Camp Days free porn video

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Character descriptions:
Rich: 5 "7", Chest nut brown hair, blue eyes.
Allison: 5"6" Blonde hair, blue eyes just like her brother, 36B breast.
Taylor: 5 "7" Auburn hair, dark brown eyes, 38B breast.
Rachel 5 "5 1/2", Brunette, grey eyes, 32C breat.
Emily: 5 "7", Red hair, hazel eyes, 34C breast.

"Mom this is your last chance to end all of this," I say from the passenger seat.

"Yeah! We don't have to go," Allison chirps up from the back.

"Enough you two. Every summer the two of you have just slacked off and never done anything productive. So I don't want to hear a thing from the two of you just because you have to do something," Mom snaps at me especially.

"I'll be the youngest one there," I complain. Allison is sixteen and I'm fifteen. This isn't bad, but the kids at the camp were sixteen and seventeen. Mom didn't want to have to take us to a different camp that would be much farther away and coincidentally she knew the owner of the camp and she allowed for me to get in.

"But we can't even bring our phones! What if there is an emergency!" Allison adds. I want to tell that she is ruining my case of staying home.

"That's it," mom slams her hand on the steering wheel and it honks,"I don't want to hear another word from either of you!" she shouts. She gives us both a stare that would kill a full grown bear. With that we both shut up immediately and I stare out the window. There is green all around us and the sky is clear, shinning rays of sun through my window. It feels as if it will be the last time I look at the sun with a sense of freedom and I soak up as much as I can, rolling down the window.

When we arrive to the camp I see parents and their children walking around and talking to camp counselors. The sign reads: Camp Hill Ridge. I fight my urge to plead with my mom and when I look back at Allison I see she is going through the same trouble. We lock eyes and hers admit defeat. I accept this fate as well. We both hop out of the car silently when mom gestures for us to join her. I help Allison with her bags as I carry mine we walk over silently.

"Now you both are going to give me the silent treatment?" Mom nags. I want to trip her, but that would go against my pacifist nature. We stop at the center of the camp where all the luggage and sleeping bags were stored and place mine down with the amount of luggage Allison let me carry.

"Thanks," she whispers so quietly that I'm not sure that I heard her correctly.

"Bye mom," I say, holding my arms out and giving her a hug. Since dad left us two years back things have been tough and she just wants the best for us although she never considers to just ask. I appreciate her effort though. Mom holds me silently for a moment and when she pulls back her eyes are a little watery.

"See you in a two weeks," I assure her. I can tell this is a lot harder for her than it was for me. I look over at Allison who stared at us silently. I looked at her then mom and she got the hint. She gave mom a hug, but said nothing. Mom talked to a blond woman who looked well into her thirties, but was still very attractive. I stared at the two and realized by the way they talked and how freely mom speaks to her that the women is the owner. After they speak mom gives the two of us one last group hug and was on her way.

As soon as she pulls out of the parking I felt an ache deep in my chest, but didn't show. Allison on the other hand was completely transparent. The blue eyes we both share are on the verge of tears. I move in and give her a hug and her arms gripped around me tightly.

"Since we'll have to be here for a month we might as well have a good time," I told her. She took a deep breath and long hair pressed against the right side of my face. In my head I thought about the contrast between my brown hair and her blond.

"I want to go home," she mumbles into my shoulder.

"Me too," I sigh. I let go when I feel people staring.

Allison turns away from me then when the counselors call us to the flag pole at the far right. I keep my pace steady behind my sister as I look around at the other camp members. Some of the guys are my height and there are some twice as big. Most of them however are pretty scrawny or overweight and I feel pretty good about that. I'm pretty athletic, which means I have a pretty fit body. Most of the girls on there other hand are absolutely gorgeous. Maybe since I don't have much experience or seen a wide variety, but they leave me staring in awe. Most smile when they see me staring and I eventually stop the girl evaluation and pick up the pace when I begin to loose my sister.

When we arrive everyone crowds around a man who looks to in about his late 20s. He has a Red Wings cap and I hear someone let out a "woop woop" for the team. He smiles politely. His shirt is brown with white letters that say the camps name.

"Welcome to Camp Hill Ridge everyone! I know you guys are probably missing your parents, but by the time you leave you won't want to! Camp Hill Ridge gives the campers a pretty loose leash and we only have activities on Mondays -except today- , Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the days we don't have activities you are free to do what you'd like along the the camp grounds. Any questions?" everything he says sounds rehearsed and when no one raises their hands he continues onwards.

