Very Wet Day free porn video

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As most of you readers that have read many of my stories know, all are based on true stories of my life as a swinger. This story is no different; in fact it just happened a couple of weeks ago.

Chapter 1

One day last week I had business in the big city, Memphis. Tn. As is the norm I try to mix pleasure with business. I have a lot of contacts that I have made over the years and usually a couple of phone calls will get me some action. This day was different. It was raining cats and dogs and only the very brave or stupid would be out in it. I know that I am not the former, so I must be the latter. After I had completed my business I was cruising down this street on my way to see one of my lady friends. Like I said it was pouring down in buckets and was very hard to see. I did manage to see this person walking down the street soaked to the hilt and had to swerve out to keep from soaking them even more. When I got passed I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed that it was a young girl. Normally I will not stop for just anyone but it was not fit for man or beast out there and I think I would have stopped even for the beast. I pulled into a driveway and waited for that soaked person to walk toward my car. As she got close I could see she was a young girl and did not have on a raincoat or an umbrella. She was wearing just a regular windbreaker nothing on her head and she was soaked to the hilt. I also noticed from her face that she was crying. Now I am a sucker for a lady in distress so I rolled down my window and asked her if I could give her a lift. She stopped and looked at me and I guess figured that I looked ok and she came around and got in the passengers seat. Good thing I have leather upholstery because this poor girl was soaked.

I reached in the back seat and pulled out a roll of paper towels that I always keep in my vehicle. I tore off a bunch and gave them to her and she dried her face and hair. For the first time I got a good look at her face when she turned to thank me. She had a pretty round face with freckles and a dimple on her chin. Her eyes were a deep green and she had a little pug nose that was covered with freckles. Her mouth was small and when she smiled to thank me her whole face lit up. I gave her some more towels to dry her hair and then turned on the heater as I saw she shivering. This was a cool very wet November day and the thin jacket she had on would not keep her warm even if it were not wet. As the girl dried her hair I told her my name and that I was a businessman that had just come from a meeting. She again turned her head towards me and said her name was Kimie. I asked her her age because she did not look a day over 14. She told me she was 19, which surprised me and I told her I thought she was about 14. Kimie smiled and said she was told that a lot. I asked her why she was out in the nasty weather. I saw the tears starting to flow again. After awhile she managed to tell me that her dad had kicked her out of the house when he found out that she had stayed out all night with her boyfriend. I was silent a minute thinking. Then I asked her if she did that often? stay out all night? Kimie told me no that was her first time and started to bawl. What could a guy do? I leaned over, remember I was parked, and I put my right arm around her wet shoulder. She leaned into me and I let her cry.

Several minutes passed before she stopped crying, looked up at me and with those tear stained green eyes and thanked me. I told her I was glad I came along and could help. I then asked her where she was headed. Kimie said she had a girlfriend that lived in the south area of town. From where we were she would have had to walk another couple of hours to get to that area and told her that. With those sad eyes she said she knew but had no money for bus fare or phone calls. Said she left her purse with all her ID etc in the house. My mind was racing. I am not a pervert or anything like that, would never rape a girl, don't have to, I get all the action I want. However, I am also not one to pass up a chance to get a girl in bed by being nice to them etc. I told Kimie that if she allowed me I would get a motel room and she could spent the night there and then when her head was clearer in the morning she could decide what to do. Kimie looked at me and then thanked me and told me that she could not let me. I told her she had no choice other than getting back out in the storm. Kimie sat quiet a minute and then said ok.

I pulled out the driveway and headed for a motel I know not far from where we were. I knew this place had a couple of rooms with Jacuzzis that would be perfect to get naked with her. A few minutes later I pulled into the motel and told Kimie she could remain in the car if she liked, I would go get her a room. Those sad green eyes just looked at me, she did not say a word. I got out and ran to the office door and asked the clerk if they had a vacancy in a room with a Jacuzzi. She looked and they did and I filled out the registration form and paid. With key in hand I got back in the car and drove around to the room. Kimie and I got out and I opened the door to the motel room. We got inside real quick to keep from getting soaked even more. The room was clean, had a large king or queen bed with mirrors over it and on the walls. There was a sink with a big mirror and the door to the bathroom opened into another room almost as big as the bedroom that had a shower and a large Jacuzzi. When Kimie saw this those green eyes got real big and her mouth hung open. I told her she needed to warm up and there was no better way than in a hot Jacuzzi. She stepped back and I turned on the water to fill the tube.

I straightened up and looked at Kimie and told her she needed to get out of those wet clothes. She looked at me enough to say are you staying. I told her she was safe with me, I would not rape her but would like to get in the Jacuzzi with her and help her in any way I could. I saw she was very nervous so I told her I would wait in the bedroom until she was in the tub and join her then if that was ok by her. She again thanked me and then closet the door. I used this opportunity to go back to my car and get my bag that I always keep with me. You know necessities of the trade. Condoms, oil for massages, a couple of different sized vibrators and my digital camera, my Viagra and a few other necessities. I set the bag by the bed and then stripped out of my clothes, took a Viagra pill and waited for her to howler at me. Several minutes passed and she said nothing so I opened the door and asked her if I could join her. At first there was silence and then finally she said ok. As I opened the door further and walked in Kimie said she had never done this before. I asked her what and she said be naked with a strange man and in a Jacuzzi. As I stepped in the tub I assured her that she was safe with me and I would not do anything she did not want me to do. She smiled a nervous smile. Kimie was all the way down in the water with only her head sticking out so with the bubbly water I could not see any of her body.

