Fifi Fuchs? Possibly free porn video

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Set in England

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The opening episode of the new BBC light drama called ‘Department Store London’ (DSL) ran for two hours and the advance publicity had been intense because some git in British Broadcasting reputedly with a first-class nose for picking ‘winners’ had read the script, knew the director intimately (more intimately than the director’s husband suspected) and had sent his prognosis to everyone who mattered declaring, ‘DSL will be the runaway drama of this decade.’

The Tuesday night it premiered was raining and Tuesday was the night rival channels including satellite TV ran crap. So virtually all of England, Scotland, Wales and parts of Ireland snuggled up to their loved one if they had one, a pillow if they didn’t, and watched to see if the promo drivel had any semblance of truth.

Interestingly, DSL rocked the nation. Well most people like to shop and have no idea what goes on behind doors in stores out of sight of the public.

ACTION, CAMERA… time to chew crisps. Here’s what viewers saw:

Fifi Fuchs fearfully entered Bradford & Johnston Department store. Normally she was cheerful and confident but arriving on her first day for cadet training thirty-five minutes late had left her on edge.

A junior from Reception took her to the training room. Ex Army sergeant Charles B. Thom swung around scowling at having his class diverted from his authoritative induction.


‘This is Miss Fuchs, your eighth inductee.’

‘She’s late, she’s out. Please leave, both of you.’

Fifi was not leaving that easily. ‘Please sir? ‘


‘I have a valid excuse.’

‘There’s no such thing as a valid excuse.’

Fifi stood resolute. ‘I disagree.’

The other inductees looked horrified at the thought of seeing this upstart squashed under Mr Thom’s size 12 boot.

‘Very well Miss Fucks.’

‘Miss Fuchs sir.’

‘Just get on to it.’

Fifi explained how she was half a mile from a store when there was a collision between a car and a delivery van at the intersection she was waiting to cross. The impact deflected the van into the rear of a heavy truck. The van caught fire and the unconscious van driver was in peril.

‘In peril?’

‘Flames were in the cabin sir.’

‘Go on.’

‘Well I ran over, opened the door and dragged the driver out, burning my arms and singing my eyebrows. I fell back on to the street and there was an explosion just as the fire department arrived and they doused the flames and treated my arms and the face of the driver.’

Everyone went ‘Ooooh’ at the sight of the scorch marks on Fifi’s arms when she pulled up her sleeves.

‘It will be on TV tonight sir.’

‘I still say that’s not a valid excuse for lateness and there’s no place in one of my classes or in this store for anyone called Fifi Fucks.’

‘Fifi Fuchs sir.’

‘Whatever — away you go.’

‘It was a Bradford & Johnson delivery van sir.’


‘It was a Bradford & Johnson delivery van sir.’

Mr Thom strode over to Fifi. ‘My dear girl, what a terrible ordeal you have been through. Miss Jones, please take Fifi to sickbay and explain to Nurse Barry the circumstances and say this heroine is a Bradford & Johnson inductee.’

‘Yes sir. Come this way Miss Fuck.’

Mr Thom pulled out his phone.

Nurse Barry was finishing bandaging Fifi’s arms when the door open and in strode a man dressed magnificently in an expensive pinstriped suit with fob watch on a gold chain emphasizing his huge belly.

‘Miss Fucks?’

‘Miss Fuchs,’ Fifi and Nurse Barry said in unison.

‘Er what’s your first name sweetheart?’

The curvy blonde with a soft heart smiled sweetly and said, ‘Fifi sir.’

‘You mean Josephine?’

‘No, my father said short names were coming into fashion so chose the Fifi alternative.’

‘I’m Mr Anthony Bradford, son of the co-founder of this illustrious store. You have done us proud Fifi, providing us marvellous publicity for our upcoming Early Summer Festival. The van and your filmed rescue will feature in on TV tonight and in the morning newspapers will report the van was carrying new season’s swimwear for our festival. Our head of corporate promotions and publicity Sampson here has been advised that fact will be included in the report on TV news. Now, we can’t have you being called an inductee — that is just too lowbrow and common. So right now I am promoting you to assistant manager of corporate promotions and publicity. Sampson will take care of your induction and training.’

‘But sir, I know nothing about publicity and promotion.’

