Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 46
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The next day gave no opportunity to talk further. Mary Freeman could not be roused in the morning and the two grandchildren panicked. Claire had to prevent them from phoning for an ambulance, for Mary had stated that under no circumstances was she to go to the hospital. She was going to die at home.
Claire patiently explained to her children that their grandmother’s time had come and they were to watch with her for the rest of the day, taking it in turns. Claire summoned the local GP, who confirmed that death was a matter of hours away.
After he left, she called her brother and sister, and her other two children, informing them that they could well be too late, but they all said they could come anyway. Then she called the priest, who anointed the old lady, and asked to be called on his mobile if her condition worsened further.
Thereafter, Claire sat with her mother all the time, while Peter and the children brought her coffee and tea and food from time to time. Her mother seemed to be sinking deeper into a coma.
At about five Mary opened her eyes saw Claire and whispered, “John.”
Her eyes closed again and Claire called the family. Claire and Elizabeth held her hands. Once more she opened her eyes and smiled at her family, then closed them for the last time.
Ellen and George arrived with their families. They all knelt or stood round the bed and said the rosary, and shortly after, Mary’s breathing became progressively fainter. It was difficult to know when her breathing stopped, but eventually Claire put the old lady’s hands together over her breast and it was over.
The next week was a whirl as the funeral was arranged and friends and remoter family were informed.
After the funeral, and after the visitors who had returned to the house afterwards had left, Claire told Elizabeth she was going for a walk and left the house. She needed to be alone. She needed to think.
She was still numb after her mother’s death but knew the pain would come soon. She had been closer to her mother than either her brother or sister were. She needed a shoulder to lean on when the reality hit her, and Peter was not the one she needed. Both his parents were still alive; indeed he had not suffered any kind of bereavement. She needed someone who knew how she felt and she realised of course who that person should be.
She would have to talk to Peter. He was a good man. She had been lucky with him. He was gentle and thoughtful, and had a sense of humour she appreciated. He would put himself out for her and would do anything for her. Even though he was a Company Director and worked long hours, he liked to help round the house; in fact there was no household chore he would not do if asked. They had often talked over the washing up. Even though they had a dishwasher, they would often wash up by hand to give them time to talk. That was the good bit.
The only regrets that she had was that he was such a fundamentalist when it came to religion. She had long since stopped arguing with him about religion. She regarded herself as a good Catholic, but she was a lot more broad-minded then he was. She could cope with that.
She had also been able to tolerate his possessiveness and jealousy; at least, she thought, it meant he loved her. She remembered his arm round her as she wept while her mother’s body was lowered into the ground.
But now? As she pondered over his insulting invasion of her privacy in opening, but worse reading the letter – her private letter; worse still, his effrontery in answering it, and worst of all his keeping the whole process from her, which in her book amounted to a heinous lie, she realised she couldn’t live with that or with his jealousy anymore.
She now felt demeaned by his lack of trust in her faithfulness. In fact he was implying that she was not trustworthy and was not strong enough to be faithful if an attractive man came along. His behaviour while she visited John and Ellen, and when she arrived back, accentuated her feelings. It was an insult of the worst kind.
Gradually over the week after the death she had become more resolute. Now she made the decision that he would have to be taught a lesson, he would have to change, and she had a good idea how to teach him. All their married life she had put up with his jealousy, but not any more. It was time to talk with Peter and tell him her decision; she was sure he wanted to talk to her. She was just as sure how much he would hate her decision.
She returned to the house. Peter was sitting in the living room, reading the paper. It seemed that the children had all gone out, she assumed, for a drink, so Claire sat herself down in an easy chair opposite the sofa on which Peter sat. He put down his paper.
“Well, my love,” she began with a smile. “I think it’s time we had another talk.”
Peter was no longer angry, and smiled back, nodding his head.
“Can I start?” Peter asked. His tone was gentle, and Claire was taken aback. She nodded mutely.
“I’ve thought a lot over the past few days. There’s been plenty of time. You were right; you are right. I should never have opened a letter addressed to you. You know I always slit open all the mail, but this was the first time I went beyond that. I saw his name on the return address and I read the letter. That was wrong, and I’m very sorry.
“You’re right about my jealousy, as well. It’s like a disease; I can’t seem to help it. When I read the letter it was my jealousy that made me read into it that he wasn’t really ill and that all he wanted was to take you away from me, and I responded angrily. I had even less right to answer the letter than if you’d showed it to me and asked me to answer it.”
