- 2 years ago
- 18
- 0
January 1
John twirled the tall brown glass bottle between his fingertips, the beer inside, only half gone, helping to provide a balance to the bottle so that it didn’t tip over. Slouched back in the chair, long legs stretched out underneath the table, he looked completely relaxed to anyone that looked at him- unless they happened to notice the tick in his jaw, caused by clenched teeth.
Shouldn’t have kissed her. What in the holy hell was I thinking?
He stared at his beer, but in his mind’s eye he could see Blue and Lee as they were, right this moment, out on the dance floor. The raucous, honky-tonk music had smoothed into a love song, bodies crushed together, swaying and grinding unashamedly.
His own temporary dance partner, Vanessa, had already left. She’d sashayed out the door with another guy, someone who had looked to be a more promising prospect to spend the rest of the night with. That was all right. Didn’t hurt John’s feelings in the least.
You don’t go laying lips on another man’s property.
Not that John thought of Blue as property. And Lee better not think that way either. That was no way to treat a lady, and Lee had better treat Blue Waters the way she deserved. The way that he would treat her if…
He couldn’t help himself. Without turning his head he shifted his eyes to the left, over to the swaying crowd. He found the pair immediately.
If Blue was his, he’d dance a hell of a lot closer with her than that. Show her that she was the only one in the room as far as he was concerned. Make sure that she knew who she was with, someone that wanted her and only her. He would hold her and sway with her like he was a man who had his mind on a long night of loving ahead… with her. Not dance together like brother and sister- which was the way Blue and Lee were dancing.
But hell, it was none of his concern. And secretly he knew that if he had to sit here and watch them, he totally preferred the arm’s length position they had adopted.
The bar crowd was showing signs of thinning out, Vanessa had split to find whatever New Year’s bliss she was searching for, and John decided it was time for him to take off also. Nothing to hang around here any longer for. When this song ended he would say his goodbye.
Setting his unfinished beer in the center of the table, he fished out his wallet to take care of the tab- his parting gift to the lucky couple- and glanced up out of an instinctual urge. Blue was approaching the table, Lee following close behind while concentrating on the cell phone in his hand.
By the time they reached John, Lee had put the phone away and was looking apologetic.
‘Duty calls.’ Lee held his arms out wide in a good natured ‘what’ya gonna do?’ shrug. ‘There’s a fire out on the west side of Chaplin. Practically shouting arson. That’s my cue, I’m out of here.’ He turned to Blue ruefully. ‘Sorry, Blue. You know how it is.’
‘Of course. A Fire Investigator’s work is never done.’ Blue quipped and smiled graciously.
‘John.’ Lee stuck his hand out and John gripped it in a friendly shake. ‘Nice to have met you.’
‘Likewise. Good talking to you.’ The conversation with Blue’s guy had been interesting, he had to admit. Whatever jealousies he was feeling towards him, John had to acknowledge that Lee was all right.
The two men shook hands, but when John began to loosen his grip, Lee kept hold while glancing over his shoulder to where Blue stood watching.
‘Hey…’ Lee began hesitantly. He released John’s hand and leaned forward slightly. ‘Do me a favor?’
John raised a noncommittal brow and waited.
‘It’s snowing pretty heavy out there right now. Blue drove that old clunker of Jean’s. You two are going the same direction anyway, so would you mind following her home to make sure she gets there okay?’
Follow Blue home? That had been on his mind anyway, unless Blue and Lee happened to go home together, in which case… hell, he hadn’t wanted to think about that, but that was what he figured would happen. In fact, when Lee had said he was being called away for a fire, John had felt some of the unpleasant weight lifting off his chest with the thought that Blue and Lee would not be going home together. Not tonight.
But that wouldn’t mean he would be the lucky one to go home with her. Nope. He was just the friendly neighbor guy, chivalrously making sure Blue made it back to her castle safely before heading on down the road to his own home. His own empty, cold, lonely home.
‘You want her? Go for it! You know you can be more of a man to her than Fire Marshall No-Balls here, who dances with her like he’s her freaking brother, for fuck sake!’
John clenched his jaw with the effort it took to keep from telling his inner voice to shut up. Instead, he nodded, pasted an understanding expression on his face, and told Lee that he sure would keep Blue safe and under his watch until they reached home. Lee could rest easy.
Damn it.
