- 4 years ago
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Mistress Z
Chapter 1
For years I had dreamed of visiting a real Mistress. At first, I would readstories about being dominated. When I began surfing the Internet my fantasygrew more. I could now read stories and see pictures and movies of dominantwomen taking control of men like me. This satisfied me for a while, but theurge to actually experience domination at the hands of a beautiful woman stillhaunted me. I tried phone sex with dominant women. This was even more fun andhelped me decide what I wanted in a dominant. I loved the verbal humiliation,but I still yearned to feel it. I wanted to touch and smell my very own Mistress.
I finally decided I was going to do it. I spent hours reading all of the websites of Doms located in my state. I even emailed and called a few to get usedto the idea of making contact. I wanted to come across as good as I could whenI made my final choice. I keep a file of scenarios on my computer. I listedin order of preference all of the things I thought I would like. I used thisas a way to narrow down my choices, plus it served as an excellent tool whenI finally make contact. I will never forget that day; how I nervously dialedthe number and waited for her to answer.
I had rehearsed what I was going to say. Hello, my name is Billy. Is thisMistress Z?
“Yes it is. What can I do for you?”
Mistress, I was wondering if I could make arrangements to have a session withyou. I am very submissive and believe I can serve you the way you like to beserved.
“How do you know that?”
I have read your website thoroughly and I believe I can do all of the thingsyou have mentioned. (I swallowed hard, because I was so nervous. But I wasdetermined to say what I thought she would like to hear.) And I think thereare many other things you could do to me Mistress that would please you. (Iwaited for her to answer.)
“Tell me what it is that you will do, or I will do that will resultin my pleasure.”
I will submit fully to you and I will obey all of your commands if possible.You may use me to worship your body. I would be most honored to consume yourgolden nectar. I would consider myself lucky to worship your soiled panties.My body would be yours to use and abuse. I believe I can withstand much painto please you. I would also be honored to have you use my slave pussy as yousee fit. I will also serve others that you wish me to serve. (I had fantasiesof serving other slaves, male and female, at the instruction of my Mistress.)
“That’s enough for now. You must send a deposit to me before wecan talk further. Send it with your email address to the PO Box on my web site.When I get it, I will email you and tell you where to come to. You will alsocomplete my application thoroughly in your own handwriting and include it withyour tribute. Do not try to contact me any more until this is done.”
She hung up. My God! I did it. I immediately got busy completing the application.I went to the post office that day and mailed it special delivery so it wouldget to her quickly. Then I anxiously awaited her reply. Within a couple ofdays I was checking my email every hour. I was so anxious. Finally it cameon Tuesday.
My heart raced as I opened it. “I have received you deposit and yourapplication. You will be happy to know that they are acceptable to me and youmay meet with me at one of the following times.” I scanned it quicklyand to my astonishment, Friday night was open. (I could feel a rush come overme, and my balls tingled with delight.) “Email me with the time you havechosen. Then I will give you further instruction.”
I immediately returned the email and thanked Mistress Z. I told her that Iwanted to request Friday night.
I began checking my email every half hour. That evening she responded. “Youwill meet me at the Stop-n-shop on Fairfield at exactly 4:45 PM. I will bein a red jeep Cherokee. You will come to the passenger side and greet me witha sign that reads. “I am your slut Mistress Z. Please let me in.’ Ifit is not large enough for me to read, then I will drive off. If you are fortunate,and I let you in, you will quickly sit down and put your head between yourlegs and await further instruction. You will have on a pair of pink pantiesfrom Victoria Secret. You are not to masturbate from this moment on. I willknow if you have. If you fail to do follow my instructions in any way, youwill regret it.” Signed Mistress Z. I was totally elated. It was goingto happen. That’s all I could think of for the next few days. On WednesdayI went to the mall where Victoria Secret had a store. I purposely went early,hoping not to run in to anyone I knew. It was very embarrassing and I was sonervous. I had make up a script so as not to reveal why I was buying them.
“Hello, my name is Carla. May I help you.”
This girl was so beautiful. Yes ma’am. A…a I was wanting to buya gift for my wife.
“What would like to get her?”
I want to a…get her a pair of pink a…a…panties. (I wasso nervous, and my face was burning with shame.)
“This way please.”
She looked at me real funny and smiled as she turned to walk away. I couldnot help but notice how sexy she was. She went right to the panty counter andpulled out several pairs of frilly pink panties.
“Did you say these are for you wife?”
Yes ma’am.
“Oh, I could not remember, and I noticed you are not wearing a weddingband.”
(My face burned hotter as I realized that she may suspect something.) Yesma’am. Uh…we are… we are getting married.
“Oh, I see. (She smiled again and held a pair up to my waist. Now Iwas really embarrassed.) How about these?”
(She looked into my eyes and I could not help but look away.) Yes ma’am.Yes ma’am. Those will do fine.
(Then when I thought my embarrassment could not get worse.) “Would youlike to try them on first?” (She looked into my eyes again and gave methe sexiest smile I had ever seen. I did not know how to answer. I don’tthink I had ever been so embarrassed.) “I was only kidding. (She turnedand walked towards the counter as I followed her like a puppy. She did notsay much more other than to look at wink and me as she handed me the bag.) “Thankyou sir. And please come…again.”
My face was still burning as I got into the car. But I could not wait to gethome and try on the panties. I wore them to bed that night thinking about servingMistress Z.
The next and one half days were a mixture of pleasure and misery. I was soexcited about finally seeing a real Mistress. But I was also in misery notbeing able to relieve my tension. How could she know if I masturbated? Whatif I would have a wet dream? I had read that professional Mistress could tellif their subs have masturbated. I could not understand it, but I was afraidto take a chance. I wanted our first meeting to be perfect.
Finally the day came. I was nervous all day, especially as the afternoon beganto wear away. I got ready early and put my pink panties on. I left the houseat 4:00, giving me plenty of time in case of traffic or anything else. I gothere at 4:30 and parked near the side. I had made a sing with a piece of whitecardboard. It was about 18 inches square. I was sure she could read it. Asthe minutes clicked by, I keep looking for the red Jeep. At 4:45 I really becamenervous. What is she stands me up? What if this is a hoax? Surely it is not.When the clock on my radio said 4:50, I got myself ready to get out. I justknew she would come. I looked up the street and there it was, at the light.A red jeep. As it pulled through the light, the right signal came on. I wasturning into the lot. My heart raced with tension. She pulled in the middlespace and stopped. I got out of my car with the sign held to my chest. I wentaround to the passenger side and stood. I could make out the figure of a womanthrough the darkened glass. It had to be her. I turned the sign around andheld it to the glass. My heart was beating so hard I could hear it. Then Iheard the door latch click. I reached for the door and slowly pulled the handle.It opened.
