Camp Part Three Unfinished Update free porn video

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Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not"

Jonah:- "But.."

Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself"

Jonah:- "But you..I..I.."

Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be the hero, finish what i started and kill Lance, protect the camp, show Lance that no matter how bad things seem you will never back down and you will keep on fighting till the very end, i want you to promise me you will"

Jonah:- "Celeste.."

Celeste:- "Jonah promise me you will finish this, please, do this for me"

Jonah:- "I..I..promise"

Celeste:- "Thankyou, now i want you to remember something very important, Jonah i love you, you made me the happiest person alive even when we were fighting, the time we spent together was the best moments of my life"

Jonah:- "Celeste.."

Celeste:- "I know Jonah, can i ask one last favour, can you tell me that you love me one last time, it would make this whole thing worthwhile"

Jonah:- "I love you celeste, i promise you that no matter what happens now i will not let your death be in vain, i want you to remember something"

Celeste:- "And what might that be"

Jonah:- "That even in death i will be with you, i will find you and i will save you, i will destroys the earth and the underworld just to get you back"

Celeste:- "No you won't mister, it's my time, you have to let me go"

Jonah:- "I..I can't, i won't"

Celeste:- "Yes you will jonah, if you truly love me you will let me go, it's my time, dying in battle is an honourable death, please remember that"

Jonah:- "But..i love you, i can't lose you like this, not now, not after everything that has happened, i never even got to tell you i am sorry for how i acted back at camp, i never got to apologise for breaking up with you"

Celeste:- "Jonah i forgive you, i always have done and i always will, remember that and remember that none of this was your fault"

Jonah:- "Celeste.."

Celeste:- "Jonah, i want you to listen to me, it wasn't your fault, it was Lance's and to make things right you have to do what is needed, finish what was started, for me"

Jonah:- "I..I..will, for you i will finish this, i will kill lance or die trying"

Celeste:- "Not your time to die mister, kill lance and be the hero, only a hero may die"

Jonah:- "I was never the hero though, you was"

Celeste:- "Jonah..come here"

Jonah shuffled closer to celeste, she layed one hand one his face and pulled him to her for a kiss, it was nothing special but to Jonah it seemed like the world had just stopped, the kiss was perfect, he had closed his eye's and let time pass by as he and Celeste shared one last moment of true love, as he opened his eye's he caught a glimpse of a smile from Celeste as she slowly closed her eye's, too late did he realise they would never open again, she had used her last breath to give one last kiss to the guy she truly loved, Jonah just sat there holding Celeste in his arm's, she had thought him and he had killed her just so she could save him, she had forgiven him for everything he had done then she used her last breath to kiss him one last time, he had lost her and it was all his fault, no not his..LANCE's

Jonah:- "LANCE!, i will find you, i will kill you, i will make you suffer for what you did"

Lance:- "You want me then you will have to come and find me"

His voice seemed to be coming from everywhere, Jonah had no clue where he was or how he was going to find him, all's he knew is that when he did then there would be no mercy, Jonah would make sure he suffered, Jonah would give all he had just to make Lance suffer a pain worse than he had just suffered, a broken heart, watching the one person you love more than anything die, knowing the culprit was still alive watching him, knowing Lance had used him and got him to kill Celeste, Jonah would tear the world apart to get the thing he so badly seeked, REVENGE

Jonah:- "I will find you, i will tear this world apart to find you if i have to, when i do you better be ready cause there will be no mercy"

Lance:- "I will be ready Jonah, don't you worry about that, you need to remember one thing though, whatever you do to me will not change the fact that you killed your precious little Celeste"

Before Jonah had the chance to respond Lance appeared infront of him in shadow form, Jonah knew that in his shadow form nothing he did would affect him in the slightest, he had to try though, he picked up his sword and swung at Lance, the sword just passed harmlessely through him as if he wasn't there, which in retrospect he really wasn't, he was just a shadow

Lance:- "Now now, we both know that won't hurt me but this will hurt you"

Before Jonah had a chance to figure out what he meant a wall of shadowy energy lifted him off the ground,
flung him up high then seemed to grab him and slam him back down right next to Celeste's body

Lance:- "That was only a taste of what is to come Jonah, i will go for now but i will be back very soon to finish this, i would suggest in the meantime disposing of that perfetic girl's body"

