Interesting TimesChapter 12 free porn video

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After listening to his grandmother’s complaints for many minutes Matthew manages to calm her down and enter into a serious dialogue on the issues raised in her monologue.

Matthew opens the discussion with, “Right, Gran. As I see it you’re upset because you see a very good business opportunity to save a lot of people’s jobs and improve Grace Entertainment is being avoided due to in-house politics by my uncles because they don’t want Uncle Don to look better as a replacement for George as the Grace CEO when he retires during the next decade or so. You also don’t like the way they and George have changed how Grace operates in the last four or five years and you can’t see a way to change it back to how it was. Correct?”

“Yes, Matt. I think that’s a fair summary.”

“Well, the next question is the hardest. Considering the aggravation you’re getting from the board meetings of late, and the way they’re changing the business: How important is it to you to save Grace? I ask, as the only way you can fix this is to sack the lot of them to put in new people who’ll do it your way. To do that you need to have suitable ones on hand and ready to take over.”

“Damn it, Matt! Grace was my father’s dream and I hate to see it destroyed like this. But I don’t have any suitable replacements.”

“Time to bite the bullet, Gran. It was your father’s dream, not yours. So, is the trouble it’s causing you now worth the big fight to keep your father’s dream alive?” There’s a very long pause with no sound. Long enough that Matt asks, “Still there, Gran?”

“Sorry, Matt. I’ve been thinking. That’s a nasty question you asked. In retrospect, I think most, if not all, of what Dad wanted to accomplish has been done. But I don’t like how they’re changing his legacy.”

“That’s the point, Gran. It’s his legacy and my uncles’ inheritance. It’s now their dream, whatever that is, not great-grandfather’s dream!”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right,” she says with a sigh.

“Uncle Don is the only good one of the bunch, and the one closest to what your father was like as a businessman. What will it take to cut Grace Entertainment out of the main company so he can own it and run it how he wants without the interference of the others?”

A moment’s silence before Connie says, “The only way to achieve that is for him to buy the sub-company. But that requires the approval of two thirds of the board, which he won’t get. The board is now your uncles, George, your proxy, and myself. With just Don and me voting for it that’s three out of seven with your proxy. Two short.”

“Gran, I seem to remember the company by-laws have a bit about board decisions can be voted on by shares and the board must go with the vote once it’s decided that way.”

“Yes. But approval requires eighty-three percent of the shares, and if it’s the sale of an asset to a shareholder or board member they aren’t allowed to vote or vote their shares. With Don out of the vote his five percent doesn’t count, and my other sons’ fifteen percent means that’s twenty percent not in favour. Thus it fails.”

“Gran, from the sounds of that I think I finally have a need to know exactly what my share holding is. Can I call you back after I ask Dot to brief me on it?”

“No need to call her, Matt. I know because I’ve your proxy. But to get to that I need to give you a little history of the shares so you understand how it happened. OK?” He agrees. “Right, Dad originally had an owner operated business. When he incorporated with shares he had fifty-five percent, Mum got twenty-five percent, and I got twenty-percent. When Dad died his shares were split up with five percent to each grandchild and fifteen percent each to Mum and me. When Mum died she gave you her entire share holding, which was put into your trust account. Then the five percent of your mother’s was added to that. You own forty-five percent of the shares, but only Dot and I know that. With my thirty-five we have eighty percent, not enough to pass the sale. So we can’t get it through that way.”

Matt thinks for a moment, smiles, and says, “I see a way to manage this. Can you organise a conference call for you, Uncle Don, and I on a safe line where he isn’t likely to be interrupted? We’ll need to know the exact amount he’ll need to set up to buy the other company, buy Grace Entertainment, and to operate for a year.”

“Yes, I can do that. I’ll call you back in about an hour.”

Connie hangs up and Matt hits the speed dial for Dot. She answers, and he says, “Sometime in the next week I may need a lot of money for a special project. What can I have?”

He hears keyboard activity then Dot replies, “Matt, today we’ve got about five million we can divert. But Tuesday morning we’ll have the insurance and other money we loaned Grace back plus some of the previously invested funds maturing, so you can have just on a hundred and fifteen million if we do nothing else with any of it. That’s after accounting for the current commitments we have.”

