Interesting TimesChapter 06 free porn video

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Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new hole. A few minutes later he cleans up and goes back into the hall. Now there’s a new four socket power-point on the wall. He’s soon back to plug a tester into the sockets to check each one before packing up his gear and leaving them. He doesn’t say a word while working there.

At twenty to eight Matt is checking the news, and smiling. The state news is full of Gran’s media counter-attack on the Premier. The memo signed by the Premier and Minister has been leaked to the media with a copy of the response from the Commissioner and summaries of the two Cabinet meetings discussing the matter, but not approving it. The gloves are off, the blood is in the water, and the media are going for the throat. While Matt reads the on-line news reports Mr Hardy arrives as he leads two men with large drink fridges on trolleys.

George walks over to shake hands while saying, “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve made a few changes to what we discussed the other day.” Matt waves for him to continue. “All of the flavours you said had to be included are there, but I’ve changed a few of the others. Instead of going with cans of drink and tetra bricks of juice I’m putting in bottles of everything. The sizes are five and six hundred millilitres instead of the three hundred and seventy five millilitres first discussed. I know this is a bit dearer for you so I’m giving you a larger discount across the board. The total value on the average reorder we worked out is only ten percent higher.” Matt nods his approval. “Thank you. This means the only waste will be plastic bottles and food wrappers. this will be a lot easier for the scouts to handle. It also makes refills easier for my staff.”

“OK, I can see why the changes. It’ll also reduce risks of spills as the kids can put the tops back on when not actually drinking. Thanks.”

“Right. Now the fridges. The drinks should be cold enough for you by three o’clock this afternoon. Please leave them alone until then. The chiller is set high today and Alfred will set it to the maintenance level when he checks the stocks in the morning.” One of the men wrestling the two fridges into place turns to wave when his name is said.

Matt is handed a list of stocks before George leads the two men out. A few minutes later they return with two more fridges. While the men put them in place George leaves again, only to return with a trolley of drinks. In another few minutes Alfred is loading bottles of drinks into the machines plugged into the new power-point while George and the other man bring up trolley load after trolley load of drinks and snacks.

Cushion Chat

They’re still busy loading the machines at a quarter past eight when a man walks in with two cushions under his arm. He looks at Matt as he asks, “Matt Dyer?” Matt nods yes. The man holds his hand out, “Bob Walker, call me Whitey.” Matt’s eyes go very wide because Bob’s skin is brown but not as dark as Alfred’s, more like a mid-brown. Bob sees the look on Matt’s face, “I’m only a half-blood. Unlike my half-brother, Alfred, over there,” while he motions with his thumb over his shoulder. “The rest of the kids are all full-bloods so they nicknamed me Whitey.” Matt has a hard time not laughing while he nods his understanding as he really likes Bob’s attitude.

“OK, Whitey. Why the two cushions?”

“I hope to convince you to save me from my one mistake in this job as I talk you into take the thicker cushions for the price of the thin ones. I thought a thicker cushion would be better so I had a hundred made up. I can’t give them away. So I hope to convince you to buy them to minimise my loss while clearing out storage space.”

“You sell most of your product to scouts and the like, I take it!” He nods yes. “Go into the main ward to see if there’s someone there who can give me the scout reason for not buying the thicker ones, please!” Bob puts the cushions down and goes off while Matt looks at them. Bob is soon back with a girl Matt knows. “Rose, why don’t the scouts like the larger cushions? I’d have thought they’d be more comfortable!”

She smiles, “Yes, they are. But you have to take into account the way the scouts use them. That’s where Scrapper messed up.” Matt assumes that’s Whitey’s scout name. She continues, “The halls are all bigger than a basketball court, some a little and some a lot. The cushion storage is in a corner of the hall. A couple of scouts go to the bins and pass them out by tossing them. When finished we toss them back to the people putting them away. It’s easy for us to grab and toss the thin ones like a large Frisbee, but the others are too thick for most scouts to toss about. So we don’t want them in the scout halls as they’re too much work to use.”