‘You don’t have to trail me home.’ Blue stood, feeling awkward after Lee had left. She had overheard Lee’s request and John’s reassurance. Nicely agreed upon, except they hadn’t included her in the conversation. They had just decided for her that she needed to be… what? Watched like she was some fluffy-headed ditz who didn’t know how to drive in the snow? She should feel insulted, she thought. And she did. Sort of.
The thing about it was, she was irked that Lee had thought to bring it up, but another part of her was fighting off something warm and fuzzy that John had accepted the request. How messed up was that?
John was just sort of staring at her, she noticed. And he didn’t look particularly happy. As a matter of fact, he looked downright grim. Was he annoyed and regretting his agreement to follow her home? Had he been planning instead to stick with Vanessa tonight?
Blue didn’t see the woman around anywhere and thought she had left already, but maybe John had been planning to meet her somewhere. The thought didn’t set well with Blue and she pushed it away- along with the ‘mean-girl’ satisfaction that maybe she had ruined their plans. Shame on her.
John stared, not moving. Tiny creased formed between his brows when he spoke. ‘It’s no problem. Do you think you’re ready to go now, or…?’ He left the question hanging.
Well, damn. What was the point of staying any longer when her only companion left was a suddenly sullen man who had practically ignored her after that kiss in the alcove? He’d seemed friendly enough but most of his conversation had been with Lee or Vanessa. He sure hadn’t asked her to dance at all, prompting hesitance on her part to ask him to dance, even though she was wishing to do so more than she wanted to admit. Whatever feeling of mutual attraction she had been beginning to feel had rapidly waned. Her part was fine, it was his part that had sadly seemed to disappear. Perhaps it was for the best. Did she really need more going on in her life right now? Blue thought of the phone call from Jackson earlier, and the answer was a decidedly firm NO.
‘I’m ready to go if you are.’ Blue answered as neutrally as possible.
John nodded, just a slight movement of his head, and moved ahead of her towards the exit. Skirting around between the dance floor and the tables was a little tricky, with the crowd that was still milling about the area, but John’s stature and the way he moved so confidently cut a swath right through the mob. Blue had to smile at that, in spite of herself, as she trailed along in his wake. He could be handy to have in a crowd, for sure, if she stuck close.
Not following quick enough, Blue found herself jostled by a big, burly body, and reached out instinctively to the broad back in front of her. John turned at her touch, reaching out to lay a hand on her upper arm, a question in his eyes, when the burly guy tipped drunkenly into her again, propell
ing her forward. Straight into John.
His arms came around her to steady her and he looked over her head to glare at whoever it was that had caused her to fly into him, but either the drunk guy was gone or John became just as aware of their closeness as she had. Sucking in a deeply needed breath that had nothing to do with the crash but everything to do with the result, she found herself lost in a gaze of darkening, rich topaz.
Knocked off kilter in more ways than one, Blue took a step back. The large, warm hands closing over her upper arms stopped her, long fingers curving around her triceps. For a moment she could feel the movement of his fingertips smoothing against the soft skin of her inner arms, just below the hemline of her t-shirt sleeves.
She shivered. He released her.
Then it was his turn to get bumped by a wobbly passerby, and whatever ‘moment’ Blue thought they were having disappeared. The music had picked up once again, and Cuddy’s patrons were taking full advantage of it before closing time.
‘Looks like a good time to get out of here. I’ve never seen it so busy.’ John remarked, glancing around before taking her hand and hooking it into the crook of his arm. ‘Hang on!’ He grinned devilishly and led her through the crowd. Blue found herself laughing as they wound through the dancers, John cutting his way through like the prow of a boat through water.
Donning their coats unfortunately meant letting go of his arm, but then his hand settled against her back as she was hustled out the door. It was a small touch, barely felt through her coat, but something she was grateful for when they saw the drunken riff-raff that had spilled out of Cuddy’s and were gathered in a small group. One laughed raucously, some stared quietly through slitted eyes and puffs of cigarette smoke, a couple of them too far away from any light source to make out their faces. They most likely looked more dangerous than they were in reality, but Blue didn’t argue when John put his arm around her shoulders and tucked her against his side, away from the shifty men.
It was snowing heavily, creating an eerie quality to the inadequate lighting of Cuddy’s Shed’s parking lot. The bar had been built onto what was once an actual old shed, and surrounding the graveled section for parking were skeletons of old farm machinery, scattered about randomly. Normally, in the daytime, the run-down look added to the Shed’s ambiance. In the dark of night it just seemed spooky.