“Damn, I knew the trust was wealthy but I had no idea it was that big a value in cash. OK! Here’s what may be happening. Gran and I are looking to cut Grace Entertainment out and sell it to Uncle Don. He’ll need a loan and we’ll need to buy his shares. Long term, I’m seriously considering selling all of my Grace shares. It’ll be a decade before I can get involved in its senior management and by then my uncles will be well entrenched so I doubt I’d get to do much, anyway. Thus I see no point in the plans Mum had for me to take over Grace management later. I’ll leave that to my uncles and their kids.”

“Hmm. I know Candice wanted you to take over Grace but I believe you’re right in that you won’t get a chance at top management there for thirty years or more, so why bother. What’s Connie think of this plan?”

“I’ve not told her the last half yet, but I will when she calls back. Thanks for that information. I’ll let you know how much we need.”

For the next hour and a bit Matt does some Internet research as he thinks about his current situation and plans for the next several years. His lunch arrives and is eaten.

A little after lunch Connie calls back. She opens the call with, “Matt, I started to have some concerns on security so I had a company check my office and Don’s. Someone at Grace bugged Don’s office. So we’re at the conference room of a security company and they’re doing a check on this line while we talk.”

“Very interesting. I wonder if it’s George, Uncle Alan, or Uncle Cam! Uncle Ben wouldn’t think of doing that.”

“Our thoughts, exactly. I just got the OK for this line so let’s get down to business. To buy Grace Entertainment he needs thirty million, as per the latest balance sheet from this morning’s meeting. The company he wants to buy is another fifteen million and four million to operate for the next year for sure. I think he needs to look at fifty million plus the couple that’s in the Grace Entertainment bank account and valuation.”

“OK, Gran. We can organise this. But I also need to know how much you have in liquid assets as well.”

“Matt, I’m not going to answer that until I know what you’re up to.”

“Well, the first move is to have Uncle Don sell you or me his shares. The next move is to have one of us loan him the rest of the fifty million bucks. After that I want to talk to you about selling you all of my Grace shares. As I see things, by the time I finish my education my other dear uncles will be running Grace and I won’t get into senior management there for thirty years or more; beyond a board vote, that is. So I see no value in me being involved in Grace Enterprises at all, not since it’s now headed in a very different direction to what I’d like. Thus I want to get out of any involvement with it. I know this isn’t what you and Mum planned, but it’s a realistic evaluation of the current situation.”

Dead silence for a minute or so, which is a long time like that. “OK, Matt! I can see that and I agree with your evaluation. It doesn’t mean I like it, but I do agree with it.”

“Gran, once Don cuts out Grace Entertainment and goes his way I think we both should let the others just have the company and be done with it.”

Another long silence. Connie finally says, “Damn, I hate to agree, but you’re right again. OK. Here’s what I can do. I don’t have the cash on hand but I do have shares in other companies I can sell and some investments I can cash in early. I think what I should do is buy Don’s shares and then just give all of my heirs the major part of their inheritance early. That should see Don right without any borrowings, but it’ll take a few weeks to convert the bonds and shares.”

“Gran, I checked my cash flow and I’ll have quite a bit of cash on hand by Tuesday morning. What say we organise for me to buy some of your bonds so you have the cash for Don. Then we can do an asset swap of your other bonds and shares for my Grace shares for as much as we can organise. Then I approach my other Uncles, on the quiet, about selling them my Grace shares.”

Don finally speaks up, “Thank you! this will allow me to buy and run Grace Entertainment as it should be, and to get the other company. I’ll get to keep a few hundred people employed in the industry too.”

Connie says, “We need to keep all of this absolutely quiet until next Thursday’s board meeting then we’ll spring it all on them at once. Matt, have Dot contact your uncles to quietly sell them your mother’s five percent of shares for cash as of Friday morning next week, after we do Don’s deal. Five percent of shares are fifteen million at the moment, as per the balance sheet. That way you get rid of fifteen percent on the Friday and I’ll take the rest as an asset exchange. After you get your cash from them I’ll give the other boys Grace shares as their inheritance. That gets rid of most of my investments and personal assets as it closes out a lot of other things too.”

They talk a bit more and then hang up so Connie and Don can go to organise things at their end while Matt rings Dot to explain the plan and what she has to do for him in regards to it.

That afternoon Dot contacts each of Matt’s other uncles and asks them to call her back from a public phone. When they call she explains she’s organising to quietly sell five percent of Grace shares Matt has to get some cash for his trust fund for a special project. They all want to buy the shares at the current price.

The next day Connie spends a lot of time in Dot’s office while they work out the details of the asset swap / sale to Matt’s trust account. On the Tuesday Dot transfers the cash for the bonds she’s buying from Connie so she has the cash to buy Don’s shares as well as giving him an extra thirty-five million in cash.