‘My dear, that’s mere detail. We at Bradford & Johnston provide support for personnel second to none. I also point out we’ve never had a person engaged in the P&P department who ever thought of promoting one of our festivals with a selfless act of heroism. Thank you my dear and henceforth you shall be the only person on our payroll known exclusively by her first name for reasons of delicacy. Sampson send an email to that effect when announcing Fifi’s promotion. And now Sampson, take Fifi to the dining hall for her press conference.’

‘Press conference Bradford?’

‘Er my dear I’m known as Mr Anthony and my son is known as Mr Jason and Miss Johnson is known as Miss Elizabeth.

‘How quaint.’

Everyone looked aghast.

‘Fifi, the word for it is ‘tradition’.’

‘That sounds so much better sir. Lead on Sampson.’

‘Miss Sampson to you Fifi and don’t you forget it.’

‘Fifi, if anyone in our great store gives you a hard time I want to hear about it from you personally, do you understand?’

‘Yes Mr Anthony. Do I get a key to the executive toilets and freedom to use the executive lunchroom? I know about that by watching movies.’

‘Yes of course dear. Action that Sampson.’

‘Yes Mr Anthony.’

As Sampson and Fifi entered the elevator Sampson said, ‘Now let’s get this straight you little bitch…’

‘Excuse me for butting in Sampson but am I correct in figuring you talking to me like that comes under the definition of giving me a hard time?’

Sampson paused, and swallowed with difficulty. ‘Oh yes darling, how silly of me. Under stress as you can see. I apologize Fifi darling. From now on I treat you like my princess.’

‘Thank you my queen.’


The crowd of seventy journalists and TV and radio crews clapped as Sampson led Fifi into the room.

‘Good morning everyone. I’m Miss Elizabeth Sampson, head of this illustrious store’s promotions and publicity department and our heroine Fifi here is my assistant manager. Fifi would you please start by giving your potted history and then answer questions from these high profile journalists.’

‘Hello everyone. Thank you for wanting to hear from me. I’m twenty-five, youngest daughter of industrialist Lord Bacon-Flynn and Lady Anne Fuchs. My parents wanted me to study law and when I said no I wanted to study fashion they suggested after a terrible scene that I must abandon my residency at Cudhorn Estate. I now live with my former nanny, Nanny Smith, who paid for me to attend design school. I design all my friend’s clothes, er my female friends that is, and some of them have won fashion awards. I am entitled to be called lady but have dropped the title since being kicked out of home. I don’t have a boyfriend — apparently I’m too competitive — I’m big into horse riding, play a mean game of pool and was poor at schoolwork but was a champion swimmer at school. I chose to come to Bradford & Johnson Department Store because it clearly is at the cutting edge of women’s fashion. That’s it.’

‘Fifi what is your surname and how can we verify what you have just said?’


‘Is that a snobbish way of saying fuck?’

‘No, it’s spelt F-U-C-H-S and pronounced FO
OKS. Confirm what I have just said with my mother. She is listed in the phone book.’

‘How long have you been working at this store?’

Fifi heard the sharp intake of Sampson’s breath, so said, ‘Well after this morning’s dramatic incident it seems forever. I had my arms singed rather than deeply burned — see.’ She held up her bandaged arms and people gasped. ‘I had been thinking of getting my eyebrows plucked but now don’t have to worry — they’ve gone?

‘Oh you poor darling,’ cried a woman journalist and other females joined her.

A guy asked, ‘If you think you’re a big into fashion, why are you in promotion and publicity?’

Sampson sucked in breath again.

That cautioned Fifi to proceed carefully. ‘You’re a guy so you wouldn’t be aware that fashion lives and dies in a large part on the quality of its promotion and the publicity it receives. Guys are ignorant but at least they like the little black dress because it makes their girlfriend look cute and it’s so easy to rip it off her that guys have make the LBD a fashion icon. I love you guys for doing that and all women with great legs and a great arse would agree with me.’

‘Fifi why didn’t you wait for a guy to jump in to rescue the van driver?’

‘By the time a guy got around to think what he should do the driver would have been caught in the explosion.’

‘Were you afraid?’

‘I must have been. I wet my pants.’

‘Did you think of your own safety?’

‘I was faced with attempting to save a van driver. No time to waste on frivolous thinking.’

‘Are you a heroine?’