“Ah, that makes sense. Thanks, Rose.” She has a good look at the work near the fridges while she leaves. Matt turns to Whitey and says, “No need to toss them far here. In fact, I’d rather they didn’t toss them. But I’ve got a set budget to spend on cushions and storage. If you want to supply the thicker ones with bins for them all at the same final figure as quoted for the bins and thin cushions you can supply either one.”

Whitey smiles, “Done. I was told you’d probably agree if I was up front about it. So I took a chance and I loaded up to supply the thick ones with enough bins for them. I’ll be right back.” Matt nods approval, and Bob leaves to go get his gear.

He’s soon back with some steel frames and a member of the hospital maintenance staff. A check of plans, a use of sensors, and a frame is held in place while a dozen holes are drilled. Small DynaBolts are put in and the frame is attached to the wall. The rest of the steel mesh frames are locked in place with clips and screws. Bob borrows one of the trolleys while George and his men put the drinks in the fridge, and he’s soon back with some metre high boxes. He places a box over a cushion frame then he opens the bottom. Cushions fall down to fill the frame. In a moment the nine frames are full of them. A quick count shows seven one hundred and twenty-five millimetre cushions per frame for sixty-three of them while only sixty were ordered. Bob ducks out again. He’s soon back carrying three half metre wide mesh tops he places on the frames and he locks them into place. The whole thing is installed and ready to go by the time the drink machines are loaded with drinks. The frames are made of chromed steel mesh in hand sized squares with a slot at the centre front of each bin. It all looks real nice and it seems solid.

Matt organises a direct payment to Bob’s account via his computer, thus making Bob happy to have some cash flow today. George and company continue to trolley in boxes of snacks. They soon have the boxes set up with cut open fronts and they’re put along the tops of the bins that stand just over a metre high. The snacks flow over onto the top of the DVD storage area under the television. Extra boxes of drinks and snacks are stacked in the space left between the fridges and the media cabinet. The television is wider than the cabinet and an open space is the result of the difference because the fridges can’t get too close to the TV.

Matt signs the delivery docket and George promises to send Dot the bill for payment. He introduces Alfred as the man who’ll do the regular supply run. Matt smiles and shakes Alfred’s hand while he thanks him for setting everything up. When the rest leave George says, “The coin slots on these machines don’t work, but the required parts are on order. If you don’t mind, I’ll have them installed when they turn up. The slots are turned off but I want the parts in the machines and not lying around. There’s a chance the hospital will allow me to leave these here after you go. If they do I’ll just turn the coin units on and see how they go. OK?” Matt nods yes while he smiles at George’s forward planning.

He lies there thinking, Well, that’s drinks, snacks, and cushions for movie time when it starts. TV and computer. House organised for later. Now just the legal matters and the Sydney house to get sorted today. He goes back to checking the news on the Internet. It’s only a quarter past nine and it has been a very busy day already, with much more planned to happen.

Updates and Orders

Dorothy and Paul arrive just before ten o’clock. Betty arrives too, so they have a four way talk on the legal matters while snacking from the morning fruit platter just brought in. Each takes a turn to summarise the current situation of the matters Matt already knows about.

Guardianship: the magistrate will hold court in Matt’s hospital room one evening next week because that disrupts his day less. It was looking to be a major issue until all of his uncles withdrew their claims to leave Alice and Joe unopposed and with a supporting letter by Constance.

Compensation claims against the driver’s estate: most of the family want to negotiate, but a couple don’t. They expect to have a suitable out of court settlement organised over the next week to ten days. Matt looks at Paul and says, “Look, I don’t want to get involved in that if I can avoid it. If they make an offer you think is acceptable, go for it. I don’t much care about that at all. Understand?” Paul nods yes as the wound is just too raw for Matt to want to deal with. “Check if the shot cop is getting compo too.”

Life insurance payments are on hold pending the Coroner’s Court decision. The policies have a clause for a major increase in payment if they’re murdered, so the companies want to settle quick while Paul and Dorothy are going slow. The Inquest is down for over a month away to allow the police to do a lot more investigating and get back lab reports. Matt looks up, “Offer them to sign off if they pay eighty percent of the maximum for a murder ruling. The settlement to stand whatever the final ruling.” Dorothy looks shocked. He’s talking about writing off millions of dollars. She’s about to speak when Paul grabs her arm and shakes his head for her to leave it alone. He looks at Matt and nods his agreement. He understands why Matt wants it out of the way and over.

