Scarlet - Part Nine free porn video

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SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 9 Sam sat upright in the bed, the covers in a tangle beneath him. He gasped, struggling to catch his breath, his surroundings slowly coming into focus. The large bedroom of the "Hotel de Russie's" luxury suite was now dimly lit by the morning sunlight that filtered in through the crack in the curtains. He reached up, sweeping a hand along the length of his blonde ponytail, feeling confused. He could hear a rapid, dull pounding and began to look around for the source of the noise, suddenly realising that it was his own heartbeat thundering in his ears. Had he been dreaming? He brought a hand to his chest. More like a nightmare... Sam swept the covers away and swung his legs off of the bed. He sat upright, his toes brushing against the plush carpet beneath him. His breasts heaved beneath his pajama top and seemed to ache. He rubbed a hand across them, his nipples stiff and sore as they brushed against the inside of his t-shirt. He gripped his head in his hands, his eyes closing as he struggled in vain to recall what he had been dreaming about. Sam noticed that his whole body seemed to be tingling. He held his feminine hands out in front of him, watching as his slender fingers quivered. He pushed himself up from the bed and yawned, stretching his arms up above his head. Even his legs felt unsteady, trembling like they were made of jello. Looking over, Sam noticed that Rivers was still asleep in the separate sofa bed, his body turned away from him, his shoulders gently rising and falling with his breathing. Sam tip-toed quietly out of the room, carefully walking along the short corridor towards the bathroom, trailing one hand against the wall for support. His bare legs brushed together, a faint tingling warmth noticeable between his thighs. * * * * * * * * * * Sam let the hot shower soothe his body, the high pressure of the water massaging into his soft skin. He poured a generous helping of strawberry scented body wash into his hand and began to slide his hands over his body; first his shoulders, then his arms, before working the sweet smelling suds into his heavy breasts. Sam sighed. His breasts still felt unusually sensitive and his nipples soon hardened to his touch. His hands slid down, rubbing the body wash over his tummy, then his hips, his backside, finally down to wash his mound, the flat of his palm disappearing down between his legs. Sam gasped, quickly pulling his hand back as if he had just touched a live wire. He paused, looking down suspiciously at his feminine body. He was still unused to the many different sensations that his body could produce, and did not know if it was normal to feel like this, or whether something was wrong. Perhaps it was just the last of the alcohol from yesterday, working its way through his system. Yes, that was probably it. Sam leant over, his soapy hands running over his upper thighs, his heavy breasts swaying beneath him. He could feel the prickle of his legs from where he had not yet shaved. Sam could still hear Maria Ramirez's stern words to him, chastising him for his lack of effort with his feminine appearance. Even though she was gone, her voice still seemed to echo in his head, sending a panicked shiver down his spine. He was left with the realisation that as long as he was in Antoinette's female body, he would need to present himself as a woman as best he could. Anything less than his best effort ran the risk of drawing unwanted attention and suspicion. Sam raised his left foot up onto a low shelf set into the walk-through shower, his thigh now raised so that it ran perpendicular to his body. He swapped the bottle of body wash for shaving cream and poured it into his hands, rubbing it between his palms before sliding his hands over his long left leg. He took the fresh disposable razor that he had found in the honeymoon hamper and began to carefully remove the cream in long, even strokes. Sam swapped legs, lathering his shapely right thigh, working the shaving cream down into his calf, before expertly removing all trace of hair with the razor. He ran his slender hands over his freshly shaved legs. They felt soft and silky smooth, causing a tingling sensation to play throughout his body once more. Sam's hands drifted upwards, his fingers briefly grazing against the faint stubble of his mound. He had found that it had begun to itch down there and figured that, since he didn't plan on occupying Antoinette's body long enough to let it grow back out, he should probably continue to keep it shaved as well. Sam took another handful of cream and rubbed it into his mound, exhaling, feeling his nipples hardening once more on his chest. He began to remove the cream from around his vagina, flicking the razor in small, rapid strokes, being extra careful as he shaved either side of his labia majora. Sam pulled the shower head from its cradle, aiming it between his legs to wash away the last of the cream. Sam's feminine voice gasped at the sudden pressure of the water between his legs. He quickly aimed the hot water away, shocked at his sensitivity. He hesitantly brought the shower head back, being more careful this time, but had to bite his lip and was soon forced to turn the water off altogether. Sam sighed, his chest rising and falling as the final droplets of water dripped from his body to join the wet floor of the shower. Just what was that? It was like he had the girl equivalent of "morning wood". It was the only way he could think to describe how he was feeling down there. Sam looked down at his body, sweeping his wet blonde hair off of his breasts, noticing how thick and swollen his nipples were. A brief, probing index finger against his left nipple soon told him everything he needed to know. He hadn't felt this way since... The yacht. Sam could remember all too well how Maria Ramirez had expertly aroused him back on the "Oro del Diablo". Her touch had been electric, exciting and intoxicating. She had known just how to tease his unfamiliar female body, and yet at the same time Sam had felt deeply ashamed of taking pleasure from Antoinette's body. When Carlos Ramirez had finally stepped in and taken his own pleasure of Sam, he couldn't help but feel like he'd got what he'd deserved for abusing Antoinette's body. The very thought of Carlos Ramirez pierced Sam's consciousness like ice water. All trace of body warmth seemed to leave his body in an instant, his nipples softening once more as his smooth flesh prickled with goose bumps. Sam closed his eyes and breathed in, reaching for the shower dial, bringing the temperature right down into the blue. He opened his eyes and switched the water on, letting the cold water shock him back into the present. * * * * * * * * * * Sam stood in front of the bathroom mirror as he gently patted the plush bathroom towel over his naked body. He stared deep into the blue eyes of his feminine reflection, stopping to take in the sight of his young, heart shaped face. His full lips were slightly parted and his wet blonde hair hung limp over his shoulders and back. His gaze drifted over his pert rounded breasts and his large pink nipples, then down to his flat stomach. Sam turned to one side, his fingers drifting around the outline of the bruise that had marked his side. It had nearly healed already. Sam tossed the bathroom towel onto the side next to the twin-sinks. He stretched his arms up above his head, his palms pointing upwards, his fingers touching, groaning quietly as his lower back clicked into place. From his reflection he could see that his underarms were now smooth and slightly pinkish from where they had been freshly shaved. After sobering himself with cold water from the shower, Sam had been able to raise the temperature of the water enough to finish washing and shaving without incident. His entire body was now silky smooth and completely hairless. Sam's gaze lingered on his baby-smooth mound and the pink split that bisected his groin. Since swapping with Antoinette, Sam had done his best to ignore his new sex. To start with it had very much been a case of "out of sight, out of mind". Now he found himself much more conscious and aware of it. His experiences with Carlos Ramirez had awoken a new-found sense of vulnerability that he carried with him now wherever he went. He felt it in the presence of any man now, whether it was Rivers, or even someone relatively unthreatening like Lorenzo. It was the deep-rooted, sub- conscious idea that he could be taken - used - all with little say in the matter. He couldn't help but wonder whether all women felt like that. Sam shook his head and took a hairbrush from the honeymoon hamper, beginning to sweep it through his long wet hair, finding the routine of it comforting. He could smell the sweet scent of the shampoo and conditioner that he had used in the shower. Sam glanced past his reflection to the locked bathroom door behind him. It would soon be time to go back out there, though he wasn't quite sure he had the energy for another day with Rivers. The man who was responsible for his predicament. The man who now lusted after him, in spite of everything wrong about that whole idea. Sam could feel his tummy begin to tie itself up in knots. There was that vulnerability again, kicking him right where it hurt. He looked back to his image in the mirror, narrowing his blue eyes as he practiced his best poker face. * * * * * * * * * * "You took your time." Rivers looked up at Sam from the bed, his eye still a little swollen, though nowhere near as bad as it had been last night. Sam