Avery Scarlet Scarlet Makes Her Confession
- 2 years ago
- 32
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"Hi, Avery and Scarlet," I groaned, coming to the table.
"Nice of you to show up, Penelope," Avery whined.
"I'm sorry for having a life, whiny-ass, just because you two nerds love homework doesn't mean I have to spend every second working on some stupid shit," I bitched, sitting with them and dropping my bag on it too. "So, where are you two now?"
"I'm working on The Civil War, Avery is working on the Revolutionary War, and you're supposed to work on the Vietnam war, Penelope. We fully know the popular chick that's up for prom queen, but you're still eighteen and have responsibilities. We have a report to do together, and it needs to be ready next week, so if you don't mind, quit griping and get to work," Scarlet fussed.
I just made a face and got my book out. I looked over the Vietnam war and took notes for my part of the report.
"Oh, why am I here?" I moaned.
Neither of them spoke and kept working. I sighed and worked to at least keep Avery and Scarlet from grumbling. Although, I couldn't get up another will to keep working.
I pulled out my phone. "Hey, Brenda, what are you doing tonight?"
I chatted with her for a moment and saw both of them continue to work. Although, I got dirty looks from both of them.
"How much longer do you think we're gonna be here?"
"However, the fuck long..." Avery whined, bringing her hands towards me. "Penelope, you haven't done much of anything, you're helping us with this report, and you bailed on us twice before. So, tell Brenda goodbye, and get back to work."
"I'll talk to you later, Brenda, one of my partners, has her panties in a knot," I said, before hanging up my phone. "Seriously, what's up your ass?"
"You, bitch!" she wailed, hitting the table and closing her eyes. "I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable. You need to do your part, we're not gonna do this for you. Just put in a little effort, and get it done. This isn't rocket science, it's just research and putting it on paper in your own words, that's all."
"Avery," I said, leaning towards her. "I think you need to get laid. You know, get a dick inside you, you know what I mean?"
She groaned and pushed me back. "Just get to work, Penelope," she whined, sitting back down.
I rubbed my back, but peeked at Scarlet. 'You're licking your lips at her, are you turned on by her?'
"I said work, damn it!" Avery roared.
"Shut the fuck up already, Avery, I'm working," I made clear, looking at my book.
Avery sat back down, and I glanced at Scarlet again. My eyebrows rose, and I shook a bit too because it seemed it was all too clear how Scarlet felt about Avery.
'So, you're casually checking out Avery's tits, Scarlet. That's nothing to be ashamed of; being interested in ladies isn't a crime. A nerd into another nerd, that's a tasty tale that perhaps hasn't happened yet. No, you're calmly moving your hand to your skirt, and now you're digging in there. Are you pleasing yourself right here at this table? You are, you horny brunette. Is it because she's your best friend, or what, but I know it now, you're checking her out, and rubbing your pussy. Obviously, I can't see your hand, but I know it.'
Needless to say, I couldn't get my work done because of this odd turn of events. I couldn't take my eyes off Scarlet to save my life. I didn't please myself, but the eye candy seemed to get me off at that moment.
She slathered her lips and kept her arm moving nonchalantly, and as far I could tell, she had no idea I noticed her misdeeds. I still felt my panties getting a little wet too, and even started finding Scarlet quite attractive.
"What the hell are you doing now?" Avery whined, standing. "What are you staring at now, Scarlet's book? You have your own, so what's going on, Penelope?"
"Woman, shut up, I'll get the work done no matter what, so why are you such a bitch? I'm the popular one here, so that's my job. You're just a nerd, what the hell do you think you're going to achieve by biting my head off exactly?"
"You know what, fuck this, I'm out of here, I'll do my work without you here," she moaned, before glancing at Scarlet. "I'll see you later, bestie, just text me in a couple of hours, but this dumb floozy is on my last nerve."
"Avery, let's just finish this now, don't leave. Can't you just get along with her? I'm not a fan of her's either, but I want this to get done too. Let's just work for another hour, and be done for today. You were going to look over her shit anyway, so stop being this whiny..." she let out, putting her hands up.
"I love you to death, Scarlet, but this witch is rubbing off on you, and not in a good way," Avery said, grabbing her stuff. "Penelope, you suck. Maybe my best friend and I are nerds as far as you're concerned, but we're still people who like to be fucked with, though," she explained, before leaving.
I sat down with Scarlet and viewed her. Neither of us said a word, but she got back to work again. I couldn't work and stared, but she failed to respond. I was certain she knew about it, and then I slathered my lips as well.
'You like girls, or at least one, Scarlet. So, what should I do? Well, I could try this,' I thought before I put my hand on her leg.
"Whoa, what the hell, Penelope?" she bellyached, pushing my hand away. "What are you doing?"
"You know, I noticed you checking Avery's boobs out, Scarlet. So, you have a crush on her?"
"What, no, of course not, she's my best friend, and I'm not a lesbian. I don't know what you think you saw, but I'm not interested in Avery."
"Bullshit, Scarlet. I know what I saw, you were licking your lips," I pointed out, coming to her other side. "And this hand was down that skirt, so you were masturbating. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but at least admit it now. I called you out, and maybe I can help."
"What are you talking about helping me?" she asked, with a mean tone before leaning towards me. "Do you mean, help me have sex with her?" she whispered.
"So, you do want her, Scarlet. I knew it, I might be a floozy, but I'm not like that. If you want to have sex with Avery, it doesn't affect me at all, it's between you and her. So, don't bullshit me, do you want me to help?"
"Have you ever been with another woman? Does she even have the slightest clue that you want her? Have you masturbated thinking about her?"
"I asked you how you'd help me, and you're asking me personal questions? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I'm guessing you've never been with another woman, Avery doesn't have any idea, and you have lied in bed thinking about fucking her too. Tell me I'm wrong, Scarlet. If I am, then I want you to call Avery back here, and I'll tell her I'll do all the work. She can criticize it all she wants, and when it's nowhere good enough, she can tell me to go fuck myself, fair enough? Tell me you're in no way shape or form interested in doing it with Avery."
She placed her hands on her hips and took a deep breath too. We both already knew the answer, but she stayed silent for a moment as she let her head move a few times.
"I gotta be honest with you now. You're pissing me off," I said, taking off my top.
"What the hell are you doing?"
I undid my shorts and let them fall off myself too. "Maybe after you have sex with another woman, you'll feel confident to tell Avery how you feel," I added, closing the gap. "Now you're checking my jugs out, Scarlet, so are you sure you're not gay, or even a little titillated?"
She couldn't answer, but she eyeballed my body for a moment. I let her enjoy the eye candy for the time being.
"You're gonna be the prom queen, why the hell would you want to help me?"
"I don't know quite frankly, but obviously, I like you."
"You hate Avery, though. Why would you want to help us get together?"
