Interesting TimesChapter 10 free porn video

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Matt and Mary wake up with just enough time for her to have a shower and change before the breakfasts arrive. The discussion over breakfast centres around the politicians and the media hunt of them.

Mid-morning Rob brings in several people to meet Matt, including Max. After the introductions Matt has everyone except Max leave the room. Matt says, “Max, I hope Rob, Lilly, and Mace have briefed you on the situation, but I just wish to go over a few things. Real concerns are Jacobs’ friends because they may want payback for the troubles caused. Also the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club would like to kill me if they can link me to the incident some years back where some of their guys got shot by the police when I foiled a kidnapping. About that, either Dennis or I may pass along some intelligence from another motorcycle club we’ve contacts with. Those are the only known serious dangers right now. But the general situation is I’m wealthy and people may decide I’m worth kidnapping or I may step on someone’s toes, at some point, via my businesses. In that regard the family of the guy who murdered my parents paid compensations by land title transfers. The current value is based on rural zoning. While the previous owner couldn’t get them rezoned for high density residential I prefer to work with the council and they also feel they can work with me. So it’s likely I’ll get approval for rezoning when I ask for low end medium density residential. That’ll mean the land values double or triple when that’s done. They won’t like that at all. Despite them being unable to do anything with the land they’ll be upset when I can make a good profit by doing something with it. They may get troublesome. In general, all of my businesses need basic security but some will need armed security if things heat up, and I’ll always need some armed guards near me. How I see things working is Sam Shaw is the company manager who’ll do all of the office paperwork and administrative tasks while you’re boss of the armed guard / bodyguard unit assigning work and seeing to training levels. Do you understand? Are there any troubles with it or anything you’d like to change?”

“That’s my understanding of the situation and I like Sam doing the paperwork and admin stuff for me. That leaves me free to just do the job I’d like to do. Now I’ll take these people over to sign up.”

“Thanks, Max. By the way, you and Sam will be responsible for all of the training and hiring so I only need to speak to anyone being assigned to me. If you and Sam are happy, that’s all that matters with regard to new staff and such matters. For corporate instructions I’ll generally put the policy stuff through corporate headquarters and not direct. Future direct contact with me will be as a client, got it?” Max nods to show he understands before he opens the door to collect the rest to take them off to complete employment paperwork with Sure Security.

The rest of the day goes well with a good lunch and watching the film Monsters Inc. Frequent pit stops during the film due to all the laughing. Thus the film takes longer than usual to watch.

Dinner and the evening chatting are enjoyed by all. But Matt is feeling the strain a bit so they give him an early night and they leave at eight thirty. Matt and Mary are asleep by nine.

The Show

The group going to the Pirates of Penzance have a good train trip down on Friday afternoon. A late dinner in the hotel dining room and to bed is all they can manage that night. Saturday morning has them up early to visit some of the shops and sights of Sydney. The after lunch activity is a visit to the Entertainment Centre with a look at the behind the scenes preparations for the show they’ll be seeing. For most the highlight of the afternoon is being introduced to the stars of the show, and each visitor getting an autographed group photo of the performers.

While the male lead singer is taking them over the set for the first scene set up for the show he asks them about themselves. At one point he says, “I wonder how you got tickets for the opening night. In the past we’ve often had groups from charitable organisations tour the set and meet us before a show, but this is the first time I’ve heard of a group like yours having tickets to opening night because they’re so expensive.”

Rose smiles and says, “It’s an odd story, and it all came up in the last few weeks.” She tells him about Matt and his injuries, and how he gave them the tickets to use instead of having them sold and getting back the money. Monica adds about him meeting the transport, accommodation, and meal costs for all involved, and also giving the children fifty dollars each as spending money so they can buy a few things while in Sydney. He’s surprised by all this, and more so when he learns Matt’s age. The tour is enjoyed by all of the visitors, but it ends so they can walk back to the hotel to get changed for the evening meal before the show.

The Theatre

The night is a gala event like all opening nights. Food and drinks on hand in the foyer area for those attending, and the doors open over an hour before the scheduled start time of the show. For those with tickets for the boxes there’s a separate area for them to have their before show snacks and chat. Many of the others at the show are surprised to see a group of children in this restricted area. Many ignore them. Thus a lot of people are surprised when one of the city’s top socialites goes over to the children to speak to them. She smiles when she walks up, holds out her hand, and says, “You must be Monica Mills!” A very surprised Monica holds her hand out to shake hands while she nods yes. “Which of these young ladies is Rose?” Rose is stunned someone here knows her name. Monica brings Rose forward to introduce her and all of the other children to the woman. “Glad to meet you all. I’m Constance Anders, Matt said he was sending you up to watch the show. I hope you all enjoy it.” The children are happy to know this woman is connected to Matt somehow, and Monica is stunned Matt knows such an important person.

