Mistress Of The Wardrobe 5 free porn video

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Part 5 Talking with Lisele "Lisele? Where on earth did you come up with that name?" She asked. "Well I'll tell you my darling companion, when I was living at home with my father and mother we had a neighbour who was from the old country so to speak, Germany. And one of their children, a small bright eyed, dark haired spit fire of a girl was named 'Lisele' and she was the most fun an eight year old boy could have. I mean she ran and played and generally tore up the countryside with me for an entire year, as there wasn't any other children my age to be had in a five mile radius. Looking back on it I think I loved her, you know in that adolescent school boy way. And I loved the name so much that I have officially christened you Lisele." Lisele knew right then, I think that I did indeed love him too..Or is that her now? I continued on with. "Can you be Lisele, is it really so bad of a name that you couldn't live with it? What did they call you when you were the Mistress? He blushed and looked away, then said softly. "Daphne." I smiled and giggled at that, and she then joined me in laughing all out. "No, positively no. I will not call you Daphne, you are my Lisele." "Alrighty then, I can live with Lisele." She was smiling again and I was pleased. I settled back against the bulkhead side of the ship beneath the porthole. Looked around and spied the meal that she had brought to me just a few ticks ago. I leaned forward and helped myself to some of the pork joint that had been sliced, grabbing a cup of something to drink that looked faintly like tea. Chewing my way through the first bite of pork, I then raised the mug to drink some tea and immediately spewed it out over the in the direction of the door. "God what is this awful concoction?" I gasped through tingling lips and tongue. Lisele had burst out laughing when the drink made the projectile arch to the door, and was still holding her sides trying to catch her breath when she did, she just said "it's Rum." Laughing some more as I looked at her with the queerest expression. "It's Rum, it's what the sailors drink, when they can get the stuff, and that is usually all the time for it's really a staple on any sailing ship. Why, don't you like it Allyson?" Laughing again. I wanted to reach over and cuff her in the head, but refrained from doing that. I still gasped out, "How do they ever get it past their tongues and down to their stomachs? God that is a vile concoction." When Lisele had regained some composure she reached over into the water barrel and plucked out a bottle, uncorked it and poured some into the other mug that sat there on the tray. "Here drink this, it should be more to your liking, I think." I gave her the remainder of my mug and picked up the other, slowly bringing it to my nose and sniffing carefully, I was surprised to find wine, and not a bad tasting one at that. "Oh that's better." "Yes, it's rather a fine Madeira that I liberated from the First Officer, hopefully without him finding out." "Oh that is very nice indeed, I compliment you on your fine choice of wine, my dear Lisele." I bowed slightly and laughed at my attempt at being pretentious. "Allyson don't get too used to it there may not be much of it aboard and the Officers will certainly try to hoard most of it." I laughed again because we now shared another secret, my companion is a wine thief, and I'm a Rum snob. "Well perhaps we can persuade one of the Officers to part company with a few dozen bottles, or a cask of it?" "There is one other thing that I must tell you Allyson. "She had a serious look on her face and I was suddenly dreading what she had to tell me. She laughed and said, "No Allyson it's nothing bad at all. The doctor has been telling me that because of all the actions of the FireQue and it's effects on our minds, there may be some nervousness and anxiety that is the result, he said we have to keep that to a minimum, and that if we were in anyway unsettled by this, that he would make a 'medicine' available to us to use as we needed it." "What kind of medicine?" I asked, looking uncertain about taking any more of the Doctor's remedies. "Well there are a number of things that could help, he said that we could take Laudanum which is also called Tincture of Opium or we could also have a herb that he has found that would settle our minds and make things more manageable. He called it cannabis sativa. He also said that some hashish would do the same thing. Though, I think that he would rather keep the Laudanum for the rest of the crew, as that is what is used as a pain killer onboard incase of injuries and such" "What would these 'medicines' do to us? "From what he said and I do believe him on this, because I have heard of these things before. They are commonly prescribed, to calm the nerves and settle one's mind. When I was little, before I came aboard the Acies Mentis, my mother had been prescribed these and they did help her very much." 'Well if you think they will help and are not just that mad Doctor's idea of covering up something else, then I will partake of them. IF they are available and IF I feel anxious or nervous. Some how I just don't trust that man." "Don't worry your pretty head about it, we'll only use them when we really need to. And I feel the same way about him as you obviously do. He is not to be trusted." She turned to the tray of food he had brought in and said. "Anyhow Allyson you must eat well for the next two days will be very taxing on your body, the Doctor has told me what is in store for us, and I'm afraid that we'll not be able to have a meal for some hours." We finished our midday repast in short order. And sat back on my bunk to talk over the events and plan future larcenies. Doctor Administers New FireQue I had taken a short nap after our meal and talk while Lisele went to arrange some things with her mess mates the officers and clean out her few possessions from her rather small cabin. My slumber was interrupted by banging and sawing and general noise coming form somewhere toward the stern of the ship and it was persistent. I rose and went to the door, to see what all the ruckus was about. When I tried the handle it moved in on me with speed. And Lisele followed after it. "No no" she said emphatically "you stay in your cabin and don't come out unless I'm with you or even Doctor Matsen is with you." "Why is that Lisele I want to find out what all the noise is about, they woke me up from a very pleasant doze" "Because while on this ship the Mistress doesn't go anywhere without an escort, me, in this case and I've been told by the Purser that for the time being the area where the noise is coming from is off limits to you." I looked at her a little shocked. "Off limits! To me, is it just me or does this smack of some nefarious plot?" "All right but I have to say that you wheedled it out of me, since the second day out of Liverpool some of the crew has been designated to work in the stateroom below the Captains. That is them that you hear, does that satisfy your curiosity? "Well somewhat but it still smacks as a plot." "You'll just have to wait and see, that's all I've been told to tell you." I searched her face for some softening of her resolve, but found none. So I decided to try a different track. The soulful eyes and pleading. "Come now Lisele we are best girlfriends, and the only two fine young ladies aboard this ship, what are they doing and why is it a secret only from