"I have no idea, but I don't think you actually care, Scarlet," I mentioned, stealing her hands and placing them on my bosoms. "Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure you're more than interested in the ladies, and now, I'm gonna get you ready to eat your bestie's pussy until your tongue can't take it for another second. I'll have her wanting to get into your panties every single day, I know it."
I answered by moving my lips to hers. With Scarlet's hands on my tits and me moving mine to her butt, we kissed each other for a moment, and I knew immediately she was into it as well.
After a moment, I parted my lips from hers. "So, I'm a popular blonde, and you're a nerdy brunette," I pointed out, bringing my hands to her skirt. "So, are you gonna accept my help?"
"Have you been with a woman before, Penelope?"
"Yes," I responded, undoing her skirt.
She bit down on her bottom lip, and then I grabbed her shirt at the bottom too. "Arms up, Scarlet."
She sighed, and I took it off her too. Although, then she covered herself with her arms.
"Don't be shy," I alerted her, pulling her arms away. "I won't tell anyone about this, but you can tell whoever the fuck you want. You see, I'm not such a bitch."
"Why are you so cool about this? Is this a 'Carrie'-like thing you have going on now?"
I pushed down my panties and stepped out of them. "No, if I soak you with any kind of liquid," I assured Scarlett, grabbing her hand. "I'll do it with this," I told her, pushing her hand on my twat. "Judging by that reaction, I'd say you like it," I pointed out, before undoing my bra as well. "Now I'm naked in your dining room with you. We're all alone, and I want to see you too," I made clear, bring my hands to her back.
I undid her bra without objection and took it off her. I dropped it and surely took advantage of seeing her jugs, and I even felt them after a moment. She failed to protest and also shook a bit in the process.
"Oh, mine might be bigger than yours, Scarlet, but I'm sure they'll still get Avery's panties soaked. Do you mind if we move this to your bedroom?"
She nodded, and we both moved to her bedroom. I had her sit down on the bed first, and then I did as well. She couldn't speak, but she didn't need to, though. I calmly leaned in to kiss her again, and I placed my hand on her leg too.
I had her hooked already, it seemed, but of course, as I dangled the prospect of her getting with her best friend, she couldn't just put a stop to me. We made out for a moment, as I caressed her leg, but I also placed her hand on my leg.
Although, after another moment, I let my lips off hers and smiled at her. She featured an eager face, so she was ready for more. I got off the bed, but kept my eyes on hers. Then I casually grabbed onto the sides of her underwear and pulled them off her.
I held them for a moment and brought them to my nose for a deep inhale. "That's good stuff, Scarlet," I complimented her, before dropping them and climbing back up with her. "Don't worry, tomorrow is another day; we can get work done then," I assured her, before kissing her again and having us lie down. "Although, right now, we're gonna work on our friendship. I don't have any nerdy friends, and could use a couple," I explained, before placing a hand on her pussy. "And I love your black square glasses; they make you look so much sexier."
"You think so?" she moaned, slanting her head back.
"Yes," I replied, transporting her hand to my cherry, too, while pecking her neck. "Now, feel me."
We both vibrated, and let out a lot of juice in the first minute alone. We continued to kiss each other too, but we didn't speak, though. Obviously, we both had attractions to each other, but I was the ringleader that led things off during the beginning.
'I'm not a lesbo, but I have appreciated one lady, and I guess this makes two. I knew she liked Avery, so it's no surprise she likes this.'
We stayed on our backs and fingered each other for over five minutes, and even though I controlled the situation, I still didn't push her too far too fast. I just let her stay on her training wheels for a few minutes.
Although, she took her lips off mine. "I know how to finger a woman, Penelope, I'm not worried about that so much, but may I kiss you a little more?"
"Yes, Scarlet," I responded, pulling her on top of me.
She lied on top of me and pasted our lips together with our tits coming together. We both felt each other's juices again, but on different parts of our bodies, though. Her body was silky smooth, and her boobs were something great too.
Her glasses played no distraction for us either, so we made out perfectly and flawlessly enjoyed one another's company. I surely knew I felt a massive dose of pride for helping out another woman, but I didn't tell her about it.
I just allowed her to enjoy me in a way she apparently didn't expect. Nevertheless, even if I wasn't into it as much as she was, I wanted to get her ready, because of the same pride and glory she gave me because I wanted her to feel good with Avery.
It seemed she also had the kissing thing nailed, but after a moment, she got really into it. She applied a lot of pressure to my back and made me feel more of her body too. I felt the thrills going throughout my body, but more because I found her switch and flipped it.
I felt her lips move ever so slowly all over mine for a few minutes, but then gently let my lips off hers. "So, are you feeling comfortable?"
I calmly got off her and helped her up as well. I stole her hands and set them back on my boobs again and immediately shook like mad. I reveled in the results, but she helped herself to get a closer look at them.
"They're just hooters, Scarlet, they're not anything to drool over, but that ship has sailed," I giggled. "Taste them if you'd like, I have nowhere to be today, and I obviously pissed off Avery so she probably won't be back, so go apeshit."
She swallowed and brought her lips close to them. I felt her smooch them a few times, so I twitched and gave her bed more of my juice.
"And don't be afraid to finger fuck me some more, even if you already have confidence in doing that. Just do it for pleasure."
She nodded, but then she closed her eyes and pushed her face in between my tits. I had to place my hands on her head, and even with her glasses on, I felt the gratification. Although, she leaned up and brought her hands to her face.
"No, keep those on, Scarlet. Wear your nerdy glasses with pride."
"I want to feel your tits with my face, though."
"Okay," I muttered, taking them off her. "Feel them for a moment, but put them back on yourself."
"What, do you have a nerd fetish?"
"Maybe," I replied, pushing her face into them again. "Feel those titties, Scarlett, get used to what bosoms feel like on every part of your body. Let yourself go nuts and get a feel for being with a woman. Even if you've never been with a woman before, you need to be ready for such a nerd like Avery. You heard her whining to me, she still wants things the way she wants them, and you're going to have to please her. So, prepare yourself."
After another silent moment of feeling my rack, she lifted her face off it. "I know, Penelope. I'm still her BFF, and I know what she likes."
"Except when it comes to sex with a woman, right? That's a whole new ballgame, right?" I asked, giving her glasses back to her.
"Yes," she replied, taking them and putting them on herself.
Then she grabbed my moneymakers again and leaned back to them too. She got a good feel for them for a moment with both her hands and face. I set my hands on her head again and heard her moan quite a bit too.
She applied some pressure to my tits and even shook them. I saw the product of me being pushy and her giving in too. She took it upon herself to let her tongue on my left nipple, and I immediately shook a bit at the pleasure of it.
I fondled her head, but she didn't look at me. She didn't need to bring the intimacy into it just yet, but exercised her will to please me first. I brought it out of her, but evidently didn't gloat though. I did appreciate her attitude, though, but of course, she was in it for herself too.
