MOONSHINE free porn video

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It was one of those hot, muggy nights that seemed to make even breathing a chore. The crickets were playing their little violins and the katydids were joining in in full force. I was lying in my bed trying to sleep, hoping that the occasional flicker of lightning off in the distance might indicate that we were going to get some rain to cool us off later in the night.

Our motel, "The Straight Flush" was filled, so Mom had turned on the "NO VACANCY" sign out front. The door between my room and the motel office was slightly ajar so I could hear the mumble of the TV and could see the dim flicker of the whitish glow that filled the darkened office. Mom was obviously watching TV. We weren't rich and only owned the one TV, but it didn't really matter as we could only get two channels on it and ninety-nine percent of the shows didn't interest me anyhow.

It was around ten o'clock and it felt like it was still around ninety degrees outside. I was naked and my pajamas were lying in a wadded up heap on the floor beside my bed. It was just too damned hot to wear them.

I was wondering if I would ever be able to leave Deer Valley and find a life of my own. I'm eighteen and I'd made it through the eighth grade before I had to quit school to help Mom run the Straight Flush. High school, much less college didn't seem to be on my radar scope, so I went along doing what I could to help Mom and I get along. My Pa was never around to help out with anything. He'd always been a bit of a drifter, a gambler, and a general ne'er-do-well. Amazingly, he'd won the motel in a poker game up in Atlanta, back in the day, but he would avoid anything that remotely resembled work, so that left running the motel up to Mom and me. I was pretty good with my hands and did ninety percent of the maintenance and helped out Mom with the linen, room cleaning and just about anything else that came along.

Now it was rumored that Pa wasn't exactly monogamous. Monogamous? Yeah, I know, that's a pretty big word for a guy with an eighth-grade education, but I'd decided that if I couldn't go to school, I could improve myself on my own. Every night I'd take my dictionary and look up twenty words I'd heard and didn't know the meaning of and commit them to my vocabulary. Oh, yeah, monogamous? It means like the practice of having a sexual relationship with only one partner.

Now Mom seemed to know about Pa's wayward ways, because I'd hear them arguing about it sometimes, but every time I came around they'd stop arguing and start talking about something else. I couldn't for the life of me see what Mom saw in Pa and I don't know why she put up with it all.

Now the Straight wasn't any Holiday Inn, but Mom and I kept the place clean and in good repair. The motel was out on Highway 371 on the edge of Deer Valley and had ten units in it. We rarely received a complaint and most of the little cards the guests filled out after they stayed gave us an above average rating.

Mom and I were able to eke out a living of sorts. There always seemed to be just enough money to get by on, but it seemed liked every time Mom was able to put a little aside for a rainy day, Dad would show up and we'd be back right where we started as he would take the money and head off on some new get-rich quick scheme he'd come up with.

Now Mom weren't no Marilyn Monroe, but she was pretty. Maybe she was a little wide across the stern, and had a bit of a paunch, but it didn't take away from her other good looks. At thirty-eight, if there was any flaw in Mom's personality maybe it was her vanity for her big breasts. I don't even know that you could even call it a flaw, but she did seem to go out of her way to show them off. Not that I'm complaining now. She'd wear low cut blouses, tight sweaters, even go braless on occasion which just wasn't heard of in our neck of the woods. Her obvious vanity wasn't lost on Dad either. Hell, maybe that's why he'd married her as he was always gawking at them and groping them when he didn't think I was watching. On one of his infrequent visits, Pa had had a couple of glasses of moonshine and we were just finishing up supper. Mom was wearing one of her lowest-cut blouses and the majority of her big, creamy-white tits were on display as usual. I found myself sneaking a peak at them every time I saw no one was watching me. Now I don't think of myself as a pervert or anything, but hell, they were tits! And they were hanging out right in front of me. What was I supposed to do?

"Look at all that baby fat," I heard my Pa tipsily snicker as he stared at Mom's boobs.

"Clarence Hatfield, you watch your tongue. Not in front of Zeke," she huffed, shuffling over to the sink with her hands full of dishes.

"Baby Fat, get it, Boy," Pa guffawed. " Baby . . . fat."

No, I didn't get it, but I guess that he was insinuating some kind of connection between babies, tits, and fat.

Mom sure didn't think it was funny and was back across the room almost before the words were out of his mouth. Her arm flew back and she slapped him on the cheek so hard his head went flying back. I was stunned. I'd never seen my mother retaliate to any of Dad's crude, coarse language or jokes and Lord knows there was plenty of opportunities for that.

Angrily shoving his chair back, Dad flew out of it with his hand fisted and arm drawn back threateningly.

"You didn't have no cause to go and do that—" he snarled and I could see the muscles in his arm tightening in preparation to swing.

Reaching over, I grasped hold of his wrist to stop the swing. Now maybe I didn't have any gym to work out in, but I'd made me a set of weights out of cement and pipes and I worked out in the shed out back where we kept all the motel cleaning supplies and stuff. I worked out every day for as long as I could and even if I had to say so myself, I was pretty bulked out.

The moonshine had apparently loosened Pa's tongue and he didn't seem to care what he said as he turned and glared at me.

"You in cahoots with her now?" he barked, trying to jerk his arm away from my hand, but I was too strong for him and held on.

"Just shut up, Clarence—" Mom scowled, taking a step back away from him just in case.

"I get it now," he snorted, straining to pull his arm away from my clutching hand. "You and him, huh? The two of you have something going on, don't you? Hell, I shoulda seen it, the way you're fawning all over him all of the time."

"Are you crazy?" Mom shouted, drawing her arm back for another swing. "He's our son!"

Realizing that the situation was rapidly spiraling out of control, I stepped in between them and spun Dad around until he was facing the door.

"Dad, why don't you just disappear for a while," I told him, giving him a little shove toward the door. "You know, until things cool down a little."

"Yeah, get out of here—I don't want to see any more of your ugly face tonight," Mom added from behind me.

"Shit, I'm outta here. I can see when I'm not wanted," Dad growled, taking a step toward the door. "Probably want me outta here so you two can crawl in bed and fuck, don't you?"

"Clarence, I'm gonna kill you—" Mother screamed out at him as she started around me to get at him.

"Fuck you—and you, too—" Dad yelled back at us as I threw out my arm to stop Mom while he jerked the door open and stepped outside, slamming it behind him. As I flung my arm out, luck or fortune or destiny or whatever would have it, it smacked right across Mom's big tits. As both of us stood there staring at the door, I didn't move. Her tits were so soft, so giving as I continued to push my arm against them.

The silence was deafening! Then I heard my mother crying.

"I'm sorry," she blubbered as I watched her turn to face me. "It was the moonshine talking. He didn't mean it."

The enormity of what he had just said came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. Mom and I? Fucking? The thought of that ever happening was preposterous! It had never crossed my mind . . . until now!

"Uh, okay. It's all right—" I mumbled, trying to wrap my reeling brain around what Pa had just said.

"No, it's not all right. He shouldn't have said that. How could he even think that?" she fumed.

Strangely, Dad's remark changed everything between Mom and me. I found myself looking at Mom in an entirely different and unsettling way. Hell, I told you that I was eighteen and if a second went by that I wasn't thinking about sex, it was a rare one.

. . .

All that had transpired about a week ago and things had been kind of tense between the two of us.

Mom usually wore a flannel gown at night, but tonight was so hot, I'd seen that she'd opted out for her little baby-doll pajamas. Although I'd just got a glimpse of her in it earlier, I saw that it was one of the ones she wore when Pa was home as you could see right through the thin material. And what I'd seen was enough to make me want to see more. I'd been sneaking around and trying to catch another peek and Mom had caught on and slipped her housecoat on over it.

So, here I was lying in my bed without any clothes on, trying to picture Mom naked in the office next door as I slowly stroked my seemingly always-present hard on. Just then, I heard the motel intercom buzz. Then I heard Mom talking with someone. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I knew that it had to be one of the guests.

Wondering what was going on, I heard Mom hang up. Suddenly the light went on in the office and before I knew what was going on the door to my room came swinging open.

"Mom!" I gasped when I saw Mother standing in the doorway staring at me. I was mortified as I jerked my hand away from my cock and grabbed for the covers. I could see that Mother's eyes were locked on my peter as it stuck up out of my groin hard and stiff. I was somehow able to pull the cover over and hide my cock as Mother gave out a soft, embarrassed cough.

"Uh, sorry, uh, Zeke, uh, one of the, uh, guests called. He, uh, he said that the ice maker is out of ice and he needs some. Uh, could you, could you run down to the Seven-Eleven and pick up a bag for him?" she asked me, timidly stepping over to my bed and holding out a couple of dollars to me.

As she did, I realized that she wasn't wearing her house coat. I couldn't help noticing that I could see the outline of her body silhouetted through the thin material of her baby-doll gown by the light behind her.

"Uh, sure, Mom," I mumbled, taking the money from her. As I did, I saw her glance down at the lump of my cock jutting up against the covers before she turned and stepped back over to the door.

"Thank you," I heard her say as she stepped out and closed the door behind her.

Damn it, I cursed. I'd never been so embarrassed. Not only had my mother seen my cock, she seen that I was masturbating. I wished there was a hole somewhere to crawl in and hide.

Throwing the covers off, I angrily slapped my cock, trying to punish it for making me feel so foolish. "Ouch—" I snorted, swinging my legs off the bed, standing up and stumbling over to the chair where my jeans were. Pulling them on, I quickly pulled a tee shirt over my head and stepped into my loafers.

Stuffing the money into my pocket, I shuffled over to the door. Taking a deep breath, I reached down and quickly pulled the door open. Stepping through it, I saw that Mom was sitting at the kitchen table. She had the Mason jar that Pa kept his shine in and a glass with some the shine in it in front of her as she looked up at me.

