Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 3 free porn video

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The next day gave no opportunity to talk further. Mary Freeman could not be roused in the morning and the two grandchildren panicked. Claire had to prevent them from phoning for an ambulance, for Mary had stated that under no circumstances was she to go to the hospital. She was going to die at home.

Claire patiently explained to her children that their grandmother’s time had come and they were to watch with her for the rest of the day, taking it in turns. Claire summoned the local GP, who confirmed that death was a matter of hours away.

After he left, she called her brother and sister, and her other two children, informing them that they could well be too late, but they all said they could come anyway. Then she called the priest, who anointed the old lady, and asked to be called on his mobile if her condition worsened further.

Thereafter, Claire sat with her mother all the time, while Peter and the children brought her coffee and tea and food from time to time. Her mother seemed to be sinking deeper into a coma.

At about five Mary opened her eyes saw Claire and whispered, “John.”

Her eyes closed again and Claire called the family. Claire and Elizabeth held her hands. Once more she opened her eyes and smiled at her family, then closed them for the last time.

Ellen and George arrived with their families. They all knelt or stood round the bed and said the rosary, and shortly after, Mary’s breathing became progressively fainter. It was difficult to know when her breathing stopped, but eventually Claire put the old lady’s hands together over her breast and it was over.

The next week was a whirl as the funeral was arranged and friends and remoter family were informed.

After the funeral, and after the visitors who had returned to the house afterwards had left, Claire told Elizabeth she was going for a walk and left the house. She needed to be alone. She needed to think.

She was still numb after her mother’s death but knew the pain would come soon. She had been closer to her mother than either her brother or sister were. She needed a shoulder to lean on when the reality hit her, and Peter was not the one she needed. Both his parents were still alive; indeed he had not suffered any kind of bereavement. She needed someone who knew how she felt and she realised of course who that person should be.

She would have to talk to Peter. He was a good man. She had been lucky with him. He was gentle and thoughtful, and had a sense of humour she appreciated. He would put himself out for her and would do anything for her. Even though he was a Company Director and worked long hours, he liked to help round the house; in fact there was no household chore he would not do if asked. They had often talked over the washing up. Even though they had a dishwasher, they would often wash up by hand to give them time to talk. That was the good bit.

The only regrets that she had was that he was such a fundamentalist when it came to religion. She had long since stopped arguing with him about religion. She regarded herself as a good Catholic, but she was a lot more broad-minded then he was. She could cope with that.

She had also been able to tolerate his possessiveness and jealousy; at least, she thought, it meant he loved her. She remembered his arm round her as she wept while her mother’s body was lowered into the ground.

But now? As she pondered over his insulting invasion of her privacy in opening, but worse reading the letter – her private letter; worse still, his effrontery in answering it, and worst of all his keeping the whole process from her, which in her book amounted to a heinous lie, she realised she couldn’t live with that or with his jealousy anymore.

She now felt demeaned by his lack of trust in her faithfulness. In fact he was implying that she was not trustworthy and was not strong enough to be faithful if an attractive man came along. His behaviour while she visited John and Ellen, and when she arrived back, accentuated her feelings. It was an insult of the worst kind.

Gradually over the week after the death she had become more resolute. Now she made the decision that he would have to be taught a lesson, he would have to change, and she had a good idea how to teach him. All their married life she had put up with his jealousy, but not any more. It was time to talk with Peter and tell him her decision; she was sure he wanted to talk to her. She was just as sure how much he would hate her decision.

She returned to the house. Peter was sitting in the living room, reading the paper. It seemed that the children had all gone out, she assumed, for a drink, so Claire sat herself down in an easy chair opposite the sofa on which Peter sat. He put down his paper.

“Well, my love,” she began with a smile. “I think it’s time we had another talk.”

Peter was no longer angry, and smiled back, nodding his head.

“Can I start?” Peter asked. His tone was gentle, and Claire was taken aback. She nodded mutely.

“I’ve thought a lot over the past few days. There’s been plenty of time. You were right; you are right. I should never have opened a letter addressed to you. You know I always slit open all the mail, but this was the first time I went beyond that. I saw his name on the return address and I read the letter. That was wrong, and I’m very sorry.

“You’re right about my jealousy, as well. It’s like a disease; I can’t seem to help it. When I read the letter it was my jealousy that made me read into it that he wasn’t really ill and that all he wanted was to take you away from me, and I responded angrily. I had even less right to answer the letter than if you’d showed it to me and asked me to answer it.”