“Get in her. Hurry up!” (I quickly got in, put the sign in thefloor board and put my head between my legs as I closed the door. She immediatelyput it in reverse and began backing out. She pulled into traffic and begandriving.) “You will stay like that until we get into my garage. Thatshould take about 10 minutes. While we are doing that, I will give you instructions.Listen carefully and follow them perfectly.
When we get to my garage, you will get out of the car, remove all of yourclothing except for your panties, and present yourself to the door to my housewhen you are done. You will knock lightly three times, and get to your knees.When I open the door you will crawl inside, and await further instruction.Do not mind if there are others present. You will follow my instructions anddo exactly what I say. If you do not think you are ready for this, tell menow, so we can take you back to your car. Is that clear. “
Yes Mistress Z.
“Are you sure? This is your last chance.”
Yes Mistress. ( I was now at the point of no return.)
A few moments later, I could feel the car slowing down and take a turn. Shestopped as the garage door opened. Then she pulled in.
“Give me the rest of your tribute Billy. When you hear my door shut,count to 25 slowly. Then get out and do what I told you to do.”
I reached in my pocket and pulled out the envelope. Mistress Z got out andshut the door. I began counting. When I reached 25, I quickly got out and beganremoving my clothes. As I moved towards the door, I thought my heart wouldbeat out of my chest. I took a few deep breaths and knocked lightly on thedoor. Then I got to my knees and waited. It was probably only a few moments,but it seemed like forever. Then the door slowly opened.
“Come in Billy. Crawl over here to my voice. Keep your head down. Youdo not have permission to look about.”
I slowly crawled in the direction of the voice. Until I could see a pair offeet, female feet. I instinctively raised my head a little to get a wider view.There was another pair of feet. They were not those of a female. Myheart raced again. I swallowed and tried to wet my lips. My God! What had I gotten myself into?
“Kiss my feet Billy. Kiss them. (I moved forward and began to kiss MistressZ’s soft feet. My nose immediately detected her pungent but sexy odor.) That’s a good boy. In a moment I will let you raise your head and beholdyour Mistress. You are new Billy, and you are subordinate to everyone here.You may stop now and look up.”
I slowly raised my head to see Mistress Z standing over me. She was everybit as beautiful as her pictures. Standing beside of her must have been oneof her male slaves. He was naked except for a collar and wrist cuffs. He lookeddown, but he did not look at me. I quickly turned my eyes to Mistress Z.
“You have come this far Billy, and that is the hardest part. However,don’t expect everything to be as in your fantasies. I want you to crawlover to the couch and stand on your knees with your head and eyes down.” Thecouch was only a few feet away. Mistress Z followed me and sat down in frontof me. Her slave boy followed, but he stood near the end of the couch. “Thefirst thing we are going to do is give you instructions on how you are goingto act while you are here:
You will follow all of myinstructions without hesitation.
I do not want to hear anygrumbling from you. You read my web site and hopefully did not lie on yourapplication, so you should be prepared for the worst.
You will address me as Mistress,ma’am, or Mistress Z.
You will not speak unlessI give you permission.
You will keep your eyeswhere I tell you. You needn’t go looking around.
You will treat Carl as asuperior, even though he is my personal slave.
Is that clear?” Yes ma’am. “Good. Now I want you to standand pull your panties to your knees so that I can inspect you.” I quicklyrose to my feet and pulled my panties down as she had instructed. I could feelmy face begin to burn as I exposed myself for the first time. It was even morehumiliating to do so in front of her slave. “Oh my, what a little cockyou have.” I was afraid she would say that. I knew that I was not asbig as most men. I was always a little self conscious about it. “Oh well,it will do. I have seen smaller ones.” Then she did it. She reached herhand out and began examining my penis. I had never felt it like this before.She twisted it and turned it and examined my pee slit. Then she took one handand cupped my balls. Oh God! It felt so good. I could feel myself getting erect.Mistress Z did not say anything about my growing erection. She just kept onexamining my cock and balls. She suddenly pushed my panties down to my feet. “Stepout of them.” I did as she asked. “Spread you legs.” I spreadmy legs and Mistress Z felt between them and used her finger to spread my butcheeks. Oh my God! She even put her finger to my ass hole. “Turn around.” Islowly turned. “Bend over and spread your ass checks.” This tookme to a new level of embarrassment. My face was on fire. Yet I was still hard.She used her finger again to play with my ass hole. She pushed on it severaltimes. “Ok turn back around.” As I turned she grabbed my penisagain and held it up while she examined my balls again. Now my penis was reallygetting hard.
“Did I tell you to get an erection?” Her question startled me.A… no ma’am. “Then why did you get one?” I don’t…Idon’t know ma’am. I…a it… a it felt so good whenyou were… a touching me Mistress. She was still holding my penis inher left hand. Then without any warning Mistress Z used her right hand to smackmy balls. I lunged forward. Oh, I am sorry Mistress! Then she smacked themagain. This time harder. I could barely keep standing. I am sorry Mistress!Please have mercy. “You are here 5 minutes and all ready you are takingliberties with me. You will do well to control yourself better Billy. Now putyour panties back on and get back to your knees.”
My balls were aching as I bent down and got my panties over my feet and pulledthem back up. “That’s better. I see that nasty little cock of yourshas shrunk back to the little wiener that it was earlier.” Mistress leanedback into the couch and let her legs drift apart. That’s when I firstnoticed how short her dress was. It was leather, low cut at the top, and nowthat she was sitting down, only inches below her crotch. “Carl, get downon your knees beside of Billy. I want you to do something for me.” Carlimmediately followed her order and took his place at my side. Together we wereboth directly in front of her. Mistress Z looked down at her dress and pulledit up a little further; exposing what appeared to be leather panties. “CarlI want you to take my panties off. I have had them on most of the day. I amsure they are soiled by now. Leather soaks up everything it touches. You knowwhat I mean, Billy?” A…a yes ma’am. Carl leaned forwardand put his hands under Mistress Z’s dress as she rose up on her hands.He slowly pulled her panties towards her knees and then down to her long pumps. “That’sgood enough Carl. Billy will get them from there. Billy, bend forward and pullthem off of my feet.” I leaned foreword and down to accomplish the task.However it forced my head dangerously, or shall I say wonderfully close toher nearly exposed crotch. I could not help but try to take a peak. That’swhen she grabbed my hair. “Are you trying to take more liberties Billy?”