I felt her tongue lick my nipple, going from bottom to top ever so slowly for a few minutes. I kept my hands on her head, but moved them ever so lazily too. I wanted her to go at her own pace, but I still gave her the confidence to keep going.
I jolted just a tad with every lick, but evidently didn't throw her off her game. She failed to look at me as she pleased my nipple, but I didn't care. I even slanted my head back from time to time due to the luxury, but she added more when she dropped a hand to my slit.
She finger-fucked me, and switched nipples too. So, she was going faster on her training wheels, and I didn't even try to guess where'd she go when she took them off. I just lied back and enjoyed her for the time being.
I breathed heavily as the pride just kept growing, and I could only wonder how things would go with Avery when Scarlet got her chance at her. She wooed me and stuck her fingers deep into my slit too.
I bit down on my bottom lip and even lied down on my back. Scarlet followed me and never let her mouth off me. So, she stayed right on top of me, but left a small gap over my crotch to finger me still.
I looked at her again, but she still couldn't bring her eyes to mine. Still, nothing needed to be said, so I didn't push her at all. There were things I could say, but zipped my lip. Her fingers dug so deep into my pussy, and made me tingle all over.
I moved my body back and forth ever so slowly and moaned a bit as well. So, Scarlett knew she was getting me off indeed, and that got her to go faster. Her tongue increased its speed, and her fingers began thrusting too.
So, I even decided to wrap my arms around her. So, she couldn't break free from me, but she liked it that way. Then she finally let her eyes meet mine, and as I saw her brown eyes even through her glasses, I saw the sexy lady hiding back there, and she was dying to come out too.
She switched nipples a few times and evicted her fingers from my snatch to pay even closer attention to my jugs. I didn't mind that, and once again, I just thoroughly enjoyed every move she made.
"You like my tits, do you, Scarlet?"
"Yes, but what if I can't please Avery?"
"You will, chicky, you're already making progress. Don't you feel my juice all over your stomach right now?"
"Yes, Penelope," she answered, before climbing up to me and kissing me.
She swiftly made her way back to my boobs and slanted her head to them. I felt her suck my right nipple into her mouth. I pressured her head hard and made her suck the whole thing into her mouth. She certainly created a powerful sensation and reminded me of being wooed again.
She moved her head back and forth somewhat quickly, but kept the integrity of her tongue intact. I had to commend her for that, so I continued to endorse her for being open to getting into her BFF's panties.
She sucked my nipple hard and tightened her eyes, too, so I knew she was sharpening her skills. Whether she had any experience before or not, she managed to make me feel good at that moment. Even with my moaning, she decided to bring her fingers back to my twat.
She immediately began rubbing my lips back and forth rather quickly and made me vibrate. I surely never thought she'd be so good, but I didn't complain at that moment. I couldn't formulate any words either, but she didn't need any from me.
She said everything by fucking my tits, and I added by showing her I loved the pleasure. After a few more minutes, she calmly crawled down towards my crotch. She kissed her way down and made it long kisses too.
As she made it to my pussy, she once again had to check it out first before she really did anything. Even though she finger-fucked me before, as she got up close, it seemed my cherry became real to her.
"Wow, you have a nice bush, Penelope," she complimented me, feeling the hair a bit. "I love it. I hope any guys that have seen it love it too."
"They do, Scarlet. Feel free to find out how it tastes. I think you'll love it."
She nodded, but only felt my beaver with her whole palm, instead of licking it. I still didn't pressure her to do anything, but certainly put the options out there for her. I got up on my elbows and let one hand on her head.
I caressed it, and she looked at me yet again. She grinned and let both hands come to the sides of my snatch. I saw her slather her lips as she angled her head back to my slit, and I felt the vibrations from her just through her fingers.
"Fuck, I'm just a nerd, I can't make a hot and popular chick like you feel good," she fretted, glancing at me.
"Hey, fuck that shit, nerds are people too, and you can get off any chick if you put your mind to it. Then you'll get Avery off so much as I said, she'll be dying to get into your panties every day. Now get back down there and munch on my hairy twat."
She bit down on her bottom lip and calmly leaned back to it. She pushed her fingers on it a bit, but didn't pressure me too much. It seemed she still needed to get a feel for my cherry first, so I waited, but loved her fingers.
She let them go back and forth on my lips down there for a moment as her mouth stayed roughly a foot away. So, the aroma of my beaver was there, and she enjoyed it too. She couldn't speak again and featured the most turned on face imaginable.
"Pretend I'm Avery if you'd like, Scarlet, I don't mind."
"Okay," she muttered, before letting her tongue out to my muff.
We kept eye contact as she let it come down to my lips. She gave it a single lick and had me jiggle. That told her everything and boosted her confidence too. She licked it again and got the same results, so after another moment, she began licking it a bit more frequently.
"Oh, yes, Scarlet, just like that, lick that cherry and make me cum in due time."
"You think I can make you cum?"
"Yes, and get your glasses wet, too, so you might want to clean them after we're done."
"Okay, I like you, Penelope, you deserve more credit than I gave you, and certainly a lot more than Avery did."
"Quit praising me and fuck me, Scarlet, don't stall."
She nodded yet again and went back to my slit. She closed her eyes at that time and let her tongue on it again. She slathered my pussy lips down there and allowed her tongue to go in all directions too.
I slanted my head back and praised her instead, but with my hands. I caressed her head and had her moving her head more frequently. That meant she pushed her tongue even harder on me down there and got me more than gratified.
Needless to say, I still implored her to stay at her own pace, but certainly didn't stop her if she wanted to do more. I kept my legs spread for her and could feast upon my slit the best she could. After she saw how well she could get me off, she got into it perfectly.
I kept my hands moving slowly, but hardly on her head. Although, I brought them back after a couple of minutes and had them lie by my head. I tried my best to fight the pleasure and not go nuts too soon, so I wouldn't give her false hope.
It was a different situation outside of Avery, so I wanted to keep her expectations where they needed to be. As I felt her tongue go all over my slit, she stimulated me beyond my wildest expectations.
I quaked the bed with my pussy, acting as the base of it all. Scarlet failed to let her tongue into my slit, but surely got the job done from grazing it nonstop. I also knew the thrills came from me knowing I was helping her, too, so both collided, and I loved it.
"So, do you like it now?" she asked, inserting a couple of fingers.
"Yes, you're good, so keep going," I beseeched her, rubbing the back of her head. "Give in to temptation and fuck me as you want to fuck your BFF, Scarlet."
I stayed up and watched her do it, and even though it was uncomfortable, I did it. I watched her, but she didn't watch me, though. She closed her eyes and focused on screwing me as well as possible. I felt my juice come out more and more with every lick, and she poked holes in my defenses.
It seemed she didn't want to let her tongue past those lips, and I was okay with that. I just reveled in luxury once again of having a nerd eat me out. Even if she was a woman and inexperienced, it didn't matter to me; she still got the better of me.
