Interesting TimesChapter 07 free porn video

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By half past twelve the last of the staff gather their personal effects while supervised by police and they leave the Jacobs Accounting Services offices. Most get to work by public transport or in a friend’s car. Many are asking other staff for a lift somewhere because they don’t have any means to get home at this time. Mandy Bellows turns to Alice Watson and asks, “Are you going to visit that boy in the hospital?”

“Yes, why?”

“I’ve an appointment to speak to someone at the hospital, it’s about a new job and I’d like a lift, if I may?”

“Sure, no problem. Let’s get going.” Raising her voice Alice shouts, “I’m heading to the hospital, does anyone want a lift that way?” Two more staff indicate they’d like lifts. Her actions cause other staff to call out where they’re going while offering lifts to others. In a few minutes everyone’s got a lift in the general direction of where they wish to go.

While Alice drives to the hospital the four of them talk about the police raid and how it’ll affect their jobs. They soon agree they need to be looking for new jobs. Mandy smiles when she says, “I’m on my way to speak to a man about a job offer. I’ll ask him if he has other positions open at the moment.” The others thank her for trying and they give her their mobile phone numbers to call them if there are any jobs for them. Alice wonders who at the hospital is hiring accounting staff as all of the hospital recruiting is done through an agency not based at the hospital.

Alice parks in the hospital car park and they all get out. The two others head to the nearby light industrial estate where their spouses are working while Alice and Mandy head for the hospital entrance. They get in the lift together while talking about things in general. Alice wonders where Mandy is going when they both go to push the button for the fourth floor. She turns to Mandy, asking, “Who are you going to see?”

“I don’t really know. We set it up this morning. He’s on the fourth floor and said his name is Saint.”

“I see. I’ll introduce you.” Alice wonders what’s going on when they leave the lift on the fourth floor. They enter Matt’s room and she says, “Matt, this is Mandy Bellows. What are you doing offering work to my boss?” This surprises Mandy as Alice is talking to a teenage boy.

“Sorry, Mum, I didn’t know Mandy was your boss. I’ll need a local CPA to handle my accounts but I don’t have enough for a full time person. Dot mentioned there’s a lot of good accounts staff in the area looking for work with few jobs and there’s lots of businesses looking for accounting services because all the good ones are over-worked. So I want to set up an accounting service of my own to handle my stuff and to get a lot of that available business. It’ll also give a lot of people jobs.”

“Oh, I did wonder. The police raided work today and they sent us all home. We may all be out of work soon.”

Matt isn’t expecting that to happen, but he decides he needs to check it out. He reaches over to punch the speed dial he set up for the police station this morning. They answer, and he asks for Sergeant Mason, he hits the speaker phone button when he gets put through. “Afternoon, Sergeant, Matt Dyer, what’s happening with the business and staff at Jacobs Accounting?” Mandy and Alice are both surprised at this.

“Hi, Matt. We raided the place and found an automated system to record all phone calls in, out, and internal. The system transcribes them in real time and checks them for key words. Any hits and the transcript is sent direct to one of the bosses. A neat system, but totally against the law. Jacobs and his senior staff will eventually spend some time in special government housing but they’ll be out on bail tonight, except Jacobs. He can get bail for the phone stuff but we’re denying bail due to the assault and concerns he’ll attack you again.” This gets shocked looks from the ladies. “They should be open for business as normal Monday and we expect them to continue in operation after the court cases, but with some changed practices and some new senior management. The officer in charge is still following up some leads but we’ve little else to charge them with. The bookkeepers have found a few questionable practices with some clients’ books that aren’t in line with the accounting standards but they’re not against the laws; close, but not over the line.”

“Thanks for the summary. Can you please arrange to have a public service announcement for the staff to turn up at work Monday. Most think the place is permanently closed, so they’re worried about jobs.”

“Oh, hell! I’ll get right on that. I’ll have them make it part of the news reports they’ll be back in full operation Monday morning. Take care of yourself because Jacobs has some not nice friends.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” He hangs up and he turns to look at Mandy. “Regardless of what you may be thinking, Mandy, were I you I’d make sure I’ve some strong support when you go to work on Monday to hand in your notice. Your boss saw a transcript of our conversation then he came here to have a piece of me. He attacked me so I decked him.” Alice laughs and Mandy’s jaw goes slack while she tries to work out how a boy strapped to a bed can knock down an attacker. “He’s in the lock-up on charges of assault causing bodily harm. He was very angry when he arrived and he was not thinking. During the attack he mentioned recording our phone conversation so I made out a complaint about him doing that because it’s against the law. That led to the police raid to uncover the recording system. Now we need to talk about work. Get a drink, a snack, and sit down.”