No ma’am. Na ma’am. I am just trying to do as you ask. I frozeas she continued to hold my head in place. “I don’t believe youBilly. I think you are planning to get a smell of my pussy. Are you not?” Noma’am. “Don’t lie Billy. I don’t like it when my slaveslie. You want to smell my pussy. Don’t you Billy? No ma’am. I meanyes ma’am I do. I mean I… I would like to… but I was nottrying to do so without…without your permission ma’am. She letgo of my head. “I will let you go this time, but don’t take libertiesBilly. Now get my panties.” I reached down and picked up her panties.They were really leather. God they were so sexy. I rose up and Mistress Z lookedat me with a funny grin.
“Well Billy. You said you would like to smell my pussy. Didn’tyou.” Yes ma’am. Well my pussy has been rubbing against the crotchof those panties all day. I have been in traffic, sitting at my desk, walkingthrough the stores. I have sweated and dripped piss and cum in them all day.That leather really soaks that stuff up.” She paused for a moment andstarred at me. I knew what she had in mind and I could feel my balls twitchwith anticipation. “Do you know how I clean those panties Billy?” A…noma’am. “I don’t, Carl usually does. Do you know how he cleansthem?” No ma’am. “He licks them clean Billy. He licks allof my discharge out. The he washes them in warm water and mild soap. It helps,but it never really gets my scent out. But I am going to give you the privilegeof cleaning them Billy. Now slowly open them up, and bring the crotch pieceto you mouth Billy. Do it now.”
Without hesitation I opened them up and began raising them to my face. Shewas right. There was a wet spot in the middle of the crotch piece and the leatherwas stained from use. I could smell the leather as it got closer, but I couldalso smell that unmistakable odor of pussy. The closer it got to my face thestronger it was. I was becoming very excited. She had warned me about gettingan erection, but I could not help feeling my penis begin to grow. “Tasteit Billy, taste my pussy.” Her graphic talk was making me even more excited.I brought the crotch piece up to my nose and drank in her intoxicating odor.It filled my nostrils and excited me more than ever. The musky odor of herpussy, the faint smell of urine, and what must have been her creamy cum. Iinstinctively stuck out my tongue and tasted her secretions. God! I was inheaven. I lost all sense of my surroundings for a few seconds. If this wereso great, what would it be like to actually serve her? I licked and suckedthe leather until most of her flavor was gone.
“That’s enough Billy. Now put them down on the floor for now.I will show you how I like them washed later.” Mistress Z then movedforward on the couch and spread her legs. My eyes were glued to her crotch.For the first time, I could see it. She was extremely hairy, but I could seeher large lips protruding from the thick patch. “Carl, I want you toservice me. You know what to do. Show Billy how it is done.” She wasgoing to let me watch. I could feel my penis stirring again. Carl moved slowlytowards Mistress Z and began kissing her feet. “Thank you Mistress forallowing me to serve you.” He slowly worked his way up her legs, to herknees and finally moved his head between her legs. He paused for a moment,inhaled deeply, then moved his face into her hair bush. That’s when Inoticed between his legs, that he was rock hard. His penis had grown much largerthan what it was when it was soft.
“That’s right Carl. Lick my pussy. Pay special attention to myclit. Use your fingers to spread my lips. Oh yes! That’s it. Now suckmy clit. Tease it with your tongue. Oh yes! Yes! Oh that is what I have neededall day.” This went on for what must have been 10 or 15 minutes. MistressZ closed her eyes and moaned as Carl lapped at her pussy. I could hear herjuices slurping with Carl’s skilled tongue. “Oh God, I am goingto cum! Oh yes, I am going to cum. Stick your tongue all the way in Carl. OhGod! Oh! Oh! Oooooooohhhhhhhhh.” Mistress Z suddenly went limp and remainedmotionless for a minute or two. By this time my penis was standing straightup. I could not help it. I also noticed that Carl was still rock hard. He sloweddown his manipulations and very gently began kissing his way back down MistressZ’s thighs and legs. Then he backed off and took his place beside ofme as before. “Thank you Mistress for allowing me to serve you.”
Mistress Z finally opened her eyes and looked at Carl with a smile. “Thatwas good Carl. One of your better jobs.” That’s when I noticedCarl’s cock, still hard and jutting up in front of him, pre-cum oozingout of his slit and dripping down his shaft. “Billy, I hope you learnedsomething. I may let you try it before the day is up, if you please me anddo everything I tell you to do. Would you like to do that Billy?” Yesma’am. Yes Mistress, I would love to. I was suddenly so thrilled to thinkthat she would let me do that. “Only if you are good Billy, and followmy instructions. Can you do that Billy?” Yes ma’am.
Mistress Z pulled her dress down in place and sat up on the couch. She leanedforward to get a good look at Carl’s cock. “Oh my Carl, you havequiet an erection. And look at all that pre-cum. How long has it been Carl,since I allowed you to cum.” His pre-cum was now leaking onto his ballsand his cock was actually twitching. “Its been 8 days Mistress.” Nowonder he was dripping. I had never gone more than two. “Well Carl, Ithink it is time. You have been good lately, and you did a good job just now.Why don’t you stand up and face Billy, so he can watch you cum.” Ohmy God, she was going to make him masturbate in front of me. Carl turned towardsme but I did not move. “Carl, put your hands behind you back. I havea special treat for you. You are going to get a blow job.” Oh my. Sheis going to give him a…. “Billy, turn around so you can performfor me.”
The reality of what she just said startled me. It was not Mistress that wasgoing to do this; it was I that was going to do it. I could feel my face beginto burn. I had fantasized about such things, but I never really thought itwould happen. I wanted to say no. Mistress may I…. “May I whatBilly? Mistress do I have to… “Billy, you have to do everythingI tell you to do without hesitation. That is the rule.” Her voice wasgetting louder. “Now no more insolence on your part or you will go outthe door! Yes ma’am. I understand Mistress. I will obey. The thoughtof being thrown out now was even worse than having to perform the task thatwas ahead of me. I turned towards Carl and swallowed hard. I kept thinkingto myself. I have to do this. I have to do this.
