Interesting Immie Intimately 1 1 3
- 2 years ago
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A large camper bus is driving slowly through a prestigious suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The driver and passenger are having a very good look at the houses and the area. To the few people who see them it looks like they’re searching for a house, but many of these houses have names and not numbers showing, also they all have their name or number in a hard to read fancy script as the owners think it looks better that way.
The bus passes a large house with an open courtyard area between the gate and the front door. The passenger says, “That’s the house.” The search goes on. About two hundred metres down the road she says, “The house for sale on the left looks promising! Let’s go around the back to check it out.” The house has two wings of three floors with a two floor area in between. It’s roof appears to be a patio area for both top floors because they can see pot-plants behind the hip-high wrought iron fence. The driver nods yes and takes the next left turn followed by turning into the lane behind the row of houses. All of the blocks in this suburb have a lane behind the rows of houses so the mundane services like rubbish removal need not tarnish the streets the houses are on.
They stop behind the empty house and park to the side of the lane. They don’t quite block the lane, but another large vehicle doesn’t have room to get by. Both driver and passenger get out of the bus. The back gate isn’t locked so entry is easy. There’s a stairway from beside the backyard pool up to the patio area. They smile as they make their way up the stairs while they put on latex gloves. The woman is in the lead.
Near the top of the stairs the woman’s head rises above the level of the patio and she can see along its deck. She stops and puts her hand up to stop the driver. The stairs come up near the back left corner of the patio. Both the front and rear fences have pot-plants blocking the view through them. So it’s only now she can see the whole of the patio area, including the man at the front lying down with a sniper rifle pointed up the road. She smiles while she takes a careful step up. Her partner takes a step and he sees the situation. He smiles too. After a few minutes of careful walking they’re just behind the man with the rifle. The man drops onto the sniper to pin him to the ground. In a moment the sniper is tied up by using his own belt for his feet and their rope for his hands.
The pair from the bus pull ski masks down over their faces before they roll the man over. They find his handkerchief and use it as a gag. The woman sets up behind the rifle and finds he’s sighting on the very house they’ve an interest in. She turns to glance at the sniper. A quick hand signal, and the sniper is face down against the wall.
Reaching a quick decision she says, “Get the transport ready to roll and move to the side street. I’ll meet you there when I’m finished here. This is too good an opportunity to let go.” The man nods to her then he takes off his mask as he leaves the patio. The woman checks the rifle and ammunition. The rifle is a .338 Lapua Magnum calibre Barrett M98B, a civilian calibre bolt action hunting and sniper rifle, with a loaded ten round magazine and one in the breech; eleven rounds that can penetrate most civilian body armour at this range. She smiles while she gets set, then waits.
Nearly forty-five minutes later the front door opens to let a group of men leave the house. Bertram Ford is near the middle of the front row with the national president of the Hell’s Angels on one side and a local crime boss on the other. Behind them come the president of the senior Hell’s Angels’ club in Melbourne, the crime boss’ lead man, and Ford’s top man. A couple of other men are in attendance behind them plus some mixed guards are appearing from hiding around the yard.
She takes aim at the base of Ford’s neck. These rounds should punch through the body armour he has on, but she has the angle to go above it to get a kill. Ford is the only one in armour. They stop to talk this side of a large car. She fires and works the bolt. The round arrives just a micro-second ahead of the sound. Ford’s neck sprouts red as the chest of the man behind him does the same. The rest start to dive for cover. She targets the crime boss as he turns for his car, and fires at his lower back. He bends to get in the car just as she expected and allowed for, so the round punches into his middle back to blast a hole out of his upper chest. Target shift and the national bike club president gets a renovated chest while he sprints for his bike. As his national president is punched back the local club president darts to the left, and the biker behind him takes the round aimed at his president. The local club president throws his leg over his bike, and he keeps going when a round knocks him off it while ripping his chest apart. All of the rest are now in cover of some sort.
She stops to evaluate the situation. Five rounds, five hits, but she only counts four. She sweeps the area. A greasy lawyer type is not well covered while he cringes behind a cement bench clutching his briefcase to his chest. A round through the briefcase knocks him to the ground while it rearranges his chest into a bloody mess. A man two thirds hidden in the front door calls orders to the guards in the yard. Not a good shot, but the round in his right shoulder takes him out of play and out of command. She empties the rifle into the engine area of the car in the driveway because she doesn’t want to leave any rounds in the rifle when she leaves.