‘Hell no, anyone could have do what I did… they just didn’t think about the need to move fast.’

‘Fifi, from his hospital bed the van driver is calling you a heroine.’

‘He could be expected to say that. There’s probably not much he can remember about his day and you guys would have been asking him were I a heroine. We here at Bradford & Johnson regard something like that as depth of service. I bet that guy will now shop at Bradford & Johnson. Look, that’s enough of this crap. Take your pictures and let’s have something to eat and drink and then fuck off. We have a fashion fair to prepare. We do very much appreciate your attendance here this morning. Thank you.’

Fifi looked across at the wings where Mr Anthony was surrounded by his executives. One guy stood out and she looked at him again — tall, blonde with a magnificent chest. She murmured, ‘Could he be Mr Jason?’

The chairman’s entourage had obviously been aghast at her telling the media to fuck off soon but then they were looking in awe at the media laughing themselves legless. Fifi murmured, ‘Don’t the silly twits know how to handle the media?’

Sampson hugged Fifi. ‘Except for the F-word and saying crap you were marvellous dear. The media was obviously impressed by you and you even managed to work in mention of the Early Summer Fair and the name of our illustrious store, more than once I seem to remember. Twice I was about to die when you were under questioning but you played above your weight and excelled. A truly remarkable performance my dear.’

With the media largely ignoring the food to demolish the beer, wine, gin and whisky that tall blond guy brushed against Fifi.

‘Oh hello. I noticed you amongst the big wigs. Since you are by far the youngest guy I assume you are Mr Jason?’

‘Yes Miss Fifi.’


‘Was that the truth your father is Lord Bacon-Flynn?’

‘Yes. Are you attempting to rub shoulders with the nobility?’

‘You’re too cute to be noble.’

‘Oh thank you squire. Are you attempting to bed me?’

‘Fifi please.’

‘Okay — in that case I’ve lost interest in you so shove off.’

‘Fifi, please.’

‘No you shove off.’

A burly cameraman moved up to them. ‘Is this stuff-shirt annoying you Fifi?’

‘No, but thanks for checking.’

The cameraman said, ‘My wife has one of your dresses, given her by Lady Elsmere who found it about too racy for her — she mainly lives in trousers.’

‘Ah yes, Susie Elsmere. She paid eleven hundred pounds at it at a charity auction. She shouldn’t drink so much.’

Fifi called, ‘Goodbye Mr Jason’ to the departing son of the chairman but he appeared to have a hearing problem.

* * *

Sampson had eight people working for her including the demoted assistant manager who had to make way for Fifi but by mid afternoon she had left, collecting her pay, crying.

‘Fuck, I relied on Janice…’

‘It’s Fuchs.’

‘No Fifi, I was using the F-word. Janice was my graphics designer and we needed her to prepared the posters and…’

‘I’m competent in computer graphics design. Here let me show you my website.’

Sampson looked at the clothing fashions, many of them styled separately on creative computer-generated backgrounds and the graphics artistically arranged.

‘It’s all my own work Elizabeth.’

‘Oh fuck goodness we have Fuchs.’

That evening on the way home Fifi called in on her occasional provider Timmy Worth. He obliged and they were underway when his mother walked into the dimly lit family room. Timmy was giving it to Fifi standing up and Fifi who’d been holding her skirt hem in her teeth, leaving her hands free to pull Timmy in hard against her by his butt let her skirt drop and that quickly covered most of the exposed bare flesh.

‘Good gracious, what are you two doing,’ called Mrs Worth, her voice rising in panic infused with shame.

‘Er….’ Timmy said but halted helplessly.

‘Looking at the tropical fish,’ Fifi said, looking at the backlit display in the fish tank beside them.

Timmy went to pocket Fifi’s panties but too late.

‘Are those Fifi’s panties in your hand young man?’


‘It’s experimental Mrs Worth. I read today that Lycra is great for cleaning the exterior glass of a fish tank.’

‘Oh. Well hurry up and then I want you out here to be of some use to me Timmy.’

‘Oh I want him to hurry up too Mrs Worth. We need to ejaculate.’

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘I said we must do an immaculate job… meaning with the glass. You know, with Lycra.’

‘Oh yes, of course. Timmy you should have borrowed a pair of my panties from my underwear drawer.’