The Grace Board Meeting

The Thursday meeting of the next week is a very interesting one, and a bit of a shock for some. The agenda goes very fast with neither Connie or Don having much to say until they get to new business.

Don says to the meeting, “I wish to purchase Grace Entertainment for thirty million dollars. Its current balance sheet value is twenty-nine and a half million.”

Some discussion occurs, and it’s voted down when his brothers vote against the sale. All look smug as they do, as they like putting Don down.

After the vote Connie says, “As a major share holder I’m declaring a re-vote to be taken by share holdings.”

They have no choice on this so the vote is taken. Alan against, five percent; Ben against, five percent; Cameron against, five percent; then the shock is when Connie votes and declares eighty-five percent as shares in her own right with proxies in her name. Since the vote only requires eighty-three percent the sale must go through.

George says, “Connie, dear, you do know that because this sale is to Don you can’t proxy vote his shares?”

She smiles when she replies, “George, the other day I bought Don’s shares so he’d have enough money to buy the company he wanted to buy last week. It’s his now and he just added Grace Entertainment to it. One of the reasons Don hasn’t voted on anything today is he no longer has a vote on this board because he’s no longer a share holder.”

The other board members aren’t happy with the result, but they do like the cash this brings them and the fact the board is now smaller.

A few other items of new business are dealt with and the meeting breaks up. Connie asks her sons to stay for a chat but George has to leave so he can sign the documents for the sale to Don, who left to get that organised as soon as the vote was in.

After the door closes behind George Connie says, “Right, I know you weren’t happy to learn I’ve control of enough shares to make things go my way. So here’s what I propose. Monday morning I’ll sell ten percent of my shares in two five percent blocks to whoever has the fifteen million cash to pay for them. That gives you three time to argue over who gets to buy them and to find the money to do so. That’ll reduce my total personal share and proxy voting to seventy-five percent, so I’ll need one of you on my side for any future ’by share’ votes.”

Connie leaves them to a heated discussion. Later in the day they call her on a conference phone to tell her Cam and Alan will buy the shares because Ben can’t come up with the money in that time frame. They make arrangements for the deal.


During the morning Dot visits three brokers to meet Matt’s uncles to hand over the certificates for five percent of the shares as soon as she confirms the bank transfer of the fifteen million dollars cash to Matt’s trust account. Each of the men leaves happy to know he now has ten percent of the company shares, two of them are even happier since it means they’ll soon have fifteen percent of the shares each.

That afternoon Dot is busy with Connie finalising the asset transfers for cash and shares they organised the week before. Matt no longer has any Grace shares but he has an extra forty-five million in the bank plus other shares and bonds totalling one hundred and sixty million dollars because what he’s given from Connie includes Matt’s share of her estate which is sixty-five million dollars worth of shares in other companies.

After Connie leaves Dot is busy talking with Matt and her broker while they rationalise Matt’s portfolio in light of the major growth of it. She also spends time organising the short term investment of the excess cash the trust has at the moment.

Monday Week Nine

Connie meets with Cam and Alan to exchange some of her Grace share certificates for cash transfers into her account. Once that’s done she takes a moment to transfer another thirty million dollars cash over to Don’s account she has the numbers for from last week.

With the money sent Connie calls and asks Ben to join them then she calls Don and Matt on the conference line. With all present or on the phone she says, “In the last few weeks I’ve reviewed my investments to help Don out with setting himself up as an independent operation. I’ve also noticed, recently, Alan, Ben, and Cameron are all interested in running Grace as a trio. These events, and some conversations I’ve had with others, have caused me to totally rethink what I’m doing now and my future.” She gets some odd looks from those present, but the others on the phone know where she’s going so they say nothing. “I’ve made a decision to let you five have the great bulk of your inheritance now, so I’m now transferring, or have transferred, most of my estate to you.”

Don speaks up, “Ah, Mum, would that explain the large unexpected cash deposit in my bank account this morning?”

“Yes, Don. I gave you half of yours last week so you could buy Grace Entertainment and with the sale of some shares this morning I was able to send you the other half.” She places folders in front of her other three sons while she says, “Matt, yesterday I saw Dot about those bonds you bought from me so I had the cash for Don. While I was there I also did the transfer of some other bonds and non-Grace shares for your part of my estate.”

“Thanks, Gran. Dot rang me to discuss the reorganisation of my share portfolio. I thought it seemed a lot bigger than I expected.”