“Move closer Billy. Put your tongue on his cock head and taste his pre-cum.” Myheart was pounding as I moved closer. My mouth was only an inch or two fromhis pulsating cock. “That’s it Billy. Stick your tongue out andtaste it.” I took a deep breath and thought to myself again. I have todo this. I have to do this. I pushed out my tongue and licked up the underside of Carl’s cock, and brought the clear fluid into my mouth. I hadtasted my own many times, and actually liked it. To my surprise, it did nothave very much taste to it. “Billy, now move down to his balls and getthat drop before it falls to the floor.” Mistress Z pointed her fingerdown to Carl’s balls where his pre-cum was about to drip. I turned myhead a little and pushed my tongue out to touch his shaved balls. This timethere was enough to awaken my taste buds. I instinctively slid my tongue acrosshis hairless ball sack and up the length of his shaft. I consumed more fluidthis time and I was afraid that I would gag. Perhaps it was the nature of itscontents, not the taste that so repelling. I had never been so embarrassedin all of my life. Here I was on my knees about to suck a man’s cock.I felt totally humiliated. Yet, at the same time, I felt a sense of purposeknowing that I was going to perform this most humiliating and submissive actto please Mistress Z.
“Put your mouth on the head Billy. Open your lips and let it slide inBilly. Show me how much of a cock slut you are. I want you to do it for meBilly. Do it!” I could not take my eyes off it, or maybe I didn’twant to. Perhaps I was trying to concentrate on his cock, and forget the bodyaround it. Whatever was going through my mind, it was all I could think of.I opened my lips, put them over his pulsating cock head, and drew it slowlyinto my mouth. I sucked it gently as it moved forward. I was now truly a cocksucker.
“That’s it Billy.” Mistress Z whispered into my ear. “Suckhis cock. Suck that huge cock into your mouth and taste it. Use your tongueBilly.” I began doing just as Mistress told me to do. She guided my everymovement. Her gentle but forceful nature seemed to make it OK. My mouth wastotally engulfed in his taste. “Use your hands now Billy. Cup his ballswith your left hand and jack him off with your right.” God, I felt sohumiliated, embarrassed, so low, so controlled by Mistress Z. I felt as ifI had no control over my body other than to do as she instructed.
I could feel his heavy balls. They were so full and swollen. His cock wasso long and thick. He was beginning to moan. I was afraid to look up at him.I wanted to forget that he was there, that this was a dream and it would allbe over soon. AT the same time, I liked the feeling of submission and pleasingMistress Z.
“Take your mouth off of his cock and suck his balls Billy.” Itwas actually a relief to take my mouth from his cock, but I was not lookingforward to my next task. I noticed a heavy musty scent as I lowered my headto balls. “Kiss them first Billy. Let him know how much you are enjoyingthis.” I hesitated at first and looked up as Mistress Z. “Do itBilly! Do it!” Her loud voice brought me back to reality. I could notrefuse her. I began kissing his balls one at a time. His sharp manly odor wasbecoming more noticeable, as well as his increasing state of arousal. Carlwas moaning louder and he was beginning to tremble.
“Don’t you dare cum Carl. You will not cum until I am ready.” Icontinued to kiss his heavy ball sack as he struggled to regain his composure. “Oksuck them now. Suck them into your mouth you dirty little cocksucker.” Itried to open my mouth wide enough to get them in but it was difficult. “Useyour hand Billy. Use your hand to push them in, one at a time.” Mistressbegan to chuckle. I used my fingers behind his ball sack to push them intomouth. I could only imagine how I looked there on my knees with his balls fillingmy mouth and my nose jammed up against the base of his pulsating cock. “Nowsuck on them. Suck them!” I began sucking and wallowing them around inmy mouth as best I could. I used my tongue to push them forward and up againstthe roof of my mouth. “Use your hand again to masturbate him.”
Oh God, I could feel my face burning with shame. I don’t know how Icould do all of this. This was not real. I looked up to see his swollen cockmeat as I manipulated his foreskin up and down. “Don’t you darecum yet Carl.” He was moaning loudly again. I kept sucking his ballsand jacking his cock. It seemed to go on forever. Mistress kept scolding Carlfor trying to cum. She would call me names like cocksucker, cum eater, faggot,and others. Finally she stopped. “That’s enough Billy.” Itook my slimmy pre-cum coated hand from his cock and opened my mouth to releasehis balls.
“Lick your way back up Billy. You are far from through. Lick his balls,then his cock. Lick all that pre-cum off.” I once again followed herorders to the T. “Now start sucking his cock again Billy. I want youto suck him off this time. Suck him until he erupts into your mouth.” Iopened my lips again and took him into my mouth. His pre-cum was beginningto taste bitterer, saltier. I was sure he was starting to cum. Strangely Iwas becoming used to the taste and it did not bother me as it had to beginwith.
“Suck it Billy. Suck his cock. Suck it until you suck all of his scummydirty cum from his balls. You like that don’t you Billy? You can’twait until he shoots all his cum into your mouth can you? Answer me Billy!” Itook my mouth away quickly to say what she wanted to hear. Yes ma’am.Yes Mistress Z. I can’t wait. “That’s because you are a littlequeer cocksucker, and you like it. You like sucking cum.” Mistress tauntedme for several more minutes. She was enjoying the humiliation, as well as theeffect it was having on Carl. It was becoming harder for him to hold back.
“Are you ready Carl? Are you ready to cum?” He quickly repliedin the affirmative. “Are you ready to shoot your cum and empty your balls?OK, in just a moment Carl I will let you cum.” Mistress leaned to myear. “Now Billy, I want you to keep sucking, and when Carl cums, youare to swallow it all. Don’t waste any of it. Now get ready.” Ashumiliated as I felt, I knew it would get worse. Little did I know how muchcum I was about to receive. I knew that men varied in the amount of semen theysecreted, but I never dreamed that Carl was so well endowed in both size andcapacity.
Mistress sat back on the couch and folded her arms. “Ok Carl, you cancum anytime.” That was all she said. Suddenly Carl began to shake andmoan. He was almost trembling. Finally he moved towards me and tightened up.He lunged his hips forward a little and then it happened. I felt his cock spasmand he immediately ejaculated into my mouth. It hit the back of mouth and begangoing down my throat. It was all I could do to keep form choking. At the sametime the taste of his seed permeated my mouth. It was a sharp, creamy liketaste. Nothing like I had ever experienced. It was a little like my own, yetexcitingly different. This all took place in a few seconds.