‘But you have forbidden me from going near that drawer again mother. Last time…’

‘That’s enough Timmy. Quickly finish what you’re doing but do it properly.’

‘Yes mother.’

A few minutes later Fifi, with a satisfied expression, left the Worth’s home.

Fifi sat with Nanny Smith and watched the TV news. Nanny Smith was drinking sherry and of course had the perfect answer the time Fifi had challenged and said, ‘Yuk, no one drinks sherry these days.’

‘I do.’

That taught Fifi it’s impossible to change people’s drinking habits when they are obstinate and defend themselves pragmatically.

‘Oh, there you are on telly,’ said Nanny Smith.

‘Yeah, had to help a guy out of the crap on my way to work this morning.’

‘Dear, crap is vulgar. Please say shit.’

‘Yes Nanny.’

The next camera shot was at the press conference with Fifi identifying herself and then holding up her bandaged arms and the women journalists oohing sympathetically followed by a shot of a journalist asking, ‘Where you frightened?’ and Fifi replying she’d wet her pants.

‘The van driver is calling you a heroine.’

‘He could be expected to say that. You guys would have been asking him were I a heroine. We here at Bradford & Johnson regard something like that as depth of service. I bet that guy will now shop at Bradford & Johnson. Look, that’s enough of this crap. Take your pictures and let’s have something to eat and drink and then [bleep] off. We have a fashion fair to prepare. Thank you for coming.’

Nanny Smith sighed. ‘Undoubtedly you were a brave girl but you s
poilt it by your common manner of speaking. I always said you never would be a lady like your mother. She’s not even aware of the existence of that F-word. But your employer will be pleased with you giving the upcoming fashion fair a plug on TV news. That will be a first for them.’

Early next morning her father called. ‘I have just read about you in the Telegraph. Good show.’

‘Thank you daddy. How’s mummy?’

‘Still up herself. She wouldn’t read any more of the story of your heroism after reading the quotation of you saying you wet your pants. Apparently it is shameful because all of England and Scotland and Wales know you pee.’

‘Oh daddy, how terrible for you to also be expected to bear that burden. I’ll survive.’

‘Have you found a decent man yet or are you still fucking anything on two legs?’

‘I’m using discretion daddy.’

‘Good girl. Your attitude has cheered me up because today I’m sending eighty head of cattle off for slaughter.’

‘Just think of them being relieved of their monotonous diet and staid lifestyle daddy.’

‘Oh I say, that’s the ticket. Thank you darling. I’ll tell your mother you asked how was her garden, that you hope her other children were keeping in touch and that you love her.’

‘As you wish daddy.’

When Fifi stepped through Nanny Smith’s gate on to the footpath a blonde guy in an Aston Martin sports car called to her, ‘Get in.’

‘Oh good morning Mr Jason. No thank you, I don’t ride with bossy strangers.’

He leapt out of the car, or more correctly painfully extricated his long frame.

‘Good morning sweet Fifi. I’m just off for coffee before heading on to the store and would be delighted if you’d accept my offer to join me.’

‘Why Mr Jason, how kind. Yes I will.’

Jason wound back into his car and then used the F-word explosively, having to unwind and go around the car to hold the passenger door open for Fifi. ‘Or would you prefer to drive?’ he asked facetiously.

‘Oooh yes, thank you,’ Fifi said, rushing around, opening the driver’s door and jumped in unassisted while Mr Jason was still standing at the passenger door gaping.

‘This is the coupe with the 48 valve V12 engine isn’t it?’

‘Yes,’ said Mr Jason, belting in nervously. ‘It is recommended you undertake an advanced driving course before even sitting in the driver’s seat of this vehicle. With a 470 horsepower engine bolted to such a lightweight body it goes like the clappers, taking only 4.6 seconds to go from zero to 60 mph.’

‘Frankly I don’t believe it,’ Fifi said, moving the vehicle to the middle of the street and stopping. ‘Well, there’s one way to find out.’

‘No!’ screamed Mr Jason.

The car leapt forward under violent acceleration and Fifi yelled ‘Oh yeah’ as they flashed up to 70mph in the suburban street before she de-accelerated. They were still doing 40 as she hurled the car to the right at a T-section, flicking past a cyclist and squeezed between two passing lorries. She then slowed to the speed limit.