"Be careful—" I heard her tell me as I stepped over to the door leading outside.

"Uh, what number?" I asked her.

"Oh, I forgot, uh, number six," she told me as I glanced down at the outline of her big tits underneath her baby doll pajamas.

"Okay," I mumbled, backing out through the doorway.

The Seven-Eleven was only a couple hundred yards down the road and I was back with the bag of ice in no time.

Knocking on the door of unit six, I waited for someone to answer. Suddenly the door came swinging open and a big, fat guy wearing a pair of shorts opened the door.

"About time," he grunted as I looked over his shoulder and saw a woman lying on the bed behind him. As I held the bag of ice out to him, I saw that the woman was bare-assed naked and she didn't seem the least bit concerned that I was gawking at her. In fact, she thrust her big, bare tits out at me and grinned as I continued to stare.

"What's wrong, k**," I heard the guy snicker as he took the ice from me and turned around to look over at the woman. "Ain't you never seen tits before?" he snickered, stepping back and slamming the door in my face.

"Yeah, I've seen tits before," I angrily muttered to the door as I turned and headed back for the office. I'd seen my mother's tits once and they were a damned sight bigger and prettier than the ones the woman in the room had. As I thought back on seeing my mother's tits, I felt a sizzle of excitement spark up my still-hard cock.

I'd been working on the refrigerator in one of the units and when I'd finished I headed back to the office to tell Mom that I was done. Walking back to the office, I'd walked by the window and saw Mom standing at the sink. She had her dress open down to the waist and was running a washcloth over her big, bare breasts. She seemed to be enjoying herself as her hands moved slowly, giving me time to relish my first sight of a pair of beautiful, naked breasts. My God, what beauty! I had absolutely no frame of reference, but to me, they were the most beautiful breasts in the world. Pale, bigger around than my hands, they had large dark areolas and big, fat nipples. I was stunned as I gawked at them in worshipful reverence. They were stupendous. Big, beautiful pink melons the size of cantaloupes as she cupped one and then the other to lift them and run the washcloth over them. I'd never forget that day as long as I lived.

Stepping into the office, I saw that Mom was still sitting at the table watching TV.

"Was he satisfied?" I heard her ask me.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," I grinned seeing that there were two glasses on the table now. One in front of Mom and one sitting in front of where I usually sat. "It looked like him and his girlfriend was having a few drinks," I added.

"Good . . . would you like one, too?" she smiled up at me.

"Uh, yeah, uh, sure," I told her grinning as I pulled my chair out and sat down in it. I'd sneaked a few sips of Pa's shine so I knew what to expect as I took a little sip of the fiery liquor. Damn, it was strong, I told myself as I tried to hold back a cough when the blistering paint thinner burned its way down my throat.

Setting my glass back down, I saw that in the bright light of the light-bulb dangling down from the ceiling over the table, I could see right through Mom's gown. I could make out every tiny detail of her big tits from their outline down to the dark circle covering their tips. I could even make out the outline of her big, puffy nipples.

I knew that I shouldn't be looking at them, but I couldn't stop myself. Then I saw Mom saw me looking at them. Thinking she would say something about my crude behavior, she just smiled and didn't do or say anything to dissuade me.

"Cheers—" she said, smiling, lifting her glass and tapping it against mine. "To us . . ."

"Uh, to us," I mumbled, picking up my glass and lifting it up to my lips. That was an odd toast, I told myself as I took another sip of the shine. The liquor was so potent, I was already feeling it and I'd only had a couple of sips as I grinned, set my glass back down and sneaked another peek at Mom's tits.

"Do you think your Pa really meant what he said?" she asked me as she leaned back against the chair. As she did, it stretched the cloth of her gown and made her breasts thrust out against it making them even more prominent.

"About what?" I asked looking up at her face. "He says a lot of stupid stuff."

"About us? About you and me?"

"Uh, I, uh, I don't know," I muttered, feeling a blush spread across my burning cheeks.

"I guess that he could think that," she sighed. "We're together all the time and he's never around. So, how would he know any different?" she conjectured.

This conversation was becoming uncomfortably close to the way I'd been feeling about her since Dad had spouted off about the two of us fucking.

"I guess so—" I choked out.

"Have you ever, uh, you know, done that?" she asked me as I saw a blush darken her cheek bones.

"Mom—" I fussed, feeling the temperature in the room go up a good ten degrees.

"I'm sorry, I was just wondering," she said, taking another sip of shine. "I never see you with a girl."

"Uh, no, no, I'm awfully bashful around girls, Mom," I told her. "Besides, I'm pretty busy around here, you know."

"Well, I guess that's my fault," she frowned. "I shouldn't have taken you out of school. As good looking as you are, I'm sure you would have a girlfriend by now."

"Uh, maybe, yeah, I guess," I muttered, taking another drink of shine and coughing as it scorched its way down my throat.

I heard a distant grumble of thunder as Mom just sat there looking at me like she was thinking. Trying to make up her mind about something.

"Uh, sounds like it might rain," I said, breaking the awkward silence, not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it?" she smiled, setting her glass down and slowly pushing up onto her bare feet. Then she turned and slowly stepped over to the window, spread the curtain apart and looked out through it.

My heart was racing as I watched her. The thin gown did little to hide anything underneath it and I could clearly see the long sweep of her back as it swooped down to the round swell of her butt. I could even make out the dark crack running down its center bisecting it and dividing it into cheeks.

Then I watched her push the window up. The moment she did, the room was immediately filled with the fresh dampness that always precedes rain.

"I love the smell of rain . . ." mother murmured as I watched her breathe in a deep breath of the rain-soaked air.

"Yeah, me, too," I grunted, following her lead and sniffing in a lungful of the moist, humid air.

Then she slowly turned around to face me. I couldn't keep from dropping my eyes down to her breasts. Her big, beautiful breasts as they strained out against the thin chiffon. I could make out everything about them under the gauzy material. Their size, their shape, the darkened circle covering their tips, and even the big, puffy nubs protruding out of the circles. I could see everything. And then I looked down to the vague, shadowy triangle that covered the bottom of her tummy.

I couldn't stop the spark of excitement that arced through my cock making it jump inside my jeans.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" I heard my mother ask from across the room.

She had to know that I could see right through her skimpy, little gown. She had to know, I giddily thought.

"Uh, yeah, uh, I think you're, uh, beautiful, Mom," I choked out trying not to swallow my tongue.

"Really?" she asked me as I watched her reach up to her shoulder and ease her fingers down under the neckline of the gown.
"Really, uh, yeah, really, Mom, uh, beautiful—" I muttered, unable to take my eyes off her fingers as they slowly pushed the stretchy neckline down over the curve of her shoulder.

What was she doing, my fevered brain screamed? Was she going to take off her gown? What was happening? This was getting crazier by the moment. I thought my peter was going to rip out through my jeans any second now as the ruffle of lace inched lower and lower down her shoulder.

Then she stopped and slowly dropped her hand down by her side. Breathlessly, I watched as she lifted her other hand up to her other shoulder. Easing her fingers under the neckline again, she began to push it down over her shoulder. The neckline now diagonally stretched across her breasts running from her shoulder on one side down to the midpoint between her shoulder and elbow on the other side. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think straight. My poor brain was in a fog as I sat watching the bizarre scene unfolding in front of my gawking eyes.

More and more of her quivering white breasts came into full view as Mother slowly pushed the gown down off the curve of her shoulder. Keeping her eyes on mine, watching me, she kept pushing the neckline down her arm until the elastic band was stretching straight across her breasts with the upper edge of their darkened tips just showing above it.

"Do you want to see?" she asked me, her voice quivering.

"Yesssss . . ." I hissed. "Yes, Mother, I'm sorry, but, yes, I want to see." I groaned out. I thought my brain was going to explode. The roaring inside it sounded like a hundred screaming jets in afterburner. My heart was thundering like a bass drum. I could have made a fortune selling all of the cotton inside my mouth.

She didn't move. Then I saw that she was walking toward me so slowly it didn't seem like she was moving. With her arms hanging down at her sides, she moved closer and closer until she was standing in front of me not more than two or three feet away.

I wanted to reach out and touch her, run my fingers over the quivering softness of her breasts. But my arms were paralyzed by fear. Fear that if I did, she would regain her senses and it would be over before it began.

I could smell her perfume now. It was some cheap stuff she had bought down at the truck stop, but on her it smelled like Channel No. 5.

"I can't help myself, Zeke," I heard Mother whimper as her arm lifted back up to her shoulder and she began slowly pushing the neckline down again. Covetously watching her, I saw the neckline slip down, exposing the upper half of her areola. Then I saw the elastic band snag on the big nipple, stopping its downward journey. She kept pushing it down until all of a sudden it sprang loose and with a flouncing bobble, her big, saggy breast flopped out into the open.

"So pretty—" I moaned, staring at the bare breast as it hung down from her chest softly quivering and trembling. Moving with a little more impetus this time, she lifted her other hand up to her arm and started pushing the ruffled band of elastic down her other arm. The springy band duplicated its earlier movement by catching on her other nipple. A quick tug on it and it sprang free letting her breast spring out into the open. Now both breasts were dangling down, uncovered and bare as I feasted my hungry eyes on them.

"Are they too baggy?" I heard her softly ask as she cupped them in her hands and lifted them up off her chest.

"No—God, no!" I groaned.

"You're not just saying that," she whispered, easing them back down.

"They're perfect—" I praised, staring at them in reverent adoration.

My poor cock was rock hard and caught in such a painful position, I was about to cry. I had to fix it before it broke its back and left me with a broken, useless hunk of flesh. Watching Mother continuing to push her gown down, I grabbed at my cock and jerked it over to a much less restrictive place.

