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This is a simple tale of just one of a number of prison compounds, it being the consummative female labor camp for young women.  The particulars of the reason for this small, isolated camp, why and how the young women became inmates, the politics, the time frame and even the nationalities of the prisoners and administrators are all irrelevant to my story.  Suffice it to say it’s just a bunch of good looking late teen to mid twenty age women in an isolated part of the world held captive and subjected to painful and humiliating degradations by the villainous prison staff, the only male contact being the Commandant of the cluster of camps, who also determines at which camp the prisoners are incarcerated.  Lucky him, huh?  Who knows to what extent it will all lead? At this point, even I don’t. 

Chapter One Synopsis

An aborted escape attempt is dealt with.  According to the Commandant’s rules the camp’s inmates are assigned in groups of ten, responsible for their actions singularly and collectively.  As the pair of thwarted escapees pays the steepest price, the other eight members of their group that weren’t involved are punished on another level, with the rest of the compound yet on another.

Chapter One

       The torrent of rain beats down across the rustic metal roofs of the group of barracks in wavering sheets as the weather front pounds through.  The raw mid autumn weather quickly turning colder, the compound’s dirt and gravel grounds are transforming into a quagmire off its narrow stone pathways.  Bright searchlights crisscross, scan the electrified barbed-wire fencing from the flat rooftops of the open windowed wooden towers spaced evenly around the compound as the last signs of daylight from the already dreary day have faded hours ago behind the vast forest of trees to the west.

       Toward the far end of the grounds directly across from the couple of isolated administration buildings, one being the Captain’s single story quarters mounted on pylons by the rear gate, a separate fenced in yard stands out, lit up through the rain.  The discipline area, its barb-wired enclosed inside perimeters are dominated by a group of wooden crosses mounted in a large sweeping circle.  A like number of wooden racks and stocks are positioned inside the ring under the fixed rows of lights illuminating the entire pen.

       A good number of the apparatuses are occupied, mounted with the bodies of women prisoners tautly hanging or stretching in the weather, bare naked.  Pelted by the current cloudburst, the roped prisoners hanging from the crosses are soaked; their whip marred cold bare flesh glistening under the bright lights reflecting through the downpour.  A like number of women are tautly stretched on the racks, facing upward in the drenching pounding of the rain.  Also the recipients of the bullwhip, their reddened welts reflect the torrents of water draining off their prone naked bodies.  Exposed nude to the elements, this is just the initial day of their punishment, the second still awaiting them.

       Tolerating the night, at daybreak tomorrow they’ll each be bullwhipped another dozen lashes in front of the camp’s remaining prisoners who will be lined up in rows for roll call on the other side of the barbed wire.  Those prisoners also are receiving a lesser, but still uncomfortable camp discipline.  Stripped of all clothing for the duration of the camp’s punishment, they’re also forced to also face the elements naked.  Head count taken, formed into work gangs, half the prisoners will be paraded past the whipped women and led to the fields to harvest what’s left of the last of the crops, the other half to the production line inside the warehouse.

       Again at dusk the work gangs will be paraded in front of the disciplined women still hanging, still stretching, rain or shine.  Another head count as the returning prisoners are lined up, another bullwhip session in front of them for the unfortunates inside the pen before the work groups are released to their barracks.  Tonight though, the disciplined group in the pen struggles just to survive the dropping temperatures and torrents of rain along with the agony of their whipped naked bodies being stretched and exposed.

       Having just arrived at the camp after being officially notified of the escape attempts earlier in the day, the Commandant parts, glances out the bamboo curtained window of the wood framed headquarters.  The rain pattering across the corrugated metal roof, its rhythm mixes with the fire crackling behind the grate of the fireplace dominating the back wall as he imperturbably counts the women in the punishment zone barely visible through the slackening rain.  An even eight’s a good number to be punished in front of the rest of the prisoners, he thinks to himself.  Glancing back, turning toward the security standing to either side of the pair of traumatized prisoners kneeling drenched and naked in front of the aged wooden desk, he strolls to the Captain’s chair behind it, slips back into the stuffed leather as it reclines on a creaking swivel.

       He can sense the tenseness, the utter fear surrounding the black haired girl, close but not quite the same with the other, the brunette.  Her fear’s noticeable but with maybe just a hint of defiance, then again their nude bodies aren’t just trembling from the raw elements.  Glancing toward the pair of female guards in wet parkas, nodding back toward the Captain as she’s in the process of removing her wet coat, he asks.  ?So? You found them just before dark?... They didn’t make it very far? Did they?... What, just a few hours??

       Leaning back, rocking silently as the chair barely swivels he glances back and forth toward the pair of bound women bowing their heads in front of the desk.  Glancing back toward the Captain then down toward the naked brunette prisoner to his left, he leans forward sliding his arms across the desk, his hands shuffling through the loose papers, finds her file, her photograph.  Glancing her over, under the remnants of mud and grim he’s pleased, knowing that she’s someone he recently assigned just last week to the compound, young, defiant and quite beautiful, and just recently incarcerated.   The chair stops rocking as his stern voice orders.  ?Turn her.?

       Reaching behind the bound brunette’s shoulders, gripping the strand of hemp rope binding her elbows tightly  together, lifting her up off the floor the Captain twists, turns her naked body a hundred and eighty degrees.  Youthful, ripe firm breasts swaying, larger then normal for her slender frame, actually quite a bit larger as the round globes stand out above the washboard appearance of her ribcage, her curvy hips twitch as her loosely bound ankles twist above her muddy feet on the hardwood floor.

       Her heart pounding, barely grunting while still glaring toward the fireplace through her matted hair she feels herself shivering, her bare breasts trembling.  Still soaked from her time in the pelting rain, the pain from the scrapes and bruises across her arms and legs from her romp through the brush and creeks are minor.  The wrapped strands of rope though, wet and shrinking burns as it digs into her elbows, forcing her bare breasts to remain jaunting obscenely outward in front of everybody.  