I breathed as heavily as I could and even pulled her hair a bit. She didn't mind at all and also moved her head more too. So, it seemed she got feistier by my call. So, I pulled her hair some more, moved around, and massaged her as well, all to make her more than ready for Avery.
Although, I had to lie back again because of the thrills. "Oh, yes, maybe you didn't need my help, Scarlet."
"Well, even though you've been a hussy, I've still always found you to be quite attractive. You're stunning in every sense of the word."
"Thank you, that means a lot coming from a ravishing nerd like you, now get me off already," I ordered her, before shoving her head back down.
I laid down flat and endured all the pleasure I could take. Scarlet even let her hands up to my tits and grabbed them once again. She clutched them as if she'd die if she didn't, and it hurt a bit, but the emotional spike was well worth it, though.
I closed my eyes as tightly as I could and felt to be in a sauna. Nevertheless, all physical defects were foiled by the hot action. I never had my pussy eaten so well before, but she did it with flying colors.
I moved all around as if I was having a seizure because I just felt that good. I felt my limit coming quickly, but I still managed to hold out as much as possible, but it was a fight I was never going to win.
Nevertheless, it was a fight I was more than happy to be in, though. Scarlet attacked my muff like a lion on a gazelle, and she wouldn't stop to save her life. My heart felt like it needed to explode because she infected my circulatory system badly.
"Yes, yes, oh, yes, Scarlet, that's good. Now I feel it inside my twat, fuck yes, lick those pussy walls in there and make me feel so good, that I assault you with my orgasm."
She moved her face back and forth again and already ensured that her entire face was drenched in my juice. She wanted the aroma of that scent plastered all over her face and stuck there forever.
By then, I soiled her bed so much; I was sure it'd be stuck in the fibers forever as well. Nevertheless, I was sure she loved that. She knew the consequences of making me feel so good and seemed okay with that as well.
I could only honestly conclude that she had thought about fucking Avery, and she thought I was her. Regardless if that was confirmed or not was irrelevant, she just proved to be a sexual ninja beneath her nerd exterior.
"Oh, yes, Scarlet, I feel you are licking my labia now," I moaned, before I just couldn't take it anymore.
Without delay, I gave her what she wanted so much from Avery. I was sure every part of her face was submerged by then, but I got the job all over again. I unleashed my juice and twitched too, but I didn't scream, though.
I solely let her feel the physical effects and let the emotional spike rise above all else. Needless to say, even after I was done, she stayed down at my pussy and reveled, in the end, resulting in a bit more, by rubbing her face on it some more.
Although, after only a minute, she climbed up on top of me. She kissed me and wrapped her arms around me as well. It was all the gratitude I needed, but yet, she wasn't done. She kissed me so much; she broke them up to give her lips some relief.
That went on for a few minutes, but then she calmly rose off me and got onto her knees. "Okay, I can get her off, but test me out, and let's find out if I can take it, Penelope," she proposed, putting her twat right over my mouth.
I immediately began eating her out and somewhat pushed on her lower back to stick even more of her cherry into my mouth. In less than a minute, I had her slanting her head back and placing her hands on my head too.
"Oh, hell, yes, Penelope, I knew a cunt like you would have to be great at eating pussy. Holy shit, I'm sorry for calling you that, but shit, you're good," she moaned, moving back and forth.
I failed to give her backlash for that, but I'd do it in due time. For the time being, I let my tongue into her puss, but I didn't go too deep. Even as she already had her juice popping out, I kept my eyes on her and watched her deal with the luxury.
"My glasses are getting blurry, but I can see you perfectly now. I see the prom queen eating me out right now, you're so fucking good too, Penelope. I had no idea you even liked girls, but you surprised me. I'll do my best to get Avery off the best I can, and you've definitely given me a lot of confidence. Oh, I can't wait to see her right between my legs like this. I'm gonna give her so much cum, I'll lose weight," she explained, fondling my head and jolting a bit.
I didn't speak to that, and just let her react in her own way. I kept my tongue busy and allowed it to go all over her pussy lips ever so slowly. In addition to brushing her lips there, I made sure to go in and out of her slit to keep her on edge.
I surely knew I could do anything and thrill her beyond belief, but of course, it was more about setting up one inexperienced nerd with another. They were both still women, so they had some knowledge of what to do, but of course, once they were together, the game would become real.
I watched her titties shake as well, so she certainly did make me think I should give a few other ladies a try, but at that moment, I had Scarlet in the palm of my hand. I tasted so much of her juice; I felt it get on my stomach and made me relish her even more.
"Oh, yes, Penelope," she moaned, angling her head back and covering her tits. "That's the spot, yes, just like that. Lick me so slowly it's like you're pulling a tooth, but in a good way. Yes, I want this so badly with Avery, I'll do anything for it. I want to get into her panties and have my way with her night and day. I want us to go into my bedroom, lock the door, and not come out for days. I don't want her because we're both nerdy ladies, but because she's my best friend. There, are you happy, tart?"
"Hey, yes, but be nice," I ordered her, bringing my hands to her twat.
"I'm sorry again," she apologized, coming down to me. "It won't happen again," she told me, before kissing me and getting back into position. "I certainly hope you hang out with us, at least a little bit after our project is done though, we might like to have a three-way."
"Don't get ahead of yourself, I wouldn't even call us friends yet, you got a long way to go before that, remember, your BFF really doesn't like me," I reminded her, before munching on her slit again.
"I'll work on her, I swear, I think you're worth keeping around, Penelope, but fuck, your name doesn't fit your personality. You need to work on yourself a bit more, too, because 'Penelope' says that you're a sweet and innocent lady, but you're nothing like that."
"And what the fuck does 'Scarlet' supposedly sell about you? You're a nerd?"
"Point taken. I'm sorry. Son of a bitch. I'm sorry in advance, but you're a mean bitch."
"No, that's a fucking compliment, now shut the hell up, Scarlet. I'm trying to find out how long you can hold back," I whined, before eating her out again.
She managed not to drop any words, but her mouth stayed wide open. She couldn't keep her eyes on me either, but I looked at her as much as possible. She still had her juice flowing out and getting into my eyes a lot, but I fought against it, wiped my eyes, and viewed the results.
She leaned onto the wall in front of her and even hit it numerous times. Within only a few minutes, I had her more than ready to take off like a rocket, but still couldn't be sure how Avery would take everything.
They were BFFs, so really it was just one wildcard, but I had my hopes set high, though. As I see her viewing me with her lusty eyes, I could see the deep-seated ambitions she had for her BFF. She didn't want to admit it at first, but I yanked it out, and the rest was history.
"I love your bush. By the way, do you think Avery has a bush?"
"I have no idea, but I want to find out, though. Do you think she'll like mine?"
