Keeper Ch. 03 free porn video

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January 1


John twirled the tall brown glass bottle between his fingertips, the beer inside, only half gone, helping to provide a balance to the bottle so that it didn’t tip over. Slouched back in the chair, long legs stretched out underneath the table, he looked completely relaxed to anyone that looked at him- unless they happened to notice the tick in his jaw, caused by clenched teeth.

Shouldn’t have kissed her. What in the holy hell was I thinking?

He stared at his beer, but in his mind’s eye he could see Blue and Lee as they were, right this moment, out on the dance floor. The raucous, honky-tonk music had smoothed into a love song, bodies crushed together, swaying and grinding unashamedly.

His own temporary dance partner, Vanessa, had already left. She’d sashayed out the door with another guy, someone who had looked to be a more promising prospect to spend the rest of the night with. That was all right. Didn’t hurt John’s feelings in the least.

You don’t go laying lips on another man’s property.

Not that John thought of Blue as property. And Lee better not think that way either. That was no way to treat a lady, and Lee had better treat Blue Waters the way she deserved. The way that he would treat her if…

He couldn’t help himself. Without turning his head he shifted his eyes to the left, over to the swaying crowd. He found the pair immediately.

If Blue was his, he’d dance a hell of a lot closer with her than that. Show her that she was the only one in the room as far as he was concerned. Make sure that she knew who she was with, someone that wanted her and only her. He would hold her and sway with her like he was a man who had his mind on a long night of loving ahead… with her. Not dance together like brother and sister- which was the way Blue and Lee were dancing.

But hell, it was none of his concern. And secretly he knew that if he had to sit here and watch them, he totally preferred the arm’s length position they had adopted.

The bar crowd was showing signs of thinning out, Vanessa had split to find whatever New Year’s bliss she was searching for, and John decided it was time for him to take off also. Nothing to hang around here any longer for. When this song ended he would say his goodbye.

Setting his unfinished beer in the center of the table, he fished out his wallet to take care of the tab- his parting gift to the lucky couple- and glanced up out of an instinctual urge. Blue was approaching the table, Lee following close behind while concentrating on the cell phone in his hand.

By the time they reached John, Lee had put the phone away and was looking apologetic.

‘Duty calls.’ Lee held his arms out wide in a good natured ‘what’ya gonna do?’ shrug. ‘There’s a fire out on the west side of Chaplin. Practically shouting arson. That’s my cue, I’m out of here.’ He turned to Blue ruefully. ‘Sorry, Blue. You know how it is.’

‘Of course. A Fire Investigator’s work is never done.’ Blue quipped and smiled graciously.

‘John.’ Lee stuck his hand out and John gripped it in a friendly shake. ‘Nice to have met you.’

‘Likewise. Good talking to you.’ The conversation with Blue’s guy had been interesting, he had to admit. Whatever jealousies he was feeling towards him, John had to acknowledge that Lee was all right.

The two men shook hands, but when John began to loosen his grip, Lee kept hold while glancing over his shoulder to where Blue stood watching.

‘Hey…’ Lee began hesitantly. He released John’s hand and leaned forward slightly. ‘Do me a favor?’

John raised a noncommittal brow and waited.

‘It’s snowing pretty heavy out there right now. Blue drove that old clunker of Jean’s. You two are going the same direction anyway, so would you mind following her home to make sure she gets there okay?’

Follow Blue home? That had been on his mind anyway, unless Blue and Lee happened to go home together, in which case… hell, he hadn’t wanted to think about that, but that was what he figured would happen. In fact, when Lee had said he was being called away for a fire, John had felt some of the unpleasant weight lifting off his chest with the thought that Blue and Lee would not be going home together. Not tonight.

But that wouldn’t mean he would be the lucky one to go home with her. Nope. He was just the friendly neighbor guy, chivalrously making sure Blue made it back to her castle safely before heading on down the road to his own home. His own empty, cold, lonely home.

