InsomniaChapter 6 free porn video

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The next morning we got ready for work and we talked over a cup of coffee. He told me again that if I didn't want to take the chance I could stay home. He even offered to take care of me.

I thanked him for the offer. And there may come a time when I want to take him up on it. But we both knew that the main reason that I was going to work was not for the money. I assured him that I would call him if I got into trouble. I was embarrassed to admit once again that I was excited by the possibilities.

He was embarrassed to admit that he shared my excitement.

He walked me to the subway. But we split up at the turnstiles. He had to take a different train than I did.

I felt the excitement beginning to build as I stood in my usual place and waited for the train. I had no plans to expose myself on the way to work. But then, I hadn't planned to expose myself on the way home that first day either.

My train pulled up to the platform and I boarded my usual car. I looked around quickly to see if the poor man that had been the victimized by my first efforts at flashing had taken a later train again so that he could sit with me. I didn't see him.

The seat closest to the doors was open. That was my seat of choice. That was the seat that permitted me to sit facing the people sitting on the other side of the doors with nothing between me and them to protect my modesty.

I pulled my book out and opened it. But I wasn't looking at the pages. I may not have intended to expose myself this morning, but once I sat down facing my fellow commuters I felt compelled to let my knees fall open.

It wasn't anything obvious. There was no obscene display. I doubt if anyone looking could see more than a little bit of thigh. But I watched over the top of my book and it wasn't long before I detected a man who was facing me looking over the top of his book, right at my legs.

As soon as I realized that he was staring at my legs I felt a huge rush. He might just as well have been touching me. I looked around discreetly. No one else seemed to be paying any attention. So, very slowly I began to let my legs fall open a little farther. I wasn't wearing anything under my dress. I had planned on buying more thigh highs. But Karl's little business deal had messed up my weekend plans.

It was at that minute that I finally remembered that envelope full of money. It was still lying on the lamp table in my living room where Mark had dropped it. I had forgotten all about it!

But the money meant little to me. I had something more important on my mind at the moment. I watched the face of the man who was watching me spread my legs. I knew that he had to realize by now that it was not unintentional. My knees were fourteen or fifteen inches apart and my pussy had to be visible to him now.

I knew I was having an effect on him. I saw him blush and reach down with one hand to adjust his cock in his pants.

When I realized that he had a hard on from looking at my pussy I was terribly embarrassed. And once more I was incredibly aroused. I thought about the paper that we had taken from Ian with the list of the things that he had programmed into my brain.

Even knowing that what I was doing and the feelings that I was getting from it were a result of the suggestions that Ian planted in my brain I couldn't control my reaction. Images of that subway ride with Karl the other night when he made me change clothes on the subway flooded through my brain and added immeasurably to the feelings I was experiencing. I was ready now for whatever my day might bring.

My stop was approaching. I put my knees together and put my book in my purse. I took a few deep breaths and when the doors opened I was able to get up and calmly walk to the escalators. It wasn't until I started up that I found out the man I flashed on the train was right behind me.

He never said a word to me. He stood on the step directly below mine and as we slowly made our way up to the street his hand came to rest on my leg, just above my knee.

I looked back, startled. I recognized him. Our eyes met and he smiled and as we looked into each other's eyes his hand slowly worked up under my skirt until his finger was resting in my very wet crease.

I groaned when his finger touched me there and experienced a mild orgasm. I wasn't quite recovered when I got to the top of the escalator and I nearly fell on the sidewalk.

The man jerked his hand away from my pussy and steadied me for a moment. He smiled and said, "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

I smiled back and replied, "Me either. Thanks."

He released my arm and said, "No, thank you."

Then we went our separate ways. As I walked away I felt a confused jumble of thoughts and emotions. I was still very aroused. I felt a twinge of guilt. Now I was half of a couple. Last week I had been alone and I wasn't cheating on anyone. I felt relieved that the stranger had gone off in the other direction without ordering me to do something I shouldn't. And I felt disappointed that the stranger had gone off in the other direction without ordering me to do something I shouldn't.

I shuddered. I'm not sure why. I suspect it was excitement that my day had just begun and the games had started already. I was well aware of how my excitement level had increased when that strange man had touched my pussy and a wave of embarrassment had washed over me, followed immediately by arousal.