Alice sits down and gets her lunch out as she takes her own lunch to work. Mandy does the same. Dorothy goes over to the drink machines and asks, “What do you want to drink?” Both ladies give answers and reach for their purses, but stop when they see Dorothy punch the codes and the drinks drop. She smiles at them, “No money needed for these machines. They’re here for Matt to serve drinks to his visitors. It’s just the company providing the drinks has only coin operated fridges so that’s what he has, but the coin slots are turned off. Sorry, these aren’t fully chilled yet.” They smile when they accept their cool drinks.

Business Talks

Matt opens the discussions, “OK, Mandy, I need a good local CPA. At the moment what I’m thinking is to set up a new accounting service with a senior CPA as the manager, an office manager, office staff, junior CPAs, and general accounting staff as required to properly service the client accounts. I can do this three ways. One, loan you the money for you to set up shop at a very low rate of interest and good payback terms. Two, go into a partnership agreement with me as a silent partner with deep pockets. Last is for me to set up a new Accounting Division within Dyer Services and to employ you as the division head. Each option has good and bad points for both of us. Which do you prefer?”

“Damn, I’ve always dreamed of running my own business, but I’m not ready to run those risks yet. It best be number three.”

“That’s OK. I’ll let you work out the pay rates with Dot. I want a contract for ten years with options for us to extend it on our mutual agreement or for you to buy me out then. I want to ensure I’m dealing with the same person all of the time I’m living in the region. OK?” Mandy is stunned, but she nods yes. “Good. You’ll need a good office manager. Let them run the office while you run the professionals. OK?” Another nod. “You’ve the final say about who you hire for accounting work, and the final decision on the office manager position. But the office manager has final say on the office support staff employment as they work direct to him or her. All client work to be in line with the various accounting standards Dot will give you a list of. Each year all of the books will be audited by an external firm whose work you’re happy with, we do not audit our own work, clear?” She nods again, but with a big smile as he’s demanding all the things she’s been asking for at Jacobs. “The hard part will be separating Matt the client from Matt the big boss. To make that easier the business communications will be through Dot. Any client communication will be direct with you. I’ll be involved at the corporate level with the policy decisions and such but it’ll be via Dot as the Chief Financial Officer of the head corporation. That way you don’t have to worry about me looking over your shoulder as your boss and I don’t have to worry about your day to day work stuff.” Both Mandy and Dot smile at this clear division of what could be a conflict of interests. “If you wish to poach staff from Jacobs make sure they’ll work the way you want them to. Please don’t steal all of his staff, and please employ some of the good ones who aren’t working at the moment. Now you best get with Dot to work out figures and come up with some office space figures to give to real estate agents so they can look for space for you to set up in. Don’t be stingy, get a place with lots of room for you to expand into without having to move.” They smile at each other and shake left hands. Mandy picks up the remains of her lunch and goes across the room to talk with Dot.

Family Financial Talk

When Mandy and Dot settle down for a quiet talk in the corner Alice moves up close to Matt and asks, “Matt, can you afford to pay to set up a new accounting service? It takes a lot of money to do it right!”

“Yes, I can! Dad was looking at buying a business. Paul was doing the work. A new offer had been received during the week and Paul gave me the file to look at. I wasn’t happy about some of the information that was lacking. I rang the current owner to ask for permission to send in independent auditors. He refused. So I told him to stuff his business. Dot has the money for that purchase set aside and it’s now handy to set up this new division.” Alice slowly nods. “But apart from that, think about the money I’ve been spending this week. Hell, yesterday I bought some real estate for about three times what I was prepared to spend. But I had the cash on hand to pay it immediately on agreement, and I got a big cut for doing so. That was a matter of a couple of million dollars. If I wasn’t very well off where would I get that sort of money?”

“Sorry, Matt! I never thought about it that way. I’m so used to your family having money to do things I’ve never given it a second thought before this came up. I gather you’re very rich then and I shouldn’t let you’re spending money on us worry me!”