‘You want her? Go for it! You know you can be more of a man to her than Fire Marshall No-Balls here, who dances with her like he’s her freaking brother, for fuck sake!’

John clenched his jaw with the effort it took to keep from telling his inner voice to shut up. Instead, he nodded, pasted an understanding expression on his face, and told Lee that he sure would keep Blue safe and under his watch until they reached home. Lee could rest easy.

Damn it.


‘You don’t have to trail me home.’ Blue stood, feeling awkward after Lee had left. She had overheard Lee’s request and John’s reassurance. Nicely agreed upon, except they hadn’t included her in the conversation. They had just decided for her that she needed to be… what? Watched like she was some fluffy-headed ditz who didn’t know how to drive in the snow? She should feel insulted, she thought. And she did. Sort of.

The thing about it was, she was irked that Lee had thought to bring it up, but another part of her was fighting off something warm and fuzzy that John had accepted the request. How messed up was that?

John was just sort of staring at her, she noticed. And he didn’t look particularly happy. As a matter of fact, he looked downright grim. Was he annoyed and regretting his agreement to follow her home? Had he been planning instead to stick with Vanessa tonight?

Blue didn’t see the woman around anywhere and thought she had left already, but maybe John had been planning to meet her somewhere. The thought didn’t set well with Blue and she pushed it away- along with the ‘mean-girl’ satisfaction that maybe she had ruined their plans. Shame on her.

John stared, not moving. Tiny creased formed between his brows when he spoke. ‘It’s no problem. Do you think you’re ready to go now, or…?’ He left the question hanging.

Well, damn. What was the point of staying any longer when her only companion left was a suddenly sullen man who had practically ignored her after that kiss in the alcove? He’d seemed friendly enough but most of his conversation had been with Lee or Vanessa. He sure hadn’t asked her to dance at all, prompting hesitance on her part to ask him to dance, even though she was wishing to do so more than she wanted to admit. Whatever feeling of mutual attraction she had been beginning to feel had rapidly waned. Her part was fine, it was his part that had sadly seemed to disappear. Perhaps it was for the best. Did she really need more going on in her life right now? Blue thought of the phone call from Jackson earlier, and the answer was a decidedly firm NO.

‘I’m ready to go if you are.’ Blue answered as neutrally as possible.

John nodded, just a slight movement of his head, and moved ahead of her towards the exit. Skirting around between the dance floor and the tables was a little tricky, with the crowd that was still milling about the area, but John’s stature and the way he moved so confidently cut a swath right through the mob. Blue had to smile at that, in spite of herself, as she trailed along in his wake. He could be handy to have in a crowd, for sure, if she stuck close.

Not following quick enough, Blue found herself jostled by a big, burly body, and reached out instinctively to the broad back in front of her. John turned at her touch, reaching out to lay a hand on her upper arm, a question in his eyes, when the burly guy tipped drunkenly into her again, propell
ing her forward. Straight into John.

His arms came around her to steady her and he looked over her head to glare at whoever it was that had caused her to fly into him, but either the drunk guy was gone or John became just as aware of their closeness as she had. Sucking in a deeply needed breath that had nothing to do with the crash but everything to do with the result, she found herself lost in a gaze of darkening, rich topaz.

Knocked off kilter in more ways than one, Blue took a step back. The large, warm hands closing over her upper arms stopped her, long fingers curving around her triceps. For a moment she could feel the movement of his fingertips smoothing against the soft skin of her inner arms, just below the hemline of her t-shirt sleeves.

She shivered. He released her.

Then it was his turn to get bumped by a wobbly passerby, and whatever ‘moment’ Blue thought they were having disappeared. The music had picked up once again, and Cuddy’s patrons were taking full advantage of it before closing time.

‘Looks like a good time to get out of here. I’ve never seen it so busy.’ John remarked, glancing around before taking her hand and hooking it into the crook of his arm. ‘Hang on!’ He grinned devilishly and led her through the crowd. Blue found herself laughing as they wound through the dancers, John cutting his way through like the prow of a boat through water.

