Here Comes The Bride Chapter 6 free porn video

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Emily said, "Mikey will do fine and he needs to do this on his own, Snookums," as Steve was looking up at the house waiting to see his brother emerge. Those words were truthful but not reassuring to Steve. His E was right, Mikey needed to be the one who talked with Jill's parents, Phil and Anita Bourque, about the wedding. Mikey might of had a mental disability, but that did not mean he was incapable of handling his personal life. Steve knew he would be just like all the people who did not give Mikey a chance to succeed and be his best if he did not also give Mikey the chance to fail at convincing the Bourques about the wedding. The overprotective sibling knew his brother could handle the situation but wanted to make sure everything went right. Steve just knew that sometimes it was hard for Mikey to articulate what he meant. Mikey's younger brother just did not want a miscommunication to add to the misunderstanding caused by misinformation given to Phil and Anita by the misguided director of the assisted living facility, Alan Wheaton. Phil answered the door and did not know how to answer the simple question of 'if Mikey could come in to talk with him and his wife'. The reason Jill's father was silent was because he did not believe Mikey was capable of having a conversation about the topic of why Jill was forbidden to see him anymore. In his mind, Phil was not being condescending. To him it would be like a layman trying to have an in- depth discussion with Phil about astrophysics. Anita came to the door in help her socially inept husband mind his P's and Q's, and told Mikey he could come in. She did believe the story which Mr. Wheaton gave about Mikey and Jill being in the wedding only to be mocked, but it did not make sense. Anita wanted to clear up any misunderstandings before she explained to Mikey why it was cruel and wrong what his brother and so-called friends were doing to him. Mikey began, "Mr. and Ms. Bourque, I am here about taking Jill as my date to my friend Mel's wedding." Phil said, "You will not even be talking to my daughter, let alone taking her anywhere." Anita agreed to not having Jill go to the wedding, but not their daughter not speaking to Mikey. "Phil, you know that Jill can be friends with anyone she wants. It is just we do not want her to go to the wedding." Mikey asked why, and Phil said you know. Anita having more tact said, "It is for how you are going to be dressed Mikey." "I am going to standing with the Mel and she wants her friends to be bridesmaids." Now the conversation went to only having Anita and Mikey talking. "Why can't you just stand with the groom." "I am friends with Mel and do not know Maryanne." "Oh two brides. It is still wrong for you to be in a gown." "No, a bride and groom and Mel is going to be in a gown also." "It is fine for a woman to be in a gown or a tux." "I know that, but what does this have to do with Mel?" "Mel is a woman." "No he is not. Mel is a crossdresser and always wanted to be a bride. All his friends agreed to be dressed as bridesmaids. My brother is going to be the maid of honor!" When Anita and Phil found out that Mel was a man, they were reminded of the Russian proverb, made popular by Ronald Reagan, trust but verify. They foolishly took the words of someone they did not know well. Mel being a man made it so Jill and Mikey were not being the butt of some sick joke like Mr. Wheaton said. This fact did not change the fact that Phil did not approve and he stated, "Mikey, it does not matter that Mel is a man. Women should be wearing the gown at a wedding." Anita on the other hand saw nothing wrong with Mel being dressed as the bride and found it sweet that Mikey and the rest of the guys were going to wear gowns in unity with Mel. "Dear, I wore a nice pants suit on our wedding day, so don't say that women should be wearing the gown at a wedding. There is nothing wrong with how Mel is having his wedding." Phil knew his wife was not mad, just bringing up the truth. Those two got married in the 70's, during the height of the women's liberation movement. "Angel, you know what I meant and the times were different back then." "My Sweet Saint, times are different now and if it is fine for a woman to wear pants at a wedding then it is fine for a man to wear a gown. That is what equality is about." "I know, I'm just worried that this might hurt Mikey and Jill. You know, confuse them." Hearing Phil's concern about his and Jill's well being got Mikey's ire up. His friends would never do anything to hurt him and he would make sure that Jill was never harmed by anything. He cared for Jill's well being more than he cared for his own. "Mr Bourque, Mel would never have me do anything which would hurt me. He loves me. Just like I would never do anything to hurt Jill for I love her. I care about your daughter and this would not confuse us. It is just like playing dress up for Halloween. I just want Jill to be at the wedding with me because she makes me feel happy. That will add to the wedding for me." Anita said, "Mikey, I hope you and Jill have a great time at the wedding." "Good, she needs to be fitted for her tux!" "You tell her that Mikey." "I will and I will also see if she wants to go to the dance classes we are taking." "I know she will. She really misses you." After Mikey left, Anita and Phil had a long talk about Jill. First, they both agreed they needed to quit treating her with kid gloves. If they would have talked with her about the wedding this would not have happened. They both also agreed that they needed to have a talk with Mr. Wheaton. It was unprofessional of him to leave out some important information about the wedding. Lastly, Phil did not have the right to unilaterally bar Jill from Mikey, and would never keep any decision he made about their children from his wife. ************** The mood of the bridal party was extremely different than the last time they did a dress fitting at Stunning Bridal. Before, there was bickering and division was forming between them. This time the group had camaraderie, and laughter filled the air. Mikey's friends being introduced to Jill added to the feel good atmosphere. Kim had to ask Mel, him freaking out about Nair vs. shaving. He