Interesting Possibilities free porn video

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Claire Roselli paused at the sound of the doorbell, glancing up from the last of the dinner dishes in the sink to the wall clock above. The clock read a quarter to seven, pointing out to the forty year old that she was running about thirty minutes late. At least according to the evening’s original plans.

Laying that last dish on the drying rack, Claire dried her hands on a nearby towel and then walked the short ten feet to the apartment door. It only took a further few moments to undo the double locks, the bulk of that time used to glance through the peephole to verify the identity of her caller. Not that she had any doubt of it at all.

The locks undone, the door opened to reveal a stout, curly haired, black woman about ten years older than Claire. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a non-descript blue blouse under her coat, the woman also wore a look of impatience on her face, one that quickly became more intense once she saw that Claire wasn’t even dressed yet.

“You do remember that the class starts at eight sharp,” Patricia Grant said without preamble as she stepped inside the apartment, “and that you were supposed to meet me at the bus stop almost twenty minutes ago.”

“I remembered ... both,” Claire said as she closed and locked the door behind Patricia. “I meant to call you, but I lost track of time.”

Patricia’s look said that she wasn’t going to buy that as an explanation. Not with her friend’s almost compulsive obsession about always being on time for things.

“Okay,” Claire admitted, knowing that her lie was a poor one, “I guess I was just thinking that maybe I’d skip the class this week and...”

“And you figured,” Patricia said, completing Claire’s train of thought, but not in the way she had planned, “that if you waited until the last minute to tell me, like you’re doing now, rather than mention it at work this morning, or even call me at home an hour ago, that I wouldn’t have time to talk you out of it. In fact, I wouldn’t have time to do much of anything if I had any plans to catch the bus and make it there on time.”

Now it was Claire’s expression that gave a non-verbal reply, one that said her plan had been something like that.

“Well, my friend, it wasn’t a bad plan,” Patricia smiled. “In fact, it probably would’ve worked. The only little flaw in it is that we’re not taking the bus tonight, because Benjamin left me his car when he went out of town for the weekend. So we still have just enough time for you to march your little tail into that bedroom, trade that old housecoat for something more appropriate, and still be on time for class.”

Claire hesitated for a moment, considering if she should say she also wasn’t feeling well, but then thought better of it. Even if she was a better liar, she would never be comfortable lying to a woman who had become her best friend these past few years. And it was quickly obvious that Patricia wasn’t going to take any excuse short of her being ill.

“It’s taken me almost six months to pry you out of this apartment and there’s no way I’m going to let you slip back into that pattern of spending Friday nights camped out in front of the television set eating junk food,” Patricia said. “If I can’t convince you to go out and meet someone, then I’m going to make sure you at least go out.”

Claire wanted to say that she liked television and junk food but thought better of it. It would’ve been a poor thank you for all the trouble Patricia had gone through over her this past half year. So keeping her retort to herself, she instead gave her a smile of surrender and said she would be ready in a few minutes.

Stepping into the bedroom, while Patricia waited in the living room, Claire undid her light blue housecoat and tossed it across the chair by the bed. Since she wasn’t expecting anyone other than Patricia, she hadn’t bothered with any undergarments when she had changed clothes earlier. Standing naked in front of the dresser mirror, the short haired brunette took a few moments to look at the reflection facing her. Her first thought was that she didn’t look bad for her age, certainly better than her mother and both her aunts had looked at this point in their lives. Women today, she reasoned, were better informed and more motivated to take care of their bodies.

Of course she could afford to lose a few pounds, but what woman of any age didn’t think that? Her breasts, while comparatively average in size, were still firm enough to defy gravity on their own, and those proverbial extra pounds were spread evenly enough across her body that she did not look overweight. Not that anyone had ever used that term to describe her. Her legs were still trim and well defined, and the tiny bush that sat at the junction between them might have been lighter in color than it once was, but not excessively so. Men still found her attractive, she believed, so why was it so hard for her to move forward and put that thought to the test?

The answer, she knew, was closer than the mirrored glass. It had already been a year since her relationship with David had ended, but she was still finding it impossible to take that first step forward. After almost three years together, the unforeseen collapse of that relationship had left her in a state of free fall that she seemed unable to pull herself out of.

Eight years older than Claire, David had been a mathematics teacher at the same school that she and Patricia taught at. While the prestigious academy tended to frown on staff members dating, there was no official policy to prevent it. Besides, when she had first begun spending time with David, the idea of it developing into something more serious never entered her mind.

It had started off innocently enough, first shared lunches with a few other staff members, then more private ones with just the two of them. That led, in time, to an occasional drink after the day was done, again in a group at first, changing to a more intimate pairing after a while. By the time they went on an actual date, people had begun to wonder why it had taken so long. The dates quickly became more frequent, and in what Claire considered a surprisingly short span, given the pace that everything had proceeded at, led to the two of them sharing a bed. The public knowledge of which didn’t make some of the more conservative members of the school’s executive board happy, but there was little that they could do about it.