Rose asks, “Missus Anders, how do you know Saint?” When she gets a puzzled look she adds, “Saint Matt. How do you know him?”

Connie smiles, “Saint, is that a nickname you’ve given him?” They all nod. “I like it, it suits him. He’s been a guardian of others all his life, so being a guardian saint suits him well. I know Matt well as he’s my grandson.” The news surprises them and makes them comfortable with the situation so they move closer to her as they chat about Matt. This attention to the children by Connie Anders is noticed by others, and they wonder what it’s about. All too soon it’s time to take their seats so they go into the theatre to be seated. The children smile when they find out Connie has the box beside theirs. After a few minutes of hustle the theatre goes quiet when the last people are seated and the lights dim.

Curtain Time

The audience is surprised to have the whole cast walk out on stage in front of the curtain. They’ve glasses in their hands and they form up in lines. The lead singers are in the centre front and the male lead steps out to address the audience. The sound system carries his words to all there as he says, “Tonight, before we get started we, the cast and crew, wish to make a toast to dedicate tonight’s performance to someone who can’t be here.” Many of the audience stop to think who in the cast has been hurt lately, and they can’t think of anyone. “The person I refer to isn’t one of the cast or crew or their family, but someone who would’ve been in the audience tonight. Instead, he’s lying in a hospital bed. So, instead of coming along with his family or selling his tickets he’s sent others along. The young man I speak of was run down by a speeding car a few weeks back. His family were there too and were killed at the scene. He’s expected to be some months in hospital while he heals.” The girls and Connie gasp when they realise he’s talking about Matt.

He steps back and the female lead steps forward, “Today we had the pleasure of being visited by a group of ill children here under the auspices of the Make a Wish Foundation. While chatting with them we learned of this young man and that he’d given them his tickets to attend. In the last couple of weeks he organised, from his hospital bed, for their travel from rural New South Wales, their hotel accommodation, and meals for this group. He’s paid all of the costs for them to attend, and he gave them some money to spend while here. All of this while he’s still grieving for his family. In this time of his greatest need he reaches out to help these other people who are also hurting with illness. We feel humbled by his caring for others, most of whom he’s not met.”

She steps back and the head of the chorus steps forward. “Tonight we dedicate this performance to an exceptional young man. When you take a drink during the break we ask you to toast him too.” She holds her glass up high, “To Saint Matt, thank you for caring about others.” The rest of the cast hold up their glasses while they repeat the toast, and they finish their drinks in one go.

Connie has tears in her eyes while she looks about the theatre. All of the crew and the theatre staff she can see are toasting Matt as well.

There’s a moment of dead silence. The cast members turn, and leave the stage. A moment later the music starts, and so does the show. During the first intermission many are seen to be toasting Saint Matt, even though they don’t know him or who he is. The show is wonderful and is enjoyed by all, especially the children from the city of Rivers. Later that night they’re a very happy group when they go to sleep.

Late Night News

One of the items on the late night news is the question, ’Who is Saint Matt?’ The opening of the show was covered by the media and the before show toast is discussed by the entertainment reporters. Despite most of the information being available none of the reporters connect the dots between what’s going on with the politicians and the events at the show’s opening night.


Sunday morning’s breakfast is a nice family affair until last night’s show opening is discussed on the morning news discussion program. The discussion turns to the news, and all are touched on how the cast showed their respect for Matt’s actions while those not aware of this before then are surprised he did it. The morning is taken up with talk about various news items and how things are going. Mace drops in to visit for a few minutes during his meal break and he brings another police officer with him. They discuss the Jacobs situation for a while.

Just after lunch Nadia drops in to discuss how the Manor is going because she can’t believe how fast and how much hard work her brother and his crews are doing. They intend the job to be perfect and fast. She has two questions for Matt. She asks, “Matt, the new lands, how quickly do you want to develop them?”

“Nadia, that depends on a number of issues. The first is how soon can you have plans for me to look at? You don’t need to have them all done at once. I can look at a set of plans for each section as you do them. In fact, that’d be better because you can then include any items of discussion in the next block’s plans. It also depends on how large the need for housing is in the city since I’ve no wish to depress the market. How capable are the utilities and service providers in handling new developments? The last being what’s a good development rate to keep Serge and his crew happy at work without killing themselves trying to rush it?” The listening crowd laugh at the last item.