Donning their coats unfortunately meant letting go of his arm, but then his hand settled against her back as she was hustled out the door. It was a small touch, barely felt through her coat, but something she was grateful for when they saw the drunken riff-raff that had spilled out of Cuddy’s and were gathered in a small group. One laughed raucously, some stared quietly through slitted eyes and puffs of cigarette smoke, a couple of them too far away from any light source to make out their faces. They most likely looked more dangerous than they were in reality, but Blue didn’t argue when John put his arm around her shoulders and tucked her against his side, away from the shifty men.

It was snowing heavily, creating an eerie quality to the inadequate lighting of Cuddy’s Shed’s parking lot. The bar had been built onto what was once an actual old shed, and surrounding the graveled section for parking were skeletons of old farm machinery, scattered about randomly. Normally, in the daytime, the run-down look added to the Shed’s ambiance. In the dark of night it just seemed spooky.

Their footsteps crunching loudly against the snow covered gravel, Blue pointed to one side of the lot. ‘There’s my car.’ She shivered and pressed against John’s side. ‘Brrr, it’s gotten cold.’

He didn’t say anything, though she felt his arm tighten fractionally, snugging her to him even more. Pulling the key from her pocket as they neared the battered little car that Jean had driven forever, she turned to John with a ‘thank you’ on her lips. His face was in shadow, but she knew he was scowling again as he looked down at her.

He gestured to the nearby road. ‘Looks like the plow has been by. It shouldn’t be too bad if we don’t wait and go now. I’m right over there.’ He nodded to his pick-up parked nearby. ‘I’ll follow you.’

‘Okay.’ She couldn’t think of anything else to say, so she opened her door and slid behind the wheel. Watching John retreating into the darkness and swirling snow to his own vehicle, Blue sighed and inserted the key into the ignition. Boy howdy, it was cold! The sooner she got going the sooner the heater would crank up, though she doubted it would get her warm enough before reaching home. Anticipating a nice hot bath before crawling under the covers, she turned the key and… nothing.

Nothing happened at all, not even the sound of the engine trying to turn over. Frowning, she pulled the key out and reinserted it to try again. Again, nothing happened. Total, eerie silence. Not knowing what else to do but give the key another try, she wiggled it and turned it again, getting exactly what she expected. Nothing.

‘Well that’s just fine and dandy.’ she grumbled, leaning her head back against the headrest and closing her eyes. About to open her door, she gave a start as the cell phone in her pocket buzzed, letting her know that a call was coming in. Jackson. It had to be. No one else would be calling this time of night. Slipping her phone out and flipping it open, not to answer but just for the satisfaction of seeing that she was right, Blue sucked in a stingingly cold gasp of air as she noted the number. Not Jackson. The number that had left the texts. The one that had stayed silent when she’d answered.

Blue stared at the lit screen as she let it ring. Stared at it even when the ringing stopped and the screen went dark. Without the soft purr of the engine she had tried to start or the ringing of the phone, the snow-muffled quiet of the night closed in on her. Dropping the phone in her lap, her gaze darted up and out the passenger side window. Shadows shifted through the falling snow. Had one of those men they had passed by at the entrance moved closer? It was hard to tell, but it seemed as if…

The knock on her window nearly made her scream. Hand pressed to her pounding heart, she watched as the black shadow outside her door leaned down and tapped at the glass again.

Blue flicked the lock up with fumbling fingers, allowing John to open the door.

‘What’s wrong?’ he asked immediately.

‘It won’t start.’ She decided to keep her answer at that. No need to let him know she had been over-reacting about a stupid phone prank and poorly lit parking lot. It was already feeling silly to her now that she wasn’t alone.

‘Try it again.’ he was telling her, straightening to full height and leaning toward the front of the car to listen to the engine.

She turned the key once more, getting the same result. Nothing to listen to. ‘Want me to pop the hood?’