me?" She laughed at my blatant attempt, and gave right back to me. "Allyson those eyes are a true delight and we are best girlfriends, but I have been given strict orders not to tell you anything more. So there, nyahh" she stuck her tongue out at me. "Well this is a fine turn of events, I get woken up by a monstrous noise and cannot even get my best friend to let me in on a small secret. That's a fine how-de-do for you." "Now it's no use you trying to find out, you will not be allowed to spoil this. Now get back inside, we have things to do. And Doctor Matsen is coming back in a few ticks to give me my first dose of FireQue, you don't want to miss that do you? Especially since you are the one who made it a condition of my companionship. So I agreed to stay in the cabin and have the both of us dosed with this new and improved formula of FireQue. We changed into a relaxing robe the both of us, after Lisele had gotten me out of the corset, just for comfort she said, and curled up on the satin duvet side by side. Whispering to each other and generally carrying on like two sisters, until the Doctor showed up soon after that. When he entered we both looked up expectantly. He just smiled like the cat who swallowed the canary and closed the door behind him. He had a green bottle in his hand which I knew immediately was the FireQue. Moving over to the water barrel he poured two small glasses and then advanced on Lisele and I lying on the bunk. He didn't say a word the whole time. I was thinking that he may still be angry with me for 'usurping his authority' concerning Jackson/Lisele. He would just have to deal with it, as I wasn't going to give any ground. I would fulfill my duties as Mistress and then having as little contact with him as possible deal with the situation through Mr. Harris, if there were any problems. Standing there before us he finally spoke. "This is the new FireQue formula that I have tested on the Spanish thief with such success recently. I have to administer three doses in 24 hours, so that it will thoroughly saturate your body cells and begin the whole process, both the physical and mental changes. Do you understand that? It is now just before 4 o'clock so I will give you the second dose at midnight and then the third at eight in the morning, after that we will just have to see how long you sleep before you come out of the initial stage. Judging by previous experiments it should be another 8-10 hours." "I will attend you both during this time and make sure that you don't take a turn for the worst." Was that concern in his countenance? I was suddenly a little afraid and squeezed Lisele's hand in mine. Both Lisele and I nodded at the same time. We would both be changed, me because I had agreed to become the Mistress of the Wardrobe, thereby completing the process that my mother and auntie had started three years previously, probably also I really did want to become more feminine and lady-like and Lisele because she wanted to become more feminine and join me on this journey. I looked at Lisele with some apprehension as she looked at me with the same trepidation and if I read it right a little fear. I winked at her and she gave me a wain smile back. This was a big step for the both of us and the real start of a adventure that I didn't know where it would lead us. Taking heart and gripping Lisele's hand again, I looked up at the doctor and nodded my head. Dr. Matsen was handing me a pillow to put behind me so I could drink the glass of cloudy liquid he had in his other hand. Propping myself up proved difficult because with Lisele next to me there wasn't much room to maneuver, but I managed to sit up partially. He handed another to Lisele. He whispered "This is the new batch and will work very quickly to change you both." As he slipped it into my hand and helped me bring it to my mouth it smelled the same and tasted the same as the old FireQue, what was so new and better about this? I thought. The same sudden salty taste and after swallowing the thick viscous fluid, feeling it slightly burn down my throat to my stomach. The burn seemed to last longer this time though and I asked for some water. Before he could get the water, however a chill shook me to my core. A shudder ran through me quickly, scalp to toes. Then slowly engulfed my feet with an itchy feeling, it started to roll up my legs - the feeling inching and itching its way up making me squirm and twist - encased in the robe and sandwiched next to Lisele. As my knees and then thighs began to itch and twitch, contractions in the muscles of my legs, beneath my skin this feeling rolled back and forth leaving and smoother more feminine calf with a slightly arched foot for wearing high heels. My thighs were still twitching as I looked down at myself as best I could. I couldn't see much but ooohh the feelings of my skin and muscles flexing and changing was soothing and relaxing but draining at the same time. I was very docile, very numb while laying there not trying to scream or jump up, my male revulsion of what was happening to me was fleeing me completely. I welcomed femininity and wished for myself to be completely changed as quickly as I could manage it. What a dramatic change my personality has undergone, I'm not sure that I understood what happened fully but, with the way I was feeling at the moment, my mind raced along the razors edge of decision, about whether I wanted these body changes, or not. But my body craved more of them. What a paradox!? Fast Change Effects then Waking I wondered how far this would go? Creeping slowly north of my thighs after having finished slimming them one-way and plumping them another so that they were very teenage young lady like. I assumed. "Damn that robe". The snugness created by the tingling in my crotch, where I could feel my testes retract up into me painfully, the ball sac empty now, tucking back inside and forming a small vertical fold that promised in the days to come to become my girlish cleft. Shuddering and spasming almost violently, the tingling continued on up my spine and ribcage tugging the skin as it progressed tightening at a spot just below my ribs. I was pulled in tightly by my own skin and muscles, all this was seemingly pushed up on top of my ribcage centred around my nipples I could feel two small cones push further up, and I tried to quickly touch myself, but the movement of my hand was unsure and tentative, I dropped it back down beside me. My covering still prevented me from seeing the springing of my new bosoms, but I could feel something happening there. It also had an advantage in covering me when these tingles started shaping me as the chills kept running up and down my body. My shoulders and arms down to my fingertips all surrendered to the tingling feeling and the changes that came with it. Then the tingling crept up my neck reaching the knot in my throat ..Ahhh nice Ahhh nice...the muscles and skin on my face twitched and congealed chin smoothed,... cheeks lifted,...lips lifted...lips puffed and shaped, ....ears smoothed and shaped then the little tingle was on my nose and I knew what It would look like when this was over ...cute and pixyish. I could feel my eyes reshape and wanted badly in my stupor state to look at myself, but could not get up the energy to move or stand. The tingling had moved on to my scalp and head - a nice floating feeling enveloped me in a pink cloud of softness and buddings, pillows and silks. I wondered if the same was happening to Lisele? My hair grew while I floated, dreaming