Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 46
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Christmas lights had festooned town and city streets for some weeks already, and the news of the decree spurred John to ask about her plans for the feast.
“I don’t know,” she answered him. “I wonder what the children have in mind. None of the children have kids of their own apart from Thomas, and he’s not talking to us. The whole family used to come to us. But I don’t know now...”
“Same here. All mine live in striking distance, but Cath and Clare would come here and stay over.” John thought for a moment. “Why don’t you write and ask them what they would like to do, and we can go from there.”
Claire sent off an email to them all, including Thomas, and the same evening there came a reply from Elizabeth.
We have discussed it and there is no way we are going to Dad’s if you are not there. We are all agreed we would like to spend it with you, but I do not think there is room at John’s. Any thoughts?Love Lizzie.
“What shall I do, John?” she asked. They want to come here but we’ve not enough room, and it’s not fair to evict Cath and Clare.”
John thought it over. Then he had an idea.
“What about your mother’s house? You could have them all there. Plenty of room.”
Claire was silent and looked unhappy.
“What is it?” asked John, concerned.
“It’s just ... You...” she stopped and then came out with it. “Your first Christmas alone – I mean without Elizabeth. I wanted to spend Christmas with you, John.”
John felt a warm glow and a surge of affection for her.
“Hmm. I wonder?” Then he stirred himself. “There are five of us, more of you if they all came...”
“You mean have everyone at Grange?” Her eyes sparkled. “That’s a lovely idea and there’s certainly enough room. A full house! How wonderful! Mum would have loved that; she used to come over to us for Christmas after Dad died because the house seemed so empty.”
“I need to ask mine how they feel about that, but I like the idea.”
He called the girls and then James, all of whom did like the idea. So Claire emailed her children all of whom were enthusiastic. Except Thomas who did not reply. What was new?
“Have you invited Peter?” John asked her once all the replies were in.
Claire was surprised. “Peter?” she said. “With a divorce in the offing? I couldn’t sleep with him.”
“You don’t need to. Even so, everyone except Thomas will be there. It will be miserable for him with no one to celebrate with.”
She never ceased to be amazed at John, and this time did not understand him, but then thought again. It was an opportunity to talk with him before it was too late. So she emailed.
PeterThe children asked what I was doing for Christmas, and wanted to celebrate it with me here, but this house is too small, so we are all going to Grange with John and all his children. John suggested that you might like to come as well rather than spend the feast on your own. It would be a chance to talk before the divorce becomes final on the 20th January. We can still save this marriage, Peter.
To clarify, John and I do not sleep and have not slept together, but because of our situation, Peter, I will not share your bed either until we have talked this through to a conclusion.
Personally I think it would be good for you to meet his family and spend some time with him. I’m sure your opinion of him will change if you get to know him. He is a good Catholic, Peter.
Please let me know by Wednesday 15th if you will be joining us all.
Love, Claire.
Claire and John decided to travel up to Grange on Thursday 16th December to prepare and warm the house through, and life became quite frantic as they made preparations before they left. There were presents to be bought, and suddenly the number of presents had increased dramatically.
Each day Claire checked her laptop for a reply from Peter, but none came. The night of the 15th, after they had packed for the journey North, Claire again knocked on John’s door and found her way into his bed. She was wearing a short chemise, and, John hoped, a pair of knickers. A bare vulva pressed against his thigh was too much of a temptation.
There were no tears this time, but John could see how dispirited she was. There was no discussion, only one statement from Claire.
“He could have answered. Even to say no, he could have answered.”
They simply hugged each other until they fell asleep. Next morning, John left the bed first and made the daily pot of tea, and when he returned she was gone. He took her mug to her bedroom and knocked.
“Your tea, Claire,” he called through the closed door. It opened.
Claire stood there in pretty, delicate bra and panties.
“Oh, thanks John,” she said with a smile and took the mug from him.
He stood for a moment, seeing, for the first time, more of Claire than at any time since she first arrived the previous Spring.