“Actually, it’s Serge who’s after me to get going on it. He knows of several crews who’re out of work and need some income. He’s put on more crews to work on the Manor than he normally handles so some of them can get a bit of pay. There could be a utilities issue with the work for the six large blocks to the west due to the distance to the waste processing plant. I can have some plans for the two blocks to the east of the city to you sometime soon.”

“Tomorrow or next week, no big issue. Ask the council if they’d like a new treatment plant to the city’s west. I can set aside the land where they want it and build it. They can pay me off over the next decade.”

“I know of just the spot to put it too. I think they’d go for that as it’ll allow them to redirect some of their existing services in that part of the city to relieve the load on their current plant. I’ll ask them tomorrow. Another issue is the land on the flood plain, what do you intend to do with that?”

“Not much I can think of doing with it. Two blocks are dead flat and two are a mix of flat and small hills. Can’t put houses there because the floods will damage them, even if the council allows it. Have you got some ideas for them?’

“One of Serge’s crew chiefs was nearby when I was talking to Serge about you having some more land with some in the flood plain. He’s got a couple of ideas for them. He thinks you can do some landscaping on them. The blocks are beside each other near the river and combine into a very large block. Most of it gets flooded in every flood, and a major flood covers it all except the largest hill which has never had water more than halfway up it. It’s also where the hilly part meets the flat section and close to the river bend. Any buildings placed near the top will be safe from floods. He thinks you can do some landscaping and set up a good BMX track for the kids on the flat with a good paint-ball fight zone in the hilly area. A car park area near the base of the hill with the road in dividing the two zones and a few buildings on the hill to house staff, storage, toilets, and concessions for food and drink. That part of the river is very safe and there’s a nice beach inside the curve that’s a real good area for swimming too. He thinks it’d be a great recreational facility.”

“Not a bad concept. Can you get hold of some experts to look the place over with all that in mind and to come up with some definitive plans for council. While you’re at the council tomorrow ask them about the concept. I’m prepared to build the place, put in a decent road and a picnic area too, but I’ll want the council to have their people checking on things on a regular basis. I may even hand over the picnic and swim area. See what they think of it first.”

“Looks like I’m going to be very busy for a while.”

“Your own fault because you raised these issues.” All laugh as she leaves.

Most of the kids in the wards today are mid to later teens so the film for today is the first of The Mummy trilogy, and those who don’t want to watch it, a few of the much younger children, are allowed to take Antz to watch on the DVD player and television in the ward’s normal play area, but only after they select some drinks and snacks from Matt’s collection to take with them. Two girls about six or seven don’t want to watch either film. They join Matt and Mary on his bed so they can nibble the nice fruit while they read. They end up spending a lot of time laughing at the funny scenes in The Mummy.

A tasty dinner is followed by a quiet evening, except for the happy visitors back from Sydney dropping in to thank him for the weekend away. Matt has an early night when the rest head home for an early night too. He takes an extra pain killer and he’s soon asleep.

Note: During the week security for Matt is taken over by Sure Security due to the arrival and hiring of more retired SAS staff. The police officer is no longer on watch at the door. One of the security staff is dressed as a member of hospital staff and they’re in the room with Matt while the other waits near the door, but they don’t stand at it like a guard. The idea is to provide security while not making it obvious what it is.

Week Five Monday

It starts like most of his mornings do now. Dennis, Fiona, and Emily arrive with his extra breakfast food. They settle in to their studies. Late morning when they’re ready to take a break from the studies the phone rings. Matt is in a devilish mood so he answers the phone with, “Good morning, Rivers Insanity Centre, how may we not help you?”

A woman laughs and says, “I know I’ve got the number I was given because the phone ID shows that. Is there a Matthew Dyer there?”

“This is Matt Dyer, the inmate in least charge.”

“Morning, Matt, I’m Margaret Wells, calling about your theatre box. I’ve got a possible deal that may suit you. Interested?”

“Sure, just a moment while I get my carving knife and fork. If we’re going to talk turkey I want to be ready to slice it up.”

“You sound in a happy mood. The deal is to swap box Centre Bravo Three with wine steward service on the opening night for box Centre Delta Three with no wine steward service on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Annual cost is a tenth more than the current deal. Being a premier box on opening night with wine steward service you pay about five times the regular box price. This gives you six times the tickets in a less prestigious box without a wine steward for only a fraction more in the annual cost of the box.”

