Avery Scarlet Winning Avery Over With Scarlet
- 2 years ago
- 31
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"Shit, Avery's back," Scarlet moaned, getting off me. "Avery, this is not what it looks like," she said, putting her hands up.
"Really, it looks pretty damning, Scarlet. I thought you were my best friend, but now I see you're having sex with this cunt?"
"Hey, fuck you," I added, getting off the bed with Scarlet. "Don't you dare get pissy at her, and you better be nice to me too. I might be a flawed woman, but you need to respect me and not just jump to conclusions."
Avery put her hand up, so she didn't have to see my nude body, but looked at Scarlet. "What the hell is this tart talking about, Scarlet?"
"Well, please stop being a bitch to her, Avery," Scarlet added, coming towards her. "She might be a floozy, tart, hussy, and every other word in the book, but she is a sweet and kind woman deep down."
"So, you decided to have sex with her? I didn't even know you liked girls, or is she supposedly so sweet that she turned you?"
"Both, I guess, but please be nice to her. All your bullshit is more than enough, and that's coming from your best friend."
Avery looked at me and sighed. Neither one of us covered up, but Scarlet stood her ground. I didn't know if I should've given Avery Scarlet's dirty little secret, so I kept my lip zipped.
Although, I pulled her to me and kissed her. "Just tell her already."
"Tell me what?"
"Nothing, Avery. Just stop being so mean, okay?"
"No, what the hell is going on here, Scarlet? You're both naked for some reason, and I want to know now. You're my best friend, and I thought we were on the same page with Penelope here. We didn't like her, and she proved to be a pain in the ass, considering she couldn't even make time to work with us. Now I come back here to find you two in bed together? There's obviously some story to tell here, so what the fuck is it, or do I need to find a new best friend?"
"Whoa, really?" I objected, getting in front of Scarlet, "If you don't get the answers you want right now, you'll just cut her off, just like that? 'Fuck you, get lost. Hey, for a nerd, you're really pouring on the harlot sauce here. I mean, son of a bitch, cut the shit already. She just has something to tell you, but you're her best friend, so she's embarrassed, but you're not making it easier on her at all. You're like dropping a bolder on her when she's drowning, so just shut the fuck up, listen to what she has to say, and wait for her to speak. If you don't cut the shit, I'll slap you into next week myself, and if you don't believe me, try me. If I pulled that shit with my best friend, I'd want her to say the same."
Even after that speech, it took me a moment before I backed away. Neither of them spoke, but I caught my breath and watched Avery as her nerves seemed to cringe. I surely knew I got my point across, but I waited for her to say something, though.
"Okay, point taken, Penelope, please back off then. As stunning as you are naked, I need a minute to talk to my BFF, okay?"
I backed away, and Avery went to Scarlet. "Wow, you're beautiful, if you don't mind me saying so, Scarlett. I've never seen you naked before, but shit. With that said, could you put your clothes back on, please?"
Scarlet took a deep breath and took Avery's hands in hers. I watched them as they both stayed silent, though I definitely didn't want to insert myself, so I stayed back for the time. I also thought it might be weird if I left considering what Scarlet had to say.
"Yes, Scarlet?" Avery asked.
I saw Scarlet biting down on her bottom lip, so I knew she couldn't rip it off so easily. Although, I still didn't step in and waited them out for a few minutes. I wasn't sure how long she needed, but I sat down and waited.
"Okay, you had your long-ass three minutes of silence, so what the hell do you need to tell me? Look, I'm sorry I said I'd get a new BFF, that was out of line, and I shouldn't have said that. Now, what the hell is going on here?"
Even though I gave Scarlet space, it didn't seem to work. She shed tears and also covered her face with both hands. I sighed, and it hurt like hell not to say anything, but I didn't even know if I should've said a word.
Although, then Avery came to me and brought me to my feet. "My best friend decided to have sex with you, and she won't tell me why. Without telling me why, is there anything you can tell me to make her feel better?"
"I don't think so, Avery. You're quite stunning too, by the way, but just think about everything. I have no idea how long you two have been BFFs, but she has something that she needs to get off her chest, and I think you can pick up on something right now."
She shot me a dirty look and moved her head back and forth for a minute. I didn't peek at Scarlet, but I didn't hear them say a word. I sighed and tried to wait for Avery to figure it out, but I felt my nerves cringing.
"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, Penelope. You've made it no secret that we're the nerds here. Therefore, we're smarter, but I'm drawing a fucking blank now and would love to spill it out now. Can you do that for me?"
"Quit being a cunt already, Avery. Enough!" Scarlet snapped, getting off the bed.
"What the fuck is going on here, Scarlet?" Avery whined, coming to her. "She seems to think I should be able to put the pieces together, but I don't see them, so will you help me out now?"
Even when she was put on the spot, Scarlet couldn't seem to spill her guts. I clenched my fists as hard as possible and tried to give her the space I thought she needed. Although, it seemed like a dead-end when she couldn't mutter a word to her BFF.
"Oh, for fuck sakes, Scarlet," I wailed, coming to Avery. "She wants to do this to you," I made clear, before grabbing her neck and pushing my lips on hers.
Oddly enough, Avery didn't stop me, but I liked kissing her as I would have expected.
After fifteen seconds, I let my lips off hers. "Well, I do like nerds," I confessed, looking at Avery. "She wants to get into your panties and have her way with you, Avery. She's your best friend, and was eye-fucking the shit out of you when we worked earlier," I explained, prior to backing away. "I have no fucking idea how you didn't notice, but it was clear as day. So, after your little fit, I asked her about it, but she denied it. Although, I yanked it out of her because I think if she likes you like that, she should at least tell her. She was nervous as hell, so I thought I could help her and give her some confidence by prepping her to screw the shit out of you. I fully understand you could just be blind, but do you understand now?"
I failed to back away further, but did glance at Scarlet. I reached over to her and pulled her to me. I didn't speak because she already knew what I was gonna say, but I turned her around to Avery as she still failed to cover herself up too.
Although, even with it like that, Avery didn't utter a word either. I sighed and tried to wait yet again for one of them to speak, but of course, they both seemed to be stubborn. I crossed my arms and felt like I wanted to rip someone's head off for something.
After three minutes of dead silence except for heavy breathing, "Really, I kiss you hard for more than ten seconds, and you have nothing to even say to your BFF? Was it due to jealousy, or lesbianism just the furthest thing from your reality, Avery? I'm the floozy here, you two are just nerds, and it's good for you two to realize that, but now one of you needs to talk. I got into your BFF's underwear for one reason, to get her ready for you, Avery. She likes it, I could see it from a mile away," I told her, getting in front of her. "I'm not leaving until something happens with you two, so WTF, Avery? Do I need to get physical?"