stepped gingerly through into the bedroom, nervously tightening his grip on his white bath towel. His partner was sat on the edge of the sofa-bed, his blue pajama top tight against his toned body as he stretched his arms up above his head. Sam could feel his own heart beat racing. "It takes longer to get ready as a woman." Sam struggled to relax his shaking hands as he stroked a strand of wet hair back behind his ear. He felt strangely self-conscious and nervous, despite having more than held his own with Rivers the day before. Sam could feel Rivers' eyes on him as he tip-toed over to the king-size bed. He sat himself down opposite him, making sure to keep his bare thighs tight together. "Oh, so you're finally admitting that you're a woman now. That's a good start." Rivers grinned, letting his gaze linger on Sam's glistening wet legs. "That's not what I meant." Sam could feel his cheeks blushing. "It's okay, really," Rivers held up his hands, "It's definitely going to help us. Especially today." "What do you mean?" Sam pulled up on the tied knot of his towel. He was irritated that he was already caught on the back foot. "While you've been away having some girl time, I've been making some calls." Girl time? Sam swallowed, thinking back to his "morning wood" moment in the shower. Did Rivers know? Could men somehow sense stuff like that? Sam shook his head. He was just being stupid. "Calls... what calls?" "I've made us an appointment at the mansion for 12.30 this afternoon." "An appointment? You mean we're just gonna walk in through the front door?" "Of course. An agent never goes in blind. This will be reconnaissance. You remember how to do that, right?" "But what if someone recognises me? I mean... Antoinette..." Sam flicked his damp blonde hair back over his shoulders. He could feel droplets of cold water snaking their way over his bare back. "The woman I spoke to was part of an events agency. It turns out the mansion is let out to the public whenever the owner isn't around. It's perfect. We'll literally get a guided tour of the place." "It's suicide is what it is. What if..." "There's always a 'what if'," Rivers interrupted, "That's why the Agency employs people like us, so we can deal with that when it comes. Just relax honey, we've done stuff like this before." Sam opened his mouth to protest at being called "honey", but quickly bit his lip when he saw Rivers grinning back at him. He was doing it on purpose. Sam realised that he was going to have to do his best to ignore stuff like that, otherwise it would just encourage Rivers to do it even more. Sam let Rivers off with a harsh stare instead. He pushed himself away from the bed and walked around to the bedroom window, his wide hips rolling beneath his bath towel. Sam peered through the curtains to the streets below, the natural sunlight harsh against his eyes. He could already see tourists going about their day, oblivious to the two secret agents in the luxury hotel suite high above them. "Well, I'm going to need something to wear." Sam was a little surprised to find that he spoke his thoughts out loud. "I've already thought of that." Sam turned back to face Rivers, watching as he stood, threading his pajama top up over his head, revealing the taught musculature of his body. "My favorite designer works in Rome, I put in a couple of orders for us both." Sam quickly turned back to the window, frustrated at the sudden awkwardness of Rivers' half-nakedness. "You...chose an outfit for me?" Sam sighed and wiped a hand against the condensation on the inside of the window. "Great..." Sam could hear Rivers bare feet padding across the room and soon he was in Sam's personal space, close behind him, speaking down over his shoulder. "Relax. I was very well restrained." Sam winced as he felt Rivers hands at his waist. He quickly spun around, breaking his grasp, his chest heaving beneath his towel as he stared up at Rivers. "Will you... will you go get ready some place else?" Sam's French accented voice wavered and his eyes darted, finding it difficult to keep his eyes on Rivers' own. Rivers smiled down at Sam before turning, walking slowly back to the bed. He swept up his pajama top, turning it around in his hands before slipping his arms back into it. "You know, this is exactly why I stopped taking on female partners." "What do you mean?" Sam folded his slender arms across his chest. "It just gets too awkward." Rivers looked irritated as he tugged his top back down over his chest, "You have to constantly watch what you say... You can't even get ready in the same room together..." "Well I'm sorry, but you're the one who chose to swap me with a woman, remember?" Rivers looked up at the ceiling as he spoke, as if recounting a well- rehearsed speech. "And then there's the arguing, the barely disguised sexual tension. Eventually you have sex and it just makes the whole thing even more awkward." Sam almost choked. "Well, you definitely don't have to worry about that ever happening!" "That's what they all say." Rivers gave a wink before turning towards the door. "I'm gonna go get showered." As the door closed behind Rivers, Sam gave a frustrated growl and threw a pillow ineffectually after him. Why did he always manage to get the last word in? He knew that Rivers had said those things to wind him up further, but what worried him was that Rivers actually believed all that bullshit. Sam wearily sat himself down in front of the mirror on the dresser table. His feminine reflection looked back at him from three different angles, looking more exasperated in each one. * * * * * * * * * * Sam carefully drew the hair straighteners along the length of his long blonde hair, drawing it out in sections into long, silky smooth strands. He even executed the little trick he'd learnt from Maria, of crimping a slight curl into the ends. He watched in the mirror as he let go of the hair, the wavy ends bouncing at his feminine shoulders. He could still hear the faint roar of the shower coming from the bathroom and was relieved to be away from Rivers' relentless teasing for a while. As before, Sam came to find his new feminine regime quite relaxing, and it didn't take much blow-drying and brushing of his long blonde hair to lighten his mood. Sam unpinned the final section of his hair so that he could draw the straighteners through. As the ceramic plates hissed, he closed his eyes, gently humming a tune to himself. His lilting high pitched register took him by surprise at first. It could almost have been Brigitte Lavelle herself, singing the tune to him. "Il me dit des mots d'amour Des mots de tous les jours Et ?a me fait quelque chose." Sam's sensual French voice lifted above the ambience of the room. His eyes opened in time to watch his lips mouth the final words. Something about the song comforted him, taking him back to a happier time, but he knew not when or where. A buzzer shrieked its way through the apartment causing Sam to gasp. He quickly caught his breath and unplugged the straighteners. He listened out for Rivers, but the shower water could still be heard in the distance. The buzzer wailed once more. Sam cursed to himself and stood up from the dresser table, quickly re- tying his bath towel for safety before hurrying along the short corridor to the main reception room, his breasts bouncing beneath his towel with each step. He paused in front of a long mirror, evening out his freshly styled hair, just as the door buzzer rang out again. "J'arrive!" Sam called out before hurrying to the door, his small hand curling around the brass handle. "A delivery for Mister Rivers." The bellboy from yesterday stood expectantly at the door, a pair of suit bags draped over one arm. Either side of him, Sam noticed a couple of large full bags, each from designer stores. "Just sign here please." Sam took the clipboard and pen, and after some consideration, marked his name with a bold 'X'. He looked up at the bellboy, expecting the young man's eyes to be wandering his scantily covered body. Instead he stared blankly ahead. At last, someone who knew how to behave around a woman. Sam handed the clipboard back and stepped to one side as the boy entered. He watched as he carefully laid the suit bags over the back of a chair before returning to the corridor outside to fetch the bags. "Merci," Sam smiled as best he could. He closed his eyes and shook his head, gripping his temples between a thumb and forefinger. "I mean... thanks..." Sam opened his eyes again. "Sorry, I don't have any money on me..." "It okay," the boy smiled, "Your husband will leave big tip." Sam nodded awkwardly and closed the door. He exhaled, alone once more. "Husband? He'd be lucky!" Sam spent a moment concentrating on breathing deeply. He had found himself slipping into French again, which always caused him to panic a little afterwards. Each time it happened it felt like he was losing something of himself. It was as if Antoinette were still inside him somewhere, fighting to take over. The marble flooring was cold to Sam's bare feet as he padded over to the protective suit bags laid across the chair. He took the smaller of the two, guessing it was meant for him. "Okay Rivers, time to find out what's in that perverse mind of yours..." Sam reluctantly unzipped the bag and gasped. "I don't believe it!" * * * * * * * * * * "Something wrong?" Sam turned at the sound of Rivers' voice, watching as he emerged from the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around his middle. His naked upper body still steamed from the hot shower. "Mike! I... I can't believe you actually picked this!" Sam reached into the suit bag and carefully pulled the clothing