I sat opposite her in the swirling water and just looked at her. I guess I made her nervous because she asked me why I was staring at her. I told her I was admiring a beautiful young woman. Her face reddened as she blushed. We sat there for several minutes letting the swirling water relax and warm us not saying a word. Finally I asked her if I could come sit by her. Kimie looked at me and then knotted yes. I moved around and sat next to her being careful not to get to close and scare her off. After another minute or two I asked her if last night was her first time to have sex. She put her head down and said it was. I then asked her how she liked it. She said at first she did not but the longer they did it the more she liked it. Not being bashful to ask questions now that the ice had been broken, I asked her if she had a climax.

Kimie turned her head toward me and told me she had. I told her that was good because a girl should always have a climax and if her partner was good she should have multiple climaxes.

There was a silence for a minute and I asked her if her boyfriend used a condom. She told me they did. I told her that was good, she should never have sex without protection unless she is positive that the guy is clean and she is on the pill so she does not get pregnant. While I was talking with her I let my leg move close and touch hers. She did not pull her leg away; this was a good sign for me. I got braver and put my leg over hers, again she did not move. I started massaging her leg with mine and I saw her head go back and her eyes closed. That was my signal that she was receptive to my advances as long as I did it slowly. I reached my hand out and let it touch her thigh. No movement, only her breathing was getting harder. My hand massaged her thigh and then moved up and I let it rest just at the junction. I then leaned over close to her and told Kimie that I wanted to make love to her. She partially opened her eyes and started to speak but I placed my mouth on hers and kissed her. The girl was very receptive. Her mouth opened and we were now French kissing. Our tongues were dancing together and she was kissing me back hard. Then her arm came up and she placed it on the back of my head and pulled me even closer and our teeth ground together.

My hand now went to the junction and found that she was very hairy. I placed a finger just inside her and I heard her moan. I then let my finger find her clitoris and I massaged it. This bought more moans from her and her bottom was moving up on my finger. This girl was hot. Hotter than I even thought she would be. It was not long with my massaging her clit that she moaned, her body shook and she climaxed. Kimie was really on fire and her mouth was pressing harder down on mine and her tongue was now trying to go down my throat. I continued to massage her clit as she climaxed and she bottom was humping my finger. I then placed a finger up inside her, she was tight, very tight and she humped my finger and climaxed again as my finger went way up inside her as far as it would go. She is now moaning harder and her body is twitching as she climaxes again and again on my finger. I loved the way she was acting, just like a young girl that had just been sexually awakened and could not get enough. This is every man's dream. However, to really take care of her I needed her out of this Jacuzzi and on the bed. I finally pulled my lips from hers and her mouth stayed open until her eyes opened up. I looked deep in her eyes and asked her if she would be more comfortable on the bed.

We got up together and I grabbed a towel and dried her and then myself. I helped her out of the tub and walked her to the bed. As soon as we lay together Kimie pressed her body to mine and her lips were on mine again. I knew that if I let this go on long my rock hard cock would be inside her and I did not have a condom on yet. I hated to break the mood but I wanted her slow, I wanted to get my lips on her pussy lips, I wanted my tongue up inside her to drive her crazy. I wanted her so primed and ready that she would about rape me. She was not far from that right now but I had to get her slowed down a little. I rolled her over on her back and straddled her legs, purposely not getting between them, knowing that my cock would go up inside her before either of us stopped to get a condom. My chest flattened her breasts and our mouths connected again. Kimie was moaning and her hips were humping up as my cock just touched the outside of her pussy mound. I pulled my lips from her and kissed my way down her body, a body that I had not really seen yet, but knew it was young, smooth and very hot. My mouth connected with a nipple and again she moaned and took a deep breath. I sucked on that nipple and then let it go and planned kisses down her ribs, belly and then the mound. She was very hairy, and as anyone that have read any of my stories you know that I love shaved, bald pussy. However, was I going to turn this hairy one down? No way, I spread the lips with my hands and my tongue flicked her little clit. Kimie moaned out and her ass humped up. I knew this was going to be one hell of a ride. I licked her pussy slit and then the clit. Then I sucked her little nub between my lips and she let out a long moan and her ass bounced. As my lips sucked her clit I pushed two fingers up inside her and Kimie humped, her body quivered and she climaxed yet again. I kept this up for several minutes and she multi climaxed. I then let go of her clit and started eating her out. My tongue went up inside her as far as it could go and the girl continued to moan, groan and climax.

Kimie was one hot young lady and I was the very lucky guy to be with her right now. The more I licked and sucked her the more she climaxed, it was almost like I had turned on a switch and she could not stop. Along with my tongue now I was fingering her. Then I placed two fingers in her and she was soaked. I pulled my fingers back and one back up inside her pussy and the other was pushing at her puckered, tight, probably virgin ass hole. As my finger spread her ass ring muscles she let out a loud ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk=hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Her ass bucked up, both fingers went in to the hilt, one in her pussy and one in her ass and Kimie climaxed over and over, moaning groaning and bucking. This was her biggest and hardest climax yet. I was ready now and knew that she was also. As I continued to lick her I reached down by the bed and got my bag. I fished around and came up with a condom. I managed to tear the foil and then reached down and rolled it on my rock hard cock. The Viagra was really kicking in now and doing its job. I continued licking her bringing her to the peek and then I scooted up between her legs and lowered myself to her. As my cock spread her hot, wet pussy lips Kimie wrapped her legs around me and she was helping me go further and further up inside her until our public bones ground against each other. This girl truly was insasuable, she was humping up and down on my cock so hard and fast that I just held on for the ride. Wave after wave of climaxes were coursing through her body. I was near the point of shooting my load and wanted to make it last longer because the way this girl was acting I think she could go all night.