Rolling away from the sniper rifle she undoes the rope of the tied sniper while saying, “Ford and his visitors are all dead. I hope one was your target and none were your client. I’d get out of here if I were you.” Leaving him to free his feet she gets up and runs for the stairs while bent over. Going down the stairs she takes her mask off and races across the yard while she strips off the outer layer of gloves. She drops the gloves while she runs. They’ll have some powder on them from the rifle, but not her finger prints because she has another pair on under them. Out of the gate and down the lane. Within a minute of the last round being fired she’s in the bus and stuffing the gloves into the garbage bin in its kitchen after cutting and eating some tomatoes while wearing the gloves. That leaves food traces on them should the police stop the vehicle to search it and find the gloves in the bin. Thus they’ll see the gloves as being used for hygienic protection while handling food.
The midday news reports mention the shooting as a just in item. The evening news reports have the full story. It also reports the killings as being done by a professional sniper who got away from the scene before the police arrived. They name all of the dead in the full report.
Frenchy and Bingo are having a drink in a pub on the other side of the city while they watch the news report. Both smile at how luck sided with them on this as they didn’t need to risk one of their weapons to do the job. They both wonder if the other person will tell his client the truth or just take the money and leave it at that. Both are good choices.
Bingo says, “I think we’ll go to Rivers tomorrow.” Frenchy nods yes.
Surprised SniperIn another part of Melbourne a bemused professional killer has a big smile while he counts his money for the hit plus the bonus for the lawyer. His principal was after Bertram Ford but he didn’t expect this man to get anyone else, so he’s happy Bertram’s right hand man also went down. That makes his takeover of some of Ford’s activities much easier. So he’s very happy to be paying a bonus for the other leader of Ford’s group.
SydneySilver is watching the news with Rhodes beside him when the item on the Melbourne shooting comes up. They both turn to stare at each other. After a moment Rhodes says, “Well, that should put a crimp in the Angels’ actions for a little while!”
“Yeah, and with both of their top people who were causing us a lot of trouble now out of the picture they may not be so set on causing us any more trouble.” Rhodes and a few others listening nod agreement.
Hammer speaks up, “What I’d really like to know, but dare not ask him is: did Puff organise that? And if so, how?” All in the room turn to look at him. “Within a week of Puff saying he needs to do something about Ford he’s dead! That’s one hell of a coincidence. Mind you, Ford did have a lot of enemies, which is why he was wearing the vest. But you’ve got to wonder about that time frame. A week is about how long it takes for a top shooter to check a place out and act, in most cases. It’s just way too neat an answer to Puff’s troubles! I just don’t know.” A few slowly nod while thinking on this. They go back to watching the rest of the news while they wonder about the issue and if Puff is involved in it. They know Matt is more than they thought, but how much more? And would he order a hit? Would he know how to order a quality hit?
Rivers HospitalThe news of the shooting is noted by Fiona, Emily, and Matt, but they say nothing. None of them wish to draw attention to any connection to those involved. Matt does think about the pure luck of some Hell’s Angels senior staff being involved in the take down. He’s relieved he doesn’t have to worry about Bertram Ford causing them any trouble in the future. The girls will now be safe if he can keep them out of the child welfare system. Matt was fairly sure Frenchy would react in an aggressive manner when she found out about the death of the girls’ mother and he knew she’d deal with Ford for not seeing to her safety.
SaturdayThe day starts with his whole family turning up for breakfast. Matt now sees Joe, Alice, Mary, Fiona, Emily, and Dennis as his family. Dennis carries in a set of mixed grill breakfasts from the motel, which is also a well known restaurant, for everyone with the food placed in insulated containers. Matt only gets part of his extra meal because it’s raided by Mary and Joe before he can get to it after his official breakfast.
They all have a laugh over the morning news. The politicians are in damage control mode while the media are in a feeding frenzy. Thus the politicians are trying to deal with very aggressive reporters without being able to coordinate their planning. Their earlier lies are thrown at them, and they keep getting caught in new lies while they try to deal with everything on the run. Naturally the talk centres on these events.