Their footsteps crunching loudly against the snow covered gravel, Blue pointed to one side of the lot. ‘There’s my car.’ She shivered and pressed against John’s side. ‘Brrr, it’s gotten cold.’
He didn’t say anything, though she felt his arm tighten fractionally, snugging her to him even more. Pulling the key from her pocket as they neared the battered little car that Jean had driven forever, she turned to John with a ‘thank you’ on her lips. His face was in shadow, but she knew he was scowling again as he looked down at her.
He gestured to the nearby road. ‘Looks like the plow has been by. It shouldn’t be too bad if we don’t wait and go now. I’m right over there.’ He nodded to his pick-up parked nearby. ‘I’ll follow you.’
‘Okay.’ She couldn’t think of anything else to say, so she opened her door and slid behind the wheel. Watching John retreating into the darkness and swirling snow to his own vehicle, Blue sighed and inserted the key into the ignition. Boy howdy, it was cold! The sooner she got going the sooner the heater would crank up, though she doubted it would get her warm enough before reaching home. Anticipating a nice hot bath before crawling under the covers, she turned the key and… nothing.
Nothing happened at all, not even the sound of the engine trying to turn over. Frowning, she pulled the key out and reinserted it to try again. Again, nothing happened. Total, eerie silence. Not knowing what else to do but give the key another try, she wiggled it and turned it again, getting exactly what she expected. Nothing.
‘Well that’s just fine and dandy.’ she grumbled, leaning her head back against the headrest and closing her eyes. About to open her door, she gave a start as the cell phone in her pocket buzzed, letting her know that a call was coming in. Jackson. It had to be. No one else would be calling this time of night. Slipping her phone out and flipping it open, not to answer but just for the satisfaction of seeing that she was right, Blue sucked in a stingingly cold gasp of air as she noted the number. Not Jackson. The number that had left the texts. The one that had stayed silent when she’d answered.
Blue stared at the lit screen as she let it ring. Stared at it even when the ringing stopped and the screen went dark. Without the soft purr of the engine she had tried to start or the ringing of the phone, the snow-muffled quiet of the night closed in on her. Dropping the phone in her lap, her gaze darted up and out the passenger side window. Shadows shifted through the falling snow. Had one of those men they had passed by at the entrance moved closer? It was hard to tell, but it seemed as if…
The knock on her window nearly made her scream. Hand pressed to her pounding heart, she watched as the black shadow outside her door leaned down and tapped at the glass again.
Blue flicked the lock up with fumbling fingers, allowing John to open the door.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked immediately.
‘It won’t start.’ She decided to keep her answer at that. No need to let him know she had been over-reacting about a stupid phone prank and poorly lit parking lot. It was already feeling silly to her now that she wasn’t alone.
‘Try it again.’ he was telling her, straightening to full height and leaning toward the front of the car to listen to the engine.
She turned the key once more, getting the same result. Nothing to listen to. ‘Want me to pop the hood?’
John considered for a moment, glancing around the lot and up into the sky. ‘No.’ he answered at last. ‘Get your purse and lock it up. You can ride with me.’
‘Oh, but-‘
‘It’s too damn cold out here, Blue.’ He took a step back, shoving his hands into his coat pockets and hunching his shoulders against a sudden gust of frigid air. ‘I’ll give you a lift back here tomorrow and we’ll take a look at it then, all right?’
She looked around. The area suddenly didn’t seem as spooky as it had a moment ago, but she didn’t have the option of AAA, and John did look too cold to be messing around with the engine.
‘All right.’ She gathered her purse, pausing for a moment to drop her phone inside. There were no indicator lights flashing, so whoever had called again at least hadn’t left another text or message. Probably just someone that was dialing a wrong number. Hopefully they would figure that out soon and leave her alone.
So was that note-card a mistake too?
Blue shook the sarcastic voice aside, shut and locked her door, and followed John to his black pick-up.
The roomy cab of the truck was already beginning to warm up when she climbed in, the heater working much faster than Jean’s old car would have even if it had been working. John slid into the driver’s seat and turned the heat to full blast, assuring a cozy ride home. Snapping her seat belt, she looked across the bench seat as he did the same with his. She liked this truck. It was clean, large but cozy, and it smelled like a warm combination of leather and a touch of light musk. ‘Manly’, Blue thought, trying to hide a smile. There was something else too. A faint hint of vanilla?