needed to know if that was planned or spur of the moment. Steve felt so ashamed hearing about the discord he'd caused between his friends. The rest of them started to laugh when Kelly brought up how passionate the argument about which method of hair extraction gave smoother legs. Jessie saw the shame the discussion was giving Steve and told him to quit beating himself up about the past. The rest of the guys forgave him about it and now they were laughing about the incident. Also, Steve trying to get payback was a wake-up call to them. That they would have never got out of their arrested development if not for Steve giving them what they thought was funny when it happened to others. Jill came along to the fitting for she wanted to spend time with Mikey and also look at all the pretty dresses. The last week of not being able to spend anytime time with Mikey was hard on Jill. It became worse when her friend left their assisted living facilities. Mr. Wheaton and Hazel's assertions it was for the best only sent Jill's spirits even lower. So when Mikey called about her needing to get fitted for the wedding, she asked if they could do something on Saturday. Mikey told her about the fitting and Jill found that a perfect way to spend time with Mikey. Jill was in total wonder looking at all the pretty gowns in the showroom and all the catalogs. There were just so many different colors, and styles for bridesmaids, and even the brides' gowns had many different shades of white to go along with the different styles. To her there was no wonder why Mel wanted to be a bride, what they got to wear was so much more fun. Then Jill saw what she thought might be the most beautiful dress ever. It was a full length burgundy velvet gown. The V-neck, the cuffs of the bell sleeves, and The hemlines had black trimming with gold leaf embroidering. The v-neck line was demure, to help add to the modesty and elegance of the gown. Jill told Mikey she loved that gown. Mel was watching Jill and Mikey spending time together. When he saw Jill get excited and point out the gown in the magazine to Mikey, he went over to see. Mel also loved the dress and thought that the guys would also. The man who had found his bridesmaids' dresses said, "Jill, that is a great dress and I am going to use it! It fits the color scheme of my wedding." Jill said, "I would so love to try it on with you today, just to feel pretty in it." Mikey said, "Is it alright if Jill wore one also? She would look nice in it. She never was a bridesmaid before." Mikey's question gave Mel an idea, he knew a couple of the guys still did not want to be in a gown. He knew that Maryanne and her groomswomen would not mind the change of plans he was going to announce. "Mikey, I got one better! If you do not mind, you can be a groomsmen and Jill can be one of my bridesmaids. Guys, you were all great in agreeing to be my bridesmaids and I love you for it! If any of you want to be one of the groomsmen, I understand. This gown which Jill picked out is wonderful and I think you would much rather see your wives in it than yourselves!" Mel and everyone in the room was surprised by the response. There was silence, Steve was not going to back out, he knew how important this was to Mel. Jessie was not backing out, going through with being in a gown would help his confidence. Kelly was having too much fun joking around with his wife to not be in that gown. Finally, Kim stayed with the original plan because he liked showing unity with the other guys. Everyone understood why Mikey backed out, Jill wanted to wear that gown. They would all have done the same if their wife showed the excitement Jill did about it. They knew that even with Mikey wanting to stand beside Mel in the wedding, Jill's happiness was more important to him. Plus, Mikey would still be in the wedding. Max on the other hand wanted out of the gown. He was sick of the grief his wife was giving him about it and the strain it was having on their marriage. They were still fighting about him not going to see Hamilton even after she found someone else to use the ticket. The person was Beth. Max thought that all and all it was for the best. Maybe Beth and Rhoda spending time together can start to bring Terry back into the fold. Max gave a huge sigh. "Mel, I will give you my wife's measurements to pass on." With how Rhoda joked at the barbecue, Mel knew exactly why Max accepted the offer. "That is fine, but she's still going to lead you during the second dance!" Just then Ms. Francis walked in and saw most of the men from Terri Jo's wedding. She was as relieved as a parent whose child came home after driving solo for the first time that Terri Jo was not there. She did not have the patience to deal with how much he'd fought being a crossdresser. The owner of the bridal boutique would have sworn that Terri was being forced to be in that gown if she didn't know better. The absence of the trouble maker, along with her repeat customers being more at ease made it simple for Ms. Francis to give quality customer service. "Welcome back Mel, Max, Jessie, and Kelly. Who are the three new customers?" First Mikey gave his name. Then to his shock Jill added, "And I am his girlfriend, Jill Bourque!" Hearing those words made Mikey swell up with pride and joy. As quick as a NASCAR driver takes a turn, Mike said in agreement:, "And she's my girlfriend!" Steve introduced himself to Ms. Francis. She used Stevie instead. The man almost corrected by giving his real name but instead said, "No Stephanie." He figured out she was just making his name more feminine, following the instructions given by his wife for the first fitting. He was called Stevie by his family and did not want it tied with this so he went with the name he used when setting up Terry's bachelorette party. ********* Beth came in from going to see Hamilton with Rhonda and before even greeting her husband Terry, said, "Honey, why didn't you tell me about Mel's wedding, and why weren't you at the gown fitting tonight?" Terry was confused and defensive. Mel was getting married? The last he knew his old friend did not even have a girlfriend. Plus, how did a crossdresser like him find a woman who would want to marry him? Also, how did his wife find out about how the hound made the fox look like a vixen? Lastly, why