However, she was tight, hot and moving on my cock causing the friction that set my balls churning and the cum boiled out and into the condom. I stayed inside her as long as I dared for fear of loosing the condom. When I pulled out of her there was a moan from her lips that almost sounded like a protest. I rolled off her and lay beside her pulling her to my body and holding her close. We both drifted off in sleep. When I woke up about 30 minutes later Kimie was sound asleep. The condom had fallen off my cock and the cum had leaked out onto the sheets. I slowly pulled my arm from under her and she did not wake up. I went to the bathroom and peed and then washed myself. When I returned to the bedroom for the first time my eyes got a good look of this young girl and she was a knockout. Her breasts were about 34A, her hips and waist were well proportioned and her legs were smooth and long. She stood about 5'9" and I guessed she weighed around 110 lbs. To me she was perfect except for all that pubic hair. But then who can be choosey?

I stood there for several minutes watching this beautiful waif and thinking how very lucky I was. Then I wondered if I would be so lucky when she woke up? Would she be ready willing and able for more or would she be on a guilt trip and want me to leave? I looked at my watch and knew that I had to call home and make some excuse to stay the night. I got my cell phone and went back into the bathroom and closed the door. I called the Mrs. and told her that the meeting was lasting longer than we thought and that because of the nasty weather I was going to spend the night and then finish up some work down here and would be home tomorrow evening. My job often takes me away for a night or two so I had no trouble in selling that. I started back out of the bathroom and saw Kimie lying there still sleeping. An idea suddenly struck me, would she do two guys at once? Would she do a black guy?

You all know that I have several black friends and often party with them. I love watching them stick those big black cocks in white pussy. To me there is nothing more erotic than seeing a white girl and a black man making love. I knew she was hot and I was going to chance that I could talk her into it.

I went back in the bathroom and called one of my many contacts. Johnny was not home so I called Tony. He was home and I told him what I had and that I was going to try to talk her into a little more fun and we talked and left it that If I did not call him back by 8PM that he was come to the motel for some fun. This left me 5 hours to see if she would be game plus eat some supper. Tony is very black, 6'3" around 200 lbs, 52 and has a 14" cock. I have been to many orgies were he was present. I have never been with just him and one girl but I know that he is a great lover and loves white girls. I also know from seeing him in action that he has a hell of stamina. I watched him one time plunging this girl for almost and hour before she begged him to stop. I was excited and was now thinking of my plan.

I went back into the bedroom and turned on the TV really trying to wake Kimie up. This motel has satellite so there are a couple of XXX channels that you can get if you know how to work the TV. I did and turned them on. One channel showed one girl and guy and she was sucking on him. I turned to the other channel and this had an orgy going on, several guys and girls. I left it on this channel and turned up the volume a little then sat back on the bed to watch it. It was not long before Kimie woke up with all the moaning, groaning and screaming that was going on.

She blinked her eyes then starred at the TV and then looked at me. To my pleasant surprise she scooted up and lay with me. With her hot body next to mine, the action on the screen and my Viagra I was soon staring to get hard again. Next thing I knew Kimie was holding my cock. I was thinking to myself that this was going to work, she was going to fuck two guys tonight before the night was over.

I put my plan in motion. I told her to lie on her stomach and I would give her a massage. Most women cannot refuse a massage. She didn't refuse so that she could watch the screen while I worked her body I had her move. This was playing right into my plan, as the hot action on the TV would work on her. I got my special oil out of my bag and started to rub her back down. This oil I make myself and it has a few ingredients in it that make the body tingle and get warm. I use Baby oil, heat salve and a couple other ingredients and but them all in a blender and the stuff mixes in a heavy oil. It really works in loosening the girls up. As I was rubbing her with one-hand my other hand was getting some toys out of my little black bag. Some KY jelly, a double vibrator, one cock for each hole and a couple of condoms. Then I used both hands on her and rubbed her shoulders and back real heavy. Kimie loved it. We both were now watching the orgy on the TV and I could tell from her breathing that she was getting aroused. I massaged her shoulders for about 10 minutes before I moved down to her ass cheeks. Beautiful ass cheeks they were too. Then I did her legs, calves and then her feet. Most guys forget that a woman's feet are in most women one of her arousiness zones. I rubbed and massaged her feet and had her moaning. Then all of a sudden I hear her say, "Oh my God". I looked up and this black guy was poised over this white girl and his monster cock was huge and about to enter her. The girl had a shaved pussy and watching that black cock spread those lips and go up inside her was very hot.

I saw Kimies breathing was very heavy now and she was very aroused as I soon found out when I placed my hand between her legs. She was soaked. I squirted some of that oil on her ass and massaged it between the cracks and fingered her ass hole a little. With the other hand I picked up the double vibrator and smeared some oil on both heads. I continued to lightly finger her ass and then took that vibrator and put the larger shaft at her pussy and turned it on. Kimie let out a loud squeal and she humped up her ass to give me better access. I now had a couple inches of that humming vibrator up inside her pussy and now the other shaft was poised at her ass hole.

I squeezed a bunch of oil on that little brown circle and then kept pushing the two shafts forward. The one at her ass was spreading that muscle and soon the head was buried inside her. Because of the hot screen action, the black guy was fucking that white girl for all she was worth, the bigger vibrator humming in her pussy Kimie moaned but did not stop me from pushing that other shaft in her ass. The oil really helped and it went in with ease. When both shafts were bottomed out as far as they would go I turned the vibrator up to full speed. Kimie was going crazy. That vibrator was doing things to her that she had in my opinion never experienced before. She started humping up and down and her body was shaking and she was moaning and shooting climaxes again. I started working those two shafts in and out of her and she kept humping on them. In my opinion this was new to her and she loved it. I thought to myself that she is going to really love that big black cock later.