       Moisture crisscrossing her naked flesh drips across her bare feet as he takes in her backside.  Long athletic legs stretching upwards to her high rounded butt cheeks, the darkened slit between her thighs exposes just a hint of the puffy mounds of her labia.  With her shoulders arched back by the rope binding her elbows, the rounded curves of the outer portions of her jiggling breasts are quite visible from either side just beneath her broad shoulders, her back forming a ‘V’ down toward her slender waist.

       ?All the way.?  The harsh order’s followed with a visual twist of the Commandant’s finger.

       Her elbows roughly jerked; again she feels her heavy breasts swaying as they spring from one side to the other.  Separating, smacking together as she’s harshly twisted the full circle, she’s again positioned to face the desk, toward the Commandant, the only man in the group.  Eyes still glaring, but lowered, she senses the goose-bumps covering most of her nude body, as glancing across her symmetrical globes her eyes catch both areolas, nipples standing embarrassingly out, hard as rocks, their tan surfaces glistening under the swaying overhead light.   Her hips forced outward by the Captain’s tight grip on the bindings behind her back, her quivering stomach repeatedly slopes inward, slants outward with each raspy breath. 

       ?Not the worse for wear? Yet!?  The Commandant forebodingly smirks, enjoying the moment, the humiliation she’s obviously being forced to feel.  ?Just a few bruises, scratches? Looks like the thunderstorm cleaned her up pretty good.?  Again he glances toward the Captain, their eyes momentarily locking, their pleasure with her obvious.

       ?Okay? The other one? Completely around, same way.?  He orders with a nod, another twisting circle of his finger.

       Lifting, twisting her by her bound elbows, she also grunts as her short black hair mats to her forehead, neck.  Also drenched, slightly bruised, her flesh likewise covered with goose-bumps, her nipples stand thick off her heaving breasts as she makes her complete circle without stopping.  A quick survey of her naked body, hers nearly, but not quite a match for the brunette’s, he stands, glancing back and forth at both prisoners while sliding the chair back.

       ?Take them back to the room? Unbind them, facing the wall.?  He quietly orders the pair of guards as he nods toward the door to his right.

       One guard gripping their arms leads them toward the door, the other swings it open, shuts it behind them as they walk through.

       ?Let’s take a walk.?  He orders as he stands, slips the raincoat from the coat rack, slides it on.  Reaching for his riding crop, bending it between his hands before flicking it across his knee, he glances out the curtained window once again through the slackening rain.  Stepping out the door onto the covered porch, slipping the hood up over his head as he glances toward the Captain, he mutters.  ?Good job? They’re perfect Cap!?  Taking a step toward the yard, he turns, adds.  ?Temperature’s really dropping tonight... That’s the remainder of their group, huh?... Come on; let’s see what the rest of the best looking girls in the camp looks like now.?

       Dodging the now vacant wooden stocks on either side of the steps, also used as corner posts for the railings on the edge of the wooden platform, they step through the torrents of water streaking off the rough metal edges of the weathered porch roof.  Carefully stepping down the seven wooden steps to the flat stoned surface encompassing the first few feet in front of the quarters they walk briskly out into the dark wet weather toward the wire enclosed pen.  Feeling the chill of the steady breeze as the rain pelts across their covered heads and shoulders they quickly close in on the barbed-wire gate.  Swinging it open, stepping onto the submerged crushed gravel beneath their feet, past a couple vacant crosses toward the closest rack with a mounted, drenched prisoner quivering in her bindings, the Commandant continues to reflexively flick the already wet crop back and forth across his knee.

       Glancing across her young face, late teens at best, her tautly stretched body flexes in the straining ropes binding her wrists and ankles as her eyes stare pleadingly toward him.  Sliding the tip of his crop around the overflowing puddle of water in her hollowed belly button, again the sense of power over the girl is stimulating as he can feel her stomach twitching through the crop.  Gazing into her watery eyes, down toward her heaving chest, he watches the firm round mounds of her breasts being pelted by the rain, the cold water stiffening her puckered nipples.

       Eyes squinting as water bubbles from her mouth, her knowing grunts are barely audible above the constant pattering of rain across the wooden rack and her naked flesh as he slowly lifts the crop, flicks the length of it straight across her uplifted areolas one at a time.  ?Swish? Thwack!......... Swish? Thwack!!?

       ?Aaaggghhh!?  A gurgling grunt, water spewing from her lips, the corners of her mouth as the wet leather slices across her cold wet breasts.  Jerking, bouncing under the blow, red welts instantly rise across her cold, shriveled nipples as her body reflexively arches upwards.  Waiting a moment or so, tracing the welt across her left nipple with the end of the crop, forcing the tip into her flattening tit flesh, he holds the crop steady in his right hand as he reaches down, grips the tip with his left.  Flexing the crop slowly back into a semi-circle until it almost touches, releasing its tip, again the willowy leather snaps across her cold, bare breast, sinks into the reddened nipple.  ?Thwack!?

       ?Aaaggghhh!?  Another anguished cry resonates through the yard as her body bucks upward, her wet, welted breast searing from the springing crop.

       Glancing toward the Captain with the slightest of a smirk, a final glance at the girl’s welted breasts, he takes a step toward a cross baring another naked prisoner.  Ignoring the whimpering of the first girl as he glances over the hanging girl’s soaked body; his eyes focus directly level with her inverted navel.  Letting the crop slide up over her trembling calf, he slides its flexing tip ominously across her outer thigh, around and into her dripping vulva between her stretched legs.  Shoving and probing, he lets the leather bend, twist and finally flip into the wisp of hair circling her vagina as her loosely bound ankles scrape across the sides of the square wooden post as her roped arms lift, raise and drag her bare back against the flat wood.

