Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 6 free porn video

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It had been just over four weeks since Claire had left John Pollard’s house, and John was once again used to being alone. He had been grateful for Claire’s presence and for their long talks, which he thought had been consoling for both of them. He had bade farewell to her hoping she had found a new way of living with her husband.

He followed his routines. It gave structure to his life. He had also stayed for a while with his son James. James and Julie had made him very welcome, and it was good to have company, but he was certain that in the long run he had to face life on his own. Now he’d been back at home for over a week, during which he had attempted to tame the now rampant garden.

Her visit was in the past, and he hadn’t heard from her since, so she was now far from his mind, but the same Tuesday Claire had left the convent to travel to the family house in Grange, he was about to be reminded of her in no uncertain terms

On that morning, John heard the door bell ring at eight thirty and went innocently to answer it.

How many times do folk answer a knock to the door without a thought as to who might be on the other side? It is a routine they do not think about.

He opened the door.

“Ye...” was all he managed to say before the door was violently crashed open, hitting him in the face and knocking him backwards against the wall. Two things happened.

First, his monitored alarm system had a handset on the wall, with a panic button against which John’s head fell, activating it. There was no siren, but the result of this was that the monitoring company alerted the police.

Second, the door hitting him in the face broke his nose and stunned him, so that falling backwards, the back of his head hit the handset on the wall hard, after which he slid down the wall unconscious.

He was in fact semi-conscious. He vaguely heard voices and the movement of more than one person. He felt his shirt being grabbed.

He was dimly aware of something hurting him, then he was in a hospital bed. To say his head was hurting was a vast understatement. His ears were ringing, his vision blurred, and the pain was intense. In the midst of this, he wondered why his chest hurt, then blackness again.

Mrs Frobisher was the archetypal nosey neighbour. Nothing happened in the cul-de-sac where she lived without her knowledge, and none of her neighbours minded. Thanks to her eagle eyes, many a family crisis had been averted, burglars caught, car thieves photographed and car number plates remembered. And she lived next door to John Pollard.

Early that same bright warm Tuesday morning she was dead-heading roses in her front garden when a car drew up, and she straightened enough to see the two men approach John’s house. Father and son, she thought, appraising their similarities of face and build. By the evening she would know who they were, she was certain. She bent again to the roses.

Then came the crash of a door being forced open, and shouting. She could not make out the words, but she knew violence was afoot. She scurried into the house and collected her mobile phone, photographing the car and its registration. She knew better than to interfere, but she would record these two thugs and their car.

As the two left she pretended to be talking on her mobile, while all the while catching them on the phone’s camera. They drove away and she at once made her way to John’s house, and finding the door wide open went in. There was John Pollard streaming blood from his face, and unconscious behind the door. She phoned the police and an ambulance, and was amazed when one of two policemen immediately walked through the door.

She announced who she was and told him that she had called an ambulance. Then all attention was on John. Once he had been removed to the hospital, the two policemen turned their attention to Mrs Frobisher, and found she was a perfect witness. They borrowed her phone and sent the pictures to the station. The house was made secure and the excitement was over.

When John surfaced again, the pain had lessened, mainly because pain-killers had been drip fed into him. By his bed sat a police officer. John groaned.

“PC Graham Woods,” said the constable. “Up to a few questions?”

John nodded, and immediately regretted the action. The pain shot through him. He groaned.

Woods showed him a photo of the two men. “Recognise them?” he asked.

“No,” said John.

Woods showed him the photo of the car.

“No,” repeated John.

“Remember anything?”

John thought. “Someone shouted something.” There was a pause while he tried to dredge his memory. “No,” he said. “I don’t remember.”

“As far as we can tell, there was nothing taken,” the policeman told him. “All the usual targets are still there – money, DVD player, laptop – all still there. Anyone annoyed with you? Upset anyone?”

John thought, but again could not think of anyone. “No, I don’t think so.” he said.

“If anything comes–”

“I’ll let you know,” said John. “Not found them, then?”

“Not yet,” he replied, “but it’s only a matter of time. There are cameras everywhere, and the car was hired. So, no memories?”

John was about to shake his head, thought better of it and replied verbally in the negative.

It was nine that night before a very young and attractive woman approached his bed. She announced herself as Dr Diana Langton. She dutifully asked how he felt and he replied that his head hurt and so did his chest and stomach.