of hands brushing my hair, soothing the anxiety of the last questions of sexuality. Could I? Should I? Drifting, I shook my head but it felt like I was in-cased in a thick syrup, my movements were slow and lethargic. Time had no relevance. This seemed to go on and on, dreary in it's longevity, and weary for body and mind. I somehow knew I was limp and listless, weak and exhausted all together. I had now completely capitulated to the will of these men who commanded me and I submissively obeyed. Exhausted, I dozed in and out of myself, floating and looking down on my body. I could see Doctor Matsen through a fog of waking wipe my brow with a damp cloth but couldn't open my eyes above a sliver or feel refreshed by the cool cloth. As I said, time had no relevance at this point, we both languished on the bunk, I could faintly feel Lisele next to me. The vision came back, of the Lady in the green dress - she looked straight at me and smiled, eyes twinkling and gesturing for me to come with her. I tried to walk and looked down to see my body still tightly wrapped in my robe I looked back at her, my eyes pleading with her to release me so that I may come to her fully. I looked down again and woke doing that same thing. Disappointment flashed across my face, wrapped as I was I couldn't see anything. I felt damp and exhausted, powerless to rise and clean myself. I lay back in my stupor-ed state and tried to come to terms with how I felt, but thoughts escaped me as quickly as they came to me. Lethargy, delusions, sleep and waking all melded into a confusion of delirium. OOOOOOOOOOOOO I awoke to a feeling of floating in warm syrup, no that's not right I was laying in the bath, the water just shallow enough to cover me. Lisele was beside me looking at me with wonder and happiness written all over her face, she smiled and I came fully awake, starting to sit up. But quickly falling back against the tubs back rest. How did we get here? The last I could remember we had laid down on my bunk. Lisele was kneeling beside me in the shallow water running a cloth over my limbs, washing away the sweat and slime that seemed to cover my entire body. She whispered to me softly as she did this. "Allyson, oh thank the gods you are awake, I was so worried my darling girl that you would never open your eyes. You must have been very tired from the FireQue's ordeal, more tired than I. The Purser had brought us into the tub and I have drained it once already since the water cooled off and I didn't want you to catch a chill." "What happened to us Lisele?" "Well from what he told me we were asleep until the first dog watch and the Doctor, who had attended to us the whole night and day, finally had to rest. The Purser brought us in here about two hours ago and I awoke immediately when he had placed me in the water, but you, you wouldn't wake and I was extremely worried. The Doctor has come and had a look at you and told me it would be only a short time before you did come out of the drugged stupor, but I was so worried." "Ah Lisele, thank you for looking after me, I feel so tired and I cannot move my arms or my legs." "Don't worry Allyson that will pass, I felt the same way when I awoke at first, now just lie back and let me wash you, then we'll have you wrapped in a warm towel and have a chance to eat something, are you hungry?" She brushed my cheek softly. I realized that I was very hungry, but still felt listless. Opening my eyes suddenly I asked. "Did it work? Are we ...did we change?" She smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, Milady the change has been affected and we will have a look when you feel stronger, now let me finish washing you." I went through the next bit of time in a daze, Lisele finished washing me and then wrapped me in a warm towel as promised. Helped me across the passageway and into my soft bed, then went and got us some food and wine which restored my energy very well. I was still very tired and napped for some time. Even the noise of banging and activity didn't disturb me too much. That was still a curiosity that eluded me. First View - Pain - Tattoo Turning to look at me finally she motioned me over to stand beside her, I tried, silly of me, wrapped up again like a Christmas present for someone special. I couldn't even bend to stand up, Lisele moved over to help me and lifted me to my feet easily, then began unwrapping me from the confines of the towel that she had re-wrapped me in when I dozed off a little while ago. The sudden change from lying down to standing made my head swim, grasping her shoulders I steadied myself while she finished. What was that under her jacket and shirt, a strap of some kind? Then slowly, my eyes began to focus on the reflection staring back at me from the mirror hung above the basin. With my hands lightly touching my face in disbelief, I stood up straight so as to get a better look at what had somehow happened to me. It wasn't until then that the complete effect of this stupendous physical transformation came to light. There, staring back at me, was the reflection of a young woman; ...THE woman,... the woman who I dreamt about. Her face had somehow appeared familiar...Almost like the face of someone I knew, but couldn't quite place, because I had not seen myself yet! My body was thin and elegant; possessing curves that would make any red- blooded woman green with envy; and any red-blooded man, especially sailors - hard as a rock. I couldn't help but stare at the small bosom projecting from my chest. My hair hanging down to partially hide most of me. As I pushed my long hair out of my eyes, the sight of my naked chest caused my mouth to hang open. They were huge, or at least they seemed to be to me, never having had them before and felt as if they each weighed a ton....But of course they didn't. I reached up and covered them with my hands, small but perky was what came into my mind immediately, I was able to hold them with my new smaller hands. It was the strangest feeling that I'd ever experienced. Unconsciously, I pulled my shoulders back and my breasts thrust out in front of me. A few moments later, as I stood there touching my breasts in disbelief, I began to notice the oddest sensation in my crotch...a dampness that first caused me to wonder if I had somehow wet myself while I had napped. But when I looked down and placed my hand between my legs, I realized that it was something else...Something else that made me feel butterflies in my stomach, when I first saw it. My winkie had shrunk! It was now so small and there below it was a vertical slit! Oh My god he had done it, the doctor had changed me, this couldn't be possible. I had to still be sleeping and dreaming, but no there infront of me was a true reflection of me, amazing. I looked at Lisele she was smiling and nodding her head. "That's right Allyson those are the beginnings of the change, isn't it astonishing? What do you think?" I looked back at the reflection stupefied. "Lisele I am in a dream, this is astonishing. All that talk about changing and how effective the FireQue is - was just talk before this, but now I see with my own eyes that it was all true and it is just so unbelievable. I really didn't think that it would change me and especially this quickly!" Turning back to look at Lisele I looked closer at her. "Did it do the same to you Lisele?" Lisele looked down at the deck and muttered something, I stepped up infront of her and embraced her, asking again. She just whispered "Not to the same extent as you have changed