I saw Mom pause and glance down at the bulge of my cock as I moved it. She seemed surprised that I was hard as she continued to stare at it for several long seconds. Then she smiled and went back to pushing her gown down her arm.

Now that I wasn't in pain anymore, I watched the neckband slowly crawl down over the rounded paunch of her belly, over her belly button and finally down onto the forest of curls covering her sex. The golden-blond curls matched the color of her hair as more and more of the profuse tangle came into view until suddenly, the sheer, white gown went slithering down her legs to land in a muddle covering her bare feet.

Daintily, Mother balanced on one foot and lifted her other one out of the gown and then did the same with her other foot. Now mother stood before me as naked as the day she'd been born . . . except for the band of gold she wore on her left ring finger. Strangely, I found myself staring at it as it was caught the glare of the light-bulb hanging down over the table.

Mother saw me looking down at the ring. Looking down at it herself, she lifted her hand up and slowly eased the little, gold band off her finger. Then she leaned toward me, reached around me and laid the ring on the table. She was giving up its protection, its message to the world of Look, I am married. You can't have me. But now that was gone and she was free once again. The symbolism of the gesture left me speechless. She was forsaking her marriage . . . for me!

"My Baby," she whispered, stepping up forcing my legs apart with her knees as she moved closer. I was astounded as I sat afraid to move. Afraid to do anything that would break the wonder of this moment. My mother's breasts were now right in front of my face, her big bloated nipples a hair's breadth from my trembling lips. Then the swollen nub brushed across my lips as Mother rolled her shoulders ever so slightly and leaned in closer.

Like a nursing baby, I opened my mouth and let the springy bulb slip between my lips. Taking the resilient flesh between my teeth, I gently nipped it as I began to softly suck. As I did, I felt my mother's fingers curl around the back of my head and pulled me towards her while pressing her breast against my face, squashing it flat as I nursed on the supple bud.

"Zeke . . ." I heard her whisper as I cautiously brushed my fingers over the soft, smooth skin of her thigh, just above the inner surface of her knee. Continuing to softly suckle and caress her nipple with my tongue, I let my fingers slowly crawl up the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh working them higher and higher. I'd never experienced such excitement. My pounding heart was about to beat out of my chest. I could barely breathe.

Time seemed to stop as I inched my fingers higher and higher. Then, when they were only a couple of inches below my intended target, I felt my mother's legs brush against mine forcing them farther apart as she spread herself open for my inquisitive fingers.

Just then, there was a loud thump on the tin roof as the first big raindrop slammed down on it.

We both jumped at the unexpected noise making Mom's spit-drenched nipple pop out of my mouth and sending my fingers thudding against the wet, stickiness between her legs.

"Oh, God," I heard her gasp as she spread her legs even wider and thrust her breast back against my face. Like a baby trying to find its mother's nipple, I searched with my lips until I once again found the swollen nub.

As I sucked and teased her nipple, I gently probed the weeping softness between her legs. This was fucking unbelievable. My Mom! I was feeling her up, trying to find her pussy with my fingers. Probing, pushing my fingers into the giving softness, I felt two of them slip up inside the clinging warmth of her vagina.

"OhhhhhhhhhGoddddd . . ." I heard her softly groan as she shoved her tit against my face and I felt her pussy squeeze down around my probing fingers. I pushed them in deeper, pushing in all the way up to the last knuckles. Then I slowly pulled them back and softly thrust them back inside.

"Oh, yessssss, Baby—" I heard Mother whimper as her sharp fingernails dug into the back of my head pushing my face against her soft, cushiony breast.

Outside the rain was beginning in earnest, beating down on the tin roof as the din inside grew louder.

Just then as a particularly-loud peal of thunder shook the office, Mother leaned back away from me pulling her slippery nipple out of my mouth and reaching down to push my fingers out of her pussy.

"I want to see," Mother whispered, leaning down and hooking her fingers under the hem of my tee shirt and slowly pulling it up my sweaty chest, over my head and finally off over my extended arms. I felt like I was going to pass out. I knew that every drop of blood in my whole body had to be inside my achingly-hard cock. I could feel every pulsing throb of my heart as it pumped more and more into it.

"Stand up—" she told me as she pitched my sweat-drenched shirt on the table where it landed by her wedding ring with a wet splat.

I didn't know if my wobbly knees would support my weight as I slowly stood up hearing the chair sc**** on the floor as it was nudged backward by the back of my knees. Holding onto the table with one hand to support myself, I watched Mother as she slowly dropped to her knees in front of me. All I could do was watch on in a stupor as her hands lifted up to the front of my jeans.

"It looks so big . . ." she mumbled, brushing her finger over the bulge sticking out against my jeans as her fingers found the copper button holding them fastened. Swallowing, I tried to keep my heart down inside my chest where it belonged as Mom pushed the button through its buttonhole.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how big cocks were supposed to be. The only ones I'd ever seen were in pictures and they didn't have measuring tapes included in the pictures, so all you could do was guess. I knew that mine was eight inches long. I'd measured it more times than I could count. Just comparing it with the ones in the pictures I'd seen, it looked bigger, but I couldn't really tell. I guess I'd know pretty soon, though, I giddily thought as I felt my Mother unzipping my jeans.

I hadn't taken time to put my shorts on when I went to get the ice and as the zipper went zipping down its track, my cock, hard and ready came tumbling out into the open.

"My God—" my Mother gasped as her fingers stopped moving down while she stared at my cock in wide-eyed surprise. "It's huge—" she groaned, jerking the zipper to the end of its track and then running her fingers up the swollen underside of my jutting penis.

My chest swelled up with pride for a moment before a tickle of fear crept into it. Was I too big? I didn't know anything about fucking. I'd never done it before. Could a guy be too big? After all Mom's pussy had felt really, really tight on my fingers.

"Is it okay?" I mumbled, staring down at my mother as I watched her hook her fingers under the waistband of my jeans and jerk them down around my knees. As she did, the rest of my cock and my balls flopped out, flouncing up and down right in front of her gawking eyes.

"Is it okay? Oh, Baby, it's beautiful," she cooed, curling her hands around it and slowly bending it down toward her lips.

What is she doing, my fevered brain railed?

I could see that the head of my prick was glistening wetly in the glare of the light overhead as Mom's lips parted and her little, pink tongue slipped out from between them.

"Mommmm—" I groaned as she slowly swirled her tongue around the head of my cock, licking away the copious coating of prefuck that covered it.

"Ummmmmmm . . ." Mom murmured as she twirled her tongue around it again. I didn't know how much more I could endure as I felt Mother's soft, warm lips purse down around the head and gently suck. The fiery excitement swirling around inside my head was pushing me toward the edge and I could feel an eruption building down inside my balls.

"Mom—Mom, you're going to make me come—" I groaned, trying to warn her of the impending explosion as I struggled to hold it back.

Heeding the warning, Mom eased her lips back off the hypersensitive head of my primed cock. Then, still holding my cock in her hand, keeping it pointed at her face, she looked up at me with her soft, brown eyes and slowly ran her tongue around her lips.

"Do you want to come in my mouth?" she asked. Her voice soft and sultry, barely audible above the clamor of the rain beating down on the roof above our heads and the pulsing roar inside my head.

"What do you want, Mother?" I whimpered, not knowing what to do or say. This was my first time with a woman. What did she want me to do? I just wanted to do what she wanted me to do. I just wanted to please her. I wanted to make her happy.

"I just want you to be happy, Honey. That's all. I'll do anything you want me to," she smiled up at me. "Just tell me and I'll do it."

My brain was in a fog. I couldn't think. I was torn with so many things I wanted to do whirling around inside my head. I couldn't choose just one. I wanted to do them all at once, but of course, that was impossible.

"Take your time, Baby . . . we have all night," she whispered, kissing the tip of a finger and placing it on my lips. Then she gently pushed me backwards and I flopped back down into the chair.

Still on her knees looking up at me, she lifted one of my feet at a time and eased them out of my shoes then set them back on the floor. Still in a euphoric fog, I sat watching her as she dug her fingers under the waistband of my jeans and tugged them down around my ankles. My steel-hard cock was still jutting up in the air twitching this way and that as she wrestled with my jeans trying to get them off over my bare feet.

At last, she got them off and I too was naked.

Supporting herself on my knees, she pushed up onto her feet in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off her tits as they bobbled and rolled in front of my face. Reaching down for my numb hands, she took them in hers and slowly pulled me up onto my feet.

In her bare feet, Mom was about six inches shorter that my six-foot frame. Looking up at me with her big, brown eyes, she stepped in closer and I felt her big tits brush against my upper belly, just below my chest while I felt her curly pubic hair tickle up against my dangling balls. Not knowing what else to do, I reached out and took her in my arms and gently pulled her against me. As I did, she reciprocated and wrapped her arms around me.

There was something so warm and intimate about the moment as I leaned down and found her lips with mine. Her lips were so soft and supple as we kissed. The kiss started out tender and loving, but it quickly grew more intense as I felt my Mother's tongue force its way between my lips.

An explosion of excitement fired off down inside my cock as I felt her hot, probing tongue find its way into my mouth. I'd never French kissed a woman before and I'd never been French kissed either. I felt like my brain was going to explode. Then the tip of my Mother's tongue brushed across my tongue and another flash of excitement ripped through my peter making it twitch again.

Then my mother's fingers curled around the back of my head as she pulled me down to her and we kissed like lovers. We were touching from head to toe and everywhere our skin came in contact it was burning like someone had touched a glowing ember against me. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see as my eyes had instinctively fluttered shut. I could feel every pounding thud of my thundering heart as it raced inside my chest.