Avery took a deep breath. "Is it alright with you if I try to process this first, Penelope? You might have a flawless body, and maybe what you did does make sense and would shine a bright light on you, but I'm trying to deal with the fact that the woman that I've been best friends with for ten years wants to have sex with me now. Can you appreciate that?"
"Sorry," I whined, backing away.
Avery covered her face with both hands for a moment, but I could only figure she was losing her mind. She didn't know how to process this turn of events, and literally, never thought about Scarlet in that way.
I waited another five minutes as neither of them spoke, but of course, I felt to be more on edge because I wanted them to fuck, or at least chat. Although, they still didn't talk, but kept their eyes on each other.
I hit my palm several times, scrubbed the carpet with my feet and moved my head up and down numerous times as well. I felt such a massive headache that I thought it might be a migraine, but it was because there was this huge elephant in the room, and neither of them seemed to address it.
They were both very aware of it, but couldn't speak a word to save their lives. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I myself felt like climbing up the walls. I was already sweaty from fucking Scarlet, but I felt like I was in a sauna because of the tension.
"I would leave, but I think that would make it worse, am I wrong?"
"No, stay, Penelope," they both answered.
"Son of a bitch," I groaned, before yanking Avery to me. "Before today, I've only been with one lady, I guess after today, it'll be three," I pointed out, prior to pasting my lips to hers.
This time, I wrapped my arms around her and made her tits come onto mine. I couldn't be sure how she'd feel about it, but it was about Scarlet. I moved my lips nonstop on Avery's, and she actually got into it a little bit.
So, she moved hers as well and gently grabbed my arms. I had her right where I wanted, but I couldn't confirm the intended result came about, but I was hopeful. I felt my twat leaking again, but it was for selfish pride again.
After a minute, I let my lips off hers. "So," I whispered, bringing my hands down to her top. "Are you, in any way, shape or form, interested in letting your white BFF over there see you naked? She wants to, Avery. Believe me when I say she is dying to have sex with you. Now, I'm not saying your friendship couldn't survive a 'No.' here, but she wants this dearly," I warned her, pulling up her top a bit anyway. "I implore you to let her have her way with you."
She looked at Scarlet for a moment, but I didn't, though. I pushed her a bit, but I was going to let her shove that final domino down.
"Are you gonna undress me or not, hussy?"
I kissed her again and got her top off, right before I undid her shorts. They fell, and she was left in just her bra and underwear. Then I yanked Scarlet over to her again, and let her have Avery to herself for a moment.
"You, I don't know, Scarlet, but shit, you're my BFF, and the world's biggest tart has your back here. So, fuck it," she moaned, before enveloping her arms around Scarlet too.
"Finally," I mouthed, letting my hands up for a second.
Their lips stayed together for over twenty seconds, but then Avery gently pushed Scarlet away. "Is this like a now or never thing, Scarlet, because this seems weird. More than that."
"No, I can wait, but I don't want to, I want you now, just like Penelope said."
"You want fuck the shit out of me?"
"Yes, I want to get that bra and pair panties off you so badly, I might even give up a kidney for it. You're so fucking dashing, Avery, I think you're beyond beautiful."
Avery was left speechless, even after Scarlet said that. Although, after a moment, she stole Scarlet's hands and placed them on her tits. She still didn't speak, but covered Scarlet's hands with hers.
Needless to say, Scarlet couldn't utter a word to save her life, but I saw her cheesing like she won the lottery. I didn't say a word because things were progressing, but they still needed to get themselves passed the finish line, though.
"You're lucky I love you, Scarlet," Avery whispered, before bringing her hands to her back.
Scarlet's hands drifted down off Avery's melons, but for a good reason. She got the sight of Avery's nude knockers right then, and her smile disappeared. Instead, she formed the most significant fantastic look I could think of, most certainly.
"Go ahead, feel them, Scarlet, but not you, Penelope."
"Why can't she, Avery? I just had sex with her, and she got me this far, why can't she feel your moneymakers?"
"I still don't like her, maybe I'll be nice, but I'm not about to let her feel my jugs just yet. Why, do you want to, Scarlet?"
"I don't know, maybe, but forget it for now," she mumbled, before moving her hands to Avery's boobs. "Wow, these are nice, Avery."
"Just to be clear, this isn't a black thing, is it?"
"No, it's because you're my best friend, woman, nothing more, nothing less."
"If you say so," Avery added, placing her hands on Scarlet's melons. "Wow, these are quite lovely too, Scarlet. I'm still not that interested, but I love you to death, and even without Penelope here vouching for you, I'd have to give into you. Just remember: I'm not sold, but willing to negotiate, understand?"
"Yes, may I kiss you?"
Avery nodded, but looked at me first. "So, are you staying?"
"Yes, she is, Avery, I won't stay if you pull the plug on us, I'll leave with her, and start making it with her if you force that, but she's proven to be a nice chick, okay?"
"Fine, but don't tell anyone about this, though, Penelope."
I put my hands up and didn't speak a word. Then they looked at each other again for a moment, before they pushed their lips together. I clenched my fists and celebrated silently. I had pride coming out the wazoo then, and I felt like I had that winning lottery ticket.
After two pleasurable minutes, Scarlet decided to insert her hand into Avery's panties. She felt her black pussy, and immediately began moving her hand swiftly. I got on the side of them so I could see as much as I could, and Avery didn't object.
I couldn't turn down the temptation to set my hand on my twat and please myself to them. Even with Scarlet's hand on her slit, Avery didn't part her lips; in fact, she plopped her palms on each side of her face and held her tight.
'Well, Avery must have been somewhat interested, maybe she didn't even know about it. Shit, judging by how she's making out with her BFF now, there is definitely a connection there.'
After another minute, Avery pushed down her panties without taking her lips off Scarlet's.
I had to check to see her snatch. 'Oh, she has a bush too, that's twitch worthy. Yes, now you're finger-fucking Scarlet, how delightful.'
"Oh, I love you, Avery, you're the fucking queen," Scarlet moaned, without taking her lips away.
"I love you too, Scarlet, you're already winning me over, you sexy lady."
Then Scarlet took Avery's hand and escorted her back to the bed. Scarlet sat down first and had Avery get on her lap. Needless to say, she immediately went to her knockers and grabbed them too.
"Yes, get those black titties you lust after, Scarlet," Avery encouraged her, enduring the pleasure. "Work out your sexual aggressions on me first, and make me love it. Maybe then I'll do the same to you if you make me want it enough, fair enough?"
She nodded and licked both of Avery's nipples quickly, just as she did for me.
Then Avery looked at me and gave me the wave. So, I came to her side and sat down with her. We didn't break eye contact as Scarlet seemed rather preoccupied. She looked at me with a remorseful face, but I didn't rub her nose in it.