Then almost immediately he contracted his muscles and a second shot hit mymouth. This time it felt as if my jaws were puffing out. There was barely enoughroom. I instinctively swallowed, but I could not get it all down. Between tryingto breathe and tolerate the taste, I could not get it all down. Then to myutter amazement, he did it again. A third ejaculation, just as hard as thesecond. I could feel his cum seeping from lips and down my chin and cheeks. “Don’tyou dare waist that. Use you hands to catch it.” I became a little frantic,but I managed to use my fingers to stop it from dripping. The whole time Carlwas moaning with joy and relief. Every time he contracted his balls he shota little more cum into my mouth. Each time it was a less, but still addingto the amount in my mouth. I was trying to swallow as much as I could.
Finally his orgasm was subsiding. The taste of his come was was sharp in mymouth. While it seemed not to be so bad at first, the sheer volume of it wasoverwhelming. I tried to salivate and dilute the flavor, but it was of verylittle use. “Use you finger to get it off you chin Billy. Don’tlet it drip.” I almost gagged as she said it. I put my hand to my lipsand struggled to swallow again. Finally it went down. “I said lick itall off Billy! Don’t you dare disappoint me. Eat it all!” I regainedcontrol and used my fingers to get the sticky cum from by chin first. ThenI did the same to my cheeks. I swallowed again, closing my eyes, and hopingthat it would go down without any trouble.
“You are not finished yet Billy. Look Billy.” She pointed at Carl’scock as it slowly began to fall from its erect position. To my surprise, alarge bead of cum was hanging form his slit. I knew what she wanted me to do.I turned again and moved toward Carl. “Put your hand around his cockBilly and use your tongue to get that gooey cum.” I did as she instructedand caught the string of cum just before it would have dripped to the floor.God, I felt so humiliated. I drew it into my mouth and drank it down. By nowI had gotten used to it. “Billy, you still have some work to do. Squeezethe base of his cock and slowly pull your hand forward. You know what I mean.Put your lips around if first. Then draw the rest of his cum out. You knowyou like it. Don’t you Billy?” Yes ma’am.
At least it was over now. I put my mouth on Carl’s cock and squeezedthe remaining gobs of cum from his enormous cock. Strangely enough the lastof his load was creamy and much smoother. I pulled it into my mouth and swallowedit. I was now a cocksucker and I had given my first blowjob. Did I say first?What had I become?
As far back as I can remember, I've always been extremely turned on by being dominated by a beautiful woman, Besides being dominated, I find it even more exciting at the thought of being humiliated. The following is a peek into my fantasy world.It begins something like this: I prepare for the session by first showering, shaving (Including my balls and cock) and using my expensive cologne. The mistress likes her slave clean shaven and smelling good. Next, I do as I am always instructed to do and...
“Hands off immediately!” I said sternly as I slipped away from him and off the couch. Daddy looked at me, shocked. He’d never experienced such hostility from me before and didn’t know how to react! I had always been quiet and submissive to him and the expression on his face read as, “What the hell is going on?!” I slipped a pair of handcuffs out of from under the cushion and he eyed them suspiciously. “Wrists out front!” After a moment’s pause, he held them out to me. I clicked...
Down on your knees, darling.Don’t say a word until I allow you.Show me your full obedience.And you will be rewarded.I know, I set your soul alight.Let me do my job. Don’t ask any questions.I am sure what you want.I am certain you desire to be submissive.Here you are in safety.Don’t be ever afraid.Be concerned about disobedience.The punishment will be strict.Trust me.That’s all I want from you.I know, I’m leaving you breathless. Be attentive to what I am telling. If you miss at least one word,...
Through the door walked a tall, slinky, dark haired beauty. Thigh high 5" spiked heel boots graced her feet and lower legs leaving her tanned upper thighs bare. Shoved into the top of the right boot was a riding crop. She wore a bustier with a little patch of satin attached to it that barely covered her pussy while at the top her nipples were covered but not all of the areolas. The black gloves that covered her hands went up passed her elbows and were fingerless but no mask hid the smile she...
She walks out of the bathroom as pure perfection. Her long back hair is pulled back tight in a ponytail. Her bright blue eyes surrounded in smokey dark eye shadow. Hooker Red lipstick on her perfect cupid ' s bow mouth. She has on a black latex catsuit complete with opera length black gloves and thigh high boots with six inch heels. He can see there's a zipper on the crotch if the catsuit for easy access, and little ones on the nipple as well. She had a red pvc purse that he knew was full of...
"It's amazing this kid is still alive. We've never gotten one in such bad shape before." "The question is will the kid recover?" "I believe so sir, we've had others that were malnurished and starved just not to the degree this kid has been. And my god what kind of parents did this kid have before coming to us. The abuse this kid suffered, cigrette burns, welts from being beat with god knows what else, and worst of all there are signs of sexual abuse." "I know, our agent told me...
Jill: Hi Jack! It’s been a long time since we last chatted online. I miss seeing your nice comments. Hope you are doing well. I've been busy with life and healing myself. I am planning an Alaskan Cruise next month, very excited about a new adventure and doing it alone which I have never done before. It sounds refreshing as I won't have to worry about entertaining anyone but myself. And best of all, they have dancing and discos! Love to hear from you. Jack: Hi Jill, it is so great hearing from...
SeductionAs the last moments of Warner's sojourn in the punitive quadrant tick away I miss him before he is gone. Prior to the unannounced arrival of his pretty stalker friend Parker, a Command officer, Warner was silly and often flirted with me. Now we don’t get a moment alone and Warner lets her stay with him in his guest-dom. The morning ends when the door of my dom slides open. Warner wears only a dark gray loxxet. It barely caches his intimates. “Parker took my clothes,” he explains, “when she went...
Gay MaleI received a very interesting request one day via private message. A woman who had been reading my stories and viewing my favorites here wanted to chat. I may be old and crazy but I am not dead, so the easy answer was, “Of course I would!”. We found a mutually acceptable time. We spoke at length on many topics before she got around to her true desire for conversation.She said she lived very close to me. She was very much interested in talking in person. It was important for her if I would be...
Standing at 5’4” tall, nicely tanned skin (thanks to my families gym membership and the tanning booths), blue eyes, darker dirty blonde hair that graced my shoulders, 38 D well shaped breasts, with a booty and thighs that showed how intense I keep my daily squat routine; I do not think of myself as being overly pretty or sexy but I know I draw a lot of guys attention. I really enjoy when the occasional guy whistles or cat calls me. I know girls are not supposed to like it but I have...