       Glancing across her heaving breasts dripping water from their shimmering nipples, then on up into her exhausted but still pleading eyes, he momentarily holds the crop motionless before slowly twisting, revolving it around inside her moist slit.  Feeling her hips twitching, hearing her groans above the falling rain, slipping the crop back out from between her thighs, he flicks it briskly back and forth across her swaying breasts.  ?Swish? Thwack!?? Swish? Thwack!?

       ?Oomph!... Agghhhh!?  Her tortured backside jerking across the harshly hewn wood, her head tilting downward as water streaks down from off her face, down off her naked body, off her bobbing breasts, the welts instantly rise across her heaving globes, taut nipples.  ?Swish? Thwack!...... Swish? Thwack!?  Another backhand, forehand as the supple crop flexes, springs across her jerking breasts yet again.  ?Aaaggghhh!!?  Head twisted against the post, legs jerking, back arching, another couple welts streak across her nipples as the rain continues to pound across her battered chest, her limp body reflexively contorting from her outstretched arms.

       Glancing around the fenced in yard, stepping past that cross toward another mounted rack, his chest pounds with excitement as the rain drips off his hood, down over his face.  Glancing at the barely conscious prisoner stretching in its creaking ropes, he slides the crop between her large, flattening breasts as he forces them to separate, spread one at a time toward her armpits.  Her muscles, tendons outlined beneath her taut flesh flex as she repeatedly blinks through the raindrops, her hazed eyes swollen almost shut.  He can feel her welt covered  body trembling as he places a flat palm across her sternum, slides it down across her ribcage, down across her pubic mound, between her quivering thighs as the raindrops patter across her bare flesh.

       Glancing at the Captain, around toward the group of exhausted but equally terrified youthful women being pelted by the storm, he loudly rasps.  ?We found the other two? We have them back in custody.?  Slowly turning toward each girl as he speaks, he rises, continuously flicks the tip of the riding crop across the prone girl’s bare breasts as he places his free hand across her mouth...  ?Your punishment will still continue through tomorrow.?

       Glancing toward the Captain, smacking the girl’s breasts a little harsher, back and forth, back and forth in rhythm, still in a loud voice he continues.  ?Each gets another dozen strokes in the morning in front of the rest? Just like I ordered when you contacted me yesterday? Understand??

       ?Yes Sir!?

       ?Then a dozen more in the evening again??  He continues, turning his head toward the tortured women for them all to hear as his flicks of the crop become even harsher across the flattening breasts being buried with bright red welts.

       Again nodding back, the Captain answers.  ?Yes? Another dozen, Sir? As we do a head count with the other fifty prisoners.?

       ?Then they’ll be rotated?  Correct??  He again loudly asks, glancing off into the darkness surrounding the camp as he awaits the answer he already knows as he holds the crop upright.

       ?Yes? Sir.?  Rack to cross? Cross to rack.?  The Captain advises.  ?Then another day of the same before their punishment’s over? For now.?

       ?Swish.?  A quick flick of the crop, the leather snaps between the prone prisoner’s legs. ?Thwack!?  Sinking into her spread slit, his spread hand drowns out her muffled cries as her naked body jerks above the flat wood, the red welt raising across her wet, cold pubic mound.

       ?Okay? Back inside.?  He orders as he grips the girl’s left breast, gives it a final smack as he stares around toward the other occupied crosses, racks.  Turning, walking toward the still open gate, the Captain follows behind him as the girl’s raspy cries echo in the pen.

       Retracing the wooden steps, slowly walking across the porch, slipping the hood down, the raincoat off, he hands it to the Captain as he glances back toward the pen, steps through the doorway.  ?Let’s see if they’re ready? Hang our coats up and come on back.?  He quietly directs as he steps toward the fireplace, rubs his hands together.  ?Getting brisk out there isn’t it??

       ?Yes Sir? Wet too? Might even see some sleet? Not a good night to be bound naked out there, huh??

       Turning his back toward the fire, rubbing his hands together behind his back, the Commandant grins.  ?Not a good night to be in that back room either? Especially if you’re those two? Now then? They must be best looking in the camp, aren’t they??

       ?Hand picked Sir? Just like you wanted?. That last one you sent me and the other? Also barely more then a kid? Big tits and nice ass though.?  The Captain elaborates as she also rubs her hands in front of the fire.  ?The eight out there make up the best of the camp but the rest are all more then decent as you know, after all, you assigned them all here, this being the ‘chosen’ camp for the best looking younger women? This is where you’re known for sending only the most attractive? And young prisoners?  And, those two are certainly the cr?me de la cr?me.?

       Stepping beside the desk, picking up the receiver of the rotary phone, the Commandant’s finger patiently spins the dial in brief flicks.  Waiting a moment, then another, hearing the phone picked up on the other end, he asks.  ?Doc?... How long?... Fifteen, twenty minutes?... Okay.?  Hanging up, glancing toward the Captain, he nods toward the door.  ?She’ll be here soon? She knows her way in, come on?. And by the way? I’m sure you also appreciate the quality of the girls I send you!?

       Stepping past the desk to the door, the Captain swings it open, follows the Commandant toward the pair of prisoners.  Both still naked but unbound kneel spread eagled on the floor with their hands interlocked behind nape of their necks.  Their shoulders arched back, they focus on the wall just inches in front of their faces.  The Commandant and Captain are quickly attracted to the brunette’s torment as her nipples scrape across the wooden surface of the wall with practically every breath, her guard’s knee pressing against the small of her back.

       ?So then, these are the two!?  The Commandant directs, more then asks as he steps behind the pair, between the guards as they step back in regards to the silent nod of his head.  ?They’re why the rest of their group is out in the rain right now being punished huh??  He adds as he glances toward the bruising rope marks circling their elbows, arms from the removed bindings.