I, however, leaned to her, and she kissed me. We were confident that Scarlet noticed, but she didn't stop pleasing Avery. Our kiss lasted for over twenty seconds, but it felt natural and not forced to go that long.
Anyway, once we parted lips, she moved her hand to my tit, but Scarlet moved her hand away. "No, she might be a sweet woman deep down, but now she's not getting in on my action. You're free to watch as much as you want, though, Penelope, I owe you that much."
I leaned to her and kissed me. We didn't speak, but nothing truly needed to be said then. After that, she moved back to Avery and pasted her lips back on Avery's. Their nude tits collided, and they wrapped their arms around each other hard too.
I assaulted my twat like mad and supplied a lot more juice to her bed. I didn't know how long they'd go, but I was more than interested in finding out indeed. I let my fingers go from side to side on my beaver fast and added with the sight, I felt as light as rain.
All three of us shook the bed and made it feel like it was one of those vibrating ones. I not only watched Scarlet lick Avery's nipples, which were the perfect size for her tits, but I saw Avery take in all the thrills she could.
She loved it more and more with every second, and I certainly knew Scarlet picked up on that too. She went back and forth between those nipples and licked them very quickly, too, as if Scarlet truly took Avery up on her challenge to make her love it.
Either way, I got a front-row seat to one hell of a show. Scarlet moved her head back and forth and placed her hands on the back of her head. She needed to prep herself and got ready for one wild ride indeed.
Scarlet kept those bundles of joy in hand and concentrated on them entirely; it seemed. Nothing and no one could stop her then, she had her BFF in the palm of her hand, and she pounced on that opportunity.
"Oh yes, just like that, Scarlet, give this nerd some lesbo pleasure, I'll take it. As long it's from you, my best friend on the planet. Suck on them too, do it better than any boyfriend would for me. Do it because you have a huge crush on me, so get it done. I had no idea you liked me like that, but I guess I was just blind. Penelope here says she saw it, but somehow, I didn't. I'm sorry I didn't, but you're getting your wish now."
Scarlet didn't add to that, because she was too busy fucking the shit out of Avery's tits. She closed her eyes and worked her magic the best she could, all the while, I sat next to them and played with my slit nonstop.
Avery angled her head back after a moment and endured all the pleasure the best she could. It was all new territory for her, but she took it like a champ. She pressured Scarlet's head a bit and even moved it back and forth right along with her.
It was a priceless view, and I relished it like I was high and seeing something I could only see in Wonderland. I saw Scarlet both licking and sucking on Avery's black nipples going back and forth constantly, roughly, every thirty seconds or so, as she continued to grab Avery's knockers.
Avery kept her hands on Scarlet's head no matter how out of control she became. I thought they'd fall off the bed, but they managed to stay up there ideally. I could only guess they had the definite will to stay up there and make one another as happy as possible.
I also watched Avery take the pleasure as she looked back at Scarlet again. She attacked her best friend with her breath, but Scarlet didn't seem to mind. I was sure she was just set that she finally got to have sex with her BFF.
I surely knew I'd see so much more, but I'd have to be patient. I was, but I definitely assaulted my twat like never before in my life. I had sweat coming down every inch of my body, but I loved it that way, all due to the sight before me.
Seeing Scarlet perform the hottest act known to man, it seemed, but yet I knew there was so much more to see. Avery moved her head nonstop and seemed to be losing it more and more with every passing second.
"Yes, you're making me cum just by pleasing my nipples, Scarlet, keep going, and make me a lesbian with you. Make me feel so good that I want to fuck the shit out of Penelope too. She's dazzling; there's no denying that."
I wanted to say something to that, but I bit my tongue and just waited for my moment. I surely knew I had to get something out of this deal, because judging by how close they got in the past twenty minutes, they owed me something.
Nevertheless, I pleased myself and let them be for as long as they could go. After another moment, Avery pushed Scarlet's head off her tits and got a taste of hers too. Needless to say, regardless of Avery's sexual preferences, Scarlet made her think again.
"Oh, fuck yes, let your lesbo freak flag fly now, Avery. It has nothing to do with you being black, you're just my BFF, and nothing and no one could replace you. Yes, you know how a woman likes to be pleased, don't you? It's not exactly a science, but an art, right?"
Avery nodded, and Scarlet moved around just as Avery did a few minutes ago. Only Scarlet lifted her arms and let them roam freely. She certainly didn't know just how good Avery was gonna make her feel either, so all bets were off, but in a good way.
Even just with a little kissing, and nipple licking, it seemed they stepped into another dimension, so I could only imagine how great the show would be when they went down on each other. I couldn't wait, and my hand was aching, but I couldn't stop masturbating.
I moved my hand back and forth so hard and much; I thought I broke a bone, but yet, my movements proved otherwise. I watched Avery lick Scarlet's nipples much slower, but she still made Scarlett feel amazing, judging by her face.
Although, then they wanted something different. Avery yanked Scarlet to her lips, and they pasted them together. They also encased their arms together yet again, and oddly enough, I got off on the intimacy more than the sex itself.
They seemed to have it coming out the wazoo, and it was getting more durable and stronger by the second. As I knew I yanked it out so Avery and Scarlett both could appreciate it, I felt the pride getting injected with steroids.
They both moved their bodies a bit and made it clear they fed off each other's love and lust. They pushed their lips together hard and massaged each other's backs too. Nothing and no one could duplicate the feelings, so I was bulletproof.
After a few minutes, Avery's lips gently parted from Scarlet's. "You know, you could have told me you wanted to fuck me, I can't say if I wouldn't be a little turned off, but you're my BFF so that I would have given you the benefit of the doubt."
"If you say so."
"I do," Avery added, before pushing Scarlet down on her back. "I might love you more like a sister, but I'll make an exception for you, though," she mentioned, before kissing her again and lying down next to her. "You're the one with the fantasy, so I'll let you go first," she mentioned, placing her hands on her twat. "So, if you want it, come and get it while Penelope watches."
Needless to say, Scarlet wasted no time getting towards Avery's cherry. Neither of them said a word, but they didn't need to, though. Scarlett brought fingers from her right hand to Avery's cherry and touched it lightly.
Avery jiggled a bit, but didn't throw her a curveball though. They worked together all of a sudden, and I just enjoyed the view as much as I could. I saw Scarlet eyeballing Avery's twat, and seeing her shake too, so Scarlet teased everyone then.
Although, it was all part of the show, and it was probably the best one I'd ever see. Scarlett even brought her other hand to Avery's slit, too, so she finger-fucked her with both hands. By doing that with her hands, she was getting her feet wet.