After the calls, I went back to looking at the progress reports that were coming in. The campsite at Apple 1 was nearly complete. The bulldozer made quick work getting rid of the small trees and bramble between the runway and the pipeline. The converted buses were easily parked in a row back far enough not to be seen and the food, shower and bathroom trucks were in the middle with ten buses on each side. Poles, barbed wire and Concertina razor wire made several small compounds for prisoners...
Good Porn! Ah, the appeal of free things! It doesn't matter whether it's a new pair of pants or a car; free stuff makes everyone happy. What if you could get something that you actually wanted for free? You know, something like free porn? That's right. You know The Porn Dude is your number one destination when it comes to finding the best portals for free smut. I spend long hours on the darkest parts of the internet looking for places where you can stroke your prick chaffed without worrying...
Free Porn Tube SitesVesta's Hearth Chapters 13 and 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Doctor Amy discovers the retro bug is highly infectious and takes Helen on a shopping trip to the retro shop but Helen is identified as being transgendered Later Dr. Amy drops a bombshell that involves Adam. Helen discovers the problems with m...
It was Friday morning and I was still wearing the butt plug. I had no idea why except maybe now and then I thought about how it got there. I could remembered Wilma's body smell, as she installed it for me. After breakfast I went by the office to stir the mash. There was still nothing noticeable about the office. Well the grass needed to be cut, otherwise it was just like all the other offices. I wondered why the lawn maintenance people had not been around to cut the small patch of grass in...
Series 9, Episode 11: Meghan Given (58), from Guildford This week’s show begins with a shot from inside a car as we head down a quiet suburban residential street, slowing down to turn into a private tree-lined side-street, driving through gates designed to keep the ‘wrong kind of people out’... Then we’re outside a very classy house, very exclusive. Not the biggest garden or driveway, but the street provides privacy for all residents. We watch as the car pulls up infront of us and parks at...
Catherine was in her cabin one evening a week later, charting their course. She hadn’t been to see Nathan since their evening of love making but thoughts and images of him kept intruding, breaking her concentration. They would be arriving at the island in a little over a week. She guessed it would probably take another week for the Themis to arrive, it being a bigger and slower ship. She threw down her compass, giving up for now. She pulled on her frock coat and climbed the steps to the deck....
The first time we did something like this LuEllen walked to a truck on the freeway and they took off and I followed them to a truck stop in Missouri. The driver and LuEllen were alone though. I just went to the coffee shop and waited. Lu had a blast she said and hoped we could do it again.Well it happened again. It was a cool April day and we had just left the adult book store in Council Bluffs Iowa. LuEllen had got quite hot looking at some Playgirl magazines and being watched by the other men...
I had known her all my life, for we were the same age and went to the same school. She lived just down the road and we would constantly play together throughout the long hot summer months. During this time, I only ever saw her dressed in jeans and usually a denim top. In fact, the only skirt I ever saw her dressed in was her school uniform. We would climb the trees, throw stones in the river and play solders in and around the area and fields nearby and do all the usual things young kids do....
On a typical damp Monday, I arrived at the factory mid morning for my meeting with Mr. Thomas. I was slightly early as I hadn't calculated just how much quicker the journey was outside the rush hour. I'd sat in reception for over thirty minutes, something that felt very strange. Jill Cope, the receptionist, an attractive and pleasant young woman, whom I knew quite well, found it difficult too as she didn't know whether she should be treating me like a visitor or a member of staff or even...
Five men enter the shop, and the women look scared. The men all have Yakuza tattoos, and one is better dressed than the others. The well-dressed one says, “These two girls will do for my fun tonight, take them.” The owners and their daughters go white with fear. Both Tora and I react to that statement, I’m already facing them, so I get started while Tora spins around. Before the four men can take their second pace they all have bo-shuriken in their throats, and are falling down while the...
Emma eyed the half loaded commuter train car for a few moments before deciding to take a seat across from a middle aged business man who was busy reading the morning paper!!! She waddled down the aisle and stopped at his shoulder and asked in a sweet voice, Is this seat taken, while motioning to the empty bench directly across from him!?! Uh no, maam, he replied while shaking his head, its been empty ever since I got on board, help yourself!!! Thanks, Emma replied while plopping down in front...
I welcome comments that will help improve my story telling. If you are one of those people that get off making negative sarcastic remarks. but no honest critique, I would rather not hear from you. It was another boring day at the corner drugstore. Jim had to force himself to tend to his duties at the soda fountain. He had to wipe down the counters and fill all the drink boxes. Everything was routine until a cute little Blonde came in the side door from the parking lot. Jim knew the moment she...
It was almost midday when I got to Lillian’s flat. Most of the shops on the street did not open as it was Sunday, including Jennifer’s café. With a bunch of flowers in my hand, I pressed the doorbell and waited. Hearing the sound of footsteps on the stairs, I stood back. When the door opened, Lillian had her smartphone pressed against her ear speaking to someone. “Ok, I’ll be there!” Lillian yelled, to whoever was on the other side of the line. “Hey, is everything ok?” I asked. “Yes. Let’s...
Chloe said, ‘Oh thank you Randy. Thank you for fucking me. Thank you for getting rid of my virginity. It was a trip. Can we fuck again?’ as she recovered from the faint she had succumbed to after her first sexual encounter. She had just surrendered her virginity to Dexter Randall Hamilton, the star quarterback for the University of Minnesota, the school Chloe was attending on scholarship in the aerospace engineering program. Once again Randy was surprised by the brazen aggressive manner of...
I am Jun. My story begins with my bully, Sam. She secretly has a crush on me, however, she doesn't know how to say it. Her best way to say it is like a child on the playground. Its kinda cute. _The only problem is she is a bit extreme with her bullying. _Another problem is i used to hate it, but now that it's normalized, it is kind of erotic. It doesn't mean I'm not embarrassed. It also doesn't mean that I do it willingly. Its when it's pushed onto me that it truly makes me feel alive. She...
‘I have the most peculiar dreams,’ said Sandra. Louise looked instantly bored. The dreams of others are normally tedious if recounted at any length. ‘Really, what sort of peculiar?’ ‘Well about Anton.’ ‘Anton?’ Louise looked sharply at Sandra. ‘What sort of peculiar?’ ‘Well there’s a lot of sand and…’ ‘Sand? An island?’ ‘Yes. How did you guess?’ ‘No, it’s nothing, it’s just, if we are talking about dreams, I’ve had the occasional dream too about Anton and a sandy beach on an island—at...