At last we broke for air. Gasping, trying to catch my breath, I looked down at my Mother and saw that she was looking up at me. I had never seen such a look of love and warmth before. It made me feel like a little boy basking in his mother's love. I was lost and I knew that I would never find my way back without my mother to guide me, lead me, and show me the way.

"Come," I heard her whisper as she untangled herself from me, leaving one arm wrapped around my waist. Then she turned and slowly stepped toward her room, guiding me as I stumbled along beside her.

As she did, I once again became aware of the roar of the rain beating down on the roof above. The storm raging inside my head had been so loud it had drowned out the sounds of the wild storm outside. Then a deafening clap of thunder shook the house and I felt Mother's arm tighten around my waist.

"Hurry—" she whispered, walking faster almost running toward the open doorway leading into her room.

Suddenly we were standing beside her bed. Unlike mine, Mother's bed was always neatly made up. Reaching down, she quickly threw back the covers and crawled up on them. I was a little boy again. A lost little boy, alone and afraid on a stormy night. But there was hope. Refuge from the thunder and lightning outside. I was being invited into the safest, the most amazing hideaway imaginable. My Mother's Bed!

Smiling tenderly, holding her arms outstretched up to me, she welcomed me into her bed. My legs wouldn't move. I was paralyzed again. I wanted to join her so much, but something was holding me back. This was my Mother! How could I do this to her? Something deep inside my psyche was rebelling against the thought of committing this horrible crime against nature.

"Mother . . ." I whimpered, that part of me that was resisting trying to tell her that it was wrong.

Mother seemed to sense my weakness. Sense that I was wavering between right and wrong as she gradually spread her legs apart and slowly ran her fingers up the tangle of golden curls covering her womanhood.

"Come . . . Come to Mommy," she whispered.

Those words melted my resistance and I tumbled into bed beside her.

"Oh, Baby," she murmured as our lips met and we kissed deep and hard for the longest time. As we kissed, her hands were all over me, touching, caressing, fondling, guiding me and leading me along. Then, without even realizing that I was moving, I suddenly found myself atop her, lying in between her outstretched, welcoming legs with the head of my prick resting against the weeping warmth between them.

I was suffocating in the fiery emotions of the moment. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. But primitive instincts born of millions of years of procreation took over and I felt the muscles in my ass clench, curling my hips and probing the softness searching for the opening to my Mother's sex.

"Yesssssss—" I heard my Mother hiss as I felt the head of my penis finally find the slippery entrance to her womanhood and slip inside it.

I'd never felt anything like it as I felt her pussy clutch down around my cock. It was everything wonderful and good all combined down inside her accepting warmth.

"So big—so big-'' I heard Mother groan out as the head of my cock spread her open and pushed deeper into the clinging heat.

Then I felt the backs of her ankles curl around the backs of my thighs just below the clenched cheeks of my ass as she pulled me down inside her. I could feel the straining muscles in her legs trembling, quivering with exertion as I pushed deeper and deeper into her.

It felt like my peter was being enveloped in warm, liquid silk as she consumed me with her womanness. I was a doomed man and I knew that I would never be able to get enough of the wondrous thing down between my Mother's legs.

Then I felt the tips of my Mother's fingers digging down into the clenched muscles of my ass, pushing on me and trying to get me deeper inside her empty, barren womb.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt my Mother's body jerk as every muscle in her body clenched down and began to shake. What happened? My fevered brain wondered. Was she having a convulsion? Had I done something wrong?

"Oh—Godddddd, oh, Godddd, Commminngggg—" I heard her gasp as I felt her pussy clamp down around my cock, contracting and relaxing with each fiery spasm of pleasure that undulated through it. She was coming! My mother was having an orgasm! I'd made her COME! Hell, before now, I thought only guys could have an orgasm. I didn't even really know what an orgasm was, or that women could have one, too. All I knew was when I jacked off long enough, some gooey, white cum would shoot It was all too much and I felt like someone had just kicked me in the ass as my cock twitched and a giant spume of cum came spewing out of it into the clutching depths of my Mother's pussy.

"Oh—God—Yessss—" she screamed out, driving her heels into my ass and forcing me into her all the way up to the hilt as our groins slammed together consummating the defilement. "Commminnnnggg againnnnnn— " she groaned.

"Sorrrrieeeee—" I groaned out, lunging up, trying to push in even deeper every time my peter kicked and fired off another blast inside her. I couldn't believe that I'd come so quickly. Sometimes it would take me five or ten minutes to come when I was jacking off, but I'd barely gotten my cock inside her before I was coming. But she'd had an orgasm, too. It was crazy! I'd never felt anything so fantastic. This was a million times, no, a trillion times, no, a gazillion times better than jacking off. I would never Jack off again, I swore. Not as long as my Mother was with me.

I could see Mother was looking up at me with her big, tear-stained eyes and tears were freely flowing down her cheeks.

Had I done something to hurt her? What? What had I done wrong?

"What's wrong, Mother?" I whimpered, leaning down, trying to kiss the tears off her cheeks.

"Nothing's wrong, Baby. I'm just so happy for us," she blubbered, finding my lips with hers as she hungrily returned my kisses.

I knew that I had a lot to learn about women and their ways. About love. About everything. But I had an excellent teacher. And I knew that my Mother would teach me everything I needed to know. . . .

out of my cock. Now Mom was doing the same thing? It was fucking crazy.

This was the happiest moment of my life. Something had just happened that I could never have dreamed happening in a million years. I had just fucked my Mother! Well, I don't know if you could really call it fucking. Yes, I'd shot my wad inside her, but did a single insertion pass for fucking? I was so confused and happy at the same time. Maybe we'd just made love. Whatever had happened, it was over and I could feel my wilting cock shrinking and slowly slithering back down the cum-filled channel of my Mother's pussy.

"Oh, Baby, don't take it out," I heard Mother whimper, but I had no control over it. Another Mother had won out. Mother Nature seemed envious of my Mother and was making sure that there would be no sloppy seconds. At least not any time soon.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I groaned just as I felt the tight stricture of her pussy squirt my limp dick out onto the bed below.

"I want to do it again," she whispered, holding my head between her hands and pulling my face down to hers stopping when our lips were almost brushing.

"I want you to fuck me—" she hissed just before she crushed her lips against mine and thrust her tongue into my mouth.

The fiery force of her words sent a tremor of excitement tickling through my lifeless penis as it lay on the bed between her legs. But I knew that it wouldn't take much coaxing to bring it back to willingness.

The demanding kiss lasted for several long, breathless moments before our lips parted. Breathing hard once again, I pushed up off Mother and rolled over onto the bed beside her.

The air was heavy with the smell of sex and rain. The drumming of rain on the roof above us had muted into a soft hum as the storm moved away leaving the countryside fresh and clean behind it. It was almost as if the storm was mocking us, matching the mood of our lovemaking. First loud and tumultuous and now soft and gentle.

As I lay on my back, trying to get my breathing under control once again, I saw Mother roll over onto her side and push up onto her elbow.

"That was wonderful," she whispered, resting her head in her hand as she reached over and slowly ran the tip of a red fingernail around one of my tiny nipples. "But I want more. I want to feel like a woman, Zach. And you made me feel that way again. It's been a long, long time since I've felt that way."

As she spoke, I felt her fingers leave my chest and gently scratch their way down onto my belly. It was the strangest feeling, lying in bed naked with my mother. And adding to the bizarreness was the fact that my Mother, too, was naked. How could this have happened? I didn't think of us as perverts or anything, and yet, it had happened. We'd made love.

Trying to wrap my reeling brain around it all, I shoved my arms under my head to lift it off the bed so I could watch her fingers crawl down my belly toward the lifeless lump of flesh masquerading as a prick lying on my belly.
"You're bigger than your Father . . ." she whispered, easing her fingers under my cock and lifting it.

"Really?" I grinned, feeling a wave of pride wash over me. I was bigger than Dad? I would have never guessed that.

"Was it really your first time?" she whispered, her breath warm and gentle on my cheek.

"Yes, Mother, it, it was my first time—" I mumbled feeling a strange sense of bashfulness. I'd never been brave enough to even ask a girl out on a date, much less this. Life certainly was funny. I'd never even kissed a girl before tonight.

"What do you want me to do, Zach?" she asked, squeezing my cock with her fingers.

"I don't know . . ." I dumbly mumbled. I didn't know what she wanted me to say.

"Do you want me to suck on you and make you hard again?"

"If—if you want to," I choked out. Did I want her to suck on me? God, yes, I wanted it more than anything, but I just couldn't seem to find the words to tell her.

"I'll do anything you want me, too, Baby," she whispered and began to slowly scoot down the bed. "All you have to do is tell me." Grabbing a pillow, I shoved it under my head so I could watch. I didn't want to miss a single thing. She was going to suck on my cock!

Finally her head was resting on the bed beside my hip. Reaching across my belly, she grasped hold of my other hip and pulled, rolling me over onto my side facing her. As she did, my limp prick rolled off my belly and flopped down onto the bed in front of her face.

Staring down at her in a breathless stupor, I watched as she gently wrapped her hand around the shaft of my prick and lifted it up off the bed. When she did, its big, purple head, dangled down and a creamy drop of cum slowly dripped down to the bed, leaving a short, stringy strand of cum stretching out behind it.

Leaning forward, my Mother eased out her tongue and licked through the strand breaking it. Then she gently laid the head of my cock on her tongue. Her tongue felt so warm and soft as I watched her lips close down around my penis. A shiver of excitement shot up my cock and it immediately began to react to the gentle suction. I could feel Mother's tongue going round and round as she lazily sucked down the shaft of my cock, sucking more and more of it into her mouth.

As she sucked, she cupped my big, dangling balls in the palm of her hand and lovingly fondled them. I'd never felt anything so wonderful. I could almost feel the blood pumping into my cock as the suction increased and it began to swell inside her mouth.

