Mistress Tracey's Delight free porn video

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A Session

"I'm imagining 6 or even 12 implements of punishment… whips, paddles,floggers, dildos, gags, human riding equipment, slappers……. mydear Michael" said Mistress Tracy reaching for her wine glass.

The afternoon light shone though the break in the curtains. It was the kindof light which made it easy to see the slightest cigarette smoke or dust, thisafternoon light was brushing my Mistress Tracey's torso and legs and the exquisitelytiny hairs on her sinuous belly shown magically. Mistress Tracey is a toweringfive feet nine and one half inches in her stocking feet. She cuts a magnificentlystatuesque figure in her red high heel pumps. Mistress Tracey loves to turnheads on her entrance to any room, and does she ever.

"Umm….. yummy wine! Would you like a sip, Michael? I'll bet you would.I'll bet you'd like to lick it out of Mommy's pussy or drink the whole bottleof it out of my sweet clean ass, wouldn't you, baby? You really do buy me theloveliest wines, Michael. And you know the best part… you just alwaysthink of sweet things like that without a peep from me, thank you sweetheart" andshe raised the chilled chardonnay to her lips and took a drink with obvious,deep satisfaction and relaxation.

Mistress Tracy is my prodom Mistress. She's a professional dominatrix. Ipay her to dominate me. I have for about six years. After graduating from college,I came to New York and within two years, I was making more money than I'd everimagined. Along with the money came new experimentations, all of which I'deasily handled well before, in moderation before. I dabbled in the usual guysport: booze, pot, coke, cigars, cognac, late nights, great parties. But therewas one vice which got the better of me, Mistress Tracey. This was one experimentationwhich I'd not been able to handle in moderation. I needed her. I needed tosee her at least once a week, if not more. More than that, I needed to my core,I'd discovered that I needed Mistress Tracey to be me, to be the person I reallywas.

I'd describe one part of Mistress Tracey as Veronica Lake. If you're luckyenough to know the amazingly sexy Veronica Lake, the woman who captivated ageneration of men with her archetypal beauty and unique sexuality, then youknow one aspect of Mistress Tracey. Mistress Tracey and Veronica Lake are likethe sexy cartoon woman in Roger Rabbit or like Carmen Dias in Mask. MistressTracey is tall, that type of sinuous hair, open vulnerability and an immediateaura of a mysterious past about her. That's one part. There are others equallyalluring parts of Mistress Tracey, like her milky white skin, and beautifulcurvaceous hips, her long, long milky legs.

I was fascinated with the idea of bdsm from the first time I'd heard of it.I had a very difficult time at first admitting to myself my deep interest init. I'd first heard of prodoms and dungeons while out with a band of Wall St.buddies. It took a full two years before actually be going to a dungeon. Thethought of my first knock on the dungeon door still makes my heart pound. Imet Mistress Tracey at Madame Rebecca's dungeon on my second visit there. We'vebeen together, that's what I call it, for over six years. After several years,Mistress Tracey claimed me exclusively and had me buyout myself from the proprietorof her dungeon, Madame Rebecca. Like many Wall St. deals, the buyout took longerthan it should have and got more complicated as we got closer to closing. Asthe bargaining price went up, and conditions were demanded on both sides, theshowstopper issues became mine. A certain restriction meant I needed to closethis deal over a weekend or when I knew I was either going on vacation or hada light enough work week that I had time to recover. And since I'd been a prettygood customer, the price was high. I had to think plenty about buying myselfout.

"How 'bout some right from Mommy, sweetheart?" said Mistress Tracy. "Openfor me now" and with that Mistress Tracey's head moved towards mine, her mouthpuckered slightly and out of her mouth trickled the wine, her favorite chardonnaywhich I'd brought for her. The yellow stream was partially glancing off myface and mostly on to the hardwood floor where my shoulder already rested uncomfortably.I was bound with my custom leather-covered, steel cuffs. I was cuffed withmy hands behind by back and Mistress Tracey secured me in an uncomfortableposition with a bar which attaches behind by back to my ankle bracelets, wristbracelets and my collar. I was bound and at her feet.

"Show Mistress Mommy how you can vacuum that up nicely with your mouth. Getit off my floor so there won't be any stains, sweetheart, OK?" Mistress Traceysaid referring to the wine which had spilled on to her hardwood floors.

I knew that a moment's delay could bring a dramatic change in temperamentwith Mistress Tracey. Actually, less a temperament change, as her temperamentalways remains constant, but more of an instantaneous and violent behavioralchange. Mistress Tracey is masterful with the use of surprise brutality onme. She didn't use it very often on me but when she does, she really does.She'll beat me with all her energy as fast as she can. She may stop and whisper "youcan take this for me, Michael, you can do this for me" have a sip of wine andthen waste every ounce of energy whipping me for another minute or two. A beatingsuch as this will leave marks on me for up to eight weeks. Mistress Traceycould go for weeks or months of our meetings and she would comply with my notbeing marked. But then there was always the surprise violent beating whichwould last no more than a minute or two. If I did not hurry to clean the wineup off the floor could be just the provocation She'd use. Besides, I'd healedentirely from the last inflicted marks and was not anxious to have them again.

"Michael, make that sound I like when you vacuum things up with your mouth,honey". I wriggled from spot to spot apparently doing the job sufficientlywell to get a still-chilled, full mouthful of wine directly from her mouthto mine. Mistress Tracey had helped me right my head by taking a firm graspof my hair. "Now what year is that, Mr. Connoisseur" She laughed.