       Sliding his still wet crop across the one’s shoulders, then the same slow tease with the other, he slowly paces back and forth behind the pair as he watches their naked bodies respond.  ?Two days of beatings for the other eight.  Two days of the cross and the rack for the others in their group because of these two.?  He adds, just a little louder, sterner.  ?Those eight punished in front of the entire camp of stripped naked prisoners for the indiscretions of these two.?

       Slipping the crop up into the brunette’s crotch to his left, letting the cold, wet leather slide back and forth between the folds of her labia, he watches her buttocks quiver, her shoulders arch as she unsuccessfully struggles to remain motionless.  Stepping behind the other girl, sliding the crop’s tip between her buttocks, he watches her naked body also tremble as a small pool of water spreads across the floor between her thighs.

       ?The rest of your group out there knows we found you!?  He almost quietly speaks to the pair.  ?As the rest of the prisoners know? They’re all being punished for your botched escapes.?  Leaning between them, pressing his palms forward between their shoulder blades, he flattens their breasts against the wall as he practically whispers in their ears.  ?You’re both mine to do whatever I want with you, either of you two.?  Standing, glancing toward the pair of female guards, then toward the Captain, he exclaims.  ?The Doc will be here any moment? It’s going to be an interesting? Long evening.?  Glancing toward the Captain and the couple guards, back toward the two girls, he orders. ?Escort them to his lab next door.?

       Stepping between the kneeling girls, gripping their wrists as she jerks them to their feet, the Captain twists them around and leads them to the door.  The guards following, the girls are pulled down the rear steps into the rain, their naked bodies quickly soaked as they’re rushed the few feet between the buildings.  Keys in hand one of the guards unlocks the rear door, swings it open.  The Captain, her clothes also soaked drags the stumbling girls in behind her to a holding cell in the rear of the building, slams the bars behind them.

       ?Wait with ‘em till the Doc gets here.?  She orders as she glances toward their raincoats, down across his own wet clothes.  ?I’ll be back.?  Out the back door, shutting it behind him she practically jogs across to the Commandant’s quarters as the rain’s picked up again.  Heading for the fireplace, again briskly rubbing her hands together she hunches above the crackling flame.  Reaching out,  stirring it with the wrought iron poker leaning against the hearth, she turns toward the smiling Commandant leaning back in the swiveling chair slowly shaking his head back and forth, obviously glancing toward the twin hard mounds of her areolas, nipples pressing through her soaked shirt.

       ?Think those tits are cold and wet? How’d you like to be one of those cunts out there all night, Cap??  He grins.

       ?No thanks? I wouldn’t even want to be in the guard towers tonight.?  She answers as she feels the heat of the flames soaking through her wet shirt, presses the palms of her hands flat across her damp breasts.  ?You can help warm these up though if you like? Now what’s up with the pair next door??

       Leaning toward the desk, glancing toward the phone, he answers.  ?Doc will be here in a few minutes? She can keep an eye an occasional eye on the bitches outside between those girl’s workouts? Don’t want anyone in the pen to get frostbite, now do we??

        Standing, stepping toward the fireplace, he turns her toward him while reaching his hands across her shirt.  Slipping his hands beneath hers, squeezing, melding her cold but firm breasts as she lets her hands slip down toward her sides, he continues.  ?Got the camp thinking those big tittied bitches had a plan to escape when all you did was help set them up.?

         ?Yes Sir? The guard got them separated apart from their work group and told them to go get the water bucket back in the jeep like they’d agreed.?  The Captain nods as she leans toward him, pushes her breasts forward, into his hands.  ?They didn’t realize we’d be waiting for them on down the road when they ran out of gas.?

       ?Yea? Just a few miles was it??  The Commandant smirks as he slips his fingers, thumbs across the thick buds of her nipples, slightly twists.  ?They thought the guard was actually going to help them get away, dumbasses? Thought they had her bribed? Didn’t think a thing about the jeep being nearly empty of gas huh?? Yea, a good lesson for the rest of the camp? They know the rules about escape attempts? Now they’ll know the consequences!?

       ?Ye? Yes? The? The whole group gets punished.?  The Captain’s voice changing as it becomes just a little raspy, her hand at the same time sliding across the front of his crotch.  ?Groups of ten? Liable for? For the actions of one? Just like your procedure orders.?  She mutters as she gently squeezes, tugs the swelling bulge beneath his trousers.

       ?Or two.?  The Commandant smiles as his hips press forward.  ?And those two are going to pay the price tonight!... Along with their uncomfortable group outside? And you’re going to help punish those two next door with me.?

       ?Yes? Oh yes? Yes!?  She mutters as she feels one of his hands sliding off her breast, slipping between her flattened stomach and loose band of her wet trousers.  ?Yes, I want to? To...?  She stammers as his fingertip slips between the tight folds surrounding her damp vagina.

       Footsteps on the porch, the knob turning on the door, the Commandant slips his hands from the Captain’s clothes, steps back a step as he feels one firm final squeeze across his crotch.  The door opening, the Doctor and another pair of guards step into the office, their parkas dripping.

       ?Doc!... Good timing!?  The Commandant acknowledges her arrival as he steps toward his desk.

       ?Yea? Yes I see!?  She smiles back as she glances toward the Captain’s partially unbuttoned shirt exposing the upper curves of her round globes as she begins buttoning it back up.  ?Just in time.?  Glancing toward the guards, the Captain, back toward the Commandant, she adds.  ?Where’s the two that’s going to be needing my services tonight?... I’ve already seen the pen’s half full.?

       ?Next door? The back half of the building, behind your office in the holding cell.?  He answers.  ?They’ll be tried, convicted and sentenced? Then the punishment begins, as soon as you’re ready.?

       ?Ready!... Let’s go.?  The Doc answers, heading for the back door.

       Following her, the rest briskly trots in a single file from the rear of the building to the next.  Entering the doorway, spreading around the room, the door’s shut as the slumping pair of naked girls glance nervously toward the group from behind the bars.