It was distinctly strange to have the door to Saralinda's room closed. I knew she was in her room, and somehow the closed door seemed like a message to me. I'd been really happy that Joanne had dragged me out to go snorkeling, and I really should have asked Saralinda, but I wanted one more precious day of just Joanne and me. And now that door was closed. I was in my own room, with the air conditioning off and the window open, enjoying the heavy tropical air. Staying off-ship for two weeks...
Hey there.!!! It's me Arjun back again with my real life experience but this one's a gay experience. Well I didn't described how I look so I'll do that now. Actually I'm 5'11 tall and having weight 70kg and do workout daily so I'm fit and have good shaped body having whitish complexion and a 6" long dick. Well to start with I must say that I'm almost straight and I like girls but I don't mind making out with a good looking guy at all. So coming to the story. When this incident happened I was in...
First TimeMy girlfriend is in fact a little trampy attention whore but just for me. The more I ignore her, the more she wants me. I love it. Don't get me wrong, I tend to her needs but sometimes the things she does really makes my blood rush to my cock in an instant.On a day off from work, I'm enjoying it by relaxing winding down just playing some video games. When Nicole gets home, shes instantly bitching about her day at work. I pretend to ignore everything she says. As I continue to play CoD online,...
Hi viewers. This is royal back with my best part of neha again. So, please do read, masterbate, comment, try and make my stories more better. While having my beautiful days with Neha I had to leave for my hometown for some days. I returned after a break of 20 days and we almost were starving for sex like two hungry beasts. So we planned a sexy trip and here are tempting details. It was winter and out trip was to a hill station where the temperatures are nearly 2-3c in winters. We had our bike...
I had Jack on a lead rope, though I did hope that he would eventually learn ta follow without one. We were about 15 miles from Dallas, an' I was thinkin' on whether or not ta press on ta Ft. Worth or ta camp fer the night. I was payin' too much attention ta my thoughts, an' Jack paid fer his keep right then. He brayed an' stopped, jerkin' the lead rope from my hand. That snapped me to attention just in time ta see a man ride out of the bushes ta the side of the road. He had a gun in...
‘Do you even believe any of that stuff?’ I asked Jason dubiously as we scooped up our armfuls of groceries in paper bags. I pushed the door open with my hip and immediately scrunched up my face in an attempt to protect myself from the blast of frigid, unforgiving air that hit us. ‘I WANT to believe that stuff,’ Jason said, emphatically, as we reached the car and he opened up the back. ‘That groundhog had better see his shadow in a week. We’re all icicles down this end of the pond. We can’t...
Alexia Anders delivers her unique brand of petite and pouty in this scene from JulesJordan.com. The sexy starlet with the big brown eyes and flowing long hair enlivens an outdoor stoop. Her body sets off ornate see-through lingerie with flesh toned stockings. Her greyhound frame is a treat to enjoy during tease. Adept at staring through the camera, Alexia beams when she makes her way onto a bed. She treats us to a little self-pleasuring as the camera focuses on her pussy. Next she sets her...
xmoviesforyouAfter finding that his spankings were enticing, me he effortlessly lifted me to where I was straddling his lap. I could feel the rough fabric of his pants on my now bare, sore, red cheeks. I tried to hide the slight pain, but was not able to as I squirmed a little. ‘Your ass is sore and I guarantee it will be worse,’ he said, as he kissed my forehead. ‘Stand up and get on your knees,’ he commanded. I did as I was told, as he rose from the chair, unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and...
Chloe Cherry and Alyce Anderson are studying for a big exam but can’t seem to stay concentrated on their notebooks, instead they keep checking each other out as the sexual tension between them builds. When Chloe gets ready to leave, Alyce asks for a goodbye hug which quickly turns into more… After making sure that no one else is home, the girls start to explore their bodies together. Chloe’s more experienced and starts off by licking Alyce’s perky teen titties before...
xmoviesforyouSissy Sisters The steel band around his neck held him fast on his back on the changing table in his nursery. His Governess had locked him in place bathed and naked to await his wife, and his Mistress's, homecoming from a trip into Eastern Europe. Away for two weeks she was keen to see how he was progressing and prepare him for a visit from one of her friends that evening. He himself had only been back home for a day after being confined for a month in the Community Protection Unit...
The evening is warm in the English countryside as I pull into Deb’s driveway. It is dusk and I can see a light burning through the front window. I park the car and walk to the front entrance. This is our first meeting and even though we have been chatting for quite a while on the internet, we have never met face to face, though we did exchange photos. Her husband is gone on another business trip and her daughter is spending the night at friend’s home. I ring the doorbell and hear a cheery...
Having adopted my mother's appeal for wearing sexy clothing and turning on men, I had just sucked her rich former boyfriend's cock while she flew to Las Vegas for a long weekend with her new rich boyfriend. Mom had a love for the jet-set lifestyle and I was sure she was enjoying staying in an exclusive hotel and fucking her new boyfriend's brains out when he wasn't at the table gambling. They could order room service and stay in bed and fuck, all day. She would keep putting on new sexy...
Crossdressing"What?" Dean barks. "Dude, don't you think you've had enough?" he asks, keeping his voice level. His puppyish expression is one of concern. One that normally makes Dean melt. But not tonight. "Son of a bitch," Dean groans. "Jesus, Sam. This again? You know what's wrong with you?" He leans back, his hands resting on the table as his mouth draws into a tight line. Sam shakes his head sadly and exhales loudly. Not plastered, but definitely drunk. "No. But I suppose...
As Melanie lay back onto my body; she thanked me for letting her enjoy my hard dick in her wet hot pussy. I kissed her back, as I watched Ana was getting jealous.Then she asked Melanie if she wanted to stay all night with me; as Shawn fucked my sexy wife’s cunt and ass in another bedroom…Melanie sensed something was wrong between Anita and I; so she replied she would let us to decide it…Then she just stood up and went inside for some drinks.I quickly asked Ana what she was planning for the...
We have a true girl next door type! Cami is pretty, tall and flexible. This should be a fun time. As usual we take some time to get to know her and find out she’s a lot of fun as well as down to Earth. She doesn’t project it, but she has a freaky side as well. We get to see that freaky side a little better when Rick gets her out of that dress and a vibrator in her hand. She’s got a delicious vagina, and a little fur on that backdoor. We see even more of that freak flag flying when she’s got my...
xmoviesforyouHi fabulous readers of ISS I am quite a reader of stories morally and liberally I love to read and often find some ideas great to be practiced on an inspiration of the broad minds I to have made up to share my life secrets with all truths and no false accounts and I am least bothered to change name or places for I believe in truth and non else. Well coming to me my name is Joy. I have no surname for I am an orphan and I have myself brought up myself by overcoming all odds of life I was brought...