"We have very few rules here, but these are the most important. One: No sexual contact between campers. Two: Never go into the wilderness without a guide. Three: You can not leave your cabin past nine. Four: If in a cabin of another house you must leave the door open once it is past seven o'clock, regardless of the circumstances. There are more rules in the the booklet which will be handed to you, but these are the biggest ones," he looks us over and a concerned look briefly crosses his face. Even I feel that this camp experience will be nothing more than chaos.

"Now here's the fun part," he chirps up," you will all get your camp shirts!"

He begins to call the names of everyone in camp. Allison is one of the first since he is going in
alphabetical order. Mine is closer to the end.

"Richard," he finally calls scanning for me. I inch my way to the front and he shakes my hand. I expect a
firmer grasp and on accident I shake it a lot harder, but he smiles acknowledging my mistake. I take the shirt along with the booklet and as I walk away I see many of the girls watch me with a strange sense of curiosity and interest. I stare at the ground as I walk around to the back of the cluster. My sister is waiting for me.

"I don't like the way those girls stared at you," she says. I guess I wasn't the only one to notice.

"It was probably because I look a little younger than most of you guys," I shrug.

"No it wasn't that. They looked at you like you were a new toy," she explains/
When dinner bell rang many campers pile into the dinning hall. Of course Allison and I are together and I stand behind her in the line. On some occasion I'd feel the person behind me push me forward and I'd have to move a little to the side so I wouldn't press against my sister. By the fifth time I turned to see a black haired boy who towers over me easily and a red haired girl looking around him.

"Got a problem?" He smirks , daring me to make a move.

"Can you stop pushing me?" I ask. He looks shocked that I actually said anything.

"Let me stand in front of you then," he bargains.

"No," I refused.

When I turned back around he continues to push me forward. The last time when I least expected it I press into Allison. Her warm ass pressed firmly against my dick and when I leap back and turned to the boy.

"Knock it off," I growl.

"Shouldn't you be happy? You got to get pressed against that fine ass beauty," he smiled at the back of her head.

"That's my sister!" I barked at him.

"Even hotter," he smiles.

"Fuck you," I feel ashamed once the words leave my mouth. I always try my best to take the peaceful route yet this boy has broken that rule in one night.

"Rich?" my sister turns around. I look back and she stands beside the cafeteria women and I can see it is my turn. I grab my food and try to dismiss the conversation I just had, We walk over to an empty table and as we sit we see a girl with auburn hair and dark brown eyes approaching us. She looks oddly familiar.

"Allison?" the girl said.

"Taylor!" Allison shoots out of her chair. That's when I remember that she is on Allison's volleyball team.

"I can't believe you're here too. I only saw two people I recognized, but you're here too!" Taylor hugs her tightly then her eyes slowly shift to me.

"Your little brother is here?"she ask confused.

"I'm only a year younger than both of you," I interject.

"Whatever," she jabs her tongue at me and I roll my eyes.

"Let me go get my tray and I'll sit with you guys," Taylor said excitedly and leaves. She returned quickly with her tray and sits next to me, which puts her in front of Allison since I am at the head of the table. Allison tells her everything up to now.

"How come we didn't hear your name when they handed out the shirts?" Allison ask.

"I came late so they didn't check me in," she smirks.

"Of course. You were always late for practice too," Allison comments.

"Oh hush. Anyways, doesn't your mom know the rumors about this camp?" Taylor questions.

"What rumors?" Allison and I say together.

"This camp is supposed to be an everyday sex fest. The campers apparently hook up every chance they get,"as it pours out of Taylor's mouth I feel a shiver down my spine, but is one for anticipation.

"You're kidding right?" Allison ask, looking over at me with concern,"you're telling me the girls I saw earlier checking out my brother were imagining having sex with him."

"They were?!" Taylor looks me over.

"They were not," I counter.

My sister scoffs at me for being so blind.

"Its just hard to believe any girl would think like that about me," I admit.

"You shouldn't talk like that. If the girls were checking you out they obviously have good taste," my sister
says. I can't tell whether she's joking or not, but I refuse to give up the compliment.

"Well girls here don't really have high standa-" my sister must have kicked Taylor under the table since she stops talking immediately.

"Anyways, I think the bell went off since people are clearing out," my sister says, standing up and grabbing my tray. I tell them I'll take it and stack all of ours together before heading to the kitchen. Unfortunately there is another line for that and I sigh loudly. The girl in front of me turns around.