Now, as I walked to my office I remembered that there were at least three men there that were probably planning on fucking me today. And I knew that I was going to let them because I had no choice.

But my day of sexual servitude was all in the abstract until I actually got off of the elevator on my floor. I went to my desk, stuffed my purse in the bottom drawer and saw the note lying on my desk blotter before I even left to get my coffee.

I picked it up and read it nervously. It was from my Uncle Wayne. It instructed me to go to his office as soon as I arrived. I felt my level of arousal begin to rise even as I read the note.

I looked around suddenly. I had almost forgotten about the man and the two women I shared a small office with. All three of them were staring at me as I read the note. They probably noticed how red my face had gotten as I read the note. They probably knew what it said and who it was from.

I learned on Friday that word of my relationship with the owner of the company had spread all the way to the mailroom. So I assumed that the people I worked with were aware of it. I had been getting along well with the people I had met here at the office, especially the three people who worked with me in our little alcove. I haven't worked here very long and we were still getting to know each other. But they were looking at me now like I was some kind of spy.

I didn't know what the three of them had heard or what they were assuming. But the looks on their faces made me uncomfortable. I started to leave the room in response to the note. But then I turned back and asked, "Do we need to clear the air here? I don't know what you have heard. The boss is my uncle. But we were never close and are not close now. And believe it or not, no one knew when I applied for this job that he was my uncle, nor did he know that I had applied for a job with his company. I got this job because I was qualified for it. There was no nepotism involved. And just to be clear, I am still not close to my uncle and I am was not planted here to spy on you. So you can all relax. Hell, I don't even like him!"

I turned and left the room then. Maybe if they had a chance to discuss it they would decide to give me the benefit of the doubt. Or maybe they had heard the rumors about what I looked like when I left his office on Friday and were of the opinion that I was fucking my uncle, which was true of course.

I went down the hall to my uncle's office. His receptionist looked up when I entered. She made no attempt to hide her loathing and I didn't blame her. What surprised me was my reaction to look of disgust on her face. It embarrassed me. And of course, because I was embarrassed I felt myself becoming aroused.

There was a sneer in her voice when she said, "Go in. He's waiting for you."

She said the right things. But the note of revulsion in her voice left no doubt what she thought of me. It was also obvious that she knew the reason for my visit to my uncle's office.

I tapped lightly on my uncle's door. I didn't wait for a response. I opened the door and stepped inside. My uncle was not at his desk. He was sitting off to the side in a small seating area. He was not alone. There was a young man sitting with him.

Both men watched me enter the room. Both men were grinning and I had the distinct impression that they were talking about me and looking forward to my arrival.

I crossed the room and stood before them waiting for what I knew was going to happen. We all knew what I was here for.

The younger man stood up and walked around me with that arrogant look on his face that I was getting used to from the men who took advantage of me. Once they learned that I was helpless they all seemed to adopt that look.

He stopped behind me and his hands began to explore my body. First his hand lightly caressed my ass over my skirt and then he reached around to cup and then gently squeeze my breasts.

My uncle took great pleasure in introducing me to the young man that was presently exploring my body freely. He knew how humiliated I would be.

He said, "Kari, you probably don't remember the young man feeling you up, do you?"

I shook my head. I couldn't recall ever seeing him before. He looked a little familiar. But I couldn't say why.

The man was still squeezing my left breast with one hand. His other hand moved down and under the back of my skirt and back up to my ass. As his hand explored my naked skin my uncle said, "You have met. It has been a long time. You met him a couple of times at your grandmother's house. That is your cousin, Bryan."

Once more the humiliation and the arousal merged and climbed to an entirely new level. Bryan was a couple of years younger than me. He had been a real pest the few times I met him at my grandmother's house. And he had already been a little pervert. He was twice caught trying to peek at girls getting ready for bed at night and once he was accused of peeking at a younger niece when she was using the bathroom. I don't know all of the details. But that was the last time I saw him or his father.

Uncle Wayne grinned at the shock on my face and said, "He is just starting his senior year in college. He'll be coming to work here after he graduates. I told him what one of the perks was going to be and now he is a lot more enthusiastic about his future career.