out. On a set of hangers were a tasteful, crimson-red woman's blouse, along with a fitted charcoal grey suit jacket and a matching skirt. Nothing too short or obscene. It was actually something any smart business woman might wear. "You like it?" Rivers beamed as he walked over, casting only a cursory glance to Sam's clothes, before taking his own suit bag and unzipping it. "Ah, excellent!" Rivers enthused as he unwrapped his own suit, "Volandro never lets me down!" "I can't believe you picked something... normal!" Sam hugged the outfit to his body. "Hey, do you know how much that suit costs? There's nothing normal about it." Rivers ran his fingers over his own designer shirt. "You know what I mean." "I know you'd probably prefer something a bit more girly and feminine, but we need to look like we mean business." "No, no... this is fine, believe me." Sam was confused. Why on earth would he prefer something girly and feminine? "If you're talking about what I was wearing before... I was in a rush..." "A very pink, coordinated rush, wouldn't you say?" Rivers looked side- long at Sam, grinning mischievously. He was doing it again. Sam cast his eyes skywards, doing his best to ignore Rivers' comments. * * * * * * * * * * Rivers carefully adjusted his suit cuffs before leaning in to the bathroom mirror to adjust his new silk tie. He always loved putting on a crisp new suit. Out of the many luxuries that life as an agent could afford, a designer suit was one of the ones that he would miss the most. He stood upright, shrugging his shoulders into the jacket. It fit him perfectly. He reached up, making careful micro-adjustments to his short hair. Rivers reached down to the designer bag he had brought in, unboxing a brand new pair of black Italian leather shoes. Sitting down onto the edge of the hot tub, he carefully slid each of his feet, in turn, into the plush new shoes. Rivers looked up to the closed door, his mind wandering off around the corner, to the bedroom, where Sam would be getting ready in his own outfit. He wished he had some surveillance gear set up for that particular little scene. Sam had seemed so cute the way he had been excited about his new outfit. It seemed like he couldn't wait to get all dressed up. Rivers reached down, tying his shoe laces. He could still picture Sam in the bed earlier, rolling onto his back, moaning effeminately in his sleep. Part of him kept thinking what would have happened if he'd just slipped into the bed and started caressing Sam's feminine body in his sleep. Then, by the time he'd woken, he'd have been too far gone to stop anything else. But it wouldn't have happened like that. Rivers knew it would have been too soon. He'd managed to coax a girly wet dream out of his partner, and that was enough for now. There was certainly more fun to be had in moulding his sexy little French girl. The only problem was how much longer he himself could hold out. He'd pretty much soaked the bed sheets earlier, and even relieving himself a second time in the shower had done little to stem his surging testosterone. Rivers stood, straightening his suit jacket. He gave one last look to the mirror before reaching down to adjust his crotch. It was time to see how Sam was coming along. * * * * * * * * * * The lipstick tube popped open and Sam carefully turned the end, watching as the crimson color swivelled upwards. The honeymoon hamper had certainly come well-stocked, allowing Sam to take his pick from a whole variety of make-up to best compliment his new outfit. His eyes were now darker and smokier than they had ever been before, his long black mascara covered eyelashes fluttering as he blinked. He pouted, gently smearing the crimson gloss across his full lips, before sucking them inwards to help even out the color. His lips now perfectly matched his freshly painted nails. Sam's eyes refocused on the mirror, catching sight of Rivers in the doorway to the bedroom behind him. He looked like he was ready for dinner at an expensive restaurant. His new suit looked sharp and his hair was now neat and freshly styled. "Jesus, you're not ready yet?" Rivers sighed, walking through into the room. Sam swivelled on the dresser table stool, pulling up at his bath towel, conscious that it was only thing still protecting his modesty. "What do you expect? You want me to look the part, right?" Sam spoke up in his French accent. "Not as much as you evidently do." "This isn't as easy as it looks you know." Sam set the lipstick back down onto the dresser table and leant in closer to the mirror to wipe at a stray clump of mascara. "Anyway, I'm finished now. I just need to get dressed and then we can get going." Sam stood up, then stopped, suddenly remembering something. "Oh shit..." "What is it?" "No, no it doesn't matter..." Sam looked away, feeling his cheeks beginning to blush with embarrassment. "Come on. Tell me." Rivers settled himself down onto the edge of the sofa bed as he watched Sam. "Well... I only came here with the one set of underwear." Sam stroked his luxurious hair back over his shoulders, his eyes darting, not wanting to look Rivers in the eye. "That's okay! I thought of that. Take a look in there." Rivers gestured to the designer bag that Sam had brought through with his suit. Sam looked at Rivers sheepishly, then hesitantly stepped forwards, reaching into the bag. He first pulled out a couple of large boxes , before reaching in further, finding a smaller, pink boutique style bag that was tied with black ribbon. "Victoria's Secret?" Sam let the small bag dangle from one finger, one hand perched indignantly on his hip. "Go on. Open it," Rivers prompted excitedly from the sofa-bed. Sam could feel his heart racing as he pulled open the ribbon. To say it felt weird would have been an understatement. He'd never had anyone buy underwear for him before, and now that he was a woman, it felt even more strangely intimate. He reached into the bag, slowly pulling forth a lacy black bra. He felt so embarrassed. Even though he was just holding the underwear, Sam felt like he was giving a full strip tease. At first glance the bra seemed too small and delicate to cover his large breasts. He quickly checked the label. He was wrong. "Oh my god, you know my cup size?" Sam instinctively brought a protective hand to his chest. "Yours weren't so difficult to figure out." Rivers stretched back out on the sofa-bed. "They've got that fullness to them, definitely bigger than a C, whilst still being quite firm and pert, which you don't tend to get with a double-D." "You're unbelievable." Sam tossed the brassiere into the unmade bed sheets, feeling suddenly self-conscious at Rivers' appraisal of his breasts. He was eager to move on and get the rest over with as quickly as possible. He reached back into the bag. "And a thong? Really?" Sam held out the skimpy black lace underwear with one hand. "I know you like wearing them." "Like them?" Sam could hear his French accented voice going up in pitch with his disbelief. "And I know the suit isn't very feminine, so I figured you could wear these and still feel girly underneath." Sam began to stammer, still in shock about the whole thing. "Mike... As you've clearly already noticed... I've got 34D tits and... and a..." Sam gestured to his groin, unable to make himself say the word. "And you think I need help to feel more girly?" Sam watched as Rivers' eyes began to roam his body, making him instantly regret drawing attention to himself. "There's more..." Rivers brought a hand to his mouth, as if stifling a smirk. Sam looked at Rivers angrily, then back down at the boutique bag. He reached in with his feminine hand, his fingers curling once more around something soft and delicate. He pulled the lace garter belt free, watching as the six spider-like straps dangled freely beneath it. "There's a couple of packs of stockings in there as well... Hey!" Rivers raised his hand deflecting the thrown garter belt, followed swiftly by the Victoria's Secret bag. * * * * * * * * * * Sam stood with his ear to the bedroom door, listening to make sure that Rivers was now far enough way. He could hear the dim murmur of a television set coming from the lounge on the other side of the apartment. Satisfied, he stepped away from the door and carefully untied his bath towel from around his body. The towel peeled away, leaving a faint impression of the fabric against his delicate naked skin. Sam walked over to the bed, his exposed breasts gently bouncing at his chest, his smooth, shaved legs brushing freely against each other. He searched the bed covers, finally finding the black lace thong that he had discarded there. He stretched it out between his fingers, finding the delicate pattern to be almost transparent against his hand. To think that Rivers had almost done a good job in getting him a sensible outfit, only to ruin it all with a typically macho approach to feminine underwear. Still, Sam had almost become used to wearing thongs now, and it wasn't as if Rivers would ever see him in the provocative lingerie. Sam sat his naked backside down onto the edge of the bed and carefully threaded his long smooth legs through the leg openings of the thong panties. Standing up, Sam wiggled his hips as he pulled them up further. He could feel the lacy fabric settle against his shaved crotch, the string riding up tight between his smooth peach-shaped buttocks. He ran his thumbs around the waistband, ensuring an even fit. Sam scooped up the matching brassiere and threaded his slender arms through. He eased each of his heavy breasts into the cups, before reaching behind to effortlessly fasten the clasp. He immediately felt the pressure