The Buyout

After I'd been seeing Mistress Tracey weekly or more for three years at thesame Chelsea dungeon, she informed me that I could not see her any more. Outof the blue with no warning, she said it. She said that she never wanted tosee my face again there. I was told not to show up. If I did, I would not belet in. We had no session that day. I was asked to leave and she walked outof the room. I was fucking pissed and when directly into my post session barfor several drinks before going home.

That was then, maybe three years ago. That's how the buyout offer started.A fucking buyout of myself, paid for by myself, with my own fucking cash. Thatwas three years ago, but back to the present for now……..


As I lie helpless on the floor of her apartment, my Mistress Tracy went onto tell me what her fancy with me was on this beautiful spring afternoon. Asyou may have already surmised, the buyout deal got done three years ago. Thefact that I was helpless bound at my Mistress Tracey's feet was testament enoughto that.

"I want to play the dice game, Michael. I'll choose the way in which I'llhave you roll the dice since yours are, well, shall we say…. indisposed!Michael, you'll roll the dice …..to designate …the…. particularinstrument I'll punish you with." As She spoke She pulled a chair closer, spitwine one the floor, kicked off one red pump and I knew it would only be a fewmoments before I'd be cleaning her wine soaked toes with my mouth and beingtested regarding how well I listened to her instructions.

"If you roll a seven, Michael, we're going for a canter in the country. I'llbridle you up and ride you, sweet horsie.  Maybe the promise of a goodbeating back at the barn again will give you something to look forward to will ….it damn well better give you some giddieup! ….  I want to feelsome power from those big footballer thighs, Michael, when I'm riding yournaked ass out in the fields. When I whip that butt and thighs with my crop,you'll know I mean faster …g'it up those hills!' She erupted with aloud laugh.

As soon as I heard the number seven, I knew Mistress Tracey may have beenmore serious about going for a ride in the country than I had initially thought.And I'd be the horse. Mistress Tracey was well aware of the odds of rollinga seven verses the odds of rolling other numbers. There are several combinationswhich total seven, a one and a six, a two and a five, I three and a four, youget the idea, She may very well want to ride me today. Another ride, again.

Mistress Tracey prefers to use me in her apartment but not always. MistressTracey has taken me to her barn, a rather fabulous but remote barn, on severaloccasions. We were alone, always very alone out there. That's what the buyoutwas about, Her exclusive use of me, away from the dungeon where I had an almostweekly appointment with her for three years. Since the buyout, I've been servingher in her apartment where everything is, where I can clean and take care ofthings for her first, then please her to her liking. If we've been togethersix years, I've had the privilege of meeting at her apartment for about threeyears, three years since the buyout. But not always here, I've been to thebarn on four occasions. Each exacting, each memorable.

A Ride in the Country

"I'm going to saddle you up naked, Michael. The foliage is out enough, Isuppose, to keep us from being seen cutting through Miller's place on the wayback from my horsie ride… it would be a shame if they saw me ridinga naked man all nicely bridled up… you know what they'd say" and Shetossed her head back with great self satisfaction…. "they'd probablysay, damn that girl can still fucking ride a horse. They'd probably say I'maging gracefully, maybe even calming down in my middle thirties! Sorry, darling,they know me too well and if they haven't seen us cantering already ……somebodyelse has. I'll doubt they'll be able to tell who you are with your eye blinderson though. You'd better hope they can't recognize your nut sack and cock fromthe steam room at the club" She giggled as She brought her hand to her chin,tilled her head back to think. "I'm going use the cock and ball bridle cinchedup to your mouth bit today. I like the way it keeps you bent over at a constantangle and me nice and comfy in the saddle. Nobody will recognize you bent overyour purple-blue fruit basket of genitals after I'm through saddling you up,darling. Don't worry about being recognized, Michael. You know me too wellto fuck with that bullshit."

"I'd worry about saving some energy for that sprint I like back to the barn,darling, if it's even possible that you can run at all with your balls cinchedto up to your mouth bit like that".

Mistress Tracey let me know from our first meeting that she owned my cockand balls. I always wear a chastity device, a CB 3000 which is locked and MistressTracey is the only one with the key. I'm allowed to cum in most of our sessions.That's only one reason why I need to see Mistress Tracey at least once a week.If I'm allowed by Mistress Tracey to cum in our session, that's my only sexualrelief. But I must eat all my cum. Mistress Tracey likes to hold my cock andballs while I cum. She says when I met her I was a piece of shit at cuming.I've been trained to look deep into her eyes while my face and body goes throughthe wild convulsions of organism. Mistress Tracey was correct. I was a pieceof shit a cuming. I have no thought of cuming without Her hands stranglingmy balls for her pleasure. To be without the galaxy of Her gaze would be pureemptiness now.

The lock of the chastity device is plastic so that it's doesn't set off airportsecurity devices. I could break it if need me, the consequences didn't needto be explained to me, however. Because of a business trip, it had been elevendays since I'd not been able to relieve myself. There have been several timesin which Mistress Tracey allowed me, in fact directed me, not to wear the CB3000.I was required to masturbate twice a day into condoms, to keep the condomsrefrigerated and to bring them with me in a prescription bottle on our nextappointments. Mistress Tracey had me eat all my cum from the condoms in frontof her then. Her words about the horsie ride and the barn whipping excitedmy cock and I could tell drips of cum were forming at the tip of my cock asit strained against the cock enclosure. Mistress Tracey's stream of consciousnessscript for our afternoon started to flow from her more easily….She pouredherself a full glass of the vintage chardonnay.

"Then you'll roll the dice again for the number of lashes, OK Michael? You'llbe thinking, wondering ….pondering the important question.... will Shehand me …hmmm 1 die or.....maybe….TWO!  Two dice. What adifference a dice makes, twenty four little hours" she sang to the melody ofthe familiar old song. "Quite a fucking difference, right sweetie?