"You're Rich right?" the girl says. I nod and smile at the same time. I was never good talking to girls that I don't know. I also don't know her name, which makes it even more awkward.

"I'm Rachel by the way. Its kind of obvious you don't know my name, but I forgive you," she smiles. She turns back in line and places her tray in the soupy sink full of unclear water and I do the same. I watch as she returns to her friends. She tells them something and look over at me, sizing me up. I smile politely before returning to Allison who is glaring at me before I get there.

"Who was that?" she ask.

"Her name was Rachel. I don't know her, but apparently she knew me," I shrug it off. My sister looks past me at my new acquaintance and must not like what she sees because she stays close to me for the rest of the night. We head toward the campfire that produces embers that flow toward the sky. There are nine logs set out, which is enough since there is a little over forty of us. We take a seat at the very back and Allison takes the middle so that I have the most room. After a few minutes I see the boy from the cafeteria and the red head approach. He smiles widely and takes the seat beside me. I refuse to talk to him and stare straight ahead.

The owner of the camp comes into view, wearing a hoodie with the camp logo and sweat pants that show off her gorgeous calves.

"Hello everyone! I'm Ms. Susan. I see some familiar faces out there and also some new ones. For those of you who are new please stand," she scans the crowd as people begin to rise. My sister tugs my arm with her as she goes to stand. Taylor joins us quickly. I can feel people staring at me and Rachel who is closest to the fire comes into view. Her jet black hair is barely visible, but her blue eyes stare towards me intently.

"Alright, when I point to you I want you to come up and tell us your name, your age, and a little about
yourself," she explains to us.

"She makes it sound like a crappy dating site," Taylor jokes from beside Allison. Ms. Susan must have heard her because she calls Taylor up first. The whole time she's up there her voice sounds confident and sure of herselfthat I find myself in awe.

Four people go before Allison gets a chance to go up.

"Hi I'm Allison. I'm fifteen and I didn't really want to come here, but my brother Noah," she points to me," has been pretty supportive. So I'll try my best to enjoy it." People clap a little louder for her and look in my direction. I wish I could sit down. Unfortunately I'm last and when I go up I have everyone's attention than most of the other people who went up.

"I'm Rich-"
"We know!" someone shouts from the back and everyone laughs. My face blushes a bright red.

"I'mfifteen," this starts a some conversations," and I've never been to a camp before."

Ms. Susan stands then and pats my back gently before telling me to take my seat. I sit back down next to Allison who is giggling.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. You just looked kind of cool," my sister assures me. I assume she's was telling the truth when I

catch girls staring at me for most of the welcome ceremony.

When it ends the boys head to their cabin and the girls to theirs, which rooms about about four each. My three roommates are a real piece of work. One is extremely tall with a skinny frame, while one of them is short and pretty overweight. The last one is pretty normal and is about my height if not a few inches taller. The only thing irregular about him is that he has long blonde hair with a black head band on his forehead.
"I'm a black belt in tae kwon do," he tells me when he catches me staring at his forehead. I mentally note not to get on his bad side.

At ten we all climbed into our sleeping beds on our beds. For the whole night I toss in turn and wake up in a pool of sweat, feeling repulsed I get out from bed and put my shoes on to go to the bathroom. I forget about the buddy code set up and lone dog it. From across from us I can hear most of the girls are still up while all of the guys have crashed except me. Breaking my first rule I go over to my sister's cabin. They're up of course and open the door.

"You're not supposed to be outside," she says giving me a disappointed look.

"Let him stay," Taylor calls behind her and the other two join in.

"I couldn't sleep," I admit to her and she lets me in. This makes me look incredibly vulnerable to everyone in the room and Allison brings me in for a hug.

"I didn't say it for you to feels sorry for me. It's just too hot to sleep," I tell her.

"Then why come here? It's just as hot," she argues.

"Because none of the boys are awake," I inform her. When I look behind her I see the other two giggling. Rachel and the red head who wouldn't leave the dark haired boy's side.

"Oh they're awake," Rachel laughed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not getting the joke and neither does Allison apparently since she had the same puzzled look.

"Let's just say that even if the lights are out the fun doesn't stop there," the red head remarks. You can literally hear the click in my brain as I put together what they're saying.

"Don't the counselors care?" I ask.