After several minutes and about as many climaxes for her I turned the vibrator off and left the double-shafted dildo in her two holes. Kimie quit climaxing and turned on her side I watched as her arm and hand went down and she placed her hand on the dildo and she started fucking herself. The more she pushed and pulled the faster she got and again she was shooting climaxes one after another. What a site. I quickly moved out of the way and grabbed my digital camera and snapped a couple of quick shots. Kimie did not even notice the flash going off or if she did she did not let on that she did. I guess her eyes were pretty glazed over from lust at this time.

I have seen many girls that loved sex and many girls that climaxed often but Kimie was the first I ever saw that claimed to be a virgin until last night and is so into sex and shooting more climaxes than any girl I had even encountered. She was totally lost in what she was doing. I snapped a few more pictures, this time of her face and the look of total lust was priceless.

Finally after several minutes of her jamming that double dildo in her two hole as hard and fast as she could Kimie finally stopped and just laid back and relaxed. I put the camera down and went and stroked her head. After several more minutes I asked her if she was hungry. She said she was starved. I asked her what she liked to eat and she said she loved Italian. I knew a cozy little Italian restaurant not far away and told her we could go there to eat. She reminded me that her clothes were soaked. I had forgotten. I then told her I would order it and go pick it up. She liked that Idea. I inquired as to what she liked and then ordered. I got dressed and left to get the food. When I returned Kimie was in the Jacuzzi. She told me she loved it.

I got out of my clothes again and joined her for a few minutes and then told her we had better eat before it gets to cold. We ate and talked. I told her that I thought she was one hot little girl. She reminded me that she was 19. I told her she may be but she had the face and body of a 14 year old and could easily pass for one. Kimie blushed and then asked if I liked young girls, I was honest with her and told her I did but that no young girl had ever been as hot as she was today. She looked at me and asked if she had a pretty body, I told her beautiful with only one minor flaw. She wanted to know what that was and I told her the bush. She was silent a minute and then asked me if I liked shaved girls. I told her I did and that if she shaved she would really pass for underage and she could make lots of money doing photo shoots posing as a preteen girl. She asked if I really thought so. I said absolutely and I have a friend that does that type of stuff and I could introduce you if you like. Then I add, but why don't we see first if you like how you look shaved. To my surprise she agreed. I told her to sit up on the sink and we will take care of it. Kimie bounced up, laid a towel down and sat up on it. I got my razor from my bag and looked at her. Then I had an idea. I told her that we should take some pictures, you know like before and after and see how you like them. Again to my surprise she agreed. I got my camera out and took a couple of close up shots of that hairy pussy. Then I backed up to get the full frontal shot and Kimie put her hands to her face. I snapped a few shots and asked her to remove her hand. She did not want to but I convinced her that these shots were only for her to see how she looks. She dropped her hands and I shot a couple with her face showing.

I then took the razor to the sink and I got the soap and started to lather her up. I gave her the soap and told her to continue. I rinsed and dried my hands and picked up the camera and took a couple more shots. I then took the razor and handed it to her. Kimie told me to do it; her hands were shaking to bad. I was only too happy to oblige. I started at the top and took a couple of strokes. I rinsed the razor and my hands and picked up the camera again and shot a few more pictures. I then went back to shaving her. I had her all shaved except for the hairs on her pussy lips underneath and next to her legs. I had her lift one leg at a time and I carefully shaved it. I then had her lift her legs up and spread so that I could get the underside. She did and I shaved. I then took a washcloth and cleaned all the soap off her. She started to get down but I told her to hold on a minute I want to rub some lotion of it so it does not burn. Kimie stayed there and I got the special oil. I rubbed it all over her pussy area and on the sides and underneath. Then after I cleaned my hands I took several more pictures. These were beautiful. I took close-ups and full frontal shots. I told her she was beautiful and told her to get down and look in the mirror. Kimie bounded off the sink and walked to the mirror by the bed. She also loved it and she said she loved the way it felt. I told her she would have to shave it every other day or it would itch or if she was going to keep it shaved she could go and get it waxed. Kimie then wanted to see the pictures. I quickly ran past the ones I had taken of her with the double-shafted dildo in her. I showed her the pictures. She looked at them all and stated that there was no way she was going to let that hair grow back like it was.

I then talked her into doing a few poses and I took many shots of her face, from the waist up and full frontal. I then tried to get her to do some spread leg shots but she did not want to.

I then showed her some of what I took and she agreed that she did look a lot younger than 19.

We then lay back on the bed and watched the XXX action on the TV. Kimie told me that she had seen one porno flick before with a few of her girlfriends but nothing like this. The action on the screen showed both black and white guys all standing around this white girl and she was sucking one cock after another. As my hand was around Kimie's shoulders my hand was playing with her breast and her breathing was getting faster. I had to know soon as it was after 6, would she go for two guys and would she do it with a black man? I mentioned how hot it was to watch a white girl with a black guy. I told her that I loved to watch white girls sucking and being fucked by big black cocks. Kimie was silent but her breathing was more labored as I played with that tit. I then told her that I had been to a lot of orgies and the white girls all loved the big black cocks. I even told her that I had introduced a few white girls to some of my black friends and they loved being filled to the fullest. Her breathing was even more labored now. Finally I turned her to me and flat out asked her if she would fuck a black guy and let me watch. Kimie kissed me and we fell back on the bed, her on top of me. Her kisses were hot, wet and very erotic and I was hard. My cock was pushing at the door of her pussy and I remembered that I did not have a condom on. It did not seem to matter to Kimie, she was aroused and she wanted it in her. I tried to break the kiss and tell her to get a condom. Just then she broke the kiss and she was now kissing her way down my chest. Then my belly and then my cock was inside her very wet, hot mouth. Kimie blowed me like an expert. Before long I was ready to shoot and tried to stop her but she did not let up, in fact her sucking got stronger and quicker. I unloaded in her mouth and she kept sucking until I had shot my whole load. She then raises her head, smiles with her mouth closed and goes to the sink and spits it out.