“If I remember right my current box is in the centre and my seated eye level is just above the eye level of the actors on stage. How does the new box relate to that? And why is this such a good deal?”

“This box is behind yours. It’s in the last row of boxes with general seating behind it. The eye level of the actors is level with your feet, that’s how much higher you are. A good spot, but higher and further back. The people who have the box want to cancel as they’re closing down. I’ve another group that wants only two Saturdays a month, they prefer the first and third. Since that includes opening nights I’ve offered them a deal for sixty-five percent of the annual cost. You’re getting the second and fourth for only thirty-five percent. I get the fifth Saturday tickets to hand out to charities for their use. As the cost is covered by clients I don’t have to account for the tickets to my management.”

“Neat trick. OK, fax a copy of the contract to Missus Barnes with a bill for next year and an adjustment for this year. What’s the first month I can count on the second and fourth Saturday?”

“Thanks. I’ll confirm with the other client and send the contract. This will start as of the first of next month. You’ve helped me solve a number of problems with this. I can make two other clients happy and help some charities too. Have a nice day, Matt!”

He says goodbye, hangs up, and hits Dot’s speed dial. She answers, and he tells her what’s being arranged. He adds, “Make sure you send a fax to Monica and Make a Wish that from next month they can count on having the box for the second Saturday of each month. If they run out of Rivers people to send they can get Monica’s approval to send people from other country locations or even from Sydney. Make a permanent booking for twelve at the hotel for both Saturdays and tell the people going about it, even those from Sydney will have that available on the Friday and Saturday so they can make a weekend outing of it.”

“Will do, Matt. What about the other Saturday, what’s happening?”

“Dyer Services can use it for staff, family, friends, and clients. I figure you and Paul can organise the first of the Dyer nights to be a weekend ’away’ for both of you, your staff, plus Shorty and his wife. That gives you a few weeks to organise for some people from here.”

“Thanks for that, Matt. I’ll organise it all and I’ll look forward to a good night out at your expense. I’ll see what I can do to have the Dyer nights as a business expense for staff relations or else pay it as personal cost against you.”

He hangs up in time for lunch, followed by today’s movie, except Matt isn’t there to watch it. He’s off for the surgical implants on his bones to strengthen the breaks. The surgery itself is simple and quick, so he’s back in his room in time for the end of the movie.

The rest of the afternoon is the usual routine with Mary, and so is the evening. The next few days have nothing of interest happening, just the established routine of study, film, meals, and family visitors.


The day passes by with the current quiet routine. However, Betty turns up for dinner with a man in his fifties. Matt wonders what’s going on when he notices Joe smiles every time he looks over at the man. The meal follows the usual routine of general conversation and some jokes about current events.

After the meal is over the man opens the briefcase he brought along to get out a video camera and some papers. Matt watches while he sets it all up to show Matt and the left side of the bed. Some chairs are placed beside the bed. The man takes the seat furthest from Matt with Betty, Alice, and Joe between them. The man waves to Dennis, and he starts the camera recording.


The man gives the date, time, and their location then says, “Final Custody Hearing for Matthew Dyer, Magistrate Justin Mackie presiding.” He turns to Matt, “Mister Dyer, for the formal record, are you happy to have Mister Joseph Watson and Missus Alice Watson appointed as your guardians until you are of legal age?”

Matt smiles, “Yes, Your Honour, I’d like that very much.”

“Good. Mister Watson, Missus Watson, are you happy with being so appointed as Matthew’s guardians?” Both nod yes as they say they’re happy to be his guardians.

Magistrate Mackie smiles, writes on the papers before him, and he looks up to say, “All the reports from the appropriate agencies approve of the appointment of Mister and Missus Watson as Matthew Dyer’s official guardians. All of the parties involved wish this to be so, and the nearest relative with a strong claim, Mister Dyer’s grandmother, also wishes this to be so. Thus I appoint Mister Joseph Watson and Missus Alice Watson as the guardians of Matthew Dyer until he reaches eighteen years of age.” He nods at Dennis and the camera is turned off. He looks at Matt, “Good luck, Son,” turns to Alice and Joe, “I know you’ll look after this young man quite well.” He puts the papers away in his briefcase then he gets some others out.