"Not really. They can't control any of us. They tried a few years back, but the kids were just too much. As long as you're discrete about it they won't punish you. They probably saw you walking over here too, but of course they haven't come busting in here," Rachel informs me.

"Leave it to mom to pick a camp that is one gigantic orgy," Allison sighs shaking her head. I nod in agreement.

"Hey! Saying it's one giant orgy groups us with "them"!" Rachel protest.

"I just assumed since you're friends with Emily who I caught making out with that Tyler kid when she supposedly went to the bathroom thirty minutes ago," Allison refers to the red head who seems quite offended.

"Her friends have nothing to do with her choices! I just came here since the camp was so laid back. Who cares what I do in my free time! You act like you're so perfect, but your brother was practically grinding on you in the lunch line!" Emily claims. My faces flushes and my sister's does as well. She's so speechless it's my turn to speak.

"I was not. Your friend Tyler kept pushing me. You were there, I tried to tell him to fuck off when he wanted to get behind her. I didn't do anything bad. I just didn't want that creep behind her," I say calmly, but I feel unsure. When I pressed against her in the lunch line I had felt an electric shock travel from my dick to my spine and it was the best feeling I'd ever had. My dick was getting hard just thinking about it.

"See my brother doesn't think like most boys. He's seen me naked up until I was twelve and couldn't care less so I doubt anything has changed now," my sister explains to her.

"Twelve is a lot different than fifteen," Emily informs her.

"How?" my sister ask. Taylor who is sitting silently on her bed cuts in.

"Boys start hitting puberty at thirteen. Eleven is when they are still in their cootie sage and think girls are the scum of the earth."

"Why don't you just ask him?" Rachel offers, looking to me. She's the only one to insist on taking my opinion on how I feel. They all turn to look at me.

"I don't like her like that," I say. When I look over at my sister she looks somewhat disappointed like that rest of the girls. One thing my dad had programmed into me when I was little was to never do anything to my sister. Although she was a year older it was my duty to protect her, which meant from myselfas well if I ever became a threat.

"Prove it then," Emily says, smiling sadistically.

"Didn't he already prove that enough to you?" Allison is beginning to switch to protective mode.

"Words are but only artificial. You never know if someone is telling the truth or not," Emily replies. She tells me to sit down and for Allison to sit next to me.

"Kiss him and see if his... you know what responds," she commands Allison. Allison shoots up immediately and looks like she's going to kill Emily.

"You want us to prove he doesn't like me by having me kiss him? Where's the logic in that?! He's my little brother. We don't have any sort of secret relationship. You just have to take our word for it," Allison announces.

"I'm just saying. You don't want people to get the wrong idea and if you two do this I might be able to know for sure where your guy's relationship actually stands," Emily winks at me. I feel myself go uneasy. My conscience is the only thing that prevents me from wanting to kiss my sister. Every other part of me wants very much so to have her warm lips pressed against mine.

"They don't need your confirmation," Taylor comments.

"Actually putting Ms.Susan aside I run this camp. If I hate someone, everyone will as well. If I say
something, everyone will believe it. I can make your two weeks here miserable if you don't start listening to what I say," Emily dictated.

Rachel is the only one silent and when she looks her to me her eyes are torn with going against her friend or siding with the people she's just met.

"Are you threatening me to do this?" My sister's voice is rising and she really sounds pissed off now.

"Of course not. I just strongly suggest you do," Emily smiles wickedly.

"Fine," Allison sighs in defeat, sitting down next to me. She turns to me, grabbing my shoulders and forcefully pressed her lips to mine. It doesn't feel as pleasant as I thought it would for a first kiss and is actually uncomfortable if anything. This only last two seconds though and my sister pulls back, rubbing the back of her hand against her lips. I do the same.

"That was the worst kiss I've ever seen," Emily says standing. She moves to me and leans down so that her face is onylinches from mine. She softly places her lips against mine and I feel something pressing against the entrance of my mouth. Her tongue slowly slides in and it's the most pleasant thing I've ever felt. She uses one hand to pull my face closer to hers and moves my tongue with hers as a way to silently tell me to use mine. Although I'm not experienced at all in the matter I seem to pretty good at using my tongue since she doesn't do anything else, but she finally does after Allison tells her get off of me. When Emily goes to sit back down my sister glares at me. I look down at my lap and see that a small tent is beginning to form. I try nonchalantly to cover it up, but of course they all notice and a satisfied look cross Emily's face.