She rinses her mouth and comes back to the bed and we snuggle again watching the XXX action on the TV. Kimie breaks the silence by asking me if any of the girls had trouble taking those big black cocks. I told her no, your pussy will stretch and most girls love the feeling of being totally filled. In fact, I said, they love having both holes filled. They say that is the ultimate climax. Kimie was quiet. I knew I was selling her; I just need to go a little further. I told her to remember how you felt with that double-shafted dildo? You could not get enough of it. Think how it would feel to have two live, hot cocks in you. Kimie finally agreed, it might be nice to try it. Eureka! I knew this was going to be a hotter night than it has been already.

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Eating fluffy pussy of dusky Swetha in Bangalore

Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story the heroine of this story is Swetha. Swetha came in...

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Swetha Is A True Slut

By : Patrick19 Hi guys I am Patrick (I changed my name to maintain my privacy) doing my 3rd year engineering in Chennai. I am a big fan of iss and after reading uncountable number of erotic stories i have decided to share with you my first ever experience. First let me tell you guys about me. I am around 6 feet height. I am not attractive mainly because i am fat and i am dark in my skin tone. So from my early teens onwards i had a huge complex and never even imagined having a girlfriend. So...

3 years ago
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MeSwetha Manasa

Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...

4 years ago
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My Maid8217s Daughter Swetha

Dear ISS readers, there are many stories here I got inspired to share my story as well. This is a true story happen to me 5 years back. I fucked my maid’s daughter. I was 22 working for a software company in Hyderabad. I used to stay in one bedroom flat instead of staying with friends because I always wanted my privacy. I have a housemaid from nearby slums for house chores she used to come in the morning at 7 and clean the house and cooking food for me and wash my clothes. One year passed I...

2 years ago
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Shweta ki chudai 12 mein

Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you all readers. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni ek aur story suna reha(padha) hun. To sabse pehle mein story ke characters ka introduction aapse karwata hun. Iss story mein bhi mein yani raju (27year old, slim built, medium height, Fair and weight about 55 kgs.) Chodoo ke kirdar mein hun. Mere sath do chudakkad lady hein ek hei meri landlady Shweta about 30-31 years ki medium...

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Shweta A Beggar Woman

A crowd of mischievous people were pelting stones at a woman, whose language was unknown for the local people. Her body and clothes were messy dirty, one can’t judge her skin or cloth colours, her hair were uncombed dirty and s**ttered. She was shouting something at the crowd and shouting something at others, which was not understood by anybody. Even elders were there, but no one cared to save her. Instead they were laughing at her and making fun of her.Prakash was passing through the same...

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Shweta A Beggar Woman

I am really indebted to readers of my stories. I am receiving lot of emails from readers praising stories. Readers are from both the sexes and from all the age groups. I once again thank all the readers who have written me about different stories. All are welcome to comment on my work. Your support and guidance can improve my work. Keep writing. Here is a new story. After reading this story I am sure you will evaluate it and write comments to your Prakash Patel. A crowd of mischievous people...

1 year ago
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Shweta ki Chudai 2

Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur mein 26 saal ka hun, mein ek bacholar hun and living single. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki average lady hei. Her colour is fair and she has two kids namely reema 12 years and vijay 6 years. I am fair, thin and avg height (about 5′ 7″) ka normal indian guy hun. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei. Mera landlord country se bahar...

3 years ago
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A Sexy Lesbian Experience With My Couin Sweta

Hello everyone, thanks for your compliments about my first story series. Those who don’t know me, please click on my profile to read my previous series which mentions how did I had sex with my two brothers and mom. So moving to the new recent experience, it was a summertime and we had my uncle visiting our home for a few weeks. He was coming with his family to spend some time in India and get some relaxation from his busy schedule. So for a few weeks, we would be having four more members in our...

1 year ago
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Shweta ki Chudai 3

Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you guys/dolls. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki ek aur real stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki, colour is fair and she has two kids horney lady hei. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei and landlord country se bahar Dubai mein service karta hei. Wah saal mein ek ya do baar thode time ke...

3 years ago
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Maa Shweta Ki Jabbardast Chudai

Hi, iss antarvasna sex kahani main apko apne MAA ke saath hue kisse ke baare mein bataunga. Humlog 4 jan ki family hai – mummy, papa, mein aur meri choti behn, jo mujhse 2 saal choti hai. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab meri maa 36 saal ki thi aur mein 18 saal ka. Main maa se bahut pyaar karta tha. Wo mera bahut khayal rakhti thi. Maine kabhi maa ko buri nazar se nai dekha tha. Haa lekin kai baar jab wo kapde badal rahi hoti thi to galtise unke room mein jaake unko bra-panty mein dekha hai. Jab bhi...

3 years ago
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How I Have Sex With My Neighbor Girl Swetha

Hi, I am Sam and this is my second story I am writing on this blog. So, please excuse me for my grammar mistakes.This incident happened 1 month back when I am in 3rd year of my graduation. I stay with my family in Hyderabad. This story is all about when I had sex with my neighbor girl Swetha. She is a very sexy girl, and her structure looks like 34-28-36. I was very close with her and clearing the doubts of her, because she was my junior but from different college. Our parents also know about...