Magistrate Mackie sorts out the papers and he sets them out. He nods to Dennis, and he turns the camera on. Mackie goes through the process of stating the date, time, and location, and says, “Fact finding interview about the guardianship of Emily Harriet Ford and Fiona Jane Ford. I’ve an application from the nearest living relative of these two girls to appoint Mister Joseph Watson and Missus Alice Watson as guardians for them. I’m inclined to approve the application, however, there are aspects of the situation that need clarification. First is the housing. From another matter I know the family lives in a three bedroom home with their teenage daughter and their current ward, Matthew Dyer, will be joining them there when he gets out of hospital toward the end of this year. The two bedrooms for the three girls is not an issue because the sisters are used to sharing a bedroom. However, the housing will be cramped when Matthew joins them. Mister Watson, how do you propose to deal with housing when Matthew leaves hospital?”

Matt interrupts, “Excuse me, Your Honour, may I answer that?” He gets a nod yes and wave to continue. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, Your Honour, but I’m rich and also the chairman of a few companies.” The magistrate’s eyebrows go up. “One of those companies recently bought the house and land Mister Watson rents. The block is large and includes the two houses beside it. The council has approved a development application for the site to be developed as a medium density housing estate of twelve residences. It’ll have six houses with six nice apartments above the garages, all are three or more bedroom residences. The one above the garage for the house Mister Watson rents will be a four bedroom residence with internal access to the house. this will make the house into what’s effectively a seven bedroom house. Giving us each a bedroom of our own, including one for Dennis who’ll be with us as my general ’run and fetch it’ person. The construction should be finished in a few months, well before I get out of here. Until then the girls will live locally under the guidance of Mister and Missus Watson and Dennis will live in the hotel beside the hospital.”

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Interesting Encounter With Velu 8211 My Sex Guru 8211 Part 2

I was unable to sleep, the whole night thinking about the unexpected, but the fantastic experience with velu for the first time. Next morning, while taking bath, my fingers moved over my chest and nipples involuntarily and were quite surprised to get the same erotic feeling. I knew now I was eager to know and have more from him, I was feeling restless and miserable too! After a couple of days of silence, I asked the members of my group if they had doubts in the second term lessons. During the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Interesting Car Journey

This story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped.  “I’m outside” the message read.  We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels.  I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...

Straight Sex
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Interesting Sex With Cousin Sister

Hi friends this is Rajiv Mittal from Delhi I’m 21 year old main aaj aap sab dosto ko ek real story batane jaa raha hu baat un dino ki hai jab mere 10th standerd k exam chal rahe the un dino main apni dadi k yaha study karne aata tha kyuki mere ghar per disturbance kafi this apne ghar per main nahi pad pata tha main roz raat ko 10 pm apni dadi k yaha aa jata tha. kuch der padai kari fir so jata tha main or meri dadi ek hi bed per sote the kyouki dadi ki tabyat theek nahi Raheti thi unhe raat ko...

1 year ago
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Interesting Date With Shubha

It was the end of my engineering in Bangalore and I had returned home after getting into an MNC through campus placements. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to Chennai to attend a relatives wedding. My mom requested our neighbor Shubha to give me food for those 15 days. Shubha was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. Her husband went to USA a year back and wasn’t able to come to India on...

2 years ago
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Interesting Training Program

I woke at daybreak feeling her naked butts rubbing against my groin and hearing low mourns from her. She was moist perhaps while I was asleep she had been masturbating and had another orgasm. The whole room was filled with the aroma of our fucking of last night what a heady fragrance! I could now feel blood rushing into my penis and it soon was hard like a rod red hot and a bit bruised due to last nights encounter. Today was going to my day I promised to myself. I would show this slut that I...

2 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part1

I married my second wife, Kassidy when I had just turned 40 and she was 35 (might as well “upgrade” with a young, hot new wife right?). Kassidy is a cute blond with grey eyes, bubbly friendly personality, somewhat short and petite at 5’1” but great 36DD tits and nice round ass that fits her frame flawlessly. We had great times and great sex during many adventures. She is somewhat shy but has a bit of an exhibitionist streak, especially when drunk or a bit high (that one time in Vegas pressing...

3 years ago
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Interesting evening with my wife and her young friends part 2

Kassidy got up on her knees to give herself a better angle into her friends snatch and that put her own dripping cunt and sweet, tight little asshole on perfect display for me. I had watched long enough and moved behind my wife and slowly let her know I was there by tapping my cockhead against her opening. She moaned into Lucy’s crotch, looked back over her shoulder at me and said “I’ve always fantasized about getting fucked while eating out another women but never thought I would actually...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 03

Matt calls the number Monica gives him and he asks the telephonist, “May I speak to the sales representative for the Rivers Base Hospital account, please?” She puts him through to an extension. It’s answered by a gruff man, “Roger Hadley, what do you want?” Matt isn’t impressed with the man’s snarl, but he’s polite when he says, “Excuse me, I wish to speak with you about what food and drinks you have in the machines at the Base Hospital.” The man’s curt reply is, “I don’t care what you...