“Correct. But if you think I’m going overboard let me know. I’ve no idea how much I’m worth since that’s Dot’s job and worry. She tells me what I need to know to make the executive decisions as the chairman of the board of the various companies I own. That’s how it’s worked since I took the chair a year or so back.” Alice’s jaw sags because she wasn’t aware Matt had been that involved. “You must’ve known Mum’s family was rich!” A nod in reply. “Didn’t you ever know how rich?”

“No. I knew your grandfather was, and still is, the CEO of the Grace group of companies and he had to be well paid, but that’s all.”

“Oh, I thought you knew Grace Enterprises was owned by Mum’s grandparents.” Alice sits up straight at that news. “You know those two nice landscapes in my bedroom?” A nod. They’re gifts from Great Gran and are originals, not reproductions like I say to keep people quiet.”

“OK, I get the message. No need to worry when you spend money on the family, and don’t spread it about. Right?”

“Correct. I bought the house you rent because I want to extend it for me to live there and I don’t want us to have to worry about moving until we want to move. With me owning it no one can force us out. As I own it through my trust company the rental support Dad gets from his work will continue to be provided. Thus no impact on your budget.”

The conversation moves on to other matters and the current news. After about thirty minutes Dot and Mandy end their talks to call Paul over to prepare some papers for them. While he does that Dot calls Betty and she gets her started on looking for office space.

Managing Help

During these talks Monica has been in and out, as per her usual day. Seeing the talks are ending she asks Mandy and Dot, “Mind if I suggest a possible office manager for you?” They both wave a hand for her to continue. “I’ve a cousin with an MBA who’s hit the glass ceiling in her current workplace so she’s looking for a more challenging job. I’m sure she can do the work. Where can I get her to send her resume?”

Mandy smiles, “Can you call her and ask her to pop over for a late lunch, please?” Monica nods yes and she goes to make the call.

A minute or so later Monica returns, “Claire was just going to lunch when I rang, so she’s coming over to talk to me.” She hands over a piece of paper, “This is the website where her resume is on display.”

Dot takes it, “Thank you. I’ll check this out.” She soon has the web page displayed on the television via Matt’s computer. Both Mandy and Dot are happy with what they’re reading there.

A little later a woman in her early thirties arrives and is introduced to Mandy and Dot by Monica. They talk for about half an hour before they ask Paul to prepare some more paperwork. During this Mandy often glances over at Matt, but he keeps out of it. This is now her job and responsibility. As much as he wants to be involved he has to let her do it. She smiles when she sees he’s making an effort to keep out of it.

Developing Designs

About two thirty Alice calls Joe to tell him she’s got the afternoon off and will collect Mary. A little after that she goes to collect her. Dot, Mandy, and Claire leave soon after that to meet a real estate agent to go and look at some office space that’s available.

Alice and Mary arrive back at the same time as Nadia arrives with some plans to look at; that’s damn fast work. Naturally Alice and Mary have to go over the renovations to their house first. Alice is very happy with the proposed changes that include all she asked for and a few things she’d not thought of. Matt ropes Paul into looking at the plans too. Everything looks good to Matt, although some of the footprints have changed a little. His biggest worry is connecting the flat he’ll live in with the house rented to Joe and Alice. Nadia set it up with a two way entrance between the two that’s easy to lock off from either side so the place can be used as two residences or one huge double residence; all OK. Both have easy interior access to their own garages as well. He approves the designs as they are as the changes aren’t an issue for him.

The only item left is the numbering and naming of the residences. The street numbers run from left to right on that side of the street. Matt owns three houses numbered eighty-six, eighty-eight, and ninety. The new place will have twelve residences in it with the back six accessed between the left hand two houses. The flats over the front three garages could be labelled as A and B so the Watson family and Matt could be 90A and 90B, but Matt doesn’t like that approach. He thinks for a moment then he starts some Internet research which doesn’t take long.

Matt looks at Nadia, “First, run the renovations past the current tenants and have them sign off on them. Also have them sign off on the whole development. If they don’t like it they can move. I don’t want any complaints about things later. I’ll have Mandy and Dot recalculate the rents for the whole place once all the costs are in. I suspect the old houses may have a drop in rent, but that’s for the number crunchers to work out. Now unit numbers, the whole development is street numbers eighty-six to ninety. I want the old mailboxes out as soon as it can be organised, thus the new mailboxes need to go up very quick, so make it the first work done. Got that?” They all nod to show they understand.