Connie continues, “Just so everyone knows the situation I just gave Alan, Ben, and Cam envelopes with a letter of transfer and the share certificates for twenty percent of Grace shares each. That means I no longer own any Grace shares and I won’t be attending any more board meetings. Along with the shares Matt sold these three last Friday they now own Grace between them. Ben has thirty percent while Alan and Cam have thirty-five percent each. I hope you enjoy them, boys.”

Her three eldest sons are stunned by this revelation, and they soon work out their mother and Matt had double teamed them to unload all of their shares for a good price. However, it does leave them in total control of the company they work for and manage, which is something they’ve wanted for some time. Without Don or their mother harping on how to do things differently they can now operate as they wish to.

All of the boys thank her for their gifts, and all are happy with what they got. Connie has one more thing to say, “I gave Don and Matt a little more in current value than you three got because the Grace shares will have a significant dividend this year due to the sale to Don. Thus the final total value should be the same, or a bit better for the shares.”

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Interesting TimesChapter 08

They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

3 years ago
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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

3 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 8

I was up and at it early again Saturday morning with rather pleasant thoughts from the night before. Mom hustled me to grandpa’s shop and I went to it. Grandpa had clearly made more progress on the pit cart, with some metal cabinet doors now in place, along with a thin steel plate top. Work benches were getting cleared off and this was starting to look like a proper race shop again. Grandpa was out to help about an hour after I arrived. He ambled into the shop with a big thermos of coffee...

1 year ago
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Gangbanged By Village

Hi my name is Priya and I am going to tell u about my story. My age is 29 and my body stats are 36 26 34. Jab bhi mai kahin bahar jaati hoon to sabhi men mujhe lusty eyes se dekhte hain. Mujhe bhi yeh bahut pasand hai ki sabhi mard mujhe dekhe. I am married for 1 year and my husband lives and works in dubai. He comes for 2 times in a year. Jab bhi mere husband aate hain to ham dono jam kar sex karte hain but unke jaane ke baad mai bahut bhukhi ho jaati hoon sex ke liye. Isiliye maine socha kyo...

3 years ago
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Tears Of A Vamp Chapter One

Once upon a time, there was a dark and stormy night...Yes, you're right. It's a pretty cheesy beginning. However, as a start to my story, it is completely appropriate. It was a dark and stormy night when she walked into my life. The few hours of my life I had left, that is.All that hot, August day the temperature and humidity had climbed. One to, and one over, a hundred degrees. A usually blue sky was burned into steel gray. Clouds formed in the afternoon. Grew and climbed into the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Will Work 4 Food

I never give money to the homeless people you see on the streets, never! I mean I'm sympathetic to their plight and I know from experience that we are all just a couple of bad breaks away from being on the street ourselves but half of those people you see begging for money have more money in the bank than I do! For many it is just a scam to make easy money and to avoid paying taxes! Now, I live in a relatively small town so you don't see the homeless very much but I still hold to my...

3 years ago
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Unique Masturbation Session

Unique Masturbation SessionBy: Londebaaz Chohan When Martin Glick told me this story, he claimed that it happened actually with him and it was true. I do not want to judge anybody and just enjoyed it as a nice chronicle. I hope you like it too.After high school, when Martin left home for college, he knew, he was going out of this home for good and his parents may not let him return to live there once again as a family member and he had to be on his own except of course for visits during the...

2 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT4

Six weeks from my first meeting with Jerome, in a seedy warehouse, the home pregnancy test showed positive. I made an appointment with my doctor, it was confirmed. Jerome had fertilized my garden with his potent seed.I called Jerome that night and asked him to come over, he agreed. I had not seen him since I moved out of my house, this worried me.Jerome showed up at 9:00, which pissed me off. I had made dinner to celebrate our pregnancy. When Jerome knocked on the door, I answered...

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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 7

Hi friends ye meri kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ka 7th part hai aap mese bahut se reader aise honge jo already 6 part pahle ke padh chuke hai jo naye reader hai unse meri request hai ki pahle 6 part padh le is kahani ko padh ke mujhe aap mail kar sakte hai pe. Haan to ab mai apne kahani pe aata hu sixth part me maine aapko bataya ki kaise meri mummy ke pet me uncle ka bachha rah gaya aur uncle ne apnane se mana kiya aur meri mummy aur uncle me jagda hua Lekin kuch...