Late morning sees a couple in their late forties or early fifties walk in the room. Both are fit and the woman looks very good in just a halter top and hot pants with thigh length leather boots. She asks, “You, Matt Dyer?” He nods. She walks over, holding out her hand, “Irene Miller.”
Matt shakes her hand, “Did you ride down?” She nods yes. “Like that?” Another nod with a half frown. “Are you a total idiot or just too dumb to think things through?” He turns to the man, “You’re worse because you have to know better!”
She frowns and goes to speak, but the man interrupts by saying, “Yes, I do know better. But I can’t say no to her.”
Matt calls out, “Monica, can you please take this lady down to the trauma ward to show her the injuries suffered by the fellow that came in the other day. The total idiot whose bike went down on the way home from the Aquatic Centre. The one that lost all that skin while doing only twenty kilometres per hour when he left the lights. I think she needs to get an idea of what she’ll look like when she goes down like that. Ugly, very ugly. I know, because Mum showed me such a case when she started to teach me to ride. She always wore full leathers when riding, and she made me do the same, so did Dad.”
“You’re just trying to scare me, like Brian does.”
“Four years ago when Mum got me my first bike, an off road bike, she took me to Saint Vincent’s Hospital trauma ward and introduced me to a girl who had on a t-shirt over her bikini when the scooter she was riding went down at seventy-five kilometres per hour. It hit oil on the road on a curve and she went down sideways. The road scraped off her skin on most of her left side when she skidded across the road. It also scraped off over half her calf muscle, while we were there the doctors were talking about amputating her lower leg because of the damage.” Irene looks sick. “To make a point, two days later Mum put a bike she was about to rebuild down at eighty kilometres per hour at the same spot while wearing a set of leathers, and Dad went down there in just denims. All Mum got was a bruise on her hand and Dad had a bit of gravel rash on his calf. Both of their outer outfits were heavily scratched. I bet you did the limit on the one ten stretches on the highway!” She nods yes. “If you went down at that speed in that outfit they’d probably take you straight to the morgue and be lifting your skin off the road for a hundred metres or more. Head to toe with thick gloves when riding a bike. Most bike club members are daredevils yet they wear full length pants in heavy denim, heavy leather gloves, and most wear arm length jackets. They know what happens when bikes go down.”
Irene looks like she’s about to argue, but Monica takes her arm and pulls her out of the room, saying, “Let’s get this visit over with as he’ll only keep talking like that until you go to look at what you’re risking.”
Brian waits a moment then says, “Thank you. I’ve been talking to her about that since before we got engaged, and she just ignores me. But I never thought to take her to see an accident victim.”
Just then Mr and Mrs Smith arrive. They greet Brian and they smile when told where Irene is, and why. By the time all of the introductions are done Monica and Irene are back. Irene is very pale looking. She pulls Brian aside and they’ve a good chat.
Monica is about to leave when Matt asks, “Monica, you’re my day nurse during the week. Why are you working today? And why did you work the Saturday a couple of weeks back?”
She grins when she replies, “Due to your injuries the doctors wanted you watched over by senior nurses with certain qualifications. Of those with the qualifications there are only four of us who wanted the job when it was first offered. Anita, Jennifer, and I work the week on a permanent roster. The fourth, Nina, took the job if she could work only the weekend nights. The result is she works a twelve hour night shift on the Saturday and Sunday night while the rest of us rotate through the day shift for those two days. However, since Jennifer works nights during the week she can’t do the Saturday day shift. She wants extra shifts at the moment so she does every Sunday day shift, goes home, and comes back for Monday night. Anita and I do every other Saturday day shift. The twelve hour day shift is double time all day so it’s just over half a week’s pay. Nina gets normal pay for the first eight hours each day, then time and a half plus the night shift loading. So her two days equals thirty hours pay with the loading. Since she only works two nights for that she loves it. Anita and I don’t really like working every other Saturday, but we’re starting to like the extra money it pays. I live at home with my parents and I have to do some work on the farm when off shift, but I’m exempt while on this. Mum is classing my bringing the platters in as my share of the farm work because of the additional weekend work and getting the orders. Several months’ sure orders of your size are rare. While I remember to mention it, she billed Jacobs for the replacement cover and his company paid it without a fight.” The last item gets a few laughs. Matt likes to know why things around him are happening the way they are because he hates to have anything he doesn’t understand happening near him. Nor does he like surprises.