He continues, “I want a nice area on each side of the main drive: one to be the mailboxes at the right height, one for the garbage bins, and both at the same height. The estate is to be Saint Matthew’s Manor with that and the street numbers eighty-six to ninety on both those units.” Mary giggles at him getting his own back for the saint joke. “The residences will be numbered as units one to twelve, starting at the front left with one for the house and two for the apartment, then the inside units, then the houses on the far front right. Both numbers and unit names to be on each unit and its mailbox. Unit names are saints, but just the name only; they’re Ansgar, Budoc, Cedd, Declan, Egbert, Finbarr, Gelert, Hedwig, Isfrid, Judoc, Kessog, Lorcán. Thus the Watson family is in Kessog and I’m in Lorcán. People can use the numbers or names as their addresses. On each side of the drive into the rear playgrounds I want a sign that says Honah Lee because that’s the name of the recreational area. The left play area to be named The A with the play area on the right named The B, and the pool enclosure to be named The C. Oh, I want a set of vehicle access doors in the side of the pool enclosure directly in line with the drive beside Kessog for use by emergency vehicles if needed. Got all that, Nadia?” A nod yes with a big smile. “OK, get the signs made up real nice in some fancy script that’s easy to read. I’ll leave that up to you to do, along with supervising the construction. Do all of the apartment entrances like the one for Lorcán. Now all you need do is send Mandy and Dot a set of costs for them to approve or beat you bloody over for being too high.”

Nadia laughs, “I can handle all of that. I was able to get this done quick because the new stuff is mostly off the shelf stuff I’ve been playing with over the years. Stuff I’d like to do if given a free hand. That’s why the size and shapes on the new buildings are a bit changed. Last night I hardly slept while making minor changes and putting this together. A free hand on a project is rare and it got me really fired up. Thanks for trusting me to do this right. Most of the time I do the plans and that’s it. This one I can manage all the way. I like that. I’ll talk to the other residents today or tomorrow so I can get the paperwork started with the council on Monday.”

“Don’t forget, everything you can think of in the way of energy and water efficiency and conservation. Solar cells on all the roof back slopes to feed back into the grid too. Let’s see if the place can be as close to self powered as possible. Also a full high speed network in all buildings.”

A few more minutes are spent discussing details. Nadia is one very happy designer when she leaves. This is her first major project to take from start to finish. She’ll make it a show piece because it’ll be a good marketing point to show future clients what she can do. The others are happy with what’s planned for the existing houses as well.

The rest of the afternoon goes well with quiet talk while Matt, Alice, and Paul help Mary with her homework. They’ve got it all done when Dot and Mandy turn up again. They’re very happy about something.

Mandy says, “We found the perfect place. A large three story office block with plenty of parking and close to the bus runs. The top floor and half of the ground floor have tenants who plan to move out sometime in the next several months. By then we’ll have a good idea of how much we’ll need and we’ll only lease out the area we don’t need. I was looking at leasing it but Dot bought it. She beat the owner down ten percent by offering immediate payment. She said she recently learnt that trick from you!” Matt smiles as he nods yes. “Well, Claire has gone to give her notice and she’ll organise the fit-out and furnishing next week. I hope to start hiring staff on Tuesday. I’ve got ads set for the local papers for the next week, starting tomorrow. Damn, I can’t believe this.” She turns to Alice, “Alice, I hope you’ll quit Jacobs and come work for me because I’ve got you nicely trained with what I want.”

They all laugh when Alice nods her agreement while saying, “Not sure I like your big boss, but I’ll work for you.”

More Housing Issues

Just before dinner Nadia returns to check a couple of things with Matt. Joe arrives at the same time. She walks in and says, “Matt, I was out at the site and spoke with the other residents, they’re happy with the changes and have signed a form Paul ran up for me earlier. They’ve given approval to the lot. One did suggest I speak to the neighbours and I’ve spoken to them all. The neighbours on both sides and the rear corners asked if you’d let their children use the playgrounds. I said I’d ask. They’ve signed off giving their approval, anyway. I checked, and there aren’t any parks for the younger kids nearby.”