As John turned out of the parking lot onto the road, and as they at first made small-talk that faded into a comfortable silence, Blue kept her gaze out the window, trying, trying not to stare at the man driving. Trying not to watch as his hands curved around the steering wheel, guiding the pick-up over the snow covered road with deft sureness. Trying not to notice how the muscles of his thigh bun
ched and relaxed beneath the snug denim of his jeans as he worked the gas and brake. Trying… and failing miserably… not to wonder if, if she slid across the seat and pressed her face into his neck, just beneath his jaw… if his skin would smell like that delicious combination of leather, musk, and vanilla.
Telling herself to stop it, but sneaking a look at John in spite of herself, she noticed a tension in him. The cab was warm enough now, and the soft, low music from a country station was playing on the radio, the lights from the dashboard casting a faint glow into the darkness. It had all combined to make a calm, serene setting for her, so much that she even was feeling a bit sleepy and had let her mind wander. What she hadn’t noticed was that after they had turned off the road that Cuddy’s Shed was located on, the freshly plowed asphalt had ended and they were now traveling along a more heavily snow covered roadway. Though he still had control, John had slowed considerably.
Blue sat up straighter, keeping a better watch out the windshield at the road ahead. Snow swirled through the air, the speed of the vehicle, slower than normal as it was, making it seem as if the flakes were shooting towards them in the light of the headlights. It looked otherworldly, as if they were traveling through deep dark space that was full of millions of stars. She didn’t offer any conversation, thinking he may need all his concentration on the road, but she was perfectly comfortable with the silence anyhow. But he was frowning slightly, and she saw his head move in a negative shake so small she almost missed it…
‘I can’t stop thinking about you.’
Blue’s head swiveled. He was still focused ahead, but were his hands clenched a little bit tighter around the steering wheel? She was sure she heard him right. What the hell was she supposed to reply with? She swallowed and said the first thing that came to mind.
‘Oh?’ Gah! For Pete’s sake!
The truck swerved as the wheels hit a patch of hidden ice, and John mumbled a curse under his breath. Straightening and slowing another notch, he spared a quick glance her way. ‘Good thing your car didn’t start. I don’t think that little hatchback would have made it in this. I told Jean she needed something better, but you know how stubborn she was. Can’t tell you how many times I had to come rescue her when the engine stalled out. I’m not too surprised it wouldn’t start tonight. We’ll take a look at it tomorrow, get it running for you. Probably a dead battery. It’s happened before.’
He let out a breath and shot a look at her again, quick but full of an intensity that made her heartbeat skip. ‘Hang on. We’re almost home.’
Almost home. Blue liked the sound of that, something that served to confirm the rightness of her decision to move back here. She settled back into her seat and in a few minutes they were turning into her drive, the tires crunching on the snow.
John didn’t turn the engine off. She didn’t expect him to, since he probably wanted to get home himself. Despite that, though she had settled one hand on the door handle, she waited. An achingly romantic country song played on the radio. John reached to turn the volume lower. She heard the rustle of his movement as he unbuckled his seat belt and turned towards her, and she stared at the glowing radio dial where his hand had just been, not sure at all why she was nervous to look at him.
‘Tell me about your relationship with Lee.’
Blue did look up then, surprised at the request. ‘With… with Lee?’
John nodded and his eyes narrowed. ‘I’m usually pretty good at reading people, but I’ll admit I think I need a little help here, because this is too important to me for guesswork. So… what exactly do you and Lee have going?’
‘Lee and I are friends. We knew each other in high school, and have been in contact since I moved away.’ She shrugged. ‘Friends.’
‘Just friends? Nothing more?’
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xmoviesforyouThese are just some prompts to get started, feel free to add threads for new ones! Salon-the-Job Training: When a young man gets a job sweeping up at a salon, his co-workers decide to teach him about the various treatments they do there. Spell-ing Error: Two friends get more than they bargained for when they try to conjure up a woman with a stolen spell book. New You: A young man who is depressed with his station in life finds an ad for self-help tapes that promise to completely change his...