Just back from seeing an old friend, Diane. Writing this on the same night , still making me hard ,thats my cock in my picture lol. Met again at a 60th birthday party for a mutual friend, first time for 25 years, scary that we are all getting that age. Most of the conversation that night was about our old days living in a small village ,playing lots of sports and messing around . Diane was an old friend from those days , couple years younger , and born and bred in same area. She used to watch...
My girlfriend Amy’s nipples never got hard during sex until the day she realized that her roommate Jason had probably heard us going at it. She went to the bathroom right after I finished cumming, like she always did. I used some tissues to clean my own mess from my hand then lay down on her bed to relax. She returned to the room, wearing my running shorts and a t-shirt, because she didn’t like to remain naked after sex—not even if we kept lying in bed for a while—and slipped under the covers. ...
CuckoldThe experience of sharing of my wife for the first time led us to continue to meet new guy friends over the next few months. After perhaps 6 or 7 of these dates, we received a message on a dating site from a slightly older gentleman who wanted to know how much my wife charged for an hour. The question surprised us, but then excited us. This isn’t something we had really been seeking, but if he wants to shower her with cash for doing something she would have done anyway, why not? And suddenly,...
May 7, 1981 As usual, Dad dropped me off about forty minutes before school started. It was a beautiful spring morning. There was a cloudless blue sky, and just the slightest trace of a chill in the air as I strode up the walkway toward the school entrance. Today would be an important day in this life. I had a lot on my plate, and a lot of delicate business to tend to. The groundwork had been set the previous evening. I'd had that long talk with Eileen. It had been by far the most in-depth...
Friday, March 9, 2007 Scott arrived early at Mr. Piotrowski's. His suitcase was already at the house, packed and ready to go. Mr. Piotrowski was dressed and ready, standing with a cup of coffee in his hand. "A little eager are we?" "Very!" replied Scott. "You might as well relax and have a good breakfast." Scott moved toward the refrigerator, "How does scrambled eggs and toast sound?" "Just toast for me, please." Jobe bumped his leg as he passed through the kitchen headed...
After staying at John McKay's house for the past week, I was asked to move in with him. I smiled and said yes, that it's about time for me to move out. John said he loved how me and daddy had sex, but he doesn't want anyone but him inside me. Then John tells me that he knows my history of sex at the shop, and that will be under his discretion only.John rode with me to my house. We see daddy's car and some other car in the drive. I raised my eyebrows and smirked with hope of me catching...
I have always wanted to be caught. She doesn't know Im sniffing her panties every day. I time my escapades to match her schedule, and I always get rewarded with her cotton panties and the warm damp scent the hold. I am actually wearing a pair of hers right now...I can feel the wetness on my shaved ass as I am sitting.Last week while we were traveling to visit her friend from college. We were staying at Pauls house, he hosted a nice party for us and 2 of his clients, after the fun they all had...
They always say that when dating a girl you should check out the mother because that’s what she’ll look like in a few years time. In my case I couldn’t be happier with the results. To be honest, I almost wished she looked that way now. Often when I would stay at my girlfriends, her Kathy would be in a dressing gown only and I always wondered what her body was like underneath it. One evening, Bianca had gone for a shower and her dad and sister were in bed leaving me and Kathy alone together....
It’s a rural area, where houses are placed hundreds of yards apart. The typical home is custom built and many have acres of land surrounding them. I absolutely love it. The privacy, the beauty, the wide open spaces…it’s all so perfect. Who could ask for a better way of life? As for me, I’m a middle aged man who thinks he’s still a kid. My energy level, work ethic and continued involvement in athletics have served me well. I’m in better shape than most guys 20 years my junior. Sometimes I...
I've read these stories for awhile and told myself Id write one after my first time, so here it goes.It was a typical, boring Sunday afternoon and I was on a dating site cruising around to see if any hotties were online, when I came across a girl that looked good to me, so I sent her your basic "hey whats up?" message. I doubted severely that I would get a response, so I was pleasantly surprised when I did get a message back from her.We talked for about two hours when she asked me to come hang...
Whatever you think Live Unicorns is, you’re probably wrong. Then again, I’m assuming you just heard of the joint. Just going off the name, I initially thought I would be reviewing something for the My Little Pony perverts or maybe something that would be better suited for MyGaySites than ThePornDude. They say a twat by any other name smells just as sweet, so what of a webcam site with a really fucking weird name?Maybe they mean unicorn in the sense of something so precious yet so hard to find....
Live Sex Cam SitesI HAD THE VISA APPLICATION on my desk. It sat there in the middle of the blotter like a fly on a hamburger. I turned it over. She’d signed the application, at least I hoped she’d been the one to sign. I turned the paper back over to read the name again. “María Fernanda Dolores Vasquez,” born March 23rd, never mind the year. Old enough to travel alone, at any rate. The whole thing smelled. Even if she was of age, or said she was, girls her age rarely had a good reason to travel alone to the...
I thought I'd write to share an experience we had. Last year, my wife Stella and I went on holiday to Jamaica. Stella's 39, blonde and has a well-kept figure of 36-29-38. I'm 42 by the way. After a few days Stella shocked me by saying she'd really like to be shagged by a well-hung local. When I'd recovered, she explained that she wanted me to watch her just to make sure nothing went wrong.Now, for the last 20 years it's been a secret wish of mine to see her fuck with someone else but it had...
The old saying of 'once burnt, twice shy' was a lifesaving motto many times. Small restraint hoops were placed over the tractor controls, and a thin rope was tied around a crystal by the doorway. I watched the walls, and deactivated tractors, as I found them. The rope was tied to my waist, and followed my movements like a long umbilical cord. The cord, like what it resembled, would serve the same function, and keep me alive. The inside of this room was orders of magnitude more complex,...
I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it’s a waste of time but sometimes I get so horny I’m willing to throw away a few hours for the chance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower and checked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for 35. 6’2′ and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls. Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just looking at myself. I turned around to check out my ass. It’s always been...
Hi guys,Last weekend john and i decided to head away for the weekend for a little break to a little seaside town we visit quite often.As money is a little tight we decided to book into a nice little hostel we had stayed in before as we presumed it would be empty and we would have it too ourselves WRONG.It was all most full,(there was some kind of bowling competition on in the town) except for one room which had a double bed great we said we'll take it, no problem said the landlady except for...