Turning back to his guests Matthew smiles as he waves at the fruit platter while he has a slice of rock melon. Steve Smith introduces his wife, and they all chat for several minutes. The talks are interrupted by the arrival of a man and woman in their late twenties or early thirties.
New GuestsThe man limps in and says, “Where’s Matt Dyer, please?” Everyone but Matt points at him, making them all laugh because it’s so much like a comedy routine to have a room full of people pointing at the bed. The man turns to the bed, “This is Lilly Blaze and I’m Robert Socks. I hear you want to hire some security staff. Well, we’re what you need!”
Matt smiles while he thinks, Robert Socks, Bobby Socks. Shit, I bet he’s sick of jokes on that. He looks at the man and says, “Yes, Rob, I need some security guards. I guess Bingo sent you!”
“Yeah, he did. And even if he hadn’t your response to my name would have me working for you. That’s the first time someone hasn’t tried to make a lame joke about Bobby Socks. I got a medical discharge about three months back and Lilly didn’t re-enlist six weeks ago. Why she didn’t is beyond me. So we now need work, but all we know is combat and the Army way of doing things.”
“I need armed guards because I expect some criminals to be wanting to hurt me.” This has Brian’s eyebrows going up. Matt notices this. “Last week a guy named Jacobs attacked me. He’s now locked up, but he has friends on the wrong side of the law. They may wish to pay me back for charging Jacobs. I need people to protect me and my family, and I’ll keep them on permanently. I’ll also need several more guards to cover a number of locations for twenty-four hours a day. Interested?”
Rob glances at Lilly, and she nods yes. He turns back to Matt, “Yes, we want the work. And we know a few others who may be interested. We’ll call them to have them come over.”
“Good. On Monday drop by the police station to start the papers for your pistol licences. Contact someone about buying the guns you want. I’ll let you make that choice, just make sure you have a backup as well. If you need help with the police contact Sergeant Mason or Steve there behind you. They’ll get it sorted.” Rob and Steve both nod to each other. Matt turns to Lilly, “Have you told him when he’s to ask you to marry him yet?” She grins as she shakes her head no.
Rob spins around to give her a long hard stare. He gives a slow head shake while saying, “I can be dense at times, can’t I?”
Lilly smiles, “Sometimes. And sometimes you just need a nudge.” He nods in response. Matt smiles at them.
Matt asks, “How come your parents named you ’Robert’ with your family name?”
“There’s a bit of a story there. The US craze for bobby-socks was well before their time so they knew nothing of it. They’re northern English, almost Scottish. In the local accent the name sounds a lot different, more like sooks. So it comes out as Roo-bee Sooks. They saw no issue, but I soon learned of it at school. Very few tried to be smart about it twice.” He gets a lot of grins at that. He stands almost two metres tall, over a metre across the shoulders, a fit, and very solid build; not someone you want to get physical with if you can avoid it. He’s probably been oversized all of his life.
“OK. Long term I’ve got some new housing being built and you’ll have an apartment there. Short term we can get you into a serviced apartment in the motel next door. Mum Watson will organise that for you.” He glances at Alice, and she nods yes while she steps forward. He introduces them to Dennis, “This is Dennis, he’s my general factotum at the moment. He also provides a bit of extra security. You’ll have to give him some training and help him with security for Emily and Fiona. The three of them live over at the serviced apartment too. I’ll see you after you get things sorted with the police on Monday, OK?” They nod yes, and follow Alice out to get their housing sorted so they can settle in.
The rest chat on many things before the Smiths and Millers leave to have some time together. Steve turns to wink at Matt before he walks out, letting him know he’s going to have a special talk with Brian.
Alice, Rob, and Lilly return with food for everyone’s lunch, so they eat. Followed by today’s DVD. Matt is surprised when the adults stay to watch the first Harry Potter film with them. That effectively uses up the afternoon. A little chatting to get to know each other takes them to the evening meal. After which is more chatting with a visit by Mace. Matt introduces him to Rob and Lilly.