Mistress Tracey bent down and started whispering in my ear. "The thoughtof 2 dice and a possible 12 whipping devices really scares the hell out ofyou, I know darling......but it just pleases me soooo…..Mommy gets sofucking wet, and maybe knowing I've got 12 whips to beat you with will getme off. If you roll twelve and I get twelve implements to punish you with,who cares if you get a couple of lucky rolls after that. I still haven't decidedwhether I'll beat one ass cheek or two. Mommy's getting fucking hot thinkingabout really hard whacks on each cheek. You'd better get me off, Michael andnot a peep like last time. If I'm feeling good and fucking randy thinking abouta horsie ride, I'll bet it will. I'll bet beating you in the heat of thebarn could make me gush. Want my gushie, baby? You know it's warm out todaybut I wish it were really down right hot. Hotter than hell. I love it in thehay loft of the barn in July and August when I can leave you there."

The Barn

After the previous times when I was used as a horse for rides at the barn,Mistress Tracey would strip me naked and make me roll in the hay after ridingme naked in the fields. Then she would secure me by my leather and steel restraintsto massive barn beams in the highest, hottest part of the bar. I'd be thirstyas hell and itch all over. I knew better than to ask for water, especiallythen. Mistress Tracey only rarely used me for toilet. I wasn't about to temptfate when her pee could be deep, concentrated yellow from the summer heat.We'd arrive, I'd be saddled, she'd ride me for several hours then we'd returnto the barn. I'd be recuffed and secured to barn beams in the loft.

Next she's take some straw and pry my ass open with it. Then she'd take thelongest straw she could find and slowly slip each long strand inside of theshort ones straws already holding my ass open. "Open for me, Mikey, don't bea tight ass" she'd whisper. I get several hard swats with the back of her fingersto my balls if Mistress Tracey thought I was being difficult. She'd continueslipping the long pieces of straw through into my ass until they broke offseveral inches from entry. Then she'd whisper, "more than ever, sweetheart,you know my rule, you can do it for me" and she reversed the straw so the thinend went in first. "Make this wet with for Mommy" and she'd drag the strawthrough my mouth. "Nice and wet now so Mommy can slip it in." Several morestraw strands would be wetted in my mouth and used to slip the narrow strawsinto the bundle in my ass. "Good boy" she whispered before tilting my headsideways and loosing a large gob of spit in my ear. She held my head to assureHer warm spit fell inside my ear canal. I knew better than to even think aboutshaking it out. The remainder of her fluid rolled out of my ear and down myneck joining with the sticky hay dust and sweat which was already there.

"Now relax and open" she said.

"And you'll be sopping wet with sweat for my return. We'll have your sweatywhipping to look forward to, sweet Michael" she said to me as she walked delicatelywith one boot on down the stairs. The other boot remained by my side.

On that visit to the barn, Mistress Tracey left me there. She went to thehouse for a swim and to clean herself of me. I swallowed her dirt and her peeinstinctively. I didn't think. I quickly gained plenty of time to review mycareless decision. When my Mistress Tracey left me I became awash with thethoughts in my mind. It proved difficult to regain the feeling of loving eyesand surrender.

Sweat was pouring out of my body and I had no way to wipe the sweat away.My body had slowly stopped cuming and started aching. Of the three times, MistressTracey has used me at barn and left me in the heat of hayloft, she's returnedto give me a violent beating. "You can take this, Michael, you can take thisfor me, just a minute or two for me" she'll whisper in my ear upon her returnwhile grabbing my leather bound cock and balls. I had those words to help passthe eternity without her.

Mistress Tracey has told me that she loves the earthy smells of the hot barnin heat of summer. She prefers to beat me when I'm lathered with sweat. Itgives her powerful orgasms. Mistress Tracey has gushed on my face and my mouth,to relieve my thirst. This was before her urine and her dirt. She'd taken meto and past any and all of my pronounced and imagined limits. When she cameon my face and mouth in the barn, I sobbed thanks and begged if there was anythingI could do to make her happier. The words themselves made electric shock shootthrough my balls and cum roll out of my cock in three or four slow motion gobs.

Memories of the barn could overwhelm me.

If Mistress Tracey did plan on taking me to the barn today, I was assuredto have my limits extended again. But it was the late afternoon of a weekday,we were in the city and the odds were she was happier here. The remembranceof trips to the barn had almost clouded my attention on today's session.

"But today you need to grow, Michael….. you'll look in my eyes andsmile sweetly at me, my darling….that's your focus for today session…lovingeyes again, I don't want to see your silly fear…. very sweetly, pleasedon't bore me with terror, I need you to grow Michael, I want only loving acceptancefrom you today, darling. OK? No fear. Don't fail me sweet, Michael. And makeyour legs quiver again, that was ever so exciting for Mommy darling. Make Mommyhappy with that for today!"

I generally get to see my Mistress Tracey on weekday late afternoons or evenings.Occasionally, she'll tell me she wants me for weekends also. Her usual wonthad become incapacitating me naked and thinking out loud about her pleasurewith me that day. This afternoon in the city was no different. But having experiencedmy trainings in the barn, Mistress Tracey knew a mention of them could sendme off into another emotional galaxy. The galaxy which She created and whichshe controlled for me.


Mistress Tracey loves number games. How well I've come to know She likesnumbers, number of this, the number of that. It's how the dice game got started. "You'rea Wall St. guy, Mikie, you know how the numbers work!"

She keeps track of "Mikie's lucky numbers" as She calls them. She keeps themto the stoke, sometimes even the location and harshness. I write them downin her book after our sessions.