against his breasts as they were lifted and supported. The bra was half cut, leaving the upper slope of his breasts exposed whilst providing an eye-catching line of cleavage. Again, Sam had to remind himself that no one - least of all Rivers - would ever see him in it. Sam ran his fingers around the edges of the brassiere and hefted his breasts a final time in his small hands. Although he'd been angry at Rivers before for knowing his bra size, he now felt quite glad that it fit comfortably. Sam glanced to the sofa bed, noticing the garter belt and boutique bag still there from where he had thrown them back at Rivers. Curiosity got the better of him and he found himself walking over to pick it up. The garter belt was clearly part of a matching set with the bra and thong, but there was still no way he was going to wear it. Sam carefully folded it and slipped it back into the pink bag. Now dressed in matching black lace bra and thong, Sam carefully unclipped the charcoal grey skirt from its hanger. He stepped into it, pulling it upwards, finding it unusual that the skirt sat so high on his trim waist, coming up to fully cover his flat tummy. He reached behind for the zipper, using his fingernails to grip it and slide it upwards. The skirt closed around him, perfectly following the curve of his buttocks and hips, the hem coming to rest just above his knees. Although he still would have preferred a pair of pants, Sam was at least relieved to be wearing the longest skirt he had so far worn. Sam next unfolded the deep red blouse, the color and fabric reminding him of rose petals. He carefully slid his slender arms through, the delicate fabric caressing his skin as he pulled it over his small shoulders. The sleeves were short and the blouse hugged his body closely. As he fastened the garment, he soon found that he ran out of buttons, the neckline not running quite as high as he would have liked, leaving a small hint of his cleavage exposed. Finally, Sam unhooked the jacket from its hanger, pulling his arms through the narrow sleeves. The jacket seemed to be perfectly fitted, as if the tailor had used his precise measurements. The chest of the jacket even seemed to have some extra give at the front to accommodate his breasts. Sam brushed his hands down over his new jacket and skirt, sweeping away a couple of loose threads. He leant over to peer into the dresser table mirror, but it was too low and small to be able to take in the full effect. It certainly felt comfortable. Sam sat down onto the edge of the king-size bed, feeling his hips gently stretching his skirt. He swept his hair back over his shoulders and turned his attention now to the two boxes that he had found within the large bag. He pulled the lid from one, removing a handful of packing paper. "More heels..." Sam sighed as he pulled free one of the four-inch high heeled pumps, turning it over in his hands. * * * * * * * * * * Rivers flicked through one TV channel after another, his head resting against one fist, bored with the awfulness of Italian daytime television. He glanced at his watch, wondering how Sam had managed to waste another fifteen minutes in just getting dressed. He clicked the TV off and tossed the remote onto the sofa next to him. The silence was short-lived and he could soon hear the loud click of high-heeled shoes against the marble flooring of the adjacent reception room. Rivers smiled to himself and rolled from the sofa onto his feet, quickly straightening his suit and tugging at his shirt cuffs. He stepped through from the lounge into the next room, his leather shoes scuffing to a sudden halt as he beheld the vision before him. An elegant young blonde woman, her make-up and hair striking and made to impress, stepped through from the corridor that led from the bedroom. Her bare legs slid one in front of the other, her black heels clicking confidently against the hard floor. Her hips jutted from side to side beneath a fitted charcoal grey skirt. She wore a matching jacket, held with a single button around her ample chest that jostled gently within a shiny crimson blouse. "Well, how do I look?" she asked, a hand on her hip with one leg angled to the side. * * * * * * * * * * Sam watched as Rivers shook his head, audibly clearing his throat before answering. "Turn around... let me see." Sam swivelled on the spot, his arms wide at his hips. "Hmm, well it kind of makes your ass look fat." Rivers planted his hands deep into his pockets as he stepped closer. "What?" Sam found himself replying in an incredulously high register. He quickly teetered over to the full length mirror by the door, his heels clacking beneath him. The hem of his skirt was narrow with only a small split at the back, causing him to shuffle in small mincing steps. Sam turned his back to the mirror, looking back over his shoulder as he smoothed his hands over his backside. "Relax, I'm just messing with you." Rivers' voice came from behind him. Sam turned from the mirror, embarrassed that Rivers had caught him out. He felt awkward and cast his head down, absently checking his crimson painted fingernails. "If you must know, I'm kinda proud of myself for picking something like that out." Rivers boasted. Sam looked back up. Like it or not, Rivers' motor-mouth could always be relied upon to break any awkward silences. "Oh really?" Sam smiled up at him. "Then maybe you should have been the one who swapped with Antoinette. Then you could have gone shopping for girl's clothes to your heart's content." "Hey, I like looking at girls in this stuff. I don't want to wear it!" Rivers absently brushed a fluff from the shoulder of Sam's suit jacket. "It's just as well, you can barely dress yourself as it is." Sam took a step towards Rivers, reaching up to straighten his tie and smooth the lapels of his jacket. "Thanks..." Rivers turned away. This time the silence went unbroken. * * * * * * * * * * Whilst Rivers called them a cab to take them to the mansion, Sam returned to the bedroom, busying himself with tidying away the various bags and packaging that had come with his clothes and shoes. It was then that he noticed another box, still unopened. "What now?" Sam carefully lifted the lid upwards, finding inside a small leather woman's handbag colored a deep red, presumably to match his blouse. Sam lifted it free, unclipping it to peer inside, the smell of real leather filling his senses. Rather than feel affronted at yet another attempt to feminize him further, Sam felt quite pleased. If there was one thing to be said about women's clothing it was the distinct lack of pockets or anywhere to keep anything. At least with this bag he'd be able to keep a few things with him. He looked around the bedroom wondering what he could put in the bag. Sam walked over to the dresser table, his high-heeled pumps indenting the carpet beneath him. He collected up the various items of make-up he had used earlier; lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, blush, nail polish. He packed a small hairbrush and a packet of make-up removal wipes. Given all that had happened to him so far, he knew that he would do well to be prepared for anything. Sam slid a palm across the smooth surface of the dresser table, his searching fingers curling around a small perfume atomizer. He picked it up, bringing it to his nose. The scent was subtle, but pleasant, like a flowering meadow in the spring. He lightly sprayed at his neck and chest, before slipping the bottle into the bag. Sam clipped his new handbag shut, adjusted the strap and slipped it over his shoulder. * * * * * * * * * * Sam returned to the reception lounge of their luxury apartment, his red leather handbag now bouncing at his side. "All packed? Rivers turned from the mirror, his eyes glancing down to the handbag. Sam nodded in response, sweeping an arm down to tuck his handbag behind him. "Good," Rivers continued. "The cab's downstairs now. I just need to go drain the lizard, then we can get going." "Nice," Sam mocked, rolling his eyes. He quietly lamented the fact that he no longer had a lizard of his own to drain. Sam watched as Rivers disappeared into the bathroom, the latch clicking shut behind him. Suddenly he felt his heart beat race as an idea began to form in his mind. * * * * * * * * * * Sam gave a last quick glance to the closed bathroom door, before hurrying to the apartment's exit, his heels clicking rapidly across the marble flooring. He made his way out to the corridor outside the apartment, almost stumbling as he skidded to a halt in front the elevator. He jabbed repeatedly at the call-button. "Come on, come on!" Sam nervously glanced back to the still open door of the apartment. The elevator door chimed open and Sam hurried inside, his breasts jolting with his sudden movements. The carriage began its slow descent, an irritating tune drifting in from a speaker behind him. As soon as the elevator reached the ground floor, Sam hurried out. He still had to take short steps due to his tight skirt, his heels clicking rapidly against the floor. He darted across the "Hotel de Russie's" lobby, desperately trying his best to ignore the stares from the receptionists and other hotel patrons who had stopped to take in the sight of a young blonde woman hurrying through. The relentless bouncing of his breasts beneath his suit jacket did little to ease his self- consciousness. Sam pushed through the rotating door to the forecourt outside, stopping as the bright sunlight dazzled him. He could feel the oppressive midday sun bearing down at him, making him feel hot and flustered. As Sam focused he saw a cab parked over to his left. A gruff looking, moustached Italian man was