She stood, holding the mug, loth to close the door in his face. She gave another smile and cocked her head in the manner he remembered from when they were lovers all those years ago. Then it was playful and inviting, now he was not sure what it was inviting!
He seemed to wake from his trance, smiled sheepishly, and turned away. Claire thought for a moment and turned away in her turn, only half closing the door.
After breakfast they packed Claire’s car and after John had turned off the water, turned the central heating to the frost setting and locked up, they began the journey to Grange-over-Sands.
On arriving they made the preparations for the impending gathering, making up beds, warming the house through, doing local shopping, buying a large tree and decorating both it and the house.
John left the gathering very early on Christmas Eve to travel down to help with the homeless hostel as he always did, but this time he drove back that evening to arrive in time for the vigil Mass at nine pm. He joined Claire and ten from the two families at the Mass, which enlarged the congregation considerably.
There were thirteen for Christmas Eve and Day, since Elizabeth had brought her fiancé and young Clare her partner. In an inspired piece of planning Clare and Luke had picked up Elizabeth and her fiancé Noel from the airport on the way to Grange, and early on Boxing Day the two couples travelled back the way they came, to be with their partners’ families later on that day.
Everyone knew everyone else, apart from Mary and Charles who did not know John’s family and James and Julie who did not know everyone of Claire’s family, but the whole party soon became settled with each other and had a good time.
Mary looked a little askance when she realised both unmarried couples were sleeping with their partners, but it seemed she soon got over it when Claire quietly mentioned remembering Mary sleeping with Charles when engaged.
Mary was at pains to point out that while they shared a bed they did not have sex, to which Claire replied that it was no part of Mary’s business whether the couples were having sex or not. Charles laughed and whispered to Claire that while there was no intercourse, there was plenty of sex! At which Mary was much embarrassed!
John and Claire were very busy organising volunteers from both families, sharing the preparation of the meals and in particular the Christmas dinner, where both a goose and a turkey were served to satisfy the numbers at the feast. Claire and John were shooed out of the kitchen after the meal as the two families took over clearing up.
It surprised John that everyone wanted to go for a walk in the late afternoon, and much fun was had crashing through the bushes and among the trees in the grounds as the light began to fail.
Once everyone settled in the evening, some disappearing off to their rooms, John took some time to stand aside and watch Claire with the majority who remained, a little worried how the impending divorce was affecting her.
He was surprised. He had not seen her so happy and carefree in all the time since she first arrived on his doorstep. He realised that even at that first meeting with her, she was somewhat down-trodden. Now, buried in the helter-skelter of caring for two families, talking and joking with them, watching how they interacted, she was free. She had the lightness he remembered from student days.
It also came to John that this Christmas was not what he had expected, nay dreaded without Elizabeth for the first time. Previous Christmases were always hosted by the pair of them at their house, the house where the children had grown up, and there would have been a glaring gap which Elizabeth should have filled. Here in this different place, with Claire’s children as well, he felt much more at ease, and less wistful than he had expected. That said, he thought of her often and there was always that sense of loss.
Claire caught the evening flight back to her husband and family with no problems, until, that is, she came though arrivals and looked for whoever was meeting her. She suspected in her bones that there would be trouble of some sort when she arrived. Peter had not phoned her at all, though the children had, telling her that they could not understand why she was staying away. She told them nothing, saying all would be explained when she returned, if their father had not explained it to them...
It had been just over four weeks since Claire had left John Pollard’s house, and John was once again used to being alone. He had been grateful for Claire’s presence and for their long talks, which he thought had been consoling for both of them. He had bade farewell to her hoping she had found a new way of living with her husband. He followed his routines. It gave structure to his life. He had also stayed for a while with his son James. James and Julie had made him very welcome, and it was...
The phone awoke the house early on Thursday morning. Claire answered and called to John to pick up his own. The police officer handling his case was ringing to tell him that Peter and Thomas were now in transit from Cumbria to the city and would be brought before the magistrates at two that afternoon. John as the victim was welcome to attend. The constable went on to say that if they pleaded guilty the procedure would be over that day; if not guilty, they would be remanded, probably in...