"Stop being so nervous, she's your BFF, so she'll at least give you the benefit of the doubt. Stop worrying yourself, and just cherish the moment. Stay in the damn moment, lady. Don't drive yourself nuts and revel in the pleasure, it's not hard, in fact, it's easy, but you have to let yourself do it. Don't fret about what it all means, and just remember, you got to fuck your BFF, got it?"
She nodded and gently grabbed my hands. She transported them to her boobs, and I immediately gripped her. I pleasured her thoroughly and made her let her guard down so she could savor the sex, whether than worry about what it all meant for her and Avery.
As she used the wall for leverage and breathed ever so heavily, I could tell she was in the moment, but of course, I was nothing more than a trial run for her. She needed the real thing, but for the time being, her reactions were real, and I was gonna pull out the warm, but icy woman, so she could endure some pleasure, but melt slowly.
I did just that for her, and with every passing moment, she managed to let herself go a bit more and surely let the sexy ninja out completely. She bumped in all directions while keeping her palms on the wall. I surely knew all my work could have gone out the window by the time I was done, and she went to Avery, but at the very least, we created one hell of a memory.
"Yes, yes, yes, you're obviously better at this than me, you're moving that tongue slowly, but hard, though. Oh, what a sexy lady you are, you have to be a pleasing machine. I'd love to hear what guys have said about you. You're eighteen and hot as hell, so I'm certain you've gotten a lot of great reviews from guys, right?"
"Yes, but now I'm working on the lady reviews, so shut up so I can concentrate."
She slanted her head back again and grabbed her tits too. Once again, I viewed the development of her losing it. Her movements went nuts, and it became hard to keep her still, but I was up for the challenge.
I followed her twat around like a rabbit chasing a carrot. I wanted it for myself, even if that wasn't the original reason we started fucking. We wooed each other, and inevitably got so connected, I might have been Avery's competition for her BFF.
Either way, I closed my eyes after a few minutes as I couldn't keep up to all the maintenance that went with pussy-eating. I couldn't entirely give her my heart and soul with open eyes, but I sure did the best I could after closing them.
"Motherfucker, that's the stuff, Penelope. Shit, you're good, you're amazing, make me cum all over your face too."
I blindly grabbed her thighs and held her as much as I could. I needed her to stay still, but sure not to kill the mood, though. I made her push her cherry all over my face for a moment, but then I fucked the shit out of her pussy like a lesbo pro.
I moved my face back and forth with my tongue lodged deep inside her as if it was glued in there. Although, I still moved it all around in there, and made so much cum blast out that I knew she'd lose weight.
Then I decided to feel her jugs yet again because they were two sexy parts of her body. I wanted to pleasure her and get thrilled at the same time. Her titties were smaller than mine, but still quite alluring though.
So, I clutched them hard, and hurt her just a tad, but she still didn't seem to mind. As I worked my magic on her slit so much, I was sure I could've squeezed her boobs so much that milk came out, and she wouldn't have minded.
So, I compressed them and sucked her pussy lips into my mouth. I got her so good that it appeared she was going to fall backward. Although, because of my grip, she still stayed upright and endured all the pleasure I doled out for her.
Even with her bush, I perfected the art of pussy-eating on her and got the job done for her. She shook and vibrated all because of me, so I felt so much pride, I even felt invincible. I knew it wasn't true, but of course, this was still new territory to me.
'Maybe I'll have to do this with Avery too. I've never been with a black woman, so this could be fun.'
"Oh, shit, yes, here you go now," she moaned, dropping her hands back to my head and pulling my hair a bit.
I gladly took her juice all over my face, and she unloaded like a squirt gun with a full tank. She surely doused my face and sheets on both sides of her face. She lasted for roughly twenty seconds or so, but that didn't stop her from wanting more.
"Holy shit, I like you, Penelope," she mumbled, before kissing me. "You're a sweet and nice woman beneath the 'wench' painting you wear all the time."
'You say that like it's bad.'
"Oh, I want to fuck Avery so badly now. I want to munch on her twat like mad," she moaned, lifting her face. "I mean, I want to rip her clothes right off her and get her so good that she won't even be able to get off the bed when we're done."
"Well, you're just revved up right now, but I believe you."
"Fuck, I think I love you, Penelope," she stated, before pasting her lips to mine again.
We wrapped our arms around each other and made out like horny lesbos, even if I didn't consider myself a lesbian. She clearly had a more significant interest in it than I did, but for the time being, I didn't mind being attracted to Scarlet and Avery, for that matter.
"What the fuck is this!!" we heard Avery yell.
It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem; could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? It's hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But as I would find out years later, events had taken place years before which made that questionably fateful day a reality. I was in my mid 30's (36 to be exact) and had made a very good living for myself. I...
Avery Black was born in San Fransico, California, on July 17th, 1992. San Fran isn't a porn capital such as Las Vegas or Los Angeles, but it is an adjunct. All those freewheeling gays put energy in the air that affects even straights. People get their fuck on in San Fran, and it shows.An Asian Sex Doll with a HeartbeatNot much is known about this raven-haired Asian beauty other than that she's sexy as fuck, can ride a dick, and loves to make men hard. That's all I need to know, honestly. What...
Twitter Porn AccountsI wound up in California, working only as a receptionist for an independently owned soft porn company. The idea of being a porn star was simply disgusting to me. I hadn't watched much porn in my days, just the HBO after-hour specials at friends' houses after parties, but all the women looked trashy and used. They had to wear loads of make-up on their 36-year-old faces to hide the years of drug abuse on their bodies and to make them look decent enough to fuck. Their tits were sagging,...
My name is Jim. I love fucking white femboys and crossdressers with my black dick. I first saw porn when I was way too young, thanks to a step brother. I grew up watching girls scream and moan from hard anal. Soon anal was all I wanted to watch. When I was a teen, we got the internet. I first saw transsexual porn then. I loved to see their big tits and nipples, their made up faces and long hair, their asses and sexy legs, their high heels, and their big cocks. When I was young, I...
A loud knock startled her from her trance. Running to the door, and flinging it open, she could see 7 very large men, towering iver her 5'1" petite frame. "But where is everyone else?" she asked, disappointed. They had promised her a group of 27, and she had reserved 2 whole nights for this. "Dont worry about it whore, theyre coming" the closest man replied, as he shoved her down onto the floor. Then the men started filing in.. one after another. Some of them spat on her as they passed....
A Story by B4i4q The Defeat of Scarlet Lass, Part the First. A Story by ?b4i4q? Lorelei Chase was an enigma. The well connected, and well endowed, heiress to the vast Chase fortune was and, at the same time, was not known for being a party girl. She would show up to some of the ?right? parties, but not others. No one knew why. And even when she did attend a party, she shied away from the attention, never doing drugs, or getting drunk, or having a ?wardrobe malfunction.? She...
Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...
Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...