leant against its hood. "Signore and Signora Rivers?" The man pushed himself away from the car. Sam noticed that the driver's forehead was beaded with sweat and his lurid shirt was wet under the armpits. "There's a change of plan, it's just me now." Sam teetered over to the car as the man opened the rear door for him. As Sam approached, the man's body odor was more evident. He could feel his lecherous eyes on him as he sat down onto the rear seat, bottom first, before swinging his legs inside. "What a pig", Sam thought to himself. After the additional efforts he now had to go to, to get himself ready in the morning, he really saw little excuse for a man to have such poor personal hygiene. Sam watched as the cab driver closed the door after him, slowly walking around to the driver side door. "Come on, hurry!" Sam muttered through gritted teeth. He quickly turned, his blonde hair whipping around him as he glanced backwards through the cab's rear window. There was still no sign of Rivers. After a night's sleep in a comfortable hotel, Sam realised that he had all too readily sided back with Rivers. Part of it had been the distraction of his morning routine, as well as the arrival of his new outfit. Had Rivers planned it like that? Was he really so easily won over by a shower of gifts, wanted or otherwise? He had to keep reminding himself of Rivers' betrayal. Sam doubted very much that he cared about helping him to get his body back. As far as Sam could tell, Rivers just wanted to crack open Scarlet and reap the rewards that the Agency would doubtless bestow upon him. The driver-side door opened and the cab lilted to one side as the odorous man settled into the driver seat. "Uh, can we hurry please? I've got an appointment to keep." Sam's feminine voice now had an added urgency to it and he could feel his heart beat hammering in his chest. The man leant back addressing Sam from over his shoulder. "We go long way. I need money up front. Your husband will pay, yes?" "I can pay you after, I'll figure something out. Please, can we just go?" Suddenly there was a loud thud as a hand slammed hard against the window beside Sam. He shrieked in his feminine register, feeling his whole body tense, almost to the point of losing control of his bladder. Sam looked up through the window, watching as Rivers peered down at him, looking irritated as he motioned with his hand for Sam to move up. Sam drew a breath, struggling to recover his now frayed nerves. He reluctantly scooted over to the adjacent seat as Rivers opened the door and got into the cab. * * * * * * * * * * "I thought we were past all this now." Rivers looked over to Sam who sat quietly beside him in the cab as the vehicle wound through the heavy traffic of Rome. "I can't believe you ran off like that... Again." "You really think you can buy me frilly underwear and expect me to forget everything you did to me?" Sam looked up as the driver chuckled to himself, his eyes glancing back at Sam through the rear view mirror. "What are you looking at?" Sam quickly snapped back. "Of course not, but I thought we agreed that we were going the same way, and to at least work together on this?" "I know... I just... I don't know..." Sam ran his hands over his bare knees. The cab was at least well air conditioned and provided a welcome respite from the hot Italian weather outside. "This new impulsiveness of yours... In one way it's great," Rivers began, shifting in his seat to face Sam. "It's quick thinking like that that's gonna save your life. But one day? One day it's gonna get you in trouble - big trouble - if you don't learn how to control it." "Is this another Agency pep talk?" Sam turned to look at his suited partner. "It's a friend giving some advice." Sam breathed in, his chest heaving within his crimson blouse. "I think you left your friend lying unconscious on a bed in Monte Carlo." There was silence and Sam turned back to the window, watching as the sights of Rome rolled by the window. "Well then, I need to go find him and bring him back," Rivers answered at last. * * * * * * * * * * The cab rolled up onto a long gravelled drive, beginning to snake its way past a long parade of trees and bushes towards its final destination. After nearly an hour of driving, the environment had changed drastically. The urban claustrophobia of Rome had now opened out into sprawling verdant green countryside. It reminded Rivers of Turin, making him feel uneasy in spite of the stunning scenery. Rivers leant forward in his seat, just as Sam did the same. They were leant close as they both peered forwards, hoping at any moment to catch sight of the mansion. Although Sam seemed to be oblivious to their closeness, Rivers could smell the intoxicating freshness of his perfume. Rivers was still amazed at Sam's ability to surprise him. He had become fiery and unpredictable. He'd known a few women like that in the past and figured it was probably down to their hormones. "So, have we got a cover story?" Sam spoke softly from his side. Rivers turned to look at Sam, entranced at his feminine beauty, his make-up and hair making him look like a fashion model. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that." Rivers reached into one of his jacket pockets. "Hold out your left hand." "What?" "Just do it." Rivers watched as Sam hesitantly brought his hand up. His fingernails glistened with a deep red nail polish. Rivers took Sam's hand in his. It felt so small and delicate. With his free hand he slid a ring onto a slender digit. "What the hell is this?" Sam held out his left hand, watching as a diamond ring sparkled from his finger. "We're engaged okay? We've come here to discuss booking the mansion for our wedding next year." Rivers grinned at his stunned partner. "Our... our what?" Sam's French accented voice stammered. "It's a cover story... Okay?" Rivers looked deep into Sam's blue eyes to make sure he didn't lose it again. He watched as Sam studied the sparkling ring on his finger. "I'm afraid it's not quite as expensive as it looks, but it will be enough to see us through." Rivers glanced forward again out of the front of the cab. "Look, we're here." * * * * * * * * * * Sam stood on the gravel outside of the grey stone-walled mansion, looking up at the ornate architecture. He held a hand to his brow to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight. The path had opened out into a large turning circle, with a huge flowing fountain at its centre. The mansion itself was only a couple of stories tall, a welcome departure from the towering casinos and hotels they had so far stayed in, though it sprawled outwards with many wings and adjoining outhouses. It was surrounded on all sides by well-tended gardens. Sam looked over towards the car, watching as Rivers counted note after note into the cab driver's outstretched hand. Although Rivers had made another one of his tiresome jokes by posing them as an engaged couple, Sam couldn't help but think what a great venue it would have made for a wedding. Who knew, maybe he and Lenore would get married in a place like it one day. Sam looked down at the diamond ring that Rivers had placed upon his feminine finger, watching as it refracted the sunlight into a thousand glistening points. Lenore. Sam couldn't help but picture them both arguing about who would wear the wedding dress. Sam's thoughts had occasionally darkened, imagining a scenario in which he never recovered his body and was left with Antoinette's body for good. He wasn't even sure how he would cope with that, let alone Lenore. The reality would be that she would leave him and Sam would once again be alone. Sam looked up to the large engraved oak door that protected the mansion from the outside world. According to Rivers, this was where the Agency database theft had originated from, which meant that Antoinette had to have been there. She could still be in there now. Could he really be that close to her? And what would happen when they did finally catch up with her? Sam suddenly felt such anxiety and uncertainty, that it was making it hard to concentrate. He was actually starting to feel glad that he was there with Rivers, rather than going on alone. Sam turned to the sound of gravel crunching underfoot as Rivers stepped up beside him. "Ready, sweetheart?" Rivers beamed down at him. "Don't get too carried away, okay?" Sam looked down at his body. His blouse and jacket hugged his firm breasts, flaring as they joined the upper curve of his hips. His tight fitting skirt followed the graceful line of his thighs, ending just above his knees. His shiny black pumps raised his feminine heels by four inches making him feel like he was teetering on tip-toe. Sam's eyes closed as he felt Rivers' arm slip around his small waist. Suddenly he was back in "Le Grand Casino de Monte Carlo", making his first tentative steps out into the world as a woman. They walked forwards towards the mansion's large door. Despite the betrayal of Rivers and the Agency, despite all their disagreements and arguing, they approached the next stage of their journey together. * * * * * * * * * * Rivers' gently guided Sam through into the grand entrance hall of the mansion. Their footsteps echoed between the walls. Rivers' steps were heavy and dull sounding, whereas Sam's heels clicked in a more piercing register. Both Rivers and Sam craned their heads upwards as they took in the sight before them. It was like they had stepped back in time. Large portraits adorned the walls; of kings, queens and naval commanders. Large banners of an unknown family heritage hung from the upper galleries. Directly ahead of them a wide carpeted staircase rose upwards