Before Jonah had the chance to respond or even pick himself up off the ground Lance dissapeared leaving Jonah alone with Celeste's body once more, it took little less than one hour for Jonah to pick himself up and carry Celeste's body back to camp, the first sight of Jonah had all the camp running to greet him until they saw the body in his arms, most campers stopped dead in their tracks while others fell to their knees in disbelief, Jonah carried her all the way to the infirmary where he layed her down on the bed he last used then turned and walked away, the doctor had seen everything and rushed to Celeste's side as soon as Jonah left, the doctor tried everything he could to bring her back to no avail, she was gone and now he knew he had to inform the camp, it was easier than he had thought as most campers were waiting just outside the infirmary for the news, as he stepped out the door he could feel all their eye's focused intently on him

Doctor:- "I am sorry to tell you all that our dear Celeste has passed away, her injuries were too severe and as far as i am aware she was dead before she even made it to the camp, i am deeply sorry for the loss of this one fine camper"

A few campers stared on in disbelief, seeing Jonah carry her in and straight to the infirmary had put a little hope back in them but now they had to deal with the fact that she was gone, Jonah was in the crowd and could feel a few campers staring at him for the answers to how this could of happened

Jonah:- "It was me, i killed her.."

A few campers just stared at him in major disbelief, Jonah had just told the whole camp he had killed Celeste, it didn't sit too well with most campers as they soon turned on him with weapons drawn, a few advanced but never once did Jonah draw his weapon to defend himself, he was ready to die, one camper took a little swing at him to make sure Jonah wouldn't defend and was very surprised to see that Jonah didn't even flinch when the blade sliced through the air just infront of him

Jonah:- "Want to kill me then do it, i want to die, don't you understand, i killed her, she is dead all because of me"

That got the effect Jonah had desired more campers began swinging there swords, daggers and even a couple of spears at jonah but all seemed to be missing him, even the few that were close enough to turn him into a Jonah shishkebab seemed to deflect away from him at the last second as if some invisible force was protecting him, nobody could comprehend the situation infront of them, all the confusion caused enough of a distraction for a shadowy figure to appear behind Jonah unnoticed, it wasn't until the figure took human form and sent half the camp flying backwards with some invisible force before he got noticed by everyone, even Jonah turned around just in time to have a sword shoved under his chin, most campers decided to do the smartest thing at this point and backed away but a few brave, could be classed as stupid, campers advanced on the person with weapons drawn and were instantly sent flying by what seemed to be a giant shadowy fist

Lance:- "Now now Jonah, i thought you wanted to kill me, can't have you dying now can we, it's my job to kill you not some perfetic little pipsqueeks"

Jonah:- "I will kill you for what you did, you used me, you controlled me with some weird force and used me to kill the last good thing i had in this world, i swear right here, right now that me and you are going to finish this, i will kill you for what you did"

There were a few murmors from the campers, a moment ago they had wanted to kill Jonah because they had been told he had killed Celeste, now they were learning that this guy used Jonah and got him to kill Celeste, yes in retrospect Jonah did kill Celeste but not by his own free will, now instead of wanting to kill Jonah they wanted to help him instead, they all wanted revenge for what this Lance guy had done, in one swift motion all campers got into formation as if they had been doing it all their life and advanced towards Lance, weapons drawn and looking for blood

Lance:- "Oh my look at this, all these perfetic little pipsqueeks, they all seem to think they can kill me, what a joke"

With one little flick of his wrist every single camper in the formation was forced back by and invisible force, a few tried to advance again but found a shadowy wall had blocked their path, seeing how Lance was a little distracted Jonah took the advantage and drew his sword, in one swift motion he managed to step back from Lance's sword and drove his own straight through Lance's stomach, seen as Lance had chosen to be in human form the attack did the desired effect and sent Lance staggering backwards trying to pull the sword from himself, in an instant the sword was pulled out and the wound began healing, he began to advance on Jonah with blinding speed and seeing Jonah unarmed brought his sword down towards his head, somehow Jonah had seen the attack coming and rolled aside just in time, he managed to get up just as Lance was preparing for another strike, unluckily for Jonah he wasn't quick enough to dodge the next attack and it caught him square in the ribs, the strike left a nasty cut where it had hit and left Jonah in severe pain, he didn't fall to his knee's though, instead his just put the pain aside and ran straight at Lance, no weapon, no clue what he was doing he jumped and ended up dropkicking Lance straight in the chest, Lance staggered a little bit giving Jonah enough time to prepare for another attack only this time Lance saw it coming and sent Jonah flying with a flick of the wrist, Jonah landed hard on the ground but stood shakily back up