was she so happy about it? Even with being shocked about Mel's upcoming nuptials, responding to that question did not cross his mind. The fox needed to make sure whatever parts of Steve's payback his bride found out about she would not believe. "I never got fitted for a gown." "I know, that is why I am asking." "Why would I?" "Because of Mel's wedding! His wedding party will be wearing gowns. You never told me he was a crossdresser!" "They are and he is?" "Come on, the rest of the guys know and are joining in the fun, so don't act like you did not. Don't be so macho that you are not in your buddy's wedding. Ever think that is why they are not hanging out with you? Quit taking yourself so serious." "Alright you got me. I said no to being in the wedding and that is why I have not been hanging out with them. I will get this straightened out." Terry could not believe his luck. Not only did the fox escape the hound right before his wedding, he could now right this situation, When the fox told his wife that he would get this straightened out, she thought he was talking about the wedding. He was not. The fox was talking about getting it back to the natural order, him ending up with the last laugh. Now Terry could repay Steve back and also all those who just accepted being in that silken trap. All he would have to do was figure out how to use the information to his advantage. ************* Max was in the living room waiting for his wife to come home to tell her the good news. She and not he would be the one wearing the gown at wedding. The issue which was causing so much marital contention was gone. She would not be making childish jokes. He never realized that his Rhonda could be so immature. First she knew he was not in the mood for those jokes from her, yet she had to be cute. Then, instead of quitting when she saw that they were getting under his skin, she ramped up the jokes. Finally, she was too thin skinned and couldn't take what she dished out. The man who was under stress knew things would be how they should between them, that things would soon be back to good between them. Relieved, he laughed when thinking that not once, but twice in his life, he got out of being a bridesmaid. Rhonda came home and did enjoy the time with Beth. She found it was odd that her friend did not know about Mel being a crossdresser or the wedding. That must have meant that Terry said no to be part of this spectacle. Then looking at her man and the smile on his face gave her another false assumption which led to a bad conclusion. The bad deductions were that Max had a good time at the bridal shop. "So how was the musical, my love." "Good but not as good as the time you had trying on those gowns. That big smile on your face is going to help you be so cute standing up there." "Oh, I hope you enjoyed your last joke about that for I will not be in a gown at Mel's wedding." "Yeah right. You finally acted like Terry and said no about being in the wedding." "Terry was not even invited to the wedding. If you would let me finish you'll hear the good news." "What? Mel is going with pants suits for his bridesmaids and you are now a size 10?" "Quit acting like a child and let me finish. Mel gave us a chance to stand with Maryanne and I took it. You will be a bridesmaid and I am will be a groomsmen." "No." "What?" "I am not going to take away from your fun. I know how much you are looking forward to this. You picked being in a gown over going out with me." "You bitched about me agreeing to do this for my friend and now that I can get out of it you do not want me to?" "You could have backed out at anytime. You choose to be in a gown over going out with your wife, so you get to be in that gown." "I am just going to tell Mel that I am not going to be in his wedding. It is causing too much trouble between me and you." "No, quit acting like the bitch you are by trying to back out of this wedding. You agreed to it and you want to keep your word. Plus, I want to be in the wedding. I like the idea of wearing a tux." The truth was that Rhoda did not want to come off as the bad guy. She knew that Maryanne did not think highly of her already. Mel's lady was too serious when it came to protecting her man and she took Rhoda's jokes about the wedding to heart. "Don't call me a bitch." "You started the name calling by calling me a bitch. Plus, I did not call you a bitch I said you're acting like a bitch." "I did not! When I said you bitched about me agreeing to be in the wedding I meant you were complaining. You know that. "Also, you said 'acting like the bitch you are'. That is calling someone a bitch." Rhoda knew her husband was telling the truth but did not want to back down. She was pissed at him about this wedding, about him pointing out she was not as thin as she used to be, and him not being as romantic as he used to be. She could not remember the last time they went out on a proper date, just them two. Tonight, could have been a date and that should have been more important than trying on a gown. As she left the living room to go to the kitchen Rhonda said, "I am done talking about this with you, if you are going to be hysterical." Max was upset about not getting out of wearing the gown. He knew that if he backed out his wife would bring it up every time she could. She would use it to ensure he did every little thing he said he would do. He sensed weakness and went for the kill. He took his frustration out on his wife by saying. "Go ahead and leave to talk with your two best friends, Ben and Jerry." ************* Mr. Alan Wheaton was perturbed that he was called on a Saturday evening to come back to Golden Triangle Assisted Living. Instead of standing at the front entrance like a parent waiting for their child who stayed out past curfew, Alan would much rather have been back at home with his Bible study group. Alan understood his being the operating director of the assisted living facility meant that he had to deal with issues when they came up. That meant sometimes he had to miss out on helping his friends to become as pious as he to tend to his flock at work. The situation at hand was what made Mr. Wheaton perturbed. Jill was seen leaving the assisted living complex with Mikey and his brother Steve and sister-in-law Emily. This situation was already handled