but, yes I did change. The Doctor has told me that I will catch up to you shortly as my body is older and more manly than yours was when we took the Formula." She was sad that was the first thing that occurred to me but then I looked into her eyes again and they were smiling in a reserved way that told me she was just a little disappointed that it would take her more time to affect the changes that I had in this short time. "Oh Lisele that's wonderful we'll be sisters and I'm sorry that you haven't gotten the same result as I, but that is to be expected, but you will soon catch up... right the Doctor said so." She smiled at me again and nodded shyly. "Lisele please be happy for the both of us! Come on now, it will happen." I was just about to bend over and squat down to explore "things" further, when a sudden, searing pain in my lower abdomen nearly caused me to fall down. My skin felt as if it were on fire! "Owww," I groaned as the burning continued to intensify. I quickly grabbed the support rail and held on. As I wobbly stood back up, I slid my hand down my stomach. My skin was red-hot and sore to the touch, almost as if it were severely sunburned. I instantly looked down between my two tiny breasts. It was then that the source of the pain became evident. There, just above my clit on the left side of my non-existent patch of pubic hair, the faint outline of an image was beginning to materialize. The outline continued to darken...the colors continued to intensify until a pair of red roses on twisted green thorny vines became clearly visible. Within moments I had a tattoo...the tattoo from the FireQue flask label! Oh God this was horrible! Small and just outlined in red and black was the phoenix and the swan, from the label. Turning purple then pinkish to almost disappear again. But not quite, I could still see them both there on my hip. I looked at Lisele astonished. She had seen the pain and consternation on my face. But soothed me saying. "It's one of the things that the Doctor has designed into the formula, it happened to that Spanish person too! Don't fret about it the pain will cease shortly and you will only be left with a faint tattoo, to remember the changing by." "Do you have one too?" She nodded again. Holding out a long light blue silk nightgown for me to wear. I slipped it over my head and marveled at the very nice way it felt on my skin. She moved me over to the stool and bade me seat myself, I did. Picking up a brush from the basin and began slowly brushing my longer and thicker hair, enveloping me in a sensuous feeling of softness, she continued to soothe my cares and worries away. Finally she braided my long hair into something called a French braid, so that I could nap again unencumbered. I laid back down and did find sleep. Under Observation --exam That very evening the Doctor awoke me in my cabin after my nap and beckoned me to get dressed in the chemise that he had brought. Waking and stretching myself upright I slipped the Ivory chemise over myself and delighted in the first tingle of the fabric as it slid over my young flesh. This is so intoxicating, as the silky chemise slipped its way down covering my breasts and around my hips. With the Doctor leading the way I followed him down a passageway to what turned out to be his cabin and operating theater. Clean, well appointed, with apparatus and tables on which to perform his medical duties. Asking me to be seated I turned to find him staring intently at me and steepling his fingers in front of his face, I sat in the proffered chair. Squirming uncomfortably because I had only the small silk chemise to cover myself with. He began "Well Allyson you are doing wonderfully as far as I can see at this point. I just want to make sure,... so for the next little while you will stay here as I examine you and run some tests to see that everything is going well and according to plan". So saying he got up and asked me to lie on the first table while he checked some things. I did so, the chemise sliding around and really not covering anything but my chest and belly down to my thighs, that really is the first time I took notice of the size of my chest. Rising up from my chest were two small mountains on a flat plain, that you couldn't miss if you wanted too. Amazing, it really had worked, the FireQue was working very quickly just as the Doctor had said it would. Lifting the hem of my chemise he quickly poked and prodded my belly and then I felt his rough fingers on my tiny winkie! "Hmmm, you have an adorable little penis...err clitoris," he said as he gently took it in his hand. I had never been touched by a man before, and was shyly afraid. In fact Id never been touched by a girl either, except for Lisele and never like this. I struggled for a few seconds but within a minute the warm caress of this large man had caused my soft hairless mound to dampen, as my clittie sprang to life and grew hard. Even in an aroused state it was small and thin. "It is such a cute little thing that is going to be the source of plenty of fun from now on." He said. Being a young, I reached orgasm within minutes and bucked against the hand massaging my mound and wet quim and felt a flow of pleasure release from inside me. The tingles reached as far up as my nipples. Which became pointy and hard. "There, there my sweet girl do you feel better now?" Henry asked. I lay there with my eyes closed, my breathing was quick as I enjoyed the afterglow of an orgasm. God had he really done that to me! Henry Matsen bent down and licked the last of the cum off the top of my clittie. Now I knew why he had been so concerned with losing authority over me and the change itself. He wanted to molest me just like the Captain probably did! With his right hand scooped up more ejaculate off my stomach. Where did that come from? Then I saw the doctor's cock out of his pants and pointed at my stomach. "Mmmm...gooood." He said, his eyes closed tightly. I felt only revulsion for this man, and how he had used me for his own ends. My hate for him was firmly seated in my heart now. With his left hand he firmly grasped me under the chin causing me to open my eyes in shock just in time to see his jism covered fingers smear his cum over my lips and into my mouth. "Get used to the taste my sweet girl soon you'll be swallowing more than mine." He laughed like a crazy person. I struggled wildly as the warm, slippery cum covered my lips and entered my mouth. I gagged and then realized that the Formula tasted exactly the same. Was the formula mixed with the Doctors jism? Was this part of the plan that the Doctor says that he has? I was disgusted with this man! I felt dirty and used. I cringed back away from him as best I could trying to close my eyes to shut him out as if by doing so he would magically disappear. All my efforts were in vain. Henry continued to hold my chin as he scooped up the remaining cum and pushed it into my mouth ignoring my murmuring cries as I had a kind of chain reaction. This jism must have triggered a response by my body, just as it had done when I drank the FireQue. My mind was drifting in a cloud hazy and soft, a rush of pleasure from my loins and breasts. I had no choice but to swallow his cum and Henry smiled as he forced me to lick every last drop off his fingers. I think I fainted, for the next thing I knew he had moved away from me. I was throughly disgusted with this whole situation and just wanted it to end. I felt very filthy and used. Drugged He turned around to a side table with a small cabinet