Lance:- "How do you keep fighting, what have you got left, i have taken it all, what is the point in fighting anymore, just accept defeat and let me kill you"

Jonah:- "Never, i made a promise, i promised i would finish this once and for all and that means i have to beat you no matter what, i don't care how bad thing's seem right this instant, in the blink of an eye this whole battle can change"

Lance didn't have time to ponder over what Jonah meant as he had began charging towards him with incredible speed, before Lance could even ready his weapon to defend himself Jonah had flung himself towards Lance with incredible power, he managed to connect with a right hook that knocked Lance to the ground and caused him to drop his weapon in the doing so, seeing an opportunity arise Jonah quickly grabbed the sword and brought it down straight the Lance's heart, well atleast where the heart should be, with blinding speed, Lance let out a quick cry of protest but had it cut short as he seemed to melt straight into the ground, all seemed silent for what seemed like an eternity before an eruption of cheers brought Jonah back to his senses, a flock of campers surrounded Jonah and began congratulating him for what he did, a few raised Jonah on there shoulders and carried him round the camp as if he was some sort of hero, after a quick victory lap around the camp the campers dropped Jonah off at the infirmary to have his wounds tended to, just shy of an hour later Jonah was all fixed up and was heading back to his cabin when his path was blocked by none other than Aditi

Aditi:- "Jonah i would like to thank you for what you did, although we lost a great camper in Celeste you managed to protect this camp"

Jonah:- "I didn't do what i did to protect the camp, my reasons were revenge and a promise i made"

Aditi:- "I know that Jonah, i knew your reasons would be your own, but i still owe you a great deal of gratitude for what you did"

Jonah:- "Well it is a thanks but no thanks, i don't want any thankyou's, i just want to move on and forget everything that has happened"

Aditi:- "That is your choice Jonah but it will have to wait, we have a special feast set up in the dining pavilion where we would all like to congratulate you for what you did and then say goodbye to Celeste"

Jonah:- "I'll pass at that, i'm leaving as soon as possible, i have to go find my own path in life now, this camp is no longer where i belong"

Before Aditi had a chance to protest a figure began melting out of the ground, both Jonah and Aditi knew it could only be a threat and prepared for attack, both seemingly assumed it was Lance coming back for more but were surprised when a hooded figure appeared infront of them unarmed and not wanting to fight

Jonah:- "Who or what are you"

The figure looked up and Jonah got a clear look at the figures face, it was pale and nearly see through, if you looked hard enough you could see the figures skull underneath his transparent skin

Hooded figure:- "Ahh where are my manners young Jonah, i am atromitos"

Jonah:- "Should that name ring a bell"

Aditi:- "I know you, you serve Lucifer"

Atromitos:- "That is correct, i am Lucifers right hand man, i deal with all the things he doesn't have time for like dealing with you, Lucifer has ordered me to grant you one favour for bringing and end to Lance once and for all, as soon as you killed him he appeared in the underworld where he has been sent to the fields of punishment for eternity, anyway's that's not important, what is improtant is the reason i am here, Lucifer has ordered me to give you one rule free, hmm shall we call it a personal favour, now this favour is rule free with one exception, the people who have died may not be brought back"

Jonah:- "Fine but i ask for two things, both small and both simple to do, the first is that lucifer shall leave this camp alone for eternity, he will never send any creature to attack it and he will never bother anyone in this camp again"

Atromitos:- "Sounds like a simple enough deal, now what was the second request you had"

Jonah:- "I want Celeste and myself when i die to both earn elysium, she belongs there and i believe after everything i deserve it, now do we have a deal"

Before Atromitos could make the deal a voice echoed from all around them, it was a deep voice that Jonah knew all too well

Jonah:- "Lucifer.."