David had been twice divorced and understandably gun-shy about making a third trip to the altar, not placing much faith in the old saying that the third time was the charm. Having had her own marriage of over a decade end in divorce some years earlier, Claire understood his concerns, or at least felt she did, and was willing to settle for less than the ideal. They didn’t need a piece of paper, she told herself, and on the first anniversary of the night they had consummated their couplehood, Claire suggested that they move in together. After all, it wasn’t like either of them was a kid anymore, and there were few people in their personal or professional lives that didn’t know they were already married in all but name.

To her surprise, David was adamantly opposed to the idea, insisting that he wanted to maintain his own apartment. Claire thought that a considerable waste of money, given the amount of time he spent at hers, but decided in the end not to push the point. After all, it was his money that he was wasting. Better, she told herself, to concentrate on what they had together rather than what they didn’t.

With their living arrangements settled, things went along their merry way for the next few years, with hardly a ripple of discontent from either of them. Therefore, it was something of a shock when, a week before the last school year ended, David unexpectedly announced that he was relocating to Florida to accept a teaching position there. Claire had been devastated by the pronouncement, especially since he hadn’t given her an inkling of his intentions. Not even when they had gone to Florida on vacation during the mid-semester break, and he had left her on her own for a day while he took care of what he termed personal family business. It was now clear that the family business had been an interview with the new school’s administrators. There hadn’t even been time to discuss it, because he was expected in Florida the following week for the start of the summer session.

Once the initial shock wore off and the summer began to wear on, Claire had tried to take it all in stride. She reminded herself that, in all their time together, David had never promised her anything more than what they had. Any promise for a more permanent future had existed only in her hopes.

While the logical part of her mind tried to concentrate on those facts, the emotional half took a far different tract - that David had been a lousy lying bastard who had used her and then tossed her aside. In the end, the emotional side had won out, but in that victory it had left her so mortified that she had retreated into a cocoon, locking most everyone out. At least until Patricia had stepped in and begun to drag her out of it. Kicking and screaming at first, symbolically if not figuratively, but then with a little less reluctance at time went by.

“Now that’s better,” Patricia said as Claire emerged from the bedroom wearing a dark blue, mid-length denim skirt and a white, sleeveless, button-downed blouse.

“I’m only doing this for you,” Claire said as she slipped her bare feet into a pair of black loafers that she had left by the couch. “I don’t want you to think that I’m unappreciative of all the things you’ve been trying to do for me.”

“I’ll take any reason as long as I get you outside these four walls,” Patricia smiled.

“But there is one thing that I did want to say,” Claire added as she took a light-weight jacket from the small wooden coat rack that hung by the door.

“And that would be?” Patricia asked as she picked up her own coat from the arm of the couch where she had laid it.

“I know we’ve been going to this class for more than a few weeks now,” Claire said as she put on the jacket, “but I still feel funny about it.”

“Oh we’re not going to start that again, are we?” Pat said, cutting her friend off.

“No, I mean it,” Claire said, just as quickly. “When you first told me you were going to sign us both up for a course at the community college, I thought you were talking about a book discussion group or maybe even a cooking class. I never expected it to be an art course.”

“As if I’m going to learn how to cook at this point in my life,” Patricia laughed as she put on her coat. “Besides, what could be more natural? You are, after all, an art teacher.”

“I teach art appreciation to a bunch of high school seniors, most of whom are totally indifferent to the subject and only take it for an easy grade,” Claire clarified in a even tone. “There’s a big difference between that and actually going into a studio and...”

“Wait a second,” Patricia interrupted, again cutting Claire off. “Did you or did you not once tell me that back when you were in college there was almost nothing that you enjoyed more than being in the studio in front of an easel with a palette and brush in your hands?”

“That was a long time ago,” Claire said.

“You never forget your first love,” Patricia grinned.

“Also back then, I used to do landscapes, still life and such,” Claire added. “The course you signed us up for was the male form.”


“I’ve never been very good at drawing people.”

“Neither am I, or anyone else in the class for that matter,” Patricia replied, glancing down at her watch, “but this gives you a chance to get better at it.”

“There’s also the matter of the models,” Claire went on, ignoring Patricia’s obvious hint as to the time.

“What about them?” Patricia went on as she started for the door.

“I sometimes feel that this class is nothing more than an excuse for a bunch of old women to spend their evening looking at half-naked young men.”

Patricia paused a moment, having to stifle the urge to laugh and told her friend to watch who she was referring to as old. Then she added, “You say that like it was a bad thing.”

Once she had actually said it out loud, Claire had to admit it did sound rather silly. The view certainly beat anything that was on the tube tonight, at least on any of the non-cable stations.

Patricia again looked at her watch, pointing out that if they didn’t get going, they really were going to be late. Claire grabbed her purse off the small stand by the door and together they exited out into the hall.

Luck and the traffic were with them and they arrived at the college with a few minutes to spare. Just enough time to get their smocks and supplies from the storage locker before the class started at the stroke of eight.

“Well, I’d like to welcome everyone back,” Madeline Petrowski, the sixty-something year old professor giving the class, said as she walked through the door and strode up to the front of the room. “It’s nice to see we still have a full roster, although it’s been my experience that this particular class has very few dropouts.”

There was a small measure of laughter in response to her comment, giving Claire the chance to look around the room at the faces of her fellow students. As she had observed more than once before, there were only two other women in the class younger than her.