“Peter,” interrupted Claire, though gently. “You know that I have always told you whatever people have written to me in their letters; I even give you my letters to read. Not because you own me, you don’t, but because I want to share with you. I always tell you what I write to other people, because I know you’re jealous.”
“I know; I know,” Peter sighed. “It was because it was him. He was your first serious boyfriend. I’ve always suspected you were deeply in love with him, more than you’ve ever been with me, and sometimes I wonder if you don’t still think of him fondly. I was frightened.”
“Peter, we’ve been together for thirty years, and you have never really trusted me in all that time. Have I ever given you the slightest sign that I wanted someone else?”
“No,” said Peter. “Anyway, I now realise that when I thought of what I’d done, I couldn’t tell you. I was even more afraid then of how you’d react. All I can do now is to apologise to you and ask your forgiveness.”
Claire sat still with her eyes downcast, as thoughts tumbled through her head. Yes, he was sorry now, but he’d apologised for his jealous outbursts so many times before. This was nothing new. But was he right about her feelings for John? Did she still hanker after him? Was Peter’s fear justified in this case?
It didn’t matter, she resolved. Peter had to learn that jealousy would never be tolerated again. This time it must stop for good: he really needed therapy. She could not go on any longer as they had been. She looked up at him.
“Peter, it’s not as easy as that. I could say I forgive you, and we’d return to where we were before. I’d still be tied down by this jealous streak of yours; I’d still be demeaned by your lack of trust in me. If we went to a party you’d still come up huffing and puffing if you saw me talking to another man, as if talking about our children was akin to adultery!
“No. It’s time you learned to trust me. It’s time at last to confront your possessiveness once and for all. Time to let me go and really trust me. Tell me Peter, you have five women working at your head office with you, right?”
“Yes.” Peter was hesitant. “But I don’t see what–”
“No you don’t. You spend all day every day with five women, three of whom are drop dead gorgeous. Two of those three are beautiful and available! You often work very late with one or another of them. I know that because they answer the phone when I ring to find out how late you’ll be, and find that you’ve switched off your mobile. By the way, you do know that switching off a mobile when ‘working late’ is often thought to be a strong clue that a person is having an affaire?”
Peter gaped. “But–”
“But nothing. You really don’t get it, do you?”
Peter looked confused. Claire continued.
“The point I’m making is that I – trust – you. I have trusted you for as long as I can remember. I’m getting older and they are young and pretty. I have every reason to be worried. Even when I got an anonymous phone call that you were having an affaire with Jayne, I told them to get lost and I trusted you.”
Peter looked astounded, but not guilty. “You got a–”
“Yes. I didn’t even bother to tell you. Why? You should be getting the message by now. The point is that you can’t trust me like that! Has it occurred to you that while I was at home with the kids I could have had any number of men in my bed?”
Peter looked startled. “But the children would get in the way, I always thought–”
“Exactly, Peter, darling, you thought the children would make it impossible,” she spoke as if addressing a young child. “Children have a sleep in the afternoon for about an hour!” She waited while the truth dawned.
“You see?” she said, for worry and suspicion were obvious on his face, “You’re now wondering if I did! You’ve just proved it again: You – don’t – trust – me.”
Peter was silent. He looked confused and worried.
Claire sighed deeply. “No Peter. I have never been unfaithful to you,” she said resignedly. Her shoulders slumped. “Never even thought of it. But your lack of trust is a deep ongoing insult to me. After over thirty years putting up with this, and now learning about the letter, I’ve come to a crossroads. I can’t live like this any more Peter. You will have to learn to trust me, and learn it the hard way, or I’m afraid our marriage will be over.
“I’m going to do something rather extreme, which will force you to trust me or I’ll look for a separation. It’s that serious Peter. I said I can’t live like this any more and I mean it, I can’t. I’m going to do something you’ll hate, and I want you to do something as well.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Soon, mother’s death is going to hit me, and I know it’ll hit me hard. You know how close we were. I need some time to grieve. I need someone who knows what bereavement is. So what I’m going to do is to ask John Pollard to let me stay with him. He knows how it feels, you don’t. And you’ll have to trust me to remain faithful to you. To help you to trust me, I want you on your part to consult a therapist or a psychiatrist to get help with your jealousy.”
“Claire, you can’t do this to me!” Peter’s voice was raised in panic.
It had been just over four weeks since Claire had left John Pollard’s house, and John was once again used to being alone. He had been grateful for Claire’s presence and for their long talks, which he thought had been consoling for both of them. He had bade farewell to her hoping she had found a new way of living with her husband. He followed his routines. It gave structure to his life. He had also stayed for a while with his son James. James and Julie had made him very welcome, and it was...