Before he could finish his sentence Lucifer appeared infront of them

Lucifer:- "Ahh Jonah i thought i would come here and personally accept both your terms for a minor one of my own"

Jonah:- "And what might that be"

Lucifer:- "You join the underworlds army, when you die of course, you may have elysium but will fight any battle i send you to fight, can't have your talents going to waste now can we"

Jonah:- "Fine, sure, whatever, aslong as both me and Celeste earn elysium i will join your army"

Lucifer:- "Wise choice my young boy, now i accept your terms, this camp will be left alone, you and Celeste earn elyisum, now i must be going, come Atromitos, so much to do"

With that both Atromitos and Lucifer dissapeared in a swirl of fire and smoke leaving Jonah and Aditi alone, Jonah gave Aditi one last look then headed towards the dining pavilion ignoring everything Aditi was saying, upon reaching his destination Jonah was mobbed by campers galore, they were all congratulating him and thanking him for what he did but he was barely paying any attention, Jonah had one last thing he had to do and he wanted all the camp to hear him out, he walked up to the podium and looked out over the crowd of campers

Jonah:- "As i stand here on this dark day i want to turn all of your attentions to one minor detail, the main rule this camp has, the one that says *Campers may not kill other campers, any found guilty of murdering a fellow camper will be executed immeadietly*"

A few campers looked around the crowd trying to understand what Jonah was getting at to no avail, they were all confused, why had he brought that rule up, no camper had killed any other camper

Jonah:- "Now i know most of you are confused by what i am saying but.."

Aditi:- "You killed Celeste, although you was under some kind of control but still, Celeste died by your hands"

Jonah:- "Correct, i killed Celeste and in doing so i broke the biggest rule the camp has"

A few campers started murmoring among themselves, a few tryed to argue that Jonah didn't do it as he was been controlled but Aditi sensed what Jonah wanted and decided to give it to him

Aditi:- "Silence, Jonah you have broken the main rule and now you must be executed"

Jonah:- "Thankyou, now i know most of you are wondering why i would do this, well it's simple, i want to be with Celeste now, i have nothing left in this world, i was told not long back that only a hero may die, do you not all see me as a hero"

A few mumblings from around the crowd were broken when one camper started chanting *Hero, Hero*, soon the whole camp joined in and began chanting that Jonah was infact a hero
Jonah:- "Thankyou, now i believe that i broke a rule and a punishment is due"

Aditi:- "I believe you did and i infact believe there is a severe punishment for what you did"

Aditi approached the podium and gave Jonah one last smile, he almost brought his sword down on Jonah before he was stopped

Jonah:- "Wait, i have one last thing i would like to say, to the whole camp i would like to send my deepest gratitude, i am thankful for everything you have done for me and i am also thankful that you even tried to help me in the end, i wish each and everyone of you the best and i hope one day you all become heroes, just remember now that i want this, don't cry for me when im gone be happy, party and never forget me"

There were plenty of tears coming from the crowd followed by a massive round of applause, the whole camp began chanting again as Jonah layed down and closed his eye's

Jonah:- "Goodbye my friends, goodbye world"

Those were his last words, Aditi brought his sword down and pierced Jonah straight through the heart making it an instant kill with minimum pain, the whole camp watched on as the sword pierced him and most broke down as they watched him die, only a few looked up when Aditi approached the podium

Aditi:- "On this dark day we say goodbye to two of the greatest campers to ever walk through those gates, Jonah and Celeste we now say goodbye to you, we hope that the afterlife treats you well and you two may be together in peace atlast, goodbye and goodluck"

The whole camp took up a chant again, this time it was a little different, all the camp began chanting *Jonah, Celeste* repeatedly, the chant seemed to go on forever until Aditi raised his hand for silence

Aditi:- "Let us burn the body's of Jonah and Celeste, take them to their cabin and burn them both together, let them both rest in peace"

A few campers rushed over to the place Jonah was laying and gently lifted him up, they carried him to the cabin he used to call his home and layed him down on his bed, while a few campers were setting up the cabin ready to be burned a few others had rushed to the infirmary to collect the body of Celeste, they brought her to the cabin and layed her on the bed next to Jonah, all campers left the cabin and closed the door, as soon as they were at a clear distance Aditi lit the cabin and together all the campers watched it burn away.

In the years that passed the camp gained and lost campers, any who died in the camp always managed to earn a spot in elysium due to Jonah always making sure Lucifer sent them there, most chose to be returned to the world to begin a new life but the odd one chose to stay in elysium with their old friends Jonah and Celeste for a short time atleast, the camp carried on like normal but never once was attacked, okay a few little creatures managed to attack the camp but never did any serious damage, a few minor injuries, a few minor damages to buildings but nothing that couldn't be repaired, the cabin where Jonah and Celeste had stayed never got rebuilt as it was a shrine to the two heroes, on the same day every year camper's would crowd round the shrine and remember there two fallen heroes but would carry on with life like normal afterwards, all seemed pretty good for the camp and the campers.