Mace takes the two newcomers aside to give them a quiet briefing on Jacobs and what they can expect there. They seem glad this is a real job with real concerns. The evening seems to fly by and it’s soon time for Mary to get ready for bed while the rest take their leave to go home for the night.
The Next Few DaysSunday is a family morning with the second Harry Potter film in the afternoon and more family time until they leave to go home around ten in the evening. However, there’s one interruption at dinner time.
Matt is starting on his official dinner while the rest start in on the mixed grills Dennis brought over from the restaurant of the motel he’s staying in next to the hospital. They’re on the third or fourth bite when two people in their late thirties or early forties walk into the ward. Matt looks up, grins, and says, “Shit! Eat quick, the locusts are here!” The rest look up as the two cross to the bed and he shakes hands with them. “OK, what are you two doing here?” He notices Rob standing in the doorway and glancing at the two visitors with an odd look on his face.
Frenchy replies, “We’re on a few weeks leave so we thought we’d pop in to say hello. Apart from the obvious, how are you?”
“Doing OK, mostly. Seen better days! The bad part is way too many people keep finding things to keep me busy.” He waves his hand at the bookshelves of study materials, “I’ve got to learn all that by the end of the year. Also, every time I try to turn around someone comes up with a new business idea or a need for me to deal with. How are you going?”
“Oh, doing OK. I found out my favourite cousin is dead. Died in a very suspicious car accident about a year ago. So I came over to say goodbye at her graveside. While we’re in the region we thought we’d pop in to say hello. I was going to see about finding my two nieces who ran away from home, but I see they’re safe.” She nods at Emily and Fiona. “I’ve not seen them for several years, but I got photos each year.”
Matt smiles as he calls them over, “Emily, Fiona, meet Gale du Bois, your mother’s first cousin. Everyone calls her Frenchy.” The girls come over to talk to Frenchy. They don’t remember what she looks like but do remember some past visits by her. They talk for several minutes.
Frenchy turns to Matt, “I heard they’re now orphans. As far as I know I’m the closest living relative but I can’t care for them at all until after I retire. Can you organise to look after them for me, Matt?”
He smiles as he waves at Joe and Alice, “I’m sure you remember Joe and Alice Watson. They’re my guardians. With your support I’m sure we can organise for them to be made guardians for Emily and Fiona. I need quality people for my armed guard service so look me up when you do get out.” They both nod yes. After a bit more talk about legal things for the girls they leave to continue on their holiday in the morning.
Monday morning starts with more studies between breakfast and lunch. Nadia arrives around eleven with some good news. Her visit to the Fire Brigade had her taking a fake sad face to the planning clerk to have a forced change put in by the NSW Fire Brigade. After a review by their expert they want three more hydrants put in at the developer’s expense. The planning clerk is happy it’s costing them more money to shoot his plans for the area down in flames. Rob and Lilly arrive with lunch. Which is followed by the third Harry Potter film.
The day starts as most Sundays do now. Around ten thirty things change when two people walk in to speak with Matt. He recognises the faces but he can’t remember where from until the first introduces herself as his local state member of parliament and the man as the member for one of the Sydney electorates who’s also the current party leader for the government; the party leader isn’t always the premier because it’s more of a party management position. They’ve a short talk about how happy the...
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Gay MaleThis story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped. “I’m outside” the message read. We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels. I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...
Straight SexHi friends this is Rajiv Mittal from Delhi I’m 21 year old main aaj aap sab dosto ko ek real story batane jaa raha hu baat un dino ki hai jab mere 10th standerd k exam chal rahe the un dino main apni dadi k yaha study karne aata tha kyuki mere ghar per disturbance kafi this apne ghar per main nahi pad pata tha main roz raat ko 10 pm apni dadi k yaha aa jata tha. kuch der padai kari fir so jata tha main or meri dadi ek hi bed per sote the kyouki dadi ki tabyat theek nahi Raheti thi unhe raat ko...