‘She’s nicely tuned,’ Fifi said to the white-faced owner. ‘One of my brothers has this model. They are fucking useless going over anything but flat paddocks and are hopeless if the grass is damp.’

‘You take a car this expensive over paddocks?’

‘Well only to race.’

‘Oh god.’

‘Obviously you don’t have a tolerant and generous father Mr Jason?’

At the tearooms they conversed cheerfully, colour returning to Mr Jason’s face. And then he said, ‘Father and I were talking about you last night.

‘Oh for giving the store such a good plug on TV and in newspapers?’

‘Well that too. It’s just that we’ve never had the privilege of employing anyone like you before… you just don’t appear to fit any know category of employee.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Please don’t apologize. We are not absolutely certain you are a total misfit.’

‘Oh charming.’

She was ignored. ‘Father wonders if you should be placed in charge of induction.’

‘Oh no, that would be a mistake. I’m too appealing as a person. Mr Thom is perfect there, scaring the shit out of inductees. He represents the worst that inductees will ever meet face to face with customers. If they can’t stomach Mr Thom they never will cope with the vilest customer.’

‘God, that’s brilliant. We’ve never thought of that.’

‘But isn’t that why you employ him there?’

‘No, he’d just retired from dad’s old regiment and came looking for a job. Inducting new recruits was the only manager’s position open at the time.’

‘Christ, no wonder England lost its Empire. No, leave me where I am for the moment. I’m young and need to acquire business experience. If you think about it promotion and publicity will give me business experience, a taste of business politics and experience in interacting with more senior people and demanding people.’

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True possibilities

I have always had an sexual relationship with my cousin... Now before you start judging let me start from the very beginning.My mother refers to her closest friends as sisters and they have became my aunt's. One of my "Aunts" married my moms cousin while pregnant with my cousin which is why we share the same last name. I checked to make sure and though we have grown up together we are not related. As c***dren we were always curious about the human body. I would inspect her body and she mine. I...

3 years ago
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The First Try To Make It Possible

I am Ajith, the one who is going to narrate you the story… I am from southern part of India. South Indian colour, and love to have a lot of love making a session with ladies above 35, why because those ladies will have a long and hungry sexual desires which I love the most…   She is my relative, my aunt and we live 180 km away from Chennai… I reside near her home and I used to go there whenever I have worked! I always had an urge when I see her, an urge of making love to her, make her stay in...

1 year ago
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Intriguing Possibilities

Ana Denise Jones was the top story on the news again. And out of the millions of people, one man turned his head, not only in the typical mixture of disgust or judgment, but out of pity. Andy James was a mere security guard, nothing more, nothing less. And as Ms. Jones was making her latest appearance on television via her latest drunken stupor, Andy was working the night shift as a night watchman, not much, but it kept him out of total poverty. As well as being financially unsure of his...

2 years ago
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Would anothe jo buddy be possible

Ultimately, i'd love to find a person to j-o with, exchange vids and pictures. In a perfect world, I could even discreetly meet that person so we could j-o each other while watching porn. But with all this COVID bullsh*t, and the world being such a big place, I could be satisfied by a virtual connexion with someone.You never know. Maybe. Internet, work your magic! I've been coming to xhamster for porn for... I dont even remember how long. Very long! I went through a ton of niches: blowjobs,...

3 years ago
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World of Possibilities

So my story begins when I was exploring a old antique shop on the west coast. It was one of those disorganized and dirty older shops. With the dust thick in places and cobwebs clinging to everything out of reach. Had mostly seen the usual junk when a old trunk caught my eye. After haggling with the old shop owner I was able to get him down to 50 and he just said to keep the junk inside. Later that week when I got around to looking inside there was a old wood cigar box under the old news papers...

3 years ago
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Interesting Possibilities

Claire Roselli paused at the sound of the doorbell, glancing up from the last of the dinner dishes in the sink to the wall clock above. The clock read a quarter to seven, pointing out to the forty year old that she was running about thirty minutes late. At least according to the evening’s original plans. Laying that last dish on the drying rack, Claire dried her hands on a nearby towel and then walked the short ten feet to the apartment door. It only took a further few moments to undo the...