The crescendo roar of applause prompted the pale-faced stage hand to leap into action. Grabbing the handle, he tugged at the door separating the dressing room corridor from the stage. He held it open, his eyes lowered. Just in time. Having finished her turn for another evening, Miss Scarlet Carter barged her way off stage in a full-on flounce. “It’s ‘alf bleedin’ empty. Again,” she whined at anyone who’d listen. Miss Scarlet, a diva whose auburn locks and fiery temper matched her name, was...
HistoricalThomas James was a student at the local university. Just like a lot of kids at the university, he was always on the lookout for spare cash. To help out with gas, food, and the occasional luxury. One afternoon Thomas saw an advertisement in the local paper. “Pool person needed.” So Thomas called the advertisement. The person with the mobile number was named Scarlet Grey. When she answered, Thomas felt a sort of shiver run down his spine. Her voice was so sexy! “Hi, this is Scarlet.” “Hi, I’m...
MILFCaptain America called Scarlet Witch into his office. "You saved the day again, Scarlet! Now please tell me exactly how you saved the life of that Dutch porn star, Lillian de Dong.""Well Captain, as you know Lillian suffered from that rare Hawaiian disease known as lackanooky. How the hell she got that in the Netherlands I have no idea. What with all those horny flight attendants from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on the loose in the neighborhood looking for a goose This assignment was easy. I just...
Wanda Maximoff strode through the New York Metropolitan Museam and smiled as she moved through the crowd of people that had gathered there for the auction. Wanda was also known as the mutant called the Scarlet Witch. She was a member of the superhero team known as the Avengers. The heroine was at the museam as a representative of the Avengers. An auction of Avenger memorabilia was being held at the museam. It was all a charity benefit to help raise money to aid the homeless people of New York...
Captain America called Scarlet Witch into his office. ‘You saved the day again, Scarlet! Now please tell me exactly how you saved the life of that Dutch porn star, Lillian de Dong.’ ‘Well Captain, as you know Lillian suffered from that rare Hawaiian disease known as lackanooky. How the hell she got that in the Netherlands I have no idea. What with all those horny flight attendants from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on the loose in the neighborhood looking for a goose This assignment was easy. I...
“Scarlet, you know her, the tall elegant redhead, late-thirties, we had drinks with her. Slim body with wonderful long legs. “Tell her fine by me as long as she looks after my sexual needs.” “You mean you expect a blow job?” A few days later we met Scarlet for drinks. “Sarah told me you want to watch her being pleasured by two boys from the gym.” “Yes, that would be very exciting for me. She told me you expect a blow job from me as a quid pro quo. That would be even more exciting for me....
The Scarlet Troopers are proud female mounted soldiers, highly trained, extremely fit and always well presented in their skintight red catsuits, black thigh boots and black cropped jackets. A normal trooper wears a black riding helmet the officers wear red to distinguish them from the girl soldiers under their command, all troopers are armed with batons to use as self defence.In recent times the Scarlet Troopers had suffered heavy humiliating defeats at the hands of their enemies, the Amazonian...
The Scarlet Troopers are proud female soldiers, highly trained, extremely fit and always well presented in their skintight red catsuits, black thigh boots and black cropped jackets. A normal trooper wears a black riding helmet the officers wear red to distinguish them from the girl soldiers under their command, all troopers are armed with batons to use as self defence.In recent times the Scarlet Troopers had suffered heavy humiliating defeats at the hands of their enemies, the Amazonian...
The windows were rolled down as my car strolled quietly down Flounder Street. I always thought it was funny as a little kid, living on Flounder Street. I guess a little kid who will laugh at ‘wiener’ will also laugh at ‘flounder.’ The 93 degree heat was beating down on me through the windshield. It was times like these that I wish I was actually financially sound enough to own a car with air conditioning that worked. The dash said it was just past 2 o’clock. I’d gotten stuck in a traffic jam...
Scarlet Chase, also known as Your Secret Crush, has been in the business for around five years now. She started when she was 22, which makes her 27 years young as of the writing of this article.What Dat Pussy Do?Scarlet Chase is white and petite at only five foot four and 119 pounds. To make up for some of her small stature, she has enhanced her tits all the way up to a 34C from A or B cups.She has several tattoos, including on her left flank, under her right bicep, along her upper spine, and a...
Twitter Porn AccountsMy names Emma I’m a Scarlet Trooper Captain you may have read some of my other tales of the daily struggles myself and my squad of Scarlet Troopers face trying to maintain order. Scarlet Troopers are, just to remind you, highly trained mounted female soldiers we pride ourselves in our appearance and our skintight red lycra catsuits, Black leather belts, riding boots and black cropped jackets distinguish us from the rest of society. We wear our catsuits next to our skin no underwear it would...
For generations women had ruled the land, the male gene had been bred out and now females were the rulers, the law makers, the soldiers and the enemy. Scarlet Troopers a highly trained army of mounted female soldiers were there to protect their queen and try to uphold order but generally they were hated by many and few respected them or obeyed their rules, recent attempts by the newly formed White Warriors had failed to penetrate the Scarlets fortress. White Warriors were formed by the strict...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 6 "Time to wake up, sleepy head!" Sam awoke to a female voice, his eyes blinking. Sunlight streamed into the room as curtains were thrown open, casting the woman in a hazy silhouette. Sam shifted in the bed, pulling himself up into a sitting position, the covers falling from his bare chest. His body... Sam ran his hands over his flat chest. What the hell? Sam stared down in disbelief, his hands roaming across his masculine body, then up to...
Let me set the scene for you. My name is Emma I am a Captain in the Scarlet Troopers a group of highly trained female mounted soldiers protecting the honour of our leader Priestess Anastasia. I have a squad of 30 Troopers in my charge. We live in a peaceful but largely lawless society our enemies are the Amazonian Warriors a group of strong and powerful women who have no morals and are led by their Warrior Queen Skye a leader who hates all Scarlet Troopers and our Priestess. Our society has...
Let me set the scene for you. My name is Emma I am a Captain in the Scarlet Troopers a group of highly trained female soldiers protecting the honour of our leader Priestess Anastasia. I have a squad of 30 troopers under my charge. We live in a peaceful but largely lawless society our enemies are the Amazonian Warriors a group of strong and powerful women who have no morals and are led by their Warrior Queen Skye a leader who hates all Scarlet Troopers and our Priestess. Our society has evolved...
This is a another tale of the daily struggles of the Scarlet Troopers, my names Emma I’m a Captain and leader of a squad of highly trained and highly motivated fit young female horse mounted soldiers, we wear uniforms that intimidate our enemies and show them how lithe and athletic we are. The uniform is the envy of our adversaries it consists of skintight red lycra catsuits, black leather riding boots, black leather belt, black cropped jackets and riding helmets.Our female assets are on full...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 12 Sam's five-inch platform heels clicked slowly backwards as he recoiled away from the open door, his mouth open in shock. His backside bumped against the edge of the desk behind him, causing him to jump and gasp effeminately. He had nowhere left to go. "Please Mister Fields, try to remain calm." Ren? Gerard held up a hand, glancing momentarily behind him to lock the study door. "Or should that be Miss Fields?" His eyes glanced downwards to the F...