"That's kissing," Emily nods to my lap and I catch everyone take small glances at it.

"I should probably leave now," I say, wanting an excuse to leave. My sister follows me outside and closes the door behind her. She places her mouth against mine and her warm and soft lips feel amazing against mine. She uses no tongue, but it still feels just as great. She pulls me to her with this sense of hunger and crave that I feel in the pit of my stomach for her as I crave more and my hands find their way to the small of her back. She doesn't pull away or stop, but instead presses herself even tighter so that my boner is sticking into her stomach. When she finishes my dick feels as if it's about to burst from all this excitement and I have no idea what to do with myself. She waves goodnight and quickly goes back to join her roommates who are all gathered up by the door whens he opens it.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" she barks at them. They all slither off to their beds.

"See you tomorrow," she says to me, closing the door and opening another that will lead to so much more.


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Camp Love

It was a beautiful day to head out for a camping trip and the best part was going out with my cousin sister and her girl friend... The two gals had badgered me to take a few days off and take them on a trip as both sets of parents were not willing to let them go on their own. My cousin was atleast 6-7 years younger than me and she was extremely fond of me and would forever be hugging me and showing her affection openly.. i had never thought of her sexually though at times i had noticed how...

3 years ago
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Camp Bathhouse

Howdy. My name is John, John Fears. And I am the founding father of the Camp Cauldron Bathhouse Motel. My family and I first came up to Camp Cauldron when I was about eighteen. Eighteen was a budding age of emotional and hormonal, well hormones for me. I don’t remember much about that first trip. I remember Ma packing too much food for my older brother’s girlfriend, whose name was Amalie.  Amalie, I knew her obviously as my brother’s girlfriend that he always brought along on family outings or...

2 years ago
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Camp Site Orgy

Camp Site Orgy By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) The following story is a work of fiction. Being a work of fiction all concerns regarding disease and pregnancy are unnecessary. This storyline was suggested to me by a fan and I hope that I have done it justice. This story contains slut wife and unfaithful husband behaviour. If you don't like these stories please don't read it. I am also Australian and will make no apologies for using Australian terms and spelling. Enjoy. ------...

1 year ago
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Camp Boring Pt2

Story is in FP PoV and follows the life of a little Femboy named Sammie. This one contains Oral, Anal, and a bit of Fetish for sniffing. I was more than a little surprised when Isaac never made a move on me the night before. I had really been hoping that he would, because I was more than willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me. Turns out that he didn’t do anything at all. It was a letdown, for sure, but not much of one. It was still only the first day of Camp after all. I was bound...

3 years ago
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Camp Dsvid

Camp David I met him on a train. I was working on my laptop, and he walked past. He was incredibly fashionable and everything he had on looked like it had come out of the pack moments before. He had rather a sharp nose which was the only masculine thing that stood out. stood out through his hair. He wore very tight narrow legged black trousers, very highly polished pointy shoes, and a short tweed coat with sleeves so narrow you would have to have pipe cleaner arms to get it on. The coat...

2 years ago
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Mom, hey, Mom!" 18-year-old Henry Humper yelled as he opened the door of the home he shared with his mother, Hilda and his older sister, Harriet. "I got my report card, Mom, and guess what?""Henry, must you make so much noise?" his beautiful, buxom mother asked him in reply, coming down the stairs to join her son in the front hall of their home. "You sound like a herd of elephants sometimes, I swear.""But Mom!" he repeated. "I got my report card, and guess what? I got all As!""Henry, I am so...

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Camp Transformation

This could possibly be part one of a series, but I have decided to leave it marked as complete because in and of itself it is complete. Camp Transformation (pt1 maybe) by Heather T. I climbed off the bus into the row of welcoming counselors and already arrived campers This is not a surprise at all to me, i have been coming to this summer camp for the past 5 years. There has always been something special about it. The memories, the experiences, they've all been such a huge part of...

2 years ago
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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 7

I didn't sleep at all that night. Despite all that I had been through I was far too terrified of what was going to happen tomorrow morning to get any sleep. The next morning is a bit of a daze. I took a shower with Joni. But she inspected the dorm by herself. Deshane took me to the mess hall and turned me over to Mr. Moore. I saw the arrogant look on his face and I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. In a loud voice I said, "You arrogant prick! You set me up right from the start....