Note: Since John’s daughter is also called Clare, to avoid confusion his daughter’s name is spelt without an ‘i’: e.g. Clare, throughout the remainder of this story. On Saturday, the last day of July, Claire had letters ready for attachment to emails. She had written individually to each of her children except of course, Thomas. In them she explained gently what had happened, where she had been and why she had come to John’s house again. She had wondered as she wrote if compassion for his...
When the doorbell rang on Sunday morning, Claire grinned at John and went to the door. She opened it to find a young woman and a man. “Hello, you must be Clare,” she said brightly, “and this will be Luke. I’m Claire Klinsman.” “Pleased to meet you, Mrs Klinsman,” said the younger Clare with a smile, as the pair shrugged off their rainwear. Outside there was a fine drizzle. “I’d say call me Claire, but that might be awkward. My second name is Deborah, so perhaps I can be Claire D?” “D’you...
Though all her other children had replied to Claire’s email, there had been nothing from Elizabeth, and Claire felt the loss. Each day she had hoped for something the next day, but there was nothing from her. “I’m worried about Peter,” she said over coffee that morning. “From what the children say, he seems very depressed.” So he damn well ought to be, thought John, though he said nothing, but massaged her shoulders and back. “D’you think I should write to him?” she asked plaintively....
Claire daily looked for a reply from Peter to her letter, but none came. After a week she gave up. She sighed and at breakfast she told John of her decision. “I think it really is over, John,” she said. “I can’t go on like this. He’s not going to talk with me, and I need to get on with my life. I hoped I would get some sign from him to give me some – any – hope we could repair things, but I see now that’s unrealistic.” “So?” John’s voice was soft and affirming. “So I begin divorce...
As January days progressed Claire became more and more morose, and more taciturn. John knew he could do nothing for her: it was her problem alone. He simply looked after her, and she often smiled her thanks. On the afternoon of Friday the 14th of January, the Friday before Thursday the 20th when she could apply for the Decree Absolute, the phone rang, and Claire being nearest answered it. John was in the kitchen, and heard what transpired. He heard her gasp of surprise and was ready to join...
Claire phoned Simon and told him she would not be applying immediately for the Decree Absolute. “I’ve had a last minute visit from Peter, and he’s getting therapy,” she said. “So I’ll delay until I’m certain there’s no hope.” “Fine,” Simon said. “You’re the boss, and I think you’re right. After the Final Decree there’s no going back. You can’t undo it. You’ll feel better in yourself if you’ve given the marriage every chance,” That evening, there was another phone call. This time John...
Claire emerged into Arrivals Reception pushing her trolley with two huge cases, two smaller ones, her laptop and some duty free bags. She searched those waiting and then saw Peter standing among the crowd. He simply stood. He did not wave to catch her attention and his face seemed emotionless, neither happy nor sad, though certainly not eager. She made her way to him and stood before him, the trolley between them. She looked enquiringly at him and he seemed to awake and stood aside. “Let...
The Passing Years Once again John returned to his empty house, but the feeling was not as depressing as the previous times she had departed. In fact he smiled to himself thinking This is becoming a habit! Things were now more on an even keel and he could sense Claire’s marriage was on track for the future. He reflected she was more at peace, and comfortable with her life. Having thought the last time she left that it was the final time they would see each other, he now wondered if and when...
On the other shore of the North Sea, Claire Klinsman lived from day to day much as John had in the early days of his bereavement. She had returned to work at the same school, and ran the ‘English for Adults’ courses in the evenings, and that filled her days. With all the children gone as well, she could not face cooking meals for one, and consequently lost weight. She had written to John that the house seemed to echo with emptiness, but she knew that in reality the loneliness was within her,...
Both Claire and John, on their respective sides of the Channel, found themselves with no preparations to make for Christmas, other than buying presents for their families. Both had tried to take part in the organisation of the holiday, and both were gently but firmly told to relax and leave it to the children. Phone lines between the two families would have been hot as tasks were assigned by Mary, if all the calls and texts weren’t by mobile. The dark December days passed quickly. Mary, her...