before splitting in two, providing access to the upper levels. They found that they were not alone. Men and women in white uniforms hurried back and forth. Some were setting up long tables with jugs and glasses. Others were arranging freshly cut flowers. Yet more were positioned on the upper balcony as they struggled to fix a huge plasma screen into place. "Signore Rivers!" Rivers turned at the sound of a feminine Italian-accented voice. He watched as the young woman approached, hurrying in high heels. Her large breasts bobbed within a white blouse, her long brunette pony tail swishing behind her head. Her long legs were accentuated by her short black skirt and shone from within a pair of sheer pantyhose. She had an olive complexion to her skin and her eyes were dark. In short, she was stunning. Rivers soon realised he was gawping and quickly picked his mouth up from the floor. "Hi... Ciao." He waved his right hand, feeling immediately foolish about it. "A pleasure to meet you," the woman greeted Rivers warmly. He took her offered hand, her bracelets jangling as she gently shook. "I am Sofia, I help organize events here at the mansion." "The pleasure's all mine." Rivers smiled, fixing his eyes on her, letting his hold on her feminine hand linger before letting go. Rivers winced as he felt a sharp elbow jab against his side. "Oh, this is... Antoinette..." Rivers turned to find Sam looking irritably up at him. Sam turned back to the woman. "Hi." His voice was small and uncertain. Rivers watched Sofia's dazzling smile as she greeted Sam. "The blushing bride to be! Etes-vous francais?" Rivers watched as Sam reluctantly nodded back. He noticed that the two girls were almost the same height in their heels, both blessed with a natural beauty and a stunning pair of tits, though Rivers found his gaze drawn more to Sofia, whose skirt was shorter, her white blouse displaying far more cleavage. "Monsieur Gerard, the owner of the mansion, is French also. You will find much of your homeland within these walls." Sofia gestured upwards, drawing Rivers' gaze once more to the upper gallery of the mansion. He noticed that there was a platform that overhung the lower level, as if designed for a band or other performance. "We really feel that this is the place for us," Rivers began, hugging Sam's small body towards him. "But if we could take a look around, that would be great." "Of course," Sofia smiled back at him, her breasts swelling pleasingly beneath her blouse. "If you would like to follow me?" She started to walk off towards the main staircase, her heels clacking loudly. Rivers stopped for a moment, taking in the sight of her round backside twitching from under her short black skirt. He drew a breath then turned back to Sam. Sam's blue eyes narrowed and he indignantly folded his arms across his chest before stalking off after Sofia, leaving Rivers wondering what on earth he had done to offend him now. * * * * * * * * * * The sound of two sets of high heels rang out around the cavernous entrance hall of the mansion, as Sam followed Sofia to the staircase. His red leather handbag bounced gently at his side with each step. "As I explained on the phone, we do not usually admit visitors at this time of the year." She turned back to Sam, grasping his arm, her voice dropping to a whisper. "But your fianc? is a very persuasive man." "I find the trick is to ignore him," Sam answered, tugging on his suit jacket. Sofia broke into a soft giggle. She stopped at the foot of the stairs, allowing Rivers a chance to catch up with them. "If you choose to have your wedding here with us, you will have access to the main area here for the ceremony. We can decorate it just how you want." "I'm sure you'd like some pink flowers, wouldn't you honey?" Rivers hand slid over the small of Sam's back, causing his whole body to tense. Sam bit his tongue. He couldn't start arguing with Rivers in front of Sofia. He managed, at least, to force his lipstick covered lips up into a smile. They began to climb the staircase. As he ascended, Sam could feel his tight skirt brushing against his thighs, along with the string of his thong rubbing between his buttocks. "Looks like you're pretty busy today." Sam asked, looking around as the various uniformed workers busied around them like bees. "Yes. Monsieur Gerard is currently in residence, so the east-wing is closed off today, I'm afraid. He is hosting a big event tonight for his... organization." "Organization?" Rivers glanced sideways to Sam. "Yes, it is a private event. I really cannot say any more." Sofia gave them an awkward glance back. "We can at least view the guest rooms in the west-wing, including our exclusive honeymoon room." "Oh, that would be great," Rivers eagerly responded. Sam watched Rivers, noticing that his eye-line was fixed firmly on Sofia's backside as she continued up the stairs. * * * * * * * * * * "And this is our honeymoon room." Sam noticed that Sofia carried a large bunch of keys at her waist and flicked through several before finding the right one. She unlatched the wooden door and it creaked inwards. She stood to one side, allowing Sam and Rivers to enter. The room was made up to look like something regal, with long elegant drapes across the walls. A four-poster bed dominated the middle of the room. Large windows were positioned either side to catch as much daylight as possible, with a door leading through to a balcony that overlooked the rear gardens of the mansion. "This is perfect, don't you think honey?" Rivers made a play of walking around the room, marvelling at the d?cor. "It's very nice." Sam walked through, his arms folded across his chest. Rivers sat himself heavily down onto the bed at the room's centre, the springs bouncing beneath him. "We're going to be spending a lot of time in here, right babe? We can barely keep our hands off each other as it is." Sam's mouth hung upon as he stared down at Rivers in disbelief. Sofia smiled at them both. "I can imagine that Antoinette is a very lucky woman." She glanced at Sam, winking. Rivers pushed himself back up from the bed and walked back over to Sofia. "Do you mind if we have a little time alone to discuss?" "Of course, Signore. Your wedding is the most special day of your lives, it is a big decision to make, but I do hope you will consider spending it here with us." Sofia's Italian-accented routine was well practiced and she smiled warmly with every sentence. She hefted the heavy door shut, her high heeled footsteps disappearing back down the corridor outside. * * * * * * * * * * ?You?re unbelievable!? Sam began at once in his feminine voice, his heels tapping as he walked right up to Rivers. ?What?? ?You know what! You were practically drooling at the sight of her!? ?Oh, come on!? Rivers swept back the sides of his jacket, his hands on his hips. ?You can?t tell me she?s not one sexy piece of ass.? ?She?s? attractive,? Sam answered hesitantly, ?but that doesn?t mean you have to salivate around her like some horny dog. You know, women can tell when you?re looking straight at their tits!? ?She was loving the attention.? Rivers turned, walking towards the glass door that led out to the balcony. He swung it open, a welcome breeze sweeping into the room. ?If you ask me, you?re starting to forget what it?s like to have a pair of balls between your legs.? Sam could feel his cheeks burning, as his temper began to fume inside of him. He quickly followed Rivers out onto the balcony. He had to hold his long blonde hair to one side as it began to pick up in the breeze. ?That?s got nothing to do with it. I thought you were serious about helping me to get my body back. So far you?re treating this like a holiday.? Sam looked out to the gardens. The lawn had obviously just been mowed and he could smell the freshly cut grass carrying on the wind. ?Plus, I thought we were supposed to be engaged?? Sam found himself toying with the ring on his finger. ?You?re not doing a very good job of it, chasing after other women like that!? ?Someone sounds jealous.? Rivers turned, his hands coming up to Sam?s sides. Sam brushed his arms away, his heels clicking as he made his way back into the bedroom. Rivers followed through. ?Look. I am taking this seriously. This is just part of how I do things, you know that.? Sam looked down at the floor, his hair falling back into place over his shoulders. Rivers was right in that respect. He wasn?t behaving any differently to how he would on any other mission. It was just that their current objective was so personal to Sam that he desperately wanted Rivers to take it as seriously as he did. ?I feel like we?re just wasting time here. We?re no closer to finding out what?s going on here than we were before.? Sam could feel his voice cracking with emotion, his eyes beginning to glisten. ?That?s where you?re wrong. Whilst I?ve been ?salivating like a dog?, as you so eloquently put it, I?ve been keeping my eyes and ears open.? Sam looked back up as Rivers spoke. ?This Gerard character who owns the mansion, and this event being held tonight for his organization?? ?Scarlet?? Sam?s eyes widened as he continued Rivers? line of thought. ?You can bet your peach of an ass on it. Did you notice how cagey the girl was when I asked her about it?? Sam nodded. He was actually still surprised that Rivers? mind had been working on the mission all along, despite his immature behavior. ?So what are going to do?? Sam asked, feeling his heart beating faster in his chest. ?We?re coming back here tonight.? Rivers facial expression changed, looking fully serious for the first time since they had arrived at the mansion. ?We?ve just invited ourselves to the party.?