1 year ago
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Camp Site Orgy

------ Amy kept herself under control as John, her husband of six months, told her what was happening. "We are going camping." He said. "Just you and I out to Shaganon Caves" "Since when do I go camping?" She asked. "I hate camping." "I have all the best equipment." John said. "I even have a double bed." Amy only liked seeing five stars, those above the hotel sign, when she went away. The idea of spending a night out in the wilderness was not her idea of...

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Camp Futa

You arrive at Camp Aphrodite late in the afternoon. Situated in Northern California and far from any town the camp lies in a beautiful valley filled with meadows, streams, and evergreen forests. The camp itself has no wall but a waist high wooden fence runs around the perimeter. You know from the pamphlet that inside the camp is equipped with every athletics facility imaginable from an olympic size swimming pool and full gym to a wilderness horse riding course. At any given time the camp has...

4 years ago
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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 2

It was nearly twenty minutes before she returned to the room. In the interim I had found that it wasn't just our clothing that was missing. Our cell phones had been taken. That was kind of a waste. They didn't even get a signal out here. Joni's car keys were gone. The only things that they had left us were our toiletries, these towels that weren't large enough to adequately cover us, our shoes, and our birth control pills! When she returned, Joni was carrying her large bottle of...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 4

When lunch was over the boys were taken down to the lake by Todd and Paul. Mr. Moore sent Rodney back to the office. The kitchen staff was hard at work cleaning up in the back. As soon as the room had cleared out Mr. Moore plugged the television back in but left it in the corner. He ordered Joni and me to pull up a couple of chairs. In a timid, pleading voice, Joni said, "Please, Mr. Moore. I don't want to see this again. I've done everything you asked of me. I promise I'll be...

3 years ago
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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 5

We talked quietly after that. I would have liked to have had another drink. But it was going to be a long, unpleasant six weeks and we had no way to get another supply of rum. So we sipped a plain Coke and tried to figure out who among our circle of acquaintances was responsible for all of us having to come out here and serve as sex slaves for all these males. Neither of us could come up with a single possibility. There was no one that we had done anything to, as far as we knew. And this had...

1 year ago
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Camp mein maje

Hi ISS readers I hope you all fine thanks for supporting me by mailing and I received many applications( offers ) and many of them I accepted mainly from the delhi girls and thank you all for reading my stories this is Aryan from new delhi here sharing my personal sex experiences with you. My all stories are 100% true. And I m really thankful who mail me to increase my confidence. Females below 40 year old are most welcome for making physical relation with me and I assure you that all relations...

1 year ago
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Camp Adventures

DISCLAIMER: This story falls under the Scat category. This story contains graphic depictions of human defecation and may not seem appropriate to all audiences. However, it does NOT contain any consummation of scat, scat play, or physical use of scat for erotic purposes. I walked out of my cabin and squinted as the bright sunlight hit me right in the face. Most people at the camp were still asleep, but I had a habit of getting up early. Toothbrush, toothpaste, and facial wash in hand I headed...

2 years ago
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Camp part two unfinished version

The last thing he remembered was the fight between Lance and Lucifer, the searing pain he felt, the dagger sticking out of his chest and the extra pain he was been caused by someone attempting to pull it out, the look on celeste's face as he stared into her beautiful eye's, after that all's he remembered was darkness, he was in the underworld stood in a dark field where he knew he would be doing nothing for eternity, he was in the fields of asphodel Celeste:- "You're in the infirmary,...

2 years ago
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Camp Days Pt2

Rich: 5 "7", Chest nut brown hair, blue eyes. Allison: 5"6" Blonde hair, blue eyes just like her brother, 36B breast. Taylor: 5 "7" Auburn hair, dark brown eyes, 38B breast. Rachel 5 "5 1/2", Brunette, gray eyes, 32C breast. Emily: 5 "7", Red hair, hazel eyes, 34C breast. My new alarm is the sound of my roommates telling me to wake up and showers being turned on and off in the distance. It isn't the perfect way to be woken up, but I'm too fazed by the previous night to...

2 years ago
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Camp Out Surprise Part 4

Finally in the distance I could see a canoe illuminaqted by the sun. They had been so quiet and sneaky the previous nights, I was surprised by their lack of stealth. It was then that I realized that there was more than one canoe. There was more like six. No, seven. No, twelve. In the light of the moon I could now see twelve canoes coming my way. That is when I clued in that I wasn't hearing the voices of three girls, but of many. Possibly twelve canoes worth. But were they coming...