Matt turns to his computer and he starts to close it down. Guessing what’s coming Nadia gets hers out to start it up. In a moment she has the area for a few blocks around his on display for him. He says, “Heck, the nearest play park for little kids is over a kilometre away. Yeah, I don’t mind it being opened to the neighbourhood kids. We best put in some playground equipment for the older kids in the other half of The B too. I guess we’ll should get the non-resident visitors to sign some sort of indemnity just in case of an injury while playing.” While looking at the image he asks, “Do those houses around the Manor have vehicle access to their backyards?”

Nadia checks the images and some data on her computer. “No, they don’t. They all run too close to the side boundaries.”

“Nadia, where do the water mains run?”

She brings them up on the map, “That’s why I wanted the extra space at the back boundary. The water main has a right of way there.”

“OK. Some more minor changes. The driveways running up to the fences on the side and the back. Don’t stop them short and give them gates big enough for a fire-truck to get through. It can have two parts, one gate for people only and then both for the fire vehicles. All of the driveways are to be wide enough and strong enough to handle fire trucks. The ends can be done up as spaces for visitor parking with bollards that can be dropped down. Get padlocks from the fire brigade so they’ve got the keys to the locks on the bollards and gates. Put a pathway along the side fence of Delta to people gates into the backyards of the neighbours. That’ll give the neighbours quick and safe access to the playgrounds.” That’s seven gates for the three houses at the back, two on the same street and two who back on between them from the side streets. Thus all of the neighbours will have easy and safe direct access without having to go out onto the street. “Speak to the fire station boss about putting in three fire hydrants along the back, one in each corner with one in the middle. I want them to be able to stop any fires next door before they reach us.” She smiles because she’s sure the safety measures will help sell the idea to the local council and the fire brigade. He thinks a bit more. “We’ll pay to put all the hydrants in if they won’t. But try the council and the fire department first to see if they’ll pay anything.” They all study the new proposed development and discuss it at length. But no more ideas come forward from anyone.

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Interesting Encounter With Velu 8211 My Sex Guru 8211 Part 2

I was unable to sleep, the whole night thinking about the unexpected, but the fantastic experience with velu for the first time. Next morning, while taking bath, my fingers moved over my chest and nipples involuntarily and were quite surprised to get the same erotic feeling. I knew now I was eager to know and have more from him, I was feeling restless and miserable too! After a couple of days of silence, I asked the members of my group if they had doubts in the second term lessons. During the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Interesting Car Journey

This story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped.  “I’m outside” the message read.  We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels.  I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Interesting Sex With Cousin Sister

Hi friends this is Rajiv Mittal from Delhi I’m 21 year old main aaj aap sab dosto ko ek real story batane jaa raha hu baat un dino ki hai jab mere 10th standerd k exam chal rahe the un dino main apni dadi k yaha study karne aata tha kyuki mere ghar per disturbance kafi this apne ghar per main nahi pad pata tha main roz raat ko 10 pm apni dadi k yaha aa jata tha. kuch der padai kari fir so jata tha main or meri dadi ek hi bed per sote the kyouki dadi ki tabyat theek nahi Raheti thi unhe raat ko...

1 year ago
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Interesting Date With Shubha

It was the end of my engineering in Bangalore and I had returned home after getting into an MNC through campus placements. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to Chennai to attend a relatives wedding. My mom requested our neighbor Shubha to give me food for those 15 days. Shubha was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. Her husband went to USA a year back and wasn’t able to come to India on...

2 years ago
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Interesting Training Program

I woke at daybreak feeling her naked butts rubbing against my groin and hearing low mourns from her. She was moist perhaps while I was asleep she had been masturbating and had another orgasm. The whole room was filled with the aroma of our fucking of last night what a heady fragrance! I could now feel blood rushing into my penis and it soon was hard like a rod red hot and a bit bruised due to last nights encounter. Today was going to my day I promised to myself. I would show this slut that I...

2 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part1

I married my second wife, Kassidy when I had just turned 40 and she was 35 (might as well “upgrade” with a young, hot new wife right?). Kassidy is a cute blond with grey eyes, bubbly friendly personality, somewhat short and petite at 5’1” but great 36DD tits and nice round ass that fits her frame flawlessly. We had great times and great sex during many adventures. She is somewhat shy but has a bit of an exhibitionist streak, especially when drunk or a bit high (that one time in Vegas pressing...