       Stepping forward, pacing in front of the cell, the Doc glances the girls over.  Recognizing both, instantly realizing they’re a couple of the best looking in the compound, the brunette having just recently been assigned, she has more then a hunch what’s going on.  Glancing toward the Commandant, back toward the girls, she slowly nods.  ?The punishment for attempted escape’s severe, isn’t it??  Glancing into black haired girl’s pleading eyes, into the brunette’s, she adds.  ?Better start with a thorough cavity search on them since they escaped? I’ll need to stretch their orifices? Reach in with my fists.?  Glancing back toward the Commandant, she asks.  ?Who’s first? Which one gets strapped to the table first?... Her??

       Nodding toward the brunette hunching down in the cell, her arms defiantly crossed, she glances back toward a guard as the cell door’s swung open.  The girl’s wrists gripped on both sides, she’s lifted from the floor, led with just a hint of a struggle from the cell into the next room.  Glancing at the remaining girl, she nods.  ?You’re got a little wait.?

       Led into the examination room between the two guards, her arms twisted behind her back, the brunette senses the Doctor’s hand on her butt cheek as they’re followed by the Commandant and Captain.  Forced to sit, then straddle the narrow stainless steel table as she’s lowered on her back she feels herself bowing as the guards quickly spread, shackle her wrists and ankles to the far corners.  Glancing up toward the bright light glaring from its stainless steel casing, blinking, turning her head, she feels her arms, legs uncomfortably stretching, her naked body slowly arching upwards. 

       Having reached down beside the table, cranking a lever, the Doc slowly begins to adjust the controls.  The top and bottom half of the table beginning to spread smoothly apart, slowly forming an ‘X’ as the brunette’s arms and legs spread with it.  As her body stretches, the shackles gripping, tautly tugging at her extremities, the Doctor grips both hands on the wheel and firmly twists it another couple turns.

       ?Oomph!... Agghhhh!?  The first real grunts escaping the brunette’s lips resonate across the room, the first of many to come as she feels the searing pain in her joints.  The leather shackles already tightly secured dig into her wrists and ankles as she feels her shoulders, butt barely scraping against the flat steel surface, her body slowly, painfully, embarrassingly stretching.  Biting her lip, twisting her head to the left she watches as the Doctor gives one more harsh twist, practically lifting her entire naked body from the metal slates, the spasms rippling across her tortured flesh.

       ?Aaaggghhh!!?  A harsher groan as her fists tighten; her toes curl.  Struggling to fight off a scream as her naked body flexes, the stress mounts unbearably in her joints with her head twisting back and forth against the flat metal table.

       Stepping around the table, sliding her hand across the still wet flesh of the girl’s glistening body, the Doctor reaches under the table for another set of adjustments.  Slowly turning it with one hand, her other hand remaining on the girl’s flattening stomach; the table slowly begins to rise in the middle.

       ?Aaaggghhh!?  Another loud grunt, almost a whine as the brunette feels her spread-eagled arms and legs slowly bowing backwards, her torso arching, lifting painfully upwards as the center of the table rises beneath the small of her back.  Another cranking of the wheel, her head slipping back into the opening in the table’s spread top, she feels her breasts spreading, flattening as she contorts into a semi-circle above the cold steel.  The bright light still glaring into her eyes, she reflexively squints, turns her head as the mounting pain sears through her body. 

       ?Just about ready.?  The Doctor smiles as she retrieves a jar of gel.  ?This is medicated... With alcohol.?  She adds as she swabs a glob on her right hand.  ?Slip that gag in her mouth for now and let’s see what’s in there.?

       Standing beside the table, the Captain takes the cloth rag and stuffs it in the girl’s mouth as she lifts her head in her free hand.  Waiting, then sliding the palm of her left hand flat across her hollowed navel, the Doctor slips three fingers of her right into the spreading slit between the quivering thighs.  Sliding in and out first to her knuckles, then to the web of her thumb, she continues to probe as the girl’s hips reflexively jerk while her head hangs down back between her stretched shoulders.  Letting her thumbnail slip into the rim of the exposed rectum, squeezing the forth finger together with the others, she rocks her hand using her thumb for leverage as all four fingers disappear between her thighs.

       Her moans becoming constant from beneath the upper end of the table as she feels the Captain’s hands holding her head, momentarily pressing her face against her crotch as she’s forced to struggle for breath.  Abs glistening, rippling as her body jerks, straining her hips as the Doctor’s hand thrusts deeper, harsher between her thighs, she senses the surrounding group leering at her, at her naked body being obscenely probed as she’s spread-eagled naked on the table.

       The Commandant stepping closer rests his hand on the girl’s thrust out left breast as the nipple flattens between his fingertips.  Resting his other hand on a thigh he feels the tremors as the Doctor’s thumb plops free from the girl’s rectum and presses inward with her fist.  A couple forceful jabs, the grunting girl’s hips visibly flexing and he watches the Doctor’s hand disappearing to just below her stiffening wrist.  Another harsh jab and he continues to fascinatingly watch the hand squeezing completely in, well past the wrist.

       Glancing toward the Commandant, then the Captain, the Doctor gives a mock concerned look.  Twisting her wrist, probing a little deeper between the spasms of the girl’s trembling thighs she mutters.  ?Let’s see what’s in there? See what we can find.?  Pumping, pumping, twisting, the Doctor’s arm slides back and forth between the jerking thighs.  Holding onto the flattening tit flesh, he can feel the pulsing of the girl’s heartbeat as her torso practically vibrates against the arched table, her grunts raspy as her vagina’s painfully probed.

       ?Okay.?  The Doctor smiles as she momentarily hesitates.  ?All clear? Now for her asshole.?