“Oh, and we have one small change this week,” Madeline said as she settled in. “Michael, the young man who had been our model the past two weeks, had to unexpectedly quit the class, but you’ll be happy to know we were able to secure a replacement for him. Hopefully this won’t cause a problem for any of you.”

Claire could see a look of confusion on a few faces around her, adding to her supposition that most of the women were here just to stare at the model. Rather than having a problem with being unable to complete any unfinished work, most seemed rather pleased to have someone new to look at.

“So I would ask you all to welcome Clark and please do your best to make him feel comfortable,” Madeline said as she motioned to the doorway where a blonde haired young man had just appeared.

All eyes, Claire’s included, watched as he walked to the front of the room, stepping up onto the small stage, undoing the sash of his robe as he did so, and then dropped it to the floor below. In the second or third week of the class, Claire didn’t remember exactly which, there had been some idle speculation among some of the women as to the question of whether Professor Petrowski got to personally interview any potential models for the course. That question had quickly led to an even greater supposition as to what those interviews might’ve entailed, with a number of the students offering their own suggestions. It had been discussions like that which had led to Claire’s feeling that the class was only an excuse for frustrated old women to spend the night gawking at a scantily clad young man.

Like Michael before him, Clark was wearing only a rather brief black Speedo, one that did more to enhance his maleness than conceal it. Also like his predecessor, the young man had a body that while quite athletic was not muscle-bound. He assumed the pose Madeline directed him to, looking quite comfortable and almost unaware of all the eyes upon him.

“Still wish you’d stayed home and watched reruns?” Patricia whispered to Claire about the half way through the class.

“What?” Claire replied, seemingly startled by the question.

“You’ve been staring at him for at least a half hour,” Patricia smiled, “and there’s almost nothing on your drawing pad.”

Claire looked down at her easel as if seeing it for the first time, and sure enough, it was nearly empty. Normally, by this point in a class, she was far ahead of most of the other students.

“There’s something about him,” she whispered back.

“There certainly is,” Patricia replied with a grin.

“No, I mean something familiar,” Claire added.


“I think I know him,” Claire explained. “I mean I think he was once in one of my classes.”


There had been so many students over the years, and so many names. Added to the fact that she wasn’t even sure if Clark was actually his real name. Some models, she knew, used an alias to protect their privacy.

“Clark ... Clark...” Claire repeated over and over in her mind, using an old trick of added each letter of the alphabet to the name to see if it triggered any memories. By the time she got to S, it did. “Clark Stuart,” she said almost too loud, drawing the attention of the woman on her other side.

Claire waited until the woman went back to her work, and then leaned back over to Pat.

“Clark Stuart,” she repeated, this time in a much lower voice. “From about three or four years ago, and unless I’m remembering it wrong, he was in one of your classes too.”

“You know, now that you mention it, I think he was,” Patricia said as she tried to match the older version in front of them with the high school student she remembered. “Well, he certainly has grown,” she said wishfully as she finished comparing the two images.

“Patricia!” Claire said, shocked that her friend would make a statement like that, at least out loud.

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Patricia protested in innocence, “but now that you point it out, I’d have to say, not bad for a white boy.”

Claire just shook her head, hoping that none of the other women heard the comment. Then again, as she now also found herself looking more attentively, it was a statement that she was sure that most of them would agree with.

Claire spent the rest of the class trying to concentrate on putting some semblance of effort into her canvas, at least enough to say she hadn’t spent the whole time staring at Clark. It turned out to be an effort with little success.

When she wasn’t staring at Clark and that part of anatomy hidden and at the same time highlighted by his attire, she kept stealing glances at Patricia and wondering what was going through her friend’s mind. Her fellow teacher was making no effort at all to disguise her attention to the young model, and had given up on trying to put down anything on her drawing pad.

Claire then found herself thinking back about a year and a half, to a night time presentation at their own school. When it was over, Patricia and her student teacher, a nice red-headed kid named Timothy Dugan, had stayed behind to clean up. Halfway to the bus stop, Claire had begun to feel a little guilty about having left the two of them to do so and turned back to lend a hand. When she got back to the small auditorium, she didn’t see either one of them but it was obvious from the still empty storage boxes that they weren’t done.

The sound of a metal chair hitting the floor off in the side corridor drew her attention and, thinking they were putting the chairs away first, Claire picked up two chairs of her own and went off in that direction. No sooner had she turned the corner, she was greeting with a sight that almost made her drop both of the chairs in her arms.

“Oh my God!” Claire exclaimed breathlessly, hoping as she did that it hadn’t been loud enough for them to have heard her.

She needn’t have worried because, when she thought about it later, she doubted they had even heard the loud clang of the chair they had accidentally knocked over. Claire knew she should get out of there as quickly as she could, but like a motorist passing an accident, she just couldn’t look away.

Patricia was propped up against one of the stacks of folded metal tables along the wall, the bottom of her dress hiked up around her waist, while the top was merely hanging loose, enough to expose her ample breasts. Timothy was standing between her legs, his pants down around his ankles. There was no question as to what they were doing.