“Peter,” interrupted Claire, though gently. “You know that I have always told you whatever people have written to me in their letters; I even give you my letters to read. Not because you own me, you don’t, but because I want to share with you. I always tell you what I write to other people, because I know you’re jealous.”

“I know; I know,” Peter sighed. “It was because it was him. He was your first serious boyfriend. I’ve always suspected you were deeply in love with him, more than you’ve ever been with me, and sometimes I wonder if you don’t still think of him fondly. I was frightened.”

“Peter, we’ve been together for thirty years, and you have never really trusted me in all that time. Have I ever given you the slightest sign that I wanted someone else?”

“No,” said Peter. “Anyway, I now realise that when I thought of what I’d done, I couldn’t tell you. I was even more afraid then of how you’d react. All I can do now is to apologise to you and ask your forgiveness.”

Claire sat still with her eyes downcast, as thoughts tumbled through her head. Yes, he was sorry now, but he’d apologised for his jealous outbursts so many times before. This was nothing new. But was he right about her feelings for John? Did she still hanker after him? Was Peter’s fear justified in this case?

It didn’t matter, she resolved. Peter had to learn that jealousy would never be tolerated again. This time it must stop for good: he really needed therapy. She could not go on any longer as they had been. She looked up at him.

“Peter, it’s not as easy as that. I could say I forgive you, and we’d return to where we were before. I’d still be tied down by this jealous streak of yours; I’d still be demeaned by your lack of trust in me. If we went to a party you’d still come up huffing and puffing if you saw me talking to another man, as if talking about our children was akin to adultery!

“No. It’s time you learned to trust me. It’s time at last to confront your possessiveness once and for all. Time to let me go and really trust me. Tell me Peter, you have five women working at your head office with you, right?”

“Yes.” Peter was hesitant. “But I don’t see what–”

“No you don’t. You spend all day every day with five women, three of whom are drop dead gorgeous. Two of those three are beautiful and available! You often work very late with one or another of them. I know that because they answer the phone when I ring to find out how late you’ll be, and find that you’ve switched off your mobile. By the way, you do know that switching off a mobile when ‘working late’ is often thought to be a strong clue that a person is having an affaire?”

Peter gaped. “But–”

“But nothing. You really don’t get it, do you?”

Peter looked confused. Claire continued.

“The point I’m making is that I – trust – you. I have trusted you for as long as I can remember. I’m getting older and they are young and pretty. I have every reason to be worried. Even when I got an anonymous phone call that you were having an affaire with Jayne, I told them to get lost and I trusted you.”

Peter looked astounded, but not guilty. “You got a–”

“Yes. I didn’t even bother to tell you. Why? You should be getting the message by now. The point is that you can’t trust me like that! Has it occurred to you that while I was at home with the kids I could have had any number of men in my bed?”

Peter looked startled. “But the children would get in the way, I always thought–”

“Exactly, Peter, darling, you thought the children would make it impossible,” she spoke as if addressing a young child. “Children have a sleep in the afternoon for about an hour!” She waited while the truth dawned.

“You see?” she said, for worry and suspicion were obvious on his face, “You’re now wondering if I did! You’ve just proved it again: You – don’t – trust – me.”

Peter was silent. He looked confused and worried.

Claire sighed deeply. “No Peter. I have never been unfaithful to you,” she said resignedly. Her shoulders slumped. “Never even thought of it. But your lack of trust is a deep ongoing insult to me. After over thirty years putting up with this, and now learning about the letter, I’ve come to a crossroads. I can’t live like this any more Peter. You will have to learn to trust me, and learn it the hard way, or I’m afraid our marriage will be over.

“I’m going to do something rather extreme, which will force you to trust me or I’ll look for a separation. It’s that serious Peter. I said I can’t live like this any more and I mean it, I can’t. I’m going to do something you’ll hate, and I want you to do something as well.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Soon, mother’s death is going to hit me, and I know it’ll hit me hard. You know how close we were. I need some time to grieve. I need someone who knows what bereavement is. So what I’m going to do is to ask John Pollard to let me stay with him. He knows how it feels, you don’t. And you’ll have to trust me to remain faithful to you. To help you to trust me, I want you on your part to consult a therapist or a psychiatrist to get help with your jealousy.”

“Claire, you can’t do this to me!” Peter’s voice was raised in panic.

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With an assassin targeting President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, can the most famous cross-dressing crime-fighter of the 1940s save the day? MADAM FATAL: DECEMBER 1941 by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a prequel those Madam Fatal stories I've posted to date.) - 1 - "Tell me about Scrappy Nelson and Tubby White, Mr Stanton." "Where would you like me to begin?" I asked,...