and Alan hated wasting his time on something which should not need dealing with anymore. Alan did not to waste his time on anything which was done. Also, how dare Steve and Emily defy him? At least some good will come from handling this situation. Alan would be able to get rid of one of the trouble-makers on his staff, Ginger Schmidt. Why would she have thought that nothing would happen when she just let Jill leave with people she was barred from seeing? Allowing those perverted people to take Jill was gross misconduct and a fire- able offense. Alan took so much pleasure in firing her on the spot, that he kept on cutting her off when she tried to explain. If he only would have listened, Alan would have found out that Phil Bourque called and said Jill was allowed to see Mikey. Ginger did quickly quit trying to explain the situation to Alan. It was not worth her time, she was not getting paid because he fired her on the spot. Alan told her that he did not have to hear her out, so with her former boss was not being civil, she would just use his unjustified termination as a paid vacation. Ginger knew her union would get her job back with back pay. She did everything by the book, called the assistant operating director about her phone call with Mr. Bourque. Sent an email to the entire staff about the change. Lastly, she did not bother Mr. Wheaton about a non- emergency situation. Her boss made sure people knew not to bother him with anything trivial when he was not on call or duty. Another good outcome of Mr. Wheaton being disrespected, as he perceived it, was that he made a decision to get rid of Mikey. He had more than enough perspective clients to make the waiting list as long as he wanted it. Alan knew that much of the prestige his assisted living complex got was from reputation. People thought it was high end so Golden Triangle became high end. It was 10:00 when Steve's car finally pulled up to the entrance. Having to wait over three hours was just rude and disrespectful. Then Mikey and Jill getting out of the car laughing like two teenagers in love just added to the audacity of the situation. They were in trouble and did not have the decency to show shame. Before Jill and Mikey could give each other a good night kiss, Alan just started to berate them. He was not worried about keeping up appearances at the moment. "Jill you get in there right now and Mikey go to wherever you're going to be staying! You can set up a time to come get your belongings on Monday. You are not a member of the Golden Triangle community anymore." Jill said, "Okay Mr. Wheaton, just wait one moment, I need to give my boyfriend a proper goodbye." Mr. Wheaton said, "You get in there right now Jill! Mikey is not your boyfriend! You are not allowed to see him!" Mikey was not going to let anyone talk down to Jill. "I am her boyfriend Mr. Wheaton!" "You know that she is not allowed to see you, Mikey." "Yes, she can see me." "Just leave now before I call her dad." Jill cut back in, "My dad can't say who I can or can't see! Go ahead call him!" Steve got out of the car and started to chuckle to himself. Alan had no idea what he got himself into. Mikey might be mentally slow, but he would always stand up for himself. He was persistent on staying on the topic. Mikey, knowing he was right, would push the issue as tenaciously as a dog chewing on a bone until Alan relented the argument. "Just leave now Mikey." "I will call him if you are not going to." "Fine, then I'll call him." Mr. Wheaton did what he thought was the compassionate thing and acted like he called Mr Bourque. It would break Mikey's heart when Mr. Bourque told him that he was not allowed to see his daughter anymore. Plus, Alan did not want to bother Jill's dad at this hour of the night. Why should he? That would just be wasting time in his eyes. He thought he knew the situation. After the fake phone call, Mr. Wheaton put on his synthetic smile and repeated what he thought was true. Mikey, being true to himself, stood his ground and said, "You did not call Mr. Bourque." "Are you saying I am a liar?" "Yes." Alan Wheaton could not take anymore. This heathen in front of him just broke one of the Ten Commandments. With righteous anger Alan said, "Don't bear false witness against me!" "I did not." Steve joined in the conversation. He did not like how Alan was being a bully. "Alan, you did not call Mr. Bourque. Mikey stopped over his house today and cleared up the situation. He and his wife are more than happy about Mikey taking Jill to the wedding. Now apologize to my brother and Jill." "I did nothing wrong. I thought, I thought..." Before Mr. Wheaton could find the words to weasel his way out of any wrongdoing Mikey said, "Wrong!" Jill said, "Yeah." Mr. Wheaton just left. He wanted to compose himself before he laid the blame at those who he thought was responsible for his actions, Hazel and Ginger. Hazel should have found out what was going on before she called him. Ginger should have told him about Mr. Bourque changing his mind about Jill seeing Mikey. After Mikey and Jill kissed goodnight, he got into his brother's car and they went home. On the way there Mikey said, "I want to get my stuff on Monday." Emily and Steve at the same time said, "Then we will." "Don't worry I will start looking soon for a new place to live." Emily said, "Take your time." Steve agreed with her, but wanted having Mikey as a long term house guest to be his wife's call. Steve was more than happy to hear his wife's decision. In fact, Steve wanted more. He was dreaming about finding a bigger house so Mikey could move in with them. Steve and Emily were trying to have kids and Mikey being around would help once their children arrived. He also knew that Mikey would love to be so involved with his nieces and nephews growing up. Steve was only dreaming it because, even with Emily enjoying her brother-in-law staying with them, Steve did not think she would be fine with Mikey living with them. Emily was not fine with the idea of Mikey moving in with them. She had a different dream, them buying a duplex and Mikey living in the other half. Her and Steve would have their privacy while they helped Mikey become more independent. She loved the idea of having extended family so close to help foster the importance of family to her children.