Now as for Jonah and Celeste, they both managed to meet up in elysium, of course Celeste gave Jonah and earfull for choosing death but in the end she accepted what he did and was grateful to have him with her for eternity, she did worry whenever Lucifer called him up for a battle but was always glad when he returned safely, in elysium they managed to live, well spend the rest of their lives together quite happily, a few arguments occured between them and they occasionaly broke up but managed to patch things up and move on quite quickly, their after life seemed perfect for them, they had each other and occasionaly they gained an old friend to spend a little time with before they moved on, all seemed perfect.


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Camp Wilderness

My mom and dad enrolled me in a five week summer camp, Camp Wilderness, when I was about eight years old.  I had gone back to it until I had reached the last year I could go and then became a junior counselor and, eventually, as I entered college, a senior counselor.  In the interim the husband and wife team who owned the camp had started acquiring other camps.  By the time I graduated from college they had a string of twelve camps throughout the South.  I went to work for them on a full time...

3 years ago
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Status Update

“What’s on your mind?” The vertical line strobes repeatedly demanding my response; the vast empty whiteness of the digitalised box awaiting the dancing of my fingers across the soft receptive keyboard and the expression of the jumble of thoughts pressing at my mind. But, what to say? What to communicate? What to share with the assorted collection of friends, acquaintances and “God knows whos”? What is on my mind? My eyes flit to the top right as another important update crawls itself onto the...

4 years ago
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Unfinished Melody

‘Haven’t you ever done anything on the spur of the moment, Mom?’ Rachel gave her mother an exasperated look. Jill looked over the top of her reading glasses at her daughter. ‘I’m sorry. I like to know where I’m going, who I’m going with, little things like that. And I certainly don’t want to go somewhere by myself.’ ‘Live a little, Mom, take some chances in life. Don’t you get tired of being Mrs. Safe and Sound?’ Rachel was attempting to get her mother go to Jazz in the Park by herself. The...

2 years ago
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Unfinished Business

“Sabine, what are you doing here at the conference?” I asked. Sabine was from our marketing department in France. I’d only seen her once before when I’d visited the Paris office, but I remembered her very well. We’d almost ended up in bed together after the office party that night. Unfortunately, she’d changed her mind at the last minute because she didn’t want to be unfaithful to her boyfriend. She looked even more beautiful than I’d remembered her, with her wavy brown shoulder length hair, a...

Quickie Sex
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That day I met whith my chat friend in the first time. We'll set up a date in the night club to spand it on chating, drinking and dancing.What was my huge dispapointment, when the fab girl (long, dark, curl hair, big black eyes, and sweet lips) start to dancing after one pint with the strangers not with me... And her dance was such a sexual... She'd moved as a pro stripper nearly. And what I supposted to do? I said to myself. GO ON you IDIOT. She's your date-get a fack out others guys! And...

4 years ago
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An Unfinished Symphony 1

An Unfinished Symphony Kelly Ann Rogers One of the nice things I've learned about writing is to share the process of creation with others. It's not just that this keeps me from writing badly, but also because it's fun to engage other writers. As a result, there are several people to thank. First and foremost is Jill MI. She's a great editor and put in more time than I could ever thank her for. She has posted many of her own stories (some as Angel Rasch) and edited the work of a...

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An Unfinished Symphony 3

An Unfinished Symphony Part III Chapter VII Back to the Future By lunchtime Monday, it was as if the previous week had never existed. We were back on the work treadmill, beginning with our standard Monday morning staff meeting. We caught up on old business, made sure everyone was keeping up with their assignments, solved problems and discussed approaches to a new account we were pursuing. During the day on Monday, it never even entered my consciousness that my toe nails were...

2 years ago
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Unfinished Business

The two made conversation as the vehicle made its way through the downtown and up towards the hot springs on the mountain side. Andre straightened out the weekend pass in the window before they each grabbed their respective swim bags and locked up with a chirp. The springs were busy late summer with everyone trying to visit before the air got any colder, and there was a bit of a lineup to get into the resort where they could pay for their arm bands. The two were both idly looking around at the...

4 years ago
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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 1

School was finally out for the summer and I should have been looking forward to a long vacation. Instead, I had allowed a good friend to talk me into going away with her to spend the majority of my summer vacation as a camp counselor at a camp for inner city kids. It isn't that I don't think it's a worthwhile cause. I do. I totally support the concept of getting those kids out of the city and out of a dangerous environment. And since I work as a substitute teacher I am accustomed to...