It was the end of my engineering in Bangalore and I had returned home after getting into an MNC through campus placements. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to Chennai to attend a relatives wedding. My mom requested our neighbor Shubha to give me food for those 15 days. Shubha was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. Her husband went to USA a year back and wasn’t able to come to India on...
I woke at daybreak feeling her naked butts rubbing against my groin and hearing low mourns from her. She was moist perhaps while I was asleep she had been masturbating and had another orgasm. The whole room was filled with the aroma of our fucking of last night what a heady fragrance! I could now feel blood rushing into my penis and it soon was hard like a rod red hot and a bit bruised due to last nights encounter. Today was going to my day I promised to myself. I would show this slut that I...
I married my second wife, Kassidy when I had just turned 40 and she was 35 (might as well “upgrade” with a young, hot new wife right?). Kassidy is a cute blond with grey eyes, bubbly friendly personality, somewhat short and petite at 5’1” but great 36DD tits and nice round ass that fits her frame flawlessly. We had great times and great sex during many adventures. She is somewhat shy but has a bit of an exhibitionist streak, especially when drunk or a bit high (that one time in Vegas pressing...
Kassidy got up on her knees to give herself a better angle into her friends snatch and that put her own dripping cunt and sweet, tight little asshole on perfect display for me. I had watched long enough and moved behind my wife and slowly let her know I was there by tapping my cockhead against her opening. She moaned into Lucy’s crotch, looked back over her shoulder at me and said “I’ve always fantasized about getting fucked while eating out another women but never thought I would actually...
Matt calls the number Monica gives him and he asks the telephonist, “May I speak to the sales representative for the Rivers Base Hospital account, please?” She puts him through to an extension. It’s answered by a gruff man, “Roger Hadley, what do you want?” Matt isn’t impressed with the man’s snarl, but he’s polite when he says, “Excuse me, I wish to speak with you about what food and drinks you have in the machines at the Base Hospital.” The man’s curt reply is, “I don’t care what you...
Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...
Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new...
They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...
Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...
EroticShe was in her early 30’s which I got to know from her later. She was easily looking like a college going girl with well-maintained body [email protected] I will maintain the confidentiality and keep it a secret
IndianAndre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...
The three of us were sitting down at the closest table to the pool table. I was absently staring at the band when I saw her out of the corner of my eye. This was exactly how I had imagined it being. She realised that she had been set up and immediately departed. The question was, would I be able to catch her before she unlocked her car and drove away? There was no time to contemplate. The band was playing ACDC’s cover of Highway to Hell. An Australian prodigy. Bob and Sam had remained seated at...
Lesbian(Note to the editor, please add the links of my previous stories above this current story as this story is a continuation of the previous parts. The stories are “TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT- PART 1 AND PART-2”, Thank you) Hi readers, its Nithin again with the third part of the story TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT, hope you had enjoyed the first two part of the story. Let’s get into the story without wasting much time. Paru became more comfortable with me after sharing her...
IncestBrigadier General Robert Branch sat stoically in the canvas-slung seat of the helicopter. Conversation with his security team was essentially curtailed by the noise of the whirling blades, even if anyone on the team had the nerve to talk to the cold-eyed general. That was fine with General Branch. He wasn't a big fan of small talk. In fact, most social interactions irritated him. He didn't play well with others. He acknowledged to himself that his rapid rise through the ranks had more to...
Part four of Sexy Serena’s seduction of horny Phil. Serena smiled, then reached over and grabbed a pillow propping it behind her head. “Let me make that cock of yours nice and slippery, and you can tell me what you would like to do to me”. Phil eased his hips further forward and felt her moist lips yield as she allowed his head to enter her warm waiting mouth. She sucked and licked, her tongue swirling around the sensitive underside of his shaft. As she looked up at him, seeking his...
I took Allen’s hard cock in my mouth and began to suck it slowly. ‘Oh, God,’ said Allen. I rolled my tongue around the tip of his cock and then ran it up and down the sides. ‘Suck it faster, babe,’ said Allen. I happily complied, bobbing my head up and down on his cock as fast as I could. I grabbed his balls in my hand and stroked them gently with my fingers. ‘Oh, baby, that feels soooo good,’ said Allen. ‘Take your clothes off,’ said Allen. I stopped sucking that beautiful penis. My pussy was...