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Mikey Hull walked into the dining commons of his assisted living community looking for one of the case workers. He did not want to say 'deal' with them, most of them were so condescending with their interactions with the residents. Instead of seeing the residents as people who needed a little help, they treated the residents as if they were incapable of doing anything on their own. Even without wanting to even say hi, Mikey made sure to make eye contact so he was seen. The man who...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 8

Mel went to sleep and swore he woke up six months later. To the man who was wondering where the time went, it felt like it was only last week that he'd picked out his wedding gown. There was no way that today was when he and his wedding party were having their first dance lesson. This meant that there was only four weeks until the wedding! Life, for him, his lovely soon to be wife, and his friends, has been as hectic as the traffic at the Arc De Triomphe roundabout for the last six...

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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 3

Just a short week later, Sheila was humming a silly ditty out behind the main house hanging the wash from all seven brothers on the multiple clotheslines erected by a thoughtful Shawn who was trying to show his appreciation for her "tending" to his needs with the permission of his understanding brother Angus. In fact, Sheila had managed to go the rounds with all of the brothers taking care to only allow use of her willing hands and her busy mouth. She laughed thinking that she had more...

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Here Comes the Bride Kind of

I was feeling pretty good about my life. I was going to get married to the most awesome person in the world. I was just about done with college, so a new job was in the cards also. I was pretty much the king of the world, until my wife to be came home one day all down in the dumps. I could tell she had been crying. "What's up babe?" I asked her. She said, "My best friend in the whole wide world is going to get deported. His visa will expire soon and he can't renew it unless he gets...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 17 Here Comes the Bride

Picture this if you will. A church sanctuary decorated in yellow and white (the school colors) flowers of various species and arrangements tastefully arranged down the aisle and across the altar. Standing at the altar were the minister, best man (Alex) and me. Lined up in the vestibule of the church were 16 of the most beautiful cheerleaders in their yellow and white uniforms ready to march down the aisle. The pews were filled with all our invited guests, some of which I recognized. There...