3 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 47

“Hey, stay in your lane!” Zahra struck my pen with hers as I was eating a grape gummy baby. “They’re all my lanes, and yours, that’s the point.” She stuck her tongue out at me. I looked down at the paper. I had used the lines of a legal pad to hash even spaces on a manilla envelope and then that to create vertical lines on the legal pad. The result was improvised graph paper. She was looking carefully at the grid of Xs. “So are you and Pops really going to the movies next week?” “Yeah,...

4 years ago
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My 18th birthday party

Introduction: Fran gets laid for the first time at her birthday party My eighteenth birthday party The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 18 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 18. Enjoy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I had lived in the same town all my life and grew up with four friends in the neighborhood that I hung around with from before I was old enough to start...

4 years ago
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Pleasure With A Beautiful Lady In Moon Light

Hello everyone, My name is Naveen I am from Mumbai. I have been a regular reader of this blog. This is my first story, so please bear me for some time. Now I would like to tell about myself I am 22 years old 5.6’’, I recently completed my graduation. I am the only child to my parents. After completion of graduation I started searching job. I am little shy person. I never had girlfriend in my life. In college I have some female friends but I never approached them for anything more than...

3 years ago
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Pantyless to San Francisco Part 2

I had just arrived at the airport, and was happy to be in my boyfriend's arms again. (He's now my ex-boyfriend, and purposely avoid using his name, because I'd rather forget it.) I was very horny as we made our way through the airport concourse. My coat was wrapped around me and the belt nicely tied, so I was pretty sure that no one could see that my dress had ridden-up and was bunched around my waist. With my boyfriend's arm around me as we walked, it couldn't be helped. I soon had my doubts...

1 year ago
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The Party Started After Labor Day

My stories are all based on real events and people except this one. This one is pure fantasy suggested by my LushBuddy Ladybugg. This one is for her and anyone who likes a threesome with two randy bisexual women. That would be me, of course!The end of the Labor Day weekend is my favorite day out here on the East End. When the cars are all bumper to bumper streaming west on Montauk Highway, I like to watch the kids skateboard along Newtown Lane, now free of any traffic. For all the summer...

Group Sex
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Spizoo Gia Dimarco Loves Double Vaginal Penetration

Gia DiMarco is a sexy, experienced MILF who is ready to handle two rock hard cocks at the same time. She strips and teases and stuffs, not only her mouth but her pussy with 2 dicks at the same time!! HER FIRST TIME EVER, her pussy gets spread wide open from this double vaginal penetration action. Watch this busty, brunette hottie devour two dicks at the same time then receive multiple loads on her pretty fucking face after a hard pounding. This beautiful Busty MILF shows up wearing sexual...

2 years ago
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My daughters tutor III

Amber and I had kept seeing each other, all under Sofie's nose. We had been together for six weeks by then, and it was hotter than ever. When they had their sessions, Amber would frequently have to take a bathroom break or take a call. As she did, we would go into the bathroom, or my bedroom and fool around a bit. I invited her over a few times to hang out and have sex on a couple weekends when Sofie was at her dad's. On one Thursday afternoon, Sofie and Amber were in the dining room studying...

2 years ago
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Belle (Part 1) _______________ A young man is only playing a part in the school play. But it has drastic consequences when real life events spiral out of control. _______________ It was the final semester of my senior year in high school. I was in the school drama club, as I had been since I was goaded into joining by a girlfriend during my sophomore year. I found that drama club turned out to be a comfortable fit in my life, unlike the girlfriend that got me into it in the...

2 years ago
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Happy BDay Me Pt1 2

So that night at the party, everyone came, (as expected), including my girlfriend, Samantha. Now the only reason I am dating her is because of what happened that faithful day on the bus at the last day of school. I was in a really bad mood. By the time my friend Spencer got off the bus, I just wanted to get home. Right at that moment, Samantha moved and sat down right next to me. “What are you doing?” I asked. “I wanted to sit next to you.” She replied. “Why” I asked...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Part 25

Introduction: Some how I forgot to add this part it. It fills in between 2 and 3 The boy turned and grabbed a cart that looked like ones businessmen used at the airports and begin to load their bags and boxes on it. Michael grabbed a few bags and headed towards the door. Silk grabbed a few shoeboxes and followed him. Once outside Michael opened the trunk for the boy to place the stuff inside. He sat his bags in the trunk and gestured for Silk to do the same. The boy placed the packages in the...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 45 Can they survive a confrontation with the Fulmanax

Rachel grinned happily as she glanced around at John, Alyssa and Jade who sat with her on the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, feeling relaxed and at ease in their company. They were chatting with Jade about her initial experimentation with shape-shifting, and Rachel listened with fascination as the Nymph talked about researching different creatures, so she could try her hand at copying their exotic forms. Alyssa suddenly turned to look at the door to the lounge, a sparkling smile lighting up...