Bryan moved his hand around under my skirt and cupped my pussy. He was pretty rough and it bothered me that everything about the way he was treating me turned me on. He was grinding his hard cock against my ass now and his hands were groping me as if he wanted it to hurt me. It was as if he learned how to treat women from his father.

Uncle Wayne said, "Come on over here and sit down, Bryan. Let's give the little cunt a minute to get more comfortable. You're going to like this. She is a hot little piece of ass, just like her mother was."

Bryan gave my pussy and my tit one last painful squeeze and then he released me. He went around and stood in front of me. He grinned down at me. His finger traced a line from my cheek down to my tit and slowly circled my embarrassingly hard nipple.

While he demonstrated his dominance and control over me he said, "I saw you naked once. You were thirteen. We were at Grandma's house. You and Tina were getting ready for bed. I snuck out of my window and crawled down the porch roof until I could see into your room. I saw your cute little tits and your pussy with a little patch of pussy hair over it. I sat there on the roof and rubbed my cock and thought about how much I wanted to fuck you. I can't believe I'm finally going to get the chance."

The little pervert was disgusting. But I could feel my pussy throbbing in response to his words and his crude touch.

He finally joined his father in one of the leather chairs in the corner of the room and the two of them sat back to watch me. I knew what he expected of me. They were waiting for me to undress, to "get comfortable."

What I didn't want them to realize was that because of that sick fuck, Ian, I was looking forward to this, too. I was going find this humiliating. This and everything else they did. And for that very reason I was going to have far more orgasms than these two perverts put together. There was no doubt in my mind.

But it wouldn't end there. And I don't just mean that they would be free to use me and abuse me as often as they liked. The humiliation would continue when I left here looking like a freshly fucked slut and everyone that I came into contact with realized that I had been in here fucking my uncle and his son.

As all this was going through my brain I was slowly unbuttoning my dress. I probably looked like a reluctant young victim to them. They didn't realize that I was teasing them. I was drawing it out to add to my own pleasure.

The problem is, when you are only wearing one article of clothing you can't draw it out very long. I was soon naked and it was obvious that they liked what they saw.

Uncle Wayne wiggled his finger and I moved closer. When I stood in front of him he pulled me into the space between his leg and Bryan's and they both began to explore my body and comment on it.

It amused them that my pussy was dark red with arousal now. It was throbbing and my juices were glistening in the opening. They commented on my pussy and on what a slut I was. They took turns shoving fingers inside of me and bringing them out glistening with my juices.

They each groped one of my breasts and severely abused my nipples, causing me pain with their rough treatment of my tender flesh and bringing me right to the edge of my first orgasm.

At one point, Uncle Wayne pulled his finger out of my pussy and ordered me to turn around and bend over. When I was in that degrading position he ordered me to reach back and spread the cheeks of my ass apart.

I did, and I felt his finger, with only my own juices for lubrication, being forced up into my still tender ass. It was the last part of my anatomy to recover from the violent rapes in that club on Friday night and Saturday morning.

I grunted in pain when he shoved his finger inside of me. They giggled like little boys at my reaction. Then they discussed that part of my anatomy. Uncle Wayne asked Bryan if he ever fucked a girl's ass.

Bryan replied, "Yeah, once. But the bitch didn't like it and never let me try it again."

Uncle Wayne laughed and said, "Yeah. That's why I like to do it. I love that the bitches hate it so much. And I like the way they grunt and cry when I do it. That turns me on. I used to fuck her mother's ass all the time when she was on the rag. Her mom hated that more than anything else I did. Well, except when I made her fuck my friends. She hated that the most. God I miss those days!"

I tried not to imagine my mother being subjected to those indignities by her older brother and his friends. No one wants to think about their mother being abused and objectified that way. But it was hard not to visualize my mother as a teenager being raped that way while listening to my uncle's vivid description of the events to his son.

Uncle Wayne glanced at his watch and said, "We better go ahead and fuck the bitch. She has work to do and I have a meeting coming up."

They stood up and quickly dropped their pants and underwear to their knees. My uncle pushed me down to the floor and asked Bryan which end he wanted.

Bryan quickly answered, "I want to fuck her ass."