TranssexualFor those readers who missed the first installment: First, PAY ATTENTION. I'm working my ass off writing this shit and you're off somewhere getting laid or going to the Spring Auto Show or something. Get your priorities straight. Second, you need a synopsis, which means I have to write the whole fucking story over again and bore the shit out of people who've already read Part 1. Have a little consideration. SYNOPSIS: Shelly was an uptight bitch who was married to an investment banker....
Sexy milf wife Jamie has a big hard thick BBC surprise waiting for her in the next room as a gift from her husband. Isiah greets Jamie in and lets her know he has a blindfold for her to wear as well so she can get to know the hard big black cock that is about to enter her hot holes with her other senses. As soon as Jamie has her hand stroking that cock she just needs to see it and suck it! She sees it with her eyes licking and sucking every inch down her throat before Isiah bends her over and...
xmoviesforyouHi each and every one, this is my second sex story. Thanks to ISS because of you people only I got this chance. If any woman wants a relationship, then pls contact me. I am Umesh Reddy staying in bangalore very much fond of new connections with lots of happiness. The north mother was around 38 looking like sex bomb With body 38-32-38 and her daughter structure of 36-28-36 both are sex bombs. Coming to the story when I submitted my first story after two days I got a mail saying your story is...
I went to Montreal for gay pride with a few friends. I was constantly horny with all those hot fucking men around, but was unable to act because I was sharing a hotel room with two of my friends. One morning I woke up at 6 a.m. feeling so horny. I decided to go out and cruise.I got dressed and packed poppers, a cock ring and lube, then took off. I passed a sauna, which I understood to be a gay bathhouse. So, I decided to try it out. Of course, it was early morning so I didn't expect much. At...
Gay MaleIt was early monday morning and I had just stepped out of the shower. I dried myself with a towel, then walked over to my full length mirror to look at myself. I had never been happy with my looks but have recently become more confident. Owen loved my body and made me feel attractive. I was slim every where except my hips, but I wasn’t overweight, I just had some fat there. I had long legs and was 5’9”. I tied up my long brown hair and dropped the towel. My hand moved to my pussy and rubbed...
Monday evening arrived and Kevin and Denise went to the school for the governors’ meeting. School officials expected a large group attending and set the meeting up in the auditorium. The auditorium was packed, almost completely filled with parents; close to three-quarters of the parents had shown up. The head teacher, Mr Hanford, opened the meeting. “Good evening, parents, thank you for coming. I’m not surprised at the large turnout and we would have had a larger turnout except for the...
‘Doctor?’ Clara said by rote. ‘Why are we at 13 Paternoster Row in 1893?’ The Doctor looked up from a read-out on the TARDIS’s console that did not do much more, in point of fact, but play Flappy Bird. ‘Now, that’s hardly fair. When we weren’t here ten minutes ago, you didn’t ask why we weren’t at 13 Paternoster Row in 1893.’ ‘It’s just that we seem to check in with those three an awful lot. Can’t you just add them on Facebook so we aren’t running back here every week to see if everyone’s...
Her Mother's Daughter Chapter Four "Mmmm ... Good morning," I whispered, snuggling up against my daddy in our big bed. "Amy?" He opened his eyes slowly, trying to focus on me. "I'm here." I kissed his lips softly and I already had my hand around his cock, feeling it stiff and swollen as he lay on his side facing me. "What? You have to stop..." He swallowed hard, but he wasn't moving and I slid down his body, giggling under the sheet. The bed was still damp and reeked of our...
Eleanor sat on the cold floor trembling in fear as her eyes roamed over the piles and piles of clean straw dominating the room. Sniffling, she wiped the tears from her eyes. ‘I thought I would have a chance with a simple farm… have a few babies, and be happy,’ she wailed. Her blonde head dropped to her knees as she cried for her unfinished life. Rumplestiltskin stood outside of the door listening to the girl’s wails. He couldn’t understand why her plight touched his heart, or maybe her beauty...
Best friends Veronica Leal and Rebecca Volpetti get themselves dressed quickly after their lesbian session, just in time for their Christmas party to begin. They have invited good friends, Erik, Vince and Jay over to celebrate and as soon as they arrive the girls have a plan! They start kissing and teasing the guys and within minutes they have joined in and pair off to lick their pussies. Veronica and Rebecca get all their holes drilled with cock in this festive free for all and take turns...
xmoviesforyouYou pervs still with me? Good! Here ya go...Tanya's face was an utter mess. Her mascara blackened eyes were full of tears. She had been crying. Her pretty face was beat red and showed signs of strain from having her head down in the tub for so long. Her nose was stuffed up. Her knees were red and roughed up from the vigorous rubbing on the hardwood floor and she was completely out of breath. Tanya sat back on her heels, Beth's tight panties still pulled to one side, as my cum oozed from her...