Same as Scarlet - Part Nine Videos

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Scarlet passion

My name is Stacy, and I am a freshman in college. I am originally from Jonesboro, Arkansas. It was a good sized town by our standard, yet tiny to others. I always wanted to be an actress and was bitten by the bug at a young age (when I had to sing, “Itsy bitsy spider” at a school recital).When I turned eighteen I picked a college in California, and I figured, between movies and the theatre, I would find a job rather easily. I was excited on my first day seeing how big the nearby city was...

3 years ago
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Scarlet OHara and Dracula

The party was already in full swing when Nancy and her friends arrived. The Victorian ball gown that she had found in the trunk in her grandmother’s attic fit nicely after a few custom alterations by a seamstress friend. With the addition of having her hair set in long hanging banana curls she felt like the perfect Scarlet O’Hara. Nancy adjusted the mask that hid the upper half of her face and looked around to see if she recognized any of the other masqueraders. When Spiderman approached and...

3 years ago
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Jefferson Highch3 amber jeanine

"Why did you lock the door?" asked the male voice. "I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine." Danielle replied. "Just don't do it again allright." "Fair enough." I heard a stall open and close next to me. I stood there on the toilet and bent over so my head wouldn't be exposed. Then I heard the girl leave. I stepped off the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I ran out of that bathroom as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove off the campus. While driving,...

4 years ago
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The Games Part Nine

THE GAMES PART NINE By Nancy Rose Chapter 32 TEX IS A SWEET MAN. I almost feel bad for tricking him. Almost. He did deceive me, however, and turnabout is fair play, they say. They also say that all is fair in The Games. They also say that the end justifies the means. They...they sound like quite horrible people and I have no wish to ever meet them. Now that we are even, I'd...

2 years ago
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Violet Goes to the Movies Part 2 The Mezzanine

In a normal theater, the mezzanine can be one of two things. One can be found in a grand opera house with multiple levels of seating and rococo interior. There, the mezzanine is the balcony sandwiched between the first and third levels. Often fancy people in fancy dress visit the opera with monocle in hand to listen to sweet notes of music in German or French. The other mezzanine refers to the front rows of balcony seating with the best view. This definition is often found at smaller venues...

1 year ago
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Scarlett Roses Part One

Scarlett waited anxiously for her boyfriend, Ryan, as she paced around the dorm room. She was nervous, knowing what would likely happen later that night. After all, it would be the first night that they had the room to themselves. Scarlett’s roommate, Amanda, was gone for the weekend visiting her parents. So, she expected that she and Ryan were going to finally have sex tonight. Scarlett was a virgin. She grew up in a small town and was raised by rather strict parents. She never even really had...

First Time
2 years ago
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Scarlett Roses Part Three

Scarlett was sitting in her dorm on her bed. Amanda was in class, so Scarlett was alone. She sat there, thinking about the past two weeks and how much of a slut she had become. She thought about Ryan and how much she still hated him. Scarlett also pondered her new relationship with John. She wondered if her new sexual appetite was right or if it was wrong. Scarlett looked over at her desk at the three bottles of alcohol sitting there and remembered what she did to get them. She had swallowed...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Scarlett Roses Part Two

Scarlett was sitting there in her English class. She was marking her classmate John’s paper since they were peer reviewing that day. She couldn’t believe how bad his paper was written but it made sense. John was obviously not very bright but more worried about parties and fitness. He was quite tall and muscular, catching Scarlett’s eye despite the lack of intelligence. Since her experience with Ryan, Scarlett had been wrapped up in sexual thoughts. She often found herself looking at the bodies...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

3 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part nine

Transition to Vikki, part nineChapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues here in chapter nineStory continues as Vikki shows them their new country house and prepares for the weekend. This chapter has a lot of narrative. Just think of it all as the necessary groundwork for new settings, characters and story plots to come. So please, bear with it.All the original chapters have been rewritten to remove errors. Typo's, grammar and story plot...

2 years ago
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My cuckolding by Sara part nine

Sara’s birthday party was a hit, everybody had a great time and it went on till the early hours of Sunday morning. Sara stole the show in her white toga dress, she looked sensational and super sexy. Every time she danced, her tits would bounce around in her dress and her erect nipples did their best to poke through the soft cotton material. When she sat down, the split on her dress showed her beautiful right thigh, she knew how sexy she looked and played to it. She danced with everybody...

3 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part nine

The next day was Thursday and it was Kevin’s turn to sleep with her. I got home from work and she met me at my car. We kissed and she explained that Jason wanted her to give all of her attention to Kevin again; like the other night.I told her that I was fine with that and that I found it very hot watching her and Kevin together.We went inside and Kevin was already there; she poured me a glass of wine and sat next to Kevin on the couch. They kissed deeply.“Thank you for letting her stay with me...

3 years ago
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Julian And Jadzia Meet Seven Of Nine

Kira opened the door and rushed out just as Seven of Nine was walking by inthe corridor almost knocking her down. Always curious, Seven of Nine stoppedat the open door and walked in.She stopped and stared at Jadzia who was on a sitting on a couch with herStar Fleet uniform open down the seam showing quite a bit of skin and spots."You are a member of species 4219" she stated. Jadzia looked at her andsmiled, "Actually I am a Trill" she said "and I can give lots of thrills asJulian here knows."...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

3 years ago
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Scarlett Futa part 2

“Take this when you are ready,” Azola said and handed me a pill. “It’s meant to help your muscles stretch and allow you to take us into you fully without much pain.” I grabbed the pill and placed it in my mouth. Lizzy handed me a glass of water and I swallowed it down. It had an immediate effect as I felt my body start to relax. I walked over to the bed and they all followed me. “Who would you like to be your first?” Lizzy asked. “Azola, would you do the honors?” She was stunned but gently...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Sexual Healing Part Nine

Kim and Emily kissed her lightly, one on each cheek. Is everything okay? Kimberly asked. Connie nodded. He had some last-minute jitters, but theyve been soothed. She closed the door quickly and took her guests coats. Hes just showering right now. Emily was wearing another beautifully tailored suit, while Kim was casually sexy in her jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Emily carried her briefcase, Kims tote bag clanked. Kim suddenly giggled. I feel so — naughty! Connie shut the door of the...