Again, I didn't want to be pushy, but I wanted things to speed up, so I could see some hot action. Nevertheless, I didn't speak and just played with my pussy. Even though I probably had countless orgasms by then, I just kept going as I just had an endless goal.
"Yes, my snatch is wet and sexy, but lick it already, both Penelope and I demand it, don't we, Penelope?" Avery pondered, peeking at me.
I nodded, and she blew me a kiss. So, it seemed even Avery and I had chemistry, despite all of the things she said to me recently. I couldn't bother them with chatter, I just agreed and soon, after that, we both saw Scarlet bring her lips to Avery's beaver.
"Oh, yes, lick it, Scarlet. Lick it like it's a big piece of sweet taffy if you want, I don't care, but I want it now, so don't tease me."
Scarlet blew her a kiss as well and leaned back to her twat again and licked it ever so slowly. Avery twitched a tad and grabbed her tits too, so she was on edge, even just with Scarlet licking that cherry ever so slowly.
I couldn't be sure how Scarlet was feeling, but she was going about her fantasy calmly and tiptoeing a little bit. Her fingers remained on Avery's slit lips too and just licked them slowly, but sexually though.
I had to lie down next to Avery, but I made sure not to disturb either of them. Avery stayed leaning back on the wall and enjoying her BFF going down on her. She couldn't place her hands on her head and kept them on her boobs.
I let my eyes go all over them nonstop. I watched Scarlett fuck Avery ever so slowly and Avery react to the pleasure. I heard them breathing heavily and reveling in the thrills like New Year's Eve 1999.
Even as Scarlet only made minimal licks, she evidently was prepping herself and Avery for a lot more. It couldn't be sexier for me to see them both work on their chemistry ever so slowly. Avery kept her hands rubbing Scarlet's head and her own tits, and there was no stealing her attention either.
Not that I wanted to, but I could tell they both sucked each other's minds out and threw away the keys. Avery slathered her lips frequently, and I saw her having trouble dealing with all the luxury too. It all made for a hotter show and certainly made me appreciate nerds a bit more.
Scarlet also made it her mission to rub Avery's thighs more and more as she gained more confidence. I saw her tongue massage both pussy lips from bottom to top repeatedly, but she built herself up quite a bit.
Then she slightly lifted her mouth. "I've watched some chick on chick porn studying it a bit, but I'm still having some stage fright, not because of Penelope, but you, so bear with me, Avery."
Avery immediately shot up with her and placed her hands on Scarlet's face. "I'll bear with a sexy nerd like you all night long if you want," she made clear, before kissing her and lying back again. "Now eat my pussy as you mean it, just as you saw, got it?"
Scarlet nodded and went back to Avery's snatch. She let her tongue out again and began licking those lips yet again, but in slower and longer strokes. She even moved her face back and forth as well, ensuring she pleased her BFF even more.
"Oh, yes, that's better, Scarlet, get my juice and enjoy it, I want to submerge your face, so get in there deep as Penelope assaults her twat. Do it for all three of us."
It seemed regardless of what either Avery or I wanted, Scarlet was working herself to be herself and not push herself too far or not far enough. She worked it perfectly, I thought, both with her tongue and fingers too.
I had seen a little lesbian porn as well, and she indeed demonstrated that a woman knows how to please a woman, even if she took baby steps to do it. Avery did her best to keep her eyes on Scarlet's, but she still had to close her eyes from time to time.
She smiled again after a few minutes and appeared to be in heaven. She appeared to be vibrating too, and when she placed her hands back on Scarlet's head again, both of them quaked the bed like a whole bed quake, so to speak.
That made me stick my finger up my pussy. "Oh, shit, you two are hot, and you're getting your glasses wet all over again, there's nothing that paints a sexy picture with glasses than that."
That didn't get me a response, but I didn't need one. I noticed that even with her glasses on, Scarlet closed her eyes. Just as Avery wanted, Scarlet got her juice all over her face, and I was sure some still got on her eyes, hence closing them.
As I know, that was certain; I had to rise and get a closer look. I watched from only a couple feet away and saw Scarlet finally allow her tongue in past Avery's slit lips. Just as I saw it, must have been right when she let it, because then Avery's crotch rose for a second.
"Oh, now you're cooking, Scarlett, stick it in there deep and lick me all over. Make me sorry I didn't see you wanted to have sex with me earlier. I'm sorry already, but make me extra sorry. Torture my cherry with pleasure now, so it feels so good that it hurts to endure."
Scarlet didn't add to that and just did it for her bestie. I witnessed her even puckering her lips to kiss Avery's slit and press them hard on it as well. So, she was getting off her training wheels and graduating to more thrilling pussy-eating.
Once again, I desired to join in, but I settled for the reward of getting to masturbate to such a loving couple of BFFs discovering such sexy things about one another. I kept my fingers thrusting in and out of my snatch quickly and leaked so much juice on the bed, so nearly the entire mattress was soiled by then.
Even after a few minutes, Avery moved her figure back and forth relentlessly, but it wasn't enough to get Scarlet off her beaver. She went all out and made it count most definitely. I primarily just watched Scarlet's face, but needed to watch Avery too.
Whether Scarlet went fast, slow, or at medium speed, she was hooked on her BFF like a fish supergluing their mouth to it with a juicy worm. Scarlet certainly did change her speed numerous times, but Avery loved it no matter what.
"You know now woman pleasing can be an art and is different from getting a guy off, right?"
Scarlet nodded, but leaned to me. "I love you, Penelope," she made clear, before kissing me. "You're an amazing woman, and deserve a lot more credit. She's my BFF, but I don't care if she doesn't like you, but I do."
"Hey, she's growing on me now, Scarlet."
"Then, get up here and kiss her again."
Avery did just that and pasted her lips to mine. We both wrapped our arms around each other for our thirty-second make-out session and certainly got closer again. I kept my eyes closed the whole time too.
Avery abruptly yanked her lips away. "You see, we're as close, now finish eating me out, bestie," she demanded, lying back down.
Scarlet kissed me again. "Just make sure you get your work done, and you'll reel her in, I promise," she made clear, before going back to Avery's twat.
"She's not wrong, but give me time, Penelope," Avery added, placing her hands on Scarlett's head.
I blew her a kiss, but she instantly blew me a kiss back with one hand and flipped me off with the other. I took it as a token of love, so I decided to lean on top of Scarlet. Neither of them objected, so I got an even closer look at Scarlet, devouring her BFF's pussy like she was in a Girlsway scene.
I reached under Scarlet and grabbed her tits. I squeezed them somewhat and also made sure to let my snatch all over her butt too. So, I wooed her right back. I felt the vibrations myself and surely made myself add to it.