(All characters are depicted as being at least 18 years old and aged up to 18 years old from their canonical stories) In your universe, in your country or beyond, female slavery has been a part of life since ancient times ever since the Scarlet Conflict. What was the Scarlet Conflict, no one really remembers just that it involved the Goddess the Scarlet Lady, her Master with no name, and his harem of beautiful goddesses and warriors fighting and containing the demoness the Blue Harlot. Once the...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 5 Turin, Italy Four hours ago... Black Ops Specialist William Tanner stepped into the interrogation room, the metal slide-door hissing shut and locking automatically behind him. He walked across to the wooden table at the centre of the room, behind which sat a young man. The panel lighting above his head cast him in a spotlight and his head was hung low, his sandy-colored hair unkempt and straggly. From the slow pace of his breathing, Tanner...
A million thoughts ran through Mr. Wilson's mind. This young girl was only fifteen years old, but was so sexy. He also felt a great amount of sympathy for her; a beautiful, smart, charming girl like her did not deserve to be treated so horribly. His respect and admiration for her also grew as he thought about how many times she had shown up to class with messy hair and smudged make-up, sometimes even with bruises along her upper arms; he had never thought much about it, but now he discovered...
A pair of blue-tits was fighting each other for exclusive access to the peanut holder Heather had just attached to the bird table. A female pheasant’s dull brown feathers twitched under a bush as it waited for Heather to return to the cottage kitchen. Then it could peck at the seeds scattered liberally at the foot of the rotting bird table Heather smiled. She pushed open the door to the kitchen where her daughter, Paula, was stirring a bowl of Coco Pops with a spoon. “Is the pheasant there?”...
Straight SexSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 3 Sam stood in the doorway to his bedroom, surprised to find Maria Ramirez sitting before him on the bed. She looked radiant with her long dark hair hanging over her shoulders and a short black silk robe wrapped around her body. Sam watched as she crossed her long bare legs, his eyes automatically glancing downwards. "Madame?" Sam blinked, forcing himself to meet her eyes. "Come sit down," Maria soothed, patting the bed beside her, "And close the...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 8 Mike Rivers walked behind Sam as they climbed the two flights of stairs leading up to the hotel room, the old wooden steps creaking ominously as they ascended. He gently patted at his bruised eye with a handkerchief as he watched Sam's white ruffled skirt swishing enticingly against his backside. From his lower angle he could almost see up to his panties. "You know, you could have picked somewhere a little nicer." Rivers' eyes roamed the dark,...
“Then we have a deal?” I asked the two men who sat facing each other across the large conference room table. They each nodded in turn. “Great!” I exclaimed, and I meant it. I had been mediating this negotiation for over two weeks. At points, it felt like the whole thing was going to fall apart. But we managed to pull it off. This was easily the biggest case I had ever taken. Sitting between these two giants of business high up in this tall Ottawa office building, I had often felt like I was...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 11 "This is a really bad idea." Sam stood with his hands perched on his wide hips, watching as Rivers quickly checked the corridor outside of their room. "There's no-one around, we've got time to do this." Rivers stepped back into the room, wedging the door awkwardly shut against the now splintered door frame. He took a spare chair from under the desk and wedged it against the door handle. "Oh, like that will stop them," Sam commented dryly, folding...
The party was already in full swing when Nancy and her friends arrived. The Victorian ball gown that she had found in the trunk in her grandmother's attic fit nicely after a few custom alterations by a seamstress friend. With the addition of having her hair set in long hanging banana curls she felt like the perfect Scarlet O'Hara. Nancy adjusted the mask that hid the upper half of her face and looked around to see if she recognized any of the other masqueraders. When Spiderman approached and...
SupernaturalSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 1 The street lights of Monte Carlo streaked past in a haze as the dying embers of the sun dipped beneath the horizon. Excitement was in the air as tourists began to flood the streets, ready to take in Monaco's vibrant Mediterranean nightlife. The balmy evening heat drifted in through the open window of Mike Rivers' pristine white Lamborghini Gallardo. He breathed deeply, letting the ambience fill his senses. This was how he liked it -- immersing...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 10 Ren? Gerard checked his appearance one last time in the mirror, turning his face from side to side, inspecting every last pore in his moisturized face. Of course he was vain. He freely admitted to it, though he felt no shame in it. The body was a temple that needed to be nurtured with good food, vigorous exercise and impeccable hygiene. He swept a comb once more through his slick black hair, ensuring it was perfectly symmetrical. He checked his t...
My day really begins when she leaves her apartment across the street.When I see her in the morning, it appears like she has so much positivity that she dances out of the front door to the small café nearby. That is how elegant she is in every way she moves.She doesn’t look like a sex worker. Like a prostitute. To me she is not prostituting herself, she is not working, she is not doing this for something as vulgar and plain as money. Somebody so beautiful must have more profound motives than to...
LesbianDave tossed a manilla folder across the table to Andrew. The folder contained the information on a potential participant in the project. This applicant was a very different prospect from any of the previous ones. Curious about Andrew's reaction, he sat back in his chair to watch his boss. Andrew opened the folder. He took one look at the picture inside, closed the folder, and looked back up at Dave. "Are you kidding?" "No," Dave answered. "She applied. I treated her like all of the...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 7 Lorenzo de Luca found his grandmother's handbag on the kitchen side and pulled fifty euros worth of notes from her purse. He could already hear her shrieking from the living room. "Don't be spending it on drugs, you hear? We need groceries! I swear if your grandfather were still alive he'd knock some sense into you." Her Italian was old school, bringing an added harshness to her words. "Lay off Nonna, I've got this, okay?" Lorenzo pocketed the...
Everybody remembers their first time. Some people aren't too fond about it, others end up marrying that one person and having that one penis to themselves for the rest of their lives. My experience was different. Way different. At 18, i was still a virgin and proud of it. My friends were in serious relationships and of course, having sex, but here I was, single and sexless. On the one hand i couldn't wait for my prince charming to come around, sweep me off my feet and make sweet love to me,...
First TimeMy name is Stacy, and I am a freshman in college. I am originally from Jonesboro, Arkansas. It was a good sized town by our standard, yet tiny to others. I always wanted to be an actress and was bitten by the bug at a young age (when I had to sing, “Itsy bitsy spider” at a school recital).When I turned eighteen I picked a college in California, and I figured, between movies and the theatre, I would find a job rather easily. I was excited on my first day seeing how big the nearby city was...