“Your nose is broken, and have a nasty bruise and lump on the back of your head. We think you were hit by the door and fell back against a wall.” She paused. “And the pain in your chest? Someone kicked you and cracked a couple of ribs. You’re lucky you didn’t get a punctured lung. They also thought to kick you in the testicles. They’ll recover but that area is rather swollen and bruised.”

“I don’t understand,” groaned John. “It’s not as if there’s anything valuable in the house. And it seems nothing was taken.”

That same fateful Tuesday, as Claire drove her mother’s car up to the family home in Cumbria, she felt her path in life was clearer. She would make renewed efforts to heal the rift between herself and Peter. As it happened she was wrong. As she parked the car, she saw there was already a car parked in front of the house, and at that moment her mobile rang. It was Ellen, her sister.

“Claire!” she cried. “It’s John Pollard – he’s in hospital. The police have been here.”

“What?“ Claire cried, upset at the news. “What happened?”

“He was attacked in his house,” Ellen was shouting. “The police have traced the car the attackers were in – Claire, it was rented to Peter!”

“But the police? Why ring you?”

“Apparently there was a huge notice saying that in emergency they were to contact me! Why I don’t know. They seemed to think I was his sister.”

“I gave it him when I left to go back home.” Claire said. “We both knew who I meant.”

“Well it was just as well they came. You’re in danger, Sis!”

“Ellen,” said Claire quietly, “I’ve just arrived at the house in Cumbria. I think Peter’s here.”

“Get away, Claire,” shouted Ellen. “The police think he beat John up!”

“Don’t be stupid, Ellen,” Claire reproved her. “He’s not a violent man.”

“Not violent?” shrieked Ellen. “Broken nose, concussion and two cracked ribs? Not violent? Get out of there!”

“Not likely!” snarled Claire. “I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”

That ended the conversation. Claire got out of the car and strode to the door of the house. It opened as she approached and Peter emerged. As usual he was angry, but not as angry as Claire.

“You stupid, pathetic, bastard!” she yelled at him. “You beat up a defenceless man who did nothing to you! You bunch of slime, you never did this on your own, who did you pay to do that to John Pollard?”

Peter actually recoiled, before collecting himself, but by then, Claire had swept past him into the house. She burst into the kitchen where she found Thomas.

“I might have known!” she barked at him. “You self-righteous little hypocritical prick! You, the perfect little Catholic, you beat up a defenceless and totally innocent man. You’re no son of mine. None of my children would do such a thing.”

“He deserved it,” Peter said coming up behind her. “He’s been hiding you.”

Claire whirled round. “Oh, Peter, you are an utter idiot! You’ve really messed things up this time. The police are looking for you – aggravated assault with intent I should think. They’ve got your car on camera, they’ve traced it to you.

“And John hiding me? I’ve not been near him – I’ve been on a thirty day retreat at Greystones Priory. John doesn’t even know I’m in the country. Now thanks to you, he’s seriously ill in hospital. You really are a pair of lowlife fucking bastards!”

The two men gaped at her. She never used such language and she had not finished.

“To think that after my retreat I was seriously intent on contacting you and discussing whether it would be worth my returning! To think I was going to forgive your insane jealousy, Peter, and try to find a way back together. Not any more. Now you’ve shown yourself to be a violent thug, I wouldn’t be safe.”

“You’re married,” snarled Thomas. “In God’s eyes you’ll always be married to Dad!”

“Thomas!” Claire turned to him, her voice dripping with irony, “Are you, a violent little tike on the run from the police, trying to lecture me on morality? Bringing God into it? You bloody hypocrite! You defy description!

“For your information, I learned a good deal while on retreat. You stupid boy, there’s no sin in separation, and after the treatment I’ve had from you two, there’ll be little sin in finding someone else, if I ever bother. After this little game that’s unlikely.”

“Claire, you wouldn’t!” cried Peter. “You can’t!”

“I can, and I will!” she retorted. “It’s divorce, Peter. You’ve finally gone too far even for me to repair anything. You’re a poor weak hopeless immature little man and I’m finished with you.

“Now. This house belongs to my mother’s children, my brother, my sister and me, not to our children, and not to their spouses. So get out, the pair of you!”