Even though it seemed I was invading on their time together, it appeared Avery just appreciated the pleasure even more, and Scarlet let even more of it out too. I nearly felt like I was in a dream or just high; either way, I knew we weren't gonna get much work done that day.
Avery's hands were all over Scarlet's head, and she licked her lips so much, I was sure it was like a skating rink. She looked at Scarlet's face as if she was sucking out cancer from her slit, and nothing else mattered.
"Oh, yes, prove to your best friend how much you like her, Scarlet."
"Don't talk about yourself in the third person," Scarlet warned her.
"Sorry, bestie, I love you though, you're awesome. A man would never be able to eat me out like this, and you're doing it with flying colors. Oh, I feel that tongue sliding all over those pussy walls in there, so you must have learned well from watching porn. That feels so much better than I ever imagined, shit on a stick. Fuck you, Penelope, you might be a loving woman, but shit, you got to her first."
"I know you're partially joking, but be nice, and I'm not sorry, so I'm gonna finger-fuck your BFF here," I announced, before bringing my fingers to her cherry. "I'm finger-fucking you again now, and I feel your juice leaking off my hand too. Are you turned on now? Is it all because of me?"
"Stop gloating, Penelope," Avery whined, jerking around a bit.
That didn't stop me from fingering Scarlet's twat, and rubbing mine on her too. I had no idea how long Avery could hold out before screaming, but I wanted to find out. Avery leaned her head back yet again and closed her eyes.
"You're working on her now, Scarlet, get every single square millimeter of your glasses wet with her juice, she wants it. Maybe because you're both nerds and BFFs, but you have her now. You better take care of her though, you've opened up a sexy can of worms now, so you have a lot of them to deal with now," I rambled, before closing my eyes. 'Shut the fuck up now,' I thought, before looking at them again.
I wanted to let them be, but as I got closer, I couldn't resist, but to let stuff out, but I tried to zip my lip. Neither Avery nor Scarlett said a word, though, they just fucked each other's brains out emotionally anyway.
Every part of Avery's body moved except for her crotch. Scarlet kept it down for her, as it seemed that she paralyzed it. Despite what I felt about taking a moment ago, I had to smile at that, so I got right back to relishing the situation.
Although, then Avery rose with her again. "I love you, bestie," she moaned, before kissing her. "Now, I want to taste you."
I got off Scarlet, and she lay down, so Avery got down to her cherry too. Although, she didn't have any issue getting her pussy though, she just placed fingers from both hands on Scarlet's muff and let her tongue out.
"Oh, yes, you learned from me, didn't you, Avery?" Scarlet asked, plopping her hands on Avery's head.
She nodded, but gently lifted her head. "Yes," she answered, before peeking at me. "Come on, Penelope, get a closer look at me eating her out now. I'll grant you that."
"Thank you, hot bitch," I stated, getting on top of her. "May I feel your cherry too?"
"Yes, whinny-ass," Avery groaned, before feasting on Scarlet's beaver.
"Oh, yes, let Penelope here woo you, Avery, she's good, but you have to give her a fair chance. Just as you gave to me," Scarlet moaned, caressing her head. "She's a great woman, so give her a chance. You'll learn to love her too, or maybe you just need some time alone with her too. It's understandable, Avery, you have nothing to be ashamed of, she has been a tart before, but you have let her wash away that image. I'd hope she'd be the one behind making you so sexy right now. You know how to munch on a slit, you're fucking flawless, you're licking it slowly, just like me. That's good, Avery, I love you, best friend. I hope you let Penelope bring out every piece of sexiness you have stored away."
I finger fucked her somewhat slowly by letting them move all over cherry, and got a does her cum too. I went a little harder on her, though, as she was a tough nut to crack. I worked my magic, even though it was still new to me.
I did that as I watched Avery go down on her best friend, and enjoyed every single second. She had her fingers on each side of Scarlet's snatch and let her tongue inside it after only a few minutes. I couldn't see it, but I was sure it roamed in there quite freely.
And judging by how much Scarlet was shuddering too said it all. Just how it was the vice versa, Avery thrilled Scarlet to no end and got her moaning and having problems dealing with the pleasure again.
After only a few minutes, I saw her biting down on her bottom lip, seemingly taking the luxury like she was getting surgery. She only had me do it for her before, but as she had Avery between her legs, it was a whole different ballgame.
She knew it, and it showed as she stayed upright too to look at her as if she was saving her life. Her lips and tongue kept moving ever so slowly as she shook, but I noticed that she wouldn't take her eyes off Avery.
Avery took her eyes off Scarlet several times when Scarlet was doing the eating out, but Scarlet locked herself up and watched the sexy action as if she'd die if she didn't watch. Even with Scarlet's hair down there, Avery managed to get her going like mad.
Scarlet didn't speak, but moaned and kept her lips apart the whole time too. I surely recognized the signs that she was losing it, as she did it to me, and I did it to her as well. Nevertheless, I didn't rain on their parade and let them have the time of their lives.
Even though neither of them ever after a pussy before, Avery and Scarlett both demonstrated that they could make a woman feel wonderful, and maybe they had their BFF status working for them, but they got it done vividly.
Avery looked to be like a lesbo pro and worked on her best friend as such. I am assaulting Avery's twat just as if I finger fucked a million women before, but it appeared to come naturally to all of us, probably because we all knew how we'd like to be thrilled.
I had Avery shooting out her juice nonstop, and I hadn't even started thrusting my fingers. I let them go back and forth ever so swiftly, slowly, and in between to make her feel as great as possible too. I still felt some hatred for Avery even at that moment, but I turned it into lust.
"You're eating her so well, Avery, you're one sexy tramp too. I still don't like you either, but I'm warming up to you as well. You both saw me for the bitch I am, but still, you stuck to your guns and attacked me too. That makes me hate you, but still gets my slit drenched though, too. Now I want to fuck the shit out of you, Avery, not because you're black, but I did with your best friend, and now I want you too."
She didn't respond to that and kept going on Scarlet's pussy like she was facing the death penalty of friendship if she didn't. I saw her moving her face around and licking Scarlet's lips nonstop without taking a break for over five minutes.
Needless to say, the lenses on her glasses had cum coming down them and had it all over the frames as well. She showed no sign of slowing down and relished the time with the most quality she could ever experience because they could only do for the first time once.
I loved the sight so much, I started shedding tears, and I knew they both heard some sniffling. Neither of them said a word to that, but they captured each other and didn't let go. Seeing Avery devour Scarlet's twat just masturbation worthy, but mind-blowing.