The phone awoke the house early on Thursday morning. Claire answered and called to John to pick up his own. The police officer handling his case was ringing to tell him that Peter and Thomas were now in transit from Cumbria to the city and would be brought before the magistrates at two that afternoon. John as the victim was welcome to attend. The constable went on to say that if they pleaded guilty the procedure would be over that day; if not guilty, they would be remanded, probably in...
Note: Since John’s daughter is also called Clare, to avoid confusion his daughter’s name is spelt without an ‘i’: e.g. Clare, throughout the remainder of this story. On Saturday, the last day of July, Claire had letters ready for attachment to emails. She had written individually to each of her children except of course, Thomas. In them she explained gently what had happened, where she had been and why she had come to John’s house again. She had wondered as she wrote if compassion for his...
When the doorbell rang on Sunday morning, Claire grinned at John and went to the door. She opened it to find a young woman and a man. “Hello, you must be Clare,” she said brightly, “and this will be Luke. I’m Claire Klinsman.” “Pleased to meet you, Mrs Klinsman,” said the younger Clare with a smile, as the pair shrugged off their rainwear. Outside there was a fine drizzle. “I’d say call me Claire, but that might be awkward. My second name is Deborah, so perhaps I can be Claire D?” “D’you...
Though all her other children had replied to Claire’s email, there had been nothing from Elizabeth, and Claire felt the loss. Each day she had hoped for something the next day, but there was nothing from her. “I’m worried about Peter,” she said over coffee that morning. “From what the children say, he seems very depressed.” So he damn well ought to be, thought John, though he said nothing, but massaged her shoulders and back. “D’you think I should write to him?” she asked plaintively....
Claire daily looked for a reply from Peter to her letter, but none came. After a week she gave up. She sighed and at breakfast she told John of her decision. “I think it really is over, John,” she said. “I can’t go on like this. He’s not going to talk with me, and I need to get on with my life. I hoped I would get some sign from him to give me some – any – hope we could repair things, but I see now that’s unrealistic.” “So?” John’s voice was soft and affirming. “So I begin divorce...
Christmas lights had festooned town and city streets for some weeks already, and the news of the decree spurred John to ask about her plans for the feast. “I don’t know,” she answered him. “I wonder what the children have in mind. None of the children have kids of their own apart from Thomas, and he’s not talking to us. The whole family used to come to us. But I don’t know now...” “Same here. All mine live in striking distance, but Cath and Clare would come here and stay over.” John...
As January days progressed Claire became more and more morose, and more taciturn. John knew he could do nothing for her: it was her problem alone. He simply looked after her, and she often smiled her thanks. On the afternoon of Friday the 14th of January, the Friday before Thursday the 20th when she could apply for the Decree Absolute, the phone rang, and Claire being nearest answered it. John was in the kitchen, and heard what transpired. He heard her gasp of surprise and was ready to join...
Claire phoned Simon and told him she would not be applying immediately for the Decree Absolute. “I’ve had a last minute visit from Peter, and he’s getting therapy,” she said. “So I’ll delay until I’m certain there’s no hope.” “Fine,” Simon said. “You’re the boss, and I think you’re right. After the Final Decree there’s no going back. You can’t undo it. You’ll feel better in yourself if you’ve given the marriage every chance,” That evening, there was another phone call. This time John...
Claire emerged into Arrivals Reception pushing her trolley with two huge cases, two smaller ones, her laptop and some duty free bags. She searched those waiting and then saw Peter standing among the crowd. He simply stood. He did not wave to catch her attention and his face seemed emotionless, neither happy nor sad, though certainly not eager. She made her way to him and stood before him, the trolley between them. She looked enquiringly at him and he seemed to awake and stood aside. “Let...
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Traci couldn't be happier. Here she was on her dream vacation in a place she had always wanted to visit. And now she was with a man who was showing her his dream world. A man who was showing her how to live in this exotic land of ice and snow. And a man who, she was finding out, was making her pulse quicken and her pussy leak! Mark rose from his place on the couch and stood in front of Traci. Holding out his hand, she took it smiling shyly. "Thank you," she said. He helped her to stand, pulling...
BDSMYou don’t have to read the first two parts to understand this but it might make more sense if you do. Let me know what you think. Ashley never denied that she was a slut. She just wanted me to be one too. After playing “Guess Whose Cock” and going home naked from my first college party, I not only admitted I was a slut but that I was a bigger slut than her. Before this week, I had only slept with two guys and given blow jobs to a couple more. Now I wasn’t even sure who or how many guys had...