Uncle Wayne said, "Not this time. We'll have to do that somewhere else. I don't want her screaming and drawing attention to what we are doing in here. But I am looking forward to hearing her scream when I shove my cock up her tight little ass. In the office, though, we are going to have to be a little cool about it. Do you want her mouth or her cunt?"

Bryan was still thinking it over when Uncle Wayne suggested, "It's all good, son. Why don't you start off in her cunt? I'll fuck her mouth and after a few minutes we can trade off."

Bryan apparently thought that was a good idea. He dropped to his knees behind me and as my uncle began forcing his fat cock into my mouth I wondered if they had done this before with some other poor woman. They seemed quite at ease with sharing such intimate acts.

I began sucking on my uncle's cock immediately. But after all of this degrading treatment I was extremely aroused. I had my first orgasm as Bryan worked his cock into my very wet pussy. I came before his cock was all the way inside of me!

I moaned loudly around my uncle's cock and both men realized I was having an orgasm. They laughed at how easily I was submitting to them and surrendering to the eroticism of the moment. Their laughter only added to the humiliation I was experiencing.

I stopped sucking my uncle's cock while my orgasm washed over me. He wasn't willing to wait for me to resume sucking on my own. He grabbed a couple handfuls of my hair and began thrusting his cock into my mouth. He wasn't prepared for the result.

During that horrible gang rape in the club over the weekend I had been forced to endure one huge cock after another being forced into my throat. As a result, I could now take a cock into my throat with little or no difficulty.

When his cock slid into my throat effortlessly and I didn't even struggle my uncle exclaimed, "Son of a bitch! Look at this whore! She's got the whole thing in her mouth!"

And then I came again.

Both men had stopped fucking me to look at my uncle's cock buried in my mouth and throat. They watched my body shudder through another orgasm. I was forced to listen to a few crude comments while my uncle reached around and explored my throat with his fingers.

He exclaimed, "Damn! I can feel my cock in her fucking throat. And look at her! Just kneeling there letting us do any fucking thing we want to her ass! What a fucking cunt!"

The men began thrusting their cocks into me again but after a couple of minutes Bryan said, "Hey dad. Let's switch off now. I want to fuck her throat before I lose it and cum in her cunt."

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To do this, she steals the condom her brother used to just have sex with some random girl, he's 20 years old, and goes by Will but his real name is William. She tries to scrape off the fluids from the female as well because Luna is too scared to try and masturbate herself. Finally there appears to be enough sexual fluids and she gets the 5 candles, placing a them in a circle with the tiny bowl of mixed sexual fluids in the center. A pentagon with a star in the middle meeting the vertices had...

2 years ago
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The Second Round 3

Jon exhaled loudly. He wasn’t looking forward to working all Sunday afternoon. Being the chief park ranger on Sundays always meant having to deal with families and loud annoying children. He unlocked the door to the supply room instead of going around to the front of the visitor center because he didn’t want to run into anyone quite yet. It was his “secret entrance” because it led right into the ranger office.As he shut the door behind him, he was on alert. The office was usually quiet when he...

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The Fantasy

The FantasyA little about me, I enjoy femdom porn and I would regard myself as submissive in the bedroom.One day I had forgotten to turn off my computer, unfortunately for me (or maybe fortunate) my wife had a gander at my computer, mainly my porn stash, which I wasn’t too fussed her finding, as she knew how devilry I could be in the bedroom, now it is interesting that women are very happy to read books like fifty shades of grey, which is basically porn in a written manner, but when they get to...

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Oh No Oh Yes Part 2

Well, my sister-in-law and I finally had a chance for some more fun when our families got together again. We had seen each other one time after the events that took place in the cabin (Part 1) but nothing happened due to the circumstance surrounding us. We didn't want force the issue and end up getting into trouble. However a few weeks back my wife told me that her sister and husband along with the kids were coming to stay with us for the weekend. I chatted with my wife's sister on messenger...

2 years ago
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Black Neighbor Asks Me for Help

interracial wife, husband cheating Picture taking leads to much more with neighbor/Mike and Keisha live across the street from us. Over the years, theyhave become our best friends. We do everything together including goingon vacations. Therefore, it came as no surprise that one day Keisha tookme aside and asked.“Dave could you do me a big favor hon.”“Sure Babe what is it?”Mike is going out of town next week and our anniversary is coming up andI wanted to surprise him with some sexy pics of me...