“We’re not going anywhere,” said Peter imperiously. “We’re going to discuss this sensibly, and then you’re going to come home with us.”

“Peter,” Claire’s tone was now icy and full of false patience. “You’ve clearly lost touch with reality.

“Let me spell it out to you. Ellen called me as I arrived here to tell me about John and what you pair had done to him. It was the first I’d heard about it. I told her where I was and that I thought you were here. She begged me not to come in here, after what you did to that poor man.

“Now, what do you think she did after I told her I was coming in here anyway? That’s right! I’m willing to bet she’s called the police and told them she’s afraid for my safety. How long before the police get here? One way or another, you two are leaving here shortly.”

“You could tell them you’re safe,” Peter ventured, looking worried.

“I won’t,” Claire asserted, and they could tell she was serious. “In any case, safe or not, after what you did to John, you’ll be in the cells tonight!”

As it happened, there was no need for Claire to tell them that. The sound of a van and a car on the drive stopped further discussion. It was the police, six burly officers. Claire went to the door and opened it to them. She assured them she was unharmed, and led them to her husband and son. They were immediately arrested and led away. Claire closed the door behind them and leant against it, and with it she was certain she’d closed the door on that part of her life.

She stayed there that night and then set off to find John very early on the next day.

The police officer was back first thing the next day. John smiled a welcome; his head was not hurting so badly, and he felt much more alert.

“We have a name,” said the officer, once greetings had been exchanged. “Do you know of a Peter Klinsman, or a Thomas Klinsman?”

John was brought up short. He nodded, “I’ve never met the man, but I know of him,” he said sadly.

“Can you explain?” asked PC Graham Woods.

So John told him the story of how Claire had come to his house, of Peter’s jealousy and Claire’s second visit. “But I don’t understand. Are you saying he attacked me?”

“He hired the car a witness saw outside your house, and he fits the description of one of the two men who attacked you.”

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It was two weeks later that Gray Eagle and the advanced party rode into the village. The story quickly spread through the village. Once the bodies had been buried and the wagons burned the wagon train set out west. Gray Eagle and the warriors moved with them and watched as they moved through the great mountains and down into the forest. When they arrived into the forest they joined a camp of five hundred soldiers and watched as every wagon unload five soldiers and many weapons. The following...

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Little sis 1

Little s*s #1It was summer, my lil s*s and I always go to the beech during the day. And since there was no school we could afford to. But this year there was somthing different. I noticed my sister had grown up a bit, I never use to look at her like this before now, but as she came out side for the first time to go to the beech, wearing her cute little bikini, I couldnt help but gasp.Without acting to weird, I asked her to follow as we took off down the narrow road towards the beech.We would...

2 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 16 Another Day at the Club

A knock at his bedroom door awoke Ryan just after 9 am. He stretched, rolled over, and asked who it was. It was Amber, and of course he told her to come on in. She pranced in, wearing a very low-cut, half-sheer, lavender slinky nightie that accented her remarkable breasts in a tantalizing way. She had a mischievous smile on her face as well, and sat on the edge of the bed. Ryan was thrilled she was here, and knew exactly what was supposed to happen next. “How long are you staying?” Ryan...

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Sex Slave to the Neighbours Part 5 The Finale

Part 5 during which I meet new friends who touch my cock and encourage me to ride my bike more.These weeks with my anonymous couple in the nondescript house on my bike route have been disturbing. Getting sucked off by both of them and accepting commands from them without any control on my part has been humiliating - and very exciting. I jerked off at home after these episodes and the orgasms were explosive. I had become a willing participant not knowing what would happen to me the next time...

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The Benifit of a Storm Pt 2

  After 12 months of putting this off, I have decided to do a sequel to this story. So many readers have requested one – so here goes. Jean woke up the morning after the storm. She remembered that the washing machine had broken and that someone had fixed it for her. She had been so tired after the bout of housework she had previously done that day, that she had dinner and taken a sleeping pill so that the storm wouldn't disturb her sleep. She had gone to bed and slept very soundly. Little did...

Straight Sex
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My Husbands Whore

       My Husband’s Whore        The first time he raped me, I woke up with him on top of me fucking my ass.  We had on been living together for five months.  We hadn’t really known each other that long before we moved in together.  I was separated from my first husband who was a cheating and abusing asshole.  I met Mathis two months after I had kicked my husband’s cheating ass out of the house.  Mathis was 10 years my junior but he was hung like a fucking stallion!  He was just as black as I...

