outside with great claps of thunder and streaks of lightning. They curled up on the big warm velvet draped bed and drank brandy and stared into the fire. They talked of the wedding and their life together. He held her in his strong arms and kissed her. She looked lovely tonight in one of the new negligees he gave her from Paris. It was a deep burgundy...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 698

Dessie and Phillip at The Waterfall Campsite Dessie had managed to knock down a pheasant soon after it took off from directly in front of her. It was a snapshot, and she was amazed when the rock flicked across the pheasant’s head just as the bird leveled off. It was only stunned, but she finished it with a nearby stick. That was luck, but I’ll take it anyway, she thought as she picked up the bird and turned toward their campsite. Phillip had regained some moderate use of his body, but he...

1 year ago
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The Cherry Pie Eating King of Pleasure

Kevin Jones was not an impressive young man. His lips were sweetly formed and they looked just like a girl's only without lipstick. The boys in the locker room were not even aware he had a decent looking cock because he tried to keep it covered whenever it was exposed. His slender buttocks were also reminiscent of a female's because of the way they swept up into a heart-shaped design when he was standing up straight and not bending over. He certainly was not muscular looking but if one...

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Game of Moans The Stag Prince

Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister's Wedding Night - 284 AC Robert and Cersei were carried by their respective parties to the bedchamber, each group undressing the bride and groom and shouting bawdy jokes. It was only when Cersei and Robert were as naked as their name-day, did the guest reluctantly retreat out of the room and take their position outside of the door, still shouting ribald suggestions. Robert Baratheon, half-drunk, but still handsome, muscled like a maiden's fantasy, and fresh...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Lover Ch 2

The graduation party went off without a hitch, but was pretty boring. The only excitement I had was waiting for later when Kevin was coming over to hang out at the house with my friends. Only one person at the party, my friend Gail, knew about what had happened after Cedar Point and she was sworn to secrecy. “So . . .” Gail said. “So . . . what?” I asked. “So, are you and Kevin together or what?” Gail asked while we sat and smoked on the front porch, hiding our cigarettes from our parents in...

Straight Sex
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Filmed With DogsChapter 5

Charlotte finished showering and wrapped a towel around her wet, naked body. She fluffed her hair and left for the kitchen, starving for some food. Sucking Khan had given her a ravenous appetite. "You look delicious in that towel," Felicia said, looking up as Charlotte padded into the kitchen. "Doesn't she, Craig?" Craig's smile widened. "Fantastic!" He set his coffee down to admire her. Charlotte basked in their compliments. She felt wonderful, excitement coursed through her...

3 years ago
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Idle HandsChapter 5

In the dark history of the galaxy, there had been a great war. Suns had been used as weapons, while the younger races had been grabbed and thrown into the crucible of battle by the Great Ones and the Veil Keepers alike. Among them had been the Huntresses. Great legends of that time remained, even now into the modern era. Legends of Lin’zet and the spear of eternity, lancing down one of the Veil Keeper’s great ships from the surface of the Moon of Rexor. Legends of H’nor Qezlot and her great...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Mommy 8211 Part II

I am Raju and I’m 22 years guy lives with my mother Rekha. My Father had passed away when I was just 9 years. My mom is very beautiful lady although and she is 42 years in age but she looks like 32 years only. She is 5.2 tall, extra fair complexions and her figure is 42-32-36. She looks dam sexy in sari low at navel and off sleeves blouse with deep cut in neck and after watching mom making sex with Ajay. I also want to fuck my mom and I use to dreams about fucking mom in the night and watch mom...

2 years ago
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Shackled Ch 03

Thank you for all your feedback. It is always welcome — good or bad. And a special thank you to my partner in crime, Fish_Tales — you have been a joy to write with! * Emma wasn’t entirely sure why she had chosen the seat right next to the man at the bar. Perhaps because he seemed normal compared to the rest of the group in the joint and was lost in his own thoughts, or so she thought. Somehow, her presence seemed to irritate him, but Emma had her plan in mind, eat, drink and get the hell out...

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Lev and Lauren

Note: I suppose it’s not good to do so, but I need to start with an apology to any Jewish readers if I have misused or abused the richly expressive Yiddish words and phrases that appear herein. So as not to distract I have included a brief list of Yiddish words and phrases at the end of the piece with their English meanings. Also I certainly hope I have not inadvertently insulted anyone by my attempt to frame this story in a Jewish context. Years ago I attended Navy Journalist School . In...

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adopted part 5

Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her nephew would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny teen nephew had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her dead sister's son more about sex before he left for the day. No matter how often he satisfied the wet...

3 years ago
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"If you have it, why not flaunt it?" Regina always used to say, especially because she 'had' it. She was doll faced, almost seventeen, captain of the cheerleading squad, and her tits were gaining in size, seemingly, each new period... that is, each new school period! Coming from fairly well to do parents who gave their children way too much leeway at home, Regina was one of those girls who 'played the field'. Generally, when a girl plays the field, the next boy has already gotten a...

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An unforgettable day

I am Karan Mittal, an electronics engineer from NIT Trichy. This incident took place in 2004 when I was returning to the college after my 3rd Semester break. It was July and was heavily raining in south India. I started from Delhi in Tamil Nadu Express and reached Chennai Central at 8.30 am. It was raining heavily and with great difficulty I reached Chennai Egmore from where I was supposed to catch Vaigai Express to Trichy at 12.25 pm. I kept my luggage in cloak room and went to AC waiting hall...