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Caught with his Pants Down Ch 04

Chapter 4: Changes and Solutions When Katie and Anthony went down to the kitchen to fix breakfast for themselves Monday morning they found Gloria sitting at the kitchen table, typing away at her laptop with cell phone at hand, already apparently working. ‘Good morning, Mother,’ said Anthony blearily. He was barely awake. ‘You’re up early.’ ‘I’ve been up since five,’ she answered, ‘There’s coffee.’ ‘A fresh pot,’ said Katie brightly. ‘I finished the first one,’ said Gloria, ‘What time did I...

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Forever a Voyeur

Margaret was looking out of her potential new upstairs window. The house was somewhat elevated to the rest of them around her. The only way it could be described was that it was built on a mini mound. The main bedroom window looked slightly downwards and into the bedroom window of the house opposite. The position of the house was lovely, the size of the rooms was just what she needed, but she had concerns about the windows and how they looked to each other. During one of the viewings, she even...

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Mending Daddy

© 2003 Anne lay in her sexy undergarments, and stockings on the plush sofa. So many nights she would come home, peel off her work clothes, and down load a sexy story from her favorite web site. Tonight, she had seen a father, and daughter story that had caught her eye. She began to read the story of a father that gave his sexy, teen daughter rub downs after her swim class. Anne started to feel her neglected body start to awake. She hadn't been loved by her over weight husband in months....

4 years ago
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We kept asking our female clientele and network about the group but always drew a blank response. However, in due course a lady who introduced herself as Helene over the phone asked me if Seb and I would like to be the ‘featured men’ (her words) for their next meeting. “We have never had two men at the same time to entertain us,” she explained. “You two men have earned a reputation with my friends. Some of them have nicknamed you eight and nine, for reasons I need to confirm. She explained...

1 year ago
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I fucked my girlfriend in a hallway next to her pa

In my college days (a long time ago … in the Bronx). My girlfriend Elise made me spend the evening with her parents, having dinner, and making small talk instead of humping in my car. She was about 5 foot 2 with big brown eyes and a face like Marie Osmond. Elise had suckable cone like tits and a really hot cunt with thick meaty lips. She was irresistible!! When it was time for me to go home she walked me to the hallyway which was just a door away from her parents living room. Her grandmothers...

3 years ago
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The Peeper

**************** Peeping Tom gets caught taking pictures of girls in high school locker room by three jocks who plan to beat him up, but "he" turns out to be a "she" who's taking the pictures to sell to adult magazines. They decide to go easy and embarrass her with nude photos as well as take out their sexual urges on her since she's at their mercy. Tags: domination, gang rape, mmmf, teen erotica, first time, blowjob, non-consensual sex, school sex, multiple partners, cream pie,...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 52 Scum Resurfaces

My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...

1 year ago
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John and Alex Part 50

PS: Cawk iz hawt. Just sayin. Oh and part of the idea was from GayNay. He so sexy and smart ;) When I woke up Alex was gone. I looked out the window and noticed his car was gone too. I looked at the clock. 6:30 AM. Where would Alex be so early? I decided to fall back asleep on top of Jake. I slept for a couple hours and then Alex woke me up. Eyes still closed I said "What?" he said "Open your eyes. I have a present for you." I got up and sat on the edge of the bed and opened my eyes....

4 years ago
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Time for School Ch 07

Chapter 7 – Confrontation Note: All characters in this story involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older * I entered the opposite side of the cafeteria from where my friends and I usually sit. I waved to them as I walked by from a distance, but they seemed preoccupied with talking to each other. I shrugged it off and headed into the line to get my lunch. When I walked back out, my friends seemed as though they were on the lookout for me. I snickered to myself, realizing they...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Stacy Bloom Shameless Anal Thrills

Hot, curly-haired Stacy Bloom struts, showing off sculpted legs, and she mashes her tits together flirtatiously. She stuffs her fingers into her asshole and licks them clean! Yanick Shaft’s thick cock shaft fills her mouth. She squeezes his dick between her boobs for a titty fuck, slurping his mushroom head. Yanick plows her butthole, making her asshole gape instantly. In the course of an anal drilling, Stacy tongues his bunghole and masturbates to orgasm. See slobbering, ass-to-mouth...