Claire watched in shocked fascination as the skinny twenty year old slammed his cock in and out of the much larger black woman, causing her to wrap her legs around him while at the same time loudly and quite descriptively exhorting him to fuck her harder and faster. Strangely enough, that her fellow teacher was royally screwing her half-her-age assistant didn’t seem as out of place to the art teacher as the discovery that despite a masters degree in English, Patricia reverted, in the throes of passion, to a vocabulary more common to a dockside streetwalker.

The brunette was sure she had been standing there watching for minutes, yet in reality barely a full one had passed since she first turned the corner. As quietly as she could, Claire backtracked her steps and carefully put the two chairs back where she had found them. When she was well on her way back to the bus stop, she wondered why she had been so shocked. After all, despite his junior status, Timothy was of legal age, while Patricia was certainly twice that and more. Also, Pat wasn’t involved with anyone else at the time, Benjamin Brown being several months still in her future. By the time she was safely on the bus and headed home, Claire finally realized what it was she had actually felt. It had been envy. Despite being in the good years of her relationship with David at the time, Claire felt a bit of envy at her friend’s sense of adventure.

“Well, that’s all the time we have for tonight,” Madeline said, much too soon. “As I mentioned last week, we have to wrap it up a bit early tonight.”

Few of the students felt that even an abbreviated class hadn’t been well worth it and if any did, they didn’t express the thought verbally. Across the room they began to clean up their stations and gather up their tools. Clark had already exited once the class once it had been declared over, so with no further distraction it didn’t take long for most of them to finish.

“A few of us are going over to the Blue Room to have a drink,” Patricia said as she helped Claire finish her clean up. “Want to come along?”

“No, I think I’ll just take the bus home and call it a night,” Claire said after thinking about it for a moment. “I’m a bit tired.”

“Are you sure?” Patricia asked.

“Yeah,” Claire assured her.

“All right, suit yourself,” Patricia smiled, thinking it would’ve been nice if Claire had come along, but also knowing when not to push.

Claire walked out of the school with Patricia and watched as she and a few other classmates climbed into the borrowed car. She wondered for a few moments if maybe she should change her mind and go with them; after all, what was she going home to? Then she decided to go with her original decision and merely waved goodnight to them all as Patricia drove the car past her. Once they were out of sight, Claire headed off in the other direction towards the bus stop.

As luck would have it, Claire just missed the bus and according to the schedule on the kiosk, it would be a half hour before the next one. Still, it was a relatively pleasant night, and there was plenty of light from the overhead lamp to read by. So she just took her book from her bag and made herself comfortable on the bench. Quickly involved in her book, the first ten minutes passed quickly.

“Mrs. Ryan?”

Concentrating on her book, Claire didn’t hear, at least not at first, the young man who had walked up to the edge of the bus stop kiosk. Especially since he had called her by a name she hadn’t gone by in the last few years.

“Mrs. Ryan?” he repeated once he had moved to only a few feet away.

Claire finally looked up to see, dressed in jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and a windbreaker, a much more fully dressed Clark Stuart standing before her.

“Excuse me, but you are Mrs. Ryan, aren’t you,” he asked again, a slight hesitation in his voice as he wondered if perhaps he’d made a mistake. “Mrs. Claire Ryan from the Pine Ridge School?”

Embarrassed at the thought that he might have caught her staring at him during the class, Claire considered the idea of saying he had indeed been mistaken. Then she realized that would be the coward’s way out and unfair to a young man who obviously had gone out of his way to say hello.

“Not for a number of years,” she smiled and said instead, recalling that it was only after she had begun seeing David, or more precisely started sleeping with him, that she had gone back to her maiden name. Once people at the school became aware of their relationship, the last thing she wanted anyone thinking was that she was still a married woman, fooling around on an absent husband. “I mean I haven’t been Mrs. Ryan for a number of years,” she clarified. “I’m still at the Pine Ridge School. It’s Miss Roselli now I’m no longer married.”

“Clark Stuart,” the young man said, relieved that he hadn’t been wrong after all. “I don’t think you’d remember me, but I was in your art appreciation class a few years back.”

“Of course I remember you, Clark,” Claire said, wondering as she did so if he’d noticed her in class or just happened to recognize her as he walked past and saw her sitting there. “It’s nice to see you again,” she added, thinking afterwards how odd that might’ve sounded if his recognition had been from the latter.

The answer to her unspoken question came a moment later when Clark said he’d noticed her in the class, but since it was impossible to get a good look at her he hadn’t been sure. By the time he’d gotten dressed and come back into the classroom, she was already gone. It was only luck that he’d seen her sitting on the bench as he passed it on the way to his car in the parking lot beyond.

Reasoning that if he hadn’t gotten a good look at her in class, it was doubtful that he had any idea how much time she had spent staring at him, Claire decided to just take it from here and move forward. She said it was a small world and asked if he was taking classes here at the college.

“No, I’m over at State now,” Clark said, alluding to the senior school just a few miles away. “I graduated from here last year.”

“And you still come back here just to model?” Claire asked out of curiosity.

“Not really, I mean I used to do it when I was a student, it beat all hell out of working over at the local Burger Barn. Mrs. Petrowski was good to me when I was here, and when she called and asked if I could do it for a few nights I really couldn’t say no.”