3 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 4 Exploring the possibilities

Beth and I left the office quickly. We were both anxious to get away from the smirking faces, whispers and giggles that were going around our department. We walked side by side through the halls and waited for an elevator in silence. We gave each other nervous glances and small smiles of anticipation until we heard the ding of the elevator announcing its arrival on our floor. We walked in and quickly pressed the button to go down to the garage level where we could get into our cars. As the...

2 years ago
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The Player Plays OnChapter 2

A little later on my friend John turned up. John and I are not mates, in the sense that we socialise together, but he has been maintaining my vehicles for many years and I am always happy to take his advice about these things. Over the years we had become friends. I took him out to the garage and unveiled the collection of cars. "What do you think?" I asked him. "I think you are a very lucky sod," he replied. "I've never seen a collection like this, and all original too. What are you...

2 years ago
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Mom and Tom

Mom and Dad always had a great thing going, Or so I thought, I dropped in one morning for coffee and Biscotti and Mom was looking pretty sullen as if she would be spending the rest of her life alone and depressed. I saw her the day before the big bankers convention and Mom was looking quite hot, a floral skirt, ruffled v neck blouse, a nice string of pearls, her patent black dress heels were sparkling and yet she was given more complements by other men, her husband did not trouble himself to...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers Part 2

Day 2.   “Hi!” Kate shouted across to me as I made my way to the pool. It was 11 am and heaving at the poolside. I scanned the area for somewhere to put my things. I caught Harry’s eye during my scanning of the area but he quickly darted his away, returning his gaze to the pool in front of him. I didn’t expect any less. Dropping my towel to the wooden sunbed in front, I pulled my top over my head and began applying oil generously to my arms and legs. A few of the other guests were in the...

1 year ago
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deeest darkest descent part 2 a wifes tale

hi my name is maria im 42 happily married for 22 years i have twin girls both travelling between a gap year at school when my husband james was asked to do a 6 month project management job in japan so while he was away i decided to really hit the gym hard as i would have very little else to keep me occupied after 2 months i was feeling very lonely when he dropped a bombshell that he wasnt coming back for the 3 weeks after 3 months away that had been promised as they were in big trouble and he...

4 years ago
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My First

This is a real summary account of my 21 year old girlfriend (as of now, the only i been with technically) So i'll start off and say, i was around 24-25 year old at the time. In which i was still a virgin (thankfully i didn't reach the 40 year old statues, otherwise i was prepared to ship my dick to a random feminist group. To perform some ritual about a virgin man, while flapping it about in the air. I dunno, whatever.)It all started on a OkCupid account. I was looking for any girl around my...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday

She couldn’t resist standing in front of the full length mirror to get a complete look at her new dress and make some final adjustments to the belt and neckline. Austin had bought it for her birthday, today. He said he had seen it in a window downtown and had gotten excited thinking about how the rich purple silk would lie on her beautiful body. He loved her body and she was pretty happy with it herself. She studied her figure in the mirror. She was 40 today. Her breasts weren’t large, but...

1 year ago
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Vacation with aunt Kay

To start with my name is Kevin and I'm 16. Last year my aunt Kay took me with her to Africa. We were staying in a little village at the sea. It seemed like a good summer. The best part was that I got to live in a village house all by myself. My aunt lived in a village house too, but we were quite apart so she didn't bother me much. Every day we went to the beach and had a lot of fun. There I couldn't help looking at the village girls. They all seemed extremely beautiful to me. Each night I used...

3 years ago
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School Sucks

The bell rings and you wake up, stirred from a light nap during your English class. Luckily the teacher didn't notice and you collect your things and get ready to go, remembering vividly the dreams you had before you woke up. You look across the room to see the girl you were dreaming about, Jane, getting out of her seat wearing a pretty yellow summer dress. It fits her well, contouring to the curves of her chest and flowing out around her waist down just above her knees. In the shafts of...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 9

When we got back to the girls' flat Gino and I made ourselves comfortable in the armchairs; Francine sat on my lap, Rita sat on his. We opened the wine we had brought; red for us, white for the girls — Gino never takes any chances when it comes to getting a fuck -— and for the next half hour we talked and joked. Gradually the talking fell quiet, and it was coming to crunch time. It was Rita who got the ball rolling. She had been squirming around on Gino's lap for the last 5 minutes, no...