2 years ago
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Anal Sex With Fatima Again

It was a beautiful morning with the sun streaming though to herald a new day. I felt completely rested, Fatima was lying next to me and I could make out the rise and fall of her body as she breathed in and out. I eased myself from under the quilt and crept to the shower, ensuring I did not disturb her slumber. Once in the shower I soaped myself and gradually became more awake, as I did so I slowly became slightly aroused as I thought of all the sex I've had with her within 24 hrs , my penis was...

3 years ago
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A night with Rachel

“So how many of your girlfriends have you been in bed with?” she asked “Considering I only had 3 girlfriends all throughout high school and into college 2. The second one was a good catholic girl thinking that sex was for making babies and not pleasure and the sex should only be after marriage” I said “Well that sucks. Too many of them are around now days. They all need to learn the sheer pleasure of sex” she mumbled as she took a sip of her wine. “How many guys have you fucked?” I...

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I trust my daddy

I trust my Daddy by bullustampurChapter IJoan was on her way home on a Tuesday afternoon. She was a pretty woman, even beautiful, in her mid thirties. Her husband, Tim, was a year older than she. She was thinking back, to the time when they started dating. They were s*******n and eighteen at the time. She sometimes thought about it when they were together for the first time. No, not really when they were together for the first time. That was far to indecisive. But rather, when they fucked for...

4 years ago
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Punjabi Professor Got Punished 8211 Chapter 1

Then the bus stopped at my college and I adjusted myself and the whole thing was over for now.But they were looking at me like it’s just the beginning of my humiliation. My name is Preet and I am a 23-year-old girl from Punjab and I am a fresh college teacher. I look fair and got nice face features with medium figure body.I am not too skinny, not too fat. But I got the nice bumps and humps. I got the job of teaching graduation class in a college, due to my friend rani. The story starts when one...

1 year ago
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Pregmana Pt VIII

Chrissy could not stop thinking about that day at the theater. He kept replaying it every night his dreams. Why did Mr. Sloane go and do that? In the end Mr. Sloane was arrested and placed in jail for fifteen years as Chrissy and Ashley were able to testify to the charges. He was also sued and Chrissy and Jess had won $80,000 for damages caused. Though he could never erase what had happened from his mind at least now he and Jess had some money for when the baby came and it was going to be...

2 years ago
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My First Lesbian Experience

She was there on my bed and I was sitting on the computer chair. Just casually talking about stuff..then I told her what I do when I'm home alone and bored. "I jus watch tv, invade d fridge, Facebook, tweet, and watch porn *lol*" I said. She laughed then suddenly opened google on the laptop. She called me over and told me type in a good porn site. I was shocked lol. So I opened two sites- Xhamster and Cucumbertube. She searched the lesbian section since she was bi and liked lesbian and ebony...

1 year ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 07 The Daughters Of Lilith

She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Frenzied thoughts spiraled through her mind for the ump-teeth time. 'What the fuck am I going to do???' 'How do I ever tell Jeff about this?' 'I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe...' 'What about the next time I go to the doctor?!?' 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?' *DING* The doors opened. Allison shouldered her bag and stepped into the empty elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and leaned against the...

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Fucked Mature Desi Aunty

This a real story how a lady in the neighborhood was fucked by me. My name is rahul and I am a lover of women and girls. I like married women, bhabhis, aunties and girls with big boobs and good looks.Please reply feedback on Every contact with me will be kept secret . Delhi gals/ bhabhi’s invited … Yeh kahani tab ki hai jab main 12th class mein padta tha. Aur sex ke prati bahut jhukaw tha. Jyadatar mujhe bhabhi aur aunty pasand aate the aur aaj bhi hain. Mere ghar ke bagal mein ek neha naam ki...

4 years ago
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Sissy gets creamed in Chicago

I spent last weekend with Marla in Chicago so she could catch up with some old friends. When we got there Friday night and Michael opened the door to his apartment, I could feel my cock start to get thick and harden up just looking at his handsom face and tall slender body. Once inside he offered to fix us some drinks while we made ourselfs at home. Marla and Michael were getting caught up since the last time they were together and every now and then I caught Michael trying to sneak a peek...