“That was very nice of you,” Claire said.

“It’s no big thing,” Clark insisted. “It’s just a couple of hours a week and I pick up a few extra dollars.”

Realizing that the bus would be along soon, Claire said that it was indeed nice to see him again but that she didn’t want to keep him from wherever he was on his way to when he spotted her on the bench.

“I really had no plans other than to grab a cup of coffee at the diner down the road,” Clark replied. “My roommate sort of has our dorm room reserved for the evening.”

Claire smiled, remembering what that was all about from her own college years.

“You know, I just had a thought,” Clark said. “If you don’t have any plans at the moment, why don’t you join me for that cup of coffee? I’d be more than happy to drive you home afterwards.”

The offer took Claire by surprise, so much so that she didn’t say no right away, as she normally would have. As a general rule of thumb, teachers didn’t socialize with students. Still, there was no reason why that should apply to former ones. It might be interesting, she considered, to hear how one of her former charges was making out. What happens to students after they moved on was a question teachers often asked but rarely got an answer to.

“You might not believe it,” Claire smiled, “but that’s the best offer I’ve gotten all week.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Clark smiled back, “but I’m glad you said yes.”

It was a short walk to Clark’s car, and an even shorter ride to the diner. Once there, however, they discovered that the establishment was closed for reasons not stated on the sign on the front door.

“Well, that’s just great,” Clark said as saw the sign, a measure of disappointment in his tone.

“I guess there’s nothing we can do about it,” Claire said, remembering that there was not another place to get coffee at this time of the night anywhere in the area. “Why don’t you just give me a ride back to the bus stop?”

“You have to have missed the bus you were waiting for by now,” Clark replied, “and I’m not going to just leave you to wait for the next one. I said I’d give you a lift home and I will.”

Claire hadn’t wanted to admit it, but she hadn’t been looking forward to going back to the bus stop and waiting another half hour or more. So she was relieved to hear that his offer of a ride home still stood.

Since the diner had only been five minutes in the other direction, it took just that much longer for Claire to get home than it did to get to the college in the first place. Clark pulled up right in front of the door and was lucky enough to find a parking spot that someone must’ve just pulled out of.

“Thank you once again for the ride,” Claire said as she picked up her purse from the floor below her seat.

“Think nothing of it,” Clark smiled. “I’m just sorry that we didn’t have a chance to get that cup of coffee and talk.”

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Author's Note: The following erotica may contain basic spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I'll try my best not to ruin the story, but with great horniness comes even greater responsibility or whatever the quote is. White clouds, once more "I can't believe we did it!" You find yourself greeted by an enthusiastic voice as the fairy-like goddess Sothis who rushes down to meet you. Despite being capable of flying her excitement has her feet grounded and running towards you with glee. For the...

2 years ago
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True possibilities

I have always had an sexual relationship with my cousin... Now before you start judging let me start from the very beginning.My mother refers to her closest friends as sisters and they have became my aunt's. One of my "Aunts" married my moms cousin while pregnant with my cousin which is why we share the same last name. I checked to make sure and though we have grown up together we are not related. As c***dren we were always curious about the human body. I would inspect her body and she mine. I...

2 years ago
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Intriguing Possibilities

Ana Denise Jones was the top story on the news again. And out of the millions of people, one man turned his head, not only in the typical mixture of disgust or judgment, but out of pity. Andy James was a mere security guard, nothing more, nothing less. And as Ms. Jones was making her latest appearance on television via her latest drunken stupor, Andy was working the night shift as a night watchman, not much, but it kept him out of total poverty. As well as being financially unsure of his...

4 years ago
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World of Possibilities

So my story begins when I was exploring a old antique shop on the west coast. It was one of those disorganized and dirty older shops. With the dust thick in places and cobwebs clinging to everything out of reach. Had mostly seen the usual junk when a old trunk caught my eye. After haggling with the old shop owner I was able to get him down to 50 and he just said to keep the junk inside. Later that week when I got around to looking inside there was a old wood cigar box under the old news papers...

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 4 Exploring the possibilities

Beth and I left the office quickly. We were both anxious to get away from the smirking faces, whispers and giggles that were going around our department. We walked side by side through the halls and waited for an elevator in silence. We gave each other nervous glances and small smiles of anticipation until we heard the ding of the elevator announcing its arrival on our floor. We walked in and quickly pressed the button to go down to the garage level where we could get into our cars. As the...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 11

The day starts as most Sundays do now. Around ten thirty things change when two people walk in to speak with Matt. He recognises the faces but he can’t remember where from until the first introduces herself as his local state member of parliament and the man as the member for one of the Sydney electorates who’s also the current party leader for the government; the party leader isn’t always the premier because it’s more of a party management position. They’ve a short talk about how happy the...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 02

The next morning Joe and Alice arrive with fresh clothes for Mary, and it’s Alice’s turn to take Mary for breakfast and school. All day long Alice and Joe take turns sitting with Matt while the other goes about doing things they need to do. One of them is always with Matt. Tuesday afternoon Constance is surprised to find her husband and all of her sons arriving at the family home within a few minutes of each other. They retire to George’s den, and very soon she hears raised voices from the...