John considered for a moment, glancing around the lot and up into the sky. ‘No.’ he answered at last. ‘Get your purse and lock it up. You can ride with me.’

‘Oh, but-‘

‘It’s too damn cold out here, Blue.’ He took a step back, shoving his hands into his coat pockets and hunching his shoulders against a sudden gust of frigid air. ‘I’ll give you a lift back here tomorrow and we’ll take a look at it then, all right?’

She looked around. The area suddenly didn’t seem as spooky as it had a moment ago, but she didn’t have the option of AAA, and John did look too cold to be messing around with the engine.

‘All right.’ She gathered her purse, pausing for a moment to drop her phone inside. There were no indicator lights flashing, so whoever had called again at least hadn’t left another text or message. Probably just someone that was dialing a wrong number. Hopefully they would figure that out soon and leave her alone.

So was that note-card a mistake too?

Blue shook the sarcastic voice aside, shut and locked her door, and followed John to his black pick-up.

The roomy cab of the truck was already beginning to warm up when she climbed in, the heater working much faster than Jean’s old car would have even if it had been working. John slid into the driver’s seat and turned the heat to full blast, assuring a cozy ride home. Snapping her seat belt, she looked across the bench seat as he did the same with his. She liked this truck. It was clean, large but cozy, and it smelled like a warm combination of leather and a touch of light musk. ‘Manly’, Blue thought, trying to hide a smile. There was something else too. A faint hint of vanilla?

As John turned out of the parking lot onto the road, and as they at first made small-talk that faded into a comfortable silence, Blue kept her gaze out the window, trying, trying not to stare at the man driving. Trying not to watch as his hands curved around the steering wheel, guiding the pick-up over the snow covered road with deft sureness. Trying not to notice how the muscles of his thigh bun
ched and relaxed beneath the snug denim of his jeans as he worked the gas and brake. Trying… and failing miserably… not to wonder if, if she slid across the seat and pressed her face into his neck, just beneath his jaw… if his skin would smell like that delicious combination of leather, musk, and vanilla.

Telling herself to stop it, but sneaking a look at John in spite of herself, she noticed a tension in him. The cab was warm enough now, and the soft, low music from a country station was playing on the radio, the lights from the dashboard casting a faint glow into the darkness. It had all combined to make a calm, serene setting for her, so much that she even was feeling a bit sleepy and had let her mind wander. What she hadn’t noticed was that after they had turned off the road that Cuddy’s Shed was located on, the freshly plowed asphalt had ended and they were now traveling along a more heavily snow covered roadway. Though he still had control, John had slowed considerably.

Blue sat up straighter, keeping a better watch out the windshield at the road ahead. Snow swirled through the air, the speed of the vehicle, slower than normal as it was, making it seem as if the flakes were shooting towards them in the light of the headlights. It looked otherworldly, as if they were traveling through deep dark space that was full of millions of stars. She didn’t offer any conversation, thinking he may need all his concentration on the road, but she was perfectly comfortable with the silence anyhow. But he was frowning slightly, and she saw his head move in a negative shake so small she almost missed it…

‘I can’t stop thinking about you.’

Blue’s head swiveled. He was still focused ahead, but were his hands clenched a little bit tighter around the steering wheel? She was sure she heard him right. What the hell was she supposed to reply with? She swallowed and said the first thing that came to mind.

‘Oh?’ Gah! For Pete’s sake!

The truck swerved as the wheels hit a patch of hidden ice, and John mumbled a curse under his breath. Straightening and slowing another notch, he spared a quick glance her way. ‘Good thing your car didn’t start. I don’t think that little hatchback would have made it in this. I told Jean she needed something better, but you know how stubborn she was. Can’t tell you how many times I had to come rescue her when the engine stalled out. I’m not too surprised it wouldn’t start tonight. We’ll take a look at it tomorrow, get it running for you. Probably a dead battery. It’s happened before.’