3 years ago
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Amy and Clara Prisoners in Space 3

Clara was horrified to discover that she was naked again, tied down to a cold metal platform. Her hands and feet were restrained by heavy metal clamps built into the platform, and her legs were spread apart in a Y-shape. Clara tried to pull her wrists and ankles free of the painful metal manacles, but it was no use. She was stuck fast. Clara looked around the room she was in. It was a larger chamber, more darkly lit than any room so far, with a pair of giant fans at either end. The fans...

2 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 17

We meet at the bar over the road from the gym. The 'boys' are there already with extra drinks for us. Dale checks out my legs as we approach.. which is normal I guess... "Thanks, I guess you got Paul to pay?" I say looking at Dale. He grins "Naturally, he's a surprisingly good loser." "Practice." I reply grinning as I slide my ass onto the barstool, "And it's nice to have a companion in my hobby of Paul baiting." "And she claims to be gay?" Paul comments, "Flirting...

3 years ago
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Venus Flytrap Ch 02

(This is the second part of a three part series. Please read the first part before you read this. Any and all constructive criticism is most welcome.) * Jessica woke up in Jim’s bedroom as the light of the early morning slipped between the venetian blinds. The simple décor was much the same as the rest of the house and spoke of a man who needed just a touch of feminine style in his life. Somewhere there was a lonely seabird calling and a fresh sea breeze smell lingered in the room. Jessica...

4 years ago
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Short History of a diaper girl

Let me tell you about my first experiences with diapers. When I was younger I went to a Catholic all-girls school run by some of the strictest nuns you will ever meet. Part of going to this school was our uniforms: white cotton button-up shirt under a gray vest with a pleated blue-gray heavy cotton knee-length skirt. With these horribly dull clothes went white knee socks and annoyingly c***dish black shoes, Mary Jane style. All that wasn’t the worst as far as most of us were concerned though,...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Eva Elfie Staying In

There’s nothing I enjoy more than staying and playing with a big cock on a sunny day. I love the way it tastes on my tongue, and I can’t wait to drink a load of cum. I use my hands a lot, but I also like to pucker up my lips and kiss the tip of my man’s dick. He loves looking at my tits, and I can feel them bouncing as I bob my head up and down. Finally, I can tell he’s getting close, so I put on a little extra passion, and soon I get the creamy drink I’ve been waiting for… Love, Eva Elfie.

3 years ago
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The Wedding PlannerChapter 15

Monday was a slow day and it was going to be a slow week. There were no weddings scheduled for the weekend and only three events were going to be held in the ballrooms or conference rooms. At ten Pam called her and invited her to lunch and at eleven-thirty she slid onto the seat across from Pam in the booth. After they had ordered Pam said: "Well, we had our talk for all the good it did." "That doesn't sound very encouraging." "It isn't. He flat out told me he doesn't love me. He...

2 years ago
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Alicia Ch 16

I was in the hospital for five days. I probably could have been discharged after three days, but Alicia wanted me there, so I stayed. I was lucky: It was only a flesh wound after all, and I didn’t get infected. I would probably need some physical therapy afterwards, though. Alicia made herself officially my doctor, and supervised every aspect of my care. She came in daily and changed my dressing. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the nursing staff, it was simply that she wanted to do it herself....

2 years ago
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First Year of College

You wave as your parents pull away in their SUV, leaving you standing in small crowd of strangers in front of your new dorm complex. You have to admit the moment is a bit emotional, and when the vehicle turns out of sight you realize just how much your life has changed compared to even a week ago. You purposely chose to go to college at Liberty State, in part because of its stellar academic reputation, in part because of its liberalism, and in part because it is almost 15 hours away from your...

2 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 39

Someone was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse bent over Sam, who was backed up against me with my arms around her. Once she saw I was awake she stood up. "It's 7:30. They're going to start wandering in and out of here any time now. I thought you might like to get dressed." "Thank you." "Can I bring you a cup of coffee?" "God, yes. I drink mine black." "How about your daughter?" "She puts as much cream and sugar as she can in it." "I've got a son like...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kenzie Reeves Camping is Boring

It’s been tradition to go on camping trips since I was a kid. Every Memorial Day weekend Mom, Step-Dad, Step-Sis and I spend a few nights in the great outdoors. Eating s’mores, going fishing, or hanging out with old friends; it’s usually a great time! But this year I’m just not into it. My girlfriend broke up with me and I’d rather stay in my tent away from everyone. But Kenzie, being the nosey little step-sister that she is, decides to make it her business and try...