Hi guys I’m Akash and I’m a good looking guy with an aesthetic physique. I am going to narrate an awesome night with my hot cousin Shruthi. She is a really hot girl and she has some of the sexiest assets any girl could long to have for. Her boobs are perfectly round with a nipple that is custom made for that size.The incident happened a few months ago. I’m 21 and she is 20 and we both used to be very close to each other since our c***dhood. I didn't really have much of sexual intentions about...
We stand together on your porch, looking out across the prairie. Green signs of spring are just beginning to show in the late afternoon light of this March day. I sigh as your arms settle around mine, and you breathe into my hair. It has been too long since I was able to relax in your embrace, share a bottle of wine, and just listen to the sound of your voice. I can feel the tension melting away, as the heat from your body seeps into my skin. In the distance, the sky is...
As the weather was so nice I decided to leave work early and go for a run local to home, a brisk 40 minute dash around the park and streets left me feeling energised. Our house or rather Jane's house was empty so presented an opportunity to use all of our hot water getting freshened up.Jane has a magnificent bathroom, it was a bedroom however she spent a fortune creating a luxurious, almost spa like sanctuary with bath stream room and shower. I undressed leaving my sweaty running gear next to...
Ever get the feeling that no matter how hard you try, things always go wrong? I’ve tried to understand women ever since I figured out that they were different from me, and it usually ends in disaster. The worst was the time my brother John and I had some girls over to hang around the pool while work was underway on Mom’s new formal garden. I noticed that the workers were talking to each other in Spanish, and I tried to make the girls laugh by doing my best impression of Speedy Gonzales. I...
“Baba, why are you teasing with me ?” She shirked, “ Stop playing, Fuck me deeper, Oooh yes ,that just it, keep doing that, tear me apart”. She was wild in ecstasy. Her pussy was wet and swollen and my prick would keep slipping out. I had been at it for the last 20 minutes and she must have come at least twice. Yet she wanted more! This time I used my left hand to guide my prick into her drooping wet hole and started pumping with all my strength. Minutes later she climaxed yet again with a...
IncestIt was 1980 and I was very young. Even before puberty young. And I had a best friend named Eddie. Eddie lived at the house next door with his mother Eve. Eve was a single mother of Eddies that struggled to makes ends meet. She was also the towns tramp. But for a tramp, she had a very good look that one could ever have for even being one. Her looks did not fit the profile. She had long dark black hair, brown eyes, and was tall. Almost as tall as my dad. And he was the tallest guy I knew at my...
“Boring dreams? Fragmented dreams? No more, try Dreambox, where your inner dreams come alive”. The radio had boomed this for a long time, and my curiosity was intrigued. What is Dreambox? I walked down to the mall and after some shopping did I find that my favourite restaurant was closing, with a sign “Dreambox is coming”. Two months later Dreambox had opened, and I booked an appointment.
TranssexualShe stood before him, her hands were shaking and she was having trouble controlling her breathing. She had never been in a situation such as this one before, but she chose it. She made this happen. It was what she wanted. With trembling hands she took off her shirt. She felt exposed in a bra and skirt. She could feel him scanning her body. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She knew she wasn’t. ugly, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that no man had ever looked at her...
A SWAPPED LIFE A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his eventual...
I hate you!" I screamed at him. "Well I hate you right back"! He yelled. I threw the vase that held the dozen roses he bought me earlier at him and it shattered against the wall. Water, glass, and roses covered the floor around him. I don't know why but at this moment he made me beyond sick. I wanted him out and I didn't care that it was 2 am or that it was pouring outside! I don't even remember what we were fighting about but it was serious at that moment and our argument was pretty bad. I...
Straight SexFiona lay naked, her deep brown medium length hair covering her breasts partly. She was moaning. Kiara was at her pussy, lapping up her cum like a little cat drinking it's milk. Fiona was touching her clitoris, rubbing it to intesify the pleasure. Meanwhile, she thought about Tyler, whose dick she was imagining in her mouth. She could almost picture them both together. Kiara and Tyler, with her. Tyler's nudity was a treat to watch. A soldier formerly, he had retired prematurely to work with HIV...