in the wall and withdrew a large bottle; using a stoppered tube he drew some out and let it flow into a glass. Then turned and handed the glass to me. Saying "Here is a calming dose of the Formula FireQue, I want you to take it and relax - you will be here for some time. So I took the glass and tilted my head back and opened my mouth to receive the foul concoction that confirmed he was on a determined path. As this thick liquid began to slide from the glass to my mouth I was surprised that I wasn't revolted by the taste any longer and it quickly coated my mouth forcing me to swallow and the burn wasn't as bad as it had been in the past. I felt the Formula slide down my throat and settle in my stomach. The wave of euphoria that followed was very nice...Mmmm. Enveloping me in a sensuous softness I longed for. I closed my eyes and stretched slowly outward, letting my senses feel their way. Flowing and shifting, bands of colours and shapes of light. Looking down on parlour rooms where people talk, but all you hear is a distant murmur. People gathering around someone, a blond classical beauty. The dress perfect ~ bronze and coppery striped over-skirt tied at the waist with a blue and white satin ribbon belt. A bow of lace at the back hanging down. Head adorned by a black slouch bonnet, with a large white and black ribbon arrangement, her hair shining in long curls hanging down to her shoulders. The underskirt just visible by the ruffled hem grey with black stripes. A small lace kerchief in her hand. Dainty and posed she withstood this clamor and bothering pestering, she looked around with the high-principled disdainfulness of a well born lady. Moving off to be by herself she settled next to the fireplace and kicked the grate with a tightly buttoned shoe. Completely ignoring the pug dog on the Persian carpet nearby. Waking ..Alive Again When my eyes opened again they beheld the sight of Lisele bent over pulling items out of the drawers in the cabinet. I giggled; yips what me giggle like a schoolgirl. Pulling a face or so I thought I was just made the startled Lisele smile broader than before and continue pulling lacy satiny and silky items out. I sat and looked around at my cabin, it felt like seeing a place you remember but then there are some differences, but you remember the general view and ponder the differences. The day seemed to be brighter as the sunlight filled the cabin from the curtailed port hole, the colours were brighter or more defined, the simple luxury of the small cabin emphasized by this fresh look. I was having a pleasant glow come over me as I enjoyed the atmosphere and feel of my cabin all over again. Of course being with Lisele was probably the best part of it all. Leaning back against the bulkhead, I said to Lisele, "What are we going to do about the Captain and the lecherous Doctor, Lisele? They both scare me and I don't really want to become the object of their lust and lecheries." "Well let's start off with this: do you like men? Or do you think that your proclivities lie elsewhere? I know my preference but you and I have never broached into this subject before." "When I was living at home..." I paused and remembered what my mother and auntie had had planned for me and the thought now was making me sick to my stomach. She looked at me willing me to continue. "My mother and auntie had arranged for me to have a debutante's coming out party with the specific design of meeting young 'gentlemen' for the purpose of marrying me off to one of them. I couldn't do that I was very upset and surprised with the whole plan which they didn't even decide to let me know, I had to overhear it from the sitting room. So I ran away. I never really wanted a man when I was dressed, but then it never was a possibility before hearing of their plans for me, before that last afternoon. I always thought that I would like to find a nice open-minded woman that would share my love of dresses and femininity. Is that even possible?" I looked at her with pleading eyes willing her to answer me in the affirmative. "I don't know." "Allyson I have been on the other side, and let me tell you men are like animals. I for one would not be disappointed if I never had another man in my life, especially Captain Joshua Long. That man just disgusts me, I mean really after what he did to me when I was Mistress, I was..." She left off speaking there and I think I knew why. She came over and sat with me pulling me close with an arm around my shoulders. I didn't want to further upset her so I didn't press further for any details. "Those pigs of men think that I'm going to be their little plaything on this voyage, just because they are bigger and stronger than I am. We'll have to see about that." I had spoken with deep vengeance in my voice. "Lisele we have to think of something, I don't want to be forced to live my life like they want me to. I hate that they may get their way, and I don't have the slightest iota of input into how my life turns out. I want to make the decisions in my life, I want to decide who I am with and what we do when we are intimate." I continued on in this vein, "I think that I would much rather have you as my partner, now that we both are using the formula to become more feminine, you understand me so much better than those men and are so much more sensitive to me, my thoughts and my desires." She looked at me through tears that were welling up in her eyes, "My lovely girl Allyson, you are right there, I too want you for my partner, but how are we going to prevent this abomination from happening?" "Can we get some of the crew to intercede for us? Or perhaps one of the Officers, like the Purser to help us? Do you think that that would be enough to work?" "No Allyson probably not, the Captain is the true master of this ship and his rule is the law to all aboard, when we are at sea. Although the Purser is, in my experience a decent man, I don't think that would be enough to keep the Captain from having his way. As for the crew there would have to be too many of them let in on the secret of his sexual desires before we could effect any change and we just don't have that much time to arrange that. Besides telling them would only inflame their lust as well." A sudden thought came to me and I just voiced it out loud. "Lisele if we could have a few selected people on our side, we may be able to feel safe and be protected onboard. You talk to Mr. Harris and sound him out on this matter, I will soon be promenading on deck right? I could see if some of the crew would be willing to help us." "Alright, I'll do that...we have to do something, I don't want that ogre touching you in any way, my love. I couldn't live with that." I looked at her and the tears were gone to be replaced with something else, something like affection,...dare I say it, LOVE. Even though we were two girls in essence could I be leaning that way? Was that so wrong? Could love ever be wrong between two people? I don't think so. Was I resolving to leaning that way, the way of tenderness and compassion for my partner and my love? This seemed to me an important moment I was making a life decision wasn't I? I saw it that way, and gathering courage I then knew what I wanted and who I wanted in my life. Lisele. These thoughts and the path that accompanied them were making me anxious and antsy, not upset or angry, but I was very nervous, in some way that I cannot describe. I needed to rest and think things through. I laid back down and Lisele went to speak with the Purser, I presume.