3 years ago
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Briefs Buddy Part 2

As light filtered into the room, Dave emerged from a deep and satisfying sleep. At first he had to remind himself that the guy lying next to him was real and not just the fragment of a dream still pushing up from his subconscious. But the sight of Matt, in his figure hugging and cum-soaked FTLS, was real all right, deliciously real. And Dave smiled to himself.His own well drenched Hanes clung sweetly to his cock, and the heady smell of jizz from yesterday's briefs - his own and Matt's - as they...

3 years ago
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We Werent Prepared for Camping Chapter 7B

After taking a compulsory break of a good ten to fifteen minutes to recover from their activities together, they then all moved out of the wild overgrown amphi theatre gardens and headed towards the start of the forest nature walk, which was on the other side of the lookout point from where they had arrived earlier.As they walked along the path through the forest, Samantha and Pat were able to talk to each of the girls and learnt about their likes and dislikes, their previous and/or current...

Group Sex
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 13

A week later, Ryan was on the UMD campus. She walked over to the statue of the diamondback terrapin, symbol of the school's teams, and rubbed its head. The week had been hectic, including a tense dinner with her parents, and it felt like it was the first time in days she'd even been able to take a deep breath. "So, let's see." She patted the terrapin's head again. "In the last week, I've filed a record number of reports at work, argued both on the phone and in person with my parents, argued...

Love Stories
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Maa ko choda or chodwaya

Maa ko choda or chodwaya By: Kamal Hi mera naam kamal hai. Mein B.Com ka student hun or 19 saal ka hun. Mein hostal mein padta hun or Vacations mein ghar a jata hun.yeh story mere mother k bare mein hai jinse mein bhut pyar karta hun or karta rahunga. Unka mere father k sath divorced ho gya tha jab mein about 10 saal ka tha, pitaji ne or shadi kar lai thi or unke alag rehte the, par mere mom unke sath abhi bhi attached the vo unse bhut pyar karti thi or akele mein roti thi unhe yad karke. Par...

2 years ago
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Wife Tales Afternoon Delight

My husband suggested we spend the morning on the beach. We both had made arrangements for the afternoon. He would be golfing and I would be spending the afternoon getting pampered at the spa.We sat for a while as Michael admired all the sexy young women in bikinis. He admired, even more, the ones who had forgotten the top part of them. I didn’t mind. It would get him even hornier than usual and that would benefit me later tonight.“It’s not fair, you know,” I said teasingly.“What’s not fair?”...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Dyked Alexa Grace Jewels Getting Sluts To Understand

Jewels is a spoiled little brat. She never listens and always has everything handed to her, but looks like thats about to stop for good. Alexa is her french tutor, and always seems to have a hard time actually helping Jewels because its either she doesnt pay attention or does other things instead of actually being interested in the topic. As Alexa is trying to go over some basic phrases, Jewels gets a phone call, answers it right away, and officially cares less about everything else. She even...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Geisha Kyd Finding My Red Hot Stilettos

All people have secrets they don’t want others to know, especially if the secret involves something society finds weird and unappealing. Dean Van Damme thought that he could get away with his little secret. He often steals Geisha Kyd’s shoes and makes love with them. Despite Dean’s effort to hide his foot fetish, Geisha catches him in the act. The beautiful cutie with curly blonde hair confronts the tattooed lad. Dean tries to explain himself because he thinks Geisha is mad at...

2 years ago
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Mistress Kelly Pt 3

Everything that kitty had owned was given to GoodWill and what was left in the apartment would be taken away this weekend to the dump by a company Mistress hired. Mistress informed kitty that on Sat. night they would have a party to celebrate their new home and Moi,Rhonda and steven plus others would be there. Mistress also stated that more changes were in store for kitty once they moved. kitty purred because changes had always meant good things for her since Mistress had named her kitty...

2 years ago
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Modelling has its negative side

i want to tell you that i have started modeling. A lot of people thought i had the right figure… i have slender curves with 34dd firm boobs and nice long legs. i am also very fair, and i get a lot of proposals from men which i love…my husband and me as i said are now separated because we got married by being pressurized by family. He loved another girl, but i believe its not his fault. We are friends and we live live our life according to our own wishes.Well, at one photo shoot i was told to...

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Michelle becomes Michael

While this story is completely fictional it is directed at an era when dressing or acting of the opposite sex was considered taboo and thus it forced many people to be closeted. I hope you like this story and all comments good and bad are appreciated. Michelle was by all accounts a tom boy she loved to partake in activities normally associated with being a male . Michelle hated to be dressed in feminine attire and on every Sunday she hated having to wear a dress and fancy shoes as she would be...

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