Matt continues, “Good. I want to put as much of this behind me as I can as quickly as I can. Look to sell the houses in Sydney, I don’t think I could stand to go back to either of them. I can always build new when I move back. I’ll have to move back later in order to properly manage certain business affairs.” Dorothy and Paul nod yes. Matt notices Dorothy looks a bit sad about the decision. “Aunt Dorothy, if you and Uncle Paul wish to buy Mum’s house or the one next door we rent out set out a suitable contract to allow you to do that at a rate you can afford. I’ll carry the loan at zero percent. OK?” They both nod yes.

Dorothy speaks up, “Thank you. I do want your house, but we can’t afford it yet. This way we can just afford it. About the bikes, there’s a website set up with the photos on it. A front page, then one with a single photo of each bike which has a link to pages of photos of each bike. That should allow you to let people look at them.” She gives him the website address and he opens the site up on the television. She hands him a piece of paper with a log on ID and password, “If you sign in with that ID you can mark which are sold and add comments.”

Matt logs in and he opens the page with all of the bikes. He turns to Paul, “OK, which one did you have your eye on?” Dorothy’s eyes go real wide when Paul points to one bike. Matt clicks on it and follows the instructions he was just given to mark that bike as sold. He does the same for two others he’s not selling. That leaves twelve of the fifteen bikes free for sale. He picks up his personal phone book and he calls a number. They answer, “Hammer or Rhodes, thanks, it’s Puff.” He gets some odd looks from his audience. A moment later he’s talking to Rhodes. He gives him the website address, “OK, Rhodes, the photos are from all angles so you can have a good look at what’s available. Three are sold to family members and are marked as sold. You can have what you like of the others at fifty grand a pop, as discussed. Let the others know and you can referee the fights, please.”

Rhodes laughs, “Yeah, Puff, I know Hammer and a few of us will get what they want, so should I, but it’s going to be murder sorting out the selections of the others who won the pool to ride one. Hammer decided to make them club bikes and the guys work to earn the right to ride them. No one argues with him now.” Matt laughs with him at that neat solution to who gets to buy what. It helps with club discipline too, a carrot to go with the sticks. They discuss a few things about tomorrow morning then hang up.

Dorothy hands over a pile of papers with a computer hard drive. “I had the bike business computer hard drive duplicated as there’s too much information on it that needs to go with the sale as well as what we need to keep. Here’s the papers you asked for and the shop keys.” She drops two bunches of keys on the side of the bed. Matt slowly nods as he shifts them to the low cupboard beside him on his left hand.

No Sale

Paul glances at Betty and Dorothy, “Ah, Matt, one issue we’ve been holding off speaking to you about until we could get together,” he says with a bit of concern. “It’s to do with Jacobs Accounting Services.” Matt frowns because he can’t see why they need to talk about where Alice Watson works. “Your father started negotiating to buy it some months back and we’ve been looking into it. There are a few issues with it.”

“You’ve got an independent auditor’s report of its and their client’s books!” A shake of the head no. “Why not?”

Dorothy takes over, “I’ve got copies of the tax returns and financials they’ve lodged with various government bodies for them and most of their major clients. But they say we’ve no right to look at the books until after we buy the company.”

Matt’s eyes go wide. Giving a potential buyer a look at the books is a basic part of sorting out a price, even he knows that. “How much do they want, and do we know of a local CPA we can trust?”

“They want ten million and eleven is set aside. On what we can find out that’s a good price. One of their junior accountants comes highly recommended. That was the only place she could get a job when she moved down here, just like with Alice. This city is lousy with out of work accounting people but no jobs for them. Oh, the money was set aside a fortnight back, so it’s available for the purchase if you agree to buy the business. That’s the reason for the current cash shortage.” She hands over several financial statements for him to go through. Matt takes over thirty minutes to go through them with a great care for the details.