"Oh, yes, yes, yes, Avery, get me good and make me your absolute BFF, write it in fucking stone in letters as big as skyscrapers. I feel your tongue going so deep in my pussy, I think you might get to my stomach or bladder, so prepare yourself now. You're chaining yourself to me now; I hope you can live with your choice for the rest of your life. You're going to have to eat me out more often because this feels too damn good. I hope you're not teasing me because I'm going to want you between my legs repeatedly. I'm gonna get between yours too, so prepare yourself for your grades to fall a little bit because we're going to be busy doing something other than doing homework, and we will have to invite Penelope to watch now and then."
"I hope you do, Scarlet, you two are smoking hot. Holy shit, I might be a lesbian by the time I walk out of this room. I know we do have work to do, but I hope you also let me stay a bit longer as we have the house to ourselves."
"Come here, Penelope," Scarlet lured me, waving her hands. "Give me a kiss."
I lay down on her, so our boobs met, and she kissed me. She even wrapped her arms around me and kept me down with her.
Avery never stopped eating Scarlet out, but Scarlet's lips gently came off mine. "We can be friends, but you need to show Avery you can be a good woman too, got it?"
"And we're aware we're nerds, so stop calling us nerds. If you stick around long enough and let the friendship grow, maybe we can revisit it, okay?"
"I understand, Scarlet."
"Now, watch her with me as she finishes me off now."
I stayed close to her and viewed the show like we were watching Slayer rocking our faces off. She looked at us now and then, but of course, she still had Scarlet's juice coming at her. So, she couldn't keep her eyes open the whole time, but still saw the appeal we had, so I was sure I made some more headway.
Although, shortly after we started cuddling, Scarlet's head went back and closed her eyes. "Oh, yes, BFF, that did it. You're going to make me cum now," she moaned, jerking around nonstop.
Scarlet couldn't watch, but I sure did in the seconds before she needed to let her juice loose all over Avery's face. I never could begin to understand how either of them felt, but knowing they both loved it.
She lasted for over twenty seconds, but gave Avery her all it seemed. I couldn't be sure how much she could unload, but I surely wanted her to give all she possibly could. I felt her convulse like she was getting electrocuted, and I reveled in the pride yet again.
I still managed to lean up off her and allow Avery to climb up with her best friend. They immediately enveloped their arms together and pasted their lips together as well. They went at it for over five minutes, and I continued to please myself again.
'I made this happen, me. How can I not feel pride? Oh, yes, make out like passionate lesbos, you two. There's nothing wrong with that, neither of you is seeing anyone else, and you're nerds too. What could be hotter?'
After five minutes and change, Scarlet's lips gently came off Avery's. "I love you, Avery, more than a BFF kind of way."
"I love you too," Avery added, before kissing her back.
"Now, will you let Penelope join us, Avery?"
She rolled her eyes. "Fine, but just once."
"For now, you mean?" Scarlet asked.
"I guess, now get off me."
Then they both calmly made their way to me.
It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem; could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? It's hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But as I would find out years later, events had taken place years before which made that questionably fateful day a reality. I was in my mid 30's (36 to be exact) and had made a very good living for myself. I...
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Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...
Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...
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MILFCaptain America called Scarlet Witch into his office. "You saved the day again, Scarlet! Now please tell me exactly how you saved the life of that Dutch porn star, Lillian de Dong.""Well Captain, as you know Lillian suffered from that rare Hawaiian disease known as lackanooky. How the hell she got that in the Netherlands I have no idea. What with all those horny flight attendants from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on the loose in the neighborhood looking for a goose This assignment was easy. I just...
Wanda Maximoff strode through the New York Metropolitan Museam and smiled as she moved through the crowd of people that had gathered there for the auction. Wanda was also known as the mutant called the Scarlet Witch. She was a member of the superhero team known as the Avengers. The heroine was at the museam as a representative of the Avengers. An auction of Avenger memorabilia was being held at the museam. It was all a charity benefit to help raise money to aid the homeless people of New York...
Captain America called Scarlet Witch into his office. ‘You saved the day again, Scarlet! Now please tell me exactly how you saved the life of that Dutch porn star, Lillian de Dong.’ ‘Well Captain, as you know Lillian suffered from that rare Hawaiian disease known as lackanooky. How the hell she got that in the Netherlands I have no idea. What with all those horny flight attendants from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on the loose in the neighborhood looking for a goose This assignment was easy. I...
“Scarlet, you know her, the tall elegant redhead, late-thirties, we had drinks with her. Slim body with wonderful long legs. “Tell her fine by me as long as she looks after my sexual needs.” “You mean you expect a blow job?” A few days later we met Scarlet for drinks. “Sarah told me you want to watch her being pleasured by two boys from the gym.” “Yes, that would be very exciting for me. She told me you expect a blow job from me as a quid pro quo. That would be even more exciting for me....
The Scarlet Troopers are proud female mounted soldiers, highly trained, extremely fit and always well presented in their skintight red catsuits, black thigh boots and black cropped jackets. A normal trooper wears a black riding helmet the officers wear red to distinguish them from the girl soldiers under their command, all troopers are armed with batons to use as self defence.In recent times the Scarlet Troopers had suffered heavy humiliating defeats at the hands of their enemies, the Amazonian...
The Scarlet Troopers are proud female soldiers, highly trained, extremely fit and always well presented in their skintight red catsuits, black thigh boots and black cropped jackets. A normal trooper wears a black riding helmet the officers wear red to distinguish them from the girl soldiers under their command, all troopers are armed with batons to use as self defence.In recent times the Scarlet Troopers had suffered heavy humiliating defeats at the hands of their enemies, the Amazonian...
The windows were rolled down as my car strolled quietly down Flounder Street. I always thought it was funny as a little kid, living on Flounder Street. I guess a little kid who will laugh at ‘wiener’ will also laugh at ‘flounder.’ The 93 degree heat was beating down on me through the windshield. It was times like these that I wish I was actually financially sound enough to own a car with air conditioning that worked. The dash said it was just past 2 o’clock. I’d gotten stuck in a traffic jam...
Scarlet Chase, also known as Your Secret Crush, has been in the business for around five years now. She started when she was 22, which makes her 27 years young as of the writing of this article.What Dat Pussy Do?Scarlet Chase is white and petite at only five foot four and 119 pounds. To make up for some of her small stature, she has enhanced her tits all the way up to a 34C from A or B cups.She has several tattoos, including on her left flank, under her right bicep, along her upper spine, and a...
Twitter Porn AccountsEverybody remembers their first time. Some people aren't too fond about it, others end up marrying that one person and having that one penis to themselves for the rest of their lives. My experience was different. Way different. At 18, i was still a virgin and proud of it. My friends were in serious relationships and of course, having sex, but here I was, single and sexless. On the one hand i couldn't wait for my prince charming to come around, sweep me off my feet and make sweet love to me,...