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Interesting Day at the Doctors Office

I had the most interesting thing happen, when I went to my doctor’s office the other day. You hear about these things happening, but they never happen to you. Well it happened to me. Let me tell you what happened.I had made an appointment to see my doctor. They told me that my doctor was not in, but the nurse practitioner could see and treat me. I’d been in my hot tub and had an allergic reaction to the chemical bromine. I usually used chlorine, but had used this instead. Unfortunately, I broke...

4 years ago
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Interesting fantasy of mine or interesting Part of

So it's Friday night, I'm picking up a girl at the station. Nothing serious, an ex lover I haven't seen for a while. We had chemistry before and few inhibitions so I'm slightly excited and slightly nervous at the same time. I'm playing it safe tonight, Got dinner at home and a movie, if there's no spark or anything that was there is gone, we'll still have a good night. In fact whilst I've been fantasizing of all the stuff we might do I've accepted that fucking someone you haven't seen in 2...

3 years ago
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Interesting Encounter With Velu 8211 My Sex Guru 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, I am an ardent fan of this site and I enjoy reading the stories in this site. I wish to narrate my first experience with a classmate during my schooldays. Hope you will like the same and offer your opinion and valuable comments. I was 18 yrs old, studying in All Boys’ school (no co-education); in a town near Trichy, Tamil Nadu. I was a topper of the class with my academic and co-curricular brilliance. I was 5′ tall, very fair, somewhat chubby, with attractive features with...

Gay Male
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Interesting TimesChapter 04

In the local telephone exchange near the clubhouse two members of the Australian Federal Police Criminal Intelligence Unit look at each other over their recording equipment and one says, “That has got to be the weirdest phone intercept I’ve ever heard. I traced the incoming line. It’s from the hospital the caller said he’s at. But there’s no information on who’s got what extension. Puff, what sort of nickname is that? I wonder what their involvement with the club is since we’ve not heard that...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 09

A large camper bus is driving slowly through a prestigious suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The driver and passenger are having a very good look at the houses and the area. To the few people who see them it looks like they’re searching for a house, but many of these houses have names and not numbers showing, also they all have their name or number in a hard to read fancy script as the owners think it looks better that way. The bus passes a large house with an open courtyard area between the...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 07

By half past twelve the last of the staff gather their personal effects while supervised by police and they leave the Jacobs Accounting Services offices. Most get to work by public transport or in a friend’s car. Many are asking other staff for a lift somewhere because they don’t have any means to get home at this time. Mandy Bellows turns to Alice Watson and asks, “Are you going to visit that boy in the hospital?” “Yes, why?” “I’ve an appointment to speak to someone at the hospital, it’s...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 10

Matt and Mary wake up with just enough time for her to have a shower and change before the breakfasts arrive. The discussion over breakfast centres around the politicians and the media hunt of them. Mid-morning Rob brings in several people to meet Matt, including Max. After the introductions Matt has everyone except Max leave the room. Matt says, “Max, I hope Rob, Lilly, and Mace have briefed you on the situation, but I just wish to go over a few things. Real concerns are Jacobs’ friends...

2 years ago
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Interesting weekend with a new couple

The box Noreen and Cathy dropped off had sexy guy outfits. All the same. By the packaging you could tell it was targeting gay men but, it worked.It framed their cocks and held them at attention. It did make them look bigger. To explain...A collection of leather straps which went around shoulders and thighs/ass cheeks. It took us a bit to finally figure out how to put it on. It was easy to get confused. Neatest parts are the leash and the built in cock ring, the ring is adjustable via snaps...

3 years ago
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Interesting old and young

Many years ago I was the 'boss' well the 'floor walker' i.e. n charge of three departments in a very large store.After a period of time I found myself ( single at the time) giving one of our sales staff the 'eye'.She was a lovely "italian" girl of 18.Now she had wonderful long well kept hair, lovely eyes, straight back, extremely prominate breasts and long legs.Her breasts were more prominate because she had an extremely small waist and lovely 'c***d bearing' hips.Her walk was always very...

4 years ago
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Interesting encounter with the neighbor8217s dog

Niki was staying at her dad’s house for the weekend and she was looking forward to spending some time laying out in the back yard, working on her tan. The back yard, while not completely private, offered enough cover from the neighbors that Niki felt comfortable going topless, as anyone that could see the backyard would have been a fair distance away, and could not have seen much, thought it probably wouldn’t have bothered her if anyone could. Niki walked towards the lounge chair,...

3 years ago
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Interesting Car Journey

This story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped.  “I’m outside” the message read.  We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels.  I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...

2 years ago
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Interesting afternoon at the cinema

This particular Wednesday afternoon, it was raining and cold and as there was a film I wanted to see at the cinema, as the wife was working I decided to go on my own. I got my ticket and sat on the back row as it was the furthest away from the screen. I thought it’d be quite full but it was largely empty, there were two young lads in front of me and one further on the row and that was it.I knew I was a little early, about half an hour too early, as I sat there minding my own business I noticed...