2 years ago
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Too good to be True My best friend Samantha

I did have a good regular friend I hung out with. His name’s John. John and I would hang out, play video games together, etc. but most of the times, it’s me and atleast 3-5 girls. Always. My Best friends are girls, which wouldn’t be a mystery. Two of them. Samantha and Julie. Julie is one of Samantha’s closest friends. Petite, but tall and slim like a model. She has a celebrity smile and also a dark brown hair that falls down past her shoulders. With Julie, I actually like talking to her...

1 year ago
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Girls Night Out Chapter 2

“Ugh” I growled under my breath. During the night Tina had turned over so she was now snuggled, face first, into my chest. This protected her from the dazzling morning sun that was glaring through the bedroom window right into my face. Too late, I was awake and the need to pee was upon me, so I slipped out of bed and put on my robe on the way out of the bedroom. I planned to put the kettle on then use the downstairs loo as I was sure using the en-suite would wake Tina up, and after everything...

Straight Sex
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Kimberly 20Chapter 3

The parking lot was almost full, including her aunt's car. We walked right in and sat down at the table with them. "Appetizers are on the way," Jenny said. "Hi!" Laci added her chirpy "Hi!" I noted that she didn't look "butch" this evening. Neither of them was particularly feminine-looking, but then again, my jeans-clad Kim fit right in. Laci noted, "You two look like a couple of bookends." "Yeah. Isn't it NEAT? And I didn't tell 'im what to wear, either. It just...

1 year ago
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My Best Friendrsquos Mom

One of my best friends from high school had gone off to Cambridge to play football in college. While there, he began using d**gs and got arrested. I would stop by and see his parents from time to time, but when his mom called and said he had gotten arrested, I went right over. I had plans on playing college football at Manchester city but i injured my knee, so I went to a local college. I also continued to weight train so I could stay in good shape.When I arrived at my friend’s parents’ house,...

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My Brothers KeeperChapter 2

It was a small arena, a basketball court in reality, but it was a sellout crowd. Dave’s comeback had a lot to do with that. He still had a small following; fans from the old days and others who wanted to see what kind of shape he was in. It was one of those occasions where someone on the undercard out drew the main event. The dressing room on the night of a fight is alive with nervous energy. Movies would have you believe that all fighters have a private dressing room, but that’s not the way...

1 year ago
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Losing virginity with my childhood friend Part 2 Virgin Sex Stories

If you haven’t read the first part, check that first. Jacob and my parents were heading to a couples retreat this weekend and Jacob had more than hinted that he wanted me to stay with him. There was the anticipation of what may happen, but I felt ready. I wanted him to touch me in the most intimate way a man can touch a woman. Having sex with your childhood friend is not a bad idea either. We were home alone Friday night and Jacob took me over to his house. I was nervous because – the...

2 years ago
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OkChapter 13

There was plenty to drink at the party, there was a live band and a DJ for when their set was over. The music was good and danceable. There was Susan, there were Cloë and Robert, Kathleen and Kieran, Freya and Vince, and Jessica as well, but Carol was ill at ease. Susan knew why. Susan had noticed Ryan talking with Liam and Dermott. She had also seen how Liam and Dermott constantly seemed to be checking on Carol. Ryan too, was watching her. None of the three approached their table however....

3 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 6 Gwenllian

Gwenllian Morgan was an ordinary looking young girl who grew up in Llanrumney, one of the less salubrious suburbs of Cardiff. Her first name was always shortened to Gwennie, and then usually lengthened again to Little Gwennie. Her school achievements were neither more nor less than were expected from a child with her background, and she duly left school in 2005 at sixteen years old and was lucky enough to find work in a shop, serving customers with bread and cakes over the counter. The back...

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Chapter 1 'The Highway Man' Marion stared at the lights and impatiently revved the car. With every spare moment she stated at the money in the passenger seat. $40,000. Every penny of it was hers now. Night settled in around the highway, as Marion struggled to stay awake she was constantly blinded by the headlights on every passing car. She couldn't carry on driving in the dark. It was too risky, she was bound to get caught. She park aside the highway and slept for several hours. She...