"I'll tell you how I'll decide the cheek issue, Michael …whether thenumber of strikes you roll get delivered on EITHER side or BOTH sides.…youknow how, darling? I'm sure…..based upon … how you perform andplease me, of course."   Mistress Tracey went to where She had mademe arrange all the hitting instruments and picked an old platform tennis paddle,an old heavy one from when the platform tennis had first become popular. Thepaddle was a leather-gripped, heavy, cluncker with lots and lots of squareholes in it. 48 square holes to be exact. Mistress Tracey likes to take hertime preparing me just so in order to see how many perfect square imprintsshe can leave on my ass. She knows this paddle is the one striking implementwhich I fear the most. I fear it more than her crops. If she were to get longercrops, perhaps a 4 foot crop or longer, like the ones she took me to see atthe tack shop, perhaps I'd reconsider. But Mistress Tracey's preparation andposition of my body, her intensity and the desire which she has for leavingthe most possible, perfect square imprints within the giant red swelling ofthe paddle mark, fills me with fear.

Mistress Tracey's private numbers lottery to determine my punishment in asession was partly developed during the buyout discussions and it works likethis.

Worst case, I could receive up to 144 lashes or blows in a session by rollingdoubles sixes to begin with. This would determine that I would be punishedwith 12 instruments. Then I roll again to determine the number of strikes witheach implement. If I were to roll double sixes every successive time to determinethe number of strokes I'd receive from Mistress Tracey with that particularinstrument, the total would be 144 lashes for the session, or 12 times 12.144 strokes is unlikely but possible. So if She desires to play, I roll onceto determine the number of instruments which She will use on me. The fact thatI know this number at the start of our dice game, is thanks to her kindness.Mistress Tracey sometimes asks if I want to see my initial roll or not. SometimesShe kindly offers me the choice of knowing or not knowing. Sometimes she wantsme to know how many instruments which I will be punished with, and sometimesshe doesn't want me to know. Sometimes She wants me to know, and she insistsupon not knowing. After our first session of my seeing the first roll of thedice, Mistress Tracey cleverly understood possibility of a flaw. She wouldknow how many instruments would be used. She thought her knowing this mightinfluence her strictness with me. Also Mistress Tracey wanted to be surprisedwith the order of striking implements. "It's really best if I treat every implementof your training, as if it were the last one of the day, isn't it Michael.What kind of Mistress would I be if I gave you the lashes which you rolledfor with one instrument and then discovered that our dice game was over? Nota very good Mistress, I'm afraid Michael. You'll never grow that way". MistressTracey wisely devised a way for me to arrange the number of implements of thesession and for her not to be influenced at all by whether I was to be punishedwith two implements or with twelve implements, …….. but moreon that later…..

"Don't worry, Michael, it will all be over soon enough, either way darling" Shewhispered as she stood over me admiring the old paddle in her hand, smellingthe belting leather handle warn from use, lightly touching my right ass cheekwith it. "You can take it no matter when I use it, now matter what has comebefore it or what is to come after it, no matter what I do...... I know youcan take it. Even when you cried tears, such lovely tears, the last time. Andyou screamed even though I've taught you not to make a sound. I was so, soproud of you …those were first time crocodile tears with you…..myfirst really big tears from you here in the city, sweet Michael. Today, youmust make amends for screaming the last time though. And those nasty ol' markskept you from showering at the club for 6 weeks, didn't they. You did so lovely.That was a real break-through for you, Michael, but you were so scared. I don'twant terror in your eyes, darling, I want to see your love this time. Do youunderstand me? Terror will tell me you didn't learn a thing and I'll just haveto address your fear again and that won't be good at all. Not for you, anyway.I'm enjoying my afternoon. Do you understand? What's today's focus, Michael?"

Without hesitation I answered as Mistress Tracey had taught me to, by beingprecise and by being brief. "I will show you only loving eyes, Mistress Tracey.I will not show you fear. I will be trained for my previous failure to obeyyour preference for my silence." As I said the words, a powerfully warm feelingof love washed over me. Mistress Tracey had raises me to a new confidence level,a level of love in my eyes no matter what. I saw Her eyes accept my love andbe please. I sobbed quietly and awaited my training with a new confidence andloving eyes.

The Tennis Trophy

Mistress Tracey went on to whisper above me "if I have to mark you Michael,you can understand it's not going to help your tennis game, don't you. Youwon't be able to shower at the club. It will make it harder for you to practicetennis. I want you to win the tennis championship. I want that trophy thisyear, darling. You know how I love the head table near the orchestra on AwardsNight and besides the evening is free for the winner! You'll take the moneywe save and buy me a new summer party dress for Awards Night …..whatyou would have had to spend on the party if you weren't the champion, but youwill be champion this year won't you dear Michael."

With that Mistress Tracey approached me with a kiss.... she's getting everso close. I must only show her the sweet submissive love from my eyes. I musthave Her enjoying my loving eyes which I have only for her...... there mustbe absolutely no fear. She sweetly pull my chin up to open my mouth .......globs of warm spit hit my eye brow, eye lashes, nose, slide over my lips andfall into my mouth.  "You'll be able to take it for me, darling,I know you can.... for me…… just for me".  

The Buyout Meeting

"You can do it for me" became the most frequent words I'd hear during theweeks and days prior to the buyout.

Three years ago when Mistress Tracey told me that it was over, when she toldme that I must leave her and never come back, that day which she told me notto return, I was dumbfounded. Thank goodness I has insanely busy which my WallSt. business or I would have made myself nuts. Three or four days later, Icalled like I normally did to confirm our appointment. This time Madame Rebeccawas summonsed to the phone. Madame Rebecca said "you'd better come in and seeme, Michael". I'll never forget those words. I went that afternoon.