ExhibitionismThis story is about my friends mom, she is a very hot woman with long blonde hair and nice round boobs and an amazing ASS, we can call her for Emma, the problem was that Emma were married. My friend and I have known eachother for a long time, we first met when we was 7 years old and we started to get good contact, and haning out more and more. His mother was just 25 then, she had him when she was 18. I didn't liked her very much from the begining but as we grown up I started to see her on a...
My brother, John and I have been close since the day we were born. Being born twins, growing up together, sharing toys, sharing our room till we were 18... It had its ups and downs. We quite often would fight over things, sometimes even the littlest things like what side of the room the desk would go on and for how much time we could kick each other out of the room for some peace and quiet... which rarely happened with us being the youngest of a family of 4 kids and very over bearing parents....
IncestWhen Emilio Ardana pops out of his office he’s already in the mood for a quick cock sucking to relieve his morning stresses and he happens to come upon a pro, Linda Black who always does dick right. Linda is discreet and masterful at getting men off, the perfect combination for a working man in need of afternoon relief. When the curvy assed Columbian Milf saunters up the outdoor stairway in her black dress with her big tits hanging busting out, Emilio and his cock are most excited to meet...
xmoviesforyouAs the week wore on, I began to wonder if Sunday wasn’t really a dream. To have your wife tell you that she wants to have sex with another woman, while you watch, is a little hard to believe. And as Monday moved to Wednesday, and Wednesday to Friday, there had been no further mention of that lazy Sunday morning conversation. I wanted to ask her if she was still interested in pursuing the idea, but I was afraid I would appear too eager. I thought that the idea might be a bit fragile. Like if I...
EroticA flash of memory: Following Chris and the guy down the hall, remembering I still don't know his name, nervously rehearsing her instructions. Breathe through my nose. Make eye contact. Use my hands. No teeth. Can I do this?Chris lifted her head from the pillow, looking at me in shock. "What do you mean, you don't know how?" I blushed. "I don't know, I've just never felt like I can do it. I always gag and don't like it." "You're good with me." I smiled ruefully. "It's easier with a woman. I've...
First TimeJane Bound Office wear Chapter 4 Jane steps into Miss's office balancing the silver tray, adorned with fresh picked strawberries, cream, fresh coffee and organic honey. Carefully setting the tray beside the large wooden desk. She places paper folders in their proper location, wipes down the desk, computer, and chair, preparing for another day of work. She hears chiming from the doorway as the door opens in the reception area, Jane scoots to assume her position at the desk,...
"Give me the remote!" I held out my hand and Jahn, my best friend scrunched his nose up at me. "It's my turn," he said in that soft voice of his. "It's my house!" I said, "Come on." "So? I let you watch what you want at my house." He hid the remote control behind his back. "I wanna watch the Next Supermodel." "That's so dumb!" I frowned. "We're missing the wrestling!" "That's dumb!" He giggled, brushing his long black hair out of his eyes. "You're dumb!" I...
After a short walk, they both reached the home of Frederik. They walked up to the front door and Sandra rang the doorbell. They only had to wait a few seconds, and then they could hear somebody running up to the front door, when the door opened, they could see Frederik standing there with a big smile on his face. "Hi," Sandra said. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a new friend with me." "No problem," Frederik said. "Your friends are my friends now." When Sabina had heard how...
My sister-in-law, Terri whom I have fucked several times recently admitted to me that she had been having a fantasy of being fucked by two guys. I told her I knew someone who I was sure would jump at the chance. She told me to set it up and that she couldn’t wait. I called my buddy Chris whom I had been having three ways with him and his wife. I told him that Terri wanted to be fucked by two guys and since we had already tag teamed his old lady that I figured he would like to try it with Terri....
IncestHe came over to me "Put your hands behind your back." When I did he grabbed my hands and put handcuffs on me. I struggled to get loose but it was too late. He then put a collar on me and attached a leash to it. He pulled on the leash. "Time for some fun" he said as he pinched my nipple. He took a key out of his pocket and brought me to a door at the end of the bedroom. He opened the door and switched on a light. I screamed in terror when I saw what was inside. I tried to get away but he...
Susan was in a rental car driving from NY to the Cabelas in Reading, PA after being persuaded to hand deliver one of her thongs to Sean. She didn’t know what made her agree to meet Sean, especially since she had to take time off from work. It was something in Sean that got her to say yes. She kept thinking ‘What the fuck did I get myself into?’ Susan drove a bit fast because she was late to meet Sean and she wanted to get back to work. Susan would daydream every so often on the drive when her...