3 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 05

Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...

2 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 06

Matt’s Friday morning starts with Monica waking him for breakfast. A couple of hospital maintenance people start some drilling in the wall outside his ward while Matt eats. A few minutes after they start the noise is louder when a masonry drill bit comes through the wall about waist height on the hall wall on the other side of the door, almost in the corner. Both Matt and Monica continue with his breakfast while one of the maintenance men enters the room to start doing some work at the new...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 08

They’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

3 years ago
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interested in my lower regions

Andre was more interested in my lower regions. While his hands massaged my buttocks crisp, his mouth sucking my hard clit. I moaned softly, feeling like my love juices began to flow and bubbled out of my pussy hole. Andre licked hungrily at the intimate droplets, then let his tongue slip into my deep desire cave to explore my warm cave. It felt so good that my pussy started to twitch slightly. My horniness rose, a comforting heat flowed through my insides. Now I wanted more, wanted to reward...

1 year ago
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Vampire Korps of the Gestapo Ch 04

Except when absolutely necessary Colonel Ingrid von Schitt seldom made the conversion from a human vampire into her bat form. After transforming into a bat a few minutes ago she flew over a forest stretching kilometers in all directions. Midnight had fallen, along with all her schemes. Himmler would be livid when he found out, but von Schitt had much to do before breaking the news. Two problems of a more immediate nature faced her: she would be naked once she changed from a bat back into human...

2 years ago
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Dirty Laundry mdash Part 3

This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvDirty Laundry Part 3Steffie was more comfortable entering the laundromat this week to washher "unmentionables." True, Tyler had given her a sore throat last weekand was going to make sitting down a new experience for her this week,but she was actually looking forward to it. Tonight she would pass thefinal hurdle to womanhood and become a complete sissy.She wasn't thinking of herself as Peter tonight at all....

3 years ago
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A Young Mans Crush

From the late 70's to the late 90's we were members of various nudist clubs and always enjoyed the lifestyle, we watched young c***dren grow to maturity and marry. One family we were friends with had two c***dren the boy Tony was 11 when we first met his sister Lorna 8, Tony was a keen photographer and his photos often graced the club magazine he was also a talented artist at a young age.Now Tony as he grew had a crush on Anne no idea why, he would often be seen following her around by the time...

3 years ago
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The Surprise

It’s been a while since I have posted on Lush. I found it to be a great place to talk about my sexual experiences with my sister. I have more to write about in my “Experimenting” series. However, something new, out of the ordinary happened about a month ago. I have been looking for someone to share this experience with, but no one would understand; no one that isn’t on Lush anyway. I hadn’t seen my father in about 9 months. As he is in the Marines, and currently stationed in Iraq. He was...

2 years ago
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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 4

“Oh, damn it, Uncle Jesse ... so fucking good!” DJ Tanner screamed as Jesse Katsopolis pounded her slick pussy from behind in the shower. “Well, someone must have slipped me some Viagra or something like that, because my sex drive is even more revved than usual. I’m a horndog as it is, so you can guess how that goes. I’m also a cuckold, just not the extreme kind, Deej. Becky helped me realize this earlier today, but it’s really true,” Jesse told the plump, cuddly widow as he rammed her...

1 year ago
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Mature petite brunette coworker Judy

Coworker JudyMy first job starting out as a teen was at a greenhouse. We did various tasks that included planting, selling, and delivering plants, flowers, and floral arrangements. I remember Judy's first day as if it was yesterday. She was a petite tanned older mature lady in her mid to late fifties. Judy's body was what most teen girls would kill for, perfect tight little ass, thin hourglass body, complimented by a nice set of tits under her tight t shirts that she wore. Judy and I got along...

2 years ago
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Pink Houses

It was a slow night at Kelsey's Bar and Grill when the woman walked in right at dusk. Kelsey's was a combination roadhouse/steakhouse several miles outside of town on the main highway. It had once been a strip club that had an illicit casino in the back, but those days were long past. Kelsey was an ex-Marine who had seen the potential in the site and bought it for a song. He'd converted the casino into a dance floor where he had up-and-coming local bands perform on weekends. He also had a...