He let out a breath and shot a look at her again, quick but full of an intensity that made her heartbeat skip. ‘Hang on. We’re almost home.’

Almost home. Blue liked the sound of that, something that served to confirm the rightness of her decision to move back here. She settled back into her seat and in a few minutes they were turning into her drive, the tires crunching on the snow.

John didn’t turn the engine off. She didn’t expect him to, since he probably wanted to get home himself. Despite that, though she had settled one hand on the door handle, she waited. An achingly romantic country song played on the radio. John reached to turn the volume lower. She heard the rustle of his movement as he unbuckled his seat belt and turned towards her, and she stared at the glowing radio dial where his hand had just been, not sure at all why she was nervous to look at him.

‘Tell me about your relationship with Lee.’

Blue did look up then, surprised at the request. ‘With… with Lee?’

John nodded and his eyes narrowed. ‘I’m usually pretty good at reading people, but I’ll admit I think I need a little help here, because this is too important to me for guesswork. So… what exactly do you and Lee have going?’

‘Lee and I are friends. We knew each other in high school, and have been in contact since I moved away.’ She shrugged. ‘Friends.’

‘Just friends? Nothing more?’

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Mistress Traceys Delight

A Session "I'm imagining 6 or even 12 implements of punishment… whips, paddles,floggers, dildos, gags, human riding equipment, slappers……. mydear Michael" said Mistress Tracy reaching for her wine glass. The afternoon light shone though the break in the curtains. It was the kindof light which made it easy to see the slightest cigarette smoke or dust, thisafternoon light was brushing my Mistress Tracey's torso and legs and the exquisitelytiny hairs on her sinuous belly shown magically. Mistress...

2 years ago
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The real god

This story is completely made up and depicts no one in real life.  Anything that has happened in this story or will happen in future stories are not endorsed.  The AUTHOR takes on NO responsibility for anyones actions related to this made up fictional story.  All characters are made up and completely fake.SAMANTHA1        It was a relatively slow day at the shopping center where Sam worked, fucking BuyCheap, she hated it.  Although the money was good and she was a higher ranking employee than...

3 years ago
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Sex education1

"Hey, can you get me some toilet paper from the supply closet?" After returning from the supply closet I told her I had it and she told me to open the door and hand it to her. Upon opening the door I saw her sitting, totally naked, on the toilet. I stretched my arm out to give it to her when she said, "I can't get up, bring it to me?" So I walked over to her and handed her the toilet paper when she closed the door and stood up. "Did you like what you saw?", she said, and...

2 years ago
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I remember 4

Going to my home office, I started to open some files to show him. I sat at the computer and he stood behind me. We were enjoying ourselves, joking and laughing and looking at some good old porn. After a few minutes we were both pretty horny. He was making a few noises that indicated that he was probably playing with his cock, I didnt turn around to look, I just took my cock out and stroked it. This had continued for some time when I felt him tap my shoulder. I turned to look over my...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 22

After the broadcast, Paula asked everyone to head to Marsh's for a celebration. "It's taken seven years for Steve to pop the question and we're going to make sure he knows how pleased we all are!" Ted took the floor of the private room once family and friends were all gathered. "Steve asked me a few days back for permission to ask Gwen to marry him. I told him at the time that Paula and I couldn't be happier. I'm not fooling myself about who the head of this family is. I appreciate...

3 years ago
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The Deckhand Saturday Cruise Part 1

I slept well Thursday night into Friday morning and woke feeling ready to tackle the day.  I showered and ate before heading to the hardware store for a little physical labor.  I walked in the door about fifteen minutes early, and Mr. Solyst approached me right away.  "Good morning Mr. Solyst.  How are you today," broached my lips before he had a chance to speak."I'm good. In fact, I'm very good," he answered as he led me back to his office.  Once inside, he continued, "Your work at Mrs....