2 years ago
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interesting walk

true story just happenedi was out for a my usual morning walk. I had taken care to dress in the my short black and white dress. the one with the diamond heart on the front. i had on my sheer leggings over blue bikini panties. shortly after talking with some of the others gurls in the area, i was approached by a black man saying he loved my slim build and long legs. we chatted a bit and i continued my walk with him pressing me to spend some time with him. he told me how big his cock was and...

3 years ago
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Interesting Impregnation Invitation 1

Mother To Be Invites Impregnation By Me!The m0ther to be got a splendid idea to invite me to impregnate her during a hot holiday.The m0ther to be seduced her best girlfriend to ask me along on the trip to amuse them.The mOther to be knows that she shares her hot foxy fancy for me with the blonde beauty.The m0ther to be knows how to play that game: let Gorden Girl think it is her hot idea!The m0ther to be studied medicine and is a specialist in two branches. Too busy always.The m0ther to be...

3 years ago
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Interesting Life Of A School Boy Gf And A Teacher

Hey Fellas, Hola!! It’s Rahul here, 24 yrs athletic build. I’ve been a great fan of ISS for years and of all the sexy adventures written here and I guess now it’s time to for payback :p!! SO without further ado, I’ll proceed to the story. This story goes back to then when I was in class 12th. I was 18 at the time. I used to study in a convent school of Indore. I was a complete athlete then (and now too, though the intensity has decreased). I was school senior team captain for both football and...

2 years ago
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Interesting Encounter With Velu 8211 My Sex Guru 8211 Part 2

I was unable to sleep, the whole night thinking about the unexpected, but the fantastic experience with velu for the first time. Next morning, while taking bath, my fingers moved over my chest and nipples involuntarily and were quite surprised to get the same erotic feeling. I knew now I was eager to know and have more from him, I was feeling restless and miserable too! After a couple of days of silence, I asked the members of my group if they had doubts in the second term lessons. During the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Interesting Car Journey

This story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped.  “I’m outside” the message read.  We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels.  I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...

Straight Sex
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Interesting Sex With Cousin Sister

Hi friends this is Rajiv Mittal from Delhi I’m 21 year old main aaj aap sab dosto ko ek real story batane jaa raha hu baat un dino ki hai jab mere 10th standerd k exam chal rahe the un dino main apni dadi k yaha study karne aata tha kyuki mere ghar per disturbance kafi this apne ghar per main nahi pad pata tha main roz raat ko 10 pm apni dadi k yaha aa jata tha. kuch der padai kari fir so jata tha main or meri dadi ek hi bed per sote the kyouki dadi ki tabyat theek nahi Raheti thi unhe raat ko...

2 years ago
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Interesting Date With Shubha

It was the end of my engineering in Bangalore and I had returned home after getting into an MNC through campus placements. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to Chennai to attend a relatives wedding. My mom requested our neighbor Shubha to give me food for those 15 days. Shubha was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. Her husband went to USA a year back and wasn’t able to come to India on...

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Interesting Training Program

I woke at daybreak feeling her naked butts rubbing against my groin and hearing low mourns from her. She was moist perhaps while I was asleep she had been masturbating and had another orgasm. The whole room was filled with the aroma of our fucking of last night what a heady fragrance! I could now feel blood rushing into my penis and it soon was hard like a rod red hot and a bit bruised due to last nights encounter. Today was going to my day I promised to myself. I would show this slut that I...

2 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part1

I married my second wife, Kassidy when I had just turned 40 and she was 35 (might as well “upgrade” with a young, hot new wife right?). Kassidy is a cute blond with grey eyes, bubbly friendly personality, somewhat short and petite at 5’1” but great 36DD tits and nice round ass that fits her frame flawlessly. We had great times and great sex during many adventures. She is somewhat shy but has a bit of an exhibitionist streak, especially when drunk or a bit high (that one time in Vegas pressing...

4 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part 2

Kassidy got up on her knees to give herself a better angle into her friends snatch and that put her own dripping cunt and sweet, tight little asshole on perfect display for me. I had watched long enough and moved behind my wife and slowly let her know I was there by tapping my cockhead against her opening. She moaned into Lucy’s crotch, looked back over her shoulder at me and said “I’ve always fantasized about getting fucked while eating out another women but never thought I would actually...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 03

Matt calls the number Monica gives him and he asks the telephonist, “May I speak to the sales representative for the Rivers Base Hospital account, please?” She puts him through to an extension. It’s answered by a gruff man, “Roger Hadley, what do you want?” Matt isn’t impressed with the man’s snarl, but he’s polite when he says, “Excuse me, I wish to speak with you about what food and drinks you have in the machines at the Base Hospital.” The man’s curt reply is, “I don’t care what you...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 05

Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 06

Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 08

They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

2 years ago
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Horsing Around with Kim Possible

Horsing Around with Kim PossibleBy Sarah(A Fan Fiction story based on a Kim Possible Drawing)===============================================================        ?Wade, this is Dr. Possible.  I need you to help me with something, but it is strictly confidential.  I need you to get Kim up to 546 Upper Middleton Way this afternoon.  Yes, it is something special for her, but she needs to think of it as a mission.  This is what I think would work for...