Introduction: Over the next few days, Benny and I jerked, grinded, touched and sucked each other every chance we got&hellip,until Benny got bored with jerking and sucking, and was ready to graduate to the next level ! PART 4 of 5 Please read Parts 1 through 3 of My New Neighbors in order to make sense of this story. Thank you. Over the next few days, Benny and I jerked, grinded, touched and sucked each other every chance we got&hellip,until Benny got bored with jerking and sucking, and was...
The next night she returned to her usual jogging time and path. She passed by the place it had happened, both on the way out, and the way back. Nothing happened. Of course nothing happened, it was silly to think that it would. The following night she stopped there and waited for several minutes. Still nothing. The night after that she actually called out, "I'm here!" at the spot, and instantly felt ashamed. What the hell was she doing? She knew better. Her kind of fantasies were things...
© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 1 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Prologue Elliott and Samantha were reading in bed. "Is something bothering you, honey?" Samantha asked. "Yeah, it's that new client, the big auto parts magnate, Lance Trotter." Samantha nodded. "I'm not surprised. He seems a bit rough around the edges." "Worse than that. He spent a few years in prison." "For what?" "Drugs," Elliott said...
Hi ISS readers !! Thank you for the response you gave me for my last story. I am back for you again with my latest experience once again for you. I hope you enjoy this story as well and won’t forget to provide your feedback @ Now coming to the story, in the month of January I got to know about a new born’s family function that is going to occur in the coming weekend and as usually happens in all the families, a cious originated as what to gift for the same. As it got sorted, I was being given...
I had done my A-levels and like many of my friends I was still debating whether to head straight to university or take a gap year when the letter arrived. I’d been offered a full scholarship at an American university. I was ecstatic. I’d almost forgotten the audition pieces I’d written for the creative writing course that I was so desperate to do and now I was offered a chance to get an English degree for free. The thought of moving to America for 4 years was a bit daunting. The campus of the...
LETTER FROM EISENGRIM TOWNSHIPDear Shoeblossom:Sometimes Brearley lets me jerk off. Kneeling on the hardwood floor on my bare knees, rubbing my stiff and long denied cock, it’s so painful! Brearley is always gorgeous, fully clothed as a striking contrast to my nakedness, in tight jeans or a sexy miniskirt, sometimes a tube top. Often she will wear a sexy business office outfit, which really, really makes me feel even more naked, humiliated, and excited.?Keep that willy whacking, Fremont, but...
Princess Nora's seamstress worked her fingers to the bone to make the gowns for her to receive a new prospective suitor from the south. In the small kingdom of Sunoes, was ruled by an amiable young man. His name was Barth and purported to be a very handsome man and intelligent person to hold a conversation with. Barth was also a fair and just ruler with most of his subjects living happily though their beloved king was dying slowly of cancer. He arrived with an entourage of tall husky...
Bobbie and Nicole go in deep cover to find their foe. Insertion Time. It was time for Bobbie and Nicole to go to Wells College. Nicole loved Cinnamom Cigars and Bobbie liked the Cohibas. Bobbie admitted Berings worked perfectly for cover. Bobbie liked Scott's and Nicole's thinking on a Spa Fest at the end. A long soak in a hot tub with scented oils and candles sounded great. Relaxing with good tunes, good food, a little wine, and good friends. A great way to spend an afternoon....
Ray fell back on the pillow, momentarily exhausted from all the sexual activity, but he stared in awe at the blonde woman, Linda, as she licked the last drops of semen from his deflating cock. Quite a transformation had taken place, as she wasn't at all like the woman Valerie had described when calling that afternoon. Valerie knew how to pick them all right. The sexual potential had been there, and they had all succeeded in bringing it out. Linda was wild and wanton and wonderfully sexy. And...