       Feeling the Doctor sliding, reversing her burrowing hand’s movement, the girl reflexively tries to squeeze, press her thighs together.  The Doc uses one hand, the Commandant another to stretch her hips even further apart as she grunts with pain, humiliation.  Twisting in her shackles she feels the Doctor’s cropped thumb and fingers ‘plop’ free, the suctioning audible above her muffled grunts.  Biting at the gag, keeping her eyes closed, she tries to ride out the humiliating examination, tolerate the pain.

       Her glistening hand free, slipping her index finger, then three fingers into the puckering rim of the tight rectum, spreading her fingers apart, slipping the forth finger in, the Doctor watches the girl’s body twisting, jerking above the arched table.  Jamming inward, twisting her fingers, she can feel the sphincter muscles tensing, contracting.

       ?Oomph!!!... Oomph!!!?  Raspy grunts, her hips flexing, the brunette feels the stiff fingers digging into her puckered orifice.  Barely opening her eyes, the stark light blinding her, she squints, glancing between her twin mounds spreading apart, her stomach, navel arching upwards as the doctor’s hand grinds between her flexing thighs. ?Aaaggghhh!?

       Reaching across the girl’s arched chest, gripping both breasts, the Commandant enthusiastically joins in, melding and  twisting the supple flesh between his fingertips as he watches the girl’s abs rippling while her pubic mound thrusts upwards from the Doctor’s prying fingers.  The moans, grunts are just garbled mutterings through the rag as the Captain presses the brunette’s face again across her trousers as the doctor continues her examination, now with all four of her fingers pressing inward, up to the web of her thumb.

       ?That’s about it.?  The Doc mutters as she twists, rotates her hand back and forth.  ?Any further, I’ll tear her apart? That’s a tight ass!?

       ?Okay? Lift her head up.?  The Commandant orders while continuing to grip the girl’s breasts, giving a firm twist as he nods toward the doctor.  ?Might as well slip that hand out.?

       His orders followed, the girl’s teary but still defiant eyes glance toward the Commandant as she feels the Doctor’s fingers slipping out from between her thighs.  Frustration, pain, humiliation all intermix as the shackles grind against her wrists and ankles, her spread hips trembling above the flat metal surface as the Captain rips the rag from her mouth.

       ?Tomorrow morning? These are going to taste the cane in front of the compound’s inmates.?  The Commandant threatens as he taps her firm breasts with an index finger.  ?And the next day they’ll feel the cane again!?  Turning to the Captain, he orders.  ?Let’s get her back to the cell? Get the other one in here on the table.?   Slipping his hands away, he steps toward the door looking for a couple guards as the brunette’s unstrapped from her bindings.  Lifted, helped from the table, her knees weak, she’s led by guards on either side of her back to the holding cell to switch places with the other girl.

       Another inspection on the table after it’s adjusted to stretch the second girl’s naked body, another probing of her tight orifices by the Doctor with the Commandant and Captain looking on and after a few minutes, the black haired girl’s just as brutal examination’s done, but not her treatment.  Glancing toward the Doc, then the Captain as he straddles between the girl’s spread thighs the Commandant smiles as the Doc reaches down for him and unzips his trousers.  The Captain reaching over follows the lead as she grabs and slips his swelling shaft out and across the girl’s quivering pubic mound as she continues to struggle for breath.

       Ignoring the girl’s grunts, feeling the Captain’s fingers caressing, melding his scrotum with one hand as she slips her other hand gently back and forth across the foreskin of his swelling cock, he feels her forcing the thickening head of his shaft between the puffy folds of the girl’s  spreading labia as he rocks his hips forward.  Ramming his manhood deep between her jerking thighs in a single thrust, his throbbing cock stretches and tears at her tightly gripping vagina as the Captain slips her hand away.

       ?Oomph!.... Oomph!... Oomph!... Oomph!... Oomph!!!?  The startled girl’s muffled, pleading groans echo in the room as she’s mounted, harshly pounded.  Feeling him thrusting in and out as his cock slams repeatedly between her trembling thighs, stretching, ripping at her pulsing vagina, her head twists, flails back and forth with each grunt.

       Another half dozen or so thrusts, feeling the Captain’s hand still manipulating his testicles, he reaches across, grips the girl’s trembling thighs.  Shoving, spreading them even wider apart, he watches her tautly spread body quivering, trembling as his cock pulses, his sperm exploding deep inside her womb.  His own legs twitching, his hips jerking, he feels the multiple ripples of his own orgasm as his throbbing shaft burrows, stretches her youthful orifice.  A moment’s rest, he steps back and lets his cock flip free before turning, carefully zipping up his trousers.

       Another couple minutes pass as her body trembles across the table, her stomach and breasts heaving with each rasping breath until she’s finally unshackled.  Leading her through the Doctor’s office in the front of the building, she’s barely able to walk as she’s taken directly onto the front porch, under the metal roof still taping out the sounds of the rain.  The vacant wooden punishment stocks on either side of its steps, she’s positioned by a couple of the guards with her back against one of the posts facing the compound.  Her arms raised, spread apart with her wrists and neck forced back into the open rounded slots, the top half of the stock’s shut down over her.  Her ankles tugged, spread apart and cuffed, her legs are spread so she’s forced to tiptoe on the rounded bottom rail, her naked body arched, bowed outward, pelted by the continuing downpour as she’s forced to stare upwards at the bottom of the corrugated porch roof.

       Hearing the commotion outside, the brunette waits, defiantly watches as the guards approach.  The cell door swinging open, she hunches over, legs crossed with just a hint of crimson glistening between her thighs, the palms of her hands cupping her breasts as she twists back against the wall.  Trying to remain rigid, she feels her arms gripped, twisted as she’s jerked upright.  Led out from the cage, she forces the guards to drag, carry her out onto the porch, to the remaining vacant stock.  Feeling her arms stretched and held spread-eagled against the bottom rail of the second stock as a couple more guards pitch in, her naked breasts and bare torso’s forced to thrust out into the still steady rain, the water dripping from the ends of the roof’s corrugated metal across her bare chest as her head’s forced back, the upper wooden rail of the stock slamming down, securing her neck and wrists.