LesbianThe Scarlet Ribbon Janet Stickney I hated it. The constant drone of the nearby mill, the crime, drugs, and prostitution all wore on me like a millstone. I had graduated first in my class, but because so many kids dropped out, I wasn't sure that meant much. My Mother had taken off a few years back, and I never bothered to look for her. I had never known my father, probably a trick my Mother had turned. I had managed to get through school with the help of the woman that ran...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 2 Sam awoke with a start, air shooting sharply down into his lungs. Something was happening. He could hear the distant hum of an engine as it ticked over, revving up a few times. The yacht was starting to move and he could feel the room beginning to sway a little. The lack of a window as a point of reference made him feel disorientated. Deep down Sam had hoped that Ramirez would remain in Monaco, but Rivers had guessed he would soon depart. Sam did...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 4 The "Oro del Diablo" was quiet, with only the gentle creak of timber frames and the distant wash of waves against the hull audible from its empty corridors. Sam Fields tip-toed across the plush carpets. In one hand he carried his red high heels, the imitation diamonds of the ankle straps twinkling in the early morning light that filtered in from the deck above. In his other hand he held his white dress, which he pressed protectively to his naked...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 9 Sam sat upright in the bed, the covers in a tangle beneath him. He gasped, struggling to catch his breath, his surroundings slowly coming into focus. The large bedroom of the "Hotel de Russie's" luxury suite was now dimly lit by the morning sunlight that filtered in through the crack in the curtains. He reached up, sweeping a hand along the length of his blonde ponytail, feeling confused. He could hear a rapid, dull pounding and began to look...
"Are you frightened?" Hayden whispered into my ear as he pushed his hard cock into my tight and wet pussy and let out the largest moan i'd heard. Ever. I shook my head and let out a soft gasp as a shock of pain jolted down my body mixed with pleasure that sent lighting bolts to the tips of toes. I turned my head and look tot he side but he grabbed my head with his hands as he still was slowly penetrating me, in and out in and out and looked at me. "No i want to look at you. I want you to...
First TimeMy Own Scarlet Letter By Couture I glanced down at my watch. Threeo' five. Katie was supposed to have been here five minutes ago. I checkedmy desk to make sure I had everything. Yes, it was all there. My grade bookand copies of her old tests. Three o' six. She was now six minutes late, but it felt like thirty. I felta drop of perspiration make its way from my underarm down my side. Okay, whenshe gets here, make sure she doesn't close the door, I reminded myself. Whywas I worried? She might not...
"Sooth, 'tis a tonic to be in the open air once more," Merry exclaimed as Nightshade's booming wings hurled she and Karl among fleecy clouds. "I heartily agree," Karl replied. "Between the scheming nobility and the fawning hangers-on at court I am pleased to be shut of all such nonsense. No doubt you were becoming restless as well, noble dragon." "I was indeed," Nightshade replied. "Food is plentiful in the royal forests, but I crave adventure and to see new things." "We are...
Authors Note:Sorry if this was painful to read, but this was made when i was in senior year of High-school“I didn’t wanna be at work on the weekend. But anyhow, at least nobody is at work today” scarlett looked into the mirror, her skirt was bright pink, her one-direction t-shirt wasn't enough to contain her huge titties and her leather jacket and heels were still good.Scarlett was working late on a Saturday. Heather, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night....
In a nice hotel room with a balcony and a view of the city, a 22-year-old who identifies as a ‘sissy’ and has recently agreed to accept “she/her” pronouns; kneels on a towel that has been laid out on the ground in an open area of the spacious room. She goes by the name ‘Daisy’ and has been fitted with a blindfold, a ball gag, and wrist cuffs which were now binding her arms behind her. She has been in this particular situation for around 20 minutes now; focusing on breathing and how the...
‘Good morning bitch. You are going to write out a schedule of your normal daily activities. Work, school, etc. I want the time you wake up, the time you leave and the time you get home from school, work or other normally scheduled activities, and the time you go to bed; for each day of the week. I expect that your schedule may change from week to week, that is okay. You will send me a new schedule each time it changes. You have 24 hours to complete this task. You may ask questions for...
"Could you at least smile and pretend that you're having a good time?" Arlene Taylor leaned over and whispered to her companion across the table. "It's only our first night here and people are already beginning to stare." The slightly morose expression on her friend's face faded to be replaced by the sought after smile. In the same quiet voice she answered her dinner partner. "I am enjoying myself." Jeanette Randolph replied. "I was just thinking how much this little trip is costing...
28 July, 1686 Evening As the women allowed themselves to be lead away Constance whispered to Carmen, "He does cut quite the handsome figure, does he not?" "Looks can be deceiving," Carmen whispered back, "keep a 'weather eye open'." "Allow me to introduce myself," the young man said to the women over his shoulder, removing his hat and bowing gracefully without missing a step, "Jack Scarlet, at your service, currently unwaged, but in the past having crewed on the...
Raven spent the night in her room. It was the first night she slept alone since asking Andrew to make love to her. She missed feeling his arms around her while she slept. She missed being poked by his erection upon waking. She had really missed sleeping with him. She had gotten up that morning in a grumpy mood. She believed there was no reason for her state of mind, writing off her bad mood to the unsettled sleep of the night before. She wasn't going to admit, even to herself, that it was...
Thomas James was a student at the local university. Just like a lot of kids at the university, he was always on the lookout for spare cash. To help out with gas, food, and the occasional luxury. One afternoon Thomas saw an advertisement in the local paper. “Pool person needed.” So Thomas called the advertisement. The person with the mobile number was named Scarlet Grey. When she answered, Thomas felt a sort of shiver run down his spine. Her voice was so sexy! “Hi, this is Scarlet.” “Hi,...
Don’t be shy and just stand there. Come on in… if you dare. There you go, get yourself comfortable and welcome to my world. I’m Scarlet. Actually it is Jasmine, but Scarlet has been my nickname ever since my high school days because of my crimson red hair. Many people would call me a very attractive woman if it weren’t for one thing that makes me… let’s say, ‘special’. Ok, I’ll stop beating around the bush—I’m a transexual. I never got surgery or anything, I was born like this. Most people...
Tens of thousands of people had gathered in Freedom Square for the event. Newsmen, families, political activists and not so discrete employees of the secret service mingled with the huge crowd in front of the gargantuan stage. The president of the united states would soon make her appearance, but the crowd hadn't gathered for her. As revolutionary as a female president once had been, the crowd had come for the fabled super heroine Stacie Morgan otherwise known as the scarlet starlet. There was...
Don't be shy and just stand there. Come on in... if you dare. There you go; get yourself comfortable and welcome to my world. I'm Scarlet. Actually it is Jasmine, but Scarlet has been my nickname ever since my high school days because of my crimson red hair. Many people would call me a very attractive woman if it weren't for one thing that makes me... let's say, "special". Ok, I'll stop beating around the bush—I'm a transexual. I never got surgery or anything; I was born like this. Most people...