Then she let my peter slip out of her mouth and licked down to my balls, taking them into her hot, wet mouth. Looking up over my belly with an adorable, wide-eyed expression, she watched me as she licked my balls until they were covered in spit. This was absolutely insane and I was loving every fucking minute of it. It sent shivers up my spine as a little drop of prefuck dribbled out of the tip of my cock and slowly ran down off the head and onto the shaft. Lifting her head up, she licked it off with the tip of her tongue.

"Do you like having your balls sucked, Zach?" Mom smiled and then licked her tongue across the head of my dick again.

"Yes," I groaned, pushing her head down to my big, spit-drenched balls again.

"I guess you do," she laughed and licked them on the sensitive underside while stroking my cock with her hand. Then she licked up from the bottom, her tongue darting and dancing all around my cock on its way up to its big, bloated head. Then she took me into her wet mouth again, and sucked my cock hard, going up and down, up and down, while I thrust myself to meet each downward stroke. Soon the pleasure in my abdomen turned into pain. She must have felt me tensing up as she sucked even harder.

"Ummmmm-huuuuh-" I heard Mother mutter out around the shaft of my peter as her breath warmed the damp skin. I was almost hard already and knew that it wasn't going to take much more. But then what? Did she want me to come in her mouth? She'd said she wanted me to fuck her again. I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know how long it was, but it seemed like only seconds had passed before I was once again fully hardened. Looking down, I was proud of the eight inches of firm, rock-hard flesh jutting out of my groin. Mom's head was working back and forth as her pursed lips slid up and down the shaft of my penis. As she did, I could see that half of the shaft was glistening wetly, covered with her spit and I could feel the head of my prick bumping up against the back of her mouth every time she sucked me back inside.

Then she stopped and let my spit-drenched peter slip out from between her lips.

"I want to taste you," she whispered, looking up at me with her sultry, brown eyes. "I want you to come in my mouth," she told me, slowly running her tongue around her lips and then quickly sucking me back inside.

There was something so fucking perverse about wanting me to come in her mouth. I don't know why but it was somehow even more emotional than coming in her pussy. I guess it was because that's what her pussy was made for. But her mouth? She didn't have to do it that way. Well, I guess that she didn't 'Have To' let me do it any way, but letting me do it in her mouth, that was something else. Would she swallow it? Would she swallow my cum, or would she spit it out? I hoped that she would swallow it. That would be over the top.

As her mouth sucked up and down on my cock, I couldn't keep my hips from rocking back and forth in time with her mouth. Hearing the sick, wet slurping sounds she was making only made it seem all that much crazier. The way she was doing it, she seemed to be having as much fun as I was.

Thinking about what was about to happen was bringing me closer and closer. I could feel that funny, burning kind of feeling you get in the head of your prick when you're about to come and I knew it wasn't going to be long.

She'd said that she wanted me to come in her mouth, but still, I had to warn her, let her know it was coming.

"Mom—Mom—I'm going to come—" I groaned out, trying to hold it back as long as I could.

Suddenly, Mom jerked her head back, spitting out my cock as she looked up at my face. Her eyes had a wild, crazed look in them.

"Yes—Yes—Come in Mommy's mouth—" she panted just before dropping her head back down and sucking my cock back into her mouth.

That was it! The baby talk did it! That was all I could take and I felt my cock lurch as it spurted out a huge, creamy wad of cum into my mother's mouth.

"Fuck—Fuck—Fuck—" I gasped as spasm after spasm of pleasure ripped through my cock while it jerked and pumped out its creamy load into my mother's pulling, sucking mouth. I was too busy coming to watch and see if she swallowed it, but after a few seconds, I regained enough composure to watch and see.

My cock was still in her mouth and I hadn't seen or felt her pull back. I knew that her mouth had to be full if she hadn't swallowed it. I couldn't see a trace of cum anywhere. Then after a few seconds, Mom slowly leaned back away from my cock and let it slip out from between her lips. As she did, I saw her look up at me and swallow, as if to say, there, see, I swallowed it.

It was the most sensuous, erotic thing I'd ever seen. I felt lightheaded. I felt like I'd pumped out at least a gallon of cum into her mouth. I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Ummmmmmm .. ." she murmured, smiling up at me as she slowly ran her tongue around her lips to lick away any cum that might have escaped.

A rush of love for her exploded inside my brain. It was at that moment, I realized that I could never let another man touch her. Not Pa, not any man. I wanted her all for myself.

"Would you . . . would you do it to me?" I heard Mother ask me as she scooted back up the bed.

"Uh, I want to, uh, Mom, but you, you made me soft," I mumbled, thinking she wanted me to fuck her, wishing I could make myself hard, but knowing that it would be quite a while before I could master that feat again.

"Not that," Mom smiled, jerking the pillow out from under my head and tossing it against the headboard.

"What? What do you mean? What do you want me to do, Mother?" I groaned, wondering what she wanted me to do.

Then I watched her scoot up higher and rest her head on the pillow. Still confused, I saw Mom spread her legs apart and reach down to her pussy. As I lay staring down at her pussy, I saw her gently probe the thick, wet lips apart and ease two fingers down into the oozing opening between them. I was in a fog again as I watched. It was the first time I'd ever seen a real, live pussy. I couldn't believe how fucking sexy it was. Then she eased her fingers out and lifted her dripping-wet fingers up to my lips.

"Taste me, Zach. Taste us," she whispered.

I opened my mouth and her fingers slid between my lips onto my tongue. For the first time in my life, I tasted pussy juice and cum. I liked the taste. I couldn't describe it, but it tasted good, so I started sucking on her fingers, lapping off the sweet juices.

Every instinct in me was screaming to reach out and touch her. But I didn't know what she wanted me to. She pulled her spit-slickened fingers out of my mouth and clutched hold of her big, saggy tits with both hands. It was almost as if she was taunting me as she began to squeeze and knead the mountains of creamy-white flesh. And then she started twisting her big, rubbery nipples between her fingers and thumbs. I could smell her perfume and her pussy, but all I could do was watch.

Then she let go of her tits and her hands crawled back down to her pussy again. As I watched, she scooped out another spoonful of pussy juice and cum with her fingers and stuck her fingers in my mouth again, this time thrusting them in and out of my mouth, all the while staring at me with a wild look on her pretty face.

"I want you to touch me, Zach," she groaned as I eagerly sucked on her fingers.

Swirling my tongue around and between her fingers, I savored the sweet taste of her sex. I didn't know the first thing about a woman's pussy. I could see that Mom was rubbing hers, but I still didn't know where she wanted me to touch her.

Hesitantly, I timidly reached over and ran my fingertips across her bellybutton and then farther down to where her hand was going back forth as she rubbed her pussy. I put my hand over hers, feeling the movement of her fingers under my own. She was moving her hand in a slow, swirling motion. I'd only seen my Mom completely naked once and that was tonight. I remember that back in the sixth grade they had taught us about vaginas and peters and stuff. I knew that Mom was supposed to have a thing called a clitoris, but I didn't know exactly where it was. Pussy and clitorsises were a complete mystery to me.

I could hear Mom's soft moans and now that the storm outside was abating I could hear a soft song playing on the TV. Her hand was moving in time with the beat of the song and she was gently thrusting her fingers in and out of my mouth at the same tempo. I started to move my hand with hers and I heard her groan. Then all of a sudden, she stopped moving her hand and allowed me to do it. Pressing down hard, I moved her fingers around in a slow, swirling motion just like she'd been doing.

She was looking me right in the eyes the whole time, her face distorted with pleasure, her beautiful mouth wide open, breathing hard and gasping.

"Oh, yes, Baby, yes, like that! Faster, Honey, faster," she panted as her hips began to roll and twitch up and down in beat with the music.

Was she going to come again? Was this the same as jacking off? Could women Jack off, too? There was so fucking much I had to learn.

All at once, her eyelids clenched shut as she jerked her fingers out of my mouth and slapped her hand down on top of my hand to stop my swirling motion.

"Oh—God—Againnnnnnnn—" she gasped as her body began to convulse, like she was having another fit. I love watching her come. I'd never seen anything like it before. Her big tits were dancing up and down on her chest, her nipples stiff and hard as they flicked in cadence with her jerky movement. The convulsions grew stronger and stronger until they finally peaked with a full-body shudder as she let out a long, choking groan.

Leaning over, I kissed her long, hard and deep.

Leaning back up, I saw her eyes flutter open as she looked up at me with a desperate, begging look on her face.

"Kiss me," she whispered.

Leaning down to kiss her again, I felt her hands on my shoulders, pushing me down.

"Down there—" she told me in a husky voice that reeked of need.

Kiss her down there? Kiss her pussy? This was crazy. But if that was what she wanted, then I would do it.

I could feel her hands on my shoulders pushing me down. Only inches away from her, I saw her big tits pass in front of my eyes, then her belly and at last, the furry tangle of hairs covering her sex. I didn't know what to do. How to do it, but I instinctively stuck out my tongue. Winging it, I licked her and as I did, I got another taste of her juice. Her pussy was wet on my face, as I breathed in the thick, earthy smell of her pussy.

Spreading her legs open for me as I stared down at the gaping opening between her chubby legs, I heard her groan. I'd been afraid her pussy might be some kind of ugly hairy mess, but even though it had hair around it, it was pretty. Her big, fleshy lips were a dark, dusky pink and had a bush of short, wavy gold hairs surrounding them. It somehow reminded me of the big, pink roses that Mom grew out in front of the office. Reaching down, she gently fingered the wet, clinging lips apart to reveal the dark, secret opening between them. As she did, I saw a little dribble of clear, sparkling juice trickle out of it and run down between the cheeks of her ass onto the bed.