4 years ago
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Boss part 2

After the last encounter with my boss I had tried to stay away but after a co-worker had left the building early I was left left all alone, the halls grew smaller as I approached the office, locking up was nearly finished as I turned the key in the safe I heard the click of heels, turning I watched as her tight blouse clung to her taut breasts, she worked out so each and every part of her body fitted snugly into her clothes, muscular but not a total a****l just enough to know that her grip was...

2 years ago
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This is an experience of one of my friends ina group.from SoniaTonight is a moment of great joy for me. I had sex with a man at thedelhi railway station.I wore my normal man's wear with female lingerie inside (panties andbra) and went to the delhi railway station tonight. There are manymen cruising around the bathrooms. I went to the open publicbathrooms. I stayed there inside for sometime. One man kept lookingat me and passed many naughty glances at me.I was first scared so I avoided him. When...

3 years ago
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I suppose I should start by telling you a few details about myself. My name is Ellen; I'm about 5ft 7" tall. I have dark hair streaked with blond and copper and my eyes are blue. My breasts are a 38c, I won't tell you my weight but lets just say I'm not small. About a year ago I was on the Internet constantly, talking to men in chat rooms. It was great; I could escape into a different world and become a different person. I used to tell them I was 23 years old, a size 10, with 38d...

3 years ago
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Our Changed Life

My wife and I have had a great marriage for 6 years without any real problems of any type. We both agree we do not want children yet and we love our sex life. My wife isn't really a beautiful woman but she is very cute and has a nice slim athletic body with beautiful pear shape breasts, about c-cup. She does have the most beautiful nipples I have ever seen. they are somewhat long and bigger round than most. She is also very sensitive there. When she dances close to a man, she gets very hot...

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Die Besetzungscouch

Solange Allison sich erinnern konnte, hatte sie sich in die Schauspielerei vertiefen wollen. Aber aus einer strengen, religiösen Familie stammend, war sie entmutigt, es als Karriere zu verfolgen. Als sie 21 war, heiratete sie ihren High-School-Freund, der in Teilzeit bei der Lokalzeitung schrieb und freiberuflich für Magazine arbeitete. Sie arbeitete in einer Zeitarbeitsfirma und verdiente gut. Sie waren glücklich miteinander und hatten beschlossen, ein paar Jahre zu warten, bevor sie sich um...

1 year ago
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His Dominating Master Part II

"Hello boy. I take it you slept well?" came the familiar voice through the computer. "Turn on your camera, let me see you." James dutifully switched on his webcam, his tiny image popping up in the corner to show it was working. As usual, the screen from the receiving computer was dark, no image, just that dark low voice, rumbling through his head and making him feel a heat rising up from his crotch. "Naked? What a nice morning surprise." ...

1 year ago
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Me And My Great Auntie

100% fiction! One night when I was sitting at my great aunt Kay's house waiting on my buddy to get home, who was at the hospital with foot problems. He lived with her, but I was there just spending time. We were sitting on her bed, just talking. I was wearing pants and a shirt, fully clothed. But she was only wearing a night gown, with a thin bra on, and a white lace, see thru thong. I saw her putting it on thru the door crack. She was always a horny woman, being 51 and I was 18. She has 34B...

4 years ago
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Treasure Beach for Three

I kept stealing glances at my wife's tight, black yoga pants which were clinging to the contour of her ass like a second layer of skin. A thin seam in the fabric ran down her crack toward a small cameltoe hump that was just barely visible as she bent down to check the zipper of her travel bag. The pants were on the shiny side, giving her well-rounded cheeks a sexy sheen from the punishing afternoon sun that was otherwise slowly roasting the hundred people that stood alongside us in the customs...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 32 Dream Life at Home

The Sergeant started walking away down the hallway. Kelsey stood up. She swayed a bit, but hopped over to give me a hug and then took Kevin’s hand before walking off down the corridor. “That was nice,” Tatyana said. “You replaced one of your lost crew.” “They weren’t lost,” I said as I resumed our interrupted walk home. “They were merely too damaged to quickly fit in.” “Right,” Tatyana said. “But you were willing to work with Aine and Constance.” I turned around and started to walk...

2 years ago
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Snowmobile ride

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a short snowmobile ride the other night. We live in the outskirts of our city so it is pretty secluded where we are. It was about 5pm when we started to get geared up with our clothes and helmets, and hopped on to sled and took off. At first he went slow because the trails were rough, but we then got onto the smooth railroad tracks and he started to go faster. As he accelerated I could feel the vibrations on my pussy. I was already a bit horny from thinking...