3 years ago
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I DreamedChapter 4 Old Wounds Fresh Blood

WARNING: This chapter contains a date rape scene. Although not overly graphic, some readers may be offended. As they tear your hope apart And they turn your dreams to shame – I Dreamed a Dream, Les Misérables "Daddy!" Shannon screamed. The terror in her voice tore at Zach's soul. She was alone and scared as he tried to claw and fight his way to her. "Daddy, please," she begged. "Save me! Daddy!" His frustration and shame increased, he couldn't reach her. A vague outline of a...

1 year ago
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My Granny her friend and I

Sliding my hands down my pants I began to rub around my head. The sensation forced me to arch my back. It was a little too much for me so I just wrapped my hand along the length of my meat and stroked it slowly, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. Mouth open and subtle moans erupting like the cum about to from my shaft I closed my eyes and that’s when I heard the knock on the door. On the verge of cumming I pulled my hands from my pants and swore under my breath making for the door. It...

1 year ago
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We have a Game part 2

We didn’t go straight to the other bar. To be honest I was a bit washed out and we needed to say some things. So we went for a quick supper around the corner and discussed what had just happened and what perhaps we thought our boundaries were. I admitted that I liked being out of control as I was earlier, as long as I knew J was around if it all went wrong. He admitted he loved seeing me being taken by others as well as the flashing and dirty behaviour we had previously done. So after dinner...

2 years ago
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Chocolate Cake anyone

It all started with me in the kitchen baking a chocolate cake, I had bits of flour in my hair and on my face and even a speck of chocolate on the tip of my nose as I stood there in short shorts, over the knee black socks, tank top and a sweater that was zipped up halfway. My hair was pulled into a messy bun and had flour in it- it was mid afternoon when you walked in and leaned on the other side of the counter I was sitting on, you chuckled as you took in my appearance. ‘You still look...

3 years ago
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Two DiariesInterlude

Interlude: a possible future From Amanda’s diary: How was I going to live without Fiona? Gods, I missed her so. I was crying my eyes out at the airport when we said good-bye. She stood there, upright and serious, with a stoical expression on her face. I couldn’t tell if she even cared about leaving me for months. She hugged me and let me bury my face against her. I hoped I wouldn’t stain her clothes with my silly tears, but I couldn’t help it. It was all I could do to go on breathing...

2 years ago
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Day Strip Chapter 01 Outward Bound

There were five of us who piled in the car on a hot Saturday in June. Cherry's boyfriend had been called into work and couldn't join us for the trip to the beach. Still, that meant we could all travel together, Sharon and Dave, Ryan and me - and Cherry. It was us girls in the back and the boys up front, with Ryan driving. Although we got caught up in traffic, no one really minded as we were having a great laugh! I can't remember how but we got on to talking about embarrassing incidents –...

3 years ago
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One Stormy Experience

Jason seemed like an alright guy but his life was lived more in computers than the outside world. Most Saturday nights were spent jacking off to movies and images of sexy models and porn stars. So, one Saturday night Jason was in his white singlet and cotton boxers, stroking lightly to the images on the internet screen. The weather outside was thundery and lightning strikes were common. His parents told him, when he was living at home to never be on the internet during a thunder storm. Jason...

4 years ago
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Wet T Shirt Contest

**Disclaimer: This is adult fiction. It contains pornographic and fetish topics not suitable for kids. There’s also explicit language. Just wait till you’re older, OK? The last thing I want to do is corrupt the youth. Y’all got enough of your own problems… **This is a spin-off of the flesh alteration kit by 1999 BEAmer Award winner RandomKing. ‘It’s just that college is so expensive! PADIDDLE!!’ Brad exclaimed pounding his fist against the roof in the back seat of his friends Toyota. *THUD* ...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Slimthick Vic Once In A Lifetime

Sexy blonde realtor Vic pays a visit to Chuck’s house to present him with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After being invited upstairs to Chuck’s bedroom, Vic explains that she is looking to sell his property to developers for double what it’s worth! Along with this tempting offer, Chuck discovers that there are a few extra perks to having Vic as his real estate agent. Proving that she is willing to go above and beyond to keep her clients happy, the busty blonde unbuttons...