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Here Comes The Bride

The Bride looked herself over in the reflection of the glass on the white Rolls-Royce. Bending forward she grabbed the front of her dress and pulled it up as high as she could, her ample rack practically spilling out she already wished she would have listened to her mother and picked a dress with straps. "Where is my driver!" she turned to interrogate the poor photographer she was paying to follow her around for the day. "We were supposed to have left already, and I want to get there before my...

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aing the Bride

a*****ing the Brideby Black DemonBride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the blacks a month ago,...

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The Reluctant Bride

The Reluctant Bride by Jamie B Chapter 1 The phone rang four times. Hello can I speak to Igrid please. This is Ingrid, a well modulated sexy voice replied. Ingrid, you have a bridal gown advertised in the newspaper, can you tell me something about it. Yes, its very beautiful; The top is satin and quite tight to mould to your figure. The sleeves are very puffy at the top and can be worn on or off the shoulder. They have a little ruffle tied with ribbon that hangs...

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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over, her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins, Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top, Dopey is in counselling for his...

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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over; her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins; Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top; Dopey is in counselling for his...

Oral Sex
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FATHER OF THE BRIDE. 'This should have been the happiest day of my life.' Gail Thorn thought to herself as she sat with her father in the back seat of the black limo. Gail had plain for this day for months, maybe even years, and now that the big day was here, the feelings that she thought would magically appear, had not. The wedding of Larry Chandler and Gail Thorn was to be the wedding of the social season. The coming together of two such powerful families had been well planned out even before...

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New Bride fucks two strangers at the wedding recep

It was a beautiful setting for a wedding. The bride, Kate, and her husband had chosen to have a small ceremony, set on the beach, with just their closest friends and relatives in attendance. Everyone was in the festive mood that comes with a wedding. The husband could hardly take his eyes off his lovely wife. The ceremony was short, the guests gathered on a secluded spot on the beach near the hotel where the bride and groom where staying. Pictures were taken, vows were made, everyone...

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Here Cums The Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday.That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met.As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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My Brother The Bride

MY BROTHER THE BRIDE by BobH (c) 2009 I am the word. I've always loved my twin brother, Michael - he's my brother, after all - but there was a time when I didn't like him very much. That time is not now, I'm glad to say. No, now he's perfect. Mikey's getting married today and I'm here offering sisterly support as he gets ready for the big event. He's nervous of course, but looking at him I can't help but feel proud of him and of how he's grown into such a beautiful person over...

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Sara becomes The Bride

crossdresser – transsexual – sissy – bride – slut – wedding night – lingerie – oral – stockings – analBecoming Sara has been the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life. Between the clothes and living as her all the time, to becoming the thing men fantasize, it has been an amazing transition.While I had some good friends, girls like myself that I met at one of the trans bars in town, I did lack male friends. I was never a sociable person, very much an introvert but since I have...

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bride used

I am Alex,28 years old,in three days i will finally marry Andrea,21.After two years of engagement i can't wait to make love to her.She is a virgin, not pretty but the body is fantastic,long slender legs and incredibly perky tits.She is a teacher from a very conservative background,vegan,shy and prude.My beloved wife keeps fit with daily yoga practice.All things that turn me on,unfortunately she think that sex is exclusively for re procreation,so,no more then twice a month.She only accepted me...

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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 9

Conchita carried the marks of an overenthusiastic trooper proudly on her rump. He had used his little riding whip on her round white flanks. Sheila had watched the expression of sheer excitement on her face as she took the punishment with grateful shudders. It almost made her jealous of the sexy woman with her juicy slit and a mouth that had the skills of a born cocksucker. Fortunately, a pair of troopers had distracted her with their dual entry front and back and she lost all interest in...

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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Sultry Bride

Chapter Three: Futa's First Sultry Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it...

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Blushing Bride Part Five The Wedding Night

Blushing Bride - Part 5: The Wedding Night by Richard-to-Rachel I guess it's natural to be full of nerves and second thoughts on your wedding day but I'm not sure how many grooms have the sort of thoughts that I was having on the morning of my wedding. It wasn't that I wasn't very much in love with Gina, my beautiful fiancee, my dream woman with blonde hair and dark skin, a woman who had always been so loving and generous to me. It was just that between...