5 years ago
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Life Without Possibility

It did not seem incongruous to me that an event as momentous as this would be taking place in an undistinguished courtroom, in a nondescript county building, in a bland rural county, in the midst of a featureless Midwest State. As a child, I always thought that history’s major events occurred on a grand stage. I knew that ordinary events happened in small places like in the kitchen at home, in the classroom at school, or that tiny cubicle that my dad called his ‘office’. But things like...

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Kim Possible

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 1 - Kim's wet dreamKim Possible was lying naked in her bed. Her face was a little red, her breath was shortened, her nipples were pointing straight up in the air and had a familiar moist between her legs. The same moist she has had five mornings in a row. Caused by the same dream, every night. In the dream, Kim was tied on the bed nude with her legs spread wide. Next to the bed was standing Drakken's sidekick, Shego. She was also nude, except her...

3 years ago
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Anthing is possible for a Possible

Introduction The Show: Was there ever a program so designed for adult fanfiction? Cheerleaders in short skirts and midriff baring tops. Mud wrestling women. Story lines that feature multiple mind and mood control devices. And then there is the spunky heroine whose motto is she can do anything, and spends a part of most episodes in bondage. She is so competitive she has to take any challenge, ‟Hey, Kim,” Bonnie sneered, ‟I can give more guys anal in an hour than you can.” Kim responded, ‟No you...

4 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 74 Thats Possible

Kathy slid her tender derriere onto the examination table. Mrs. Potter stared intently at her freshly-flogged patient. "Well, it doesn't seem to be a case of multiple personalities, they'll almost always start to manifest themselves after about thirty lashes." She reached into her desk for a latex glove. "We may have to probe deeper to find the root of the problem. That is," she slipped the white rubbery sheath over her right hand, "unless you're ready to confess." "Confess to...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 15 Fewest Strokes Possible

July 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Your mom hasn’t called you yet?” Tasha asked when our small group gathered at her apartment on Sunday afternoon. “No,” I replied. “But I figured it would take a couple of weeks of not hearing from me or Liz before she decides she needs to talk to me.” “You’re doing OK?” “Yes. It’s not all that different from you and Sasha, except that your dad figured it out quickly.” “If by that you mean you shamed him into behaving as a Christian should, then yes.” “How...

3 years ago
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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

2 years ago
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The Only Cure Possible

Mia was standing in front of the dresser, checking her reflection in the large mirror that gave me such a wonderful view of her beautiful face and upper body. I could see her glance to the side and knew she caught me staring at her ass and legs. Her smile was warm and genuine, and I knew she didn’t mind the lasciviousness in my countenance. If anything she considered it a complement, or at least a confirmation that the outfit she had chosen to wear tonight was having its desired effect on me....

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An old friend comes to stay and gets more hospitality than he would have every imagined possible

I married Jane when we were both still in college, a little over ten years ago. They have been a great ten years. I just had my 32nd birthday, and Jane’s is in a couple of months. Jane still looks fantastic. We walk or cycle almost everyday, and she teaches an aerobic class at the community center. He body is firmer and tighter, now, than it was when I met her. She is 5’6″, weighs about 110-115, and measures in at an eye-catching 36-24-35. She has deep green eyes, a great...

2 years ago
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Fifi Fuchs Possibly

Set in England * * * CHAPTER 1 The opening episode of the new BBC light drama called ‘Department Store London’ (DSL) ran for two hours and the advance publicity had been intense because some git in British Broadcasting reputedly with a first-class nose for picking ‘winners’ had read the script, knew the director intimately (more intimately than the director’s husband suspected) and had sent his prognosis to everyone who mattered declaring, ‘DSL will be the runaway drama of this decade.’ The...

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Anything is Possible

Author's note: Hey guys, I don't really have time to write for this story as much as I want to, so if any of you guys want to contribute, be my guest -SS John Doe stepped off the bus. The foothills of the Cascade mountains housed the small train stop across the street. John headed towards the ticket booth, luggage in tow. John waits at the ticket booth as the operator opens it for the morning. "Good morning..."

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Anything is possible

It's my fortieth birthday and I wake up all alone in my apartment. My divorce came through last week. My wife walked off with our house and holiday home and half my wealth. It was painful emotionally and financially but I still have my company and other financial assets. I get up and shower. I catch sight of myself in the mirror as I towel myself off. At six foot I am tanned and compact, my stomach tight and my muscles toned. I work out regularly and it has kept me trim. My hairs dark although...

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Kims Possible

I asked tall blonde Kim Doney if she wanted to hang out with me,she seemed uninterested but I really wanted to get to know her more. A few months later eventually we ended up hanging out at The gig in Riverwest. I caught the 14 and got off and walked to the bar. When I got there I walked in and she was sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender. she looked over saw me and came strolling over, she looked stunning in a metallic and black dress and black flip flops. Man, I always fantasized...

4 years ago
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The First Try To Make It Possible

I am Ajith, the one who is going to narrate you the story… I am from southern part of India. South Indian colour, and love to have a lot of love making a session with ladies above 35, why because those ladies will have a long and hungry sexual desires which I love the most…   She is my relative, my aunt and we live 180 km away from Chennai… I reside near her home and I used to go there whenever I have worked! I always had an urge when I see her, an urge of making love to her, make her stay in...


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