Straight Sex
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Females rule

He was 20 years old. His mother had taught him how to properly behave toward females of all ages, and he was out with her and his 10 year old sister shopping. He was not sure why he was there, but they stopped at a house boy store and his mother started looking at clothes…for him?!! Noooo they were so tight and the skirts so small. He said nothing while she held things up to him and handed the most embarrassing ones to him to keep and put others on the rack. At his home he had always worn...

2 years ago
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Dead Write Ch 07

*A repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit.* ****** Sam enjoyed the landscape of Sherry’s body, as the shower rained on her pink hills and valleys. His fingers slid from her satisfied clitoris to splash in her belly button pond. Wrapping his arms just under her breasts, he hugged her, and whispered, “You’re beautiful.’ In the quiet afterglow, while holding her in his lap, he thought of Jan, and realized three years had passed since making love had been uncomplicated by illness....

3 years ago
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My Little sisters New Job Part 2

Hey guys, I’m home. Anybody here?” The front door of my house slams shut and I hear keys hitting the table. Normally I wouldn't care for my mother’s arrival but this time I panic, I was balls deep in my little sister and was just about to bust a nut. My mother is walking around downstairs probably taking off her shoes and going through the mail before going to her room to undress. I completely forgot she was coming home early and I blame my sister for it. She’s such a hot fuck for a teen...

3 years ago
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My first time

My first gay sex experience was not until I was 22. I knew I was gay but being very shy it took me a long time to get around to doing something about it. I took the bus to work and used to eye off a spunky guy who caught the bus at the same stop as me. Eventually I joined a gay social club and was persuaded to go to a “gay church” – who should I meet but the guy from the bus. His name was Hugh and he was 19. He recognised me from the bus and we got chatting, he suggested we get together and...

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the lost phone

The Lost Phoneby Clive St.clement-RoyalIt was a warm day and I had been sitting in the busy cafe for two hours now drinking tea and working on my laptop. I was trying to write my thesis for my masters degree in volconology and it was not going to plan. The waitress, as instructed brought me a new cup of tea every 30 mins and put it down and cleared away the dirty cups. It was then I noticed a woman come in the cafe and look round for somewhere to sit, I indicated that she could sit at my table...

2 years ago
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Gand Main Land Part Part II

By : Today97 I hope you like my first story. M aage ki kahni sunta hu ab aap ko us raat hum dono so gayhe subhe phle m uta tha maine subhe hi subhe monu k land k darshan kiyhe wo kada hu tha mast leag rha tha uske baad m uta or apni gand k hole ko chua wo toda sa bhr k tarf aa gaya tha or usmain azeeb c chiz jaise dard ho rha tha or suj b gai thi.pir maine uske land ko dubaar deke or socha ek baar pir ise gand m le lu wo sidha leta hua tha maine uske upeer beth gaya or uske land Ko pakad kr...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Inc

Fantasy Inc : The Full story . By Carl East Striding down the city sidewalks, Colin kept an eye out looking for the conference hall where he was scheduled to be. His eyes took everything in and he silently acknowledged that the city was where he came alive. He loved the way cars and buses played dodge with each other and the occasional fool-hardy pedestrian. Seeing his reflection as he passed the shop window he stopped to assess his appearance. This gathering was very important and he wanted to...

Erotic Fiction
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 02

I didn’t set the alarm clock for Monday morning, I simply let the autumn sunshine gently wake me. The coffee was waiting, I gathered up the morning paper which had been deposited at my door and plopped on the sofa to dwell over it and the rest of the pot of coffee. As my mantel clock struck 9:00, I realized it was time to get ready for my luncheon with Mr. Emerly. The magazine people were anxious to see the story and I hoped I could finish the interview this afternoon and polish off the...

3 years ago
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The conversion 6

Please read the prior posts on this story, this is the final installment!We finally got back from the beach. Juan pulled in right behind us in his scooter. I told Maria I had invited him to have a beer. She nodded with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. I told her to go shower (we were all still a bit sandy) and Juan and I uncorked a beer. She complied, and we watched her disappear into the backyard. Moments later I heard the water from the hose. I asked Juan:-so, do you dig Maria?-Man, the old...

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