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Camp Days

Character descriptions: Rich: 5 "7", Chest nut brown hair, blue eyes. Allison: 5"6" Blonde hair, blue eyes just like her brother, 36B breast. Taylor: 5 "7" Auburn hair, dark brown eyes, 38B breast. Rachel 5 "5 1/2", Brunette, grey eyes, 32C breat. Emily: 5 "7", Red hair, hazel eyes, 34C breast. "Mom this is your last chance to end all of this," I say from the passenger seat. "Yeah! We don't have to go," Allison chirps up from the back. "Enough you two. Every...

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Dale looked up from his newspaper and smiled inwardly to himself. His wife Joy had just then come into the kitchen heading immediately towards the sink where she stood rinsing out her coffee cup before pouring herself a fresh one. He smiled, because she really was a joy to look at, never failing to arouse him whenever he saw her, especially when he saw her as she was now, wearing only a man's tee-shirt and nothing else. Her tight firm little behind was peeking out at him beneath the short hem...

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  CAMP XV This is a simple tale of just one of a number of prison compounds, it being the consummative female labor camp for young women.  The particulars of the reason for this small, isolated camp, why and how the young women became inmates, the politics, the time frame and even the nationalities of the prisoners and administrators are all irrelevant to my story.  Suffice it to say it’s just a bunch of good looking late teen to mid twenty age women in an isolated part of the world held...

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Ass Worship update

I am now 25. I am 5'6" and 124 pounds. I have dark hair and brown eyes. I'm fit but not a fitness buff. I am not "big on top" but rather a b-cup. The most noticeable thing about me is my butt. It's not a ghetto booty, but since I was very (very) young, people have commented on my ass. A few years ago, the term "ass worship" struck me and I began researching it just seemed like a natural thing for me. No----I'm not an ass worshipper, ha. Not by any means! But I have learned...

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My Life Requested Update

As a relatively non-erotic entry, I figured I would give a bit of an update. Now, a bit of a backstory about me for those who haven't been following along as I have shared my adventures. To the outside viewer, I live a relatively 'normal' life, in a very nice upscale village north of San Diego. I guess if you dug very deep you would realize that it is actually quite unconventional. After suffering through the unexpected loss of my first wife, I had been urged by my daughter to start...

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Camp Karma

Now I can only assume you are wondering who I am and what I am going on about, Well, Let's just say i've been told I have to tell you people how I came about living at this camp, Yes I do live at a camp, Used to live in a nice three story house but not anymore, Thats old news, Been living at this camp for what seems to feel like a millenium even though I guess at this exact time it will be six months, Maybe give or take a few days Alice:- *Will you get on with the story* Ahh that there...

3 years ago
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Camp Kink

Author’s Note: this story has a little bit of everything… hot sex, a little bit of alpha-male, a little bit of BDSM, a little bit of spanking, a fair amount of exhibitionism/voyeurism, a little bit of anal play, etc. etc. Because of its length and the fact that it’s hard to categorize, I put it in the novella category. Please don’t forget to vote by indicating the star level at the end of the story! Thanks and Enjoy! ****** ‘Bye! Goodbye!’ Bradley and Christine waved out the window as they...

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Camp Slut

Rev. Thomas.Family church camp at Green Lake was easily my favorite week of the year. Folks from all over the state gathered “up north” at a log cabin lodge set among big trees overlooking the crystal clear water. Each family unit had its own cabin with adult bedrooms and rooms with kids bunk beds. It was very relaxing with no required activities but plenty to do. There was always beach time, canoe activities, and a never-ending bridge game in the big hall.Maybe my favorite thing about it was...

2 years ago
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Right after graduating highschool, I needed to make some serious money before going off to college. A friend of mine told me about a job at a camp. I was unqualified for the job when I applied but was surprised when I got the call for an interview. I drove out to meet with the manager of the camp. Her name was Karen. She was in her mid 40's, average body, very tan, not great looking, but had very nice legs. I came wearing dress pants, a short sleeve button shirt with a tie, and my best pair of...

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Camp for little girls

Chapter OneIris Harrault stepped back and surveyed the summer porch. It was all ready — newly dusted the plants all green and thriving, the small wicker table intimately laid for two. The whiskey sours were in the refrigerator and the cold supper prepared. She glanced at her watch, and then out the porch screen which looked out over the wooded drive. No sign of him yet. I'll just freshen myself up, she thought, and then he ought to be here.She walked into the bathroom, and hurriedly combed her...