When I got to the dungeon where I'd been going just about every week thatI was in the country, Madame Rebecca had me escorted into one of the comfortablemeeting rooms.

Madam Rebecca came in and sat down. "Michael, I'll get to the point. MistressTracey wants to see you away from here. That means money out of my pocket,as you can easily understand. Mistress Tracey is happy working here and wantsto continue. Therefore, the only way you can ever see her again, is to buyme out. You've been coming here for over three years. You've probably spentclose to $50,000 here. Maybe more. Don't think you're our best customer, you'renot. You've not even one of our better customers, Michael. You're a good customer,however, and I like good customers. You're a $20,000 a year customer. If youwant to see Mistress Tracey ever again you need to buy me out."

"I'll be reasonable", she went on to say. "The price for buying yourselfout is one time annual earnings. $20,000 in cash. Before you get insulted thatyou're going to trade a lousy multiple, think about what you say to me. Don'tspeak is my advice. The $20,000 is just for me. Tracey wants another $2,000to throw a proper good-bye party for you here, with the girls, with her friendsand me, I've been invited. I've negotiated a discount with her for your party.That's it, Michael. Think about it and call me after the true impact of thishas occurred to you. I don't want you to act in haste. With that Madam Rebeccagot up to leave the room. "Someone will come to let you out" she said and sheclosed the door behind her.

An Extra Roll

"Oh, I want you to role an extra time today, Michael. Another role sweetheart" Shesaid putting the paddle down. "Another roll for whom you ask?" Mistress Traceygiggled as She raised her glass demurely to her lips and offered an adorableimpish grin.

I'm caught completely by surprise! Mistress Tracey next tells me I must rollfor WHO will punish me, whether it will be herself or whether She willgive me to someone else, perhaps other ladies friends, perhaps! I have neverbeen trained in public. In Public, I am not comfortable at all with publicand She know this very well.

In the course of pondering and sipping chilled chardonnay, Mistress Traceythought out loud.  "Maybe we should have some you fun and just gofor drinks today".  Where did this come from, I thought. MistressTracey then started to threaten to take me out in the public. She knows I loveto be threatened and I started to feel more at ease. I had confessed to myMistress long ago how these threats of public humiliation excited me. I couldfeel my cock straining against my chastity enclosure and tiny drops of cumstarting to drip onto my leg. I indulged myself in thinking this would helpme accept the pain with loving eyes as She had instructed me. I hadn't yetmentally transitioned from where-did-this-come-from to, more importantly, where-was-it-going.Mistress Tracey threaten some more. But this time a closet door opened andher red pump shoes were changed. Mistress Tracey had decided that we were goingfor drinks, drinks with "the ladies". She said that She was sorry to cut oursession short, it had all come up quite suddenldy and She couldn't get outof it. I was given the option of going along with her. I would be her excuseto leave early. If I decided to go, I would still be in her command. I wasto escort her back to her apartment after quick drinks, so I didn't have toworry about my cleaning shores at this moment. I would be allowed to cleanlater.

I decided yes.

From that moment, I obeyed. I freshened myself with a quick shower, dressedand we left. "I'll introduce you as an old friend, behave as your charmingself but remain obedient" Mistress Tracey said to me as we stepped out on tothe New York sidewalk. It was one of those first Spring afternoons when theair smelled sweet and people responded to the atmosphere of the newness ofSpring.

In Public

Arriving inside the bar, we were seated promptly amidst a sizable waitingline with a group of about eight women whom I had never seen. They were alldress quite nicely and were noticeably attractive. Noticably attractive. Hadwe been downtown in the Wall St. area and not in West Chelsea, a pool of sharkswould have been surrounding this group within minutes.

I was introduced in a perfectly social manner, we ordered drinks and thelively conversations continued.  How-do-you-know's, where-are-you-from's,how-long's, what-do-you-do's were heard throughout the mutiple conversationswhich developed. These separate conversations occurred just as in any othergathering of this kind. Then it started to occur to me that not all of thewomen had known each other as I had presumed. I charmingly myself into a seriesof conversations just as I expected Mistress Tracey would have expected me,as she had told me to do. For some reason, I just assumed that Mistress Traceywas going to a gathering of her friends, all people whom she knew. That wasthe impression which She gave me as we ended our session and I was given theoption of joining her. Individuals were telling each other how they happenedto know another person, or who their connection to the group was but no onesaid a word about why they were all here.

I was working on the tail end of my first pint of beer and was starting tofeel quite comfortable being surrounded by such a lively and attractive groupof women. In the midst of the congeniality and laughter Mistress Tracey tappedher glass with a spoon, leaned forward to say a few friendly words to the group.


The words instantly sent me standing straight up. I'd almost completely forgottenand my hearted pounded….. Jesus. I started to stand up and She grabbedmy hand.

"Michael, sit down, honey, it's all right, it's all right. Sit down sweetheart.We're all friends here, you have nothing to worry about. Nobody's going toknow you. Sit down. It will be alright. Do as I say".

My heart didn't say it was all right. I could hear blood pounding in my ears!Mistress Tracey asked if any of the ladies would like to freshly beat the handsome slaveshe'd seen them all eyeing. The word freshly did appear to confound anyonein our group. I knew that it meant that I had full recovered from the marksleft on me from several months ago. All eyes alternated between She and I.Lots of smiles and light hearted approval. Her fun loving associates thoughtit was a great idea and order another round to celebrate their communal agreementand to refine a good plan. 

"Ladies, I and Michael are playing our dice game today. Michael, you haveone of the ladies roll our blue dice to see who goes first, please Michael" Shesaid. "There's going to be great delight for the winner, I promise you ladies!" MistressTracey went on to say to their eager smiles and laughter.