He looks up, “I’ve decided what I want to do about this, but tell me, Dot: if Alice and Dad hadn’t been involved what would you say?”

She gulps, looks at Paul, and says, “Stuff ‘em, it stinks! Those papers are way too light on detail.” Paul is shocked because he’s put in many a late night on getting it to this stage. That’s a lot of work to throw away.

Matt smiles while he slowly nods as he hits the speaker button on his phone, “Dot, call Jacobs, now.” She punches in the number, and goes through the levels of staff to speak to the owner of the business.

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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

4 years ago
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Encounter with an ex

It's lunch time and Sonia is thinking that she needs a break from her studying. Her phone vibrates on her thigh “good timing,” she wonders who it is. 12.05 One new message from Jay Hey babes hope your well I’ve just moved into my new place and wondered if you wanted to pop over and see it. Brilliant this is the perfect excuse for Sonia to get out the house and away from the books. 12.06 To Jay Ok I’ll head over in 5 She quickly changes into something more decent. Not daring to leave the house...

Straight Sex
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LA FunChapter 76

I woke about three in the morning with a nagging feeling that something was going on. I thought real hard about what I had been doing and what I was planning to do today and tomorrow. It was too early to get up, but I put workout clothes on and went out into the yard to do forms so that I could relax to go back to bed. I usually encountered the night guard, but didn’t see him nearby. I heard the door open and Mitsi and June came out to join me. I saw a figure in the corner of the yard...

1 year ago
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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 11

Ferro finally got confirmation of his room assignment after being sent back down to the warehouse level where he had left Quiyo. Apparently the patriarch had no more need for an interpreter. He was in the midst of firing up more power sources for the massive pieces of equipment when his computer beeped with a message. After watching the telltales shift from red to yellow and finally to green status, Ferro retrieved his mail. He had a deck number and a room. The message said nothing about who...

2 years ago
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Assholes like ATMs

of his pocket and squezzed it on his hard cock. Then slid it in her well used pussy. Her lips were pink red and delicious looking. He slid his cock in her feeling her cunt suck and hug his dick. He slid it in and out pumping her pussy furiously on Washington and Decauter outside the local wells fargo. Lifting her legs up he licked a finger and slid it in her tight red asshole. He started finger her asshole furiously. ...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kate England Smoking A Monster Pipe

Kate is working at her smoke shop and has this guy coming everyday bluffing on expending big money on smoking paraphernalia when in reality he just wants to check her out and see her beautiful ass. Kate catches him and fells faltered that he’s so into her nice tight ass and wants to find out what he has to offer. To her surprise, she pulls out of his pants a huge dick that she starts to suck and smoke, literally!! He then fucks her tight little pussy and not being enough, she wants it also in...

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Hockey Night Date

It's a Friday at work and I am working late. I have a blind date with Chris for a Rangers and Chicago Blackhawks hockey game. I am nervous about this blind date. I have never met him and don't know much about him. All I know is that we are both hockey nuts and I am older than him. Also I know we will be at opposite sides of the coin. He a Rangers fan and I a die hard Blackhawks fan. We decided to meet at the stadium since I only work a block away. Out readevous point is the ticket pickup booth...

3 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 17 Hannie1

Hannie has a hot time with me at my lap, leafing through the pages of Kama Sutra with pretty picturesAt that time in late eighties erotic information is almost only available in print not in the net yetNotice her interest in one of the opening chapters where the female model is eaten out by her partnerNotice your red ears dear! Any experience in it? I whisper with a low voice at her left earlobeI wish I would! she sweetly confesses by beetred face, unaware of pressing her thighs together!Eager...

3 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 6

Pain was everywhere when I woke up. Somebody was holding me and causing more pain. I tried to curl up to at least avoid some of it but it didn't work. "Piper, snap out of it. We need you. Forget the pain. It's in your own mind." More pain came to my face as my head was violently moved to one side. Three more surges made my head ring even more and I tried to crawl away from it. A sudden shock came to my face but it was cold water. It went up my nose and in my mouth. I began to sputter...