2 years ago
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Dream 2 Out Of The Blue

Dream 2: Out Of The Blue By Paul G Jutras As John got up, he reached over and turned off his alarm clock. Lying with the covers covering him completely, he listened to the sound of his mother making breakfast downstairs. Knowing that his mom wouldn't be walking in on him anytime soon, he kicked off his sheets and ran his nylon-covered foot up his nylon-covered leg. "It snowed." John smiled as he swung his legs out of bed and walked over to the frosted window. A white...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Lexi Belle Kenna James Crybaby

Sexy Lexi Belle has had enough of roommate Kenna James whimpering and crying. The only way that Lexi can calm sweet, sexy Kenna down is by promising to look after her, but that comes at a price… blonde natural stunner Lexi needs plenty of hot sex when ever she wants! Without wasting any time, Lexi begins making out with Kenna on their bunk beds and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Lexi dives deep into Kenna’s slick folds lapping at her till she cums. Kenna quickly...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 44

"Now then," said Serena. "You first. You're the important one." "I haven't brought much with me," said Victoria, "because I didn't think we'd be dressing up, but I did bring my emergency number." "What's that?" "My 'little black dress'" "Perfect. Show me." Victoria unpacked all her things and Serena helped her put them away. She held up Victoria's dress. "Just the job," she said, "but it needs pressing." She led Victoria out onto the landing and pulled the...

2 years ago
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Annies Awakening Part 2

Mum and Dad broke up for the last time shortly after that.It's not a great thing to happen to any family at any time, and wasn't at all unexpected, but for it to happen to an eighteen-year-old girl who was studying for some of the most important exams in her life, was icing on what was already a tough cake to eat.Mark and I were not the only residents of our street to overhear their last and loudest row and were probably not the only ones to welcome what had been the inevitable outcome for many...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family And Me 8211 Part VI

I got dressed and went to the living room to watch some TV till Masi would reach home after some time Masi came home and greeted me warmly. Hello beta, I am so sorry that you had to stay alone but there was this party which I had to go don’t worry Masi, I didn’t get bored at all, I grinned as the thought of Nanda and Me screwing in heat ran through my mind. How was your party Masi? Arre beta don’t ask” She said with a wry face it’s the usual high society middle aged women running after young...

3 years ago
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Solace Rosanna Ch 07

1998: Solace moaned so loudly that she woke herself up. Her heart was beating as if she had just completed the New York City Marathon. To her delight, she was still experiencing remnants of the intense orgasm that had been induced by the passionate love-making she and Rosanna Romero had shared. She basked in the euphoric feeling of the contractions of her vaginal muscles. How strange, she thought hazily. I just met her. How could I be dreaming about her already? When she came back to her...

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Humiliating HollyChapter 9

I don't know how long I had been sitting on my front porch showing my naked body and wide open cunt to my neighbors, but it was quite a while. I know at least one of my neighbors saw me. It was the same one who saw me unloading my groceries and felt me up. I saw him standing across the road looking my way. I guess his wife must have been home because he didn't come over to me. But I just stayed like the girls had told me. With my luck, if I had closed my legs they would have pulled up and...

2 years ago
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Girl Friday

Girl Friday by Vickie Tern Even before I met her, Sharon's Friday evenings were her own. Hers. Not mine or ours, hers and her girlfriends'. Every Friday they'd meet and do whatever it is girls do. I never knew exactly what -- play cards I supposed, or swap recipes, trade shopping experiences, dish dirt about absent friends, whatever women do when there are no men around to inhibit or distract them. She explained to me early on that it's been that way...

3 years ago
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Early Morning

Introduction: While most of this story is true, I changed some of what happened so it would read better, and because I had finished writing Yes Mistress a short while beforehand, and wanted to show my lover -whom I wrote the story for- what would be running through my mind if he did the same to me. Hope you enjoy! All things considered, I woke up pretty early this morning. Though I suppose thats normal considering Ive spent the past 4 months waking up at 5 in the morning. Though one would think...

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Wild photography

She knew if she wanted to go out with her friends on that boat trip that weekend she had to stay in and get that extra work she assigned her students taken care of. But seeing as it was Thursday and it was later then usual she stayed at the school to take care of it so when she left that building she’d be free and clear of any and all responsibilities related to any extra assignment she had put on them earlier that week. This woman, a 41 year old “homely” woman, or so she considered herself one...

1 year ago
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Sexy Aunty Ko Chodne Ka Sapna Pura Hua

By: Playboyrakesh Hi friends, main Rakesh city of joy Kolkata se fir se apni ek nai kahani k sath aapke paas aaya hun. I hope aap logo ko yeh kahani bhi pasand aayegi aur jis tarah aap logo ne mujhe mere pehli kahani ke liye apne pyaar bhare comments bheje the ussi tarah is baar bhi bhejoge and all the the aunties and girls from kolkata agr aap logo ko mujhse bohot saara pyaar ki jarurat ho toh mujhse jarur likhe Toh doston main apni kahani shuru karne ja raha hun ye incident mere apartment...

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