BisexualHi Guys this is Rajiv here and I read lots of stories in this site and I feel lots of times why this kind of incident not happening to me. I think its al because of luck but not like that, it’s in our talent only and finally it happened to me also. I would like to get your feedback or suggestions also. Please mail me at rajiv.sathya1 at gmail dot com. Now let’s go to the story. I’m Rajiv 25 staying in Banglore BTM Layout, working in a software concern as I was looking for a change so I updated...
“Some people have lives; some people have music.” —John Green and David Levithan, Will Grayson, Will Grayson 27 AUGUST 2021 What a crazy week already. It’s hard to keep up with things. I started late on Monday which didn’t help. But I really needed to take my time with Livy before Nanette took her to the airport. I barely got to school in time for orchestra. That meant I missed senior English, among other classes. Ms. Pixler, who I kind of like, scowled at me when she handed my...
This story tells what happened over the next three weeks as well as the weekend that she became a Hot Wife. The last story ended with me being gone six weeks. She told me that upon my return our lives would be changed forever. I came home after being gone for six weeks to a totally new woman. The next day she went out as I described. She arrived home at six am and slept till noon. "When you left last night, you told me my questions would be answered this weekend." I then told her, "It's time...
Wife Lovers"OH MY GOD. HEEELLLPP BAHADUllp" she screamed. I placed my palm on her mouth and cut off her scream. She struggled. Her towel fell off. I threw her on the mattress and lay on top of her. "EEEEEEEEKKKKKK," she managed to scream. I placed my hand on her mouth again and taking my cock in my other hand rubbed in up and down her dry slit. She continued to struggle. "Dolma, open your legs," I said still rubbing her choot vigorously. She shook her head. Slowly her struggles became feebler...
The Princess Trap By Tyrone Slothrop & Wanda Cunningham Teaser Scene- Sunny California Pacific Coast Highway, somewhere near Santa Barbara, July 7, late evening Alan Carter finally descended past terror and settled into oscillating despair. As much as he liked the pastel green dress, he regretted not wearing jeans tonight. The dress fit nicely, emphasizing his slender waist and lending him an air of feminine sophistication beyond his years but you couldn't really...
Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...
MatureI've been divorced for about two years and was having reasonable success at a local upscale restaurant. eh single women knew the incomes required ot eat/drink there. Most of the gals were about 26, dressed nice and weren't into gamesOne Tuesday I sat at the bar and as I was finishing my lunch I noticed a stunnig beauty about 5 chairs looking me overI also noticed a ring on her hand. I didn't pursue it but she kept checking me outThere wasn't any other girls left so what the hellI slid over....
For Want of a Comma - Chapter 4 Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-= When I walked out of the office, a bell rang, and the doors on either side of me opened. An avalanche of noise filled the hallway as students poured out of the classrooms. I was seriously considering going back the way I came, and finding someplace to hide, when someone called my name. Well ... my last name. "Hey, Tracy!" yelled a familiar voice. I had looked up and down the hall a couple of times...
“We’re the only ones in the lab,” Toni says from behind me.I look up from the equipment I’m working on and glance around. It’s the middle of the night, and we are in what I affectionately call the “fishbowl.” A rectangular eight-thousand square foot clean room with windows that wrap around the perimeter of the lab.Despite the aquarium style windows, the lab itself was pretty damn awesome. At last count, there is well over $100 million worth of top of the line and prototype manufacturing...
BDSMTina my sister was in her 9th month of pregnancy and ready to drop the second baby at any time, Sasha had been working for 4 months since leaving school and l was taking her mother Annie dogging after her bingo on Thursday evenings. My job was going well and l regularly fucked Jacky in the storeroom. I was off work mid-week and relaxing in bed with my sister, l had just fucked her doggy leaving a good sticky load of spunk inside her then after Tina let me milk her massive tits we were both...
On July 15, 2015 my life was turned upside down. I just didn’t know it at the time. Looking back, I was like so many others caught in the middle-class grind with a demanding job, family life, a house in the suburbs, and the hefty mortgage to go with it. It would appear by world standards that I was living the American dream, or so I thought at the time.When I made the decision to become self-employed, I had no idea how demanding that would become. As the business started to grow, it seemed like...