2 years ago
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Making Of Slutty Girlfriend Shweta

Hi All. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta couple of years ago in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. In June 2008 one day I went to her home when there was no one at her home in...

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Making Slutty Girlfriend Shweta 8211 Part 3

Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. Also my email id is Forget to state in part 1. Contact for any type of sex, threesome,...

1 year ago
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Chat Aunty Swetha tho part 2

Na first story chadavani valu pyna vunna link lo open chesi chaduvukoni.Dantlo swetha gurinchi ala 5 rounds aye sari morning 4 ayindi time swetha and nenu baga alisipoyindi but swetha vala ayana ekada nidra lesthada ani oka tenshion naku so 4 ki pyki vella vala ayana postion ela vundo chudtaniki vadu baga nidrapotunadu bcz full ga tagesadu kabati. Nenu na mobile kindaki techukoni pent house lock chesi malli kindaki vachanu dani chudagane malli mood vachindi but apatike 5 rounds ayay kabati nenu...

4 years ago
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Swetha Aunty 8211 My Life8217s Sweet Memory

Hi ISS readers . I am mathew age 26 from pune. I am a regular reader of ISS and I this is the first time I am narrating my experience here. Well coming to the story, this is gonna be a long story , please have patience friends, as this is real life story… I am an average physique guy of 5,9″ with brown in complexion. This story is about swetha Aunty my house owner’s wife . Swetha is 33 years of age, 5,7″ and her size might be 34-28-32, I am not sure though. 3 years back I had to come to pune on...

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Shweta Aunty Stuck On My Farm

Hello, everyone, this is my first story and I hope you all enjoy it. Let me start with a notice. All characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to those living or dead are purely coincidental. My name is aju and I’m 21 years old. This is the story of how I met with the rich aunty Shweta Menon and got to really enjoy her. She has worked in many movies mostly as a milf. The meaning of milf is a mom I’d love to fuck, and yes, I wish she was my mom and that I could fuck...

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Massaging Rohan and Shweta

Massaging Rohan and Shweta by Rakesh Kumar Rohan and Shweta are sipping Merlot, lying side by side on the bed, naked except for the fluffy white towels covering their buns. Shweta, the bold one, turns her head and kisses Rohan, and says, “So, are you ready for Harry to do us?” Rohan looks over his shoulder at me and shyly nods his head. I can’t believe I’m about to do this, give a massage to a married couple I met online. But, we’ve swapped erotic emails and pictures, and when your emailed...

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Fucked And Took Sexy Cousin Shweta8217s Virginity

Hello friends! My name is Punit. This story is about me and my sexy cousin Shweta. It happened around 8 years back when we met for the first time after 22 years. When I saw Shweta for the first time, we were like any other normal cousin brother and sister. We met in our cousin’s marriage and, we spent an entire day talking and sharing the things that happened in so many years. It was an instant connection between both of us. My other cousins were also a part of the conversation. However, we...

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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

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Rebound Sex With My Best Friend Shweta

Hello everyone, this is Prem back with another one of my experiences. Do read to get some reference about the characters and understand the subsequent parts. Let’s begin. As told in my previous stories, Shafaq and I had kept our affair secret from everyone. It was very difficult as my sexual drive was insanely high. I wanted to have sex with Shafaq almost every day but it was not possible as there was no proper place as both our houses were always occupied and we couldn’t afford a good hotel....

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Trip To Goa With Mom Rocky And Shweta

Hi everyone, my name is Raj, and I am 19 years old from Mumbai. And this story is about my trip to Goa. I stay with my mom and dad in South Mumbai, one of the posh areas of Mumbai. I won’t deny that we are quite rich and have our own business. My mom and dad are quite a modern couple. My mom’s name is Tara, and she is 44 years old. She is a good-looking and busty lady with the right curves. My dad’s name is Raja, and he is 48 years old. My parents are broad-minded and often go...

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Making Of Slutty Girlfriend Shweta 8211 Part 2

Part 2 Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. Also my email id Forget to state in part 1. Contact for any type of sex,...

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Trip To Goa With Mom Rocky And Shweta 8211 Part 2

After we reached our rooms, I told Rocky that I have proposed to Shweta. She has said yes to me. Rocky said, “Wow, Raj, that’s good news.” I asked Rocky whether I should take it one step and seduce her in bed. He said, “Go slow. Else she might feel you are a pervert.” I understood what he said. Soon mom and Shweta got out of the room after getting ready for their meeting. Mom told me that she, Rocky, and Shweta would go for the meeting. Post that we can go to the club for a party together. I...

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Hot sweta aunty

100% fiction! Hi readers and I hope you are doing well and I love the stories which are posted on this site and it’s a pleasure to know others real time experience. My Name is Jak(Name Changed) 24 years old and post my graduation, I moved from Chennai to Bangalore before 5 years in search of job when I moved to the new city, I have a desire to have an affair with married women and so did it happen a month ago. My wish had become true. I live in the second floor and house owner on the first...

1 year ago
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Trip To Goa With Mom Rocky And Shweta 8211 Part 3

The next day I woke up and still felt bad about last night when I could not lose my virginity to Shweta. On the other hand, Rocky had his fantasy of having sex with a milf fulfilled with my mom, Tara. I could still remember how Rocky was playing mom’s body and the intense sex they had. I woke up and told Rocky that I would get ready. I went inside the bathroom to take a shower. Just then, our doorbell rang, and I heard mom walk into the room. Mom – Good morning, Rocky. Where is...