1 year ago
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The Boy Who Wasnt Seen and The Girl Who Couldnt Speak Part 3

Ch.3 : Kind of what I expected, But not really "I'm sorry you got lost, that shouldn't have happened," said Counselor Jack. "It must have been scary for you to be wandering out there." He saw Bridget write something on her notepad, right before she held it up to him. It read, "Not really." The counselor made a small laugh. Jack sighed internally. If this took any longer he was going to feel like wile E. coyote in no time. "So, you're in cabin 6, right?" said the counselor,...

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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Boarding the Fortune

Lee entered the transporter for the short trip up to the Space Station. The Fortune was attached to the space station waiting for them. Lee headed down the aisle, plopped down next to Rabbit and smiled at him. “Hi, Kyle, ready for the big adventure?” “As ready as I’m going to be,” he replied. “But the real question is when will you be ready for the Kyle Vella adventure?” he asked, as he wiggled his eyebrows and slid his hand up her jumpsuit encased thigh. While gently removing his hand and...

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The Penis mighter than the Sword

Matthew had finished up the group fencing lessons for the day. He was closing the salle, name for fencing area, when Kaitlin, a lovely, 5’8”, 130 lb, 38C, long legs, small waist and pale approached him for a private lesson. He looked around to see if everyone else had left the building. He secured the door to the salle, saluted Kaitlin, in the traditional fencing manner, in his smooth black leather-coaching jacket and green track pants. Mattthew was a lean toned individual who was constantly...

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Jasmines Tribulations

Last night's party was pretty wild. Dancing, drinking, even some "action". Not for me though. Although I like to hang out with my friends in these parties, I do not particularly enjoy taking part in the more erroneous activities. My Name is Jasmine, currently in High School. I'm still a virgin. I do think erotic thoughts sometimes though, can't help it. My hormones are at the peak in this point of my life. My appearance? Picture me as whatever you want, that's not what's important. What's...

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She Was 22

She was 22 and petite. Blonde, boyishly short haircut, and a body to die for.He was much older, but she liked the way he talked.They met at the wedding of mutual friends, were bored with the reception and had been drinking just enough to loosen their inhibitions. Sitting together they talked a little, flirted a lot. He kept stealing looks at her creamy breasts, intentionally on display in her strikingly low-cut dress (she got off on being stared at). She glanced at his crotch at least five...

1 year ago
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Mother In Bed 8211 Part II

Mere ghar main hum char jan hain mrei bhen main 21 saal mere papa mere mummy 38 saal meri mummy 30 se jayada nahi lagti 5-3 inch kad bilkul goori shereer par baal to unke hain he nahi jaise veet main nahate hoon unke boobs 36 inch gool with 1 cm nipple unke kamar 30 unki choot gool or uthee hue 38 inch make up kar ke kya bomb lagti hain.mera 2 saal se unpe krush tha main kai baar bhane se unhe chu bhi leta tha us din papa or sister 3 din ke liye dilhi gaye the mujhe laga yahi mooka hai maine...

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My first time with Kaamwali Bai

I lost my virginity to a woman who was much older than me. She was actually the maid servant of my house and as I had all of a sudden become aware of the charms of the female body she became the object of my attention. This being my fourteenth year the members of the opposite sex of my age were not all that developed or matured and hence I fell for the mature charms of my maid servant. All aunties and females desirous of good sex n guys if interested in paid sex with females contact me on...

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Satisfying My Aunt In Indonesia

Hey guys. It’s my real sex story which happened recently with my aunt so-called (pinni) for better understanding. My name is Suraj and I’m from Hyderabad. I’m 5’7 with a 6-inch manhood 4mm diameter. My mother’s brother who happens to be my uncle got married to a foreign girl who’s from Indonesia. Her name is Astria. She is 40, a bit voluptuous with 38d-32-40. Her hips and ass make me go crazy all the time when I see her. A few months back they got divorced due to some issues between them. But...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 39

Elaine, Annalisa and the human twins, Murielle and Miranda stood in the grove, holding hands to form a circle. “Now, here’s how it works, girls,” Elaine was saying. “We form a circle and we mind-link together. I will suggest the object to concentrate on. When you can see that object in front of you, let me know. When you all see the same – by that I mean that our attention is on the same individual object, then we pull it into the circle. “You mean that if you want us to concentrate on...

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