4 years ago
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Finding Janine

Finding Janine By BobH (c) 2003 They say it takes a year. In terms of dealing with the first phase, with the raw, open wound that is your grief, that's about right. After a year, the initial pain dulls to the point where you begin to occasionally smile again, and going on with your life seems like more of a possibility, but the sense of loss never truly goes away. Janine Fox was my wife, and she was my life. Every day with her was a joy. I could hardly wait to get in from...

3 years ago
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Diane and Janine

Janine had come to Davidson, Saskatchewan with her college roommate. Diane was from this sleepy little town, she grew up playing in the fields playing with the cattle and riding horses. Janine had grown up in the heart of Saskatoon, nowhere near horses, cattle, or any fields of any kind. There was something about this small town that made her feel like she was home, she didn't know if it was Diane’s parents treating her like she was family, or what it was, but she would soon find out. They had...

2 years ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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Perfect Nine

I phoned Jen to apprise her of our situation. "We've set down in Denver. The pilot says we'll be on the ground about an hour before another plane can be made available," I explained, trying to make the conversation a brief one, not knowing how long I could hide the anguish gnawing at my insides, like heartburn, only more painful... "Oh, my god, what was wrong with the plane you were on?" "Someone said they saw flames from engine number three but I doubt if he even knows which one...

4 years ago
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MIranda and Janine

Miranda was a good looking browned haired nineteen year old girl who was on holiday. After a couple years of holiday trips with friends she had decided to spend a trip with her family again. It was the first night in their fancy hotel. Miranda was sharing a room with her best friend Janine. She had been allowed to bring a friend. Miranda had sometimes hated Janine’s guts but most of the time she had loved her. Janine was always regarded as the most outgoing of the two. Miranda was getting ready...

2 years ago
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Aunt Janine

I had just turned 14, when my aunt Janine came to stay with my mother and I. My mom and dad had divorced the year before, and now it was Janine's turn. Since her and her husband didn't have any kids and they had lived in an apartment, she had no place to go, so my mom had her come out to Ohio to stay with us until she got on her feet. Aunt Janine was by no means a super model or anything like that, she was a few pounds overweight, not fat but I guess you would classify her as pleasantly...

1 year ago
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Our Cuckold Wedding Part nine

The next weekend, Jen went to her black lover in France alone as he wanted her naked for the whole weekend and she knew that he would be exposing her naked body again.She had already told him about our weekend away at my father’s house and Martin was keen for her to do more with my brother and father. She returned to me on Monday and told me that Albert saw her naked again because Martin invited him for dinner.“You sat naked the whole time?” I asked, “Through dinner?”“Yes Trevor,” Jen teased,...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Nine

PART NINE Our last day on the job here was much the same as yesterday, an early start and as we really wanted to finish today, we just had to knuckle down and get it done. As the day wore on, I realised that it would be fairly late again before we could call it quits. When I organised our cabin accommodation on the first day, I had mentioned to Steve, the park owner that we might need to stay on an extra night if we were running a bit...

3 years ago
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Lucky Seven Of Nine

All rights reserved. Paramount owns the Star Trek and Voyager concepts and the authors own what remains of the rest of the story. Not to be posted or sold without permission of the authors. LUCKY SEVEN OF NINE By Eric and Caleb Jones PART ONE - ADJUSTMENTS Tom Paris looked appreciatively at the lush curves and blond beauty of Seven of Nine. An explosive gasp of air escaped his lungs as Seven turned sideways to read a data display. The best bosom aboard Voyager gently bounced...

2 years ago
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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

2 years ago
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The Creature chapter nine

CHAPTER NINE Mom was sitting at the kitchen table when we walked into the kitchen. Randy was standing right beside her, opening a can of coke. When I walked in, they both looked at me. I could see them scanning my body with their eyes, top to bottom to top again, and smiling. And Randy said, "I like your outfit! You look great!" I responded with, "Shut up, asshole!" Mom gasped in shock. I regretted responding so harshly. Even though his comment made me extremely uncomfortable, I could tell...

4 years ago
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My review on Bad Dragons Janine

As a newcomer to Bad Dragon, I didn't know which toy to choose at first, but whenever the topic of best toy for newcomers is brought up, it seems that everybody points to Janine, so I went with her. While I've heard a lot of positive reviews for Janine, but when reading casual public comment sections, opinions are often mixed. Some people say it's an incredible experience that's totally worth the price of admission, while others say Janine is just a hard block of silicone that isn't worth the...

4 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part Nine

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Nine By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin and John for their help with this chapter. ***** On the same weekend that the subtropical system pounded Japan, Hiromi reached the breaking point over the sluggish behavior of her work computer. Hiromi summoned Omar Rafique to the office of Watanabe Trucking on a Saturday afternoon. "How may I help you, Sato-san?" "My PC is very slow," Hiromi replied. "This morning I had to re-boot the computer. When...

3 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Nine

BOWLING — THE STEPLADDER FINALS Friday — The First Final — 10th-The Mariners v 9th-The Bulldogs The first thing we — Camilla, Robert and I — noticed on arrival on Friday night was that extra temporary stands had been erected doubling the size of the crowd from two hundred to four hundred. The second thing we noticed once discussion of the match — Robert and I had both come to the conclusion that the Bulldogs would win a tight one — and the interviews with both teams were over was that...

4 years ago
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Corsets and Boots Part Nine

Chapter Seventeen Some Case Histories This is a short selection of the desires expressed by some of our more extreme customers, taken from my files. In each case I asked for and was granted their written permission to relate their stories, and I always gave them my personal assurance that their anonymity would be protected at all times. 1. "PAINKILLERS PAULA." I remember this particular case because it was one of the few that reduced Dorothy to tears. She had booked the...

4 years ago
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Scarlett Roses Part Three

Scarlett was sitting in her dorm on her bed. Amanda was in class, so Scarlett was alone. She sat there, thinking about the past two weeks and how much of a slut she had become. She thought about Ryan and how much she still hated him. Scarlett also pondered her new relationship with John. She wondered if her new sexual appetite was right or if it was wrong. Scarlett looked over at her desk at the three bottles of alcohol sitting there and remembered what she did to get them. She had swallowed...

2 years ago
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Ill Mka it a Date Part Nine

I'll Make it a Date, Part Nine Tabitha's Story, Part 2 Chapter One Hi, it's Tabby again. Greg read my stuff and he liked it, but he said that I needed to add more! I asked him what he meant. He said that I needed to write about how I felt when different things happened. Like when I dressed up as Tabby, or when we were together. He won't take no for an answer! I've been trying to distract him (you can imagine what I mean by that!), but he said we can't have any more fun until I...

3 years ago
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Scarlet passion chapter 2

I drove around for a while to comprehend what just happened. Clearly, I liked it. Every time I thought about her touching me made my pussy moisten up. I did not want to lose hope that I could return back to being normal again. I wanted to have a husband and kids one day, but now I am not sure. I thought food could help me think more clearly and wanted to read my script. I needed to know if it was all a ruse to lure me into subduing to her succubus will. She was a sexual demon that had cursed me...

4 years ago
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Scarlet deflowered

This is based on a true story .i am Jessica.That moonlight night; the rain crashed down on the window of my cabin. I loved the charm of my cabin, it was said to be haunted. Hearing creaks was part of it,s charm. I wet from a swim arose dripping wet. When I saw aunt kim watching me winking. The sun sparkled on my pale white breasts , as she snuck peaks at me. I fell into a slumber, that night was warm and I loved the swim. Still sleeping, I felt a ghostly touch slowly massage my vagina. Lips hot...

1 year ago
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Scarlet Blue

Are you looking for Australian escorts at ScarletBlue? Well, what kind of a man are you? I know I don’t usually start my reviews off like this but let’s think about that for a second. I know that you know me as the porn dude and I know that I always present you with some of the best porn sites that there are in existence, but there’s one big secret that I have to tell you guys. I don’t just watch porn to get myself off. I also fuck, like a lot. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy fucking a...

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