2 years ago
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Camp Boring

Story is done is FP PoV. Follows a Femboy and has a lot of flirting and some oral in it. I watched my mom and my step dad drive away with a feeling that was a mix of excitement and abandonment. This was going to be my first time at a Summer Camp, which was what was making me feel so excited right now. But at the same time I was really going to miss my step dad’s attentions he’d been showing me for a last month or so. I mean, I was really going to miss that! And of course Brad wasn’t going to...

2 years ago
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Camp Out Surprise Part 4

Finally in the distance I could see a canoe illuminaqted by the sun. They had been so quiet and sneaky the previous nights, I was surprised by their lack of stealth. It was then that I realized that there was more than one canoe. There was more like six. No, seven. No, twelve. In the light of the moon I could now see twelve canoes coming my way. That is when I clued in that I wasn't hearing the voices of three girls, but of many. Possibly twelve canoes worth. But were they coming...

3 years ago
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Returning the Favor partly unfinished your com

Standing in the entry way, our kissing has become increasingly passionate. Our hands are groping each others back and pulling our bodies tightly together. The temperature is definitely rising. As our tongues wantoningly explore, you pull away and nibble across my cheek and to my ear. You whisper, "I have something special planned for you." And with that, you pull away, take my hand and lead me up the stairs and down the hall to your bedroom. We enter the dimly lit room. Candles flicker in...

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Camp counselor

Lara sighed contentedly as the hot water beat on the tired muscles of her back. She had spent the day hiking ten miles through the woods with the children of Camp Kikicanoe, a summer camp designed for underprivileged, inner-city youth. Well, it had been ten miles on the map. In reality, she'd had to run back and forth along the line of tired, complaining kids, cajoling them along, checking stubbed toes and the like. It had been a grueling, exhausting day. Now the...

4 years ago
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Camp Out Surprise 1

Every summer I take the second week of July off and head out camping. About five years ago I found a remote spot on a large lake. It's a decent hike out to this spot and I've never found evidence of anyone else camping there. I set up camp right on the water in a cove and can watch the beautiful water. I can see people out on their boats and on distant beaches, but pretty much fell like I'm in my own little bubble. Each night after a long day of fishing, swimming and trying to...

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Camp Love

It was a beautiful day to head out for a camping trip and the best part was going out with my cousin sister and her girl friend... The two gals had badgered me to take a few days off and take them on a trip as both sets of parents were not willing to let them go on their own. My cousin was atleast 6-7 years younger than me and she was extremely fond of me and would forever be hugging me and showing her affection openly.. i had never thought of her sexually though at times i had noticed how...

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Camp Bathhouse

Howdy. My name is John, John Fears. And I am the founding father of the Camp Cauldron Bathhouse Motel. My family and I first came up to Camp Cauldron when I was about eighteen. Eighteen was a budding age of emotional and hormonal, well hormones for me. I don’t remember much about that first trip. I remember Ma packing too much food for my older brother’s girlfriend, whose name was Amalie.  Amalie, I knew her obviously as my brother’s girlfriend that he always brought along on family outings or...

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Unfinished Business with Sweetie Part 2

In Part 1, I described how I was a pretty, sixteen-year-old girl with 38DD breasts, living in Newcastle, UK, when I was fucked for the first time by Kyle, a boy my age from school. At the same time, I began having oral sex with my grandfather, who I called Grandpa. I was living with my mother Marion, who I called Mam. Grandpa and I agreed that he wouldn’t fuck me until I was eighteen, but sadly he died one week before my eighteenth birthday.Something amazing happened at his funeral service,...

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Camp Site Orgy

Camp Site Orgy By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) The following story is a work of fiction. Being a work of fiction all concerns regarding disease and pregnancy are unnecessary. This storyline was suggested to me by a fan and I hope that I have done it justice. This story contains slut wife and unfaithful husband behaviour. If you don't like these stories please don't read it. I am also Australian and will make no apologies for using Australian terms and spelling. Enjoy. ------...

2 years ago
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Camp Boring Pt2

Story is in FP PoV and follows the life of a little Femboy named Sammie. This one contains Oral, Anal, and a bit of Fetish for sniffing. I was more than a little surprised when Isaac never made a move on me the night before. I had really been hoping that he would, because I was more than willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me. Turns out that he didn’t do anything at all. It was a letdown, for sure, but not much of one. It was still only the first day of Camp after all. I was bound...