Then came the onslaught of ideas. Lots and lots of ideas were introducedwithout any hesitation what-so-ever. Ideas were bounced between and among theladies during the short wait until our second drink arrived. Amidst the happyhour guests, Tracey's ladies were saying to me "say, Michael, come over hereyou hunk, let's have a good look see at that bod". I become the centerof attention at what starts to look like a birthday party or welcome home party.A scant few heads were turning in the large seating area towards the frontof the bar, as just a few people were wondering what's going on. "Don'tworry, honey" Mistress Tracey said to me with a firm grip on my hand. "Theythink it a party amongst great friends…. And it IS!" and with that MistressTracey started a laugh which all joined.

More the more ideas that came out, the wilder they became.

"Let's have slave bukkake!" someone suggests.  Or "lets dopiss shots" pronounces another.

"How's THAT work" asks another women scrunching up her face humorously. 

The explanation is short but clear from a very professionally dressed, tall,brunette woman.

"Piss shots? Really, Azara, haven't we taught you anything?" she saidas the group laughed in agreement. "It goes like this. We order another roundand the disappear to the ladies room with our shot glasses" giggles thewhimsical would-be mistress.   "We bring back our pee in the shotglass and line up the darling little glasses.  It looks like a welcomeback celebration for our dear friend, Michael. We've order him a shot fromthe waiter too. Michael must down a shot of ours and tell us who it belongsto!"   The response is pure delight form the very attentive group!   "IfMichael can correctly identify the lady who was kind enough to bring him theshot, that is if guesses correctly, that lady is out of the game and anothershot glass gets removed.  If he's wrong, he belongs to the lady for pallettraining."

"What's pallet training" asks a younger lady. 

"Fucking Jesus H. Christ, Olivia" says someone to the ready amusement ofall. "You, too? Come on girl!"

Again the statuesque brunette started to inform the group without hesitation. "Pallettraining teaches slaves to recognize a lady's golden gift when he has it inhis mouth...... and not to forget it again I might add" the woman said. "It'squite effective.  Here's how it works" and she starts to tell theattentive group.

"Michael will roll one dice, the special blue one which Tracey has provided,while the mistress in question disappears with a beer glass to fill with hergift in the ladies room. Not a shot glass either, a beer glass this time. She'llcome back and present Michael with what looks like a birthday beer. Butinstead he'll be taking a nice mouth full of warm golden shower" the brunettesaid to agreeing nods from the table of friends.  "Everyone will thinkour sweet winning lady bought him a beer. He'll take a mouthful here in fromof all of us and the lady will take him to the adjoining room with her.  Therehe kneels, his pants go down and he receives the number of strikes whichhe rolled with the blue dice. His mouth MUST remain wide open to showthe lady his gift from her. He must look the mistress in the eye and swallowone portion after each blow. Six strikes, six swallows. On the final strikehe must finish. If there is none left for the final swallow, he'll have tocome back and start again."

Mistress Tracey then stepped in and easily got the attention of all fromthe brunette. "We could do it here, but it's a little too early forOliver the bartender to allow us to bind Michael to the bar with spread handsand feet so the room could enjoy seeing his pants go down and his ass reddenedin public." Mistress Tracey proceeds to calmly tell the ladies "theadjoining room is just fine for now, no problems, and it's just exactly whatwe ladies will ……do……for…… N O W!" MistressTracey said as she slowly spelled out the last word "now" leaving the impressionthat the proceedings were not going to be ending anytime soon. The ladies weregiddy with excitement.

"Oh, but ladies don't worry…..  we will still be able to HEAR...... if the strikes are loud enough" Mistress Tracey laughs and raisesher glass with all the women at the table doing likewise.  All delightand giggle at this, and contribute to detailed refinements of the plan forme which they think would be fun.

A fresh second round of aperitifs appears in darling colored shot glasses,carried by a older, congenial waiter.  "You certainly seem to havingfun here, is it a birthday or something?" the elder server asks directlyto Mistress Tracey as he puts each drink in it proper place.


"Fun, indeed, my dear Eddie" Mistress Tracey says wryly...... "let'sjust say it's a life altering beginning...... yes..... just like a birthday....you're so right, dear Eddie!"

A few of the ladies seemed to enjoy the private laugh, not so privately.The waiter nods and winks at Mistress Tracy. "One of THOSE days, Tracey",he says with obvious familiarity.  Old Eddie the waiter circles the crowdquickly with his eyes, then he smiles, nodes and leaves.

"Well, is it piss shots or slave bukkake, ladies" Tracey asks aloudwhile the fun and voluminous chatter and commotion continues.

"Gosh, am I the only person here who always has to ask?" demursa Jackie, an accountant I'd been introduced to and had a short chat with earlier.More than several ladies appear not to know what was meant by the comment andMistress Tracey seizes the moment, obviously considering this topic to juicyto be left to the brunette.

"Listen my sweet friends, and you shall learn" Mistress Tracey saysdeliberately while leaning forward. 

Mistress Tracey leans in to teach the brood......  things quiet downand the ladies lean forward to engage the sparkle in Her dark blue eyes. Theystart to hang on ever word out of Mistress Tracey's lips.

A gasping "Jesus" in heard in delight upon Mistress Tracey's conclusion. "Eight, ten,twelve loads of cum spilling out of her mouth into a hospital tray?" saysMistress Tracey in conclusion.

"What" asks Eileen, the auburn haired attorney, in disbelief?

"Fuckin, fuck you, fuck me… are you funkin' kidding me, thosefucks fucking repeatedly jizz in her mouth??????" chimes in a thin ladyin a flower print dress with Peter Pan collar and the girls erupt with galesof laughter.