       Frantically searching for the round mount on the bottom of the stock, her toes grip the wet wood as her naked body arches, her wrists and neck scrapping the harsh wood cutouts of the stock.  Glaring through her matted hair up toward the bottom of the metal porch roof, feeling the hands of a couple of the guards groping, pinching the bare flesh of her arched body exposed to the dripping rain runoff, she struggles not to chock, to let her feet slip off the bottom rail. 

       Watching out the parted, closed blinds from the warmth of the office, the Commandant finally steps out onto the porch.  Checking both girls, sliding his hands up and down their drenched torsos as the cold water constantly crisscrosses their naked flesh; he’s satisfied with their positioning.  Glancing from one to the other, watching them struggle to balance on the slippery rounded wood beneath their toes, he smirks.  ?Better be careful, slip off your footing and you’ll choke yourselves.  Nodding toward the Doctor, the Captain, motioning them to come outside, he turns toward the foursome of guards and excuses them to their duties for the evening, mainly observing the other prisoners being punished in the night’s weather.

       As the rain briefly slackens, the temperature lowering, the Commandant and the Captain retreat to his office as the Doc strolls over to the enclosed pen.  Entering the warm, toasty room as the fire continues to crackle; he raises the blinds on the front windows giving a perfect view of the pair of stocks on the front porch and in their background, the wired pen lit up across the yard with the Doctor spot checking the unfortunate eight being punished in the elements.

       A few minutes, the Doctor swings the door open, enters as she slips off the soaked parka and hangs it on the hook next to the door.  Stepping toward the fireplace, rubbing her hands together, she glances toward the Commandant with a slow shake of her head.

       ?Getting colder out there? Gonna be a rough night for them.?  She states, nodding toward the door, the windows.

       ?Any chance any of ‘em can’t make it??  He asks, rocking back in his chair, also glancing toward the windows.

       ?No? Oh Hell no? Not at all.?  She answers, still slightly shaking her head.  ?But they’ll literally freeze their asses off in that weather.?

       ?They’ll get warmed back up in the morning? All of ‘em.?  He smirks, glancing toward the Captain.  ?Won’t they??

       ?Yeh? The bullwhip tends to do that.?  The Captain nods back, glancing toward the front glass of the office, the rain again picking up, loudly pelting across the metal roof.  ?I’ll warm ‘em up!?

       ?Yea? The pair outside are in for a really long night too? But an even longer day tomorrow though.?  The Commandant quips.

       Not all that late, the evening to kill, the Commandant leans forward, stands in front of the swaying chair.  ?Well, what you say we head for your bedroom, the three of us??  He smiles as he steps toward the door to her living quarters.  Glancing back, sliding his hand on the knob, he nods as the door opens and he steps in.  The women barely hesitating follow him in, the Captain the last in shutting the door behind them.

End Part 1













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A Photographers Fantasy Beyond the Bed and the Bath 4Chapter 2

Lou was scrambling to close her robe as a spritely twelve-year-old burst into the dining room. The mutt looked back and forth between the newcomer and me. For my part, I hadn't moved all that much and was holding Lou onto my lap. The twelve-year-old said, "Hi! I'm Jenny! Are you Mr. E's girlfriend?" The dog sat, its tongue out and panting. "Hello, Jennifer," I said. "This is Ms. LaRue, and, yes, she is my girlfriend." I turned to Lou. "Lou, this little imp is my next door neighbor...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Own Sister

Request all the reader of my affair to kindly mail me as I want to know how did u liked my story. Please mail me with ur feedback and suggestion. After all , there is no harm in sending one mail.This is just a six month old affair and still continuing between me and my sexy sister. She is just 19+ yrs old. First of all let me tell u something about myself and my sister. I am Vicky. My father is a professor in a local college and my mother is a housewife. As I have written above I have a sister...

3 years ago
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Alexandra 2

“Pleasure before pain.” That was what Alexandra had said as she slowly removed her dress. There was a knock on the door and the club’s owner, Maxine de Vraie entered to Alexandra’s command. Maxine, whom I knew although we did not acknowledge the fact, was accompanied by two naked women, both tall, and slender, one blonde, the other brunette. “Balkans,” said Alexandra with a sneer. The Russians hate all the former satellites. In fact, most of us hate almost every other nation including the...

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Chapter 1 Harmon Brubaker was a retired Master Chief in the Navy, who had decided to move to Salem, Oregon, to be in the same town as his 17 year old daughter, Vivian. She was living with her mother, Harmon's ex-girlfriend Sandy, who had since married and made 2 children with her husband, Linus. Harmon had never married, as he had decided to concentrate on helping raise Vivian as much as possible, achieve higher rank in the Navy, and have fun in the meantime with plenty of girls. He was a...

2 years ago
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Long Drive Turned Into A Lusty Drive

Hi, this is erav again.Thank you for the reviews for the previous stories. I am here share my experience which happened on my summer vacation.Tired of repeating this but as a writer have to I am 5.8″ height with a boneless rod of 6.7 inches from Tamilnadu.Any aunties/ girls interested in me can contact me at to the story.The heroine of the story is madhu ( name not changed).She was my classmate in my 11 standard.I haven’t spoken to her while schooling.She also a reserved typical Tamil girl and...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Braylin Bailey Lily Larimar 08302022

When Jax breaks down on a lonely country road he finds himself in quite the predicament. No cell phone service and far from town he is set for a long harrowing walk. But just when things seem bleakest for our hero along comes a couple of little blondes dressed identically singling and trolloping through the woods. The little white twins come prancing up to Jax and inquire as to what he is doing broken down out here. They seem very helpful and offer to take him back to their house and there is...