3 years ago
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The Beginning Ayesha Part 2

Next day I got up and had a hangover. I realized the bedsheet was rubbing against my nipples and saw I was completely naked. I had no clue what had happened. All I could remember getting sandwiched between Jatin and Ravi in the club and then leaving around 2. I just wore my satin gown, which barely covered my ass, and went down to ask the driver to get the car ready.I wanted to go for a massage, as I was really tired. I met Jatin and Ravi and they asked how I was. There was a smirk on their...

3 years ago
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New girl next door

"Haha what the fuck was that?" He laughed to himself. He stood up from his chair and looked out the window. He was a big fellow about 6 feet tall and a nice build. Not too muscular but not too frail. He had green eyes and had brown hair that was cut short. He was 17 years old. He saw through the window a very sexy blonde girl. Hair to the middle of her back and at about 5' 6". She was wearing short shorts and a small white t-shirt that clung to her sexy athletic body. "Holy...

2 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 4 Samias Night

Samia was ushered into the Emir's bedchamber to find him lying in bed reading. She dropped into a deep gesture of obeisance as she had been told, and tried to remember what she was to do next. When the Emir called to her to carry on, she was still confused, but remembered just in time that she was to start by kissing his feet and legs. She started to do this, but had never done anything remotely like it before and really didn't know what to do. This made her more nervous, and in turn her...

2 years ago
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Late one evening

After our daughter had falling asleep on the couch while watching an animation. My husband carried her up to her room and put to bed. He then came back downstairs to join me in the lounge where we watched action movie together. Sitting next to each other on the couch cuddling, after a while he placed his hand on my inner thigh of my right leg and slowly ran it up my leg and under my nightie. I move so that my back leaned against his handsome chest and his hand ran higher up my leg. I slowly...

2 years ago
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Punjabi stud fucks8230

I am a regular reader of ISS and love this site very much. I just want to share one of my experience with a mature sexy Punjabi lady. The name and sequences have been changed to protect her identity. Before that I must tell you about myself. My name is Ravi. I am 40 years old, well qualified smart looking married guy settled in Jalandhar. My height is 5’8” and my built is athletic. The length of my lund is 6 inches and it is 3 inches in girth. I am extremely hygienic by nature. By God’s grace I...

2 years ago
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My Mother Jas

For as long as I remember, I had always been under the impression that I was her legitimate child. It was not just me that was fooled but everyone else was as well. Whenever we walked out on the streets, we would often be mistaken for sisters because of our striking resemblance despite the hefty twenty-eight year age gap. However, there was a memory in the back of my mind that niggled at me. Perhaps she had told me before and I had just forgotten about it or just didn’t want to believe it.But...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXXVI 8211 He Me And Neeta

We had been out at a party, where we met Neeta (My lesbian sex fuck partner about whom my husband knows everything because I told him everything) I does not hide anything from my husband and I strongly believe that truth makes life very very happy and enjoyable. The host of the party was one of my husband’s friends and indecently he was a client of Neeta’s boss and Neeta was instructed by her boss to attend the party on his behalf. It was late when party finished. Being Friday night, we could...

2 years ago
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Cleaning up at work

I was taking a short-cut to my outdoor assignment at work. Up the back steps to the small, 2nd FL office area next to the meeting rooms and computer training center. From there I'd take a turn and head out the back exit and down the metal steps leading to where I was heading. But on this night, I stopped just outside the door at the top of the steps leading to the office spaces. I'd heard noises, and peering through the small glass door window, I saw a tall, slim woman vacuuming the carpets. It...

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Life With AlphaChapter 19 Batgirl

On a Wednesday in January, Beta, Kasumi, Kara and I took the afternoon off to look at real estate. When I had first started on this adventure to recreate fictional women for my own pleasure and company, I had built a rather large house to accommodate everyone. I hate the word mansion, but that's basically what it was. Three above-ground floors plus a large (and secure) basement. It had fourteen bedrooms and was currently laid out to comfortably hold up to 22 people. (It was originally...