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Chatting With A Stranger

The Internet is an amazing thing. It can take us anywhere in an instant. It can take us to amazing sensual heights, or to our darkest deepest fantasies. I suppose that's how my story started. I still can't decide whether it's an amazing sensual height, or if it's a deep dark fantasy. I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. I'm 23 years old, white, five foot six inches tall. I have dirty blonde hair, and green eyes. I'm pretty busty, and feel somewhat sexy with my...

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Your Trip For Women

I am 20, and live in Barnsley a small town in Yorkshire, near the North of England. You had to look at all sorts of maps but finally found me. We had met on the web on a site that you put your picture and rated others on how sexy you thought they were, you had seen my pic on there and instantly hit 'contact me' I had looked at your picture and instantly hit it too, you were very attractive and there was no way I wasn't going to click back to you and rate you a perfect 10 Finally we...

2 years ago
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Nice Couple

Andy and Joanne, Jo to family and friends, were a nice happy couple who had been high school sweethearts and married when they were 18 years old with the usual plans for a house of their own, a son and daughter and everything else including the rose bushes and the white picket fence. Jo had been on the pill until they married and for 2 more years after. After stopping taking the pill they were not consciously trying for a child so early in their marriage, but a baby would have been...

3 years ago
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Shy Boy Lost Virginity To His Aunt

I have been a regular reader of ISS so I finally decided to share my first experience. This is the real incident that happened to me when I was in 2nd year of my college at the age of 20. So just like every other young guy, I was craving for sex. I used to fantasize about girls, elderly milfs and what not. First, let me tell you about myself. I am Harshit, age 22 from Delhi. I am not very fair but not too dark in complexion either and with a height of 5ft 10in. So, this all started when there...

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Why I Hate Magic Pt 5

Why I Hate Magic Chapter 21 The first hour was easy. At Gloria's insistence, Daniel had changed out of the outfit he was wearing. She felt it was important to keep Daniel's mind off of his predicament and she felt that embracing his growing femininity was not the best way to fight the curse. Gloria was also slightly disturbed by the sight of the man she loved dressed in her dirty laundry. As Daniel took a cold shower, Gloria ventured out of the room to retrieve the food...

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The BookChapter 7 Censorship

Many mind shields moved about in the neighborhood. Bob could feel the mentally dead spots all over. At least a dozen he could sense immediately. Bob wasn't sure how they'd narrowed down the search to here, but the reality was, they were here. Guessing at what could happen, and hopeful the hunters would leave the women alone, he'd written a note. It said he'd be gone a week or two, they should keep the household in good order for his return. He planted suggestions in their sleeping minds...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Tea Ch 07

# ## Two months later, in Rome … Sophie squealed as her naked husband tossed her onto their hotel room’s bed. Bouncing to her knees, she tossed a hank of damp hair out of her eyes. ‘You wretched beast, don’t think that just because we’re married now, you can manhandle me as you please. I was enjoying that bath!’ ‘But sweetheart, I want to enjoy you – and my head still hurts from where I cracked it against the side of the tub yesterday,’ Cole said, rubbing an imaginary lump on the back...

1 year ago
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Blinding Hate

Have you ever hated someone so much that you would willingly risk going to jail just to get even with them for something that they had done to you? Well, I have and I did and now I'm waiting to see how things turn out. Yolanda was a bitch! A miserable fucking bitch and she made my life a living hell for over ten years. Yolanda was my stepmother and from the day my father brought her home until the day I moved out we did not get along at all. She hadn't been in the house a week and she took...

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The Swap ClubChapter 2 The AfterParty

We walked back home kind of quietly, Debby holding my hand. The two blocks took only minutes. It was only half past nine when we turned up the walk, but Jenny had already put the kids to bed. Debby fished out some cash for Jenny, and I watched from the porch as the girl went across the street to her own house. Pretty little thing. I often saw her walking around the neighborhood. Slim, with long legs. A bit skinny, but nice, pert young breasts. She mostly wore cutoff shorts and tight, white...

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