A Niece's Lap Dance Posted by Paul606 A Niece's Lap DanceI'm a man of 51 years old and I have this beautiful 16-year-old niece, Elyse, who since the age of 6 has been sitting on Uncle Paul's lap while we watched TV. I never thought of anything sexual and enjoyed the attention as I do not have any c***dren. She would just sit on my lap and kind of snuggle up to me.This would be an everyday occurrence when she and my sister came over to visit. As she got older, she would come up to our house...
This experience is 90% true and 10% edited to spice it up, so read it with a pinch of salt. If I offend any bros here with anything, I apologize first. This is my first story and hopefully I can get ur supportI recall last time when I was in JC (wow si bei long ago liao), got into my second relationship (my first one was in secondary 3, and we were both first timers and quite humji, so didn’t do much expect hold hands, kiss and light petting – didn’t even see my first ever pussy). Let’s call me...
A Big Day. (Part 2) Miss Victoria's vicious spanking had only been the start of his tribulations. By the time she had finished Miles was in floods of tears and mucus was running unpleasantly from his nose. He felt wretched; totally defeated and completely emasculated. Mistress Anna and Miss Francesca had also arrived to investigate the noise and Miss Victoria had related what had happened in the garden. Of course, neither her sister or mother had questioned her version of events, they...
How drippy it was a yet ideally suited for humiliation day. But sweet Loretta could be in her personality of the bitch day. She thought that she erotically whoever fucked her ten times overall had a whip of an exclamation.What or we supposed to do with Constantine I am almost completely certain he would fit our game of humiliation. He's the constant one for any easy competition but this was far from his glass. Just look at him Zoe said she was the voice men loved to hear. What is a high sex...
BDSMJanine had just graduated high school and turned 18. It hadn't been the best of years, regards to what should have been a fun, carefree time of her life. Her father was transfered overseas and missed all her senior activities and her mother was en route to live with him a week after graduation. Janine's grandmother had passed away 3 months ago, leaving her husband and Janine's grandfather alone in the house. The college she had applied and been accepted to was just about 10 miles...
“Thank you, Sir, here’s your ticket,” I said politely as I handed the older gentleman the small stub of paper in exchange for his coat. He very subtly looked up and down my body appraising my curves while handing me his coat. I knew I would have received a much longer, lingering review had his wife not been directly behind him. After the man gave me a very affable smile, his wife looked directly into my eyes and delivered an unmistakable, yet unspoken message of ‘Back off, I know your kind’...
Even though Rose Monroes man can be a real Christmas Grinch, she does not allow his grouchiness to spoil her festive spirit. She gets up on Christmas and decorates the tree, looking sexy as hell as she decks the halls. When she sees the mistletoe, she gets a great idea of how she can get her man into the Christmas mood. She lays out on the couch with her ass perked up and then calls her guy into the room. When he sees her waving the mistletoe over her puckering hole, the joy of the holiday...
xmoviesforyou*** Hello Readers, Author Doragon here. In review of my own story, i noticed a major grammatical error, so i have revised the story and corrected the error. I am very sorry for any confusion if any of you had caught on, the revised story is as follows; My name is Michael. I will be a senior in high school this coming fall. Every summer, my cousin, James, and I visit each other's house for 2 weeks. I stay with my aunt, and he stays at my house. We have alot of fun. My aunt Cindy is a blast. We...
IncestAn education is a wonderful thing. Higher education is even better. But those who choose to give back and teach others who are learning, that is the most wonderful. Meg had graduated as salutatorian in high school. She was all about books and school functions when in high school. Oh sure she dated, but her dates were more on the order of an escort to a function, nothing serious at all. When she entered college she was not a virgin, but the only reason she was not was her need to know about...
I’m not sure how long Mr. Miller left me alone in that room. It was afternoon when he had finished fucking me, and I could see the sun starting to go down. In the time I’d been alone I’d gone from panting at the door wanting him to come back to crying on the bed ashamed of being used like I had been. I was so confused. Could Mr. Miller be right? Was I really just a nasty little slut who liked being raped? Was it even rape anymore? I’d sucked his cock willingly and played with myself...
Lately, I've been pretty bummed out that I'm turning fifty. I mean my life was really going by so fast. I used to laugh when I heard that people were going through mid-life crisis, but I seem to be experiencing that myself. I'm still a very attractive woman and I have a wonderful husband and family. I just feel like my children are getting older and needing less of my nurturing. I've been in the dumps lately and really cannot get out of it. I didn't think that buying a fast car or...