3 years ago
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Fun versus machine

As the bedroom door opened in walked Veronica, closing it behind her she dropped the towel and lay on the bed naked, she decided to have a rest before her date with Jed, she opened her legs slightly and touched her freshly shaved smooth pussy, pulling her lips apart she felt her clit that had become swollen slightly, she sighed softly and rubbed it gently, her mind consumed with what would be happening later in Jed’s house, it always happened the thought of his huge thick cock, slamming into...

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The Torturers Apprentice

The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable only for adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading such material by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately. Likewise, if you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy kindly leave and seek professional help.

2 years ago
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Real Sister Ke Sath Sex

Haan to dosto waise to sabhi is kahani ka lutuf utha sakte hain lekin young ladkee, bhabhiji, aunties aur old aunties mean oldaunties etc special maine unke ke liye likhee hai jisme mera bhi ek phayda chhupa hai kyonki yadi koi young girl even below 18 means above 15yrs, bhabhiji, aunties and oldaunties also read and can contact me throgh email than I also contact them to help them in any way any time always I am very happy to help them in any kind of services. To dosto ab main kahani par aata...

3 years ago
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Only 21 once

I will share a story about what happened to me two years ago for my 21st birthday!“Tess, you’re officially an adult. You little slut!” Jordan said to me, she always teased me for my innocence. I turned 21 two days ago, and my friends were taking me out to drink this weekend. I tossed my fake ID in the shredder and put on a beautiful Sheath Blue dress I had. It screamed, ‘I am a professional business woman, leave me alone.’ Jordan didn’t seem to agree with my taste of outfit when I got to her...

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Dirty Laundry mdash Part 5

This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvDirty Laundry Part 5Steffie visited the laundromat each week for the next several months.Each time she wore the pilfered lingerie Ty provided and each time shesucked a creamy load from his cock and was thoroughly fucked (notnecessarily in that order!). She stripped off the lingerie at the end ofeach session, only to find a new set waiting for her in her laundrybasket when she returned to her apartment. The...

3 years ago
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Untied Sneakers

Copyright © 2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author Even The Wind Knows Where did our wind go Taking your essence Leaving not a trace I flounder in its absence Craving your breeze on my face Has our love gone As your tender touch caresses me Taste of tears still fresh Your scent lingers...

2 years ago
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Business Meeting

I had a business meeting late afternoon with a client who was looking to spend allot of money with our company. I was told by our owner to do what ever it took to seal the deal. I had picked a very nice restaurant with a very fancy bar attached to it. I arrived early to insure that everything was set and in order to go.I sat at the bar and had two drinks while waiting on the client to show. While sitting there I noticed an older lady sitting at a table alone in the corner of the room. She was a...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Jessie Saint Tiny Oiled Up Orgasms

Blondie Jessie Saint loves to fantasize about giant cocks inside her tight little cooch. The pretty eyed beauty has plenty of offers to satisfy her sexual needs, but she needs it to be just right to get her off. Today, she dresses down in a sexy see through leotard and lets our stud douse her in oil. He grabs her hair from behind and slides his prick inside her inexperienced pussy lips, stroking hard as she moans like a wild woman. Her back arches and her breathing gets heavy as he works inside...

1 year ago
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Seven wise men with the knowledge so fine,created a pussy to their design.First was a butcher, with smart wit,using a knife, he gave it a slit.Second was a carpenter, strong and bold,with a hammer and chisel, he gave it a hole.Third was a tailor, tall and thin,by using red velvet, he lined it within.Fourth was a hunter, short and stout,with a piece of fox fur, he lined it without.Fifth was a fisherman, nasty as hell,threw in a fish and gave it a smell.Sixth was a preacher, whose name was...