4 years ago
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Tanya Blows Halloween

A friend, our sometimes shy and always tiny Tanya, arrived at our post-Halloween brunch with her beau and two strangers, Chuck and Carol. After introductions, Mario asked how she met her new friends. The four of them burst out in giggles and blushing grins. “Oh, this should be interesting,” Mario smiled at his wife, Maria. Sue brought out a pitcher of frosty Marguerites and poured as Tanya hung a black trench coat and a black, long-feathered mask on a chair then began her embarrassing...

2 years ago
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Summer Drive

During the warm summer months, I remove the top and doors off my Jeep. I love the feeling of the sun and wind on my body as I drive along. This goes well with my fetish for wearing short shorts. I feel more exposed as I drive along knowing everyone can easily see how short and tight my shorts are.One day I visited the local adult novelty store and found a very realistic looking silicone cock. It was not ridiculously large, but still quite big. I had a naughty thought when I saw it. I imagined...

Gay Male
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Lupin III Kunoichi

[Note: This is an alternative timeline different from our own. Modern and the anachronistic mix.] Arsène Lupin III, grandson of the famous, the greatest, "Gentleman Burglar" who was even a match for Sherlock Holmes, was with, for the lack of a better term, his 'best friend', Daisuke Jigen. The best world's best marksman and former hitman for hire, whistled as he looked at the ultra plush surroundings of their suite. This was the European-style wing of a grand hotel that also had a...

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The Begining of Summer Made to Cuck part 2

That morning I woke early, not that I really slept that well. My mind was a total blur of visions from what I had witnessed the night before. My only chance now, was to try to talk Sue in to dropping the whole thing, I just didn’t want to be Summer anymore.I decided to go shower before Sue got up. At least that way I could look more masculine when we had our chat. I tried to reach the dress zip but could only edge it down a little way. If I tried to reach it from below it was just out of my...

2 years ago
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Secret Desires In France Awakening Part 3

Alex is beginning to feel at home in the south of France. He's got his dope, his own apartment, great weather and an easy job that generates some money. All is well except for the fact that Louise's personality and voluptuous body continue to confuse him. ALEX In the following week, Alex began to feel more and more at home. He explored his surroundings, biked to Grasse and even drove the minivan, which Louise had bought for the art gallery, to Cannes one afternoon. By the end of the week, his...

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Girlfriend Becomes My Breastfeeding Mother

She is my first girlfriend, she understands my desires and I’m really lucky to have someone like her. It all started when we met on Tinder just for sex. We both were virgins for 24 years and to be honest very sexually frustrated, in a patriarchal society and a country like India where women are deprived of so many things, this seems a common scenario. After an awkward first date, we started to really like each other. She’s not very tall, thin, big sparkling eyes, soft and a bit puffed pink lips...

2 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 15 A Generous Nature

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 15 A Generous Nature How generous can she afford to be? MANDY managed to avoid Genevieve and her other new "friends" for most of the day. She had decided to do her best to just stay out of their way, and if she happened to run into them she would be as friendly as possible but firmly resist hanging out with them. It hadn't been easy to...

4 years ago
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A Weekend in the Mountains Day 3

Nathan's Story After we had all agreed to swap partners for our last day on the mountain, I couldn't help but steal another look at my wife. Though it was only going to be for 24 hours, it felt as if we were going to be parting for much longer. I couldn't help but steal one final glance at her firm sexy body, and we quickly exchanged winks. Suddenly I was brought back to the real world by a sharp slap on my naked ass. Leslie said "Remember me? I thought we had a date." Then she turned her back,...

Wife Lovers
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His Daddys Car

Chapter One – Tuesday Watching the semi-truck driving away down the street, Bobby apologized on his cell phone to his sister Francis about being late. ‘I’m locking the house and leaving right now,’ he told her as he looked at the clock. ‘How long do you think it will take me to get there, and what’s the best route? I don’t want to just trust the GPS.’ It had taken the movers from Florida longer than expected to arrive at his new rental in Leon Valley, a suburb enclosed within the city of San...

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Second Chances Chapter 20 Things Are Looking Up

Amber was calling me? Well I guess she called Cindy. I wonder what she wants. She sounded annoyed she was talking to me. "Hi Amber, What's up?" I asked Amber over the phone. "Can you organize the Powder Puff practice for tomorrow after after- school sports? I don't have anyone's contact info." "Sure," I said. "Thanks" she said hanging up. Well that was quick and painless. Straight to the point. That means we should probably take separate cars tomorrow so I don't hold Ron up...

2 years ago
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Tasting Karen

Karen was a spicy 23 year-old Latina princess from Guatemala. I met her while travelling on business in Ohio at a local bar in town, where she and her fiancee were frequent patrons. Frequently traveling to do business within the town (I live with my wife in PA), I went to the bar a lot, which was closest to my hotel. My wife would occasionally accompany me and we got to know Karen and her fiancee, Todd. Over the course of a year, I saw them maybe 8 or 9 times, but sometimes she would be alone...

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