Same as Mistress of the Wardrobe 5 Videos

3 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 9

When we returned home, we had a big late lunch because Mistress informed me that we might want only a light dinner and then a late snack. I spent the afternoon preparing as best I could for an unknown special night. This meant hair removal, nails, wig, makeup, enemas, buttplug, lotions, powders, perfumes, the whole works. When I finished, she laid out the clothes and jewelry I would be wearing. My eyes were drawn immediately to a brand new pair of lace panties for me. By the time I was done,...

2 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 7

It was 8 months since the first time Mistress Hannah had ordered me to put on her panties. In that time I had become both more of a man and more of a sissy. When we went to the theater club on Sunday nights, I had a variety of dresses, wigs and shoes to choose from. My aerobic workouts had boosted my stamina and I had gotten good control over my premature ejaculations. I still occasionally used the breast and cock pump, but my cock had not achieved the 5" I had hoped for. It topped out at...

2 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 4

The third and final day of my transformative weekend started poorly. I had aches and pains all over. My neck and back and thigh muscles were sore. I had a little irritation from body hair that was growing back. And of course, my asshole felt all stretched out and very tender. I wondered if it would ever feel tight again. I also wondered what the evening would hold. I couldn't imagine that it would be anything more humiliating and degrading than the previous evenings. I wasn't wearing a buttplug...

4 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 6

Having accepted the riding crop, Mistress Leelee seemed to understand that she was being given the opportunity to do something to me, but she was clearly lost."He's yours now Leelee. It starts with the first order. If you're going to turn your cheating husband, a little experience with Michelle here will give you confidence. I suggest you order him to stand in front of you and work from there. wouldn't you like to inspect him?"Mistress Leelee seemed to understand the gravity of her situation...

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The Chest and Wardrobe

This is my third submitted story to Fictionmania with "The well of my desires" and "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F"?being the second. It has been many years since I wrote those first two, and am planning on writing more. I am actually in the process of writing a sequel to the second and have a 4th and 5th story planed. I hope you enjoy this story as it takes a little bit of myself and places it into the story. The only difference is, I am a M2F TS woman now The name I write under is a pen name...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Mistress Wife Patricia

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1 year ago
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Mistress Sarah makes Evie a Sissy 2

"Look at you Evie. You're so slutty in your teddy and stockings,” said Mistress Sarah. Then she looked down at my hard cock and said, "....and your clitty is so big. Excited are, you?" Mistress Sarah reached out and firmly squeezed my cock a few times. It was a welcome sensation that reverberated though my entire body. Before I could respond, she ordered, "Turn around slut. Let me see that arse of yours." Ever since I had met Mistress Sarah online, I had dreamed of her fucking me in the arse....