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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

4 years ago
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My Sweetheart Swetha

Its been 1.30 in the morning wen we reached the hotel! Hotel Sangeetha, its kinda a 3 star hotel, not realy but! Lemme go to the matter directly……. For all, lemme introduce myself first!! Am Raj Kumar, a 22 yr old muscular guy from a city near chennai!! This is my first post in ISS and I hope I’ll post a lot more in coming days. As its my first post, am posting my real life experience!! Ps:- Not to affect the originality, I had posted the conversation part in tamil…so pls don’t mind! N here I...

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Rebound Sex With My Best Friend Shweta 8211 Part 2

Hello Horny People! This is Prem and I know I’m writing a story after quite some time but that’s only because these last few months have been really eventful. Do read the previous part of this story so that you get some reference so as to who all the characters are. Let’s begin. After fucking a TV actress, there wasn’t really enough time for me to have fun as I got busy with work. I moved into a new flat and was working my ass off day and night. It was the election season. I decided to take...

2 years ago
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Swetha Loves Her Life 8211 Part 14 Movie Making 8211 Part 1

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

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Chat Aunty Swetha Tho

Hi to all.My self suresh reddy from hyderabad working as software engineer na age 25 present .E incident nenu btech complete ayinapudu jarigindi, appudu na age 21 appude exams complete ayay just ala online lo browse chestunte oka chat room lo oka ammai parichayam ayindi tana peru swetha( name change chesanu) tanadi btech ayindi ani chepindi ala koncham sepu chat chesukunam next tanaki nenu nachanu can we be frnds a anidigindi ok chepanu iddaram mail ids share chesukunam . Actually apatiki naku...

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Fucked My Childhood Crush Cum Cousin Sister Swetha

Hi readers, I am writing down my story which happened recently. I am going to tell you how I got a chance to fuck my cousin sister Swetha (name slightly changed). A little bit about us. I am a 27-year-old man presently living in Hyderabad. About her, she is 23, and her stats are 34-26-34. Currently, we both are working in IT. Swetha is a distant relative of mine. She has always been on my crush list since my college days. Once I even tried to get her when I visited her place in Vizag. We were...

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Mature Threesome To Fulfill Shweta8217s Fantasy

Hello all, I hope you all doing well! Today I am going to share my mature Swetha was joined recently in our process. She is 5.2 feet with good features. I was attracted to her boobs and the nice shape of her ass. I didn’t take much time to impress her on the bed. We both had a couple of good sessions on weekends. One fine day she expressed her fantasy of a threesome with me in bed. Shweta: Madhan! Listen! Me: What? She: (clears her throat) Can you do a threesome with my...

1 year ago
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Avery Scarlet Scarlet Makes Her Confession

"Shit, Avery's back," Scarlet moaned, getting off me. "Avery, this is not what it looks like," she said, putting her hands up."Really, it looks pretty damning, Scarlet. I thought you were my best friend, but now I see you're having sex with this cunt?""Hey, fuck you," I added, getting off the bed with Scarlet. "Don't you dare get pissy at her, and you better be nice to me too. I might be a flawed woman, but you need to respect me and not just jump to conclusions."Avery put her hand up, so she...

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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 9 Neha8217s Confusion

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discretion. Any girls and aunties who are interested to be part of my gang and enjoy the fun can reach out to my email id. Also, any cuckold husbands who like to see there wife’s getting fucked. Let me know. The next morning I woke up around 10 am and saw Sundar next to me sleeping like a baby. I...

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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 5 Incident In The Pub

Hi, it’s been a long gap since I wrote something. I just got some free time. I am writing now to make some new friends and build some friendly network with the like-minded (sex). If you like to reach out to me write to me at For those who don’t know me. I am Swetha, 29 years old (looks cute and adorable like 20 years old blossom), rich and affluent with a wealth of money not knowing what to do with it. I practice yoga and do a regular workout. Sexy seductive eyes and juicy lips which you can’t...

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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 3 Fucking Friend8217s Dad

This is the 3rd part of my sex filled life story. Please send me your honest feedback to Before we go ahead with my life story I would like to thank those who wrote to me. I got many emails with suggestions and advises, asking my phone number, to be as a friend on chats etc. Let me tell something to my readers. I am not here looking for free sex or offering any free sex. I had come a long way and on some days I use to sit alone and cry for hours thinking what my life is like. Every time I...

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Introduction: A man discovers how decisions can change your life years later It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem, could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? Its hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But I would find out years later, it was actually events had taken place years before (when I was still in college) which made that...

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Avery Scarlet Winning Avery Over With Scarlet

They each took a side of me, but Avery still didn't appear to be all that enthused, though. Nevertheless, she did help herself to feel my left tit. She didn't speak, but I could tell by her vibrations that she liked it."Go ahead, Avery lick her nipple or kiss her. She's a sweet woman and not just the bitch you've branded her as, remember," Scarlet made clear, before I felt her licking my other nipple."Fine, Scarlet," she groaned, prior to bringing her head towards mine. "I don't hate you,...

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Abhishek Fucking Neighbour Girl Neha And Her Mom Shweta 8211 Part 2

So after that day of fucking, we met every day and one day as her parents were going out she called me home and we fucked each other nicely. What we didn’t know was that due to some reason her mother was on her way back. It was about 11 pm and I was fucking her for the second time and that’s when the doorbell rang. Fortunately, Neha’s mother, whose name is Shweta, didn’t have her keys. Let me describe Shweta- she is in her late forties but looks very young like 30s. Her boobs are big and can be...

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Shweta Madam Ko Blackmail Kiya

Ye baath us waqt ki hai jab hum 12th class main padte the hamari biology ki teacher ka naam shweta kapoor tha jo dekhne main ek dum patakha thi Shweta madam ki umar kareeb 35-36 saal ki thi par wo dekhne main badi mast thi har ladka unko chodne ke sapne hi dekha karta tha Aur naa jaane unke baare main soch soch ke kiti baar muth mara karta tha students to unke baare mein socha hi karte the par hamare college ka principal bhi un par latoo tha hamara principal ek dum tharki tha aur kai bar wo...