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Camp Dsvid

Camp David I met him on a train. I was working on my laptop, and he walked past. He was incredibly fashionable and everything he had on looked like it had come out of the pack moments before. He had rather a sharp nose which was the only masculine thing that stood out. stood out through his hair. He wore very tight narrow legged black trousers, very highly polished pointy shoes, and a short tweed coat with sleeves so narrow you would have to have pipe cleaner arms to get it on. The coat...

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Mom, hey, Mom!" 18-year-old Henry Humper yelled as he opened the door of the home he shared with his mother, Hilda and his older sister, Harriet. "I got my report card, Mom, and guess what?""Henry, must you make so much noise?" his beautiful, buxom mother asked him in reply, coming down the stairs to join her son in the front hall of their home. "You sound like a herd of elephants sometimes, I swear.""But Mom!" he repeated. "I got my report card, and guess what? I got all As!""Henry, I am so...

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Camp Transformation

This could possibly be part one of a series, but I have decided to leave it marked as complete because in and of itself it is complete. Camp Transformation (pt1 maybe) by Heather T. I climbed off the bus into the row of welcoming counselors and already arrived campers This is not a surprise at all to me, i have been coming to this summer camp for the past 5 years. There has always been something special about it. The memories, the experiences, they've all been such a huge part of...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 7

I didn't sleep at all that night. Despite all that I had been through I was far too terrified of what was going to happen tomorrow morning to get any sleep. The next morning is a bit of a daze. I took a shower with Joni. But she inspected the dorm by herself. Deshane took me to the mess hall and turned me over to Mr. Moore. I saw the arrogant look on his face and I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. In a loud voice I said, "You arrogant prick! You set me up right from the start....

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Unfinished Business With Sweetie Part 1

Most people are skeptical of the existence and manifestation of ghosts, and I felt the same way until my experience with the ghost of my beloved grandfather, who passed away when I was almost eighteen years old. I’m twenty-two years old now and living in Newcastle, UK, where I grew up. My name is Becca, and this story begins when I was a teenage girl living with my mother, who was a single mom. I’ve always been so proud of my mother, Marion, who I call Mam, since she raised me alone from the...

2 years ago
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Camp Site Orgy

------ Amy kept herself under control as John, her husband of six months, told her what was happening. "We are going camping." He said. "Just you and I out to Shaganon Caves" "Since when do I go camping?" She asked. "I hate camping." "I have all the best equipment." John said. "I even have a double bed." Amy only liked seeing five stars, those above the hotel sign, when she went away. The idea of spending a night out in the wilderness was not her idea of...

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Camp Futa

You arrive at Camp Aphrodite late in the afternoon. Situated in Northern California and far from any town the camp lies in a beautiful valley filled with meadows, streams, and evergreen forests. The camp itself has no wall but a waist high wooden fence runs around the perimeter. You know from the pamphlet that inside the camp is equipped with every athletics facility imaginable from an olympic size swimming pool and full gym to a wilderness horse riding course. At any given time the camp has...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 2

It was nearly twenty minutes before she returned to the room. In the interim I had found that it wasn't just our clothing that was missing. Our cell phones had been taken. That was kind of a waste. They didn't even get a signal out here. Joni's car keys were gone. The only things that they had left us were our toiletries, these towels that weren't large enough to adequately cover us, our shoes, and our birth control pills! When she returned, Joni was carrying her large bottle of...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 4

When lunch was over the boys were taken down to the lake by Todd and Paul. Mr. Moore sent Rodney back to the office. The kitchen staff was hard at work cleaning up in the back. As soon as the room had cleared out Mr. Moore plugged the television back in but left it in the corner. He ordered Joni and me to pull up a couple of chairs. In a timid, pleading voice, Joni said, "Please, Mr. Moore. I don't want to see this again. I've done everything you asked of me. I promise I'll be...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 5

We talked quietly after that. I would have liked to have had another drink. But it was going to be a long, unpleasant six weeks and we had no way to get another supply of rum. So we sipped a plain Coke and tried to figure out who among our circle of acquaintances was responsible for all of us having to come out here and serve as sex slaves for all these males. Neither of us could come up with a single possibility. There was no one that we had done anything to, as far as we knew. And this had...

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