3 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part 2

Kassidy got up on her knees to give herself a better angle into her friends snatch and that put her own dripping cunt and sweet, tight little asshole on perfect display for me. I had watched long enough and moved behind my wife and slowly let her know I was there by tapping my cockhead against her opening. She moaned into Lucy’s crotch, looked back over her shoulder at me and said “I’ve always fantasized about getting fucked while eating out another women but never thought I would actually...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 03

Matt calls the number Monica gives him and he asks the telephonist, “May I speak to the sales representative for the Rivers Base Hospital account, please?” She puts him through to an extension. It’s answered by a gruff man, “Roger Hadley, what do you want?” Matt isn’t impressed with the man’s snarl, but he’s polite when he says, “Excuse me, I wish to speak with you about what food and drinks you have in the machines at the Base Hospital.” The man’s curt reply is, “I don’t care what you...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 05

Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 06

Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 08

They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

3 years ago
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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

2 years ago
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Special Services

Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. “Thanks for the ride, Mike,” he called. “No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?” “I’ll be ready.” Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He knew...

3 years ago
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An exhibitionist wife Mrs O shared

I suppose it had to happen eventually. We'd been heading in that direction for a while what with Mrs O showing herself off to strangers on webcam and in the flesh and even being touched by other men while i watched so it shouldn't have been a surprise when it did, but the way it happened blew our minds and left us wanting to do it all over again.Mrs O had been flirting online with a younger guy, sending him pictures and dirty messages and generally doing everything she could to drive him wild...

1 year ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 20 Prepping the Canvas

It turned out that even naked, Eva wasn’t the star of the show. I was thankful though that she got naked before Mary took her sweater off. It was one of those oversized baggy things that was sort of a dress, hanging down below her butt. Like the two times I saw her in class, she was wearing tights or yoga pants under it. That’s what I thought she wore under it. When the sweater came off, we all stopped to stare. Eva’s nudity was all but forgotten. “God! You’re beautiful!” Kelly...

4 years ago
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5 Months In

Meg always had lousy taste in men. It never made much sense. She was just a damn dumb smart person. She completed med school ahead of schedule, and knew more about infectious disease than a person should. But ask her the right temperature to cook a frozen pizza and she might guess around 100 degrees.She also had nice, lean body which she tended to show off in yoga pants. And a cherubic little face with shoulder-length golden brown hair. It had to come down to self-esteem, really. Now she was...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Hot Colleague

By: Sizzlerxx Hi all! I am a single woman, 36, living with my family in Mumbai. I work for a corporate giant. I have had this incredible relationship with a really hot and exciting colleague at office and I wanted to share this with the readers of ISS. I really need to share this on ISS coz I do not have many friends with whom I could share this. I hope you enjoy reading it and would love to see your comments. I joined this office in 2007 and among others I had interacted with this colleague...

3 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 4 Sexually examined

No doubt protocol dictated it, but she examined Roger first. He, of course, was highly embarrassed when first of all she prodded the muscles of his tender backside and then pushed his reddened cheeks apart to look at his bottom hole. "Nothing to worry about there," she commented, " Minor bruising and soreness but that will soon go. No need for any treatment." Obviously, what to us was a major thrashing, on her scale of things it was only a trivial punishment. Compared to Velisi's, I...

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New Year Evening With Sheetal

I Ajay, working in an reputed IT Company in Chennai, I’m going to tell you a story happened in between me and my colleague Sheetal. Dec 31 Saturday evening I was sitting alone in my flat, my entire friends went home, due to some work related issues I couldn’t go home and i decided to stay back here in Chennai. I was bored and decided to take a walk. I went to nearby coffee Shoppe and had a coffee I saw my colleague Sheetal walking through the other side of the road. Let me tell about her. She’s...

1 year ago
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The Flight Attendants Revenge

It had been a long night-flight back to Gatwick from Manila, over 13 hours airborne. And even though the crew were all exhausted as they disembarked from the crew bus back at base, somehow they managed to maintain their polished look. Sarah was no exception to this. Her smart navy uniform looked immaculate, as did her make-up, and blonde hair still twisted into a chignon, under her navy hat. It was a procedural responsibility of all crew to check in with the rostering department on return from...