As I licked her, I looked up over her belly to her big tits. I loved the way they were bobbing and jiggling. I had to touch them, so I reached up to play with them. They felt so heavy and soft.

"Pinch my nipples," Mom whispered.

Grasping the big, rubbery nubs between my fingers and thumbs, I began to twist them. "Harder," she groaned. I didn't want to hurt her, but she had told me to pinch harder, so I pinched them harder and heard her groan again. While I was pinching her nipples, I could feel juice oozing out of her pussy onto my tongue. I didn't know what to make of it all. Was she coming? Did women come, too? Was it cum coming out of her pussy? Or was it my cum? It was all so confusing, but highly erotic all at the same time.

Then I felt her fingers on my head, pushing me back away from her pussy. What was wrong? Didn't she want me to lick her pussy any more? I thought she liked it.

Staring down at her beautiful pink pussy, I watched as she poked at the little fleshy fold of flesh just above her pussy, below the swirl of gold curls covering her belly. As she did, she peeled back the skin and I saw a little, pink pearl emerge out from under the hood.

"My clit, Zach. Lick my clit, Baby," I heard her groan.

Clit? What was a clit? Was it the same as a clitoris, like what they had taught us back in the sixth grade? I was so fucking naïve, but I was just a poor country boy and like I said, I didn't know the first thing about pussy. But if Mom wanted me to lick her clit, or whatever it was, I was going to do it.

Pursing my lips around the little nub, I flicked my tongue across it and felt Mom flinch.

"Oh, God—Yessssssssss—" she hissed as I felt her fingers curl down into my hair and push my lips down onto her clit. She must be so sensitive there, I giddily told myself. Sucking on it, I sucked it further out of its fleshy sheath and began to lick my tongue back and forth across it.

"Oh—Baby-Baby-Baby—" she groaned as I licked and sucked it while she writhed and twisted under me. I loved it. And apparently, so did Mom as I ran my hands all over her breasts and belly and legs. Then I brought one hand up under my chin and probed the silky softness trying to find her vagina. At last I felt a finger slide into the fleshy wet hole. Adding a second finger, I pushed into her all the way up to the last knuckles on the two fingers. Wriggling my fingers around inside her, I felt her squirm and push back at my probing fingers.

Suddenly, I felt her jerk as her hips started bucking like a horse.

"OH—God—Yesssssss—" she gasped as the muscles in her cunt locked down around my fingers and I felt a gush of hot juice spew out onto my hand. Was she peeing? Was she peeing on my hand?

I didn't know what it was. And I didn't care. Her pussy got wetter and wetter, and I just lapped it all up.

"Oh, fuuuuuuck, Zach! What are you doing to me, Zach? Ohhhhhh . . . God—" she moaned.

Jerking my fingers out of her pussy, I felt her tense up and another jet of liquid shot out of her pussy, drenching my face. At first, I'd thought she'd peed on me, but it didn't smell like pee, and it was sweet and clear. It definitely wasn't pee. I loved the taste of it, whatever it was. I licked her all over, sticking my fingers back in her pussy and moving them in and out of her nonstop as her orgasm went on and on. She had her head thrown back and her arms flung out to the sides, her fingers clawing at the bed sheets as she came.

All this was such a wild, new feeling for me. I felt powerful and in control. I felt so proud of myself.

Pushing up, I kissed up over her belly as she ground her hairy, juice-drenched crotch against my chest. Arching her back, she thrust her tits up as I explored them with my eyes and my hands. Her milky white skin was as soft as silk, her breasts pliant and squishy. Struggling up onto her knees, she thrust her breasts against my mouth. Flicking out my tongue, I licked it over her nipples and sucked them between my lips. Gently nibbling on the springy nubs, I heard her groan out her appreciation. I was like a little boy on Christmas morning with new toys. The best toys a boy could ever get for Christmas. I kissed them and licked them all over, every square inch of them.

"Oh, Baby, I wish I had milk for you again," she moaned as I circled my tongue round and round her big, stiff nipple.

She pulled my face hard against her cushy breast as I dined on her stubby nipple.
Then she pulled me up and rubbed her naked breasts all over my chest as we kissed some more. Thrusting my tongue into her mouth, I was intent on getting my entire tongue into her mouth. As I did, she sucked it like she'd sucked my cock earlier. I ran my hands all over her naked back, grabbing and squeezing her big, round ass. Running my hand down her legs, I moved back up between them and found the weeping gash between them. All the while I was doing this, she was thrusting herself back and forth against whatever was touching her pussy. My fingers, my hand, my leg, my belly, whatever came in contact with her furry mound.

"Oh, Zach, Baby, Zach, Honey . . ." she bubbled, nibbling on my lips as I pushed my fingers into the mushy softness between her legs. Then she leaned back to look at me. She r

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Sissy Slumber Party

Sissy Slumber Party I was on my way to the slumber party and I was so excited that my panties were getting wet. As I felt the moisture between my legs I blushed and giggled. My high heels clicked on the sidewalk as I went and my full skirts and petticoats swooshed around my baby smooth nyloned legs. I wiggled down the street and my long curly hair and bangle earrings swung from side to side as I walked. Some men in a passing car whistled at me and I just smiled. But my panties...

2 years ago
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The Resort Part 2 Rachels Odyssey Continues

Rachel sat down in Carla's stylist chair still slightly wet from taking a long and soothing shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and stared into her own eyes seemingly lost in deep thought as her hair was cut and teased. She was feeling a little tired, and her breathing was slow and relaxed. "What length are you more comfortable with; short or long?" Carla asked while running her hands through Rachel's thick brown locks. "I would like to keep the length long, but I am up...

2 years ago
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Mai Aur Meri Padosan

Hello friends, How are you all, Me sonu sandy gujarat k somnath se,aap sab ko meri kahani batane ja raha hu,to plz is kahani ke bare me aapke sujav aur ray jarur is pe bhejiyega. Ab kahani pe aata hu. Me ek privet job karta hu aur ek chote se ganv se belong karta hu, mere pados me ek couple raheta tha jo ki bahut sundar tha. Uska pati mahine me 4-5 din k liye hammesha bahar rahta tha. Me aksar us jode ko dekh ke soch ta tha ki kas mera joda bhi aisa bane,kyu ki me abhi akela hu aur sath dene...

4 years ago
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Moms Bridal LingerieChapter 10

Dearest Nicole, I thought you might like to know the latest news-Richard and Sherri got married this past weekend! I know this may come as a surprise to you, but the two of them are so much in love, I almost can’t believe it hasn’t happened before this. “What a fucking bitch,” Nicole thought, feeling herself flushing with anger and jealousy already. It was a quiet affair, out by the pool, with a justice of the peace and a few friends. It was a beautiful day, and the bride and groom...

4 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 3

The Crosbys ended up moving into their Corona Heights home almost immediately. Jack suspected that some strings were pulled for them to avoid having to transport them from the city again for their extra sessions. It was rather irritating, actually. The movers were still there when the call came. Jack answered. "Mr. Crosby, this is the Admin scheduler calling. I know this is rather short notice, but we need you and your wife for a new resident parents' session tomorrow evening. We have...

4 years ago
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Back with My BF

This tale that I’m about to tell ought to be kept in a diary and left to remain there. If Alex, my husband, ever get to stumble his eyes upon it – I know there’s absolutely no way that I’m going to tell him about it – there’s going to be hell to pay. Still I can’t shake off the day Charles stepped back into my world, so here I’m going to tell it all as it went down.It was a hot and sunny day in the month of May, four and a half months ago. I was at work pouring through my office computer,...

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Meeting Minako Part 2

When we last left our two confused and aroused interracial wannabe lovers young twenty-one year old Minako was in a Lexus limousine heading to pick up her handsome older date John at his hotel. The couple would be attending a performance of classical music at Tokyo’s famed opera concert hall. In the lead up to this evening both of our characters had become rather smitten with the other. The interracial passion threatened to heat up further during their date at the concert. Each of them had...

2 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 11 A visit with the Rabbits

There were no others in the corridor and Terrence started out with Yvette and the others. I escorted Donna the other direction, listening for any trouble ahead. "Do we really have rabbits on board?" Donna asked me as we stepped out into the corridor. "Everything I've heard suggests that the confederacy doesn't worry at all about anything except their warriors." We were almost to pod green seven and I smiled. "AI, are Brenda and Brittany awake? Will it be acceptable to visit?" Donna...

3 years ago
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The Visit

     The doorbell rang first, I was coming out of the shower and didn't want to hurry.  As I dried off I heard someone knocking on the door.  Damn, I thought, who could that be, wasn't mom she was on the bus now and half way to work.  The knocking got more insistent as I threw on some shorts and a T-shirt and headed to the door.  It went suddenly from a knock  to a pounding and without thinking I grabbed the door and opened it.  "What the hell. .  I . started, there was a white man standing...

4 years ago
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The return of Death

The portal made a hell of a racket as it opened and he stepped through. He immediately stuck his bony hand down into the pocket of his coat and pulled up his cigarette pack and like so many times before stuck the cigarette between his teeth and lit it in a quick motion. A strong inhale made sure the end was lit, and the lovely nicotine went into his mouth and down. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it up and looked at it.“Still can’t figure out how I make this work,” he muttered...

3 years ago
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MY FANTASY FOR OLD COCKI was s*******n when mom had to go out of town and she left me with my granDpa. I was wild and hard to handle. One day as I was walking around dressed slutty he told me, "You look like a slut'" I told him "I am a slut" He replied "well I will treat you like a slut then. Come over here."I walked to him in my short skirt and tight top with no bra. He lifted my skirt and saw my bare cunt with no panties. He then pulled down my skirt and lifted my top over my head and I was...