My darling Mistress Tracy then sets them up for the knock out punch.

"The woman has to take, not just ten or twelve loads of spunk from guys.In Japan, ladies, when a woman employee is corrected, a fucking wholecompany department of men will line up to cum in her mouth as she's made tokneel on a podium in the center of an auditorium. It's filmed by Human Resources.Fucking HR films the whole fucking event. They actually instruct the womanemployee to submit her attire for this event so HR can approve it! Sometimeshundreds... can you fucking believe HUNDREDS of men cum in her mouth."

Mistress Tracey continues on to the rapt attention of all, including me.

"Before this all takes place, HR Okays the woman's hair do and attire, thenspend an hour or so instructing her on how to behave properly. She's instructedon how to tilt her head back and breathe through her nose so that twenty, thirtyor more loads of her dear working colleagues' jizz can be collected in hermouth at one time. Then that fucking group of wankers gather round her as sheholds all their freshly ejaculated, warm jizz in her mouth wide open. A coupledepartment heads in the group will grab the back of her head by the hair andwiggle it around so the cum in her mouth acts like wine which is being swirledin a glass before tasting. After the cum swirl, the woman creates a pouringspout with her lips and manager of the department grabs her hair again andtilts her head straight forward so the cum spills out into a stainless steelbed pan."

"Then the next department lines up" Mistress Tracey says and she lets outa loud sigh and takes a drink from her wine glass. "The gooey cum which stretchesfrom her mouth to the pan is cut. If cum falls on the woman's chin or throat,it is scraped up with a spoon like stainless steel device."

"The bed pan is emptied into a huge pipette with volume markings on the side" Shesays. "Each department's contribution to the total volume of jizz is markeddown and is a source of competitive pride between the departments. When thelast department is finished cuming in the Japanese woman employee's mouth,she is allowed to stand. Some HR women, HR women mind you, take her behinda grass curtain on the stage and quickly refresh her make up, hair and attire."

When HR is finished cleaning her up, the giant pipette filled with all ofthe cum is presented to woman employee by the CEO of the company her in thecenter of the stage. The pipette is about two and one half feet high and maybe3, 4 or 5 inches in diameter. There can be a quart of cum in it. There canbe two quarts of cum. The purpose of cum presentation is so that the womancan, are you fucking ready for this ladies, drink it. DRINK IT!!!!!!!!" THEYMAKE HER DRINK THE FUCKING CUM RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE COMPANY. And they filmit.

The wide eyes of every woman in the group became even wider eyes, filledwith wonder and intrigue and astonishment and, and, and …… fuckingsexist anger. Righteous fucking anger and vengeful retaliation!

"Now Ladies, does that sound entirely fair to you?" asked Mistress Traceywith a commanding air of indignation, sarcasm and humor. "Really now, is thatfair. These poor, hard- working, Japanese women have to kneel there, kneelwhile rather nattily attired if I do say so myself, with cum stains all overtheir beautiful Hermes scarves and then drink quarts of their male workingassociates fucking cum handed to her by the fucking CEO of the company ANDTHEN FUCKING APOLOGIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Now I ask you sweet things, is that right?  Is that FAIR????" MistressTracey asked as she looked each one of them quickly in the eyes drawing toan obvious conclusion.

"Michael, you don't think that's right, do you?" asked Annette, the investmentbanker while Mistress Tracey shook my wrist lightly and made an endearing signfor me to show obvious disapproval.

I had read the popular book The Godfather years beforeand I had never forgotten how I smirked in disbelief at the notion of a livinghuman's blood draining from their entire live body and sphincter muscles failingto contain the body's urine fluids and fecal matter.

No longer..................................

"Take him, Annette" said Mistress Tracey. "Eddie's ready for you in the back".

Same as Mistress Tracey's Delight Videos

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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 4

The third and final day of my transformative weekend started poorly. I had aches and pains all over. My neck and back and thigh muscles were sore. I had a little irritation from body hair that was growing back. And of course, my asshole felt all stretched out and very tender. I wondered if it would ever feel tight again. I also wondered what the evening would hold. I couldn't imagine that it would be anything more humiliating and degrading than the previous evenings. I wasn't wearing a buttplug...

4 years ago
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Mistress and Master

I had been to Mistress Elaine's and Master Johns several times but today's visit was different. Mistress Elaine had buzzed me in the gate but it was James their butler who waited for me at the door. I had not met the staff of the house properly but I had heard them moving around and cleaning. I had wondered if Mistress had more slaves but the people I had briefly come across seemed normal. "This way Davina," he stated. I followed him into the hall and upstairs. James was a tall thin...

3 years ago
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Mistress Diana

The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land  ??? The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land. The mansion was built by a wealthy tycoon in the late twenties before the stock market crash. The mansion was deserted for many years until Mistress Diana moved there and had it renovated for her exotic tastes.  ? Mistress Diana was an heir to a fortune that was left to her by an uncle. She had...

2 years ago
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Mistress Cums for a Visit

I wake up and I realize that I have over slept and need to meet my new Mistress at her hotel in an hour! I met my Mistress on Lush and she came to visit and have some vacation time. She was staying for the weekend and I was to be at her beck and call all weekend. My Mistress I hot DD breasts and an ass to match. We had chatted online and even video chatted but this was our first meeting. I got up and got dressed in what she told me to come it…basketball shorts with no boxers and a t-shirt. I...

2 years ago
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Mistress Makes Some Changes

MISTRESS MAKES SOME CHANGES by Throne I guess we had both noticed it. My Mistress, Claire, and I had been seeing each other for several months. Our time together was a mixture of dating and domination sessions. In the beginning she had been a bit rough on me but it was gradually taking on a softer tone. After she spanked me, we snuggled and talked sweetly in bed. Or she would make me get naked, so she could admire my hairless body, but instead of punishing me she would just tease...