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Mistress Penny

Luke could feel the nerves building inside him. He had booked his appointment last week after months of debating. The Violet Club was like nothing Luke had ever imagined. Patrons were able to book sessions with professional dominants and submissives. In addition, they were able to customize them based on their fantasies.Luke had experimented a little with BDSM in his previous relationship, but once that relationship ended he knew he wanted to dive in further. Luke had typically found himself in...

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Sleight of Hand2 The Tryin the Itch and the Wardrobe

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Mistress Mine Chapter 2

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Mistress Sarah Gives Evie an Assignment

Mistress Sarah led me back into her bedroom and sat naked in a chair in front of a large dressing table. She ordered me to fetch my maid's dress. It was time for me to learn how to properly dress her for a night out and she wanted me in full sissy attire for the event. Mistress Sarah watched me step into my sissy dress. She told me to turn around slowly for her as she pulled down on the pink silky fabric, ensuring the shiny dress cascaded around my legs smoothly and wrinkle free. She then...

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Mistress By Mail

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Mistress May I

It was a Thursday evening and I just got off of work. I came home to a quiet house. As I walked into the bedroom I found my wife standing just inside the door. She was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and a pair of sexy black panties Ann is the love of my life but also my owner, I am slave to my mistress and I obey her. *“Come here you dirty slut,”* Mistress Ann commanded, I obeyed and came toward her unknowing of what she had planned, my body trembled with excitement. She had a chair setup...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge

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3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of the following dot coms: lockedinlace, fictionmania, bdsmlibrary, literotica and mistressdyvia. An alternate version will most likely be available at mcstories in the near future. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Contact me if you...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com, fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com, literotica.com and mistressdyvia.com.  An alternate version will most likely be available at mcstories.com in the near future.  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.  Contact me if you wish...

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Mistress Cocos School for Wayward Boys

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Mistress is Pregnant

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Mistress Traceys Delight

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 1

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Mistress Sarah plays mind games

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Mistress Jennifer

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Mistress Jennifer

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Mistress Stephanies World

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Mistress Of The Manor

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Mistress Of The Manor

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Mistress Sarah fucks Evie Chapter 4

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Mistress Mine Chapter 3

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Mistress Demi Part 3

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Mistress Stormys Lil Bitch

It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...

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Mistress Jasmine Made Me a Slave Forever

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 2

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Mistress Bianca Bettina Felicia Carlota Moroi

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Mistress Viagra Torture

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Mistress Demi Part 4

5.Realization I woke from a dreamless sleep and I turned my head and looked at the clock. It read 7:48. Mistress was still fast asleep and for a moment I thought about waking her up, it was past 7:30 after all. But then I thought about how many years I had until I collect Social Security and I decided discretion was the better part of valor and let her sleep. I looked down at Demi and she was looking up at me smiling sleepily.“Good decision, I could see those wheels spinning.”She motioned to...

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Mistress Suzanne

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Mistress Punishes Me

For one thing, Mistress has perfect appeal to me physically. She looks about the exact opposite of what one would expect of a highly dominant female who is actively involved in the BDSM lifestyle. She has a sweet, open face framed by soft brown hair. Her dark eyes are intelligent and direct, and she has a voluptuous, curvy body. Her breasts are full but not too big. The rest of her stats I'll allow her to describe to you, if ever you should meet. What I can say, is that my Mistress does take...

2 years ago
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Mistress Emmas Revenge 2

Mistress Emma's Revenge 2 by Brenda I was stuck in bed for the night and could hear the soft sensual moans from my Mistresses room through the wall. The earbuds did little to block out the external sounds as there was just some "white" noise coming through them. Thinking of what they were doing immediately made me hard in my chastity and I quickly felt the pain this new device caused. I reached into the diaper and tried to pull out of the tube as I had done in the past only to realize...

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Mistress Roulette Part 9

I wanted to scream I felt so happy. My knees trembled with anxious anticipation. I was going to enjoy this. I knew it would be one of the greatest feelings I'd ever experienced in my whole life. I just knew it would be.Before I was even touched, my pussy began to pulse and ache warm excitement out through my engorged lips.Mistress walked around behind me and soon, I felt her perfect tongue, tease my horny slit."Ohh!" Mistress squeaked, delighted. "She has never tasted so sweet, ladies! It's...

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Mistress Cunts two fairies

Mistress Cunt's two fairiesBy Taffy, the little sissy fairy girl My, my what a wonderfully gay time Angela and I had with our slut friend Lauren and her Mistress Cunt! Here’s a little story about that faggy time and how fairy we were for her.The weekend started the night before with Angela and I at the hotel; I had already properly dressed in my sexiest outfit, a gold sequin mini skirt with black fish net stockings. It did not take Angela long to get herself prepared and we sat to chat. Chat...