3 years ago
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Camp Transformation

Camp Transformation by Samantha * * * I hate going shopping for clothes. Every year before I go off to summer camp, my mother and I always go to the clothes shop to get me the clothes I need. I regard clothing-shopping as one of the necessay evils in the world. Thank God I only have to do it once or twice a year. But when I go, it seems as if the universe itself conspires against me to make me miserable. So this past year, I was in the store with my mom picking out trousers, and...

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Camp Time Adventure 1

Later that night he told me that Kerry and Craig sure were smiling at me all afternoon so he asked me if I would tease them out by the fire later. I asked him why he wanted me to tease them if they have been smiling at me and checking me out already? "Isn't that enough" I asked? I probably should have told him that his friends were watching us earlier because I felt like that was more than enough teasing, but he didn't know that, or so I thought. He told me that they had been dropping...

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Camp Counselor

I am a university student, taking a summer job as a camp counsellor. The camp is for rich girls between sixteen and eighteen. It's a lovely camp, with lots of outdoor activities, including kayaks on a small lake.It's a dream job for a closet lesbian like myself. Most of the girls are quite attractive. The best assignment is shower monitor, where I get to see naked girls of all sorts and sizes. Some girls are fully developed with large boobs and could pass for their early twenties. Others have...

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Camp Mates

  Summer vacation and my parents decided to go camping - not just that, but they decided to go camping with my uncle and his family as well. My dad’s brother lives in Italy, but they were coming over to The States for a two week break. I am the only child in our family; I’m twenty-two, slim, long red hair and I have sweet little tits. I’m proud of them. My name is Caroline, but everyone calls me Beet, as in Beetroot - red, red hair. My aunt could not have children of her own due to an...

Straight Sex
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Camp part three unfinished

Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not" Jonah:- "But.." Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself" Jonah:- "But you..I..I.." Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be...

4 years ago
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Camp Fun

One summer when I was twenty, I worked at a sleepover camp for girls. Being one of the older counselors, I had my own cabin, complete with cable TV. One weekend I decided to stay at camp. Most of the other counselors went home for the weekend to get ready for the next camp session. It had been a few weeks since I’d seen my boyfriend, and I was hoping to go put in one of the porn movies I’d brought along so I could relax and have a little fun with my dildo. To my surprise, not only did I find...

2 years ago
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Camp Prank

Camp Huffington is a very special camp where a lot of embarrassing pranks had, has, will have been told, and maybe you're the protagonist of that embarrassing stories, if you don't care about not suffering any prank. Your parents brings you to make you spend more time in contact with nature, and less in front of the computer and in the shopping. Since you're 18, this is probably the last camp that you visit before transforming yourself into an adult. Here, you find 4 huts, two for girls and two...

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Camp Boring Pt3

If you haven't read my Coping or Vacation stories, please do, It's not necessary but you'll get more out of it if you do. This one has some young/old, oral, and groping in it. You follow a Femboy named Sammie. I made it to the rock climbing wall with absolutely no time to spare. I found 10 other boys around my age standing in a curved line around one of the Camp’s councilors. The councilor himself was walking back and forth in front of them, giving them what sounded like instructions on how to...

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I got off the plane and looked around, finding the large red bus in the parking lot. I started walking towards it and noticed some other women, most of them young like me but a few in their 30s or 40s, heading the same direction. We didn't say anything to each other; we felt awkward about it given where we were headed. We saw a tall blonde woman with cropped hair waiting outside the bus with a smile. She waved to us. We approached, and she said, "Bags, please." We handed her our bags one at a...

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Camp Game NTR

"- All right ! Lets do it !" - excited shouting voice of a well build young black man could probably be heard by everyone in 5 km radius from the where they were camping by the lake. "- Geez Markus, hold your horses, I haven't said yes to your sick idea just yet, I need to know details before I decide." - much calmer voice of other caucasian male of the same age responded. "- No backing down now dude ! It was a deal between bros, and there is no fucking way out of it now !" - a third really...

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Camp Slut Rides Again

Click… Click… Click… With a depressed sigh, I closed yet another window of my web browser, disappointed by the lack of real imagination that went into the story I’d read. I sat naked at my desk, the door to my dorm room open a crack, searching for something interesting to masturbate to in hopes of getting caught by my roommate or some other random passerby. After an hour, I had just about lost hope until a story title caught my attention. “The Camp Slut, huh? Well, I guess I can give it a...