4 years ago
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Mistress and her slaves

Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...

2 years ago
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Mistress Mine Chapter 4

Kimberly knelt there, staring at the huge bulge in front of her eyes. If Michael was anywhere near the size that bulge indicated, she was in for a real treat! Kim licked her lips and drew in a deep breath as she cautiously reached up for the waistband of his boxers. She swallowed hard as she began slowly drawing the boxers down. Quickly, the tip of his cock appeared and she looked up at him, smiling. She pulled the garment down a bit more until the whole mushroom head was exposed. She stopped...

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Mistress Roulette Part 5

I pulled against my restraints, eager to hear the news Mistress had for me. "Would you like to hear it?" she asked. "Yes please, Mistress." "Mmm. I love the sound of your voice when you get like this. It's almost musical how your denied urges make your body speak. The little ups and downs of your whimpers send chills through me." Mistress started to run her fingers up and down over my bare breasts. I felt like I could barely breathe, I was so excited. "The good news, hunny," Mistress started,...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Mirrored Room

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com, fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com and mistressdyvia.com, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Hello to all my sweethearts out there, it has been a while, and I've missed so many of you. But here I am with a long...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Mirrored Room

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com,  fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com and mistressdyvia.com,  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.Hello to all my sweethearts out there, it has been a while, and I've missed so many of you.  But here I am with a long awaited...

2 years ago
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Mistress Carmen get dominated

Carmen walked into the kitchen in her dressing gown past her slave Michelle who was staring at the morning paper whilst slowly devouring a bowl of corn flakes. This was not the usual morning scene for their household at this time of day as Michelle would usually be on the train heading to work.Today was different however as Michelle had the day off to use up the remainder of his holiday before the financial new year started. Flicking the kettle on, Carmen turned towards Michelle:"So wants the...

2 years ago
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Mistress Wants To Have Fun

Mistress Wants To Have FunIt all seems such a short time ago that I met her.I saw her advert online, a mistress who looks like an Angel and who, amongst other services, was looking for slaves to do her housework.  This appealed to me as it was something I hadn’t done on command before. I wanted so much to come and see her, I rang her straight away. She was very courteous on the phone but firm with me that I should come and see her within 36 hours. I wasn’t sure why that was necessary but I made...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Purse of Pennies

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

3 years ago
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Mistress PC

In memorial of the Master PC saga started by JR Parz. Another story titled "Master PC: Mistress PC" (Very good I might add) was previously written by a "Kaia Golightly". I make no claims to that story, I just had this story line with this title in mind, then found out a similar title was used. Please search out the Master PC stories, done by many authors. Some are very good, many are better than my first attempt here.. Especially the ones by Xanthos Pendragon. Now, on with...

3 years ago
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Mistress meeting

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked and also felt the sensation of my cock receiving more blood and growing slightly in my pants. I shivered due to the winters icy wind as I turned onto the pathway. As I did so I casually looked around and was relieved to see no one was about, and continued down the path to the appointment that I had been fantasising about for the previous few weeks. To be in a situation where it was not me who had to make the decision, or be relied on, or take the...

2 years ago
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Mistress Dyvia Scratchin an Itch

Mistress Dyvia's "Scratching an Itch" LETTER TO MY READERS: Hi all, I love you all to death. Well I decided to get my butt moving, and I wrote another story. 'Scratching an Itch' being about scratching an irritation. Specifically a sub trying to top me from the bottom. I don't like that. If I wanted to be topped, I'd be on the bottom. LoL. I hope you enjoy! KISSES! DISCLAIMER: I wrote this story so its mine. Mine! Mine! Mine! I own the rights to it. If you wish to post it...

2 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 6

I felt ashamed that I had disappointed my mistress, but my horny desires dominated my concerns. Mistress had to punish me, even though I told the truth. It would have been much worse if I had been caught lying. "Open," Mistress' voice commanded, bringing me back to the present. I quickly adhered to her order and opened my lips wide. I was sure to stick out my tongue a little too, as I'd been taught. Mistress said it made my mouth more inviting. I felt a round, heavy, probably metal object,...

2 years ago
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Mistress Kelly Pt 3

Everything that kitty had owned was given to GoodWill and what was left in the apartment would be taken away this weekend to the dump by a company Mistress hired. Mistress informed kitty that on Sat. night they would have a party to celebrate their new home and Moi,Rhonda and steven plus others would be there. Mistress also stated that more changes were in store for kitty once they moved. kitty purred because changes had always meant good things for her since Mistress had named her kitty...

2 years ago
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Mistress Flavia and Ophelia Flagellate Me Chapt

Chapter TwoWhile Mistress Flavia was out of the dungeon, Ophelia quickly secured my hands to the metal bar above my head. Kneeling at my feet, she attached a heavy steel spreader bar between my ankles. When she was finished, she stood up and looked at me. She placed her hands on my chest and dug her bright red fingernails into my nipples. Then, she slapped my face several times with each hand.“I can’t wait to start beating you. I love all these words we are using to describe your flagellation....

2 years ago
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Mistress Sandy gets a sissy maid

I had been serving Mistress Sandy for about 6 months. I felt I had progressed well and felt Mistress had also. The fantasy of being a sissy maid had been one held for over 20 years, but not until the internet came along had I ever tried to actually find a Mistress or Master. Masters came easiest, but I quickly found they all wanted a sex slave, not a maid. However one of those Masters had a friend He felt I should meet. From the start Mistress Sandy admitted She had no knowledge of...

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