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The Brother Bride

My twin sister Julie and I had always been close. Growing up, we shared each other’s deepest secrets. I had always told her I would do anything for her.Julie was a girly-girl, and loved being female. She had said she would be happy if she could wear dresses and heels all the time. Her wardrobe reflected that. She had also known about my urge to wear female clothes since we were young, and being my dear sister, never told anyone else. She told me she could never mock me or embarrass me in front...

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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 2

Angus's new bride Sheila was forgivably late waking up the next morning. The other side of the bed was empty and she had a moment of panic forgetting where she was and what she was doing there. Then, she remembered the pleasures of the night before. It had been her wedding night with her new husband Angus. The memory of his long thick cock made her shudder and the familiar tingle started deep in her hidden cave between her shapely naked legs. Quickly, she got up and used the pot under the...

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Bondage Bride

Story: Bondage Bride (fsub spank bond)There were only a few friends at the wedding.  Family just wouldnot have understood.  The bride got all the attention.  Not onlywas Shawna beautiful -- she had walked down the aisle with hergloved hands cuffed behind her.  She was also deliriously happy. Her bridal veil covered her face, and her white wedding dress wasa touch on the modern side - low cut in front to show somecleavage, and the hem settled just above her knees.  She hadmeticulously shaved her...

2 years ago
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Here Cums the Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years Now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday. That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met. As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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The Boy Bride Three Married

The Boy Bride Three -- Married By Gingerfred Man Previously For some of you, I guess this is the part of my life story you've been waiting to read. The part where I, Dylan Griffith, a pantied little sissy, get into a lovely wedding gown, attended by lots of envious bridesmaids and adored by a legion of jealous men, then get my ass plowed again and again by a big, strong, snorting, rutting husband. Well you won't be disappointed. Telling you about my wedding and my marriage...

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My Brother8217s Bride 8211 Part IV 8211 The Holi Encounter

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 3 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The first 3 parts were about how I made her compromise the situation and gift her virginity to me and we had a...

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My Brother8217s Bride Part 6 The First Night

My affair with Bhavana was so addictive that it was difficult for both of us to stay a single day without fucking, even after the start of her married life. After planting loads of life seeds in her a night before her marriage; read “My Brother’s Bride – Just Before Marriage”; she had entered a new life with her husband, my cousin brother. The marriage celebrations were still on the high with lots of giggling and gossips. Since me and my cousin lived right opposite to each other in Pune, my...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 2 Revised

The shock from Melody's question and Steve's response made everyone at the BBQ overlook an important fact which should have made Mel being a bride not possible. Mel's parents would disown him if he paraded himself in a bridal dress at his own wedding. Well, what they thought was an important fact was not. Mel's parents, Theodore and Michelle "Shelley" Blake already knew and accepted their only son's feminine side when Melody was forced out of the closet by his ex-friend, Terry. ...

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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 5

The wedding ceremony went well. The parson was a bit drunk from over-indulging on the McGregor blend of fine home-brewed whiskey but the second groom had sobered up enough to answer "yes" at the right moment. The parson bedded down in the barn because it was too late to make the long trip back into town. The two newly married couples went upstairs to their bridal beds and the others all sat sipping the whiskey doing their best to pretend they didn't hear the squeaking of the mattress...

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First Place Bride

First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third...

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Mothers of the Bride

Mothers of the Bride By The Princess The morning of my 45th birthday. Things were pretty good. I was lucky to have a successful business, Jenny my wife of 19 years and three great kids, Tracy, 16, John, 14 and Katie, 10. We lived in a nice house in a nice suburb and I ran my own plumbing business, employing eight tradesmen and two office staff. I had long given up the tools and now concentrated on managing my growing business. True I was not as close to my wife as I once was, but...

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Step Brothers Bride Pt3

After coming out of the shower clean and fresh, I got dressed and ready for the wedding. Jim had text me to say he would meet me at the reception of the hotel. Felicity called me to see how I was and check everything was ok. I explained to her that I would soon be meeting Jim but had not heard from or seen Shaun, also that Mike his best man had not been able to get hold of him. She asked me to go check on him, on my way to the church. I messaged Jim asking him to hurry up so we could set off...

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Step Brothers Bride Part 3

After coming out of the shower clean and fresh, I got dressed and ready for the wedding. Jim had text me to say he would meet me at the reception of the hotel. Felicity called me to see how I was and check everything was ok.I explained to her that I would soon be meeting Jim but had not heard from or seen Shaun, also that Mike his best man had not been able to get hold of him. She asked me to go check on him, on my way to the church. I messaged Jim asking him to hurry up so we could set off...