First TimeMy names Emma I’m a Scarlet Trooper Captain you may have read some of my other tales of the daily struggles myself and my squad of Scarlet Troopers face trying to maintain order. Scarlet Troopers are, just to remind you, highly trained mounted female soldiers we pride ourselves in our appearance and our skintight red lycra catsuits, Black leather belts, riding boots and black cropped jackets distinguish us from the rest of society. We wear our catsuits next to our skin no underwear it would...
For generations women had ruled the land, the male gene had been bred out and now females were the rulers, the law makers, the soldiers and the enemy. Scarlet Troopers a highly trained army of mounted female soldiers were there to protect their queen and try to uphold order but generally they were hated by many and few respected them or obeyed their rules, recent attempts by the newly formed White Warriors had failed to penetrate the Scarlets fortress. White Warriors were formed by the strict...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 6 "Time to wake up, sleepy head!" Sam awoke to a female voice, his eyes blinking. Sunlight streamed into the room as curtains were thrown open, casting the woman in a hazy silhouette. Sam shifted in the bed, pulling himself up into a sitting position, the covers falling from his bare chest. His body... Sam ran his hands over his flat chest. What the hell? Sam stared down in disbelief, his hands roaming across his masculine body, then up to...
Let me set the scene for you. My name is Emma I am a Captain in the Scarlet Troopers a group of highly trained female mounted soldiers protecting the honour of our leader Priestess Anastasia. I have a squad of 30 Troopers in my charge. We live in a peaceful but largely lawless society our enemies are the Amazonian Warriors a group of strong and powerful women who have no morals and are led by their Warrior Queen Skye a leader who hates all Scarlet Troopers and our Priestess. Our society has...
Let me set the scene for you. My name is Emma I am a Captain in the Scarlet Troopers a group of highly trained female soldiers protecting the honour of our leader Priestess Anastasia. I have a squad of 30 troopers under my charge. We live in a peaceful but largely lawless society our enemies are the Amazonian Warriors a group of strong and powerful women who have no morals and are led by their Warrior Queen Skye a leader who hates all Scarlet Troopers and our Priestess. Our society has evolved...
This is a another tale of the daily struggles of the Scarlet Troopers, my names Emma I’m a Captain and leader of a squad of highly trained and highly motivated fit young female horse mounted soldiers, we wear uniforms that intimidate our enemies and show them how lithe and athletic we are. The uniform is the envy of our adversaries it consists of skintight red lycra catsuits, black leather riding boots, black leather belt, black cropped jackets and riding helmets.Our female assets are on full...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 12 Sam's five-inch platform heels clicked slowly backwards as he recoiled away from the open door, his mouth open in shock. His backside bumped against the edge of the desk behind him, causing him to jump and gasp effeminately. He had nowhere left to go. "Please Mister Fields, try to remain calm." Ren? Gerard held up a hand, glancing momentarily behind him to lock the study door. "Or should that be Miss Fields?" His eyes glanced downwards to the F...
(All characters are depicted as being at least 18 years old and aged up to 18 years old from their canonical stories) In your universe, in your country or beyond, female slavery has been a part of life since ancient times ever since the Scarlet Conflict. What was the Scarlet Conflict, no one really remembers just that it involved the Goddess the Scarlet Lady, her Master with no name, and his harem of beautiful goddesses and warriors fighting and containing the demoness the Blue Harlot. Once the...
"Are you frightened?" Hayden whispered into my ear as he pushed his hard cock into my tight and wet pussy and let out the largest moan i'd heard. Ever. I shook my head and let out a soft gasp as a shock of pain jolted down my body mixed with pleasure that sent lighting bolts to the tips of toes. I turned my head and look tot he side but he grabbed my head with his hands as he still was slowly penetrating me, in and out in and out and looked at me. "No i want to look at you. I want you to...
First TimeSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 5 Turin, Italy Four hours ago... Black Ops Specialist William Tanner stepped into the interrogation room, the metal slide-door hissing shut and locking automatically behind him. He walked across to the wooden table at the centre of the room, behind which sat a young man. The panel lighting above his head cast him in a spotlight and his head was hung low, his sandy-colored hair unkempt and straggly. From the slow pace of his breathing, Tanner...
A million thoughts ran through Mr. Wilson's mind. This young girl was only fifteen years old, but was so sexy. He also felt a great amount of sympathy for her; a beautiful, smart, charming girl like her did not deserve to be treated so horribly. His respect and admiration for her also grew as he thought about how many times she had shown up to class with messy hair and smudged make-up, sometimes even with bruises along her upper arms; he had never thought much about it, but now he discovered...
A pair of blue-tits was fighting each other for exclusive access to the peanut holder Heather had just attached to the bird table. A female pheasant’s dull brown feathers twitched under a bush as it waited for Heather to return to the cottage kitchen. Then it could peck at the seeds scattered liberally at the foot of the rotting bird table Heather smiled. She pushed open the door to the kitchen where her daughter, Paula, was stirring a bowl of Coco Pops with a spoon. “Is the pheasant there?”...
Straight SexSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 3 Sam stood in the doorway to his bedroom, surprised to find Maria Ramirez sitting before him on the bed. She looked radiant with her long dark hair hanging over her shoulders and a short black silk robe wrapped around her body. Sam watched as she crossed her long bare legs, his eyes automatically glancing downwards. "Madame?" Sam blinked, forcing himself to meet her eyes. "Come sit down," Maria soothed, patting the bed beside her, "And close the...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 8 Mike Rivers walked behind Sam as they climbed the two flights of stairs leading up to the hotel room, the old wooden steps creaking ominously as they ascended. He gently patted at his bruised eye with a handkerchief as he watched Sam's white ruffled skirt swishing enticingly against his backside. From his lower angle he could almost see up to his panties. "You know, you could have picked somewhere a little nicer." Rivers' eyes roamed the dark,...
“Then we have a deal?” I asked the two men who sat facing each other across the large conference room table. They each nodded in turn. “Great!” I exclaimed, and I meant it. I had been mediating this negotiation for over two weeks. At points, it felt like the whole thing was going to fall apart. But we managed to pull it off. This was easily the biggest case I had ever taken. Sitting between these two giants of business high up in this tall Ottawa office building, I had often felt like I was...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 11 "This is a really bad idea." Sam stood with his hands perched on his wide hips, watching as Rivers quickly checked the corridor outside of their room. "There's no-one around, we've got time to do this." Rivers stepped back into the room, wedging the door awkwardly shut against the now splintered door frame. He took a spare chair from under the desk and wedged it against the door handle. "Oh, like that will stop them," Sam commented dryly, folding...