2 years ago
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Like I didn't have anything better to do with the weekend than attend the wedding of some second-cousin I'd never met. Like I'm an adult and I should be the one to decide how I spend my time. Like there's another person on the planet more persuasive and sure of said powers than my mother. "What?!" I tried to conjure up a suitable sense of slight. "Mom! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is Friday evening. And you're talking early Saturday afternoon? As in manana? Like, what?" I...

3 years ago
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A fun night with my X and her Sister

My X and I have been divorced now for ten years, I remarried she didn't. Sometimes when I'm back in my home country and we get the chance we fuck like rabbits, I suppose for the good old days. She can still make me rock hard just by giving me that look that told me she was horny all the years we were married. I also had a thing for her sister Elen. Well who wouldn't Elen has the most wonderful pair of big soft tits and a very cute round butt. It came out one night many years ago when we were...

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Old Gay Men Fucked Me 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Abhijeet and this happened to me when I was 19 years old. My parents and I used to live in Mumbai and we had a another flat which we decided to rent it out. The person who took it was an old man Kumar who was 67 years old as he was alone his son requested us to look after him and he even paid money to my parents for that. My mother told me that I had to go every evening to evening to visit Mr Kumar and spend some time with him soon I was visiting him daily and we became best of...

Gay Male
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Bhabhi Ki Shalwar Main Peshab

Aaj meri bhabhi ka birthday hai maine bhabhi ko pehle keh diya tha is bar ka birthday bahbhi aur main ek sath manaige.Birth day ke din main cake le kar aya aur bhabhi ke liye ek achcha sa gift bhi laya gift main kiya tha who main aap ko aage bataoga.Bhabhi ne kaha agaye devarji raat ke 12 bajne wale hain .Mere birthday ki tyari ho gai maine kaha bhabhi aap befikar rahiye aap ke is devar ne puri tyari kar li hai .Pehle aap naha kar ek achcha sa patyala dress pahan lijiye. Patyala shalwar main...

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Ana challenging a BBC to fuck her in the ass

Saturday afternoon Anita and I were chatting at the back yard and having some drinks. This time Peter was there with us.He was my wife’s last date; a black stud that she had met a week before during shopping at the local mall. The bastard had fucked my sexy wife there in a filthy bathroom, sending Ana back home with a salty cream pie in her swollen pussy lips.We were there talking, until the subject about anal sex came up.The black guy was surprised that a smoking hot wife like Ana could have...

2 years ago
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Night Fun With Mausi

Hello friends, mera name deeshu hai aur mai lucknow ka rhne wala hun. Ye story meri aur meri mausi ki hai. Meri mausi ka name mini hai. Mujhe bachpan se hi married ladies pasand hai to mai mausi ki trf attract tha. Hum log summer vacations me mausi k ghar jate the. Meri mausi k 2 bacche hain ek beti n ek beta. Mere mausa ji bhut drink krte hain. Mausi k ghar me unki saas bhi unke sath rhti hain. Mausi ka figure size 36 32 38 hai. Mausi ki age 45 hai. Aur meri 26. Mujhe bachpan se hi mausi k...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 18 A Real Office

Dexter dropped the kids off in front of the hospital so that they could visit their mother. They had instructions to send him an e-mail when they were ready to be picked up. He gave them the e-mail address for the website since he was going to swing by the apartment to check up on it and try to start another article. He wasn’t ready to give them his cell phone number. He was sure that they would give it to Janet and she’d be calling all of the time to rub his nose in her affair. He still had...

4 years ago
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Gina 2

Gina and I had been having our clandestine affair for just over six months, spending as much time together as possible without arousing suspicion, generally a couple of hours snatched here and there. Although not perfect, in our circumstances it was all we could sensibly manage and Gina was happy with the arrangement and the sex was as good as ever. Gina would always be in just stockings and heeled shoes and within five minutes of me walking into her house, her lips would be wrapped around my...

3 years ago
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Computer Blue

Computer Blue. (by Stephanie) We’re not allowed do it where I work.  That is, we’re not allowed to use our office computers for personal purposes. But we all do it. Twitter, Facebook and in my case, Lush Stories. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a PA for the boss of a TV production company and it’s a laid back place, but there are rules. Liam Callan is a decent boss, an ex-director who produces adverts and movies now. He chased the money, and caught it.  And he’s kind of cute, in that mad, bad way...