4 years ago
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Mikes Daughters

by Gail Holmes Mike was a very influential man; he’d a large export business handed down by his father, with two daughters and a son he considered his family complete. He’d be away most of the weekdays, staying in a hotel in Mayfair a suburb of London. Malcolm his son was a prison governor, he’d worked his way up through the ranks, his daughters well, if you could call them that; one was drop dead gorgeous, the other,...

2 years ago
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Majgen Ch 011

This chapter is about Hawlun, and the war, a flashback to the past. It was never my intension to keep you all in suspense regarding Majgen’s past. There are just so many things to tell, I can’t do it all at once. * —-=(Resources)=—- The war between yijejos and humans begun 211 years prior to Majgen’s birth, basically the war was a conflict over a certain region of space. The area in question had originally been discovered by a crew of humans flying a small ship named Jade. This fact was not...

1 year ago
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Bi Curious Escapades Pt 2

If you haven't read Pt. 1 yet, you may want to do so.After my encounter with Chuck, I turned to Craigslist again and got several responses to my post.First, I will tell you about Norman. He is old, rich, and married and has a wife that he hides his attraction for men from. When I got to his large house, I noticed the brand new Mercedes in the driveway. I enjoy small cocks, and I knew that this car was a sure sign his was. This would be my first time with a much older gentleman. He...

1 year ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 27

Carl spent the night after his humiliation enraged. He went to bed but really didn’t get any sleep. He tried to tell himself that he had to say what he said -- that he had to say that this Nigger owned his daughter. But he couldn’t reduce the humiliation. He wanted to get a gun and shoot the Nigger who was violating his daughters. However, on Earth 2, Hillary Clinton had won the presidency. Legislation had been passed the made it almost impossible for an honest citizen to buy a gun. It was...

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Thirteen

Follows on from part twelve. Steve and Sara are at Katy’s flat and have just watched Sara’s porn film. Both girls just had sex on the floor in front of Steve and now a decision has been made by Katy to try some Watersports “Great,” Sara said standing up and holding her hand out to Katy and pulling her slowly to her feet. “Let’s do it then.” I watched as they both left the room and headed for the bathroom and was about to get up to go and watch when Sara’s head came around the doorway. “Come...

1 year ago
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The Best of Friends

Quinlan was sitting on the couch at Bryce's house. He was playing Fallout: New Vegas™ as a character that Bryce had made him. They did that a lot, each would make each other's character, usually making them very ridiculous, causing the two of them to have a great time with a lot of laughs. The character Quinlan was currently playing had an intelligence of zero, so all of the conversation options were very hilarious. The conversation Quinlan was having in the game caused him to bust out...

Gay Male
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The Easter Parade

The Easter Parade By Cheryl Lynn This is a continuation of my "Eve" stories and they need to be read prior to his addition. It like the others involves strong humiliation at the hands of dominant women. Maybe downloaded for personal pleasure only. All other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Usual disclaimers apply. [email protected] The Easter Parade Easter is supposed to be a happy time with chocolate rabbits and colored eggs but Harold was miserable....

1 year ago
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ShesNew Aubrey Sinclair Incredibly Cute First Timer

After getting ped off by her agent for her first ever porn shoot, Aubrey was willing and ready to show Ike that she will do whatever it takes to become a Team Skeet girl. She had an idea of what it would entail, but she had no idea it would cum so easy to her! Sucking cock was her specialty and flaring the lips of her pussy to engage beefy cock was her calling. The icing on the cake was her incrediblly cute face and radiant smile. Getting a view of her mug covered in jizz was the sure fire sign...

2 years ago
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Wife And I Get A Roommate Ch 02

Bisexual male – strapon – femdom – first time anal – dominatrix – gay first time – nipple – submissive – sissy – roommateIt's been about a month since we started to spice up our sex lives. The sex was getting better and better as Carol honed her dominatrix skills and I became more submissive and compliant. We didn't always play 'the game', but when we did I was getting more and more into it.One night, after a great bought of sex, Carol was spooning me from behind, slowly grinding her strap-on...

2 years ago
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Ambush at the CampChapter 9

By God, this book IS the mother lode! It has the names and addresses of a great number of members of the Russian Mafia. The name of Ivan Gorskey Ivanovitch appears prominently and often as the person who ordered a murder. Even if he is not the big boss, he is worth a social visit from the Sunshine Boys, otherwise known as the employees of Sunshine Enterprises, Inc. We held a council of war and decided to hit Ivanovitch immediately. He seemed to us to be too dangerous to be allowed to...

3 years ago
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Mirror Mirror

Angie and I were staying at a friend’s caravan in a holiday park, right opposite was another caravan, in mirror image. (IE, The doors and windows directly faced each other). During the week we had got to know Dianne, who was staying in that caravan and had many a long chat as we sat around in the gap between the caravans, enjoing the sun. Dianne was in her 60’s, with a well maintained, rounded body, and massive, bouncy, 42DD boobs.  On the friday evening, after we had been there a week, Angie...

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Fuck. This obviously wasn't going as she'd hoped. The cannon were low on ammo, though they'd ingeniously improvised with some chains, and even cutlery, doing a fork load of damage to the Royal Marines' vessels (pun intended). They hadn't been expecting an attack, and HMRM had been far more informed than the crew of the Ascent had thought. Rounding into the cove, the Ascent was stuck between three HMRM ships - one on either side and a third blocking their exit. Marisol had been on the stern deck...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 554

???????????????? ???????? Aldo Has a few thoughts to share ???????? Re: difference between home to bar and bar to home That seems complicated. But Riding a bicycle is simple. Whichever way you go, it’s always headwind and uphill. And there’s no difference, as from bar to home you cannot ride. ???????????????? ???????? Alphqwe is at it again!!! ???????? My kids have been pestering me to get an inground swimming pool, so to night we’re going to have a Poltergeist movie marathon. ???????????????? ???????? OldGreyDuck hasn’t lost his touch!! ???????? A...

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How my wife became an exhibitionist

How My Wife Became an Exhibitionist This is the story of how my wife became an exhibitionist. My wife was always very conservative when we were around home or people we knew. Though the first 10 years of our marriage, she got more and more daring in the way she dressed when we were away on vacation until this one trip that sent her over the edge of extreme exhibitionism. We had booked a little get away down the shore. In order to save some money, we booked a water front hotel for a Sunday...

2 years ago
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Essen auf Rdern

Mein Name ist Nina. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt, habe kurze blonde Haare und trage eine neckische Brille. Meine Figur ist wie soll ich sagen ganz normal. Aber dies einfach einmal zu meiner Person. Meine Geschichte beginnt an einem Freitag im Sommer des letzten Jahres. Mein Chef kam zu mir und teilte mir mit dass es auf meiner Tour einen zusätzlichen Kunden gab. Ich arbeite bei einer Organisation die Essen an ältere Menschen liefert. Ich mag meinen Job, denn ich mag ältere Menschen über alles. Ich...

1 year ago
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The Community Auction With Kelly

It was March of 1995. Kelly and I were both thirty-five. We’d lived in our “new” town for about two and a half years at that time. While we had found a music club in town where we could have some fun, our limited social lives still mostly revolved around work and co-workers. In fact, it was a guy I worked with who invited Kelly and me to a substantial community fundraiser. Apparently, over the years it had turned into the social highlight of the town.Folks would get fancied up and spend the...

Straight Sex
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Juhi Part 7 Being A Mistress

Hey guys, I know it’s been long since I posted a story. Well, what I’m posting now is something that’s happened a bit recently. So, I’m sure, everyone’s gone through this phase once. When you are doing great in life. Just because we want some change and excitement, we end up fucking it. Well, so did I! About a year back, I decided to quit my job in advertising and become a housewife. To get more time for my personal needs. At that time, I had a good-paying job, an extremely active sex life. I...

1 year ago
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Sex in Coding I

Hi, everybody i m really excited about the response to my first part. Sorry i didnt gave my mail add which is now un sab k liye jinhone mera pehla part nahi pada plz padh lijiye kyonki maine usme ladki ko patane ka idea diya hai…Ab pichli story ko aage badhata hoon.Us raat maine aur sita ne sirf oral sex kiya.Us din maine unke ghar se subah bahut khush ho gaya. Aur poore din raat ki planning karne laga. Maine net kai kamasutra ki position dekhi jinse ek kunwari pyaasi choot ki pyaas bhi mit...

3 years ago
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Maurice and Grecia

I have always been misunderstood, and because of this I was always lonely. My boyfriend always wondered how he got so lucky, that I was beautiful and smart- the perfect woman. The truth to it all was that I wasn’t happy; nothing could satisfy what I wanted. Things were too easy, too boring, too cold, too indirect, too dramatic or too cliché. I applied for college and was accepted in fall, it was too easy. I was a straight A student, I could do whatever I wanted.Things moved slower in the...

1 year ago
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My Reward

When I came in the door home early from work my wife, Tina ran up to me, threw her arms around my neck and gave me a hot deep kiss. "Oh honey, I'm so glad you made it home before I had to leave, I'm going to miss you so much. Are you sure you can't take the week off and come with me?""I'm sorry honey I can't take the time off. I have some very important meetings that I just can't reschedule. The clients are coming from out of town and I can't change that" silently, I thought, besides if I go...

3 years ago
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First Encounter With a Virgin

It is the story of my girlfriend jazzy. She was a beautiful virgin of 18. She has been my class fellow for a long time. There developed a strong relationship between us. She was sexy and has a nice body. I like her boobs very much. One day I talked to her on telephone. I came to know that she is alone at her home. So I asked her to allow me to come to study with her at her home. She responds positively. So I think that this a chance that I can taste her pussy and can fuck her. So within no time...