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Mistress Z

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Mistress Claudia

Mistress Claudia walked from room to room in her House of Pain Mistress Claudia walked from room to room in her House of Pain. The official title for it was ?Steadman & Lawler Accountancy LTD? It hadn?t taken long to set up and it had a huge underground reputation now. Mistress Claudia was known as one of the most sadistic Mistresses in the BDSM world. There were no safe words, no get out clauses. You time ended when the money you had paid ran out and then whether you were half way...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge part 3

Mistress Emma's Revenge Part 3 @2018 by Brenda (sissymissyct) The ride home was mostly quiet. I think we were all a bit exhausted form the nights events. I fell asleep soon after I hit the bed, but not before I heard my ladies in the next room enjoying themselves before they too drifted off to sleep. We all slept in Sunday morning but I awoke first and started making a nice Sunday brunch. Fresh fruit, bacon, French toast, coffee and mimosas, and perfectly cooked omelets. Mistress...

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The Mistress Manual by: Mistress Lorelei1WHY BECOME A MISTRESS?:Some Unexpected Pleasures"When we are flat on our backs there is no way to look but up." - Roger W Babson"For my readers who have already tasted the heady wine of total control over a submissivemale, this question may seem absurd. The answer is so obvious: being a Mistress is fun.Female Dominance offers the Mistress a cornucopia of delights. (The submissive male enjoysit too, although there are moments in scene when he may not seem...

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Mistress and Master

I had been to Mistress Elaine's and Master Johns several times but today's visit was different. Mistress Elaine had buzzed me in the gate but it was James their butler who waited for me at the door. I had not met the staff of the house properly but I had heard them moving around and cleaning. I had wondered if Mistress had more slaves but the people I had briefly come across seemed normal. "This way Davina," he stated. I followed him into the hall and upstairs. James was a tall thin...

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Mistress Diana

The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land  ??? The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land. The mansion was built by a wealthy tycoon in the late twenties before the stock market crash. The mansion was deserted for many years until Mistress Diana moved there and had it renovated for her exotic tastes.  ? Mistress Diana was an heir to a fortune that was left to her by an uncle. She had...

2 years ago
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Mistress Cums for a Visit

I wake up and I realize that I have over slept and need to meet my new Mistress at her hotel in an hour! I met my Mistress on Lush and she came to visit and have some vacation time. She was staying for the weekend and I was to be at her beck and call all weekend. My Mistress I hot DD breasts and an ass to match. We had chatted online and even video chatted but this was our first meeting. I got up and got dressed in what she told me to come it…basketball shorts with no boxers and a t-shirt. I...

4 years ago
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Mistress and the Maid

The Mistress and the MaidOkay, David - Mistress has left for the day. She gave me specific instructions on keeping you occupied. (giggle!) First on the agenda, young man, is a series of enemas. You probably guessed that already. You noticed my maid uniform. Mistress also told me to dress like this. She knows it arouses you. Clothes off now -- everything! I want you to watch me prepare your three quart sudsy enema! Oh, yes she did say that! Come on now, follow me to the discipline room. I don't...

2 years ago
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Mistress Makes Some Changes

MISTRESS MAKES SOME CHANGES by Throne I guess we had both noticed it. My Mistress, Claire, and I had been seeing each other for several months. Our time together was a mixture of dating and domination sessions. In the beginning she had been a bit rough on me but it was gradually taking on a softer tone. After she spanked me, we snuggled and talked sweetly in bed. Or she would make me get naked, so she could admire my hairless body, but instead of punishing me she would just tease...

4 years ago
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Mistress and her slaves

Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...

1 year ago
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Mistress Mine Chapter 4

Kimberly knelt there, staring at the huge bulge in front of her eyes. If Michael was anywhere near the size that bulge indicated, she was in for a real treat! Kim licked her lips and drew in a deep breath as she cautiously reached up for the waistband of his boxers. She swallowed hard as she began slowly drawing the boxers down. Quickly, the tip of his cock appeared and she looked up at him, smiling. She pulled the garment down a bit more until the whole mushroom head was exposed. She stopped...

2 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 5

I pulled against my restraints, eager to hear the news Mistress had for me. "Would you like to hear it?" she asked. "Yes please, Mistress." "Mmm. I love the sound of your voice when you get like this. It's almost musical how your denied urges make your body speak. The little ups and downs of your whimpers send chills through me." Mistress started to run her fingers up and down over my bare breasts. I felt like I could barely breathe, I was so excited. "The good news, hunny," Mistress started,...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Mirrored Room

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com, fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com and mistressdyvia.com, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Hello to all my sweethearts out there, it has been a while, and I've missed so many of you. But here I am with a long...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Mirrored Room

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com,  fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com and mistressdyvia.com,  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.Hello to all my sweethearts out there, it has been a while, and I've missed so many of you.  But here I am with a long awaited...

2 years ago
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Mistress Carmen get dominated

Carmen walked into the kitchen in her dressing gown past her slave Michelle who was staring at the morning paper whilst slowly devouring a bowl of corn flakes. This was not the usual morning scene for their household at this time of day as Michelle would usually be on the train heading to work.Today was different however as Michelle had the day off to use up the remainder of his holiday before the financial new year started. Flicking the kettle on, Carmen turned towards Michelle:"So wants the...

2 years ago
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Mistress Wants To Have Fun

Mistress Wants To Have FunIt all seems such a short time ago that I met her.I saw her advert online, a mistress who looks like an Angel and who, amongst other services, was looking for slaves to do her housework.  This appealed to me as it was something I hadn’t done on command before. I wanted so much to come and see her, I rang her straight away. She was very courteous on the phone but firm with me that I should come and see her within 36 hours. I wasn’t sure why that was necessary but I made...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Purse of Pennies

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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