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*NOTE* this story is an original work by ME. copyright 2009. you can copy this and switch it around and change the names and make it your own if you wish. if you make money off it, consider cutting me a slice of the pie. this story can also be found enjoy!I'm on the table waiting for the masseuse. My eyes are closed and in my mind I am working on another chapter to my "Sensual, Sexy Massage Ther****t" fantasy.I watch as that hot little vixen goes down on my girlfriend when,...
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"Kann ich noch was für Sie tun?" Ich öffne die Augen und sehe mich um. Was für ein Anblick! Direkt neben meinem Kopf beben zwei wunderbare, große Titten in der geilen Stewardessenuniform. Ich hebe den Blick schweren Herzens und sehe der blonden Frau ins Gesicht, die mich mit ihren vollen Lippen strahlend anlächelt. Obwohl ich nicht in der ersten Klasse bin, hat Blondie sich besondere Mühe um mich gemacht - und mich dabei ziemlich heiß gemacht. Geile Titten hat die Kleine. Groß, weich, echt,...
It had been nearly a week since Susan had first moved in. Work kept her busy most of the day, and by the time she came home, it was late and she was usually too exhausted to cook. She was thankful for the Braun’s house-warming casserole. As a single woman, it had lasted her almost the whole week. Now the empty dish sat in her sink waiting to be washed and returned. Maybe she’d visit the Braun’s on the weekend. In the meantime, she thought she'd just watch a little TV before bed.But she never...
ExhibitionismAs usual this story starts slow and runs long. I write verbose, blah blah blah. I’ve received some feedback that my stories are too long, but what can I say. I write very free form and usually if I get into a groove, the next thing I know I have 15 pages written. If you are looking for quick stroke material, you probably want to look elsewhere. This story is 100% fictional fantasy. For the first time, for better or for worse, I tried writing in the first person. I hope to catch all the...
Note: This is the last chapter BlackIrish was able to edit for me. Monday September 7 Today was Labor Day, so I didn’t have anything I had to do. Tami had been shocked by my revelation last night that I was no longer in love with her, and for the first time in my life she didn’t have anything to say. She’d just left me so I could get back to sleep. When I woke up, I went downstairs looking for my uncle. He and I had to have a talk. I found Aunt Bonnie. “You want some...
It was a Friday evening and I was in the lounge watching some television, mum had her friend shelly over and they were off out for some dinner shortly. I was very much looking forward to this evening as I was planning on doing something I hadn’t done before, I had done a little research and discovered that there was a swinger’s club/house about an hour from us. I had never thought of doing anything like this before but had finally plucked up the courage to get myself together and go, and see...
The next week, after paying for a movie I would never remember—although there was a nude scene in which Myra leaned over and whispered in my ear that she’d like to see my big cock fucking the actress--there I was again, nude, cock hard, my hands tightly gripping the sink, determined that I wouldn’t let go this time.While I stood there watching, Myra and Nicki took a bubble bath in their big tub. It took a long time, and I half enjoyed it, half wanted the waiting to be over. This was the first...
SpankingAshley had always wanted a lover. She would see all the girls in school hooking up with hot guys but it was always the same for her when Valentine's day rolled around. She would spend the day alone and without anyone to share the joy with. Her only friend who seemed to always be around was Amanda; the girl who lived next door to Ashley. Amanda had moved in over the summer and now it was closing in on the winter months. Ashley kind of missed the summer months but not because of the warmth. She...
LesbianIt was a typical day in suburbia hell, the grass was cut to exactly the same length, all the houses looking the same with their two car garages and white picketed fences. My name is Xavier, I am married man providing all the things a man should provide for his family, but god how I hate this neighborhood. Don’t get me wrong it’s all very nice, the people are friendly and it’s safe for the kids. All in all it’s boring and I hate boring. I decide to surprise my wife Kathleen hoping to actually...