1 year ago
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Miami Pt 5 Whore

100% fiction! I was awoken by a sharp pain deep inside my ass, like a hot fire in my stretched and abused rectum, smothered by the weight of a man’s body on top of mine. Henry was on me, and inside me, fucking me hard with his almost foot long rock hard cock! He was grunting as he pounded into me, breathing his hot breath on the back of my neck as he ra-ped me. I couldn’t even cry out as he thrust into me, as my face was buried in the pillow. All I could do was clench the bed covers in my hands...

3 years ago
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I love to Tease

The sun shines through the window, as the cool air blows in. You lay beneath me as I straddle you. "Do not move, No undoing your pants and no touching." I say as you lay there. Teasing and taunting you. As you get harder and harder beneath me. Feeling you squrim and try reaching for me. Pushing you back down. "Oh my God" comes from your lips. A grand smile comes across my face. Having a blast. Curtain wide open, as I continue my assault. Using my finger tips, scratching down your chest knowing...

Oral Sex
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My first lover

The summer of my junior year in high school, I was still an eternally horny virgin after four years of puberty and desperate masturbation. I had kissed seven girls and felt and played with the breasts of two of them, but I had never felt anyone below the waist or had an orgasm with another person. I went to a magnet high school that had been started at a traditionally black high school, so as I was stewing in my juices most of the smart girls around me and all of the really pretty ones were...

2 years ago
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The Widow and Her StepDaughter Getting Reacquainted

Brad sat on the couch, angry that he had to be here at this wake. He wanted to be with his high school buddies at the swimming hole. Yes, he thought it was horrible that his father’s co-worker died in that accident, but he only met the guy and his wife once.The only saving grace to this was getting to look at Cindy, the daughter of the deceased. He hadn’t seen or even thought of her since she graduated two years ago. Although she didn’t even know he existed, he remembered her from when he was a...

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Andrea and Adam ten years later

Kevin Jackson was lying on his bedroom floor, reaching for a bag under the king size bed. He reached further with his arm, but it wasn’t long enough. He found a broom in the laundry room and went back. This time he managed to pull out the bag and opened it. Inside were several smaller plastic bags with photographs. They were taken before the digital era and some were so old they had yellowed. He found the ones he was looking for and put the rest back into the bag and pushed into its corner.The...

2 years ago
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My House My RulesChapter 11

Pete knew that Spring Break started after next weekend. All the girls would have a free week. He just had to take them on vacation, all five if they could get permission. Getting Allison's permission was to be easy, the twins would get Granny Reynolds to agree if they asked right, but he had to more to find out about Lisa's situation. All he knew was that she cooked at home. If the plans came together, he would give Aristotle the keys when they departed Friday night and could expect the...

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Wife masturbating in the car

The wife and I had decided to go out to dinner and then to an adult movie one saturday night. After dinner we went to a local adult movie house. The movie theater had a balcony section that was for couples only. We took a seat and enjoyed the movies on the screen. On this particular night the movie was about taboo sex. I found out during the movie just how much the subject turned on the wife. Looking around there were only a couple of other couples in the balcony section. Reaching over I ran my...

1 year ago
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Sold off by the BBC that owned my ass

I just got back to the base from R&R last week, He usually gives me a few days to get over the jet lag of travel before I get a call saying its time to start servicing his cock. So I wasn’t surprised that it was a few days before I got a text from him saying to meet him in the PX parking lot that night. I was giddy and nervous as usual at being back for the first time, it always hurts after not being fucked for 2 months. I cleaned up and shaved smooth for him then threw on a pair of...

3 years ago
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Janavi bhabhi ki Chudai

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto, Mera nam kevin hy aaj me 28 year ka single mard hu… Me aaj aapse mere pahli chudai ki kahani bata ne ja raha hu…. Bat hy aaj se 10 sal pahle ki jub me 18 sal ka tha. Study ke liye me ahmadabad gaya. Waha pe mene rahne ke liye ek flat bhade pe liya. Waha pe meri mulakat jigar nam ke adami se hui jo mere flait ke bilkul samane ke flait me hi rahtatha. Woh shadi shuda tha toh unki wife janavi or woh akele waha rahte the. Janavi bhabhi thodi sharmili thi...

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