1 year ago
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Camp Bathhouse Chapter Four

She stood there in the water, just floating. She would periodically lower herself down so the water would rise up above her lips and up to her nose, leaving just her hazel eyes exposed. “Aren’t you hot?” Reese asked me.“Hot?” I returned.“Yes sir, aren’t you hot sitting there in the sun?”“Um yeah- it’s pretty warm out here…”She paused for a moment and looked at me. Then she looked down at the water in which where her naked body was standingn. The water was too dark for me to see her bare front...

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Camp Bathhouse Chapter Three

Ben and Amelie started to collect themselves and reassemble their clothes on their now naked bodies. There was an awkward silence in the air. So awkward you could almost hear it. At the moment I didn’t know what to think. Should I feel bad about the fact that my brother may have just ruined his whole life with the urge of one simple boner? Or should I just laugh about it? I was torn. Either way, I had seen more than enough, tonight, to last me for the next month of jerking off; shoot I might as...

3 years ago
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Camp Out Surprise Part 3

Thursday had come and it was the last day of my vacation. On Saturday, I'd be packing up camp and hiking out, but the trip was far from over. Normally I went on vacation to get some solitude, but this time I found myself with lot's of company and I liked the change. Melody, Stacy and Suzanne from the Charter Boarding School for girls had indicated that they had been watching me bathe and jack off for four years of summer camp. Tuesday they came to get an education on the "male body"...

3 years ago
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Camp 2

Things between Traci and I continued to heat up as the summer was ending. The last camp was in session when Traci confessed her mixed feelings for me and her fiancée. She had decided to tell me in bed while I was slowly going deep inside her. My mind was racing .... I didn't want to stop having sex but I didn't want to lie to Traci as she stared longingly at me. I did have feelings for her too but just not as strong. I reluctantly stopped moving but left my cock inside her. Traci's chest was...

1 year ago
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Camp Cunt

This story is fictional! I'm Ali, 18, I'm 5ft 6, blonde hair to my waist and I've been told I look like a supermodel. I have had a crush on Mark, the CCF( combined cadet forces) junior( helper). He's 18 and a GOD! My story begins on the coach holding 40 howdy teens, a very scary teacher by the name of Mr Henry and Mark the God heading to Army Training Camp. It was a long ride and we all got bored. But we made it and headed to the assult course for training. We came back 3 hours later muddy, wet...

First Time
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Camp site shower

We met a couple of same age at a camp site and had joined them for a drink, My wife is very focused on fucking any man she meets and this was know exception. we had all been drink loads of wine and the conversation had got around to sex swingers to which my wife gave them the full story. John our new friend was well turned on by the hard inside his jeans and my wife was giving him full view up her skirt. June the wife who was very good looking and great figure stood in front of me and as she...

Cheating Wifes
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Camping with the Inlaws

I’ve never been much of an outdoorsman. In fact, my idea of “roughing it” is checking into a hotel without reservations. That’s why I was not very excited about the idea of my wife and I heading out into the sticks for a whole weekend-especially with my in-laws. Don’t get me wrong, my wife’s sister and her husband are good people; it’s just that they are about as opposite from Natalie and me as you can get. My wife and I are probably the typical...

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Camping on the Darkside

I am a 42 year old white male, named Daniel and I am very happily married to my wife, Beth. My wife is a beautiful brunette, who keeps her hair cut short. Her short hair serves to emphasis her physical attributes. Beth is 5'8" and has huge 38 DD breasts. At the age of 40, my wife's boobs don't ride as high as they use to, but that's fine by me. This just causes them to jiggle and bounce around more. She has a voluptuous, heart shaped ass that just begs to be squeezed. Overall, Beth is in good...

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Camping With Cousins

Hey my name is karan (name changed for obvious reasons) and this is my first story!!! To start with I am a average looking guy with an average 7 inch dick. This incident happened 3 years before when I was 18 years old. I reached my uncle’s house at 5 pm where all my cousins were waiting for my arrival so that we can go out camping in the nearest forest. I had packed my clothes for the 2 days camping trip. My 6 cousins include Rohan who is 4 year younger than me. Rishabh who is a year younger...

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Camping and Music One

Packing for a wilderness camping trip can be a pain. The balance between weight and utility is different for every trip. In this particular instance, eight of us were going into the mountains in early summer. I wanted to trim the weight I was carrying enough to take along my guitar. We were split into four pairs. Each pair would share the burden on certain items. For example. If I took my guitar, my partner might carry most of our food. I was draconian in cutting unneeded weight, I...

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