The party was already in full swing when Nancy and her friends arrived. The Victorian ball gown that she had found in the trunk in her grandmother's attic fit nicely after a few custom alterations by a seamstress friend. With the addition of having her hair set in long hanging banana curls she felt like the perfect Scarlet O'Hara. Nancy adjusted the mask that hid the upper half of her face and looked around to see if she recognized any of the other masqueraders. When Spiderman approached and...
SupernaturalSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 1 The street lights of Monte Carlo streaked past in a haze as the dying embers of the sun dipped beneath the horizon. Excitement was in the air as tourists began to flood the streets, ready to take in Monaco's vibrant Mediterranean nightlife. The balmy evening heat drifted in through the open window of Mike Rivers' pristine white Lamborghini Gallardo. He breathed deeply, letting the ambience fill his senses. This was how he liked it -- immersing...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 10 Ren? Gerard checked his appearance one last time in the mirror, turning his face from side to side, inspecting every last pore in his moisturized face. Of course he was vain. He freely admitted to it, though he felt no shame in it. The body was a temple that needed to be nurtured with good food, vigorous exercise and impeccable hygiene. He swept a comb once more through his slick black hair, ensuring it was perfectly symmetrical. He checked his t...
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My name is Stacy, and I am a freshman in college. I am originally from Jonesboro, Arkansas. It was a good sized town by our standard, yet tiny to others. I always wanted to be an actress and was bitten by the bug at a young age (when I had to sing, “Itsy bitsy spider” at a school recital).When I turned eighteen I picked a college in California, and I figured, between movies and the theatre, I would find a job rather easily. I was excited on my first day seeing how big the nearby city was...
LesbianThe Scarlet Ribbon Janet Stickney I hated it. The constant drone of the nearby mill, the crime, drugs, and prostitution all wore on me like a millstone. I had graduated first in my class, but because so many kids dropped out, I wasn't sure that meant much. My Mother had taken off a few years back, and I never bothered to look for her. I had never known my father, probably a trick my Mother had turned. I had managed to get through school with the help of the woman that ran...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 2 Sam awoke with a start, air shooting sharply down into his lungs. Something was happening. He could hear the distant hum of an engine as it ticked over, revving up a few times. The yacht was starting to move and he could feel the room beginning to sway a little. The lack of a window as a point of reference made him feel disorientated. Deep down Sam had hoped that Ramirez would remain in Monaco, but Rivers had guessed he would soon depart. Sam did...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 4 The "Oro del Diablo" was quiet, with only the gentle creak of timber frames and the distant wash of waves against the hull audible from its empty corridors. Sam Fields tip-toed across the plush carpets. In one hand he carried his red high heels, the imitation diamonds of the ankle straps twinkling in the early morning light that filtered in from the deck above. In his other hand he held his white dress, which he pressed protectively to his naked...
SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 9 Sam sat upright in the bed, the covers in a tangle beneath him. He gasped, struggling to catch his breath, his surroundings slowly coming into focus. The large bedroom of the "Hotel de Russie's" luxury suite was now dimly lit by the morning sunlight that filtered in through the crack in the curtains. He reached up, sweeping a hand along the length of his blonde ponytail, feeling confused. He could hear a rapid, dull pounding and began to look...
My Own Scarlet Letter By Couture I glanced down at my watch. Threeo' five. Katie was supposed to have been here five minutes ago. I checkedmy desk to make sure I had everything. Yes, it was all there. My grade bookand copies of her old tests. Three o' six. She was now six minutes late, but it felt like thirty. I felta drop of perspiration make its way from my underarm down my side. Okay, whenshe gets here, make sure she doesn't close the door, I reminded myself. Whywas I worried? She might not...
"Sooth, 'tis a tonic to be in the open air once more," Merry exclaimed as Nightshade's booming wings hurled she and Karl among fleecy clouds. "I heartily agree," Karl replied. "Between the scheming nobility and the fawning hangers-on at court I am pleased to be shut of all such nonsense. No doubt you were becoming restless as well, noble dragon." "I was indeed," Nightshade replied. "Food is plentiful in the royal forests, but I crave adventure and to see new things." "We are...
Timmy's Confession by Pamela ([email protected]) Harriet regarded her lingerie drawer. Her husband, John, was nearby in the bathroom brushing his teeth getting ready for bed. They had been out that evening at a dinner party with friends down the block. When they had gotten home their 10 year old son Timmy was sleeping peacefully in his bedroom. Ever since he had been eight they had felt OK to leave him without a sitter if they were just a few doors away in the...
I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...
AffairAuthors Note:Sorry if this was painful to read, but this was made when i was in senior year of High-school“I didn’t wanna be at work on the weekend. But anyhow, at least nobody is at work today” scarlett looked into the mirror, her skirt was bright pink, her one-direction t-shirt wasn't enough to contain her huge titties and her leather jacket and heels were still good.Scarlett was working late on a Saturday. Heather, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night....
In a nice hotel room with a balcony and a view of the city, a 22-year-old who identifies as a ‘sissy’ and has recently agreed to accept “she/her” pronouns; kneels on a towel that has been laid out on the ground in an open area of the spacious room. She goes by the name ‘Daisy’ and has been fitted with a blindfold, a ball gag, and wrist cuffs which were now binding her arms behind her. She has been in this particular situation for around 20 minutes now; focusing on breathing and how the...
‘Good morning bitch. You are going to write out a schedule of your normal daily activities. Work, school, etc. I want the time you wake up, the time you leave and the time you get home from school, work or other normally scheduled activities, and the time you go to bed; for each day of the week. I expect that your schedule may change from week to week, that is okay. You will send me a new schedule each time it changes. You have 24 hours to complete this task. You may ask questions for...
"Could you at least smile and pretend that you're having a good time?" Arlene Taylor leaned over and whispered to her companion across the table. "It's only our first night here and people are already beginning to stare." The slightly morose expression on her friend's face faded to be replaced by the sought after smile. In the same quiet voice she answered her dinner partner. "I am enjoying myself." Jeanette Randolph replied. "I was just thinking how much this little trip is costing...
28 July, 1686 Evening As the women allowed themselves to be lead away Constance whispered to Carmen, "He does cut quite the handsome figure, does he not?" "Looks can be deceiving," Carmen whispered back, "keep a 'weather eye open'." "Allow me to introduce myself," the young man said to the women over his shoulder, removing his hat and bowing gracefully without missing a step, "Jack Scarlet, at your service, currently unwaged, but in the past having crewed on the...
Raven spent the night in her room. It was the first night she slept alone since asking Andrew to make love to her. She missed feeling his arms around her while she slept. She missed being poked by his erection upon waking. She had really missed sleeping with him. She had gotten up that morning in a grumpy mood. She believed there was no reason for her state of mind, writing off her bad mood to the unsettled sleep of the night before. She wasn't going to admit, even to herself, that it was...