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Avery Scarlet Doing Scarlet A Sexy Favor

"Hi, Avery and Scarlet," I groaned, coming to the table."Nice of you to show up, Penelope," Avery whined."I'm sorry for having a life, whiny-ass, just because you two nerds love homework doesn't mean I have to spend every second working on some stupid shit," I bitched, sitting with them and dropping my bag on it too. "So, where are you two now?""I'm working on The Civil War, Avery is working on the Revolutionary War, and you're supposed to work on the Vietnam war, Penelope. We fully know the...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumDayton

I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...

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It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem; could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? It's hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But as I would find out years later, events had taken place years before which made that questionably fateful day a reality. I was in my mid 30's (36 to be exact) and had made a very good living for myself. I...

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School Teacher Shweta8217s Pussy Filled With Cum 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, please read part 1 of this story if you haven’t read it as yet. This will help you to understand the background of this part. For one second, I couldn’t believe that my school teacher Shweta, was naked before me with her lusty face and was looking at me while I slid my cock in her pussy. In her naked glory, she was begging me to ram her as hard and fast as I can. I was holding her tightly by her waist and I started fucking her. Shweta ma’am was moaning like it was the only thing...

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Shweta Bhabhi Ki Chut Aur Gaand Mari 8211 Part 1

Main Mumbai mein rehta hu. Meri age 29 ki hai. Ye 2015 ki baat hai. Mere yaha ek couple aaye. Ladki ka naam Shweta tha and umar 35 ki thi. Ek chhoti beti thi unki and pati bewda and kisi kaam ka nahi tha. Maine jab usko pehli baar dekha, to mere shareer mein alag current dauda. Itni gori aur sexy figure wali bhabhi hamare area mein aayi thi. Sach bolu to usko dekhte hi mera shareer ek-dum garam ho gaya tha. Unki height 5’2″ thi and body 34dd-28-34 ki thi. Itni cute aakhen and hot body dekhte hi...

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Avery Black 50 125000

Avery Black was born in San Fransico, California, on July 17th, 1992. San Fran isn't a porn capital such as Las Vegas or Los Angeles, but it is an adjunct. All those freewheeling gays put energy in the air that affects even straights. People get their fuck on in San Fran, and it shows.An Asian Sex Doll with a HeartbeatNot much is known about this raven-haired Asian beauty other than that she's sexy as fuck, can ride a dick, and loves to make men hard. That's all I need to know, honestly. What...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Sex with neighbour sweta

Hi, i am jitu, aged 26 years and i stay in thane(mumbai). I am a regular reader of I am here to write the best experience of my life that took place with a beautiful lady name sweta. Her age was around 35yrs. Even at this age, she had a good shape and lovely back. To go about with the story, i stay in a bungalow which is in a calm village. There was a construction going on for a multistory building opposite my house and i could easily see the work going on from the...

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Delhi Ki Shweta And Me

Hello, I’m Rohit, today I’m going to share with you how I lost my virginity with a cute sexy girl. This incident happened during my 1st year right now I’m in third year First let me describe her figure she was 18, 5’3 tall, dark complexion (sawla rang) and a cute face, her assets were 34,28,34. I’m from Delhi, age 22, 5’9 ht, and having an athletic physics because of tai-kwando student during my school days with a 7.5inch long & 2inch thick cock. Frankly saying she wasn’t virgin & banged by...

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Shweta Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera nam nihal hai or mai jamshedpur ka rehne wala hu yeh meri ISS par pehli kahani hai or kisi v galti k liye aap logo se mafi chahta hu yeh 1 sachi kahani hai pehle mai apne bare me aap logo ko bata du mai 19 sal ka 1 well built ladka hu. Mera lund 7 inches lamba or 3 inches mota hai jis kisi ladki ya aunty ko phone y real satisfaction chahiye ho wo mjse mere email id par cntact kar sakti hai mera mail id hai Ab mai apni kahani par aata hu maine apni 10th khatam ki thi or...

3 years ago
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Fantasy About Shweta Tiwari

Hi, main aaj aapko ek story suna ne jaa raha hu.. this is a complete fantasy & doesn’t relate with anybody living or non living. This is during the reality show ‘Is jungle se mujhe bachao’… when shweta tiwari was given a challenge to be in a coffin for 9 minutes with Malaysian tadpoles….she was continuously murmuring her girl’s name while completing the task.. after completing the task the host asked her,, that he was hearing that shweta was murmuring the name of her girl… he asked why???...

3 years ago
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Started With Sexy Colleague Shweta In Office Finished At Home

Hi everyone, my name is Raj. This is the story about how I got to fuck my sexy colleague with big boobs. Let me tell you about myself. I am a 26-year-old guy from Hyderabad. I have a very fit and muscular body because I work hard in the gym. The girl in this story is Shweta. When I saw her for the first time, the immediate emotion in me was lust, because, she was such a beauty. She was of average height, had big boobs, great body shape, and long black hair which was touching...

2 years ago
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Avery and her Boss

I wound up in California, working only as a receptionist for an independently owned soft porn company. The idea of being a porn star was simply disgusting to me. I hadn't watched much porn in my days, just the HBO after-hour specials at friends' houses after parties, but all the women looked trashy and used. They had to wear loads of make-up on their 36-year-old faces to hide the years of drug abuse on their bodies and to make them look decent enough to fuck. Their tits were sagging,...

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