1 year ago
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The Therapist and the Nymphomaniac Chapter 2

The next morning, Elizabeth woke to the smell of fresh-brewed coffee. For a couple seconds, she wasn't sure where she was or how she got there. She looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Then she saw her empty suitcases stacked neatly in a corner and it clicked.She felt relief wash over her and she got out of bed. Without a nightgown (she had forgotten to pack hers), she wore only an oversized sleepshirt and her panties - what she normally wore around her own house. She came out of her...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Make Me Gay

I've never really had any problems getting laid. Sure, there were girls I really wanted to fuck that wouldn't give me the time of day, but generally I've always gotten a decent amount of pussy. The thing was though, even though I'd had lots of intense, beautiful sex with some pretty hot girls, I have always secretly wanted to suck a guys cock, especially a black guy.I've jerked off while thinking about this for a long, long time. I wanted so badly to kiss a soft dick, feeling it grow hard, and...

1 year ago
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Christina takes my ass

I have had many encounters with shemales over the last eight years. I first discovery that such beautiful creatures existed was when I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I had gone to a adult bookstore and was in a booth watching a little porn when I came across my first shemale porn movie. I sat back stroking my cock watching this buxom blond suck this guy off. Then of course he bent her over and fucked her hard in the ass. I still rememember seeing those large breasts bounce and her cock swing back...

1 year ago
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VortexChapter 2

Wendy Waters was excited. She had been appalled that her son had killed an innocent woman and, she assumed, caused grief to her husband. Even though she had long ago given up trying to influence let alone control Rick he was her flesh and blood. She somehow felt responsible and wanted to do something to help. She had thought long and hard and had eventually come up with the idea of offering her services as housekeeper to Mr Richards. After that she had to overcome her shyness but in the end...

2 years ago
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Reeds Enterprise

The continuing buzz that is coming from your alarm clock wakes you, you turn it off and sit up. “Bloody hell.” You exclaim, you have wood again. You haven’t had sex in a long time. Your name is Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, and you serve on the NX-01 better known as the Enterprise. You are descended from a long line of British navy men; in fact, you take after your grandfather who was an ordnance officer in the Royal Navy. Rules and regulations, discipline, schedules — life is strictly by-the-book...

3 years ago
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Bosss Dominance

Constance was the executive at a large firm in Seattle, and her day-to-day pressures had made her quite dominant over her employees as well as her clients. She sat behind her desk a very lonely woman, her dominance had driven everyone away that she could have been close to, and she never quite got used to being "the bitch" and "cobweb cunt," which were some of the nicknames she had overheard for herself. At 47, she was still an attractive woman, her auburn hair hung to her shoulders and...

4 years ago
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Fitting Julie For A Gown

Dave and Julie had been inseparable since the sailing date. Dave’s shop was in between yacht restorations and Julie had quit the restaurant job, so nothing competed with their time together.Dave loved the way Julie embraced life, so he took her to all kinds of events and activities just to see the joy on her face.Dave also encouraged her exhibitionism and provided her with an additional wardrobe that a young woman with an incredible body could tease others with; miniskirts, daisy dukes, and...

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Changes in Paradise 01 07

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...

3 years ago
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"Burley, would you come in a half hour early this afternoon? I want to go over some things with you." "Sure, will two-thirty be soon enough?" "Should be." I came in when I said I would. Now I was out the door. I should have seen this coming. The old man's nephew had been training on days. Now the nephew was starting my shift and I was walking toward my car. I would be twenty-six tomorrow. What a birthday present. Mom's estate was almost settled. Mom willed Sis the house and she was...

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Monday Morning

He was up before her, slipping out of bed and quietly preparing for the office. He took a shower, shaved and got dressed. He started the standard pot of coffee, and slid a bagel into the toaster. His mind was a bit fuzzy, he regretted the unplanned glass of wine from last night. It had ended up turning into a full bottle that he shared with his wife. He replayed the events of the prior evening through his mind, the spontaneous laughter, the wine, the closeness of his wife and the wonderful...

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Frozen Love

Frozen Loveby Abe        As soon as I realized I was floating free, in micro-gravity, I knew something was terribly wrong.  I tried to figure out where I was and how I got there.        Charles and I had only been married for three weeks, two of them in hiding, when he was arrested and tortured for being a member of the Liberty Party.  While I suppose they might have suspected me, too, my father was a recent appointee to the Cabinet, and it would have embarrassed the President, if they had...