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Olivias Bride

This is the second story I have written for the folks who use Fictionmania. I would like to express my thanks to the people who run this website. This is a work of fiction that came from the gray matter between my ears. Similarities to anyone living or dead are coincidental. I left it open-ended, so if someone wants to pick up the story and run with it, please feel free. I appreciate all the feedback (positive and negative) that I received from my first story, Ghost Mistress....

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Becoming Bride of My Brother

Becoming Bride of my Brother My name is Raj and we are two brothers and sons of a rich father. My brother, Sameer (His nickname is Sam) was married to Seema, my Sister-in- law (In India, we call such a relation as Bhabhi). My parents wanted a second child as a girl but as God would have had it, their wish was not fulfilled and thus was born a male that is I. My mother didn?t try to make me a girl but she always used to express that and whenever my cousin sisters used to come to our...

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Reluctant Bride A Porn Thriller

The Reluctant Bride? The man kept shoving me towards the old derelict house, the one where the murders took place or so the school rumour went! I wanted to run but he was quicker. “Com’on little pissy panties!” The fine drizzle made me shiver in just my rapidly chilling and transparent school uniform shirt as that man held my blazer jacket over his shaggy head.I had pissed my pants so my trousers were soaked, and I would have shit myself too if I hadn’t had that unusual big dump at school! That...

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Max to Maxie Chapter 3 Here Comes the Bride

Max to Maxie Chapter 3 - Here Comes the Bride Today we all had a mani and pedi, an hour massage, a body wrap and scrub and an avocado mask with cucumbers over our eyes. By the time we were finished, it was time for a light, late lunch and shopping for the wedding. I didn't really realize how much there was to putting on a wedding. Even though Jacquie was having almost everything done by the wedding planner, she still wanted to check out the table clothes, dinner and silverware, the...

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The Boy Bride One Feminized

The Boy Bride One -- Feminized by Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Left out The Day began the way most days began for me. Nothing odd about it. But it ended so strangely that it made the rest of my life completely different from whatever I had imagined it might be. It was a Friday in October. My senior year in high school. I was 17 years, 6 months and 3 days old. Oh yeah, my name. Dylan Griffith. I lived with my Mom and Dad. Nice people. Decent, loving and understanding....

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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

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Male Order Bride Part 2

Please read the first part of Male order Bride or this will not make as much sense... ... after several hours bouncing around in the box... his heart was pounding ... he was hot... sore from being bound in the box... his jaw was sore from the metal brace... his head was pounding from the strap encircling it... he was sweating from rubber wedding dress he was encased in... and he was incredibility sexually frustrated as his member was engorged and held firm and curved downwards in the...

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Marry the Bride and Fuck the Bridal Mother

It is the big day, the day of my wedding, I the groom, marrying my beautiful bride, Bianca in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the wonderful American city of New York. The weather this morning is beautiful although it was extremely warm. As I am standing, in a dark men’s suit and silver tie, at the altar near the priest waiting for my gorgeous bride to enter, my attention was caught on Bianca’s mom, the mother of the bride, Diane, entering the church and walking down the aisle and sitting down in...

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The Pinch Hit Bride

The Pinch Hit Bride (A Fantasy Of The Delights Of Transvestism) by Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown Hi. My name is Tommy, Tommy Girard. I am fifteen years old, and it is mid way through a Friday morning. At this moment, I am sitting in my sister Janet's room. And, I am torn with guilt, with fear, with a sense of perhaps betraying a loyalty, and, mostly, a sense that I have to do this thing that has been asked of me to do, for my sister. Let me...

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Here Cums The Bride

I stood in front of the mirror appraising myself in my bridal gown, making sure everything was properly fit and put on. Was I forgetting anything? Veil, check Bouquet, check, Garter, check, Makeup, not too much, check. It was all perfect, beautiful and I was ready to make my vows to the man I loved. The wedding was a small event, only family and our closest friends were invited. Eric and I didn’t want, or have the money, to spend on anything larger. We didn’t want to cater to any guests we...

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Straight Bride by Fianceacutes Lesbian Sister PT2

THE WEDDING DAYJennifer was a nervous wreck.Sure, part of it was the typical pre-wedding jitters. In a few hours she would no longer be single, she would only have sex with one man for the rest of her life, etc....But, what had been consuming her thoughts of late was much more devious... fantasies of a lesbian romp with her fiancé's sister. She couldn't explain it, but what had started out as playful flirtation had become an obsession... which had taken hold not while Lara was aggressively...

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