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I met a old women on a dating site

I had been on a dating site looking for a women for a bit, but I couldn’t find one near then I spot this 76 year old, so I started to chat to her , she lives in Sheffield, we had been chatting for a week & then this morning I went to meet her at her house just for a drink of tea & a chat, I parked out knock on the door, she open it & asked me in, I followed her down the hall to the kitchen, where she put the kettle, we kissed & started to chat, She had got some big tits & a wide arse when the...

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Fuckin your Sister

Sister fucker By: horny_boy This story is dedicated to you all at Indian Sex Story Readers . I am Jitu . I am 26 yrs of age . 5.10 ft tall , 72kgs weight. About three months ago I got a call from my sister, she had recently divorced after being married for 5 years, and was moving back into town into a new flat that needed decorating - would I help? She knew I would, we had always been very close whilst growing up, I told her I would call around to have a look to see what needed doing. I live...

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The Old House on a Hill

One Saturday, my wife and I decided to take a ride in the car to get away from the stress of everyday living. We drove about twenty minutes out of town when we came across this very old house on a hill. It had a “For Sale” sign in front of it the sign had a phone number on it. Since our cell phones still had a strong signal, we called the phone number. We thought we would just get a recording, but a woman answered. She lived near by and said if we waited five minutes, she would show us the...

3 years ago
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It happened in Amsterdam

I happened to visit the city years ago with my girlfriend at the time. Although it was a trip for professional reasons, we've had some time to visit the city. Among other sightseeings, we entered a curiosity called "erotic museum" or something like that. We watched the exposed material, pictures and various erotic tools most of them. At a moment i noticed at a rather isolated semi-dark corner of the place a man sitted on a chair looking at something in a tv monitor. Ignoring our presence (we...

2 years ago
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A aunts darkness

Teach me to be naughty.take my innocence away. Plucked by the break of day...This is based on a true story. I am Clara. Aunt kim.. My elder by only seven yrs, we were once per able. Growing up with her was a dream. (* blonde hair and piecing blue eyes soft snowy breasts)* that day was a surprise.. aunt Kim was eternal no matter what. But the wink of devilish delight.,(* a graze here a peck there )* I saw her devilishly wink threw the corner of my darkened room. And felt her graze my breast....

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 164 Kurdish Aftermath

I called a meeting of the National Security Council for Monday morning the 8th. For the first time in months, we had an abundance of smiles around the table, and I possessed one of them. I wanted this damn mess over and done with, before it defined my Presidency like it had once defined George Bush’s. We started with a quick briefing on whatever was new from Richard Clarke. Nothing much had come up overnight. Saddam and Qusay were now confirmed dead, and Uday was on the run, though he was...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Ki Pehli Chudayi

Hi dosto mera name sameer hai..Ye meri real story hai. Feed back zaroor dena iss e-mail per so main aage b aapse stories share karta rahu……. Main hyderabad me ek compani me job karta hun.. Main yaha 1 year se rah raha hun.. Main mnc company me junior engineer hun.. Main ek kiraye ke room me rehta hun ,, mai apne bare me bata dun , main 22 year ka na gora na kala sawle colour ka hun.. Main jis building me rehta hun usi ke samne wali ek bulding me ek family rehti hai.. Jisme ek aunty aur ek...

3 years ago
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My Cousins Punishment

By the time we were sixteen Elaine had developed into a beautiful girl. She had an absolutely stunning face, long black hair, and a nicely proportioned body. She proudly sported c-cup breasts and a perfectly rounded ass that just cried out to be touched. We saw each other at school but we rarely visited anymore. She had her cheerleading and boyfriends. I had a job after school and a girlfriend or two so we just didn’t have much opportunity to get together. This ended one weekend…. Her...

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Mom Attains Sexual Gratification With Son

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, my name is Amitoj and I’m 25 years old, originally from Bhatinda, Punjab but currently living in Mumbai. I moved to Mumbai away from family when I was 17, initially for college and later for work. About my family- I’m the only son to my dad and mom who are both doctors. They are now divorced. Growing up, my parents never really got along well together and had numerous fights. My mom was a strong character but at some...

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Ned Kellys Strange Experience

Mid Monday morning found Ned settled into the small side room that had been set aside for him to use as his own. It was part of the old army 'spider' building that the school used as an art room. He was still rather quiet after his strange experience with Nessa the ginger witch, but none the worse for it. He was working quietly when he heard a clatter and some raised voices from the front entrance. Ned went out to have a look and found Miss Green and another woman trying to get a girl in a...

2 years ago
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A View From The Window

For those of you looking for a quick fix or a cheap thrill I suggest you look elsewhere. This story builds slowly and I hope that at least some of you will persevere to the end.The first time I met Anna we didn’t speak in the everyday sense. No sound passed between us. For my part the only sound was some soft music in the background. It was a long time ago but I believe it was Beethoven but I might be wrong and either way it’s not really important. What was important was the silence that was...

3 years ago
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How I Satisfied A Desperate Single Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Joginder from Chandigarh. This is my first sex story, so please bear with my mistakes. I am 25 years old, physically well-built and having a fair skin tone. Girls consider me as a handsome guy. I am a Punjabi guy and my height is 5 ft 9 in. I am working in an MNC in Chandigarh. I am a little bit of funny character and some sense of humor, few girls like this quality. So I am coming to the story rather than wasting your time on my intro. This is a long story, but I hope you will enjoy...

1 year ago
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we both love it

Mom closed the light saying good nighti waited 20 minutes before getting up looking at my window wondering if he would be there as promised with the weedhis car soon turning the corner , i got this guy number from a friend at school a while back onlt called him 3 times but he was reliable , mike was on time againgetting out my window in silence, walking to the car sitting in the passenger seat after i open the door''hey boi i rolled one wamma smoke before you go to sleep?''''humm sure ok''''is...

2 years ago
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On the farm

Joe and I have been friends for as long as I could remember. After all, his family was the closest humans to us for miles around. They were a large family, Joe being the third child out of five, and so he sometimes came over to help me, an only child, on the farm when my dad was away. One day, a few years back, my dad was away again for two whole days. I promised to do all of the farms chores, and waving goodbye to my dad, saw him drive away. 15 minutes later, Joe came. ‘Saw your dad driving...

2 years ago
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John and JoChapter 7

When they got home, John carried their cases upstairs, while Jo carried the waiting mail through to the office. As usual, it was a combination of unsolicited offers to buy things that they didn't want, and John's letters; although she had received a bank statement. For most people this is a pretty mundane item, but it was Jo's first one, so she opened it with some excitement. She had a bank debit card which she used occasionally, mainly to draw small amounts of cash, which were itemised....

1 year ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Afternoon Lunch

Friday Afternoon: Part 1 - Lunch Allison Allison quietly pushed the doors open. Manny, does something look out of place to you? Do you mean the lines of people holding straws that basically form a single path for us? She nodded. So I’m not hallucinating. Why do you think they’re doing that? It’s probably for some act of ‘worship’. She grimaced. That’s what I was afraid of. I hope all of our friends beat us here then. He closed his eyes for a second. I’m afraid not. They’re behind us,...

2 years ago
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The Education and corruption of Joseph Potter Chapter ten

“How much did David Hamilton know of your affair with his wife?” I heard the question as soon as the last word of the statement had been completed.  It pierced the silence like a gunshot. The female reporter sat on the end of a row about halfway up in this crowded press room.Her question proved to be a catalyst, setting off a frenzy of barely comprehensible noise from her colleagues.  Of the few questions that I understood above the free-for-all, none paid even the slightest reference to...

1 year ago
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The Jade Box Part 4

'Okay, that's me done. Any more learning lines and my brain will explode.' Danny said later that night. 'And I am supposed to tell the difference how?' Amy laughed. Danny was in the middle of throwing a cushion at the girl when Susan looked in on them in the family room. 'Would you like to stay for something to eat Danny?' She asked. 'Jade is going to have dinner at her friends house so I have heaps left. It's just Spag Bol.' 'Spaghetti is fine for me thanks Mrs....

1 year ago
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Naked in the Student Union

"Strip," I told her. Jenn stood up and removed her clothes and put them into the sack I was holding, then put on the mask to cover her eyes and part of her face. "Now, when I text you, you will walk, not run, to the stairs at the end of the hall, down the stairs and then down the hall way to the doors on the other side of the building." Jenn nods her understanding. "Now remember, you only have about five minutes that the guard will be away from his desk and in the bathroom, so don't delay."...

3 years ago
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Erotic Session With Neighbour Aunty

Hi, all this is Vicky raj from Chennai.I thank all for your comments on my previous story with my cousin.Those who doesn’t now about me, here it is I am 22 with a muscular body and 6 feet of height and a hard dick ready to fuck.I am doing my pg in a reputed college.My mail id is Comments are always welcomed.And my dear ladies, I am ready to make love with you so be free with me mail me.I am here to satisfy you. I thank iss team for making such a wonderful site to share my experience with you...

4 years ago
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Thousands of years ago, on the small continent of Rexral, a group of twelve mages landed on the shores of the island. The small empire at the time, Raxus, invited the mages into their court and heard their story of escape from a far off land that feared magic and executed any that weld such a power. Raxus, being a much more tolerant people assured these surviving mages that they would never have to fear such actions here and welcomed them to settle into one of the five holds. The mages...

3 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 3

A New Start in Life 3 Thank you for you very kind reviews, you have all been very kind to me, I will continue with this story as long as you want me to or it comes to a natural conclusion, again I will leave the future in your hands. We arrived at University and the three of us went directly to our head tutors rooms, Fiona Thompson, she knew Kelly and Shonali but did not recognise me until I spoke that is, I asked her for a private discussion, when she realised who I was she...

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