1 year ago
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Rate My Ass

Are you in the mood to rate some ass pics? I invite all the cultured men to come and join a subreddit called r/RateMyAss/, which basically speaks for itself. If you are an ass-man, then you are more than welcome to check out this subreddit, and if you prefer tits or whatever the fuck, you might as well go to a different subreddit instead.I am here to talk about r/RateMyAss/, and what the fuck this subreddit has to offer. Well, first thing’s first; you have lots of hotties who want you to rate...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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The Mist of Time Ch 1112

CHAPTER ELEVEN There was a deal of difference when I pulled up outside the Dower House. First all the brambles and gorse had gone, secondly Aleksy had somehow got hold of a load of gravel which was spread over the approaches to the house, thirdly the balustrade along the veranda had been repaired and primed for painting and last I noticed a huge pile of granite setts. Even as I stood there one of his crew drew up in a thirty-hundredweight truck with another load of setts, recovered from the...

1 year ago
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Haunting Women

All I can remember is that the cold November night was dark, foggy and rainy. I was driving as slow as possible not being able to see well through the fog. Suddenly I saw darkness and my car stops giving me no hope of turning on again. I hit the steering wheel and curse loudly. It had been such a long hard day at work and I was tired and ready to come home. I don't know why I was even rushing to get home since I lived all alone. I would often come home to an empty apartment. All I basically did...

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Planet Oblivion

Every choice is important. Every life you hold in the balance can change your fate. Mercenary brutality, alien encounters, and perverse criminals. On Planet Oblivion you are not in control. You can only survive. Please feel free to add to this story. Just stick to the theme of it and beyond that, anything goes. Have fun :)

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“Do you trust me?” she whispers into his ear. He can’t see her. His eyes are covered by a blindfold. He cannot reach her because his wrists are crossed and tied behind the back of the chair he is sitting on. He is naked except for the blindfold, and the wrist and ankle bindings that lash him to the chair. His breathing becomes shallower as she slowly walks around him trailing her fingertips lightly over his soft skin, making him shiver. He feels that she’s wearing gloves. His nipples harden...

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Milwaukee Cuckold and the Principal 2

Judy didn’t bother putting on her underwear and just put her skirt and blouse on. She went over and gave Principal Jefferson a kiss goodbye. It was no simple kiss they were virtually going at it again. When they finished Judy took my hand and lead me toward the door, she turned back and said, “we’ll see you tomorrow night” Principal Jefferson just smiled back.We got into the car and it was now dark out and there was only one other car in the lot, which I assume was the principals. Before we...

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The Italian Sugar Daddy

I had been on the hunt for the perfect sugar daddy since my birthday back in January. I've dated a couple of men but no one I found intriguing enough to want to keep going with. I wanted what I had at one time, a daddy who was everything to me. A lover, a best friend, someone confident in me and himself. But with the changing of times and of course ageing twelve years, I was having a hard time finding "the one." I was ready to give up when I started getting messages from a man who was local to...

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Chaos Calls 05 Island GirlChapter 03

There’s a fair breeze blowing us toward the beach, if it was much stronger it would be too rough for us to sail such a wide and flat boat. When we get closer to the island we can see where the water is disturbed by hitting the coral reef. We can also look over the side to see a lot of marine life with lots of teeth swimming in the waters here. For most of the trip to the island we let the sails push us and use the rudder to guide us, but when we get close to the reef the men start rowing...

4 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 9

We reached an equilibrium after a week of strangeness. In reality, it was just an expansion of what we had already been doing. Though, now, I didn’t give a shit about schedules. Candace would come home on her late day to find Cassie bouncing on top of my cock while we sat on the couch in the living room and Cassie found Candace on her knees in the kitchen several times, happily slobbering on my cock. I had to restrain myself from inviting Cassie to join. I had little doubt that she would be...

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