2 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 42

I woke up in the hospital the next morning. Jordan was in one of those pull-out chairs that unfold into a very uncomfortable bed. She looked relieved. I felt it too. “Good mornin’, sleepy head,” she said with a soft smile. I nodded. “How are you feeling?” “Better than you look,” she said. I smiled. “That bad, huh?” “Well, you were unconscious when the feds arrived,” she said. “It took a bit of ... you-know-what to convince them to let you go to the hospital rather than arrest you.” A...

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Liz Takes a Fall Pt 02

‘Congratulations, Mr. Carver, you are a very lucky man. The X-rays show no broken bones, which is astonishing. Witness statements suggest that your spine should have been severed by the fall.’ ‘That’s good to hear, doctor, but how is Elizabeth?’ The doctor smiled and placed his hand on my bruised and aching shoulder. ‘Preliminary tests show that Miss Tate is even more fortunate than you. You are a hero, Mr. Carver. You risked your life to save hers. I don’t know how you managed to hold her so...

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One Long Flight

Janet Marshall was 39, a few weeks away from turning 40, and she wasn’t looking forward to it. She had been working at the company for 20 years now and had worked herself up to a supervisor job. She took her job seriously, maybe a little too seriously, but she knew her job was to be a BITCH. Nobody liked having their e-mails and internet censored but it had to be done to maintain a stable work environment and a virus free server. She knew the company expected the supervisors to maintain...

4 years ago
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Apollo and Orion

The La Quinta inn in Albuquerque, New Mexico was not where Michelle Strelnikova wanted to take her honeymoon with her new husband, Schtopaugh, but General Ballard impressed upon her the need to stay close to the project in the event of a change in the strategic picture. As of November the 29th, 1974 the thirty-six ships comprising the Raianna expeditionary fleet were keeping station near the Moon Europa in the Jovian System. They had stayed there since pulling back from lunar space in...

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Testing the Dancer

I was down in the Low Country on a working vacation. My partner and I had been invited to a New South/Woodstock kind of party. This was an annual affair, combining the best of Old South gentility with the finest of modern food and drink, not to mention the three excellent rock'n'roll bands, playing outdoors to several hundred madly happy fans. So it didn't last three days, big deal. It was pretty damn fine for a tiny Antebellum fishing village stuck in the middle of a swamp on a bypassed...

1 year ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 3 The Incarceration

Big Al got out and opened the rear door of the unit and said, "Careful getting out Miss, don't want no bruises or cuts on those pretty legs." His manner gave Debbie the chills as she struggled to get out of the low back seat without the use of her arms. Big Al reached down and grabbed one arm and pulled her up to her feet. The touch of this man made Debbie feel soiled. They passed though many steel doors into a small room where she was told to sit down on a hard metal bench and be quiet...

3 years ago
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The BBQ Part 1

Jenny was wearing a floaty little number and a short skirt and her aroma started my cock twitching from the moment she hugged and kissed me to say hello. Jenny is about 5' 2" and is a size 12, she has a 36" bust with perky breasts and inverted nipples. She has red hair(cut in a bob') and green eyes, eyes that say many things, but when she gets a certain smile on her face they definately say " i wanna suck your cock and fuck your brains out". So anyway, we get the drinks going, the boys...

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Street FindChapter 6 Shes The One

Stan had warned me and the girls that during the summer, the club scene would be much quieter. People were off on vacation or just enjoying the longer summer days. They weren't so motivated to go to a club as they were during the fall, winter, and early spring. We were still booked during the days we were available, but The Palomar had no problem covering for us when we were at one of the outdoor events. The other factor was that much of our new outdoor sound wasn't suitable for the club...

4 years ago
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I love my wife but she would be the first to admit that she has a naughty streak that demands attention. On our honeymoon she explained that she needed a strong hand to control her and that she wanted to be spanked whenever she misbehaved; the harder the better. Clearly, my beautiful,blushing bride was very kinky and spanking was her biggest turn on.She reads romance novels: The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, The Pirate and the Beautiful, Young Stowaway, The Handsome Teacher and the Naughty...


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