2 years ago
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Finding BalancePart 10

At dinner that night, my Mom had some questions for me. She asked, "Are you meeting with the other football players every Thursday afternoon?" "That's what I planned to do," I answered. "I don't want Andy home alone that often. Could he hang out with your friends while you work on Thursdays?" "Sure, why not?" I said. "MOM! I don't want to waste my time at school when school is over," Andy declared. "Do I have to? I'm fine by myself!" Mom said, "Maybe you can stay home on...

4 years ago
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Shannon James pt11

“James…James………JAMES!” I snapped back to reality, “Eh What?!?!” very nervous and very aware that I got caught staring. “Close ya mouth sweetie; you’re starting to drool. I want a full briefing and my usual coffee in 45 minutes” Shannon issued the command with firmness and yet just a hint of sultriness and seduction that had me wrapped around her finger from the moment she hired me 8 months ago. My name is James and I’m a 21-year-old undergraduate working on my degree in...

1 year ago
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Coward Little Housewife 8211 Part 2 Sex With A Goon

This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. Puru pressed my left butt roughly and said, “So soft, very nice.” I was about to cry by then when the school bell rang. I thanked my stars. He pulled his hand out and left me immediately. I dropped my bra and started to button my...

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BrattySis Jane Wilde Jealous Step Brother

Jane Wilde is on the phone with her newest love interest when her stepbrother Kyle Mason overhears her giggles and comes in to see what’s up. It takes a bit of prodding, but Kyle eventually gets out of Jane that she’s seeing his best friend. That’s not cool with him because he wants his stepsister for himself and finds himself jealous of his friends. Once Jane has gotten the truth out of Kyle, she teases him about it before coming on to him to see where this might go. Rubbing...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Ashlynn 19 Years Old

Thick, sweet 19 year old barista Ashlynn is here to see if she has what it takes to make it to the big time.She’s got a real girl next door presence about her and arrives wearing a very pretty little sun dress which we get rid of pretty quickly. After getting her naked, she has fun playing with some toys and pops the butt plug right in. When it’s time to suck my cock she gets down to business really slurping and sucking on my rod. I fuck her all over the desk and have her ride me with that butt...

3 years ago
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Out On The Trail

My husband Tom and I are always out riding the 'Rails to Trails' bike routes and have several favorite spots.  We have been on these trails in many states of which all offer a unique beauty as well as each having it's own individuality. Our favorite local trail is known as the Great Allegheny Passage.  It starts in Pittsburg, PA; runs east along the  Youghiogheny and Casselman Rivers on into Maryland where it joins onto the C & O Canal trail at Cumberland, MD.  From there the canal trail works...

3 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 3

A New Start in Life 3 Thank you for you very kind reviews, you have all been very kind to me, I will continue with this story as long as you want me to or it comes to a natural conclusion, again I will leave the future in your hands. We arrived at University and the three of us went directly to our head tutors rooms, Fiona Thompson, she knew Kelly and Shonali but did not recognise me until I spoke that is, I asked her for a private discussion, when she realised who I was she...

2 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 11 Fractures

Neil had dim memories of Ruth snuggling with him then heading out for a shower. Waking up with someone was something he'd quickly adjusted to and now it was hard to roll over and find only his cool sheets. Speaking of sheets, Neil noted his were in dire need of laundry and stripped his bed before heading off to the showers. He was late this morning and had to wait for a spot in the showers with all the other late sleepers. So he put his basket in the "dibs" line and sat outside with the...

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I have become my wife’s slut. I crave cock in my ass and filling me up all day.   I daydream about what my wife will do to me when I get home. I am desperate for the time to come when I leave the office for home and my wife’s coke buried deep in my ass. I have become her whore. I just love her cock inside of my ass. I have been feeling a new sensation lately. Maybe I had it from before and was not paying attention and maybe it just started providing me bigger and better orgasm. I have felt...

1 year ago
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Travel Fun With Stranger

Hi, like most people here, I have been reading iss stories and can relate to most of the incidents. I’d like to share my experiences. I travel often. I enjoy sitting next to women as it gives me a lot of pleasure when their bodies rub against mine. I never initiate any action from my but if they are also in same mood and give me hints of them enjoying too then I too give them company. One such occasion I was traveling from bangalore to chennai. It was unplanned journey so I had to take a normal...

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