4 years ago
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Lost my girl once she went black

My girl had always gone out and got off with other men, she was over-sexed, for me, at least!My girlfriend, myself and an few others came back to ours after a night out. We had been clubbing with friends and whilst out she was teasing me by saying she fancied this other guy who was in our group. My girl had already been flirting and dancing with this fit black guy all night, I didnt really take much notice at the time as we were in a crowded club. But, shock horror, he ends up being a friend of...

4 years ago
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Me and divya

Hello fellows, I am back with another sexperience, this happened a few years back. Lets 1st introduce me to all of you if u has forgotten me; this is your friend Kiran from Bangalore.Mail me at my graduation I got job in an MNC, and got a house on rent and became paying guest in the owner’s house. The owners Land lady has one son only and their family consisted of land lady’s son, her wife and a baby of one year age. Her wife name was Divya. She was a bit healthy and with figure of 36, 28, 38....

2 years ago
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One Stone

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: "Yes, Yes, Oh my God, Yes!" I cried out in overwhelming joy as my boyfriend Aaron got down on his knee and opened the little box. Tears filled my eyes and I started crying softly as I looked down at the golden ring with the beautiful stone on it. "I love you so much babe" Aaron said as he moved in and started kissing me after a powerful embrace. The fire crackled behind us and we kissed passionately in the cool night air, a gentle breeze ruffling...

2 years ago
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Make Up Sexathon

(episode 20) follows Pas de Deux Anal Rendez-vous Rekindled love over the 2006 Christmas holidays sets a sexual marathon into action and there is no place too risky for a good hot fuck! It was late fall at the University of Georgia and final exam week was upon us. My friend Brittany handed me an envelope just after one of our tests one morning. I did not know what to expect. I never knew what to expect from Brittany though. For quite awhile she had been withholding information on my old...

2 years ago
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Vegas Baby

Something for the straight peeps ,). Why am I here? What the hell am I doing? Those questions raced through Shelley’s mind over and over. She came down the boarding ramp from the plane and stepped into the terminal at McCarron International Airport. Nervously, Shelley scanned the crowd that was heading towards baggage claim.  He was there. Leaning against a pillar near Ben & Jerry’s.  Shorter than she had pictured him in her mind, but otherwise just like the images she had seen on the...

3 years ago
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Mirror Mirror

The (Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. This is only a fantasy story. I only wish there is enough here to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. If you don't like the story that's understandable but please be kind in your critique. Lauren Westley. ([email protected]) Mirror, Mirror On The Wall By Lauren Westley A lifetime seems to become shorter when...

4 years ago
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A Long Dark RoadChapter 2

Jan 1945 New York. “Come on Johnny Boy, drink up!” Brad encouraged, slapping his friend on the back. The dark, smoke filled bar was completely packed with soldiers and sailors home on leave. The booze flowed freely as the men cut loose from the horrors of war. The skinny young man struggled to finish his drink under the relentless taunting of his friends. Finally, amidst the cheers and screams, Johnny finally found the bottom of his mug of beer and slammed it down onto the bar. “There ya...

4 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 20 The Cavalry

Greta jumped as the Police radio kicked into life. "Dillon, get over to the Nunnery and check out a suspected attempted poisoning, two female suspects being held" snapped Blake through the static. "Sure, copy, out" Greta replied as she swung the car around in the wide road. "Gee, a please would be nice, just once from that bitch" Greta thought in annoyance. Soon her car swept round the tight bend and flew past the gates of the Research Lab as she 'blue lighted' it to the Nunnery....

3 years ago
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Just Another Gang Bang

She sent me the email on Monday. “I’ll be at the theater this Saturday at 9pm. Hope you can make it!” I was sure I’d make it. Carrie was throwing another one of her gangbangs this Saturday and I knew it was going to be a great time. I’d met Carrie and her husband, Mike, a few years ago at a house party for swingers. She caught my eye immediately that night because she was the most stunning woman at the party. We connected and had couple rounds of amazing sex. Since then, Carrie and I have kept...

Group Sex
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Sabrinas and Jamies Lessons

This happened a few years ago when I was fifteen. It was a stormy night, and the wind was really blowing hard. We have a problem where I live about the power going out when conditions are like that. Sure enough, I was deep into a nice adventure novel, and the room plunged into darkness. Damn! I cursed to myself and felt around for my flashlight. I finally located it under my bed and turned it on. As I lay there trying to decide whether to try to read by flashlight or just go to sleep, I heard...

First Time
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first time sex

from a ladder yesterday. Want to correct the turbulence damaged rooftops blown by high winds on Tuesday, the father with the skills not much, fell while trying to install a new zinc buy it this morning.I live in a village not far from the city center kuala lumpur, on the ground late grandfather's legacy. I work in the city in a well-known insurance agency in the capital. And when my mother said telephone from the stairs, I was so dark chaos as well. After all, since the pensions of soldiers...

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I'm not sure what I am now but I do know I'm happy being me. When I was younger I would cruise magazine racks looking at the girly magazines. I'd stand there leafing through them, looking at the tits and butts till I would start to get hard. Or until someone from the store would remind me that the magazines are for sale. I'd usually have to buy one and go home . Then, when I would get home I'd invariably go to my room, close the door and jerk off to the one I bought. I soon had a stack of the...

4 years ago
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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose twin could be found in any village...

3 years ago
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Baba Katyasorry for my bad english

It was my grandmother's neighbor, a fat old woman under 80 years old with huge breasts and ass immense. The summer after eighth grade, I was visiting the women in the village of Lena. His bath she did not have, and we went to her neighbor Kate Baba. She lived alone, her husband died ten years ago, and the c***dren had left and only occasionally frequented it. Sometimes I catch myself on a strange her look, but did not attach any importance to this, believing that it is simply longing for...

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